#BEAR. soup
bones-n-bookles · 11 months
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Bear Soup Bear Soup Bear Soup Bear Soup
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bluerosefox · 13 days
Little Danny's Big Adventure
New idea.
Okay now hear me out.
-Pulls out AU idea cauldron and tosses stuff into it-
Let's put in some Ghost King/Prince Danny.... But also some deaged to toddlerhood Danny that gets yeeted into the DCverse!
Like imagine, tiny baby Danny with his tiny crown of ice floating above his head and his galaxy cape wrapped around him and uses it like a baby blanket. He didn't mean to fall into a different universe, a natural portal opened up and he was being a curious little thing! He didn't mean to trip and fall in during his nap time.
Nor was he expecting to fall into this realm during a rogue attack and knock out said rogue cause they were being a meanie and harming people and now Danny just wants his nap time cause he spent a lot of his tiny engery and he wants to find a nice spot.
Danny finds a place to crash, snuggling himself into his cape and the astronaut bear Danielle got him during her last visit that he takes everywhere since.
He's out like a light as the door to this safe house that belongs to one of the Bats opens up.
Meanwhile. In the Infinite Realms, Queen Regent Jazz is going into Mama Bear Jazz Mode trying to find her deaged brother, keeping the Realms in check, and is resisting the urge to put CW in time out Soup Time because he's being cyptided again about Danny whereabouts!!! UGH!
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When it’s Fat Bear Friday but you still havin an existential crisis
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its-a-beautful-day · 2 years
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This lil wooly bear is making some tree stump stew! Would you like a bowl?
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shiftythrifting · 6 months
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I found the revolutionary bears today but I'd thought you appreciate the cat landline, the drinking carriage (that I regret not getting) and the soup bag (also regret not buying)
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drpepperassociate · 10 months
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Everybody shut uppppp I have received a hand made soup bear!! My life expectancy has increased
It's so beautiful.... thank you @bienmoreau for being so kind. 5 million/10 🐻❤️
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spanishskulduggery · 3 months
I could not think of the word for "bone" today, I was so close but could not put it together
I was dangerously close to saying caldo de huevo which would literally be "egg broth" or a translation of sopa de huevo "egg drop soup", but my mind immediately took it to the dirty place like "that's testicle broth"
(It's hueso by the way... el hueso is "bone"; I knew it was a hue- sound but I can't be trusted to remember things I know)
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oops-its-a-fanwork · 6 months
Bountyhunter/Thief reader x the Pirates ☆
Based on the pirate au by @mega-punani, check out her stuff if you enjoy this! They are currently not creating content for it but what is there is really lovely :3
Reader is trying to catch the crew for their bounty! Or at the very least, get some of their fabled treasures for themselves. Your specialities are thievery and catching people or crews alive, which usually yields more bounty anyway. Not to mention that if you can get people to talk, they may reveal more valuable information, items or treasures. Your skills are becoming pretty well known around te area, and that reputation will grow even bigger when you finally catch one of the big dogs~
Yeah thats right, the Skull Pirates' ship just docked nearby! A perfect opportunity. You realize it would be easier to pick them off one by one (fighting the entire crew is obviously a Bad Time) but oops the first one you picked is like kinda cute actually?? Wait scratch that you're here for the money! ...even if they have some redeeming qualities that make them not that bad and- hey wait when did you end up on their team?
Sans It takes him such a long time to wake up from the knock-out that you are frustrated before he even starts talking. After that it really doesn't help that he starts talking to you as if you were buddies chatting during break instead of, I don't know, a hostage situation?? You press a knife to his neck to shut him up but he just keeps talking, telling you he thinks you'll like some of the edgier types on his crew and making puns about sharp edges and this not being very knife of you, chill as ever. When a loud bang rings through the air and your hideout shakes, he breaks the news: his team is getting him back right now and he has decided you are joining the crew. He thinks you're cute and you've got skills if you can manage to knock out and kidnap someone like him. You know you don't stand a chance against his entire crew so begrudgingly you join, letting your displeasure be known every single step of the way. Even if they start to grow on you rather quickly. The crew is confused and amused about your arrival but they at least tolerate you due to you being introduced by Sans.
Papyrus You tried to lure him into following you with flattery, talking about his interests and even sharing gossip from the village. Asking him to assist you with something was far too easy and he seemed happy to help, stating that he would let his brother know where he was going just in case! He's been told there's some sketchy folk around ;) Before you can stop him he's marched off. You mentally debate on simply leaving now before deciding against it. When he returns he lets you know that his brother is excited to meet you! You are pretty much carried aboard by the pirate before you can even object, where a few curious crewmembers give you a quick nod before continuing their tasks. Shit, now half of the ship knows your face, your surprise attack is ruined! When Papyrus sees you pout he immediately makes it his mission to cheer you up again: he showers you in compliments, shows you every nook and cranny of the ship since you seem so interested in it and he encourages you to talk about your home some more. In the chaos of Papyrus's boundless energy he manages to introduce you to Sans and ask if you can join the crew ('Wait wha-'). Sans agrees easily ('No seriously wait-'), recognizing you from a wanted poster and knowing that keeping an eye on you is far easier like this. Not to mention that he can clearly see that his brother really likes you and that he is already winning you over bit by bit. Welcome to the crew kiddo.
Blue He's clearly trying to impress you. You can use that. He's another one you tried to lure with talking, but he was too stubborn to lure with flattery alone so you used the next best thing: a bet. Feigning innocence as a random townsperson simply curious about the new faces resembling the famous Skull crew, you challenged his abilities. Surely they can't be all people crack them up to be? If you lost, you would tell them more about that lost treasure your town has rumors about, and you would accept that he is simply amazing. If you won, he would help you carry those heavy groceries of yours to your home to make up for the lost time. You knew he was strong so you expected to lose. You were hoping to be introduced as an innocent citizen so the crew won't be suspicious if you show up again to snoop around. Maybe the cutie fool can even vouch for you! Worst case scenario you can get him alone in your hideout and knock him out, then get the information you need by force. Either way, you were getting a good deal out of this. Aaaah bummer, you lost~ Guess you'll give his crew any intel you have! Feeling accomplished, you let him lead you to the ship... where he promptly introduced you to the others as the famous bounty hunter they had been hearing so much about. He knew all along???
Stretch He woke up to the sound of someone softly playing some notes on his banjo, his hands and feet tied. He was too tired and hazy to think too much, but looking a little to his right, he saw you softly inspecting his beloved instrument: gentle touches over the wood, fingers following the pretty carvings along the handle. Soft notes filled the room when you'd pluck the strings gently, listening to the notes intently as you waited for him to wake up. You could've been a siren with how entranced he was... until you snapped him out of it by looking up to him with a mischievous, self assured smile, putting the banjo aside and moving far too close to him. Oh boy. When he was inevitably rescued by his brother, you escaped quickly through a window with a smile and a wink his way, intensifying his orange blush as he looked away. You still follow them around, looking to get some riches here or there. Whenever you encounter each other he can never look you in the eye, a rush of magic spreading across his face, which only makes the chase more fun for you. Eventually the crew outvotes him on trying to get you on board, and he really doesn't make too much of a fuss about it. At this point everyone just wants to see how this turns out between you two. (including him.)
Red Just because you flirted with him when trying to get him alone, doesn't mean he gets to keep flirting when he wakes up!! Every part of you gets complimented, every conversation topic gets turned into a pickup line, and every time you threaten him he tells you he's into that shit. You didn't even know skeletons had... eyebrows?? brow-bones?? but he keeps waggling them at you every time you try to get to the point. It's absolutely infuriating! Annoying! Revolting even! (so stop blushing!!) You are this close to hitting him in the face but he'll probably make a flirt out of that too. When his brother shows up to rescue collect him, you pretty much just shove Red at him and tell them both to get lost. Now every time you encounter each other he drops everything to flirt with you and to convince you to join them, even mid-fight. The crew knows about the whole thing too so you don't have the element of surprise anymore. God damn it.
Edge BITES YOU BITES YOU BITES YOU BITES YOU BITES YOU- No but seriously he is pissed. You had jumped him from up high before he could set any traps to protect the ship's anchoring point! He would be even more pissed to be rescued by his crewmates, hoping to bust out by himself at least, or preferably even return without anyone knowing what had happened at all. Instead, you riled him up into talking, stole his keys and fled the little hideout to steal some of their treasure. Since most of the crew was looking for him on the shore you actually managed to steal some gems, but you were eventually cornered a few days later. He actually kinda respects your skills, he's just very butthurt to have been your first victim as the crew teases him for it a lot. In an act of reconciliation you prank the others and capture/'torture' them if any of them do something stupid or rude, showing everyone it's your skills that did him in and that he was no fool for falling prey to them. Although he nags about it to both them and you, he very quickly realizes that you are helping him keep the crew in check when they do dumb shit and you both reconnect from there. Now you're a terrifying couple to do stupid things around and you have quite the reputation. You both enjoy that a lot.
Razz You are confusing him with the way you act. You flatter him by calling him the most dangerous one there, saying how much research you had to do due to his reputation, telling him just how difficult it was to get some seastone to keep his powers in check... and you've stolen one of his maps too!! He is livid, seething, but keeps getting caught off guard by the flirtatious ways you address him. By the end of the day he's exhausted by the constant emotional whiplash you've been creating. When the crew comes for him you've already fled, leaving him tied to his chair. (insulting!!!) You sold his map for good money, which is how they tracked you down as he immediately recognises his own detailed work. You besting a guy like him made a good part of the crew curious about you though so now you are cautiously accepted in the group. Razz always brags about the quality of his maps to you and you tease him by telling him you'll steal them and sell them for a lot. Somehow, this has become the way you communicate. The higher a prize you name for a map, the higher its quality (and the more he blushes). When you're mad at him you tell him they won't sell cuz they look shitty. It's raining those days.
Cash He looked so tired and lanky that you hadn't realized he was part of the famed skeleton crew until you almost walked past him. It seems you surprised both yourself and him when you swiftly turned around and knocked him on the head, dragging him to your nearby hideout. Good thing you were always prepared for anything! And that no-one was watching. Now that he's awake, he's... far to meek. Almost a little smug, actually. You are suspicious of him, but he can't really do anything shackled up like this. Cash found himself in a really fun situation upon waking up: a good looking person standing over him, clearly ready to write things down in a little notebook and threatening him with the cutest little pocket knife he has ever seen. You remind him of his brother just a little bit... Welp, that does it. He's going to bully you into joining, this is too funny to pass up! Good thing he had impulsively stolen the keys from you before getting knocked out. Cash took you by surprise and carried you onto the ship, introducing you to everybody. He will never stop being a smug idiot about that story either.
Bear He's just sitting there, red eye on you and face blue. Maybe you shouldn't have come so close to threaten him, because as soon as you entered his personal space he completely spaced out. Fuck, did you get the mute one? How can you get information out of him like this! He's not holding anything of value either... maybe you can hand him in alone? It would ruin your beautiful complete-crew-cleanup-plan though... While you are contemplating just what to do with this guy, Bear is contemplating a few things himself: you're clearly not the most buff person, having relied on a sneak attack and the binds to keep him at bay. You were working on your own, which in a place like this likely meant you didn't have any close friends or family or you would've been in their gang instead. You also clearly didn't give a shit about his size, intimidating looks or injury, and while those thoughts made his face warm, it also meant you clearly had no sense of self preservation. Guess he has to take things into his own hands. He takes you by surprise by breaking the chair he was seated on, thus giving him enough space to remove his binds, and simply picking you up and taking you with him. He and the crew will take care of you from now on.
Cinnamon Ok you feel bad. He pretty much stumbled into your arms, apologizing profusely, called you pretty while looking up at you from within your arms and then apologized for the out of the blue statement in a whirlwind of stutters and sorrys. When after a second you recognised him from the wanted posters you knocked him over the head and he was out. You weren't even really hunting for the crew that day to be honest, just taking a stroll through the town for groceries. Now he's awake and stuttering so much you're not getting anything interesting out of him. You got close to his face to interrogate him properly and he almost passed out again. You end up dumping an awake him unceremoniously into his brother's lap, and now they know about you and are hunting you to be on their team instead. Sigh.
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soupdeewoop · 2 months
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spielzeugkaiser · 2 years
(Homie you got me so hyped I hope I'm not just being dumb)
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[PREVIOUS] - You are absolutely right! He is!! Also I think for Jaskier his Dad is just his Dad - it takes him a while...
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maximilff · 8 months
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the-crittercorner · 4 months
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I've had this guy for a bit now but haven't posted about him yet! This is Maxwell (he/him) he's a modified F.A.O Schwarz puppy he's had pretty major surgery and is now weighted and stands/sits like a bab would! Now on to his personality ^.^ Maxwell is pretty goofy and clumsy but is very smart he's a history teacher and spends a lot of time reading about the 18th century, he also runs a book club too!
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moeblob · 6 months
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So I saw a screenshot of Ralph without his hat (for his wedding outfit + I think a DLC outfit didn't have it?) and honestly. There's a reason he wears it. It's unfair if he doesn't. Olive Town really is just "hot bisexuals in your area" and they would thrive if they advertised it as such.
#sos pioneers of olive town#ralph#jack#i will never not love jack ok i have been playing again and i cant help it#once i unlock giant bear carvings to craft i make him the happiest man on the planet#its just something i have to do ok i love jack a lot#i do still really enjoy bringing ralph soup to the woods like a loser and handing it over while he eats lunch#but the point im trying to make is i cant stop loving jack and it really hinders my desire to romance others lmao#also i was googling some refs of ralph after i found the wedding ss because it was a lil cut off and i wanted the full look#and i saw a lot of questions like is poot worth it or comments about how its incredibly avg for a game#or how its not as great as past installments and im like ........... but the cast is so endearing to me#again its different strokes for different folks and not everyone will love the same farming sim as i will but still#dont be mean to my olive town babies......#the fact there are so many cutscenes in there of families interacting and moms being mom friends and gossip buddies#the fact there are so many cutscenes just about how these people live their lives is so wholesome to me#like sure the farmer is featured in the heart events#but there are so many where you arent the center ! youre just a bystander to like#a bro putting his younger bros motorcycle in the museum and the museum owner being mad theres a motorcycle in the museum#while then having multiple other people show up like YO SICK BIKE YOU GUYS HAVE THIS STUFF IN THE MUSEUM#while the younger bro is beaming cause thats his baby he loves his motorcycle and you better love it too#like its just so fascinating to exist in the town but not be the entire reason everyone keeps on going about their lives#yeah you interact and befriend them and you do tasks to help develop the island but it doesnt feel like thats why people like you#which is really important to me bc i feel like i have to do things to make people like me#i have to have a reason to interact with people irl or its just me being in their way#and poot lets me just live alongside people peacefully and talk to lil harvest sprites that hand me food and rocks and logs#anyway that is SO MUCH propaganda for a story of seasons game that no one asked for thanks gnight
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Today’s Polar Bear Sunday mood is remembering all the work you put off doing last week 
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coffeeshib · 2 years
I saw this tiktok and i have to say it: this is something that Kara and Lena would definetly do. And I come here because I know you will get me.
X: and what do you do when someone else is using the bar?
Me: i hip thrust my friend.]
BRO oh my god they really went "work smart, not hard" & also this comment got me 💀
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sylvies-kablooie · 9 days
i sigh deeply and for a really extended period of time, to the point where you're like wow, where are they getting all of that air to exhale in such a dramatic fashion from? i mean, lungs can't really hold that much... can they? you try to subtly google the capacity of human lungs but i'm still sighing so extensively i don't even notice. and i wouldn't be offended if i caught you either way, because i am just as surprised about the whole thing.
#sighs again louder#listen. it's just. well. i can't bear to say it!#i have to get surgery and i'm not looking forward to it. that's it. that's why i'm so worked up.#and i'm trying to Not Think About it but all i am in fact doing is: thinking about it#sighs again. like it is not a big deal like EVERYBODY gets their wisdom teeth out. but! scared :(#apparently your face can get bruised for a few weeks and aughhh i just do not want to deal with all of this#and i'm gonna have to go get soup and other liquid things to live off of for a while at the store tomorrow which is also gonna be awful#aughhhhh i will just simply perish. i don't want to!!!! it's going to hurt so bad and all i will be able to do is sit there. and hurt.#and i don't even know if i'm gonna be awake enough to do my whole “watch the x files and take detailed notes” thing#maybe i'll go through some other loki blogs and add stuff to my queue as my queue is below 200 which is very low for me!#or maybe i'll go through and tag my queue posts which takes forever#sigh. man. sadly kicks a pebble up from the ground.#if nothing else at least i'll have the lived experience of coming out of an anesthesia induced fog for future fic writing#and reading purposes. because you know i am the number one in line at the whump store.#end of rant. post made just for the purpose of making this rant. but i thought it was funny so it can stay.#perhaps i will reuse it again in the future for any other pressing life circumstances SO harrowing i need to discuss it on my loki blog
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