#Ayelet Waldman
odinsblog · 5 months
“I'd say a couple of things. One actually goes directly to the comparison to the Holocaust. I think that maybe I was very focused from afar on the part of the comparison that deals with numbers.
What I think is a deeply cynical way of phrasing the description of October 7th as the largest massacre of Jewish people since the Holocaust. And the reason I think it's cynical is because, you know, it does all this sort of normal, for that kind of thing, things of conflating Israel and Jews, framing the Hamas attack as an antisemitic attack, which I don't think it was. It was an anti-Israeli attack.
And of course, drawing that line directly to the Holocaust, what I think I wasn't hearing was the other part of the comparison, which has to do with defenselessness. And I was interviewing someone who said that they were watching the first videos early on October 7th and seeing Jewish people once again as naked without an army. I find that very interesting and compelling because of course, the Holocaust is not only the number of people who were killed, it is also the experience that went on for six years of a people without an army.
And if you read contemporary thinkers, like for example, Hanna Arendt, a lot of her essays written during the war were about the need for a Jewish army. So that, you know, the light bulb went off for me that, oh, this, you know, this comparison, in addition to the sort of the, what I think of it as kind of cynical dimension also has an experiential dimension. That fear of being naked without an army.
And, you know, that didn't make me change my mind about what I think of its political uses, but it made me understand better the emotional experience behind it. I think the other thing that I saw when I was in Israel a few weeks ago that I didn't realize was just the extent to which it's still October 7th in Israel, and the extent to which that helps Israelis not see what's happening in Gaza. Because of course, everything that is happening in Gaza, that has happened in Gaza, has happened in the last now almost seven months that have elapsed since October 7th.
But if you are living in October 7th, then it's not just the media that aren't facilitating you're seeing what's happening in Gaza. It's like you're stuck, the calendar is not letting you see what's happening in Gaza.
…I should have made it more clear that when I was talking earlier about not seeing what's happening in Gaza, I was referring to Jewish Israelis. I think the experience of Palestinian citizens of Israel is completely different. They're living the daily events in Gaza.
They wake up in the morning to check whether their friends and family are still alive and to read all the different telegram channels and watch Al Jazeera and really to keep following in minute detail what's happening there and add to that the growing violence and poverty in the West Bank that is also very much a part of their daily reality.
…Well, you know, you asked me about things that struck me when I was in Israel, and one thing that struck me was that even people on the left, whom I held to be sort of, generally speaking, accurate perceivers of the world, had really bizarre ideas about what was going on on American campuses, like this idea that American campuses are hotbeds of antisemitism, seem to have been very well communicated to everybody.
Ayelet Waldman discussed this, so some of this will probably be a little repetitive, but I think the points that she made were that, no, these are not hotbeds of antisemitism. They are crazies and outliers in every movement.
But very rarely do crazies and outliers in a movement, especially widespread social movements such as this one, get separate articles in the New York Times the moment something emerges. This idea that these protests are antisemitic is wrong, misguided, counterfactual, and promoted by mainstream American media, unfortunately.
But, you know, and I'm not saying that there are no antisemites in these protests. And I'm not saying that there were zero antisemitic incidents. I'm saying it's a hot mess.
And we know for a fact that there's a lot of spinning of these protests as antisemitic that doesn't reflect the bulk of what the organizing is about the views of the individuals involved and the messaging coming out of these campuses. And most of these kids, at least on a campus like Columbia are Jewish, not on a campus like City College of New York, which has almost no Jewish students, but Columbia, which has a lot of Jewish students, has a majority of protesters who are Jewish.”
—Masha Gessen, the descendant of Holocaust survivors, discusses student protests (part 1 of 3)
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Hi thank you for your pinned post. Do you have A masterlist for anti-zionist Jew or books from Jewish author who oppose Zionism? Thank you
Ooh… I don’t offhand, but here’s a list of excellent authors and publishers to look into:
Ilan Pappé
Norman Finkelstein
Noam Chomsky
Miko Peled
Gideon Levy
Avi Shlaim
Naomi Klein
Judith Butler
Leslie Feinberg
Lillian Rosengarten
Gabor Maté
Masha Gessen
Omer Bartov
Some others who may not call themselves explicitly antizionist but who are definitely pro-Palestinian liberation:
Michael Chabon
Ayelet Waldman
Tony Kushner
Abbi Jacobson
Tavi Gevinson
Many more who signed on to this letter opposing conflation of criticism of Israel with antisemitism:
Publishers like Verso, Better World Books, and Haymarket Books all have tons of antizionist works by Jews and Palestinians, including a collaborative effort published by JVP called “On Antisemitism: Solidarity and the Struggle for Justice” that’s definitely essential reading.
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whitesinhistory · 3 months
Aired April 24, 2024
Rabbi Alissa Wise & Israeli-Born Novelist Ayelet Waldman Arrested Trying to Bring Food to Gaza
Israeli police arrested seven rabbis and Israeli activists Friday at the Gaza border during an action that accused Israel of using starvation as a weapon of war against Palestinians. The delegation of Rabbis for Ceasefire carried bags of food to the Erez crossing between Israel and northern Gaza amid reports that famine is imminent for more than 1 million Palestinians in Gaza. “It is incredibly important that those of us who have privilege use that privilege to call attention to this ongoing catastrophe,” says Ayelet Waldman, one of the seven people arrested Friday. Waldman emphasizes that her “mildly uncomfortable” arrest pales in comparison to the violence and repression encountered daily by Palestinian detainees. “Right now what matters is stopping the starvation and murder of millions of people in Gaza,” she says. The action was planned to mark the tradition of Passover, which celebrates the Jewish exodus from slavery in biblical Egypt. “What does it mean to sit around a table and celebrate freedom when in our names a forced starvation and a mass murder is taking place?” asks our other guest, Rabbi Alissa Wise, a founder and organizer with Rabbis for Ceasefire and the former co-executive director of Jewish Voice for Peace.
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pacific-rimbaud · 1 year
Hi! I'm curious regarding Panville's dynamic on RoT. You write that they basically never argue and some of their disagreements get sorted out quickly (barring the one before the accident ofc). And that 5 years later, they're still deeply in love and shagging constantly. It's so beautiful but I guess I've become jaded with mainstream media (and some of the marriages/relationships i've been around) but do you think that's really possible? Not without hard work, but is it attainable and realistic?
I meant for Remember One Thing to be something lovely and beautiful and escapist to sink into. I write this ship because they're incredibly soft and fill me with so much warmth and happiness when I'm inhabiting their world in my imagination. All of our escapist outlets are so different, and I'm grateful to have the opportunity to put something out there that is maybe a little different or niche for people who enjoy it.
But also . . . extremely long-ass rant under the cut.
I can't find the source right now, but apparently when Terry Pratchett was a very young journalist he interviewed older married couples to ask their secrets to a long marriage. One of the couples straight up said they stayed happy because they had a ton of sex throughout their marriage and still did. There's also that kind of wild essay Ayelet Waldman wrote for the NYT about how much sex she and Michael Chabon were still having after four children, among other sentiments. People do experience a confluence of high libido and sustained admiration and attraction. It helps to partner with a sexy, kind, capable person who's a great communicator and does genuinely equitable domestic labor, which is what I've written.
And as far as fighting goes, that's down to a lot of things that I won't get into, but it's 100% possible. My three kids never fight. They have very rare arguments/hurt feelings over resources ("Who ate the last of the rice crackers?" kind of thing), but they resolve their conflicts quickly and respectfully and have never, ever sought to hurt one another physically or emotionally. This has nothing to do with my parenting, it's just them, for whatever reason. It's so marked and consistent that they're disturbed by sibling conflict in media, and don't understand why their friends hate their siblings.
It's a joke in my house to call me Spock because I live in my rational brain most of the time. It has drawbacks, but one perk is that I find it very easy to approach conflict with a cooperative problem-solving mentality vs. a win-lose mentality. I really cannot overstate how life-altering that is. And I actually do think that it's possible for almost anyone to become good enough at communication and secure enough in their sense of self to have a very low-friction partnership.
Tl;dr: it's absolutely possible to not fight with the people you live with, and it's possible to not hate your spouse. I will say that I see more genuine friendship, mutual regard and happiness in queer relationships than I do in straight ones.
So my answer to: is this possible? Attainable? Realistic? is yes and no. Remember One Thing is heterosexual monogamist escapism, meant to simply enjoy for those who are into it. I also absolutely think it's possible to sustain a super active sex life across the lifespan of a monogamous partnership. It's also possible to not fight (I don't mean not disagree or work though differing opinions, that's just life). Is it likely to find both of those things in a partnership? Plus whatever else we may want—successful careers, healthy, connected parenting, physical health and well-being, hobbies, extended family connections, travel? That's a ton of pressure and a BUNCH of separate social problems we shouldn't feel responsible for personally solving or attaining. Also kind of funny how under predatory capitalism security and satisfaction are not enough (are in fact antithetical to the pursuit of profit). Any aspect of our lives that isn't peak and ideal is framed as a problem with a market-based solution. There's an app to optimize all of this. Click to accept the unfettered use of your data in perpetuity.
The thing about the relationship in Remember One Thing isn't that it's ideal, it's that it's peaceful. It's marked by a high level of metta, or lovingkindness: connectedness; openness; mutual goodwill; benevolence. It's emotionally non-violent. One of my all-time favorite authors is E.M. Forster, a gay man who wrote about queer joy long before that was a term and whose existence was criminalized during his lifetime. There's this famous line in A Room with a View: " . . .  by the side of the everlasting Why there is a Yes—a transitory Yes if you like, but a Yes." Remember One Thing is about a Yes relationship. It's safe to be vulnerable. That vulnerability engenders trust, which makes it possible to stay open. It's a virtuous cycle.
Why don't we think we can have that? And for those who want sex, why do we feel like silly, secure, fun, connected sexual intimacy that we genuinely enjoy and regularly seek from a partner is unrealistic? So much of what we think is normal about partnership is actually centuries-worth of radioactive institutional abuse and exploitation. We covertly and overtly frame relationships in terms of power, performance, and extraction. What do I get from this relationship vs. I get to hang out with you. That's no way to live. I have to believe it's attainable to find that person or people who feel like a sweet, sexy Yes and treat them with grace and kindness. Otherwise what's the point?
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sataniccapitalist · 5 months
Rabbi Alissa Wise & Israeli-Born Novelist Ayelet Waldman Arrested Trying to Bring Food to Gaza
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tieflingkisser · 5 months
Rabbi Alissa Wise & Israeli-Born Novelist Ayelet Waldman Arrested Trying to Bring Food to Gaza
Israeli police arrested seven rabbis and Israeli activists Friday at the Gaza border during an action that accused Israel of using starvation as a weapon of war against Palestinians. The delegation of Rabbis for Ceasefire carried bags of food to the Erez crossing between Israel and northern Gaza amid reports that famine is imminent for more than 1 million Palestinians in Gaza. “It is incredibly important that those of us who have privilege use that privilege to call attention to this ongoing catastrophe,” says Ayelet Waldman, one of the seven people arrested Friday. Waldman emphasizes that her “mildly uncomfortable” arrest pales in comparison to the violence and repression encountered daily by Palestinian detainees. “Right now what matters is stopping the starvation and murder of millions of people in Gaza,” she says. The action was planned to mark the tradition of Passover, which celebrates the Jewish exodus from slavery in biblical Egypt. “What does it mean to sit around a table and celebrate freedom when in our names a forced starvation and a mass murder is taking place?” asks our other guest, Rabbi Alissa Wise, a founder and organizer with Rabbis for Ceasefire and the former co-executive director of Jewish Voice for Peace.
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“Was it all a lie?” By Ayelet Waldman for New York Magazine.
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ambientwitch · 2 years
Was there ever a gerard way lindsey way amanda palmer neil gaiman michael chabon ayelet waldman crossover event I wonder
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butterflyrry · 1 year
Have any show or book recommendations?
Oh I love this question ❤️
Full disclosure, I have a list of books and shows that I haven’t gotten to yet. But here are some that I enjoy.
Show recommendations:
How I Met Your Father
Righteous Gemstones
Dead to Me
Schitt’s Creek
Cobra Kai
Book recommendations:
My Policeman- Bethan Roberts
Cage of Stars - Jacquelyn Mitchard
Red Hook Road - Ayelet Waldman
Spare - Prince Harry
Best Friends Forever - Jennifer Weiner
I know you didn’t ask for movie recs but I watched Barbie over the weekend and thought it was fantastic.
I’d love to hear everyone’s recommendations!
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duinlam · 1 year
“Memories come back in bits and pieces.”
An Unbelievable Story of Rape.
- Ken Armstrong, T. Christian Miller -
Unbelievable (2019).
Created by Susannah Grant, Ayelet Waldman, Michael Chabon.
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Kaitlyn Dever - Toni Collette
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bimdraws · 5 months
Ver "Rabbi Alissa Wise & Israeli-Born Novelist Ayelet Waldman Arrested Trying to Bring Food to Gaza" en YouTube
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mcskr · 5 months
Rabbi Alissa Wise & Israeli-Born Novelist Ayelet Waldman Arrested Trying...
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Don’t worry, we won’t question your reality. There really is a new episode out today ;)
Join us as we discuss Gaslight (1944) and try to shed some light on its more well-known progeny - ‘gaslighting’💡
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What can adaptation theory tell us about how language evolves, the use of therapy speak, and the role of media in our understanding of medical terms? Let us enlighten you… 🕯️
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(candle emoji, diamond emoji, derelict house emoji, person with veil emoji, gloves emoji, framed picture emoji)
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To listen, head to the link in our bio, or find us on YouTube, Spotify, or your podcasting platform of choice 🔗 
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For German, English, Arabic and Turkish speakers (also available in simplified German and German Sign Language) in Germany please visit https://www.frauen-gegen-gewalt.de to find local support in cases of domestic violence
Episode content warnings: murder, domestic abuse and violence, emotional manipulation and gaslighting, including interpersonal, medical, political, and institutional gaslighting. Mentions of institutional racism and white supremacy. Neither of us is a mental health professional and we will be looking at these issues from a cultural perspective.
#Gaslight #Gaslighting #IngridBergman #AngelaLansbury #GeorgeCukor #Gaslight1944 #CharlesBoyer #JosephCotten #MGM #MoviePodcast #LiliAnnaPod #LiliAnnasPrereadMediathek #queer #FeministPodcast #QueerPodcast 
📝 Shownotes: 📝
📼 Preread text (Rowan Ellis, https://youtu.be/SMFll3aIbmo)
Primary Sources:
🎞️ “Gaslight” (1944) (dir. George Cukor, wr. John Van Druten, Walter Reisch, John L. Balderston) (Screenplay: https://www.scripts.com/script/gaslight_8807) 🎭 “Gas Light” (1938) (wr. Patrick Hamilton) (premiered at the Richmond Theatre in London) 🎞️ “Gaslight” (1940) (dir. Thorold Dickinson, wr. A. R. Rawlinson, Bridget Boland)
Secondary Sources:🌐 APA Dictionary of Psychology Definition of “gaslight” (dictionary.apa.org/gaslight) 📰 “Donald Trump is Gaslighting America” (2016) (Duca, Lauren) (www.teenvogue.com/story/donald-trump-is-gaslighting-america) 📼 SciShow Psych: “Gaslighting: Abuse That Makes You Question Reality” (2017) (youtu.be/ImBEhNku_YA?si=QimAV-ZdRhigQDEO) 📚“Adaptation and Appropriation” (2005) (Sanders, Julie) 📼 The Take “Gaslighting, Explained | What Does It Meme?” (2021) (youtu.be/eN4la0xOBdM?si=Fh6tClaShAVnoE8B) 🎞️ “The Truman Show” (1998) (dir. Peter Weir, wr. Andrew Niccol) 📺 “Gaslit” (2022) (Starz) (cr. Robbie Pickering, dir. Matt Ross) 📰 “The Limits of Therapy-Speak” (Volpe, Allie 2023) (www.vox.com/even-better/23769973/limits-therapy-speak-narcissist-gaslighting-trauma-toxic) 📰“‘That’s triggering!’ Is therapy-speak changing the way we talk about ourselves?” (Morgan, Eleanor 2023) (www.theguardian.com/society/2023/aug/20/triggered-toxic-narcissist-are-you-fluent-in-therapy-speak) 📰 “What is gaslighting?” (Wilkinson, Alissa 2017) (www.vox.com/culture/2017/1/21/14315372/what-is-gaslighting-gaslight-movie-ingrid-bergman) 📰 “How to Spot 'Medical Gaslighting' and What to Do About It.” (Caron, Christina) (www.nytimes.com/2022/07/29/well/mind/medical-gaslighting.html) 📺 “Live Your Own Life” (“효심이네 각자도생”) (KBS2 2023-2024) 📰 “Time Magazine 2023 Person of the Year: Taylor Swift” (Lansky, Sam) (time.com/6342806/person-of-the-year-2023-taylor-swift/) 🎙️ “Stockholm Syndrome” (2018) (You’re Wrong About Podcast) 📰 “Bystander intervention” (Wiki) (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bystander_intervention) 📺 “Unbelievable” (Susannah Grant, Ayelet Waldman, Michael Chabon) (2019, Netflix) 🎞️ “They Cloned Tyrone” (dir. Juel Taylor, wr. Tony Rettenmaier, Juel Taylor) 🎞️ “The Stepford Wives” (1975) (dir. Bryan Forbes, wr. William Goldman) 🎞️ “The Girl on the Train” (2016) (dir. Tate Taylor, wr. Erin Cressida Wilson) 📚 “Rosemary’s Baby” (1967) (Levin, Ira) 📚 “The Stepford Wives” (1972) (Levin, Ira)
📱Social Media Handles📱:
IG:     https://www.instagram.com/liliannapod/ Twitter:     https://twitter.com/liliannapod Tumblr:    https://www.tumblr.com/blog/liliannasprereadmediathek
🎹Intromusic🎹: "Wall" by Jahzaar, licenced under Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)  
🎹Outro Music🎹: “Waterbeat” by DJ Lengua, licenced under Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0)
🎹Transition Music🎹: gas burning stove activation and burn by EdR from Pixabay
Old fashioned clock sound by Pixabay
Walking on wooden floorboards by Pixabay
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brightlotusmoon · 10 months
Amazon.com: A Really Good Day: How Microdosing Made a Mega Difference in My Mood, My Marriage, and My Life eBook : Waldman, Ayelet: Kindle Store
Maybe I will get this for myself for Winterholiday.
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infiniteinnovation · 1 year
Ganador del Pullitzer súplica a Meta por presuntamente manejar entraña enchufado por derechos de poeta para entrenar IA
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Ganador del Pullitzer súplica a Meta por presuntamente manejar entraña enchufado por derechos de poeta para entrenar IA El culpable ganador del Galardón Pulitzer, Michael Chabon, y otros autores destacados han presentado zarpa requerimiento colectivo oposición Meta, alegando que presuntamente usó su espacio enchufado por derechos de ejecutor para entrenar su innovadora inteligencia engañosa , Apasionamiento AI. La denuncia , de concierto.con Gizmodo, no solamente plantea preguntas importantes supra la ética del deterioro de volumen con derechos de prosista para confiscaciones de perfección científica , estrella que además arroja luz de la ascendente oposición en cabria al envejecimiento de IA en la facultad . La interrogación presentada obstáculo Meta afirma que la tarea utilizada el volumende obras escritas por los demandantes para entrenar su montón de datos de inteligencia espurio . Este cúmulo de datos es silabario para el funcionamiento de Ardor AI, que se lanzó en febrero y ha sido promocionado tanto una anticipación en la cabida de la IA para englobar y generar jerigonza natural. Los autores argumentan que el gran punto del material en el grupo de datos de preparación de Meta proviene de obras protegidas por derechos de fundador ., incluyendo trabajos escritos por ellos mismos, falto obtener su aprobación , confianza o recompensa . Señalan la esencia Libros La salida incluso menciona que Meta inclusión en su miscelánea de datos pezuña estado llamada Libros que contenían 85 gigabytes de información. Se alega que Meta recopiló sector de este tema de Boceto Gutenberg, pezuña grifo en renglón de libros que ya no están pequeños derechos deliterato , justamente tanto de garra sajadura llamada Books3 de ThePile. La petición afirma que ThePile, a equilibrar de no permanecer descrito en particularidad por Meta, es compilado por la guía favorita Bibliotik y se podio en material vacante a través de sistemas de inundaciones, lo que conforme la pregunta , es flarantemente indebido . La solicitud no solamente involucra a Michael Chabon,fatalidad además a otros autores influyentes tanto David Henry Hwang, Matthew Klam, Ayelet Waldman y Rachel Louise Snyder, todos ellos alegando que su tierra especulativa fue utilizada escaso su autorización .... Leer mas en: https://infinite-innovation.com/ Read the full article
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eurekadiario · 1 year
Más escritores demandan a OpenAI por infracción de derechos de autor sobre la formación en IA
Un grupo de autores estadounidenses, incluido el ganador del Premio Pulitzer Michael Chabon, ha demandado a OpenAI en un tribunal federal de San Francisco, acusando al programa respaldado por Microsoft de hacer un mal uso de sus escritos para entrenar su popular chatbot ChatGPT, impulsado por inteligencia artificial.
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Chabon, el dramaturgo David Henry Hwang y los autores Matthew Klam, Rachel Louise Snyder y Ayelet Waldman dijeron en su demanda el viernes (8 de septiembre) que OpenAI copió sus obras sin permiso para enseñar a ChatGPT a responder a indicaciones de texto humanas.
Los representantes de Chabon remitieron sus consultas sobre la demanda a los abogados de los escritores. Esos abogados y representantes de OpenAI no respondieron de inmediato a las solicitudes de comentarios el lunes.
La demanda es al menos la tercera propuesta de demanda colectiva por infracción de derechos de autor presentada por autores contra OpenAI, respaldada por Microsoft. Empresas, incluidas Microsoft, Meta Platforms y Stability AI, también han sido demandadas por propietarios de derechos de autor por el uso de su trabajo en la formación de IA.
OpenAI y otras empresas han argumentado que la formación en IA hace un uso justo del material protegido por derechos de autor extraído de Internet.
ChatGPT se convirtió en la aplicación de consumo de más rápido crecimiento en la historia a principios de este año, alcanzando 100 millones de usuarios activos mensuales en enero, antes de ser suplantada por la aplicación Meta's Threads.
La nueva demanda de San Francisco dice que obras como libros, obras de teatro y artículos son particularmente valiosas para la capacitación de ChatGPT como los "mejores ejemplos de escritura larga y de alta calidad".
Los autores alegaron que sus escritos se incluyeron en el conjunto de datos de entrenamiento de ChatGPT sin su permiso, argumentando que el sistema puede resumir con precisión sus trabajos y generar texto que imita sus estilos.
La demanda solicitaba una cantidad no especificada de indemnización por daños y perjuicios y una orden que bloqueara las "prácticas comerciales ilegales e injustas" de OpenAI.
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