#BC HE WAS A ZOMBIE and I’m terrified of zombies
Had a dream about zombies and now I’m startled and awake but it wasn’t even a scary dream about zombies it was that fucker from Warm Bodies was my docile zombie pet/boyfriend and survived by eating kettle chips (like those super thick Panera potato chips) that he covered in blood and I’m so mad about it
Like I am an adult woman with a job and yet here I sit at 4 AM too spooked to go to sleep bc Nicholas Hoult’s pasty zombie form is Fuckin haunting me
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melanatedeuph0ria · 5 months
the boy is mine ⋆˙⟡♡
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rick grimes x black!fem! reader
since he’d arrived in alexandria, you and rick have gone from complete strangers to close friends. you’d proven to be extremely useful to his team-after all, you were a great shot and had skin tougher than steel. but now, you’ve started seeing rick in a different, more romantic light. will your newly-developed crush on the police officer be reciprocated as you’d dreamed?
summary: you and rick go on a run for supplies. some hidden feelings get uncovered along the way.
NOTE: this fic takes place in alexandria era BEFORE negan (i’m guessing like s6 bc i forgot)
a/n: MY FIRST FIC EVER AAAAA i’m hoping its ok bc i’m literally just going w the flow lmao
also sorry ts took so fucking long i still have school n stuff guys 🙏🏽😞
genre: fluff, angst, hurt, comfort idk
warnings: blood, zombies, cursing, use of n word, near-death experience
“y/n! you ready to head out?”, rick yelled as he leaned against a silver sedan parked in front of Alexandria’s gates.
after finding yourself caught in a conversation with maggie and glenn, you quickly swooped your head around to acknowledge the gruff man, your eyes widening at the sound of his southern drawl lingering on your name.
“yeah, I’m comin’!” you croaked, creasing your lips into a nervous smile. after a moment, you made your way over to his car, backpack slung over your back.
you and rick were headed to a small, nearby grocery store that an old-time alexandrian claimed was hidden away from the frequent commotion of the town. there was a 50/50 chance that it might’ve or might’ve not been looted, but you both weren’t willing to skimp out on this rare opportunity. after all, the community was running short on food and supplies-it started getting obvious that it was once people were given smaller portion sizes than normal.
and it was you who, stupidly enough, agreed to check out the area with none other than your best friend you’ve been harboring a crush on, rick grimes.
you were intrigued with the man from the moment he stepped foot into alexandria-he lowkey terrified you, him AND his group, but that only sparked your urge to get to know them a bit more. you didn’t actively seek interaction with them- it was by really by circumstance when you had the chance to kinda intermingle with them all. you forgot how you and rick even met each other, to be honest. he knew you were a good shot and had skin tough as nails, that’s for sure. you had grown into something of a maternal figure for Carl, his teenage son, although it took a while for him to finally warm up to you. you couldn’t blame him, to be honest. you knew he’d been through some rough shit-he told you about his mom and what he was forced to do to her after she’d been bitten and just delivered judith, his month-old half-sister. nonetheless, you and rick were both each other’s rocks; he cared for you unlike anyone else in alexandria, and you adored certain things about him-his deep, southern voice when he gently called your name. the traces of vanilla and bourbon cologne left on his clothes despite sweating all day-most of the time he didn’t even bother trying to put it on, but the days he did, you subconsciously noticed. him surprising you with 90’s rnb album CDs that he’d snatched on his runs- once he’d surprised you with a whole erykah badu album, and since then, you’ve kept it under lock and key inside your nightstand. his damp, ruffled hair as he stops by your house for a towel to dry it off because he never seemed to have any of his own; you let him in without much question, of course, but for the past few weeks he’s been on your porch steps, your heart’s been pumping at speeds you’ve never experienced before-at least, not in a while-a zombie apocalypse ruins one’s concept of love when the one you’re in love with can slip from your fingers in a heartbeat.
but could it be? could you really be in love with your best friend in a zombie apocalypse? you were sure of it, but horrified to know if he felt the same, which is why you didn’t even realize your leg was was anxiously bouncing up and down on the floor of the car until…
“y/n. you alright?”
“huh? oh y-yeah, i’m good. what’s wrong?”
“nothin’, you’re just..extra quiet.”
“do i need to start talkin’?” you didn’t mean for that to come off as rude as it did. you were just nervous, nervous about what he’d tell you if you told him how you truly felt.
“no, no, it’s fine. you don’t gotta say nothin’ if you don’t feel like it.”
aww shit, now i feel bad, you thought. you tried your hardest not to sink into the car seat in shame so he wouldn’t notice yet another thing off about you today. you tilted your head to the window.
“we made it.” in what seemed like a flash, you and Rick were parked outside the convenience store. did you zone out that hard? not that it mattered anymore. you climbed out of the car and you both took a closer look at the store. it was abandoned all right-at least, it could’ve just looked that way-but it still looked intact. untouched by the world. you hoped that would also apply to whatever awaited inside.
bigger than what i thought it’d be, you thought as you peered at the building.
“bigger than i thought it would be.” rick said aloud.
is this nigga reading my mind..? you thought. “let’s just hope there’s no walkers on the inside.” you said in an attempt to reassure yourself that there were no undead lurking around.
You looked back at Rick for a response or some sort of agreement, but when you did, out of the corner of your eye you saw him damn near snap his neck just to stare back at the store. he cleared his throat loudly. the gesture alone radiated an anxious energy, something you had almost never sensed in the man since knowing him. it was kinda like he was afraid of getting caught…wait…
..was rick staring at you? and how long had you gone without even noticing?
if he was staring, it certainly wasn’t for no reason. you are undoubtedly stunning, so much in fact that some people were envious of your beauty before and during the apocalypse. your rich, brown skin, glistening in the hot, june sun, and your thick, coily hair, pulled into a low puff, were just a few of your most admirable features, both inside and out.
shaking the thought off your mind, you both finally approached the building, carefully peeling open its glass doors and sliding inside. you knew the drill already, but rick felt the need to tell you again, which wasn’t to your surprise at this point. “i’ll take the left side, you take the right. we’ll use our walkies to communicate-if you’re in trouble, i’ll be right there, alright?” you nodded in compliance-you both knew you could handle yourself-but you couldn’t help but bite down a smile when he said that. his low, whispery voice was strangely reassuring, like he cared for you as a lover instead of a friend. you felt your cheeks begin to burn-it’s not really like he could tell anyway, for obvious reasons, but also because it was dark as hell in the store- you assumed the owners didn’t survive long enough to pay the electricity bill.
you were shocked to see that the aisles were just barely looted-you we’re expecting them to show signs of being scavenged at least a bit, but there they were, filled to the brim with food that would just about save Alexandria from starvation.
you clicked on your walkie and held it up to your mouth. “holy shit.” is all that could manage to come out of your mouth right now.
“looks like we hit the jackpot.” rick replied on the on the other line. he already knew what your “holy shit” meant.
with caution, you strolled down the “canned goods” aisle, looking up and down each section in awe. you came to an abrupt stop in front of one of the rows, gazing at everything in stock until your eyes settled on a can of peaches. you knew they were probably expired, you expected everything else in there to be, but you were curious to see what the expiration date read on its back, to see how long it’d been since the world went to hell. you held the can in your left hand, examining the date on its back: 10/18/09; it’d been expired a year before the apocalypse even began…
didn’t think it’d be that expired.., you murmured to yourself as you creased your lips into a disgusted frown. just as you began to set the specimen back on the shelf, a loud thud from underneath the rack sent it bouncing upwards, startling you so badly that the can slipped from your fingers and splattered onto the floor into a mushy mess. somehow, there was a walker under there, reaching its pale, maggot-infested limbs out to grasp at your leg. your eyes immediately traveled to the undead as you quickly thought of how you could quickly end its 2nd life. you frantically tugged your imprisoned foot backwards in an attempt to break free, reaching into your leather sheath and pulling out your dagger halfway, but, soon enough, you were met with an even more terrifying scenario. your back clashed violently with the rack behind you, and a walker on the other side, suddenly aroused by the sound and the smell of your human flesh, reached its spindly hand through a wide, open hole in the decaying rack. its hand curled around your throat with enough pressure to keep you pinned to the shelf while you also tried to free your leg from the walker below you.
“RICK, I NEED HELP!” you yelled out into the aisle. it was a risky move and could probably attract even more walkers than what was already threatening you, but you couldn’t get a good grip on your dagger and that was the only weapon you had. calling for backup was the only option you had left.
the oncoming presence of death pricked at prodded at your skin like thorns. the thought that-in that moment, you could be bitten, and all of your hopes and ambitions for the future could immediately be crushed-left you speechless, stricken with terror.
just as the walker grabbing at your neck prepared to take a bite out of it, rick appeared and stabbed it right in its head. just after you finally freed yourself from its grasp, the man noticed the walker on the ground and stomped on its skull, leaving a bloody, mushy mess on the floor, but you were too panicked to even notice.
an exasperated sigh escaped your mouth. “oh my God, rick, you’re a lifesaver-“
your rushed, panicky words were interrupted when he suddenly crashed his lips onto yours. your eyes immediately widened at the sensation of his coarse lips pressing onto yours, soft and plump, then slowly fluttered shut. your breathing, at first rapid and filled with anxiety, had simmered down into slow and steady breaths as his lips passionately devoured yours. almost subconsciously, he trailed his right hand, roughened with scars and calluses, on the nape of your neck, holding you closer than ever before as he rested his left hand on your hip. his ocean blue eyes drifted shut as he explored you, desperate for your touch, before he slowly pulled away from the kiss to give you some time to breathe. you fluttered your eyes back open and waited for him to look up at you.
“i’m-i’m sorry, i shouldn’t have done that, just so randomly. fuck…” rick babbled rapid apologies before a frustrated, shaky sigh escaped from his mouth. without thinking, you cupped his cheek, burning with the embarrassment of his decision, and leaned into him, rewarding him with a kiss of your own; it only seemed fair after he saved your life and your heart in only a matter of seconds. his eyes fluttered shut at your touch as your other hand tangled into his neatly combed hair. you let the feeling of your lips gently pressed together linger for a few seconds before you slowly pulled away. you felt your heart buzzing with excitement but also with relief, now that you knew that he’d been storing feelings for you this entire time. a confident grin appeared on your face as you looked up at him.
“i like you too, grimes.”
-the end. ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
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ruegarding · 4 months
hello! I hope your having a good day! If you don't mind me asking, what is your opinion on the Cupid Scene in Hoo? And if you could how would you change it?
my opinion on the cupid scene…well, i don't think a traumatic coming out scene is automatically bad. the problem i have w it is that rick capitalized on shock value instead of good writing. rick retconned a bunch of things to make nico alone and miserable so that he could have this scene, and it was completely unnecessary. ppl can have friends without coming out. and, as i’ve repeatedly said, the way hoo is written is literally a repeat of his arc in pjo but worse, because we’re acting like important events in pjo didn’t happen in a series that’s supposed to be a sequel to pjo and rick is inconsistent so the payoff is questionable.
the solution is…good writing. creating a cohesive and intriguing plotline where this scene is either necessary or scrapped if it isn’t.
thus begins an unnecessarily deep dive into all the retcons, inconsistencies, and general what-the-fuckery of nico’s arc in hoo bc i’m the verbose king and we've accidentally stumbled into something i have a lot to say abt.
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first retcon. in son, frank explicitly says that nico does not make him nervous and describes nico as mysterious. not weird, creepy, off-putting, or anything similar. and nico is! he is clearly hiding things and shows up infrequently. this is a neutral description, and frank goes on to say that pluto’s powers, and specifically the underworld, isn’t enough to make him dislike pluto or nico.
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also this, showing nico is comfortable enough around frank:
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but then in hoh, frank thinks going somewhere with nico, alone, is terrifying.
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at worst, frank would’ve felt awkward. they’ve never had to talk alone bc nico is at camp jupiter for hazel and doesn’t have any reason to talk to frank by himself. if frank didn’t want to be alone w nico bc of that, it’d make sense. but that’s not what’s said or implied! and nothing has happened! nico got kidnapped, they saved him, and since then he’s been chilling on the boat, exactly as weird as before, if a little more understandably distressed. like, nothing happened to change frank’s opinion this drastically. even the difference between pluto and hades (wealth vs death) doesn’t matter bc nico uses his powers in son. also frank literally summons a skeleton guy in son and hazel is a zombie, like…
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(the source isn’t important but i've been quoting these five seconds for years)
oh! and that’s not all, it gets worse!
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these scenes from hoh are incredibly infantilizing. why are we treating nico like a feral dog that needs to be domesticated??? yikes. and once again, it’s not true! nico was fine talking w ppl in pjo (if a bit over-enthusiastic). and then in son he was perfectly civil and was fine having the conversation abt the quest. his issue w ppl was that his powers/parentage put ppl off, and, even in son, that he had to keep a secret.
nico is perfectly capable of speaking like a normal person and working as part of a team (see: final botl battle, final tlo battle, the sword of hades). like, nico’s struggle in hoh should be 1) that ppl are calling him creepy behind his back (and therefore has nothing to do w his social skills) and/or 2) that he just survived an incredibly traumatic experience and is understandably withdrawn. neither of these are properly addressed and instead the implication is that nico is hiding himself bc he’s gay and everything will be solved if he accepts himself.
edit: i never actually explicitly stated this, but nico's queer coding and disability coding overlap, which is why this infantilization/ableism is important enough to highlight despite the conversation specifically being abt the queer aspect of it.
second retcon. percy…as i’ve said many times before, percy explicitly calls nico his friend in tlo.
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this immediately makes hoo trying to act like they don’t know each other and were never close a retcon. they were friends, they saw each other frequently, nico made silly jokes w percy…and we’re ignoring all of this in hoo.
i've talked abt this previously (in response to tsats), but nico is the one putting distance between him and percy. percy reached out to nico repeatedly thru pjo.
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when percy notices that nico excludes himself, percy finds a private place to talk to nico and assures him that percy wants him around and offers solutions to his discomfort (this is not percy’s responsibility. percy is a child). when nico insists that he won’t stay, percy sees it from nico’s perspective and, instead of forcing nico to do something against his will that may totally backfire, says “i hope we don’t have to be enemies,” leaving room for nico to decide whether he’s willing to be friends.
bc percy understands the root of nico’s issue (that no matter the accommodations made at camp, there’s always going to be the implicit message that he doesn’t belong there), he addresses it and uses his wish to make sure that nico has a home at camp.
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and when nico tries to prove he’s useful, percy proves he would’ve invited him in whether nico was or not. bc he thinks nico deserves to be a kid.
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“i wonder if [nico] had ever had a birthday party,” percy thinks at his own birthday party where he didn’t invite his friends bc he felt it was too much of an inconvenience, in a story where he never had friends prior to these ppl he didn’t invite, and the only person he had for twelve years of his life was his own mother. and percy uses his own loneliness to empathize w how lonely nico is.
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percy is not some distant figure nico is idolizing. he's a kid trying his best to care for another kid at a time where no one else did, while experiencing his own trauma. all of their hang-ups exist bc of that.
going back to their relationship in hoo, even trying to make percy uncomfortable w nico’s powers (and therefore not wanting to associate w nico) doesn’t work bc percy has gone on record and said he thinks some of nico’s powers are cool and has neutral responses to others, not to mention percy is also a big three kid who makes other ppl wary (i could write a whole meta on how what percy finds disturbing w nico’s powers is directly tied to what percy finds disturbing w his own powers, but i’ll restrain myself. please clap).
and if that wasn’t enough, the entire reason percy stood up to hera in botl is bc she was willing to let nico die specifically bc he doesn't fit in bc of those powers.
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this plotline was tired before it even began.
you could argue that all of this changed w nico’s betrayal in tlo. but then why didn’t percy tell anybody when it happened in tlo (annabeth would’ve reacted to it if he had)? why did percy trust nico to come when he called? why didn’t any of percy’s animosity come out afterwards at camp? and in the throne room, percy didn’t have to single nico out w his wish. he didn’t have to watch nico to make sure he was settling in. but he did. and because he did, any writing that suggests percy doesn't trust or care abt nico bc of that is bad writing. maybe rick forgot this, but u can be angry w and hurt by the ppl you love and still love them.
even the justification that nico lied in son isn’t good enough to completely change their relationship, bc it’s pretty clear why nico lied and percy says he can’t stay angry at nico when they rescue him, and let me remind u, anger is a core part of percy's character. while nico lying might be enough for characters like leo and jason, who have no rapport w him, to doubt him, it’s not enough for percy. and why are we so obsessed w dismantling percy and nico’s friendship anyway? why is that necessary to the story? like i said before, ppl can have friends without coming out. isolating the only queer character (at the time) isn’t necessary.
this conflict doesn’t even work in hoo bc their distance is still one-sided…
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when did percy not give nico a second chance in hoo? the only times they’ve interacted prior to this was when percy remembered nico in son and tried to talk to him and then when they saved his life. and then nico brushes off percy's gratitude and tells him to back off. this is not nico idolizing percy who doesn't care abt him. this is percy reaching out and yet again nico putting distance between them.
and, obviously, this doesn’t work at all w pjo when the entirety of botl exists, you know, where percy chose to trust and protect nico and then went out of his way to make sure nico knew percy held none of nico’s anger against him. it’d be one thing if nico was supposed to be wrong, but considering how there’s an entire arc in hoo abt jason being the first person to trust nico, and tsats seriously acts like percy only ever talked to nico when he needed something, it’s safe to say this comes from a place of stupidity.
ok. this sections getting long, so i moved the it was stupid to have percy give jason a reason to doubt nico section to a new post. but know that i'm aware and i think it's stupid.
back to the point of all these retcons w percy. there's nothing in hoo that necessitates changing percy and nico's relationship from pjo. while percy in hoo is never cruel to nico, they act like strangers for some reason. so, it's changed for no reason and it's written poorly.
sigh. and then all of chb is retconned (or recycled if you’re feeling generous).
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the ppl at camp accept him while his cabin gets built. pretty nice. then in boo nico reveals they got tired of him after a week–which is still summer–despite there being an influx of kids from all descents, some of whom would be weird or uncomfortable or whatever this justification is. that’s not even mentioning how percy’s own experiences (remember how he was ostracized…multiple times…) should have made them more accepting of nico.
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why…was this necessary at all…? especially when u have an entirely different camp that treats nico as weird bc they didn’t have that good experience w him? this is really what gets me. if rick wanted to be lazy and repeat nico’s arc, he could’ve done so without retconning things.
for example, with the seven, leo, piper, jason, and maybe annabeth (she doesn’t have much to say abt nico in pjo), i could understand having animosity towards nico, as well as camp jupiter, but retconning established relationships to make ur only (at the time) queer character isolated and miserable only to then have his coming out be violent and traumatic is. well. bad! especially when the person who is w him for that experience is not someone he has built any sort of camaraderie w. nico isn’t choosing to trust jason, he’s being forced to.
and the whole nico-needs-to-learn-to-trust-ppl plot doesn’t work anyway bc of rick’s inconsistencies.
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jason has a moment much like frank where he doesn’t want to go anywhere w nico bc nico is so weird and scary. nico has every right to pull himself away from ppl who treat him like he’s got something contagious. and there’s more:
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“since when does jason defend nico,” as in they have shit on nico before and jason has not, in the past, defended nico. as in nico had every reason to not trust jason prior to this bc everyone, including jason, were talking shit behind his back. why are we acting like nico is being unreasonable? oh no, y’all are talking behind my back…clearly it’s my fault bc i push everyone away and that has nothing to do w ur behavior or anything…yes this is good writing.
and we’re supposed to believe that jason (and reyna and hedge and will) is the first person to be kind/reach out to nico, but we have this scene from botl where percy comforted nico and gave him a piece of his childhood back:
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and this is after percy cleared the air to make sure nico knew he didn’t hate him and offered to make accommodations for nico at camp and then respected and understood why nico wouldn’t want to. like,
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woah, you’re telling me that a character reaches out to nico after a traumatic experience in an act of kindness and this helps nico grow as a person? and it happens multiple times?! yeah, apparently rick and fandom have completely forgotten abt this (also hazel exists???). they’re even phrased similarly! “maybe it’s time to take a risk and embrace something you’ve pushed away.” furthermore, they both support their point by helping nico, percy by inviting nico into his home to enjoy cake and ice cream, jason by drinking from the chalice. once more w feeling: nico has been loved the entire goddamn time!
i get what rick was trying to accomplish w the whole cupid scene concept. which is that it’s okay to be gay and that it can feel very “othering” to be gay. nico has to accept himself in order to make friends. that’s what this
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and this
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are trying to say, right, but this doesn’t work when you’ve blatantly retconned established relationships to have characters push nico away for his powers/parentage/whatever. nico’s struggle is not an internal issue that can be solved by accepting himself, it’s an external issue caused by how other ppl treat him for his powers/parentage (which he has never been shown to reject btw).
the thing is, the powers-as-queerness metaphor only works when you don’t have, you know, characters who aren’t queer going through similar ostracization. not only was percy ostracized at chb in tlt for his powers/parentage (very similar to nico!), percy has a moment in this same book where his powers terrify annabeth, and then piper in the next book, in which he, you know, lets himself almost die to poison bc he feels like he “deserved it” for using those powers. again, this is not queer-coding for percy (unless…?). moreover, like i said, nico doesn’t reject his powers, so the whole queer-coding w powers and needing to accept himself is already iffy (...rejecting powers...hold the fuck up…percy isn’t…unless…). even the out-of-time metaphor doesn’t work bc it’s something he shares w hazel, who is not canonically queer (unless…?!). so, already, we’re on shaky metaphorical ground. all of this could work, theoretically, if combined w strong writing, but combined w the retconning and inconsistencies, this plotline makes no cohesive sense.
we’re supposed to believe that nico is the one pushing everyone away while they are secretly super supportive while simultaneously being shown that everyone talks and thinks shit that affirms nico’s thoughts abt them that makes him want to pull away. and then in boo we completely ignore that these ppl have been pushing nico away and suddenly everyone (reyna, hedge, will, etc) is supportive.
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pick a struggle!
also nico’s coming out scene in boo sucked (yeah this is the segue).
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this is the culmination of nico’s arc in hoo. he’s finally accepted himself enough to speak the truth without pressure. we ruined percy and nico’s established relationship for this. and they don’t even have a conversation. then nico walks over to will bc percy, “regular guy” percy, is “not [his] type.” don’t look too deep into that.
so, how would i fix the cupid scene? well.
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there were a million different ways to write a better arc for nico and earn that cupid scene. for example, rick could’ve stuck to a plotline.
the trust plotline could’ve been good. bc this exact thing is what causes the accidental kidnapping situation in tlo. nico doesn’t trust percy enough to tell him the truth and chooses to manipulate and lie to percy instead. this choice is what sets up their conflict bc percy views this as betrayal (something that’s important to a guy who’s fatal flaw is loyalty).
it’s also interesting bc nico does choose to trust ppl in hoo; he eats the pomegranate seeds despite not knowing that someone is coming for him, he just trusts that someone will (we’re ignoring what boo says abt nico’s tartarus experience bc fun fact! that is also retconned). and it pays off, bc not only does he get saved, we see hazel and percy even willing to challenge the other members of the seven to make sure he gets saved. so, it’s not a lesson he’s already learned, it’s a lesson he’s learning. but, going back to the main question here, would the cupid scene still be necessary? was being dragged into tartarus and almost dying not enough spectacle?
regardless, my biggest problem w the cupid scene in all of this is that it gives the impression that u have to come out in order to have ppl love u and trust u. a much better message to send is that the ppl who love u will love u before and after u come out. no isolation necessary.
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thepunkmuppet · 11 months
just finally got to watch workin boys and OH MY GODDDDDDD I HAVE THOUGHTS
jeff as hidgens is so. he’s just so
chad’s name stayed the same even though it was changed to workin’ girls everyone clapped
hidgens backstory oh my fucking god. what the hell this man has suffered more than jesus
the songs are amazing I wasn’t expecting to want to buy the album but now I actually need it their vocals are all SO GOOD mariah bryce and kim are absolutely incredible
bill and ted are on a date and you cannot convince me otherwise (I am delusional). also I love that ted loved it bc he was fucking INTO IT in tgwdlm
still need to know why hailey was dumping ass so much
I love the detail that paul didn’t want to go with bill lmfao
ted got brutally murdered again. I knew they would do it but it’s still hilarious
they really said ✨dutch angles ✨ huh
their real stage manager played the stage manager 😭 I love it he has a self insert hatchetfield oc
linda’s the only person who auditioned but didn’t get in lmfao hidgens really said #eat the rich
I love ruth SO MUCH rip queen (again). lauren managed to make her even more cute and pathetic than she is npmd, what a top notch blorbo 100/10
bailey wearing his uniform and taking his gun to a community theatre production why is he a himbo and why do I love him
I know I’ve already said this but sweet jesus mariah and kim’s voices are actually the best things ever they are so perfect in every way
grace just cannot do anything without discovering her passion for violent murder and lethal weapons and honestly girlboss
“our wet sinewy bodies” “I just came”
hidgens’ death scene was absolutely stunning oh my god
the fact that richie and grace went together to support ruth?? so cute to me. this obviously isn’t in the npmd timeline so it’s just adorable to me that they actually became friends in this timeline, I’m obsessed.
also they had an opportunity for pete and steph and tom and becky to be there on dates but OH WELL
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quirkle2 · 5 months
Oh man loving your zombie AU… I’m super curious, what was mob and Ritsu’s relationship like before he got infected? Did mob have any thoughts about what he’d want to happen if he ever got infected that he expressed to Ritsu? Did they ever disagree about what should happen to zombies?
mob and ritsu's relationship wasn't put through the same trauma and strain that their canon counterpart was, since mob doesn't have powers. normal brothers here ! up until the horrors that is
i think at first ritsu and mob were largely on the same page when it came to zombies—Scary, Run Away, Let The Adults Kill Them. ritsu was actually more scared of zombies than mob was—scaring mob is kind of hard to do. they were both terrified either way, mind you. it's an apocalypse, who Isn't scared
the interesting thing is that ritsu only started seeing zombies differently after mob turned. but if mob had never been bitten, it likely would've been him that would start to see the human sides of zombies. just like he starts to see spirits in a different light in canon, he'd begin to see zombies in a different light as well, and he'd be hesitant to hurt them in any way
ritsu thinks about this sometimes ^ about whether or not mob would've reached the same conclusion he has about zombies, were he not turned. it makes him feel a bit guilty, bc he knows mob well, and he knows that his brother likely would've reached this conclusion naturally. it took a family member turning into one to make ritsu see Any good in zombies
after mob got bitten, he told ritsu he could leave. that he Should leave. mob gave the excuse that once he turns, he'll likely attack ritsu bc he'd be Hungry, and while that is part of it, another huge reasoning is that mob does not want ritsu to witness something like this
up until his turning, mob had been the one to look after ritsu, bc ofc he was, he's the older brother. reigen had watched them All, but mob had kept a close eye on ritsu and made sure he was okay. mob had heard the process of turning is quite horrid for a loved one to witness, and while the idea of going through it completely alone terrified him, ritsu seeing it too terrified him even further
ritsu stood his ground on his choice to stay though, and in the end, mob was simply extremely grateful. he was out of it for most of the process, and he sadly didn't get to thank ritsu for staying with him before he stopped being able to speak properly, but there were thank yous hidden in the incoherent syllables. maybe ritsu heard them, maybe he didn't. up to you, really
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leporidae-station · 8 months
springtrap stuff
im like. thinking about my fnaf au with springtrap bc he’s a fantastic zombie rabbit furry with a lot of problems
so I’m gonna subject to you all with some facts and hcs
during the time he was springlocked, William had already injected himself with remnant which kept him alive and in a bit of a dreamlike state and in constant pain at the same time
springtrap goes into like a void?? his brain still functions even hours after getting springlocked and with the added remnant coursing through him, it forces him into a place where he relieves certain memories of his life
it goes back in forth, where one moment he’s remembering the first time creating the diner and cut back into another memory of his childhood
however these little flashes occur less as springtrap goes back to experiencing the pain of being impaled in every single possible way
remnant is not the only thing that keeps him alive, it is also his sheer will to survive and his anger/vengeance like this man refuses to die and continue to be angry (his agony, emotions are very strong)
over the years, the suffering and anger just kind of melts his mind a lil bit and he becomes more feral (he’s still william afton just a lot more,,,angry cat)
bro also has mushrooms growing on him
springtrap has tons of mycelium (thread like filaments) within him that basically suck out the nutrients of his body
shadow bonnie, in charge of keeping him in bay, eases him (I also have an idea that she’s the one to bring him good memories too as a way for him to move on kind of how in the frights books where jake is able to leave the stitchwraith body via remembering good memories)
that doesn’t work oopsies
springtrap has stitches all over his body, some were made by shadow bon or by himself in order to keep himself together (he made those after escaping the closed room and the horror attraction)
he absolutely loathes crows
the birds keep coming back to take a piece what’s left of his rotten corpse and at one point, many of them flocked towards him in such a violent manner he has ptsd from it that he reacts really aggressively at the sight or even mention of them
springtrap thinks quite highly of himself since he was able to cheat death
he’s no longer william afton he’s something MORE not the man he used to be, william is of the past now
but deep down hes pretty conflicted with it, since after living for so long he kinda just wants to end it all (tho his fear of death, i hc that springtrap is terrified at the prospect of it, prevents him)
he’s a gaslight gatekeep girlboss
springtrap sometimes loves toying with his victims but only if he considers them to be enough for his time and effort
other times he just kills them just for the remnant
he misses his family and henry more than he likes to admit it
he adores his wife very much!! but keeps trying to convince himself she’s just going to be in the way (she’s the identity of shadow bonnie btw)
doesn’t actually hate michael but is still angry due to the bite of 83 and the fires
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allamericanb-tch · 2 months
philippines recap !!
@vbbaby-girl still no pics yet. also hoping and praying no one from my trip sees this because multiple people told me i seemed like i was like batman (in the sense that i am leading a secret double life) and i don’t need them finding this blog
stuff we did:
13 hour flight, then a 3 hour flight (they took our phones before we left but the plane had little tv’s so it was okay) (watched la la land, played plants vs zombies, journaled, read the secret history, talked to the guy (also on the trip) who sat next to me, slept a bit, and didn’t get up once.)
we skipped wednesday basically
met my twin (sat by him on both plane rides actually) (literally he looked exactly like me. it was so strange.)
went to the beach (SO FUN. except, there were sea urchins. i only saw one and it was already dead.) (we also played ultimate football. it was fun but also scary because i was worried about sea urchins.)
swam with whale sharks (not in captivity guys i’m not a monster) (it was scary but also cool. i am actually terrified of fish. but it was cool.) (the boat we took was like the ones in moana)
went zip lining (SO FUN so beautiful)
saw tarsiers (so creepy. so off putting. yet so cute? their hands were so.. human. but mini. it was so creepy. but cool.)
saw the chocolate hills (they looked like regular hills. i thought we were getting chocolate there and we did not. disappointing but  also it was cool.)
went snorkeling (took another moana boat and the shorts i was wearing got SOAKED) (me and my cousin and one other girl on the trip were together and taken away really far from the rest of the group so we lowkey thought we were getting kidnapped) (part of our group came by us a little bit later and we were in fact not kidnapped and actually had the coolest guide ever. most of the guides wouldn’t let you take pictures of the fish and turtles and stuff but our guide took my cousin’s gopro and got AMAZING pictures.) (i had a wee panic attack bc fish are literally my biggest fear and there were SO MANY FISH. it was okay though.)
had the weirdest dream. (the words directly from my journal: “i was at a gas station and this lady got in my car and threatened me with a knife and i drove us to this warehouse where this massive guy and his kid were. then i woke up.” it was so weird and lowkey scary.)
worksite! moved a bunch of chairs and desk and stuff to the basement. so many spiders. so many cockroaches. also moved a lot of trash. so many spiders. we also bended rebarb, mixed cement, chiseled, and painted a mural. lowkey we did nothing except like odd jobs on the site. fun but like. meh. (most of the time we spent was at the worksite. 9 am to 4 pm monday-friday.)
had another crazy dream. “i was with [cousin] and [1] (the same 1 in the later story) and i left and went to this rinky dink circus. it was a big concrete pit with painted horses. then one of the horses got out and started running at us. i was freaking out and i was getting out of the way and pushed 1 off the circus pit thing and she fell down the stairs and her face got all busted up.” so basically i almost killed her in my dream.
canyoneering!!! so cool. so fun. lowkey scary, but i did all the cliff jumps and the rope swing.
mall! so fun.
free time!!!! it was so needed. a chill day that was not planned but the best day ever.
had another CRAZY dream. i was basically reading a fan fiction about me and my friend who i used to have a crush on.
saw an overview of the city. so beautiful.
had one last fun night with the locals. so sad but did lots of fun things. 
had a meeting with my trip leaders. they got me ice cream.
fun goodbye ceremony at the school (the worksite) 
- we ate two meals on the plane. what meals those were? i have no idea. it was lowkey nasty and i did not eat it. also, im only writing down the meals i wrote down. i also mixed up the order so much in my journaling so it doesn’t really match up with the days.
dinner: pizza with mango and parmesan cheese. it was weird but good. mostly good.
breakfast: toast (untoasted bread), egg-beans (gross. i don’t know why i ate it. i hate eggs and beans.), mango (AMAZING. the mangoes in the philippines were the best ever.), and sausage (yummy)
lunch: floating restaurant (a boat) buffet. i do not remember what it was and i did not write it down :( OH WAIT this was the peppers!! we had these super tiny peppers and they were SO SPICY and we took a couple back with us and snuck them into each others pockets.)
breakfast: (we had a snack instead of breakfast because we ate breakfast at the snorkeling place) mango juice, this cake thing, and fake oreos
brunch: fried eggs (i gave mine away since i don’t like eggs), rice, chicken adobo, watermelon, and cucumbers
lunch: family style. lowkey i forgot what we had. we also got ice cream! but my stummy was hurting so i didn’t have any.
breakfast: pancakes (i put nutella on mine) with fruit cocktail
lunch: rice and this tomato chicken with pineapple
dinner: the most DELICIOUS potatoes i’ve ever eaten and chicken and rice 
lunch: chicken adobo and rice
dinner: spaghetti
second dinner: we were at a members house and had dinner there too. we had pasta with a creamy sauce, pizza, and this filipino drink thing. it was cream with mangoes and green jello. it lowkey made my stummy hurt but it was SO GOOD
breakfast: waffles (with nutella)
breakfast: eggs (did not eat), hash browns, and grapes
lunch: rice, orange chicken, and pineapple. (SO GOOD. top 3 meals.)
breakfast/lunch/dinner: i only ate crackers because i was sick oops
breakfast: nutella sandwich. so yummy. mango juice, but it was lowkey bad. 
snack: granola bar thing. so yummy. also this fried banana thing. so yummy. 
lunch: vegetable rice and grilled chicken. i only ate the rice.
dinner: mall stromboli. so good. 
breakfast: hash browns, eggs (did not eat) bacon, grapes.
lunch: chicken, rice, and the delicious potatoes.
breakfast: chicken nuggets (did not eat), pancakes, and mangoes. i put nutella on my pancakes of course.
lunch: rice, rice noodles, orange chicken, and oranges
ice cream! so yummy. i got strawberry.
dinner: spaghetti with chicken parm
had the most delicious chocolate cookies. 
breakfast: hot ham and cheese with oranges
lunch: rice and beef stroganoff 
dinner: tacos (i slept through this and lowkey i was so sad about it)
breakfast: waffles (with nutella) and mangoes and one pop tart
lunch: sweet n sour pork, rice, rice noodles, and cinnamon rolls. SO GOOD
dinner: chicken, rice, and rice noodles 
breakfast: french toast and mangoes
lunch: this one i wrote so much about. “holy moly i just had the most scrumptious meal i have ever eaten. we had rice, potatoes, pasta salad, this fried meat thing, and red velvet cake.” and then i wrote about how delicious it was.
dinner: pizza and fries. then we got ice cream and cake for a birthday.
bonus things
so many bug bites.
was so sick for 5 ish days
got my ears pierced at the mall for 250 pesos with all but two of the girls in my group (the company office called all of our parents because it is “against the rules” even though there was no official rule (we checked) and the trip leaders both knew and were okay with it)
cried on my cousins shoulder and she thought i was drooling on her (i was sick, literally so nauseous, but i still was at the evening activity (going to a basilica and then going to get halohalo (which i did not eat because i was so nauseous. this was the day i only ate crackers.) because i didn’t want to be left out again because we were pushing day 4 of me being sick at home.) and i felt SO sick and i felt like no one really wanted to be around me and everyone was getting close without me and like i was just on the outside of everything. we were on the bus and i was laying on her shoulder and then i was crying and my tears were rolling down my face onto her shoulder and she thought i was asleep and drooling on her.
learned 2 card tricks
filled up 44 pages in my journal (so far.. i haven’t done today yet.)
did karaoke (love story) (with 4 other people)
played a filipino game (we passed a spoon and a fork around and said “this is a spoon/fork” and “ah spoon/fork” and if you messed up or had both at the same time you had to do a talent)
played john the baptist (the person in the middle had a cup of water and a spoon and was thinking of something in a category. everyone in the circle had to say a thing from the category and if they said what the middle person was thinking of or repeated something that was already said they got water poured on them and became the new middle person) 
made a list of all the foods i won’t eat (will share later upon request)
“[name] is a quiet girl with strong opinions. such as her love for taylor swift and dislike of many foods.” (we did a spotlight every day and at the end of the day we went around in a circle and said what we like about them. one guy wrote a little paragraph for each person and that was the first thing he said about me. i did in fact cry, but it was when i was saying what i like about the other spotlights.)
we couldn’t flush the toilet paper. i am not used to flushing it now.
we also couldn’t use the tap water to rinse our toothbrush. it feels weird to do it now.
left someone at home (the drive was an hour because of traffic and then we realized we forgot him. the drive back was only 15 minutes.) (we are always supposed to be in a group of three and we left him by himself at home. it was so silly because the guy we left behind was high key everyone’s favorite person in the group.)
tried balut! it wasn’t bad. i was lowkey terrified to eat it but i ate the whole thing. the soup just tasted like chicken broth and the duck tasted like a bite of chicken and the egg tasted like a hard boiled egg. all of it with no flavor except salt really. not bad but mostly likely would not eat again. 
strap in for this story guys. so this girl (1) shared a room with this other girl (2). 1 had seen this towel in the bathroom and had been wiping her butt on it after showering or using the bidet (they ran out of toilet paper a lot) or whatever. so basically 1 had been wiping her but with this towel for three days. THEN 1 sees 2 wiping her face with the towel. as it turns out, the towel is 2’s face towel. 1 steals the towel and hides it in another group of girl’s room. 2 has no idea where the face towel went and has no idea that it was being used to wipe 1’s butt for three days. 1 tells everyone in the group (including the trip leaders and trip parents) so we ALL know except 2. then a few days later, the girls are all together in one room and the boys are all together in another. the adults are all having a meeting. the boys pass the girls a note under the door saying “pooker is coming” and the girls respond “do you want the towel” and the boys respond “yes”. so, they take the towel and throw it in the boys room. the towel lands on the pillow of the trip dad. he finds out and is PISSED. he strips all the sheets with everything on them off of the bed and leaves them in the living room. the sheets and towel end up in my closet and were still there when we left at the end of the trip. 
i haven’t pooped in like 5 days
passed around my copy of the outsiders between 4 people (they each finished it completely on the trip)
had the most delicious strawberry oreos. i have thought about them every day. 
pillows!!! my favorite filipino snack. my love. my everything.
so many mango flavored things.
everyone was so friendly. they always waved at us and smiled at us. one time i was on the bus and we were stopped for a bit because of traffic and i played rock paper scissors through the window with a filipino kid on a different bus.
used a bidet for the first time. lowkey scary and did not feel like i was clean. but there was no toilet paper. 
went to church for 5 hours 
counted how many times my trip leader said “like” during one sitting (84)
did the cube ladder field test. i think i messed it up lowkey. 
took so many naps. (i am not a napper ever)
played 4 kings. so fun. so basically each king is a dare. you decide the dares before the game starts. each card is spread out on the table and everyone takes turns picking the cards. the other cards decide who picks and there’s like mini games and stuff. so fun. 
was deemed the third flattest person in the group (i mean. it was true.)
had a super in depth conversation about harry potter lore with my trip leader
for some reason i could not wash my hair. the back was greasy every day. 
all the girls did nightly debriefs.
lived the same day twice. my flight landed two hours before it left because of the time difference, so we time traveled basically.
SO MUCH MORE STUFF HAPPENED but i can’t write it all out
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lipglossanon · 11 months
Lippyyyyy!!! Hi how are you? Before I start ranting to you I just want to say how much I am loving your Promptober!! Everything has been incredible as always 💖
I finished RE 3 and omg I have so many thoughts! First off Jill my precious baby I love her more than life itself she is the most badass protagonist I have ever seen! And I LOVE Carlos so much he’s so precious! I’m so mad that Capcom never put him in any other games he’s so perfect 🥰 I want ti fight all the people in TikTok who said RE 2 was the scariest game bc omg I was TERRIFIED literally the entire time I played this game Mr. X was easy compared to Nemesis 😭 I screamed so many times this game was so scary. But anyway as soon as I finished it I literally RAN to the in game store to buy Jill’s S.T.A.R.S. outfit so now I have to play it again but I loved the game it was so good. I think Nikolai & Ada should be besties tbh bc they do basically the same thing. But I kept filling the silence by just fangirling over Jill bc I love her so much😂 Despite the terror I actually really liked it but the points where you had to battle Nemesis were so dumb. Especially the second to last one where you had to hit the tanks to electrocute him while zombies were coming for you.
Bonus pic of me buying the outfit 😂
I was literally squealing and babbling about how adorable she is I was so happy about it my dad was lowkey concerned 😭
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Hiii!!! 👋
Awww thank you!! 🥰 I’m having a lot of fun with this month!! 😊
Congrats on beating it!!! 🎉 Jill is a certified bad ass 🤭 and her STARS outfit is always sick 🔥
For sure a bummer that Capcom has left us in a cold Carlos less world (which they use the same VA for him as Chris so idk how that would work 🤔).
And i totally agree! The Nemesis fights were some of the weakest in the series which is sad. But I’m happy you liked it overall!! As disappointed as I am with re3make, I can agree it’s fun and the updated characters are rad lol
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georgieluz · 1 year
Lmao not gonna lie… it’s been a long day and I don’t know if I sent you asks for this particular ask game so please excuse me if I did 😃
1. Who was your first favourite character?
2. Is there a character you liked/disliked at first, but then changed opinion on throughout the show?
3. When did you first watch the show?
4. If you could pick three characters to be on your zombie apocalypse team, who would they be and why?
5. If you had to be one of the Easy boys for a day, who would you be and why? What would you want to do?
7. What’s your favourite quote from the show?
8. How did you find out about the show?
10. Would you ever do the same thing the boys did if you got the chance? Why/why not?
12. What do you think your army nickname would be if you were in it?
14. How many pairs of socks would you bring to Bastogne? [Because, as they say, socks are important!]
15. If you had to have a sidekick that was one of the guys from the show, who would you pick and why?
16. If you had to pick a trait from any of the boys that would be your main trait, which one would it be?
18. If you had to be named after one of the boys, who would it be and why?
19. What song [beside the original scores] do you connect the most with the show?
20. If you have a(ny) ship(s) when it comes to the show, which one(s) is your absolute favourite?
(Please ignore the fact that I basically sent you all the asks in the list lmao… let’s say I’m just really interested in your answers 🙃)
omg louise i thought you'd copy and pasted the whole thing in here at first lmaoo but i love it! okay let's go!!
1. Who was your first favourite character?
my love lewis nixon!! he was my guy from the get go and tbh he'll always be my favourite.
2. Is there a character you liked/disliked at first, but then changed opinion on throughout the show?
never quite as drastic as going from straight up disliking someone to liking or vice versa, but it took a few episodes to fully appreciate a lot of characters just from the structure and ensemble nature of the show. the funniest thing is that when george appeared i genuinely thought 'omg he's gonna be the annoying one, isn't he?' and like i wasn't wrong, but he's Endearing Annoying, not Annoying Annoying, and well, look at me now, i am a george luz enthusiast through and through
3. When did you first watch the show?
i don't have an exact year but i was about 14 maybe?
4. If you could pick three characters to be on your zombie apocalypse team, who would they be and why?
okay here's where we need to get serious about strategy! everyone will pick shifty bc of his skills, but i reckon since i already have a decent enough aim from doing archery, it would be silly to waste a pick on another good shot (sorry, my guy, you are welcome to join our team further into the narrative). so my picks would start with doc roe because c'mon, every zombie apocalypse team needs a medic! then i'm gonna choose george for group morale and being-my-boyfriend purposes. and then for my final pick, i'm struggling to choose between johnny martin for protection purposes and lipton for keeping-us-alive and doc-roe-is-gonna-kill-george-and-julian-otherwise purposes.. i feel like lip would be such a great all rounder choice, he can protect us in so many different ways, both physical and emotional. okay, lip it is. i think johnny would find us so annoying and would just be like "y'know what? fuck this i'm going off by myself". also, during this thought process i just imagined how terrible a me, tab, webster and babe team would be... like we would not last! we'd be the prettiest apocalypse team around but we would NOT survive!
5. If you had to be one of the Easy boys for a day, who would you be and why? What would you want to do?
speirs! because it would be fun to experience being someone that people are scared of for a day bc i'm the least intimidating person ever lmao.. i'd go around terrifying everyone with vague silent threats or just saying the most out of character shit to people, like wishing them a good day and complimenting them, because i think that would be even scarier to hear from speirs
7. What’s your favourite quote from the show?
let me think of this and get back to you because i have too many and really need to narrow it down!
8. How did you find out about the show?
i already answered this one over here
10. Would you ever do the same thing the boys did if you got the chance? Why/why not?
for me to jump out of a plane you would quite literally have to drug me, drag me into the flying tin can and throw me out yourself tbh
12. What do you think your army nickname would be if you were in it?
i already answered this here, but feel free to suggest one if you please haha
14. How many pairs of socks would you bring to Bastogne? [Because, as they say, socks are important!]
answered this one here too, but i will say once again: ALL of them!
15. If you had to have a sidekick that was one of the guys from the show, who would you pick and why?
me and babe would absolutely kill it as the silly lil ginger duo, we'd be so annoying but everyone would let us get away with murder bc they think we're cute
16. If you had to pick a trait from any of the boys that would be your main trait, which one would it be?
i was gonna pick something fun but y'know what i would genuinely benefit from? a little bit of lipton or winters patience and will power bc i have literally zero whatsoever and it's actually annoying as hell
18. If you had to be named after one of the boys, who would it be and why?
i actually don't know, that's another one i'll have to think about!
19. What song [beside the original scores] do you connect the most with the show?
somebody to die for by hurts!! i actually can't listen to the song without thinking about easy and certain scenes now
20. If you have a(ny) ship(s) when it comes to the show, which one(s) is your absolute favourite?
this tends to change with the seasons! webgott and winnix will always have me obsessed simply bc it's so There!!! and honestly, winnix had little gay me internally screaming when i watched it with my dad as a teenager the first time.. but i'm a massive rarepair guy so what i'm absolutely living for is lipluz, ronnix, speirsgrant, spalton (please tell me this is speirs and alton more's ship name.. if not, it is now!), a little bit of winteroe and a side of speirluzton.. i'll never say no to a big plate of baberoe either!!
for this band of brothers ask game :)
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frankenruth · 1 year
I don’t rlly have time to draw rn (all the other drawings from previous days were in a queue) so I’m copying and pasting stuff about my Zombie Penny AU from an ask I answered lol @ride-the-cyclober
The Zombie Penny AU is basically where Penny comes back from the dead but,, yknow,,, as a zombie
I have like a toooon of different Penny backstories made up that go with all my different Janes, Zombie Penny specifically is one of mine that are Legoland Penny!! (you can see the tribute to her horrendous bob in her one-braid-got-sliced-off hairstyle)
ZP has little memory of anything about her life before the incident, but if she sees/hears something or someone relating to her life pre-cyclone she’ll.. very faintly remember it (Ex. JK-47 = bad!! , Ezra = brother,, good!! - not much about why or how but she remembers how she feels)
She still remembers all the stuff from the warehouse - She’s kinda like Jane Doe with her old head back trying to remember who she was
Ezra reeally hates ZP,,, in the “you-aren’t-the-penny-i-know” sense - he is.. very reluctant about the fact his sister is now that
With the choir and Father Markus gone, Ezra terrified of her, and her parents in jail she has no where to stay, so she lurks around the (now newly abandoned) fair - one time Constance’s parents came over to mourn.. she accidentally scared them away
Almost inaudible speech (cheek literally ripped off if you saw in the drawings of her) and limp-y jerky movement (still lots of injuries from the crash)
Not really a brain eating zombie but she ends up attacking some people bc she’s sick n tired of scaring everyone off so like. might as well
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pupyr0arz · 6 months
Zombie apoc Roach x reader ideas teehee
Reader finds an empty journal while scavenging and presents it to Roach, and they both start giggling because the only thing in it is a stock photo of some random meme that someone left there long before the apocalypse.
While Roach would TOTALLY dare reader to touch a zombie for bragging rights, he's also absolutely terrified that they will get bit, so instead he just keeps the idea to himself :c
Reader who is like a heater all year round, + a cuddle bug, (Roach is too lmao) but sometimes it gets way too hot in the bed, so Roach just ends up sleeping on the floor. He doesn't mind tho, since the floor is cold 😌
Idk what I'm doing, I'm not a writer sorry if it's booty cheeks lmao
that would be the funniest fucking thing even if it’s just a random ass photo. Treats it like gold. Scavenging while acting like David Attenborough
infection spreading thru like. air or something so zombies are mostly safe if you actually know what you’re doing and wear a mask or something or flowerzombie au. Roach would dream about having a pet attack zombie but wouldn’t keep one irl. Friendly suggestions (dangerous lies) to a asshole survivor they meet along the way bc it’s ethical i prommy he didn’t kill them himself 💖
Roach i think does awfully with heat, I love southern roach as an idea but to me when it gets to hot he’s just totally useless. He HATES the feeling of sweat and it just gets too muggy and awful he’ll just melt and die. He can work thru it but he would rather drown. Stopping by any body of water for a break >
if he was shotgun I feel he would absolutely fill his time doing title games like the paper fortune teller. Gets a magic 8-ball somehow.
Roach who’s spent his time in the apocalypse being a reckless asshole and meeting reader and slowly going oh man, I’m attached. Shit. This isn’t very funny of me
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babiebom · 6 months
Doctor Who Villains and how I Feel about Them
A/N: idk why I’m on a doctor who streak right now(yes I do it’s taken the place of number one special interest again) but here’s some more of my scuffed content regarding it as a person who has only seen the revival of the show. Though I’ve said I probably won’t watch classic who the edits are getting to me and I might watch all of classic who literally just for Sarah Jane and the Doctor(all of them) being chaotic in a different way than they are in nuwho(I did not know the man used to throw hands like that why did no one tell me?). No the master is not included as a villain because they’re the loml and neither are the Ood it’s not their fault people be mind controlling them. The ratings are how much they scare me so 10 is a lot 0 is none
Tw: mentions of murder, cursing, death, yk dw things!!
Bc: at least 3 or 4 for each maybe more lmao
Doctor Who Masterlist
Idk they’re not really scary to me
Like I’d probably be killed by them but they don’t scare me
Like oh no they can shoot at me
I’m from Texas people have guns here that’s like basic
Like I don’t think they’d let me get close enough
But if they did I think I could beat a dalek up
I would actually find a way I genuinely think they’re annoying
Literally became one of the sounds I copy
Kinda iconic ngl but they show up way too damn much
I feel like the characters should be allowed to curse when Daleks are around
Like oh my fucking god YOU AGAIN?
Literally I’m on season one of classic who and they show up HERE like WTF
Cybermen only scare me bc they kinda give me uncanny valley vibes bc they’re used to be humans.
Like that creeps me out
But I do think I could survive them if I hid well enough
Like actually they’re like only finding people who are making it obvious that they’re hiding
I’m turning off all the lights and opening the doors to make it look like my house has already been gone through
Like zombies but robots
Weeping Angels
Actually I hate them so much
and as a black person I do NOT want to be sent back in time
I think I’d attempt to do the blink one eye at a time thing but I think I’d fail bc I’d be to focused on that
I WOULD however attempt to hit them with a sledgehammer
Like actually I would try to destroy them and then probably be sent back bc I don’t think that’s possible unless it is
I haven’t seen anyone try to just wreck they shit
They’re not scary at all
What are they gonna do fart me to death
I’m pretty sure it’s something like baking soda that you can kill them with
Like actually they’re no match for my feralness
And since they need larger people (in size and in height) they won’t go after me bc even though I’m chubby I’m short so they won’t try to get me anyways
Literally so easy
And I think they could just be straight up shot
They have no necks how are they gonna get me fr
Like actually again all they’re gonna do is shoot me
What are they gonna do CHASE ME?
Like if I hide well enough I can bonk them like Donna did
I feel like if I asked for hand to hand combat they might indulge me
They don’t know I know this one simple trick (being an absolute menace)
Beep The Meep
Unlike Rose Temple-Noble (or Noble-Temple)
I would not have been nice
I would’ve killed him with a hammer bc wtf
But probably if I didn’t kill him he would’ve killed me bc it’s hard to manipulate me because I’m always confused
Like he would actually get tired of me
And I don’t want the police at my house so you gotta go sorry
Like my dogs will tear you apart get out of here loser
The Empty Child
Have you seen my mommy
Like actually scawwy
Like he’s just a baby and I would be gasmasked immediately bc I can’t help but try to comfort a child
I mean I literally work in childcare it’s something that I can’t help but to be like “omg well find your mommy baby it’s gonna be okay!!” Then immediately I’m possessed or whatever he did to those people
Kid is adorable tho
The Carrionites
The witches
They’re not really scary
And I don’t think I’d be in their way because I’m a woman and not powerful at all
So they won’t try to kill me or anything
Like actually irrelevant to their plot and they’re irrelevant to mine
Kinda funny tho
I mean in the words of the ninth doctor what is she gonna do? Moisturize me?
Like she’s a sentient trampoline she’s not scary at all
Literally throw something at her and she’s dead
Like somehow she managed to take over Rose’s body but like she wouldn’t do that to me
Not scary at all
Moisturize meeeeeeeeeeee
The Celestial Toymaker
I want to be twirled around by him!!!!!!!
But also I’m bad at games and can only win by accident
So I would actually be trapped in his dimension bc I would lose
But like eh? Not so bad me thinks
Especially if I can get him to change the terms of the game
He just seems so fun but tbh I think I would get tired of him quickly lmao
The Family of Blood
I’ve only watched the episodes once each because I actually hate them
So I don’t remember anything other than Martha threatening them with a gun
And honestly if they could be killed by that I think I’m fine
Like what were their powers or like ways of killing people
I don’t remember honestly just possessed people I think
Like that’s like not really scary seeing as they weren’t climbing walls and their heads weren’t spinning as far as I remember
The Thing in Midnight
Terrifying but also funny
Like haha you’re copying me
Jokes on you I’m not scared I’m just gonna be amused bc I’m gonna make you say stupid things
But also scary bc do not take my voice or my movement that’s mean
I just wanna make you say things that I think are funny be NICE TO ME
like actually I would’ve had fun but would’ve been scared in that episode
Though again in not easily manipulated so I wouldn’t have been part of the screaming and panic
Like would I have committed violence against stupid married couple and the train lady like WYM KICK HIM OUT OF THE SHIP ARE YOU DUMB
I feel like they all lacked common sense that episode but again I’m supposed to be talking about the thing
They’re literally just people but cannibals?
With sharp teeth
Like that’s not really scary that stuff exists right now
Like it didn’t looks like they ran faster nor did they have like special abilities
We’re afraid of guns and could be kept out by a fence
Actually just people
I could literally just shoot at them and they’d leave
Like okay you’re cannibals so are people now you’re not special and people get body mods all the time.
Scary because they’re dumb
Like they don’t really understand anything except for their concept of justice and would kill me in an instant
Also kinda ugly
I like the way they talk
But also if you’re innocent odds are they’ll leave you alone?
Unless you try to fight against them
So not really scary just like…honestly similar to the bad cops out there
Like scary but I shouldn’t be in their presence because I don’t think I do anything wrong
The NotThings
Honestly I just think clones are scary
Like you know that thing that’s like what would you do if a clone of you was right in front of you and it’s like fuck it or whatever
I would kill her
Not because I hate myself but seeing myself would terrify me and I would have to kill her out of sheer panic
And the fact that the more you think or talk the more they copy until they’re 100 percent an exact copy of you.
And irl with my friends I do have an unhinged sense of humor so they wouldn’t even be able to tell anything is wrong bc I talk about eating them and keeping them as a taxidermied thing every day because that how I portray my love (I swear I’m normal)
So they would be able to say all sorts of shit and my friends would be like lmao yeah that’s her unless they eat or do something I would absolutely never do
9/10 scary
The Silence
Do they even do anything except for be there?
Like I don’t think they bother people unless they’re feeling particularly evil I guess
They’re literally just npc’s
Like the most terrifying thing is like them being there when I poop or shower or something and I just keep forgetting they’re there.
So scary kinda but not really
They’re just kinda ugly
The Beast
I don’t remember anything about this person or thing
Other than it’s just like…satan?
Don’t kill me but I haven’t gone back to watch any season 2 episodes so I don’t really remember
So not really scary just alien satan
Like all I remember is the drawing on dudes face like oh well
And I’m pretty sure the doctor defeated him by breaking some vase or something
Because I don’t remember he gets a low scare rating
The Smilers
But I was not happy with the doll head thing turn around and look angry
Like NAUR WHAT DID I DO?????????
Was this the episode with the big ass space whale????
I think they were feeding the whale
They kinda terrified me bc imagine going to like a fortune teller booth with the little fake people and it just gives you a bad fortune and it’s face is mad at you now
Like HUH was misfortune am I gonna have because of this
Like 6/10
A literal Sun
I just rewatched 42
Honestly scary in the fact that I hate the sun because it’s too hot and I hate it when it’s hot
And the fact that it’s a LIVING SUN and can POSSESS PEOPLE
Like WTF do you mean??????
But also I would have never done what miss girl did so I would not be forced to burn
Also I just read a hella good fic on ao3 that’s tenmartha and the sun is still possessing ten and is OBSESSED with Martha and literally only wants love.
So that has also changed my opinion
So like 5/10 scary but wouldn’t try to kill me because I’m nice.
I’m not scared of her nor will I ever be
Would beat her to death with my own hands
Or with a hammer
Deserves no kindness
Like actually who takes advantage of an actual child?????
Insane people that’s who
She better hope she never sees me out in these streets
This just makes me sad
Like they really wanted to go to Utopia and ended up as these things???????
Also just balls that can shoot you????
I think a baseball bat and a good swing would allow you to survive as long as it’s only like one or two
They also have the spinny knives but I think you can avoid them if you try and aren’t trapped
Like haha you stupid metal ball try to get me now as I go in all the hidey holes that you can’t fit in because you’re METAL
Vashta Nerada
like what do you MEAN there’s little monsters in shadows
I have to SLEEP in the dark
What do you MEAN they’re responsible for the bones left in roadkill WTF
actually terrifying
Can just kill me whenever it’s dark?
They’re name is actually cool though
Also the episode we meet miss mother river song
But like can turn me into just bones in a second
That’s rude
Literally no way to survive unless you’re always in light
And they can turn lights off (I think) so like ur fucked dude
The Autons
I’m already scared of mannequins and this is like a nightmare come true.
The only way I survive this is if I immediately run
Like I don’t think y’all understand I HATE MANNEQUINS
Also the fact that their limbs can still move detached is scary
Like actually being an adult that’s already afraid of these things I would actually just piss my pants and die on the spot
Only funny part is nine being choked in the back ground and even my first time watching I was so nervous for him
And auton Mickey is actually a nightmare I hated that
9/10 hate them
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cemeteryxdriven · 2 years
I forgot to post about the weird shit dreams/nightmares I’ve had the last couple days…
there was one where Frank’s pumpkin tattoo moved and talked. for some reason I was having this drunken deep and meaningful conversation with Frank’s tattoo while he spoke to the rest of MCR. totally ignored everyone in the room and was just talking to the tattoo. weird dream but good for a confused giggle so I ain’t complaining about that one.
and last night/today/whatever you wanna call it. the polar opposite, it was a fuck-no nightmare. it was the cosmic apocalypse, the universe was ending, there were these beings destroying it. I don’t deal well with apocalypses, not unless it’s a zombie movie and even then there’s some I can’t do. but the universe was being destroyed and somehow I was conscious through all of it .
but what got me was this overwhelming message that came through, like my awake brain was barging in on dream mode, that said if you don’t wake up now, you will die in real life. and that is just… beyond fucking weird and terrifying. I had the shakes, cold sweat, woke up so violently I hurt my fucking tailbone again.
idk I just feel like I should write that down even tho I told my dad about it when I got up bc maybe writing it down will help. bc I’m lowkey scared of that happening ever again because that feeling, the dread and fear, isn’t something I get often. it’s not something I get with a damn nightmare. there have been rare and traumatizing events that brought on a feeling like that and it’s made me a little scared to fall asleep, not gonna lie.
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hi alien! I've missed u ;-;
here's for the ask game^^
harvest - what fictional character do you most identify with? Why?
fog - how well do you think you’d do in a zombie apocalypse scenario?
cocoa - if you could have any type of hair, what colour and cut would you have?
HIIIII <33343 i missed you toooooo (*´꒳`*)
ooo yay!
hmmmm probably a mix of kunikida from bungou stray dogs and henry clerval from frankenstein ^-^ kunikida bc I’m a little bossy (ok who am i kidding im extremely bossy), Im a huge rule follower, and I stick to my moral code religiously. henry clerval bc literature my beloved, the way he cares for his friends is very much like the way I do, and he’s an optimist who’s extremely kind!! and while im not out here calling myself extremely kind, I certainly do try my best to be ^-^
in a zombie apocalypse? BRO ID BE THE FIRST TO DIE HAHAHDBFJ im way too out of shape and incompetent with tools lolol, and if I somehow survived for a bit id probably hole myself up somewhere and be too terrified to move xD
I want reaallyyyyyyy long hair that goes down to my lower back, split half pastel pink and half pastel blue ^-^
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nathank77 · 1 month
As much as I appreciate the information, I’m aware. I’m a pharmacist. However, seeing a sleep specialist would still be able to help in more ways than one.
Your thought process on medications is concerning considering they’re made to help you but the potential of sleepwalking/sleep talking, or how you believe everything will “turn you into a zombie” seems to be a hindrance; at least on the outside looking in.
As a person with quite a few mental issues of my own, those things are there to help you. Not everything is going to kill you. Not everything is a placebo.
(Matter of fact, pharmacies never distribute placebos unless specifically stated. It would be illegal to distribute them labeled as a medication)
I didn't know you were a pharmacist. I just don't want to risk hallucinating anymore. I was fortunate enough to not have major visual hallucinations. Just a floater or something and I'm way too scared to find out what my mind in this state would create tbh if I had that side effect.
I don't think meds turn people into zombies. I do think antipsychotics can though. I don't think antidepressants do. I just think they cause some unpleasant side effects that I'd rather not risk but I mean in no way does someone turn into a zombie on them. Almost everyone I know is on antidepressants. I don't judge people who chose to use them it's just not for me. I wouldn't use xanax if it didn't save my life from microsleep/insomnia. Cause I know my body wants it.
Thanks for telling me that Placebo aren't really a thing it was comforting. I'm always worried and idk why. But I think medicine is really helpful, I'm on a lot of stuff. Antipsychotics are just too scary for me. I studied them in grad school and I have an uncle who is a zombie bc of them. He doesn't talk or smile. He has no personality and he has Parkinson and tardive dsykinesia. Most people I've met in voice hearing groups have tardive dsykinesia due to typical antipsychotics. Its really sad. I've seen people who you'd never know they are on them but the issue is- you don't know If you'll end up like my uncle steve or if you'll be one of the lucky ones.
I know you're not pushing them but antipsychotics and sedative hypnotics are the only drugs I'm truly terrified of. Sedative hypnotics only bc some people have gotten in car accidents, had psychosis induced by them and have seen bugs crawling on them. Generally I'm a 100% meds are great kind of guy I just fear some. I mean I fear benzos too. Just not really. I fear the long term effects but I need to sleep. So it's worth it. I'll look into seeing a sleep specialist but I'm scared they'll take away xanax (idk why) and when I say it saved my life, I'd actually be dead right now if I didn't have xanax. It's the only reason I've hit sleep stage one for almost a year.
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the-cat-chat · 7 months
January 20, 2024
Pet Sematary (1989)
After tragedy strikes, a grieving father discovers an ancient burial ground behind his home with the power to raise the dead.
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JayBell: What's the message of this movie? Watch. Your. Kids. I get being a parent is hard and they're wriggly and you can't keep your eyes on them all the time. But seriously? This kid is running off like he's escaping prison and the dogs are on his tail. I know it's sad and a tragedy, but that moment that the dad trips and falls right before the road while the kid is happily running into the road made me laugh.
Let's talk about the road and the trucks real quick. Was the road cursed or something and I missed it? Cause these huge trucks are going 100 mph down this residential road and when anything goes in front of them they just run it down. Cat? Little boy? Who cares, run it over, no stopping! They even honk their horn but refuse to put on the brakes or swerve. It almost feels like the truck drivers are bewitched.
And what's with the lady with the stomach pain? She kills herself because she's in so much pain, despite living next to a doctor who was willing to see her? Make it make sense. And her death has no impact on the plot, so why is it in the movie?
Okay all this makes it seem like I don't like the movie, but I do. Mostly. The story is unique (although predictable), a bit creepy (although it becomes more silly at times), and also sad in a powerful way. It just has a lot of plot holes. For example, if the old man has such a bad experience with this power of raising the dead, why is he so gung ho about showing his new neighbor how to do it?
In the end, I have mixed feelings about this Stephen King adaptation. But I had a good time, even if the cat didn't have as big of a part as I wanted it to.
Rating: 5.5/10 cats 🐈
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Anzie: I honestly thought this movie was all about demon cats and stuff but I was soo wrong. And I had honestly no clue. So when I found out it was really about a demon zombie baby, I got insane whiplash. First off- I could tell just by the seen where the family pulls up- they’re idiots. That’s the vibe. And the neighbor. Just sayin. Weeeiiiird. And to mention the path??? And just say oh that- later after you’ve moved in and your soul is claimed by Satan I’ll tell you then. And then he does - with the kids in tow??? Speaking of kids the girl is a total annoying brat and the other one they don’t watch AT ALL. Annyyyways like I said I thought the cat was gonna be it so when the big dealio happens I was shocked. And I know I can’t fathom the grief- but uhhh you already have a zombie Satan cat- now you want a zombie baby?? Okkk. And just to touch on the zombie thing—— he’s been warned the ground was sour?? Which weird way of saying it’s zombie making dirt but whatever. And he already had the cat??? But anyway- I was kinda confused bc is it only the special dirt way up on the rocks or the one first at the path but honestly whatever. Nowwww zombie baby time. This is so terrifying, hilarious, and sad. My ankles are seizing up as I type bc I’m traumatized- his little creepy voice and laugh is soo insane and funny. And his little suit and shoes. Anyway the ends so sad when the dad has to pull a monkey shines on the kid. But doesss he learn no. And I guess like Jaybell said about him being arguably one of the hotter Stephen King characters, even tho he’s a doctor- all his common sense got traded for his dreamboat status. (I know that doesn’t really work in book/casting but in my brain that’s what I filing this under bc he can’t be that dumb, right?) to do it not once- not twice- but threeeeeee times. Anyway the ghost of the one guy in is short shorts is insane - it’s all insane. Not as many demon animals as expected, but still pretty solid, and maybe that’s a good thing( bcccc I could not handle that rat (Ben is that you). Ok I’ve officially lost it.
Rating: 5/10 Demon Cats 🐈‍⬛
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