#Avatar Of Sloth
savemebeel · 28 days
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Belphie enjoys a sweet treat 🍧 :3
(Art belongs to Solmare & has been edited by me)
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trashytoastboi · 4 months
Day of Sloth - Belphegor
~Random headcanons + Prompt headcanon~
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⭐️ Has a lot of cat like tendencies when it comes to napping, he loves soft and comfy surfaces and feels the need to snuggle into fluffy blankets. He also has comfort items like his pillow and feels icky when he’s without it. Although {Name} practically became his comfort person. He likes nice smelling things too especially when he buries his face in his blanket or bed in general he likes when it smells nice (One of the reasons he’s adamant about washing things on time)
⭐️ Enjoys sharing his clothes with {Name} because he finds them cute when they wear them. Plus whenever he gets them back they always smell like {Name}, and they usually always forget to take a jacket when they go out so he’s gotten into the habit of always carrying a spare. If he by chance forgets the spare he’ll offer the jacket he’s wearing or suggest that they can share :) 
⭐️ Not a surprise to know that Belphie is a little menace to society in his waking hours and spends a lot of his time awake with the Anti-Lucifer league hatching schemes and cooking up some new little plots to prank or inconvenience Lucifer. Despite how many people tell {Name} how much of a menace Belphie is they don’t believe it because he’s such a sweetheart, their sweetheart. 
⭐️ Shows up at {Name’s} room if they don’t go to his, usually holding his pillow when he knocks on their door because he can’t sleep (Belphie couldn’t think of any other excuse), but he really just wants snuggles when he sleeps and if they don’t go to his room then he’ll go to theirs or else he’ll feel lonely. 
⭐️ Prompt: Lingering looks when they should have turned away seconds ago: Belphie is the master of those lingering looks. Especially after he started dating {Name}, they’d see his eyes following them from across the room. He feels more comfortable when he can see them, if they’re out of sight he gets antsy, he doesn’t like being separated from {Name} but it’s worse when he can’t see them. It’s cute to think how he always used to try to sneak glances at {Name] and even after they caught him he’d avert his gaze and go back to those little lingering stares. 
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Taglist: @completelyshatteredbrokenmschf
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antiomnia · 2 years
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So lazy
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Belphie’s turn \o/ Love the sleepy boy  His pact buddie is my MC 
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pandapillow · 7 months
Happy Birthday to the Famished Sixth-Born and Catnapping Seventh-Born!
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md-jester · 2 years
Hope everyone is enjoying the holidays!
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Christmas morning at the House of Lamentation 🎄😈🎅
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c-worldproductions · 1 year
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The Cat Lady and the Shopkeeper meet a sleepy demon bunny.
🐮 Belphie: ? (If this was you or you know this cosplayer, please let me, so I can do a proper credit. Thanks!)
🐈‍⬛ Yoruichi: lockheartcosplay (IG)
❇️ Kisuke: me
📷 Photographer: Kai
🗓️ Event: @otafest 2023
🎀 Bow Tie: polarprincecosplays (IG)
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angelzone · 2 years
hi! i hope you doing great! <3
can I have male obey me matchup please? (the only character a wouldn’t like to be matched with is asmo but don’t get me wrong i love him my whole heart!!! just don’t feel like it)
i’m a girl, 18, aries, enfp, my pronouns are she/her. i could be really shy sometimes due to my bad anxiety, but mostly i’m very sweet and bubbly person, i deeply care about my friends, and i’m super affectionate with people who i love. also, my love language is physical touch!!! i’m also very sensitive and emotional person, but i’m fully open with my feelings only with close people in my life. my height is 5’5, i have a petite figure, have some boob, long brown hair and green eyes, i would describe my style as a hyperfeminine, but i also love to dress cozy! i’m polyglot and i speak 6 languages, and i’m studying linguistics in uni. my other passions are makeup, cinematography and music ofc! i’m obsessed with rabbits and bunnies and all the bunny-themed items! i love cute things, such as clothes, accessories, makeup, stuffies and etc. my ideal partner is someone tall and protective, who would take care of me and be attentive to me and my feelings! and also someone who would cuddle me a lot <3
hope it’s okay! sorry for my grammar, english isn’t my first language. i hope you have a nice day <3
Thank you, I hope you have a nice day too. Sorry this took so Long. (Mod Angel)
I Match you with...
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He doesn't mind that your affectionate, he might even pull you to come cuddle with him
He always tends to fall asleep in class so he might be affectionate with you as well. He'll lay his head on your shoulder or your lap if you let him
He may not seem like a good listener but when it comes to you he will. He'll most likely ask if you want to cuddle with him while he listens to how you're day was
He will definitely be impressed once he hears how much languages you know, if you want to talk to him in a different language. He could probably know what you're talking about because of his demon powers (Authors Note: Can demon powers let you know of other languages? Idk anyway)
He might let you put makeup on him if you ask. He'll only let you though. He wouldn't want Asmo to find out about it though
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darlingmeimalo · 1 year
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this was the pinnacle of my college application and i'm still so extremely proud of it. this is lilith, an oc from a collection of monster ocs. she is a lesbian mtf trans woman and stands as an icon in the community. she is strong, powerful, and brave.
the piece is a vogue mockup that was released soon after gender affirming surgery where she comes out and tells the world her story and shows her truth.
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trashytoastboi · 4 months
Day of Sloth - Belphegor
~SFW Alphabet~
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
⭐️ Belphie is very affectionate, he needs to be touching some part or form of your body. He enjoys the warmth, the comfort and everything that you provide. Through the means of physical touch, whether it's just holding hands or sleeping close by. He enjoys laying against you, resting his head against your shoulder or even laying his head on your lap. Everything that can contribute towards a comfortable sleep. If not for the means of sleep he loves hugs and snuggling, constantly wrapping his body around yours. Has a fixation of playing with your fingers when holding hands and it can calm him down. Sometimes he thinks back to the isolation of when he was trapped in the attic, bound for years upon years and being alone. Belphie truly learned the value of comfort in having someone else nearby, sometimes he gets anxious. He doesn't say it, but it's obvious when he holds you a little tighter than usual and nuzzles into you.
B = Best Friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
⭐️ Belphie is a chill friend, the kind that you go to when you just need to nap. He doesn’t mind if you show up just to rest, he understands and welcomes it. He’s platonically affectionate and is always down for hugs and cuddles. One thing that you two talk about is movies- some are silly, others bad and some are really good. Belphie enjoys falling asleep to movies, especially those with really pretty visuals and says it makes for more pleasant dreams. Belphie loves listening to you talk, he’ll lay with his eyes shut listening to you talking about your day, troubles or other things. He’ll reply properly to let you know that he’s paying attention. Only when you hear the soft breathing you know that he’s fallen asleep. Belphie surprisingly offers good advice.. Sometimes he assumes murder is the first answer and you tell him that’s not a viable option then he’ll give actual practical advice to the problem and how to solve it. He occasionally has the most unhinged humor that makes you giggle.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle) 
⭐️ 10/10 Loves cuddling and is a little cuddlebug. Belphie finds it to be comforting to sleep with you by his side, sometimes he’ll feel your hands running through his hair and lean into your touch like a touch starved kitten. It’s one of his cute habits. Sometimes he’ll send you little messages asking you to come up and give him cuddles, he’ll even act pouty if you say no. If your excuse is being busy then he’ll send you a reasonable compromise, you get to do what you need to do and he gets to hold you. Sometimes he’ll come to your bedroom, pillow in hand and see you studying for an upcoming exam and offer to help you study, on the condition he gets to cuddle you while doing so. Nine out of ten times you’ll agree. After all, he makes it hard to refuse when he’s pulling every trick in the book, knowing how to use your soft side against you to get his way, anything for an extra cuddle.  
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?) 
⭐️ 2/10, Belphie is able to cook and clean, he’s not great at it but not too terrible either. He’s very specific about keeping his bed clean though, and enjoys the smell and feel of freshly washed linen. That’s one thing he’ll do with no complaint, aside from that he puts minimal effort into anything else unless it comes to you and Beel. If you wanted him to make you something, Belphie would gladly do so, nothing fancy or restaurant worthy but it will sate your hunger and taste pretty good. (Master of grilled cheese sandwiches as Beel has asked for his fair share of them). It takes a lot of time for him to come to a decision of commitment, he enjoys the idea of settling down and having someone so close to him but it equally scares him sometimes. He’s getting better at communicating his feelings. In his mind he knows he wants this, he acts shy about it and may not admit it as readily as you do but his actions convey everything his words do not. 
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
⭐️ Not the most pleasant thoughts that he sleeps on, and he would sleep on it a lot before making any kind of drastic decision regarding what to do. He toils, sits on it, truly thinks if it’s what he wants, of course it's not. But what more could he do? Belphie is pretty upfront about his decision, and delivers the news quickly. He doesn’t leave you in confusion, he explains his reasons concisely, although while expressing those very reasons he’s trying to hold back the surge of emotions welling up within himself. He’s not perfect when explaining and stumbles over his words, falling over himself when trying to express things and the scattered thoughts and feelings make it even harder. He decided to be quick and cold about it. To not let anything linger and remain ambiguous, Belphie understood perfectly well that it’s easier said than done. He truly wonders if his explanation is for you- or more for himself. After the breakup he will act as if he doesn’t care; it couldn’t be further from the truth and will be caught in those sad naps for a long while. 
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quickly would they want to get married.)
⭐️ Belphie feels a very close bond to his siblings, a bond he thought would never compare to anything else, especially like the bond he shares with Beel. He never realized that he could experience something so precious and deep in a different way, a relationship that is immense with someone else. You disproved so many things, including his misconception and belief that he would never be able to connect or commit to anyone due to seeing no point. That’s what he believed of most relationships, shallow and pointless. He had his family, there was nothing else that mattered, until slowly and steadily you approached his heart. As long as it’s you, he would commit in a heartbeat, maybe he understood that even more after forming a pact with you. He feels connected to you, even down to your very soul. Maybe marriage isn’t such a bad thing, it’s a symbol, a testament to being yours and you, his. It’s a bond that would be exclusive to him. Something precious, new and unique. An expression to all of his feelings, marriage suddenly becomes a thing that lives in his thoughts. 
G = Gentle (How gentle are they? Both physically and emotionally.)
⭐️ Early on, Belphie held more hostility than anything. Could anyone really blame him with everything considered. He was rough around the edges early on in the relationship, foreign and unfamiliar were all the feelings and gestures he wanted to convey. The closer you got, you easily began to see the shift, the different side of him. One that is endlessly gentle, caring and sincere. A side that you didn’t expect him to hold, one that became more prominent the more he healed. Emotionally Belphie is soft, understanding and willing to compromise for your happiness. Although you appreciate it, you also remind him and explain that there has to be a limitation to his compromise sometimes. Physically he is gentle, not that he even has the energy to be rough all the time. Especially when it comes to you, he knows how he hurt you and regrets it. He swore to himself he would never do that again, due to this you always find his touches to be careful, calculated and generally clumsy. 
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?) 
⭐️ Loves hugs, similar to cuddling, it’s a comfort and welcomed affection. He likes hugs because they give him closeness to you and an excuse to nuzzle his head into the crook of your neck. Taking a break to ‘rest his eyes’ or to just calm down and recharge to find the energy to power through the day half awake. Half the time the hug just turns into an excuse to fall asleep while holding you. There have been more than a few times when he surprises you from behind, wrapping his arms around you with a hug and after a while he just dozes off while standing up. Such things have become a daily ritual for Belphie, it doesn’t surprise anyone to see Belphie finding any excuse to be holding and hugging you. 
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-Word) 
⭐️ Belphie was surprisingly quick to drop the L-Bomb, the only difference is when he truly began to mean it. He said them more to placate and every so often use it to act cute. He’d say them, with a charming smile that never quite reached his eyes. At some point they actually became sincere declarations of his feelings, and longer just a cute phrase to utter meaninglessly. He’d act sweet, he’d end his good mornings and good nights followed by an “I love you”, even in his sleep Belphie murmurs and mumbles those little “I love you’s.” The turning point was seeing the change when Belphie uttered those words to you, previously he’d say them almost playfully and devoid of the actual endearment behind them. Until he would say them with a subtle shyness, a quiet pause as if preparing himself to say “I love you” that was when you knew he understood and felt what he was saying. 
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they're jealous?) 
⭐️ Does experience jealousy but the display of it comes about in a more abstruse way rather than an outright and easy one. His jealousy is silent, he doesn’t display those zealous reactions of one caught in the grips of the green eyed monster. He’ll have a sudden urge to be more affectionate, his displays of affection become more possessive in a gentle way. You’d feel Belphie holding your hand a little tighter than usual, he’d seem more grumpy when seeing you interacting with someone he doesn’t like and suddenly be bold enough to kiss you in front of everyone. He never crosses the line, nothing in the territory of extremity but he will do it often and become more forthcoming with affection especially in front of certain people to make a statement. 
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
⭐️ Belphie gives soft kisses, they’re sensual and light. Little pecks that are gentle, sometimes he’ll catch you off guard and accidentally boop your nose which causes him to show you an adorable awkward smile as he tries again. He always kisses your face, mostly your forehead and lips. He also enjoys giving you kisses on your neck and shoulders while he’s snuggling into you, he especially likes it when you kiss his neck. Especially when you’re all cuddled up and he feels those little affectionate kisses and nips on his neck, he’ll laugh from the slight tickle returning every kiss you give at least two fold. Expects a good morning and a goodnight kiss because he says it makes them better, it will make his day better knowing that he got his good morning with a kiss from you, and he knows he’ll sleep even better knowing you kissed him goodnight. 
L = Little Ones (How are they around children?)
⭐️ Belphie wouldn’t exactly say he’s fond of them. He doesn’t have any visible hatred or dislike for children, it’s more discomfort than anything else. Belphie gets antsy and uncomfortable whenever they cry, whine or refuse to sit still. He gets tired just watching them, interacting is an entirely different game. Like when a child will ask the same question various times and just keep asking why to every single answer he provides. He just wants to sleep but they won’t let him. Belphie had never really considered having any of his own. Marriage drifted into his thoughts a few times, and children seemed like it could possibly come with the territory, of course your opinion being important before coming to such a decision. Though Belphie thinks it would be tiring but impossible not to love them even when they’re driving him up the wall and away from his precious sleeping time. 
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
⭐️ He's not a morning person at all. It's damn near impossible to actually get him up and functioning. Having to snooze his alarm for the umpteenth time in attempt to get the groggy little bedhead up whose only response is “Another hour…” of course you never give him an hour, you give the courtesy of 5 minutes or else you know he will not attend RAD that day and Lucifer would have his head for that. Eventually after enough pleading, beckoning and soft little whispers he'll get up, sporting the most ridiculous but equally cute bed hair you've seen yet. Although the troubles do not stop there you have to keep an eye on him to prevent Belphie from going into that goodnight again. You do admittedly find him tottering around and trying to get dressed while in the midst of his sleepiness all uncoordinated and groggy to be a little entertaining. 
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
⭐️ Belphie’s evenings are relaxed if he’s not sleeping or drifting off then he’s reading your book over your shoulder, watching whatever you’re watching, stargazing or just shuffling about for some of your attention. He has the habit of rearranging his very many pillows and bed on a nightly basis depending on his mood. He’ll do this as a part of his nighttime routine. It’s cute to watch him scuttle about while rearranging the bed and his very many pillows. Honestly speaking, you don’t think you’ve ever had a more comfortable sleep. Belphie is a true connoisseur of comfort. While laying together Belphie will talk about the stars and some of the founding legends linked to them, his voice is soothing to listen to as he explains the story in an easy to listen manner, interesting enough to keep you engaged until he sees you drifting off.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while and reveal things slowly?)
⭐️ Belphie was forthcoming with basic things including his likes and dislikes, simple things that he didn’t feel pried too far into his thoughts or feelings. If you asked about something that required him to reveal too much of his innermost thoughts Belphie would stealthily steer the conversation elsewhere to avoid answering or would give a shallow and insincere answer that came to mind first. Slowly he felt safe enough, trustful enough to impart to you his more intrinsic thoughts. Belphie held back a lot, stopped by his own hesitation and fear, He worried how you would react to some of his honest worries. Things like the immense guilt he holds over things that really weren’t even remotely his fault. Entrusting you with the things he kept buried within himself was nothing short of liberating. Belphie knew he could truly trust you to keep your word, and his secrets safe. After the little hurdle Belphie shared everything with you.  
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?) 
⭐️ When it comes to anger it’s pretty dependent, depending on who did what will tell you a very different story in their personal experience with Belphie. Belphie can be the slowest to anger, or can rival Satan for the title of Avatar of Wrath with how quick his rage is to spark. His anger is fierce, frightening and all consuming. Anything that brings harm to his brothers, especially Beel is the fastest way to find yourself on a trip to the afterlife. These are the things that trigger him so severely that you don’t even know what hit you- until…well, Belphie does. Aside from his outright triggers it takes a lot to work him up and get him angry. Belphie will get irritated, passive aggressive and complain that being angry takes too much energy. 
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing or they kind of or forget everything?) 
⭐️ He has an exceptional memory for what matters. Especially when it comes to you. You’re often surprised with little gifts, things you saw and thought were quite cute. You mentioned these things in passing but nevertheless Belphie remembered. He also knows that you like gestures, things such as when he leaves notes for you, sometimes he found snacks and shared them between you and Beel but remembered how much you liked them. Things you mentioned in passing are always being recorded in a mental note for things he can do for you. Sometimes it surprises you, when you go out and get something to eat he’ll pick out all the things you don’t eat and it surprises you everytime. The only time he won’t remember something is if it was mentioned when he was half asleep and was a little too far gone from the waking world to recall them. However with the amount he always remembers you never mind. 
R = Remember (What is their favourite moment in your relationship?)
⭐️ It is a hard decision to choose a single favorite because there is so much he appreciates, so many moments and memories, so many things he has shown of himself to you. If he tries to think of favourite moments one of the first he’d think of is when he confessed, and when he discovered you shared the same feelings as him. Following the fondness of those memories, many of your mutual firsts and the very first time you ever told Belphie you loved him. Amongst the other moments that one would be the most special and dear to him. He can recall every detail of it so clearly, it was such a normal day up until that moment when it became the most fondly looked back on. He had his head in your lap, you softly stroked his hair as you would with a cat and listened to him rambling on about some legends he’d find out about the human world constellations and which ones he liked the most. He mentioned these legends while watching the constellations that were visible from the attic, some random music played from your D.D.D. Human world music that Belphie took a liking to, you watched him explain everything with a calm passion. You smiled while listening, and interrupted him with the words of “I love you.” 
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
⭐️ Belphie holds a lot of regret over his past actions towards you, considering everything he did. Even after your utterances of forgiveness, he is the one who cannot forgive himself. He is very protective of you, it might be a way to over compensate although he is subtle in his protection. Indistinct gestures that on the surface show no other meaning and yet in a heartbeat it can change to something blatant. He is willing to stand against anyone or anything all for your sake. You’ve admonished him for this, not because of him protecting you but simply over the fact that he is reckless while doing so and has little to no care for his own wellbeing. Belphie always reassures you, he’s fine and will be fine. He feels the need to remind you that you’re human, you’re far more fragile than he is and he doesn’t need to be protected the same way they do. You never really listen because when it comes down to it- your first thought is to protect Belphie and nothing else. He gets frustrated with this but deep down really appreciates that you protect him. 
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
⭐️ Belphie is a low energy boi, but that does not equate to being lazy. He adds effort into every date he plans even if it’s a simple movie night. He does work up the energy to go out and wander around town with you for dates, he usually researches in advance to see where everything is and to prepare for it in the sense of knowing where to go. Belphie, in his own way, adds effort to everything big and small. If it’s a stay in date, he’ll make sure to fluff the pillows so they’re extra comfy for you, and make sure he has the movie saved for offline play just in case. He never knows if Levi is downloading or playing a game that’s gobbling the wifi or if Lucifer will string Mammon from the ceiling using the wifi cable AGAIN. He’ll safeguard the snacks for the date from Beel and make sure that everything is as perfect and cozy as it could be in order to spend time with you. 
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
⭐️ He’s a bit of a messy baby, he’s usually too busy sleeping to care about the mess that’s accumulating aside from his bed. Although when you’ve pulled the thirteenth mug out of his room and have to go mug hunting just to have something to put your morning beverage into you know it’s time for another clean. It’s a bit much having to go to the attic for things like mugs and spoons and it annoys the brothers to no end. Other than the dishes dynasty in his room, he is the blanket hog between the two of you. Belphie likes to be a snug bug, and has mastered the art of turning himself into a sushi roll with the blanket while leaving you stranded in the cold. Thankfully you can say that his bad habits aren’t truly bad, more annoying than anything. If there was a bad habit that you’d rate as the worst- it’s when Belphie is too quick to jump to conclusions and become completely non verbal when he’s angry. You’ll know you’re getting silent treatment but you won’t know why until his sulking spell is over. 
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?) 
⭐️ His appearance is not that high on his list of priorities. He’s got better things to do. Belphie does put effort in, more so for you than himself. Though you could never really call him vain. He’s not one to spend hours upon hours with a beauty routine nor does he do any regular spa treatments unless Asmo has forced it upon him or like sneaking in and painting his nails. Although you took over that from Asmo and Belphie is more than happy to have you paint his nails. Belphie will brush his hair, but fails to see the point when it turns into a tousled mess of bed hair again after a nap. To combat this, and to treat him like the pretty princess he is, you’ve taken to brushing his hair everyday. While not vain, it’s not to be mistaken with not being hygienic. Belphie refuses to neglect himself in that aspect; it's just when it comes to little details like hair or nails he doesn’t care that much. His nails aside from the painting could use more TLC considering he has a nasty habit of biting them short and can become grumpy because of biting them too short. You do argue that he can give himself more care but he says there’s no point. (But an exception is when he dresses up for dates and special occasions and you appreciate it even more knowing how much effort he put into it.) 
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
⭐️ You know all too well how Belphie takes loss and that he does not deal with it well. He’s said it time and time again how he feels this constant emptiness after losing Lilith. For a long time he doubted that he’d ever feel complete again without that gnawing anguish that always haunted him.  Her absence will always haunt him, or so he thought. Belphie discovered that serene feeling of completion in a different way, with a sense of peace he hadn’t felt in a long time. One where he can find solace, he’ll always explain your presence in his soul is akin to a winter day nap. One under the winter sun that warms the skin, while covered with the safety of the blankets. It’s warm, calm and feels like home. A peaceful place where he can find consolation and repose. Now that he knows these feelings, losing you would tear him apart. He’d feel lost and unsteady without you. Sometimes the idea of losing you scares him and he voices his worry, his insecurity that he couldn’t bear to part with you for any reason. 
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them)
⭐️ His favourite gift from you was this nifty thing called something along the lines of a snugget? A snoobie? A huggle? A snoodie? He doesn’t remember but essentially it’s a blanket combined with a hoodie. The way he LIVED in it until it was threadbare and quite literally falling apart at the seams. You had to buy him another one because he refused to part with the old tattered one until he had a new one. It was a custom design that you filled with cute pictures of sheeps and stars, he insisted that should you ever give him a gift going forward it had to be one of those. One regret was the whole wrestle it took to convince Belphie to get out of it to be washed, it was a true hassle because Belphie kept refusing to part with it. Eventually you convinced him to a weekly wash and he’d agree to parting for only that long. He’d wait around and constantly ask if it’s done, if he could wear it yet and why it hadn’t dried yet. Belphie complained and basically begged Solomon to create some potion or powder or something that would clean it while he was wearing it. Solomon so eloquently phrased it as Belphie wanting dry shampoo for blankets. 
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn't like, either in general or in a partner?)
⭐️ There are a few pet peeves and things that he just could barely stand. An obvious thing is hygiene, it’s a given for everyone. But Belphie’s bed is essentially his sanctuary and he likes it to always be clean, smell nice and it must stay neat. Sure even Belphie is guilty of eating on his bed sometimes but you’d never find a crumb afterwards. He also loves snuggling and wants to smell nice for you :)
⭐️He doesn't like people who disregards his family or seeks to hurt them in any way. Mess with them and it’s pretty much game over. He would never, ever condone that kind of disrespect unless it was against Mammon but only sometimes. Belphie does have standards. 
⭐️He HATES arrogance those who walk around with a lot of it especially when it’s unfounded and they believe themselves to be the best thing to ever grace the Devildom. Belphie is used to the frequent comments that borderline arrogance from Asmo and Mammon but he knows it’s on the line of arrogance and confidence but people who push others down while pretending they’re so high and mighty just make Belphie want to tear them down. 
⭐️High energy people who try and force him to operate with the same level of energy when he’s just a tired boi. 
⭐️People who invade his personal space without warning and or invitation, nothing grates him like a person who walks in without knocking. 
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?) 
⭐️ Considering just how much time Belphie spent sleeping on the daily it’s definitely not a stretch to believe that you know more of his sleeping habits than his awake habits. He mumbles a lot, talks and whines in his sleep. Sometimes it’s incoherent nonsense that makes you question what dreams he’s having and other times it’s his honest thoughts and feelings. The amount of love confessions you’ve heard from Belphie in his sleep. It warms your heart because even in his sleep he’s still thinking about you. On rare occasions you can even hear Belphie carrying a full on conversation in his sleep. He’s also an active sleeper and moves around a lot while fast asleep. He shifts into a completely new position, almost trying every corner of his bed to find out where is the most comfy. You find the equivalent of Belphie flipping the pillow over but in a full body sense because he’s someone who truly knows the real value of the other side of the pillow and all its wonders.
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Taglist: @completelyshatteredbrokenmschf
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quinncupine · 2 years
Happy international Sloth Day💜🦥
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Mc: I hate all of you
Asmo: someone needs a nap~ I'll gla-
Belphie: (picking up Mc) my pillow
Asmo: you little fucker
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pandapillow · 2 years
Happy Birthday to the Famished Sixth-Born and Catnapping Seventh-Born!
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marsvlog · 6 months
rockstar belphie 🎸
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i needed to make him more emo so
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hyperfixat · 1 year
Since Belphie’s ‘animal’ is a cow here are some headcanons that make me like him more:
he has separation anxiety and his worst fear is to be separated from his brothers/family: cows are social creatures and do not tend to do well on their own
It usually isn’t so explicitly stated, but in the way he holds you close with his whole body while napping, and the way he tugs you closer with his tail in public, make way for one of his worst fears… that of losing another loved one.
personally i think he has (in his human form) larger than average hands and tongue, and cows are lickers! they groom each other to share bonds, and i think him licking mc is so cute (i also mentioned this in my other headcanon set)
Sometimes you wake up a little damp after sleeping or napping with Belphie, but you always assumed that it was just sweat from his infernal heat. What you do not know is that in those bleary moments of wakefulness that Belphie gets he takes his flat tongue to flatten your hair and go along whatever part of your body he can reach without moving too much.
while he is a sleepy little dude he goes ham for enrichment toys like balls and sticks. while he won’t chase or fetch anything, he may be caught bouncing a giant beach ball around or rubbing on certain objects
You’ve started to bring little trinkets you got from a cheap import shop up to Belphie. He seems so lonely and bored up there that your heart can’t help but ache a little. The shiny ones you buy go to Mammon, but the matte, colorful ones you tuck away into your pocket to bring up to the demon in the attic.
It’s worth it for the way he grunts and acts uninterested, but still shoves his hands through the bars of Lucifer’s magic caging him. It’s worth it when you catch sight of him bouncing, tossing, and fiddling with them when your arrival caught him off guard. It’s worth it when with a shy blush on his face Belphie admits that the gifts, no matter how cheap, meant a lot to him.
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shrimpyjackal · 1 year
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Finally I`ve got some time for myself and my favourite character!
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