#Aziraphale being a dork
deddav · 2 months
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Making you blush..
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absolutebozo · 10 months
I just got enlightened to Crowley calling Aziraphale "apple of my eye" as a pet name and I can never go back.
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the-homosphere · 1 year
i have acquired a video editing software
i have been given far too much power
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sad-chaos-goblin · 5 months
Just Aziraphale being the most adorable, huggable dork ever to exist <3
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knifeforkspooncup · 4 months
Displays of affection I think would Aziraphale and Crowley's canon relationship and characterization (Part IV):
Part I here
Part II here
Part III here
Aziraphale taking Crowley to the observatory to look at the stars. Aziraphale doesn't look at the stars so much as Crowley's awestruck face as he jabbers away ("oh hey, I created that one!")
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Aziraphale asking about the plot of James Bond movies just to watch Crowley explain the action scenes like he explains stars being formed.
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Aziraphale leaving James Bond novels in conspicuous places around the book shop to try to tempt Crowley into reading them.
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Crowley having already read all the James Bond novels when they originally were published and lovingly shelving them back in their rightful place whenever he finds them left out (ofc hes not gonna yeet James Bond novels).
(I rightfully find it hilarious that Crowley is such a dork about James Bond ok, sue me)
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Both of them sitting at a Cafe people watching, and Crowley suggesting they make up stories about people. Aziraphale objects of course (it's rude to speculate) but then he ends up getting WAY too into it, making up like entire back stories for them in great detail and Crowley's just like "no - that's not - nevermind, angel" (someone please just write me a fic of this already.)
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Aziraphale going to the shop for groceries and Crowley trailing behind him just to watch as Aziraphale runs into various people he knows. Crowley wordlessly putting a box of sugary cereal in the cart because the box says there's a toy prize within.
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These are turning more into scenarios oops. If you use these in fics (please do!) I'd love to read them, send them to me!
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I think "Bad Writing on Purpose" is a misnomer.
And people focus too much on it.
First of all, I really don't understand why people were surprised by the cliffhanger. Everyone was talking about how Neil said season 2 was going to be "quiet, gentle, and romantic" but nobody noticed that he also, on multiple occasions, wrote that season 2 was not the sequel he and Terry plotted, but what needed to happen to get the characters to where they needed to be at the start of what they plotted as the book sequel but would now be season 3. He was always completely open that season 2 was a bridge, and after reading it here and there before season 2 came out, I for one knew that season 2 would most likely end with a cliffhanger.
I mean, I surely didn't know we would get OFMD-ed, that was indeed a surprise, but I knew there would be a cliffhanger. Why didn't you?
Now I have read ariaste's famous 15 000 word essay. I find her theory quite brilliant. I don't think she will be (totally) right about it, it's too specific and too reliant on her assumption of how the Book of Life works. I also disagree with some of the details of what she calls "bad writing". Especially Maggie might just be portrayed as a dork neurodivergent. And some of her visual "clues" already turned out to be simple homages. (Not "The Crow Road", though, I think. Yes, Neil and Terry were friends with Ian Banks. But he has written like 40+ books, why choose THAT one, the one that deals in part with people solving a mystery by going through old documents, just after we are shown that Aziraphale keeps diaries and definitely leaves them in the bookshop when he's going to heaven? Even if we ascribe its first appearance to the famous opening line which Gabriel reads aloud, why show the same book a second time, mid-frame?)
Also, yes, I disliked that Aziraphale's & Crowley's new first meeting put them on the wrong foot with each other, when their meeting in Eden had established them as kinda instant co-conspirators from the very beginning. The same with Crowley in the Job episode being the one to introduce Aziraphale to worldly pleasures instead of him discovering them on his own. But that is sometimes what happens when you learn more about characters from new canon, sometimes it doesn't fit your established headcanon. You either roll with it or you choose to ignore that part of canon.
But I do think she is on the right track. And the most important thing that ariaste pointed out is still the missing/unsatisfying payoffs and the unfired Chekov's Guns, which I am pretty sure is the very reason this season felt so "off" for most of us and why ariastes theory found so much resonance. But I wouldn't call that Bad Writing. I would call that at most Weird Writing Choices. Especially if
you view the whole of season 2, the bridge season, the quiet gentle and romantic interlude, as one. giant. setup.
Having Aziraphale use his never-before-mentioned halo as a deus-ex-machina option to defeat the demons in his bookshop is a weird writing choice. Especially when we know we have a literal Chekov's - Derringer - Gun hidden somewhere in there, which is not being used. Mentioning the Book of Life several times and have it be of no consequence, Crowley even doubting that it really exists, is another unfired gun. The Nazi-Zombies, which are somehow left to their own devices and never mentioned again, could be a Chekhov's Gun - and I feel a lot better knowing now that yes, the living dead are apparently part (a sign?) of The Second Coming.
But it isn't bad writing. It is setting up season 3. It has always been about setting up season 3. We got a nice, little, quiet gentle and romantic, fan-fictionesque Ineffable Bureaucracy main plot to go with it, but that was never the raison d'etre for season 2. It's main purpose was always to set. up. season. three.
After all, most paraphrasings of "Chekov's Gun" speak of acts. If a gun is shown in act 1, it has to be fired in act 2. If a gun is shown in one act, it has to be fired the following. If we look at Good Omens as a 3-act-story, with one season being one act, then all the Chekov's Guns were shown to us in act 2, and are not required to go off until act 3 - meaning season 3.
All of you who dismiss this and go "no one ever wrote bad on purpose just to fix it in the next season, why not accept this season was just bad" are missing the point, because you fixate on the "bad writing on purpose" misnomer. It's not bad writing. It's delayed gratification. It's setting up a payoff over more than one season. Which you can absolutely do if you have a plan, if you know where your story is going. It is what everyone still seems to expect from J.J. Abrams, even though we should know better by now. His setups never pay off, because he sets up things he never intends to resolve, never even has an idea about how they could be resolved, and keeps getting away with it. And yet, the overwhelming presence of his shitty writing in media has probably screwed with our expectations from mystery shows, which thanks to him are not very high. But I truly believe that Neil Gaiman (and John Finnemore, a frickin' COMEDY writer, for whom the setup-payoff concept must actually be like breathing) are both simply better than that windbag. There will be a payoff. Only later.
I believe we will come back to the halo. Aziraphale's Derringer Gun will be fired. The Book of Life will have meaning, even if it is different from what we might theorize. The Zombies will at least be mentioned. And I think even the weirdly framed and then forgotten Eccles cakes will make another appearance. We will have an actual, big-stakes gen plot next season. Aziraphale & Crowley will be stopping another apocalypse. It will have to do with Crowley's "all of us against all of them" line from season 1. It will have Anathema & Newt (I remember one Tumblr ask before season 2 where Neil was asked if they would come back for season 2, and he answered no, but they would hopefully be in season 3), and I personally think they're gonna regret burning that second book from Agnes. Crowley & Aziraphale will not have much time to talk about their relationship or to feel sorry for themselves, as a lot of fans seem to expect. This will not be fan-service, this will not be fan-fictionesque. The bigger picture is the second apocalypse and once again saving humanity, and saving earth. Doing that, Crowley & Aziraphale will find common ground again, they will find each other again. They will end up in their shared cottage in the South Downs, openly in love, and everything will be ok. I don't know exactly how, and I don't want to speculate too much, because that almost always ends up with me being disappointed by how canon actually turns out.
But I believe in Neil Gaiman. I believe he cares. I believe he might even care more about "Good Omens" than about any other of his creations. And I believe in the Brilliance of John Finnemore. I don't believe that he would have let Neil get away with these setups without real payoffs if he didn't see the point of them.
(And if Amazon and their greedy CEO/shareholders are the reason we won't get a third season, you'll hear about me in the news, I swear. 😡)
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indigovigilance · 9 months
This has been eating at my brain for 5 minutes, but why does aziraphale wear reading glasses sometimes. Is it for aesthetic? Is it their eyesight? Help
Hi @electronicturtlepaper, thanks for the ask! I gave this some thought, and I propose four reasons that Aziraphale wears reading glasses:
Aziraphale imagines himself having a 50-year old human body
He likes doing things the human way
They are integral to his enjoyment of art
He uses them to communicate with Crowley
Expanded arguments and evidence, as always, below the cut:
Aziraphale likes to imagine that he is a 50-year old human.
I think there's a little bit of a tendency to think of the ineffables as being superhuman. They are, but not the way Superman or Wonderwoman are. We get the best illustration of this in S1E6 when Crowley is driving through the M-25 inferno:
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Crowley has something no other demons have, an imagination. Right now, he's imagining that he is just fine, and that a ton of burning metal, rubber and leather is a fully functioning car.
We know from this Season 1 scene that Crowley's imagination manifests reality; in this particular instance, it is to defy the laws of physics, to keep his body from discorporating and his car from falling apart.
Even though the way it's being used feels "super," we can see how the mechanic of "imagination manifests reality" could be used in the exact opposite way by someone who likes to think of themselves as a homely, affable pillar of the community that has owned the bookshop on the corner for as long as anyone can remember. We see other ways this manifests, like not being able to keep up with Gabriel while jogging:
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He could think of himself as a battle-ready soldier, but he doesn't. He thinks of himself as someone who likes culture, good food, and fine clothes; cardio doesn't really play into that, so his corporeal form manifests accordingly. By the same token, he's an avid reader, and as far as his Whickber Street neighbors are concerned, has spent all day, every day reading books for the past no-one-knows-how-long; how would he not need reading glasses?
By sheer power of imagination, Aziraphale has manifested himself into needing corrected vision.
Aziraphale Likes Doing Things the Human Way
Keep in mind that this is the angel who absolutely did not fool Nefertiti with a single caraway seed and three cowrie shells, but he sure did put his whole entire soul into learning prestidigitation from the best human magicians of their day, and took French lessons so that he could ask his aunt's gardener for a pen.
Wearing reading glasses to read is part and parcel to a 50-year-old man running a bookshop. Miracling himself some Lasik eye surgery would be cheating, just like using a miracle to make the farthing vanish in a sleight of hand trick. In order to do something the human way, all the normal human handicaps must apply, including myopia.
Aziraphale's Enjoyment of Art is Enhanced by Wearing Glasses
I also think that Aziraphale considers wearing eyeglasses to be an integral part of the human experience of the joy of literature; reading a novel without peering at the page through silica lenses framed by metal wire would be like eating sushi without dipping it in soy sauce. The experience would be incomplete.
But, then again, look at this dork:
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He's wearing his glasses to listen to music. Clearly this isn't necessary or even helpful (but as someone who has taken off their glasses so they can listen better to somebody, I can assure you it's very human). So this tells us that Aziraphale's glasses are, among other things, his "I'm enjoying art right now" accessory.
This is further reinforced in the following beat, when he's opened the door, and he's not wearing his glasses anymore:
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So sometime between turning off the gramophone and opening the door for Gabriel, he took off his glasses to signal that he has quit shastakovich.exe and is returning to "normal adult responsibilities" mode.
Aziraphale Uses His Glasses To Communicate
...and we know exactly who he learned this from: @goodomensgifs credited for this wonderful gifset, hereafter incorporated by reference because my computer is so mad at me rn and can't handle loading gifs.
Crowley uses his glasses to communicate his emotions a lot. He uses them to show vulnerability. He uses them to show contentment. He uses them to threaten. He uses them to show that he is wounded and defensive. He uses them to demonstrate that he is or is not willing to talk. Aziraphale has learned from the best.
The first time we see Aziraphale leverage his lenses this way in Season 2 is when Crowley returns to the shop after their fight about Gabriel. When he's alone, waiting for Crowley to return, Aziraphale isn't wearing his glasses:
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but quickly puts them on when Crowley walks in the door:
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Quite a few analysts have published metas on equivocation (@cobragardens and @ao3cassandraic, maybe we should start using an #equivocation tag? Because this is becoming a recurring topic), which I incorporate here by reference. Crowley and Aziraphale have had to learn to communicate without saying a lot of things out loud, and glasses are playing a role in that.
By putting on his glasses, Aziraphale has just put up a big "I'm feeling hurt and defensive" sign; at the same time, Crowley takes his glasses off, to signal that he's ready to talk. Aziraphale peers through his glasses while he's pretending to ignore Crowley, reinforcing that his glasses are assisting him in demonstrating his umbrage.
Aziraphale finally takes his glasses off to tell Crowley that his "you were right" wasn't a good enough apology:
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At this point in the conversation, the angel is allowing himself to be more vulnerable and show just how upset he is.
This evidence is taken from limited samples, but it fits with the general dynamic of the characters observed elsewhere.
Thanks for the great prompt, I never would have done this exploration otherwise but it was very rewarding.
Good Omentober!
If you liked this, you may like:
Clothes + Equivocation = Romance by @cobragardens
The Colors of Crowley by @cobragardens
The Golden Lion by @cobragardens
Angel Pinky Rings by yours truly, @indigovigilance
...and any fan is welcome to drop an analysis request in my askbox!
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rel312 · 11 months
Episode 1:
(My brother actually came into my room to tell me to shut up)
Of course Aziraphale would just forgive 8 months rent
Lmao Gabriel’s just walking down the street ass naked
Gabriel just hugged Aziraphale I can’t
“James. Long for Jim, short for Gabriel”
Crowley knows Aziraphale so well, but poor guy he only calls him for 3 reasons
Poor Crowley is trying so hard not to freak out about the “naked man friend”
The conversation between Crowley and Jim I can’t
Maggie and Nina are trapped together!!
Michael and Uriel are fighting let’s gooo
Crowley just casually let the girls out lmao
Aaaaaand of course it goes immediately wrong
Episode 2:
Gabriel’s wig is atrocious
A jukebox that turns every song into Everyday like the Bentley with Queen, hmmm….
Crowley looks like a doting partner bringing his husband a drink
“Get humans wet and staring into each other’s eyes, vavoom, sorted” sir… are you telling me that’s what did it for you???
Crowley’s so confounded that Jane Austen wrote books
Crowley scaring the kids cause they were brats but not actually killing them aww
The little girl asking to be a blue lizard with her siblings she’s so cute
I cannot believe Aziraphale was the first to talk about sides I love them
Crowley and Aziraphale working together for the first time to save the kids
Aziraphale looks so shaken to have lied poor baby
Crowley babe he’s begging for you to drive him
“Our car” you can’t take it that far lol
Poor Aziraphale really thought he was gonna fall he was about to cry
Crowley was so soft in that last scene
Episode 3:
Jim’s stuff is all labeled
Aziraphale looks like a proud father to Muriel
Crowley’s moving the plants to use the car
They both look like parents I love them
Crowley brought Aziraphale to a cemetery because he thought it would amuse him, that is date behavior
Crowley is about to kill Aziraphale for changing his car
“Operation: Lovebirds” Crowley is such a dork
Aziraphale just is not getting anything lol
Crowley… shrunk himself??? And then grew himself????
Crowley tempted her to be good I love him
I love the very closed sign
Demons can’t enter somewhere uninvited???
He’s so angry Aziraphale might be hurt
Episode 4:
“His type”????
“I remember hearing that you and Crowley were an item” HOLY SHIT
“This office has gone 13 5 0 days without anyone saying ‘THE ROAD TO HELL IS PAVED’”
Glad to see Aziraphale in his magic era
Crowley’s impression is hilarious
“Someone you can really trust” and his first thought is Crowley 🥹
Aziraphale has a gun and Crowley has never shot one
Crowley was shaking he was so scared and Aziraphale was so proud of his trick
Furfur not knowing how to pronounce Aziraphale lmao
Sleight of hand!
Look at them finding a middle ground in shades of grey!
Lmao Crowley would murder him if he knew Aziraphale didn’t put the brakes
Episode 5:
They’re talking about Doctor Who
Aziraphale’s giving books and Crowley’s playing with crystal balls, I love them
Aziraphale being bad at French is so funny to me
Nina grilling Crowley on his relationship with Aziraphale is everything
Crowley was confronted with his feelings and immediately went out to get a drink with Aziraphale
Crowley’s so mad go off king
The matchbox!
Aww look at Crowley denying he’s nice
The romantic music while Crowley looks at Aziraphale with the chandelier
Oh. My. GOD. Jim’s suit!
Lol that’s not what I was expecting when they said masks will be provided
“Surrender the angle”
Gabriel’s coat!!
“T. O. S. T. E.”
“You’re a good lad” “not actually, either”
“Rescuing me makes him so happy” you can’t just say things like that and expect me to be normal about it
Episode 6:
Crowley’s just bouncing around in heaven
“I’m done with being scared” *flips them the bird*
Oh sweetie, you meant well but no
“Crowley’s emotional support angel” yes, yes that’s exactly what he is
Crowley’s little supportive punch to Muriel was so cute
Gabriel x Beelzebub confirmed??
The fact that Gabriel and Beelzebub were able to sort this out in a few years while it’s taken Crowley and Aziraphale 6000 is insane
And the fact that Aziraphale grabbed Crowley’s arm when he realized that
Crowley’s so impressed with Aziraphale bringing everyone to order
Aziraphale’s face at Crowley talking about Alpha Centauri
Aziraphale looking at Crowley with so much love in his eyes is giving me life
Aziraphale looking to Crowley for permission I can’t
Crowley knowing Aziraphale will come back and saying they need “a little us time” at the Ritz
Crowley getting antsy that Aziraphale’s not back yet
Nina taking inspiration from Crowley and calling Maggie angel my beloved
Crowley looks devastated that Aziraphale interrupted him
Aziraphale looks so incredibly happy at getting Crowley to be an angel again but there’s no way Crowley wants that
Crowley’s getting so emotional
“Just be an us” stooooopppppp
“I need you” I can’t take this!
THEY KISSED!!!!!!!!!
Aziraphale touched his lips after I’m dying
Aziraphale stop being so stupid and get him back
The- the second coming??
Please tell me there will be a season 3 I can’t handle this
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mimisempai · 13 days
Dorks in love
Aziraphale is angry that Crowley has once again gone after Mr. Brown because he's jealous. But maybe it's not about jealousy.
Just them being two idiots in love
Prompt : "You're really cute when you're mad."
On Ao3
Rating G -  287 words
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"Crowley! You did it again!"
The demon looked up from the newspaper he was reading to see the angel standing in front of him, hands on hips, looking absolutely pissed.
As he folded his newspaper, Crowley asked in a honeyed tone, "What did I do?"
"Cast a spell on Mr. Brown just because you're jealous."
"Oh, come on, Angel, that's funny, I just turned everything he wears from orange to green."
The demon chuckled before adding, "That includes his hair and mustache."
Aziraphale pointed a finger at his chest as he replied sharply, "That's not the point. You can't do this every time you think he's coming on to me. I thought you trusted me and-"
Crowley shook his head and sheepishly replied, "Actually, I have a confession to make. I'm not doing this because I'm jealous, but because yourereallycutewhenyouremad."
Crowley, cheeks now slightly flushed, repeated, "You're really cute when you're mad."
Aziraphale, speechless at first, threw his head back and burst out laughing. It took him a while to calm down as Crowley buried his head in his hands.
Then, as the laughter subsided, the demon felt Aziraphale's hands grab his and pull them away from his face.
The angel crouched in front of him and shook his head before saying, "And I'm the cute one? You'll have to excuse me, but right now you're the cuter of us two."
"Not even close."
"Come on Crowley, you know I'm right."
"No, it's mmmph."
The demon was unable to answer because the angel had pressed his lips to his and silenced him in the most adorable way he knew how.
In the end, it didn't matter, they were both the most adorable dorks in the world.
Still not beta'd
Still not my native language
Still hoping you'll enjoy this story  🥰
Still thanking you for bearing with me 😝
Ineffable Growing Love - Series post S2
Part 1 Story 1-99
Part 2 Story 100-?
Ineffable Husbands masterlist : here
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ineffably-poetic · 1 year
I love the fact that Good Omens season 2 is going to be a mystery. Like, I’m a sucker for the mystery genre, but imagining Crowley and Aziraphale, two of the biggest dorks I know, who messed up so badly in s1 that they thought a totally normal kid was an antichrist, as DETECTIVES? is endlessly funny.
I mean, imagine Aziraphale, who has obviously read Sherlock Holmes, trying to act like he knows exactly what to do, but he’s just confused. And Crowley is just so done with Aziraphale pretending to be a detective that he sort of miracles “clues” in that actually don’t relate to the case at all, in hopes that Aziraphale will chill out and be satisfied, but it just ends up with them both being confused and very very very far from the actual answer.
Basically, what I’m saying is, I want a mystery novel, but instead it’s just Aziraphale and Crowley being dumbasses the entire time until like, Anathema or Adam figured it out. And they’re just like. “what.”
thank you for putting up with my rant. i am now going to write this because i need this to exist and apparently it’s up to me to do it.
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danfrik · 6 months
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Did'ya miss me? Probably not, anyway.
I'm here with another drawing that I kind of procrastinated to finish until today-
It took me like five hours to finish what I already had started...
But whatever, welcome again to my impulsive (and kind of stupid) little brain, I'm going to talk about this and you will read everything.
⚠️Minor/Major Spoilers Ahead⚠️
First things first.
I want to make clear that, yes, Miles and Phoenix switched bodies just like Aziraphale and Crowley did.
Those marks on Phoenix's face? Let's just say that that one headcanon about holy water tears is a thing here (because I'm a sucker for angst).
I also want to point out some details about the switch thing because... well, I just want to talk about every little detail, let me cook.
• On Good Omens (the TV show, of course), Crowley (as Aziraphale) has an ice cream while Aziraphale (as Crowley) has a popsicle, but here I decided to be special and reverse that because, honestly, I see Phoenix being more of a popsicle guy, and Miles more of an ice cream type of man, don't ask me why.
(Also, I gave Miles a strawberry ice cream with sprinkles and Phoenix a grape popsicle, I'm sure you know why.)
(Because Miles likes pink and Phoenix likes "grape juice", that's why.)
• One of the things that I did to make the switch slightly more obvious is the frown, more specifically Miles' frown, the old "Edgeworth glare™️".
So, no matter how hard Miles is pretending to be Phoenix, we cannot take away his glare. On the other hand, Phoenix is really expressive (even behind those shades, yes), so he'll try to keep it either slightly neutral or keep that rest bitch expression (did I say that right?).
I mean... he is pretending to be Miles, y'know?
• Other thing that I did was change Phoenix's clothes while Miles is pretending to be him.
Gave him a waistcoat and his tie back because, of course, Miles thinks they suit Phoenix just fine (and he is absolutely right) and because he could never dress like a basic bitch, he is a classy bitch after all.
Oh, and I gave Phoenix a little handkerchief, like I said, Miles is a classy bitch... with questionable fashion sense *stares at his jabot*.
And, not gonna lie, Phoenix has no fashion sense, at all, the only reason he slays like he does in his usual outfit, is because he takes Miles' advice every now and then, but if it were for him he would wear crocs with socks (I mean, based, I do that too).
• Oh, I almost forgot about a tiny detail.
Miles also managed to brush Phoenix's little flick of hair, you know that one.
He likes to be presentable, no hair out of place.
• Phoenix didn't change anything of Miles, he is perfect as it is (jabot and all, I guess).
Now that I covered those little details, I can proceed to talk about other things >:)
Actually, is more of the same topic anyway.
The whole switching bodies trick, that is.
Aside from the details about costume and mannerisms, I want to talk about both sides.
How Phoenix will act in heaven and Miles in hell?
I picture it kind of like this:
For Miles side, pretending to be Phoenix is not as difficult as he would've thought, at least for the bantering and body language part.
Quite surprisingly, he does pretty great, the only difficult part might be the facial expressions, but he managed to not catch anyone's attention anyway.
Like in the TV show (Good Omens, I mean), Miles exaggerates little things about Phoenix, like being a bit more dork, maybe even a bit nonchalant or flamboyant, slightly dramatic but not too much.
Now for Phoenix, it is kind of difficult for him to not react at the petty coments and keep a neutral face but he manages, though his eyes speak for him, of course.
He keeps this solemn atitude, even spoke with the same flourishness that Miles tends to speak with, and bows before the Archangels.
Not that he wants to, but he knows that Miles does that out of respect for any higher being.
His body is mostly stiff, not daring to make any sound unless necessary, he only dared to glare when the hellfire came and when they insulted Miles.
Miles, much like Aziraphale, played with the holy water, splashing just enough so it won't reach anyone but also enough so no one would dare to get close to him.
Also joked around and asked for a rubber duck and a towel (and almost dared to ask for some scented candles).
"Y'know? It is quite relaxing being like this, it feels refreshing, a demon could get used to this."
With Phoenix is quite similar as to how Crowley messed a little with the Archangels, but he didn't stay silent.
He took a deep breathe once he was on the fire, did the "breathing fire" trick as well, and made a little joke, as if taunting them for not being able to destroy Miles nor him.
"I've been to hell recently, it was really lovely if you ask me, warm and cozy... you'd like it."
And so, both sides let them go and switch back again.
Leading to a small talk about both sides leaving them alone for a while, the not-apocalypse, the "antichrist" and all that.
Of course, finishing with that date- I mean, dinner at the Ritz, cheering for the world while a nightingale sings not so far away.
Oh, and I want to add a little thing too!
When they stand up from the bench, after switching again, I kind of want Phoenix to make a little joke about his own name, kind of like:
"I'm gonna be honest with you, angel, I really felt like I raised from the ashes back there."
"Must you be so foolish all the time?"
"Aw, c'mon, you think it's funny, I can see you holding back!"
"Nonsense, I would never consider funny that ridiculous and foolish joke of yours..."
[Spoilers: He did]
Anyway, I think that's all, at least for now.
Thanks again if you have read all the way down, if you didn't... well, that's understandable, but thank you anyways!
Hope you have a nice day, stranger!
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humbledragon669 · 23 days
S1E2 – The Book Write Up P2 – 11 years ago and The Present Day/Thursday (2 days to the end of the World) (up to Aziraphale and Crowleys’ arrival in Tadfield)
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Alright, let’s get dug straight in, shall we? There’s a lot of background narrative being covered in this section, including the introduction of quite a few new characters.
Let’s start with Anathema. I don’t have a lot to say about her intro scene, but I do have two questions:
Why THE HELL is her mother allowing her to draw in that book? It’s the only copy of a 350-year-old book that contains prophecies that have all proven to be correct. In reality that book would genuinely be priceless, and we will see later in the series that the book is still considered valuable to the family. I don’t like writing notes in my cheap paperback books, so the idea of a child drawing IN COLOURED PENCIL in this book chills me to the bone, yet her mother just lets her do it without so much as a blink of an eye. Mad woman.
We know that the book contains prophecies up until the end of the world. We also know that at least one of the prophecies contains an actual year (1980 – the one with the Apple). Furthermore, we know that Anathema is named specifically in one of the prophecies. Just how many Anathemas did this family have in the hopes that one of them would be the one to save the world? Logically, only children born after 1980 would be eligible but that still leaves at least one generation of descendants prior to the one we see in the show. I suppose there could be another prophecy that states what year “the” Anathema was to be born but I like to believe that somewhere there’s a little group of related women called Anathema all fighting over who gets to save the world.
Next up – Newton. Again, not an awful lot to say here, other than the camera crashing into his bedroom window makes me laugh every time I watch it. I don’t know why this specific moment was chosen to break the fourth wall just as much as I don’t know why I find it so funny.
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Having worked in IT for more than ten years, I can say without a doubt that there really are people like poor Newt who are cursed with breaking anything computer-related just by looking at it. They’re exasperating because they usually think the whole thing is one big joke and hold their technology incompatibility up to be some sort of prize. At least Newt has the decency to look abashed by his strange “gift”.
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Newton’s home location is confirmed to be Dorking in his first present day scene when we see his mother shipping him off to a new job. We don’t know the location of the United Worldwide Holdings (Holdings) office in which he attempts to establish a hold as a wages clerk, but I can say for certainty that the location of his introduction to Shadwell is central London. For those whose UK geography is worse than my own, it would take over an hour to get to central London from Dorking, regardless of the transport mode of choice. This has always struck me as rather odd – it’s clear that Newt has difficulty holding down a job. The home that he apparently shares with his mother looks pretty run down from the outside, suggesting that money isn’t exactly a commodity in their household. So why would you take a clerical job, that likely doesn’t pay much, in a place that’s over an hour away? Perhaps Neil and Terry just chose Dorking as Newt’s hometown because it has a slightly funny sounding name…
Side note: the chances that the Hot Dog van that Newt and Shadwell get their drinks from would be allowed to park there, right behind the Houses of Parliament and directly in front of Westminster Abbey, are null. I would even go so far as to suggest that Shadwell himself would likely be moved on pretty sharpish from his chosen pulpit. Makes a pretty impressive backdrop though, hey?
Let’s just take a moment to have a chortle at Shadwell’s ideas of what sort of activity would give the game away for any self-respecting witch:
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Speaking as the last in the line of Welsh “wise women”, I can (pretty much categorically state) that none of my ancestors have done any of those things. Maybe apart from calling the cats funny names, though most of my maternal line had/have a strong dislike for animals of the feline variety. My cat is called Kishi, which is supposed to be Japanese for “love bound to Earth”. It’s a wholly inappropriate name for her, as she’s really just a massive prick, like every other cat there is.
Why does Newt stop to listen to Shadwell here? Why not just ignore the crazy man on the pedestal like every other person in London? Obviously that would cause a bit of a plot problem. Perhaps it’s his ancestral right driving him into the arms of the Witchfinder Army – there are certainly crazier things that happen in the GO universe! As it turns out, Newt’s recruitment is well-timed, what with there not being any soldiers of rank higher than sergeant, and only one of those at that.
Easter egg time!
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This ridiculously quick shot of Shadwell’s newspaper gives us a veritable treasure trove of Easter eggs/nuggets of information for the keen eye:
Shadwell’s address is confirmed as located in Crouch End.
The reference numbers for the adverts begin with the letters “GO”.
There is an advert for a lost book, which we can just make out is one of Terry’s – “Colour of Magic”.
Save the best for last! The advert for a lost hat clearly describes Terry himself, and his signature hat and scarf. Not only that, but he apparently lost it in a book shop in Soho. I wonder which one that could be…
This fleeting glimpse of newspaper is a perfect representation for one of the main reasons I love this show so much. Most casual audience members will never see it. Some more interested parties will see it and think little of it. Others, like myself and likely anybody reading this waffle, will not only see it, but understand the references and then squeal with delight at the little present that was left for us to find. It makes me feel valued as a fan whilst at the same time as if I’m sharing in a secret that the creative team has left for me. This is great television making at its very best.
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Quick Easter egg here in Jasmine Cottage: the image that Anathema has pinned on the wall to represent the Antichrist is the same as the one used on the playing cards from episode 1 (albeit in black and white):
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When we find ourselves back with Crowley in his apartment, he’s clearly furious with himself about losing the Antichrist. We also learn that he discovered the joys of tending to houseplants in the early 1970s. I’d like to think he inserted them into his life after the event that takes place in 1967 between himself and Aziraphale (which we will see in the next episode) – perhaps he was looking for something that he could try to use as some sort of poor substitute for his true desires? The presence of the houseplants and the timeline for his discovering of them is included in the book, so in honesty I doubt this was the intention for their purpose, but I like the possibility nonetheless. The scene with the houseplants provides a little nugget of information that we can store for reference for later – Crowley’s houseplants actually shake when they’re frightened.
Once again, I don’t have much to say about the next scene: that of Newt’s arrival to the Witchfinder Army’s HQ. I will pause briefly to note the wording of the notice on Shadwell’s door:
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This calls to mind the phrase used by Aziraphale to refer to Crowly in episode 1. I’m not sure there’s anything in this as “foul fiend” has often been used to refer to demonic or evil beings. That said, it’s difficult not to try and make some connection, given that the two uses of the phrase are so close together in the show. We will later find out that Shadwell is working for both Aziraphale and Crowley for the same purpose, so defying the “foul fiend” in this case becomes somewhat impossible.
Quick pause for a moment of appreciation for that strut that David pulls off in this next scene. Honestly, there are professional supermodels that couldn’t manage that sort of casual arrogance, even if somebody told them they could stay thin and eat whatever they wanted for the rest of their lives.
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This is the first time we find out that Crowly has adopted a first name for himself. I’ll talk about it a little more in the write up(s) for episode 3, so for now this is another piece of information for us to store for later.
I quite enjoy just how awkward Aziraphale sounds leaving a message on the answerphone. Dealing with the unannounced arrival of two angels in his book shop he can handle, but having to leave a message instead of speaking to Crowley direct? Perish the thought. This seems to me a quite human attitude to have – when answerphones started to become commonplace, people (on the whole) hated leaving messages once they realised the person they wanted to speak to wasn’t going to pick up. What I find interesting about the conversation that they do have is that Aziraphale’s suggestion is actually incredibly obvious. In fact, it’s about the only possible scenario that would make any sense. Crowley’s disbelieving expression would suggest he doesn’t feel the same way:
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Still, at least this conversation tells the audience that this pair haven’t given up on working together to try and stop Armageddon just yet (it would be a pretty short and disappointing show if they had, wouldn’t it?!).
At this point in the episode, we are introduced to Crowley’s driving style which could be described as suicidal dangerous. He seems pretty confident with it though, so it’s unlikely this is out of the ordinary for him, urgency of their mission notwithstanding. Aziraphale doesn’t actually seem that bothered by it initially, not until we hear the horns of other angry drivers, where it becomes apparent that he’s actually very uncomfortable indeed. We’ll see a fair amount of material on the theme of Crowley’s driving and its effects on Aziraphale in this episode, almost like we’re being set up for something…
Crowley is pretty insistent on the use of “we” in this scene, despite the fact that Aziraphale really didn’t have anything to do with losing the Antichrist (he just took Crowley’s lead on this one). The angel doesn’t really dispute it though, though perhaps he’s just too worried about being discorporated to argue.  What is pretty obvious is that Crowley does not appreciate being told how to drive, and it makes me wonder how many times they have had conversations exactly like this before.
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I’m going to wrap this part up with a quick round-up of the “The Them” scenes in Tadfield, prior to the arrival Aziraphale and Crowley in the village. As with much of the other narrative-based scenes in this episode, I don’t have much to say about them, but I did make note of a couple of (potentially) interesting things:
Pepper’s middle name is Galadriel. For those people who have managed to live their lives without any sort of interaction with Lord of the Rings up to now, this is the name of an Elven queen in that universe. As much as it would be cool for there to be some sort of subtextual Clue hidden in her middle name, I think it’s more likely it was just picked because it was a fitting one for the daughter of a reformed hippy.
Anathema recites parts of an infamous speech from Shakespeare’s Macbeth here: Eye of newt and […] tongue of dog. What I find interesting about this is that there are two ingredients in the potion recipe that have been omitted (a frog’s toe and the wool of a bat), leaving only the two elements that can be found in the show – a Newt and a dog. Honestly, I’m not sure what to make of this, not least because I’m not even sure what relevance the rhyme has to what she’s doing at the time she recites it. Not to mention that she hasn’t actually met Newt at this point, so would have no knowledge of his name (to the best of our knowledge, he’s only referred to as “man” or “boy” in Agnes’s prophecies).
Wensleydale brings up the Spanish Inquisition when in the woods, which we know Crowley has claimed responsibility for (to his Hellish masters). I absolutely love the way that the religious reasoning for punishing people is so masterfully undermined by Brian’s earnest reasoning here. I should point out that in addition to being a hereditary Pagan, I am staunchly against organised religion (not faith; I consider that to be an entirely different concept and feel that it’s integral to the spiritual identity for pretty much everybody. I believe we should all have the right to follow our chosen faith without the overbearing interference of organised religion) so the satiric tones that people who were being executed would have been grateful for their persecution if they had understood the reasons behind it fully really strikes a chord with the religion-cynic in me.
There’s an interesting little set detail here in the Them’s den:
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These look like old-school weighing scales to me. In the context of the conversation that the Them are having about torturing witches, these could be said to be a reference to the practice of weighing people accused of witchcraft against the weight of a bible to determine their guilt. Alternatively, it could be a reference to the scales we will see later in the series as the summoning object for Famine. Or it could be nothing. I doubt that last one though.
That brings us quite nicely to see Aziraphale and Crowley arriving in Tadfield, which feels to me like a good place to finish this part of the write up. I’m going to be tackling a couple of important moments in the next part (can we say “wall slam”?), which I’m aware have been discussed at length already, but I have things to say and I’m going to say them. They’ve probably all been said before, but they need to get out of my head and into a piece of writing so I’m going to say them anyway. Questions, comments and discussion on this part welcome as always!
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coyotestarcraft · 9 months
I’d Sacrifice Myself For You Dorks Any Day (Part 2)
Good Omens Imagines
A/N: Sorry it took a while, but it’s finally done! It’s extra long because why not?
Warnings: Cussing, Blood, Injuries, panic attack.
Part 1
After being discharged from the hospital, you went home to recover.
“Easy love, the couch isn’t going anywhere.” Crowley chuckled at how fast you wanted to go inside and rest.
“He’s right.” The angel smiles.
“Sorry, I just wanna sleep.” Your eyes are drooping already and the boys are concerned you might not make to Crowley’s flat, so instead the demon picks you carrying you all the way up so you don’t hurt yourself.
“Baby goat, you gotta take your medicine before you sleep.” Crowley said, you groaned but took it anyway when it was handed to you.
“Sleep well my love.” Aziraphale softly kissed your cheek as sleep took over.
Shax had come to kill you for meddling with Aziraphale and Crowley.
But you weren’t going to let her just take them away without a fight, the boys tried telling you not to fight her but in the end it wouldn’t matter, your temper was off the charts to be stopped now.
*After Fighting (cause I’m too lazy to write it, sorry)*
You stood on wobbly legs, facing Shax as she stood in front of you with her hands covered in your own blood.
Your face was covered in blood from when she slashed your eye leaving three angry marks dripping in blood, as many cuts and bruises littered your body as well.
“You foolish human, you’ll never amount to anything ever, your just a waste of space.” She snarled with a smirk breaking out on her face.
“FUCK YOU!” You screamed.
She gave you one last chance to surrender but you weren’t losing anyone else, in a desperate attempt to save the boys you lunged at Shax, knocking her off the bridge into the water for her to rot.
The last you heard before passing out “Y/N! Hold on love we’re coming!”
“y/n…” a voice called from somewhere unknown.
“Y/N love wake up!” Azira’s voice finally filtered through just enough to startle you awake.
You shot up from your spot on the couch, a loud gasp erupted from you, soon deep, fast breaths left you, a panic attack was happening.
“My love, look at me, it’s okay, your safe.” Aziraphale tried to hug you but it only made you panic more, you flinched at the thought of even being close to anyone.
“Sweetheart, I know your scared, it’s okay, take some deep breaths for me.” Crowley was never this soft, not even with Aziraphale but in the current moment he didn’t care, all he wanted was for you to feel safe and loved.
“I-I c-can’t! I-I cant b-breathe!” You whimper out unable to take in any air, 10 seconds passed until your throat finally starts to open, you gasp for air as you accidentally squeeze your wrists too tight.
“I’m taking your hands so you don’t hurt yourself okay?” Crowley says, you give a shaky nod, slowly taking in air.
“Your doing amazing love, take some more deep slow breaths for me.” The angel smiled, his hand gently moving up and down your back soothingly.
You leaned forward to put your head in the crook of Crowley’s neck, you hiccup as you start to calm down, “there you go baby, we’ve got you.” He cooed.
A few minutes passed when they both heard soft snores coming from you.
Crowley gently layed you down on the couch, covering you back up with the blanket you were snuggling with. “Sleep love, we’re here and we aren’t leaving.” Aziraphale cooed as he kissed your temple.
You slept peacefully with your head in Crowley’s lap, he eventually moved you to be more comfortable so he could help Aziraphale cook dinner.
A soft hand carded through your hair as you slept.
Crowley cooed until you started to wake up making the cutest noises he’s ever heard, course he’d never admit it out loud.
“There’s my sweetheart, it’s dinner time love.” He smiled as you peeled open your eyes letting out a small yawn.
“What’s cooking?” You asked as you threw the blanket off you and stretched.
“Chicken Parmesan with a salad.” The angel responded from the kitchen.
“Sounds good, I’m so hungry.” You smile as Aziraphale sets a plate down in front of you.
You take a bite and instantly melt in your seat, it’s been at least a week since you had a real home cooked meal. “It’s good I assume?” The angel smiles.
“Mhm, very good, thank you for dinner.” You smile back at your angel, he came over to kiss your cheek lovingly before digging into his own plate.
A while later you are snuggled between the boys watching a movie.
Soon after you fell asleep, Aziraphale carried you to bed with Crowley close behind.
They both tucked you into bed as snug as a bug in a rug.
“Goodnight my love.” Aziraphale kissed your forehead before wishing Crowley goodnight.
“G’ night sweetheart, night angel.” The demon responded back as both celestial beings let their wings out to wrap around you.
Recovery was always comfortable if it meant two celestial beings were by your side.
Thank you for reading!
If you have any requests you want me to write feel free to send them in. I want to try NSFW requests so feel free to send those too.
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hyperfixating-rn-brb · 3 months
here's the crowley one by the way
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ineffablydelighted · 10 months
[How exploring the Ineffable Husbands' dynamic in Good Omens can help us figure out what the show/book is all about, Part 2/?]
Also called: This human has, apparently, too much time on her hands and will be trying to Effable the Ineffable for [...] hours.
'Ello, 'Ello, 'Ello! 👋
Hope you are doing well since Part 1 😇 If you have not read it, you're losing a significant part of this analysis and I encourage you to please read it first 🥰 [because, well, it has been called Part 1 for a reason, hum-hum]
Now that we are in the sole company of Part 1's survivors, let's dive into Part 2 [THIS PART MIGHT BE LONGER, YOU'VE BEEN WARNED, ANGELS!] 😎
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[This gif is here to entice you to grab a snack and a drink you might fancy because, TRUST ME, I do not know how to shut up when I'm analyzing things and you're here for a long a** time. I know it is super hot outside for some of us but we can totally PRETEND it rains and cosy up in our favorite blanket. Remember: Autumn/Fall is a mindset, not a season.]
As I previously announced, the next bit of my analysis [and the next idk how many parts tbh, I'm a mess, but I believe I'll treat two encounters by part - told you this was gonna be LONG, don't hate me, homie 😣] will treat Aziraphale and Crowley's every S1 & S2 encounter, explaining why Aziraphale slowly falls in love with Crowley and using their dynamic to try my best to explain what Good Omens must be about as a whole.
Let's go!
Before the Beginning
In S2, Aziraphale meets Then-Angel "Crowley" (as we do not know his angelic name, we'll have to stick to that) and that is also the first and only time we, the audience, see him.
What does Aziraphale see in Angel Crowley?
First, he is super dynamic and cheerful: he really seems to ADORE creating stars [ask me to show you a nerdy dork before nerdy dorks even existed and Angel Crowley will always be my #1 from now on] but, also, he is already very frank, straightforward, and innovative (he invented the suggestion box sole concept, I believe 🤔)
[By the way, my take on this is that Angels, having been an active part in Creation, have the ability to create Concepts out of nothing but their own minds, and since they also have a "beehive system" [As S2 Crowley states when he is "arrested" by Cinnamon-Roll-In-Chief Muriel and is "brought" to Heaven], the Concept created becomes instantly real for every other Angel in the universe.]
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That worries Aziraphale instantly: he watches everywhere around him, afraid someone higher-ranked is listening.
This scene is very important because that shows us what differentiates Crowley and Aziraphale the most throughout the entire book/show: 
Aziraphale has somewhat of a Fear of God (which is encouraged by most religions: God is Right, always, you are nobody to state the opposite) that Crowley does not have because he has Trust (which is still having Faith, just a more optimistic one - most times.)
Crowley is, first and foremost, a creator at heart.
He loves creating things, he develops a bond with his creations, and cannot fathom how the Creator with a capital "C" wouldn't either.
That is why he does not mind stating out loud that creating a star factory for it to serve nothing is "idiocy"; even worse, to not even let it follow its natural course? It feels utterly wrong to him! 
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Then-Angel Crowley already has his own understanding of what Creation is all about, while Aziraphale, being a "people" pleaser through and through, follows the mass, no questions asked, definitely no suggestions.
That first conversation holds their first debate as well:
Are they, as Angels, simple executors or are they collaborators? And, to go further: what is the point of THEM altogether?
Although, Aziraphale does not engage in the said debate for long.
Especially when Angel Crowley says:
"Well, you know, if I was the one running it all, I'd like it if someone asked questions! Fresh point of view!"
That is the precise moment Aziraphale starts PANICKING out of the Fear of God I mentioned earlier:
In his eyes, Crowley commits the utmost BLASPHEMY the minute he tries to PUT HIMSELF AT GOD'S PLACE.
That is precisely how Angels FALL: In the Bible, God expresses their wrath whenever Humans and Angels alike defy/deny their authority/their Almightyness.
Out of terror, Aziraphale tries to distract Angel Crowley by bringing his attention back to his creation. He ends up genuinely worrying for him and expresses it:
"Look, word to the wise; I'd hate to see you getting into any trouble."
Angel Crowley thanks him for his concern and says this sentence so full of dramatic irony because we, the audience, already know what will happen to him:
"I wouldn't worry, though; How much trouble can I get into just for asking a few questions?"
Then, Angel Crowley will show an act of kindness and concern of his own by protecting Aziraphale from the explosions (Fire).
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It will also create Alpha Centauri in the process.
[I'm not sure why he does it but I do have a theory:
Since he never created a Nebula before and Aziraphale had not been a part of this project at any point, he might have been afraid that God and/or the Nebula's creators had somewhat forgotten to include all the other Angels in the "do not harm" category.]
But would it be what Aziraphale remembers the most about this encounter? I do not believe so.
As he will constantly do over the ages, he will miss the POINT:
I believe Aziraphale mostly associates this encounter with the moment he saw Crowley as his HAPPIEST.
And joy, both as a concept and a state of mind is something really, really important to Aziraphale.
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[PURE JOY right there. Also, I need my doors to creek like that.]
4004 BC, Garden of Eden
In S1, During this encounter, the Cherubim/Guardian of The Eastern Gate Aziraphale meets the Demon Crawley for the first time since the latter has fallen.
What makes me think that is that Aziraphale asks for his name.
But there are indications they have met prior (both as angels, I mean, and not just at the Beginning): Crawley asks Aziraphale about the flaming sword that has been given to him in the past.
More so, it is most likely that Aziraphale showed him the sword.
"You did, it was flaming like anything, what happened to it?"
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I'll even go further by stating they must have been somewhat friends during that elapse, for two reasons:
One, because of this sentence Crawley says:
"Lost it already, I mean?"
Meaning: you have a tendency to lose things and I would not know that if we hadn't met plenty of times.
 Two, because Aziraphale answers HONESTLY to Crawley's question.
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That becomes even more baffling when we discover that, being asked the same question later on, Aziraphale proceeds to LIE TO GOD'S FACE.
What really interests me about this encounter, in particular, is how at ease (even if he is experiencing stress because of the flaming sword's situation) Aziraphale feels by Crawley's side, even though he is now a Demon.
Sure, he does insist on Crawley's new nature and that is most certainly because he is thinking in dichotomy, but
He feels safe enough around him to be honest and, more importantly, vulnerable. Deep down, he already knows Crawley will never use that information against him.
[And that, Angels, is the cutest thing ever, amr?]
Also, as they always will over the years, they will
Have a debate on what is Right and what is Wrong.
Aziraphale is worried he might have done the wrong/bad thing by giving Adam his flaming sword.
However, he acted out of kindness and empathy, which Crawley is very receptive to. Aziraphale can see that and also that Crawley tries to reassure him by saying:
"Oh, you're an angel, I don't think you can do the wrong thing"
But then, being his honest self, he contemplates whether or not HE might have done the right thing, crushing Aziraphale's brief moment of rest.
But, contrary to Aziraphale, it does not worry him that much: he had fallen already, so he learned a thing or two about Heaven and Hell and has started not to care about their opinions at all since they did not care about his when he was actually invested in the Ineffable Plan.
[Also, I just love how Crawley, by being the one who gives Eve the apple, is the official Earthy Creator of Free Will™ (even if God and Satan must have been its sponsors) - it does align with his sense of self since the suggestion box falls into the same thinking pattern.]
During their debate, Aziraphale totally misses Crawley's whole POINT (again): 
Crawly states that God WANTED Free Will to be introduced.
Otherwise, they would not have made it remotely possible for humans to gain access to it. By that, he also implies (at least) three things:
One: God created the Tree that holds the Forbidden Apple, even if they called it Forbidden. They'd put it on sight, in the middle of Eden, not outside of it. They let Satan send Crawley to tempt Eve who later temps Adam.
Meaning: God and Satan are, on occasion if not all the time, working TOGETHER and playing their own game, so why wouldn't THEY?
Two: If there is such thing as Fallen Angels/Demons, it is because God WANTS it in the first place. 
Meaning: Therefore, how can their actions be BAD as in "wrong" or as in "shouldn't happen"?
Three: If a Demon can, in fact, do Good/Right and an Angel can do Bad/Wrong actions, are they, really, that different? How much do their actions matter anyway? How is that even possible for them to do the opposite of their apparent purpose? Unless, of course, God WANTS it that way.
Meaning: Good and Bad are much more INTERTWINED and CODEPENDENT than what Heaven and Hell appear to make them believe.
In fact, Crawly is already starting to believe Good and Bad MUST. ALWAYS. COEXIST. no matter WHO does it.
UNLESS, of course, they... do not exist at all?
Is there, really, Good or Bad anyway?
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[I've tried to warn you through the tags: philosophy haters, the floor is now LAVA.]
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Aziraphale does not think like that at all. That kind of belief shakes him, but being his Angels = Good = Right self, he refuses to believe it.
Also, he considers it as Blasphemy and Temptation.
But, guess what, that is normal. During this debate,
Aziraphale does not interpret why God put the Forbidden Fruit in the middle of Eden the way Crawley does.
Aziraphale does not think of the Ineffable plan like that: to him, he is supposed to do what he is TOLD.
In other words, Aziraphale's theory is that
God is TESTING its creations, and the creations/subordinates in question must prove they are stronger because they respect/fear God MORE than they are inclined to follow their own wishes.
It is a very common religious belief if not THE most common.
Crawley is more... let's say "Oscar Wilde-ish" in his thinking. [The -ish is important here, the man was very paradoxical but that was the first that came to my mind]
[I would like to drop in here some glimpse of cinematographic analysis as well [because this is MY essay and I can do whatever the Hell that I want.] :
During the debate per se, they never share the screen, even though they are willing to talk peacefully and respectfully - hence the fact both actually turn to each other, look at each other, etc.
Basically, their debate is a true one, but none will change their minds anytime soon.] 
They find common grounds to "Agree to Disagree" when Aziraphale protects Crawley from Earth's very first Rain (Water)
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Why does Aziraphale do it? In my opinion, probably for the same reason Then-Angel Crowley did it: The rain could have been God's way to destroy the Demon who was there, since Fire is, at that point, already related to Satan.
[Well, even if it was God who gave Aziraphale a flaming sword... Good and Bad are ALWAYS totally mixed up in Good Omens. See?]
It was a gesture of protection, courtesy, and empathy. A "just in case this is a danger for you" act.
[I might go back to this part to add some things as I will soon rewatch very carefully both seasons in case I miss something - and I will, because I'm chaotic AF. Although, this girl likes to think of herself as being thorough when she puts in an effort.]
So, yeah, this book/show is very interesting to me because, as I've stated in the tags and as I'm trying to prove to you (and to myself) in this very lengthy analysis,
Good Omens is a philosophical essay disguised as comedic/satyric/romantic fiction.
It does not mean it is NOT a comedic/satyric/romantic fiction, though. Of course not! It is both. And many other things in between.
[Now, I'll let that sink in and give both of us a well-deserved break.]
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[Friendly Space Ninja, I know you'll never see this but I'm manifesting all the admiration and respect I can to wish you a good day.]
During Part 3, we'll treat the next two of our favorite pair's encounters:
S1 3004 BC (Noa's Arch, The Flood) and S2 2500 BC (Job's case).
Can't wait, I'm a big fan of the Job's episode.
Toodles, Angels! See you soo-oooooooon!
[Do you hate me by now? Nah? It will come.]
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Good Omens Chibi Headcanons (Aziraphale And Crowley) [Part 2: Chibi Crowley]
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😈 Original headcanons 😈
😈 Ao3 version 😈
Part 1 (original) is here.
Ao3 Part 1 is here.
Updated Tumblr part 1 is here.
Part 3 (original) is here.
Ao3 part 3 is here.
Updated Tumblr part 3 is here.
(*Takes place during Season 1*)
• Okay, so imagine Crowley, right? He’s a lot cuter, smaller, more mischievous, hyper, and is 10 times more dramatic. That’s Chibi Crowley in a nutshell.
• Chibi Crowley thinks that Crowley is the coolest demon ever!
• Chibi Crowley views Crowley as a role model figure.
• Because he sees him as a role model, Chibi Crowley will try and emulate almost everything Crowley does. (Yes, that includes his walk.)
• Chibi Crowley likes that he’s allowed to sit in the front of the Bentley whenever he and Crowley go somewhere so as long as he agrees to buckle up.
• Speaking of the black car, Chibi Crowley sees and treats the Bentley as a person and friend. It was just such a great car to him! He loves how Bent (yes, he gave it the nickname Bent) is able to take him and Crowley wherever they need to go with style and speed!
• When it’s parked, Chibi Crowley likes to hop on top of the hood of the car and pretend to be driving it, making car driving sound effects.
• Chibi Crowley is an excited, squealing, happy, laughing mess when Crowley speeds 90 miles per hour in Central London. The little guy just LOVES it when his big counterpart goes fast! He also loves it when Crowley speeds past other cars because he always thought that he and Crowley were in a race and they were the ones who were winning! He’d go up to the window and make silly faces at drivers as if saying, “Na-na na boo-boo! You can’t beat us!”
• If Crowley is in the mood, I can see the two of them going on a lot of little road trips together.
• One of Chibi Crowley’s favorite things to do with Crowley when they’re driving around in the Bentley is lip-sync to Crowley's "Best of Queen" tape. It’s a fun, goofy platonic bonding experience for the both of them. And trust me, when they lip sync together in the car to Queen, they are so EXTRA about it. They even go as far as making up their own little choreographed dance for some songs. Is the dancing good? Not really, it’s actually quite dorky. But hey, they’re having fun being dorks.
• Their drama queen meters rise up incredibly high when "Bohemian Rhapsody" starts playing. The passion and extraness they put into the lip-syncing is too funny.
• When the music ends, the two can’t help but laugh at themselves. Crowley will ask Chibi Crowley if he would like to do it again for a 12th time, to which the chibi replies by nodding his head.
• The tiny demon really likes it when Crowley shows off his more fun side in the car. He’s glad to have a goofy snake friend like him.
• Their little road trips would usually end the same way. Crowley would be driving at night to his apartment and Chibi Crowley would be in the passenger seat sleeping. On the radio, the song that would be playing is “Pale Blue Eyes” by Velvet Underground. It was one of Crowley’s favorites, and the slow calming music was used to keep Chibi Crowley asleep until they returned to the flat.
• Chibi Crowley loves being roommates with Crowley!
• As soon as Crowley would arrive home, you’ll see Chibi Crowley in his snake form quickly slithering over to the other demon in excitement as Crowley opens up his hand for the little snake to crawl on. The chibi would then go straight to biting his finger. He’d be all like, “Om nom nom!”. It was his strange way of saying, ‘Hello, hi, yes, I missed you. Welcome back home.’ Since the biting didn’t really hurt him due to Chibi Crowley being the size of a tiny baby snake, Crowley didn’t mind. He found it endearing in a way.
• Chibi Crowley absolutely adores gummy snakes! He loved the chewiness! His favorite part had to be their heads. He just loved biting them right off! Crowley got a kick out of tempting and enticing his chibi with them. The serpant shaped gummies were also a great way to keep Chibi Crowley occupied while he was away.
• When the houseplants heard the news that there was another demon living in the flat, they were beyond terrified! One demon was already a challenge, BUT TWO?! Just the thought made them shiver in fear. As the plants prepared themselves to meet the EVIL, TERRIFYING, fiend, they see him and…oh. He…wasn’t as they imagined him to be. He was…small. Tiny. And…REALLY CUTE! The plants all thought that Chibi Crowley was the cutest, munchkin ever! The little demon had a problem with that. He didn’t want the plants to find him cute, he wanted them to fear him as much as they did Crowley. Time for him to install that fear into them, and that meant being mean. He would constantly glare, hiss, and yell at the plants in chibi gibberish to 'Grow better!’, but despite all of that, the plants only found him to be even more cute, which irritated him.
• Him and Crowley visit a reptile museum together, mainly to observe and check out all the cool-looking snakes there.
• Chibi Crowley somehow finds a way inside one of the snake vivariums and is amazed by all the different types of snakes he sees.
• The snakes don’t really react when they see Chibi Crowley, they just keep doing their thing. In their brains, they think, 'It’s just another snake, but... with legs, hair, and sunglasses? Odd.’
• Chibi Crowley will happily pet the snakes. Their scales have a smooth texture.
• He and the snakes are sticking their tongues at each other.
• The chibi demon sits on top of the back of a green boa. He gives the snake a loving hug, but it does not react to the affection. Instead, it slithers around and gives Chibi Crowley a sort of piggyback ride.
• When Chibi Crowley goes full serpent, he is at one with the snakes. Aaa, he loves them all! The tiny redhead wishes Crowley would allow him to take the snakes back home to the apartment, so that they could become his new pets.
• Him and Crowley both have fun scaring annoying people away using their shape-shifting abilities.
• Crowley creates for his chibi a tiny miniature wine glass so that he has something to drink wine out of.
• The bigger demon also creates a remote controlled 1934 black Bentley toy car for his chibi as a little demonic gift. The car looked almost identical to his. Chibi Crowley’s reaction to was that of a young child who had just received the present they’ve been asking for all year on Christmas, which meant lots of over-the-top squealing and rapidly saying thank you. Finally, Chibi Crowley will get to sit in the driver’s seat for once! He gets inside the vehicle and Crowley uses the controller to accelerate the car. It starts zooming all over the place! Chibi Crowley loves his sweet new ride!
• Chibi Crowley plans on taking Chibi Aziraphale on a drive with him someday in the toy car.
• Chibi Crowley and Crowley’s relationship is a mix of a close friendship and a sort of father-son bond.
• Just like Chibi Aziraphale, Chibi Crowley was also slightly envious of his bigger counterpart. Crowley didn’t have to worry about getting stepped on and could have all the wine he wanted. It wasn’t fair! How dare that snake be big enough to do all those cool things! He still loves him though.
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