training-trio-irl · 1 year
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Happy birthday nerd
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devils-dares · 6 months
hi lovely can i get a carmy x college reader where she comes to his for dinner when the dining hall food is bad 🥹🫶🏻
he's grumbling, pouring over his notebook with a cigarette dangling from his lips. he can't get this one recipe right and it's pissing him the fuck off. he's so pissed, in fact, that he doesn't even hear the door unlock. he ends up throwing the notebook across the room, burying the heels of his palms in his eyesockets. suddenly, you feel really bad about coming here to bother him, trying to sneak back out.
"what're you doin' here, sugar?" he asks.
"was just leaving, i didn't wanna bother you." he sighs deeply, standing up from the floor. he walks over to you, taking your hands in his.
"what's going on?" you blink a few times, thinking about how stupid your disruption really is.
"the dining hall food is bad and i haven't really been eating much. came over here cause i was hungry and-"
"you wanted me to cook for ya, sugar?"
"yeah," you frown, "but you don't have to. you're stressed."
"and my girlfriend's hungry," he says, kissing your forehead. he squeezes your hands gently before pulling you into a hug, "what can i make for you?" as you think, he scoops you up and plops you on the counter, standing between your legs. he brushes your hair out of your face, smiling at you. the stress lines seem to melt away from his face the longer he looks at you.
“make me whatever you feel like making,” you say, smiling at him, “long as it’s warm, i don’t care, it’ll be yummy.”
“bear secret menu item?” you giggle at his words.
“you’re just saying that so you don’t have to admit to stealing syd’s ideas.”
“syd can butt the fuck out of my relationship.” he starts taking some ingredients out.
“nothing too elaborate, carm, just messy and warm.”
“are you hungry now or can you wait?”
“i can wait. i brought my bag, i’ve got some reading to do.” he nods. you slip off of the counter, grabbing your book and notes out of your bag while he starts to cook. the smells enter your nose while you study, and your stomach grumbles loudly.
“when was the last time you ate?”
“good food?” he laughs.
“any food, sugar.”
“i had… a cereal bar this morning.”
“that’s all?” you nod. he sighs.
“how about i make you dinner, and then get some stuff ready for leftovers?”
“please?” he laughs softly.
“‘course, princess.” he starts to chop up some veggies as you pull out your books and laptop. immediately, the stress of school comes back, and you find yourself rubbing at your forehead already. as you;’re getting into the nitty gritty of your notes from your lecture earlier today, you see a glass of wine get dropped off at the table.
“gotta relax more, sugar. all that stress is gonna take a toll on you.” you smile up at him, swirling the wine in your glass before taking a sip.
“you don’t like this one.” you say as he takes a sip as well, “you hate pinot.” he shrugs.
“pairs well with the food.”
“no it doesn’t.”
“no it doesn’t.” he nods, repeating what you said and agreeing. you smile as he turns around, taking a sip of his wine. you can see the sides of his neck tense up, and you imagine the scrunched up look on his face from the taste of the wine.
“it’s good, yummy.” he says, taking another sip and fighting the sour look on his face.
“i love you.” you laugh. he grumbles and goes back to the kitchen to cook.
soon enough, you’ve got a steaming hot plate of food in front of you, and your laptop gets whisked away.
“eat, and then study if you need to, but you’re not touching this until your stomach is brimming with food. i’ve got seconds.”
“won’t you come eat with me?” you ask, a pout on your face. he tuts.
“yeah yeah.” he refills the wine glasses, his wine looking much darker than yours this go around.
“cab sauv? not the best pairing.”
“better than fucking pinot.”
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pro-royalty · 28 days
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Justine Skye’s 29th Birthday Celebration
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dragonsholygrail · 19 days
So, today was my birthday, and I can't help but feel monsters REALLY know how to celebrate birthdays. Especially a human's!
Oh my gosh, happy (belated?) birthday!!!
I do think I would have to disagree with you though. I feel like birthdays would be another one of those cultural differences between humans and monsters that would be a funny incident when revealed. But a Monster would definitely try their hardest to give you the best birthday possible when they find out!
Imagine your Monster bf has been going over and planning your birthday in secret for months. He has everything planned out and he really wanted to go the full nine yards given that it’s your first birthday together as a couple.
But you just so happen to stumble upon him at the table, not knowing what he’s up to. And your eyes widen as you see what he has written down.
“Pin the eel in the eagles mouth. What do you need all that for?” You ask, brows furrowing in concern for the state of your bf’s mind.
Your bf whips around and scrambles to cover up all the paper and research he has scattered across the table. His monstrous form makes that quite an easy task. But he still looks adorably flustered anyway.
“Hey, you weren’t supposed to see any of that!”
You only grow more confused. With the look on your face your words finally start to sink in. Which has your bf becoming just as confused as you are.
“But, uh, what’s wrong? Are eels and eagles not common in your human cele— lives? Your human lives,” your bf asks, trying to appear as calm and casual as possible.
And he fails at it spectacularly. You wince and shake your head at him, wondering what’s going on with him.
“No, love, that sounds terrifying.”
Your bf’s face drops and luckily you at least manage to catch that very obvious signal he accidentally sends you. A frown pulls at your lips until realization dawns on you and you immediately begin cooing at him.
“Aw, baby, are you planning me a birthday party?”
He melts into you, his arms wrapping around you and clinging onto you. Turning into a huge baby at the first sight of your affection. You try to swallow down your laughter as he pouts and nuzzles in your neck.
“Well I’m apparently planning the worst human birthday party ever.” You try and comfort him as best you can.
“Don’t say that. Whatever you planned is going to be amazing because it’s coming from you,” you assure him gently.
But as you leave to head off back to what you were doing, your bf only grows determined to give you the best birthday party in the history of birthday parties.
For the next few weeks he does a ton of research. Looking up the best birthday traditions that humans have had, looking across all generations and cultures. And when he thinks about it, he decides to add in some monster traditions as well. Because you love him with all your heart for exactly who he is so he wants to share this aspect of his life with you too. But he makes sure to only include the humanly-safe ones.
He puts his whole heart and soul into planning it and when your birthday finally comes around, it all turns out even better than expected. You’ve never felt so loved and cherished before and you love getting to experience so many wonderful traditions with the monster who means the most to you.
All in all it would be a lovely day where he makes sure to shower you in endless love.
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rockingbytheseaside · 7 months
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✦ It's my birthday. What should I say to my favorite Harbinger?
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creations-by-chaosfay · 4 months
To celebrate my birthday, I've created a coupon code for y'all. Use BDAY24 to receive 25% off your purchase from my shop. Expires July 1st.
Fun fact: you will be supporting a queer Disabled artist. 😉
Examples of my work below the cut:
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navybrat817 · 2 months
Navy's Beach Fun Nonsense Poll
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My birthday is next month, lovelies! Sort of a self writing challenge like @witchywithwhiskey , sort of a celebration like @thezombieprostitute , and all nonsense, I'd love to create some ficlets. They may not necessarily be summer themed, but the genres will have specific beach "categories" that I'll share once ready. The numbers are also from dialogue prompt lists, which you won't see in advance. It'll be like opening your own little gift!
I've added this in the poll, but wanted to say again that I may not be able to write every request, but I'm going to try and share as much as I can!
Love you lovelies! ❤️
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lemonxlimee · 6 months
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vanserrasswife · 9 months
A/n: so I made these as a sort of birthday celebration for myself. So these are a representation of what I think being with my favourite acotar makes would be like.
Azriel x reader
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Eris x reader
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Cassian x reader
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adam-trademark · 5 months
21 years old.
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Thank you so very much to everyone who likes all of my posts here on Tumblr! You are all the best and I appreciate each and every one of you!
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training-trio-irl · 3 months
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devils-dares · 2 years
I really think Joel deserves some comfort, so please #3 and/or #14 from the Grumpy x Sunshine prompts with Joel x male reader, maybe? Perhaps something with him overhearing some conversations between the reader and Ellie...?
#3 - sunshine is babbling happily & grumpy is listening
#14 - grumpy is realizing what a different (and much more pleasant) life it would be if sunshine was by their side all the time
wordcount: 528
“...and so when Outbreak Day happened, I think he got turned as well, but he never got to finish the run and I think that is so upsetting. Plus, I had to leave my collections at home! At home, El, where a clicker is probably eating the pages. I spent so much money on that damn collection.”
“So where was it supposed to lead?”
“I’ll never know! I think he was supposed to get married but I’m not sure.”
“Thought you said he had a girlfriend.”
“Who died, Ellie.”
“Oh yeah, I forgot.”
Joel sat on the far side of the camp, listening to your voices carry over the air. He loved listening to you talk. You could talk his ear off all day and all night and he wouldn’t care because he loved the sound of you.
You’d been a recent partner, after Tess’s demise. He’d come to hate you, stuck in a mindset that you were here to replace her. He quickly realized he was wrong, with how much you moved around and talked. He’d get every single fact about your favorite comics wrong just so your voice could fill the silence. God, he felt like he could pass a trivia game on your favorite character, the way you’d talk about the comics whenever there was nothing else to talk about.
This was really only the second longer trip the two of you were on, after about eight months of joining. You were refreshing to be around, he noticed. It was like you were an extra ray of sunshine outside and in the QZ.
He was leaning up against a tree, arms crossed in front of him with his eyes closed when he heard you and Ellie start talking in hushed voices.
“So you and Joel, huh?”
“What are you thinking about?”
“Me and Joel what?”
“You two look at each other like how I imagine people in love look at each other. It’s disgusting.”
“You’re disgusting.”
“You’re telling me you don’t have the slightest crush on grumps?”
“We’re calling him grumps now?”
“Don’t change the subject!”
“Shh!” you say, glancing at Joel, who’s still trying his best to stay awake while looking asleep, “Maybe? I dunno, I guess so.”
“I knew it!” Your hand slaps over her mouth.
“Shut up and go to bed.”
“You got that look on your face, eyebrows scrunched. Can’t tell if you’re thinking or constipated.”
“I’m not con- Jesus, you’re just like the kid.” Joel says.
“My main character trait.”
“Flaw, I’d say.”
“Yet you continue to ask me to accompany you.”
“And if I’d ask you to keep doing so?” He heard your footsteps stop crunching in the gravel.
“Continue? With you? You’re not gonna shoot me to shut up?”
“Nice to have some blab on like you to fill the quiet.”
“If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you have a little crush on me, Miller,” you elbow him in the side, “I’m just kidding.”
He hums, but he knows you’re not wrong. He promises to himself that as soon as this thing blows over, he’s taking you back to Tommy’s place for a real date.
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pro-royalty · 2 months
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Charli XCX’s Birthday Celebration
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redflags-pinknails · 1 month
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fayes-fics · 7 months
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Hi guys 🫶
It's my birthday next month (March), and to show my appreciation for you all reading my stories and following my fics blog, I’m going to do a little giveaway!
I have some Benedict Bridgerton inspired swag for one lucky person! A small plastic treats tub and some stickers, pictured above. The treats tub measures approx 6in x 5in x 4in and would be perfect for holding snacks during your next Bridgerton watching marathon 😁🫶
If you are interested, just enter your Tumblr username HERE before 11:59pm Eastern, March 14th 2024, and I’ll do a random drawing on Friday, March 15th that I will post here on my blog 🫶 I will then contact the winner via DM to get their mailing address.
Please note: I can only afford domestic US postage, so please only enter this giveaway if you have a mailing address within the continental US that you are happy to share with me privately. Apologies to my international followers!
Thanks 🍀😁🧡🧡
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halltastic · 2 months
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Thank you all for the birthday wishes! 😊
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