mugenloopdalove · 6 months
Got an interview tomorrow, gotta call someone back as well, Macy's isn't even doing interviews just hiring people on the spot so I gotta watch my email, and another interview Wednesday.
There is hope.
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ziggyzolch · 2 months
Queen Bee-atch Ⅰ (Regina George x Reader)
Summary: You, a self-proclaimed loser, are going into Junior year with one goal in mind: Avoid Regina George. Nobody notices you, so it shouldn't be too hard…right?
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Light seeps through the blinds and birds start to make themselves known with their melodic chirps. Aggressive rustling can be heard from outside your door as you throw a mini tantrum on your, now ruffled up, sheets. Sleepless nights weren't new to you, but they don't get any less frustrating. You stare at the ceiling for a good 30 seconds before finally pushing yourself off your bed. Walking to turn off the air conditioning, you trip over god-knows what and fall flat on your face. The first day of junior year and you're already contemplating ending it all, on the floor of your dump of a bedroom, laying next to a-
"My mascara!", you exclaimed as you sat up. You lost that thing ages ago. You get up, taking the mascara with you and make your way into the bathroom. Becoming a junior wasn't anything you cared for. After sophomore year, the illusion of high school you created in your head had melted away, leaving behind a hollow teenage girl that just wanted to get it over and done with.
Putting away your mascara, you catch a glimpse of yourself in your mirror. A bed-head ridden girl with deep eye bags, which only seem to become more obvious with each passing day, stares back at you. "God, I look horrific," you thought out loud. A habit, in hindsight, you needed to rid yourself of. Going through your morning routine, you think about the coming school year. 11th grade! Will this be the year you reinvent yourself? You could completely change yourself; The way you walk, talk, act, and dress!
Who are you kidding.
After successfully poking your eye with your eyeliner three times, you're done. You peak your head out your bathroom door, glancing at the cat-themed clock you've had since you were a baby. It's 8 am. Classes start at 8:15. Curses fall out of your mouth. Did time warp halfway through your routine or something? Running out of the bathroom you quickly change into your clothes, a worn out band T-shirt and black cargos. You can hear your mother cursing at you from downstairs as you make your way out your room. "You're going to be late on your first day, seriously?" Your mom deadpans as you reach the bottom of the stairs. "Whatever, mom, they don't even care."
Walking to school instead of letting your mother drive you was probably not the best idea, but you're too far from the house to care right now. You turn the final corner and arrive at your final location, North Shore High School. Approaching the doors, you can already make out two students face-mashing each other through the window.
You've been a student at North Shore since freshman year, but anyone could mistake you for a new student, if they even noticed you that is. You pride yourself in being able to blend in with the crowd. This school was filled with losers, so you fit right in. They had already been assigned, so you made your way through the various cliques grouped up in the hallways and to your locker. As much as you hated this place, it's what you're used to. You'd have a hard time adjusting to a new high school, at least at this one you knew who to avoid. You don't even think about it anymore since you don't run into them much- nevermind. "Watch it, freak!"
Great, of anyone you could've bumped into, it's the queen bitch, Regina George. "Whatever." you mumbled and began to walk away when you were pulled back by your bag and shoved back into the lockers...hard. "This is the part where you apologize, Gerard Way." she spits at you while holding the straps of your backpack. A bit of black eyeliner and suddenly you're emo at this school. She was a couple inches taller than you, making it all the more embarrassing, looking up at her. Wriggling around proves unsuccessful. Is there a gym-bro buried beneath her layers of pink and pretty or something? Getting out of her grip doesn't seem like a possibility, so you begrudgingly mumble out a "Sorry..."
She stares at you for a few seconds too long.
"Uhm...can I go now?" You ask. "Yeah uh, sure, whatever." She finally lets you go and storms away towards her group of all-mighty "biatches", or "Plastics" as some (mainly Damien and Janis) call them.
So much for not being noticed.
A/N: this is my first time writing, so any constructive criticism would be great! forgive any awkward wording or corny-ness. There are more chapters up on my wattpad and ao3, same username for both. @ziggyzolch
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thisisnotthenerd · 6 months
and now the best battles of the intrepid heroes go head to head
feel free to give reasoning/propaganda as you like!
the sidequest poll
quick episode descriptions:
arcade ambush: fighting biz in the arcade. the failed perception checks. getting sucked in and out of the games. riz in the palimpsest. beating a nat 20 in the box of doom. shooting off biz's fingers on the count of three.
broadway brawl: the show must go on. misty having the performance of a lifetime. queen titania. i may be little but i am fierce. esther in the rafters. don confetti. ricky, naked, bodyrolling on misty. stephen sondheim riding a bear. subduing titania with a waist trainer.
blast from the passed: after the trial for gorthalax. completely indecipherable battle. bill seacaster kills gilear. johnny spells can't get a word in edgewise. statistically i have just a good a chance at rolling good as any of you. toxic masculinity is dead, i dance now! riz is blasted off the ship into the iron city of dis.
boys' night (Roll20Con): just the lads, going to a party, where they are supremely uncool. extorting gilear for alcohol [uncle pappy's dag nasty rocket hooch] emergency poem for ragh and corey. stealth mode down the highway. chungledown bim is back. fabian falling under the car with the liquor. warping space time and going to the lan party.
deep bleu sea: peppermint batman is invisible in the darkness. primsy is attacked. jet sends stilton to the bottom of the ocean. shenanigan time. the boats sinking and shifting. cumulous appears. throwing the cheese marauders to induce a dexterity check. can i use swirlwarden to get back into the boat. annabelle in the yogurt
treachery at gramercy: fighting around the umbral engine. ricky's bat counterspell. pete surges twice. cody is a mounted combatant who read dante's inferno. tony simos is a crazy level 20 open hand monk. pete has subtle spell. ricky says tony get fucked and does 90 damage. kingston's spirits of the city. sofia stunning everyone. cody meets lucifer and makes a new contract. sofia pulls dale out of the past and into the present.
battle of the brands: the gang buys truly so much stuff. you are required to do a certain amount of drugs. barry is the angel of mercy. the sisters of the cosmic veil having a bikini party. taking kublacaine. we are the ball. barry taking brutus to the finals on a nat 20. nat 20 death save from aurora nebbins. margaret speaks to the plinth and then is down to 1 hit point. skip crits on the plinth. free teleportation shenanigans are not allowed. gunnie casts explosion. barry rapid shots the plinth and does product placement. operation slippery puppet. am i getting ocean's'd 11'd on my own fucking show? what the fuck is happening? a real son of a bitch is no more. sundry sidney has saved the dog!
terror on toy island: a soft little touch. mer-king's insect plague. no daddy. pib getting the little guys. i'm so fucking scared! the water surges around the mer-king. the terrible dogfish is here. daddy-meter is spinning. pinocchio crits to figure it out. pinocchio screaming to wake the dead. it has asthma! and another thing, with the eyes! you were about to instantly die. gerard is wearing full chain mail in the ocean.. rosamund & ylfa are swallowed. the sea witch shows up. murph causes a nat 20. call of destiny. rosamund gets the eye with a seven. i'm a lion in the water. pib's acrobatic crit. one v. one.
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pokopippitypop · 1 year
I've literally never read any of this segment Gerard Way wrote (?) for Rolling Stone about Queen before?? lowkey got jump scared by his name while reading this article /pos
My dad was a mechanic. He worked on a lot of bottom-of-the-rung cars that didn't have cassette decks. But they had 8-tracks. Somebody left an 8-track tape of Queen's Greatest Hits in a car — the one where they're wearing leather jackets on the cover, and Freddie's got the mustache. I loved it immediately, and I came to emulate Freddie both as a child and as an adult.
"Bohemian Rhapsody" is arguably the greatest song ever written. I'm sure people told them it was too long or had too many movements. But then it came out and just took hold of the world. When you're in a band and you find something that breaks every rule, it gives you creative hope. And Queen were always trying something new; none of their hit songs were paint-by-numbers.
When My Chemical Romance were making The Black Parade, we watched tons of documentary footage about A Night at the Opera, Queen's best album. We used Brian May amps and wrote songs with different movements. But we didn't try to make another "Bohemian Rhapsody." Whenever someone tries to do that, they fail.
I love the way Freddie performed. He would strike amazing poses; maybe he practiced them in front of a mirror, but he wasn't pretending to be somebody else. That was him telling the world, "This is who I am." I remember when the surviving members of Queen were looking for a singer a few years ago, I was like, "I would love to try it." Freddie's songs are just so much fun to sing, and he had such stamina. I would definitely have to quit smoking to be able to do what he did.
Queen fell in and out of being cool, maybe because they were so sincere. Rock music is all about being phony sometimes. And they weren't. They were obviously so psyched to be doing what they were doing.
They had a polarizing quality. I heard a story — maybe apocryphal — that Queen played a festival and got booed off the stage. Freddie vowed they would return as the biggest band in the world. And they did. When we played the Reading and Leeds festivals, we had to follow Slayer, and got bottles of piss thrown at us. I thought, "If we ever come back here, we're gonna headline it." I've always held on to the same dreams as Freddie.
Best Musicians, Artists of All Time According to Rolling Stone – Rolling Stone
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rosyronkey · 7 months
hi! i wrote an essay about rosy ronkey and her clothes, and i hypothesized what time period i think shes from/inspired by ^^ below if you wanna read more :))
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ive been fixated (or had a special interest or whatever you want to call it) on rosy ronkey for a YEAR today. i've always been pretty interested in her outfit from an aesthetically pleasing point of view, but recently i wanted to see if i could find any trends and time periods in the inspirations of her clothes, which is what this essay is about! it’s going to be an explanation of most of her clothes, top to bottom, from what i can assume with the research i've done. i say research, but i probably don’t have the best sources? they’ll be linked below, but it was really more cross-referencing than anything else lol
i reached out to annie montgomerie for comment/criticism, but she’s obviously very busy and i enjoyed my research from a subjective point of view :)
basic specs on rosy (no one else but me cares): looking at rosy, the only zoomorphic, or animal looking, aspect of hers is her head. judging by proportions and cross-referencing, she looks to have the body of an american girl doll. this is just what i’ve noticed, but annie’s most recent stuff is way less anthropomorphized compared to rosy and the group she was made with. looking at annie’s most recent exhibit, hand me downs, every single piece is completely animal, with hand-sculpted claws, paws, wings and hooves. some of these dolls legs still look like american girl doll legs, but most everything else is animalistic. this isn’t important, but i just thought id mention it because artists’ growth over time is cool!
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starting with her coat, it looks like a double-breasted red childrens’ coat with two rows of two buttons each. these kinds of coats are still available today, but i could find the closest matches by looking at 1920s childrens’ coats, specifically rothschild coats. the rothschild family has a long and complicated history, but all that’s important to know is that they are new york based (which doesn’t totally fit my assumptions about her; in general i assume all of annie montgomerie’s dolls are british because of her nationality) and they’ve been in business for over 100 years. by cross-referencing the growing style of double-breasted coats in the 1920s, and the style of rothschild childrens’ coats in ads from the time, i feel like it’s easy to assume rosy's character has this coat, or at least was very heavily inspired by it.
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a theory i’ve seen before is that the ticket on her coat is a luggage label. these were used during WWII to evacuate british children during the blitz. the history press site says luggage labels listed “name, school and evacuation authority,” and is also where i got most of my information. i want to tentatively deny this theory. i'm pretty sure the ticket is an annie montgomerie staple opposed to a part of rosys' character. she's shown with the tag in the yorkshire sculpture park video, and on gerard way’s website, but she’s missing it in all the photos posted by annie montgomerie herself on facebook and instagram. almost every single annie montgomerie piece on display or for sale has a tag as well. i love this theory, and it’s probably what got me interested in researching her outfit in the first place, but i don’t think i could prove it if i tried.
other than the ticket, she has white roses on the left side of her coat and some smaller twigs? sticks? pinned to her collar. white roses symbolize purity, youthfulness, innocence, and in some contexts, respect for the departed. i couldn’t find any historical photos of children with roses in their outfits, but across the board that was the result i got for their meaning. i can’t discern what she has on her right collar for the life of me, if someone else can figure this out, PLEASE tell me
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her dress is pink, with a cinched embroidered waist and a peter pan collar. peter pan collars became popular in the 1920s, and have been a staple of childrens’ dresses since (sources for this one were a few blogs and wikipedia, but also some ads, so i feel pretty confident with it.) some ads for girls’ dresses in the 1920s had the same soft pleats and embroidered waist as seen on rosys’ dress. i don’t think there’s a meaning behind the color, except that it compliments the red coat and her fur.
her stockings are standard, I couldn’t find much special meaning behind them, british children have been wearing stockings forever, and for girls especially, stockings became more popular in the 1920s as dresses got shorter. usually they were sheer and nude, and rosys’ look like the gray kind kids wear today, but i think it’s still period appropriate to an extent. her shoes look like red mary janes for american girl dolls, just more scuffed and dirtied. mary jane shoes themselves have been around for a while (called “bar shoes” originally,) but they got their name in 1904. in one of the first drafts for this, i read the fairy tale “the red shoes” to see if it offered any insight. i thought it’d be fun to relate, but it’s just a popular danish fairy tale, and it was hard for me to entertain the idea for long.
TLDR: i think rosy ronkeys outfit is inspired by british 1920s fashion!
that’s all I have! i apologize if this was underwhelming or overwhelming or whatever, i had no model to base this off of and the only tumblr essays i read are from my friends <3 i hope you enjoyed! i love rosy ronkey!
link to my dumbfuck google doc with all the links and braindump on it :)
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ohimtherebabey · 1 year
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a very special and personal scrapbook commemorating the shows i went to on MCR's return tour
to the best of my ability, picture credits are below the cut
mk1: (gerard in the metaman mask) @/allltherage on twitter, (gerard with no mask) abbie shipperly for alt press, (frank) @/maryamtbh on twitter, (gerard holding the flag) me
mk2: (gerard top left) anieck, (gerard bottom right) yas cowan
mk3: (gerard) sarah louise bennett for dork, (piss & vinegar) frank iero, pride flag @/desolationhoe on twitter
dublin 1: (bass drum) mikey way from his instagram story, (frank and gerard, mikey) me, (ray) @/katieshox on twitter
dublin 2: (mikey) @headfirstforheadshots on tumblr, (gerard) tony burke, (frank) from MCR's twitter
warrington: (both) me
cardiff: via @mcrbois on tumblr
glasgow: (frank) calum buchan for the modern record, (mikey) me, (gerard) jack geddes
paris: (crowd, mikey) nicko guihal, (gerard) chloé bunel for above the noise
rotterdam: (all) eva van den bosch
budapest: (gerard) @/allltherage on twitter, (mikey) alex toor
warsaw: (gerard) @/ze.omer.mizrahi on instagram, (mikey, frank) @/photos4masses on instagram
prague: (crowd) me, (gerard) jan nožička
berlin: (drumkit) @/__Youtai on twitter, (ray) @abcdefjay on tumblr, (gerard, bottom left) andrea friedrich for metal, (mikey) @/fihhlipi on instagram, (gerard, bottom right) cengiz aglamaz for loud live
raleigh: (gerard, top left) alexia blue, (drumkit) @sewerjewel on tumblr, (gerard, middle) scott sharpe for news observer, (ray) @/1eesa on twitter, (frank) @caintooth on tumblr, (gerard, bottom right) beemer for That
toronto: (gerard, top left; gerard bottom right, ray) @thelivingend on tumblr, (gerard, bottom left) angélica rincón, (mikey) @holdingonforever on tumblr
atlanta: (gerard, top right) @jacksmannequin on tumblr, (gerard, bottom left; frank; ray) alex toor
sunrise: (gerard, top left) @/MWhiteShelley on twitter, (mikey, frank) @kybercait on tumblr for ascribe, (gerard, middle) from MCR's instagram by mikey way, (gerard, bottom left) hannah howells, (gerard, bottom right) beemer
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Tourist Trapped: Smallest Emo Rythym Guitarist Falls Into World's Largest Bong Roadside Attraction, Fans in Uproar
41-year-old rythym guitarist and father, Frank Iero, was found this Tuesday morning, miraculously uninjured but inexplicably stuck at the bottom of one of America's lesser known tourist attractions, the World's Largest Semi-Smokable Bong.
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While bandmates and friends seem somewhat desperate to save their guitarist, fans seem content to pose at the scene for selfies and autographs - the latter being understandably more difficult to accomplish.
"He was small enough to get in this mess, you'd figure he'd be small enough to get out of it," frontman Gerard Way told the press at the scene of the incident. "Ah, well. He's got air, he'll be fine."
To ensure the guitarist does not go hungry, the remaining members of alternative emo rock band My Chemical Romance have come together to provide sustenance.
"See here," said Ray Toro, lead guitarist and cupcake connoisseur, "We've got all these chip bags, right? He loves these - but the trick is getting them in there. So we're kind of just chucking them in the air the best we can and hoping they'll make it in."
As he said this, bassist Mikey Way demonstrated for the assembled crowd, while his ever-supportive brother cheered him on in the background.
"That was a ten-pointer!" the frontman declared, the lucky bag of Doritos making its landing on the head of the presumably disgruntled Iero.
"Yeah," Way continued, squinting against the sun as he observed the scene. He took a long, contemplative sip of his Starbucks latte, then nodded. "He's alright in there."
While Way seems mostly unconcerned, rumors are circulating that a petition is in place to attempt to smoke the man if it receives 420 signatures in a 69 hour time frame.
In the meantime, a small gang of fans have posed the idea of assembling a crane outside the bong - not to rescue Iero, but to deliver his guitar to him so he can perform for the crowd, even in his time of distress.
Although this is certainly a trying time for the guitarist, some have expressed doubts as to what exactly the man was doing in order to have fallen into the monstrously oversized vessel in the first place.
"He went, 'I'm gonna blaze it!' and just fuckin' bolted," Way said to the press. "I've never seen him climb like that for anything. He was really goin' for it."
Foul play is not suspected.
Iero could not be reached for comment.
More to come as events unfold.
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lxversblog · 2 months
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WARNINGS: dom gerard, big age gap, reader is female, teasing ig, smut, degrading, use of swear words, pet names such as doll and baby, fluff
reader is 26 gerard is 42
You had been in this situationship with gerard for about 2 months and you felt so bad having to hide this from bandit. However you just couldn’t resist him; and how could you pass up all the moments after where he would hold you so close. He offered more than any man could.
It was supposed to be a one time thing. That’s how all situationships start. However when you see him giving you those glances you can’t stay away.
“Fuck we really shouldn’t do this it’s not fair to bandit” you said in a fit of heated kisses.
“But we are having so much fun already” he replied kissing you deeply and passionately while messing with bottoms.
“It’s not right to bandit” you say between kisses.
“Yet you love it because your my slut” he growls as you whimper against his lips knowing he’s right. You do love it, especially when he thrust in all the right ways.
“Lift your hips doll.” he whispered in your ear as you did just that on command like always.
He pulled your pants off with one quick swipe before moving onto his own. The sight was enough to turn you on. You watched as he pulled out his cock, biting your lip you opened your legs for him needing him more than ever.
“Dirty girl legs already open for me.” He spoke in a raspy low tone filled with lust as he teased your entrance. You whined not being able to wait any longer.
“Please stop teasing baby.” You looked up at him with a submissive glare gasping as you feel his full length.
“So fucking tight.” He groaned out to himself as he started to thrust into you holding your hips and taking you all the way down to the base.
You moaned feeling him so deep inside you. No matter how wrong it was it always felt better. As he quickens his pace your hands make their way to his back making marks down his back.
Feeling the stinging pain in his back he groaned. Quickening his pace he placed his head in your neck as he sped up.
“You feel so good baby” he praised in your ear listening to you whimper
“Gee im gonna cum! fuck!” you yelled out as you got close to your climax
“Fuck me too!” he groaned as he looks into your eyes.
“Let’s cum together.” He says as you both reach y’all’s climax together. You moan feeling him fill you and he groans as he watches it all spill out of you.
“Look at that.” He smirks kissing you. You pant as you come down from your high.
“Promise me we tell her soon?” you speak softly as you snuggle close to him
“I promise.”
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 4 months
02/03-04 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Reminder! UK Launch! Wee John Monday!; Cast & Crew Sightings; Day Of Damien Recap; New Nominations; StewAsACrew; S1 Rewatch Party; Tumblr Posts; Articles; Save OFMD Crew Mascot Jeff; Hoist the Ads Followup; Poison Into Positivity with a huge Donation; Morale/LoveNotes/Daily Darby all wrapped up in a Cameo from Rhys Darby Courtesy of @adoptourcrew
Heyyyyyyyy I'm back! I had a great day off-- ty for all the lovely well wishes! Annnnnnnd holy moly did I miss some stuff only being gone ONE DAY. I'm trying to catch up so apologies if you've already heard this or if I'm missing anything! Thank you to @sgtblackbirdpie for keeping me up to date on some stuff while I was out!
= Reminders for Tomorrow! =
= UK Launch! =
Reminders from our lovely @lamentus1!
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We'll be tweeting #RewatchAsACrew #OurFlagBBC in addition to the usual #AdoptOurCrew #SaveOFMD
Season 2 will start at 10pm on Monday Feb 5, so that’s 5pm ET and 2pm PT. 
If you are outside the UK and want to help support the launch, you can connect with a VPN using these instructions also @reallygoodplants has a great post on how to do so here on tumblr as well
= Wee John Monday! =
EDIT: Important update! Time is at 2130 UK time for the first new Wee John Monday! This will be one time only to try and start up before the show airs. Thank you @atomicruinsperfection for this info!!
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Wee John Monday! Want to have your questions answered tomorrow during the show? You can go a few different places to do so: Discord / Twitter / Instagram
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= Cast & Crew Sightings =
Our lovely captain decided to put himself up for Cameos at $499 a pop. If you're flush with cash and interested, feel free to check out Rhys Darby's Cameo.
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I didn't put it here because it fits in the Moral/Love notes section--- but a fan GOT ONE OF THESE for themselves and all of us in the crew. Jump down to the very bottom for a love note from Rhys As well.
= Nathan Foad BTS =
Nathan Foad posted a bunch of new BTS in honor of s2 coming out in the UK tomorrow! Samba and Vico added a bunch of those to their IG stories as well. There were LOTS of pictures and videos, so many that I can't include them all. Here's a side post with a bunch of photos, but if you want to see them all, please visit Nathan Foad's IG Stories.
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=Day of Damien 02/03 =
Our lovely Damien Gerard really felt the love yesterday! Everyone sent love notes, gifts, and generally tried to celebrate our lovely friend on Day Of Damien and it made his night. He sent us lots of kitties pics and videos in return.
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Our Flag Means Death has been nominated for the 28th Art Director's Guild Awards for a Half-Hour Series!
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= Stew As A Crew / S1 Re-Watch party! =
Soooo many people came out for the S1 Re-Watch Party and also Stew As A Crew! Keeping that engagement going across all the platforms! I tried to highlight several but there were so many more!
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=S1 Rewatch Party=
Everybody came back out for the S1 Watch Party to help support S2 being aired for the first time tomorrow in the UK! Some highlights!
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== Tumblr Posts ==
Don't Stream on Max - by @iamadequate1 is absolutely a must read. They did some SERIOUSLY amazing analysis and data collecting on all the shows max has cancelled recently.
== Articles ==
TV guide: 12 of the best new shows to watch, beginning tonight
Save “Our Flag Means Death” – Another Great Gay Series On The Chopping Block - From Feb 2
==Save OFMD Crew==
Save OFMD Crew have announced their mascot/ambassador-- JEFF! As you've been seeing in all their social icons. Check out their post here.
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Hoist The Ads Follow Up
Since I keep seeing posts about hoist the ads being a scam again, I'm going to once again share the receipts for Hoist The Ads
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== Poison Into Positivity ==
So yesterday, a bunch of people started receiving what looked to be scam from group called entertainmintco. We got notified by @adoptourcrew and @saveofmdcrewmates of it earlier in the day:
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Warnings were sent out, and people from the leadership teams started getting serious with this group, but luckily it looks like it was a mistake that entertainmintco was willing to admit to.
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They then put out a statement explaining the situation, and donated $1000 to an LGBTQIA+ Supportive NonProfit: Rainbow Railroad for the trouble they'd caused.
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Annnd they also shared our petition!
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So overall, everything turned out okay! Definitely a weird one! But $1000 donation to supporting LGBTQIA+? Fantastic! Seriously poision into positivity. Thank you @AdoptOurCrew, @saveofmdcrewmates, and @LCWebsXOXO especially for turning that scam into splendor!
Post Note: There's been some questions on if there's a focus group actually going on-- I don't believe so but I'm asking and will get back to you!
== Morale / Love Notes / Daily Darby ==
Now, I'm sure most of you have seen this by now because it's exploding everywhere, but just in case not, I am going to highlight it as the last thing for today.
@meowzawowza_ went out and got one of Rhys' Cameos for themselves and the crew-- ty @adoptourcrew for sharing it with us. I recommend watching them where ever you can because when I say my hope is renewed, I sincerely mean it.
There's nothing I or anyone else could say that would equal the impact of Rhys' message. Our captain sends his advice and love.
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Tumblr / Twitter / Instagram For more on the unedited parts of the video, @meowzawowza_ gives more deets: @ofmd-ann has a thread you can view here
"Life keeps rock'n ... You can't have peaks without troughs...thank you so much for being you and being so supportive ... love you, bye crew"
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Love You (Always)
A/N: Heyyyyy this is for all my insecure girlies regardless of what type of body you have. All girlies can feel insecure at times even if you're a 00 or if you're a size 20. So here's a cute comforting fic for all of us ladies who need some extra confidence sometimes! Pairing: Gerard Way x F!Reader Word count: 2,316 words Warnings: Mentions of insecurity, scrutinizing of one's own body, not necessarily an eating disorder, but themes/habits of disordered eating/limited eating, swearing, slight angst
You weren’t really a clingy kind of person, that’s probably how you and Gerard worked out so well. But right now, you were pretty sure you were watching every second until he got home.
You had spent a whole two days cleaning the apartment from top to bottom, making sure everything was set. You couldn’t believe you were going to admit it, but you were somehow nervous for his return. You hadn’t seen each other in months, talking over the phone was spontaneous at best, and he hadn’t been home since, well- you couldn’t remember, actually.
So maybe that’s why in your mind everything had to be perfect, because you weren’t sure what to expect. I mean, this could all simply explode in a minute, right? One small tap on the glass for it to shatter.
You paced around the room a bit, biting on your nail, something you never did, and awaited with baited breath and a thumping heart. He was your boyfriend of three years and you were somehow nervous to see him. It was like a date with a middle school crush but far worse because at the end of the day this actually mattered.
You could hear the door rumble a bit and swing open, looking up to be met with Gerard initially struggling with his bags a bit, but placing them down by the front with a sigh and looking up at you with a smile. You smiled back as he was the first to run up to you and give you a kiss. It wasn’t hectic or frantic just gentle and calm.
“Hi.” You finally said once he pulled away, meeting his eyes and he looked down at your with a smile.
“Hi.” He responded, “I missed you.”
“I missed you too.” You smiled back. “I- um, do you need help with your bags?”
“Nah, I’ll get ‘em later.” He calmly shrugged, “Probably need a shower though-”
“Oh thank God you said it.” You let out a sigh of relief, “With as much respect as possible, you smell like shit.”
“Thanks.” He snorted, beginning to walk back to your shared room where the closet space was. “Glad we’re on the same page.”
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You took a deep gulp as he stepped out of the shower and you were able to finally notice his physique for the first time since being back. He had a towel wrapped around his waist, but his upper body was now structured with soft muscles on his arms and while he still had a bit of a belly (something you adored for whatever reason), he was much… thiner, than he was.
It didn’t shock you by any means considering he was practically getting a full blown workout for an hour a day in the hot sun while touring in the middle of summer. But it also didn’t help your own mental view of yourself.
You had always had this on and off again relationship with self love. Most of the time now, having matured and all and realizing how fake most bodies plastered on magazine pages were, you managed to actually find a lot of confidence in the way you looked. Sure, you were a bit chubby, some chunk on your arms, around your thighs and hips, a bigger belly than just the small one most women had, but you had managed to love the curves that came with it.
“Might as well take a picture.” You heard Gerard say and quickly looked to his face where he was smiling at you, realizing that you had been full blown staring for way too long. You couldn’t even respond, only looking away in complete embarrassment. “Oh c’mon baby,” He softly said, “You’re never speechless.”
He threw a shirt and sweatpants on before walking out to where you were laying on the bed, plopping down right next to you and letting his arms snake around your waist, squeezing you tight. As soon as he did though, and didn’t get your usual enthusiastic response since he knew you loved that move, his eyebrows furrowed a bit. “You okay?” He asked a bit more seriously despite you still facing away and not moving. “Did I say or do something, hon?” You shook your head silently. “What’s up?”
You tried to pull out of his grip, now being doubly embarrassed and therefore on the verge of tears, but it did not work with him at all. Damn, he had gotten stronger too. “Hon-” He tried to push a bit but was quickly stopped.
“Could you not?” You finally pushed back, turning over slightly to face him, his facial expressions quickly contorting from concern to shock. “I’m just not in the mood.” You sighed, getting up as he finally freed you from his grip. “And sorry for staring at you.” You mumbled, walking out of the bedroom and towards the main area leaving him completely dumbfounded.
What had he done in the 15 minutes he was home? Had he done something before and you were just being nice at first? Was he being too up front? Did you need more time to warm up again? Did he read something wrong?
The questions flooded his mind like an exploded dam as he sat up still confused but deciding to give you space and understanding intruding on your personal bubble right now would lead to way more harm than good. Maybe I should Google it or something- Google it Gerard? What are you thinking? Talk to your therapist but- damn, it’s like 9 pm don’t disturb him. Frank’s not bad with advice but he just got home too, Mikey maybe?
He wasn’t sure what to do because clearly, not obviously, like so blatantly, something was very, very wrong. But what was that thing? How did he fuck this all up so fast?
He was pondering his next plans of actions, because yes he would ideally like to sleep in a bed his first night being back in a while, but also the couch seemed like a more fitting punishment for whatever crime he had committed. But you were out there, and seemed like some form of distance at least temporarily seemed to fit the situation.
Finally, after some deep consideration, he figured it was best to just leave you alone and go to bed. If you wanted to come back, he would be on his side facing the other way, being sure not to disturb you. He turned off his side lamp and finally laid down, inevitably having to let the feeling that this was an issue for tomorrow settle on his turning stomach.
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The next morning had started out usual for you. You had woken up, taken a shower, done your hair and skincare routine all within a time that Gerard had shockingly not woken up. You let him sleep extra knowing his sleep schedule on tour was never usual and getting anything more than four hours was a blessing, and also because of the little fit last night that you still were too embarrassed to address. Because how were you supposed to bring up your insecurities to your boyfriend without having to acknowledge them?
Just as you finished brushing your teeth you heard his footsteps pad through the bedroom and into the bathroom, where he quickly yawned from next to you in the mirror. “Morning, hon.” He said, his morning voice thicker than ever.
“Morning.” You replied, spitting out the last of your toothpaste, “How’d you sleep?”

“Well,” He said, grabbing his own toothbrush and stealing the tube of toothpaste from your side, “Much better than on the bus.” You lightly smiled at him.
“What d’you wanna do today?” You asked him, brushing your hair once last time. He shrugged.
“Not much, to be honest.” He said, “Maybe breakfast or lunch, then hang out around here. Just wanna be around you.” He smiled a bit, letting a some of the foamed tooth paste show in his mouth which you lightly giggled at.
“Sure,” You replied, “That sounds good.”
You quickly got dressed into leggings and a baggy sweatshirt. At least this would cover your stomach and thighs. The whole “staying in” plan for the day made it easier to justify the outfit and for him to hopefully think not much of it. “You ready?” He asked, walking to the edge of your closet as you nodded.
You grabbed your tote bag on your way out, locking the door behind you, and was quickly met with his hand engulfing yours as you entered the street. He gave it a little squeeze, something he knew you adored, and suddenly had a blush growing on your face.
Thankfully, having lived in New York a decent amount of time now, you had found local favorites that were easy to get into and always good. A diner down the corner was one of your favorites, and especially early in your relationship was a frequent place you would go each morning after he spent the night with you.
You had your usual orders: Gerard would go for pancakes and you would go for french toast, and then each of you would pick off of the others when you got sick of your own. It was almost part of the routine of days like today. That was why Gerard happened to be so off guard when you didn’t order your usual, I mean, you still ordered a regular plate of breakfast food, bacon, eggs, hashbrowns and all, but it wasn’t the usual thing.
He kept to himself a bit, eyeing you instead as each of you talked, and noticing slight body language queues of uncomfortability. He was still pondering last night, and the way you seemed to shrink yourself today didn’t give any indication that you were over whatever was bothering you from yesterday.
You didn’t comment or seem to mind when he took some of your food from your plate, but it made him feel a bit more guilty when you weren’t taking any from his.
“Want some?” He asked, motioning his head and silverware towards his plate. It was still half full of pancakes he has conservatively drenches with just enough syrup to your liking. Why did he have to be so perfect at all the wrong times?

You were tempted, but before your mind could even fathom the taste of his pancakes you remembered how you looked. And you lost all that appetite. You shook your head. “No, thank you.” You replied, taking a small nibble of your hashbrowns.
Gerard really didn’t want to ruin breakfast, but he was also confused, and turning slightly anxious by the moment. You had always enjoyed food, he loved that about you. You were never afraid to try anything new, and the look on your face when you ate your favorite meals was always so genuine and happy. Today it looked just painful.
“Sweetheart,” he spoked up after a moment. You looked up at him. “Is something wrong? Are you alright?”

He wasn’t sure now why he has asked it, seeing your eyes immediately fill with tears and your poor attempt at try to prevent your face from going sour. “Shit.” He muttered to himself, putting his silverware down, and using his free hand to grab yours from across the table.
“I’m just-“ You spoke, with a shaky voice and slow tear trailing down your cheek. You took your free hand and used the sleeve of your hoodie to wipe it off. “It’s so stupid.”

“Honey, whatever you’re feeling is never stupid.” He told you, his face having melted into a puddle of concern. “I’m here to listen, always. You can always tell me anything and everything.”

“I know.” You sniffled a little, taking a deep breath. “Just- seeing you come home and you’ve- you’ve, I don’t know, lost some weight- and you look great! Don’t get me wrong, but I just don’t know why you want me when I look like this and you-“

“Stop.” He said before you could even finish your sentence. You looked up at him with some worry as he sighed. “To begin with, I love your body. I’ve always found you incredibly sexy, and will always think you’re gorgeous even when we’re 80.” He said, “Next, even if your body changes at all, it will never make me stop loving you. I don’t love you just for your body, it’s a wonderful perk you happen to have, but I will always love you for you.” He sighed, “And finally, even if you did gain weight, or your weight shifted to other places, that’s just more of you to love. There is zero downside to that.”
You took a few moments considering his words. “Thanks.” You replied simply, feeling a little more calm but guilty for allowing your feelings to ruin his first day back. “Sorry for-“

“No apologizing for your feelings.” He said again, squeezing your hand. “I love you, and I will always be here to listen to you. Never feel guilty for feeling one way or another, okay?” You nodded. “Now, do you want some of my pancakes.”
You took a deep sigh of defeat. “Yeah.” He smirked, pushing the plate halfway across the table as you removed your hands from each other to go back to holding your silverware.
You took a pretty decent amount, stabbing with your fork and ferociously cutting with your knife. “Fuck these are good.” You grumbled, halfway done chewing them. He chuckled.
“Have as many as you want.” He softly smiled. 
“I regret not getting the french toast.” You admitted with a small cringe. “We always share it.”

“You wanna get it to go? We can keep it as a late night snack for later.” You took a moment contemplating his suggestion with a growing smile. You nodded. “Extra strawberries?” He asked with a knowing smile.
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anystalker707 · 9 months
Pairings: Gerard Way x [gender neutral/afab] Reader Frank Iero x [gender neutral/afab] Reader Word count: ~ 700 [G.W.] - 600 [F.I.] Genre: Drabble / Smut / Fluff Summary: His adoration for your body is unquestionable. Kind of content: Chubby Reader / Praising / Dom-Sub undertones / Sub Reader / Body worship not proofreader
requested by anon ["heya, first time asking for smthn like this but do you do any fanfictions for plus size / chubby readers? If you do could you do a sub female plus size reader with Gerard way or Frank iero? Smthn slow and loving? (Smut)"]
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Gerard would often get lost in thoughts while staring at your thighs, even before you even got together. You would often catch him looking at your thighs—even more when they were flat against some surface—, with that dumb face, and he always did that shitty poor job whenever someone confronted him about it. After you two got together, he simply pretended that never happened.
Gerard would always buy you the best clothes that made your curves stand out. He would always have that dumb look on his face while observing you trying on the clothes he bought you. Pampering you would quickly become a habit. Seeing you in those pretty clothes, even more, the lingerie and thigh highs… He needed to see you in those, to touch you and tell you how pretty you were. Sometimes, it just resumed itself to admiring, really, sitting on his lap while his hands ran along your curves, and he pressed kisses to your neck while whispering sweet words.
Gerard sometimes couldn’t handle how hot you looked and would take you away for a fuck. He needed to have you under him—or on top of him, even. All that mattered was being able to have a good view of your body. Something about the way the skin sank under his fingertips every time he held onto your thighs, hips, or waist was just so heavenly. Or breasts— Fuck, the way he would hold them while you rode him. He loved the squish, the way it felt, the way it looked.
Gerard also loved sinking his teeth into your skin, sucking and biting marks into it because just observing wasn’t enough. He needed even more of you. He would not hesitate to nibble your thighs and hips whenever he had the chance, seeming all proud of his job when he took a look at it later.
Gerard would gladly die smothered by your thighs. Having his head between your thighs was absolutely one of the things he loved the most, having the soft and plump skin he loved so much around his head while he pleased you.
          Gerard’s hands slipped between your thighs, while one of his arms wrapped around your torso for support; meanwhile, one of your hands wrapped around his shoulders and the other around his wrist.
“God, you’re so hot like this, baby…” His breath was hot against your skin, forehead pressed to your temple while he kept speaking those sweet nothings. The words alone were enough to make arousal stir in the bottom of your stomach, even more with how his hand moved between your legs.
A couple of fingers teased your clit, rubbing slow circles into it. Gerard loved the way your breath would get caught in your throat, making broken whimpers escape your lips while you hopelessly tried to move your hips against his hand. Useless, by the way. He just wouldn’t change the pace of his fingers. He wanted to enjoy every second the most, savoring the moment completely, even if all he had at the moment was a neglected cock stuck inside uncomfortable tight pants. The most he would have, from time to time, was the way your thighs would rub against it whenever you squirmed.
Those thighs, fuck. They looked so pretty flat against Gerard’s like that. He really couldn’t help himself.
Occasionally, Gerard’s fingers would actually slip into your pussy—he would collect some of the wetness to help his fingers glide against your puffy clit even easier, making the motions so delicious.
“Gerard,” you choked out his name, trying to plead for him to finally let you cum.
“Shh,” Gerard soothed. He could sense your thighs pressing together a little too much, your hips too unquiet, so he gave you a pause once again. He could keep going like that, wanting to see how far you could go until you either became a complete mess or came with the slightest touch.
‿̩͙‿ ༺ ♰ ༻ ‿̩͙‿
Frank maybe—just maybe—loved your chubbiness a little too much. He wouldn’t admit it, constantly stuttering excuses and looking away while his face burned red, but you knew too well that he enjoyed the way your bottoms sometimes sank into your skin and made the skin muffin a little.
Frank, whose hands always found their way to your thighs whenever you sat on his lap or had your legs over his. He would hold and squeeze your thighs, sometimes absentmindedly, as if they were his to use as he pleased whenever he wanted to.
Frank would always hold onto your hips while you kissed, letting his fingers sink into it. Sometimes, he would even rub circles into your hips. It all started when he would occasionally pull you closer by your hips, then he started squeezing them out of curiosity before it grew into a habit.
Frank loved just resting his head on your tummy while you lay in bed or on the couch. He would just rest his head there and, sometimes, slip your shirt up a little bit, so he could give your tummy tiny kisses.
Frank would always bite his lip and groan softly whenever you started taking off your clothes, sometimes muttering about how hot you were. His hands would immediately roam over your body at any given opportunity. His hands would grope everywhere he could, going down your ass to hold there while you made out or while you rode him.
          “Frank,” you whispered. Those little kisses on the exposed slice of the skin of your torso were starting to lose their innocence. You took a little too long to notice—you were immersed in the book you had in hand, lying on the couch while Frank lay his head on your torso like he usually did. “Frank,” you said again, with a firmer tone.
A groan came in response from Frank. He said nothing, of course. If anything, he only got bolder. His kisses went until the waistband of your shorts, where he had to take a pause while his fingers wrapped around it and slowly started pulling it down.
A shaky breath escaped your lips.
“Mm, Frank, I’m—”
“Your book can wait,” he said simply as he just took your shorts off.
Who even were you to argue? A sigh escaped your lips as you put the book away and spread your legs open to give Frank more access.
Frank’s lips kept peppering kisses all over your tummy and hips, worshiping them way more than he would admit he enjoyed. He nibbled a little down your hip, making you gasp and instinctively buck your hips forward. Damn.
“What are you so hot for…” Frank grumbled among other things, making your face heat up while you tried to sit still for him. His hands held onto your thighs, letting his fingers sink into them while his lips made their way down until the feeling of him mouthing your pussy through your underwear made you squirm again. “Easy,” Frank said with a gentle squeeze on your thighs. It took you a little effort, but you did your best to sit still as his mouth pressed to you through your underwear, only starting the teasing.
‿̩͙‿ ༺ ♰ ༻ ‿̩͙‿
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eleuphoric · 2 months
𝐊𝐢𝐝𝐧𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐝! 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟐
𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐃𝐨𝐯𝐞: 𝐃𝐨 𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐄𝐚𝐭
(𝐃𝐨𝐦) 𝐆𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐖𝐚𝐲 𝐱 (𝐒𝐮𝐛) 𝐅𝐞𝐦 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐦𝐮𝐭
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•𝙈𝘿𝙉𝙄• 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙞𝙨 𝙖 𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙥𝙡𝙚𝙩𝙚𝙡𝙮 𝙛𝙞𝙘𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙖𝙡 𝙨𝙩𝙤𝙧𝙮 𝙬𝙧𝙞𝙩𝙩𝙚𝙣 𝙗𝙮 𝙖𝙣 𝙖𝙙𝙪𝙡𝙩, 𝙖𝙗𝙤𝙪𝙩 𝙖𝙙𝙪𝙡𝙩𝙨, 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙖𝙙𝙪𝙡𝙩𝙨•
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•𝙖𝙛𝙖𝙗 + 𝙨𝙝𝙚/𝙝𝙚𝙧 𝙥𝙧𝙤𝙣𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙨•
𝙒𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜! 𝙏𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙨𝙩𝙤𝙧𝙮 𝙞𝙣𝙘𝙡𝙪𝙙𝙚𝙨: 𝘬𝘪𝘥𝘯𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘪𝘯𝘨, 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘭𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨, 𝘴𝘵𝘰𝘤𝘬𝘩𝘰𝘭𝘮 𝘴𝘺𝘯𝘥𝘳𝘰𝘮𝘦, 𝘤𝘶𝘵𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 (𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘴𝘩), 𝘬𝘯𝘪𝘧𝘦𝘱𝘭𝘢𝘺, 𝘯𝘰𝘯𝘤𝘰𝘯, 𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘪𝘯𝘵/𝘣𝘰𝘯𝘥𝘢𝘨𝘦, 𝘴𝘢𝘥𝘪𝘴𝘮/𝘮𝘢𝘴𝘰𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘴𝘮, 𝘪𝘮𝘱𝘢𝘤𝘵, 𝘱𝘦𝘵𝘯𝘢𝘮𝘦𝘴, 𝘥𝘦𝘨𝘳𝘢𝘥𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯, 𝘱𝘳𝘢𝘪𝘴𝘦, 𝘶𝘯𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘵𝘦𝘤𝘵𝘦𝘥 𝘴𝘦𝘹, 𝘤𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘮𝘱𝘪𝘦
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Time had become nothing but a concept, its grasp slipping away. All you knew was him. You were unsure of how long you had been held captive at this point, that wasn't important. What was important was staying on your best behavior for Gerard.
It was chilling how fast he could switch up, his soft possessive demeanor could easily become that of a monster. A single misstep could end horribly. Your body, littered with bruising and scars throbbed with pain. While your grip of reality slipped away. Clinging onto the shadows of the cold yet familiar basement. The basement. Isolation became your companion. Gerard knew this, purposefully isolating you to create a dependency on him.
He was drawn to your strength, your independence. It heightened his satisfaction being able to slowly break you down into nothing but his property. A meek kitten for him to do as he pleases.
Today had started no different, only wearing a pair of thin panties as well as an oversized t-shirt. Wearing clothes gave you some sort of dignity in this place, yet your clothes lingered with the scent of Gerard’s cologne, a constant reminder of his presence. As you lay cold on the floor, you hear the familiar thudding. The sound that you oh so feared. His heavy step crashing against the withered wood of the stairs as he made his way down. As soon as he reached the bottom, a cynical grin grew on his face as he saw you, excitedly approaching you in the dim corner. “Good morning sugar, I hope you slept well”. His lips crashed against yours, his hands went straight to your hips as he held you against the support beam you were restrained to.
You winced, he put his full body weight on you, his lips trailing along your neck, seeking closeness. “I have some bad news, angel,” he murmured. You couldn’t fathom what “bad news” entailed in Gerard’s mind, bad news to him probably meant something great for you. Yet, a knot of anxiety sat in your stomach.
“I have to leave for a bit, handle some matters.” he explained, his tone almost apologetic. “It pains me to leave you, but it’s necessary, I hope you in understand.”
This was your chance, a fleeting chance for freedom. It took some planning on your part, you'd have to be on your best behavior, and persuade him to remove your restraints. The days dragged by, time elusive in your confinement. You had avoided punishment as much as possible, but completely pleasing Gerard was a task that was impossible. He'd always find a reason to punish you, it gave him even more power over you.
The day finally arrived, the day that you had longed for. You had been on your best behavior, doing exactly as Gerard said, and overall appearing a lot happier. All that mattered was getting him to say yes. As usual, he walked down the creaking stairs, today he was dressed nicer. A maroon sweater paired with some khakis and dress shoes. His hair was done for once, nicely parted to the side. You hated to admit it to yourself, but he actually looked pretty handsome today. His put together appearance hid the fact that there was something else going on inside of him.
“Hi my angel, I hope you slept well”. He leaned in, pressing a soft kiss against your lips, his breath was fresh like sweet mint as it tickled your nose. Pulling back, he noticed the slight grin on your face, “You excited to see me, sugar?” You nodded softly, gazing into his hazel eyes. You stared for a little longer, you had never really noticed the specks of green and blue before and it was quite pretty. Over time, you found yourself discovering the allure in Gerard, pondering the possibility of a life together beyond these confines.
“Mhm.” You responded, snapping back to reality. Gerard leaned in closer, brushing his lips against your ear and whispering, “M’ gonna miss you princess, I’m sorry I have to leave, it’s important”. He never told you what was going on outside of the basement, or how long he’d be gone. It kept you on your toes, waiting for his return.
“But- since you’ve been such a good girl for me, I’m gonna take the restraints off,” It was almost as if he read your mind. Your plan had worked, but not in the way you planned. Nonetheless, it was the moment you had been waiting for, the chance to seize your opportunity for freedom.
Gerard untied your arms from the support beam he had you tied to. revealing deep ridges and bruises from the prolonged use of ropes. As the bindings fell away, It was freeing, feeling your own body once again after what felt like a lifetime.
“Behave while I’m gone my love”. Gerard swept in, kissing you once more before venturing back up the stairs. You heard the creak of the door, then the slam. After waiting in your silence, it was finally time. Your legs wobbled as you began to stand up, being stuck to the floor for so long had weakened your capabilities to walk, and it took a few moments for you to bring yourself together.
Pushing away your anxiety you stepped forward, making your way towards the stairs. The cold felt electric against your bare feet, getting used to walking again. Despite the pain and stiffness, you pushed forward, fueled by your chance to escape.
You made your way to the stairs, scanning them up and down as you planted your foot on the step. The stairs creaked, echoing in the depths of the basement. With each step you gained confidence running upstairs reaching the door. Your hand grasped the cold metal knob and slowly turned it, making the realization that it had been unlocked. Gerard wasn’t one to forget these things, but you pushed your thoughts aside hoping it was a mistake.
You find yourself on the first floor of a small house. The walls decorated with torn wallpaper, and the floor cluttered with random debris. Gerard had little regard for cleanliness, a fitting trait for someone who keeps a person locked up in their basement.
Swiftly turning your head down the hallway, finding the front door, you make a beeline for it, your mind completely filled with thoughts of esacape, You swung open the door, light flooded your face, the fresh air entered your nose. It all distracted you until you felt a hand cover your mouth, and the other yank you back.
Your heart dropped to the floor. He planned it, just as you had planned to escape. His arms brought you to the ground having you pinned beneath his grasp with one hand pressing your neck against the old wooden floor. “You really thought I’d leave you alone, and the door left unlocked? I thought you were smarter than that sugar.” His manic demeanor sent chills down your spine. Nothing else filled your mind but pure terror, having no other response but to beg for mercy.
“Please Gerard, I’m so sorry please I won’t do it again I’ll do whatever you want please don’t hurt me!” Tears welled up in your eyes, and he just laughed, that sinister smile growing back on his face as he sat amused by your pathetic attempts to take it back.
“Oh it’s too late for that now princess.” He hissed, his words sharp as knives as he dipped his one hand into his back pocket, pulling out a blade. The shine glistening against the sunlight pooling into the house.
Gerard pressed the knife against you lower stomach, the sharp tip pinching the skin as he stared into your soul. “Did you forget who you belong to?“ The words quickly filled your head, mustering out a “You! I belong to you Sir please, please don’t hurt me.” Once again he chuckled. “You need to be taught a lesson, learn what happens when you try to outsmart me. That’s what dumb girls like you get when you try to outsmart your master.” You began whimpering, the hold on your throat restricting your airflow as he slowly dragged the knife against your stomach. You couldn’t see what was happening, but there was a dull pain as he began to carve into you, his smile never breaking. He finally shoved the blade into his back pocket whilst examining the fresh cuts. Letting out short gasps and whimpers, you felt despair. Utter and true despair. Gerard pressed two of his cold fingers against the wounds, watching your body flinch from the shock and pain. He lifted his fingers towards his face, admiring the red that covered them before pressing his tongue against them.
Watching him lick himself clean of your blood was sickening. His eyes rolled back as the metallic taste littered his tongue, feeling nothing but euphoria.
The world slowly began to turn dark due to your lack of oxygen, your limbs slowly weakening as it all seemed to disappear away. Gerard quickly noticed, slapping your face firmly to bring you back. The burning on your cheek distracted you from the pain on your abdomen. “Stay awake, I want you awake for this next part.”
Gerard swiftly unbuckled his belt as you lay helpless on the floor. You knew better than to try and escape after what had happened. His cock was rock hard against his boxers, a small patch of precum making itself visible as he pulled himself out. “Like what you see angel?” Red grew against your cheeks as arousal flooded your core. You scolded yourself for finding pleasure in this, helpless against the floor as your captor abuses you.
Gerard slowly stroked his cock a few times before ripping off your panties in one swift motion. The cool air hit your glistening folds running a shiver down your spine. He brought his cock down, gathering wetness on the tip. “You’re soaked princess, are you sure you didn’t try to escape so I’d give it to you rough?” You shook your head quickly, speechless due to the heat quickly growing between your thighs. “Mm, what’s all this then sugar?” Gerard pushed his cock into your hole, the stretch causing you to let out an involuntary moan as he pushed against your pulsing walls.
He quickly set a brutal pace, holding your legs up to your chest as he thrusted back and forth ruthlessly. “Is this what you needed? To be fucked so hard by me that you can’t think of anything else.” Gerard could barely speak, his groans filled the room as well as your whimpers and moans. His cock bounced against your cervix, causing a mix of pain and pleasure as his thick length assaulted your poor hole.
His hand found its way back to your throat, the sudden sensation causing a gasp to leave your mouth. Gerard wasted no time at leaning forward and spitting into your mouth. The lingering taste of your blood filled your mouth causing a sudden shock of nausea at the reminder.
You were approaching the edge, you could fill your walls begin to tighten as Gerard continued to thrust relentlessly. “You’re such a desperate little girl for me, the second I give you anything you’re on the floor begging for more. You just can’t help be nothing but my pathetic little pet huh?”
His voice dripped in your ears like honey, the whole world seemed to stop around you, and all that mattered was him. His darkened eyes never leaving your eyesight. “Please m’gonna cum please sir.” You begged, losing any dignity you had remaining by completely submitting to him. “Oh fuck~ that’s a good girl for me, found your manners finally?” His thrusts grew sloppier as you both finally reached your peaks, pleasure washing over you as you saw stars. “Oh fuckk, m’ gonna fill you up princess, leave you dripping with my cum.” Gerard slammed as deep as possible into you, letting out a yelp as you felt his hot cum paint your walls. Whimpering beneath him he stayed inside you for what felt like eternity.
He finally pulled out, both of your juices mixing with eachother as your whole body was brought back to reality. Blood was smeared all across Gerard and yours stomachs from the friction. He wasted no time in picking you up and bringing you to the bathroom.
Gerard gently placed you in the bathtub before running the water, flinching at the cold shock. “Shshsh, it’s ok my love.” Giving your head soft pets as he began to fill the tub with bubbles. You hadn’t received a normal bath since you arrived, only having been wiped down with a washcloth and some soap.
You shivered in both fear and cold as the tub began to fill up, remnants of the day filling your mind as Gerard began to gently wash your hair. “You did so good for me princess, you took your punishment so well.” The words shouldn’t have comforted you, but it brought you a sense of peace knowing he felt proud of you. The aroma of the lavender began to fill the room as he continued to wash you, being extra gentle around your aching wounds.
Once he finished he wrapped you in a towel, bringing you to his bedroom. Carrying you he gently laid you on the bed before going to his closet to retrieve some clothes for you. It was unexpected, the amount of anger and malice that was shown before had seemed to disappear as he took more care of you than he ever had.
Gerard helped you get dressed, wearing nothing but panties and a shirt like usual. Grabbing your hand gently he guided you to the side of the bed. You laid down on the firm mattress, the sheets were soft from wear and his comforter was warm. The overwhelming sensation of being in a bed after being in the desolate basement quickly tired you. Gerard snuck his way on the other side of the bed before wrapping his arm around your waist. “Goodnight sugar, sleep well.” He pressed a soft kiss against the back of your neck before drifting off to sleep.
─── ⋆⋅ ♰ ⋅⋆ ────── ⋆⋅ ♰ ⋅⋆ ───
𝙝𝙞 𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙮𝙤𝙣𝙚! 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙠 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙨𝙤 𝙢𝙪𝙘𝙝 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙖𝙡𝙡 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙨𝙪𝙥𝙥𝙤𝙧𝙩 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙥𝙖𝙧𝙩 𝙤𝙣𝙚! 𝙞 𝙝𝙤𝙣𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙡𝙮 𝙙𝙞𝙙𝙣’𝙩 𝙚𝙭𝙥𝙚𝙘𝙩 𝙩𝙤 𝙝𝙖𝙫𝙚 𝙨𝙤 𝙢𝙖𝙣𝙮 𝙥𝙚𝙤𝙥𝙡𝙚 𝙚𝙣𝙟𝙤𝙮 𝙞𝙩! 𝙞 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙮 𝙝𝙤𝙥𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙜𝙪𝙮𝙨 𝙚𝙣𝙟𝙤𝙮 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙨𝙚𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙙 𝙥𝙖𝙧𝙩!
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pup-emoji-anon · 6 months
The Cover of SPIN Magazine
Revenge era Gerard Way x SPIN magazine worker! reader
warnings/tags: heavy smut, puppy play, d/s dynamic, basically power bottom Gerard but not quite?, uses the word puppyslut, genuine talks of consent and scene prep cause I'm a sucker for good d/s practices.
amab reader, mentions of good boy and prince
word count: 2,076
for @rdiowx
You always had a hard time turning down bands. You hated it and believed all of them should get a chance on the front of Spin magazine. But that was not your decision, your decisions were to pick the most popular and well stylized bands to be front and center. So when a man wearing an all black suit with shoulder length black hair and bags under his eyes walked in with a small messenger bag your heart sank. You knew this would not be a very popular band, at the very least not one that your boss would be happy if you picked.
He sat down in the chair across from your desk, pulling papers and drawings out of his pack. "Hi, uhm, I'm here to apply for the front cover for the band My Chemical Romance." His voice nearly made you melt onto the ground, soft and light with a slight New Jersey accent.
He gently set all of the papers out, spreading them around so you could see each one in detail. "Here are some of the ideas I came up with…" All of the drawings and sketches were highly stylized, something you admired greatly. When you took a look back up at Gerard he was putting one of the papers back, which interested you. The paper was already hidden from view when you looked up though, impossible to tell what it had on it. Gerard turned back around from putting the paper away, almost startled by you staring at him.
you quickly looked away from him to glance at the reports, how many albums they had released, how many records had they sold, how many official shows they had played and where the played them. None of the statistics were low, but they weren't the usual numbers your boss lectured you about being the best. You personally thought that these were just numbers, those shouldn't matter as much as if the band was good or if they had distinct style.
Clearing your throat and speaking to him for the first time since he walked in here, you hesitantly told him, "Gerard… You seem so nice and your art is truly amazing… but I'm going to have to decline your application, your band just hasn't gained the popularity that we need even if it has the style down." The shine in his eyes practically dissipated right before you, his posture changed and sagged for a moment before his eyes lit up again. This time the spark was something more mischievous, and the grin he had paired well with it.
He leaned his head onto his hand, resting his elbow on your desk. His eyes drifted down to the papers, putting on some sort of soft look while the smirk persisted. "Well," Gerard picked at the edges of one of the papers in front of him and continued, "Maybe I could convince you in another way? Under your desk?" The look he gave you as he glanced up could be summarized as something like innocent seductiveness. You could tell he was playing it up to try to get you to say yes.
The thing was that you didn't need to be seduced or even asked twice, this man was attractive and pretty. Of course you were stunned though, wide eyed and in complete silence. Your reaction made his act falter for a moment, you could almost see the anxiety brewing in his mind over if he had just screwed himself over by going too far.
As you stumbled over your words his anxiety seemed to worsen until you spit out a staggered, "Please?" Even if your emphasis was off, making it sound more like a question than an answer, his face lit up again.
"Sub?” You nodded at his question, keeping your mouth shut. “Well come're then." He smirked at you, patting his thigh and scooting his chair back a little to make room for you. Quickly you stood up and made your way around the small desk, dropping to your knees in front of the dark haired artist. You placed your hands on top of your thighs, trying not to shake in anticipation.
"Good boy… Now what should I call you? Prince, sweet thing… puppy?" You nodded your head at the last petname, silently pleading for him to call you that one. "Ohh I've got myself a little puppy here, how cute~" He gripped your face tightly between his fingers, fixing your gaze to only be on him.
Your cheeks flared with heat as he fully looked you over. He parted his lips as he began to speak “I was expecting to have to do some work but maybe I'll just make you do it instead. You'd like that, wouldn't you?” A whine voiced from your throat, confirming his theory.
Gerard looked at you laying your hands on your own thighs, realizing that you were keeping to yourself until he told you that you could touch him. He knew that was a good mark to show you were experienced in this sort of dynamic. “You've been trained, huh pup? Have you gone around asking for doms to teach you some manners like a little puppyslut?” A silence fell over the room as he awaited your response to his question.
A shaky, flustered sigh escaped you, “Yes, sir, I've been trained in many different practices, anyway you want me to be, I can do it, sir” You watched him seemingly hang onto every word you said, processing and enjoying it before responding.
“Oh really? Well then I'll have to set the rules for this scene. Number one, speak and make noises freely okay? I booked this appointment late for a reason. Number two, keep calling me sir. Number three, keep looking at me with those cute fuckin’ eyes… you're so adorable…” Something about his face looks lost in thought for a second before snapping back to the moment. “Number four, you can touch me anytime you want, you don't have to ask for permission. and finally Number five, make sure to say your safeword if you feel uncomfortable or want to stop, do you have a word in mind?”
“Does berry work?” It was the usual word you used when you got to have a nice night with someone, quick and easy to say.
“That works perfectly, honey~” Your face heated up again at the pet name he used. “Now, I should probably show you that paper I stashed away in my bag earlier…” He reached over to grab into his bag and get the paper, holding it out for you to take.
the paper had a list of things Gerard is okay with and his hard boundaries. “I kinda wrote it when I thought I would end up subbing but the majority of it still stands, all the important things at least.” He looks a little nervous even when you glance up, but you give him a sweet smile. You told him it was nice to know these kinds of things and then went over your basic hard boundaries.
“Okay, okay, now that we're done with all of that, are you ready?” He asked softly, still in his careful mindset. You nearly melted at his gentleness, feeling so mushy for a moment before sobering up.
“Yes sir, I'm ready.” You tried to make your voice sound controlled but you couldn't help the need from slipping through and making you sound whiny. Gerard smiled, half lidded, at the sound of your voice and patted one of his thighs.
“Come sit on my lap like a good pup, hm?” He leaned back a little bit to make room for you as you sat down, straddling his thighs. They were thick which made you fluster a little bit, having to spread your legs more. You set your hands on top of your legs again, not sure where else to put them.
“Mmmm now what to do with you…” Gerard slid his hands up from your waist to your chest. He moved one hand to start unbuttoning your shirt, taking his time to undo each one carefully. You were already getting needy as you felt him gently brush over your covered nipple with his thumb, pouting after and already wanting more. He chuckled at your face but continued to unbutton your shirt until he got half way down.
By that point he had stopped and brushed the top half of your shirt out of the way a little bit. Your entire mind was wondering why in the hell he had stopped before you felt his lips press against your neck. He started to leave little kisses and suck small hickeys down your throat and to your chest.
Then he sighed, you could hear how impatient he was getting, unbuttoning the rest of your shirt quickly and leaving more kisses and marks across your torso. When he pulled back up to look at you in full, both of you were panting for air. “Please sir… need you…” You begged pitifully, a little teary as you stared at Gerard licking his lips.
He quickly pulled you off of his lap and put you onto the floor. “Stand and strip, puppy.” He was still slightly breathless, commanding you with a stern voice. A shaky breath left your lungs before you nodded and started undoing your shoes and kicking them off. Soon you were completely bare in front of Gerard, realizing just how chilly it has been in your office as the cold air hit your dick. In the time you took off the rest of your clothes Gerard had too, leaving both of you staring at each other's bare skin.
“Good boy. Lay down on your back, pup, arms above your head.” You could tell his voice was trembling a little as he stood up, you wondered why until he dropped down to his knees and reached behind him. He let out a small moan as he pulled a plug out of his hole and set it beside himself. “I already prepped myself so here's how it's gonna go, I'm gonna ride you until all the thoughts in that pretty little head completely melt away, got it?”
You were stunned for a second, words caught up in your throat as you went from hard to painfully hard. “Y-Yes, sir.” Your eyes watched him as he straddled you, holding your cock to line it up with his hole. He looked at you, half lidded, as he took a breath and sunk all the way down in one move. A groan released from his throat and he closed his eyes. You were already grabbing onto his thighs, his weight keeping you from bucking up or moving.
Slowly he took another breath and started to rise a little before dropping back down again. The small action pulled a moan from you, his hole already clenching around your dick. You already felt so dumb, your brain completely focused on the pleasure you were experiencing.
“Awe, so cute, does the puppy feel so good that they're drooling?” Gerard's voice was demeaning even though you could tell he was fighting to stay coherent. You hadn't even realized you were letting drool slip out of your mouth from how amazing you felt.
With no warning Gerard suddenly started moving up and down quickly, making you whine and paw at his chest. You started to moan louder, throwing your head back when you felt your orgasm approaching. “S-Sir, please can I- can I cum?” You begged him.
“Wait for a moment, pup. Hold it for me, yeah?” He tilted his head, looking down at you with the prettiest face you've ever seen. You tried really hard to hold it, squeezing Gerard's thighs with the effort. Only a few moments of that torture later did Gerard finally tell you, “Be a good boy and cum for me, puppy.” in a demanding voice.
You quickly let go, spilling into Gerard and digging your nails into his thighs. He quickly came right after you, going over your chest and stomach. With a sigh he got up off of you, cum dripping down one of his legs. “You got any tissues or anything?” He asked as he helped you stand up, both of your legs kind of shaky. You nodded and picked the tissue box up, handing it to him.
“So… am I getting my band on the cover of SPIN magazine?”
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sgiandubh · 7 months
Cut the (Ghenea) crap
I have been anticipating since at least last Friday the very recent rumor overdrive about S and Mrs. Mădălina Ghenea, Romanian Horizontal Extraordinaire and I howled like a pack of hyenas in the dull silence of my flat.
Of all the rumors featuring S and divers representatives of the International Fitness Harem, this one stroke me as the most ridiculous ever. Downright scraping the bottom of the barrel, here, to be honest.
Now, as all of you know, I happen to be Romanian and if anything, you should at least grant me the benefit of a flawless knowledge of the terrain, so to speak. And as far as erotically ambitious Romanian chicks go, let's just say I am a sweet summer child, compared to this one.
Mădălina hails from Slatina, a small town in Oltenia, one of the most fascinating parts of the Romanian Southwest (I have a good quarter pint of Oltenian blood myself, so I think I know what the hell I am talking about: quick-witted, ambitious people, with a devastating, sarcastic sense of humor). She comes from virtually nothing: a working-class family of former farmers drawn to the nearest town by the quick and demented industrialization of the country during the Sixties, which is to say, the Lumpenproletariat our German friends can immediately relate to. But when you spend your childhood in the dull and poor anonymity of a non-descript block of flats (matchbox upon matchbox upon matchbox - think of it as a dignified favela of sorts), the only thing you want to do is to get the damn out of there, at all costs. Which, I have to say, she brilliantly and ruthlessly managed to, almost in record time. Granted, she is beautiful (to me, she is very cliché, but for any foreign male she is a Wanton Goddess of Sex, I suppose) and she does have the street smarts to safely get her through any urban jungle of this planet, too.
You can peruse her war credentials here, for a quick overview of the character, if you really, really, really need to: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M%C4%83d%C4%83lina_Diana_Ghenea.
I will just add (and you will have to trust me on this one), a couple of things:
Cynically speaking, she could be a decently plausible beard for S. After all, she did beard for di Caprio (an info I just corroborated over the phone with a friend who is a cinema & TV journalist, back home). Problem is, a woman like this is way over budget. I am afraid The Boy doesn't qualify, bless his heart: too meh for her eclectic, but high-end tastes (local cardboard millionaires, Bulgarian tennis players of the light mafioso type, Philipp Plein, Italian TV beaux and yup, Gerard Butler - but it did not end amicably, enough said). You have to understand that woman saw it all and she won't settle for a pap walk in the pishing drizzle of GLA, or even NY. This one knows perfectly well diamonds are a girl's best friend. And if you doubt me, maybe you won't doubt her, when she declared three days ago for the Daily Fail something along these lines:
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[source, LOL: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-12681539/EDEN-CONFIDENTIAL-Sexiest-woman-world-Madalina-Ghenea-yearns-real-man-stealing-hearts-Leonardo-DiCaprio-Gerard-Butler-Michael-Fassbender.html]
Read my lips: not going to happen. Not in a million years, not even for the sake of the fucking Narrative. Not even on a desert island. Never. Nuh-oh. No way.
At any rate, if God knows what sick plot twist happens, you'll learn it here first, probably: the Romanian gossip press would put to shame poor Deux Moi, with its needlessly chatty, exuberant, salaciously detailed style.
So I will say again here what I did say in a comment to an Anon who brought it up first @bat-cat-reader's :
TERMINAȚI CU TÂMPENIILE. Which is simply translated as CUT THE CRAP.
Of course.
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twistedastrology · 18 days
- Cancers at their worst -
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i just saw an ig post (no shade to the original poster) that said a cancer's dark side was everything they are stereotyped to be (extremely emotional/sensitive, are way too kind and always think people are judging them) and as a cancer that may be about to go neurotic again rn im gonna tell you from my personal experience what a cancer's dark side is actually like.
like i said though im going off of mostly just my experience so if this doesn't resonate, my bad- i did my best 🙏😔
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to understand the nature of a cancer at their worst, you have to actually understand water and its potential volatility.
remember when i talked abt cancers and rage and how i said cancers are fire-coded (cardinal) water? keep that in mind for just abt this entire post.
fire is pure energy, and so is water, water just has more space to hold said energy- where fire burns out quickly, water doesn't dry out that fast at all especially if you have an ocean specifically.
people who say cancers (or really any water sign honestly-) are crybabies and switch moods every 5 seconds do not understand what water really is and this topic makes me a little livid sometimes because those are the same people that made me not like my rising sign for a long time.
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to understand a cancers rock bottom, think about what water can do.
tsunamis can kill hundreds of thousands of people if they're big enough.
hurricanes, and sometimes tornadoes, form over water when the temperature is right.
the pressure at the bottom of the ocean can crush almost anything in an instant except for what has specifically evolved to live down there.
rain can lead to insane flooding (fellow floridians remember hurricane ian 2yrs ago 😕)
we have explored less of our ocean than the space around us, can you imagine what oceans on other planets would be like? especially the planets or moons that are almost Entirely water?
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water represents emotion, yes, but when we boil that down to water signs being overly emotional, it doesn't make any sense and it makes some people, at least the ones that are like me, ashamed of their water placements because our society loves to say "emotion = bad." when obviously that is not true.
But if we wanna talk about the actual dark shit, aka my jupiter in scorpio's favorite shit, u gotta strap in.
Cancers feel more rage than anything.
i talked abt this specifically in my cancers and rage post, but it's true for this as well.
to use myself as the example, whenever i feel depressed or upset for some reason (like today), it's never just that sad feeling, it is always accompanied by a distinct anger because i get pissed that i feel like shit.
but if that rage doesn't get its way, or worse, gets too much of its way, i can succumb to a state of misery or, at my worst, neurosis, where multiple god awful things happen.
im not one to stay down for long, the last and first time i went neurotic, it only lasted for a week until i snapped out of it, but it was still very damaging.
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cancers at their worst will feel an urge to self-destruct that may or may not be uncontrollable depending on other placements in the chart and of course how shitty they feel.
they will find something detrimental to do and if they genuinely can't, they will instead just mentally rip themselves open and daydream about what it would be like to just completely lose control and fall into a self-destructive spiral.
that's what happened to me when i went neurotic. one wrong decision and, having no access to anything that would take a toll on my physical body, i ripped myself to pieces in my head and almost fell in love with the act.
like gerard way said, there's something very romantic about it.
cancers can get moody, yes, but at this point they'll go mostly numb and tearing at their soul is the only thing they enjoy.
and then the pain will catch up to them.
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once that pain catches up to them, two things will happen.
they will begin to realize what they've been doing and how pointless it is, and they will activate a duality within themselves of the desire to hurt and the need for pain relief.
they will tear at themselves even more, knowing they shouldn't be doing what they are, but it's a vicious cycle.
this will happen, and then the potential for redemption begins to boil over.
after being in the dark, blissfully hidden depths of their own mental ocean, they will realize they can't breathe anymore, and they will either suffocate themselves or snap their eyes open and swim up until they see the light they deprived themselves of for however long.
once they've made it to the surface, they gasp to catch their breath, their tears being of the need for pain relief winning against their desire to hurt.
now the water is not a personal vice, but a cleansing presence that makes them feel understood. the water gets it. the water would never judge them for what they did.
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after being in the dark embrace of the depths of the ocean for so long, the light finally hitting your eyes makes color seem so much more vibrant.
- 🌙 -
all this to say that, at their worst, cancers can succumb to self destruction like no other, but they have the drive to keep them going to even them out.
they don't just cry all day or switch moods 24/7, they fall into a vat of water that, the deeper they go, reveals more and more of their very soul.
it's the deepest level of shadow work, it's the pain no one wants to go through because it's the pain of losing your personal momentum and then having to find it again in an instant before it's gone forever.
OR i could be totally wrong idk But this is my experience!!!! ✨💞💞✨💞✨💞✨💞✨ God belsls!!!!!!!!
my bad that was real dark and poetic writing now i gotta balance it out Uhhhmmmmm Legalize nuclear bombs. 💥
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ilovewriting06 · 1 month
Mischief and Angel- Part 11
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I snarl down at the grinning face of Kate Argent before raising my claws ready to slash out her throat when she chuckles, spitting up a little blood, "Her birthday is February 2nd by the way."
I falter slightly and she laughs her sadistic little laugh, "Yeah, what's her name? Lola isn't it?"
I let out a growl and she smirks, "She's yours you know, biological and all that jazz. Congrats."
I pull back in surprise, craving answers and Kate takes my moment of distraction to stab a wolfsbane laced dagger through my torso. My eyes widen as I gasp in pain before I'm being pushed to the ground. I hiss and choke out a cry as the blade is twisted in a full circle as Kate's face appears above mine, "Don't worry dear, I'll tell you everything you want to know, but it'll be on my terms."
I weakly try and push her hands away before she pushes herself up, using the handle of the dagger as her only leverage. I arch in pain as black starts to cloud my vision telling me I'm about to pass out. I frantically look for someway to leave a message when I make eye contact with the camera and try my best to leave a message. I take gasping breaths as my vision fades in and out and the last thing I see is Gerard Argent looking down at me with a sneer before glancing up and looking, presumably at Kate, "Tell her, and then kill her."
Stiles POV
"What do you mean she's missing?!"
"Stiles, calm down."
"Don't fucking tell me to calm down Scott! My fiancée is missing, my mate Scott, and I can't fucking feel her and it's freaking me the fuck out! So someone, tell me what the hell is going on and where the hell my fiancée is?!"
I feel someone lay a hand on my shoulder and I instinctively fling my arm back effectively knocking the hand off of my shoulder before spinning around to seethe at Dad, "Don't. Touch. Me."
He holds up his hands and backs up slightly before speaking, "Hey, sorry, sorry, but you need to calm down Stiles. Let Lydia explain and then we'll figure out what to do."
I take a deep shaky breath before sinking down to sit on the bottom of the stairs, "Okay, okay," I look up and meet the gaze of a worried and guilty Lydia, "What happened?"
Lydia's frown deepens and I notice how she's slightly shaking and her bottom lips quivers, "I-I don't know what happened, we were at the mall, just window shopping you know?"
Allison lays a comforting hand on Lydia's arm, "Deep breaths Lyds, we need you to tell us what happened so we can find Y/n. Do this for her."
Lydia takes a deep breath and nods once before her eyes harden as her guilt turns to determination, "We were at the mall since we both had a free day and it has been quiet on the Gerard and Kate issue for awhile and we had just finished eating when she said she needed to run to the bathroom. I offered to go with her but she said no, that she would be right back because she only had to pee and then she asked me to look for the one candle scent that Stiles loves. I watched her walk towards the bathrooms and then she never came back. I went and looked for her and all I found was what looked like blood splatter on the wall, it looked like someone's face was slammed against it and their nose started bleeding."
I clutch my hands into fists as I check in on our bonds to see if I can feel her but it's still silent. I take a deep breath before dropping my face into my hands and fighting back tears as I whisper, "Pain, so much pain and anger."
Everyone turns to look at me and I rub my hands down my face before sniffling as I sit up straight, "The last thing I felt from her was sudden, it was anger, a lot of anger, and then unfathomable pain, right before terror took over for a split second before she disappeared. The bond is still there and I haven't went fucking crazy yet so she's still alive. It feels like the bonds when she's asleep so I think she was probably knocked out."
Everyone lets out some sort of whimper or whine, including the humans, before the door is flung open and Melissa comes rushing through demanding, "What happened?! Why did I get the 911 text, who's hurt, who's missing, or who do we have to kill?"
She stops in the entryway as she takes in everyone and I can see the moment it clicks that the only person not present is her daughter. She sucks in a breath before her eyes settle on my and I can see the fear in her eyes which has me choking back more sobs as she asks, "Stiles, where's my daughter?"
I bite my cheek trying to gain control before swallowing and then standing up, "We don't know." Her eyes widen as she comes to stand in front of me, "What do you mean you don't know? Can't you feel her or do your weird voodoo mate shit and find her?"
I shake my head slowly and whisper, "N-no, I...I can't, I'm sorry Melissa but I can tell you that she's still alive."
Her eyes widen even more before dropping into a glare, "Sh-She's alive?! That's it?! Aren't you her mate and supposed to know this crap?! What the hell were you even thinking letting her go out alone when two fucking psychos are on the loose and clearly after blood?!"
I swallow her words as they cut deep before answering, "She wasn't alone, she went with Lydia. I thought-I thought she would be okay to get out of the house for a couple hours."
Lydia shrinks back as if she had been slapped, and I can't help but sympathize because I'm feeling about the same x10 right now. I lick my lips out of nervousness, praying that Melissa is done shooting bullets but it appears they're going unanswered today.
"Lydia! You sent her out with Lydia! The least threatening one in the pack and you send my daughter out with her? What the hell is wrong with you Stiles, you're supposed to stop her from doing stupid stuff when there's psycho killers on the loose! What were you thinking? Hell, were you thinking at all?!"
I flinch back before looking at the floor as Scott jumps forward, "MOM! Stop! Are you thinking? You know no one can tell Y/n what to do besides look at him, he's beating himself up right now without you coming around and adding fuel to the fire. He's more connected to her than any of us and as soon as he felt her bond go silent he went batshit crazy, it took Boyd, Erica, Isaac, and me to keep him from running out here full on white eyed and sparked out."
I glance up as Melissa's anger falters and Scott continues, "Jesus Mom, she's his mate, his world, take what you feel right now and multiply it by 1000, that's what he feels like right now. Just, calm down before you send him into another spiral, because although his eyes are really frickin cool, he's really freaking scary."
Melissa turns to look at me and I look away to avoid eye contact before stumbling back as I'm slammed into before being wrapped in a rather tight hug, "Oh God Stiles, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean any of it, I was just angry and scared and you were who I took it out on. I am so sorry, honey."
I wrap my arms around her and pull her into a tight hug as she sobs into my shoulder and I fight to hold back my own tears because I know if I start crying now I'm not going to stop.
I tap my fingers against the desk as dad scrolls through the security tapes from the mall looking for any idea as to what happened and where she went. We're 103% sure it was Kate and Gerard but we still don't know specifics.
I perk up as Dad stops fast forwarding through the tape when he sees Y/n and Lydia in the food court and from there we bounce between the cameras until she disappears into the bathroom. Luckily there is a clear shot to the bathroom door to make sure no one steals anything and we watch as a blonde quickly slip through the door less than a minute after Y/n and I can feel my eyes flash white as I let out a pretty impressive snarl, "Kate."
We watch until they exit through the bathroom door together and then slipping out of a back door on the backside of the mall. Dad switches cameras again and I watch as a pretty brutal fight breaks out until Y/n has Kate pinned down and has the opening for a final blow before she falters. I lean forward and furrow my eyebrows wondering why she faltered before scowling and wincing as she's pushed off Kate and the dagger that had been embedded in her flesh is twisted. I close my eyes and look away not being able to stomach the pain on her face, at least until Dad gasps, "Stiles."
I look at him before he rewinds the tape and points before slowing it down, "Watch."
I flinch as the dagger is twisted and pushed on as if it isn't impaled through my mate's stomach. I watch as Y/n's eyes dart around somewhat frantic before she makes direct eye contact at the camera before moving her hand in multiple different signs that I vaguely recognize but have no idea how to interpret.
I grit my teeth out of irritation before I remember where exactly I had seen those signs before. I scramble for my phone before dialing the only person I can think of that would know what the hell Y/n was trying to tell us.
Lydia strolls through the office door less than ten minutes later before moving to look at the screen, "Okay, what do you need me to try and interpret?"
I replay the tape again and can see the tears as she sees her best friend get stabbed before she gasps. She narrows her eyes before rewinding the tape for a few seconds as she looks at me, "It's sign language, we learned some of it so we could talk to each other during school. We only really ever got the basics and the alphabet figured out but she's spelling something out, I need a piece of paper and a pen."
This time Dad is the one that scrambles to pull a notepad out of his desk before plucking a pen out of his pen holder and all but shoving them at Lydia. Lydia takes them before she rewinds the tape for approximately another eternity before she hands the paper to me, "I think it's for you."
I look down at the paper and my breath hitches at the three words scribbled on the paper, 'she is ours.' I slam the paper down on the desk causing Dad and Lydia to jump before I angrily seethe, "Of course they were the ones to fucking take Lola."
Lydia looks at me with concern and confusion in her eyes, "What are you talking about? Lola's safe at home."
I point at the note before running a hand through my hair, "Y/n and I had a hunch that the baby she miscarried, wasn't actually miscarried."
Lydia furrows her eyebrows in confusion, "What are you talking about?"
I let a sad smile slip out before pointing at the screen, "When she faltered, when she could have killed Kate but didn't, I think Kate told her what we had suspected...Lola is our biological daughter that was somehow taken from Y/n, more than likely transferred to someone else."
She stares at my in shock before asking, "Is that even possible?"
I sigh before nodding, "Yeah, I went to Deaton about it and he said that it is possible but you would need another woman to carry the baby to full term and a witch to actually transfer the baby from one womb to the other. It was only ever used in dire situation, like the original, biological mother is dying and the baby is moved to another woman to carry the baby."
Lydia gapes, "You mean to tell me that some sicko magically moved a baby out of Y/n's womb, causing her to fall into grief because she thought she miscarried the baby, into another one?"
I nod and she scowls, "What kind of fucking sicko would do that?!"
I raised an eyebrow and she deflated, "You...you don't think Kate...?"
I blanche at he suggestion before I shakily nod, "I-it...the timeline would work. If we're right and Lola was transferred to-to Kate, oh God that makes me sick, it would make sense as to why they dropped off the map for all those months."
I look to see Dad scowling, obviously paying attention as Lydia asks, "Is-is Lola related to Kate somehow?"
I let out a relieved sigh and shake my head, "No, not possible. She was simply just a carrier. Y/n and I had already made Lola, she was 100% our DNA and they couldn't change that. Kate would have only carried her and then gave birth to her, but no relation and she wouldn't have the same motherly love that Y/n would have had. Well, Y/n/n has it now, but no, no relation to the Argents, thank fuck."
Surprisingly Dad is the one to sigh in relief, "Oh thank God, I can't stand the Argents, except for Allison, and sometimes Chris. I'm still a little mad that he was going to shoot you when everything went down with the nogistune."
I go to respond before I jump up so fast my chair almost flips before turning to Dad and Lydia with wide eyes, "She's awake!"
A/n- Well, some mysteries are slowly getting solved, now they just need to find Y/n before it's too late. Let me know what you think!
Tag List: @ah-blossom @gabby988 @zanypaintermoon
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