wres5646 · 5 months
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candace & bette are literally so much better than bette & tina could ever be bc first bette is a bottom undercover like u telling me a capricorn that is a boss all the time, a main finiancial provider and like emotionally dominant (ig u can say) is a top too? its a LIE. also candace is black and tina is white and black love wins. also bette may say she wants someone to be like submissive to her in lifestyle but in reality, she wants someone that challenges her. she only likes tina bc she can tell her what to do and tina just follws along and doesnt challenge her, and thats why she got bored of her lmao. they r NOT otp
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wettvagina · 10 months
stud!ymir who grips onto the steering wheel of her black hellcat when mikasa tells her that reiner was your boyfriend
stud!ymir who loses her mind once she gets to her dorm room, wondering if she was receiving mixed signals or if she was just reading into yours and hers relationship incorrectly
stud!ymir who sees you at connie's party the following day, wearing the dress she bought your for your birthday, she was ready to go up to you, strike up a flirty-sexual conversation and then back down, that was before she saw Reiner's large hand wrap around your waist, his hand squeezing at the plump curve of your ass as he pulls you closer to him
stud!ymir who eyes you down every chance she gets at connie's stupid party, not even paying attention to eren who was ranting about his girl problems to her
"Huh?" Ymir screws her face into a look of disapproval, barely hearing what Eren said, "I said that you're a lesbian so you probably won't have trouble with it." Eren repeated, his voice going up it's amplitude, "Listen, you smoked too much pot and now you're dick can't get hard, that sounds like a you problem, don't take it out on me." Ymir states before her eyes dart towards you and Reiner, you were grinding onto him in the dense crowd, Ymir scoffed, it was Ymir who you came to when you were desperately in need of 'learning how to kiss' & it was Ymir who you came to when you needed help shaving your back, it was Ymir who you sent your nudes to when you needed clarification on if you looked good. She couldn't understand, she knew that you knew that she was a lesbian, so what was going on? Were you leading her on, on purpose or did you have some sort of heterosexual awakening, because during your somewhat, homo-erotic sleepovers, that you'd label as girls nights, you didn't seem to be even slightly interested in men.
stud!ymir who'd eat you out in her car when you had found out that reiner cheated on you with historia
"Fuckk, I-I just, why would he even do that?" you cried into her arms as you sat in the passenger seat of her car, "I told you, the guy's an asshole." Ymir clicked her tongue, you sniffled, looking up at her with your glossy eyes, they were slightly red and your lips looked swollen, "I wish I could be with someone like you." you started, "You're always here for me." you exclaimed, Ymir's eyes widened before she smirked, "Get in the backseat." she commanded. You wasted no time, you knew this procedure, you'd get in the backseat, take off your skirt, then let Ymir do the work. She'd get on the floor of her car, settling between your legs before she used her index and middle finger to slide away the thin piece of fabric covering your wet pussy, her pink tongue darted to your hole, drawing circles onto it before reaching up to your clit, she'd use one hand to spread your pussy lips, then when she heard you moan, she'd utilize her other hand to finger you, slipping her index and middle finger into you with ease as she pumped in and out of you. "Fuck. Fuck. Fuck." you'd moan out, watching down at her head as she ate you out, completely devouring your sloppy cunt, making slurping noises as she curled her fingers in your hole. "Mmmm- fuck!" you groaned when she started sucking on your clit, if it's one thing for sure, Ymir doesn't play when she's giving head. That's why it's so pleasurable, she loves hearing you moan as she's completely engrossed in your pussy, "Shit- shit- shit!" you whine as she hits that sweet spot with her fingers, sending you off edge as you felt a sudden tightness release. "Oh shit."you sighed out, "Shit." you panted, looking down at her, she looked up at you, her eyes heavy lidded as she smirked.
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mellowpainternut · 6 months
Writers maked Aegon a pedo just because Mushroom said it "99.9% of his words are lie" And I don't have any problem with that ok?
But if they gonna make him a pedo and make people hate him, they also should make Mushroom others words true too.
They should make Rhaenyra have her half sister and step mother raped.
They should make Jace a cheater.
They should make Daemon a pedo rapist who cheat on his wife and then abandon his family to sleep with a 17 y/o.
If they really want to give us the right to choose our team, then they should not discriminate.
They should not cover blacks mistakes and only make greens look bad.
It's not a fairytale book about love and a strong princess who wants to save the world.
It's not about a feminist story with a lesbian relationship between two little girl.
This story is about two fucked up siblings that ruined Targaryens.
It's about two greedy, spoiled and cruel siblings who fought for iron throne.
It's not about Alicent and Rhaenyra, it's about Aegon and Rhaenyra.
It's not about a romance between Rhaenyra and Daemon. It's about how their relationship was toxic and how they used each other.
It's not about a hero and villain, it's about two super villain who been nothing but cruel.
It's about a dumb narcissistic woman and a broken mad man.
It's not about beauty and love. It's about blood and war.
The whole point of this book is to show how awful both side were and why because of two cunt house Targaryen fall.
Aegon wasn't a coward who wanted to escape. He did everything to protect his family. He was the one who fought for his family and survived, he was the one who survived the dragon fire while Rhaenyra literally did nothing and watched as her family died. He was the one who lost his everything for something that he never wanted but was forced to accept because he wanted to protect his family. He lost his family that he tried to protect, he lost his children, he lost his pride Sunfyre, he lost his body, he lost his mind, and he was betrayed. He was the most tragic character in the story yet in the show he's just a pedo rapist.
Rhaenyra was a fucking liar, a whore who opened her legs for any man that she liked, a fucking narcissist, she was literally female Maegor yet they maked her the most tragic who only became cruel after her child died even though she was always a spoiled and dumb woman who just wanted to kill anybody who said true about her bastards. Yet they maked her a fucking saint. A boss bitch with her womanly power. Someone who can do no wrong.
I'm so fucking tired of this show.
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jeansplaytoy · 1 year
Complaining - Ony. 2
<<part one part three>>
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you and ony broke up two weeks ago because he cheated on you.
language, ymir bein a lil lesbian stud :), sexual references, mentions of cheating.
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“y/n? oh, cheated on her.”
“ony? that nigga a lame.”
that’s the way you talked about each other. did you mean it? kind of… sometimes. but other times you just wanted to know why he did what he did, like what other bitch could be any better than you?
and him on the other hand, deep down, he wished you would get with another nigga. you can flirt, talk, do anything you wanted, but he knew the minute you got into a relationship, it was gonna be over by the end of the week.
or that’s what normally happened.
you’d end things right then and there with ony and he’d end up back with you two seconds later. you don’t know if it was because he was manipulating or gaslighting you, or if it was just because you were too dumb to realize that the same things were gonna keep happening, and there was no way you were gonna just end it like that.
but apparently, he had a new girlfriend. and you had no one.
that wasn’t a bad thing though, not in your mind. because at the end of the day, he wouldn’t find anyone else better than you.
“look at they miserable asses. acting like they the power couple of the century.” you mumbled while sitting beside mikasa with your feet hanging in the pool. mikasa pulled her shades up and raised her eyebrows. “girl they look so fucking stupid.” she whispered and looked at you. “you really think he hitting that poor shit every night?” she frowned.
“i don’t know but her shit ain’t wetter than mines.” you grinned a little at your own joke. mikasa laughed. “he really got with the girl he cheated on you with. what dumbass boy does that shit?” she shook her head.
“one named ony. i bet she think she got one up on me the way she be giving me stares and shit.” you said, looking back into the pool where everyone splashed and swam.
“oh yeah she definitely don’t like yo ass.” mikasa said, softly kicking her feel in the blue, glowing water. “but at the same time, who the fuck cares?” she laughed with you.
it was obvious ony talked about you to her, the way she would post on her instagram stories about how ‘i’m better than his last😘’ and ‘feel bad for who he dated before me, this mf really fun.’ not to mention the way she talked about you when you went through those messages two weeks ago. you should’ve found her ass at that exact moment.
but with some help from ya home girl, ymir, you found her insta real quick. turns out she was already following you, you just ain’t follow her back.
you stood up, tapping mikasas shoulder. “i wanna smoke some weed.” you said. mikasa nodded and followed you inside the house. “where is this woman?” you squinted while trying to make your way through everyone. you went over to the second living room of the house and saw ymir, slouched on the couch, with a freshly rolled joint in her hand.
you smiled, grabbing mikasas hand and leading her over. “there go yo man.” you smiled while pointing at jean. mikasa rolled her eyes and walked over to the couch across from the one you were gonna sit at, to sit beside jean.
“heyyy ymir.” you nudged ymir’s head a little before sitting on her lap. she wore a black shirt with grey sweatpants, eyes traveling down your body before she looked back up at you.
“y/n, i just rolled this shit.” she said. you held your index and thumb finger up, waiting for her to pass the blunt to you. and she did. “and why you always sitting on me?” she frowned, sitting up a little. “cus you gay as hell, and i am too.” you joked, taking a hit of her blunt and exhaling.
you and ymir didn’t completely have feelings for each other, not literally. but you’d flirt with her from time to time just as she did with you. it was really a normal thing for you to be all up on her anywhere you went, unless you were in a relationship, she’d have to keep her hands off of you because she didn’t wanna have to beat a boys ass just because she was touchy with you. it was just a fun little thing you did.
but she put her hand around your waist, moving you off of her lap and beside her instead, keeping her hand where it was.
“you and ony talkin again?” she asked, waiting for you to pass her back what she rolled up. “hell no, cus he got a girlfriend.” you said. “say on god.” connie said from behind you with a towel hanging off his shoulder. “i don’t put things on god connie. you his bestfriend, i thought you knew.” you said, giving ymir her blunt back.
“he ain’t tell me shit.” connie shook his head, drinking from a cup he had. “bro why y’all gotta be so gay all the time?” jean squinted at you and ymir. “it ain’t like we actually like each other jean. we just be playing.” you mumbled, adjusting your bikini a little.
“we gon move on from the fact that he got wit’ another girl right after y’all broke up?” ymir said while staring at her phone that was practically in your lap, because her arm was still around you.
“naw, it’s good. he can keep that girl.” you laughed a little while shaking your head. “what girl?” eren frowned, walking up to the group. to your surprise, ony wasn’t too far behind him. when eren looked at you, he glanced back at them before making an ‘o’ with his lips. “ohhh.” he whispered before sitting down.
“hey.” onys girlfriend waved at everyone. almost everyone stared at her except for connie and jean who thought it would at least be polite.
“you his girlfriend?” connie frowned and tilted his head a little. “onys? yeah.” she smiled and nodded. connie hummed and nodded. “that’s cool, thats cool.” he mumbled, clearing his throat before looking at jean.
you could tell jean wanted to laugh, which made you, mikasa, and ymir wanna laugh. but you being you, slipped up a little, letting out a soft chuckle.
the girl looked at you with raised eyebrows and resting eyes. “hm?” she hummed in question. you looked at her. “what? oh, nothing.” you said before looking at ony who stared at you. you could tell he was pissed off at the way you were acting already, but he faintly laughed before sitting his girlfriend down.
“i’ll be back, left sum upstairs earlier.”
you knew he was lying like a bitch. that’s why you waited about three minutes after he left to act like you had to pee.
you made your way upstairs, glancing back to gain an odd stare from his girlfriend. you stared back before walking through the second floor, finding where he went.
opening every unlocked door, regretting some of them before you finally found him, with another girl. “damn, and you got a whole female downstairs that she don’t even know about.” you said while standing by the doorway. he pushed the girl off of his lap and led her towards the door.
“hold up.” he mumbled to her before dragging you in the room. you stopped and looked back at him with a frown.
“what the fuck is wrong wit’cho ass?” he squinted while closing the door. “what’s wrong wit me, nigga what’s wrong wit you? yo ass brought this random bitch around the group and don’t nobody like her.” you pointed towards the door to signal that you were talking exactly about his new girl.
“nah, ain’t nobody got a problem with nothing but you.” ony frowned at you.
“maybe if you kept yo eyes off of me so much, you’d see the way the rest of the group was looking at her. now ion know what you thought you did when you went to her and cheated on me, but nigga you downgraded. hella bad.” you said before pushing past him and making your way out the door.
ony stared at you as you left, eyes forcing themselves down your body. holding his stare on the way your thighs and ass moved when you walked, he rolled his eyes, dragging his hands down his face.
“fuckkk.” he whispered.
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this was so lame 🙄🙄🙄 anyways i hope u liked it, posted it early just for u!
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riptideripley · 10 months
Muscle Mommy
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summary:Abby notices the contact name you picked just for her.
wrd count:1,968
a/n:bottom top abby👀
You and Abby had been childhood friends since you could remember. She was like a best friend to you,but truth be told you had a major crush on her. Only your shared friend Ellie knew,keeping it a secret the best she could just like you did when she told you she liked Dina.
It was a regular day for the three of you,going to a local park that you had found. Ever since this place you all called home got infected and finally fixed,things felt peaceful for once. Ellie had left Dina to herself,bringing the baby along with you two so Dina could relax. “Hi JJ” you spoke excitedly,taking the baby out of Ellie’s arms holding him close to you. You treated that baby like he was your own at times when they needed a break from everything,it became a true tradition. Abby smiled softly at your mothering nature,she loved that about you. You cared for everyone and every living thing. Through everything you two went through together that never changed about you.
Once her and Ellie had finally settled their differences,they were brought closer through you. Both of them grew up with you and didn’t want any tension. You quickly turned your attention to a giggly squealing Ellie,who was currently being tickled to death by Abby. “J-Jesus Abby!” Ellie spoke through small giggles,making JJ start giggling as well. You smiled at this and laughed at the two,seeing them bond made your soul happy. Abby eventually let Ellie go,carefully taking JJ from your hands. Abby had MAJORRRR baby fever,so when she got close enough to Ellie and Dina to the point were they let her hold JJ she was extremely happy. You glanced over at Ellie who giggled softly,slyly pushing you closer to Abby who seemed to not notice. You found yourself staring at her muscles,like usual. Her tight black shirt did not help the fact that they were practically screaming to be let free from her shirt. Ellie caught onto your staring and cleared her throat,”Sooo,(your name) how is everything with your boyfriend?” she spoke. Right..your boyfriend. Truth be told things between you two were getting rough and you couldn’t stand being with him,you wanted Abby. But Abby’s sexuality was..confusing. You,Ellie,and Dina couldn’t tell if she was straight or a full on lesbian. She looked the part but she was with owen..was. You never questioned why they broke up,Ellie did though. She was too curious not to ask like she’s always been. Turns out she wasn’t into Owen as much as she thought she was,plus he cheated.
“Things are..ok I guess” you spoke after thinking about how the fuck you were gonna respond to that question. Abby could tell something was wrong and looked at you,confused and concerned. “What do you mean you guess? Is he cheating?” Abby asked,carefully watching your facial expressions. “Yeah..but don’t worry Abs,I can handle everything on my own I promise” you spoke reassuring her,you knew how crazy and overprotective she was over you. You were the closet person she had and she wouldn’t dare let someone hurt you.
Ellie checked her phone,seeing it was a message in the groupchat you four(Dina included) had made. Naturally you checked your phone as it went off,forgetting how close Abby was to your side. It was a message from Dina,asking if any of you three needed something since she was on the way to pick up JJ. Abby glanced over at your phone unintentionally and was caught completely off guard. Due to the conversation you four had last night showing up,Abby saw her contact name..“Muscle Mommy👀”. She truly didn’t know how to react and chose to ignore it,feeding JJ some of the baby puffs.
Dina eventually showed up with water and a bottle of beer in hand for Ellie,the water being for you and Abby. “Thanks honey” Ellie spoke smiling as she took the beer,giving JJ a small kiss on his forehead as Dina took him. Abby saw you struggling a little to get your water open,taking it from your hand. Purposely she flexed her muscles a tad when opening your water,your eyes quickly flickering to her arms. “Here you go cupcake” she handed you the water smiling innocently,watching you slightly blush. Ellie seem to slightly catch on and chuckled to herself,downing some of the beer. “Jeez Ells,whose taking you home after that?” “Oh shut it Abby,you know you’re taking me home.” Ellie spat at her,rolling her eyes. You giggled and drank some of you water,glancing down at Abby’s arm once again. You three sat there on the swing set talking and just blabbering about whatever came to mind for the next hour,taking time to catch up on everything.
Time passed quickly and soon enough you three were all in Abby’s car,passing a joint between the three of you as she drove to drop Ellie back off at home. Abby was always careful when it came to smoking while driving,she valued you and Ellie too much not to. Eventually y’all had arrived to Ellie and Dina’s shared home,Ellie stumbling out of the car making you and Abby laugh. Dina signed a thank you to Abby which she signed you’re welcome back. You always wondered when the two of them had time to learn sign language but never questioned it. As soon as Ellie left,the tension rose between you two.
“Muscle mommy huh?” she broke the silence with a question,watching your face through the mirror. She smiled watching you slowly realize what she was talking about,blush creeping to your cheeks ears turning red. You were already high,so was she. Abby suddenly pulled over into a secluded empty parking lot,crawling into the backseat with you. She suddenly pulled you onto her lap,grabbing your chin so you wouldn’t look away. “Abby..” you whined,shifting around on her lap feeling something poking your already wet throbbing cunt. “I’ll give you everything you want..if you answer this one question.”she spoke,looking into your eyes. She wanted this just as much as you did,no matter what she did to escape these feelings it never worked. “Do you have feelings for me?” she asked,watching your face closely. You nodded but that wasn’t enough for her,she wanted to hear your voice. She wanted you to say how much you really loved her. “Words sweetheart” she spoke softly,sliding her muscled arm around your waist. “Fuck..I do Abby,I always have just- please..” you pouted,wanting her to touch you more.
Abby smiled and decided to finally give in,pulling you into a lustful kiss. She moaned softly,enjoying the taste of your lips on hers. She reached for your zipper,pulling away from the kiss and looking at you for a sign of consent. You nodded,giving her the green light to continue so she did. She unzipped your jeans,letting you slip off her lap to pull them completely off while she slipped her sweatpants off. Your eyes were immediately drawn to her strap poking through her boxers. She pulled you back onto her lap,making you let a soft whimper slip from your lips at the sudden feeling of her strap pressed against you. She loved the sound of you whimpering against her,leaning forward trailing soft kisses along your neck. You gently ran a finger under the waistband of her boxers,sending a shiver down her spine. You mentally cursed feeling her happy trail along your finger,continuing to run your finger against her sensitive waist. “Fuck it.” she whispered lifting you up and sliding her boxers down,switching her position so she was laying on the seat. You immediately got the hint and crawled between her legs,taking the tip of the strap in your mouth. She slightly whimpered,watching you take the whole thing in your mouth without choking once. She was slightly surprised,I mean the strap was 8 ½ inches and she didn’t expect you to handle the whole thing down your throat like this.
She left a moan slip,watching you bop your head up and down on her cock feeling it pressing against her throbbing clit. You looked up instantly,smiling mentally at this and continued making sure she felt it. Abby was damn near a whiny mess the entire time and you absolutely loved it. She suddenly tugged your hair pulling you off of her strap making you whine but nonetheless you knew what was coming next. You crawled onto her lap,lowering yourself slowly onto her strap letting out the sluttiest moan. She watched you carefully,loving the sight in front of her. She felt so damn grateful and lucky to be able to see you like this,she felt like she was the chosen one. Letting yourself adjust for a moment to the feeling,you slowly began bouncing. You were only doing this to hear Abby start whining again to which she did. “f-fuck..just like that- please..” she started whining almost instantly. “Please what Abs? Use your words honey” you cooed softly,stroking her face as you sped up your bouncing. Abby couldn’t even speak,the feeling of her clit being stimulated everytime you slammed your ass onto the base of her strap making the harness rub and slam onto her clit made her unable to think of any words to say. You smiled at the sight,her mouth gaped open letting out the most pathetic whines sweat forming on her forehead making her soft blonde hair stick to her. It was beauty to witness this and to believe it was all for you,you couldn’t believe it. Your eyes trailed to her nipples poking through the tight shirt she wore,taking note that she didn’t have a bra on. Perfect. You reached down gently toying with her nipples,making her completely lose it. “m’want..want you to-“ she tried speaking,giving up and letting the intense pleasure she was feeling take over her. You could only mentally chuckle to yourself,for a person as touch as she is she was such a slut when pleased just right.
Abby’s eyes shot wide open feeling you change from bouncing to grinding,her clit feeling every single movement. You threw your head back moaning,still playing with her nipples,pinching twisting and pulling her sensitive buds. “m’want you to c-cum on my cock..please” she whimpered out through her moans and whines,bucking her hips up into you. You were on the verge and desperately needed this,resting your knees next to the sides of her thighs. “Want it that bad hm pretty girl?” you teased,rocking your hips slowly. She could only nod,feeling herself on the brink of an orgasm. You finally let go,letting out the loudest moan heard to mankind. Abby valued the sight of looking at you,her own orgasm clouding her mind quickly though making her mind go blank. She laid there for a second,chest rapidly rising and falling seeming as if she couldn’t even catch her breath.
Slowly you got off of her,damn near falling over. Gently scooping her into your arms pressing her head against your chest to calm her. She listened to your heartbeat,slowly being able to catch her breath. You looked down at her,completely in love,she looked so fucking pretty when she’s like this. “Abs..I love you” you whispered out softly,pressing soft kisses to her forehead.
“I love you too sweetheart..”
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fernhelm · 4 months
pls talk more about narcissa
welll since you asked….
౨ৎ ˖ ࣪⊹🦢⊹₊ ⋆୨ৎ
she’s her mother’s dress-up doll, she’s clytemnestra, she stabbed the dark lord in the back, she’s precise, she made an unbreakable vow to protect draco, she’s a strategist, she just wants to be left alone, she’s the ugly little duckling, she’s a lake that looks placid on the surface, but is raging underneath. if there’s one word for her, it’s bitter. she did everything she was supposed to and got fucked anyway.
narcissa in canon is defined by her role as a mother in a similar way to lily, but she is a mother who is present and therefore is able to disappoint; who sends her son sweets in the mail, but fails to protect him from joining a cult at sixteen….she is so interesting precisely because of those contradictions. she is the devoted wife & mother, ensnared by the same black family allegiances & obligations as the others, but she fights to create her own paradise within that aristocratic hellscape while still obeying its rules. she wants her cake and to eat it too. to belong to a crumbling, stifling magical dynasty and still raise a son turns out okay. her house is her domain (“this is my house, bella, you don’t give orders in my…”), it’s the small bit of power she’s carved out for herself. and you’ll have to pry it out of her cold dead hands.
my narcissa has really intense control issues. i think she has some paranoias & anxieties around eating. she likes to look impeccable so no one can sense the disaster going on inside. she enjoys the riches and prestige of being a black or a malfoy but she’d sell every piece of jewelry in her jewelry box to read a book alone by the sea…to me, she is a lesbian and she knows it, it just isn’t something she’d ever be willing to acknowledge. of everyone, she is in the most need of a rage room. imagine her in vintage dior and a black headband brutally beating the shit out of lucius’ car with a baseball bat (he cheated on her, and she wouldn’t care but he got caught and now it’s tabloid news.) after a childhood of disassociating to cope with her dysfunctional home, she has a hard time identifying her own emotions. she’s a marionette being piloted by a blonde chess prodigy in black patent leather mary janes. its like ratatouille. most of the time when she’s shaking hands and smiling serenely she’s thinking about a ballet performance or fencing or opera or wizarding history (i think she really likes history). in writing her it’s such a joy to explore who she becomes if she gets to do whatever she wants. what does she want anyway? outside of being a mother? do we know?
ALSO, something so fairytale perfect about her and her sisters…a pretty pair of three. she is the exact in-between of the two–if bella is fight and andy is flight, she’s freeze. she’s the little blonde outlier who was paraded around at parties until her face hurt from kissing cheeks. her sisters are the only ones who see through to the core of her. she needs both of them- bella as her shield and andy as her sword. when andy leaves it’s like she gets frozen in time.
my favorite pairing for her is alice, but i can accept lucissa if they’re in the background of a drarry fic. her and alice would live in a sea-side cottage in france and run a winery or something. she’s the ice queen and alice is the knight in shining armor. finally someone wants her to have every good thing she’s ever denied herself. she’s supposed to be a good little lady, and i think alice would make her want to go wild and roll around in the mud. yum.
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sexysapphicshopowner · 10 months
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🤎 Context/AU (Alternate Universe): Modern AU- You and Sevika are coworkers turned best friends at her mechanic shop. She's having a little trouble telling you...something. She uses her Secret Santa gift to you to tell you.
🤎 soft!mechanic!Sevika x bubbly!mechanic!reader
🤎 CW/TW: lesbians being lesbians, Sevika is Sevika but you make her feel things...she's not sure what to make of that, blossoming relationship, pining, christmas, santa, fluff, pet names, first kiss, mistletoe, suggestive talk (you gotta close your eyes though), no use of y/n, not proofread
🤎 A/N: I know I should be writing part 2 to 'Our Love' but this idea (and Sevika period) is giving me serious brain rot. Enjoy my probably ooc ass version of Sev. This sucks ass, butttt I'll make up for it with a better post later, I promise!!
🤎 Notes: most times, I will be explicitly writing a black reader. this is not one of those times. this is a fully ambiguous reader save for the gender- female. I'm a firm believer in the beauty of Sevika's scars so to keep them in this we'll say she's a surviving burn victim.
🤎 Word count: 2.7k
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🤎 You were one of the first people to apply for work when Sev first opened her shop
🤎 It was basically run by the two of you the way you became quick friends
🤎 You had come in, already dressed in a worker's jumper, the top half off and wrapped around your waist with a black cami on
🤎 If it weren't for how you were dressed, she wouldn't have even realized you were here about the job posting because she was too busy focusing on how pretty she thought you were
🤎 You started the same day
🤎 It wasn't like you two didn't notice each other, but you both put into your heads that it would be unwise for you to let your attraction go anywhere due to you guys basically running a business together
🤎 So every time you caught yourself drooling over Sev as she worked under the hood of a car, muscles rippling, grease covering her in smudges here and there....whew boy, let's just say you take a lot of....water breaks
🤎 She's no better either
🤎 The way her eyes follow your curves every time you bend over to pick something up
🤎 She stares at your lips whenever the two of you are talking, be it inside or outside of work
🤎 Speaking of which, you guys hang out- a lot
🤎 Within the first month of you working for her, she had already invited you over for dinner- as a friend
🤎 Once you guys become besties, you're over her place more than your own
🤎 You two will talk about any and everything together
🤎 At some point you call yourself trying to ignore your raging crush on your best friend and get a girlfriend
🤎 It ends in you being cheated on serially
🤎 You go to cry at Sev's the night of the breakup
🤎 This is the first time....something happens between you two
🤎 You're both drunk of your asses, you moreso than her
🤎 She's watching you intently as you curse out your ex and ramble on about all the things she wasn't meeting the bare minimum with
🤎 It's not until you've been silent for a while, lips no longer moving, that Sevika looks back up to your eyes, the two of you now dangerously close to one another
🤎 "What's wrong? I was listening I swear," she starts to defend herself
🤎 Your pupils are blown, your eyes glassy and your face flushed- whether from the alcohol, your proximity to Sevika, or a combination of both, you were too inebriated to tell
🤎 You reached up, fingers just barely grazing her jaw as you spoke
🤎 "Your face is so....you're beautiful..." you slurred, fingers ghosting over the scars that were etched into the lower left side of her face, trailing down her neck and disappearing underneath the collar of her t-shirt.
🤎 Her ears burned red hot as she just let you talk
🤎 You continued to slur on, but she chalked it all up to you being drunk until you said some words that made her heart beat faster in her chest
🤎 "'M not....s'posed to....I think....I like you...." you whispered as you leaned against her chest
🤎 Had you been a little more sober, you would've noticed the way her heart started to beat out of her chest at your words.
🤎 Actually, had you been a little more sober...you wouldn't have said that, but shhhh....
🤎 You were out like a light afterward
🤎 It wasn't until that night that Sevika started to get worse with hiding her feelings for you
🤎 She was taking you on more...friend dates
🤎 Buying you flowers because she knew you liked them and "I know you don't have anyone to get them for you right now, so..."
🤎 If you have a hobby like reading or maybe art, she's buying you new sketchbooks and supplies or she's getting you the newest editions of your favorites- all signed because hello??? she's that type of bitch fr
🤎 She gets you guys matching bracelets for your birthday after 2 years of friendship- yes, it's been that long now
🤎 Then comes Christmastime
🤎 You talked her a long time ago into doing Secret Santa with the peeps at the shop
🤎 She doesn't really see the hype, not having much experience with Christmas and it's traditions given her rocky relationship with her father, but she does it (only for you though)
🤎 This is the second annual Secret Santa for the shop
🤎 Just your luck, you don't end up getting Sevika like you wanted
🤎 That's okay though because Sevika got you
🤎 And you know she got you because of how much she's suddenly stressing the secret part of Secret Santa
🤎 Last year, she told you who she had gotten immediately, the two of you picking out your gifts for your respective people together and everything
🤎 Not this year
🤎 This year she doesn't tell anyone, not you, not anybody in the shop- and you know it, you asked around about it
🤎 She racking her brain trying to decide what to get you
🤎 Doesn't help that you're starting to render her useless
🤎 You're catching her spacing out while staring at you more often
🤎 She gets this fuzzy feeling and this misty look in her eyes whenever you're around
🤎 You kinda have an idea that she likes you back, you play into it
🤎 6 months ago, you had started returning her actions- buying her little gifts, making her lunch everyday because she'd forgotten one so many times that now she 'doesn't even have to worry about it', you plan a few friend dates yourself, you cuddle up to her more often whenever you two have your annual movie nights every week
🤎 It's all making her think maybe you know, but...last she checked you kinda liked someone
🤎 You hadn't told her who, even though you knew it was her, but in her mind she was competing with whoever this mystery crush was
🤎 She just wants you to look at her the way she looks at you
🤎 Back to Secret Santa though
🤎 The Christmas party is fast approaching and you still have no clue what the hell you're gonna do to figure out what Sevika's gotten you since you know she's your Santa this year
🤎 You've tried begging, bribing, snooping, everything at this point
🤎 She's keeping her lips locked tighter than a chastity belt at this point
🤎 The party is being hosted at Sevika's penthouse this year
🤎 You aren't allowed to help set up
🤎 You are not happy about that fact
🤎 "Relax, sweets...can't have you snooping in the gifts while we put them under the tree. You might accidentally see whatever your Santa got for you," she teased, running her finger playfully down your cheek
🤎 It was a trick. Your gift is in fact not under the tree
🤎 You decide to play her at her own game
🤎 If she wants to flirt and do all of this stuff for you, you'll do a little something for her as well
🤎 Everybody knows Sevika's got a thing for your body
🤎 You two are best friends
🤎 Best friends.
🤎 You know...those best friends that share a bed like they're a married couple
🤎 The touchy ones that make people question if they're actually secretly in a relationship
🤎 She's never shy about grabbing or smacking your ass- I mean you aren't shy about doing the same to her so it's fair
🤎 The two of you will regularly poke each other’s breasts in passing 
🤎 Whenever she’s driving you to you guys’ “friend dates”, she has to hold your thigh- will 100% make up some lie that it’s for your safety (“How does you caressing my thigh make me safer, Sev?” “You’re asking too many questions here, sweets. Do you want me to move it?” “.....no.” “Then let’s ride.”) 
🤎 So, with all of that known, you decided to show off said body for the party tonight 
🤎 You wore a form fitting dress that was advertised as a sexy Mrs. Claus dress 
🤎 The soft fabric clung to your body like it was practically painted on, the cute little fur trimmings not helping cover the fact that the hem stopped right at your mid-thigh 
🤎 The spaghetti straps and plunging neckline were hidden underneath your dramatic (faux) fur coat 
🤎 You topped it all off with a Santa hat and your matching bracelet Sev had gotten you 
🤎 Needless to say she wanted nothing more than to see what you had on under that coat when you were the last to arrive to party- a detail you made sure you kept since she refused to let you come over to help with set up for the party 
🤎 Her jaw actually dropped when you finally did take your coat off 
🤎 You teasingly closed her mouth, smirking almost knowingly at her, “You’ll catch flies, hotshot.” 
🤎 She’s flustered all night 
🤎 Not only because you seem to be genuinely flirting with her, but because she knows what she has in store for you
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Sevika was a bundle of nerves every time you looked up to catch her staring at you. You were drinking a glass of champagne, talking to...someone...she didn’t know, she was too busy looking at you to figure out which of her employees you were fraternizing with at the moment. 
The time to exchange gifts couldn’t come any sooner for her. 
She had been trying to work up the courage to just tell you that she’s in love with you for weeks now, and you with your games weren’t making it any easier. 
You’d take all her gifts with such a grateful smile, throwing your arms around her neck, pressing a kiss to her cheek, but then the very next day you were talking about your mystery crush again. 
You hadn’t said anything to the effect that you didn’t like all the advances she had been making, so she knew you at least felt...something for her...but she needed you to know exactly what she felt for you. 
You looked up to catch her looking at you again, throwing her a bright smile before you excused yourself from conversation with Danny and his girlfriend who’s name you forgot the second he’d introduced her, moving across the living room to go talk to her, “Hey you.” 
Boy if you could feel the way her heart was pumping and how sweaty her hands were the second you walked up. 
It took her a few moments- which you noticed- to find her voice, but she managed to smile back at you, “Hey yourself, Ms. Social butterfly. You’ve talked to everyone already.” 
You gave a soft shrug, “I mean, it’s not that hard to talk to them, I do work with them all, save for the people who brought their partners. Besides, I haven’t talked to you yet, hence why I’m over here.” 
“Hm, true, true....How come you didn’t bring your little secret crush? Not serious enough for that yet?” 
If only you know, huh? 
You gave a half-hearted shrug, “It’s...complicated.” 
“I see. W-” before she could continue, the alarm on her watch went off, signaling that it was time to exchange gifts. 
Seeing as she was hosting this year (you had hosted last year), she was in charge of pulling every gift from under the tree and giving them to whoever’s name was on them, that person then trying to guess who bought their gift. 
You didn’t get anything. 
There’s no way you couldn’t have been chosen. And no one else had gotten their gift from Sevika. 
With everyone else focused on their gifts, she pulled you aside into the kitchen, once again fdgety and nervous, “So...” 
“About your gift....before I....before I give it to you...I have to say a couple of things....” 
She looked at you for a few moments, you could see her contemplating in her mind what she wanted to say. 
She had spent hours in her mirror rehearsing this moment, yet now that it was here, she couldn’t remember a single word she had wanted to say to you. 
She blinked as your hand came up to cup her cheek, “Huh?” 
You gave a soft chuckle, stroking your thumb over her skin, “I said what’s wrong? You’ve been acting all weird with me all night. You’re nervous. Just tell me, babes, you know I’ll love whatever it is, especially if it’s from you.” 
That did not help her calm down. 
She closed her eyes and took a deep breath before looking back to you again, “Okay, so...I know that we’ve been really good friends for....a while now....but lately I’ve been thinking and....I....I like you...you’re nice...and you’ve managed to make 2 years feel more like 20...so...what I’m trying to say is that I....I’m-” 
Your lips pressing to her cheek in a fleeting kiss cut her off as she stared at you baffled, sputtering. 
You giggled again when she couldn’t come up with something to say, pointing above her head, “Sorry, couldn’t help myself.” 
She looked up to find herself standing underneath a sprig of mistletoe. Her cheeks flamed red as she looked away, pulling a small box out of the pocket of her slacks, “Here.” 
You eyed her for a few seconds before opening the box, gasping softly at the necklace inside. 
You knew that necklace anywhere. 
She told you about it the first time you slept over at her place. 
She had drawn up the design years ago, saying she was going to get it made when she fell in love with a girl. 
You were not emotionally prepared for more than a n ‘i like you’ tonight. 
Neither was your makeup when you started crying. 
She looked up worriedly, “You don’t like it....” she mumbled under her breath, sounding so unbelievably hurt. 
“No, Sev....I love it.....I love you.....” 
“You do?” 
You chuckled through your tears, “Yes, you idiot. Who’d you think my secret crush was? I thought you would’ve gotten it when I said ‘she brought me flowers yesterday’, but instead you brought me an even bigger bouquet the next day as if you weren’t the only person that had gotten me flowers.” 
She rolled her eyes, “Look, I just knew that I really, really liked you, and if I had to compete with someone else to show you how I felt, so be it.” 
“You’re cute.” 
“And you look like a drowned rat, stop crying sweets and let me put the damned thing on for you.” 
You rolled your eyes, turning around anyway as she took the dainty necklace to clasp it around your neck. You punched her in the shoulder, “That’s for saying I look like a drowned rat.” 
She took the jab in stride, pulling you closer to her as she lifted your chin with her other hand, “You’re the prettiest little drowned rat I’ve ever seen...” 
You bit your lip, looking away, “You’re gay.” 
“As are you, your point?” 
“My poi-” 
“Look at me when you talk, sweets.” 
She knew what the fuck she was doing. 
Even still, you brought your eyes back to hers, your voice soft as you whispered breathily, “I love you...” 
“I love you too....” 
“What now?” 
She looked back up to the mistletoe above her head, pulling you forward so that it was over you now, “I show you how to actually kiss under the mistletoe.” 
Kissing Sevika was instantly your new favorite thing. 
She tastes like bourbon and cigar smoke with a hint of cinnamon. 
Her hands went straight to your hips, pulling you flush against her, her lips were surprisingly really soft- you had yourself to thank for that for helping her “discover” lip balm- sucking you in and drawing all the air from your lungs. 
You had a giddy almost drunken smile as she smirked down at you, “I think that may be my new favorite tradition.” 
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🤎©️ All work belongs to sexysapphicshopowner. Do not use or repost my content in any way without my consent or permission. Thank you! 🤎
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🤎 Taglist 🤎:
@certainlynotasimp @trafalgardvivi @love-sugarr
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just a few reminders:
- first pride was a riot
- black & BIPOC queer people are the foundation of our entire nation and the global culture
- we owe most of our rights and progress to BIPOC trans women/femmes and different communities of lesbians, trans/gnc folks and elders.
- trans people have always existed, they are ancient and indigenous to many cultures and places and are SACRED.
- I’m glad you’re here and there is community out there for you, waiting with open arms. Don’t give up just yet, please.
- rainbow capitalism isn’t liberation
- we are all we have, be fucking better to each other
- lesbians have done so much for lgbtqia+ people and should maybe idk stop being erased for no reason
- biphobia is real and just bc your ex cheated on you doesn’t make it bi folks fault, you’re projecting babe
- being queer doesn’t dissolve white privilege, pls touch grass
- be safe at pride. they’re coming for us all and we need to protect ourselves.
- not everyone wants to use the word queer/dyke/fag etc. I’m glad you reclaimed the slurs used against you, me too, but not everyone wants to and you need to respect that. LGBTQIA+* exists for a reason.
- the black and brown belong on the flag.
- the A is for asexual/romantic or agender, not ally.
- get some pussy (or whatever you do (or don’t do)) and make space for joy! because black/queer joy is revolutionary and fucking righteous just as much as our anger is, too
- Juneteenth coming up too, issa parade in my city fr
- asexuals/aromantics belong at pride. Period. Full stop.
- safe sex is the best sex
- get tested!
- it’s okay to not watch the news. america is hell, go take a nap
- people 100% know themselves better than you ever will, people are who they say they are and you don’t get to decide that for them. respect pronouns, identity, etc. or argue w ya mama/god/someone else cause it ain’t finna be me ❤️
- you deserve relationships that feel safe and actually are safe. Don’t settle.
- learn your queer history. they won’t teach us. they took our elders from us.
- Black LGBTQIA+* history IS Black History.
- we all need to be thankful to the house mothers and the ballroom scene and those who gave us what we have now, regardless of who you are.
- don’t call yourself a stud if you’re not BLACK. wit a capital B and at least one BLACK parent.
- not everyone is out. happiest of pride month to y’all. you’re still gang and we love you just as much. 💗
- our collective liberation lies in the fact that we are all tied to each other. if you’re down for the gays but not the theys, you’re not as decolonized as you think you are.
- shout out to fanfiction writers who have been single-handedly providing queer art/content/representation for years while the industry continues to make a mockery of us or intentionally leave us out. one thing we gonna do is help someone find their queer awakening, and get that story right. love us 🤪 go team
- your life means something. it’s important beyond comprehension. you look good. your ass is fat (if you want it to be). get the mullet as a lil treat.
- LGBTQIA+* people across the board have ALWAYS existed in literally every culture and every continent (and Antarctica counts if you count the cute lil gay penguins😌). Don’t let them tell you different. We are not a “mInOrItY”, we have been MINORITIZED. we are not small, we are great and mighty and have ALWAYS been here. And we always will. We exist in the future just as we have existed in the past. We stand on the shoulders of MASSIVE collective ancestors. If that’s not an indication to keep going, keep fighting, keep laughing, dancing, voguing, and keep showing up authentically - then I don’t know what is.
- it’s gonna be ok baby. pinkie promise.
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soobinzzwallet · 4 months
Be my baby ? જ⁀➴
Jake is head frat boy and you need someone to help you get rid of your ex (frat) boyfriend. Jake loves you secretly but do you? And as much as him?
What better situation to be in :D
frat boy Jake x reader
TW: violence, rumors, abuse, slutshaming
note ♡ : Enjoyyyy! I might do part 2
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♡ 8:20 PM
Summer is back, the weather is more sunnier and warm on the skin and that means bikini's out and more house parties are back. More frat house parties. Where the craziest shits happen as in dealing,stripping and whipping out you know what.
For you hell only begun now, since you broke up with your ex "k". He has been bugging you left and right about how you're missing out or you lost a diamond. A diamond? Please he was a peace of shit. Cheated on you multiple time with diff' girls. You did Not take that.
But unfortunately for you, you couldn't just be alone and weep about the heartbreak. Your friend Yunjin obviously had to drag you to another frat party that oh by the way your ex is also part of. Yeah life sucks right now for you. But you couldn't say no to Yunjin. She'll kill you if you said the simple word of two letters n and o , " no" .
She wore a black skirt witha silver top that also had diamonds on them along with glitter. She also had black boots on along with a black and silver belt around her tiny waist and silver jewelries ofc.
You wore a black short who covered enough with ripped black leggings under the shorts. You also wore a graphic black T-shirt your dad use to own and over that a black zipper with your black converse. And for jewelries you only had your silver rings and chains. They're casual.
You don't eve know how she got them to let you in. I mean you weren't the typical girl they would invite. Even when you were still in a relationship with K, He would barely bring you. You had no problem with it tho. You felt uncomfortable going there. You'd rather read your books and stay in your cozy room and sleeping in your amazing bed.
But here you are... at a frat party where your ex is a member of. God please pray for me. The booming sounds of the music was clrear from blocks away now imagine if you were actually at the house party. When you arrived before getting out of the car you let out a big ass sigh. Because tonight was really going to be a long night for you.
♡ 8:50 PM at the frat house party
When you pulled up to the house you got hitt with a wave of smoke and a song scent of alcohol and aybe even drugs. You already begun to hate the decision you made to come to the party. Why does Yunjin have such a big effect on you? You're never able to say no to her, EVER! " Hey, let's go imma introduce you to my friends " she said.
You already knew her other girl friends who were mostly girlfriends of frat boys. They didn't like you for some reason, everyone if not most people thought you were a lesbian. And just because of a stupid rumor that K spreaded after y'all broke up. To save his ass and try to make people think he was a victim. "GUYS, this is Y/N. Y/N these are my firends, heeseung,jake,sunghoon,and jay my babyyy " she said.
they all introduced themselves and you did too. After that the one called Jake, he looked like a puppy more specifically a golden retriever. He had a black T-shirt and silver chainds and rings and a grey,blue mixed colors pants. They looked good on him, he looked good too. He was a solid 10/10 not gonna lie. He pointed at you in utter excittement " Hey our favorite lesbian ". Wich by the way he said it too loudly. You closed your eyes and internally rolled them and cursed under your breath before answering.
" I'm not a lesbian, it's just some stupid rumor!" you said trying to explain, hoping they would understand your situations. But you doubt it since they're prob friend with k. I mean they're in the same fraternity so, isn't that obvious that they would rather believe their own "brother". You just sighed again for the nth time today and decided to go look around the house and find a nice spot to chill.
You grabbed yourself a bottle of coke to have some sort of company while looking around. It was the usual college parties, drunk boys and girls. Dealers dealing , drinking , alcohol. A lot of alcohol and people being freaky in front of everyone ew. After a whie you thought you found a spot it was outside in the garden on a little secluded area from the rest.
You had a chair in hand from the bar and used it to sit on it and drink your coke while waiting for Yunjin to get done with whatever she's doing right now. You started rinking and enjoying the vieuw you had it was pretty. The stars were twinkling and they were beautiful too. It was when you almost finished your coke that you felt like you were hungry so you got back in and left the chair and the coke to go grab something to eat " maybe a cake would be good " you thought.
Your rushed trough the kitchen and trough the waves of bodies of drunk college boys and girls. It was when you almost got to your destination when suddenly a hand turned you around it was him. K grabbed your wrist and turned you around to look at him.
" Let me go! What do you want? "
" What the fuck are you doing here huh? "
" That doesn't fucking matter, let me go! "
" Oh don't worry i already know, you came here to slut around right? Trying to fuck the head frats huh? With your slutty bitch ass friend Yunjin-
You slapped him. You weren't going to take his shit anymore, no not anymore! But K didn't take that well, this time he choked you and pushed you to the wall. He put a lof of pressure in his hands that were on your neck. Since he was bigger and stronger than you, the pressure was even more. You almost couldn't breathe anymore and almost gave up when-
A bat was smacked into his head, k fell down immediatly he was now unconscious big time. You looked at your savior trough hooded eyes, the ffect was still hard on you but it became better slowly.
" Are you okay? "
you didn't respond, couldn't actually...
" Y/N are you okay? " you remembered that voice. It was jake one of yunjin's friends. The one that looked like a golden retriever. He picked you up with a little grunt and set you on a table not far from where you guys justs standed. He took your face in his hands and checked for any bruises.
" Can you please send me somewhere,please? " you asked him and he let you go telling you to lead the way. And you did, you walked back to the area a little further away from the partying people. Soon you noticed that your coke bottle was now empty. " Oh uhm yeah sorry i drank that " he paused and continued " what happened back there? If you feel comfortable telling me ofcourse. " you responded.
" My ex is crazy, i caught him cheating and he was a pussy and started spreading rumors about me and harassing me. Because he thought i would tell other people about it " you said between little pauses.
There was a long pause until he responded " there might be a solution for this " you raised an eyebrow at him and then you suddenly realised how close y'all were to each other. So close that it'll seem that you were kissing each other. You just kept looking at him. When suddenly he closed the gap between y'all and kissed you hard. I'm saying hand on your waist that also wanted to travel to your butt but didn't.
" The solution is be my girl, baby " he said smirking at you.
♡ 9:20 PM
No proofread
Also it's ike 1 AM here 😭😭 my sleeping schedule is fucked up
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cowboyellies · 1 year
august e.w. (1)
summary/ author’s note: hello! this is my first tumblr fanfic (also my first post because I’m not really sure yet how this website functions lol) I decided since it’s august to write an ellie fic inspired by the taylor swift song! (and the folklore love triangle in general) for those already aware of the story, ellie is supposed to be james, dina is betty, and the reader is augustine.  the characters are all supposed to be in the summer before they start college (18) so a slight difference from taylors lyrics. other than that the story is pretty much the same (aka angsty with a sad ending for poor reader </3) this is gonna be a multiple part fic so buckle up!
for those not knowledgeable in the folklore cinematic universe: after an awful fight with dina right before the start of summer (and dina’s three month long summer trip) ellie is left with unanswered questions about her and dina’s relationship and their future. ellie then meets you and pretty soon you begin a summer fling, leaving you questioning whether she was ever yours to lose?
warnings/themes: angst!!lots of it, cheating (womp womp), ellie is stupid and kind of a dick, reader is delusional and a little pathetic (me core), alcohol and weed use, eventual sexual themes (prob not in great detail because i suck at writing smut) talk of non consensual groping, homophobia (fun!)
word count: 2.1k
you decided to leave the prom an hour and a half early. the music was lame, the tacky decorations didn’t do nearly enough to mask your public school’s moldy gym, and your date, who you had made sure to inform multiple times that you were just going as friends, tried to stick his tongue down your throat in the middle of the dance floor. you said goodbye to your small group of friends who were still partying with their dates, and made it to the exit of the sweaty gym, making sure to toss the lame corsage you had been given in the trash on the way out. since your debt ridden public school had cheapened out at the last minute and moved the prom’s venue from a nice event hall two towns over to the gymnasium, your friends decided to skip the whole overly expensive limo thing and just take your cars. you made your way to your old but lovable station wagon and began driving the opposite way from your house. you knew if you came home this early your mom would bother you with questions so you figured you’d stop and get a slurpee to pass the time.
and that’s when you saw her, the girl you had seen earlier in the night awkwardly standing near the punch bowl fiddling with her thumbs while her date danced energetically with her friends. you had seen ellie williams before but never paid much attention to her. she had a famously close friendship with dina woodward, probably the most beloved girl in your small town yet she herself kind of flew under the radar. It wasn’t until tonight when you saw ellie in her black suit, arms linked with dina as they entered the dance that you realized they were definitely together. given your small town’s outdated views and ridiculously rampant gossip mill they could obviously never label themselves as together publicly, but you could tell. you knew the small town closeted lesbian look all too well. 
you noticed now as you approached the reddened stop light where you both would be waiting for the next minute that she looked really sad. her posture crumpled as she trudged along the broken cobblestone, a look one could only describe as heart broken across her face. Impulsively you felt your fingers moving to roll down the car window. you weren’t the type of person to involve yourself in anyone’s personal problems, but the mixture of your own shitty night and ellie's grim expression moved something in you to open up that window. 
“hey!” you called out to her across the sidewalk. her saddened daze broke and she looked up at you surprised, so lost in thought she forgot anyone else in the world existed. “get in!” you yelled, shocking yourself in the process. you watched as her face changed from confusion to wariness. you watched as she mulled the proposition over in head, registering your prom dress as a sign you had come from the same place as her and therefore most likely were not trying to murder her, only give her a ride home. she hurried over to your car before the light could turn green, shutting the door with intense force behind her making the both of you slightly jump. soon after the light turned green and you began driving to the 7-11 which was only a couple of minutes away, a 90s song quietly played in the background as you nervously tapped your fingers on the wheel, starting to regret your decision as you weren’t sure what to say. 
Ellie opened up her mouth a few times to talk, but realized she wasn’t sure what to say either. This night had worn her down to exhaustion and for the first time in hours sitting silently in your car provided her with a surprising sense of calm. as your car finally pulled into the neon lit 7-11 parking lot you finally turned to look at her. her expression while still sad had lightened a little and you noticed now under the intense lighting how pretty her freckles were. 
“do you want a slurpee?” 
you and ellie sat on the hood of your car quietly sipping your slurpees, yours a mixture of cherry and coke, her’s blue raspberry. the parking lot where you sat was vacant, the only other car there was likely the worker of the 7-11 behind you. 
“so…” you began to speak, putting an end to the comfortable silence. “prom was pretty great huh” you joked. she shook her head and smiled lightly, turning to look at you the first time that night. she noticed quickly that you were very beautiful, a fact that hadn’t crossed her mind in the midst of her heartache. she wondered suddenly why you had left the prom as early as her, another thought that hadn’t crossed her mind. 
“so um, dina, was she your date?” you asked, trying to keep your voice as nonchalant as possible, already knowing the weight behind your words. you noticed her body stiffen and soon regretted bringing it up. 
“sort of yeah,” she replied, her voice harsh. an awkward silence rested between you two until she began to speak again. “what about you, no date?”
“I wish, I had a date, jamie dawson. I thought we were just going as friends until he tried to grope me during the cha cha slide,” you cringed, taking another slip of your slurpee.
“gross. he’s a dick.” she replied. he was a dick, ellie had thought so ever since she caught him looking at dina’s ass while she cheered at last year’s fall pep rally. she wanted so badly in that moment to yell at him, inform him she was taken. but of course she couldn’t.
a similar situation is what led to her current shitty mood. she showed up to dina’s that night, crumpled corsage in hand as she nervously knocked on her door. she was greeted by dina’s dad. mr. woodward had always scared ellie since the first time she had met him in eighth grade. he made his disdain for ellie clear to his daughter, as he disapproved dina having such a close relationship with a girl like her, a girl who skateboarded around town in her dirty converse and boyish clothes. he hated how close they were and even though they had always done their best to hide the real nature of their relationship, he always suspected something was going on between them. when mr. woodward saw her at the door standing in her thrifted suit, his face crumpled in contempt, the first hindering in ellie’s confidence that night. 
she brushed past that as she made her way into the woodward’s foyer where dina and her friends resided. ellie knew most of the girls due to cheer performances and all the time’s dina had dragged her along to events like this, but she was never really close with any of them. along with dina’s friends stood their dates, most of them douchey football players who were among the bunch of boys who found pleasure in shouting homophobic insults at her in the school halls. the one nice one among them she recognized was jesse. ellie knew him from her astronomy class and had always liked partnering up with him for group projects, his sense of humor was similar to hers and they always found themselves being scolded by the teacher for laughing during lectures. 
she creeped inside awkwardly waving as the crowd eyed her entrance. dina wasn’t in the room and she quickly began to panic until jesse snapped her out of it by dapping her up. 
“ELLIE!!!” he shouted as he wrapped her in a bro hug. she found herself being thankful to whichever cheer girl brought him as her date. 
soon after dina descended from the stairs, scanning the room to see if ellie arrived yet. when her eyes landed on the auburn haired girl she broke out into one of her signature bright smiles. when she reached ellie she quickly wrapped ellie in a hug, making sure not to let the gesture linger considering her parents were in the corner setting up their fancy digital camera. “took you long enough,” she teased
“sorry I forgot your corsage and had to go ba-” 
“I’m just teasing you, I don't care,” she replied gently, reaching down to grab the plastic corsage container. ellie blushed, noticing since she’d arrived all of dina’s friends sporting much fancier corsages. “I love it!” dina beamed. opening the box for ellie to put it on her. dina’s parents eyed them from the side of the room, suspicious of the intimate gesture. The only reason they allowed dina to go as ellie’s “date” was because dina told them no one had asked her. that was a blatant lie, there was a day the week before prom where three boys had asked her in one lunch period. 
the group lined up for group pictures and ellie stood nervously, trying to look as platonic as possible posing next to her girlfriend of almost two years. soon when people began branching off to do couples pics, dina’s parents beckoned her over. ellie stood in her original position but could clearly hear the whole conversation. 
“we noticed that nice boy jesse is going stag, why don’t you two pose for some pictures together?” dina’s mom prodded, stroking dina’s hair. ellie tensed. 
“mom n-” 
“come on sweetie, when you're older don’t you want to show your kids pictures of your date from your senior prom? not pictures of you and your friend,” her voice hardening on the word friend. dina began protesting more but suddenly mrs. woodward was calling jesse over to them. ellie watched in the corner as the woodward’s began posing the two of them together. dina sported a tense smile while jesse, confused by the situation but happy he got to be in that close of a vicinity to a hot girl smiled brightly. 
after the pictures the group made their way into the big limo dina’s parents had rented. dina linked arms with ellie and quickly noticed her tense nature. “hey, i'm sorry about that,” she whispered softly. 
“s’ okay” ellie replied, forcing a small smile. she knew dina wasn’t at fault for her parents' insane actions, but that didn’t stop her from hurting whenever they pulled stuff like that. 
the rest of the night continued on regularly. ellie still felt awkward amongst dina’s friends but tried her best to put on a front for her. as she and her friends danced energetically to early 2000s hits, ellie stayed to the side, letting her girlfriend enjoy the night without having to subject her to her awkward dancing. she figured she would pop in during the slow songs, the light swaying they required being the only move she could handle. that’s why when the ridiculously corny ed sheeran song that for some reason dina loved came on, ellie began making her way to the dance floor. she stopped suddenly at the edge of the floor when she saw dina smiling as she swayed with jesse. ellie’s heart dropped when she saw their joyful expressions, jesse spinning dina at a completely different tempo than what the song called for, both of them laughing hysterically
in retrospect ellie should have known this supposed act of intimacy she had walked in on was just jesse dicking around and trying to ruin the slow song for the rest of the couples on the dance floor, but seeing her laughing and holding onto his hands made ellie want to hurl. so much so, she quickly exited the gym. trudging alone in the dark scraping her doc martens on the rundown cobblestone street until you came along, offering her a ride.
you watched as ellie finished her slurpee, her face bitter as she recalled the night's events. you didn’t press her on it any further, knowing by her expression whatever had happened was bad. 
“where do you live? I’ll give you a ride. I have to kill time before I get home anyway,” you said as you slid off your car's hood and began unlocking it.
“thanks,” she replied, mimicking your actions. after she got in the car she began thinking back to your last sentence. “why can’t you go home?”
“don’t want my mom asking annoying questions. you know, worrying about me and shit,” 
“I get that,” she thought of what joel would say when she returned home, all bleary eyed and disheveled looking. she realized she should probably wait to go home until she knew he was asleep. “actually, um if you don’t have anywhere to be… could we just drive around for a bit?” 
you smiled softly and placed your hand on the ignition, “sure.”
authors note: sorry not much happens in this chapter I promise it will get good in the next one I just wanted to introduce the story a little and try to explain ellie and dina’s relationship before I got into writing more about the reader and ellie🫶
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shadowriel · 2 years
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For Research Purposes Only — Art
Thank you to julxluna for creating this masterpiece of one of my favourite scenes from my Gwynriel fanfic. Writing this fic has felt like working towards a goal I never dared to dream, and I’m forever grateful for everyone who has supported me and who I’ve met because I took a chance on creating this.
In short, For Research Purposes Only has:
modern Gwynriel
a grad school & wedding backdrop
fake dating
You can read it here on AO3.
Read a snippet from Chapter 9 below:
Gwyn, too, felt her jaw drop at the sight. Azriel’s brown skin glowed bronze in the afternoon sunlight, his broad shoulders almost statuesque. Even without shadows, his muscles were well-defined, cut into his body like lines into clay. Gwyn’s eyes trailed his pecs, and the smooth skin of his abs where she could make out the slight sheen of sweat. She studied the black swirls of his tattoos, which Gwyn now saw covered the entirely of his upper arms and shoulders, curving down over his chest—they were a stark contrast against his otherwise glistening skin.
Azriel had his black t-shirt fisted in a hand. Smirking, he flexed his muscles.
Gwyn slapped her hands over her eyes.
“Put your shirt back on, Azriel,” she said.
She waited a moment before peaking at him between her fingers. He made no move to follow her command. No, he just lifted his arms above his head to stretch, drawing Gwyn’s attention to the V at the base of his stomach and the dusting of dark hair there.
Gwyn heard Feyre sigh behind her. Gwyn couldn’t believe it. She turned to glare at her friends.
She pointed at Feyre. “You’re married.”
At Nesta. “You’re going to be married in two weeks.”
At Emerie. “And you’re a lesbian.”
The three women just shrugged, and Gwyn doubted they were even listening to her. Their eyes were locked on Azriel, pupils wide as they delighted in his little performance.
Gwyn shifted her glare to Azriel, letting her eyes narrow and her expression darken. She made sure to only look at him above the neck. It was a hard task, Gwyn had to admit, but she silently applauded herself for her effort. Especially as Azriel continued to stretch and flex and move his body, letting light move over him like ripples in water.
“You’re cheating,” Gwyn accused.
His smirk widened. “And how would that be?”
Gwyn gestured in the direction of her friends. “You broke them.”
“And you’re unaffected, Gwyn?”
She swallowed. Nodded.
“Really?” He took a series of steps towards her. His gaze trailed over her body, at the biker shorts and sports bra she wore, at the slight redness to her skin. “That’s too bad.”
And then he was right in front of Gwyn, leaning down to behold her. He put a single finger under her chin, lifting her face until her gaze once again met his. Gwyn didn’t realize it, but she’d once again been staring at his chest. Her eyes flickered to the upturned corners of his mouth, and she felt him track the movement. His tongue darted out quickly to wet his bottom lip, and Azriel’s finger under her chin seemed to be the only thing keeping Gwyn upright. That, and his hazel eyes fixed on hers, challenging her with just a look.
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godeaterazathoth · 1 year
Issues I have with ikevamp
That I’m venting here because they won’t leave my skull
*Content warning, we’re talking about men in the past, they did some bad stuff*
Part 1, historical inaccuracies
I’m I history nut so this really gets to me, since I know the deep details of these peoples lives.
The timeline, ok so the game takes place in 18th France, correct me if I’m wrong but I think it is in the second empire (1852-1870) considered there is a noble class, yet you can clearly see the Eiffel Tower which was completed in 1889, there is no mention of the 1889 exposition, so it must be after the tower had become permanent, by then the 3rd republic was around, if we are in the republic the Count wouldn’t be called that by the npcs at all the parties he goes to, no matter which we’re in, NOBODY mentions Napoleon III at, NOT EVAN HIS UNCLE (WHOSE SOMEHOW BECAME CASS CONSCIOUS!)
How does the time travel work, example, Dazai died in 1948, his plan was seemingly to wait until he’s born in 1909 then kill himself as a baby, but then he decides to use the magic door, what are the consequences of 2 Dazais existing at once or him erasing himself from history, he’s a pretty important literary figure, does someone else replace him or does the space time continuum collapse?? Is the future Vlad sees set in stone or can it be changed, just copy someone else’s time travel bit!!!
So straight up these guys aren’t who they say they are, we’ll go through 1 by 1
Napoleon- doesn’t mention he left the love of his life to marry a girl 20 years his junior (like think how interesting it would be if he’s conflicted about love cuz he had to give it up for political reasons) -that scene where MC talks about all the ‘good’ that he did in Europe, like committing war crimes against the Spanish and Portuguese and Eastern Europeans, being a coloniser, killing the slaves he freed when they asked for more rights, killing thousands of men in a meaningless war (ligit H*tler vibes)
Arthur- goofy irl, literally believed in fairies, had 5 children and married twice but he never mentions any of this, he cheated on his first wife while she was dying of TB, he was a liberal unionist (tldr didn’t like Irish people) he was anti-immigration, might have committed fraud. We’ll get to the other issues I have with him.
Leonardo- fruity as hell, vegetarian
Mozart- they got his character completely wrong, the guy was a complete man child, vain, broke, by the end of his life his career fell off (Beethoven better composer), in love with his cousin 🤢, had a s*at fetish 🤢🤢🤢. The hole Salieri thing didn’t happen.
Vincent- they made him too mentally stable, I’m all for him being meek, but the guy had serious issues that they ignore, he ate paint thinner, was rejected by his both crushes, WHY DOES HE HAVE BOTH EARS, DID IT GROW BACK, THEY SHOULD HAVE LEFT HIM WITH ONLY ONE, also he should be ginger smh. Oh yeah and they never mentioned the s*ecide attempt.
Theo- doesn’t mention his wife, or son, WHO HE NAMED AFTER VINCENT, his wife is the person responsible for Vincent’s work not being completely forgotten, was way nicer irl.
Issac- tbh hotter irl, low key ace, maybe a fruit, kinda mean, the only thing they got right was the major virgin vibes.
Jean- WHY MAN!??!! Even if the didn’t want a lesbian route, they could have gone with any other guy from the 100 years war, Edward black prince, idk WHY GENDER BEND ONE OF THE MOST PROMINENT WOMEN IN HISTORY, I’m fine with the delusional trans dude lie, but they say that he was a guy all along, THEN WHAT WAS THE POINT OF HIM BEING BURNT AT THE STAKE IF HE WASN’T CROSS DRESSING???!!! was he double cross dressing??? This is the worst of them all, give me the girl boss we deserve (revers fate)
Dazai- not depressed enough imo, he was a leftist, again missing wife, their were two su*ecide attempts, guy lived through fire bombing, had a few children that he is fine to erase from existence.
Shakespeare- probably a fruit, again never mentioned his wife and kids, btw the way he talks is annoying, some people don’t think he’s real.
Sanson- too young, this guys is 67, really liked the guillotine, just saw execution as his job didn’t really care, had a wife and kids.
Vlad- Ok is he supposed to be Vlad THE impaler? Cuz he’s not evil enough, or is he a Dracula reference, cuz he can’t dance that dance either, why did they call him Vlad if he isn’t a blood thirsty war criminal.
Count- not enough history to work with.
Part 2, problematic moments
So I ha have seen some posts on the low key misogynistic way the MC is written and treated and there are a lot of issues wit white washing history so another trigger warning ⚠️
Misogyny- the MC of this game is not the best, I know she’s a self insert but she has no backbone at all. She lacks agency I’m most of the routes, like the MC getting kidnapped is a troupe in all these games, but Emma can escape on her own, Kate has ⚽️, even Alice had more depth to her, seems the only thing MC can do is cry and wait to be saved, I swear she gets kidnapped once in every route, I think they could have given her more character to work with. Another thing, but Jean being a man is bad, really bad, she’s a feminist icon but they made her a man, it’s sought of saying that women aren’t capable of this so she had to have actually been a man.
Handling of SA, important one here, I’m ok with the flirty guy, but I really hate Arthur, he doesn’t just flirt with her in chapter 1 he assaults her and acts like he did her a service, and she just forgives him!?! I’m fine with a guy that sleeps around, I like Jin and Nokto fine, but the way Arthur talks about women, always calling them Birds (if they were going for English slang it doesn’t work cuz he doesn’t have a cockney accent) or worse Skirts, it’s dehumanising, and shows that to him women are vehicles for sexual pleasure and aren’t on an equal level of understanding. There are smaller parts to, Leo kisses her without consent, the Count hides the truth from her, idk but Theo calling her a ‘hound’ sounds like he’s calling her something else…
Minor points on classism, I’m not expecting the communist manifesto, but all these games aren’t very good at dealing with class deviation. In Vlad’s route, the orphan boy thinks he can impress the rich girl, this is the 19th century, capitalism is on the rise, but there’s no comment about how it’s impossible. The little school Napoleons runs is strange, considering he was in a position where benefited from poor people existing and staying poor, ( side note, he’s teaching them swordsmanship when ww1 is right around the corner, just saying they won’t need it in the military) called MC out as a social climber, these games sought of depict the past through rosé tinted glasses, there’s only passing reference to how fucked people were in the past, Also all the historical inaccuracies above tie to this.
Anyway love to hear some other opinions, (I started playing this game before my transition and have always thought it it was wired, it’s my personal least favourite just cuz I couldn’t really get into any of the guys, my OC ended up as a Carmilla reference so….)
I have seen a post talking about some of the issues before so that’s what got me to write this out, if you disagree or want to add anything I’m all ears 👂
Thanks for reading 💗💖💖💕💓💝💗🥰🥰🥰❤️✨✨✨✨❤️⭐️⭐️⭐️
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cassiopeiasara · 3 months
Both of the characters in your 9-1-1 ship. I want to hear all about them ❤️
I’m assuming you mean the lesbians so let’s go ;):
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We’ll start with my girl Karen Wilson
How I feel about the character: MY BELOVED ROCKET SCIENTIST! So I started the series bc I knew there was a lesbian firefighter but NO ONE mentioned that her wife was so fucking incredible AND played by Tracie fucking Thoms! I think it’s actually pretty incredible that not only did they give Hen a black woman as a wife (gosh monoracial wlw pairings are not only SO RARE but both of them being woc much less black women is like finding a fucking unicorn) but also someone as Hen says with a job cooler than hers. I love my astrophysicist so much.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Hen, her lovely wife.
My non romantic OTP for this character: I really fucking adore Karen and Chimney a WHOLE LOT. Especially with the way Karen is about work and how she can come off, I think it surprised her that Chim even wanted to be friends with her in the first place but my guy is so good at finding the best people to hang out with and the fact that he thought she should be with his best friend speaks multitudes for how amazing he thought she was. I also loved seeing her work friend Zainab. They definitely have a lot of fun together.
My unpopular opinion about this character: I don’t think I have one?
One thing I wish would happen in canon: I just want more of her. I’d LOVE to meet any or all of her four siblings.
Now onto Hen Wilson
How I feel about this character: Finally a canonically stud I can drool over constantly. Seriously though I love Hen so deeply. She’s so passionate and caring and freaking stunning. She’s a great friend, a good wife and a great mom.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Karen, her one true love.
My non romantic OTP for this character: Hen and Athena is very much #1 but Hen and Chimney is something so special that they’re a different #1. These two are the absolute definition of platonic soulmates for real. I need so much more of their side comments and shenanigans forever.
My unpopular opinion about this character. So a lot of folks like to skip her arc in s1/pretend it never happened. And I get it, I do. I hate cheating narratives and while I don’t think it was necessary, I get its narrative place. Especially as you continue to watch the series. I think a lot of times we talk about Buck, Bobby and even Chimney being lost in s1 but Hen is too. And Hen like many first responders is attracted at her most vulnerable to chaos. Eva was her first love but Karen is her fought for and chosen love and she needed to be sure of that. The cheating arc is one way to do that. Once again, I don’t think it was necessary but I do see its purpose.
One thing I’d like to see in canon: can she get a break for like an episode?! Geez. I’d like Hen’s leadership acknowledged for how good it is because it is good.
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Just to not not comment on it -
Horrified and appalled on behalf of the athletes concerned, but unsurprised that JK Rowling and her friends have shifted down the track to now accusing cis women that aren't feminine 'enough' for their perception of being trans women or AMAB, even in the face of all logical sense (one comes from a country where even being gay or lesbian is verboten, let alone openly trans) or with any sense that these are real people who your words will *really* endanger.
This was always going to be the route she would end up corraling herself down; meeting many hallmarks of being in a cult; she and her friends alone know a 'secret', they have 'special knowledge' to 'solve a mystery'. She's not living in reality anymore. Someone who was living in reality who genuinely suspected a stranger of being trans and cheating at sport would do some research and reach a logical conclusion based on that - they wouldn't just make a completely unfounded accusation.
It hasn't passed me by that these are women of color too. That's another aspect of these Terfs exiling themselves from the general public. Not unlike incels for another example, they've already established an implicit in-group standard that informs and underlies their rhetoric - in dog whistles for now, but only until they've shifted the dial and feel safe to come out with it openly - or until one of them slips up and says something that was meant to stay in the shadows of implication and only suggested threat. That standard may have been wider at first, but it's only going to narrow - it already is.
Personally, I wouldn't want to be Alison Bailey or Kathleen Stock when the wealthy white straight women with the most power in the group decide that lesbians or Black women with short hair who don't wear makeup don't, in fact, have just as equal a claim to womanhood as they themselves do, and that they may in fact be 'spies for the enemy' or some other ridiculous claim and so should be excluded - and targeted - just like all the other categories of women or femmes they've already written off.
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bohemian-nights · 9 months
Fuck Rhaenyra, fuck the writers with this sapphic plotline they invented, it's simply pathetic, and fuck Emma D'Arcy who is the cause of that. Im sorry but why trans/LGBTQ agenda should be included, but then they don't care about racism? Cause Laena has bee treated awfully, next is Nettles, reduced to Daemon's new distraction/whim to cheat on Nyra and shows how bad husband he is, or even cut out to redeem him (?) This Show sucks. Fuck white privilegies. Fuck HBO and all the people who's supporting this trash. To all the people who kiss Emma D'Arcy's ugly ass, am i transphobic cause i hate what they did to Rhaenyra and to the story? Ok, and you're racist for using Laena as an excuse of made up ship (Laenyra) to shit on Daemon X Laena in order to praise your incest ship and for not wanting Nettles in the series cause could ruin it. Whatever happens it seems is always the black characters who gets sacrificed for the sake of white characters. I said what i said.
Um, this has the energy of this:
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Oh God you really let it all out there. Minus calling Emma ugly(again guys can we please not call the actors/actresses ugly), I don’t think you are wrong and I get your frustrations.
It’s pretty clear this show has an agenda, is biased towards one character in particular at the expense of basically everyone else, and has a misogynoir problem.
Now to be clear, even though Emma is going along with what is being pushed, I think it’s inaccurate to blame any of the actors or actresses on this show for what is happening. Because at the end of the day it’s the show runners and the execs at HBO who are calling the shots. Emma is just a mascot for their agenda(take that as you will).
They more than likely purposely picked Emma because they wanted to make Rhaenyra into some feminist warrior queen who has a rainbow coalition of supporters against the conservative greens.
It’s corny, but with another character like say Rhaena the Black Bride(who’s already a lesbian) or even Visenya(who’s a warrior queen) it could work.
However the problem with choosing to make Rhaenyra into a revolutionary type figure/girl boss/feminist is that she’s the complete opposite of that.
Rhaenyra in canon is a racist to the point where she’s willing to use it to explain away murder, she mocks Laenor for being gay(says her half-brothers who are children are his type), looks down on and underestimates the small folk, and doesn’t even bother to help advance other women(Stokeworth and Rosby) in her class much less women like Nettles.
Her and Alicent have a completely different relationship dynamic in the books than in the show.
She’s selfish and self-focused. She’s malicious bordering on sadistic. She even puts her own children in danger for her own wants.
And before her followers go moaning she’s done too many things to claim that she’s been wrongly framed by the narrative. No sane person is chopping off heads and feeding it to dragons or trying to murder innocent women in their sleep. That’s not maester propaganda. She’s objectively awful.
She may be a woman, but she’s no better than her brother. Women can be just as awful as men(for Christ’s sakes look at real life not everyone is wrongly accused because of sexism). Rhaenyra shows that. Even at the last moments of her life she pretty much has zero remorse IMO.
For those reasons, I absolutely hate that the show is trying to redeem her. I hate how they cast Black actors to use them as human shields to make her look progressive, to lessen her atrocities, and even to make her something like her death look less atrocious.
Fans see Black people(the characters) supporting her vs. the mostly white greens they go that’s the progressive team(that ideology is so f*cked up). They even have Black fans supporting Rhaenyra because of all the Black secondary characters.
Never mind that these characters(who are race-bent) are being screwed over by the narrative, haven’t been presented in the best light, and have had their stories be rewritten to better serve Rhaenyra and make her look sympathetic/noble/just. The best who are treated way worse than their white book counterparts.
They added Ser Vaemond calling Rhaenyra a whore to justify Daemon killing him when in the books he rightfully calls her out and gets unjustly beheaded and feed to a dragon as a result on Rhaenyra’s orders. Then his sons and cousins get reprimanded by with some getting their tongues cut out, but that’s all been cut out.
Instead of showing that was loved or at least cared for by Daemon like in the books show Laena has been regulated to sorta second best(third best if you factor in the Viserys situation). She’s unloved and unwanted. Her suicide is made into a girlboss/empowering moment instead of being criticized for what it is away to make Rhaenyra’s death look better. Laena’s character is a walking stereotype(disposable Black girlfriend, look it up).
The audience eats it up of course and instead of calling out making her into a stereotype they are upset that the show did not make the non-canon throuple situation happen so they could get more brownie points for their I love Black people, I'm not a racist, I just don't want that Black person who isn't a plot device on the show act.
(I’m calling it non-canon cause you can’t only use the word fond to support a relationship, especially when you claim that word means nothing when it comes to Dettles which has more evidence than a single word).
Even Laenor has been made into a deadbeat dad. Corlys looks stupid. The girls have been given nothing to do. Addam’s whole purpose is to scarifice himself for Rhaenyra which is why they are highlighting him so much.
It’s absolutely disgusting.
I have no idea what they are going to do with Nettles, a character who doesn’t need to be race-bent cause she’s already Black, but based on their track record it could be terrible(I’m holding out hope though). She shouldn’t be treated like she’s just some whore or Daemon's mistress. She has her own plot, she’s loved by, and she’s one of the few survivors of the dance(and one of two dragonriders).
If the show was decent at all they’d do the right thing and show her as the multifaceted character she is and not regulate her into another stereotype(I guess they’d go the Jezebel route).
I totally get where you are coming from on the racism aspect. This is obviously lost by most though. Hell, most in the fandom are racist themselves, but skirt by because they like this show using the Black characters as human shields. It's a circus.
And no one is going to take this rant seriously since you went a little too far. All they are going to focus on is you calling Emma ugly, which again was uncalled for, but I get the essence of it.
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