#Autism assessment
itsaspectrumcomic · 25 days
On the topic of "vaguely/poorly-worded questions in autism screening tests", when I got my official autism diagnosis the test was administered by an examiner (rather than being self-administered). For at least a third of the questions, instead of picking an answer I would say something like "it depends / I think this was trying to ask about X but it really sounds like Y instead / the premise of this question is completely flawed". The examiner's final report used that as additional evidence for autism. 😆
Lol that is a classic autistic way of answering those questions! You can tell the tests were mostly designed by neurotypicals haha
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 10 months
Things About the Autism Assessment Process That Doesn’t Make Sense
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valentinbelleyh505 · 2 months
Nyan CatNap 🌌🌈✨
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Honestly, it’s so frustrating taking any kind of autism/adhd/neurodivergent test/assessment/quiz. It’s especially frustrating since I’m taking a research methods class that talks about how to make surveys and questionnaires and so many of these assessments break basic rules on how to make good surveys.
For one, the way they set up the questions are either way too vague or way too specific or combine two different questions together that makes it hard to answer. For example, one autism assessment I took asked whether you think and talk a lot about your special interests. Thinking and talking are different things and the frequency of what I talk about completely depends on who I’m with but the only answers I could pick were “true now and when I was young, only true now, only true when I was young (16 and under), and never true”.
Which brings me to my next point. The way a lot of professional and certified surveys are set up usually have either a five point or seven point system (example: disagree, somewhat disagree, neither agree or disagree, somewhat agree, agree. Seven point systems would add definitely agree or disagree). For the survey mentioned, adding another option that doesn’t land in the extreme of either “always” or “never” allows for better and more realistic answers (like a “I exhibit this behavior sometimes under certain circumstances” or something).
Also these assessments sometimes add in why you exhibit these behaviors like “I spend a lot of time at home. This is because I hate people and don’t like going out”. I do spend a lot of time at home. It is not because I hate people or don’t like going out so it’s hard to answer that question.
Assessments for mental health or neurodivergence like this make it really hard for people to answer in a way that gives an honest assessment of their mental state and it’s really frustrating taking quizzes over and over again just to have the same issues come up again and again and I feel like I’m being robbed of an actual answer to my question.
Someone fix this before I take things into my own hands. This is a threat. I will do it.
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killedthedreamerdream · 3 months
I've been officially diagnosed with autism 3 weeks ago. I had been on a waiting list for 2 years and I am now diagnosed at 18 y/o. The problem is that now, even more than before, I doubt myself. What if I'm not really autistic. It's weird I feel like when I was a kid it was easier for me so since right now it's really difficult to manage autistic traits, I feel like I'm faking them. Also I realized that I never really had an autistic meltdown. Maybe I'm not sure what it is but when I'm hearing other people talking about meltdowns I can't help but feel like it's not something I experience... I'm struggling a lot and I feel horrible about myself.
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twisted-foxlore · 2 months
Every day I feel normal until I remember that Nimona’s on my official auDHD diagnostic report T-T
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leoreadss · 1 month
What 2 and 7 have in common?
Did you know the question that runs around TikTok in which a person says that in an autism assessment one of the questions was 'what 2 and 7 have in common?' and the 'correct' answer is that they are both numbers?
Well my personal answer is that the 2 represents Aziraphale (soft and jolly) and the 7 represents Crowley (tall and snappy dresser), so the thing they have in common is that they are husbands of the most ineffable couple that humanity have ever seen since the beginning of time and before actually cause they were there.
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s3znl-gr3znl · 10 months
learning about autism and Oh Boy Do I Have It
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alexthen3rd · 10 days
I'm going to my Autism assessment appointment today but why am I afraid that I'll get the answers incorrect? Like, is it like a school test or is it like a buzzfeed quiz to find out which Sanders Side am I?
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itsaspectrumcomic · 2 months
I am an undiagnosed autistic who is waiting for their assessment I am under 18 so I have the kids one and have been waiting for a year and 3/4 the expectation was 64 weeks, how long did it take you
(It’s ok if you prefer not to say)
I had an adult assessment so I don't know how it is with the kids one, but the expected waiting time for my assessment on the NHS was 2 and 1/2 years. Eventually I decided I couldn't wait that long so I went private and ended up waiting a few months instead (if I hadn't I'd probably still be waiting 🙃). I know that's not an option for a lot of people though - I was lucky to have money saved up.
Unfortunately the system is extremely slow and oversubscribed at the moment so I'm not surprised you've been waiting a long time 😔
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okay leaving now see yall later
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creppersfunpalooza · 8 days
taking the autism assessment soon to get my official diagnosis and i’ve known for a year or so that there’s a portion where they give you some objects and you need to make a story with them
in this entire year my natural response has been to use those objects as characters. because that’s what logically makes sense to me. haven’t figured out how to form a story from them yet, mostly cuz i don’t even know what objects they are and therefore can’t get a feel for their personalities, but yeah.
i tried thinking today about what the neurotypical response would be and when i solved the code i wanted to cry. who the fuck was gonna tell me that they think you’re supposed to use the objects IN the story AS objects. like NO. those are GUYS. <- learned multiplication through giving the numbers personalities and multiplication tables events where the two numbers would meet. like a NORMAL PERSON. 6 was the main character in case you were wondering. it mainly centered around 6, 7, and 8 but 9 was also an important character. i didn’t care about the others but they also had personalities
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O YEAH I TOTALLY FORGOT TO TELL U THIS OKAY SO- yknow how I had my first autism thingie awhile ago and I was like "haha 2 more and then i find out whats wrong with me!" turns out i have 5 MORE???? WHICH SEEMS EXCESSIVE??? Like I get that its complicated but jesus HOW MUCH DO YOU NEED TO KNOW??? And ones two hours long! Which like I get but if you're gonna be talking to me for TWO HOURS one day why isnt that enough!? Yknow? Idk if thats normal but if it is then good fucking lordy- anywayz thats all :3 hope ur doin good <3
Yes, the formal assessment involves a few sessions, including a lot of testing. You'll get through it, I am sure of it! /encouraging
Have a lovely week, Frisk. 💜
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Minecraft Diaries is mentioned 4 separate times on my autism assessment report :)
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leafyboneking · 8 months
fun fact: i was denied getting an autism assessment from my doctor because i was “bright, funny, and social”. She also called it Aspergers sooo that might be why I was denied, and also me being mixed…that too
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ainaosei · 2 months
13 days left to have my diagnosis and I'm so anxious
Idk what to expect and I fear I might be faking it somehow? Suddenly I feel guilty and ashamed and idk why
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