#BC Greek Au
smilingcat0 · 1 year
Saw everyone doing it and I kinda, maybe, sort of wanna join
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Okay, I'll be honest. I don't have a BC oc. Everyone been making Greek God AU of their ocs but I don't see any (cept for that one post) bout the official characters. What about Milla? Angel? Venni?
So, I chose Helen since she kinda fits the vibe. Wonder what she'll be called..
Maybe the Goddess of Sentience? I dun kno, is that even a Greek God?
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literallyjusttoa · 1 month
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Hey guys crazy idea but like Artemis and Apollo are Dipper and Mabel right? Right? Yeah I got carried away big time but like I think Gravity Falls + Greek Mythology is a banger idea so it's fine.
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yonemurishiroku · 7 months
Jasico but like that time Zeus tricked Hera into marrying him by turning into a bird. That is, Jason turns into a wolf to approach Nico and Nico, being his father's son, immediately takes a liking to this huge golden doggo with striking blue eyes, who unlike other animals is surprisingly friendly to him. 🥳🥳🥳 Nico practically adopts him and Jason's just there enjoying being close with his crush. 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳
Bonus point if Nico brought him home and Persephone immediately recognized her brother but elected to remain silent and even helped hide it from Hades. 🥳
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haliaiii · 8 months
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Hail the conquering hero
based on that dream Percy had on pg 254 in the lightning thief
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satsukidoodles404 · 5 months
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DustedAfterDeath doodles :)
Everybody, give thanks to @spotaus for this 😩🙏 I suddenly had sudden serotonin at 2 am because I couldn't stop thinking about these boys. I'm just soo happy these three is getting some traction :)
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tj-dragonblade · 6 months
hello hello 👀
5: Greek Vacation AU
Hello hello! Here's a fresh snippet drafted last night and today:
~ "Dream it is, then." Hob swirls his glass lightly, takes a sip, makes an appreciative face as he sets it back down. "So what brings you to beautiful Santorini?"
"My sisters." Dream rolls his eyes, but there is no ire in it. "They insist that I spend far too much time 'buried in business' for someone who lives in the midst of so many 'world-class tourist destinations'."
"Ah, so you're local then?" Hob's eyebrows are up. "Sorry, your accent—I assumed you were from London too!"
"I did spend much of my childhood there, and I am there for business several times a year," Dream allows. "But I am currently based in Athens." He sips from his drink again, making a show of the way his lips press around the straw, hollowing his cheeks more than necessary as he sucks, watching Hob from beneath his lashes; he's pleased to note the subtle way Hob shifts in his seat, the way his eyes keep flicking from Dream's prettily-pursed lips to his fingers curling just so through the condensation on the glass. Dream releases the straw with a showy little flick of his tongue; Hob's grip on his own glass twitches as he lifts it for another swig.
Dream smiles. "My sisters are visiting from London, as a matter of fact—and as I said, they have opinions on my work-life balance and my geographic proximity to prime vacation spots. So I have agreed to play tourist to appease them."
WIP Wednesday Ask Meme
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kristiliqua · 2 months
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me when i meet (my) god
second vers below
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rosie-tyler · 23 days
Watched two movies with Billy and Ralph in a row
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What are the relationships between each of Zeus’s kids in the Succession AU? I know you’ve mentioned most of them are… strained, but I’m curious about the details.
Also, are you going to be using the Roman names like you did with the Hunger Games AU? Or will it be Greek names?
Oh goody straight to the angst.
So in terms of who has the best relationship, the prize goes to Athena and Apollo. Athena is very much a daddy’s girl and the favorite daughter. She worships the ground Zeus walks on, and refuses to acknowledge any criticism of him. Until he wounds her pride. Then, she’s on a war path.
Apollo is his father’s favorite son, but, as Alder said, he bares the greatest punishments. When he pisses Zeus off and challenges him, it’s bad. But generally he remains in favor.
Ares ACTS like Zeus cares about him, but deep down he knows his dad doesn’t give a fuck about him. He’ll take any opportunity to get in favor with him, even though it won’t last long. Of the main siblings (Apollo, Athena, Ares), he cares the most about their dad, even if it isn’t reciprocated.
Hermes WANTS his dad to love him so bad but deep down he knows it’s never gonna happen. He knows at the end of the day Zeus doesn’t give a shit, so he uses what HE does get to get his way, and try his hardest to impress his father (stop kidding yourself bro).
Artemis and Hephaestus are both estranged af. Artemis less so, but they both try to put as much distance as possible between themselves and Zeus and Olympus. Only that does not apply to the money…
Aphrodite is technically just the daughter in law, but she’s just here for the bag. She knows Zeus doesn’t respect her or give a fuck and she doesn’t give one right back. Slay queen
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randomwriteronline · 14 days
His bad leg hurt like hell. Perditus clenched his teeth hard enough for his hairs to begin standing on their ends as he pulled himself out of the wreckage of his Thornatus.
Such a mighty vehicle, reduced to a pile of scraps.
Ain't that the way things go.
He looked down: like some sort of badly cut bread, chunks of fake meat parted to reveal that blasted prosthetic bone he was bound to until his flesh would at last be rotting off of him, scratched and bent and still half melted in places - a cheeky last parting gift from Death after he'd paid the rest of his life to evade it.
The ground beneath him was hard, and rocky, and uncomfortable to crawl upon on all fours. He had no other choice, so the stone kept digging into the heels of his palms and he kept biting back groans.
Then he came.
He made no light, no sound, no nothing, but he had a wire pinned to Perditus's neck, a mental link that grew slack or taut like a puppet's string: and he felt it pull suddenly, and a splendid smile came to into his thoughts before he even turned to see it.
Velika stood. He was tall, like this, unburdened by the broken body he'd forcibly fit himself within for centuries. His back was straight, his hair was long; his eyes had a shine to them, almost mischievous, almost genial, a bright intelligence that made his gaze so innocent, as though he could not hurt even the most insignificant of ants.
Velika stood, like he'd stood before him on that horrible day, identical in every way down to the very clothes he wore, down to his very expression: he stood like'd stood back then, looking every bit divine.
Numb uncaring nihilism squirmed within Perditus.
It fought, it thrashed, it rebelled, it clawed and gnawed and punched and kicked, but its adversary was too great: his last shield was torn apart from within, its guts spilled across oval pupils.
Velika stood, smile dropped.
"NO!" Perditus barked again, scrambling away, pain suddenly an afterthought in the wake of animalistic fear: "NO! NO! NO!"
Velika stood, with eyes wide and still from the surprise.
His hand searched for purchase. It found only a sharp descent which teared into it, ripping its wet flesh apart, and then a long void.
Velika stood frozen and unblinking as the frightened eyes capsized, disappeared from sight, when the body was dragged down the ravine by gravity as the Glatorian still screamed, and screamed, and screamed, and screamed, and screamed, and screamed, and then did not scream anymore.
Perditus laid at the bottom of the cliff, curled up in a strange and ugly pose, at the end of the long intermittent trail of his blood.
He gazed into the rock with the same impossible terror.
Velika stood, staring at his bent neck from so high above him with only a blank expression. Then he simply left, as suddenly as he'd come: with no light, no sound, no nothing.
Gelu walked in: "Perditus is dead," he said gravely.
No reply came.
Then softly, very softly, Atakus spoke.
He said something, something indeed, but nobody understood it: his voice was too low, his breaths were too loud. He grasped his chest as he stumbled right into the wall - grasped at his frantically beating heart threatening to break his ribcage and rupture his lungs.
He walked out of the walls that had been his prison unhindered as no Agori nor Glatorian made any move to stop him. The Toa turned to look at them, confused by their paralysis, unsure what to do.
The Potori's escape was not a long one: his trembling limbs gave in as he fell on the sands, mere bio away from where he'd started.
A sound came out of his mouth.
And it rose, and it rose, and it rose, until it became a piercing wail.
From inside the small building, the others watched him. They watched him tear his armor off to beat his chest like a fury; they watched him grab at his wool and pull, pull, pull until it was torn off of him; they watched him fold in on himself, howling like a fox doomed to die in a forgotten rusted trap, as he he slammed his head into the ground over and over.
Raanu shot out an arm to block the Toa trying to reach the screaming thing: "Leave him," he murmured. "He'll be done soon."
"He's hurting himself," the artificial being replied, still puzzled, incapable of understanding, brilliant crystal eyes traveling between the elder and the sorry spectacle so close and yet so far from them, "He's hitting himself - what is happening? What is he doing?"
"He's mourning."
Atakus wailed.
He spoke his mother tongue, his old stone dialect, calling helplessly for many things at once - a mother, a brother, a cousin, a lover, a friend, a healer, a patron, a slave, a warrior, a saint... What could he do? What could he do? There was no wail for a gambler, no wail for a beggar. No wail for someone he could not define, and so his grief-stricken mind cobbled together everything, everything, every form and code he could remember.
A voice reached him eventually, after his chest was battered with bruises and his nails had half shaven his head: the words entered his ears and made a nest within, forgotten immediately - except for one.
He turned his head with wrathful crazed eyes and teeth bared: "FRIEND!" he repeated spitefully: "We were no friends!"
He stood fulminously once more with his dagger in hand, unable and unwilling to recognize who he was talking to, unfocused vision incapable of distinguishing materials or colors or armor designs from one another from within the spiraling throes of his madness.
"If we'd met in the War he would have blown my head open!" he shrieked. "He would have run me over until my bones were fine mist, and I would have done the same to him!"
Just as quickly as his rage had come, it submitted to invincible pain: Atakus shivered harshly, losing his grip on his weapon and twisting his face into a horrible grimace, and clutched again his chest with a horrid strangled cry.
"Oh Perditus, oh Perditus..." he sobbed softly between heaving breaths. He panted as he tried desperately to suck in as much air as he could while sinking to his knees; his teeth gnashed together once more, with his horizontal pupils turned upwards towards his spooked interlocutor lit by a frightening fire and his voice pitched high into a garbled growl: "You have no idea what it means...! To be a debtor for life...! To have each new breathing second be an inescapable fee...! To have every moment of your life stolen from your hands, because that is how you paid your survival...!"
A groan left him, foam building in his mouth, trickling from his lips. He sunk blunt nails into his chest before slamming his fists into the hole his faulty heart called home until it adhered to the rhythm of his furious beating, until this body that stifled him like a too warm blanket followed his orders and kept functioning without needing the appearance that blasted loaner of a god, without forcing him to renew that contract he'd signed so young and foolish and close to an anguishing death.
"You don't understand!" he wailed, "You will never understand!"
Something struck him. Something rattled along the drumming of his infernal organ and sparked a wrong connection in his nerves, setting them on fire, devouring part of his brain.
Uncomprehending eyes watched him grab at the air behind his nape with crazed purpose, bringing it to his mouth where his dull straight teeth bit down on it as though it were a wire: he thrashed around it, pulling with his hands and jerking his head back repeatedly, violently, snarling like a rabid beast and desperately trying to cut something that wasn't there.
With a horrid shriek he jolted again: his jaw snapped open, his fists parted with a sudden motion, and he stumbled back panting as if he'd just lifted the sky back into place.
"I DEFY YOU!" he howled into the nothingness. "I DESERT YOU!"
He laughed, horrid and mirthless, for only a moment.
Then he crumbled upon himself, clutching his chest again with both hands, whimpering in anguish.
"Perditus, Perditus, oh, Perditus..." they heard him sob under his breath like a prayer when they approached him, to bring him back in so that his sputtering heart could rest: "Oh Perditus, giatí me áphēses, giatí me áphēses? Ḗmastan oi mónoi pou mporoúsame na kataláboume, oi mónoi… Oh, Perditus, giatí me áphēses, giatí me áphēses móno se autón ton tromaktikó kósmo?"
"Perditus has died to evade me," Velika said with a blank expression.
Pohatu felt his heart stop for a moment.
"Do you think he's made a good choice?"
"Do you think he's made a good choice?"
He stared into the Great Being's unmoving eyes.
"What sort of question is that?" he asked, appalled.
"Do you think he's made a good choice?"
"He's dead," the once Toa ignored him. He held his disgustingly soft face in his hands, still shocked. He would not pretend he'd liked the man for what little he'd known of him, not after his trap had almost gotten Kiina and Kopaka injured and was the reason he'd accepted to be stuck amongst these infuriating gods to keep them from trying to kill his siblings and friends; but he had still been a sapient living being like the rest of them, and the way his end was spoken of made his flesh seize within him until his mouth tasted nauseous and his vision was swimming. "He's dead - Mata Nui... What happened to him?"
"He's died to evade me." Velika repeated once more, empty tone unchanged. "Do you think he's made a good choice?"
Patience depleted, Pohatu snapped: "What does that even mean?"
"Would you consider death a viable path to escape your situation?"
Their brown eyes mirrored each other as they both stared.
"How are you this crosswired when you have no wires to cross?" the once Toa asked back.
Velika's mouth opened: "Ah ah," he said without intention. The sound fell from his parted lips like change from a broken vending machine. "Would you consider death a viable path to escape your situation?"
He stood across him, blocking the door completely with his silhouette: his back was straight, his head held still.
Pohatu bolted further away from him, suddenly terribly frightened, hitting his spine hard against the wall: "What is wrong with you!" he cried out.
Velika remained perfectly still, a pillar of salt unmoved by any and all passions: "Would you consider death a viable-"
His hand startled.
The words died on Velika's tongue, and he widened his eyes. He looked down to his palm: his ring finger stood out, dislocated, as if it had been yanked or bent with great force.
A strange hissed whine left him.
His eyes (not as blank as before, alight with pain and something close to fear) settled back on the Toa with a snapping movement as he hurriedly held his injured appendix in its twin: "You'll answer later." he decided for him.
His clothes rustled like leaves caught in a temperamental wind as he walked away at a quick pace, relieving the doorframe of his terrifying presence - abandoning only the vague shape of his own afterimage there, like a large spot of darkened static lingering in the vision of one who has looked into the sun too long.
Pohatu waited, and waited, until the sound of his steps disappeared.
"There's something wrong with him," he murmured.
"I noticed," Takanuva tried to joke from his hiding spot as his armor slowly reflected the light in the room in a way that colored it white and gold once more.
But his older brother did not laugh, gazing past the door, still fearing the return of that unnatural empty voice, those unnatural empty eyes: "I mean it," he whispered, dead serious, thinking of Bohrok: "There's something wrong with him."
shout-out to The End Of Hope by @bread-into-toast, which grabbed me by the fucking throat this evening and is the sole reason any of this got written. wonderful zine. delightfully unsettling. go read it.
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literallyjusttoa · 8 months
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Left this abandoned in the drafts (which is a bit ironic) but it's a spin on this post, where instead of Apollo just being locked in some room on Olympus somewhere, he's bound to the ruins of an abandoned Ancient Greek city. Maybe somewhere near Delphi, maybe Troy, idk.
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beastsovrevelation · 4 months
I had another Good Omens fanfiction dream this morning.
Basically, Crowley was due to give birth. You might ask, Pestilence, what's with you and Crowley being pregnant?.. The answer is, I don't know, and neither does my therapist.
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So, Crowley's due to give birth, he's scared and in pain. Beelzebub shows up, along with a few other demons (I guess I'll look through the Key of Solomon, I remember a few have to do with healing). She told him they'll support him. I have a feeling, the dream adhered to my idea that Crowley and Beelzebub are siblings (in spite Beelzebub looking like she does in S2, so Indian).
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Crowley had to change to his snake form, because while his human form was male (so he couldn't give birth without surgery, which was too dangerous), his snake form was female. The demons put him in a whelping box (genius idea). Crowley gave birth to either 4 or 6 baby snakes (apparently, they're called snakelets). It was a live birth, which, fun fact, some snakes do give (i think boa constrictors, and snake Crowley kind of looks like one, aside from the colouring). The baby snakes then morphed to human form. I don't think Crowley nearly died, but he lost a lot of blood, and got extremely exhausted. No, it probably wasn't realistic to how snakes actually give birth.
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(They were far larger, though)
Oh, and at some point, Aziraphale found out, but someone (possibly Beelzebub) forbade him from coming, because an angel's presence would distress the babies, and they wouldn't take human form. They could also die.
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No, I don't think Aziraphale was the "father". The babies were demons, while, according to my headcanons, when an angel procreates with a demon, the baby's an angel, as it's the original form (though, they do retain some demonic features). Maybe, Crowley mated with an actual snake, or something... It would be very Greek and Norse god of him, but what the Heaven, dude... I guess, Beelzebub could act as the litter's she-father, once the two had reconciled. Which, is a word I use for maternal figures who, traditionally, would be considered more paternal. You know, kind of emotionally detached, more provider than carer, often absent, that sort of deal.
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This is incoherent, but I only remember fragments. I guess, I will put it down in my notes for the future. I already did. (I'm kind of tempted to write the birth scene, I like writing birth scenes, they're brutal).
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Don't you just have a love/hate relationship with when you are already swamped with WIPs, but the Fanfiction Gods send you another vision?..
Also, don't you just hate it when you give birth to a litter of snakelets, with the help of your coworkers, and your estranged sister.
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What the Hell do you even name that many damn whelps...
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vixenofthemist · 21 days
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I've fallen down the Greek Myth mixed with SCI-FI brainworms hole and I can't get up; So here's Dionysus and Ariadne in this AU! Hanging around a smaller version of the escape pod Dionysus found her in. The emotional whiplash of Theseus' betrayal to the inside of a smuggler party ship is a lot for Ariadne, but at least the captain is nice on the eyes AND drinks his respect women juice (its mixed in with the wine)
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The Greek Mythos Project: What We Accept Within Submissions
Hello everyone, it is once again Camila here and I am writing this post because I decided I should probably clarify things sooner than later. I know I and quite a few other lovely people can struggle with open barriers within things, especially in such a large and "imposing" project, so I decided to write down the general specifics of things to lessen everyone's anxiety. This can and will definitely be improved if we are given more information/questions/asked for clarification so feel free to check every once in a while or reach out if you don't see a specific question you have answered. This is once again here to promote better communication within things and break down this large project to more manageable things. So, let's get into it!
[Note: This post will go from the broader, more unspecific, topics to the smaller, more specific ones so feel free to scroll down or up as you please :)]
The Biggest Thing First! One Singular POV. This is something that I, Camila, want for the project and therefore, it will be the most enforced thing within here. Don't worry, though! We will be releasing a Second Work alongside this main project consisting of things that didn't quite fit into the original project, such as works that aren't exactly (or at all) one POV but still want to be recognized or OC pieces that are like reincarnations of various gods/mortals/characters which I'll get into later. So you work has a place with us, I promise you <3.
Anyway, back to the One Singular POV thing. It genuinely does not matter whether the piece is First Person, Second Person, Third Person, or something within those parameters as long as the setting, scene, thoughts, and work are being described in that one character's thoughts/experiences. A great example of this in Third Person is in the Heroes of Olympus by Rick Riordan, a popular YA Book Series centering around Greek Mythology in a Modern Setting told by their Demigod Children, where the narrative is in Third Person POV but it only ever follows whoever's POV it's in. Such as we do see the character's actual name and "he/she/they" instead of "I" but we're not privy to anything other than what the character is experiencing.
That is what I am asking for, and I am asking for this mostly for myself!) As we all may know by now, this project was created because I--Camila--took one look at my goal to rewrite the entirety of Greek Mythology in my search to learn more about the Greek Myths, was like "yeah... no," and then proceeded to make this public with the intent to bring out those niche writers, gain a community, make friends, and generally learn more about the various communities and ideas surrounding such a vast and deep thing such as Greek Mythology (remember, people not only know this across the globe, but across centuries. It's not just our ideas and the original texts, it's the Roman Empire's thoughts, the Rise of Christianity, all of our forefathers, and even those who we have read dissecting these things and creating academic papers or other works. It's just so interesting how much character and change and even how much influence various things have had on our modern perceptions). But, this is also a Project, this is also mine, and so I am very politely asking for it to be One POV of a Greek Mythological Character--However Niche They May Be--Only.
Thank you so much for understanding and, again, I will be hosting a Secondary Fic for all the things that don't quite fit under this Main Project but may still want to have the recognition/community that this comes with <3.
Note!! Because this post ended up being a little long and would be hard to properly organize going further, the rest of it will be comprised in reblogs <33
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I have officially lost control of my sanity, please welcome Adam and Eve to fnaftale canon.
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ixkhor-and-ambroxia · 11 months
In this AU, the Big Three has Demeter as Queen. It is no longer Zeus, Hades, and Poseidon who rule the realms, but instead it is Zeus, Hades, and Demeter. Why? Because, throughout the entire Titanomachy, the Seas remained neutral. They listened to no King nor Side. They merely just existed as they had been: letting people come and go with the full transparency that they are in Oceanus's domain now, previously Pontus's. They are at the Sea's Mercy, even Kronos the Cosmic King.
And so, when the War ended, Zeus had no need to force Oceanus out and put one of his siblings (Poseidon) in. The Seas will do what they want, for better or for worse, so why would he need to mess with them? (He needed control, predictability)
Which left him a wonder: What would be the middle ground between the Land of Immortals, and the Land of the Dead? In another world, that would be the Sea, with its ability to bring both life and destruction within a single thought. But the Sea was out of the question now, and away from Godly or Mortal Predictions, so what would take its place?
The Land, of course.
A place of many wonders; the place where Mortals grow to Live and Die or become Immortals. The Place where the Gods are worshipped; the Place where the Fates thrive. It was perfect.
And so, in a time long before Zeus's escapades, the goddess Demeter was approached and given an offering: to become Queen of the Land and reside among the Council and Mortals as such.
Heavenly--no, Queenly--Demeter said yes.
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