#the great aurora cooking experiment
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cocogum · 3 months
The Great Wave - Chapter 8 Review
Warning(s): unhinged behavior, fat shaming, unnecessary use of foul language, watch me pulverize a bag of expired chicken trash, aurora slander, no one is safe, cyberbullying at its finest ✨
I never thought I would have laughed at the beginning of this chapter.
Like I legit goofed off when I read it no joke.
We come back to Amalia and the beginning of her “fight” against the professional clowns and fatty is telling trophy daughter to get away.
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No, come closer Aurora. For once, be an independent woman and don’t listen to your father. You got this honey, get A LOT closer 🥰🥰🥰
Oh my gosh, and she did!
She actually got closer! Good for you, Aurora, you’re such a good girl!
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Eyo what.
I did not just hear this bitch say “I won’t run away”. Did I hear that right?
This is coming from the cunt who ran away from HER HUSBAND’S PEOPLE’S FUCKING WAR who’s saying that??
This is coming from the blue-skinned mc fry chicken-looking ass who listened to her daddy tell he to run away from a war but disobeys him when he tells her to not fight another woman?
You’d rather disobey your daddy to fight an experienced adventurous heroine but you’d listen to him when he tells you to flee from a war you were supposed to stay in?
This bitch is clinically slow.
Please lord, let this be a foreshadowing that she’ll actually die when she fights Amalia. 🙏🙏
And then you got her DUMB ASS turning into a Temu version of Echo saying:
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Nah. Amalia cook her up.
Fry her up into that McDonald’s Angus sandwich they took out from the menu AND LEMME EAT THAT SHIT RIGHT AFTER IT-
Literally what the fuck is wrong with this blue hoe. She uses her anger like that towards Amalia but not when it’s necessary???
How?? How does she think like that?
She did not do shit during the war and ran away because she said she was pregnant and did not want to fight and yet here she is saying she’s ready to brawl with Amalia while being pregnant. This doesn’t do shit for her cuz this is just implying that she was fully capable of defending the sadidas during the war!!
Aurora is yapping as if she can efficiently win this.
Meanwhile, you got Amalia over here, who fought straight-up divinities: she fought against Harebourg, an infamous demigod xelor before he ran away, damaged Jiva's hands, the month protector of Javian, was able to momentarily restrain Oropo, a demigod copy of Yugo, managed to beat Black Bump, the demigod feca, by partnering up with Yugo, and stood her ground against a freaking necrome (a necrome is not a divinity but it technically stays "alive" for eternity).
Aurora has no brain cells, doesn't watch what the hell she's saying more than half the time, has no experience in battle, her pregnancy is the only thing relevant about her, lies for the sake of lying, and has a hideous bird transformation.
Because let's talk about it.
This might just be the ugliest bird transformation I have ever seen in my life. It’s not even pretty at all. Look at how her fingers turn into vulture claws and those feathers just sprouting out of her shoulders and arms.
Echo did it far better than her because her transformation was actually elegant and sublime. Meanwhile, you got Aurora’s slow-ass vulture transformation where she looks like she’s about to take a shit in that panel. Her head is lowered down, her face is hiding behind her hair, her body is shaking, her shoulders going back, and her hands trembling, yeah she’s definitely shitting herself just to do this transformation. Even Efrim’s paws are cuter CUZ HERS LOOK LIKE CHICKEN/VULTURE FEET.
Also, when you say: “It’s time we put her in her place”, who’s “we”??? You and your dad??? You think that fatty can fight back? Just a second ago, he was telling you to stay back and was sweating like a pig, so again, tf you mean “we”???
Woman thought she ate saying “iT’s TImE ThAT We PuT hEr iN HeR pLaCe” go sit your ass down, you couldn’t even fight against A THUNDER STRIKE. That thunder wasn’t even from the Eliatrope goddess, it was literally just nature that kicked your ass by touching your furry finger.
And that’s the worst part of it. It didn’t even touch your whole body. It touched the edge of your fucking fingers and you immediately dramatically fell like a bird’s white shit.
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She’s such a clown omg…
This ain’t even funny anymore. She really thought she was on the same level as Amalia.
Even fucking Eva could take on Aurora while being pregnant, cuz unlike that blue-skinned brat, Eva was able to defend herself against a sram demigoddess AND escape from a pandawa demigod WHILE BEING MUCH FURTHER IN HER PREGNANCY THAN AURORA.
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Tot, please for the love of god turn Aurora into a soufflé before the sadidas cause a rebellion French style with the guillotine when they find out she’s actual trash.
Aurora is literally that one jujutsu kaisen meme where they go “Nah, I’d win.” 💀💀💀
Our boss queen Amalia immediately picked up on her bullshit and sensed her coming from a mile away even when she was “going fast” while flying.
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And this is literally one of the best krosmoz manga shots of Amalia ready to fucking destroy this worthless excuse of an osamodas.
I swear no matter how many times I keep seeing this panel, my heart wants to pull itself out of my chest, screaming, getting on adrenaline. Amalia’s just so perfect, I wanna be her and kick that chicken-legged braindead woman so badly 😫😫
But sadly, we’re going to have to wait for the next chapter to see this “fight”. I’m calling it like that cuz I bet my whole bank account that it’s just gonna be Amalia pummelling Aurora repeatedly, ain’t no way that blue hoe can actually fight after the shit I saw in Season 4.
And I hope that’s the case because we can see Aurora looking like she’s struggling on the cover of Chapter 9.
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She looks enraged and flying fast towards Amalia perhaps. But she definitely looks furious and whenever she looks mad, we all now know it’s always because she’s losing or not getting something she wants.
So yes, Amalia, destroy this wench.
Meanwhile, Yugo’s tasting what hell feels like and my god that crater looks even bigger when we get close up…
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What I especially loved about this chapter, was that we finally got another interaction between Yugo and Adamaï, this time more personal and something that felt like their dynamic from Season 2. It’s sad to know that their bond won’t be the same as it was before even when they have finally reunited and forgiven each other.
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But this scene gave me hope that their brotherly bond has not entirely been washed away from the years of being apart.
Adamaï still cares for him a great deal and Season 4 was able to show it. And this chapter did the same thing.
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This is heartbreaking too look at.
Yugo’s face when he hears him say that, is the look of realization, you can tell his heart just squeezed at his words.
It’s been so long since Adamaï told him these words. He didn’t even say them in Season 4 when they were both reconciling.
Adamaï actually had a really good idea to solve this issue. A temporary solution if you will. Since they’re both primordial twins of the Eliatrope goddess, it was very clever of him to deduce that they should both share the pain of the belladone poison!
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Ad can actually impress us when he wants to damn…
Yugo refuses at first but realizes that since they don’t have any other options, he accepts.
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(*i just now realized how big Adamaï’s hands looked in this shot. Damn. Imagine getting choked by that-*)
This whole scene, I genuinely felt the bond they used to share back in Seasons 1 and 2. The way Yugo completely relies on Adamaï for any decision that they make together and Adamaï being the one who highlights the issue at hand before coming up with a solution for the both of them.
And ngl, it actually felt very refreshing to see this change.
And here’s the shot guys.
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This is the shot we’ve been waiting to see ever since that damn great wave webtoon trailer came out!!
I like how some of us collectively agreed that this was the moment where Yugo created the wave but I’m so happy it wasn’t the case. Because if it did happen like this, the timing would have felt way too forced and rushed. Now I’m just happy Yugo won’t have to cough up blood all the damn time (even tho I like that idea so much cuz Yugo suffering is something i KNOW we all want cuz god zammnn-) because he’ll actually be able to be balanced and stable for now.
Now that the link has been made, Adamaï lets Yugo know that they should move somewhere else to not cause any other damage to the kingdom which is another great idea (Adamaï’s all fired up with good ideas today lol)
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I believe there is a way to find a cure for the Belladone poison. Based on what I found, the poison doesn’t seem to have any remedy since it’s such a deadly substance to drink but I believe they could be able to find something that could potentially help Yugo and Adamaï get rid of it from their systems.
For example, the same thing happened to Amalia back in Season 1. Not only did she get bit by a demonic rose known to have been created to hurt Jiva, one of the month protectors of the world of twelve, but she ended up being fine once the others found a cure for the flower.
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Granted, the flower and the belladone have two distinct differences that separate them on their severity level : A) The demonic rose is a flower while the belladone is a berry. B) The demonic rose is a deadly flower that, once touched, can kill you in under a day while the belladone, once eaten, can kill you in under a few seconds. It can even damage your skin if you hold one for too long.
Even so, it doesn’t change the fact that if an infamous red flower that has impacted a divinity can be cured, then so can the belladone.
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These two are pure morons.
It doesn’t matter when or where they are, they’ll still smirk and come up with dumb jokes even when they’re in pain like this.
Adamaï’s over here treating this like “training”. I have no idea if he said that to lighten the mood when he realized they were somewhat stable now that they shared the pain or if it was just because he genuinely tested this like training to see if they could withstand the pain together.
Either way, they’re both idiots and brothers for life. Brothers who smile even when they’re not sure about the pain.
Extra: let’s just enjoy more pained yugo expressions lol
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thedeafprophet · 28 days
How well can your ocs cook?
Oh this one varies.
Alex is a very good cook. I'd say its his main form of artistic hobby, beyond a bit of drawing, and something he greatly enjoys. The process of cooking relaxes him, and having grown up with a lot of food insecurity it brings him a great comfort to be able to cook for those he cares about. He was often in charge of things back on the surface when it was him and the other two. He also used to work in kitchens for a period of time and was his main form of work prior to focusing soley on his criminal career.
Jamie and Josephine are both pretty midline when it comes to cooking. Neither of them particularly enjoys or dislikes it, but it is something they both know how to do as a skill. Jamie particularly has no interest in cooking and much more prefers the after result. Josie does enjoy baking on the rare occasions - its quite similar to chemistry, and it can be fun to experiment even there.
Aurora CAN NOT COOK. she was never taught, she has never done it. Girl doesn't even know how to make tea until Elias shows her lmao. She was raised to run a household, wasn't taught any basic life skills, and is gonna take some time before she learns to take care of herself.
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biitchcakes · 5 months
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NAME : Rory / Aurora
PRONOUNS : she / they
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION : It depends ⸺ if we've not interacted much, definitely here on tumblr. But I don't mind giving my discord out after we've chatted or interacted a bit back and forth.
NAME OF MUSE(s) : Jessica Miriam Drew
BEST EXPERIENCE : I honestly couldn't tell you just one ! But I think the answer to go with is just getting to meet so many new people I otherwise wouldn't be able to ⸺ and in some instances, becoming friends.
RP PET PEEVES / DEALBREAKERS : I honestly don't have any that wouldn't be like, standard, yk ?
MUSE PREFERENCES : Are they a lil chaotic ? Maybe a lil roguish ? Are they a big softie no matter how hard they deny / pretend they're not ? A flirt ? A rebel ? Yes ? Then I'd write 'em.
PLOTS OR MEMES : Both ! Sometimes my brain is better at plotting, sometimes it's better at memes.
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES : I love writing paragraphs when my brain allows it, but short things are great and fun too. On that note, this feels like a good time to say that as my rp partner, you NEVER have to match my length ⸺ be it long or short. That said tho, I would prefer at least a few sentences. ( That also said, I do definitely sometimes like one or two sentences back and forth. )
BEST TIME TO WRITE : It varies for sure ⸺ if I'm busy the next day, I might do most of my writing between 8pm to midnight. If I'm free tho, I suppose the times I prefer are really any time from 1am to about 7am ?? I'm both a night owl and an early bird, so really any time that isn't mostly daytime I guess 😭
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S) : We have our moments for sure. Funny enough, the place I say we differ the most is actually our food preferences ?? I write Ms Ham-Sandwich Woman herself and yet I personally don't even like ham all that much, or really any pork in general outside of sausage. I don't like the taste of butter unless I'm using it to cook or putting it on some toast. Meanwhile, she can eat 16 sticks of it.
tagged by : @danversiism 💖 tagging : steal it and tag me !
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cevansbrat0007 · 2 years
As the GP kiddos get older, what are their favorite things to do with Daddy Andy? Or their favorite things to do with Momma? Just like one on one bonding things.
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Great question!
Bianca "BiBi" Barber - She's a big soccer fan, just like her Mama and they often can be found practicing in the backyard together. BiBi is very good and currently plays for a club team that travels around the region. On the field, Andy and Reader's normally sweet daughter is a force to be reckoned with. She may be small, but she's scrappy. And she's got one hell of a mouth on her - all things she learned from Mama Barber. That kid can talk some serious trash when she's in the mood. While it makes her mother proud, Andy is constantly stunned by just how viscous teenage girls can be...including his Bianca Boo!
BiBi's favorite thing to do with Andy is take her father shopping. She's always trying to update his wardrobe. Now, she knows that her Dad lacks the necessary patience required to survive at the mall, but for her...he really tries. And when they're through, she likes to treat him to frozen yogurt. Well, she tries...only for Andy to slip the money back into her bag.
The last time she took him out for frozen yogurt, a grown man tried to hit on her while Andy was off using the bathroom. Sixteen-year-old BiBi dealt with the creeper just fine, but her father damn near had a heart attack. The older she gets, the more she understands just what her Mama means whenever she calls Andrew dramatic.
Katrina "KitCat" Barber - She and her Mama can often be found curled up in Reader's special reading nook. KitCat has her own space set up just for her, and when they can those two get lost in the magic of books for hours. So much so that it's not uncommon for Andy to come looking for them, something they all playfully refer to as a Barber Family Wellness Check.
This kid also has a budding passion for golf, of all things. Andy has been giving her lessons since she's been old enough to swing a club. And over time it's definitely morphed in a father/daughter bonding type experience. She's fairly talented, better than quite a few of the boys - which they hate.
I'll have to tell you all about the time one of those asshole boys tried to look up her skirt. He thought it was real fucking funny until KitCat's nine-iron almost collided with his thick skull. And then when Andy heard what happened...yeah, that shit wasn't pretty. Especially after the asshole kid's uncle tried to place the blame on Katrina. Something about her flirting in order to give herself an advantage.
She honestly couldn't remember the last time she'd seen her Daddy so mad. But they eventually finished the game before going out for double bacon cheeseburgers with extra bacon and cheese fries.
Aurora "RoRo" Barber - She and Andy have this thing where they sometimes wake up early on Saturdays and head down to his office. But first, they always stop by this little diner for a quick breakfast of cinnamon apple french toast and a mug of hot chocolate. And since they both know that Mama Barber would have a lot to say about their excessive sugar consumption, they tend to leave that part out.
And as the artist of the family, she's constantly traveling with her purple sketchbook. RoRo is also naturally curious and as well as easily distracted. Which sometimes gives Andy palpitations because she's constantly wandering off in order to get a better look at something that she wants to draw. He loses her sometimes...which typically results in panic.
RoRo also loves helping her mother in the garden. She thinks it's hilarious that her mother adores plants, but is somehow also terrified of bugs. And, although it's not her strong suit, she's not adverse to helping her Mama in the kitchen. It doesn't come naturally to her, but the other day she made a blueberry lemon cheesecake from scratch which turned out to be pretty darn tasty!
A.J. "Junior" Barber - He loves cooking with his Mama. They have a great time in the kitchen - and he's actually getting rather good. Baking is more his thing, but the kid has a lot of potential. Unlike his father who was born with the ability to burn water. He also enjoys horror movies, and those viewing parties usually consist of him, Mama Barber, and BiBi.
Now, when it comes to spending time with Andy, Junior loves himself some football. They have a great time going to games together when they can. I'll have to tell you guys about the first NFL game they went to when he was a little kid. It was a hoot! And when they're not trying to watch the game, you can find him tinkering in the backyard with his father breaking fixing things in the shed. They're both a couple of handsome, well-meaning menaces.
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Finally, no matter how old they get, no Barber ever says no to family movie night. That's a must in their household. Fingers crossed that that never changes. Hope that answers your questions!
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cerebricarchives · 10 months
///// ext, fancy shamancy poolside the size of a yard, alien looking bodies floating on the underground pool as /////
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Sorry I'm late, the traffic held up for miles and-oh you're kidding me. -grabs a pool net and starts poking the bodies- yeah great and they're dead too.
-alien screeching as one of these squid creatures breaks through a window and lands into the pool. Splashing Green Thunder-
Oh come on! Hey who ever did that is just lucky this suit stopped conducting energy! Now come on out, this is now official TOJ business.
-a burly figure jumps out the broken window, dousted in green slime over his shiny sapphire armor, silver iron viking helmet and bright goggles, yelling Nordic chants as throws one final squid larval into the pool-
Great. I'm assuming you're a professor Caleb something, researching in advanced evolution in insects and-
The man was dead before I even got here. Slaughtered by the Ancient's scourge to humanity's hubris. Toying with the mortals like they are pawns in chess, and I am Luke's wall.
Oh geez fine. So you tried to save the guy before you could save them from getting eaten by his own creations, whatever. Is this situation at least you know handled?
I'm afraid you don't understand. These were not of the professor's creations. They were not of this Earth, nor of this realm. And your little guild of knights are playing with tools without permission.
Well it makes you feel any better I'm not with the Trinity too I'm just for cover up but like okay what's going on here I'm mostly assuming you didn't pick up from their radio signal did you?
I am the combined son of Odin and Zeus, as chosen by the true heirs of the ancients, the creators of this realm. The very lone protector from the unspeakable cosmic natures that come to torment us for the coming of The Master, as I wield my brighten shining ax bound to my blood and soul! I am Thy Neon Viking. The chosen one.
Great I'm with a nutty. All right listen, I don't know what kind of crack job you got going on here pal. But right now we have a lot of dead alien bodies, an MIA professor and sometime by now an agent of the Trinity of Justice is going to come by here to reconnaissance or whatever. You at least have any idea where the professor is?
-thy neon viking points his glowing ax to the pile of alien larval drowned in the pool, with full bellies. green thunder sighs-
Well if he's not cooking up bug experiments out of his college work, what the hell are these things?
Star Spawn.
The fuck?
Mother nature finds her way to be very beautiful with meteor showers and Aurora Borealis. All distractions from the falling stars, sprinkling these abominations that mankind cannot comprehend.
Looks like the XenoQueen had some time with the Eraserhead baby. Well you know when it grew up to the age of consent or - gah nevermind joke flew over.
Jokes are for the ones who only have something to hide and fear. You must be brave and powerful like a mighty warrior, as Thy Neon Viking has witnessed how much of occurrence of the ancients doings. This is none of your business. Please leave.
And you kind of sound like you want to stick around and make sure you didn't miss any spawners back there am I right? Or was that a 40-in plasma that you got in the back of that station wagon blocking the garage?
Oh no it was uh broken, during the scuffle between the star spawns and the battle I decided... Hey you know the professor liked to recycle electronics.
Buddy... That's some shitty reefer you got on your skin.
///// Neon Viking tosses a punch to green thunder's stomach, running away with a lawn chair as GT falls down on fetal position /////
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hearts4robs · 9 months
Hiiii there!
Happy New Year ♡
Ooooh I have never done a match-up so I am really curious. I'm gonna go for DC because I only know this fandom and love those weirdos ♡
So I am a 27 years old bi non-binary person (they/them). I'd say I am pretty outgoing and very much talkative. I really like chit-chatting with strangers whom have dogs like at the train station. I am not much of a party person tho, I really like being home and reading stuff, listening to music or going for a nice walk with my dog while listening to my playlists. My favorite artists at the moment are AURORA, Laufey, Apshe, and Rain Paris. I have ADHD and a personality disorder which is why for now I am still under disability insurance but I am getting really well and I hope to finally be able to start my studies to become a librarian. I was very much a good student even for the few semesters I did at uni. I have a huge interest for literature and languages. I have studied latin, german, english, portuguese and arabic. Not fluent in many of them, but I do like taking the time to relearn stuff by myself from time to time. I am good at being self-taught, that's how I got my high school diploma since my health was a hindrance at the time haha. I am kinda a history nerd, love reading about religion in Ancient Greece especially in Attica and I love reading about the Witch Hunts in Europe and North America in the modern era. I do enjoy cosy "culture" and academia aesthetics. I am 5'6', dark brunette mid lenghth wavy hair (a wolf cut if you see what it is) with light brown eyes. I have huge fine golden glasses haha (already the librarian vibe). I am pretty chubby for now, eventhough I am losing weight due to feeling better health-wise. I love wearing button-down white shirts with vests or blazers or floral corsets and black turtlenecks haha.
Ideally, I'd love someone who is able to understand that I have some difficulties that others might not have, but who can be calm when it matters. I hate having huge arguments, if we need to argue I want to be able to talk it out. It's okay to be angry but I hate lashing out or being lashed at. A break to take some fresh air is okay if needed to have a civil conversation. I am not huge on receiving expensive/luxury gifts, it makes me awkward. I'd rather spend time with someone, cook with them or gift little things that are meaningful. I am huge on social activism. I do read a lot about different issues and it's important for me to listen to others and their experiences and try my best to do better with them and for them. I love my dog, she's a rescue and a peach. We lived a bit everywhere for a while because I was homeless around 20, but we managed and have a nice apartement now. I think I am pretty resilient as a person and I always strive do be kind and compassionate when possible because I know no one is born with all the answers and understandings of the world. I paint with watercolor from time to time, but I'd say my favorite hobby is reading and researching stuff because ADHD haha.
I don't like when people excuses stuff because of an illness. I can be an ass and it's okay to tell me and nobody should get a free-pass to be terrible to others. It happens to be shitty but you should strive to make it better if you couldn't avoid doing it at first.
I am a native french-speaker and half Portuguese. I am white European.
I can be a bit loud and outspoken but I always try to be mindful of the space I can take in a conversation with others because I don't want people to feel ignored. I can be adventurous, my 19 birthday was me going by train all alone with a backpack around the northern part of europe for a month. I would sleep at locals' place after talking to them on a specific website. It was great and fun and I saw so many museums ♡ I can be a bit of an airhead, and a tad much too sarcastic sometimes and I tend to switch conversations subjects often because I have links between them that makes sense to me but no one else.
My favortie tropes are friends to lovers, everything fluff, domestic, etc. There's beauty in the mundane ♡ I guess that when your mental health is a rollercoaster, you crave stability and calm easier haha ♡
I hope I gave you enough informations for your match-up.
Sorry, I am really a chatterbox haha ♡ Thank you and take care, dear ♡
𝐓𝐢𝐦 𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐤𝐞: 𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐞
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“What are you doing?”
“I, uh, think.. I might be building you a bookcase, can’t promise you anything though. IKEA isn’t very clear in their instructions.” Tim says, turning the instruction book upside down in hopes of the illustrations making sense.
A chuckle escapes you as you set down a mug of hot chocolate beside his organised work place on the middle of your living room floor.
“You think?” You ask, taking a seat beside him with a soft grunt, happily letting your dog snuggle up beside you.
“Yes, it’s very frustrating and for some reason, it’s all in French.” Tim says, trying to screw a screw into the proper place. “No, no, that’s not right..” he mutters.
“You do know I’m fluent in French, right?”
Tim slowly glances at you sideways before letting out a huff.
“I can handle it.” He reassures, chewing his lip in annoyance. “Go read your Shakespeare and I’ll be done in a few minutes.”
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Tim loves watching you read. He loves how you can both be nerds together.
You don’t live together yet but he visits often enough for your neighbours to know which days of the week you’re free.
He’s so supportive and tries his best to be a stable support system. You started out as friends and he let you crash at his for as long as you needed when you had nowhere to go.
Your dog is no longer “your” dog. It’s “our” dog to Tim.
It took him the whole afternoon to build that bookcase for you.
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You’re such a sweetheart, I loved making this!! <3
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lostonehero · 2 months
What remains after eternity
Not so fun facts about the au
(I'm working on the next part if anyone was curious)
Brian, Lyf, Ashes, and Nastya are basically unaffected by the large surmount of time
Brian because he was in the world of actual deities and time doesn't work there
Lyf because Yog Sogoth yesterday him far off in the future
Ashes was still being Ashes and just kept doing their thing
Tim has been through two nuclear wars. One happened that he watched humanity recover and did the same shit again. (Other things happened to make him as he is in the fic, but I reveal that in the next part, so yeah, if you guessed it, that's great too.)
Marius has three things contributing to his fucked up mind, the bio weapon virus, starving, and trauma
Jonny's little palace on New Texas has a graveyard of all the people who were assigned to keep him company. It's massive and five bodies per grave, at least.
Ivy's prison library she made herself is massive and people have tried to take it but it's the size if a planet.
Nastya found Aurora's AI while floating in space. She was horrified and relieved.
Raphealla tried to experiment on the wrong people, and well, it didn't work out for her, hence the new skittish and frightened behavior. She is recovering, though.
TS was traveling around with Valerie and having a great time. It learned to actually cook, clean, and garden.
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Stardust x Aurora Candy + Family headcanons b/c yes-
☆ Still trying figure exactly how the two met, but was I've managed to create so far was; Aurora Candy is a regular late-night shift is and just about to head to the train yard, till he finds Stardust's unconscious body floating through space. He freaks out and hijinks ensue from there, a very "Little Mermaid" situation
☆ Of course, when they do catch feeling, they experience it in different ways (Aurora Candy being a mushy tsundere and Stardust having never experienced feelings like that ever, finds it new and confusing, but also intriguing)
☆ Both Stardust and Aurora Candy have emotion outbursts, mostly due to Aurora's very short temper and Stardust just being plain emotional at times, which is rare for someone so quiet and charming
☆ Their "little" family is a mix between Bob's Burgers and Steven Universe. On one hand we have Stardust, who loves his kids more than anything and wants them to learn as much about the world as possible despite not knowing much himself. And on the other hand, there Aurora Candy, who loves and is sorta overprotective of his kids, but wants to honest with them and teach them the harsh reality, as well as wanting them to pursue promising careers
☆ As expected from a rather strict father, Aurora Candy Cookie runs a somewhat militaristic household, having rules to that the kids have to follow, many of which played a role in shaping Financier Cookie into what she is today. But it's logical it say the least, you'd be strict too if you had 7 kids
☆ Stardust on the other hand is way more relaxed and cooperative. He also stays at home the most, so with this, the kids could get away with more than they should, but they don't. Why? Because their dad(to them) is a loveable dork who can be naive at times, and they don't wanna hurt the poor guy's feelings
☆ Stardust has many hobbies, his favorite being baking/cooking. His first time baking was making a birthday cake for Aurora when he said his birthday "wasn't important" How'd it turn out?. . . Not great
Stardust, reading a cookbook: Let's see, 2 cups of flour. . .
*Proceeds to take a drinking glass, fills it with flour and dumps it into the bowl*
☆ One messy cake and a lesson on measuring cups later, there was no turning back. His favorite thing being the happy reactions people get when enjoy his baked goods
☆ And he doesn't simplify things either. He makes all sorts of international dishes, experimenting with different spices, textures, and flavors, with the goal of satisfying to not just his family
☆ Whenever Aurora has a rough day at work, you can be assured that he'll spent the rest of the night cuddling his lover, wrapped in his wings/cape and talking about their days
*Stardust is chilling in a rocking chair with Space Doughnut, sleeping in his arms*
*Aurora walks into the room, completely dazed and tired*
Stardust: Rough night?
Aurora, tired: *Sigh* yes, dear. . .
*Aurora walks over to his bird husband, and hopes onto his lap*
*Stardust lets him hold their baby as he wraps his cape around them*
☆ Aurora Candy and Dr. Evilglave are brothers (Glaze being the eldest of the two). They're not what you call "close," better yet the complete opposite. As you except, Dr. Evilglave is a mad scientist and war criminal, and was about to over their universe till Stardust and Aurora put an end to his escapade
☆ Despite there always being rift in their relationship, Dr. Evilglave has respect for his little brother, especially for landing such an amazing spouse
☆ Moonlight, Stardust's sister, protects Wizard City with the dream barrier. This, of course, isn't a good thing considering she can't interact with her family (heck, she doesn't even know that most her nieces and nephews exist!) The only one of their kids who met Aunt Moonlight was Financier, but she was extremely young when that happened
☆The two space siblings have for rather, complex, relationship, considering the Moonlight was the "golden child" in the wizards' eye but she was too naive to realize that, therefore thinking they were loved equally
☆ Sugar Glass extremely fixated on Moonlight, hoping one day to meet her. In their home that is clock tower, there's a large window which gives an ariel view of Moonlight, if not playing with her siblings or gardening, her nights are spent watching her through the window
*Sugar is sitting the windowsill, watching Moonlight as she slumbers*
*Stardust enters the room*
Stardust: Sugar, dearest, it is time for bed
Sugar, still looking through the window: Papa, will we ever meet the Slumbering Moon one day?. .
*Stardust sees his sister, already having mixed feelings*
Stardust, patting his daughter's shoulder: Unfortunately, I don't have the answer. . . but, do I know this, her dreams create a barrier between the outside world and the City of Wizards, as well as a getaway into the World of Dreams. She protects this precious city from harm, that is why it is so important for her to rest. . .
Sugar, not satisfied with his first answer: If that's so. . . why does have do it alone? . . isn't there anything we can do to help?
Stardust: *Sigh* My sister is. . . a complex soul, she was willing to wait for wizards despite them disappearing long ago. Also willing to sacrifice a life with us, with you. . . She's achieved this task alone for years, and it's a decision we unfortunately have to respect. . .
Sugar: . . . Ok Papa. . .
*She hops off the windowsill, and the two leave*
☆ With Amber being a 12yo boy, there's not exactly much "clean" about him (cause hormones), but surprisingly one of the only things he's able to keep clean is his room. Speaking of which, he actually a big fan of cleaning in general, but that could the bee genres
☆ Milky Way and Aurora Candy have the best father-daughter relationship. Ever since they had first child, Aurora hoped that one day he would get to share the family business with the kids, but unfortunately none of them were interested, all but Milky, who basically a copy-paste of what he was like when he was a kid
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aonoexpat · 1 year
SO, my apologies for the long wait. I've been meaning to post something again for a while now, but somehow never finding the time to sit down and write everything out.
I ended up staying in/around Ōtepoti for a whole month. I had some things I needed to arrange, and questions to find answers to. They eluded me for much longer than I appreciated, and this had an impact on my mood. I feel like I more and more regularly experience bouts of loneliness and homesickness, and they get worse when I don't have a clear path and am not actively enjoying myself (like when I'm hiking or driving towards something fun). I didn't have a lot of opportunities to do such things the past month, which didn't help. I feel like I am actively fighting to feel okay, to feel excited and appreciative of this adventure. Sometimes my attempts pay off, but it doesn't last very long, or something happens to bring me down a peg again. I realised the biggest factor in my bad mood was feeling passive and aimless (and the monthly dose of grumpy hormones), so I hunkered down and bode my time, telling myself it was okay to not amount to anything right now. To get a grip on my trajectory again, listen to music, and rest, rest, rest.
The biggest milestone to come out of this is that I now have in my possession a plane ticket, that will allow me to travel back home at the end of January 2024! I needed to set this date for myself so I could more confidently make a plan for the (today exactly 4) months I have left on my visa. I am bummed to have to travel by plane once again, but all the reasons why I couldn't find another mode of travel last year still hold, unfortunately. I tried for a while to find passage back, or at least partway back, through findacrew.net, but that too, sadly, bore no fruits. So I had to settle, but I went for the most direct flight with the least amount of stops. I would have liked to travel through Japan or South Korea and give myself a couple of days there, but that would mean at least one extra plane take-off and landing, and I didn't feel like I could justify that.
During my stay in Ōtepoti, I did meet some really kind people. One of my favourite encounters was a bubbly man who had parked up at the beach as well when I was staying there, and on his way out of the parking lot slowed and stopped by me as I was cooking dinner in my 'kitchen'. He leaned out his window, beamed a smile at me, and said "One flat white please!" (which is a coffee order, for the record). I laughed and had to disappoint him, explaining that I only had a little gas cooker and a kettle, and could not fulfill his wish. He told me a story of a couple of people he had seen camping around the city who had a full professional coffee maker in their van! We exchanged pleasantries and he went on his way, and then several days later I was cooking lunch once again in my 'kitchen' by the side of the road, and who should pull up across the intersection, but that same man? He leaned out his window again and we immediately recognised each other and shouted "FLAT WHITE!" He laughed and asked if I was doing okay, and I told him yes, and he wished me good luck before driving off.
Another great encounter was a woman who responded to my reddit post. She was in-between jobs and was happy to spend some time showing me around. She drove me out onto the Ōtākou peninsula, and, maybe for the first time in my life, I got to witness a full double rainbow (all the wayyy omg):
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The stormy weather had given the clouds a very mammatus look, and once the rain had let up the views across the bays were stunning:
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The next day I was alerted to the fact that the KP index for the previous night and the coming night was quite high. This is a number representing the rate at which the earth's magnetic field is getting disturbed by solar winds. A high index means an elevated chance to see the Aurora Australis: the Southern lights! I packed up everything and drove out to one of the beaches on the Southern side of the peninsula. I cooked my dinner there and waited for the sun to set while watching a series in my car. When it got properly dark, I grabbed a blanket and a cup of tea and sat down in the passenger seat, staring out the window for hours on end and listening to Sky Sailing's album An Airplane Carried Me To Bed. I wanted to sit outside, but an icy wind was blowing and had me shaking within a minute. I didn't have a proper camera with me, so I peered into the night with my own eyes, and could vaguely make out a faint glow above the horizon! It shifted every now and then, and I felt like I could see vertical pillars, but I couldn't discern any particular colours. It was hard to see if anything was really there or if I was imagining it, until the moment it slowly stopped and faded away. The darkness it left behind confirmed to me that there had, in fact, truly been something there. It felt quite magical, and I set some alarms throughout the night to make sure I wouldn't miss it if it came back, but it didn't.
When I had a couple of days to kill, I drove up along the coast and stopped at Katiki beach, where I enjoyed about an hour of sunshine:
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After that the skies got covered in clouds again, and I resumed my way, ending up in Oamaru that evening. I was feeling lonely and a little sick of sitting in Elrond all the time, so I booked one night in a hostel there. I was lucky enough to get a dorm room all to myself, so I didn't have to worry about Covid safety among my roommates. I did meet some others in the kitchen, among which a Frenchman who had been in town for a month, and offered to show me around in the evening. Oamaru is famous for its colony of kororā, little blue penguins, who nest along the shore. After dusk, they emerge from the ocean and hang about, socialising and getting back to their sleeping places for the night. There are signs all over town warning drivers about crossing penguins, because they seem to have very little regard for traffic as they waddle around. They are the smallest species of penguin in the world, but boy do they pack a loud cry! It was an endearing but very surreal sight to see these special animals just walking down the street. The Frenchman and I shared a feeling that if this would happen in Europe, the walking paths would be packed with people constantly, the penguins would get chased, and teenage boys would not hesitate to hurl rocks at them. But not these people. Locals really care about them, and will do everything in their power to give them their space and leave them be ❤️
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Other than the penguins, Oamaru is known for being a Victorian steampunk city. It's got old-timey buildings all over the place, a steampunk museum, and a bunch of craftspeople still upholding vintage forms of art. I got to see a penny-farthing, and even a little bakery with Dutch roots:
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After taking advantage of the Wi-Fi at the hostel to download the first 34 episodes (~100 hours) of Critical Role Vox Machina, which I would highly recommend to anybody interested in Dungeons & Dragons, I went on my way back South. I stopped off and saw the famous Te Kaihīnaki, or Moeraki Boulders:
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Before finally leaving Ōtepoti, I went to see some local music performances, and swung by the Dunedin Folk Club for their open mic night. I met some more kind people, and talented musicians. It remains one of my favourite things to be able to walk into a place like that and immediately feel at home due to our shared passion. To play a little tune, exchange compliments, and leave, never to be seen again. It makes me feel so free.
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After saying goodbye to the city, I went on my way to Alexandra, where once again a lovely friend hooked me up with a family member that would welcome me. I was very grateful to be taken in for the day by a very kind couple, who showed me around the town and took me out for a cup of tea. I got to tell them about my adventures, and they shared stories about the history of the town. They sheltered me throughout the storm that hit that afternoon, and allowed me to park up in their front yard for the night so I would be shielded from the worst of the wind ❤️
The next day I got back on the road, and made my way to the town of Cromwell. The sun had come out again and my god, it was a beautiful day! I could finally walk around in just a top, no more sweaters and jackets needed. I got my laundry done and went to the hardware store to get some supplies to (hopefully) repair the water tap in the van, which has been leaking more and more lately. I decided to get some takeaway food and have dinner on Elrond's roof. With the sun staying out longer now that Aotearoa has switched to summer time, I was finally able to socialise with other van dwellers parked around me. I had a grand evening until the unfortunate (and gravely unjust, might I add) task was thrust upon me to teach the FULLY GROWN MAN parked next to me that if you grab this woman's butt without her consent, you WILL wake up to find your car doused in her urine 😤 Though I felt like I reacted appropriately, the violation did deeply upset me, and I left that campsite in the middle of the night. I drove on to Wānaka, screamed it out to some angry music in my car, and couldn't fall asleep until 03:30.
That was yesterday, so today I've spent my time catching up on sleep, and finally sitting down to write this. Though my mind is reeling a little, "I ain't gonna be taken down." I am determined not to let anything, let alone a predatory smatchet, ruin my time here. The sun is out again, and I've got a fun event planned for the evening!
If everything goes according to plan, I'll soon start work on a vineyard in this area for 7 or 8 weeks. I might not have any cell reception or Wi-Fi while I'm there, which is going to be interesting! I am looking forward to socialising with the other workers, finally enjoying some better weather, and earning back some of the money I've spent over the past 90+ days of traveling. It's strange to realise I've been on the road for exactly three months now. I have really gotten a newfound appreciation for furnished buildings and running water, because my god, I miss those things!
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purplegays · 2 years
Finally Ranking the Obey Me Dateables
Full disclosure: I’m only on Lesson 17, but I’ve been playing almost every event since I started over half a year ago.
1. Leviathan
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I have adored Leviathan ever since I first laid eyes on him. The only wrong he has ever done is having the audacity to assume that MC isn’t every bit as otaku as he is. Cute, humble, protective. Just as touch-starved as MC, and they’re happy to provide the company for each other that they both need.
Playing video games together and staying up late ranting about anime to each other. MC joking that they’re jealous of Ruri-chan and Levi making up for it with kisses. Blushing when a MC calls him attractive.
His demon form is really cute, and his angel form (as well as the image above) is one of the few times he goes form adorable to HOT. While I don’t have it unlocked, I also really like the Yokai form!
Also, I think he’s the most gay-coded out of all the brothers, but that could just be because he’s my favorite lol. But come on, you can’t tell me he doesn’t have at least one BL he’s obsessing over. Not that reading BL makes you gay ofc. But gay people are definitely on his radar at the very least.
2. Solomon
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Used to be lower because I didn’t really know him as well, but after his birthday event he skyrocketed up to #2! He’s so nerdy, and his magic is just objectively cool. He really cares about MC and is super romantic. His inability to cook is a cute quirk, and MC doesn’t mind doing the cooking. Not to mention he’s ALSO a TSL fan and has plenty of fandom nerd to match his science nerd. And he gets along with Levi, which is an automatic plus in my book. If I HAD to pick a ship that doesn’t involve MC, it would be Solomon and Levi. Like come on there’s NO way they haven’t smooched at least once during a TSL marathon. Levi probably falls asleep on top of Solomon all the time. A poly relationship with both of them and MC would be so chaotic and great. Even just Levi and Solomon being friends is so great. And if it was just MC and Levi together, I feel like Solomon would be a chill third wheel and wouldn’t mind too much.
Two humans leaning on each other as they try to navigate literal Hell, exploring their magic together and experimenting with potions. Conspiring to annoy the demons and representing humans as a force to be reckoned with. Sitting in the flowers and watching the aurora borealis for “research” and totally not as a date. Making fun of him for being old but secretly being impressed at how savvy and progressive he is.
And his everyday clothes look so fucking good on him.
3. Beelzebub
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I don’t find him particularly attractive compared to the other brothers because I don’t really go for that muscular body type. But his exterior is deceiving because he is so adorable. He cares so much about his siblings and about MC. He doesn’t really get upset. (Unless he’s hungry, of course.) He’s surprisingly sensitive and has a such a kind heart.
Cooking for him and just watching the pure love in his eyes as he watches you. Big teddy-bear hugs when you’re sad. Trying new foods together.
I like the color palette of his everyday clothes!
4. Asmodeus
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He used to be #2, but his vanity can be a bit annoying at times. The most physically attractive of the brothers, and his voice is really cute! His self-confidence and emphasis on his appearance can be kind of attractive, but it’s often overdone. Probably would make you do all the chores.
Aggressively flirting with each other to show your love. Painting each other’s nails and sharing gossip. Constantly complimenting each other’s beauty. Trying on cute matching skirts.
Asmo is ABSOLUTELY STUNNING in his angelic clothes and rocks those heels in the suit.
VERY MUCH bisexual-coded.
5. Simeon
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He’s hot, that’s for sure, but he kind of has the personality of a wet towel. He’d probably interrupt a makeout session to ask who Google is. But he’s kind and pleasant to be around and would make a good boyfriend. He could probably also use MC’s help keeping track of Luke. I’d probably get bored of him after a few months.
I can’t even do the second paragraph because, like I said, he doesn’t have much of a personality to work with.
6. Satan
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I love the catboy bookworm vibe, but he’s often too aggressive for me and too hard to please. His Surprise Guest always annoys me because he’s the only one you can’t get big hearts from, no matter what you do.
Having different interests in literature but finding those few special series that you can obsess over together. Owning one pair of cat ears between the two of you and constantly stealing them off each other’s head. He can’t write for shit but reads you his favorite poems.
7. Luke
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Just… why? Why does he exist in this game? I really want to know which dev was like, “Yes, let’s put a minor-coded character into a dating sim and mechanically treat him the same as all the dateable characters.”
I’ll try not to fault Luke himself for the weird meta circumstances of his existence, though. Obviously I would not date him. He isn’t too insufferable to be around, though, and if I had to choose between being stuck in a room with Luke or one of the characters below, it would be Luke.
8. Barbatos
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Barbatos is… fine… I guess. I think he’s supposed to fulfill the submissive househusband trope. As much as I love my subs, I’m also a sub myself so I need at least a little bit of vers in there somewhere. But it’s also weird because he’s submissive to Diavolo, but when talking to MC he carries Diavolo’s authority. I don’t really know what to make of Barbatos because it kind of seems like his whole personality is just being Diavolo’s messenger?
He’s also the most formal character, which is a bit of-putting for me. Excessive formality often comes off as cold and uninviting, and it makes it feel like the wrong context for romantic prospects. (This is kind of a theme as we continue further down the list.) It also makes it harder to get to know their personality, which adds to my indifference toward Barbatos. Still, I’m giving him the benefit of the doubt that he might be more interesting of a person behind closed doors. (He also may get more characterization in later chapters that I’m not aware of yet.)
9. Diavolo
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I don’t really particularly like any of the Diavolo or Lucifer cards I have, so I’m going to skip them to save my 10-image limit for the last two
Diavolo is pretty great. But he gives uncle vibes, sometimes big brother vibes, depending on the situation. I can’t imagine dating him. His physical appearance is also a bit too masc for me. I feel like there could be potential there if he hasn’t been born a prince. It makes him seem more old and boring, and it sets up a really weird power dynamic that kind of puts me off.
10. Lucifer
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Gives dad vibes, but not in a DILF way. Or maybe it’s just because I’m not really into DILFs. All the romantic developments between him and MC feel forced and choppy. He’s also kind of a tyrant. But he has his moments, I guess.
Also, this man SCREAMS straight. Just saying.
11. Belphegor
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I thought he was cute before I met him but HOLY SHIT HE LITERALLY MURDERS MC! Sorry, no way I’m dating my murderer, alternate timeline or no.
And he just… I can’t even explain it. I thought he was going to be sleepy in a cutesy uwu way, but he comes off as more of an “I’m tired because I stay up until 3am plotting murder on 4chan.”
It’s cool that he cares about Lilith, I guess. He was in a really shitty situation, so I give him a bit of a pass. Still, we see Beel face the same situation, if not worse, and he handles it infinitely better.
I’m still convinced he’s secretly an alt-right conspiracy theorist. One of those Nazi femboys, maybe.
12. Mammon
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This little shit. I know this is going to put me at odds with a lot of the fandom, but I totally respect everyone’s opinion about Mammon. He’s not an objectively bad person, and how you feel about him depends on your individual type.
But holy fuck. Mammon manages to cross almost every single one of my hard lines. He constantly objectifies MC, is flagrantly selfish, steals and manipulates without remorse, makes it abundantly clear that money matters more to him than people, and has an ego the size of Beel’s stomach. MC is just a shiny gold trophy he has to win and keep away from his brothers, no matter how uncomfortable he makes everyone in the room, including MC, feel.
He constantly refers to himself as マモン様 (Mamon-sama), appropriating the highest term of respect reserved for deities and extremely polite situations for himself, without even a trace of irony. So constantly, in fact, that I still picked up on this even though I play the English version of the game. The audio clips are enough. I’m not a native Japanese person, and I’ve only been studying Japanese language and culture informally for about two years, but I’m pretty sure someone talking like this in real life would be almost laughably offensive. Which is probably the appeal for some players, but I just don’t understand it.
To be clear, I’m not shitting on the devs or insinuating that Mammon is a poorly written character. He’s one of the best written characters in the game, actually. I think he was written exactly as intended, and what was intended happens to be the exactly kind of person I can’t stand. Sometimes when I get him for Surprise Guest I’ll literally just 3X Ignore him. It feels wrong to raise my intimacy level with him any more than the minimum needed for some of the Devilgram stories.
God I hate that guy. I don’t think I’ve ever truly hated a character more than Mammon. But I’m glad he has his fans out there to support him in my place. And to all the Mammon-supporters out there, I’d love to hear your reasoning. I really do want to like him, I just… ugh. Everything he does gets on my nerves.
(I’m at least willing to admit that he looks super adorable in this one specific card, though.) (The left one.)
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Okay so I had probably one of the funniest thoughts ever to date and.
Aurora teamwork cooking experiment.
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watkinsdaisy · 2 years
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Welcome to Aurora Bay, [DAISY WATKINS]! I couldn’t help but notice you look an awful lot like [OLIVIA COOKE]. You must be the [TWENTY-FIVE] year old [ATTENDANT AT OCEANIA BOOK SHOP]. Word is you’re [SWEET] but can also be a bit [BLUNT] and your favorite song is [BY AND BY by CAAMP]. I also heard you’ll be staying in [OCEAN CREST APARTMENTS]. I’m sure you’ll love it!
full name: Daisy Joy Watkins
d.o.b : October 24th
gender & pronouns: Cisfemale, she/her
orientation: heterosexual
occupation: book shop attendant
family: her mother and father who also live in aurora bay, and two older brothers.
Daisy was born in Central City, Nebraska, to a typical middle-class family. As the only daughter her parents had always dreamed of, she was the 'baby' of the family from the very start and the apple of her parents' eyes. With two older brothers who sometimes got lost in the mix with two working parents, this caused some tension between her and her older brothers at times. It didn't help the situation that Daisy was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis very early in her childhood, which only intensified her parents' focus on her. At the age of 5, Daisy's family moved all the way from Nebraska to Aurora Bay for better medical care, and Southern California is all Daisy has ever really remembered. However, for most of her life she was outstandingly healthy given her condition - she even started competing in beach volleyball competitively and ran track in the off-season. Her adolescence was pretty close to idyllic - she graduated at the top of her class, was a great athlete, and fairly popular, too. She assumed the rest of her life would go just as swimmingly.
College changed everything for Daisy. She was psyched to finally break free of her parents' tight grasp on her and start living for herself and making the career she had always wanted. She attended UC Berkeley with the intention of becoming a movie producer - from a young age, she had always loved films, especially horror films, and she had no doubt that she'd be able to kill it in her undergraduate career and eventually move to LA in pursuit of the film industry. However, it didn't take long for things to take a sour turn. Being so far away from her doctors, drinking heavily and staying up late, not participating in the same sports she had her entire life, and the germs and stress that come along with college life took a toll on her health at a scary pace. She was barely halfway through college when she dropped out and moved back home with her parents. It became obvious that she needed to be closer to the doctors that knew her well and could get her better, but Daisy never fully recovered enough to really consider going back to college.
This took a huge hit to her self-confidence and overall ambition - she'd always beaten the odds her entire life, but the reality of her illness became much more apparent in her adulthood, and she stopped dreaming about the life and career she had always aimed for. She was eventually able to get a job at Oceania Book Shop and move out of her parents' house to her own apartment, but she's never been as independent as she used to be. And she doesn't plan to be - after all, she's not expected to get much better over time, if anything worse, and her experience at Berkeley pretty much confirmed to her what everyone had told her her entire life. She's still stubborn and has a lot of spunk - but it's definitely been dimmed. Nowadays, Daisy is trying to find joy in the day-to-day of working at a bookstore in the town she grew up in ... but it's no secret she wishes she could be somewhere else.
Her older brothers: she has two older brothers that grew up alongside them in Aurora Bay. Their story and personality is completely UTP, but she definitely has a somewhat strained relationship with at least one of them due to her parents unintentionally neglecting them.
A childhood friend: Daisy grew up in Aurora Bay and attended the public school there, so she likely knows those that would have attended school at the same time/live nearby
An unlikely friendship: Daisy is commonly viewed by others as being cute, sweet, and unassuming (despite the fact that she can have a little bite to her at times). No one would think she would hurt a fly ... so how strange would it be that she's befriended a loner/shady chatacter in town?
An ex/past relationship: Again, Daisy grew up in Aurora Bay and dated while she was in high school. Coming back to Aurora after college, she may have reconnected with a past ex or fling.
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books-not-people · 7 hours
Ok so fic idea please let me know if you use it cause I suck at writing but can't stop thinking about this.
So one of the batfam\bruce find and or save a very abused (no sa please) very scared little girl maybe like 3ish and of course she is adoption bait inky super curly hair bright blue eyes and of course at some point the stabby Robin becomes a either big brother or uncle and I imagine he's like 13 here and this tiny child latches on to him as like top 4 people after parental figure and Alfred of course. And has to stay at the mansion at some point wake up terrified and run to his room crying and when he asked her why she is in his room she just looks at him tears in her eyes and tells him he's safe and that he would protect and just melts his heart because this small vulnerable child chose him of all people as a safe space and so let's her sleep with him for the night and the next time she sees him he shows her a little corner in his room with a little kids tent set up and it's all cozy inside with fairy lights she can turn on so that she can feel safe if he's not there.
And if he teaches her how to stab enemies secretly and she does in fact do that with a little emergency knife he hides in a bear he gives her after someone (possibly joker because ✨drama✨) then that would be great
Duke would help teach the others how to handle her hair best cause he has the only experience with super curly hair and is one of 3 people she let's do her hair the other two are her parent figure and Alfred (for angst I imagine her hair is a trauma point so it makes Duke feel very special)
Dick teaches her gymnastics and how to climb any thing
Cas teaches her sign and dance
She forces Tim to take naps with her cause he's "grumpy looking"
Jason reads to and teaches her to read and helps with panic attacks.
Damien does art with her (and secret self defense training)
Steph helps her learn it's ok to be loud and to tease family that it's safe to be the center of attention
Alfred let's her "help him" cook
And bruce goes full protect mode on her if he is grandfather in this he does regular trips with her for "practice being in public spaces" but is just spoiling her rotten if is father then goes full girl dad mode.
Needs uncle Clark and co with aunty Diane
I like to imagine she loves stars and birds and is named Aurora.
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rendy-a · 2 years
Sick Day with your pets – Rook, Jamil, Leona, Kalim and Floyd
Being sick is no fun but it is an opportunity to have your trusty pet take care of you or for you to take care of them.  This is a story from Aurora’s Pet AU.  Check out her original works too. @glass-cage-of-emotion-12
Master is sick.  Which pets are great to have taking care of you? 
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This is probably not the most obvious one but Rook is such an observant pet that he has already noticed your slight fever before you even feel off.  By the time you are pulling out the thermometer to check your temperature, he has gone to the store and returned with just the medicine you need.  Lie down now master and let him take care of you.
Feeling bored just lying in bed?  Rook is prepared to entertain you.  Would you like to hear a story?  Rook seems to have seen every play that’s been on stage in the past 10 years.  Interested in a song?  He will gladly serenade you until his voice gives out.  Fancy some poetry, well reader, you are most certainly in luck.  Rook has composed a ponderous amount of poetry in your honor that he’d love to recite to you at this very moment.  And yes, it is mostly in French.
When you want to get up, Rook isn’t the sort of pet to keep you in bed.  He will tell you honestly if he feels like you are getting up too soon but, if you chose, he is perfectly fine in letting you make your own decision.  If you fall ill again, well you’ve learned a lesson and who is Rook to deny you such a marvelous life experience.  Ah master, seeing you valiantly fight against the hand of fate.  Beaute! 100%!
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Jamil probably doesn’t notice you are sick right away; he is very busy with his household duties, after all.  Once you call him over and sheepishly ask if he can make you a soup, well that is when his nurse mode takes over.  He once had to share a room with a pet that seemed to always need taking care of.  Due to this, his efficiency at putting you to bed and arranging everything needed for rest and recovery is top notch. 
The best part of being sick with Jamil in the house is obviously the cooking.  He will not only make you a classic chicken soup but he also seems to know a recipe for every little symptom that ails you.  Have a sore throat?  Jamil has the perfect honey sweetened tea for that.  Have an upset stomach?  Jamil will make you a lightly seasoned rice porridge.  Fever won’t stop?  Have a refreshing yogurt smoothie.  It’s the most delicious way to get over your sickness!
The hardest part of having Jamil as your nurse is getting him to stop fussing when you feel better; he is just so invested in your care.  Are you sure you wouldn’t like to stay in bed longer, he can make all the necessary calls to get you off from work.  Perhaps you should let him carry that heavy book for you, it wouldn’t do to strain yourself after you’ve so recently recovered.  Worried about holding him back from his chores?  Don’t be.  He has already finished everything for today and gotten a meal prepped for tomorrow.  Anything you need master, just consider me your genie of the lamp.
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Ok, ok.  Leona isn’t exactly the first one to come to mind when you think of someone to take care of you.  He does seem like the type to say, “Not my problem!” and ditch you for a nap but…
Let’s talk about naps for a moment.  You know how some days you are feeling under the weather and just need to spend the day in a dark room resting?  Ok, now you see where this is going.  Leona is like 100% the best napping buddy you could ask for.  He knows just how to pull the shade to make the room pleasantly dark or set you up on a couch with warm sunlight.  And if some other pet makes too much noise, Leona will take care of that too. >:(  
If you wake up from your nap you may even discover he has joined you.  Feel free to cuddle up to him, scratch his ears or ever touch his tail.  He’ll allow it this time…but only because you are sick!
You might even get to see his surprisingly capable side.  If you are sick for too long, he notices.  You’ll wake up to find that he has made you an appointment at the doctor, arranged a taxi and will even accompany you to make sure you get there safely.  He’ll take care of everything, so no complaining!  Quiet down Herbivore.  Be good now and when we get home, I’ll help you work on that little roar of yours.
Pets get sick too.  Who is the most interesting to care for when sick?
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Maybe it was something he ate but today your little ball of sunshine Kalim has no energy.  He lays on the sofa watching you quietly with his sad red eyes as you go about the day.  Try to send him to bed though and he will insist that he’ll be too lonely if you don’t go with him.  Congratulations, you’ve volunteered to sit at his bedside.  Hold his hand and rub little circles on his palm, the happy smile he gives you is worth the effort.
He will talk to you in a soft voice, asking you questions about many things; your life, your favorite things, your dreams…he wants to know all about you and this opportunity is too good to pass up!  Please tell him stories; he doesn’t care what kind.  He will smile happily when the hero wins the love of their paramour.  He will yell out loud during the exciting parts.  You will scare him when the villain appears (don’t forget to give his hand an extra squeeze).
How can you tell when he feels better?  He will probably ask you for a feast.  Hey, he was sick and needs to eat now to recover!  Just make sure you are the one ordering lunch or you may be in for some surprises.  What do you mean Master?  95 white Persian monkeys are a great addition to a casual lunch! Ha ha!
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When you see him just sitting quietly, you know something is up.  Ask him how he is feeling, and he will give you a long appraising stare.  If you continue to meet his eyes, he will finally tell you he isn’t feeling well at all.  The fact that he opens up enough to let you know when he isn’t feeling well is a major show of trust.  You must be doing something right!
What you do after that is highly dependent on his mood.  If he is in a good mood, he will want to have you cuddle up and play with him all day long.  Watching afternoon game shows on TV?  Check.  Playing card games?  Check.  Having ice cream for lunch?  Why not?  It’s just like being a child again.  Are you making him feel better or is he making you feel better? 
Or, if he is feeling down, he will only allow you to talk to him while he continues to lay down.  Don’t think that he isn’t paying attention though.  Not only is he taking in everything you say, but he is also keenly observing you.  If you aren’t careful, he’ll get all your secrets out of you.  Hmm, but you told Azul we had fried chicken that day because you didn’t have time to cook.  So that is what really happened, huh Master?  Don’t worry, I won’t tell…for a price.  I hope you are prepared to play with him all day tomorrow too.
Tags: @thecurrator
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leonardhoee · 4 years
I’m so excited that you’re taking requests! May I ask for some Mitsuhide headcanons? Any are fine (although I do love an in-love!Mitsu 👀)! Thank you so much dear!! 💘💞
Omg I was so happy when I got this request cuz Mitsuhide is the LOML. (Also perfect timing cuz I just finished re-reading his route). I’m not sure what kind of headcannons you wanted but I’m just kind of rambling based on the reasons I love him.😂 (+ NSFW)
(Also I wrote these at 3am if there’s any spelling errors pls don’t kill me😭)
Hope you like it!❤️❤️
Tagging: @aurora-morning @writer-akihiko @ikemenvmpire @judgemental-seal @delicateikemenmemes
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Mitsuhide is...so incredibly soft. Sometimes when you’re sleeping next to him, he just takes in your beauty and listens to your heartbeat. Knowing you are alive and in his arms, warms his heart more than you could ever know.
He cannot believe that someone who radiates so much love and light would fall for someone like him, but he is eternally grateful that he is blessed enough to have the chance to love you with his entire being.
As much as he teases you, this man LIVES to pamper and please you. Muscle pain after sparring with Kyubei? (Or other activities with Mitsu). Mitsuhide will use his extensive knowledge of the human body to give you the most mindblowing massage you’ve ever had. (And he will equally enjoy hearing your satisfied noises at his touches.)
He is extremely perceptive, especially when it comes to you. If you are upset, or anxious, or in pain, he will know right away without needing to be told and will act accordingly. He will insist on going back to your home and giving you some time away from work so you have a chance to relax with him.
He may be a secretive person but everyone on the Oda Forces knows just how much “Mitsuhide Akechi adores his wife”. He can’t help it, it just slips out. Whether it’s through his words or his actions, everyone in Azuchi knows he only has eyes for you.
Mitsuhide has the utmost respect for you (he chugs his respect women juice daily) and will consider your opinions on his work a great help. There may be some parts of his job that he isn’t allowed to with you. However, 90% of the time he will tell you everything he’s been doing and will ask for your advice.
Sometimes he feels like you know him even better than he knows himself. And he knows that even if the whole world considers him a murderer and amonster, you will always be there to hold him and remind him that you love him and that he is a hero in your eyes.
Even for him, it’s sometimes too much to handle, and on those days he will come and lay down with you, resting his head on your chest as you stroke his hair and allow him to finally rest. He won’t admit it publicly but, being in your arms feels like the safest place in the world for him. He never thought that he would experience the luxury of having such a place to return to after his battles. A true home.
If you like to cook, you better believe Mitsuhide will eat everything you make, regardless of whether he can taste it or not. (He says he doesn’t need to taste the flavor because he can taste the love you put into it.)
He is known for neglecting his basic needs, and while he has gotten better at it ever since you came into his life, his level of self care is still unacceptable.
However, if you come in and insist he take a break because he’s overworking himself, his heart will absolutely just melt at seeing how much you care about him. (Is it the bare minimum? Yes. Has anyone ever taken care of him like that? No.) He is so starved of love and affection that even the most minor things will melt his heart.
Mitsuhide also loves to tease you, just to see your reactions. It’s incredibly entertaining when he whispers a dirty joke to you and smack his arm because “We are in public Mitsuhide.” It amuses him to no end.
He also loves teasing the others with you, and you two make the best pranking team in Azuchi.
You two have increased Hideyoshi’s migraine levels, but he lets it slide after seeing Mitsuhide look so happy for the first time in his life.
Hideyoshi has never seen Mitsuhide smile like that at anyone before, and he’s just glad Mitsu finally has someone to love and depend on. (Though sometimes he wishes that person was him. We’re not gonna unpack all that right now)
Random Headcannon: Modern AU Mitsuhide would be an amazing dancer. Like Michael Jackson type shit.
NSFW Below the Cut
Mitsuhide lives to please you and that translates to the bedroom as well. He is a switch through and through, but he could eat you out for hours. (Lying isn’t the only thing he’s good at using his tongue for).
His favorite place to be is between your thighs with your hand tugging at his hair, bringing his face even closer to your dripping core. You are his priority and he will not partake in his own pleasure until he has seen you come twice at least.
He loves to hear you beg, and will torture you for hours with phantom touches that allow you a small taste of the pleasure he can give. He will leave you desperately wanting more until you are crying his name and begging him to finally take you because you can’t handle any more of his teasing.
It’s truly a game to see how long he can keep his own composure before letting go and loosing himself in mindblowing pleasure. Oh and when he does...when he finally lets himself take you the way he’s been wanting to...you won’t be walking straight the next day.
The expression on your face, and the way you cry out his name with tears of pleasure running down your cheeks when he finally pounds you into the futon send him into ecstasy like he had never known before. He will keep going until your legs are shaking and your voice is hoarse from screaming his name so many times throughout the night.
He has a hidden chest of various toys and ropes, and secretly one of his greatest fantasies is to be tied up, completely at your mercy as you “punish” him for his teasing behavior. Nothing brings him more pleasure than feeling the rope dig into his skin, being unable to move as you teasingly suck him off, stopping right as he gets to the edge. He also loves seeing you ride him, using him as a device for your own pleasure.
Mitsuhide is normally not very loud, however, if you edge him enough, it will break all self control he has as he desperately moans your name and bucks his hips, just to try and finally feel himself buried deep inside you.
Once you free him of his bonds he will immediately flip you over, licking down your chest and throwing your legs over his shoulders as he drills you into whatever surface he decided to rail you on that day.
If you’re not too tired, he will even bathe you himself as he kisses every part of your body telling you how amazingly beautiful you are in the afterglow of your lovemaking.
Afterwards, he pulls you close to his chest and kisses your forehead, as he tells you how much he loves you and how euphoric you make him feel. Nights like these are one of the few times Mitsuhide will fall asleep right away as the languid exhaustion overtakes him.
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