#BG3 Build
battyxbaby · 6 days
I am so annoyed with my inability to build anything in BG3 other than a Drow Gloomstalker Ranger 😒 even when I try other classes, I always have Withers change me back to a ranger because I'm bored. If anyone has other builds I might find entertaining, please give me ideas!
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belierdigitalis · 4 months
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"What's your favorite party composition?"
I would add a Haarlep if it was possible.
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wyllzel · 5 months
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🔗 Link to Google Doc.
AKA my variant of u/Victorvnv’s guide, The Terminator Bard build (r/BG3Builds).
This is how I’ve built Minthara for a Tactician playthrough! While this isn’t thematic at all for a character who’s supposed to be a Paladin, the Bard with a Machine Gun is a high DPR (>200!), powerful build – and we all know how Minthara feels about power, haha.
The goal of the Bard With a Machine Gun (8 Bard / 4 Fighter) is to get up close to enemies and shoot them in the face. 💥 The focus for this guide is on leveling, feats, and gear. This build wants to deliver maximum Piercing Damage via a melee Heavy Crossbow: 
Your Bard should be in melee to take advantage of the Bhaalist Armor’s Aura of Murder.
Heavy Crossbows are the Piercing Damage-type weapon with the highest Damage Dice (1d10). Also, they feel cool.
The Bard With a Machine Gun comes online in Act 3, but can perform well enough to keep up with Act 1 and Act 2.
This guide assumes that the Bard is Minthara, but this build can work with any one of your party members. No illithid powers are necessary.
(Fair warning: Possible spoilers ahead!)
Please note that this guide is really just my personal preference! I recommend reading through the Wiki page on BG3’s Bard and Fighter classes so you get a good idea of how this multiclass synergizes. In this guide, I’ve added a star (⭐) next to each of the class features or spells that I especially like.
To start with, I’ll recommend these base stats:
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In the early game (Act 1), it’s a good idea to keep Minthara's Dexterity and Charisma Ability Scores up. Dexterity affects Minthara’s effectiveness with weaponry, and Charisma affects her spellcasting ability.
However, note that Minthara won’t be casting a lot of spells. Because she’ll be using her crossbow most (if not all) of the time, she should take Bardic support spells that don’t rely on high Charisma (eg. Longstrider, Enhance Ability). I recommend focusing on Minthara as a martial who may occasionally rely on spells, rather than trying to run this multiclass as primarily a caster.
Because of this, I also recommend focusing on “martial-leaning” Skills that Minthara will make good use of on the battlefield. For example, I like to bolster her Acrobatics and Stealth.
📝 If you’re okay with respeccing… When I reached the githyanki crèche at the Rosymorn Monastery, I acquired the Gloves of Dexterity for Minthara so that I could dump her Dexterity score and take the Sharpshooter Feat instead of an ASI (for her Level 4 feat). However, I swapped the Gloves of Dexterity for the Legacy of the Masters gloves in Act 3, and respec’d Minthara to set her base Dexterity back to 16. I did this to improve her Attack Roll Bonus. By the time your party reaches Level 9, Minthara's base Attack Roll Bonus (without accounting for other gear and features) would be calculated as follows: - Gloves of Dexterity (sets DEX to 18): +8 = +4 (18 DEX) +4 (Proficiency Bonus) - Legacy of the Masters and 16 DEX: +9 = +2 (LotM) +3 (16 DEX) +4 (Proficiency Bonus) However, doing a respec around the Gloves of Dexterity may feel a bit convoluted. The following leveling guide will still give you an adequate build that becomes great in Act 3.
Because Minthara won’t really be using her spells, I will abstain from making any "must-take" spell recommendations. The following is an abbreviated example of her level progression.
Level 1 (Bard 1)
3 Bardic Inspiration charges (1d6) (Recharge on Long Rest)
Recommended cantrips: Mage Hand, Minor Illusion
Recommended spells: Healing Word, Longstrider, Sleep, Bane
Level 2 (Bard 2)
Recommended spell: Thunderwave
Level 3 (Bard 3)
Recommended spell: Enhance Ability
Select Subclass: College of Swords ⭐
Defensive Flourish (Melee/Ranged), Slashing Flourish (Melee/Ranged), Mobile Flourish (Melee/Ranged)
Fighting Style: Dueling
Minthara will almost always use Slashing Flourish (Ranged) while in combat. Slashing Flourish (Ranged) allows your Bard to make two Ranged Attacks at once, and adds a Damage Dice per Attack.
Once Minthara gains Extra Attack (Level 6), by using Slashing Flourishes, she can make up to four improved Ranged Attacks per round of combat. This gives the build that “Machine Gun” flavoring.
Level 4 (Bard 4)
Recommended cantrip: Vicious Mockery
Recommended spell: Invisibility
Feat: Sharpshooter ⭐
Level 5 (Bard 5)
4 Bardic Inspiration charges (Recharge on Short Rest)
Improved Bardic Inspiration (1d8)
Recommended spell: Plant Growth
Level 6 (Bard 6)
Extra Attack (College of Swords)
Recommended spell: Calm Emotions
Level 7 (Fighter 1)
Second Wind
Fighting Style: Archery ⭐
Level 8 (Fighter 2)
Action Surge
Level 9 (Bard 7)
Recommended spell: Dimension Door
Level 10 (Bard 8)
5 Bardic Inspiration charges
Recommended spell: Knock
Feat: Crossbow Expert ⭐
This feat lets Minthara use her crossbow to full effect while in melee combat.
Level 11 (Fighter 3)
Select Subclass: Champion ⭐
Improved Critical Hit
Level 12 (Fighter 4)
Feat: ASI (+2 DEX) ⭐
Final Composition
By Level 12, Minthara will have the following notable qualities:
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Feats: Sharpshooter, Crossbow Expert
Fighting Styles: Dueling, Archery
Improved Bardic Inspiration (1d8)
Improved Critical Hit (19-20)
The goal of this gear selection is to maximize Piercing Damage.
Headwear: Helmet of Arcane Acuity
Battle Acuity: Whenever you deal damage with a weapon attack, you gain Arcane Acuity for 2 turns.
Dexterity saving throws +1
Because Minthara’s Spellcasting DC is going to be naturally low (16 CHA), this helmet allows her to build up Arcane Acuity from making weapons attacks. Therefore, if combat requires her spellcasting abilities, she’ll have a better chance of succeeding. As such, especially in Act 3, it may be a good idea for Minthara to hold onto Hold Monster scrolls.
I like keeping this helmet on my gish out of habit, but Minthara is foremost a martial. A good alternative headwear is the Marksmanship Hat.
Armor: Bhaalist Armor
Aura of Murder: Enemies within 2 m / 6.5 ft become Vulnerable to Piercing Damage, unless they are Resistant or Immune to it. ⭐
Ambusher: Gain a +2 bonus to Initiative Rolls.
AC 14 + DEX modifier
Aura of Murder doubles all of the Piercing Damage that Minthara does while in melee combat. This passive is why the build requires the Crossbow Expert Feat, which allows you to effectively use your crossbow while in melee.
Cloak: Vivacious Cloak
Arcane Vivaciousness: Gain 8 temporary HP for four turns after casting a spell while in melee.
Minthara is, technically, a caster (Bard). While she won’t be casting often, 8 HP can be a gamechanger.
Handwear: Legacy of the Masters
Arming Enhancement: Gain a +2 Bonus to Attack Rolls and Damage Rolls with weapons. ⭐
Strength saving throws +1
The +2 to Attack Rolls helps offset the Attack Roll penalty from the Sharpshooter feat.
Footwear: Boots of Brilliance
Restore Bardic Inspiration: Play your instrument to restore one of your Bardic Inspiration slots. (Recharge: Long Rest.)
Minthara may run out of Bardic Inspiration fairly quickly. These boots and the Wondrous Gloves increase Bardic Inspiration.
I also like the Disintegrating Night Walkers on Minthara - especially since these are drowish boots!
Amulet: Amulet of the Harpers
Advantage on Wisdom saving throws.
Shield: Cast as a level 1 spell. (Recharge: Long Rest.)
The Advantage on Wisdom saving throws (used against spells like Hold Person) offsets the Risky Ring, which is recommended below.
Alternatively, the Amulet of Misty Step can help Minthara with positioning.
Ring A: Crusher’s Ring
Movement Speed increased by 3m / 10ft.
Minthara needs mobility to ensure that she’s close enough to her enemies (for Aura of Murder).
Ring B: Risky Ring
Risky Attack: You gain Advantage on Attack Rolls and receive Disadvantage on Saving Throws.
The Advantage that this ring grants should help offset the -5 to Attack Rolls from the Sharpshooter Feat.
Melee Main Hand: Phalar Aluve
Performance +1
Phalar Aluve: Melody: The sword hums in anticipation, ready to Sing or Shriek. Effect ends when Phalar Aluve is unequipped.
Melee Off Hand: Sentinel Shield
Minthara won’t be using her melee weapon much, if at all. Therefore, it’s more useful for her melee weapon to be a buffer (ie., Melody: Shriek).
Phalar Aluve is also nice in that it's a longsword with the versatile tag – meaning it can be wielded based off DEX rather than STR!
Heightened Awareness: Gain a +3 bonus to Initiative rolls and Advantage on Perception checks.
Shield Bash: When a foe hits you with a melee attack, you can use your Reaction to knock them Prone unless they succeed a DEX saving throw.
AC +2
Any shield here works, I just recommend Sentinel Shield for the +3 to Initiative.
Ranged Main Hand: Hellfire Engine Crossbow
Lightning Arrow: Cast as a Level 4 spell. (Recharge: Long Rest.)
Piercing Shot: Shoot a foe in the chest and possibly inflict Gaping Wounds. Undead and Constructs can't suffer Gaping Wounds.
Brace (Ranged): Spend 6 m / 20 ft of your movement. For the rest of your turn, roll Ranged Damage twice and use the highest result.
Reposition Malefactor: Pulls the creature 9 m / 30 ft closer to you if it fails a DC 15 DEX saving throw.
This is Minthara’s primary weapon, so you definitely want to give her the most badass Heavy Crossbow you can find. >:) An alternative is Gortash’s Fabricated Arbalest!
Ranged Off Hand: N/A
Number Crunching
The following table should give you an idea of how Minthara performs on the battlefield as a result of her gear synergy. This table assumes that Minthara is Level 12.
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(The (A) means that Minthara is attacking with Advantage (Risky Ring).)
Since Minthara has Extra Attack (College of Swords, Lvl. 6), she can do up to 160-288 DPR for an average of ~224 DPR. Additionally, Minthara has a higher chance of landing a Critical Hit (19%) – which can significantly increase her DPR.
On a Critical Hit: 19% Chance
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Note that Minthara is essentially making four Attacks per round (two Slashing Flourishes, where each Flourish is two Attacks).
This concludes my version of the Terminator Bard, which I call “Bard With a Machine Gun”! A melee fighter that takes advantage of ranged weaponry/feats is a really interesting concept, and is a lot of fun to play since it feels different from your standard hack-and-slash melee martial.
As always, there are probably ways to get your Bard even more optimized – but an average of >200 DPR is more than enough for me!
Another way to make this build interesting is to run your Bard as a dual Hand Crossbow wielder (rather than Heavy Crossbow). To do so, you should take the Two-Weapon Fighting Fighting Style at Level 3 (College of Swords Bard). Recommended Hand Crossbows are the Hellfire Hand Crossbow and a Hand Crossbow +2.
Thanks for reading, and hope this gave you some ideas for your Bard-based builds! :)
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the-mic-drop · 7 months
Building Link in BG3- Ranger
Ok, this Link is more thematically fitting, but as a recreation of him it's less accurate. Also I don't have as good a grasp of the Ranger class, so this one is likely more flawed.
Hero of the Wild
This is the Link we play as, the wild child, the serial arsonist, the pun maestro. The amnesiac that saved Hyrule on instinct.
Race: Half Elf (Wood Half Elf)
Background: Outlander
Race stays the same, but this Link is no knight, this is him in his second life. Living in the wilderness, exploring the countryside, traveling the land.
Strength: 17 (+3)
Dexterity: 16 (+3)
Constitution: 13 (+1)
Intelligence: 8 (-1)
Wisdom: 10 (0)
Charisma: 10 (0)
Str, Dex, Con, and Wis stay the same, but we switch Int and Cha because this Link is the more animated and less... bright version.
Class & Levels
Class: Ranger
Proficiencies: Nature, Animal Handling, Perception
Favored Enemy: Ranger Knight
Natural Explorer: Wasteland Wanderer: Cold
Nature because duh, Animal Handling because he can ride anything with a natural seat, and Perception because he's used to being on the lookout for danger. Ranger Knight because that's really what he is. You get proficiency in History which makes no sense, but you also gain proficiency in heavy armor which makes plenty of sense, so it evens out. Wasteland Wanderer: Cold because freezing temperatures is the most common environmental danger you can come across in Hyrule.
Level 2
Fighting Style: Archery
Spells: Hunter's Mark, Goodberry
Archery because it's the most appropriate choice, Hunter's Mark because of BotW's targeting mechanic, and Goodberry because of the metric tons of apples Link tends to carry with him at all times. The fact that this Link can use spells at all is a big reason as to why this build doesn't sit right with me, but I digress.
Level 3
Subclass: Hunter
Spell: Ensnaring Strike (Ranged)
Hunter's Prey: Any
Hunter fits because whenever we play as Link, he's always searching for something and usually has to fight something big and legendary before getting it. Unless the big legendary thing is what he was looking for. Ensnaring Strike is an equivalent to stun locking in my mind. As for Hunter's Prey, you have three choices and they're all equally fine for Link. Colossus Slayer gives you extra damage to enemies not at full health. Giant Killer lets you use a reaction to attack an attacking creature that's large or larger. Horde Breaker lets you attack multiple targets if they're standing close enough to each other. They all make sense and I leave this one to you.
Level 4
Feat: Shield Master
Although the Ranger class is typically Dex-focused and Link is a capable archer, our hero is more likely to get up close and personal. So we'll go with the same policy as the Fighter build; max out Str with Ethel and Oblodra so you don't need to use a feat on Ability Improvement. Unlike the Fighter class we only get 3 feats, so we can't give him all the weapon-type feats, so take Shield Master and keep this Link with a classic sword & shield kit. With a longbow for range, of course.
Level 5
Spell: Cure Wounds
This one is just a stand-in for Link's meals and that one(?) time he cured a group with his competent cooking.
Level 6
Favored Enemy: Sanctified Stalker
Natural Explorer: Wasteland Wanderer: Hot
Sanctified Stalker doesn't make much sense outside of how he's always going on quests with god-level involvement. Another Wasteland Wanderer for the Gerudo Desert and Death Mountain.
Level 7
Spell: Lesser Restoration
Defensive Tactics: Multiattack Defense
Lesser Restoration has the same rationale as Cure Wounds. Multiattack Defense is because Link only takes hits one at a time. Enemies can't just wail on you, and now Faerun's dastards have the same issue now.
Level 8
Feat: Durable
Another returning feat from his Fighter build. Link doesn't need much time to recover. Except that one time it took a century, but that's an outlier.
Level 9
Spell: Lightning Arrow
Shock arrows.
Level 10
Favored Enemy: Bounty Hunter
Natural Explorer: Wasteland Wanderer: Poison
Bounty Hunter is just the last remaining choice that makes any sense for Link. This Wasteland Wanderer doesn't make a ton of sense because of how relatively scarce wetlands are in Hyrule, but all the eldritch goop that's been sapping his vitality over the years must make normal poison a cakewalk.
Level 11
Spell: Conjure Barrage
There's... I had a reason for this right? Oh yeah! The bows that let you shoot 3 or 5 arrows at once. Sidenote, Level 11 gives you Whirlwind Attack which is essentially a spin attack. If for no other reason, this makes Ranger Link make sense.
Level 12
Feat: Sharpshooter/Great Weapon Master
We've all had to shoot at something way above us, right? And aiming your bow is tougher than swinging a sword around, so Sharpshooter works on both levels! If that doesn't gel with you, GWM is a classic.
Ultimately, while Fighter Link is easier to play, Ranger Link is more accurate to the Link we know and gives him a couple signature Link things that can make it a unique challenge.
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bettsfic · 8 months
bg3 build: beast priest (shadowheart respec)
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i'm playing around with some new builds! after scrounging the internet for good build guides, i didn't find any that i thought were interesting. in my current playthrough, i'm trying to respec all the companions to be the classes they would have chosen without their various traumas.
the beast priest is my respec for shadowheart. if you haven't noticed, shadowheart's basic build isn't great. when you find her, she's already level 1, which means the game chooses her subclass for you: trickery domain. and that doesn't make sense at all, narratively or for the stats she's been assigned. so to make her a good trickery domain cleric, you would want to respec her anyway just to fix level 1.
but i don't want her to be a trickery domain cleric. i don't even want her to be a healer. i want her to be an emo bird girl. the Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way of bg3, emphasis on raven. by endgame, we learn that shadowheart loves animals and nature, and she's a bit of a rebel (my graffiti queen). without having been kidnapped by the mother superior, i can see her either noping off into the woods or staying in the city to be the type of person who accidentally acquires really a lot of cats. so my goal is for her to have lots of animals, do a fuckton of damage, and fight off the darkness with lots and lots of light.
you can find the full build on eip. more detail and a level by level breakdown under the cut.
the beast priest build involves taking 6-7 levels of beast master ranger and 5-6 levels of war priest cleric. you start off as a ranger, because rangers have great early game damage and are also imo the easiest class for beginners. you stand in one spot and you shoot stuff. you can also get Harold (crossbow) pretty early on and it can be your main weapon through most of the game. it does insane damage and casts Bane.
i'm not familiar enough with armor and weapons to include recommendations in this guide (beyond Harold. get Harold). that is too much for me to keep track of, and i swap things out a lot. use whatever you find most helpful and/or looks the coolest. you probably can't use this build for lone wolf tactician or anything, but i do think it's very fun for an explorer or balanced playthrough, and it fixes a lot of the problems in shadowheart's base build.
this build does a few things:
uses war priest weapon buffs to increase ranged damage
minimizes concentration spells to prioritize ensnared strike and hunter's mark
backup heals (unfortunately this means either respeccing another companion to take on main healing duties or building a main heals tav. i'm working on a bardadin build for this very purpose. there is also always halsin, but he takes a while to acquire)
it's very beneficial to astarion that the bird can blind enemies near him so he can gain advantage to sneak attack (i'll share my build for him too eventually; he is also part ranger)
toolkit against undead (guardian spirits is a must)
important team utilities like guidance
what this build can't do:
be the "face" of your team, by which i mean initiate dialogue. we have no charisma or proficiency in anything related to talking to people. we are a gloomy emo girl sequestered to the back of the group and we shoot stuff and hang out with our bird
steal shit, disarm traps, lockpick. i mean, you can, but you'll probably have another character better equipped for it. we'll be wearing medium armor or heavy armor (optional), so we'll have a disadvantage on stealth anyway
here's how i've broken down each level:
initial build
if you're respeccing shadowheart, you won't be able to change her race or background, which means she'll remain an acolyte and have proficiency in insight and religion.
if you're making your tav a beast priest, you should choose whatever background and race makes sense for your character's narrative. the caveat being, as stated above, stealth and sleight of hand are kind of useless here, as well as dialogue proficiencies like persuasion, intimidation, deception, performance, etc.
what *is* helpful is having proficiency in the things you walk up to and go "oh shit, what's that?" so survival and perception are pretty important. folk hero and outlander are therefore both good background choices, but again, what's important to me in a build is that the story makes sense.
note you will not need investigation because we'll be taking bounty hunter as a favored enemy.
level 1: ranger (1)
proficiencies: survival, nature, animal handling (see above for more explanation; really just take whatever you think will be useful)
favored enemy: bounty hunter
bounty hunter gives disadvantage to enemies hit by ensnaring strike. very helpful for astarion and your companion. however, it's sometimes difficult to choose when to use hunter's mark versus ensnaring strike.
natural explorer: beast tamer
all of these are kind of useless, tbh. but i chose this one because early game, your companion dies very easily and this way you'll be able to bring it back without using a spell slot.
from my understanding, in EA you could either have your summon pet OR your companion out, not both, but in full release you can now have both summons out at once.
level 2: ranger (2)
fighting style: archery
we are going to be very far away from our enemies and Harold is going to be very dear to us.
spells: hunter's mark, ensnaring strike (ranged)
both spells require concentration so you can only pick one. ensnaring strike gives disadvantage to an enemy but hunter's mark does more damage, and your companion does more advantage to it as well. for cc situations, i'd choose ensnaring strike; for taking down one big dude at a time, hunter's mark. hunter's mark can be recast as long as you maintain concentration.
level 3: cleric (1)
deity: any (if you're respeccing shadowheart, your deity will remain shar)
domain: war domain
cantrips: guidance, sacred flame, light
the only one that's important here is guidance. the other two can be whatever your party needs most. the reason we're taking one level of cleric early and the others later is because guidance is a must. if someone else on your team has it, or if you have a bard, you can stay as a ranger until 5.
level 4: ranger (3)
subclass: beast master
spell: cure wounds OR speak with animals
for shadowheart's respec, i would say cure wounds so that she can start subhealing. however, if you don't have anyone in your party who can speak to animals yet, that's pretty important. the strange ox you meet in the grove provides a lot of endgame help, and it's fun talking to the owlbear and scratch.
level 5: ranger (4)
feat: resilient (wisdom)
taking resilience in wisdom gives us a proficiency in wisdom saving throws, which we'll need for both cleric and ranger spells.
level 6: ranger (5)
spells: anything that would be most helpful to your team.
you probably already have somebody who can cast longstrider as a ritual spell. enhance leap is helpful although this is pretty late in the game to be getting that. i try to avoid concentration spells because of hunter's mark and aoe spells because astarion and karlach are always in the thick of it and i don't want to hurt them.
what's important this level is that your companion's AC and damage increases, and it gets an extra attack.
level 7: cleric (2)
you get turn undead and guided strike this level. both are very useful, particularly guided strike. nothing to choose though.
level 8: cleric (3)
new spells! these can be prepared based on what you think you'll need for a given scenario. lesser restoration is a must if you're letting astarion bite you every night. but if that's the case you probably already have it.
level 9: cleric (4)
cantrip: whatever's most helpful at this point
feat: ability improvement (1 in wisdom, 1 in dexterity)
if you have auntie ethel's hair, then you might want 2 in one or the other.
level 10: cleric (5)
here's where you get guardian spirits, which is the single most important mid-game spell you can have (although in this build you get it pretty late). make sure when you cast it, you have as many movement speed spells and potions you can get. you're going to cast it and run around like mad killing everything.
level 11 & 12: ranger OR cleric (6 & 7)
here's where you have a difficult choice to make. your last two levels can be ranger 6 and 7, which will give your companion a huge buff. or you can choose cleric 6 and 7, which will give you war god's blessing, which gives you a +10 attack roll to give to someone else on your team.
you an also do cleric 6 and ranger 6, which will grant you war god's blessing AND allow you to take ranger knight as a favored enemy, which gives you the ability to wear heavy armor (if you want that). you can also gain resistance to cold, fire, or poison, but since you encounter all of those things in pretty equal measure, i never know which to choose.
i think it'll depend on what sounds more fun to you. personally, i think seeing my animal companion destroy everything is very fun. but if you enjoy reactions and buffing your teammates, i can also see wanting to stick with cleric through the end.
unlock to level 20
you might be thinking it's not worth it to only take two half classes instead of one whole one and lose out on late game spells and abilities. and i agree with you completely. my favorite part of beast master is when your companion gets two special abilities at 11. if you're playing completely vanilla, this is the major sacrifice of multiclassing. you're prioritizing creativity and cool combos over fancy spells and abilities.
but if you install a mod that lets you level to 20 (no class can go beyond 12, but you can multiclass to 20), you can take 11 levels of ranger and 9 levels of cleric. level 11 of ranger maxes out your animal; level 8 of cleric gives you divine strike, and level 9 gives you flame strike.
i didn't find anything from 10-12 in cleric very helpful. there's divine intervention which you can only use once in the game, ever, and i used it at a very integral time and it didn't do enough. heroes' feast is helpful but halsin has that too. heal, which should be the best healing spell in the game, is currently bugged and i don't know when they'll fix it.
you could also do level 12 of ranger for the extra feat if you don't have both wisdom and dexterity to 20, and stay at 8 for cleric.
if you do unlock to level 20, i would download the double xp mod (although i haven't gotten mine to work yet) so you can get to 20 at about the same pace you get to 12 in vanilla. this obvs is extremely unbalanced and makes you very very OP but that makes the game more fun for me. and anyway, if it gets too easy you can always play tactician or honor mode.
i hope you found this helpful! i'll probably be tweaking and updating it as i go. i'm working on respecs for astarion, karlach, halsin, jaheira, and wyll right now. gale, lae'zel, and minsc i'll be able to look at once i play around with them more. i haven't used them much yet in my teams.
if you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to send me an ask!
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baldursgaylll · 7 months
my throwserker dark urge run is going well. this is the moment that got me the “two birds, one gnome” achievement lmaoooo
this might be the most unhinged thing i’ve done in BG3 so far
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Bastien | The Crimson Knight
he/him • Zariel Tiefling • Guild Artisan • Eldritch Knight Fighter • Abjuration Wizard • Elemental Adept: Fire
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rosymourning · 5 months
The Rough Tempest - a Gale build
"A rough tempest I will raise."
Gale is an Evocation Wizard, bringing down the wrath of the skies on his enemies. This build but has a strong focus on Lightning and Thunder damage, as well as their respective conditions.
[check out my other builds!]
Gameplay Notes
The general gist is trying to build up and make use of Lightning Charges and Reverberation, prioritizing Lightning and Thunder damage to do so. If you have a Druid or Cleric in the party who can cast Create Water, that's even better, since Wet targets are vulnerable to Lightning and will take double damage. Several of the key items in this build are available in Act 1, which makes this one of my most used Gale builds, if only because it’s so convenient.
Stats and Leveling
Final build: Level 12 Evocation School Wizard
Gale’s (default) stats: STR 8 / DEX 13 / CON 15 / INT 17 / WIS 10 / CHA 12
Level 1 - Wizard Level 1
Cantrips: Shocking Grasp, Minor Illusion, Fire Bolt
1st Level Spells [Thunderwave, Witch Bolt, and Chromatic Orb are most on theme]
Level 2 - Wizard (Evocation School) Level 2
Sculpt Spells [I am so in LOVE with this passive - like truly madly deeply]
Level 3 - Wizard (Evocation School) Level 3
2nd Level Spells [Shatter is great]
Level 4 - Wizard (Evocation School) Level 4
Feat: ASI+ DEX>14, INT>18
Cantrips: add Mage Hand
Level 5 - Wizard (Evocation School) Level 5
3rd Level Spells [Lighting Bolt! Glyph of Warding!]
Level 6 - Wizard (Evocation School) Level 6
Potent Cantrip [this sounds much cooler than it is]
Level 7 - Wizard (Evocation School) Level 7
4th Level Spells
Level 8 - Wizard (Evocation School) Level 8
Feat: Elemental Adept (Lightning)
Level 9 - Wizard (Evocation School) Level 9
5th Level Spells
Level 10 - Wizard (Evocation School) Level 10
Cantrips: add Bone Chill [I guess]
Empowered Evocation [more damage is good!]
Level 11 - Wizard (Evocation School) Level 11
6th Level Spells [Chain Lightning!!! Glove of Invulnerability is essential too]
Level 12 - Wizard (Evocation School) Level 12
Feat ASI+ INT>20
Armor -
The Protecty Sparkswall (1 Grymforge)
Robe of the Weave (3 Ramazith's Tower)
Melee Weapon -
The Spell Sparkler (1 Waukeen's Rest)
Markoheshkir (3 Ramazith's Tower)
Adamantine Shield (1 Grymforge)
Ketheric’s Shield (2 Mindflayer Colony)
Ranged Weapon - n/a
Amulet -
The Blast Pendant (1 Selunite Outpost)
Spineshudder Amulet (2 Moonrise Towers)
Helmet -
The Lifebringer (1 Myconid Colony)
Hood of the Weave (3 Philgrave’s Mansion)
Ring 1 - The Sparkswall (1 Arcane Tower)
Ring 2 - Ring of Protection (1 Emerald Grove)
Gloves - Gloves of the Belligerent Skies (1 Creche)
Boots - Boots of Stormy Clamour (1 Myconid Colony)
Cloak - Cloak of the Weave (3 Devil’s Fee) [I would also recommend another party member, probably a frontliner, wearing the Thunderskin Cloak (2 Moonrise Towers)]
Lore and Flavor
So, we all know that Gale is a very powerful wizard. For him, perhaps more so than any other companion, it’s clear that he was once a much higher level than he is when we find him in the portal. How else would be have become a wizard of such renown and stature? Well, as he says himself: “Apologies, I’m usually better at this…” I suppose having a brain worm and a hungry magic orb in your chest is a good enough excuse. :)
Anyway, he ends up being a Professor of Illusion in his good ending, and we see time and time again throughout the game that he really really likes illusion magic. Whether you’re romancing him or not, he’ll create the most gorgeous night sky just to sit under for a moment. But his love for Illusion magic doesn’t mean that is his main focus, especially during the trials and tribulations the party faces on the road. Plus, there is a letter from Elminster, received during a God of Ambition ending, where Elminster mentions he cast Fireball as an 8 year old — clearly, he can do Evocation magic as well. [side note - does anyone have a bg3wiki link for that letter? I can only find it on tumblr] Evocation is also his default subclass on leveling up, which feels right to me. It’s clearly the most combat focused of the schools, without diving into something hyper-specific like Necromancy. So, ok, Evocation School it is, basically!
I won’t lie, a big part of the reason I like this Lightning/Thunder damage build for Gale is because it plays well in game, with lots of really fun synergies. I like building Gale with strong themes around elemental damage types, and I’ve found that my favorites for his character are Cold, Lightning, and Thunder. Fire is fun as well, but mostly because of the Hat of Fire Acuity, and I pretty regularly have other spellcasters who would benefit from Arcane Acuity more. (Also, I never feel great about a Poison build unless I’m leaning into Necrotic damage/Necromancy later in game. I don’t really know why those are connected in my head - something about Poison damage just feels evil, I guess.)
[check out my build disclaimer for info about how and why I don't min/max or completely optimize builds, prioritizing lore and vibe instead]
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catiecriesalot · 10 months
So when I heard Ketheric Thorm speak the first time I had the intense and insatiable urge to create…
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I’m gonna dip into bard for viscous mockery to complete him
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urinalcakepop · 6 months
Bg3 build idea but it’s just warlock George Costanza somehow losing all his charisma skill checks yet failing upwards anyway
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voidbornmenace · 11 months
Stay at Home Gale: How to Maximize At Camp Characters
I will have plenty of notes throughout that describe useful tips or make how effective a feature is clear, however I do want to state at the top. If you are playing single player, it is possible to get a full party of custom characters from the beginning. What this allows you to do is have 3 extra characters for Camp. For me personally I would have these spare Custom characters do camp builds rather than Origin characters (except Gale, but we'll get into that later). Combined with the 3 Hirelings you can get from Withers means you can have 3 free characters whose sole purpose is to provide value to your party (said value will be tallied up at the end).
Note: you don't need the 3 custom characters, you can just use regular companions, I won't judge. You can also make the 3 custom characters and use companions, and frankly you'd make me proud.
Build 1: Pharmacy Wizard
Wizard 2 (Transmutation) → Rogue 1 (expertise Medicine) → Wizard 6 → Cleric 3
17 str / 8 dex / 14 con / 10 int / 16 wis / 8 cha
Experimental Alchemy (Wizard 2)
You brew two Alchemical Solutions instead of one when combining extracts, if you succeed a Difficulty Class 15 Medicine Check.
By level 5 (first ASI for this build) with 18 wisdom, it has a +10 to this check
At level 12 with 20 Wisdom, it +13 to the check
When making solutions, give them guidance and self cast owl’s wisdom for +1d4 and advantage on the checks.
Camp Spells (Wizard)
Light, Longstrider, Mage Armor, Darkvision, Enhance Ability (Owl’s Wisdom on Self)
Transmuter’s Stone (Wizard 6)
Store some of your transmutation magic in a small stone. A creature carrying the stone gains a benefit of your choice.
Transmuter's Stone: Constitution: Create a stone that grants the carrier Proficiency in Constitution saving throws.
Transmuter's Stone: Darkvision: Create a stone that lets the carrier see in the dark out to a range of 18 m / 60 ft.
Transmuter's Stone: Speed: Create a stone that increases the carrier's movement speed by  3 m / 10 ft.
Transmuter's Stone: Resistance: Create a stone that grants the carrier Resistance to Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning, or Thunder.
Camp Spells (Cleric)
Aid, Protection from Poison, Warding Bond
Note: By 12th level (or 11th without the rogue levels) this character can cast max level Aid
Note: Gale has the NPC feature Regains hit points while not in your party, so Gale can cast Warding Bond on all 4 party members and likely never die. The game will tell you it's 1d8+3 restoration and be usable a number of times equal to his level, this is a lie. It's unlimited use and fully restores him. The only instance where he can die is if he takes too much damage before he can heal (taking Warding Bond damage staggers him, delaying his heal by about 3-4 seconds). If you want him, and by extension your warding bonds to be as safe as possible, make him go Cleric 3 / Barbarian 9. Get him to 20 Con (18 Con from an ASI, and +2 Con from The Dwarven Splintmail or Enraging Heart Garb) and grab Tough. Even if he is your Pharmacist and not this damage sponge build, Enraging Heart Garb, and him being in the radius of Aid/Heroes' Feast Spells when give him more survivability. Damage he can take can also be reduced by resistances.
Note: You can very easily have 4 stay at home Transmutation Wizards so your full party can have Transmuter Stones. The strongest stones are Con save Proficiency and Speed, the weakest is Darkvision (effectively useless). You only need 1 character to have a level in Rogue for the expertise in Medicine, and that will be your Alchemy Solution crafter for the whole game.
Build 2: Tons of Healing
Life Cleric 11 / Druid 1
Camp Spells
Goodberry, Warding Bond, Freedom of Movement, Deathward, Heroes’ Feast
Spell Slot Usage: 4th level on Deathwards. 6th on Heroes’ Feast. Everything else on Goodberry
10 Spell slots (4 1st, 3 2nd, 3 3rd, 2 5th): 48 Goodberries
Build 3: A spare Bard
Valor Bard 10
Gives the whole party a d10 inspiration and Freedom of Movement. Can also give Goodberries via magical secrets or a level dip into Druid. This character also gives you an extra short rest.
In total, with 7 characters (3 Custom/3 Hirelings/ 1 Gale) you get:
Longstrider: +10ft movement
Mage Armor: 13+Dex AC to anyone not wearing armor
Darkvision: 40ft Darkvision to anyone without it from elsewhere
Warding Bond on all your party members: +1 to AC and all saves, resistance to all damage.
Heroes' Feast: +12 Max HP, Frightened and Poison Immunity, Free Camp Supplies
Aid: +25 Max HP
Combat Inspiration: d10 (and +1 Short rest)
Death Ward on all party members: first time you are reduced to 0 hp you instantly regain 1 hit point
Freedom of Movement on all party members: Movement Speed can't be reduced by Difficult Terrain, spells or magical effects. Can't be Paralyzed or Restrained
Transmuter Stones: Either Con save Proficiency or +10ft movement
Note: I can't test this at the moment but I don't see any reason you can't have transmutation wizards give +10ft speed and Con save proficiency to everyone who lacks it by having 5+ Transmutation Wizards.
48 or more Goodberries (at least 48d4 out of combat healing)
Note: the Periapt of Wound Closure can be passed around out of combat so all the d4s will be 4s.
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ooklet · 12 days
BG3 Camp Cleric/BOGO Potionmaker Build
I've mentioned once or twice that @cegilune and I rely on a Camp Cleric for our Honour Mode runs but never really elaborated on the build so I figured I would do that!
Warning: This post is LONG. It's super long. I tried to format it in a way to prevent eye-glazing but idk if I managed. There's a TL;DR at the end.
Note: We owe the original idea for this build to perhaps the funniest gimmick Honour Mode run video in existence:
Like seriously I know it's a video about beating Honour Mode with the Poo Scraper knife but it is genuinely full of incredibly helpful information and tricks we never considered, so give it a watch! Anyhow, onto the build.
This character is a buffer, a Warding Bond bot and a Buy-One-Get-One Potionmaker. They will not be joining you in battle, AC and initiative are completely irrelevant. They will just be casting non-concentration buffs from camp, and brewing you two potions for the price of one (almost always, because we all know the pain of rolling two Nat 1s).
If you are struggling in Honour Mode, I recommend making 4 of these lil guys (3 hirelings and that 1 neglected character you always leave at camp, who better not be Wyll or I'll bite you), so that every single active party member gets Warding Bond.
DO NOT use Gale as your Camp Cleric. We learned the hard way that if he dies from Warding Bond damage and you don't notice in time, his necrotic aura can kill Scratch and the Owl Bear cub. 🫠
12 STR, 8 DEX, 16 CON, 14 INT, 16 WIS, 8 CHA
The only stats that actually matter in this build are Wisdom, Constitution and Intelligence. The others can be dumped as you see fit. In the case of a multiplayer game in which you have two separate camp chests, Wife and I like to keep gear and items in character inventories so we can both access them, hence 12 Strength for carrying capacity, but if you're playing single-player it does not matter at all.
Level Progression Pt. 1:
LVL1: Life Domain Cleric. Pretty self-explanatory. For Cantrips make sure you have Guidance (to assist other Camp Clerics with Medicine rolls for potions) and Light (helpful for the beginning of Act 2). You could also take Resistance to assist with the Ancient Tome saving throws.
The one VERY important selection you will be making here is taking Medicine Proficiency for one of your Skills.
LVL2: Wizard. You are going to take a two-level dip into Wizard for your potion-maker. If you have multiple Camp Clerics, only one will need to make potions so for the others I would recommend a one-level dip to get access to your cleric buffs faster, and get Heroes' Feast at Cleric 11.
Cantrips don't matter for this, but spells do. You want to make sure you get Mage Armor, False Life and Longstrider.
LVL3: Wizard, Transmutation subclass. Transmutation Wizards get the Experimental Alchemy feature, which makes it so that if you pass a DC 15 Medicine check while doing Alchemy, you get two potions for the price of one.
Potion Time:
So, you have your +4 to Medicine Proficiency and your +3 Wisdom Modifier, but that's not enough to (almost) always get 2 potions for the price of one. Here's what else you need:
Enhance Ability: Owl's Wisdom for advantage on these rolls. You can either wait for your camp cleric to get this at Cleric 3, or have someone else (Bard, Cleric, Druid, or Sorcerer) who already has access to second level spells do it for you.
Guidance: Self-explanatory, an extra d4 to your rolls, yay. Enhance Ability and Guidance are both concentration, however, so your Camp Cleric won't be able to cast both on themselves. (If no one else has Guidance, use the Silver Pendant.)
With this setup, you will have +7, +1d4, and Advantage on your Medicine rolls for a base of between +8 to +11, depending on Guidance. With Advantage, that means just one of your rolls has to be between a 4 and a 7 (again, depending on Guidance) to get BOGO potions!
Optional: ASI WIS +2. For your first Feat at Cleric 4, you could take an Ability Score Increase of +2 to Wisdom, bump your Wisdom Proficiency by another 1, which would drop the roll you need to between a 3 and a 6.
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Even with low rolls, you can still make the DC pretty easily!
I would especially recommend holding off until you get the ASI Wisdom +2 Feat for brewing harder-to-get Elixirs. Such as...
Getting Cloud Giant Strength Elixirs In Act 1:
Both Derryth and Blurg in the Myconid Colony start selling Cloud Giant Fingers when you hit Character Level 6, and you can buy them in bulk with the Level Up Merchant Cheese.
Thanks to the unhinged genius of Speedrunners, we learned that merchant inventories refresh not just on a Long Rest or a Partial Rest, but a Level Up.
How do we exploit this? By grabbing any character with a simple build (like a full Fighter or Barbarian), resetting their class with Withers for 100 gold, and leveling them back up to 6, pausing after each level (you can Esc out of the Level Up screen) to check Derryth and Blurg's inventories for Cloud Giant Fingers. You can do this over and over, until your patience runs out. And if you have some camp scenes that still haven't happened (romance stuff, the Owl Bear cub) you can do some Partial Rests as well.
And you can pickpocket your gold back from Withers with no consequences. I think some companions might get mad if they see you but our Dehydrated Boi doesn't care.
Dump STR, Dump It Everywhere:
With easy access to BOGO Giant Elixirs (be they Hill or Cloud), any martial character who does not need to use their Elixir slot for something like Bloodlust or Vigilance can dump their STR stat, putting those extra points in something like DEX or CON for higher initiative/AC and HP. So you could have an Open Hand Monk who massacres Grym with bludgeoning damage that keys off of a whopping 26 STR. (Yeah, Cloud Giant is technically 27 STR but odd numbers don't count toward your Modifier, so you're effectively working with 26, which will give you a +8 STR Modifier, the highest you can possibly have in the game.)
Generally, we try to aim for about 20 Cloud Giant Strength Elixirs for each character who is dumping STR to get us through the rest of Act 1, all of Act 2, and the beginning of Act 3, since you won't be finding any Cloud Giant Fingers in Act 2 and the first time you get access to a reliable supply in Act 3 is Stylin' Horst at the South Span of Wyrm's Crossing. So try to get 30 Fingers in total.
Level Progression Pt. 2:
All of the rest of the Camp Cleric's levels will be going into Cleric, for a final split of Life Cleric 10/Transmutation Wizard 2.
Or, for your Camp Clerics who do not brew potions (because you only need one to do it) Life Cleric 11/Wizard 1. This will get you access to Heroes' Feast. Why do you still need a Wizard dip? So glad you asked. Let's move on to the buffs your Cleric will be casting at the beginning of the day.
Daily Buffs:
Unlocked at Cleric level 3. You will upcast Aid as high as you can to get extra HP for your party. Every additional level you cast it at adds 5HP to the total. So while it only adds 5HP at Level 2, you can get 25HP out of a Level 6 spell slot. The only tricky part here will be trying to reach all your party members. This is why it's good to have multiple Camp Clerics, so if one of your folks has a tent way fuck over in a corner, you can have a different Cleric cast it over by them.
Warding Bond.
Unlocked at Cleric level 3. Another one of the main points of this build. With four Camp Clerics you can cast it on each of your party members, giving them +1 to their AC and resistance to all damage types (so, essentially halving all damage, except where enemy attacks bypass resistance). The Camp Cleric will take the same amount of damage as the character they are bonded to, however, hence the next spell:
False Life.
Unlocked at Wizard level 1. Camp Clerics will be casting False Life on themselves to give them extra temp HP, to help them survive the damage that your party takes. You will also want to upcast this as high as possible. (Which is why you should use a different Camp Cleric to cast Aid on far away party members, so that their next highest spell slot can still be used for False Life.)
Unlocked at Wizard level 1. 3m/10ft of extra movement in battles, what's not to like?
Mage Armor.
Unlocked at Wizard level 1. Mage Armor is not concentration, so you can have the Camp Cleric cast it on your squishy mages, that way they do not have to learn/prepare it themselves, saving them a spell slot for something else.
Protection From Poison.
Unlocked at Cleric level 3. Situational. Extremely helpful for dealing for the Spider Matriarch and Auntie Ethel. Although Warding Bond will give you resistance, Protection From Poison will also give you advantage of saving throws against being poisoned.
Death Ward.
Unlocked at Cleric level 7. Keeps you from being downed once, instead keeping you at 1HP. Crucial for big, scary fights.
Freedom of Movement.
Unlocked at Cleric level 7. Situational, and if you're low on Level 4 spell slots, prioritize Death Ward. But if you've got slots to spare, this one is excellent for maintaining your movement speed in difficult terrain, and avoiding the Paralyzed/Restrained conditions.
Heroes' Feast.
Unlocked at Cleric level 11. Immunity to Diseases, Poison, being Frightened, plus an extra 12HP, make all Wisdom saving throws with advantage and free camp supplies. Though at this point you probable won't need them.
Feats Revisited:
No matter whether you are doing the 11/1 split or the 10/2, you will be getting 2 feats, one at Cleric Level 4, and another at Cleric Level 8. For the 11/1, you'll want to take Tough as your first Feat, for better Warding Bond survivability. Second Feat does not matter. For the 10/2, take the ASI WIS +2 as previously discussed, then take Tough at 8.
Gear is mostly irrelevant but I would recommend getting the Amulet of Silvanus for a free daily Lesser Restoration. That way Astarion can bite you (or someone else in camp) every day for the Happy buff and your Camp Cleric can remove Bloodless without using a spell slot. The Boots of Aid and Comfort are also good for a tiny bit more extra Temp HP when healing party members.
So there you have it! There are surely ways to further optimize this build as we are by no means experts, but this has served @cegilune and I super well for the 5 multiplayer Honour Mode runs that we've done so far. If you have suggestions, we'd love to hear them!
4 Camp Clerics in total to Warding Bond each active party member. 1 will be making potions and getting twice the number of them thanks to Experimental Alchemy/Medicine Proficiency/Ability Improvement/Guidance/ASI WIS +2.
Stats: 12-8-16-14-16-8
Potionmaker: Life Cleric 10/Transmutation Wizard 2. Medicine Proficiency. Ability Improvement + Guidance for Alchemy rolls, Feats are ASI WIS + 2 at Cleric 4, Tough at Cleric 8. Buff daily with Aid (upcast), Mage Armor, Longstrider, Warding Bond, False Life (upcast), Death Ward. Situationally, Protection from Poison and Freedom of Movement.
If using any STR-based builds, hoard Giant Fingers for Elixirs (Cloud Fingers start showing up with Derryth and Blurg at Character Level 6) and dump STR. Cheese merchants by refreshing their inventory with Partial Rests/Level Ups. Use Amulet of Silvanus to remove Bloodless if Astarion's in the party for daily Happy buff.
Buffer Only Version: Life Cleric 11/Wizard 1. Feats are Tough at Cleric 4 and whatever you want at Cleric 8. All the same buffs as above plus Heroes' Feast at Cleric 11.
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lordfentongaming · 8 months
Baldur's Gate 3 Pure Druid Circle of the Moon Wild Shape Ultra DPS build
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the-mic-drop · 7 months
Building Zelda in BG3- Sorcerer
@benilos asked for it, and I'm delivering!
So, we've got two options for Zelda; a Sorcerer and a Wizard. A cleric might also work, but I haven't really settled on the specifics yet. The Sorcerer build is below the cut. I'll do the Wizard build next
We'll start with the version I use in the Isekai series I've been posting. I call this one...
The Dragon Queen
Race: Elf (High Elf)
Background: Noble
High Elf Cantrip: Ray of Frost
Now High Elf I feel is self-explanatory, and Ray of Frost is the cantrip because she's more aligned with Naydra and her ice powers. As for the Noble background, I choose that over Sage because this Zelda is when she's really stepping into her role as Hyrule's regent. She's building a rapport with her people and is comfortable using her status as "Princess of Hyrule." Though if you disagree and think Sage is more appropriate, I can't really argue with you.
Strength: 8 (-1)
Dexterity: 10 (0)
Constitution: 10 (0)
Intelligence: 16 (+3)
Wisdom: 12 (+1)
Charisma: 17 (+3)
Charisma is the main stat because that's a Sorcerer's spellcasting modifier, and even though Zelda is the Wisdom part of the Triforce, this version of her is much more of an intellectual than a philosopher. I felt the need to give her a tiny boost to Dex and Con becuase she's bound to be good with precision tasks and she's been through quite a bit.
Class & Levels
Class: Sorcerer
Sub-Class: Draconic Bloodline
Draconic Ancestry: White (Cold)
Sorcerer is a natural choice due to the inherited nature of her divine powers, and Draconic Bloodline fits perfectly since this is post-TotK Zelda, who deserves to keep some of her Draconic aspects. (Note that Draconic Bloodline gives you Draconic Resilience, making Mage Armor unnecessary.)
Proficiencies: Arcana, Religion
Cantrips: Shocking Grasp, Light, Friends, Blade Ward
Spells: Thunderwave, Witch Bolt
Arcana and Religion just fit way better than your other options. Shocking Grasp from Urbosa, Light because duh, Friends because her high Cha makes her a natural choice as the party's face, and Blade Ward because of her desire to protect those around her. Thunderwave and Witch Bolt are also thanks to Urbosa.
Level 2
Spell: Feather Fall (She floats sometimes)
Metamagic: Careful Spell, Extended Spell
Level 3
Spell: Gust of Wind (Revali)
Metamagic: Subtle Spell
Level 4
Spell: Hold Person (Calamity Wrangler/Stasis)
Cantrip: Mage Hand
Feat: Ability Improvement (Cha +2)
Mage Hand because she'd love it for efficient research. When you up your Charisma to 19, you'll likely be near the point where you're facing Auntie Ethel and you'll probably be able to get her boon easy enough to top Zelda up at 20 Cha.
Level 5
Spell: Slow (Sage of Time)
Level 6
Spell: Lightning Bolt (Urbosa)
Level 7
Spell: Ice Storm (Naydra)
Level 8
Spell: Banishment/Daylight
Feat: War Caster
Banishment because that's what Zeldas tend to do to Ganon in the series and Daylight because of the divine light she tends to generate. War Caster is just a necessary choice for any spellcaster.
Level 9
Spell: Hold Monster (Calamity Wrangler/Stasis)
Level 10
Spell: Telekinesis (Shiekah Tablets)
Cantrip: Dancing Lights (Divine Light)
Metamagic: Distant Spell
Level 11
Spell: Sunbeam (Divine Light)
Level 12
Spell: Chain Lightning/Cone of Cold/Globe of Invulnerability/Dimension Door
Feat: Mobile/Resilient- Wisdom/Spell Sniper
So, once I get to level 12, I find my main issue with Sorcerer; the lack of spells. You're plenty powerful, but not as utilitarian as you might like. Anyway, by the time you get to your max level, you'll have a Zelda that is as much a force of personality as a force of nature.
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ialdabaoth-eviscerator · 11 months
BG3 "Succubus" Bard/Warlock
Build taken from YouTube user Senpai Ziah. Note that he recommends going Asmodeus Tiefling for the sake of the level 5 darkness, but that Githyanki and Drow are also very good stats-wise. Tiefling is the best thematically. This build is equal parts theme and power.
Cantrips: Eldritch Blast, Friends
Spells: Hex, Charm Person
Abilities: 8 / 16(15+1) / 14 / 10 / 10 / 16(14+2)
2: Faerie Fire (though this is very optional since Hex and Darkness are also concentration spells), Eldritch Invocations: Agonizing Blast, Devil's Sight
3: +BARD: Cantrips: Minor Illusion, Mage Hand, or just whatever you want. Spells: Tasha's Hideous Laughter, Dissonant Whispers, Thunderwave, Sleep
All levels from this point on are Bard.
4: Feather Fall
5: Subclass: College of The Lore. Hold Person
6: Whatever cantrip you want. Heat Metal, Invisibility, Detect Thoughts.
FEAT: War Caster or (recommended) bump Charisma to 18.
7: Hypnotic Pattern
8: Glyph of Warding or whatever spell. Magical Secrets: Haste, Fireball, Counterspell or Darkness somewhere in there, but ideally another party member has Darkness.
9: Dimension Door, Confusion, Greater Invisibility
10: Whatever spells.
FEAT: War Caster or bump Charisma to 20
11: Dominate Person, Hold Monster, Mass Cure Wounds
12: Magical Secrets: there's so many options just take whatever.
ACT 1: Amulet of Misty Step (Can either get from Omeluum in Myconid Colony, Underdark (must speak to Blurg to find Omeluum) or from a gilded chest inside the Goblin Camp, I think in Priestess Gut's bedroom.)
[another Misty Step option] Disintegrating Night Walkers (dropped by Nere in Grymforge)
The Spellsparkler (reward option for saving Councilor Florrick from the burning building in Waukeen's Rest)
Blazer of Benevolence (given as reward by Volo for rescuing him from the goblin camp)
ACT 2: Potent Robe (given as reward from Alfira for saving the tieflings from Moonrise Towers)
ACT 3: Birthright (sold at Sorcerous Sundries)
Boots of Very Fast Blinking (won from Akabi at the circus, but these are pretty silly.)
Markoheshkir (found in Ramazith's Tower)
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sobeesknees · 7 months
i played this game so i can fuck bitches why am i pouting that ill have to let go of my storm sorcerer build for my next run
how do i survive without twinned haste??? without sleet storm????????? what will make me laugh now if i cant be the one to make 50 enemies trip and fall on their face??
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don't even talk to me about wet + quickened call lightning.
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fuck your spellbook wizard i look better than you
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