dduane · 1 year
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This came up for discussion the other week when I was doing a bunch of food-related postings.* ...Then it got kinda buried: mea culpa. :/ ...So where was I?
John Watson had no intentions of taking over the family business, but when he returns from Afghanistan, battered and bruised, and discovers that his sister Harry has run their restaurant into the ground, he doesn't have much choice. There's only one thing that can save the Empire from closing for good – the celebrity star of the BBC series Restaurant Reconstructed, Chef Sherlock Holmes.
Anybody who reads Sherlock fic and doesn't know Azriona's work ought to be introduced to it. Here's a good place to start.
Mise en Place is succinctly described as "The One Where Sherlock Is Gordon Ramsay." ("I have no shame," the author remarks.) Super intrapersonal business, TV business, restaurant business, a really methodically nasty Moriarty, and a terrific chocolate pie. (Which I no sooner saw than adapted, because I too have no shame.)
Anyway, don't take my word for it: go find out. And remember, de gustibus non disputandum. :)
*I mean, a bunch all at once... :)
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chrispineofficial · 2 years
Mossy moss and mint.
<3 <3 <3 i am committing atrocities at all time
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yoificfinder · 3 months
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In celebration of women, here are some fics centered around the great women of YOI! Happy international women's day! ♀️✨️
(Don't) Give a Damn by @forochel [T, 9K]
Mari, through the years,
an open door by tripcyclone [G, 8K]
Lilia never wanted children of her own, but caring for Victor gives her a glimpse into the life she chose to pass by.
and your feet will follow by @prinzenhasserin [T, 13K]
Lilia’s relationship with her fellow ballerinas wasn’t usually complicated. Usually, she knew exactly where she stood. Not so with Minako Okukawa who had disappeared from the ballet world some years ago to hide in the dance studio of a backwater town in Japan.
Lilia didn’t care about that, of course. Not at all. She just deserved a vacation, to Japan, incidentally.
another girl in another time by cityboys [G, 11K]
Wouldn’t it be cool if there really is another version of you out there?
Beautiful in Knowing by @val-creative [T, 1K]
Sara knew she was a girl, even if nobody else did or believed her.
She ordered Michele to call her "Lady Sara" from now on. He would roll his eyes and grumble, but never attempt to misgender her. She liked "Sara" — it meant "lady, princess, noblewoman". And she would never go back to her deadname.
if friends were flowers, i'd pick you by windupbirdgirl [G, 4K]
During the first two years of high school, Yuuko finds she barely has time to breathe. The sky seems very far away, the sea even more so. She hasn’t gone to the rink in months.
if love is king, who wears the crown by @crollalanzaa [G, 1K]
“Second is seen as nothing,” Christophe had derided.
“But that moment you glide onto the ice, that hush of the audience, and that expectation, isn’t that worth something?”
“You speak as if you know. You used to skate?"
Past tense. It still stung, even if it was expected.
Minako knows exactly what it's like to be at the top of your game, and she remembers the descent just as clearly.
if she wants me by renaissance [G, 6K]
Hiroko and Minako, then and now.
if the sea has any draw for you by weird_bird [E, 8K]
The first time Mila saw her dance in person, her power funneled down into elegance, the granite of her face transmogrified to marble, she almost gave her the password to her bank account, she’s that good.
kagura by night by seventhstar / @pencilwalla [T, 1K]
The world around her is like the mountains.
A mortal lifespan is narrow; mortals watch the mountain’s unchanging faces, unravaged by the same measure of time that takes a human from dust to dust, and think them immortal in comparison. But stone erodes, just as flesh decays. It just takes longer.
If she watches long enough, everything changes. Languages drift until all the words she learned before are meaningless. Technology changes until she ceases to believe in magic because human ingenuity is more infinite than the stars. What is beautiful, what is polite, what is wrong, what is right—time, given its way, reshapes all.
But Minako’s body remains as it has always been. That’s why she loves to dance, she supposes; it’s the one thing time cannot take from her.
Katsudon by @azriona [G, 8K]
Hiroko doesn’t need to see to coat pork cutlets in egg and panko. She has made this dish for her family for over thirty years; she’ll make it another thirty, if she’s lucky.
Now she makes it for Yuuri and Victor as they fly home from Barcelona, with silver around their necks and gold around their fingers.
keep me steady as we go by orphan_account [G, 3K]
When Isabella stood and crossed the room to where he sat she saw her notebook open in his lap, turned to the last page of their to-do list, all but three items crossed off with less than a month to the wedding date. License. Ceremony. Everything after. She saw the angle of his gaze, too, not on the words but straight ahead, staring blank and glassy and brittle into some invisible place she still wasn’t sure she could follow him to, yet. And yet she had been the one who’d promised to try—and to keep promising, forever and forever.
Kooks by BoxWineConfessions [G, 3K]
Mari clasps her right hand across her left hand and rests them both atop her growing stomach. “I guess you’re just lucky that your father, I mean your other father, my brother-“ Mari giggles. “God, it all sounds so weird, doesn’t it? Do you care? Do you care that we’re all so fucked up and we don’t care at all?” Mari laughs again. It’s all she can do when she hurts this much, and wants a cigarette this much, but can’t stop smiling despite the fact that her body seems to hate her so much. “Well he means the world to me. That’s why I have you.”
Living in the Maybe by @adrianners [T, 6K]
It wasn’t hard to spot a 180cm platinum blond in Fukuoka International Airport. Especially when he was the only person wearing sunglasses. Indoors. At night.
Mari picks Viktor up at the airport when he returns from Moscow. Without Yuuri there to play his usual role of interpreter, they learn to communicate around their linguistic, cultural, and personal barriers.
my better self by @spookyfoot [G, 1K]
Mila's the first friend Yuuri's made in Russia. Technically, Yuuri became friends with Yurio in Hasetsu, but he'd never say that to Yurio's face.
On his first day training in Russia, Mila stole Yuuri from the rink and showed him pictures of Victor and Georgi wearing Spice Girls t-shirts Victor had picked up at a consignment shop during Skate America in 2006, and a video of them skating a synchronized routine to "Stacy's Mom."
"Don't let anyone here intimidate you. I guarantee none of them are scarier than Yura." They watched Victor skate circles around Yuri on the ice, Mila's camera primed for blackmail material—just in case.
Yuuri and some of the women in his life, through the years.
Variations on a Theme by BoxWineConfessions [M, 20K]
Mari doesn't like it when the past and the present overlap so easily. Mari knows the mischievous grin and the burn of eyes that linger too long. They're the trademark of girls who are still figuring out what they want, but want relentlessly. Mari is tired of letting people in, only to have to say goodbye when their vacation is over.
Mila has experienced this before, this knowing little smile that implies that they know something about her body that she doesn’t. It comes across as cocky, and arrogant on men, and gentle with Mari. Mari looks like she's just told her some kind of wonderful secret.
Together, they reshape their expectations.
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inevitably-johnlocked · 10 months
Five Fics Friday: August 4/23
Happy First Friday in August, everyone!!! It’s my favourite month, and I hope you’ll celebrate the best month with me with these fantastic new reads on my MFL list AND give the Boosted Fic some love! Enjoy!!
Kidnapped: A Comedy by scuttlesworth (T, 10,515 w., 2 Ch. || Post-TRF, Humour, Kidnapping, BAMF John, Criminal Stupidity, Guns, Death, Crack) - This is what happens when you start counting up the number of times John's been kidnapped and think, wow. He must be an expert by now.
Hussy by Mottlemoth (E, 5,696 w., 2 Ch. || Mystrade & Johnlock || Tenderness, Deductions, Holmes Brothers, Protective Greg, Dirty Talk, Sex Toys) – Sherlock deduces at a glance that his brother has somehow acquired himself a boyfriend. The identity of Mycroft's boyfriend doesn't go down very well.
Keep on Changing by philalethia (T, 9,994 w., 1 Ch. || Post S4, Supernatural Elements, Ghosts, Haunting) – “Why would Mary be haunting you?”John didn’t even have to think about it. “Because she’s angry.”
Off-Kilter Series by redscudery (E, 21,390+ w. across 12 works || Series WiP || Masturbation, Killts, UST, Mildly Dubious Consent, Falling in Love, First Time, Red Pants) – Sherlock Holmes needs his flatmate to do some modeling, but even John has his limits.
The Heart in Him by azriona (M, 44,249 w., 10 Ch. || Omegaverse AU || Kid Fic, Mpreg, Coma) – Three years after Sherlock fakes his death, he receives a text from Mycroft telling him it is time to come home. But the text doesn’t give the whole story. Not by half. Part 1 of Hearts
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swissmissficrecs · 3 months
Hi hello!! Sorry if this is weird to you but man's gotta do what man's gotta do
Do you have johnlock fics that have male lactation or lactation kink or anything close to that arena in it? I would love you so much. (You don't have to answer if you find this too icky sorry in advance)
Cleaving the Gordian Knot by starrysummernights (3K, E, Johnlock( It took them 3 days to find John. [Part of a series, will help to read at least some of the earlier parts.]
Science is Stupid by azriona (31K, E, Johnlock) Science says breastmilk is better. Stupid science. [Part of a series, will help to read at least some of the earlier parts.]
Seven Moons by ladyflowdi (66K, E, Johnlock) “This is happiness?” John asks, utterly heartsick, holding up his wrists and rattling the chains. “You’ve sold me for six gold mines and protection along the northern border.”
The Baker Street Dozen by captaincumberbitch and Owlish (379K, E, Johnlock) Sherlock and John have both been ignoring John's heats, not acknowledging they'd both like to spend them together. But when John's heat comes early and Sherlock has to come back to the flat, the world shifts and they find themselves bonded with pups on the way, and must learn to adjust to life as a bonded couple trying to prepare for the birth of their babies. They meet with many different challenges along the way, having to deal with the reactions of others - and what happens when Moriarty takes an interest?
Plus @alexxphoenix42 has a Lactation Kink rec list.
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bluejayblueskies · 10 months
9, 15, and 18 for the fic writer’s ask game :3
fanfic writer ask game!
9 - What’s your favorite line(s) or scene(s) that you have written?
Oughh I'm so bad at remembering these things >.< I'm sure I have quite a few in my older fics, but I can't recall them, so here's a few from my more recent stuff!
from my upcoming big bang fic (cw: suicide):
John lets Arthur slit his own throat, and he says, “I’m so sorry, Arthur. I love you. I’m sorry.” It’s the first time John tells Arthur he loves him. Arthur is never going to remember it.
from whiskey, the entire sex scene in chapter eight! i think it's one of the best sex scenes i've written, and i'm still quite fond of how it affects everything that comes after it.
from cicatrix (i don't care that this fic isn't very popular because i love it and it's still one of my favorite malevolent AU concepts that i've explored):
Arthur's daemon had been a seahorse named Nimh, held in a sturdy glass container that Arthur kept secured to his chest. The water had soaked through Arthur’s shirt as the container shattered and the shape within it distorted and stretched, and he’d blacked out before he could finish witnessing the corruption of his soul. Now, his daemon is a black dog with bright yellow eyes and sharp teeth who goes by the name John. Arthur’s not sure what it means for him, that the physical manifestation of his soul has not only changed its shape but the entire fabric of its being. It’s not like there’s any precedent for it. What does one do when one’s soul has been replaced with that of an eldritch god beyond our comprehension? One simply … carries on, Arthur supposes.
15 - Are there words, phrases, mannerisms or scenes you tend to use a lot?
Answered here!
18 - Recommend someone else fic! (And tag them if they have a tumblr!)
i have two!
The Next Level | azriona | Yuri on Ice, Explicit, 370k words
The skating season continues (as skating seasons are wont to do), while Victor and Yuuri negotiate the shifts in their relationship, their careers, and their home rink. Sometimes, things even go as planned.
If you're even vaguely familiar with Yuri on Ice, go read this fic! It's season two in my heart, and I think it's truly my favorite Yuri on Ice fic.
Remora | zuzeca (@lyresnake) | Malevolent, Mature, 11k words
While traveling the Dreaming Oceans, Arthur acquires a strange passenger.
This is a delightful Malevolent AU with sea creature John and Arthur and some very fun worldbuilding! The prose is beautiful as well--I highly recommend it!
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casapazzo · 2 years
I was tagged by @zorelle - thanks!
hot shower or cold shower // texting or calling or email // earbuds or headphones // paperback or hardcover // matte or gel*** // 12 hour clock or 24 hour clock // blue or green** // sunsets or sunrises // tulips or orchids // candlelight or moonlight // sci-fi or horror // pen or pencil** // pandas or koalas*** // gold or silver // sneakers or boots** // denim jacket or leather jacket // pink or purple // chocolate or sour candy** // deodorant or perfume** // drive-in movie theater or the cinema // pastel colors or neutral earth tones // lemonade or fruit juice // past or future***
*never tested/tasted them **sorry. have never chosen a thing in my life ***I'm utterly indifferent and/or this is so highly context-specific I can't possibly answer as a general principle
Tagging @azriona, @rob-anybody, @naomisofficelighting, and/or anyone else who wants to do this one.
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thetimemoves · 7 months
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@azriona for some reason, your ask came via email and isn't in my Inbox (yay Tumblr!) so I'm improvising here. :) Thanks for the ask!
16. thoughts on mint chocolate chip?
Only happy thoughts! It's a very nostalgic taste for me. I grew up eating the unnaturally green store brand mint chocolate chip and loved it so much. These days I don't have this flavor very often, but when I do I tend to get higher quality (non-green) versions that have actual chunks of chocolate, not just the little chips.
More random questions here!
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old-fic-recs · 2 years
Easy as Raz Dva Tri by azriona
Yuuri wants to surprise Victor. Victor wants to surprise Yuuri. Well... at least they're surprised, right?
Rating: General Audiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: Yuri!!! on Ice (Anime)
Relationship: Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov
Characters: Katsuki Yuuri; Victor Nikiforov; Makkachin (Yuri!!! on Ice)
Additional Tags: Fluff; Post-Canon; the boys are in saint petersburg; So Married; Established Relationship; Tumblr Prompt; Domestic Fluff; learning is fun!
Language: English
Published: 2017-01-06
Words: 1457
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miohtemaemiso · 5 years
お知らせ:「ユーリ!!! on ICE」AO3二次創作翻訳 「カツ丼~Katsudon~」をアップしました。”Katsudon” a japanese translation of “Yuri!!! on ICE” fanfiction have update!
2019/1/12 , AO3サイトにて「ユーリ!!! on ICE」の二次創作翻訳「カツ丼 ~Katsudon~」をアップいたしました。(翻訳元:original work "Katsudon" by azriona) よかったらご覧くださいね! 翻訳を許可してくださったazrionaさんに、この場を借りてあらためてお礼申し上げます。Thank you, azriona!
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dduane · 1 year
Hi Diane! 👋 Longtime fan here. I know you're a fanfic fan (of series you're not involved in creating) and I was wondering if you would be willing to share any fics you particularly enjoyed reading. I know you've kept your ao3 pseudonym under wraps, but I'd love to read some fics that you enjoyed, if you're comfortable with that!!
I'm finding it increasingly hard to point at specific fics (not least because every time I try to do that, these days, about fifty others leap up in the back of my mind screaming "But what about MEEEEEE?"... and I wind up getting nowhere.
But I can easily tell you what authors I read repeatedly (and these are almost exclusively in the BBC!Sherlock fandom, though there are exceptions).
(inserting a cut here, because wow, the list does go on a bit)
...They would include:*
tweedisgood suitesamba sussexbound standbygo ArwaMachine Mildredandbobbin earlgreytea68 LapOtter ellipsical Raina_at vitruvianwatson CaitlinFairchild mydogwatson Khorazir J_Baillier SilentAuror teahigh abundantlyqueer darcylindbergh mistyzeo PrettyArbitrary songlin Calais_Reno cwb Random_Nexus azriona what_alchemy scullyseviltwin Atiki ivyblossom amalnahurriyeh PlaidAdder Salambo06 lifeonmars hitlikehammers keelywolfe Silvergirl bendingsignpost AtlinMerrick professorfangirl emmagrant101 DiscordantWords mydogwatson Ariane_DeVere unicornpoe verityburns mydwynter Mazarin221b belovedmuerto bluebellofbakerstreet Resonant Chryse Beautifulfiction wordstrings cathedral_carver thisprettywren mycapeisplaid philalethia
...For starters. (sighing) (I know I've forgotten names I should be remembering. I'll have to add them later.)
But this should be enough to be going on with for the moment... :)
*I'm not going to try to alphabetize these. I pulled the list from my bookmarks and recent AO3 reading history.
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checkpleaselibrary · 6 years
Holidays Meetings by azriona
general audiences
no archive warnings apply
6 076 words
eric bittle/jack zimmermann
Jack never went to Samwell... but Bitty still bakes, and they'll still find each other. It doesn't even take a miracle - just a window with the right color lights.
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inevitably-johnlocked · 10 months
Hola Steph! How have you been?
I was wondering if you have any Johnlock fic recs that are... maybe academic rivals or work rivals to lovers AU? A healthy dose of sexual tension and slow burn or whatever. Could be any word count. These days I've kinda been craving for that type of stuff, so please drop if you know any of those.
Take care dearie<33
Hey Nonny!
AHHHHH Not... precisely? Like I have Alternate Professions fics, but these three fics just came to mind that have something similar:
Love or What You Will by miss_frankenstein (T, 31,987 w., 11 Ch. || College/Uni AU || Professor John, Ph.D Student Sherlock, Pining John, Poetry, Falling in Love / Slow Burn, Light Angst, Happy Ending) – John is an English professor who specializes in War and Post-War Literature and Sherlock is the brilliant yet impossible Ph.D. student assigned to be his TA because no one in the Chemistry Department is willing to put up with him. And - somewhere between Waugh and Plath, e-mails and takeaway, novels and villanelles - they fall in love.
Performance In a Leading Role by Mad_Lori (E, 156,714 w., 21 Ch. || PODFIC AVAILABLE|| Hollywood / Actor AU, Secret Relationship, Falling in Love, Slow Burn, Romance, Coming Out, Fluff and Angst, Pining) – Sherlock Holmes is an Oscar winner in the midst of a career slump. John Watson is an Everyman actor trapped in the rom-com ghetto. When they are cast as a gay couple in a new independent drama, will they surprise each other? Will their on-screen romance make its way into the real world? Part 1 of Performance in a Leading Role
Mise en Place by azriona (M, 161,004 w., 28 Ch. || Restaurant (Kitchen Nightmares) AU || Sherlock is Gordon Ramsay / Celebrity Sherlock, Restauranteur John, Harry Plays Prominent Role, Alternating POV, Mutual Pining, Cranky Sherlock, Bed Sharing, Slow Burn) – John Watson had no intentions of taking over the family business, but when he returns from Afghanistan, battered and bruised, and discovers that his sister Harry has run their restaurant into the ground, he doesn't have much choice. There's only one thing that can save the Empire from closing for good – the celebrity star of the BBC series Restaurant Reconstructed, Chef Sherlock Holmes. Part 1 of Mise en Place
I know there are a tonne more, please feel free to remind me of them :)
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exile-wrath · 7 years
Trick or treat!
Yuri Plisetsky has just turned 23 a few hours ago, and of all things to be doing on his birthday, he’s perched on the balcony of a house in Stanhope Mews. Not necessarily because he wants to be, but because his fuckup of a stepdad Dmitry had chased him out hours ago with the threat that if he didn’t have anything decent to show for all the money he’d put into raising him (basically nil) then he’d be out of the house. 
Not that he wouldn’t love to be out of the house, but he can’t leave his mother and baby brother there alone. 
So he’s here on a balcony of some rich fucker’s house, about to steal something to pawn off and hopefully get his stepdad off his back. Dmitry’s lackeys circle around beneath him, ready to catch anything valuable he could toss, or snitch on him if he does anything like call the police on them. 
Yuri takes a deep breath and slowly opens the balcony doors. They hadn’t had any security measures on them (that he was familiar with), and he lets out a long breath of relief when no alarm goes off. 
That breath of relief catches real quick in his throat when someone seizes him from behind, a hand clamped over his mouth and the other twisting Yuri’s arms behind him. He tries to kick back, but it’s futile. “If you scream, my neighbors will be very cross with you for waking them up,” his assailant says. “So I would think twice.” 
The person steps back, a hand still tight around Yuri’s wrists, and the lights in the room flicker on. Yuri’s eyes are immediately drawn to the mirror on the dresser that gives him a good look at a man with black hair and dark eyes, wearing a jumper and sweatpants. He also clocks the disheveled bed to the side of the room, and bites back a curse. “Fuck.” 
“What’s your name?” the man asks instead of calling the police, for some insane reason. When Yuri doesn’t reply, he gives a crooked smile. “My name is Tristan. Now, pray tell why you broke into my house in the middle of the night?” 
“I was going to steal shit, obviously,” Yuri snaps. Tristan raises an eyebrow in an obvious well duh expression, but Yuri refuses to say more. 
“Name?” Tristan’s grip on Yuri’s wrists tighten, and fuck, he’s probably going to get bruises. “First and last.” 
“Yuri Plisetsky,” Yuri grinds out. The grip immediately relaxes — enough to break out, almost, but he gets the feeling that any attempt would result in unforgiving pain. “Look, I- I can’t go to jail, I got a family depending on me-” lies, they’re all lies, but his mother is depending on him, depending on him to come home safe and sound so she doesn’t have to worry about his future any more than she already does, “Please-”
Tristan lets go of him, but before Yuri can react, the man’s in front of him. He’s only a few inches taller than him, but something about the way he stands makes Yuri feel like he has to step back more and look up more to make eye contact with him. “And why should I believe you? You have a bunch of friends waiting down there for you. I doubt they’re family.” 
“They’re not,” Yuri retorts. “Fuck,” he tacks on, swearing at himself for spilling, and then he clams up. 
Tristan’s brown eyes light up with something akin to interest. “How about this,” he says, walking towards the dresser and retrieving his phone. He unlocks it before offering it to Yuri. “I’m going to give you one phone call. What you do with it is up to you. However, if I’m unhappy with the results, I’m calling the police.” 
Yuri swallows and looks at him dead in the eye. There’s a trace of amusement in Tristan’s gaze, but that’s all he can read. This man is dangerous the lizard part of his brain hisses. 
He takes the phone, and calls the police on Rottie and the rest of Dmitry’s henchmen at the bottom of the balcony. 
And then when the police come and they all scatter, Tristan fucking knocks him out the balcony, just in time for the police to arrest him. 
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omgkatsudonplease · 6 years
Happy birthday!
thank youu 💞💞
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cricketcat9 · 6 years
Just go and read
it has Eric Bittle and it has Viktor Nikiforov and Katsuki Yuuri and JJ and that brat Plisetski and Jack Z. and it’s soooo good and sweet! 
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