fovgxopzzwh · 1 year
Fudendo a novinha linda Natasha Vega Gets A Big Load Shot On Her Chin mom and daughter seducing the repairman in home when hubby not in home Blondie gets BRUTALLY FUCKED for being ANNOYING Oily threesome pussy fingering lesbian massage Old dude copulates sexy young teen and gets his dick sucked hard Chubby Omegle Girl Watches Guy Jerk Off Gorgeous natural brunettes stripteasing for Playboy San Antonio Sirenita Fuentes y big dick
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kka-duca · 2 years
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⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀/⠀ 🄰 🄱 🄲 ! ⠀ ★⠀ 🍢
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jitzbala · 9 months
Why the BRICS Summit 2023 Matters to People Like You and Me
The BRICS Summit 2023 aims to build a greater space for its own strategic autonomy. The summit covers trade, investments, sustainable development, innovation, and global governance reform.
Generated image showing artist’s impression of flags Hey there, lovely readers! 🌍✨ The BRICS group of major emerging economies – Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa – will hold its 15th heads of state and government summit in Johannesburg from Aug. 22-24. I’m certain that you ever heard of the BRICS and the Summit and thought, “Why should I, a regular Joe or Joanna, care about some…
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starofmithras · 11 months
Prayer to Aristaios
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Statue: Antinous as Aristaeus, Artist Unknown
Sing, O Muse, of gentle Aristaios,
Most useful God of the country,
Nomios and Argeus,
Friend of bees and companion of the Melissai,
Protector of flocks and pastures,
Cheesemaker and hive-keeper,
Nurturer of the olive and vine.
Your many great deeds are renowned
Throughout the isles of the broad 
Aegean, Ionian, and Adriatic.
Educated by Chiron, you learned
Gifts of prophecy and healing 
From the graceful Mousai.
Son of bright Apollon and bold Kyrene,
Husband of Autonoe 
And father to poor, doomed Actaeon.
As dogs vanquished your son,
So do you vanquish the Sun's dog days.
Remember us now,
O exhilarating God,
At this time when Sirius 
Rises in the sky,
Bringing pestilential heat
And mind-fogging mania.
As you did for the people of Ceos,
Bring the refreshing Etesian winds
To our lands scorched by summer's drought.
At Zeus' command
Harness the reticent breezes
And pour them onto our meadows and pastures.
Bring the Thunderer's thirst-quenching rain
To our fields and plants and flowers.
Relieve blessed Gaia and her copious children
From the swelter of plague-bringing humidity.
As you have for ages unnumbered,
Show merciful kindness to us
In our time of need,
O benevolent alleviator of strife.
Waft upon us pure streams
Of cool, languid comfort once again,
O Mighty One.
--- by Kyle Kepulis
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alpaca-clouds · 1 year
Hector and Trauma
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You know what. I wanna talk about Hector from Castlevania, specifically the Netflix version of the character. (Again: I hate CoD Hector, who just replaces his dead girlfriend for her fucking clone. That's just fucking low.)
As people might've noticed... I am kinda obsessing about this man right now. And the main reason is that... I really do identify with him in a way I have not identified with a fictional character before. I read him as autistic (though I am not sure whether he was supposed to be read that way or just happens to be written in a way that every single autistic person I know reads him so...) and I very much identify with the C-PTSD that he clearly has.
We do not know much about his childhood, other than "lonely kid revives animals to have friends" and "abusive parents". We do not know how far the abuse went, so whether it was just verbal abuse (which we know about) or went into physical abuse. All we know is that at some point he could no longer take it and killed his parents by setting the house on fire and locking them inside. We don't know, how old he was after this and what exactly he did after that. Only that in his early 20s he is somewhere on Rhodes with his undead animals, has already met Dracula once and then agrees to "cull" humans and then creates night creatures for Drac.
Again, there is little information for what has happened in the time in between. But we get enough information to understand that he has been at least somewhat mistreated by other humans, making him wish for humans to be somewhat culled.
Here my interpretation of him being autistic comes in, too. Because... an autistic child with an abusive home will completely lack social skills and hence will probably meet with a lot of abuse from other people. Because he would not know how to act around them.
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Something we do see: He kinda seems to understand that Dracula is doing a genocide and not just a cull. But he very willingly ignores it or keeps himself soothed by thinking that he is just misunderstanding it until Carmilla comes in.
Now, Carmilla makes it clear that Dracula lied to him. But she obviously also betrays him and then abuses him. Something that is kinda ignored: During the march to Styria he is constantly abused. He has fresh bruises, when he arrives at Styria, making it rather clear, that he got beaten up constantly during the long march there. So: Say hello to even more trauma.
Along comes Lenore, her original violence against him and then obviously her betrayel. And let me make one thing clear: What she does to him in the finale of season 3 is sexual assault. Maybe not in the legal sense, but speaking of a psychological effect, it clearly is SA.
Obviously at that point we do have season 4. Where he seems kinda... fine. Like, what we see is, that he presents as fine. He is joking with Lenore. He is making his escape plan. He appears to be okay. Which is a state that seems to continue till the end of the show. Heck, we see him smile as Lenore dies........
And that should be a hint on how not-okay he is.
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Let me talk about child abuse first. See, here is the thing: Children do not only develop physically, but also psychological and neurological. In that, they need to learn certain things at certain points in time. One of the first things children are supposed to learn, is to trust and mistrust. But for that they need a stable surrounding in which they can trust that they are cared for. Which children, who get abused or neglected, usually do not have. Especially with the dialogue we have from his mother: "I knew you were wrong from the moment you came out of me." (Note: This is another reason I read him as autistic, because at times autism shows even at infant age and without the information it might lead to parents not quite bonding with the child.)
They also need to learn some basic autonomy early on and to deal with self-doubt and shame. Which again abused children, who do not get encouraged to develop autonomy in a healthy environment and often might get shamed cannot develop.
Some other things they need to learn is how to deal with guilt, how to understand consequences, how to develop an identity and also what role they have in society. All things that children, who are abused, cannot properly learn. Additionally here, because Hector clearly has not found his own place in the society he lived in.
And this is something we actually do see in the show. He is absolutely unable to understand whom to trust or to see any red flags. He also is so clearly longing to be loved and praised by someone. Which is why he falls for Dracula and Carmilla and then Lenore. Heck, good chance that his understanding with Varney went something like that.
He is obviously not aware of this, but he is very much compensating for what was not given to him.
There are several characters over the entire story, that note how he has the mind of a child. And part of that is just, that he has childhood trauma and developmental delays because of it. And this delay is used again and again against him.
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Something that is very noticable in the show is, that Hector never once cries. No matter how much he is abused and betrayed, he does not cry outside of the flashbacks where he is a kid. Now, in any other show it would not be that noticable, because we rarely do not see men cry in media........ but Castlevania is different here. Castlevania has no qualms letting the men cry.
Now, IRL it is obviously that a lot of men got taught not to cry. Because our society has the entire "boys don't cry" thing going on. BUT... I kinda doubt that is what is going on here.
See, one thing that happens in some cases, when people have amassed too much trauma, is, that they loose the ability for appropriate emotional responses to things happening to them. Mostly because the brain cannot process the emotion normally any longer.
Which is also why I think he is smiling in that last scene. Because... I mean, let's face it. The Lenore death thing has to be fucking traumatizing too. But he just... doesn't quite have the ability to process it in any proper way.
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Now, how much of this is intended reading?
Honestly, I do have no idea. But at some points his behavior does make a lot of sense from the CPTSD point of view - and it is even called out by other character. Which kinda makes me think that at least some of it was intended.
Either way: I am rather thinking the man has a lot of healing to do post-canon. Because he not only has to heal from the stuff that happens to him in the series, but also the entire childhood trauma, that so very clearly is not addressed.
And if he addresses that trauma, there will also be a point in which he has to face his guilt. Because that is very much another thing he has not yet done.
Anyways. I adore him. And I want him to be alright. Q-Q
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heedmywarnings · 1 year
The Paper [1]
The one who never left this land.
"There is... a sheet of paper over there."
Helga looks at the direction her companion was pointing at.
"What of it?" She asked as she knelt down and retrieved the yellowing paper.
"That symbol, that crest. Ragnvindr." Ymber answers as she approaches the girl, tapping her shoulder before Helga stood up.
Helga flipped the paper, true to Ymber's words, the Ragnvindr crest was there in all it's glory.
"I don't understand.. was there a Ragnvindr member here previously?" Helga asked, unsure if she should read the contents of the page, "Judging by the color, whoever wrote that is buried underground now. Read." Ymber commanded.
Water. Was all the paper held.
"Water? Do you think-" "Yes, invisible ink, you're getting smarter, Lawrence." Helga smilled as her cheeks flushed, feeling proud that she had made her mentor proud.
The two women hastily made their way to a nearby lake. Helga hesitantly dipped the paper in water, scared that she might ruin the fragile thing.
The Prophecy [11]
The truth that never came to be.
"There spoke an ancient tale, one that survived the rage of war. In an unknown land named 'Ancient Greek' lived a huntsman named Actaeon. He was the son of Aristaeus and Autonoe.
One day, he brought 50 hounds with him to hunt. However, he stumbled upon the Goddess of the hunt, Artemis, bathing. He was not suppose to see the the Goddess like this, but he could not help but admire her beauty.
However, Artemis did not appreciate the hunter's actions.
Some say she forbade hik from talking to never speak of the experience or else he'll turn into a stag, others say he was turned into a stag immediately and ran off from fear but attracted the attention of his 50 hounds which mauled him.
The tale survives like a dying flame of a candle in the cold blizzard of night.
Now, the tale retells the story again, when a false one arrives."
The Parting [111]
The memory that was never remembered.
Shocked, Helga turned away from the grisly story.
"It is a fairytale, Helga," Ymber reminded her as she soothingly pat her head, "It's just- gory- I.. I can't stand topics like that-!" Helga exclaims as she plays with a strand of her hair in distress.
"For someone who was born and raised by the Lawwrence clan, I'd never expect a reaction like that from the likes of your ancestor," Ymber says, seemingly letting her tough mentor act aside to comfort her apprentice.
Helga didn't respond, only looking up at the star. Her mentor was quick to notice this.
"See that one there? That's the constellation: Cygnus." Ymber points up at the sky, seeing hoe her apprentice's eye stars to light up--much like the stars in the sky.
After the interaction, both of them parted. Leaving their fairytale forgotten, and their mystery unsolved.
It was the last time Ymber ever saw Helga again.
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fierceawakening · 1 year
Honest question from a radfem: When TRAs talk about a trans genocide, what in particular are you talking about? If there was mass murder being committed, I think we would have heard about it. Do you mean cultural genocide? If so, what is your culture? I swear I’m not trying to be incendiary, I legitimately want to learn what you mean. Thank you!
We are talking about proposed (and sometimes enacted) legislation that prevents s from changing our bodies. We believe that the point of this legislation is to coerce us into pretending not to be trans, in the same way that a lot of anti gay conversion therapies aim to force everyone to fake being straight.
We consider it a step on the road to genocide because the ultimate goal is to destroy us as a culture by disconnecting us from one another and by rewriting our history as mentally ill people mutilating themselves, in much the same way as religious fundamentalists who claim that people being gay is just some weird mental health issue that you can train yourself out of seek to make gay people not exist (or at least not exist publicly.)
I don’t have time to look it up right now, but I would advise you to google “steps to Genocide” or “stages of genocide.” What you’ll find is that governments don’t just decide to slaughter groups of people all at once. They go through slow processes designed to get people used to the idea that a group is inherently evil and deserving of mass slaughter. This starts out by singling out the group and castigating them, usually by singling out something people find strange or unsettling about them.
Over time, this progresses further, and people are targeted for segregation and ultimately either expulsion (if they’re lucky) or extermination (if they’re not.)
Maybe I’m naive, but I don’t think most gender critícals actively wish death on people like me. I think you think we’re creepy and icky, but calls for murder seem few and far between. (I do think they hav happened; see Caelan Conrad’s series on gender criticals for examples.)
But I do think you want us to believe we don’t belong in a society that includes you, and I think the people who don’t mind if we die find this useful, which is why it baffles me so much that the usual gender critical reaction to “please look at who calls themselves your Allies” is “blink blink I’m not Posey Parker.”
Whether or not you like trans people, whether or not you would advise a friend to go ahead with transition or to rethink, I hope you can recognize that we’re people and our culture is rich, and that the people who are trying to frighten us underground and take away our bodily autono are not going to help you. Many of them are explicitly and blatantly pro patriarchy.
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nateconnolly · 5 months
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No more she threatened, but she fixed the horns of a great stag firm on Actaeon's sprinkled brows; she lengthened out his neck; she made his ears sharp at the top; she changed his hands and feet; made long legs of his arms, and covered him with dappled hair—his courage turned to fear. The brave son of Autonoe took to flight, and marveled that he sped so swiftly on.—
he saw his horns reflected in a stream and would have said, “Ah, wretched me!” but now he had no voice, and he could only groan: large tears ran trickling down his face, transformed in every feature.—Yet, as clear remained his understanding, and he wondered what he should attempt to do: should he return to his ancestral palace, or plunge deep in vast vacuities of forest wilds? Fear made him hesitate to trust the woods, and shame deterred him from his homeward way.
While doubting thus his dogs espied him there: first Blackfoot and the sharp nosed Tracer raised the signal: Tracer of the Gnossian breed, and Blackfoot of the Spartan: swift as wind the others followed. Glutton, Quicksight, Surefoot, three dogs of Arcady; then valiant Killbuck, Tempest, fierce Hunter, and the rapid Wingfoot; sharp-scented Chaser, and Woodranger wounded so lately by a wild boar; savage Wildwood, the wolf-begot with Shepherdess the cow-dog; and ravenous Harpy followed by her twin whelps; and thin-girt Ladon chosen from Sicyonia; racer and Barker, brindled Spot and Tiger; sturdy old Stout and white haired Blanche and black Smut lusty big Lacon, trusty Storm and Quickfoot; active young Wolfet and her Cyprian brother black headed Snap, blazed with a patch of white hair from forehead to his muzzle; swarthy Blackcoat and shaggy Bristle, Towser and Wildtooth, his sire of Dicte and his dam of Lacon; and yelping Babbler: these and others, more than patience leads us to recount or name.
All eager for their prey the pack surmount rocks, cliffs and crags, precipitous—where paths are steep, where roads are none. He flies by routes so oft pursued but now, alas, his flight is from his own!—He would have cried, “Behold your master!—It is I—Actaeon!” Words refused his will. The yelping pack pressed on. First Blackmane seized and tore his master's back, Savage the next, then Rover's teeth were clinched deep in his shoulder.—These, though tardy out, cut through a by-path and arriving first clung to their master till the pack came up.
The whole pack fastened on their master's flesh till place was none for others. Groaning he made frightful sounds that not the human voice could utter nor the stag; and filled the hills with dismal moans; and as a suppliant fell down to the ground upon his trembling knees; and turned his stricken eyes on his own dogs, entreating them to spare him from their fangs.
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system-help-things · 8 days
Hey could you help us? One of my Dalek alters wants to change their name because the name that they currently have was given to them by a bad person. Do you have any space/galaxy/cosmic themed names to give me? All options you post will be given to them for them to decide ^_^
⚞ Oh boy do I have some names for you! (This is just a huge list of space themed names and sense there is so many I disregarded putting the meanings next to each one but they are names of stars, planets, galaxies, and other space related things!)
Blitzar (a neutron star that spins so fast it collapses into a black hole)
Nash (name of a star)
⚞ Apologies if there are any repeats! And sorry I know its a lot....
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deathlessathanasia · 2 months
Sources for Actaeon desiring Semele? Never heard about that version.
Stesichoros mentioned it : „Stesichorus of Himera says that the goddess [Artemis] cast a deer-skin round Aktaion to make sure that his hounds would kill him, so as to prevent his taking Semele to wife.” (Pausanias, Description of Greece 9.2.3); So did Akousilaos: „Autonoe and Aristaeus had a son Actaeon, who was bred by Chiron to be a hunter and then afterwards was devoured on Cithaeron by his own dogs. He perished in that way, according to Acusilaus, because Zeus was angry at him for wooing Semele; but according to the more general opinion, it was because he saw Artemis bathing. And they say that the goddess at once transformed him into a deer, and drove mad the fifty dogs in his pack, which devoured him unwittingly.” (Apollodoros, Library 3.4.4),); Possibly it was also mentioned in the Hesiodic Catalogue of Women.
Some scholars have even theorized that Semele's own death was related to this conection with Actaeon, as Janco does here: „It would not surprise me if the story of Semele "wooed" by Actaeon originally held to the same pattern as that of Coronis, who slept with Ischys "though she carried the pure seed of the God" Apollo (cf. Pindar, Pyth. 3). If Semele, already pregnant by Zeus, was actually seduced by Actaeon, we can explain Zeus' slaying her with the thunderbolt, an action whose motivation, in Euripides and later versions, has always seemed to me inadequate. Zeus' conduct would then resemble Apollo's towards the adulterous Coronis-the mother is destroyed, but the unborn child, with all the blessings he will bring (wine from Dionysus, healing from Asclepius), is snatched away to safety from the flames.”
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sugarmarbles21 · 5 months
The myth of Artemis and Actaeon
I thought about what I should post today and then I remembered this classic. This story is from Ovid’s metamorphosis which, as you might know, derives from Greek. “Meta” meaning “after” and “morphe” meaning “form”
Actaeon was a famous Theban hero, who was the son of a priestly herdsman named Aristaeus and Autonoe, a member of the ruling house of Cadmus.
One day when Actaeon was hunting, he stumbled upon a spring where the goddess Artemis and her nymphs were bathing. Keep in mind that Artemis was not just the goddess of hunting, but also virginity. As a matter of fact she took great pride that she had let no man see her naked body. So you can already guess that things are not going to end well for our hero here.
Actaeon was in awe at this sight of the beautiful goddess and he lingered until one of the nymphs saw him. Artemis was angry to say the least and punished the hunter for peeping on the goddess. He was cursed to never speak or he would be turned into a stag.
When Actaeon heard his hunting party calling, he cried out to them and was immediately transformed into a stag. He ran away from his party so they would not kill him, but his fifty dogs hunted him until he couldn’t run anymore. The hounds, not knowing that the stag was actually their master, tore him apart in a gruesome way.
At least that’s one version of the myth which is not unusual with these kinds of stories tends to change over time. In one version Artemis didn’t bother to turn him into a deer and just had his dogs eat him alive. In another he made the mistake of wooing Semele, one of Zeus many lovers, and by Zeus command he was…eaten by his dogs.
Seeing a pattern here? Actaeon was kind of treated like a meme in the Greek mythos, probably because they saw his death as kinda stupid. Makes you feel sorry about him.
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dougielombax · 8 months
Well at least SOMEBODY is calling out Turkey for its BULLSHIT in Syria!
Feel free to reblog this.
Reblog the shit out of this.
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littlesparklight · 1 year
random question but do you have any headcanons on how the immortalized mortals/demigods would generally get along? (also I have to say this was absolutely prompted by your adonis series, which has left me unhinged & longing for more adonis - and immortal mortals in general - content 🙏)
(Hehe thank you, and hopefully there will be more, and by other people as well~)
Hmm, not exactly? I did do some vague things for Olympos Asleep - the Thebes royal family must be a tense mess when it comes to any- and everyone of them contra Dionysos. Even if you don't (like I did) decide to ignore "Harmonia and Kadmos eventually ends up in Elysium" and put them on Olympos instead, that still means you can have both Autonoe and Thyone/Semele on Olympos and Leukothea/Ino probably in Poseidon or Nereus' palace and come visit her sisters/family on Olympos.
The potential with Herakles/Adonis + actually leaning into Adonis as Persephone and Hades' adopted son is that, uh... Herakles has actually made himself a nuisance for the Underworld/Hades specifically several times (has even wounded him, once!) so it's like... does Adonis not know/has he forgiven him/does he think some of it is just funny/have they just agreed to Not Talk about it? For the hunting angle, though, I feel like you could probably make some connections between Adonis and Artemis' immortalized (not nymph) posse! I'm sure they'd all enjoy themselves and Adonis is presumably a respectful participant when he goes with them.
Talking of Artemis' girls, though (the Hyperborean maiden daughters of Boreas (Loxo, Hecaerge, Opis), Phylonoe, who's one of Tyndareus and Leda's daughters, potentially Iphigenia if you go with that version), I'd like to see more stuff with them + Artemis in general? Aside from Artemis' usually little girl nymph companions (so many forget most of the nymphs she runs with are little children!), these are some she's clearly chosen and has made eyes at her father to immortalize for her lol and they're just, what? hanging out together? fun times!
You can also have Spartan enclave with the Dioscuri + their wives, Phylonoe, Iphigenia, potentially Helen (and Menelaos, though they never seem to be immortalized on Olympos together; it's either Helen getting apotheosis, only Menelaos specifically going to Elysium, or Hera immortalizing them and sending them to Elysium...). Presumably they might get along with Herakles fine, since the Dioscuri have travelled with him + Herakles ousting Hippokoon and reinstating Tyndareos at Sparta..?
There's the potential of some real, at least initial awkwardness/antipathy/unhappiness from Ganymede against any of the immortalized humans/demigods who's taken part in attacking Troy; Herakles, Menelaos if he's on Olympos, Diomedes if he, too, when/if you acknowledge Athena did make him immortal, is on Olympos. Poor boy just can't get away from people who's attacked his home city post-war... (':
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v-s-n · 2 years
#. The gas giant
• Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system and the fifth in order of distance from the Sun. It is a gas giant that is part of the so-called outer planets. It gets its name from the god roma
It is the planet that offers the greatest brightness throughout the year depending on its phase. It is, furthermore, after the Sun, the largest celestial body in the solar system, with a mass almost two and a half times that of the other planets combined (with a mass 318 times greater than that of the Earth and three times greater than that of Earth). Saturn, in addition to being, in terms of volume, 1321 times larger than Earth). It is also the oldest planet in the solar system, being even older than the Sun; this discovery was made by researchers at the University of Münster in Germany. Jupiter is a massive gaseous body, consisting mainly of hydrogen and helium, lacking a defined interior surface. Notable among the atmospheric details are the Great Red Spot (a huge anticyclone located in the tropical latitudes of the southern hemisphere), the structure of clouds in dark bands and bright areas, and the global atmospheric dynamics determined by intense zonal winds alternating in latitude and with speeds up to 140 m/s (504 km/h).
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Jupiter, the fifth planet in the Solar System , has 64 satellites, of which four are nearly planet-sized, the so-called Galileo moons . The other satellites are much smaller and most are asteroids captured in the gravitational field of the largest planet in the entire Solar System.
While some of Jupiter's satellites for being too small still retain their astronomical designation, here are the names of those that do have christened: Metis, Adrastea, Amaltea, Thebes, Io, Europa, Ganymede, Callisto, Themisto, Leda, Himalia , Lysitea, Elara, Carpus, Euporia, Orthosia, Euante, Harpalice, Praxidice, Thione, Yocasta, Hermipe, Telxinoe, Helike, Ananchus, Eurydom, Maple, Passythea, Caldona, Isonoe, Erinome, Cale, Aitne, Taigete, Carme, Sponde , Megaclitus, Pasiphae, Eukelade, Sinope, Hegemon, Cylene, Aedea, Kore, Kallichore, Autonoe, Callirroe.
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onetwofeb · 2 years
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Sylvano Bussotti, Autono (score), 1976
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spokanefavs · 2 years
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