voidimp · 11 months
asked some friends for name suggestions for an oc but i cant decide so its time for a poll :)
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crunchycrystals · 1 year
i got bored of the endless loop of opening up tumblr closing it and opening it again to find nothing bc my brain is starved for dopamine while i listen to music so i started doing some language studies and oh my god. i forgot how good this is
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erinptah · 4 months
cptdanversbiggestfan reblogged spudly0 1m ago
sowl Follow 14h ago
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#superhero tag #Moon Knights #screaming crying throwing things
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gnu-tony-stark Follow 13h ago
Someone from Jewish tumblr please translate for the rest of us??
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mishegascleo Follow 11h ago
So it's a TikTok (from the official Moon Girl account, don't think she and the Moon Knights are actually affiliated, but I guess they team up sometimes?) of a Moon Knight saying a long paragraph that basically boils down to "don't be a jerk on the internet."
The reason Jewish Tumblr is flipping out about it is, this 1-minute video is packed with bits of Yiddish and Hebrew. Some highlights:
mishegas = insanity, craziness, wackiness
geneivat da'at = lying or misrepresenting something, literally "stealing knowledge"
kvetching = complaining
mitzvah = a commandment, specifically a good deed that Jewish people are commanded to do
schmuck = a dick, in both the literal and figurative senses
lashon hara = callout culture (no seriously, it's when you spread bad news about people that's factually accurate, but you're not doing it to help anyone or improve a situation, you're just reveling in the drama)
mishpocheh = family, including chosen family
And he uses them all right! And he's talking so fast, but the pronunciation is spot-on. There's no acCENT on the wrong sylLABle. Even if someone else wrote it for him, he wouldn't be that casually fluid if this wasn't a mode he was already used to talking in.
ORTHODOX MOON KNIGHT IS JEWISH, Y'ALL. And not a new convert (this is not a dig at converts, you are loved and valid!), but someone who grew up in a community that talked like this. My heart.
#superhero stuff tag #Moon Knights #the others aren't in the video but he implies they're Jewish too #this is the least important thing about all this but-- #it is officially kosher to call them Orthodox and Reform now #see what I did there
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mishegascleo Follow 6h ago
Seeing a whole lot of schmucks in the replies going "no ACTUALLY he pronounced such-and-such wrong."
Well, I am here to tell you that Jewish people are found in all different regions and cultures! What you are hearing is a specific accent, not "pronouncing things wrong." Hope that helps!
#not gonna try to pin down the exact accent #that feels uncomfortably close to doxxing #let's just say I know a few people who pronounce stuff EXACTLY the same way #and leave it at that
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allthegoodthorfanblogsweretaken Follow 2h ago
Ok but if they ARE confirmed Jewish, doesn't that make it INCREDIBLY problematic for them to be working for an Egyptian god? Like is this really the representation we should be excited about??
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spudly0 Follow 46m ago
real people cannot be bad representation of their own identities you walnut
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stillcomethenight · 2 months
Straight up turning this into a post because I started writing Greek language centered Ladja HCs in my notes app. Please enjoy my descent into madness. (I don't know any Greek but I am a simple Linguistics student who grows weak at the thought of love being stored in language).
Nadja uses Greek names of endearment for Laszlo. This isn't really a headcanon since it did happen in the show but I believe it happened one singular time, so I'm just expanding on it? She actually starts using Greek terms of endearment after she spends some time in Little Antipaxos because she hears her fellow Antipaxons use them and she gets so nostalgic for the language. When she was growing up, she tended to be mistreated by those around her and so she tends to remember the Greek language as one that is used out of convenience and not out of love. But in Little Antipaxos she is reminded that it is her language and it is a language of love. That's why she never used to use Greek terms of endearment but now she does. When she starts doing it, Laszlo is quick to catch on and match her energy — he starts using Greek terms of endearment too. He doesn't speak a word of Greek but he immediately understands how much it would mean for her to be loved in her own language;
Also, Nadja sings Antipaxon songs to Laszlo. She is not a good singer. He doesn't care. In fact, he goes out of his way to learn how to play them on the piano. Even if no recorded music sheets exist at all. He might even try to sing one or two. His pronunciation is so, so wrong, but, unlike Nadja, he can sing. Imagine Nadja being so very upset about something. And Laszlo can't seem to cheer her up. So he starts very quietly and reluctantly carrying a tune in some very bad Greek. It's the last thing she expected to hear and the one thing that manages to cheer her up. The amount of love that goes into such a gesture doesn't escape her. The softest "Laszlo, you big idiot." leaving her lips as she's shaking her head with such affection;
In fact, I'm willing to bet Laszlo tries his hand at learning some Greek. Of course, he does pretty badly and he's awfully cocky when he does it. He adds the most atrocious British accent to it. But it doesn't matter, it couldn't have made Nadja happier. Like, he walks into Little Antipaxos with his newly learnt, like, 10 Greek phrases and confidently strikes conversation with the people there. They're overjoyed to hear him speak their language and so they start talking to him in native Greek at full speed. He has no idea what they're saying because his 10 basic phrases of Greek 101 did NOT cover any of this. He's just nodding his head and smiling and they don't seem to notice that he doesn't understand a word. Nadja walks in and they start enthusiastically telling her, in Greek of course, "You didn't tell us your husband speaks our language!!". Then the two of them leave and she's like "Why are they telling me you speak Greek?" "Oh, because I do!" "But you don't." "No, my darling, I do!! [Insert the absolute worst pronunciation of any basic Greek phrase here]. See? I am wonderful at it!"
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snifferish · 3 months
Sneafie Book Review: "Where the Dark Stands Still" by A.B. Porenek
Alright gamers that's right I'm posting book reviews on my tumblr, BOO! Jumpscare! Anyways I'm a spoiler free kinda guy here we go.
This week I read Where the Dark Stands Still by A.B. Porenek, this is a Young Adult Fantasy novel that leans slightly into the gothic genre. It's got a lot of Polish Folklore, It's kind of a beauty and the beast retelling? The author and the marketing has compared it to Howl's Moving Castle, which is why I originally took interest in it.
Personally, I gave this a four star rating, but on the Sneaf'o'meter of precision I'd say 73%
Let's get into the good and the everything else.
First off, If you like fun prose and description, this is for you. The Author's range of being able to describe something so beautiful and then transition to something grotesque and everywhere in between is wonderful. This ability comes into play frequently with how she describes the house in the story (which is sentient).
The magic system in this??????? Spectacular, I loved the concept. I've seen things similar to it, but it was so simple yet meaningful (AHH!). Probably my favorite part.
Another really prominent point in the marketing is the amount of Polish Folklore. There's a few specific spirits and demons referenced that are apart of it. I'm no expert on Polish folklore that's for sure, so I can't say whether it was truthful, or what the Author directly took from it. However I can say it was refreshing, new and I learned things :)
Okay sooo... Welcome to a segment called, why not five stars? I hesitate to say something is "bad" about about this book because I think it's really just preference at this point.
The exposition was normally paced but around the exposition into rising action area I felt like It was stalled. Really the book was just giving vibes left and right which is totally cool to some people, but because some information was withheld to certain points I felt like I was missing a lot of the foundation for the conflict and by the time I understood the conflict I was just like ahh, okay.
The romance plot within the story is pretty big, and to me it felt, okay. Just okay. I'll admit I'm a stinky gay that holds heterosexual romances to high standards so maybe that's why I wasn't so into it??? Again! I was so excited, I was thinking yes, it's like Howl's Moving Castle! and I just didn't get that. However, a lot of people who read this and reviewed it did get those vibes, so... not sure. Also, I think pet names just aren't my thing.... It's not usually something I find appealing in romance storylines.
Ultimately, I still really enjoyed this book. This is Porenek's debut novel, and I think it's very promising! Her writing style is excellent and I imagine she can only get better.
Also, this doesn't effect my rating at all, but I am begging fantasy Authors of all kinds to considering adding pronunciation guides. There where times I had access to my computer and I could look it up, but even then I don't know if google is telling me the right way to say it.
if you've read this I'd love to know your thoughts and if youre going to read it, well same, basically, do tell.
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apfel07 · 3 months
So heres a first report of the Gothenburg concert (16.03.2024)
Putting it under a cut cause it's kinda long
I met the nicest people ever (one of them I even knew from Vienna omg) and I got a bunch of gifts and made some friends. If I tried to tag everyone I met I would definitely forget a few people, so I think you know who you are 
Jan just casually walked by with his silly headphones and everyone was very respectful and then I got to give him my calculator and he signed it (my calculator has a picture of him I drew and it says “Jan Peteh is proud of you” and he said he confirms that statement)
Someone else asked him how he does his hair and he kinda just said: “I don’t really brush it”
Again, I talked to the NICEST people
Had some issues with the no bag rule, but it worked out
Got a very nice spot in about 4th row on Kris side
They played ASTP and ngvot for soundcheck and then Bojan left and all the others played a part of Everybody’s Waiting
The first opener was sooo good, they were such a nice person and the songs were so good! They also played a swedish cover of Carpe Diem and when everyone did the Ah Ah and the tagatagatagatata they were so happy it was adorable
The second opener was also very good, I just missed a lot of it because I got a really bad stomach ache
I loved all their outfits, but Kris sweater was especially slay, it had really cool lace sleeves and I also looved Jure’s outfit
Tokio was so fucking good. Bojan started singing it on my side and he basically sung at me and when he got a tiara he immediately put it on Kris
Okay the songs will be out of order I’m too tired to do them in order
After Demoni, Bojan asked if we let all our demons out and then he specifically said: “Nacko did you let all your demons out?” and when Nace said yes, Bojan grabbed a Shark hat, said Nace deserves it, then put it on him. Then he said that Nace looked gorgeous and Nace said “Do I?” and they giggled and it was the cutest thing ever holy
One girl had a sign saying she made a choreography for Umazane Misli and so Bojan let her go on stage so we could all see her and her choreography was so so cool
During Umazane Misli, when Bojan did the karaoke (which was so cool by the way, so many people sang in swedish and other languages, I loved it) Vita filmed Jan and Nace on stage and they really posed for the camera, giggling and playing each others instruments. Then they proceeded to shuffle around synchronized and then Kris joined in.
Bojan’s swedish pronunciation is… interesting, he tried so hard to pronounce Göteborg but failed repeatedly even after people told him how
There were a lot more little BoNace moments, I loved it so much
There are definitely so many more things that happened, but I am too tired to think of them right now, I might update this tomorrow.
But yeah this concert was so fucking amazing, I will never get over it.
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ub-sessed · 1 year
I have just started learning Portuguese, and I am fascinated by the pronunciation of European Portuguese compared to Quebecois French: we both completely omit a significant proportion of the vowels in our words in basically the same way. But whereas the attitude in Quebec seems to be that this is wrong or bad somehow, when learning European Portuguese it is considered the correct pronunciation. So the immediate conclusion I would draw is that there is still a strong "metropole = correct" bias.
But: Nobody ever seems to imply that the Brazilian pronunciation, where all the vowels are actually pronounced, is inferior. In fact, when trying to learn Portuguese as a second language, Brazilian Portuguese seems to be the standard.
To me, arguing that Quebec French is somehow inferior or less correct than France French has always seemed absurd, like arguing that Canadian or American English are somehow less correct than British English.*
And yet I know that a lot of people think that any English that isn't RP is inferior or incorrect, and that speaking RP means that you "don't have an accent". 🙄
I haven't studied Spanish, so I don't know what the attitudes are towards the respective dialects there.
I imagine this has all been researched and I am curious to learn more. I feel like in my limited experience, on a scale of how much the metropolitan dialect is valued over the colonial dialect, French is the highest and Portuguese is the lowest, with English somewhere in between, but I could be completely off base. I wonder what the factors are that affect these attitudes.
*I should disclose my personal bias that I vastly prefer Quebecois French: It's pithy! It's evocative! It goes straight for the gut.
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Written for Sailor Moon LGTBQ+ Week.
Day 6: Pet Names.
Ami is confused by what Makoto has been calling her.
“Hey Ames, you want anything while I’m in here?” Makoto called to Ami from her kitchen, having stepped away from their study session briefly to check on a pie she had in the oven.
Ami blushed lightly, before shouting back, “No, Mako, I’m fine.” Trying to focus back on her studies.
‘Ames’. It was what Mako had taken to calling her since they started dating. This had perplexed the blunette, was it meant to be a shortening of her name? It seemed to be, but… her name didn’t have a hard ‘A’ sound the way ‘Ames’ did.
Mako returned to the room, pie in her oven-mitted hands, “Alright, move the books over, we’re taking a pie break.” She said with a smile.
“Of course we are.” Ami said, moving the books off of Mako’s coffee table so she could set the pie down.
“Hey! C’mon now, I’ve been doing good! Don’t I deserve a bit of pie?” Mako said, looking at Ami with big puppy dog eyes.
“Okay, fine, fine! We can take a pie break.” Ami said with a smile.
Mako threw her arms around the smaller girl and planted a kiss on her cheek, “I knew you couldn’t resist me, Ames.” She said with a smile, before going back to the kitchen to grab plates, a knife and silverware for the pie, leaving Ami alone on the couch, blushing.
When Mako returned with what she needed, Ami finally asked the question which had been on her mind, “Why do you call me that?”
“Hm? What, ‘Ames’?” The brunette asked, looking up at her from cutting the pie.
“Uh… because it’s cute? Why? Do you not like me calling you that?” The green-eyed girl asked, looking a little sad.
“No no no! Nothing like that! I was just curious where it came from.” Ami quickly explained, not wanting her to get the wrong idea.
“Oh, well, remember that time when that foreign exchange student mispronounced your name as ‘Amy’ and we all gave you crap for it for, like, a week?”
“Yes, of course, how could I ever forget how funny you all found a basic error in pronunciation?” Ami said, clearly unamused.
“Well, after we started dating, I remembered that and… I dunno, one thing led to another, and I just liked the way ‘Ames’ sounded.” Mako said, handing Ami a piece of pie.
“I see… why was that what you were thinking of after we started dating though?” Ami asked, confused how the two were connected.
“Oh, well, um…” Mako began, her face quickly turning red, “... well obviously everyone else already calls you by your name and well I… I just wanted something that was special for me.”
“O-oh, I see…” Ami said, also blushing, “So… like a pet name?”
“Yeah… I guess like a pet name.” Mako said with a smile, taking the first bite of her piece of pie.
“Aw, Mako… that’s so sweet.” Ami said, causing the auburn-haired girl to blush even more, “I feel bad though, everyone already calls you by the shortened version of your name so I can’t claim that for myself.”
“I’m sure you’ll figure something out, after all…” Mako said, wiping a stray bit of pie off of Ami’s face with her thumb, “... you are my little genius, right Ames?”
Ami turned beet red, but didn’t look away from her, “Y’know… I really love it when you call me that.”
Okay so... I can explain.
So, I’m not the biggest fan of the original dub, truth be told I don’t think I’ve seen more than one full episode of it. That being said... I have always had a soft spot for Mako calling Ami ‘Ames’, which originated in that dub. Obviously, the problem being that nickname only really works if her name is ‘Amy’ and not ‘Ami’ but y’know...
Look, if it wasn’t already clear, this fic was very self-indulgent.
But yeah, that was day six! This will be my last contribution to this event as I will not be doing a post for the free day, but I had so much fun participating, as well as seeing what other people made!
If you enjoyed my posts for this event, please consider checking out my other work, as well as leaving a comment, reblog, like, etc. on this one.
And until next time, take care everyone!
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luna-the-bard · 1 month
Skeemus Main Storyline - Act II (Part 1)
The self-indulgent fan oc lore continues! Woo!
Act I <- x -> Te'rra Intermission
Samus’s ship, and, by extension, her living space, is very neat. Being a bit messy isn’t unfamiliar to her, but at large her ship is very tidy & organized. Everything has a place, or at least an “everything bin”; it’s functional. Having someone sick to care for brought a reasonable amount of chaos into this tidiness. Samus found herself cleaning at least twice as often as usual - mostly throwing out used tissues and changing sheets, but also disposing of empty IV bags and syringes and all else that is medical in nature. She had to dig up some old T-shirts and cut them in the back to make them fit around the alien’s wings, because her old clothes had to be discarded both due to wear and tear and for the purpose of decontamination.
A couple days later, after the little alien’s fever goes down, Samus notices her watching, intently, as she goes around her day. The next morning she notices all the used tissues stacked up neatly in little squares at the edge of the bed. Samus appreciates the effort. She makes a mental note to buy a small bin for paper trash to put by the bed once they get to the nearest port - she didn’t really need one before, but it would make cleaning a bit easier now. Since that moment she regularly took notice of the little ways in which her guest tried to be as low-maintenance as possible.
It comes as a shock when one night, about a week in or so, the avian makes a nest out of pillows and blankets and refuses to let Samus leave for the cockpit where she’s been sleeping. Samus has to bust out the drawing pad, because she can’t understand what the little alien is trying to say, yet, and her just aggressively patting the bed could mean pretty much anything. Samus has to make sure everything is okay.
The situation turns out to be a lot more awkward than initially assessed. Turns out her guest noticed not only the fact that Samus has been sleeping in her pilot’s chair, but also the way it had been leaving her neck and shoulders more sore with every passing day. The alien made space for her to sleep besides her - she stopped being contagious as soon as the fever went down, and Samus had just changed the sheets this morning, but she hasn’t had to share a sleeping space since her days in the Federation Police - and even there, she still had an individual bunk. On the other hand, waking up sore every morning was a real pain in the neck… Literally. 
Samus makes perhaps the most uncharacteristic decision of this month - it’s only until Skeets fully recovers and she can drop her off back on Te’rra, what could go wrong?
Besides cleaning, Samus spends her time in passionate research. It takes her a week to even identify the girl’s species - the last publicly available entry on them is dating over two centuries old. Samus feels as if she uncovered an ancient relic. 
She soon learns the reason behind such lack of up-to-date information: Te’rra has left the big political scene almost exactly a millenia ago, cutting all communications and public relations with the rest of the world. It takes Samus another two days to find a textbook on their language - it’s in a private library of some old philanthropist, but to Samus’s luck there's a scanned version of it uploaded online; it even has an audiobook with pronunciation guides and exercises to go along with it. She meticulously follows them all, making good progress - at least good enough to learn some basic phrases and the word “hospital”, since that’s where she was about to take Skeets (they finally got to a planet with a big enough interspecies infrastructure). Although, she also had to learn the words “new” and “clothes'', as she realized that maybe going out in public in just an oversized t-shirt (which was only held together by makeshift ties at the back, at that) might be a bad idea, and the alien’s condition was stabilized enough by now to not need an ambulance ride. As much as Samus hates the idea of leaving someone unattended inside her ship, she has to do a quick shopping run, leaving A.D.A.M. in charge until she could return with some adjustable pants and shirts that would hopefully fit the little bird. (She guesstimates a little on the bigger side, so the alien looks especially tiny in comparison to her oversized apparel. It would almost be funny if only she didn’t look so.. sad and disoriented in an unfamiliar place).
Samus spends another hour or so filling out all the paperwork for Skeets before they go out - names were one of the first things Samus established once she found that textbook, so now she knew at least who she took in, and if Skeets needed something, she could call Samus over. She arranges a taxi from the port to the hospital, so they wouldn’t have to go through the overwhelming ordeal of navigating foreign public transit. 
They come back from the hospital with a portable oxygen machine and a new set of antibiotics. Samus spends the following month feeding Skeets syringes full of medication (she will never admit it, but she almost laughed at the way the little alien’s face scrunched up at the taste), studying terranian, and keeping contact with the Federation officials responsible for rehabilitation of the rescued group. Skeets asks for some textbooks to learn Common and Chozo too, catching up pretty fast with nothing else for her to do on the ship but study. She makes quicker progress with Chozo, finding unexpected similarities to her native language (they’re nothing more than a coincidence, but an advantage nonetheless). By the end of the month they can communicate somewhat well; nothing fancy or too complex, but it makes a huge difference. Skeets helps Samus with pronunciation and vice versa, so learning is going quite well. 
After a follow-up at the hospital, Samus is left with a long list of physical therapy exercises for avian species and a detailed recovery plan. It’s not really a surprise that a full month of inactivity and illness would have consequences, but what it hurt the most was Skeets’s wings - she hadn’t used them since the Space Pirates’s ambush.
They spend evenings looking through various parks and recreational resorts (some of them take up entire planets!), picking and choosing what seemed best for flying. Samus suggests a couple planets with reduced gravity to start them off.
She can’t get the feeling of Skeets’s dry, warm hands in her own out of her head for the weeks to come. They go flying almost every other day - and every time, Samus makes sure to hold Skeets steady at least for the first few minutes, lest a sudden gasp of wind catch her by surprise and lead to injury. She lets go only when she’s confident that the avian is safe. (Skeets is fully capable of flying in harsher conditions, even after two months of forced inactivity. She accepts the help regardless, out of gratitude if nothing else - she doesn’t mind soothing Samus’s worries.)
As they share the bed, the awkward space gap between them grows smaller and smaller; until one night, about half a month later, Samus realizes that whenever she gets cold at night and tries to cocoon herself into the blankets, Skeets drapes one of her feathery wings over her.
Act I <- Act II p.1 -> Te'rra Intermission
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realhotgirlshitah · 1 year
Interview with Jack and Liv
Jack Champion x black! fem oc
(warning: attempt of humour and fluff)
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In which these two idiots can't even answer one question seriously in an interview.
"Ready Champion?"
"Whenever you are Thompson,"
"Right, let's get started,"
If you could have any superpower, what would it be?
"Mind control would easily be my first choice," I immediately answered.
" You answered that a little too quickly, Liv, pretty scary if you ask me,"
"Lemme guess, your choice would be the ability to fly?"
A long pause.
"No it wouldn't," he glared at me, obviously mad that I'd figured it out immediately.
"Don't even try lying Jack, it's old and borderline basic, just like you,"
"Okay first of all rude, second of all, I wouldn't choose that first I'd actually choose-
"Super strength?" I cocked an eyebrow at him in amusement.
Another long pause.
"Next question please,"
What were your first impressions of each other?
"I thought she was really intimidating to be honest," Jack admitted.
"You're joking," I laughed.
"No, I remember we were working on the movie and for the first two weeks, you were really serious, like I never saw you smiling,"
"I was in the middle of preparing for my exams back home!"
"I didn't know it at the time! I genuinely believed you didn't like me at all,"
"Looks like I'm not the only over thinker here," i grinned.
"Leave me alone,"
"Well at first I thought that J was really arrogant, loud, boisterous, immature and annoying,"
"There isn't a but, that's it. My feelings have not changed in any way whatsoever,"
"Oh fuck off,"
What's Olivia's best quality and feature?
"Well along with being crazy smart, Liv's hands down the most hilarious person I've ever met, I'm never not laughing when she's around, as for her best feature, she has really nice eyes,"
"That's a bit of a basic one," I complained.
"But it's true, you have really nice eyes, they're super dark and mysterious with an alluring aura radiating off of them,"
"Did you read that in a book and decided to finally use it in an interview to sound smart?"
"Ding ding ding, you caught me," he put his hands up in defeat before giving me a cheeky smile, I meant what I said though,"
"Of course you did Champion," I deadpanned with an eye roll.
What's Jack's best quality and feature?
"He can be quite thoughtful, a year ago, we were drinking a salted caramel iced coffee which I mentioned ONCE that I loved and for my birthday two months ago, he got me five boxes full of the syrup they used,"
"Oh that was fun,"
"In regards to best features, I'd say your lips, they're quite nice,"
He smirked smugly and tilted his head to the side before responding.
"You know, they're not just aethestically pleasing, there's a lot of girls who rave about how good of a kisser I am,"
"If you carry on talking, I will kick you in the balls so hard you'll want to die,"
What's your favourite thing to do together?
Me and Jack looked at each other trying to think of an answer.
"We haven't really got a specific activity that we do consistently together, do we?" he asked.
"No, we don't, but my favourite thing to do with you is listen in on your French work when getting ready for an exam or something, your pronunciation is atrocious, Jack"
"It's not that bad! I'm an A plus student!" He replied indignantly.
"That's because to pass languages all you have to do is not be complete dog shit and just wing an answer, I can guarantee if you came over to the UK and took A Level French, you’d despise it,"
"My favourite thing to watch you do is study for a theory test for your licence, you suck at it and you suck at driving too,"
"How would you know?"
"I've seen the look on your instructor's face after a lesson, Olivia, I hope you pay for his therapy afterwards,"
"Oh suck it sideways,"
What is the most annoying thing about Olivia?
"Ooo this'll be a fun one," Jack rubbed his hands together in anticipation before letting out an almighty yell when I thumped him in the arm. "I haven't even said anything yet!"
"The look on your face said it all,"
"Apart from her tendency to go straight to violence, her ability to speak five different languages is excruciatingly annoying, I can't do my French work around her at all,"
"There's no switching to German, Mandarin, Spanish or Japanese either," I winked at the camera.
What's the most annoying thing about Jack?
"Where do I even start?"
"Hey! Keep it short and mean," he crossed his arms at me in annoyance.
"It's always girls following him everywhere we go, I dragged him to go shopping with me just last week so he could carry my bags and as soon as we arrived, a group of girls just materialised out of nowhere???"
"What can I say? I have a very magnetic aura that people tend to gravitate to,"
"You are a literal joke,"
What's Jack's type?
"Me," I mouthed to the camera earning a very dirty look from Jack. "What? Fucking hell tough crowd,"
"You're a nightmare, Thompson, answer the question properly,"
"Jack likes girls that are funny, intelligent, match his sarcasm, loyal and sweet,"
"You didn't quite make that cut at that last part did you, Liv?"
"Ah so you admit that I'm funny, intelligent and loyal," I grinned at him devilishly
"Next question please!"
What's Olivia's type?"
"Oh gosh," I covered my face in embarrassment.
"Intelligent, Liv loves smart guys,"
"Who doesn't love a good nerd?"
"Funny, matches her energy, loyal, charming, sharp, good hair, a good listener, and kind,"
"Very specific, Jackson,"
Well all I had to do was describe mysel- WAIT LIV, COME BACK,"
Olivia's celebrity crush?
"Do you want just one, or do you want me to list the 50 she comes up with every day?"
"You're such a bum,"
"Well apart from me, Pedro Pascal, President Fitzgerald Grant the third, Megan Thee Stalliom, Kehlani, Daniel Kaluuya-
"Okay Jack-
"Ooooo Letitia Wright-
Jack’s celebrity crush?
"Me, I'm his celebrity crush,"
"Yes Olivia, I'm hopelessly in love with you,"
"There's also SZA, Angela Basset, Margot Robbie, Bella Hadid, Serena Williams, Lizzo, Naomi Campbell- she was his first one, Beyoncé-
"Okay I think that's enough," Jack scratched the back of his neck bashfully.
"Ooo Coco Jones, also Megan Thee Stallion, Duckie Thot, Marsai Martin, Anok Yai, Ice Spice, Madelyn Cline-
"What? TRUST I was gonna get my lick back,"
What’s your party trick?
“Well apart from showing off my gorgeous muscles, I’m a pretty good dancer,” Jack smirked.
“Show them your moves mama,” I mirrored his smile knowing exactly what was coming.
The entire studio watched in amusement as Jack got up from his chair and started to do the dougie. Was it predictable? Maybe. Was he fucking that shit up? Oh absolutely.
“Ouuuuu go on, don’t hurt em now white boy,”
“Liv also taught me how to throw it around in a circle but we’ll save that for next time,” the brunette panted while getting back into his chair.
“You know you not that bitch or nothing but you still ate that lil one thing,” I quoted with a grin.
“I know that’s right!”
“Y’all will never guess who taught him that,”
“This gal!” Jack pointed at me enthusiastically.
“You’re so corny,” I laughed adoringly at him.
Olivia what’s your party trick?
“Knowing every Megan thee Stallion song bar for bar, word for word, the woman does no wrong in my eyes,”
“Can confirm, we put it to the test while filming, it’s very impressive,” Jack nodded.
“I can also take my box braids down REALLY quickly when I’m focused,”
“The problem is she struggles to focus when undoing her hair, so I help her take it out,”
“You like taking it out and detangling it though,” I pointed out.
“Very true, I think it’s incredibly therapeutic,”
If you could switch lives with anyone for a day, who would it be?
"Hmmm, that's a tough one," I said, tapping my chin. "I think I'd switch lives with Jeff Bezos and donate a bunch of his money to charity,"
"Wow, you're such a saint," Jack said sarcastically. "I think I'd switch lives with Elon Musk and take his Tesla for a joyride,"
"You do realize that's technically stealing, right?"
"Yours is technically embezzlement," he shrugged.
I shook my head. “That’s not fair, I’m giving it to people who need it more!”
“Tell that to the judge, Thompson,”
You're impossible,"
"That's why you love me," he replied with a smirk.
I rolled my eyes, but couldn't help the small smile that tugged at the corner of my lips. Despite his borderline obnoxious personality, I couldn't deny that Jack was one of my closest friends and I enjoyed his company more often than not.
“Is there one last thing you guys would like to say before we cut?”
“Olivia Tinashe Thompson is the best person I’ve ever met and worked with, I really hit the jackpot when this one decided to become my friend and I honestly hope this isn’t our last time working together, even if I can be a pain,”
I was taken aback by his earnest confession and glanced at him to find out he was already staring at me with what one could only call adoration and love.
“You really have a way with words don’t you?” I smiled softly.
“What can I say? You bring it out in me,”
Finally the interview was over and we said our goodbyes to the crew and staff before making our way out to exit the building.
“When we get home, could you help me take these braids out? I have a hair appointment tomorrow,” I smiled sweetly at him as he held the door open for me.
“I’ll do you one better and wash you hair for you when we’re done,”
“Are you just saying that to get in the shower with me?” I narrowed my eyes at him suspiciously.
“My girlfriend knows me so well,” Jack grinned at me before wrapping his arm around my waist as we left the building. I couldn't help but feel grateful for the unexpected friendship (and poorly kept secret of a relationship) that had blossomed between me and Jack. Maybe we were both idiots, but at least we were idiots together.
My first one shot, pls be nice y’all i promise i’ll get better lol.
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j0kers-light · 2 months
Hi Chaos! I love the idea of J being bad at math 😆 Me personally I think he’d be good with numbers and stuff (even though he has to double check himself with basic addition lol, there’s too much going on in his brain for him to focus). But I do think he’d struggle to read a little bit. He’s not illiterate obviously, but sometimes the words don’t come to him immediately. Like he’d have to sound it out a few times, especially complicated words. It’s really noticeable when he tries to read out loud. He doesn’t read fluently and he pauses a lot. I’m imagining y/n asking him to read her a bedtime story and he gets all embarrassed because he can’t read that well. (Kinda like in Beauty and the Beast 😭)
I’m sorry I didn’t not mean to ramble lmao
- 🍄
Beloved 🍄 you’ve returned!
Never apologize! I’m gonna ramble back at you! 🖤✨
I think Joker is just bad with money since he rarely uses it to buy things. How is he supposed to know what a nickel is? He just steal whatever he wants, there’s no need for him to know how to count it 🙄 our cute wittle idiot
Wait until he finds about international currency. Anyhoo..
I agree; with a hyperactive brain like his, simple tasks tend to trip him up. Like math.
Make no mistake. I’m not saying he’s challenged 😭 far from it actually. Our baby is smarT!
OOOOOH MYYYYYYYY GOSSSSH! Joker stressing larger words like per•suas•sive•ly because he struggles to enunciate words, is a secret theory of mine.
Hear me out! I am a fast reader! I’ll read a thicc book in a day however I SUCK AT READING OUT LOUD. Don’t ask me to, I ain’t doing it.
Joker can read, duh, but like me, our diction is trash. It’s because our brain is reading the text faster than our vocal cords can produce. That’s the problem.
Enter Y/n, with copious amounts of patience. You’re a walking thesaurus for J!
You read to Joker every night and teach him how to adopt a manageable reading flow so he can follow along verbally. And you help him how to say different words correctly.
You help him practice reading aloud (because you secretly love listening to his voice) and you reward him with kisses when he reads a chapter without stuttering.
He’s doing better with his pronunciation and pacing yet he prefers when you read to him.
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gemsofgreece · 10 months
any pronunciation tips when pronouncing greek names? any common errors i should avoid? trying to impress a very important greek teacher in an interview and hoping to convince them that im competent enough to start studying the language! any other general tips would be super appreciated hahah x
You didn’t tell me what kind of studies it is (classical studies, modern studies, just linguistics, generally Greek culture and history studies) to be more precise but I believe I can give some tips anyway!
Use modern Greek pronunciation for any instance of speaking Greek to them, including addressing them. Even if you go for classical studies, outside the classroom you should use modern pronunciation to earn their attention.
If you are going to speak any basic Greek with them, you should definitely apply plural of politeness. Greet them with a “Ya sas” or a “Hérete” or a “Kaliméra sas” if it’s morning or “Kalispéra sas” if it’s afternoon. Always with plural of politeness. In the language that you are going to do most of the talk, use please and thank you and all forms of polite talk when it’s necessary within the context. These things are valued in Greek academic communication.
Address them with the word κύριος / κυρία + their surname. Kírie + Surname, if it’s a man, Kiría + Surname, if it’s a woman. You don’t have to address them after every answer or anything, just in the beginning and whenever it feels like it makes sense to do it. And plural of politeness. Please note that they may not apply plural of politeness to you, they may not call you mr or mrs and they might call you with your first name. All this is totally normal in Greek dialogue etiquette, you are the student, the younger person, and they can address you informally. THIS DOES NOT MEAN you can drop the plural of politeness. No matter how they talk to you (I mean unless they would insult you or something LOL) you have to use the plural. You can drop it ONLY if they explicitly tell you to do so which I doubt they will but anyway. And even if you drop the plural, you will still address them Kírie / Kiría + Surname unless they also tell you to call them by their first name which I also doubt and then you will STILL have to address them as Kírie / Kiría + First Name. Don’t drop the Kírie / Kiría under any circumstances. Unless they also tell you specifically to do that but the chances are very very slim.
Go in there with a pleasant but serious demeanour, you know, like in a typical interview. Depending on how they are, you can follow along their demeanour but always be one step more reserved. So if they are serious, you stay serious. If they are relaxed and humorous, you can loosen up as well but do remain a little more serious than them.
If they take note of you speaking Greek (regardless of how well or bad you do), you can smile reservedly and be like “Yes I am trying, I am really hoping / looking forward to learn more / improve”. But don’t make light of it, like “hehehe I am speaking Greek… opaaaa!” . Show you are interested in it seriously, academically.
I am pretty sure the professor will value much more your genuine interest to study the Greek language or culture, rather than any technical mistakes you might make. Show a contained mix of fascination and focus to them and you will win them over, I am sure! But don’t go in there like “idk the alphabet looked cool” XD
You can of course add how it might be very aesthetically appealing to you or having some practical significance for you to learn the language. But keep this supplemental and focus on scientific fascination and Greek’s academic / cultural impact.
I think I got the ultimate trick to impress them. Whatever they ask you about why you want to take these studies, push modern Greek culture in your answer or, even better, talk about how it fascinates you to explore the continuation or evolution of Greek culture / language / history through ancient, medieval and modern times. Talk about the special case of Greek being so well attested, giving us a window to explore cultural evolution in big spans of time with more precision. If these are modern Greek studies, definitely do not talk about how you love Greek mythology or ancient philosophy. I mean, it’s not bad to say that, it just won’t make the difference you hope for to the professor. Show that you value all eras of Greek history / linguistics and if it’s modern studies, then do emphasise on the modern era and maybe talk about exploring the impact of Byzantine / medieval in modern history and literature and culture. Maybe talk about how perhaps you were exposed to Modern Greek history and culture and realised how overlooked / under appreciated it is and how, I don’t know, it could prove to be impactful in certain ways. I mean, use the one of these that applies best to you and work around your answer, I am just giving you some ideas! But the point is, don’t focus on classical Greece or Greek mythology. Express an interest for the civilisation / linguistics throughout time, talk about exploring continuation, evolution and impact and I believe you got them :)
To summarise, be serious, focused and pleasant. Show respect and interest in all Greek linguistics / culture / history without discrimination. Talk about continuation. If they ask you if you have some niche interest about it, definitely choose something less known, more overlooked like something from medieval or modern times. Don’t stress over potential mistakes you might make. Use polite language.
And success is imminent 😁
Καλή επιτυχία!
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sghw4 · 4 months
hi there!
hello, welcome! here, you will find blogs about my daily college life, korean studies, or just random yapping. hi, and welcome to my blog! about me: 1. hello! my name is mimi, im 19 from the US, and I study Korean in my free time! i am in my second semester of college, so im hoping this will motivate me as well as motivate others to either study a new language or study for their education.
2. i've been studying korean on and off for about 4 years, so i'm about a mid-beginner in korean. i can hold very basic conversations as well as understand other things, but my pronunciation as well as my grammar is not great yet.
3. i'm looking for more resources to help me advance my korean studies, but for now im only using one textbook until i can find a more in-depth one with better practice (or i just dont practice enough).
random facts about me:
1. I'm a lesbian with a wonderful girlfriend! We've been dating for over a year, and im so so lucky to have that woman in my life.
2. I am ISTP-T. I have a very hard time socializing in real life, but no problem doing it online.
3. If it's not obvious, my favorite color is pink, and i play simple games like minecraft and genshin impact! (my girlfriend however is on the opposite side of the gaming and she plays more active games like halo, but she also likes calmer games).
4. I love listening to K-pop! Just because i listen to it doesnt make me a koreaboo i swear, i actually got into k-pop after i started learning korean to help myself immerse in the language. However, i see no "bad reason" to start learning a language. so if youre learning korean because of k-pop or k-dramas, good job! you got this.
i hope i can help you all find the motivation, and even help those who want to start/who are already learning. thanks in advance if you read this entire thing!
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shinsouslightningbug · 5 months
Lmao ask and you shall receive 🖋️📚🍲 for you and Shinsou :)
🖋️: Have you tried learning another language because of your f/o? Did you stick to it after the initial idea?
Me: I've learned a few random words in Japanese, but I keep tripping over the pronunciation. Let's see... I know how to say "die", "idiot", "itadakimasu", "fuck", "shit", "bitch", and "I love you".
Shinsou: Why am I not surprised that you learned all the curse words first?
Me: Because you like antagonizing Bakugou, and that guy is LOUD when he's mad... which is all the time. Anyway, I'm kinda slow at languages (my middle school French teacher and my high school Italian teacher can confirm), but I'm working on it, I promise.
Shinsou: You could just download one of those language apps like Duolingo.
Me: I refuse to interact with that homicidal green owl.
Shinsou: ...what?
📚: Are there any folk tales / local legends that you've told your f/o about?
Me: Okay, so I don't really have much in the way of "local legends" unless you count cryptids like Mothman or the Jersey Devil, but I do know I'm some flavor of North European (AKA White As Fuck), so I know a lot about medieval English and Irish legends like King Arthur, Fionn Mac Cumhaill (pronounced "Finn McCool", which I love), Bonny Janet, Robin Hood, etcetera . Oh, and I know a fuck ton of Norse myths.
Shinsou: Nerd.
Me: Your nerd.
Shinsou: I don't actually know many local legends or myths, other than a handful of yokai. Tengus, kitsunes, kappas, tanuki, that kind of thing.
Me: I know one myth about the sun goddess Amaterasu hiding in a cave after her brother Susanoo threw a horse into her weaving hall and getting lured out by a striptease from the dawn goddess Ame-No-Uzume-No-Mikoto, and then one about how Susanoo was exiled and then found the legendary sword Kusanagi No Tsurugi.
Shinsou: Grass-Cutter?
Me: it's a lot more epic than it sounds, trust me.
🍲: Let's talk food! Are there any culturally-unique dishes you've tried making for your f/o? Are there any they've made for you?
Shinsou: I've made chili for Sparky a few times after he's had a bad day at work, since it's his favorite.
Me: He's getting a lot better than when he first tried.
Shinsou: Hey, I hadn't ever heard of chili before you made it for me. Give me a break, kitty.
Me: You forgot the CHILI POWDER. The thing that gives chili it's NAME. You forgot that.
Shinsou: And you've burnt water. What's your point?
Me: For the love of- That was ONE TIME!
Me: I've tried my hand at mochi a few times. I think they turned out pretty good! I've also made yakitori before, since that's basically just putting some chicken on a stick and grilling it.
Shinsou: Not bad for someone who's burnt water before.
Shinsou: Still not sure how you managed to do that.
Me: Oh, and I've made ramen, but everyone and their mother knows how to make ramen.
Shinsou: Putting a plastic container in the microwave and pushing a few buttons doesn't count as "making ramen".
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simmer-until-tender · 11 months
Sims tag
Thanks to those who tagged me~
1. what’s your favorite sims death?
satellite. It's so sudden and random and weird. Death be that way sometimes.
2. Alpha CC or Maxis Match?
whatever makes my game look like a dog ate a box of crayons and vomited all over everything
3. Do you cheat when your sims gain weight?
hell nah, I have too many skinny bitches in my game as it is
4. Do you use move objects?
religiously, and then I yell at my sims when they throw routing errors
5. Favorite mod?
whichever one makes the hobby NPCs go fuck themselves
6. First expansion/game/stuff pack you got?
I got university from the library lol but I think the first one I owned was open for business, which was a revelation at the time. I always wanted nightlife but was too afraid to ask my mom for it cause it looked SEXY. now, as an adult, can confirm nightlife is the best one. but I am a sexual deviant, so.
7.  Do you pronounce “live mode” like aLIVE or LIVing?
in my head it's like "aLIVE" but from a linguistic perspective I gotta concede that the "LIVing" pronunciation makes more sense because it's consistent with the other modes (buy/build) which are verbs not adjectives
8. Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made?
I hate all my loser sims I guess I have a sweet spot for a child sim I made back when I was a child. She lived in a trailer, had big droopy eyes like Brittany Spears, and was named Miami.
9.  Have you made a simself?
yeah I basically always have one but she's a townie. to play her would be weird. here's the bitch
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10. What sims traits do you give yourself?
sloppy and lazy yeeeeeee
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11. Which is your favorite EA hair color?
the custom mohawk colors bro
12. Favorite EA hair?
this bitch still has a hold on me
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13. Favorite life stage?
I like teens, they're so sassy, getting them to do their homework sucks but also unlike children they can just get bad grades, nobody cares
14. Are you a builder or are you in it for the game play?
I'm a builder but I'm trying not to give up on gameplay. It's not working.
15. Are you a CC creator?
not really, I like recoloring things to look like an 80s train-wreck though
16. Do you have any simblr friends/a sims squad?
.....there are sim-cliques?
17. What’s your favorite game (1,2,3,4)?
sims 3 is hideous (sorry bout it), sims 4 has lovely landscapes but the gameplay is akin to watching paint dry. I'm sure I'll love the sims 1 once I get around to playing it. I like creepy weird stuff.
18. Do you have any sims merch?
i wouldnt let myself be seen dead in sims merch also fuck EA
19. Do you have a youtube for sims?
I have too much CC to also run a screen recorder without tons of crashing lol I have no self control
20. How has your “sims style” changed throughout your years of playing?
with every passing day i am more of a builder and more of a maximalist also i keep making animal sims now like some kind of furry *shudders*
21. What’s your origin ID?
lol just say no to origin
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22. Who’s your favorite cc creator?
who made the baby bbq? them
23. How long have you had a simblr?
since 2017. I was a baby in undergrad then. making sims stories was like my therapy. now im an adult with real therapy.
24. How do you edit your pictures?
I churn them mindlessly through photoscape generally. anything else is too much work.
25. What expansion/game/stuff pack do you want next?
I'm not sure who has/hasn't done this. I'll tag @sicksadsim, @pixelatedpanic, @letomills, @snapdragoned, @ivycopur, @bubuthejedi, @lifetime-want
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faith--in-the-future · 6 months
I honestly never understood this lie that Louis isn’t attractive. Quite literally, I thought Louis was the only already pretty/beautiful member from 1D at first. The other boys were “cute”, I guess but not in any significant way - except Zayn, who was also always actually good looking too and became very hot as his features matured a bit. I am around the same age as the 1D members and only Louis attracted me. Even when the boys all grew up, I still only really found Louis snd Zayn attractive. I never got people acting like Louis is/was unattractive? He has very pretty features and the perfect body shape (maybe if you’re into heavily muscled figures you wouldn’t think so but come on and I guess Louis doesn’t fit the stereotype of what toxic masculinity demands of male body types but it’s better that way). There were times when it looked like Louis was self-conscious about his body type, like his cute little tummy, and he got quite thin at certain points (which always worried me) but he always had the pretty face. Looks are subjective, I get it, but even people I don’t find personally attractive, I can acknowledge if they fit into that attractive classification. Some people I knew at the time thought Louis’ features were a bit too androgynous/feminine to be their type - and still do when he’s clean-shaven - but still thought he was an attractive person. Like with everything else about Louis, it’s like people just jumped on a bandwagon of unnecessary hate and decided they were right despite all evidence to the contrary. Like sometimes the second fandoms will use the most gorgeous photos of Louis to try to drag him or clips where his singing is spot-on. They only see and hear what they want to see and hear. A m**** H*aly fan tweeted how Louis will pay for his crimes to 7 and I just don’t get it. Louis nailed 7, always does. It suits his voice and style so well and he kills that song. I’m even a fan of CATB and I prefer Louis’ version (🫣) and his high note and his pronunciation are everything
It’s amazing to see Louis happy and confident and owning his amazing body and showing it off a bit more 🥰
as for everything else in this fandom it was just a trope perpetuated by press/media and then people followed it due to their sheep mentality and then it became a self sustaining cycle which can never be broken probably :/
for MY taste in early 1d he and zayn were the best looking ones then in like 2014 after the fratboy phase him zayn and harry were the best looking ones cuz niall was still pre pubertal basically 😭 and liam was having different issues then after 1d I think niall actually went through puberty lol and I think he's good looking now too
the whole conversation is stupid imo bc ugly people do not get picked to be popstars on TV lmaooo if any of them had been ugly they wouldn't have become millionaires that's just what the world is
there are bad pictures of any of them bc thats just what being human is like 🤷🏻‍♀️
also hate that people equate ugliness with moral flaws or think that calling someone ugly is the worst thing u can do like there's nothing inherently wrong with being ugly this isn't a Disney movie... grow up
ps: I like louis' 7 better too! I love his arrangement :) and again that's just ppl picking on louis bc its easy and "allowed" but they don't really have a real opinion of their own lol they'd love that cover if they had been told to . simple as that
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