archersartcorner · 4 months
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elytrafemme · 9 months
i'm justtt putting this into asks rather than reblogging to reply bc. idk i think you might be asleep now thinking emoji and in asks the notif might be easier to see
on felps' lives channel he usually splits the streams up per game so it's easier to like.. pick a specific game and then watch through all the eps of it i guess? the auto-translate is usually pretty good too :]
i got nab/nap bc i train of thoughted my way onto the word kidnap and then went "hey isn't it weird that it's nap and not nab?" and then just went on a google spree bc like.. idk! very interesting ^_^ (<- also probably the adhd or whatevrr) nd the "you" thing is SO fun to me.... i've def heard of it being used for plural first before but i never really heard about it as liiike a formal only thing and then gradually getting less formal. and "y'all" filling the spot of it as a plural word instead is very fun !! "y'all" and "g'day" are like brothers to me. or cousins maybe idk. different but similar ^_^
i have a coworker who i talk about language with a lot and he's learning arabic!! it seems like a very interesting language i love hearing about it :] srsly if you ever want to talk about it my askbox/dms are always open!
anddd actively i'm learning brpt but i'd also like to multiclass into spanish ^_^ just trying to keep them . a little separate rn because i keep forgetting which words are from which language hashtag memory problems</3 bc some of them are similar (with: com versus con for eg) etc etc. other than that i'm trying to keep up with auslan but it's difficult when all the Good resources that keep my attention long term are paid/time consuming (which is fair since it's ppl actively teaching but it's just a little sad how little resources there are.. that i can Find at least) ALSO!! a jellyfish... this is so epic i don't think i've seen this emoji before :]!! ty ty!
HIII yes u are very right it is a lot easier to see ask notifs :]
OOOOH OKAY VERY IMPORTANT INFO TY!! im glad he splits it up like that it'll make my life easier :D i will deffo try to check it out <333
Y'ALL AND G'DAY ARE BROTHERS SO TRUE!!! i love y'all so much which like, i know it's a popular thing but i've met a lot of northerners at my school and it's strange how many people haven't acclimated to using y'all as a default. like that's just what i call people man i don't fucking know what to tell u. you all are sooooo y'all to me
OOOH NICE!!!!!! thank u for the offer my friend :3 it's deffo interesting! the dialects and stuff are very fascinating and one thing i want to learn more about is all different languages' dialects because like, i'm so interested in the diff dialects of spanish for example! i think it's very interesting and i wish people taught more aobut that piece in language learning
NICE NICE NICE! yeah double learning languages is hard i so many times wanted to speak arabic in my spanish class (those two languages have a decent number of similarities actually!! in like, loan words :3) memory problems will do it to u yeah </3 ur so brave ... and no yeah i absolutely feel that with the resources thing it's so hard to find ones that are actually effective? wish there was like a khan academy just for languages, since i know duolingo is a little spotty and most of the other ones i am at least familiar with are like, locally offered things and whatnot
JELLYFISH :3 i thought you'd like him he's such a friend innit he
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beann-e · 3 years
I have a head cannon that bakugou would not be sweet to who he liked or dated and instead deny it and hate on them even more.
The reason being because he doesn’t really understand feelings so, when he’s talking badly about you he just assumes it’s normal and a bit funny at the lies he’s spitting that his just continuously friends are eating up.
he’s been talking bad about people for years so , who cares if your his s/o your no acceptation all people are equal in his mind. Now lemme explain please fall in line and hold a buddys hand kids we’re going on a trip inside my brain
It wasn’t easy getting the spiky haired male to ask you out honestly if someone asked you , which they’d never dare since they’d never know per bakugous request him saying it’s not their business , how you two got together you would shrug your shoulders and walk off.
It wasn’t that it was a boring day or a simple question that you supplied the answer for. It was that it was unusual.
You’d been at quirk practice after school in the gym like you’d usually do only this time bakugou made his way over to you.
You’d been seeing him more often when you were in the gym and you weren’t sure why until he explained that he was interested in your workout routine saying you two could have a contest to see who’s was more grueling
It seemed like fun so like any competitive person you agreed. Only for him to tap out on day two your laughs swirling around the gym as he fought so hard to say he only lost because he just didn’t like how the air would hit his ass crack anytime he did your little girly squats you’d wrote down for him.
You couldn’t say you weren’t both confused and happy when he let the air calm down before he spoke “ i’m kind of conflicted “ his eyes coming up to look at yours from the floor “ could you maybe help me“
“ of course what’s up “
“ i’m at a standstill “
“ more like a sit still “ you joked eyes peering down at his straight face “ yeah ok let’s imagine that didn’t happen —continue “
“ uh yeah anyways — i’m at a standstill because honestly I like your shit workout “ he shook his head to the floor “ but I also like you so I find myself thinking if I couldn’t get through your workout even though I enjoyed it so much could I “
his voice rasped shakily “ could I get through a relationship with you even though I like you even more “
truthfully you’d wish you’d said no because right now you wanted nothing more than to just be friends with the male sitting across the room from you.
It’s not that you didn’t like him of course you did he was hot , smart, and felt strongly about his goals but, he was an asshole.
Not in the aspect of hes just mean and rude but he was an all around prick as he laughed with his friends from across the room.
Their voices only getting louder as you sat alone a few seats away from them trying to complete some work on your desk you’d just been given “ dude gotta admit class 1-A’s got some hot chicks “
“ yeah honestly minas top three if we’re being truthful “
“mina dude come on have you seen jirou “
“ don’t even get me started “ denkis voice came out in a soft groan “ god I would— “
“ yeah yeah all that jazz but “ seros voice came out soft. His hand coming up to point at the seat as you sat in with your head down eyes furrowed in anger at the math on your paper that wasn’t syncing up with your brain right now
“ y/n “ his fist tightened as he groaned “ y/n could get it on all accounts — the car “
“ you don’t have a car “ denkis voice came out as sero continued
“ the school bathroom “
“ but which one ? because one of you would have to go in the wrong sex’s unless its a handicap or family stal-“
“the fucking dorms “
“ y/n ? “ kirishima asked quickly “ y/n l/n ? “
“ fuck yeah “
“ hmm “ kirishima studied you before shaking his head “ honestly kinda hot never really paid attention to that stuff before though “
“ what the fuck how can’t you “
“ uh i’m more so a personality guy “
“ so by personality would you fuck em ‘ “
“ not to be vulgar but of course “ his answer taking no time “ y’know how fun they’d be in a relationship though not just with sex ? imagine cuddles—fuck —what about cuddle monster y/n maybe ? god that’d be so hot “
denki getting restless as he held his thoughts in from the other males. His mind spazzing before finally getting to speak “ i’d fuck her too “ he yelled everyone’s eyes going sharp on the boy before he coughed “ id rock it too — we’re talking about getting mullets “
“ oh boys that’d be kinda hot “ you said laughing sarcastically sero turning to you smiling softly “ oh yeah on who in particular “
“ mm totally blondie over there “
“ the fuck ? “ his eyes shot away from denkis and moved to yours anger pouring through his gaze making you jerk back a little in surprise “ the hell you mean i’d look hot “
your eyebrows creased “ well because I — you do you would “
“ don’t go talking out of your ass you hear me—shit people like you don’t deserve to talk to anyone about looks “ your mouth went dry at his lazer stare.
His lips curling up into a smirk before he shook his head “ these assholes are talking about fucking you yknow “ he whispered to you “ you gonna let em ? you gonna let em right? because that’s the only attention you’d ever get right “
“ bakubro hold up chill out “
“ yeah bakubro chill out “ you said your gaze wavering from the hard one you’d had when you felt the heat radiating off of him no comfort coming from him to you only confusing you more. Had you two been in a secret argument that you knew nothing about
“ whatever “ he leaned back in his chair as the class went back to what they were doing your hands gripping the pencil when the class got even louder but you only searching for your boyfriends voice easily drowning out the others
“ i’d never fuck “ your heart broke at the deep voice youd identified
“ dude seriously come on with the lies —fucking beautiful “
“ correctomundo my friend their absolutely stunning “
his laugh ripping through their claims hand jerking back to point at you “ you think their beautiful much less hot ? “
“ yeah you don’t ? “ denki spat all of them looking at the boy like he was crazy for enjoying this obviously racy topic right now much less taking the wrong side of the debate
“ I literally just sat here and said I wouldn’t fuck em’ pokémon —so you can guess what that correlates to “
“ hey dude why’re you being sucha a dick —the personality’s top tier even if your stupid enough to think their not at least hot“ kirishima putting the ending words in quotation marks honestly a bit upset with his friend
“ hey watch it your over here defending an extra like your gonna make moves on em “ he laughed “ I advise otherwise “
you let out a sigh thinking he’d finally stopped acting the way he was. Your mind preparing to only give him the silent treatment for today and then tomorrow peppering him with kisses until he laughed and apologized for his words
Heart only being snatched away from your body when you heard his deep vibrating voice cut through the room “ probably gonna give you a rash from all the shit that’s on their mouth all the time “
it’s just lipgloss.
Lipgloss bakugou bought you packs of earlier this week after he swore he loved the taste and scent.
moving to wipe at it gently with the sleeve of your outfit him still going causing tears to start building up in your eyes “ bet the bitch doesn’t even shower —had em’ over for a project last night had to wash my sheets and blanket —took hours last night “
“ oh “ denki let out “ I was a bit confused when I saw you at the laundry room at 3 in the morning.
Tears blurring your vision as you thought about his earlier words when he’d given you your favorite sweater of his after saying he’d washed it for you because he knew you wouldn’t do it yourself because in his words ‘ you would never wash it without his help because you were a creep and didn’t want to erase his smell or some shit ‘
“ yeah —smelled so bad im telling you stay away you don’t wanna ask em’ out “
you moved to grab your phone as he kept talking you typing out a message as best as you could before hitting send. His hand moving off the desk and going in his pants pocket to pull his phone out keeping it hidden under the table eyes trailing over the screen
Firefighter >3
baby are we arguing
if your mad at me please just tell me don’t just talk shit about me in front of your friends
him locking his phone and placing it on his desk before you typed out one more message him letting out a sigh as he grabbed for it again
firefighter >3
if you keep going we’re over
“ but imagine whoever bags them apart from bakugou at least since we all know he’s all anti hot y/n “
“ they’d be so lucky “
“ yeah right “ he spoke lowly almost trying to hide his voice from you eyes glued to his phone “ wouldn’t dare “
“ wouldnt dare what bakugou “
“ oh wouldnt dare be —-be lucky “ he locked his phone again “ feel bad for the person dating them all the shit they gotta go through put up with , claims they make through message and not with real words, being too much of a pussy to speak up for themselves“
he shook his head softly eyes twitching “ you wouldn’t put up with that —you couldn’t put up with that your not built for it you gotta have tough skin y’know like me “
he licked his lips moving to sit up straighter when hearing his phone vibrate “ don’t uh “
firefighter >3
one more bakugou
one more bakugou katsuki and were over
his eyes darting over to yours before his eyebrows furrowed and body shook in anxiousness he couldn’t figure out what to do.
He was an asshole you knew this so why the fuck were you being such a crybaby now? did he pick the wrong person to date he thought you were strong
He genuinely just wanted to keep these creeps away from what’s his by scaring them off he wasn’t doing anything wrong? well at least in his eyes
He moved to talk again trying his best to string together a nice sentence “ just don’t uh ask —ask em’ out —-their utter dog shit when it comes to relationships leave it to someone who can handle that y’know “
he relaxed into his chair at his victory when he watched you throw your phone to the table and fix your skirt and standup. Him sighing out when you picked up your stuff to leave “ thank all might “ he whispered head shooting to lean back against his desk chair and look up at the sky blood running cold when his phone vibrated against the table
firefighter >3
all your shits gonna be outside my dorm door. So you might want to come collect it before I have half and half lighting campfires tonight
y’know since i’m such a shit person —gotta hope your bestie deku can give me some after school lessons on personalities. He’s so sweet I bet he’ll fix me right up
screw you katsuki see you in hell
“ the —the fuck what did —the hell did I do wrong “ he screamed when he saw you slam the classroom door after flicking him off
his friends eyes moving from the door to bakugous phone that he’d thrown on the table.
Todorokis eyes going wide when he read his stupid nickname given to him by the steamy male “ I —I uh“ he coughed “ I think i’m gonna go help y/n since their now single—don’t want em’ getting hurt with amateur fire starters again when i’m right here “
his stone face peered down at the red faced boy “ I mean that is ok with you bakugou seeing as though you two were most likely in a relationship by the messages before today “
“ you asshole did you go through me and my s/o’s messages “
“ judging by the series of recent text I don’t believe that’s the case for you two anymore “ he reached to grab his backpack saying a formal goodbye before he spoke “ I feel like i’m needed by a very —very perfectly intelligent unshitty person right now “
seros voice coming out softly as he let bakugous phone fall to the table disappointment in his eyes “ look uh —dude you didn’t have to mess your relationship up just to go against us ? “ he winced at the claim“ honestly you could’ve stayed quiet the whole time —it’s not like we agreed with you anyways “
bakugou leaned back in his chair anger swirling in his stomach as he felt his body sweat at the new heat spreading throughout his whole body.
How the hell did he mess up where the hell did he mess up he explained to you he wasn’t gonna treat you any differently than any other extra here and that went for basic conversations too
Maybe he went a bit far with the dont date em ‘ that was probably it you didn’t like how he said don’t date you because he was the only one who could handle you right ?
He shook his head a bit confused you just wanted him to say that you could handle yourself and didn’t need him right ?
So , why the hell did he feel like he’d done something wrong he wasn’t stupid but he just wasn’t well versed in feelings. He already didn’t know how to handle his own so how was he expected to handle another persons.
To him his words were normal he talked about all people like this hell, he bullied deku for 3 years going as far as to make a special nickname for him
that wasn’t even the worse he could’ve done and you knew that so why was he in trouble and worrying about Icy hot taking his place
He was honestly confused?
Could words really be that hurtful?
could his words really be that hurtful ?
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youngbloodlisk · 4 years
warnings: threesome, foursome, daddy kink, master kink, probably every standard sexual act you can think of (i honestly cant even remember what was and wasnt included and we love that), choking, petnames, sir kink, biting, some public stuff, rough smut, rlly rough smut lmao, degradation, i think thats it? but if i missed something im very sorry my brain is kind of a mushy submissive mess after reading this
omg i loved this shgdhdjdhdgh even as someone who doesnt love daddy/master and stuff as much as other people i very much enjoyed this thank you for submitting it omg
ok that was all lisa talking, here’s the actual dom!yoongi, dom!taehyung, dom!jungkook, sub!reader submission from @kpop-4-ever:
Taehyung. Taehyung. Taehyung. You banged your head in your hands frustratedly. At one point, you missed and banged your head on the desk. The teacher stopped speaking and everyone looked at you. “I’m okay…” She shrugged and went back to writing impossible math problems on the board. All but one of the students directed their attention back to the board. You sighed and winced when you got hit by a note. You opened it and smiled. Your dorm @4 and your bed is mine. Quickly, you threw a glance at your mint-haired friend who smirked at you. You couldn’t help but roll your eyes at him. Luckily, you had homework so you wouldn’t fight over the bed.
Four rolled around quickly and you left your door unlocked. It wasn’t like your friend was going to knock anyways. “I’M HERE AND I BROUGHT A FRIEND.” “IN HERE.” You watched as he entered the room. “Hey, Yoongs!” He muttered a ‘hey’ and jumped on your bed. “My homework gives me more reaction than you.” “I’m here, too.” A small voice came from the doorway. “Chimmy!” Jimin was your childhood crush, but as all good things get older, they fade. That’s exactly what happened. Now you have a crush on the campus hot boy alien, Kim Taehyung. He was untouchable. Unreachable. He’s been on your mind since he gave you his umbrella and stood in the rain.
“Yoongles?” “Why do you hate me?” He sighed and groaned. “Cause I do. Now, did you pay attention in class?” You heard a slight chuckle. “I was zoned out but I know one thing. You were thinking of Taehyung.” He sneered. The closest soft thing was a plushie, so you decided to throw it at Yoongi. Jimin perked up. “I wanna talk about Tae.” “I don’t.” He forcefully turned your seat around and made you look at him. “We are talking about Taehyung.” “You looked like shit in class.” Of course, Yoongi noticed. No matter how much concealer you put on, he could tell. “I didn’t get good sleep last night.” “I can tell. These sheets smell clean, which means you washed them this morning.” True. You did. You hate washing your sheets so you do it once a month unless you have a reason to do it sooner.
"Okay, so I had a dream…” That was the truth… just not the full truth. “What kind of dream?” Yoongi smirked. “Obviously one about Taehyung, Jimin.” Sighing and blushing, you hid your head in your hands. “Ooh, was he choking you? Did he chain you up? Did he blindfold you? Did he make you call him daddy?” No. No. No. You absolutely did not want that image in your head right now, especially not in front of your friends. You bit back a moan and shuddered instead. “I don’t want to talk about it.” “He’s got you whipped.” Jimin giggled, playfully teasing you. You groaned. “Shut up, please!” Jimin looked taken aback. “Man, you need to get fucked and fast. You’re a bitch.” “I don’t need your criticism, Jimin. Or your advice.” At this point, the homework was forgotten until you turned around. Your phone buzzed violently.
ᗰᗩᗰᗩ ᒍIᑎ
Did you hear the news?
Did you?
Did you?
Answer me!
I cannot believe you don’t love your brother
What news?
Taehyung’s heading towards your house
I think it was something like he’s moving in next to you.
*out of text*
“SERIOUSLY, HE DIDN'T THINK TO TELL ME THAT TAEHYUNG IS MOVING IN NEXT DOOR?” “Ooh, the tea is piping hot!” “Shut up, Jimin.” You groaned as someone knocked on the door. “Must be, Jinyoung.” The dorms were co-ed which was stupid, but you guess that the administration didn’t care if you got an STD, or worse, pregnant. Jinyoung hadn’t been home in weeks and you noticed his door was closed the entire time, but he was a private person so nothing was thought of it. You stood up and readjusted your shorts from riding up any farther. Thinking he could hear you, you started complaining to the door. “Jinyoung, you know that the key opens the door. Don’t tell me you lost it otherwise-“ You finally paid attention to who was at the door. Kim Taehyung. Jungkook was standing behind him with the second half of Taehyung’s stuff. “Hi! Are you going to let me in to my dorm, roomie?”
Subconsciously, you moved but you were still surprised. You didn’t think he’d be moving in with you. Where was he going to sleep? “Sit your stuff in the living room for now, please.” Slowly comprehending, you opened Jinyoung’s room to see it empty with a letter on the bed explaining that he was moving back home. That bitch left me, you thought. “In here.” Taehyung moved his stuff to the room and noticed the letter. “Jinyoung didn’t tell you did he?” Your head snapped to him confused. “Jinyoung recommended that I move in here. Said you were chill.” “You get settled in and I’m going back to my room.” He nodded and as soon as you shut your door you screamed. “FUCK!” Yoongi was sitting up, smirking at you and Jimin was giggling. “I think I’m going to leave…” “No you don’t.” You shoved Yoongi back on the bed and threw yourself in your chair.
A knock sounded on your bedroom door and Jimin opened it before you could react. Taehyung and Jungkook stood at the door. “YOU GOT AN XBOX ONE, PLAYSTATION, WII, AND TWO COMPUTERS FOR GAMING!” You giggled at Jungkook’s reaction. Typically, after school, you would come in here and play against people or just play for fun. “Is Jungkookie excited by my new roommate’s gaming system?” He nodded. “If you want, we can play sometime, Jungkook.” You could see him glowing with excitement. “I can come back if you want to be alone.” Taehyung eyed Jimin and Yoongi cautiously. His tone told you that he was thinking you were going to do something with Jimin and Yoongi. “It’s okay, they’re just friends.” “I’m not just your friend…” Jimin is not helping. “I’m your childhood best friend too!” “Go order takeout and make yourself useful.”
He stuck his tongue out at you before going to the living room to order. “What do you need?” “I was wondering if you’d help me do laundry?” Yoongi chuckled and gave you a look. That ‘this is the guy you want to fuck you’ look. “You don’t know how to do laundry?” He sheepishly grinned. “I mean, I do, but I don’t want to break another washer because it was different.” Jungkook chimed in much to the despair of his best friend. “Oh yeah! You broke the knob off and then fried the wiring.” Yoongi chuckled at you. Through gritted teeth, Taehyung spoke. “Yes, I was referring to that one.” Thankfully, Jimin came back into the room which saved Taehyung from complete embarrassment. Whatever, you thought. “Let’s go, it’s downstairs.” He nodded and grabbed his laundry. The two of you walked side by side in silence until you got to the laundry room. He watched closely as you showed him how to use the washer, eyes analyzing your every move.
On more than one occasion, you went with Taehyung to do his laundry, only staying in when you needed to study. This time was no different. The two of you had grown close, even going as far as you kissing him when you were flat out drunk from a party Jimin threw. “Why do you wash your clothes so much? Do you like me or something?” “Or something,” he responded, not paying attention to you drooling over him. His shirt stayed taut in all the right places. You watched as he tossed his clothes in the washer and started it. Growing bored as the time passed, you hopped up on the dryer and dangled your legs off the side. Keeping up with the conversation, you moved your legs as Taehyung transferred his clothes to the dryer and turned it on. Bad idea to sit on the dryer. You lurched forward as it vibrated beneath you, grazing your clit. You moaned softly and then blushed after realizing what happened.
“I-I have to go.” You were too embarrassed to stay and deal with the fact that your hot roommate heard you get turned on by a dryer. “Stay.” Taehyung’s voice was dominant and turned you on even more. Your juices were slowly soaking through to your shorts. Luckily, you were wearing black so it didn’t show, but at least you were in a place where you could wash your clothes. “Did that turn you on?” You shook your head. “Answer me, baby doll.” A small whimper left your lips when he forced his leg in between yours. “Yes, Daddy.” Daddy. Taehyung just realized that he had a Daddy kink. “Fuck, that was hot.” He watched as your face turned pink and looked away from him. This was not acceptable in his book. His hand gripped your chin and forced you to look at him. You looked into his lust-filled eyes and gulped as he leaned in closer, lips brushing yours. The need controlled your movements as you pulled him into a heated kiss. It was a mess of moans and tongues as you submitted to Taehyung.
Pulling away to catch your breath, Taehyung nipped and sucked at the soft skin of your neck, leaving marks. “We can’t do this here. There are cameras.” He nipped harshly at a sweet spot, causing you to moan. “Let them watch.” Forcing yourself not to succumb to his wants, you pushed him away. “We’ll get kicked out.” You jumped down only to be pushed against the wall. Taehyung grinded himself against you, the pleasure making you throw your head back. “Tae,” your voice was barely a whimper now. “You can’t leave me hanging babydoll, now can you?” “No Daddy but-“ He effectively cut you off by thrusting his long, slender fingers in your mouth, making you gag at the sudden intrusion. Drool spilled out of the corner of your mouth, making you feel absolutely filthy. If one were to walk into the laundry room, they’d know exactly what was going down or more who was going down.
Footsteps sounded in the hallway, nearing closer to the laundry room. “Stay quiet, babydoll and they won’t know a thing. You can do that for me, right?” “Yes, Daddy,” you sighed. “Good girl.” Taehyung removed his fingers from your mouth and wiped them on his sweatpants. “Hey, Taehyung. ________.” You managed to squeak out a small hi to your classmate, but Taehyung’s wandering hands didn’t help either. When she looked away to grab clothes, Taehyung’s large hand groped your breast, pinching your sensitive nipple through the shirt. “Shit,” you gasped. “Are you okay?” You looked up to see the girl staring at you worried. “Yeah, just had a cold chill.” It wasn’t a total lie, but it was believable enough for her to return to her laundry. “Who knew my baby doll had a little mouth on her?” Taehyung whispered into your ear, sending shivers down your spine. “What else can that pretty mouth say?” “Wait until we get back to the dorm to do anything,” you hissed, scared of getting caught but loving the thrill. “Tsk. Are you disrespecting me? Do I need to punish you?”
The thought of what Taehyung could do to you made you even wetter. Your juices threatened to escape your shorts and show him how much that affected you but there was no need. His fingers slipped into your shorts and ran across your clit forcing you to bite your lip to keep quiet. “Hey, you look sick. Are you okay?” You looked up to find the girl staring at you and suddenly, you were all too aware of Taehyung’s fingers threatening to push into you in a public area. “Yeah, it’s just hot in here.” “It is a little, but will you be kind enough to watch my clothes? I have to study and I don’t want someone to set them on top again in the middle of the wash.” A quick nod made her smile, and leave the room. “Babydoll, I think you have a voyeurism kink.” A smirk was etched on his face as you turned to him, wide-eyed. “And I think I know just how to satiate that. Would you like me to call Jungkookie? Or how about Yoongi hyung, hmm? How would you like to have your best friend watch you get ruined?”
“You don’t even need to talk, your body is talking for you,” he purred into your ear. You whined when he slipped his hands out of your shorts and tapped your lips. “Open up, babydoll.” Maybe you could get some retribution for his teasing. The lewd sucking sounds from you made Taehyung groan out loud. He pulled his fingers out and dried them on his sweatpants before turning to the dryer. “I think the dryer’s done.” Your mouth hung open as he completely ignored the fact that he had just been toying with you, making you a mess. Taehyung grabbed his phone and pulled up his contacts before calling someone. “I’ll be right back,” he said heading out to the hallway. Dumbfounded, you stood in place trying to figure out what just happened. Sexually frustrated, you squeezed your thighs together, hoping that your classmate would come to get her clothes so you could go home and fix your own problems. Fuck Taehyung. Fuck him and his effect on you.
“Hey, thank you! I owe you a favor.” You came back down to earth to see the second person you wanted to see the most. “Oh, it’s no biggie.” Exhaling heavily, you grabbed Taehyung’s clothes from the dryer, put them in his basket, and walked out to where he stood, still on his phone. He grunted when you shoved the basket into his chest before stomping back to the apartment, clearly struggling to keep your cool. Behind you, you heard Taehyung chuckle. “Okay, see you soon. Bye.” Was he really going to leave you like this? Almost immediately, you shut your bedroom door. You threw yourself face down on your bed, screaming. You turned over and stared at the ceiling, thinking about how it would feel to have Taehyung’s long fingers reaching lengths that your own couldn’t. Just the thought itself made your hands crawl down to the place that needed the most attention. You wasted no time slipping your fingers in between your folds, collecting the slick that was now dripping down onto the back of your shorts.
With ease, you pushed in one finger, your back arching at the pleasure. “Fuck,” you moaned out, now thrusting your fingers in and out. Moans spilled from your mouth as you edged closer to your high. Your door creaked open and you heard a tsk. “Babydoll, you couldn’t wait for me?” “You were busy on the phone,” you spat. “Being a little brat, are we? I think I can fix that.” Taehyung grabbed the silk tie from your robe hanging on the door and crawled onto your bed. “Hands.” “No, I’m so close,” you whimpered. He ignored your pleading as his large hands wrapped around your wrists, forcing them up towards the bed frame. “You don’t want to listen, then you don’t get to cum, baby doll. Fine. By. Me.” You tugged at the silk that restricted you to the bed. “Tae,” you whined out, earning a glare. “What did you just call me?” He asked darkly. “I’m sorry, Daddy.” His dark eyes disappeared when he smiled, causing you to internally scream at the fact that he could look so sexy one minute, but the next minute so cute.
“I brought you a gift!” Taehyung exclaimed, excitedly. Confused, you watched as he opened the door to reveal your best friend, leaning against your door frame. “Y-Yoongi, what are you doing here?” “No speaking without permission, Babydoll.” Yoongi strolled in and sat down in your desk chair, spreading his legs while exerting dominance. “Daddy, what are you doing?” “Kitten, I believe he told you not to talk without permission.” You gulped and watched as Taehyung stalked you like his prey. “Hmm, I bet you taste sweet.” Your hips rutted into the air as Taehyung dragged his fingers up your leg, over the spot you wanted them most, over your chest, and to your cheeks where he harshly squeezed them and forced you to look at him. “I want you to be a good girl for me. Or else.” Without warning, Taehyung ripped your shirt, exposing the dark red bra that you were thankful you had put on before going to the laundry room. “We won’t be needing this,” he said before reaching underneath you and unclasping your bra in one swift motion.
As the garment was thrown across the room, Taehyung was working at your perked nipples. You gasped as he pinched and twisted the sensitive bud. A low chuckle escaped from his lips as he took the other in his mouth, using his tongue to stimulate you. “Fuck,” you whined. Taehyung pulled back and removed his hands. “I’m pretty sure Taehyung made himself clear, Kitten,” Yoongi stated. You looked up at Taehyung as if asking for permission to talk. “You may speak, babydoll.” “I’m sorry, Daddy. Tell me what to do and I’ll do it. Just touch me please,” you said desperately, already having been denied an orgasm once. “I think you should ask Yoongi hyung what he thinks.” “Yoongi-“ He held up his hand to quiet you. “If you want to get anywhere with me, then you should call me master.” “Master, I’ll do anything, I just want someone to touch me. Please.” You saw a small smirk appear on his face as you spoke. “Taehyung, I think Kitten wants you to taste her.” “With pleasure.”
Taehyung tapped your thigh to signal for you to lift your hips so he could take off your shorts. “Babydoll, you're soaked. Is it because of Daddy or maybe it’s caused by your master?” You took your lip in between your teeth to stop the noises threatening to release themselves. A loud moan forced its way out of your mouth as Taehyung licked a stripe up your folds. “How does she taste?” “So good.” Just as quick as he spoke, he was already diving back in, devouring you like a starved man. You let out a broken sob at the euphoric feeling. If your hands weren’t tied, they’d be tangled up in Taehyung’s messy hair. Instead, you let your thighs tighten around his head. “Kitten, you're gonna suffocate him.” The male in between your legs let out a groan when he realized Yoongi’s words affected you. “Use your fingers, Taehyung.” Complying to Yoongi’s command, Taehyung slipped a finger into you, moving it at a fast pace. “Don’t be a pussy, add more. She can take it.” “Master-“ Your words were cut off by the male adding two more fingers. You felt your high approaching and so did Taehyung. Right before you came, he pulled away, letting your orgasm fade.
“You didn’t think I’d actually let you come so soon, did you, babydoll? You’ve been a bad girl.” You stared at him, tears spilling out of your eyes from being so close. “Don’t look so sad, Kitten. We’re just getting started.” Taehyung crawled off the bed and stripped off his shirt and pants, leaving himself in his underwear. Your eyes widened at the sight of Taehyung’s bulge straining against his boxers. You happily sighed as he took them off, letting his dick stand tall and proud. “Like what you see?” Taehyung asked cockily. “I know for a fact that Yoongi’s bigger.” He let out a growl, sounding almost animalistic as Yoongi chuckled from the side. “Well, she’s not wrong.” “It doesn’t matter the size, as long as you fuck your bitch right.” The bed dipped as he untied the silk from the bed frame. He pulled you towards him, seeing as how your wrists were still tied together. “And tonight, along with every other night, you are my bitch.” His lips crashed against yours in a messy make out. You fought for dominance but ultimately lost. Taehyung pulled away for air and readjusted you so you were on his lap. Even though he was dominating you, he still wanted to make sure you were ready for him.
“Are you ready?” The sincerity in his voice was sweet but you were too far gone to care. “Take me, daddy. Make me your bitch.” You whispered the last word into his ear before nibbling at it, making him groan. Taehyung lifted you up and helped you ease onto his dick. He let out a guttural groan as he bottomed out. “Move for me, babydoll.” Using his chest as leverage, you brought your body up before slamming it back down, repeating the process. Eventually, you started to slow down, becoming worn out from doing all the work. Taehyung gladly took control, flipping you over and pounding you deep into the mattress, making you moan out loud. You glanced over at Yoongi, who was watching the entire show with a cocky smirk plastered on his face. A sharp gasp left your lips as Taehyung found that ‘special’ spot. “YOONGI,” you screamed out in pleasure, making Taehyung wrap his hands around your throat and lean down towards you. He chuckled deeply into your ear. “Oh babydoll, you’re in for a long night.”
You became frustrated when Taehyung pulled out once again, making you cry out. “Daddy. Please let me cum just once.” He pretended to think about it before shaking his head. “I think you’ve been a good girl but I’m not letting you cum. He might though.” You froze and looked to where Taehyung was pointing. Jungkook stood dumbfounded in the doorway, watching your naked body shudder under his gaze. Yoongi pulled up the other chair and patted it, signaling Jungkook to sit down. You watched as he shifted in his chair, trying to ignore the raging hard-on he was sporting. “Looks like Jungkookie has a little problem. Why don’t you let him use you? Maybe he’ll let you cum.” Jungkook visibly gulped as Taehyung stepped away and gave him permission to come up to you. “C-Can I?” He asked, reaching out for your hand. “Yes, sir.” His eyes darkened at the two little words that held a monumental effect on him. Jungkook carefully took your hand in his, wanting to be a little more on the sweet side.
“She’s not porcelain, she won’t break,” Taehyung scoffed. “Trust me, I know.” He added, throwing you a smirk. “You’re right, I didn’t break. Maybe you just didn’t fuck me hard enough.” Sure you were gonna die, but it would be worth it. “Bitch-“ Jungkook turned and stood face to face with Taehyung. “You said it was my turn, therefore; it’s my turn. Clearly, you didn’t impress her.” Taehyung backed up, astonished that his friend just spoke back to him. Jungkook returned to his spot beside you and untied your wrists. “No need for this.” You sighed and rolled your wrists, happy that there wasn’t something restraining them anymore. “Thank you, sir.” “On your knees.” Gladly, you dropped down on your knees in front of him. His hands fumbled to get the belt on his jeans undone, but once he got it off everything else was easy. “I want you to put that pretty mouth to use. You said you don’t have a gag reflex and I’m here to test that, Princess.”
Once his dick was free from its confinement, you set to work, smearing his precum along his length. He let out an almost pornographic moan when you kitten licked his tip. “Don’t tease.” Not wanting to make him wait any longer, you opened your mouth and fit as much as you could at one time. “Good girl,” Jungkook groaned, his fingers tangling into your hair and pushing you further down, enjoying the feeling of your tongue swirling around his dick. You hollowed your cheeks and began to suck on his length softly. He bucked his hips harshly when he felt you swallow the drool threatening to spill out of the corners of your mouth. “I can’t hold back, Princess.” You tapped his thigh signaling to let go of his restraint and just fuck your mouth until your throat is raw. Jungkook happily did so, thrusting roughly to the point where your nose reached the skin at the base of his dick. “You weren’t lying, babydoll. You really don’t have a gag reflex.” Feeling proud of your little feat, you sucked harshly making Jungkook’s head fall back in pleasure. Somewhere in there, you swore you heard Yoongi mumble, “fuck, that’s hot,” under his breath.
“I’m cumming, Princess.” You felt him pull out of your mouth and use his hand to get his release. “Open your mouth,” Jungkook commanded. Just the sheer tone of his voice made you eagerly stick out your tongue awaiting his next move. He moaned as he came, his release staying mainly on your tongue but escaping to your chin and down to your chest. “Look at the little cum slut so eager to please,” Yoongi chuckled, his thumb coming to wipe the excess off your chin and bringing it to your mouth. “Open up, Princess.” You took Yoongi’s thumb in your mouth and sucked, trying to make his facade break. “You can show me what that little mouth of yours can do later. Right now, it’s Jungkook’s turn, Kitten.” Listening to Yoongi, you turned to see Jungkook already shirtless and working on his skinny jeans. You gawked at his muscles, admiring how well built he was. “Shit,” you whispered under your breath, imagining Jungkook fucking you up against your bedroom wall. His strong arms holding you up while his hips thrust into you at an inhuman pace.
“Tell me what’s on your mind, Princess.” Back in reality, Jungkook was already stripped and standing in front of you. “Nothing, sir.” “Now don’t lie or you won’t get what you want.” You gulped nervously and spoke. “I was thinking about you f-fucking me against the wall.” Your voice was hushed and raw but Jungkook still smirked, hearing you clearly. “Your wish is my command.” Before you could speak, his hands were already helping you to your feet. He pulled you into a kiss that started out soft, his teeth occasionally nibbling at your bottom lip. “Jump.” As soon as your legs wrapped around his body, the kiss became rougher and needier. Your hands tangled into his hair, and your back hit the cold wall, making you whine. With his strength, he gingerly slid you onto his length. The sound of his skillful hips slapping against your skin soon filled the room as Jungkook set to work on covering your neck in his marks. You moaned when he found your sweet spot. “Found it,” he said with a small chuckle. He continued his assault on your neck, enjoying the sinful sounds you made dangerously close to his ear.
“Sir, I’m going to cum,” you whispered in between marking his neck. “Cum for me, Princess.” Unable to hold back any longer, you bit down onto Jungkook’s neck as you came, your moans being muffled. Jungkook wasn’t expecting you to have a biting kink but it had him pulling out and cumming in seconds. “I wasn’t expecting that,” he worded breathlessly. Your head laid on his shoulders, tired and worn out. Jungkook laid you onto the bed and watched as you started to drift off, chuckling because they were not done with you. Sleep was only an inch away when you were jolted awake by a tongue against your sensitive clit. You looked down to see Yoongi lazily eating you out, taking his time and ruining any chance of you getting any energy back. “Yoongi,” you whimpered out, earning a small bite on your thigh. “Master, please. I can’t take it. It hurts.” He pulled his head up to look at you with dangerous eyes. “Keep complaining and I’ll make sure you can’t walk tomorrow.” You threw your head back in defeat as Yoongi continued his assault. After a minute or two, he decided to add one of his fingers, pushing it in slowly. Instinctively, your hips bucked into his fingers to get more friction. Your own fingers were tangled in his hair, pulling when his fingers pushed in.
It was so dirty and filthy the way you were enjoying how your best friend was making you feel. The way his tongue skillfully danced across your clit. The way the sucking and nibbling made you cry out in pleasure. “Did I say you could make noise?” “No but-“Yoongi looked up at you with a dark, piercing gaze. “Make one more sound, and I’ll punish you.” You almost whimpered at the sound of his harsh tone, but you held it back and nodded your head. “Good girl.” While Yoongi was teasing you, you tried your hardest to not make a sound, biting your lip so hard it almost started to bleed. His lips traveled up your body, placing light, feathery kisses along with marks that would take weeks to disappear. He crashed his lips against yours in a messy make out and you were careful not to make noise. Your hips moved along with his fingers at a fast pace, making the whole scene feel heavenly. Everyone else in the room became non-existent as Yoongi kissed you roughly, sending bolts down to your core. Even as you were making out with him, you still fought the urge to make noise. Yoongi pulled away from the kiss. “Struggling much, kitten?”
With all your strength, you reached up and crashed your lips against his again to stop the whine threatening to slip from your lips. You were so caught up in kissing him, that you didn’t feel his fingers run through your hair. Yoongi waited a few seconds before tugging your hair harshly. A cry escaped your lips as you grabbed the sheets, crumpling up the once pristine purple sheets. Your eyes widened at the realization of what you had just done, broken his only rule. “Master, please. I didn’t mean to.” The pleads of forgiveness slipped out in a broken voice. Yoongi chuckles darkly. “I had one rule, kitten. And you couldn’t even follow it. I’m disappointed. I didn’t want to have to punish you.” “Please. I’ve been a good girl. Don’t do this,” you whined, feeling his fingers work your orgasm closer. Noticing the way you clenched heavily around his fingers, he pulled them out of you. “You sound cute when you beg, kitten. I can’t wait to make you beg me to stop. If you take your punishment like the good girl I know you are, I’ll fuck you until you’re crying. Okay?” You nodded desperately. “Good. You didn’t have much of a choice in the matter.”
“On your knees, slut. I’m going to fuck your throat raw,” Yoongi commanded. While you got on your knees and awaited your fate, Yoongi undressed himself. He walked to where you were kneeling for him. You were too busy looking at the floor to notice him, so he yanked your hair to make you look at him. “Now that I have your attention, you ready?” You took a deep breath before nodding at him. He released your hair, but only for a minute. He pulled your hair into a makeshift ponytail as he thrust into your mouth. Yoongi chuckled as drool dribbled out of your mouth and down your chin. His low groans were music to your ears. As he grew closer to his release, his pace got rougher and sloppier. Right before he came, he pulled out of your mouth, breathing heavily. “Master, you didn’t cum,” you forced out, your words not fully forming because of your raw throat. “Listen to that. Babydoll can’t speak properly.” Yoongi threw a smirk towards the two other boys in the room as if saying ‘I did this and you didn’t’. “I don’t want to cum yet because you are going to take it like the little cumslut you are. And you’ll enjoy every minute of it whether you like it or not.”
You mentally smiled, knowing that even though Yoongi was treating you like a slut, he would stop if need be. “Bed. Now.” You immediately stood up and went to the bed, complying to Yoongi’s command. “Face down, ass up,” he enunciated each word, forcing you to do the action by pressing his hand in the middle of your back and pushing down so your back was arched. The bed dipped as he climbed up behind you and prepared himself. The stretch was a little different from Jungkook’s and Taehyung’s dicks. It was slightly longer than Jungkook’s but less girthier and Taehyung just couldn’t compare. Taehyung’s length was a bit shorter and less girthier than both men. It was perfect for a causal sex but right now, you wanted to be fucked, destroyed, not able to walk tomorrow. The sound of Yoongi placing harsh smacks on your ass while pounding you face first into the mattress was a sight for the others. Jungkook had gotten his phone out and started to record while Taehyung had grabbed his camera from the other room and took pictures of your fucked out expressions to add to his new keepsake box.
“Let the neighbours hear how good I make you feel, kitten,” Yoongi growled out, focusing on the feeling of you clenching around him. A loud, pornographic moan erupted from your lips, eliciting a smirk from Yoongi. He groaned when he looked at where your cunt was swallowing his dick, pulling it in with a vice-like grip. A word slipped past your mouth, making Yoongi chuckle. “Are you sure you’re ready for me to go faster, kitten?” You tapped the bed, signaling yes as your confirmation words were swallowed into the mattress. Your face went even further into the mattress… if that was even possible. Yoongi thrusted into you at an almost animalistic pace, making you scream into the sheets. “Maybe you should fuck the bitch more often if she screams that loud for you,” Taehyung said, his voice deeper than usual. “Maybe I should. It’s not like you could anyways.” Taehyung clenched his jaw, but opted to not say anything. “Are you going cum all over my dick for me, Kitten?” Knowing you couldn't answer, Yoongi continued to thrust into you harshly, edging you closer to your limit. “Yoongi,” you yelled out as he continued his relentless pace through your orgasm, immediately overstimulating you.
“I’m not stopping until I cum, little brat.” He flipped you over onto your back and repositioned you so that your leg was on his shoulder and the other was against your chest. Tears spilled from your eyes as he ignored your pleas. His hips stuttered as he came inside of you, thrusting a little more to milk himself of every last drop before he fell beside you. “I did too much work,” he huffed out. “Pfft. A good fuck goes all night. A mediocre fuck goes one round,” Taehyung teased, riling up the mint haired boy. “I never said I couldn’t go more rounds, I just said I’m done doing the work.” While the two bickered back and forth, Jungkook was already making his way over to you, wheeling in the chair. With the last bit of strength you had, you climbed into his lap. “How are you feeling, princess?” He asked sweetly. You laid your head on his shoulder, tired. “Sore and tired,” you sighed out, placing a soft kiss on his neck. Jungkook placed a kiss to your forehead and allowed you to rest for a minute or two. “Don’t go to sleep yet. We aren’t finished with you,” he said softly but yet something about it was hot. Discreetly, his hands moved your bottom half against his growing problem. “Sir, please. Five more minutes.” Jungkook sighed sharply. “But I need to be in you.” You lifted yourself up and allowed Jungkook to slip his dick into your sensitive heat.
“Don’t move.” While he didn’t enjoy orders from you, he did enjoy the warmth of your tight walls around his length. Caught up in the passion and slowness of the moment, you kissed Jungkook. You kissed him slowly and passionately, not rough like you did when he was taking you against the wall. His hands laid upon your waist, holding you close. Your arms were wrapped around the back of his neck as you continued your soft make out session. You were so into the kiss that you didn’t realize a few things. A)Jungkook had started moving, going against your instructions, B) Yoongi was watching what was going on, and C) Taehyung was now behind you, trailing his fingers up your body as he sucked marks on your neck and shoulder bone. Feeling Taehyung behind you, sucking and biting at your neck made you kiss Jungkook with a little bit more rush. “Let’s turn you around, babydoll.” Careful, not to move too much, you turned around and came face to face with two dicks. “We’ll give Jungkook the pleasure of finishing off in you last, but I want your mouth, babydoll. Let me see what had the others coming so fast.”
Yoongi looked at you expectantly, clearly not wanting to be left to help himself. Your hand wrapped around his dick and began to pump his length. Taehyung on the other hand, had tapped your lips with his fingers making you open up. He slid his dick in easily and you hollowed your cheeks before bobbing your mouth up and down. Jungkook, noticing that you were preoccupied, took matters into his own hands by bucking his hips up into you causing you to moan around Taehyung. The vibrations against his length made Taehyung groan out and you were pretty sure the neighbours could hear and knew exactly what was going on. “I’m taking over, okay Babydoll?” You looked up at him through your blown out eyes and nodded. His long fingers grabbed ahold of your hair and the back of your head pushing you down to meet his thrust. He did this a couple of times to test the waters before picking up the speed almost making you gag at times. The hand that was working Yoongi stuttered as you tried to focus on the two things that were fucking into you and he quickly lost patience, taking matters into his own hands (metaphorically).
Yoongi started fucking into your hand at the same pace as Taehyung, imagining that it was your skillful tongue working him and not a measly hand. Your knees quickly grew painful at the hard cracked leather scraping and scratching at them but you pushed through. In your bliss, you looked up and saw Taehyung become a groaning mess as he felt his high near. His face was contorted with pleasure as his hands grabbed whatever was nearest to him which happened to be your desk. Yoongi was close by, moaning out your name as you struggled to keep your hand shaped for him. Jungkook wasn’t far behind as he had been edging himself during the time Yoongi was fucking the life out of you. You weren’t as close as the others and you were counting on one of them to help you. “I’m coming, babydoll,” Taehyung choked out. You swallowed the drool that had form in your mouth around him to make room for the next thing. His large hand pushed your head down all the way and released down your throat effectively making you gag. He pulled away, exhausted and went to grab some lotion and towels.
You felt Yoongi’s thumb grab up the excess cum from your mouth and wiped it on your bottom lip. You were going to lick it off to tease him but Jungkook hit just right and had your head falling back against his shoulder. “Sir, more please.” “Yoongi is finished yet.” A whine fell from your lips but you set to work making your hand meet Yoongi’s thrusts. You leaned down to where his dick poked through and kitten licked the tip each time it came through. “Shit. Keep doing that and I won’t be able to hold back.” A few more thrusts or so of doing that and he was cumming. Bits of it were all over your neck and face and some landed on your breasts. The entire picture was lewd. Before Yoongi could get affected by the scene again, he rushed to get the bath running. “It’s just you and me, princess.” With ease, Jungkook went faster while you slammed your hips down to meet his. “Jungkookie, I’m cumming!” “Cum for me, Princess.” He had neared his high right as you had and you both came at the same time. You shut your eyes, tired, sore and hungry. A scream came from the doorway.
“What the fuck?” The new voice had Taehyung and Yoongi running, only Yoongi had the decency to wear a towel around his waist. “YOONGI? Oh my god! I’ll come back later. Have fun.” “Jimin-ah.” Yoongi called him, effectively making the boy turn and stare. “Tell anyone about this and I’ll break you.” Jimin smiled sheepishly knowing he would die if he didn’t listen. “I believe you. I mean, you already broke our best friend. Wait, is she still your best friend or….” “Go wait in the living room.” You gave a weak smile as you heard Jimin laugh down the hallway, running from Yoongi. “Let’s get you two in the bath.” The voice wasn’t registering in your head but you felt yourself being lifted up and placed in the hot bath. Not long after, you felt another body enter the tub. “Come cuddle me, Princess.” “No, we are washing you guys up.” You felt hands placing soap in your hair, washing it before moving onto your body. “She’s tired, Taehyung.” “We all fucked her pretty good.” “Correction, I did.” “Shut up Kook.” “You, Tae.” You chuckled at the boys and let whoever was washing you, continue. “Come on, up you go.” It was Yoongi washing you with such gentleness. He wrapped a towel around you as soon as he helped you stand up. “Let’s go get you some clothes,” he spoke softly which was a nice change from all the times before.
You walked out to the living room in Jungkook's shirt and a pair of loose shorts and nothing else. With the help of the walls, you walked out to Jimin and sat beside him. “One of the boys couldn’t have helped you out here?” “I could do it myself, I’m a big girl,” you said weakly. “Yes you are. So tell me….” You looked at him expectantly, not knowing what was going to be said. “How were they? Especially Yoongi! Was he as big and good as he claimed to be?” The way Jimin threw question after question and cutely stared at you waiting for the answers made you laugh. “They were good and Yoongi is way better and bigger than what he said he was.” The two of you got lost in conversation when the other three came out to sit on the couch and chairs. “I hear you talking good things about Yoongi and Jungkook but what about me?” “You were okay,” you teased Taehyung who pouted. Still hazy from the sex, you leaned over and kissed him. “Did you just kiss me?” “Was I not allowed to?” You question, curious as to why not right now, just minutes after they were all kissing and making out with you. “What are we?” Jungkook asked. “Whatever you guys want to be,” you shrugged, down with being in a relationship or a friends with benefits situation or even just friends and this never happened. The room was silent with people thinking of what to call this.
Yoongi spoke up first. “I’m okay with all of us being in a relationship.” “You’re suggesting polyamory?” You asked, watching his head nod. “I’m down!” All four heads turned to look at the enthusiastic Jungkook already eyeing you. “All you guys need is Taehyung,” Jimin pointed out. “Yeah, I’m good with it. I have more chances to prove myself now.” You threw the pillow at Taehyung and laughed when it hit his head. “Shut up.” “How about no?” “Wait, so this means that I can do couply things with you guys and kiss you and be alone with you?” Yoongi nodded. “Yeah but don’t kiss me in public. Don’t need Jimin getting jealous.” “Yah! I’m not jealous. You’re mediocre at best, hyung.” You smacked Jimin’s chest making him wince. “Don’t say anything you don’t know.” “Oh yeah, I forgot. You’re an expert on Yoongi now,” he joked, sticking his tongue out at you. “I am. And I am an expert on Taehyung and Jungkook. Got a problem?” “No. You aren’t an expert on me so we are good.” You painfully crossed your arms standing your ground. “Oh yeah? Should I tell them about the 3 am Dream calls where you interrupt my sleep talking about your sex dreams?” Jimin’s eyes went wide. “No, I’m sorry. I’ll go order Chinese as a sorry.” The four of you laughed as you watched Jimin scurry off to order food. “Hey, princess?” You turned towards Jungkook only to be met by a quick kiss. “Meanie.”
here ya go :) (i'm suffering)
206 notes · View notes
20rubixcubes · 3 years
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enhypen as baristas
maknae line x gn!reader (comedy, fluff, mild angst)
~1.2k words ea (headcanons)
warnings: cursing
a/n: i just wrote this for funsies, please be mindful that there is heavy swearing in these headcanons (particularly in ni-ki’s part), so if that isn’t your taste, perhaps skip this one! other than that, the rest of this is pretty chill, so i hope you enjoy my shitposting. oh, and lmk if you like this enough to want part two with the hyung line 👀 just maybe i’ll do it
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was only recently employed as an afternoon shift employee and was both shocked and distressed after discovering the cafe didnt have an instagram
“what do you MEAN you dont have instagram??? how do we post selfies???” “sunoo we sell coffee” “NO ONE WANTS COFFEE JUNGWON THEY WANT CUTE BARISTAS”
starts an instagram for the cafe and takes aesthetic pictures of his latte art
his selfies get way more likes though
speaking of his latte art, he masters the skill like a week in and everyone else is incredibly jealous
their jealousy wears off when jungwon tells him that he has to start training the new apprentices
pretends he forgot how to do it for like a week but it hurts his pride so he begrudgingly agrees to train the apprentices instead
in his free time he can be found snapping pictures around the shop, eventually expanding to taking pictures of the others too
“sunghoon stop moving you look cute and i need to take a photo” “sunoo im holding hot milk” “does it look like i care beauty is pain sweetie”
other than that, he sometimes sits in the booths to snack on muffins and do his homework since he only comes in to the shop for about an hour during his school lunch break and on the weekends
you meet sunoo after applying for an apprenticeship, wanting to get a job before you finish high school and start college
seen as though jungwon looks like the boss, you approach him, nervous for your first shift
“i’m here for the apprenticeship program?” “oh yeah! one second!”
he trots off to the back room, leaving you standing awkwardly in the middle of the cafe
the yelling pauses before who you presume is sunoo stomps through the back room door, a scowl on his face
he spots you, groaning loudly “are you the apprentice?”
“yes” you say meekly, guilty for seeming to ruin his shift
he gestures you to follow him behind the counter, pulling an apron out from under the sink and shoving it to your chest
its clear that hes pissed, yanking his tools out from the cupboards as you tie your apron behind your back quietly
“have you made coffee before?” “only instant coffee” “oh fantastic”
he seems to be getting more irritated by the minute before he takes a deep breath and starts directing you around the machines
“to do the art, you angle the mug like this and draw with the milk, but it wont show until it reaches the top so dont go crazy”
as if its nothing, he demonstrates by drawing a perfect swan in the milk, setting the latte down and dusting his hands off
“wow… thats amazing” “i know right? no one here appreciates me enough” “they should! this is the best i’ve ever seen”
he grins at your compliment, nodding with satisfaction and sending a wave of relief over you as you notice he looks less angry with you now
“um… im sorry if i interrupted whatever you were doing before” “oh, that? i was just doing jay’s makeup” “you like makeup? me too! i’ve never seen a boy interested in it though, thats really cool” you smile genuinely at him as he blinks in surprise
“really? you think its cool?” “definitely!”
you watch the gears turn in his head before he smiles widely, seeming to have come to some kind of revelation as he nods
“i like you.”
your cheeks heat up immediately, but before you can say anything in return, he starts calling out for jungwon, leaning over the counter
“well thats up to them” he looks up from the table hes wiping down, adjusting his apron as he walks over to the counter
“so youre all finished with the course? i hope sunoo wasnt too much for you”
“i wasnt! anyways, youre employed, okay?” “sunoo stop theyre just an apprentice”
he groans loudly, irritated once more as he whips his head to you
“you have to work here, ok? i said so, so come back and apply or i’ll be mad!”
you laugh at his antics and smile “i’ll see what i can do”
after jungwon pries sunoo off of your arm, you return your apron and leave the shop with a wave
“YOU BETTER COME BACK!” is the last thing you hear as you step out onto the street, the bell ringing to signal your exit
a week later, you return to the shop, slightly anxious that your new friend(?) might have forgotten about you
but this is quickly washed away when you hear a high pitched squeal from the counter
you laugh as you approach the counter, a teasing tone on your voice
“are you supposed to be talking to your boss like that?” “whats he gonna do? fire me? im the only one who can make coffee in this place” “true”
soon enough, jungwon comes out of his hiding place, his hands clasped together
“im really sorry to ask this but please, you have to work here, sunoo hasnt shut up about you all week and i dont know if i can stand him anymore, i’ll even pay you extra please dear god”
you give sunoo a look, only receiving an innocent smile and puppy eyes back
“sure, i’ll take the job!”
jungwon sighs in relief as sunoo begins jumping up and down, yelling something about having his own little baby to take care around the shop as you groan, covering your blushing face
once you have your hours established (sunoo made you take the same as all of his, but you did the nights instead of the afternoons on the weekends, to his displeasure), you get straight to working
… well, sort of
it was hard to get work done with sunoo pestering you around the clock
“you think im cute right?” “yes sunoo” “even though i have bags under my eyes? “yes sunoo” “you promise?” “yes sunoo” “good”
admittedly he is slightly of help when it comes to the more fiddly parts of making coffee, but every other second of the day he seems to be flirting nonstop
“can i kiss you?” “no” “why not” “sunoo we’ve been over this” “BEING AT WORK ISNT A VALID EXCUSE”
worn down after his incessant yelling all day, you find yourself snapping faster than usual
“we’re not even dating, sunoo! why would i kiss you!? just stop playing with my feelings already!”
for the first time since you’ve known him, sunoo goes quiet
“why not?”
“what are you talking about now sunoo?” “why arent we dating”
now its your turn to go quiet
“do you not like me?” “what? no, sunoo-” before you can reason with him, you watch him quickly rush away from you around the counter, slamming the break room door behind him with tears in his eyes
cursing to yourself, you ensure there are no customers to serve before quickly darting after him
after looking around a bit, you hear sniffling from the supply closet and knock on the door quietly
“sunoo?” “leave me alone!”
you sigh, taking a step back and turning on your heel to face the opposite direction, running a hand through your hair as you think
you spot a dog bed at your feet, suddenly remembering that jake usually keeps his dog supplies covered in dog hair in the closet
“sunoo arent you allergic to dogs?”
“... *sniffle* y-yeah”
after you persuade him to come out by mentioning that his face is going to get all puffy, he steps out, eyes glued to the floor as he looks away from you in shame
placing a hand on his shoulder, you speak to him softly
“sunoo, look at me”
he does, hesitantly, his eyes red and watery and, as you said, puffy and inflamed
despite this, you smile
“i do like you back”
his eyes start watering again, your heart skipping a beat in fear that you had said something wrong
“e-even if my face is all puffy and gross?” his voice wobbles, the tears filling his eyes giving him a sense of vulnerability as you sigh
“yes, even if your face is all puffy and gross”
he smiles at that, shutting his eyes cutely as you press a kiss to his cheek
“and theres your kiss”
he whines “i was supposed to do that!”
“you can do it after we finish work, okay?” “WORK STILL ISNT A VALID EXCUSE…. but maybe today just because i need to ice my face” “yeah you really should, can you even see?” “no not at all” “great”
the previous manager left suddenly and jungwon was given a semi-forced promotion as he was the only employee with at least half of a brain cell
poor boy is stressed 24/7
doesnt get paid enough for this
goes through hell every day just to make sure the others dont burn the cafe down
is supposed to be on the morning shift but he stays until the afternoon
in his rare moments of downtime, he likes to go around and water the hanging plants around the shop
is that one vine where the mom listens to nicki minaj for the first time and screams “no” over and over whenever ni-ki gets control of the cafe music
is only 16 but acts like a 32-year-old father going through a midlife crisis
lifts boxes of supplies all day yet his joints are famously brittle
“hey jungwon did you hear glass shattering too?” “sorry jay that was my back” “you need to invest in physical therapy” “maybe if i wasnt paying for property damage every other week 😊”
you meet jungwon when you drop into the cafe for a croissant and a coffee before your class starts
usually you come at night maybe an hour before closing so you had never seen him before, but here you were watching this cute but clearly stressed boy scramble around the shop carrying boxes of supplies to the back
trying not to be creepy, you sigh, turning back to your phone after watching him for a solid five minutes straight
as you do, you hear a crash coming from what you assume is the supply closet followed by a disgruntled groan
pausing, looking around at the other customers typing away at their laptops and waiting for another staff member to go check on the boy, you stand up as you discern that he must be the only one working and hesitantly go to see if he’s okay
“hello? are you okay?” you peer through the door, your eyes widening at the sight of him rubbing his head with a wince on his features, supplies strewn around him at his feet and a box knocked over beside him
“ah… um, yes, i’m okay, sorry if i disturbed you with that noise…” he smiles bashfully, pulling himself back onto his feet
“do you need help with all of that stuff?”
he opens his mouth to protest, not wanting to have to ask for help from a customer, but after seeing the amount of crap off of the shelves, he realises that there is no way in hell he’s going to be able to clean all of it up alone before his shift ends
“um… is that okay?” his cheeks flush with embarrassment as you smile
over the next couple of hours you two establish a little system of bagging the spilt supplies and passes them to eachother to put in boxes, chatting never ceasing as you discover that you actually have a lot of things in common
“since you work here, what’s your favourite kind of coffee?” “i like lattes… i cant stand bitter things” “me too! my friend drinks espressos though” “ditch them”
you also find out that he started being homeschooled after becoming the manager as he doesnt have time to attend normal school
the both of you find yourselves laughing nonstop, having fun in eachother’s company
so much so that you end up late for school
“oh shit! i completely missed my first class”
guilty for making you late, he offers to take you
“i can take you?” “you drive?” “well….. not exactly”
once sunoo and ni-ki arrive to care for the shop, he takes you out to the car park, pulling a spare helmet out of his backpack and securing it on your head before giving your head a pat as he gets onto his scooter
“you look cute” “i look like a bug” “a cute bug”
once you get to school, face red after having to hold onto him the entire time, you hop off and pass him the helmet with a shy smile
“thanks for driving me” you mutter, brushing off imaginary dirt from your shirt as you do your best to avoid eye contact, your face still flushed and heart racing
is it possible to develop a crush on someone this quickly???
jungwon is so cute that he makes it possible, you surmise
“of course” he mirrors your nervous smile, a blush finding its way to his own cheeks
as you bow and spin on your heel to start walking inside, he stops you
“what is it?” you turn to him, your heart still thundering against your ribcage at the fond expression he has plastered on his features
“actually… can i pick you up? after school?”
when you pause, your face growing hotter and hotter, he begins to sputter
“i-i’m really sorry, its fine if not! that was way too forward, i just really like you and- oh god that was even more forward- um-” “okay” “yeah i’m sorry that was a stupid questio- wait, what?”
before he can say anything else, your smile widens
“i’ll see you later, okay? don’t be late!” you wave, skipping into the building with a fluffy feeling in your chest
with an awkward wave, jungwon watches you leave, his mouth wide open in shock before a grin replaces his expression
getting back into his seat, the lovestruck smile never leaving his face as he drives off, he begins to count down the minutes until he gets to see you again
works the afternoon shift
technically an apprentice but he gets paid and has been there forever so basically an employee at this point
or he would be if he ever actually made coffee
he sits with the work phone all morning and chooses the music
perpetually dancing to 7 rings by ariana grande (look up his cover. youre welcome in advance)
jungwon and jay scream at him to at least do the mopping to which he complies, but not without performing a whole ass concert with it
once they saw him twirl and dip the mop
eventually they just told him to go back to curating the music because he was scaring customers away and they were losing business
he was horrible at cleaning anyway
“hey jungwon i think i got window cleaner in your plant” “im firing you” “i dont even go here” “STOP QUOTING MEAN GIRLS AND FIX THE DAMAGE YOUVE CAUSED”
you meet ni-ki while youre drinking your coffee at a booth and he plays your favourite obscure indie song so you have to compliment his taste and get to talking
he plays your favourite songs whenever youre in the shop and audibly hisses at anyone who tries to change it
makes choreography to said songs at home and tries to impress you by casually belting it out by your booth
when you compliment his dancing and ask how long hes been practicing that choreography hes all like “oh hahaha it was just casual freestyle super easy peasy”
(hes been practicing for two weeks)
thought he was being super obvious by doing these things but apparently nOT because you have not caught the hint at all and hes getting impatient
asks for advice from the others begrudgingly
“give them flowers” “jay thats so boring” “do you want to use one of my dogs? everyone loves dogs” “wtf jake since when have you had more than one dog” “make them latte art with a heart on it” “sunoo ive literally never made a coffee in my life” “why dont you just ask them out like a normal perso-” “shut the fuck up grandpa thats so weird no one does that”
eventually he settles on sunoo’s idea of making you latte art and he embarks on his journey to make his first coffee
rather than focusing on the actual taste, sunoo tells him to just do whatever so that he can show him how to do the art
“why is it green ni-ki” “you said to do whatever” “and your first idea was to make poison? idk if this is the best idea if youre trying to ask this person out” “shut up and pass me the milk”
burns his hands on the steaming milk jug at least fifteen times and ends up with so many bandaids on his fingers
despite how stiff the bandages are on his hands, he eventually manages to make a sort-of legible heart
“it looks like africa” “have you ever had steamed milk poured on your eyes sunoo?”
poor ni-ki waits for you all day, his heart leaping every time the bell on the door rings only to roll his eyes when it isnt you
he even stays past his shift so youd better let him take you on a date or hes quitting
when you finally arrive he trips over the bucket at his feet he was using to clean and spills dirty water all over his pants
“omg ni-ki are you okay what happened” *five octaves higher* “NOTHING I'M COMPLETELY FINE WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT”
by the time he’s finished cleaning himself up (and by that i mean fixing his hair in the mirror for twenty minutes) he takes a deep breath and walks over to you, somewhat cold latte in hand
“um,” he clears his throat, his face growing red as he slides the mug towards you “i made this for you”
“aw thanks ni-ki! why is it green” “........its matcha?”
youre slightly suspicious but you look back to the mug and slowly realise that the “drawing” slightly resembles a heart, smiling a little bit to yourself
when you look back to him, youre a little confused as to why hes just standing there
“is something wrong?” you press the mug to your lips, taking a sip
“o-uh uh actually, i wanted to ask if… if you would uh maybe sort of go on a date with me”
you can only smile
“yes, but…”
his heart starts beating faster, watching you anxiously
you stand up, taking the notepad and pen from his apron pocket and scribbling your phone number
“only if you promise to learn how to make actual coffee” you wink, handing him the notepad and sauntering out of the shop
hes stood there dumbstruck, stars in his eyes at the slip of paper in his hand
but then he realises: he has a new mission
rushing to the back room, he slams the door open
“grandpa, i need you to teach me how to make coffee right now” “literally why do i pay you”
with your promise in mind, the others see him work more diligently at the counter than they ever have before
“wow youre actually working today?” “shut up i need to figure out how to do this butterfly before i pry my eyes out with a fork” “haha funny joke ni-” “did i stutter”
at the end of the week, he forces heeseung (the cafe’s best coffee maker) and sunoo (the cafe’s best latte artist) to judge his latte
“this is… surprisingly good” heeseung peers into the mug, smiling at the swan ni-ki created with the latte foam as sunoo grumbles “dont tell me im gonna have to start competing with this kid, it probably tastes gross” “it tastes amazing too” “im quitting”
with his coworkers’ notes in mind, he finally works up the nerve to send you a quick message telling you to come into the shop
when you arrive the next day, ni-ki greets you and immediately gets to work, making sure to stand as close as humanly possible to your booth so he can show off his newly acquired coffee making skills
with you only inches away, he does make a mistake and spill milk on his shirt after looking at you and not his hands for a second too long, but you decide to give him the benefit of the doubt when he sets the mug in front of you
“wow! this heart is perfect!”
you smile, looking up to him “did you seriously learn how to do latte art just so you could take me on a date?” “… y-yeah, and?”
you can only chuckle as you press the mug to your lips, readying yourself to drink liquid dirt…
“this is… really good!” you grin, taking another sip and putting the mug down on its saucer
“i think you’ve definitely earned yourself a date… or two”
at this news, ni-ki’s face lights up, shoving the urge to scream down his throat before nodding stiffly to try and contain his excitement with a strained “cool” escaping his lips
“are you okay ni-ki?” “yes just give me one second”
he quickly scrambles to the break room, a moment of silence wafting through the store before a shrill scream fills the air
eyes wide, you turn to jay, who had been manning the till, after hearing him burst into laughter
“what is he doing?”
“we told him the freezer was sound proof”
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quirkdotcom · 4 years
The Arrangement //
Shoto Todoroki x Fem! Reader
Part One: The Mall Incident
Part Two
Summary: Your father is a particularly strong pro hero, and owns his own agency, however, he seemingly has picked an opportunity for you to be the tie between his agency, and pro hero Endeavor's agency.
Authors Note:
One; I'm planning this to be a three part fic, my next update hopefully on Friday May 15th ! Let me know if you'd like to be on this specific taglist, or even a taglist for anything I post !
Two; I wanted to have a little fun in this, so I added in an OC of mine! I made the reader attend an unnamed school, where her friends wouldn't be main characters from MHA, and decided to throw in Maiko (my OC) anyways, I hope you enjoy !
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"A student from UA? Is father okay? I thought he hated that school?" You had to stop yourself, had you really heard your mother right?
She sighed heavily, shaking her head slightly, "He does, however, your father is willing to look past the fact as long as everything goes according to plan" 
This time, it was your turn to sigh.
This 'plan' was one of you meeting some student, your parents meeting, and at the end of the day, agreeing to a marriage after graduation.
You knew that you really had no choice in the matter, which is why you had never put up a fight about it, but it didn't mean that you were particularly happy about it.
Quietly, you stood up, excusing yourself from the table and your mother, leaving the dainty tea cup where it sat.
"Well, since the meeting with this student will be this weekend, I'm going to go out and buy an outfit for it." You bowed your head slightly before turning and leaving the room.
Now out of sight of your mother, you stretched, stifling a yawn as you made your way to your room, grabbing your phone from your pocket, sending a quick message to your closest friend, asking if she'd accompany you to the mall.
The two of you attended a private academy focused on teaching it's students to not only strengthen their quirks, or accelerate their academics, but also in etiquette and manners. Everything was about being proper and elite.
It was the very same school that your father had transferred to after his time at UA.
You personally didn't quite like it there, at times some students tried to pick on you, or the teachers would reprimand you for even the slightest mistake.
But, just like the marriage arrangement, you had no choice in what school you attended, your father was hellbent on you following his steps, and staying the hell away from UA.
Regardless, you had eventually made some friends, and for the first few years, you scored in the top of your class.
"Oh, (Y/n) while you're out, would you mind picking up a few things for me?" Your mother's voice rang out from behind your door, breaking your train of thoughts.
"Just make me a list, and leave it on the counter!" 
It didn't take long for you to change out of your uniform and into something comfier, or for you to grab your messenger style purse, or to find the list from your mother. With your father gone, there were no distractions or unnecessary lectures.
What took the most time was getting to the mall. You could have driven, but it was nice out, the sky was clear of clouds, and there was a light breeze that flowed through the leaves in the trees.
So, you took to walking. Though, when you got to the mall, your best friend was standing with her arms crossed and a bored look on her face.
"(Y/N)! There you are! I've been waiting for hours!" She gave a dramatic sigh as you walked over.
"Calm down Maiko ! " you chuckled, she was almost always over dramatic, something that had drawn you to her in the first place.
She gave you a playful wink, and nodded her head to the doors, starting to walk inside, "Whatever, we both know that I can't calm down," she paused, giving small jazz hands, "I've got constant anxiety" 
"Ah, the curse of having a third eye quirk," You followed behind, then moved to the side of her. 
"Oh! What's the occasion for today's trip?" Maiko tucked a piece of light brown hair behind her ear, eyeing you as she waited for a response.
You hesitated, she still didn't know about the whole arranged marriage, and it had been about a month since you had found out.
"Oh...my family and I are meeting another family for some business thing, so I needed to get a new outfit in case they have a son or daughter our age, " You spouted off a lie, knowing that she'd fall for it, only because she trusted you.
"Ooooh another potential merger for your dad's hero agency?" 
You nodded, pausing as your stomach gave a quiet rumble. 
Despite the lunch you were having with your mother earlier, you didn't really eat. 
"Hey, let's get something to eat first," You point to the nearest food outlet.
Before you know it, Maiko and you are each tossing fries to the other, both failing to catch most in your mouth, but you are having a good time regardless.
Once out of fries, you and her are left with your milkshakes, hers chocolate, and your's strawberry. Something kind of impulsive as you haven't had one strawberry flavored in a few years.
"Hey, I think we could probably take these with us to go look for an outfit," Maiko picks hers up, already a third of it gone.
With a nod, you stand up, grabbing your shake and bag, waiting for Maiko before heading off to your favorite store.
"Hey what about this?" She held up a pleated, light blue skirt, it would stop just above your knees, and complimented you very well, "It even has real pockets!"
"And I could wear it with this shirt...and maybe the jean jacket we found earlier?" You smiled happily, holding up a plain white t-shirt, a small v neck cut, nothing too extreme but not too plain.
Your friend placed the skirt into your basket, and you followed suit with the shirt. All that was needed now, would be to grab the jean jacket from earlier.
However, as you turned, you ran into a...hard surface and along with you, came your half finished milkshake.
You stumbled back, eyes wide as you realized what had just happened.
"Oh my gosh, I am so-"
But the male cut you off, his voice monotone as he did, "Save it, just move out of the way, I need to clean my shirt," 
You quietly moved to the side, watching as the moody stranger walked away, leaving you and Maiko to recover.
He had red hair...well only half of his hair was red, and the other half was white, leaving you to wonder how much hair dye it had taken to get it to look so perfect. 
"Well...I wish I could've helped you see that coming...but uh..I got the jacket?" She smiled sheepishly, causing you to let out a nervous laugh, releasing the tension you didn't know you had.
"Okay, cmon lets go pay!" You turned, still reeling from the encounter with that guy..but hey, at least you wouldn't be seeing him again! 
So, with that thought in mind, Maiko and yourself brought your chosen outfit to the front counters, paid and left the store.
"Hey, are you doing anything tonight?" You turned to Maiko after some five minutes, a thought in the back of your mind, nagging at you since you had left the house to meet her. 
"I don't think so! Why, is your mom cooking tonight? Anything she makes is always better than your dads...or yours," she poked her tongue out at you.
"Wha?! Hey! Im not that bad of a cook!" You pouted and crossed your arms, turning away from her, "Well I did have something to tell you but now its not happening," 
She immediately moved in front of you, "Wait no! Your cooking is good! Just tell me the news!" 
"It'll have to wait for my house, it's kind of big news…"
And with that, the two of you set off for your house, Maiko calling her mom and letting her know where she'd be for the night. 
The walk was spent talking about anything and everything, and at one point Maiko tripping and you having to catch her, but hey, that's what friends are for. 
As you approached your house, you spotted your fathers car in the driveway, causing you to screw your face up in dread. 
Hopefully he didn't have a lecture for you, especially if Maiko was here. You had always hated how he seemed to pick on you whenever your friends were over.
And much to your dismay, when you walked inside he met you with a sour look, "(Y/n), where have you been? Don't forget about this weekend's meeting, not to mention the exams coming up," 
You bit back a response about how the exams were two months away, and instead just nodded your head, busying yourself with slipping your shoes off, "I was buying a new outfit for our meeting. I told mother before I left."
He paused, now eyeing you and Maiko, "And came home with...Fujino was it?" 
She nodded, even though she practically lived at your house for a week at a time due to the amount of sleep overs you had, your father had barely bothered to remember her name. 
"Im sorry for not telling you ahead of time, Sir." She bowed her head slightly, only really apologizing because she knew that if she didn't, it would come down on you. 
"Make your way to (Y/n)'s room, I still need to have a few words with her," he commanded, waiting for her to go up the stairs before he continued.
"And (Y/n), do not forget how important this marriage arrangement is. The Todoroki family is powerful, Endeavor is rising in his ranks as a hero, and his son will follow suit. You have to make sure that you are seen as exemplary, no mistakes can be made. Do you understand?" 
You paused, heart hanging heavy, "Yes father…" 
Once he let you go, you made your way to the top of the stairs, seeing that Maiko was waiting for you, a worried look in her eyes, "So...a marriage proposal?" 
"Welcome to the news I had for you…" 
You two moved into your room, the bag of clothes dropped onto the floor, and you climbed onto your bed, grabbing an orange bunny plush, hugging it to your chest.
"Okay so I wanted to tell you about the arrangement but...I dunno, its hard. I'm having my choice taken away from me and for what? So my father and this other hero to have a more powerful agency?" 
"(Y/n)...im so sorry that you've been going through this alone. I'm here for you, whatever you need!" She moved to a swinging chair you had, sitting in it carefully as she thought for a moment, "So, you've never met this guy or his family?" 
"At most I know his family name. But Im too busy focusing on school work to pay attention to how his father is "So high up the ranks" or whatever. Its like my father thinks that this 'Endeavor' guy is the number two pro hero or something…" You puffed out a breath of air, pursing your lips as you thought quietly. 
Maiko stared at you for a few minutes, blinking a few times as she tried to break the news to you. 
"Uhh..Endeavor...as in Enji Todoroki?" 
You looked up, nodding quietly at her puzzled look. 
"(Y/n) he is the number two hero...or wait..if All Might retired a few years back... then number one actually!" She hummed as she herself started to think but eventually shook her head, eyes widening. 
Maiko quickly pulled out her phone, typing hurriedly into it and gasping, "(Y/n) wait! His son goes to UA! His son is reportedly one of the Big Three of his class!" She stopped, scrolling, "uh oh…" 
At this, you scrambled from your spot to her, pulling the phone from her hand to look at what the cause of this 'uh oh' was. 
It was a picture.  A picture of Endeavour's son. He had red and white hair, and a glare so deadly it probably would kill someone on sight. 
But what got you more was the fact that this was the guy from the mall earlier.  You had totally spilled a strawberry shake all over the number one hero's son, and the guy who you would be marrying after graduation. 
"This is...this is fucked. Im so screwed! Not only did I embarrass myself but now I've probably made it seem like im a clumsy girl who likes to shop all the time and now this...Todoroki guy is going to tell his father about me and then it'll ruin the arrangement and my father will kill me." You spouted off more worries until Maiko grabbed your shoulders, shaking you lightly.
"Hey! We aren't planning your funeral yet! Maybe we can meet up with him before you have to meet with his dad! I think I know one of the students at UA!" 
You looked to her, your breathing returning to normal as you nodded along, maybe that could work after all.
"Okay so, we ask whoever you know to get his number and text him about how it was me who spilled the drink and I wanted to apologize...and that Im also the girl he's meeting this weekend!" 
Maiko punched her fist into the palm of her hand, "Okay, lets set this plan into action! I'll text Kirishima!" 
You eyed her, realizing that you had never questioned how she knew anyone at UA, "While you do that, mind explaining to me about whoever this Kirishima is?" 
She only smiled for a moment, putting her phone down after sending him a message about Todoroki, "Oh! He and I work in the same coffee shop! Not everyone is super rich you know, but he's pretty nice guy, kinda cute too. But, you know how my mom is. Im surprised that she let me be friends with you, I swear, she's scared of anyone!" 
You gave a 'Mhhm' to her, knowing full and well that this was the coworker who she tended to talk about but never named, knowing that you'd probably show up to her work to try and get more information.  But hey, you'd leave it at that for now. 
"Well...I guess that now we wait for Kirishima to hopefully send us Todoroki's number?' 
"Now we wait! And with our good luck, by Wednesday we can smoothen out what happened at the mall…" 
You nodded once, as much as this plan seemed rickety, you were willing to take the chance. While you hated the idea of a marriage to whoever this young hero may be, you know that if you messed it up, your father would never let you live it down. 
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Holographic Sand is a Kickass Band Name
pairing: peter maximoff/OC(graciella decuerpo) (high school AU/not canon)
summary: peter learns that a fuckton can change in the course of a week
warnings: none? bad language and peter is simp but thats it
notes **please read**: Heyyyyy how are you doing? good? that’s great. so ik this fic is a peter/oc fic, but honesty i only use her name a few times and a few defining features but like. thats it. so you can totally just imagine urself in her position. also this fic is 5,550 words exactly. that’s the most ive ever written and I am SUPER fucking proud. I think i might become one of those blogs where i write super huge monster fics that im proud of instead of just writing to fill requests.if u dont want that then just lmk and i will not do that. i dont know. maybe. also this fic is peter centric because uh it is. anyways enjoy <3
taglist: @creator-appreciator, @simonsbluee
           Peter sat across the room, his arms crossed neatly on top of his knees as he rested his chin on his forearm. He wasn’t paying attention to the lesson being taught in front of him, in fact, he wasn’t paying attention to anything at all. No, Peter was lost in his head again. Peter’s mind was a chaotic minefield of music and cheesy one-liners and random facts that he seems to just know. But this time, he wasn’t envisioning himself beating up a police officer or playing with Pink Floyd. This time, he was picturing a perfect world where nothing ever happened yet nothing was ever boring. Peter had built a utopia in his mind-- a kingdom created to his exact preferences. A blissful tower of joy and happiness and energy and satisfaction. A paradise where he stood on top of the world with Graciella DeCuerpo, the pretty girl from algebra  class, standing right next to him.
          Now, Peter was well aware that the pretty girl from algebra  class had no idea who Peter was. The pair had never exchanged more than a few words, but somewhere within those few words, Peter managed to decide that she was his soulmate. He’d created an image of her in his head that would make God weep tears of envy, the perfect personality for the perfect person.  Peter willfully ignored the fact that he was setting himself up for heartbreak as he imagined how nice it would feel to have her fingers intertwined with his. 
           All of Peter’s friends thought he was ridiculous, ‘you can’t love someone you don’t know,’ they’d say. Peter would only scoff and shake away their words. He absolutely can love someone he doesn’t know, it’s getting the other person to reciprocate those feelings that’s nearly impossible. However, that doesn’t stop him from fantasizing at night. That doesn’t stop him from imagining the various ways he’d confess his love to the pretty girl who doesn’t love him. Or maybe she does. Peter doesn’t know, he could never know; unless, of course, he worked up the courage to talk to her. 
          Scott constantly teased Peter about his one-sided infatuation, but Peter paid no mind to him. He was 100% content with his perpetual pining for someone who probably didn’t know his name. He was totally okay with the unending ache in his chest that would appear any time she walked by or met his gaze. Peter was alright with his ceaseless yearning and the eternal feeling of disappointment that overtook him every time he snapped out of one of his fantasies. He was a-okay with all of that.
          So, there he was, spacing out during biology class as Professor Hargreeves struggles to teach the silver teen about photosynthesis. The Professor looked at Peter with desperate eyes, soon deciding that having his usually energetic student be quiet and still was the silver lining of the situation-- no pun intended. Professor Hargreeves droned on as Peter glanced at the clock, counting down the minutes until 7th period. Counting the seconds until he got to see the pretty girl in algebra  class once again.
          6th period was always the worst part of Peter’s day-- the dreaded english class. There were many contributing factors to Peter’s hatred for this class; the professor was a bore, the material itself was uninteresting, and Peter could never seem to sit still or retain any of the words he read in english class. Worst of all, english class seemed to go on forever, leaving Peter to impatiently wait for the bell to ring and release him to 7th period. At the end of the period every day, he was practically vibrating in his seat. 
          “Can anyone tell me what Juliet’s suicide is supposed to symbolize?” the Professor asked expectantly. Peter couldn’t care less about the symbolism of some chick’s suicide-- he’d much rather be studying the features of his algebra  class infatuation. 
          She sat next to him yesterday. There were at least 5 other open seats and she sat next to him. Yes, Peter read too much into it and yes, Peter spent the entire class period trying to make himself seem naturally cool, but he didn’t care. Peter would act like the most desperate, pathetic, lovestruck loser in the world if it meant that she would like him. They didn’t talk, they didn’t exchange a single word, nevertheless, Peter was in a state of euphoria for the entire class period. 
          Sometimes Peter feels like a stalker. He watches her whenever he can-- he doesn’t follow her around or anything, but if she’s around, he’ll stare at her. He has her features memorized, the curve of her nose, the dark brown irises surrounding her pupils, the way that she always seems to have chipped black nail polish on. He sees the small things. He sees the way she bites her nails when he gets bored and he sees the way her leg never seems to stop bouncing. She hums the basslines to songs as opposed to the melody. 
          English class came to an abrupt end as the bell cut off the Professor’s teachings as well as Peter’s distant daydreaming. Peter was out of his seat within seconds, his notes and books quickly being swept up in his arms as he walked out of the room. The hallways are crowded and chaotic and busy, each individual student attempting to get to their locker then to their class on time. Peter watches as kids swing their lockers open, fatigue and weariness apparent on their faces as they disappear into their classrooms. Peter reaches his locker hastily, the few small posters of classic rocks bands adorning the inside of his locker door. A playful giddiness overcame his body as he made his way to algebra  class, a small smile left on his face.
          Graciella shows up across the hallway, her bright red hair catching his eye in a sea of brown and blonde and blue. His stomach flutters as they get closer and closer to each other, finally meeting outside of the classroom. Her eyes rise to meet Peter’s, and instead of pulling away, Peter keeps looking. She smiles at him before disappearing inside the classroom, and Peter felt his knees get weak. With a deep breath and a triumphant smile, he walked into the classroom.
          Lunchtime; possibly one of the most enjoyable parts of Peter’s school day. Peter is free to kick back and stuff his face full of whatever junk the school board deems nutritious enough for highschoolers. Usually, he ate lunch under the bleachers with his friends, but in some sick twist of fate most of them were absent. So, Peter was left to eat alone in his usual spot.
          The quiet was comfortable, refreshing. The gentle summer breeze would blow every few minutes and Peter would listen to the rustle of the leaves. There’s a certain tranquility to being alone; Peter can lay back and relax and just… think. No stress, no panicking, no--
          “Hey, uh, Peter, right?” Peter’s eyes snap up so fast he’s afraid they would detach from his head and fall out. His breath faltered and his hands began to shake a bit-- why was he so freaked out? She was just a girl; sure, she was the prettiest girl he’d ever seen, and yeah, he was madly in love with her, but that’s besides the point. 
          “Uh-- uh, yeah, P-Peter. That’s, uh, that’s me,” He chuckled awkwardly, desperately trying to stay cool. Peter was an awkward person, but he’d rather die than fuck up his chances with Grace.
          “You dropped this on your way out of class yesterday, I, uhm, didn’t get to return it to you until now,” She holds out a small key chain with three small keys hanging off of it-- Peter’s house keys, along with the key to his mother’s car. He quickly takes the key chain from the red-haired girl in front of him.
          “Holy shit, uh, thanks! I couldn’t get into my house yesterday so I guess you saved me from another broken window,” Peter held up his hand and showcased the scattered pattern of small cuts on his palm. Grace laughed lightly before gently running her fingers over the cuts on Peter’s palm.
          “Oh fuck, dude, these look pretty bad. Maybe keep a spare key hidden under your welcome mat or something,” Peter doesn’t fully process Grace’s words; he’s too preoccupied with trying not to collapse at the feeling of her fingertips on his palm.
          “Hey, you okay? You look… pale,” Grace pressed the back of her hand on Peter’s forehead in an attempt to check for illness, but that just made Peter’s skin erupt in goosebumps. 
          “I, um, I’m fine. I’m just st-stressed about the algebra  t-test on Friday, I th-think,” To be fair, Peter was stressed about the algebra  test. Peter may or may not have spent the entire class staring at Grace instead of, you know, learning the material.
          “Oh! Well, if you want, I can help you study. I’m also kinda worried about it, and I study better with other people,” Peter silently thanked god for what was happening to him.
          “That would be fuckin’ fantastic,” Grace smiled a smile that made Peter shiver.
          “Cool! Uh, I’ll give you my phone number and we’ll meet up tomorrow. One day isn’t much time to study, but it’s better than nothing.” She pulls a pen out of her backpack and rips a small piece of paper out of one of her notebooks. Peter watches as she scribbles down her phone number and hands the paper to him.
          “Thanks. For everything, the keys, the studying-- everything.” Grace smiled.
          “It’s no problem, Peter, really. I’ll call you later,” And just like that, she walked away. Peter was left alone under the bleachers, a wide smile plastered on his face as he read the piece of paper in his hands over and over and over again.
          30 minutes. 30 minutes until Grace Reaper DeCuerpo, the prettiest, nicest, funniest girl Peter had ever met would show up on his doorstep. She would be inside his house for god knows how long. She would sit next to Peter-- either on the coffee table in the basement or on the floor of his bedroom. Needless to say, Peter was freaking the fuck out.
          The plan was simple: Grace shows up, they study, they get comfortable, and she goes home. Yet, in those four simple steps, so much could go wrong. Wanda could interrupt, his mother could lose her temper, Lorena could start crying-- worst of all, Peter could embarrass himself and drive her away. 
           Peter was in the middle of reorganizing his record collection for a third time when he heard a knock at the door. His blood went cold and an electric excitement ran through his veins. Peter checked his hair in the mirror one last time before running to the door. He stood silently, staring at the chrome handle hesitantly. This was his one chance. His only chance to make his perfect kingdom real-- Peter really, really, really didn't want to fuck it up. With a deep breath, he slowly opened the door.
          "Hey, Peter!" Her voice was smooth and melodic and it made Peter's heart light up. He’s about to respond with something smooth and witty when a squeaky voice chirps behind him.
         “Hi!! Are you the pretty girl Peter talks about?” Peter can physically feel his face turn bright red as he turns to see his six-year-old sister, Lorena, standing behind him. She’s wearing a purple princess dress that has a syrup stain on the sleeve. Grace laughs before stepping through the doorway. 
          “Lorena!” Peter groans in annoyance, a pleading look on his face. The young girl just giggles before scurrying away, her dress flowing behind her.
          “‘The pretty girl Peter talks about’, huh?” Grace grins at Peter cheekily. Peter runs his hand through his hair before motioning to the staircase.
          “God, Lorna is quite the kid. Well, uh, we can work in my room,” He sighs. “And Grace? Uh, m-maybe don’t let Lorena change your opinion of me,” She just smirks before walking past Peter.
          “Too late,” She called before disappearing down the stairs. Peter could hear the faintest trace of a smile in her voice. His heart skipped a beat as he quickly followed after her. 
          She was wearing a Pink Floyd t-shirt and holding a backpack with various pins on it-- her left ear was pierced in three places and her right in five. The earrings she was wearing were black, or maybe grey; her bright red hair blocked Peter’s view of them. She was wearing rings, some odd words engraved in the metal. Peter couldn’t read them from where he was standing. She was wearing a skirt with fishnets, her hand buried in the pockets that seem to have been sewn in herself. She has callouses on both her hands, but Peter knew that already. Her appearance would put Aphrodite to shame-- suddenly, Peter was much less confident in himself than he was before. He ran his hand through his hair again before reaching the basement.
          He held his breath as Grace looked around his room, her gaze lingering on the plethora of stolen signs and band posters covering the walls. She placed her backpack on the floor and walked over to Peter’s record collection, her fingers carefully flitting through the different albums. She seemed… impressed. It was then that Peter realized it had been silent for much too long.
          “Y’know I can, uh, p-play some music if you want me to. You can just pick a record and, uh, I’ll... play it,” Peter winced at his words, cursing himself for being so awkward in front of the girl he’d been pining after since the beginning of the year. He felt like everything had spiraled out of control, and he watched idly as it happened. Then, Grace shot him a smile and pulled out a record.
          “You have a good taste in music, Silver,” No one had ever called Peter ‘silver’ before. He liked it a bit more than he should. “Although, that’s not really a surprise. I had a feeling you were cool.” 
          “You think I’m cool?” Peter asked, shocked. He wasn’t sure he heard her correctly.
          “Oh, totally. I see you in the hallways sometimes and you always seem so… carefree. Genuine. I don’t know, I guess it’s just… you, ya know? You’re naturally cool.” Every syllable that rolled off her tongue shot euphoria through Peter’s veins. Grace DeCuerpo, the girl Peter Maximoff had dreamed of for almost a full year, was telling him that she thought he was cool. Naturally cool. 
          “I know a lot of people who would disagree with you on that one,” Peter joked. There was truth behind his humor, but of course, he didn’t want to get into his insecurities now. “They think I’m a total loser, which isn’t totally wrong I guess.”
          “Well those people are stupid,” She stated matter-of-factly with a smile. “Speaking of stupid, we should probably get to work.” Peter nodded before sitting beside her on the floor. 
          For three hours they poured over their algebra  books. They quizzed each other and checked each other’s work; Peter’s proficiency in simplifying radicals aiding them both. Every now and then their hands would brush against each other, or the conversation would stray away from school and into their personal lives. Peter learned that Grace had two brothers, one of which passed away when she was younger. Peter talked about Lorena and Wanda and his miraculous abilities in the same way that she talked about her hometown and her own abilities. The conversation was smooth and natural-- Peter didn’t feel like he was being too annoying or too chatty and there was seldom an awkward pause. The pair were content in their time together, not a single moment went by where one wished the other would leave. 
          Eventually, Grace had to go home. Peter wished that she could stay forever, but of course, that would be considered kidnapping. He walked her to the door, although Peter didn’t feel like he was walking. He felt like he was floating.
          “Well, I guess I’ll see you tomorrow, Silver,” Grace said softly as she turned to face Peter. She looked him in the eye and he could feel his stomach flutter. 
          “Yeah, I guess so,” She opened the door, but before she left, she froze. She turned to look at Peter once again. 
          “Peter?” she said. “You’re not a loser.”
          Peter could tell the second he walked through the front door of his high school that something had changed. The energy that radiated in the halls shifted from a dull buzz of boredom to a rush of anticipation. The students in the hallway looked the same as always; tired and anxious and wishing for the day to go by quickly. However, Peter wasn’t wishing for the end of the day, and he certainly wasn’t tired. He was determined and energized and absolutely terrified, because that morning Peter Maximoff made the most important decision a seventeen-year-old could. He decided that he was going to ask Grace out on a date. 
          Peter made the choice to keep this from his friends-- it’s not that he didn’t trust them, it’s just that Peter knew he would be teased for his infatuation. It’s happened before and it will happen again. He walked down the hallways with a brave face on, his eyes forward and his heart racing. Truthfully, the silver teenager was terrified of… well, everything. The looming image of a harsh rejection forced itself into his mind; the idea that she would laugh in his face made his heart break a tiny bit, even though it wasn’t real. Peter simply shook those images away and walked on. 
          The day flew by much faster than Peter was comfortable with, and for the first time ever, he was dreading algebra  class. He was terrified that he would walk through the door and have everything be exactly the same-- he feared that Grace would go back to not knowing who he was, just like before. Peter was alright with never being her boyfriend, but he didn’t want to be a stranger. He didn’t think he could take being a stranger anymore. 
            So, there he stood, staring at the door to his algebra classroom from across the hall. He felt confident and prepared himself for the task at hand. In four long strides, he entered the classroom. Grace was sitting next to an empty desk, her eyes stuck on the small notebook full of doodles on her desk. Peter watched as her eyes raised to meet his, a wide smile forming on her face as she motioned him over. 
          “Hey, silver! I saved a seat for ya,” she called, and Peter felt his knees get weak. He then decided that he would wait until after class to ask her out. 
          “You did?”
          “Of course,” She grinned. “I like you, dude, you’re my friend,” Peter’s heart fluttered as he sat down beside her. Grace shot an odd look his way before reaching out and placing a hand on his arm. “Hey, you look stressed. Don’t sweat it, silver, you’ll do fine. We studied for, like, 3 hours yesterday. You’re gonna ace it,”
          To be frank, Peter had forgotten all about the test. The real reason he looked so stressed was because he happened to be sitting next to the love of his life, and the love of his life happened to be touching his arm. 
          “O-oh! Uh, yeah, thanks. I was just nervous because of… the test,” The bell rang and class began, the professor strictly laying down the rules that were to be followed while the test was in session. Peter could feel the lingering touch of her hand on his skin. It made his head feel fuzzy.
          Peter soon came to learn that sitting next to Grace during a test was a huge mistake. He couldn’t focus on anything other than her-- it didn’t help that she kept shooting him glances from where she sat. The numbers and letters on the paper in front of him seemed to rearrange before his eyes, instead spelling out various taunts. He feels a little pathetic for how easily Grace can unravel him, but hey, he’s a teenager. 
          The silver-haired boy’s eyes were struggling to decipher the words on his page when a small folded square landed on his desk. It came from Grace’s direction, and a small smirk had formed on her lips as she solved equations. Hesitantly, he unfolded the paper and read the neatly written message.
          Hey silver :)
          Peter smiled softly. He quickly pulled a pad of post-it notes out of his backpack and scribbled down a quick reply.
          I have no idea what I’m doing. I think Professor Stedman decided to write our tests in hieroglyphics this time.
          He flicked the note onto her desk and quickly turned his face downward. Class would be over soon, and Peter knew he couldn’t turn in a blank test. He uses his enhanced speed to do his assessment in seconds. Sure, he was almost certain he’d barely reach a passing grade, but hey, he had bigger matters to focus on. By the time he finished, another note landed on his desk.
          That bad, huh? Looks like we better study longer next time. 
          Peter’s heart swelled a bit. He really thought the study sessions were a one-time thing. He’s overjoyed to know he’ll get to see Grace semi-regularly, even if he never manages to ask her out.
          I think I’d rather hang out with you without the looming threat of schoolwork. 
          That’s the closest Peter could get to asking her out. He put deep thought into every word, he examined the phrasing and checked the spelling of every word. His english teacher would be proud.
          That can be arranged ;) 
          Peter had no idea that four words could make him feel so much. He had no idea that 17 letters could make him want to scream in the middle of a silent testing period. His hand was shaking and his careful planning was abandoned as he scribbled back a reply.
          Oh yeah? What did you have in mind?
          Patiently, he waited. He waited for Grace to finish writing her response and he waited for her to toss the note back over. He didn’t wait for more than a few minutes, but it felt like hours. He was panicking, and he was sure she could tell. She was probably joking, right? She was probably writing an awkward clarification-- she was probably explaining that she would actually rather die than be around him for non-academic reasons. He braced himself as the yellow post-it landed on the center of his desk.
          My aunt owns a drive-in a few miles from here and she gave me keys to the projector room and the gate. She managed to snag a copy of The Exorcist-- I thought you’d like to join me during my midnight escapade tomorrow night.
          Peter’s heart stopped. For a moment, he thought his eyes were fooling him. Maybe this was all some sick joke. Maybe he was being set up. Maybe he’ll get in her car tomorrow and she’ll drive him into the woods and murder him. To be completely honest, Peter wouldn’t mind if she murdered him. Peter wrote his reply.
          Really? You want me there? I might be a drag. You could probably find at least 20 other people who would probably be more interesting than me.
          Grace frowned at his response, and suddenly Peter decided he never wanted to see her frown again. She wrote confidently, her words solid and sure.
          You? A drag? Impossible. I don’t want to be alone, and I don’t want to be with anyone other than you, Maximoff. 
          This note was his undoing. He couldn’t help himself, he read it over and over and over again-- he almost forgot to respond. He wanted to hold onto it forever, he wanted it to be framed and hung on his wall. Hell, he wanted it tattooed on his arm. Peter had never been so happy while taking a test, that’s for sure. He wasn’t sure exactly what to say; he went from heartfelt responses to witty retorts. Finally, he decided to be totally and completely honest.
          I wouldn’t miss it for the world.
          There was seldom a time in his life where Peter Maximoff felt wholly content. Even in the most peaceful moments, there was always something bothering him, there was always something to pull him back to reality. However, sitting in the back of Grace’s dad’s convertible with the seats down and the roof pulled back, his head resting on her shoulder as they watched a cheesy horror movie, Peter was as close to nirvana as he’d ever been. 
          Life had always been so hard for Peter. He’s always had to fight for his seat at the table, to claw his way into a state of mind that wasn’t a hellhole. It seemed as if the world was plotted against him; he was ostracized from society and taught that he, along with his closest family and friends, were monsters. He never met his father and his mother spent so long fighting her own battles that she forgot to love her kids. Peter had to steal to stay fed, and he had to do his best to raise his little sisters to be good people. But right there, right then? That wasn’t hard. Peter didn’t have to be anyone or do anything-- he just had to exist next to someone who wanted him. That was the easiest thing Peter had ever done.
          Peter wasn’t exactly sure how he got there. Of course, he knew that they had driven to the drive-in, but he wasn’t sure how he was the person next to Grace. They had spoken for one day, maybe two, and somehow he landed himself in the most perfect spot in the entire universe. Less than a week ago, she didn’t even know his name. Or, maybe she did. Maybe she was just like Peter-- maybe she had spent the past year pining for him, and finally she worked up the nerve to just talk to him. Maybe. Peter isn’t complaining either way.
          “Can I ask you a kind of cheesy question?” Peter is startled by the sound of his own voice. Grace sits up and glances at him.
          “Do you-- well, uh, don’t read too much into this, but, do you believe in love at first sight?” God, he sounded awkward. 
          “Nope,” She said bluntly. Peter wasn’t expecting that answer, but he wasn’t exactly disappointed by it. “I mean, it’s kind of a stupid idea, ya know? Like, isn’t there a million poems and sonnets and books written about how love is this weird complicated monster of a feeling? I don’t think you can really love someone just by looking at them. You can love the idea of a person, sure, or maybe the look of a person, but you can’t love that person. Because a person is so much more than ‘first sight’,” she sighs. “I don’t know, maybe I’m being a killjoy. It just seems dumb to me-- dumb and, I don’t know, exclusive,”
          Peter stops to think for a moment. He steps out of his lovesick chaotic hellbrain and looks at his feelings from an outside perspective. He thinks back to the kingdom he created in his brain-- a kingdom built on a foundation of sand. Or, less than sand. Holographic sand, because the sand he built his kingdom on wasn’t real. He made a mental note that ‘Holographic Sand’ is a kickass band name, then resumed his impromptu soul-searching. She was right-- he could see  that now. Scott was right, too. You really can’t love someone you don’t know, because if you don’t know them, you fill in the gaps. You fill in the gaps with what you think fits, and then the other person stops being them and starts being parts of you. Peter suddenly felt weird.
          “I’m sorry if I said something wrong,” Grace interjects after a while. Peter hadn’t realized he’d been silent for so long.
          “You didn’t say anything wrong. On the contrary, you, uh, you made things a little bit more… right, in my brain. You somehow managed to take a little chunk of chaos and tame it, which is scarily impressive,” he joked. “Remind me to ask you your opinion on the meaning of life and the root of true happiness,” They’re joined in a chorus of laughter and Peter realizes that his little brain kingdom didn’t hold a candle to the red convertible he was sitting in. She slings an arm around his shoulders.
          “Y’know, I might not know the meaning of life, but I am pretty close to true happiness right now,” She says, softer than before. “Maybe the root of true happiness is you, Maximoff,” She chuckles. Peter smiles. He doesn’t want the ruin the moment-- god, he is desperately trying to keep himself from fucking it up, but he feels obligated to tell her about his year of pining.
          “Hey, uh, can I tell you something kinda pathetic?” He cringes at the way his voice trembled on the last word. 
          “Go ahead, Peter,” She used his name this time. Peter thinks she knows he’s about to say something mildly serious.
          “I’ve liked you since, like, the beginning of the year. You seemed so… cool. So nice. I saw you in the hallways and my stomach would get all twisted up and my head would hurt a little bit. It was like I was allergic to you, but I enjoyed it. That sounds weird. I’m sorry,” He stopped for a moment, attempting to take the buzzing mass of words in his brain and string them into a sentence. “I was too afraid to talk to you, so I, uh, asked around. I got other people’s opinions of you and then built a little version of you in my brain. I realize now that, uhm, the little brain version of you is like, way way worse than actual you,”
          When you talked to me the first time, you threw me off. I wasn’t really nervous about the test-- I mean, yeah I was nervous but that’s not why I looked so pale. I just wasn’t expecting for you to talk to me, like, willingly. So I lied because I was embarrassed. And I lied again in class yesterday. Because I was embarrassed,” He stopped talking. Peter felt like he was digging himself into a hole-- he felt like he killed the sweet sugary mood. 
          “Why are you telling me this?” Grace asked. She didn’t sound angry. She sounded a little confused, and she sounded like she was trying to help Peter decipher his brain. 
          “I don’t know, I guess I just feel bad. I feel bad for, uh, for not being honest I guess. I feel bad for being a coward,” Yep, definitely killed the mood.
          “Peter, you shouldn’t feel bad for being afraid, you know,” She assures. “I would’ve done the exact same thing in your position. Hell, I did do the exact same thing in your position,” That caught Peter’s attention.
          “You didn’t drop your keys in algebra. You dropped them somewhere in bio and my friend found them. She was gonna take them to the office, but I wanted an excuse to talk to you, so I said I’d return them,” Peter couldn’t believe what he was hearing. He was being pranked, he had to be. “Being awkward and weird is like a requirement in high school. Don’t sweat it, Maximoff, really. We’re all the same in that way, I think,”
          Peter felt a wave of relief wash over him. He was feeling too much at that moment, he was letting the bad drown out the good. He didn’t want to remember the day in a sad light.
          “I like you. A lot. Even if you are awkward and weird,” He smiles softly. Slowly, ever so slowly, he intertwined his fingers with those of the girl beside him. It was a simple display of affection, but it made Peter feel like he was floating.
          “I like you too, dork,” Peter smiled widely before placing his head back on Grace’s shoulder. Peter wasn’t paying attention to the movie, in fact, he wasn’t paying attention to anything at all. No, Peter was lost in his head again-- but this time, he wasn’t standing on a false kingdom with a false version of the girl he liked. No, this time, he was thinking about the very real girl beside him. He was thinking about the perfect world they had created in the small car they were in; a perfect world where he felt so much emotion and so, so safe. They had built a utopia in the back seat- a blissful tower of awkwardness and comfort and clumsy confessions. A paradise where he sat in the back seat of a Ford Galaxie with Graciella DeCuerpo, the pretty girl from algebra class, sitting right next to him. 
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nightowlfandom · 4 years
Tsundere! School! Jeon Jungkook- My Words To You
Take this time to drink some tea and relax. You deserve it.
Let’s Begin.
You could only stand still behind a pillar, hearing all the terrible comments your own circle would hurl towards you. You were convinced that Ella and Sooji (This just reminds me of Revenge Note 2 so I had to do it)  The two were laughing like parrots on helium. It must have been really funny just digging into you like that.
“Why do we even hang out with her?”
“She’s Vivienne’s friend, that’s why!”
“Vivienne has poor taste, then. Just look at those ugly excuses for uniforms she wears.”
“She probably couldn’t even afford a better one. Have you seen her shoes?”
Your first instinct was to run away, not caring if they heard your footsteps or not. You thought about running into the bathrooms and hiding, but you’d probably be caught there. Maybe you could have hid in a classroom, but all of them were locked during lunch hour. You went to turn around a corner, only to ram into someone on the way. The impact sent you right to the floor with a loud thud. You scraped your knee pretty bad during the process. You landed right on the ground, making no sound other than your school bag dropping.
“Hey! Watch where you’re going!” a voice barked. You looked up and saw Jungkook, the school’s angel voiced singer. He didn’t particularly like you. Well, you never really talked to him. It was usually him yelling at you, calling you names, following you...just to call you names. The only bright side was that he never made fun of you for any reason. Not your uniforms or your shoes or your 3 year old torn up back pack.
You tried to scramble to your feet, ignoring the pain building up in your left leg. You attempted to walk away. Jungkook however, wasn’t having any of it.
“Aren’t you gonna apologize for- hey!” Jungkook put a hand on your shoulder to stop you from running. “I’m talking to-....Have you been crying?”
You hadn’t even noticed the tears streaming down your face. You furiously wiped them off, pushing his hand off you in the process of it all. You attempted to walk away, only to be stopped again.
“Hey! Stupid!” he shook his head at you. “You’re hurt.” He looked down at your knee.
“What do you care?” you sniffed, wiping your eyes again.
“i don’t!” he scoffed, rolling his eyes. “Why were you running anyways?”
“I thought you said you didn’t care.” you crossed your arms.
“Well I have a right to know why you bumped into me so rudely!” he scoffed. “Seriously, dummy. What’s wrong?” When you didn’t answer, he groaned out loud. He began digging into his own backpack and pulled out a bandaid. "At least let me fix your stupid mistake." he bent down on knee and put the bandaid on your scrape.
"You didn't have to do that." you crossed your arms, hoping he couldn't see your embarrassment. "I c-could have done that myself."
“Well you were standing there like a statue so I obviously have to do everything! Come on.” he suddenly grabbed your hand, dragging you in the direction he was going.
“Hey! Let me go!” you protested. “Where are you taking me?” You noticed he was heading for the front doors of the school. “Were you about to leave school?”
“We can’t leave! We could get in trouble!” you felt your heart drop. "We could get detention if anyone finds out!"
“Well be quiet and no one will hear us leaving.” Jungkook didn’t show any sign of letting your hand go. He threw open the huge door that lead outside, still dragging you along. “We’re going to get noodles.”
“B-but I don’t really have any money on me at the moment.”
“Did I say you were paying? Pfft, Dummy.”
A steaming hot bowl of noodles with rice balls on the side was set in front of you. Jungkook sat across from you with his own food. You looked up at him, and back down the your bowl, then back up at him.
“What?” he glared at you. “I said eat.”
“Why did you take me here?” you asked bluntly. “Why did you drag me out of school?”
“Could you stop asking so many questions.” he glared at you. “Stop being so stupid.”
“Stop calling me stupid!” you snapped back. “Just because you don’t like me doesn’t mean you have to be so mean to me!” you glared potholes into his head.
“Well if you weren’t so dumb, I wouldn’t have to be this way.” he rolled his eyes. “You’d better eat all of that. I paid for it! You aren’t leaving until you finish all of that….and I never said I didn't like you” he mumbled the least part so low that you barely picked up on it.
You eyed the plate, suddenly welcomed by a rumble from the pit of your stomach. You were starving. Deciding that it would be wasteful, you listened to Jungkook and picked up your chopsticks, beginning to eat.
“Why were you crying earlier?”
You looked up, seeing Jungkook with his arms crossed. He stared you down with a semi-curious (but also seemingly disinterested) look on his face. “You aren’t leaving until you tell me.” he looked genuinely concerned at that point, but was actively working to mask it behind his usual face of annoyance.
“I overheard Sooji and Ella talking about me.” you replied honestly. “They were talking about how Vivienne was the only reason they tolerated me.”
“Vivienne is your friend right?” he asked.
“Yes.” you bit back a sniff. “T-they always talk about how poor I am…how I can't afford nice shoes or anything.”
“Did you tell her about it?” he cut you off.
“No.” you shook your head. “They’re her friends too, I can’t do that. They've been her friends longer than me, I couldn't come between their friendship.”
“You really are a dummy.” he chuckled. “Listen, if you ever need help. I’m going to give you my number, and you’re going to call me when you’re in trouble.” he said seriously.
“Huh?” you nearly chocked on a rice-ball.
“You heard me, idiot. If something happens to you. I want to be the first person you call for help.” he dug his phone out of his pocket. “Put your number in my phone.”
“I thought you didn’t like me.” you hesitated.
“Is your heart so closed off that you can’t detect when someone cares about you?” he scoffed. “Not that I care about you! I just don’t want you to get beat up because a dummy like you can’t defend herself. That would look bad on me.”
You weren’t sure, but you could detect amusement in his voice. You reluctantly took his phone and input your number into it.
“Good.” he took his phone back. "And another thing…I wouldn't take anything those two say as fact. Sooji can't even pass Gym case because she's afraid her hair will get messed up." he joked.
"That isn't nice." you scolded. "You shouldn't talk about people."
"Well if they talk about you, then they should be able to take a little heat, shouldn't they?" he asked. “Now finish eating, I’m walking you home.”
... (read more below the cut)
“This is your where you live?!”
Jungkook stared up in awe at the apartment building.
“Yeah. It’s nothing.” you shook your head. You pushed the little intercom button on the golden doors. “It’s Y/N, can you let me in please?”
“Yes, welcome home Miss Y/N.”
Jungkook was surprised that this place was so secure you had to be let in by someone else. You were dubbed the poor girl at school, he didn’t expect you to live here, even in a tiny house no less. He was surprised to walk into the lobby and see an extravagant gold and white decor on each wall. There was a woman at the front desk who bowed respectfully as you two walked in.
“Good afternoon Miss Y/N! You’re home early!” she said enthusiastically. “Is this a boyfriend?”
“No, he’s just walking me home.” you answered shyly. “Are my parents home?”
“Yes! They just came back from their business trip!”
Jungkook watch this interaction in complete confusion. Rumors had gone around school that you lived in a little sea shack miles away and had to take multiple buses to get to school. But no, that wasn’t the case at all.
“You can go now.” you turned to Jungkook. “Thanks for walking me home.”
“What? Are you stupid! I have to make sure you get to your house.”
“You really don’t, I’ll be fine, I promise.” you waved him off, walking up to the elevators. Jungkook didn’t listen and followed you in. He walked as you grabbed a key-card out of your bag and shoved it into a little slot next to the buttons. You stood in silence, ignoring Jungkook’s stares. When you got to your floor, you took your little key-card out of the slot so the doors would open. Instead of a hallways like Jungkook expected, he was welcomed to a huge living room.
“This is your apartment?!”
“Yeah, it's a bit too fancy…but it's home.” you shrugged. “Mom! Dad?” you called aloud.
Your father was currently struggling with a toaster while your mother was drinking some tea.
“Y/N! You’re home early!” your mom out her mug down and rushed over to you, giving you a huge hug. “Was school let out early?”
“Not exactly.” you looked down. “I left.”
“Why?” you father looked up from his focus on the toaster. “That isn’t like you, young lady.”
“Actually it’s my fault.” Jungkook made his presence known. “I was leaving and took Y/N with me.”
“And who are you?” your mother turned her daggers on him. "Are you tainting my daughter's mind?"
“He’s my friend!” you answered quickly. “He was taking me to the nurse and decided to help me get home.” you lied, not wanting him to get in trouble. "I tripped and hurt my leg and he offered to help me get home." you motioned to the bandage on your knee.
“Oh!” your mother’s face brightened up. “Thank you for taking care of my Y/N! It’s so good to know she has a friend.” she smiled warmly at Jungkook. "She's always complaining about how she feels alone at school."
"Mom!" you whined, gritting your teeth at your blabber-mouthed caretaker.
“Oh..Yes! Of course!” Jungkook bowed respectfully. “I wanted to make sure Y/N was okay.”
“Well that’s very nice of you.” your father walked around to put an arm around you. “My Y/N is very important to us.”
“I can tell.” he looked at you, letting you know that he wasn’t letting this go.
“Im not sure if you can tell but she has trouble making friends” your father whispered. “Don’t hold it against her if she pushes you away sometimes.”
“I wouldn’t dream of it.”
"Hey Y/N!"
You suddenly sped up, walking past Sooji and Ella as they tried to wave at you. You pretended to be focused on something- anything else that would make it look purposeful. You didn't want to talk to them, or even look at them after the way they talked about you.
"Yo Dummy!"
That was your cue to try and walk faster than before, you didn't really want to see Jungkook either. But alas, he managed to catch up to you. "What do you want ?"
"Um….listen I don't know if yesterday was some sort of-"
"Yes, that was really my house. No, I'm not poor like everyone thinks, and yes I'm aware that I look very poor." you said in a monotone voice. "We done here?"
"So why have you been letting people bully you for being poor, if you're supposedly not?" he looked confused. "Why would you put yourself through that?"
"Yeah my house is a little bigger than everyone else's. I'd rather pretend to be poor and hated for that than have people pretend to want to be my friend." you explained. "Jungkook…please just keep this between me and you. I'll do whatever you want."
"Who am I gonna tell and what would I have to gain from telling everyone your business, dummy." he scoffed. "It's not my business to tell." You didn't know how to reply to that, so you settled for looking at your shoes. "Hey."
"What?" you looked up at Jungkook. He was shifting from side to side.
"…If you aren't busy after school. Who am I kidding, you probably aren't,"  he huffed. " Do you maybe want to-..."
"Are you asking me out?"
"Don't cut me off, stupid! I mean…yeah." he sighed. "You owe me for having to look out of for you twice as much!"
"Because not only are you clumsy, but now that I know you're being bullied, I have to work twice as hard. Taking extra time out of my extremely busy schedule to protect you!" the way he said it made no sense. You weren't even sure if you wanted to question it either. "So…you're going to go on a date with me."
"Oh." you felt your face head up. "Y-yeah, alright."
"G-good! You're going to meet me after school and w-we'll go somewhere!" he concluded. "and since I'm taking you somewhere, I get to choose where we go! Got it?"
"Yeah, sure…whatever you say Jungkook."
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A Maid in service (Husky x Barbatos)
(This WAS gonna be MC x Barbatos but Im Barbatos trash atm  XD but i will make a MC x Barbatos in the near future hopefully! He needs more love uwu ) I’m putting a tab in case i make this too long XD and if you wish to image yourself as Husky that’s fine  ^^ 
Warning: some cursing , slightly suggestive 
Word Count: 2,600 words
It was an absolute disaster. The Prince, Diavolo , was giving me a tour of the castle as well as with Mammon, he was mainly there to keep an eye on me. We entered a room that mainly consisted of Vases, they were all beautiful and VERY fragile.
Then i noticed Mammon eyeing some of them “Don’t even think about it, Mammon”
“ay just relax, i ain’t gonna do anything!”
“yeah sure, you said that the last time too and ended up with “unknown jewelry” “
He scoffs as he rolled his eyes at me. I payed no mind to him but literally the second i turned away i heard something get picked up and an immediate crash....I slowly turn around and there i see Mammon with a vase in shards right in front of him.
“I didn’t mean to drop it!”
“What was that ?” Diavolo came towards us along with Barbatos 
Mammon Froze “shit!”
Then Diavolo looked at the broken vase. His face was blank but it slowly morphed into a displeased look. I mean i can’t blame him, that vase must of been worth a fortune , which is why Mammon tried to take it...UGH why couldn’t someone like Satan or Beel just came with me instead !?
“Mammon...” Diavolo’s voice was low 
“eep!” Mammon sounded like a mouse 
“could you explain what happened here? I’d love an explanation. “ 
I looked over and Mammon was basically shivering and at a lost of words, I’d be the same too since Dia shut off his friendly tone. I had to think of something quick , He was already in debt and it would be much worst if he were to try and pay of Diavolo , he might as well just give him his credit card! which would never happen but then i spoke out without hesitation or thought
“I-It was me! “
The three looked at me surprised 
Diavolo raised a brow “it was you Husky? “
Shit! I probably should of said something else...can’t turn back now..”Y-yes...I wanted to admire it but I thought i saw something on the vase,....I tried to wipe it off but i accidentally pushed it! “ God I hope that’s somewhat believable
The Prince was silent for a second and then sighed “ you humans can be so  clumsy some times” Good, he bought it but i knew i was still gonna be punished ..
“Even if it was by accident, I still can’t let go you lightly , Husky. You need to be punished “
I gulped 
“I was thinking of making you pay for it yourself but...maybe you can work for it “
“huh?? work for it? “ 
“yes, you can work as a maid here in the castle until you’ve paid off the debt for the vase “
I froze in shock , a-a maid!? hell no! I’ll never hear the end of it from the brothers! God, this sucks so much! but ..it’s slightly better then using my own money i guess..?
“Y-yes sir..” I regrettably said 
“Perfect! You’ll work everyday after school until 9 PM , If there are days you wish off, i will allow it but each day off is a day lost. So choose wisely. Barbatos will also be able to help you if you have any troubles, so don’t be afraid to ask! “
Barbatos has been silent and has a somewhat concerned expression , probably pitying me
I agreed to the terms. After the Tour was over , Barbatos handed me my maid uniform , which luckily was a traditional maid outfit with a long skirt. On our way home, i made sure to give Mammon an earful , i was probably worst then Lucifer at this time. He kept apologizing and said i’d probably look great in the outfit. The second he said that I knocked him on his ass. Now I just have to mentally prepare myself for my first day as a maid tomorrow 
I was so anxious when i got home , i got myself dressed and before i left , I was stopped by Lucifer. He already gave me a lecture for breaking something in the castle , what’s it gonna be now..?
“If you need help with your studies, please talk to me. You’ll be busy as a maid and it might not give you enough study time.”
“oh..sure, thanks “
He nods “ Barbatos should be on his way to get you soon “ 
“? he’s picking me up? I thought i had to walk there” 
“just be grateful that Diavolo is making you walk to the castle from here..” 
He had a point.. the Castle wasn’t too far but it was far enough for a long walk. I waited outside and soon a carriage came by. The door opened and Barbatos came out 
“Good Evening Miss Husky.” He held the door open for me
“Good Evening..” I walked inside and he close the door after he entered and then we were on our way to the castle.
 It was Quiet for the majority of the ride.It somewhat made me uncomfortable especially since it was Barbatos. Not that he’s bad, I’m just not familiar with him is all. I guess i will be soon since I’ll be basically helping him with chores and such.
“How are you this evening?” He asked suddenly
I got a little shook but i quickly responded “I’m f-fine! Just  a little nervous “
“I assume you’ve never done anything like this before? “ he gave a light smile 
“no ..not really, I mean the closest thing to this is cleaning for my Grandma but it was mainly to help her since she didn’t have enough energy..”
“just like how Mammon broke the Vase and you took the blame? “
!! What?..how did he...how does he know that? I kinda panicked for a second but started questioning it. If he knew, why didn’t he say anything before? Why did he let this happen? 
“..If you knew..why didn’t you say anything? “
“well My lord would of gravely punished Mammon ..not just paying him back. He would of given him something then death since he’s attempted to steal so many times...but if you took the blame, he would be fine and you’d basically get  a slap on the head “
huh..so in other words, he wished not see Mammon punished because of his stupidity. I dunno how it works for punishing them but he gave me chills when he mentioned worst then death, i can’t even image that..We finally arrive at the castle 
“so..does Diavolo know? “
“no. If i were , you’d both be punished , you wouldn’t like that know would you? “
I only did this ti protect Mammon, so i guess i do..All I do is nod and head our way in. My first day wasn’t so bad expect with some of the staff trying to get under my skin..They were rude and some of them shamed me for being a human and being totally reckless. It really brought my mood down. It was recovered when  i was in the kitchen. Barbatos was already there making desserts. I Heard from Beel that he makes the best food in all three realms, As much as I was curious, i had to get back to work but He stopped me 
“Hello Husky” 
“oh!..Hey Barbatos”
“Would you mind helping me with the batter? I need to get these ready soon and extra hands would be nice “
“oh, of course” I set my cleaning stuff down and helped
I have baking experience before, I lived with my grandma for a while and i would always bake sweets with her , so this wasn’t really foreign to me Besides some the ingredients. Barbatos took notice how i didn’t struggle 
“you have a thing for baking as well? “
“not really. Im just used to it from when i lived with my Grandma. We mainly made Cookies and brownies” 
“interesting. maybe you could show me some recipes from the human world , I’d love to try some recipes with you” He looked cheerful and smiled 
He ..actually looked really cute when he smiled, the more i see it , i blushed slightly 
After making some of the batter and letting them bake, I noticed that took up some time 
“oh no! I better-” but then my arm was grabbed 
“My lord doesn’t mind you being here as long as you’re at least working” he reassured me , he could see i was stressed 
“oh ..well...I can stay as long as needed. “ i said firmly 
“good, i actually wanted you as a taste tester as well.”
“huh? but how would i know if it’s good or not? “ I said that since the ingredients in Devildoom are so unique and who knows what devil’s taste are like to what’s good or not.
“oh , don’t worry, i actually have a bit of human ingredients here, i was hoping to make some cakes , maybe some brownies as well, perhaps? “ 
Just the sound of hearing human world cake or brownies sounded good and if his skills are as good as people say they are, i can’t wait! 
“Sure, maybe we can make a 2 layer cake? “ 
He agreed and soon we started making a cherry maraschino cake , he didn’t struggle much , it was only the ingredients that he wasn’t used to. It was so funny to see him try a maraschino cherry, his face made many different reactions since it was a flavor that blasted when it touched your tongue. I explained that these were mainly used in alcoholic drinks or be turned into candy. He was quite interested and curious to learn more about certain ingredients as well 
“Hey, shouldn’t these other desserts -”
“oh the second we finished, they were headed to the dining hall. I don’t need to deliver them myself , all we had to do is get them done” 
“oh good, I was scared of taking up too much of your time..” 
he smiled “don’t worry about that, I rather enjoy your company “ that really made me blush. It felt nice to be wanted especially since i came here, I’ve been treated like a burden, intentional or not, it was nice that that one person outside of the brothers likes me.
We continued to bake , after the cake was done, it tasted so magical! The sweetness of the cherries and how soft the cake felt! No wonder he was the best, i should save a piece for beel since he liked human world food too! Then i noticed that Barbatos stared at me
“hm..? is something wrong ?” he made me a little worried 
Then, he got close to my face. Oh my god- what is he doing then..he kissed my cheek 
*Husky.exe has stopped working* 
Did..did he really just..KISS MY CHEEK- WHAT- WHY-
I was so flustered and blushed i couldn’t even speak and he just chuckled , thank you so much for laughing at my tomato looking self.  
“My apologies, you had cake on your face “
YOU COULD OF JUST TOLD ME “No no it’s fine!” 
“I couldn’t help myself..I was curious what you’d taste like..~ “ 
All i did was stood there, mentally freaking out , how do i respond to that!? more important why do i like it!? quick say something!
“w-why you know that if you actually kissed me..?”
His eye widened in surprise but then He smirked “oh?~”
why.did.i. just. say. THAT- what was i thinking?! I quickly looked around for an excuse to leave and i noticed the time, it was closing to 9. Thank god! 
“oh would you look at the time! I have to get ready to go ! “ Then i quickly left before he could get a word in. 
I finished up anything that i could do quickly and headed to the entrance but was stopped by Diavolo
“! H-hello your highness” 
“ I heard you helped Barbatos with the sweets today ! You made the sweet hell chocolate cake right? “
I nod and he lightens up “It was amazing! I had no idea you were so skilled in baking! you must bake some more when you can! “
“Im glad you ! It kinda makes me happy to bake..it kinda reminds me of home.”
“well you have permission to help Barbatos again if he asks, you two can discuss it on the carriage”
“huh what do you-” then i stopped. FUCK- i forgot he’s the one who brought me here, so of course he’d be the one to take me home. Diavolo looks at me confused and i reassure him that i was fine, he waved me me off and I saw Barbatos near the carriage . I felt nervous about this time , would it be silent like before ..I’m not sure what will happen. I enter and he soon joins me but,,he sits next to me this time. The first time he sat across, i guess he’s more comfortable with me but that doesn’t change what happened between us. 
“How was your first day?” he asked, not looking at me 
“It was fine. for the most part “ 
“oh? why most? “
“...it’s not too much, just some of the staff gave me a little bit of a hard time.”
His silence is kinda giving me chills with his face looking a little pissed 
“L-like i said it was fine mostly! It was better with you! “ I halted at that sentence , shit! that was suppose to be internal- 
His face soften after hearing that and he looked directly at me “That’s nice...you made my day as well.” 
My heart skipped a beat, my face really blushed , it was too noticeable, Barbatos took note of that , he seemed to be closer now. 
“you know..I could bake with you everyday if you want..~ Diavolo wouldn’t mind..~” 
The Idea was innocent but his tone wasn’t , Im sure he’d really want to bake with me but Im sure he has other intentions now after that kiss. Did he feel like this before that..? It’ been 3 months since I've been here. Then I noticed how we’re basically close to being face to face , he had his finger and thumb under my chin 
“h-huh-” then he lightly kissed me “ hm!”As much as it was too much..i didn’t want him to stop either.
He stops “ I hope we’ll have more interesting days like this in the future~ “
Before i could say anything else, the carriage stops. We’re back at the House of Lamentation, Barbatos gets up and opens the door for me “you should get going “ he smiled 
I was still for a moment but then  i got up and left the carriage , before i went inside , he grabbed my hand and gentle kissed the top of it. I was even redder then  i was. 
“Have a good day, My Lady~” he closed the carriage when he entered back 
My heart was beating so hard the rest of the night and i couldn’t stop thinking about what happen...did i really like Barbatos..? It was so hard to deny it  and just thinking about him made me blush. I got into my room and got changed into comfy causal cloths and laid flat on my bed , and hoped to relax. Now I’m excited to see him again...
(I hope you guys enjoy this! I had fun doing it! Suggest som stuff if you want something like this in the future!)
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ccatvalentine · 3 years
murder house | pilot
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Season 1 - Murder House 
Episode 1 - Pilot
word count: 2,438
Far above , the branches twisted like distorted limbs reaching out. The forboding tree reaching out towards you. The open gates, showcasing a gnarled, old looking- house and a young girl standing  on the front lawn
CRASH! A sound crashes as someone throws a rock at the window of an abandoned house and shatters it. 
Bryan jokes “Hey, Troy. You're a dork.”
“Hey, shut up. Hey, freak.” Troy insults.
On Bryan’s way to the front door, Bryan blows some kisses at Addie who stares back at him, keeping a straight face.
“Excuse me. You are going to die in there.” the mysterious girl warns.
 “Shut your mouth, or we're gonna kick your ass!” Troy says,angry at the girl.
Bryan “We got bats.”
Troy moans “I hate trees!”
As they enter the house, Addie chants “You're gonna regret it. You're gonna regret it. You're gonna regret it.”
Troy “Yeah!”
Bryan “Yeah!”
The boys smash everything inside of the house with their bats.
 “Troy” Bryan says he looks at the door.
 “Awesome, go,” Troy forced.
“No, you go, shithead.” Bryan says, not wanting to go first.
The boys go down the stairs, not knowing the dangers that they are about to face.
 “Check it out." Troy pushed.
They find a room full of jars filled with human's and animal's parts. Troy picks up a jar containing an ear and drops it. As a result, it shatters onto the ground.
“It stinks in here. It stinks like shit. You remember last summer when we get the raccoon stuck in our chimney? That's what it smells like. Let's go find it.” Troy says, disgusted.
“No, it smells bad... I'm getting out of here.” Bryan says.
Troy goes further into the room, poping his crackers, while Bryan turns around, up the stairs. Suddenly, the popping stops. Bryan stops his ascension.
 "Troy? " Bryan questions.
(A bottle rolls across floor)
 "Troy? Who's down there? Cut it out, Troy. Cut it out." Bryan asks again, scared. 
 Bryan finds Troy on the ground, his throat slashed while Troy is reaching out to him, unable to utter anything. Suddenly, Bryan turns around and sees a terrifying creature called the infantata, running in their direction.
As a result, Bryan starts screaming bloody murder as Addy simply stars back at the house.
‿︵‿︵ ‿︵‿︵ ‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵ ‿︵‿︵ ‿︵‿︵
18th July 2011
Ugh this is soooo boring, I don't know why my parents aren't divorced already, whatever, it's not like I care. 
 "Mommmm are we there yet?" I complain.
 " We'll be there soon honey. " mom says looking at me from the mirror thing.
Vivien : The light is different out here. It's softer.
Violet : It's called smog.
Ben : You should be excited, Vi. You can stop sneaking cigarettes and just start taking deep breaths.
Violet : I need to go to the bathroom.
Ben : We're almost there.
Violet : I need to go.
Ben : Vi, it's a freeway. Really, where do you want me to pull over? Maybe the Honda next to us has a bathroom or something.
Violet : Bet if the baby had  to piss , you'd find somewhere.
 "Hey! Don't call me a baby!" I pouted.
Vivien : Really? Violet, I hate that word, unless I'm saying it.
Ben : I'm really glad we named you Violet, instead of our second choice. Same with you Eve.
Violet : Which was?
Vivien : Sunshine.
"lol, cringe." Violet shoots me a ' wtf' look.
Ben : It's funny. Come on, you gotta admit it's funny.
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Currently, we’re at the front of our brand new house and dad is ringing the doorbell.
Ben : I love it. Don't you love it, hon? I mean, it looks even better than it did online.
Vivien : Yeah, it's interesting.
“How about you Evelyn?” Dad asks me.
“I think it’s cool and superrr creepy. :) it’s totally haunted!” I beam while Violet keeps on thinking, ‘why does my sister have to be so creepy?’
Violet : Great. So we're the Addams Family now.
Ben : Hey, crabby pants. Come here.
Vivien : What are you doing?
Ben : Isn't this place amazing?
Suddenly, I see an old looking lady open the door.
Marcy : Welcome. It's a classic L.A. Victorian. Built around 1920 by the doctor to the stars at the time. It's just fabulous. These are real Tiffany fixtures. As you can see, the previous owners really loved this place like a child. They restored everything.
‘Tiffany, in that super cool famous store I see big celebrities like Lady Gaga buy and wear???!’ I think, amazed.
Vivian: Gay?
Marcy : What do you think?
Ben : Tiffany. Wow.
Marcy : Do you cook?
Ben : Viv is a great cook. I got her cooking lessons a few years ago, and she ended up teaching the teacher a few things.
Marcy : Cooking lessons... romantic. Aren't you a psychologist?
Ben : Psychiatrist. You said something on the phone about there being a study that I could use as a home office? I'm planning on seeing patients here, so I can spend more time with the family.
‘That’s kinda cool I guess : I wont have to deal with seeing the patients every day. Privacy, at last.’ I smile, happy at the idea.
Marcy : How refreshing.
(Vivien puts her dog down, and it goes running outside the kitchen, yapping)
Vivien : Violet, honey, would you go see where Hayley we-nt? Oh, never mind. Eve, try not to trip sweetheart!
“Hey fluffy, what’s wrong?” her eyes widen (she just came up with this) “I know! It’s ghost... spooky. 😃” Whoever the ghost was, decided to prank her by tapping her on the head lightly. “ Aaahhhh!!!” she screamed while running into her mothers chest while her mother was confused. Nevertheless, she’s pulled her daughter into a hug. “Mom! This shits haunted, so cool!”
Violet was used to this, username to her sister being obsessed and fascinated with scary things. Violet signed and went up to the dog,” What are you yapping at?”
That was soooo epic! Finally, I get to feel a ghost!!😊😃😀 im watching as the loser attempts to open a random creepy door, oh she’s done it, finalllly. I see her go in a bit and peek inside while she goes down the stairs. it's dark and creepy but whatever cool I guess.
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I was walking back to the living room?? area. 
Vivien : This wallpaper is peeling over here. Looks like maybe there's a mural underneath it.
Marcy : The last owners probably covered it up. They were modernists. Speaking of the last owners, full disclosure requires that I tell you about what happened to them.
‘Wait?! something happenedddd???’
Vivien : Oh, God... they didn't die in here or anything, did they?
Marcy : Yes, actually, both of them. Murder-suicide. I sold them the house, too. They were just the sweetest couple. You never know, I guess.
‘omgggggg ghostsss!!!! i called it! 😉’
Ben : That explains why it's half the price of every other house in the neighborhood, I guess.
Marcy : I do have a very nice mid-century ranch, but it's in the Valley, and you're going to get a third of the house for twice the price.
Ben : Right.
Violet : Where did it happen?
Marcy : The basement. 
Violet : We'll take it.
‘:) operation find ghosts!’
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Ben: Come on, babe, let's go to bed. Leave that for the morning.
Vivien : I'm a little bit worried about Violet, you know, these kids here are very different. I don't know if she can handle another year of not fitting in. Same with Evelyn, her friends at her old school weren’t a great influence on her.
Ben : You mean... you can't?
Vivien : Can't believe this place doesn't freak you out a little bit. 'Cause of what happened here?
Ben : My repulsion is tempered by the fact that this house is worth four times what we paid for it, so let's not think about it.
Vivien : This is your professional advice, Doctor, just denial?
Ben : Come on, let me give you a little love. Moving here, buying this house was the exact right thing to do for us and our family. It's a good thing and we deserve some good after all the shit we've been through.
Vivien : I've got some stuff I want to... unpack down in the kitchen. I appreciate that you're trying. I'm trying, too.
Ben : Okay.
Vivien : It's just gonna take some time.
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Currently, I’m at the campus of my new middle school. I see a group of bitchy-looking girls out front.
Maria : Hey! Student council passed a rule against blowing bubblegum.
Katy : yeah, you could choke on it.
‘tf okay karen.’
“I'm new, I didn't know, sorry.” i roll my eyes.
Maria : What the hell is wrong with you? People sit here, they eat here.
“You don't know me. Why are you doing this?”
Katy : Maria's grandmother died from choking on gum, she takes this pretty seriously.
Maria : Eat it... eat it or I'm gonna kick the shit out of you.
“No. What?”
Cathy : Come on, , that's enough.
Maria : No, no, no, I want to see her eat it.
“No. No.”
Maria : Eat it, eat it.
Katy : Maria, seriously, she's like 10.
Maria tries to force me to eat the gum, but I take the gum out of my mouth and place it on Maria’s head. Maria screams.
Maria : You are dead! You are dead!
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Currently, I’m peaking, leaning around the corner of my sister’s door.
Tate : This one I did after my dad left. I was ten, I think.
‘Who’s this?’
Violet : Last week, first day at my new school... sucks.
‘Ouch, that looks like it hurts.’
Tate : Westfield, right? The worst. I got thrown out of there.
Violet : I hate it here. I hate everyone. All there bourgeoisy designer bullshit. East Coast was much cooler. I mean, at least we had weather.
Tate : I love it when the leaves change.
Violet : Yeah, me, too.
Tate : Why did you move here?
Violet : My dad had an affair. My mom literally caught him in the act.
‘Yeah, why don’t they divorce then????!!‘ I acidentally slipped as i had been leaning into the door to much. oof
Violet: what are you doing here? wait, were u listening in on our conversation?!
“err, maybe?”
Tate: Who’s this?
“I’m Evelyn, Violet’s better sister, epic ghost hunter😼😎“
Tate smiles lightly, violet says, “whatever, come here.” she puts me on her lap while they carry on their conversatio 
Tate : That's horrible. If you love someone, you should never hurt them... never.
Violet : Right? I know. And the worst part is that six months earlier, my mom had, like, this brutal miscarriage. The baby was seven months old, and we had to have this macabre funeral. Have you ever seen a baby coffin?
Tate sits near Violet and gently touches her wrist.
Tate : I'm sorry.
Violet : Why are you seeing my dad?
Tate : Don't ask questions you already know the answer to. You're smarter than that.
Violet : Want to listen to Morrissey? He's cool and he's pissy and he hates everyone and everything.
Tate : Got any Kurt Cobain on that thing?
Ben : What are you doing in here?
I turn my head around and see dad by the door
Violet : Just listening to music, Dad.
Ben : You need to leave, Tate. I'm sorry. He shouldn't be in here, and I think you know that... please.
Tate : What's that thing you think I'm afraid of? Fear of rejection?
Ben : Stay away from him.
Violet : Dad, nothing...
Ben : You heard me!
Tate : No! Bullet, bullet, bullet!
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im in the kitchen with mom eating some sweets and i see a women and a girl.
Vivien : I want you to stay out of my house.  Do you understand?
Constance : Can I smoke in here?
Vivien : No. Adelaide, answer me, please.
Addie : Can I pet your dog?
Vivien : No, Adelaide, I want you to stay out of the house. I want you to stop coming in and opening things up and telling me that I'm going to die.
Ben : She said that?
Constance : She says that to everybody. Say you're sorry, Addie.
Addie : No, they did it.
Vivien : Who did it?
Addie : The twins.
Constance : Shh.
Addie : Can I... pet your dog?
Vivien : No, Adelaide, listen to me. I want you to stop coming in here without permission. Am I clear?’
I wisper to mom, ‘why does she always come in the house, i can hear her a lot.’ mom just shrugs
Ben : Vivien.
Vivien : Am I clear?
Addie : Yes.
Vivien : Thank you.
Constance : Time to go, Addie.
Ben : Hallie!
Vivien : Are you okay?
Addie : She shouldn't have done that.
Constance : Sorry about all this. You touch my kid one more time and I will break your goddamn arm.
‘awkward, now thats a TRUE karen’
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im at school and this bitch is trying to fucking fight me
Violet : I'm not scared of you!
Maria : Should be!
Kids : Fight, fight, fight!
i spit 
Maria: little bitch!
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Vivien : Hey. Whoa. Come here. What happened to your face?
“Fell down.”
Vivien : Come here. Sit, sit, sit. Boy or girl?
“Girls. Three of em.””
Vivien : Hope they look worse than you do. You know their names?
“I'm not narking.”
Vivien : You know, we can easily move you to a different school. There are a lot of really good private schools right in this neighborhood.
“I'm not running away. I'm not scared of them. Not afraid of anything.”
Vivien : It's like that time in kindergarten, when you insisted that I bring you home from the slumber party 'cause all the other girls were sleeping without the nightlight on. I know you've gotten the short end of the stick, lately. This move, and...your dad and I haven't exactly been great to be around.
 “Why don't you guys get divorced, if you're so miserable?”
Vivien : We still love each other.
“ You could've fooled me. I thought you hated each other. Well, at least you hated him. I don't blame you. He was a shithead. Sorry.”
Vivien : It's okay. He was a shithead. You know, we got a lot of history. Your dad's been through a lot, I've been through a lot. Guess we need each other. What are you scared of?
“You said I'm not scared of anything, so... what scares you?”
Vivien : Lately? Everything. Life will do that to you.
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takerfoxx · 4 years
IM Swiftly Descending Darkness, Chapter 8
Sorry this is coming late, but to be fair it’s longer than most, and I had a really busy weekend.
It was a nice night for a funeral.
It was a little past six in the evening, and the Sun had almost set. All day it had been bright and warm, with the sky being that perfect shade of blue that just beckoned everyone to come outdoors, the wind was gentle, and the air pleasantly balmy. And now that it was on its way out, it was leaving Gensokyo with an equally warm and pleasant evening.
Normally on days like that, the children would all be outside chasing each other across the field, napping in the shade of the trees, or roughhousing in the grass. Not on that day though. They were outside, yes, but they were instead gathered in the small copse of trees that they avoided at all other times.
It was there that those who had died in the orphanage were laid to rest, or at least those who had enough of their bodies recovered to allow for it.
Satoko stood in front of the freshly carved headstone, a tiered stone rectangle that reached up to her waist. In her hands was a small, black box. Haruna stood next to her left, with a paper lantern in her hands. Shion was at her right, holding a small bag tied with a piece of twine, which threaded through a pair of coins at the ends. Mokou was standing a little further back, Joshua next to her, little Akito in his arms.
As for the children, they were all present. All of those who had been taken by the spiders and those who had gone after them had woken up, and like Kohta, Rumia, and Haruko, none of them could recall anything about what had happened to them in the Bone Orchard. But something had happened to them, of that Mokou was certain. She had already sent word for the Hakurei Shrine Maiden to come, and until she arrived there was little they could do but watch and wait.
Personally, Satoko didn’t know how much she trusted Mokou’s judgment. After all, the woman was supposedly a centuries-old murderess. It wasn’t out of the question that she might be a little on the unstable side.
Still, there was something odd about them now. Now that they were all awake, they seemed so solemn, so quiet, even moreso then one would expect from traumatized children. The six of them were standing together, apart from the others. That had been at Mokou’s insistence. While Satoko understood the other woman’s concerns, she hated having to do that to them. The other children were whispering about them already.
At least they seemed normal now. Rumia and Keine were side-by-side, awkwardly shuffling their feet. Kana was also standing quietly, though every few seconds she started coughing. That was worrisome. She had been out the longest, and had felt the weakest upon waking up. According to Haruna, her slight frame had been damaged the most by the spiders’ venom, and she would be sick for some time. Kana had insisted that she was well enough to attend the funeral, but now Satoko was regretting not making her stay in at least. Haruko and Hayate were both softly weeping, mourning their friend. Kohta had his hand on Haruko’s shoulder, which was very kind of him, seeing how little they hadn’t gotten along before. Satoko wished that she had done more to curb the three girls’ meaner habits while Eiko was alive, but it was far too late for that now.
They waited, watching the Sun. It sank lower and lower, bleeding gold and orange into the horizon, its blood cleaning the sky away and allowing the stars to shine forth.
Finally it vanished fully, and night emerged. It was time.
Satoko took a deep breath, and she started singing. It was a song that her mother had taught her, who in turn had learned it from her mother, and so on. It was a song that was only sang by her family, when they failed in their duty to look after the small souls entrusted to their care. In other parts of Gensokyo, they sang other songs when laying their dead to rest. This one was theirs.
It was a song that thanked the gods and spirits for allowing them to look after the child during her time on Earth, and asked for forgiveness for not being up to the task. And it beseeched the river-guardian to bear the newly departed soul across, and for the Yamaxanadu to be kind.
When she was done singing, Satoko knelt down to place the box holding Eiko’s ashes in a small door set in the bottom of the headstone. Shion placed the bag she was holding right next to it, and the two slid the door shut. That done, Haruna lit the lantern she was holding and let it fly. It rose up higher and higher, to join the stars in the sky.
It was all completely symbolic of course. The bag was filled with stones and earth taken from the homestead grounds. By now Eiko’s soul would have already crossed the River Suzune, while the Shinigami that manned the ferry would have already been paid from the offerings the orphanage had made at various shrines over the years. But it was good to remind everyone that though Eiko was dead, she was alive and well somewhere else.
They watched the lantern sail higher and higher. It was good that the wind was so low, else it would probably be blown completely off course to get caught in a tree.
And then it burst into flames.
Haruko and Hayate both screamed as the burning scraps of paper rained down on them. So did some of the boys. Akito started crying. “Holy shit!” Rumia blurted out.
“What happened?” Haruhi cried. “Why did it do that?”
Mokou was already in motion. “Everyone back to the house!” she said. “Go on, go!”
“Wait, what just happened?” Kazuchika demanded. “Why’d it explode?”
“No clue, but we don’t want to wait around to find out. Move!”
Everyone hurried back to the house. The only sound came from Haruko, Hayate, and Akito, who were still softly crying. Satoko was deeply shaken. What had happened? Why had the lantern caught fire? Maybe Haruna had accidentally lit the balloon part with the matches.
(Her mouth finally fell open, and out crawled a fat-bodied black spider. It crawled up Eiko’s face, toward her eyes)
Or maybe it was something else, something much worse.
Then, as they were about halfway to the house, Dai leaned over to Yoshi and said in a loud whisper, “So…does that mean Eiko’s in Hell now?”
What happened next was comparable to a single thrown stone upsetting the balance of a the side of a hill to cause a rockslide. The moment the words were out of Dai’s mouth, a chorus of gasps went up and everyone spun around to stare at the boy. For his part, Dai immediately realized that his comment had been very unwise and his face turned red. However, before he could say anything in his defense, chaos erupted.
There was a strangled sound of pain, and then Haruko shrieked, “YOU LITTLE BEAST!” before launching herself at him. She knocked the younger boy over and began pounding at his face with both fists.
Yuuki, Yoshi, and Hiro all ran to their friend’s defense. Hiro managed to wrap his arms around Haruko’s neck and pull her back, though that didn’t stop her from clawing at Dai while shrieking.
Then a hand grabbed a handful of Hiro’s hair, and a fist drove into his face.
The fist belonged to Kohta, who had begun charging almost at the same time as Haruko. Hiro released Haruko’s neck and stumbled back. This of course drew the attention of Yoshi and Yuuki, who both ran in to tackle Kohta.
They were stopped though, stopped by Rumia and Hayate, who grabbed a boy each and, in synchronization, shoved the two of them backward. That allowed Keine charge in with a running tackle of her own. She drove both of her shoulders into each of the boys, taking them both off their feet and sending them flying back into the gob smacked older kids.
Things might have erupted into an all-out brawl right then and there, but that was when the adults finally intervened.
“STOP IT!” Haruhi screamed. “WHAT’S WRONG WITH YOU?! STOP!” Haruna and Joshua took more direct action, putting their bodies between the two groups and walling them off while Shion quickly pulled Dai away from the crowd before anyone else took a swing.
“HEY!” Satoko shouted. She whistled loudly, shutting down the yelling and drawing everyone’s attention. “What’s wrong with all of you? We’re being attacked by Human and youkai alike and just got done burying one of our own, and now you’re fighting each other?”
Haruka pushed her way past Mr. Joshua. “He said Eiko was in Hell!” she screamed as she jabbed an accusatory finger at Dai.
“No, I didn’t!” Dai shouted back. “I just asked if she was there, I didn’t say she was!”
“That…not really better,” Shinji said.
“Hey, seriously dude. What the hell?” Tomohiro added.
“I didn’t mean it like that! I was just…well, her lantern caught fire-”
“It was an accident!” Hayate said.
“-and she was always been pretty mean-”
“Go to Hell!” Haruko snapped.
“She was!” Now that he was put on the spot, Dai was determined to not back down. “And so were you! The three of you picked on me and Yoshi and Hiro all the time!”
“Dai,” Haruna said. “Shut your fool mouth. Right now.”
“There’s a time and place for everything, son,” Mr. Joshua added, laying a gentle, but firm, hand on Dai’s shoulder. “And that was completely out of line.”
Dai looked like he had been betrayed. “But-”
“All right, enough of the bullshit,” Mokou growled as she pushed herself into the center of the rabble. “Look, you’re kids. And kids fight, kids get mean sometimes, it happens. That doesn’t mean you’re damned to Hell just because you’re still young and a jackass. Otherwise, Hell would be a fucking boarding school.
“And for your information, Dai, no. No, Eiko did not go to Hell. You know how this works. When you die, your soul heads to the River Suzune, where it’s picked up by the Shinigami. And if you can pay the Shinigami’s price, she’ll boat you across to be judged by the Yamaxanadu. And this house donates fairly regularly to at least three different shrines to cover that very price, right? So, Eiko is set there. And as for her being mean, you’re right! She was. But she was a kid, just like the rest of you. And sure, the Yamaxanadu has a reputation for being kind of a hardass, but she’s also got a soft spot for kids, and isn’t about to send one to Hell unless they were genuinely evil right out of the womb, which Eiko was not.”
Despite Mokou’s logical dissertation, many of the kids looked unconvinced, which included Eiko’s friend Hayate, which was interesting. “How do you know?” she demanded, tears in her eyes. “How do you know she won’t? You saw what happened to the lantern! Do you know her?”
“What, the Yamaxanadu?” Mokou shrugged. “Yeah, a little.”
“What,” Hayate said, visibly caught flatfooted. She wasn’t the only one. Even Satoko, who already knew a thing or two about Mokou’s past, was taken back by this. Yamaxanadu Eiki Shiki wasn’t someone one made acquaintances of.
“I mean, I’ve never actually met her,” Mokou clarified. “But before coming here I’ve been known to do odd jobs for people, and she’s needed a thing or two done in the mortal world that needed a mortal agent.”
Hayate stared dubiously at her. “What kind of things?”
“Hunting down escaped evil spirits, mostly.” Mokou said. “Actually, she sent her Shinigami after them, and her Shinigami hired the Hakurei Shrine Maiden, and the Hakurei Shrine Maiden hired me because I knew the area better than she did, and I got to talk to both of them about the boss, but that’s getting away from the point, which is regardless of her attitude, and regardless of what you all thought of each other, Eiko did not go to Hell. She’s at peace in the Netherworld right now, and you two will get to see her again someday. But it’s my job to make sure that day is a long time from now, so let’s all get something straight: we have actual enemies now, which means that of this moment, you are all on the same side. No more dumb bickering, fighting, trying to get each other in trouble, that sort of thing.” To Dai, she said, “And Dai. Seriously. Time and place for everything. You don’t have to like Eiko, but-” Then she seemed to catch sigh of something over Dai’s head, and her voice trailed off. “Uh…huh.”
A group of men were approaching, men that Rumia did not recognize. There was five of them, and they had an air of purpose and authority about them. However, they weren’t wearing the sort of robes she had seen on village elders or the uniforms commonly sported by guards. Rather, they all had on simple, heavy brown robes with long hoods, ones that were kept down.
The one in the lead was the shortest and the plumpest, of comparable shape to Gendou Sonozika, though he had no beard or hat, and his greying hair framed his head like the mane of one of the lions from one of Joshua’s stories.
Satoko was immediately on her guard. She knew those men. She had seen them before, during her trips to the Human Village. And she knew who they followed.
“Ah, good afternoon,” the leader said in a high, squeaky voice, using that fake pleasant tone that grown-ups used whenever they were going out of their way to be condescending. He looked around at the group. “Ah, but perhaps not so good. What’s this, a fight? Well, if you can’t even go for a midday walk without turning on each other, then I guess that…incident in the market is to be expected.”
If Satoko had been angry before, then this brought that rage to a froth. “Seiya Kirisame,” she said. “One of Nathaniel Skinner’s stooges, if I recall. What are you doing here? You are not welcome, especially not today.”
Seiya Kirisame’s smirk grew wider. “So unwelcoming. Are you this surly even at home?”
“We’re coming back from a funeral, if you must know,” Satoko said.
That took Kirisame off guard. “Oh, ah, I’m…sorry to hear that. Someone from one of the villages that you were…friendly with?”
“One of the children,” Satoko said coldly. She watched Kirisame’s face intently. Mokou and Joshua had both said that the spiders had spoke of taking instructions from a Human, a small, plump Human with a squeaky voice, and this one certainly fit the bill.
Sure enough, Kirisame’s smirk disappeared completely. “Oh,” he said again. All of his smug bravado was gone, and he seemed utterly unsure of how to continue. “I…my condolences. Was it…an illness, or…”
“No,” Mokou said as she strode forward and placed herself between the men and everyone else. “A youkai attack, actually. From the Youkai Forest.
The blood drained from Seiya’s face. “A…oh.”
“Spider youkai, to be specific,” Mokou said. Her tone was casual, almost conversational despite the horrid things she was discussing. “Seven of our children were taken. We managed to get six back, but they had already…started when we got there.”
“Spider youkai…” Kirisame whispered.
“Yeah,” Mokou said, staring down into the man’s eyes. “Four of them.”
Kirisame swallowed. “And…what did you do with…said spider youkai?”
Mokou shrugged. “Dealt with ‘em. With prejudice.”
“And they killed one of your children?”
Satoko stepped forward to stand next to Mokou. “Justify your presence, or leave,” she said.
Kirisame didn’t respond. He seemed to be quite beside himself, having lost his line of thought and was mentally fumbling around to find it again. Even the men who had come with him were glancing at one another in discomfort.
“Final warning,” Mokou hissed. “Speak, or get out.”
One of Kirisame’s companions nudged him with his foot, startling him. He swallowed again, cleared his throat noisily, and said reached for something in his robe. “W-Well, this…is awkward then,” he said, pulling out piece of paper. “I am very sorry to have to bring this to you on this sad day but…here.”
He held the paper out. Satoko snatched it from his fingers scanned its message. When she looked up again at the messenger, her dark eyes could have rivaled Mokou’s in burning rage.
“We’re being banned from the village market?” she said. This kicked up murmurs and gasps of surprise from the children and their caretakers. Haruna said nothing, though the fingers of her fists squeezed so hard that everyone could hear her knuckles pop. As for Mokou, she merely looked over to Satoko and the letter in her hand. Then, moving with slow deliberation, she turned her gaze directly toward Kirisame, her hawk-like focus conveying far more malice than words ever could have.
“It was Leader Sonozika’s decision!” Kirisame protested, his words coming out as terrified squeaks. “In light of what happened last week-”
“Bullshit!” snapped Haruko. “They were the ones that started it!”
“That’s not what witnesses say!” Kirisame yelled back. He might have kept yelling at her, but then the same man who had nudged him before placing a steadying hand on his shoulder, likely to remind him that getting into a shouting match with a child would not be to his benefit. Taking the hint, Kirisame stopped himself and took a deep breath. When he had regained some measure of composure, he ignored Haruko and turned his attention back to Mokou. “And…you. Fujiwara no Mokou, is it?”
Mokou arched an eyebrow.
“Regardless of who was initially at fault, you did insult Leader Sonozika and his guard when he was just trying to clear things up,” Kirisame said. Now that he had gotten to his reason for coming, which was no doubt well-rehearsed, he seemed to be regaining some of his confidence. And his slime. “To say nothing of your threats to Brother Nathaniel!”
“Oh, did I hurt their feelings?” Mokou said. “Then why are you here and they’re not? If they got a problem with what I said, then fine. They can come here and punch me in the face themselves.”
Visibly annoyed by being literally talked down to by a woman, Kirisame tried to straighten up to his full, unimpressive height. “They are very important men, and-”
“But they ain’t kings,” Haruna said as she joined her friends in the center. She was of a more comparable height to Kirisame, but was packed with considerably more visible muscle than he. “And you’re forgetting how this works. Gendou Sonozika heads up the Human Village, sure, and he’s got some measure of authority outside of it. But he don’t rule it. He can’t tell the other settlements how to run their business. And he can’t ban nobody from something he don’t run. That’s up to the other village elders.”
Despite the fact that he and his mostly silent associates outnumbered the women directly confronting him five-to-three, Kirisame’s nerve was fast slipping. “I…I think you’ll find that the village elders hold Master Sonozika in considerably higher esteem then you give them credit for!” he cried. “Enough that-”
Joshua walked up to the trio and took his place next to Haruna, arms folding and dark eyes calmly staring right into Kirisame’s.
“-er, that-”
Shion took the spot next to Satoko.
“-I’m sorry, is this-”
Haruhi inhaled deeply to calm her nerves, but she went over to stand next to Shion.
“-are you threatening us?” Kirisame sputtered. “I’ll have you know-”
“Andrew,” Joshua said.
The name being as unfamiliar as it was, everyone on Joshua’s side all looked over to him in bewilderment. However, one of the robed and previously still figures visibly winced.
“Andrew, I know that’s you,” Joshua said. “Come on, kid. Take that hood down.”
A pause, and then the figure reached up to lower his hood. Beneath it was a young white man with untidy hair the color of straw and a face full of freckles.
“Andrew, why are you with these men?” Joshua said. “Intimidating orphans and trying to cut them off from help. Come on, kid. You know this isn’t right.”
Andrew nervously licked his lips. “B-But Brother Nathaniel says that y-you’ve been consorting with demons! He says that you’ll taint us all!”
“Nathaniel is a sad, broken man,” Joshua said. “He sees devils in the candle smoke and hears Satan’s whispers in the wind. And he now works to doom children. If I recall, Christ had quite a few things to say about men like him.”
“But there are demons out there!” Andrew protested. “There’s youkai, and spirits, and…actual demons, and-”
“Enough!” Kirisame spat. “Brother Andrew, it is not your place to speak. Put you hood back up and shut up!”
“Do it!”
Andrew looked shaken, but he did what he was told.
“I think we’ve heard enough from you,” Satoko said. “You’ve delivered your message. And since it seems that you’re intent on exiling us from the rest of the Human population, I guess that just leaves us with this plot of land within our fences. So that means that you’re trespassing. So get out.”
“Hey, wait,” Kirisame said. “You can’t just-”
Mokou took a step forward, opened her mouth, and exhaled a torrent of fire right into the dirt road right at Kirisame’s feet.
That finally got the desired effect, and the five of them quickly fled, practically tripping over each other in their desperation to get away. Two of them took to the sky immediately, and the others were quick to follow.
As for Satoko and her family, they were more than a little gobsmacked. After all, it was one thing to know that Mokou was talented with fire magic, but having her literally vomit up flames on command? Now that would take anyone by surprise.
Fortunately, young Shinji knew exactly what to say. “You can breathe fire?” he said to Mokou.
Nodding, Mokou coughed up a bit of smoke and said, “I don’t like doing it. Gives me a sore throat.”
“Still, you can breathe fire!” Shinji sounded genuinely hurt. “That is so cool! How come you never showed us?”
“Never needed to. And it gives me a sore throat, I just told you!”
“Enough,” Satoko said wearily. “Everyone back to the house. This day has been long enough as it is.”
Dinner was a quiet, sober affair, with very little actual eating and even less talking. With Mokou now on permanent defense duty, Shion and Haruhi had prepared it, putting together a simple meal of steamed rice and spinach. Joshua had tried to pitch in, but his lack of culinary skills soon became apparent, and the two women kindly, but firmly, suggested that he find some other way to make himself useful.
And that was the problem.
Joshua was the handyman. He fixed things that broke, he improved things that needed improving, and he helped teach whatever practical skills he could. Plus, he was always on hand if any of the children needed an understanding ear. Normally that gave him plenty with which to occupy his time, but now what they needed was far outside of his wheelhouse. Perhaps Satoko would let him reinforce the house, board up the windows, and strengthen the walls. He didn’t like the thought of turning their home into a fortress, but they had to be prepared for any eventuality.
For now though, everyone was going to be sleeping together in the main room downstairs. Joshua was given a sleeping mat, and he brought it down along with a pillow and blanket and a few select belongings, mainly a bag of toiletries, his Bible, and his old wallet, which now only contained pictures of his friends, both from this world and the one previous. As he spread his out in one corner, he noticed one boy in particular looking a little out of sorts.
Dai was sitting cross-legged on his own mat with his head bowed. Normally he would be up and running around with his friends, but even they seemed to be giving him the cold shoulder.
Wincing, Joshua went over to the boy and sat down next to him. “You all right, son?”
Without lifting his head, Dai lifted his left shoulder in a half-shrug.
Sighing, Joshua leaned back on his palms and stretched his legs out. “I guess we were a little hard on you. But you do understand why, right? Even if you didn’t like her, that wasn’t the-”
“I didn’t mean it like that,” Dai muttered.
Dai gathered up his legs under his chin and stared balefully out at the room. “I’ve just…you know, been thinking…”
“About?” Joshua prodded.
“The ones you brought back. You know, Kohta, Haruko, and the rest. The ones that didn’t die.”
Well, that was putting it bluntly. “What about them?”
“There’s something wrong with them, isn’t there?”
Joshua slowly breathed out. “Seems that way.”
“What is it?”
“I’m…not entirely sure myself,” Joshua admitted. “It seems that they picked up some kind of…” He winced. Even after all these years, some of the more occult aspects of Gensokyo still made him uncomfortable. “Well, the Youkai Forest has a lot of…”
“Dark magic?”
Joshua nodded. “A good a thing to call it as any. We’re not really sure what it is, but we’re keeping them separate until the Hakurei Shrine Maiden can come by and take a look at them and hopefully cure them.”
Dai still didn’t look at him, and Joshua wondered how much of that the boy understood. He was only eight, after all. Hell, Joshua himself had been in Gensokyo longer than Dai had been alive, and he barely understood any of it.
“So it’s like what they called us then?” Dai said at last.
“Those men. Youkai…taunted?”
“Tainted,” Joshua corrected as a sour feeling built in his stomach.
“Right. That’s what they are, right? They got taken by youkai, and now they’re youkai tainted.”
“Is that why you thought that maybe Eiko went to Hell?”
“That’s how it works, right?” Dai said with a shiver. “Youkai are evil, and everything they touch is evil, and evil people go Hell, so…”
“Dai, Dai, listen! That’s not how it works!”
“How do you know?” Dai said in an accusatory tone. “You have your own weird Outsider religion! You don’t understand any of our world.”
Defensive indignation welled up inside Joshua, hot and salty, and he bit down on his tongue to keep himself from taking the bait. Dai was just a child, a child who was feeling scared, confused, and alone. “I do,” he said, keeping his face and voice calm. “I do have my own faith. But I’ve lived in Gensokyo for a pretty long time. And I’ve done everything I can to learn how things work here.” He shifted his weight. “Look, Dai. Evil isn’t some kind of stain that you get on your clothes and can’t wash off. Evil is a choice, something people have to decide to be. Sometimes bad things happen, and you get angry. Sometimes you grow up being taught bad and hateful ideas. And sometimes you do get, well, smeared with something evil, like the kids upstairs did. But that doesn’t make you evil. Things that happen to you aren’t your fault. Things that you’re told by evil people aren’t your fault. It’s letting that evil get past the skin and worm its way into your heart that makes you evil. Those men that came here today? They weren’t born evil. They didn’t become evil because evil touched them. No, it was their choice to let fear and ignorance decide how they were going to think and believe, so that they now think that hurting us is the right thing to do. That’s what makes someone evil. Eiko wasn’t evil. She wasn’t very nice, and…yes, we should have done something about that, but she wasn’t evil. And the rest of the kids that went into the forest aren’t evil either. They got touched by something that we don’t understand, and we’re going to do everything we can to get it off them, but they’re not evil, they’re just kids that need help.” He patted Dai’s shoulder. “Same with you. Don’t listen to those brown-wearing idiots. They’re all fools.”
Dai frowned. He didn’t seem to be totally accepting what Joshua was telling him, but he wasn’t rejecting it outright either. That was fine. Sometimes it took a bit for lessons to take hold.
Then he asked that question. “What about Miss Mokou?”
It took a considerable amount of will to keep from wincing. “What about her?” Joshua said.
“Everyone’s saying that she’s something…bad. That she’s lived forever and killed a lot of people. Is she evil?”
Joshua slowly breathed out. That really was the real question, one that he had been grappling with ever since the spider’s nest, and especially since she had opened up to him about her past. “I…don’t really know,” he admitted at last. “Y-Yes, she’s a lot more than she seems to be. And yes, she’s…done a lot of bad things apparently. I don’t know if that makes her a bad person or just someone who fell to a bad place, but…” Sighing, he looked to the stairs, which led to where Mokou was currently sealing off the sick room for everyone’s protection. “Some things are so far beyond our understanding that it’s impossible for us to judge. Whatever she is, and whatever she’s done, I guess we’ll just have to leave that to the gods, yours and mine, to judge. But this much I do know: she is on our side. And if she is a monster, then I’ll take a monster like her than the ones in the Human Village any day.”
It was almost time for bed, but Noba felt sick.
He had been feeling sick for days, ever since he had gotten hurt at the market. Honestly, he really didn’t remember all that much about the incident. The last thing he could recall with certainty was the night before, when he, Shinji, Kazuchika, and Tomohiro had been discussing a rather lovely young woman they had seen working a stall the last time they had been there, and whether one of them would be able to work up the courage to go speak to her.
He had to piece together what had happened from what the others had told him. Apparently some of the local boys had been making passes to Haruko, Hayate, and Eiko, and he and his friends had taken exception to that and stepped in. And from there things had escalated until practically the whole market had devolved into an outright brawl, and Noba had taken the worst of the beatings.
On the one hand, he felt that he should be proud of himself for stepping in to defend his family. On the other, it was hard to feel good about any of it when his head would not stop aching, nor his stomach stop churning.
Just rest, the grown-ups had told him. Rest, and let yourself heal. Let us know if it hurts too much. In time it will get better.
Groaning, Noba leaned forward and grabbed onto his head.
Whatever was wrong with him, he was almost certain that it wasn’t something so simple as a knock to the head. He had taken knocks to the head before, including one when a bout of roughhousing with Tomohiro and left him dizzy for three days, and that hadn’t been anything like this. This felt like pressure was building deep inside him, like a teakettle without a faucet, while the air thickened around him. It was growing without and within, and constantly getting worse.
He fumbled around the stuff he had brought down for his medicine, which were simple herbal pills that Miss Shion had given him. The relief that they gave him was small, but it was better than nothing, and they did help him sleep.
Unfortunately, his search came up empty.
Noba stared in despair at his small pile of belongings. He had forgotten them. How had he forgotten them? His head hurt so much that one would think that they would be the first thing he would bring down with him! Idiot, idiot, idiot, idiot!
Then he looked over to the stairs. Well, he supposed that he could just go up and get them now. They were keeping everyone downstairs just as a precaution, right? And he had just been up there to get his stuff. All he had to do was head back up the stairs, nip into the boy’s dorm, grab his medicine (he had probably just left them on the chest at the foot of his bed), and head back down again. It would take probably around three minutes.
Except something about heading back upstairs filled him with dread. Because that was where they were.
He still didn’t know what to make of the events of the last few days. A youkai attack, right in broad daylight? Nearly half of the other kids taken? Eiko Goto, one of the girls he had gotten hurt defending, now dead? And the others…
Something was wrong with them. Something was terribly wrong with them.
He had known that even before the grown-ups had told them. Just looking at them had made the ache in his head spike, and it only grew worse the closer he got to them. Beyond a shadow of doubt, they had brought something back with them, something evil.
Miss Mokou was guarding them now, which was good. There were whispers going around that Miss Mokou was something more than she seemed, something dark and deadly. That may be so, but as far as Noba was concerned, it was a good thing. They needed a little dark and deadly on their side, and she didn’t make his head hurt.
Still, heading upstairs would mean getting closer to those kids, and they just scared him.
Noba tried to lay down and sleep. He tried to ignore the pounding in his head, tried to think about something else, anything else.
A few minutes later he got up with a frustrated growl.
Tomohiro, Shinji, and Kazuchika, who had all been talking in a circle, looked at him. “Hey, where you going?” Kazuchika asked.
Noba nodded toward the stairs. “Forgot my medicine,” he mumbled. “Be right back.”
With that said, Noba started the ascent up the stairs.
He wasn’t sure if it was the pain inside his head throwing him off, but for some reason the climb seemed three times more difficult than it normally was. That was odd. He went up and down those stairs every day without thinking about it. Hell, he had just been up there to get his things. But now that everyone save for Miss Mokou and her wards were all downstairs, effectively making the second floor something of a quarantined zone, it did feel that the staircase had grown in length while the steps themselves shrank in size.
Noba’s mouth had gone dry. He tried to wet it, but had limited success. It was just nerves, he told himself. You were literally just up here, and had no trouble getting up and down! Still, by the time he had finally reached the second floor, he had broken out into a cold sweat.
As Noba stepped onto the second story, he shivered. Had someone left a window open? He was pretty sure they had made sure they were all shut tight and locked. He had even heard Mr. Joshua suggest boarding them up, though Miss Satoko had shot that down. He had a feeling that she would change her mind before too long.
Regardless, despite it still being midsummer, the air felt bitter cold, enough to make his breath steam.
The chill ought to be good for his aching head, and yet it now felt worse. Noba breathed deep, hoping that the cold air would numb the pain, but it did nothing.
The hallway stretched before him. Noba frowned. Apparently his mind was still playing tricks on him, because it seemed to be stretching quite a bit longer than it ought to be, like someone had gripped it at both ends and pulled it out like a piece of taffy.
Maybe he was coming down with something. Wouldn’t that just be fantastic, to get sick on top of everything else?
Wrapping his arms around him for warmth, Noba headed down the hall. As he went, his feelings of unease only continued to build.
There was just something wrong about the hall, something he couldn’t put his finger on. But the lines felt off, like entering a hall of framed picture that were all tilted. If he stopped and focused on something in particular, then it looked fine, but when he took in the whole of the hallway, it just looked weird.
There actually were a few framed pictures along the way, and Joshua stopped at one in particular. It had been taken about a year prior, roughly around summer solstice. It was a group shot of all the children currently living at the Aoki Yume’s Children’s Home, with their adult caretakers standing behind them.
Despite how bad he felt, Noba couldn’t help but smile at the memory. Life had been pretty good back then: pleasant, simple, and worthwhile. There had been no monsters attacking from the forests, no awful people beating them up, and no horrible pounding in his skull. But now, everything had gone horribly wrong.
Then Noba frowned. Wait, there was something off about the photograph, something that had changed from the last time he had seen it. His eyes zeroed in on the dead girl Eiko, who was standing with her friends Haruko and Hayate. She was smiling, yes, but her smile wasn’t the small half-smirk she used to wear, oh no, her smile now was a wide and toothy grin, one that was way too wide and way too toothy, and that was because her lips were gone, taken clean off, leaving her with a skeleton’s smile. The rest of her face was dead too, the nose gone, likely bitten off and swallowed as an appetizer, and in place of two child’s eyes, Eiko had two empty, black pits in her face, just like her corpse.
Eaten. Her entire face was eaten off.
Noba’s shivering now had little to do with the cold. His gaze then slid from Eiko’s face to that of her friends. Both Haruko and Hayate still had their faces, their smiles untarnished, but not their eyes. But unlike Eiko, their eyes hadn’t been plucked out and the empty sockets photographed. Oh no, they had been burned right off of the photograph itself, like something had lit a match and pressed it to each of their eyes, leaving a black circle each time.
His eyes then shot to Kana’s. Black circles. Kohta? Black circles. Rumia? Black circles. Keine?
Noba swallowed. Keine’s eyes had also been burned out of the picture, but she also had something new, something that the other defiled children hadn’t been given. A pair of curving horns rose up from her head, like those of a ram or a bull All taken together, it made the sweet, slight girl’s visage downright demonic.
Noba didn’t want to see anymore. He wanted to stop staring at the photograph, to close his eyes and violently shake his head to clear it from the evil visions and open them again to find everything as it should be, with no horns, no fleshless faces, and no black circles.
He didn’t. Instead, he looked up, up at where the caretakers were standing in the back.
Miss Satoko looked fine, perfectly normal, with that tired, yet happy, smile she always wore when things were good. Likewise Miss Haruna’s lovably rough face was just as it should be. Miss Shion looked normal, as did Miss Haruhi.
Not Mr. Joshua though. Instead of the happy, white grin shining in his dark face he had worn that day, Joshua’s face wasn’t smiling at all. Instead, he was staring solemnly back at Noba, his eyes hollow and haunted, his face flushed with sweat. He looked like a man who had seen things and done things that he would be much happier forgetting, and who knew full well that he never would.
Noba swallowed. Then, though he didn’t want to, he looked over at Miss Mokou.
Miss Mokou had been standing a little bit away from the others, near the group without actually being a part of it. Even so, she had been smiling along with everyone else when the picture had been taken. She still was actually, but now her smile was wide and crazed, not the naked grin Eiko had, but the deranged smile of a madwoman. Her clothes had been simple and clean in the picture, just her shirt and her suspenders, but now her shirt was ragged and unbuttoned, hanging loose and smeared with something that might have been dirt, might have been blood. Her face was smeared with it too, caking her cheeks and around her crazed grin. One strap of her suspenders hung down, and her hands, formerly in her pockets, were now hanging at her sides, filthy fingers curled into claws.
The photograph was in black-and-white, but one thing now was not. Her eyes, wide with manic glee, were bright red.
Sweat was starting to sting Noba’s eyes, and he realized how long it had been since he had last blinked. He shut his eyes tight and swiped his hand down over his forehead and his face. He breathed in and out, trying to slow his panting down, trying to slow his heartrate, all the while silently and desperately crying out any gods that might be listening.
He opened his eyes.
They were normal again. Miss Mokou. Mr. Joshua. The rest of the kids. Everyone had on their normal faces wearing normal smiles, as it ought to be.
But that didn’t mean that the picture had been set right. Before there had been eighteen children and five adults. Now the picture was so packed with people that Noba couldn’t even begin to get a proper count. Standing with the kids that he knew were many, many new ones, ones that he didn’t recognize, ones that he had never seen before. And yet they were there, wearing the same uniforms as those who belonged.
Noba stared at them and they stared right back.
He breathed in and out. No, this was wrong, this was wrong! Why were there so many? Why were there so-
A hand came down on his shoulder.
Noba screamed and swung his fist. It impacted against a hard palm, which was attached to a strong hand, which was attached to…
To Noba’s chagrin, he was staring right at Miss Mokou.
“Sorry for scaring you,” she said, moving the fist she had caught away from herself. “But what are you doing up here? Upstairs is restricted now!”
Noba struggled to find his tongue. “M-Medicine,” he stuttered. “I forgot my-”
“Is that it?” Miss Mokou rolled her eyes. “Oh, for the love of…Hang on.”
Mokou walked down the hall to the nearby boy’s room (which was now perfectly straight and of normal length, because of course it was), and emerged a moment later with the bag of pills.
“Here,” she said, tossing it to him. “And don’t come up again. This place is quarantined for a reason.”
Noba’s fingers fumbled, and the bag dropped to the floor. He quickly picked it up. “Er, thanks.” He paused, and said, “Uh, M-Miss Mokou?”
“The picture. It…”
The picture was completely normal. No deformities, no additional faces, everything was as it should be.
Miss Mokou glanced to it, and then at him. “Did it change?”
Noba hesitated, and then nodded.
“Did the place feel strange when you came up here?”
“Yes. Everything felt too long, and the air felt…thick.”
At this, Miss Mokou sighed. “Well, what do you expect?” She nodded to the sick room, which now had sealing charms all over the door. “I sealed those kids off for a reason!”
“They’re doing it?” Noba said in disbelief. “I mean, whatever it is that…changed them?”
“Obviously,” Miss Mokou said dryly. “Now, unless you’re planning on spending the night up here in the freaky funhouse, I suggest you swallow your medicine and stay downstairs!”
Noba numbly nodded. And then he turned and hurried away as fast as he could.
The day died, night fell, and the Aoki Yume’s Children’s Home was left alone in the dark.
Now officially exiled, it now stood by itself, a tiny island refuge for those who dwelt within, facing oppression from its back and invasion from the front, left vulnerable to the wild beasts and evil spirits that roamed the plains and forests of the Wilds and the nefarious scheming of those who had isolated them in the first place. Already several of their number had been taken and dragged off into the darkness, and one had not come back. As for those who did, no one could say they had returned whole.
Mokou was afraid.
It was curious thing to feel again; she had not really known fear for a very long time, save for a scant few occasions over the centuries. And as one Eirin Yagokoro was not involved, she did not fear for herself. No matter what happened from here on out, she at least was guaranteed to come through alive and well.
No, what she feared for were the tiny, fragile lives entrusted into her care. Mokou was a powerful woman, perhaps too powerful. But her power was directed at self-preservation and wanton destruction. She could lay every single Human village, town, and settlement to waste within a few hours with relative ease. She could challenge such mighty creatures as Dragons or Demons and at least expect to make them sweat. Hell, she was pretty sure she could take on the great Yukari Yakumo and, if not exactly win, give her something to remember her by. But when it came to keeping these few children safe long enough for them to reach adulthood, then even with all her power, she did not feel that she was up to the task.
Not that she wasn’t going to give it her all. The ability to burn mortal and immortal alike to ashes might not be much use when she wasn’t even sure of the threat just yet, but her impossible durability meant that she at least could throw herself in its path when it revealed itself. To that end, she had appointed herself as the official guardian of the Black Circle Six, as she had taken to calling them. Rumia Yagami, Kohta Momoi, Keine Kamishirasawa, Haruko Kamijima, Hayate Maeda, and Kana Anaberal were back in the sick room, this time to stay until Miko Hakurei finally arrived. Their sleeping mats were arranged in a circle on the ground, their feet all facing the center, while Mokou sat in a chair near the window, arms folded as she watched over them. The chair was leaning back on it hind legs, courtesy of Mokou shoving her foot up against the cabinet. The door and window were both locked tight, charms had been stuck to the walls, and the wards protecting the orphanage grounds had all been replaced. And as for Mokou, she could go for days without sleep before she began to even think of getting tired. She had once hidden unmoving and unsleeping for a solid week in a corner of Eientei just so she could murder Kaguya Houraisan during her birthday party. If anything was to come for these kids from without or within, it was not going to catch her unawares.
A small wooden clock sat on the counter across from her, softly counting away the hours. Out in the hall, the big grandfather clock’s loud ticking could be heard, set in time with its smaller brother. Every now and then, Mokou’s eyes would flit from the children over to check the time. The night was steadily passing by.
Ten o’clock. Ten forty-five. Eleven seventeen.
So far, so good.
Eleven thirty-six. Twelve o’four. Twelve twenty-nine.
Kohta was snoring.
One eleven. One forty-one. Two o’clock. Two fourteen.
So far, so good.
Two twenty-two. Two thirty-eight. Two fifty-five.
And then the ticking…just stopped.
Mokou paused her rocking. Her eyes, as sharp in the dark as they were in the light, focused on the clock’s face. The hands were still moving, indicating that it was two after three, but the clock in the hall had simply stopped ticking.
Mokou took a quick assessment of herself, checking all of her sense. A moment later she determined that she was in fact still wide awake, and this was not the result of her drifting off into a dream. Whether or not that was a relief remained yet to be seen.
Carefully relaxing her foot, Mokou lowered her chair back onto all four legs. She sat with both feet planted on the ground, hands on her knees, ears straining.
The only sounds were the children’s gentle breathing, Kana’s rasps, the ambient sounds of the old house settling, and a far off owl hooting.
Then someone started knocking on the door. Loudly.
Mokou didn’t cry out in surprise, didn’t jump, didn’t even jerk, but she did sit up straighter, her eyes focused on the locked door as someone in the hallway slammed their fist against it over and over, banging as loud as they could.
“Who is it?” she said.
The banging stopped, but nobody answered.
Moving as smoothly as a cat, Mokou rose from her chair. On the floor, the six children were still lying asleep, the note of her their breathing having not changed at all. She tread around them, heading toward the door.
The door handle started to turn.
Mokou watched as it twisted first one way, and then the other, its old joints whining. However, it was still locked, so whoever it was that was trying to get in was unable to open the door. The knob than began rattling and shaking as the banging began again.
“Who. Is. It?” Mokou said loudly, not caring if she woke the children. If they could sleep through that racket, then they could sleep through her voice. Besides, she was pretty sure that she was going to want them awake for this.
This time the banging and rattling didn’t stop, but instead picked up in fervency. Mokou levitated a few centimeters into the air, turned her body fully around so that her face was close to the floor, and peered through the crack beneath the door.
There was nobody in the hallway beyond.
That didn’t stop the banging though, and what was more, it was starting to spread.
What sounded like several fists pounded at the walls. The sick room sat in a corner of the house, so two-thirds of the wall with the door also shared a wall with the room right over, Shion’s room to be specific, while the other wall bordered Haruhi’s room. And from the sound of it, both rooms were filled with people, all slamming their hands against the walls.
Mokou reached into her pocket and withdrew a spellcard.
And then the banging started happening against the other two walls, the ones that went outside.
Mokou whirled around. From the sound of it, the sick room was surrounded on all sides by people trying to get in. And they were on the top floor! Not that it would matter in a country full of people who could fly, but that handily ruled out anyone else from the house being the culprit.
Speaking of which, the six children in the room were still fast asleep!
Mokou glided over to the window and creaked open the shutters with one finger, just enough for her to peek out.
It was a nice, clear night out. And it was completely empty.
Almost as if they had sensed her looking out, the banging stopped.
Mokou opened the shutter fully. She of course wasn’t going to open the glass window itself, but she had enough of a field of view to survey most of the side of the house and the moonlit lawn below.
There wasn’t a single living soul to be seen.
Oh shit.
Mokou moved back from the window. Almost immediately the banging began once again, this time from all over! The cabinets were shaking from the force slamming against the walls, and the door knob was about ready to fly right off if it rattled any harder.
“Enough!” she shouted. “Reveal yourself!”
Again everything again fell silent.
And again it started up all over again!
Mokou had no idea what to do. She didn’t even know what was happening. Anything from the Forest of Magic would have been stopped by the new wards, and anything Human would have tripped the early warning spells. Whatever this was, it was new.
She wasn’t scared though. Supernatural threats were no stranger to her; hell, technically speaking she was one. But she would feel considerably better about her situation if she knew what she was dealing with.
Then, as she slowly rotated around, Mokou got her first real jolt.
The six children, who had all been sleeping soundly just a moment ago, were now all awake and sitting up, staring at each other.
Well, of course they would be awake! Nobody ought to be able to sleep through that racket! It was honestly more of a mystery why it had taken them so long to wake in the first place!
But they didn’t seem distressed like young children woken in the middle of the night by such a cacophony might have. They weren’t crying out, they weren’t asking what was wrong, they weren’t crying, they weren’t shouting, they weren’t looking around in confusion, they weren’t reacting at all.
They were just…sitting there, staring unblinking at one another. Kana had even stopped coughing.
Now Mokou felt actual fear.
The six children, some of which who had actively loathed one another earlier that same week, continued to stare. Then, as one, they all turned to look over their right shoulders at the walls.
“Enough!” they said with one voice. “Leave!”
And with that, the banging stopped, the knocking ceased, and the door knob lay still. And this time it stayed that way.
Over on the counter, the clock began once again to tick.
Mokou’s heart seized up. She had been right. If the kids’ fluid, synchronized movement hadn’t been a tipoff, the change in their voice more than confirmed it.
It had not been their voices coming out of their mouths. That voice had been colder than winter and deader than dry bones. If a coffin were to be extracted from beneath a sheet of ice, and the corpse within were to speak, it would have a voice like that.
And when it spoke, the things trying to get in had listened.
“Who are you?” she asked the entity she now shared the room with.
Again moving as one, the six children turned their heads to stare at her. Six pairs of dark, beady eyes bore into her own. And though it might have been a trick of the dark, she was pretty sure she saw a faint red light shimmering in those eyes.
Mokou tensed up, fully ready to fight.
Then Kana started coughing.
It was like a spell had been broken. The kids finally blinked their eyes, and then began looking around in confusion. “Uh…” Hayate said.
“Wait, what the hell?” Kohta added, scratching his head.
Mokou didn’t drop her guard.
“Miss Mokou?” Keine said. “What…just happened?”
It took some doing, but Mokou found her tongue. “You don’t remember?”
“I…” The tiny girl frowned. “I remember…I think I was dreaming. Dreaming about a deep, black pit. And…”
“Chains,” Kana said. “And quite a lot of them.”
Mokou had no idea whatsoever what to say to that.
And then, from somewhere else in the house, someone started to scream.
For what might have been the first time since she had realized that she had left her drab, anxious, and hopeless life back in what she now thought of as the Outside World for an actual world of magic, Melissa Garcia wanted to go home.
It was the strangest thing. Her old life had, in its strangely parallel way, mirrored her current circumstances, except everything had been drab and bleak instead of colorful and full of magic.
Like almost everyone at the Aoki Yume’s Children’s Home, she had never known her parents. They had died when she had been very young, and she had grown up in a Catholic mission. It had been…unpleasant, to say the least. The rules had been strict, the punishments severe, the beds hard, the food unappetizing, and Melissa had expected to go through her childhood with her head down and her mouth shut so as not to attract any undue attention.
The one thing that brought her any happiness was stories. There was one nun, from faraway Ireland, who, when everyone else was asleep, would come into the children’s room and tell them the stories from her home, stories of fairies, of spirits, of leprechauns, and of monsters. Melissa always loved those stories, and the world they described seemed so much more lively and fun compared to hers! Unfortunately, one day the nun was caught and reprimanded, and the stories stopped. Melissa’s life became just a little more grey after that.
And then one day she had woken up to another day of grey hopelessness, of trying to just get by, of having nothing much to look forward to except for the vain hope that maybe she might one day work hard enough and save enough to live a life that was somewhere above tolerable, only to have those hopes dashed when she had gotten separated from the rest of her group during a trip to the nearby village. As she had searched for everyone else, she had attracted the attention of some local men, the unkindly sort with cruel faces and nasty smiles. They had called out to her, beckoning her to come over, that they would help her.
Instead, Melissa had ran.
And they followed.
Convinced that she was about to become another faceless victim found in a ditch, Melissa had gone this way and that, desperate to lose them while all too aware that they knew the village better than she. And then, at one point, she ducked through a long dark tunnel, one that seemed to stretch on and on, one without any light at the end.
And when she had come out the other end, she was in someplace else entirely, a small village of strangely built houses and strangely dressed people, ones who had been just as surprised to see her as she was to see them. However, unlike her, they had quickly figured out what had happened, and though they spoke strange words that she couldn’t understand and clearly couldn’t understand her either, they still managed to calm her down and communicate to her that she should follow them.
Melissa had, of course, been terrified. Where was she? How had she gotten there? Who were all these strange people, with their oddly shaped faces and unfamiliar clothes, who spoke to each other with an unfamiliar tongue? And most importantly, would they let her go back before it was noticed that she was gone? If Melissa had gone missing for too long, then she would be guaranteed a beating and several hours spent in the Othering Closet.
However, if she refused to do as these people said, then they would probably beat her themselves, so with no other choice she had followed them. They had taken her to one of the strange buildings made of wood and paper, into a strange room with strange furnishings, where the walls were made from paper, there were no chairs, and everyone sat on the floor at very low tables.
Once there, they had brought an old woman wearing a lovely black robe, and to Melissa’s utter shock, she began to speak to her in Spanish: stiff and halted Spanish, yes, but understandable Spanish nonetheless.
The woman had explained to Melissa that she was one of the few in the village who had taken the time to learn almost all of the majors languages of the Outside World, so it was her job to greet newcomers, and Melissa was the first newcomer that they had in the Human Village in several years.
Melissa had still be confused and terrified, so she had begged that woman to please send her back before she got into trouble. She would tell no one that she had been taken or how to get to the strange village, but they had to send her back.
In response, the woman had sadly shaken her head and clicked her tongue. And then she had explained to Melissa a few things that had changed her life forever.
Firstly, she was not going to go back. She couldn’t go back. She had been taken, fallen into something called a gap, which was kind of like a hole in a wall, but instead of connecting two rooms, gaps connected two worlds, and rarely lasted long.
Melissa, of course, had not understood at all. She knew the words, she knew what they meant, but the things being described to her were beyond her comprehension? Worlds? As if in, other countries? It had made no sense!
However, there was one thing she did understand, one thing about what they were telling her that her mind and heart had seized upon immediately.
She was in a world of magic, a place of enchanted forests and cute fairies, a place where beasts talked and spells were sold on the street corner. And what was more, anyone that came to this magical country, one called “Gensokyo,” could also learn magic, to conjure up mysterious powers with her fingers and fly through the air like a bird.
Needless to say, Melissa was entirely too happy to discard any thought of going back, and while learning the language was difficult, she was perfectly fine with calling Gensokyo her home. After all, she was going to be able to fly!
But now she was seeing the dark side of her new home. Because say what you will of the place she left, but there were no monsters emerging from the forest to eat them. There were no curses that necessitated clearing entire floors of the house. There were no demons after her blood, no ghosts seeking to suck out her soul, no monsters other than cruel men, and Gensokyo had plenty of those too.
Now Melissa was scared. And she wanted to go home.
With those who had been recovered from the forest kept by themselves in the sick room, the rest of the children had all been brought into the main room at the foot of the stairs for the night, with all the grown-ups save for Miss Mokou sleeping with them. Under normal circumstances, it would be an exciting change from routine, but Melissa felt nothing but dread.
For one, it wasn’t a fun sleep-together, and everyone knew it. There was something very wrong with the kids being kept upstairs, something that the rest of them needed to be protected from. “It’s just a precaution,” Miss Shion had told them. “The Youkai Forest has all sorts of bad magics, and we want the Hakurei Shrine Maiden to take a look at them first to be safe.”
Well, Melissa might still be struggling with the language, but she knew when a grown-up was downplaying something bad. Something was wrong with them.
For another, her best friend Kana was among those being kept away. When she had been taken, Melissa had been scared stiff for her. Kana might be kind of…odd, and prone to saying the weirdest things even when Melissa fully understood her, but she was one of the few at the orphanage to not treat Melissa like an oddity. After all, Kana was kind of an outsider herself, so she had no problem spending time with the girl from the Outside World and not treating her like she was dumb just for having difficulties with Japanese, or weird because her skin was darker and her name unusual. Melissa had even taught her a few words in Spanish, and to her surprise Kana would actually use some of them from time to time. So of course she had been nothing but relieved when Kana had been rescued, only for that relief to turn to dread when she saw how weak and sickly Kana now looked. The bad magics were one thing; they probably had ways of dealing with those! But that dry, chest-rattling cough was the kind of bad that Kana had seen before and fully understood, even before coming to Gensokyo.
And finally, as she lay down on her sleeping mat and pulled the thin blanket up over shoulders, Melissa became intensely aware of a third problem: she was the only girl left.
Eiko was dead, and the Kana, Rumia, Haruko, and Hayate were all locked away. That just left her, the grown-ups, and lots and lots of boys.
She tried to ignore it. she tried to close her eyes and sleep. But Kazuchika’s mat wasn’t far from hers, and, well, she had been noticing him a lot lately, so sleeping in such close quarters was all sorts of uncomfortable in ways she really wasn’t ready for yet, with his short, pale hair and piercing white eyes and the way his shoulders seemed to get more broad and his arms more strong with every passing season.
And Noba wasn’t that far either. He wasn’t as handsome as Kazuchika, but there was a gentleness about him that Melissa found very appealing. Not weakness, no. Him rushing headlong into danger to defend the other girls was proof of that. But gentleness. And he still was pretty easy on the eyes. As for Shinji, he was kind of an ass, but a brave ass, one that always liked to show off for whoever was looking. And sure, Melissa had rolled her eyes along with everyone else, but on more than one occasion she had secretly appreciated some of his more physical feats, like when he had used his newly gained power of flight to stand on his head and do push-ups, which had caused his shirt to slip down, exposing his…
Groaning, Melissa turned over, away from the group. If the Hakurei Shrine Maiden would be so kind as to show up and return everything to normal, that would be just great!
She tried counting fairies, leaping over a fence. One. Two. Three. Four.
In time, her breathing slowed.
Seventeen. Eighteen. Nineteen.
She began to relax.
Twenty-nine. Thirty. Thirty-one.
And the fairies were gone, but that didn’t stop the procession from leaping over the fence. Except now it wasn’t fairies, it was those spider people, the ones that had come for them, the ones that had taken her friends, the ones that had eaten Eiko alive. And now they were coming for her, long arms outstretched, scabby fingers grasping, mouths open like black pits ready to-
Melissa’s eyes snapped open as she let out a small gasp.
The room was darker, the lamps having been extinguished. That meant that she had been out a bit longer than her brief nightmare had made it feel. And goodness, it had left her heart racing! Melissa would rather stay up all night than return to that dream!
But even so, it was just a dream. Things were scary and stressful, so of course she would be having nightmares, anybody would. She was all right.
Sighing, Melissa shivered beneath her blanket and tried to relax. Despite it being midsummer, the night had gotten very cold. She turned over and pulled her blanket up further.
Or at least she tried to. The truth was, she only got a few centimeters before she was stopped. Frowning, she tried again to turn, but found that she couldn’t. She was stuck.
Now waking up a little more, Melissa tried again and again to roll over. It was like the covers had been tucked in too tightly around her, forming a sort of cocoon that prevented movement. But how was that possible? She only had the one blanket, and you couldn’t tuck in covers around a sleeping mat!
She wiggled her hand under the blanket. The fabric felt…different, no longer like the woven wool it had been. Instead, it was sticky.
And then she heard someone crying, a young girl weeping softly to herself.
Gritting her teeth, Melissa strained and pushed. She was unable to break free of whatever it was that encased her, but she at least managed to turn just enough to incline her head and get a good look at the room around her.
The whole room was blanketed in what looked like silky white sheets. They covered everything, from the walls to the stairs to the floor. Everyone sleeping on the ground, child and grown-up alike, was all wrapped snuggly in a white bundle, one tethered to the ground by more of the white sheets.
Melissa stared numbly at the scene, her scared and tired brain unable to make sense of what she saw. She had to still be dreaming, right? It was the only thing that made sense. Why would anyone cover the whole room with…
Suddenly, Melissa realized what she was seeing.
They were spiderwebs.
They were all covered with spiderwebs.
Melissa wasn’t the only one who had been woken up. Here and there she saw other kids trying to free themselves. Over in the corner, Mr. Joshua was struggling to sit up, but had only managed to elevate his shoulders. Miss Satoko was tugging and pulling at her restraints, but to little avail. Kazuchika was trashing as hard as he could in his attempts to free himself.
Noba, however, wasn’t fighting. Instead, he was staring upward, at the ceiling.
When Melissa saw this, she got a sinking feeling. That was where the crying was coming from.
Now Tomohiro had noticed where Noba was looking. He looked up as well, and his eyes went wide. Over in one corner, Miss Haruhi was making little whimpering sounds as she stared at the same thing they were.
Though she did not want to, Melissa looked up as well.
Eiko was there, handing upside-down from the ceiling by a glob of webbing to the bottom of the chandelier. Her whole body was encased in webs, her legs glued together and her arms stuck to her sides. Only her head was free, and her eyes were closed as she softly cried to herself.
“You…” she whispered. “You…you…you…”
Then her eyelids snapped open, revealing a pair of empty pits.
“You let them do this to me!” she cried. “You let them…them…”
For a moment it seemed as if she were about to vomit. Her mouth opened and closed without any words escaping, and her throat was heaving in and out.
Something was coming out. Something was forcing its way out from inside her mouth, something black and wriggling.
A massive spider emerged from Eiko’s mouth, a spindly horror larger than one of Mr. Joshua’s fists. It crawled out from between Eiko’s lips and walked up (down?) Eiko’s face to perch on her forehead.
But it wasn’t alone. More were pushing their way out, more than Eiko’s mouth would allow. There was a horrible crack, and her jaw was snapped out of its sockets. Her cheeks ripped open like paper, and a torrent of spiders poured out of her to spill down onto the horrorstruck captives below.
When Mokou heard those downstairs scream in terror, she found herself faced with an unenviable dilemma.
On the one hand, she knew that she ought to rush in to their defense. After all, now that the invaders were actually in the house, she was pretty much their first, second, and only line of defense. Even an especially armed and determined Human could wreak considerable damage before they were stopped.
But that would mean leaving the six under her care alone, which given what had just happened, was not something she was about to do. And to even if she could, she would have to exit through the front door, which could let in whatever it was that had been banging on the walls.
Damn it.
“Stay where you are!” Mokou called over her shoulder. “Don’t leave the room!” With that, she swiftly unlocked and opened the door just enough for her to squeeze out. Then she used her key to lock it again.
As expected, the hallway was empty, which told her what she needed to know about the invaders. Shaking her head, she bolted to the stairs and flew down enough to get a look.
Everyone was sitting up in their mats and screaming at something on the ceiling. Mokou thrust a hand out and ignited a ball of light over her palm.
“It’s me, it’s me!” she said. “What happened?”
“It’s Eiko!” Shinji wailed. “She was here!”
Shit! “Eiko. Okay. Where?”
Everyone pointed up to the ceiling. Mokou craned her neck to look, but saw nothing but the chandelier.
“She…She was there!” Yoshi cried. “I swear, she was right there, hanging from the ceiling!”
“And we were all covered with webs!” Keiichi added. “They were everywhere! I could barely move!”
Melissa had curled into a ball and was rocking back and forth, whispering non-stop to herself.
Mokou looked the scene over. Certainly all the children were in the same panicked state, which ruled out a simple nightmare. She glanced over to the other adults.
Whatever it was that the children had seen, they had seen it too. Haruna was holding a sobbing Haruhi in her arms while she stared blankly at the far wall. Shion was up and moving about the children, trying to do her best to console them. Joshua was sitting on his knees with his eyes closed, hands gripping his cross as he whispered to his god. And as for Satoko, she was holding little Akito in her arms, trying to soothe him as he squirmed and cried.
Mokou jogged down the stairs toward them. “Hey,” she said. When that failed to garner a response, she clapped her hands loudly together. “Hey!”
That got their attention. Satoko, Haruna, and Joshua all started, like they had been awakened from a trance.
“What happened?” Mokou demanded. “Tell me!”
Joshua’s mouth was moving, but he was having difficulty getting words out. “There…I-I woke up, and I heard crying, but wh-when I tried to-to-to get up…”
“Webs,” Haruna said in a hollow voice. “Everywhere. Covering everyone.”
Mokou glanced around. Well, these supposed webs were all gone now. “Continue.”
“I saw some of the children…” Joshua swallowed. “Well, they were awake, and staring up. At the ceiling. So I looked up too, and…”
“Eiko,” Satoko whispered, her arms tightening around Akito. “She was there, hanging from the chandelier.”
“Hanging? You mean, like by a rope? A noose?”
Satoko shook her head. “No. She was upside-down, and just covered with webs. She…She talked. She blamed me for letting her die. And then her mouth was just ripped open, and all these spiders poured down on us.”
“Her eyes were gone,” Haruhi said. Then, in a rising shriek, she repeated, “Her eyes were gone! She had no eyes!” Despite being near a breakdown herself, Haruna quickly shushed her before her panic set off the children.
Not that they needed the help, Mokou observed. It seemed that everyone was near hysterics. “Satoko. I need to talk to you in private.”
Satoko stared at her like she was speaking in an alien tongue.
“Please,” Mokou said. She held out a hand. “I need to ask you something.”
“What? Oh. Ah, okay.” Satoko handed Akito to Haruna and got up to follow.
Mokou led her into the hall that led to her kitchen. Once they had a measure of privacy, Mokou said, “Satoko, do you remember what happened to our wards?”
“Of course,” Satoko said with a shiver. “They were sabotaged, right? But you replaced them, didn’t you?”
“I did. With better ones. But all this has got me thinking about what happened to them in the first place.”
Satoko stared blankly at her. “What do you mean? Someone found them and destroyed them. It’s not like they were hidden.”
“No, but they weren’t torn up, they were burnt,” Mokou said. Her mind was racing back over the events of the last few days. More pieces to the jigsaw puzzle were coming to light, and she was not liking the picture they were forming. “Someone burned them. All of them, in one night. Doesn’t that sound like something we’d notice?” She paused for a moment to mentally examine the evidence, and then said, “I think they were destroyed by an overload spell.”
Satoko frowned. As she did not come from an especially magical background, that concept was unknown to her. “Explain.”
“Basically, what it does is use a ward network’s own connection against it,” Mokou told her. “It fires off a highly concentrated stream of magical energy that pushes a ward past its threshold, overloads the runes, and incinerates them. Then it moves onto the next ward in the line, and the next, and the next. Only thing is, this happens so fast that it would be done in less time than I’m taking to describe it, and it does it quietly. We’d have to be looking directly at the wards to notice something was wrong.”
Now Satoko got it. She might not be all that versed in combat magic, but she understood the basics, and what Mokou had explained to her drained the blood from her face. “But…something of that magnitude.”
“Yeah, it does take a lot of juice,” Mokou nodded. “And they’re extremely difficult. You have to be pretty proficient with magic to be able to pull one off. But there’s a couple more catches as well. First of all, they can’t be performed by a youkai without them risking tearing their own bodies apart. Permanently. Even magician youkai that used to be Human can’t do them. So whoever pulled this off had to be Human, and a powerful one at that.”
“Go on…”
“Secondly, even if you are a Human magician with enough knowledge to safely pull one of these off, you won’t be able to do it alone. You need a source of youkai magic at hand to channel into the wards. And that’s a one-way trip for the youkai, so they tend to be kind of unwilling.”
Satoko made a face. “You’re telling me that to sabotage our wards and leave the children vulnerable to attack, a Human captured and murdered a youkai?”
“If they used an overload spell,” Mokou said. “Which, okay, is just a theory, but it tracks, doesn’t it?”
“Yes,” Satoko said with a contemplative nod. “But what does that have to do with what we just saw?”
“Because an overload spell wouldn’t just go for the perimeter wards. It would take out every ward, charm, and protective rune in a five kilometer radius, provided that they were part of the same network.” Mokou stared hard into Satoko’s eyes. “Now, I want you to think really, really hard: are there any other kinds of wards or anything else of that nature that we didn’t think of? Maybe something in the house itself?”
That was the key. Until they had been sabotaged, the Aoki Yume’s Children’s Home had been well-protected against supernatural threats of all kinds. No youkai could even step past the perimeter fence; not even fairies were able to fly past it. Hell, even Tewi needed a special charm Mokou had made for her in order to pass.
But not all dangerous magic came from without. Gensokyo was a country practically made from magic of all kinds, and it wasn’t just youkai they needed to fear.
The orphanage had existed for generations, providing a haven and a home for children who had lost their families, protecting them from the dangers that roamed the Wilds. But unfortunately, as the last week had proven, they couldn’t always protect them. Sometimes the dangers won, sometimes the monsters got through, or even sometimes fates as mundane but no less deadly as a bad fall, a summer illness, or an inhaled piece of food reared their ugly heads. Children died quite easily, and the orphanage had seen the deaths of many children over the decades.
Now, given the house’s age and the pain carried around by its inhabitants, it would make a prime breeding ground for ghosts, specters, poltergeists, and the like. Except it wasn’t. The house had never seen single haunting.
The reason for that was quite simple: the Yume family weren’t fools. When Satoko’s multiple-times-great-grandparents had turned the family farm into an orphanage, they would have foreseen the various dangers it needed to be protected from, both from without and within.
But the downside of that is that if those protections had existed for so long, they would have done their job so well that those that they protected would simply stop thinking about them. And if they were taken away, it might be some time before anyone even thought to check that they were still there, even after the monsters had gotten in.
Before, Mokou had chalked up any strange going-ons, such as the flaming lantern or any strange upstairs shenanigans, up to the curse that the Black Circle Six had brought with them. But now she felt that they had nothing to do with it at all.
“Oh, my gods,” Satoko whispered.
Mokou nodded grimly. “Yeah, I thought so. Where?”
“Th-The foundations,” Satoko stuttered. “The stones. They all had special runes engraved into them, so any negative spirit would, you know…not form.”
Mokou nodded again. “I’m willing to bet anything that those runes are now a scorched and blackened mess.”
Both women were now thinking down the same lines. Eiko’s death had been horrible. She had awoken weak and sick from spider venom to find herself in a dark and frightening place, surrounded on all sides by hideous monsters. And before she could even figure out where she was and why she was there, they had eaten her alive.
Such a painful and violent death would certainly leave a stamp. And in a place swimming with magic like the Youkai Forest, an aftereffect forming was practically an inevitability. From there, it would either fade away as its body rotted, or it would gain enough strength to continue on, joining the many dark spirits that wandered the forest, forever an echo of a dead girl’s pain and fear.
Except the body hadn’t stayed where it had died.
“It came back with the body,” Satoko said.
“Makes sense,” Mokou said. “The place where she died would be unfamiliar, and that nest got scorched pretty bad, disrupting any magical ties. So it would migrate to someplace she knew.”
“And with the wards down, it wouldn’t have gotten blocked out and broken apart,” Satoko continued. “And when we cremated her body…”
“That basically cut it loose.” Mokou looked toward the main room, where everyone was struggling to make sense of the fearsome apparition they had seen. “So, on top of everything else, we are now officially haunted.  
Okay, full disclosure: I may have recently watched all of The Haunting of Hill House and read The Shining for the first time, and they may have both heavily influenced where this story is going. So yeah.
Until next time, everyone!
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angstchim · 5 years
Smash and Dash | jhs
Store Clerk Hosoek x Reader (Fuck Buddies) 
➻  A dirty fic that I’d like to dedicate to my dear mutual @chim-chimmie , Love you boo enjoy the filth!!!
➻  Rated: M
➻ Words:9.6k
➻ I am blaming inspired by these songs: Sexual Animals - Sarah Fimm & Toyfriend - David Guetta 
➻ !!: SMUT, usage of toys, protected sex :), squirting, orgasm denial, edging, dirty talk, language, casual sex, masturbation, sex at work, more to add if necessary, NOT FOR THE FAINT HEARTED, Golden Shower (not like you’d expect), Brat Tamer Hosoek, Brat Reader, Sounding, handcuffs, public sex, dominant hoseok, submissive hoseok, This is fiction so please take what occurs in this fic with a grain of salt and don’t try to attempt the things that the characters engage in, especially Sounding, that is something that should most certainly not be attempted by people who don’t know what they are doing. I’m not an expert on the act, don’t consider me one and PLEASE don’t attempt to do it without proper preparation and advise from people who know what they are doing because I don’t. Anyways enjoy! 
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Your eyes glued to your phone screen, your mobile bank account, eyes not leaving from the numbers displayed on the screen. A grin on your face when the numbers change, your paycheck deposited into your account. Tucking your phone into your pocket you threw on a jacket, a beanie and mask to cover your nose, mouth, and chin. Checking the time, it was late afternoon on a Friday and the drive to the next town over was at least an hour, a grin on your face you made your exit.
Tossing your bag and yourself into your humble vehicle your hands on the wheel, foot on the gas, tunes blasting you made your drive. Over the blaring music, and dead roads you felt a tingle in your stomach, excitement. You've been waiting two weeks to get paid, two weeks to make this trip across town. The coiling in your stomach increased tenfold as you got closer and closer to your destination. Pandora's Box. Your favorite sex shop and you were here to buy yourself all the toys to send you into oblivion.
Hood on, car parked and your face mostly covered you happily skipped into your favorite store. It was late compared to all the other times you had visited, the store dead compared to your other rendezvous. No one there besides the workers. Upon entering your feet led you to your favorite aisle. The vibrators. You had a sizeable collection, but you wanted one more, as for what kind, you wanted one to replace the one you wore out. Your hands running over the boxes, your eyes glossing over the speeds and types.  After finding one that could match the one you wore out your eyes trailed over to the dildos. A pink one with a width you hadn't yet tried, snatching the box your feet led you to the checkout.
Standing at the checkout wasn't the usual clerk, instead of the bleached hair and snarky smile of Yoongi, you had the bubbly smiles of a brunette. His smile too innocent to be working in a sex shop. His brown locks wisping over his crescent eyes. "Will this be all?"  He chimed, his large veiny hands scanning the two boxes you placed on the counter. You couldn't help but stare at his hands and he couldn't help but notice your stare. His glossy eyes fading slightly. "Do you have a membership here Miss?" His voice was a little deeper than when he last spoke.
Snapping out of your trance you remembered where is it you were. Looking up at the curly haired brunette,  "Yes, I have a membership." You felt strange saying aloud but it was true you went here so often you might as well be apart of their member program.
He gave a smirk, he grabbed some roundish lensed glasses from the side, slipping them on his nose. He looked to his screen. "May I get your phone number Miss?"
You nodded and relayed your phone number to him, your eyes watching how his long fingers pressed against the store's keyboard. His kept fingernails and thin digits, the fast clicks of the board and the way his veins popped as his hands glided across the keyboard. "You live out of town?" He chimed, his mouth clicking as he bit his cheek.
"I do."
"And you travel all the way here?" He asks, smirking at your toys as he bagged them, your cheeks dusting a faint cherry.
"Going to a shop in town.. well you know there's a chance I could run into someone I know." You explained, eyes everywhere but on him.
"Mhm, I guess that true", he glanced at the screen again. "You live a bit away from here and you have racked up quite the points. I'm impressed." He chuckled. His hand moving the monitor over for you to see just how much of your money you had spent there. Your cheeks heated, "You're worse than Yoongi..." You mumbled.
"Yoongi? You're already on first name basis with that skeez?" He chuckled, his eyes holding a glint to them as he glossed over a female who dared to say the blonde's first name so boldly.
You gave a cough not really realizing you said that aloud, but you gave a nod. "Well, we aren't on first name basis to be exact but we went to high school together and calling him Min never really stuck."
"Mhm.." The brunette hummed, "Calling him Min stuck with me. Are you an old flame or something?"
Your eyes narrowed, "Classmate as I said, and I'd cry if I ever got on any level more intimate than that."
"Why's that?"
"Just, I can't ever see Yoongi like that, it's bad enough he works here and knows every toy I buy." Your chest heaving slightly as you took out your cash.
"With me taking over his shift that's about to change." The brunette said with a smirk.
You squinted at him, reading his name tag. "Mr. Jung, isn't that a privacy violation?"
He chuckled, "Not when I'm holding your dildos while scanning them." He looks at the bag, "Not many buy that size, can you take it all?"
The question hitting you in the abdomen, your lip giving a slight quiver, your throat dry. "J-Jung.."
"Hoseok." He interjected.
"My name is Hoseok, call me by my first name, you do with Yoongi." He huffed, his eyes glossing over you, he held your bag to you.
"H-Hoseok, don't you think that question is too intimate for a clerk and customer interaction?"
He glossed over you once again, he slid his glasses up his nose, his permed brown locks wisping across his face. "It may be, but we are first name basis now, we aren't 'on' clerk and customer basis are me anymore, are we Dear?"
Your hands swiped the bag from him, "Y-You set me up."
"Did not, you could have said no to all my questions." he chuckled, "You answered them though? Why is that? Do you find me as interesting as I find you?" He leaned across the counter, the store empty, as it neared closing hours.
"Shh, anyways I find you interesting and from the looks of how often you come here I'm certain your pussy doesn't get played with much now does it?" He grinned his voice, Cheshire.
Your eyes widened, not sure whether to respond or just leave but your feet stayed put.
"Listen.." He began, "I think you're cute and if you're up for it I can give you, your fill. You don't have to say yes, there's no way I'd ever force you but the second you saw me you looked at my hands and I know you weren't just looking at them to admire them." He smirked as he etched his number down on a note, sticking into your bag along with the receipt. "Next time you visit, if you visit, after my shift I can take you to the back room and show you the new merchandise." He gave you a wink.
Your mouth agape, you simply gave a nod, not sure how to respond,  your abdomen flaming and your hands trembling as you ran out of the shop. Heart hammering so loudly you could hear it thuds ring. Feet leading you to your car, your hands shaky as you opened the door, tossing the bag aside. Blaring the music, foot on the gas you drove back home. Heart not slowing for anyone, but neither did your foot on the gas that night.
Your eyes gloss over the number the flirty clerk gave you the previous week. You were too shy to actually contact him, you were caught in a trap. Almost. You knew you wanted nothing more for a man to hold you down but was Hoseok that man? Your thumbs glossing over the screen of your phone as you made a new contact for him. Breath held as you sent him a simple, Hey. [To Hoseok]
Jungkook I swear to god if this is you on another fake number pretending to be the chick I met I will send out those pics of you deepthroating a hotdog. [From Hoseok]
Who's Jungkook? Is this Hoseok and whats this about hot dogs? [To Hoseok]
oh shit, nvm jungkook he's not important, is this vibrator and dildo? [From Hoseok]
Vibrator and dildo is that how you refer to me?! [To Hoseok] Your cheeks huffed and brows furrowed as you looked at your phone screen.
To be fair you didn't give me your name dear. [From Hoseok]
It was on the screen when you looked at my account. [To Hoseok]
oh shit it was wasn't it? i'll still call you dear I like how it sounds. the face you make when i do that is cute. [From Hoseok]
are you coming to the shop today? [From Hoseok]
i want to show you around the store [From Hoseok]
bullshit, but yeah im coming...is this going to be a casual thing? [To Hoseok]
ofc, why wouldn't it [From Hoseok]
You bit your lip. Right anyways i'll come near closing hours. [To Hoseok]
perfect [From Hoseok]
You gave a sigh. You knew this wasn't the brightest of ideas, you knew it may not end pleasantly but nothing was holding you back. Your keys in your hand and your hair tied, you once again found yourself in the driver's seat your foot on the gas. This was your body acting and your heart and mind were taking a back seat for this adventure.
After the quiet ride, you once again parked in the oh so familiar lot. It's worn yellow parking guidelines and bright neon sign stood out as the sun started to set. The shops darkened windows and tinted glass showed only a single silhouette, a single frame behind the register. Pushing the door open, brunette hair greeted you. "There's my girl."
Your brows furrowed. His girl? More like booty call... You shook your head now wasn't the time to be thinking about this. "Hello to you too Hoseok."
"My shift is almost over, want to help me close up?"
"Am I even allowed to do that?" You asked.
He shrugged, "Yoongi used to do it with people like this it's not that big of a deal."
"Did Yoongi get fired or something?"
Hoseok looked at you huffing, "You sure the two of you had nothing?"
"I'm certain."
Hoseok shrugged, "He switched his shifts."
"I see." You nodded.  
"What do you mean Yoongi used to do this?" You asked.
Hoseok shrugged his shoulders, "He's a skeez, taught me a few things as a trainee, and now that I'm taking over his shift might as well put his wisdom to good use." The brunette grinned as he led you to a back room, his arms trapping you between him and the wall, his knee keeping your legs spread.
"L-Like what?"
"Like the best places to skip work, the best spots to nap and...." He lowered his mouth to your ear, his tongue planting a sly kiss along the shell of your ear. "The best places to play." His knee pressing between your thighs, giving your neck a swift kiss. "This is your last chance to turn away, what do you say?" He licks a stripe along the length of your neck.
A heat coiling in your abdomen, a whimper creeping up your throat, "G-Get on with it!" A smirk crossing his face as he pressed you against the wall, opened mouthed kisses dotting your jaw as he avoided your lips when you etched them closer to his. His hands making work of your jeans zip and button, harshly he shoved and tugged them from your body, your black thong greeting him.
"Black suits you." He smirked, his thumb grazing over the fabric of the thong, your clit more than eager to meet his caresses. "Take your top off."  
Not wasting a second your hands swiped the top from your body, bra quickly being disregarded as your eyes met his lidded coffee orbs. His eyes leaving you as he grabbed a fresh bottle of lube and a boxed dildo, one a size you haven't dared to try yet. "Say.." he smirked, "After I fuck you senseless mind if I play with your body? Teach you a few things." His grin Cheshire as he shimmied out his shirt and jeans, his body lean and fit. His skin sunkissed, and his thighs muscular, and his bulge sizeable, very sizeable.
You gave a shy nod, walking over to him your hand running along his chest, fingers meeting the band of his boxer briefs. "I've got nothing to lose. Teach me Hoseok."
His eyes held a glint to them as he pulled on the strings of your black thong. "That's more like it dear, now be a doll and take these off." He licked his lips as he let his gaze dropped down to his hips. Your eyes following as you rid him of his boxer, his hands nudging the thong further and further down your hips. "Bend over for me dear."
Your lip ensnared by your teeth, your face heated, you bent yourself over for him, your hands pressed to the wall. "Velvet"
Your brows furrowed as you looked back at him, "Velvet?"
He smirked as he squirted lube into his hand, "Safeword, we are going to doing lots of things we haven't before we need something like a safeword don't you think?" He grinned, tapping your clit the with his glossy finger, the lube giving off a welcomed warmth. "One more thing dear." He pumped the large width of the dildo, coating it fully with lube, he pressed its length against your slit gently rubbing it between your folds.
"W-What is it?" You gave a whine, pressing yourself against the silicon length.
"Call me Sir." He gave a low growl.
Your hips bucking as he pulled the dildo away from your eager core. "Y-Yes Sir!"
He gave a smirk. "Do I need to stretch you out, dear?"
You shook your head. "No, Sir... I can take it!"
"Can You?" He lamented to tease you. His voice hanging in the air. "You haven't tried this size yet have you?"
Your knuckles white as your fist pressed against the wall, "No, but fucking give it to me!" You whined feeling restless.
He gave a devilish smirk as he shrugged, "As you wish dear." He pressed the tip of the dildo against your core, the head pushing into your spreading your walls. "Mhm, Fuck!" He growled as he watched the dildo disappear further and further into you. "Look at you, such a good girl. Taking this dildo so well, tell me, baby. Is it a tight fit?" He smirks as he started to pump the thick silicon length into your soaking cunt.
"I-It's super tight... So tight!" Your chest heaving, biting your lip with determination to take all of it.
He pumped the toy further int you, his pace increasing steadily. The stretch increasing as you took the toy inch by itch. His wide crown slamming against your cervix, giving off euphoric friction against your bundle of nerves. Your fingers curling into your palms and your knees started to tremble.
"Does that feel good baby?" He drawled as he pumped the toy into you with a greater force, knowing exactly what he was doing.
"Y-yes Sir, it feels so good. Don't stop, please don't stop!!"
"What will happen if I do?" He increased his pace, your chest heaving as you gave out ragged pants.
"You better fucking not!"
"You don't make the rules here." He growled as he pulled the toy from your hungry cunt just as you were about to push over the edge of ecstasy. The coiling in your heat dulling. You gave off a frustrated whine.
Slyly rolling a condom onto his shaft he replaced the dildo with his own length, flipping you over as he did so. "Legs around me dear." His gaze was dark as he thrust into you. Your arms wrapped around his neck as he pressed your form into the wall. "Such a hungry cunt, I fucked you with that dildo and your still squeezing around me like a whore."
Fingers tugging at his curled locks, his mouth biting down on the nape of your neck as your nails scratched down his neck. "Fuck you can go harder than that can't you? If I'm so tight you should fix that." You taunted, ready for the release he denied you, your legs tightening to keep him trapped in your core.
He let out a guttural growl as he angled his thrusts, his hips slamming into you as he forced you against the wall, his weight slamming into you. The room echoing with the sound of his pelvis slamming into yours. "You're right, fucking take it!" He growled, his hips pistioning into you, your back arching, toes curling as a familiar heat brew in your abdomen, "Take all of it! Do you like how I shoved my cock into your hungry little cunt?! I bet you fucking love it."
"Oh!" Your hips trembling around him as you saw stars, "Sir, I fucking love it, I love it so much!" You played along as he fucked you through your orgasm his hips beginning to stutter as he threw his head back. Veins protruded from his pelvis as he came, slipping out of you he pulled off the condom knotting it before tossing it in the bin.
His chest heaving and his hair sticking to his forehead as he caught his breath. "That's the best fuck I've had in a while.." He chuckled.
"S-same here." You gave a shiver, wobbling slightly as you bent to grab your clothes.
"Want to come back to my place?" His voice rang throughout the empty storage room that smelled of sex. Somewhat ironic for a sex shop.
"Your place?" Your brow raised as you peered at him. "I thought this was just a fuck and done deal."
"It is... but I don't want to fuck you just once." He admitted, "Plus it's the weekend, I don't work and I'm certain you don't but correct me if you do."
"I don't work."
"Exactly, we are both free so why not fuck all weekend? We can take breaks, watch a movie, eat or something.."
"You want to be fuck buddies or something?" You asked a bit daringly, not really sure if you were mentally capable of such a thing.
"If you're willing, I'd love to fuck you every weekend." He chuckled as he got dressed.
You looked at him, teeth nibbling on your bottom lip. "Just me and you?"
"Of course unless you are okay with fucking other people too?" He asked, not bothered by the idea in the slightest.
"No!" You answered more strongly than you intended to. "I don't want other people getting caught in this." You shrugged nonchalantly.
He nodded. "I'm okay with that, I don't think I'd like to share my new muse with other guys."
"Muse? Me?" You asked as you pulled on your coat.
"Yeah, you and that cunt." He chuckled as he grabbed the dildo and loob cleaning them before slipping them into a bag. "I'll charge them to my card and we are taking these back to my place and I can show you  my toy collection." He winked.
"Are we taking your car back to your place?"  You asked following him out of the room.
"Car? I don't' have one, I walk to work or take the bus if I'm lazy." He slipped on his glasses as he rung up the dildo and lube. Grabbing his jacket he looked at you, "Want to take your car to my place, that way it doesn't stay here overnight?"
"Of course I don't want a parking ticket." You giggled walking him out to your car, unlocking the door for him.
He got into the passenger side, "I like this car."
"Why thank you." You giggled, moving the GPS screen over to him, "Type in your address for me Hoseok."
"Sure." He hummed, his fingers sliding across the GPS screen as you got the car started pulling out of the lot of the sex shop, listing to the robotic British voice that read off where to turn left and where to turn right.
"Mhm, If I'm staying the weekend what clothes will I wear?" You asked, "I only have the clothes I have on."
"You can wear mine, as for underwear I can spare a pair of boxers, but.." He smirked, "I wouldn't mind if you didn't wear any."
You rolled your eyes. "The sex is great but if I want some boxers you better hand them over." You stated as you pulled into his driveway.
"Don't beat me over it." He chuckled as he exited your car, you following close behind as he unlocked his front door. He flicked on the lights on reveal a clean and tidy living space. His shoes neatly piled by the door, next to his coat rack. He had a simple couch, coffee table and tv set up in his living room. A standard kitchen and living space. "Here's the bedroom." He led you down the hall to the bedroom, swinging open the door was a plainly decorated room, a lot of brown and white and a dash of orange decorated his room.  "Make yourself at home." He motioned to the bed, "I 'll get you a change of clothes."
"Thanks." You took a seat on the bed, letting your coat fall from your shoulder,s your bag sitting at the edge of his bed, you peered around. His shelf was adorned with albums, lots of them rap, some rnb and a few of which were of EDM and dance music. He had bucket hats sitting on top of his collection of bear figurines. Nearby hung a ton a fuzzy pouches and fanny packs, your brows furrowed at them. They were the oddest things you've seen.
Stripping from your clothes, you waited on the bed in your panties and bra, Hoseok returning with a shirt and pair of pajama shorts for you. "Mhm, you really did make yourself at home." He chuckled.
You huffed, "You've seen it already does it matter now?" You swiped the clothes from him, slipping them off swiftly. His eyes prying on your form.
"I suppose it doesn't but I like looking at you." He hummed.
"Mhm." You kept your lips pursed. Hoseok says he isn't looking for anything but it oddly doesn't seem that way. Is he just normally this friendly, he's not keeping you at arm's length as you'd expect from someone who proposed such a relationship. "Have you ever done this before Hoseok?"
He was sitting on the edge of the bed, he slipped out of his jeans and was once again in his boxers and tee. "Done what before? Watch a movie? Plenty of times."
Your eyes rolled, "No, I mean have you ever had a fuck buddy before?"
He looked at you, "Yeah, have you?" He keeps a straight face, as he leaned back onto the bed.
"No, I haven't but is it normal to be so friendly?"
He gave a chuckle. "I mean, it's different for everyone, I don't have the mean bone to keep things so stern and cold."
You gave a nod. "What things can't we do together?"
"Kiss." He responded quicker than you had expected.
"Kiss? We have sex but can't kiss." You furrowed your brows.
"Yeah, we already are having sex, but kissing to me is oddly more intimate... I can't kiss you." He looked at you, his eyes glossing over his form as the movie started playing. Strange enough it was Wally that appeared on the tv screen.
"I guess I can understand that." Your eyes trailed to the screen. "Why Wally?"
He smiled, "I love Wally."  Both of you watched as the lonely robot collected cubed garbage. All alone out in space. You looked from the screen to Hosoek, his eyes shone as he watched the movie with a dopey smile on his face. This Hoseok was not the same snarky man you met at the store just a week before. You looked back to the lonely robot, Wally reminded you of Hoseok oddly enough.
As the movie progressed the two of you stayed leaned back together on the bed, Hoseok kept you atop his chest, his hands ever so lightly traveling up and down your thighs. "You look good in my shorts."
"How good?"
"You love compliments don't you dear?" He chuckled.
"What can I say, it's a kink of mine." You giggled gently opening your thighs for his traveling hands.
He gave a hum, "Is that so tell me your other kinks then." He slid his shorts off you, his hand gently skimming over your panties.
Your cheeks dusting slightly, "That's for you to find out Sir." You smirked.  He gave a tsk, tugging your panties down.
"Your brat, Sir." You continued to egg him on.
"Yes, Mine." He growled as he leaned over grabbing a rope from his bedside drawer. "Since I have to guess what makes you weak, I suppose there's no harm in having fun my way." He smirks, before leaning close to your ear. "Remember the safe word?" He asks.
"Yes, Sir." You whimpered as he started to bound your hands. Keeping them tightly knotted with the rope. He reached once more and pulled out a collar, the front of the collar a loop for his to tie your hands to it.
"Don't tug too hard." He comments, he gave a harsh smack to your clit, watching your squirm and tug on the rope attached to the collar. "We've already played with a dildo, how does a vibrator sound to you? I know you just love to play with those don't you dear?"  
You gave a whine, "I like the sound of that Sir."
"Of course you do dear. Your hungry little cunt will like whatever I give it." He gave a smirk. You gave a whimper of protest, he wasn't even wrong. Dipping down to your hips he gave your clit a curious lick, the flat of his tongue rolling against your sensitive bud, his eyes focusing in on you. He let the tip of his tongue flicked your rosebud. Your hips bucked against his tongue for more friction a whine escaping your lips. You wanted more of his tongue.  He gave a tsk, he pulled his tongue away just as you began to rut against it.
"S-Sir, Please let me!" You gave a whine, he only shot you an evil grin as he grabbed a long sheer fabric, two long cloths, he gave a nod to the ceiling, there from the ceiling were hooks. He gave a hum as he tied the cloths to the ceiling, grabbing one of your legs wrapped in the cloth attaching it to the hook, he did the same with your other leg. The cloths keeping your legs spread for him, his eyes on your core as he picked out a vibrator from his collection. His collection could rival yours, he picked one that had a dildo as well as a smaller limb for clitoral stimulation. You chest starting to pound as he set the vibrator on the highest level.
"Tell me, dear should I wear a condom this time?" He drawled once more.
He gave a smirk, "Why's that?"
"I trust you!" Your response was desperate as you core clenched around nothing, your slit glistening with arousal.
He hummed, "So desperate for my cock." He held up the vibrating dildo, squirting lube along its shaft,  "Let's see how well you take two cocks in your pussy." He smirked, as he spread lube across your opening, gently dipping a finger into you as he did so. You mewls desperate the longer he teases your opening. Your bound wrists tugging against the collar on your neck. "Don't struggle baby, be a good cockslut and I'll give you a good reward." He held the vibrator to your slit, the tip slipping into your walls so easily you almost felt a bit of shame. Almost.
Once the dildo was fully in you felt the crown of Hoseok's shaft nudging your slit. The vibrator's extra limb pressing against your clit the sensation making your walls tremble around the silicone cock. "Eyes on me dear." He ordered as he pushed his cock into your core to accompany the dildo, both lengths stretching your walls. A slight burn from the stretch. You gave a small hiss, which he soothed by running his finger along your slit, gently giving them a small message as he began to buck his hips slowly. "Fuck this is a tight fit."
You gave a whimper, his hand on the dildo pumping it into you to match his thrusts. His bottom lips trapped between his teeth. Eyes lidded, he flicked your clit once more, pressing the limb of the dildo onto it to add more pressure to your sensitive nerves. "Does that feel good? Mhm, how does it feel to have two cocks spreading open your tight cunt? I bet it feels great." He smirked as he increases his pace, his thrust getting harder and more angled as he pumps the dildo into you. The two heads kissing you cervix each time his pelvis met yours.
Your cheeks crimson, your breaths jagged and your hips trembling. "You feel fucking amazing, your pussy all stretched out and wet." He growled, his eyes glossing over your face, your eyes closed. "Open your eyes dear, look at me when I fuck you, watch the way your greedy pussy can take two cocks. Fucking watch."  His hand reaching to grab your jaw as he continued his thrusts, your eyes opening to meet his. A smirk on his face as he tilted you jaw down so you could watch him fuck you open, the dildo keeping you spread and the vibrator making your clit twitch.  "That a girl, do you like watching two cocks keep your wet cunt stretched? Do you feel full? Does having two cocks in you make you happy?" He growled.
"Y-yes it does! Ahhh" Your hip stuttering as your walls tightened, your hips raising. His thrust angled as he took the dildo away, just his cock slammed into you. Both his hands on the bed, his bottom lip tucked into his mouth, both his legs together as he began to slam into you with all his strength. The hooks on the ceiling causing the fabric around your legs to tighten as he gave more power to his hips. Your wrist sore, and aching as they tugged on the ropes that bound them to your collar. "H-Hoseok!!!"
He let out a growl and his thrusts got harder as he chased his high, "I" he gave a thrust, "Told" he growled "You" his knuckles white as he gripped the sheets, "To Call Me Sir!" He raised one leg as he slammed into you fastest he could. His head thrown back in pleasure. His hips stuttering as he used you as a fuck doll. His body turning still, he let out a deep growl as he filled your cunt. Your hips twitching as he did so.
"S-Sir.." You whimpered.
Pulling from your core, he gave a grunt as he watched pearlescent drops drip from your core. "My little cum dump." He smirked, "Do you like being filled?" He uses a finger to swab at the escaping cum, holding the tainted finger to your lips. "Say Ahh."
Your mouth open, tongue wrapping around his finger. Cleaning it. "Very much so Sir."
"That's what I like to hear. Let's get you untied so I can fuck that pretty mouth in the shower, then after I fuck it I'm going to cum all over that pretty face. I'm going to use my dick to press my cum all over you. You'll love that, won't you? Being a cumslut, getting on your knees just so you can have my cum dripping down your pretty face?"  He met every word he said and more.
His hands untying you, he gave your thigh a smack as you wobbled to your feet. "Get walking Slut." Your whimpers of pleasure echoed in the room as you wobbled to the bathroom, his footsteps following you.
Your eyes lidded, legs wobbly as he set the water, sliding the glass door to the shower open for you. His smirk was wide as he watched your eyes rake over his body, the water from the showerhead leaving him glistening, his once curly hair now stuck to his head as he motioned for you to enter. His voice a growl. "Get on your hands and knees and crawl over here bitch."
You gave a harsh swallow and nod, getting onto your hands and knees crawling into the shower with him, your body being greeted by the warm water that showered onto you.  His hands were quick to lodge themselves into your hair, the tug harsh but welcomed as you gave him innocent eyes, "Sir?"
His dick twitching against his thigh as he looked at you, "Such a pretty little face." He lamented, "Your mouth looks a little lackluster, however... I wonder how we can fix that." His eyes wondering over your parted lips. "Do you have any idea dear?"
You gave a nod. "Sir I have a really good idea." Your tongue swiping over your lips as your eyes glossed over his throbbing length. His vein running along its length as it twitched under your gaze.
"What might that be?" He smirked.
"Let me show you, Sir."  With that you inched yourself closer to him, your knees against the slippery shower floor, your hands wrapping around his length giving it a few experimental pumps to which he gave quiet groans that didn't echo well in the shower. Hearing his weak response a fire burned in you to make him scream. A sudden confident aura began to exude from you. Your pumps faster, and your mouth began to wrap around his crown. His tip perfectly fitting into your mouth. Your tongue swabbing the underside of his cock, the back of your throat accommodating him the further he etched into your wet cavern.
"What a dirty mouth," he smirked, his voice gruff as he grips your hair. "How many cocks have fucked it?"
Your eyes widening, your head bobbing, hands gripping his thighs, your legs rubbing against one another. The stretch of your mouth narrowing and widening the more your mouth slid from his base to his tip, his cock slightly curved. His crown poking into your cheek each time you pulled back. His face cherry, his hands tangled in your wet locks as he gave them tugs, the sting welcomed as it gave you a gentle burn you once again took his whole into your mouth. Carefully taking breaths between each stroke. Your gaze of him blurred by your tears, the way your tears gave him a shine as he threw his head back made your stomach coil.
His hips starting to stutter, his grip on your hair tightening as he started to thrust into your mouth. "Oh, Fuck, fuck." He growled, "I'm gonna fuck this mouth so fucking good. Mhm, gonna make you a fucking mute, you'll like that, losing your voice because of how much you suck my cock." he grunted as he fucked into your mouth. Your jaw on fire, tears running down your cheeks, his smirk quivering as he felt close. His thrusts were hard and angled as he made you gag. "That a girl fucking choke on it." He snarled, his breaths heavy, his chest heaving, his knuckles white.
The burn in the back of your throat numbed by his thrusts. "H-Holy shit!" He grunted, he pulled from your mouth, his hand rapidly pumping his shaft as he kept your hair in a grip. Your eyes lidded as they looked up as his glistening body, his bottom lip tucked into his mouth as he bit down on it. Ropes of white splattering against your cheeks and jaw, his head thrown back, he let out a loud moan. His eyes darkening as they took in your cum splattered face, his hand sliding from your hair to your jaw as he gripped it. "You look so good covered in my cum, bet you love being my personal cum dump, my little cumslut."
You gave a nod, your throat too raw to verbally agree to his lewd words. He gave a chuckle, his hand around his sensitive shaft as he pressed the tip of his cock against your cheek. The tip of his cock smearing his cum into your cheek, his eyes darkening as a thought came to his head. Something he hadn't done before but it piqued his interests.  He pulled away from your face, his cock aiming at your chest, the shower head running over his form. "C-Can I..?" He looked at your his demeanor calmer.
You looked at him confused before realizing what he meant, Your eyes looking at him, he sported a semi, your cheeks red under his layer of cum. "N-Not my face." You managed to squeak.
He gave a smirk. "Of course dear." With that, he pulled you into the shower head as he showered your chest, your mind hazed as you never saw yourself as the type for water sports. The water from the showered head raining on you washing you clean within seconds of his release. "You're the first girl to let me do that.." he smirked, cleaning your chest before wiping your face. "What a good girl you are, such a good girl." He praised as he pulled you from your knees leaning you against him as he took care of your weak form.
You gave a small whimper and nod, still too raw to respond with words. He only gave a chuckle his inner sir leaving him as he returned back to the bright soul you were watching Wally with just an hour before.
Shutting the water off, he dried off the two of you. He made sure your hair was dry before exiting the bathroom with you. "Do you need a change of clothes?" His voice was softer.
You gave a nod, and he nodded back as he headed into his closet pulling out a shirt and pair of shorts for you. "Here you go." He handed them to you as he slipped on some boxers.
"T-Thank you." Your voice was stronger as you slipped into clothes.  
"Hungry?" You shook your head no. Crawling into his bed fucked out, your body sinking into his plush sheet, a horse plushie sitting above the pillow near your head. Your thoughts wondering back to when you first arrived.
"I'll be in the kitchen snacking."
"Okay." You hummed, you bit your lip. You felt content with how things were, the sex was great, the two of you had chemistry but you never tried having this kind of relationship before. Sex always had to be with someone you connected with emotionally, why did it change when Hoseok came around. You swore up and down in the past you were a relationship girl, yet here you were laying in a guy's bed after he fucked you senseless.
Your teeth continued to gnaw at your lip.  You liked Hoseok, romantically no, but as a person yes. However, you knew yourself and you knew you'd end up falling for this man if things continued like this for long.
"Back" he announced as he crawled into the bed next to you. You closed your eyes, faking sleep. Hoseok looked over at you turning over, he stayed on his side of the bed the whole night. The rest of the weekend continuing in the same cycle. Fucking, sleeping and not much talking other than the obligatory conversation.
The weekend of fucking at Hoseok's came to an end. Once again you were driving from work ton his side of town, your duffel bag in the back of your car. The two of you exchanging small talk and the time to come over via text. Feeling peckish you stopped at the grocery store a block from Hoseok's apartment, sexually things were better off than your one-sided crush. You weren't the type for fuck buddy relations, but you were crushing on him. Were hurting yourself? Yes. Did you care? No. Anything to be close to him, this was an internal battle with yourself.
Grabbing a basket you walked around the store in search of snacks. Your hands traveled the shelves grabbing the necessities. Reaching for the nutter butters, while your hands knew what they were doing your feet didn't. One foot stepping wrong and down you came. You let out a small groan, cheeks flushed with embarrassment.
"You okay?" A deep familiar voice asked.  
Your eyes looking up caught by surprise Yoongi stood there offering you a hand. "Yoongi?"
"Oh shit, hey doll." He smirked, "What's brought you to this side of town. Another toy?"
You gave his arm a swat. "No, I'm here for a friend."
"Me?" He chuckled, teasingly.
Your eyes rolled, "As if."
"A booty call?" He gasped.
You bit your lip.
"You're really stepping out of your comfort zone, first it was v neck shirts now it's fuck buddies." He chuckled. You gave his arm another swat.
"Shut up I wasn't scared to wear v necks in high school."
"I beg to differ, one time I threw a tissue into your tits and yelled 'Score' and you never wore one again." He huffed.
"That goes without saying, my boobs aren't your personal shoot bins."
He smirked, "Mhm, can they be? I'm quite the straight shooter."
"Yoongi?" A new voice interrupted your bickering.
"Hoseok?" The two of you said in unison, Yoongi's hand around your wrist to keep you from swatting him. Hoseok's eyes narrowing in on it.
"Hey Hoseok, nice running into you here." Yoongi comments, his hand on your wrist still, his other hand tugging your cheek. "Found a friend here." He smiled at you.
"I'm not your friend." you huffed.
"Mhm, bullshit we are close. Especially in high school."
"High school yes, but what did you do? Fuck my best friend and then you dumped her and chased after me."
Yoongi sighed, "Don't bring that up. Because then we went to that party and in the back of my car we had se-" You hands covered his mouth, eyes darting to Hoseok.
Hoseok's eyes narrowed, "I expect you at my house in an hour." He growled, turning around he walked with what looked like tonight's dinner.
"Y-Yeah." You responded, pulling away from Yoongi.
Hoseok still within earshot. Yoongi chuckled, "I gotta say I miss your snaky little ass." He chuckled, before walking off. Hoseok pretending not to hear, the grip on his basket tightening as he checked out. You quickly following, checking out following him into the lot. "W-wait for me Hobi!"  
Hoseok felt frustrated, annoyed and angry, he took a deep breath. "Weren't you busy with Yoongi?" He huffed. He felt lied to. Sure, the two of you weren't dating or anything but he did ask you before if you had anything before and you said there wasn't anything. Yet, here Yoongi is hinting differently.
A tad taken aback  you looked up at Hoseok, "No, he just helped me when I fell earlier and we started to bicker." You felt odd for having to justify yourself.  "Wanna head back to yours together?"
Hoseok gave a sigh knowing his attitude was uncalled for. "Yeah, I just have to make a phone call, wait in the car for me?"
"Sure." You unlocked your car putting his bags with yours in the trunk, before slipping into the driver's seat as you entertained yourself with your phone. Your eyes traveling to your duffle bag where you packed a few toys you had just in mind for Hoseok this weekend. You wanted to return the favor from the previous week. Give him a taste of his own medicine.
Hoseok gave a sigh as his hand dived into his coat pocket fishing out his phone.  He quickly called his most trusted friend. Namjoon. Phone pressed to his ear he listened to it ring as he wandered away from the car.
"Yeah?" A groggy voice picked up.
"Talk some sense into me bud." Hoseok sighed.
"What's bothering you?" Namjoon asked, his voice slightly muffled, as there was click coming from his end.
"You lighting a cancer stick?" Hoseok sneered.
"Shut up, you know I'm a regular smoker."
"You should stop that." Hoseok comments.
"I don't want to hear that from an occasional smoker like you." Namjoon rebutted.
"I only do it when times are tough.."
"Doesn't matter."
"I'm still salty about thinking something was cooking in your kitchen because of the smoke but then I walk in and it's just you and your smoke cloud of lies." Hoseok chuckled.
Namjoon laughed, "Why'd you call? What's been eating you?"
"I have a fuck buddy...I asked her before if she used to have something with a coworker of mine and she told me no... but clearly, she lied to me when she saw him today and I happened to see them. I have no right to be mad, he wasn't doing anything to her and I was the one who proposed the fuck buddy idea but I feel so annoyed seeing specifically him around her."
Namjoon hummed, "You seem to like her more than a friend."
Hoseok groaned, "This was supposed to be a fuck buddy, smash her and dash type of deal for when we meet."
Namjoon took an audible puff of his cigarette, "Does it have to be that way? Do you really need to restrict yourself like that?"
"I mean I don't think I'm ready to devote myself like that to someone.."
"Do you fuck her exclusively?"
"Yeah, I do."
"So devoting your body to her is doable, but mentally being ready for a relationship is the challenge?" Namjoon asked as he took another puff.
"I suppose that could be it."
"Give it a shot, you two can fuck up but give it a shot dude, she may feel the same." Namjoon proposed.
Hosoek bit his lip. "I'll entertain the idea."
"Good now I'm going to relax."
"And watch hentai?"
Namjoon coughed, "W-what?"
"Don't deny it I saw your computer screen a few weeks back.  Stop hanging out with Jungkook you're picking up bad habits."
"Shut up I can shame your kinks too" Namjoon huffed.
"My kinks don't call my dick kawaii."
"You bitch."
"Byeeee" Hoseok hung up.  Feeling a little better he got into the car. "Let's head to my place dear."
"Alrighty." You started the car, driving to his place. Car Parked the two of you carried in groceries.  Setting the bags on the counter you took your coat off reaching for his apron. "I'll start dinner."
He snatched the apron before your hand reached it. "I don't think so you have some explaining to do."
You gulped, eyes avoiding him.
"From what Yoongi said today seems like you two were old flames." He commented, his eyes running over you.
"It wasn't like that, we used to "date" we used to in  high school but it only lasted a month..." You confessed, "It doesn't count."
Hoseok huffed, "Why doesn't it count?"
"It wasn't serious." You defended.
"Serious enough for him to fuck you in the back of his car." Hoseok growled.
"W-What does it matter? This is old news Hoseok, it started and ended in high school."
"It matters because you lied about it." Hoseok snarled, "Did he take your virginity?"
You stayed silent which annoyed Hoseok even more. it annoyed him Yoongi got a part of you he would never have, growling he gripped your hips. He was going to fuck you so hard you forget who Yoongi was. Pressing you against the counter, his eyes dark. Veins protruding from his neck, he tugged at your jeans, almost ripping them from you. "I'm going to fuck your sweet little cunt and I'm going to ask you questions and I expect honest fucking answers. If I feel like you are lying I'll fucking ruin you."
Sliding your panties aside he pulled the band of his sweatpants and slammed into you, his hips slamming into you as he kept your legs spread, his arms separating them as he gripped your hips. "Who fucks you better?" He growled, his dick slamming into your walls. The kitchen echoing with the sounds of skin slapping. His grip on your waist deadly as he continued to give it to you harshly. "Answer me whore!"
"Y-You!!!" You cried out your hands cupping your tits over your shirt.
He groaned, "Can he ever fuck you like I can? Does your pussy get as wet for him as it does me? Does it squeeze his cock like how it does mine?!" He snarled, his thrusts aggressive as his questions seemed to rile him more.
"No!! Noo he doesn't, he doesn't compare!! Fuck I'm only like this for you, just you.Fuckkkk!!" You cried out.
Emotions running as wild as his hips, his grip bound to leave marks as he lost himself in your mound. He had to fight the urge to bite down on your neck. Veins protruded from his pelvis as he angled, his thrusts. "Are you ever going to lie to me again?!"
"N-NoSir!!"You whined.
"I can't hear you bitch!"
"No Sir!!" You shouted, your walls tightening around him.
He let out a guttural growl. He felt close, letting out a loud moan, his thumb circling your clit, he filled you. You chest heaving, and toes curling as you felt your release shake your body. His head resting against your shoulder.
"Clean up and get started on dinner." He caught his breath as he pulled out, sliding your panties back in pace. You gave a nod, tripping the counter as you caught your breath. Grabbing your duffle bag with a wobble you made your way to the bathroom to clean up and change before returning to wipe up the kitchen before you even thought about dinner. Hoseok in his bedroom as he laid on the bed. Shocked by his own actions.
Returning to the kitchen your desire to give Hoseok a taste of his own medicine continued to brew, as you began to prepare food. Your teeth gnawing at your gums, as you continued to devise your plan of attack. Hoseok returning from his room to sit in the living room as you cooked. He put on once again another Disney movie.
Setting dinner in the over it had about an hour to cook and that was more than enough time for your plan to take place, grabbing your duffle bag you sneaked it into Hoseok's bedroom, "Hoseok can you help me with this?" You called out from his bedroom, a grin on your faced as you heard his footsteps approaching.
"What is it?" He asked as he peered at you, walking over to where you stood by his desk, his brow raised. You quickly pushed him into his office chair, your handcuffs swiftly found their place around his wrists. His eyes widening, "What's this?"
"What does it look like baby?" You smirked, "Payback."
His eyes darkened. "You're trying to dom me?"
"Trying? Oh, you must be mistaken. I am domming you." You gave a sly wink, your hands running down his chest, rope in your hand as you tied his legs to the wheelchair. "Now be a good boy for Mistress."
Hoseok gave a grunt the second you referred to yourself as Mistress. You hands tugging on his shorts, his cock semihard as it was released from his cotton confines. Reaching into your duffle bag you pulled out lube and a decently sized black casing. Unzipping the case you revealed to him silver rods of varying widths, and lengths. His brow raised. "What kink is this?"
You smirked, "Last week it was my turn to do something I wasn't sure of, this week it's your turn. You remember our word feel free to use it and I'll stop right away."
You got on your knees, giving his tips a soft kiss, before a gentle suck, taking the bottle of lube your squirted a more than generous amount into your hand. Your palm running over his tip, his breath stopping as he huffs, his chest heaves due to the sensitivity he's feeling. "I'm going to stretch you out okay?"
Hoseok looked at the rods putting two and two together he gulped and gave a nod. "W-What's this called?"
"Sounding." You responded, pumping him before grabbing the smallest rod, slicking it with lube placing it as his top, lining it carefully with his slim, the rode only a tad bit bigger than his slit. "T-This may sting a bit, say the word if fit becomes too much."
"I-I trust you." he shivered as the rod, touched his hypersensitive tip. Gently you began to push the rod into his slit, his cock twitching in your hand as you did so, your free hand giving him pumps to distract from the pain. His head thrown back, veins protruding as he bit his lip.  "You're taking it so well baby boy, so, so well." You inched the rod in further, his pelvis veins starting to pop, his breaths heavy. You free hand pumping, your tongue swabbing around the base of the rod where it met his tip.
"A-Ahh" He groaned, the pain there, but so was pleasure, giving the rod gentle turns and slow pumps he felt sparks. The feeling immense, his wrists tugging the cuffs and his legs tugging the ropes.
"Do I keep going?"
"Y-yes Mistress." he hummed as he looked into your eyes, then back to his cock where the thin rod pumping into his slit, your tongue circling his base as your hands pumped his shaft. His eyes lidded and his moan light as you continued your ministrations, your tongue and hands more determined the more he lost himself.
The gentle stings turning numb, your tongue lapping at his cock like a kitten as he continued to twitch. The rod continuing to slowly pump in and out of him a few centimeters at a time. His body trembling and twitching with pleasure. This was his first time being dominated. His first time letting a woman reduce him how reduces them. He craved for more.
The sensations building the more you pumped the rod, the more your tongue swiped over him, the more you slowly tortured him. The more you made him crumble. The more you made him moan and grown. The sounds echoing off the walls. "I-I"
"Speak clearly baby boy." You smirked.
"I-I'm close." He huffed, "Mistress please let me cum."
You pretended to think about it. "Since you were such a cooperative boy for me I'll allow it." You continued, to lick and pump him, his hips stuttering and trembling as you did so, giving a harsh grunt he let out a weak whine. Your thighs rubbing together. Removing the rob from his slit you were pleased to find it coated white, looking him in the eyes you lapped at the rod. Cleaning it before him.
He watched with tired lustful eyes.  You untied and uncuffed him. He stayed slumped over in the office chair. "Baby girl..."
"That was fun." he smirked, his smirk fading the longer he looked at you. "Say.." he began.
"D-Do you want to stop being fuck buddies?"
Your heart sank, your eyes starting to water. "W-What?"
He looked at you, "You were supposed to be a one-time thing turned fuck buddy but now I can't just be fuck buddies with you. C- Can we take a shot in the dark and try a normal relationship?" His voice slightly quivering as he tucked himself in his sweatpants.
You froze, not sure you heard him right. "A normal relationship?"
You bit your lip, a blush on your face. "Y-yes , yes, yes."
He looked at you shocked, "I wasn't the only one thinking about it?"
You shook your head, "I've been thinking about it too, but I thought you wanted to stay strictly fuck buddies."
"A friend of mine convinced me to give it a shot." He confessed. He made a mental note to thank Namjoon later.
You inched closer to him, "Does that mean I can kiss you now?"
He chuckled and nodded, "Lay it on me baby."
You giggled connecting his lips to yours, your hands cupping his cheeks and his tangled into the back of your hair. A burnt smell filling the house. the two of your parted lips yelling in unison, "Dinner!"
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pwnyta · 5 years
Nobody ASKED for any of my shitty Pokemon character doodles... BUT IM IN A MOOD.
SO yall have to deal with it.
This is under a read more so dont come at me about it being annoyingly long. Blame Dumblr. Theres a SHIT TON OF DOODLES UNDER THE CUT.
First off I wanted to give Holly a whole classroom of friends... it wasnt GONNA be an all girls school... but I kept crankin of little girly Mons....
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I dont actually have a shiny Darumaka or Eevee... but theyre two of my favorite shinies...
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I drew these four after so theyre a bit different in style. Shiny Swirlex has the same excuse as the other two shinies... I just love the shiny colors
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They also needed a teacher so I repurposed one of my older characters because I thought itd be funny to have a swan teacher... cuz swans are so scary but they care for their babies well.
Darla and Delilah can be bothered with threats because theyre safe with Mr Shandra.
Mikhail only takes classes that are small enough to fit under his wingspan so he can keep them all safe. And Eva and Tiffany learn from the best and just get pissed off like their teacher.
((Hes more bark than bite though... hes not a great fighter and a double weakness to Electric? Garbo. But he puts up a convincing enough front.))
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And because he was a swan I gave him a life mate. The only other being that gets any softness from him.
He was an ex pirate.
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Mikhail has no interest in criminals!!! So the captain gave up the pirate life and married a very short tempered bird and gained a lot of weight...because I wanted him chubby.
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‘’Spider’’, Esi, and dear ol Dad. Despite Reds best efforts to keep Esi out of Osborns hands he still ended up an immensely shady bastard but at least hes not as broken as ‘’Spider’’.
I didnt finish their moms because I couldnt settle on a design for Spiders mum....
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Now Spider works for Caedere his beloved boss who would never ever lie to him ever. (Hint: Spiders nature is ‘naive’)
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I tried revamping Ray and Hebanon...  but Ray still gay as hell for his boy.
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I bullied Sparky a little. He’ll probably be fine even if Rays got a Mega evo. Its the name of the game Ray... hes supposed to knock his opponent out... you cant get pissed when ever Hebanon gets fucked up in battle.
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Did I post these? Am I ever gonna finish these character sheets? No. And look I forgot the most pressing detail of Zippos and thats his fuckin Arbok mark on his back. IM A FOOL.
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Kreetan and his mum and dad.
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So many little comic things I’ll never finish because theres too many and instead of just stopping and finishing something I keep adding to my unfinished doodles instead. This is why I dont take requests or anything.
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I time where Leif and Cyndy actually grow up?
Zippo is curious.
.....AS A CAT.
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Polly is here too!! And shes ready to punch someone RIGHT IN THE NOODLE.
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I also thought itd be nice to draw out some other Chars of Zippo and Crizs generation.
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Theyre.. as you may have guessed are not finished yet.
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Clem is a timid lad, Mira... not so much. Very brave
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Addy is a modest princess type
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Jubilee is a sassy lass.
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And Criz. A sweet bashful boy whos never done anything wrong and certainly will not die because no one would be cruel enough to let that happen.
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Babby Clem, Addy, and Jubilee.
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Updated Mistletoe. One spooky righteous(in his own mind) lad.
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She only looks stoic to start... but shes quite the weirdo.
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She just got here and shes ready to go home. What a mood.
Now for some less polished individuals....
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Meh meh meh lookit me IM OMI. Im gonna put three of the exact same Pokemon in the same group so Pwnyta has to suffer tryna come up with different designs.
...But I do like them. I imagine that they remain Ekans because they wont need the mark of their tribe so no one will no where they come from. So spooky.
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I was torn between the codename ‘Sundown‘ and ‘Daybreak‘ for Crobat.
By day hes a wholesome trustworthy priest... by night he tortures people for a shady shady bug man. He’ll determine if youre truly innocent.
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Doc has to deal with all these fuckin weirdos... he just wants to be a doctor... BUT AT WHAT COST DOC?!
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This is a sequel to the doodle comic I was makin in a previous post... Kop and Doc develop an interesting friendship (In Kops mind. Its more a ‘stalker with a crush’ situation) But hey if Kops not being paid then hes got no reason to hurt Doc.
...Docs a fun character to bully because hes so smarmy and small.
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A man of few words and an intense curiosity with mortal beings and his own existence.
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A spooky lad who doesnt quite mean to torment his subordinates... its just his Pressure.
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Id imagine his form changes are a bit like Iron Man in IW when hes fighting Thanos.
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I drew some more science bitches...
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Some casual clothes for the original three stooges.
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Shes deaf Franz! She cant hear you.
Ya know IDK if itd be ‘canon‘ that they all met as kids... I just thought itd be cute. Little psychic babies all doofin off together... the most troublesome one being asleep 90% of the time due to being an Abra.... and narcoleptic. Abra sleep so much naturally... Geller sleeps even MORE... thats why hes so incredibly smart even for an Alakazam.
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I had a whole little redo sketch comic idea of Mewtwo breakin loose and fuckin shit up.... (its never been finished)
Franz tries to put him to sleep. (it doesnt work. He needs Emanuel and Nola to save him and he gets his arm broken for bein such a cheeky lad.)
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Mewtwo doesnt have too much of a problem with Geller due to his soft spot for kids and pure desire for knowledge... but if hes gonna protect the other assholes then PERISH.
Dont worry though big boss Deo wont let his subordinates die let alone the second smartest after him... and saves them all pretty easy. A sharp tentacle arm through the chest will stop even Mewtwo.
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Some booboos happen tho...
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But hes fine eventually and finds his ex wife home watchin the kids.
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Shes promptly expelled.
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Geller also goes back for Dilla and steals him. Lifes too short not to adopt an ancient fossil baby.
Emanuel isnt delighted... but he doesnt have the heart to call the authorities on a man who risked his life to save him.
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Fossil Mons come in two types-- Resurrected fossils which have the skin color of the primary coloring of their Pokemon form so they can be solid black or blue or red or w/e... Ancestors of ancient Pokemon have normal skin tones.
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And another comic sketch idea... where Geller and Roswell are gifted with some fancy new Mega stones... Ros? Not too keen on the idea hes seen what can happen to a bitch when they Mega Evo... he aint got time for that. Geller goes HARD for SCIENCE.
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Ros: Geller I know your a spoon guy but stick a fork in that bastard cuz hes done. COOKED. If he thinks im riskin my ass for his bullshit. Lets go tell him off together (im scared to go without you...)
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Geller: We experiment on living things all the time for the sake of scientific progress.... are we really too good to be subject to our own studies?
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After seeing Geller use his without hesitation, putting his body through a world of hurt for the sake of SCIENCE!!! Ros couldnt pussy out on his boy...
His Mega is just FABULOUS and now he loves it.
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I was also makin a team with the Pokemon that have the highest stats (non Legends/Psudos/Megas) but I got bored after Blissey. She has a Togekiss wife I didnt finish either... Oh well.
Shes a bold lass and prefers double battles with her support wife. She doesnt like using dangerous moves as its in her nature as a Blissey to heal.
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(I forgot his whiskers... OH WELL)
I wanted to give Flaminio some people who missed him after he got spirited away by his Ghosts.
After he disappeared people looked for him but he was never found and years and years went by and people stopped looking. Even Clove and Ceto had to move on.
Koban is a loyal bitch though and he never let it go. He still wants his friend back. Hes an old boy now... so old people probably call him ‘Nekomata‘ and wonder when his tail is gonna split.
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hcneymilkks · 5 years
STRAY KIDS Seungmin ‘Likes’
In the 21st century, Social media has taken up our time. The term likes and comments always follow us around. How many likes do we get? Are the comments always positive? To Seungmin, it seems stupid, but as time goes on, he finally realizes how much it can change a person.
Pairing: Seungmin x Hyunjin
Genre: Angst (i think)
Warnings: none
NOTE: may or may not be a little rundown of what a whole book may be about (hehe)
Seungmin smiled. The light breeze ruffling his auburn hair. It was a cloudy day, rain starting to fall. The post-rain smell starting once again as the droplets hit the long green grass. Seungmin packed up his camera and school books, deciding the day were to end.
Few stops on the train, few bus rides and a little bit of walking, he was home. Home to an apartment he and Hyunjin share. It was fairly spacious. Two bedrooms each with a large closet, the bathroom, living room and kitchen is shared. Rent much less than what other college students pay.
"Hey I'm here." He took off his shoes and placed his camera and keys on the side table.
Hyunjin stared at the auburn boy sprawled out on the couch and giggled. "Rough day?"
Seungmin nodded his head and groaned. "I have an essay due next week, two presentations to do in two weeks and an art project due by the beginning of next month."
"Poor baby. Anyways I have food cooked, let's eat first and then tell me all of your problems."
Both the boys sat facing each other, nothing but chewing and sips heard. The sun had started to set behind Hyunjin, casting an orange glow on his honey coloured hair. Seungmin did nothing else but stare. Seungmin knew he was attracted to Hyunjin. Heck, even most people in his Collage are attracted to him. But Seungmin knew Hyunjin never liked the attention. He was a soft-spoken boy who liked the library and was an introvert. Never really into parties, loved politics, and is a member of the student council. Seungmin smiled. He knew he could never let Hyunjin go.
"Uh is there something on my face?" Hyunjin tilted his head.
Seungmin shook his head, quickly taking a sip of his water. Too much daydreaming.
"Thank you for the food, it's amazing as always. You know, instead of being a Political Science major you can be a cook. They get paid great, you get to try and create new recipes, and you are always in the back, away from people." Seungmin explained in a sing-song voice, the pitch going higher and louder as he emphasized on being away from people.
Hyunjin chuckled and brought his plate to the sink with Seungmin following. "Min, that actually doesn't sound like a bad idea, but you know how much I love politics, science and history. Taking this major is actually making me step out of my comfort zone which I want to happen."
Seungmin stayed silent, saying a simple 'oh' and putting his plate in the sink as well.
"But if all else fails, I will become a chef and give you free food for the rest of your life."
It was now eight in the evening. Both of the boys had their daily chores done and were now in the living room. One looking for something to watch on Netflix while the other cursing at his computer.
"Goddamn why won't you work?"
Hyunjin sat down beside Seungmin who looked like he was about to explode. "And I thought the younger generation was supposed to know how to work the newest technology."
"Bitch! You're only a few months older than me shut up."
Hyunjin slid the computer closer to him. "What the heck are you doing anyway?"
"I'm trying to upload the photos I took today. I need to post them!"
Hyunjin shook his head. "Give it to me."
The younger obeyed and gave the camera to Hyunjin.
"Okay, so you plug the cord into this USB port here and then plug the other side into your computer. Press select and upload the different pictures that you want."
"Okay...so how do I get them on my phone?"
Hyunjin sighed. For someone who was smart and creative, he was very dumb.
Moments later and the photos were posted, Sungmin smiling.
"Wow you know a lot about computers, you should change your major to computer science or software engineering."
"Nah bro that's too hard. Besides, I don't really like math. Anyways, where did you even post the photos?"
"On Instagram, duh."
"What's an Instagram?"
Seungmin almost dropped his phone in shock. Ten years of knowing this guy and he doesn't know what Instagram is? Oh, how did he fall in love with such an idiot?
"It's a social media app where you can share photos, like and follow content, and make online friends."
"Okay....What's the big hype about it. Why are you so into it?"
"I'm not into it." Seungmin looked the other way and blushed.
"Yeah says the baby who almost cried after he couldn't figure out how to make his computer work." Hyunjin playfully rolled his eyes.
"Hey! You take that back!"
Hyunjin was confused, just who in the world would message Seungmin at this time? Seungmin was a likeable guy but was somewhat picky with his friends.
Could it perhaps be a girl?
Hyunjin shook his head. There was no way that Seungmin became straight all of a sudden. Not even his horrible flirting experience with Jeongin could change his mindset. At least, that's what he thinks.
"Sorry. I should probably put my phone on silent." Seungmin reached out for his phone when Hyunjin put his hand on top of Seungmin's and smiled.
"Don't worry about it. This account must be pretty popular."
Seungmin blushed and smiled. Oh, how easy it was for him to sway with any words that came out of Hyunjin's mouth.
"You should make one. You know, for the experience."
Seungmin stood up and bid Hyunjin a goodnight afterwards, leaving Hyunjin alone with his thoughts.
"Chan how do you make an instagram?"
The Student Council meeting didn't start until half an hour, but Hyunjin decided to be extra early for the sake of some advice.
"Uh? You just make one? What's with all the questions? I thought you vowed not to go back on social media?"
Hyunjin sighed. "I know but I want to run for the next student council election as president and in this day and age people use social media more than ever."
"okay okay there buddy no need to sound like you were born with no internet. I'll help you." Chan was the current president but was graduating this year. To keep the student council running each year there would be elections, Chan had hoped the day would come that Hyunjin would run.
"Chan I still don't understand how to post."
"Ohmygod Hyunjin just do it like this." He took the phone from the younger boy's grasp, much to his complaints. Chan picked the photo they took of Hyunjin outside of the student council room and clearly showed step by step how to add filters (as if he needed it), how to hashtag, and what to caption.
"And I thought the younger generation knew how to use Instagram." A backpack was thrown and someone fell to the floor, groaning.
Seungmin started to cough violently.
"Hey man are you alright?" The freckled boy, Felix, patted his friend's back while someone was trying not to laugh.
"I-im fine." He said weakly, few coughs here and there. "Just went down the wrong pipe."
"Drink some more water then, it will help."
Both the blond and the aburn haired boys looked at the squirrel-looking boy.
"Are you stupid? Seungmin just almost died from a liquid."
"I'm fine I s-"
"Yeah but that liquid wasn't water Felix. Now his throat is all dry and needs to hydrate it with water."
"Jisung that's stupid, everything is made out of water. Where did you even get that information?"
Seungmin tried to speak louder but the two bickering boys wouldn't stop.
"I'll have you know that Tumblr is a reliable source for information."
"See this is why your IQ is a four."
More bickering.
Heated tension.
All because Jisung said something stupid.
"Guys enough! I'm alive and that's what matters." Seungmin took a sip of water to soothe his raw throat, hearing a ding coming from his phone.
While Jisung and Felix went back to the topic of Fortnite, Seungmin had opened his Instagram to see a new follower.
"No way. He actually did it."
Two weeks have passed and Hyunjin's following has increased. Everyone wants to know about the boy who came out of his shell to become the upcoming year's student council president.
Hyunjin felt happy, loved, accepted. He no longer was the shy boy in class who sat alone in front who was too scared to ask questions or voice his opinions. He could thank Instagram for the change.
But someone felt that Hyunjin was changing too much, for the worse.
Seungmin believed that too much social media for someone can change their whole demeanour. He didn't realize it would change his best friend.
"Hey Seungmin, do you think M5 or R3 would make me look better?"
It was one of those rare days where Hyunjin stayed back at the apartment. Many parties on campus and Hyunjin wanted to go to all of them. Accompanied by Changbin and Minho of course.
Seungmin had chosen to always stay at home, finishing up an essay that was due in a month.
"Um....what are those?"
Hyunjin looked at Seungmin, as if he was an alien from area 51. "Are you kidding me Seungmin? It's the Instagram filters from the new update. Gotta look good for the gram."
Seungmin rolled his eyes and mumbled a whatever under his breath. Hyunjin sighed and picked M5, posting the photo not a second longer.
"By the way, the student council wants to throw a party in our apartment, are you okay with that?"
Seungmin closed his laptop as he couldn't concentrate any longer.
"Why not throw the party at Chan's house? It's way bigger than here. Plus I hate parties so why should it be where I live?"
"Well jeez Seungmin sorry to hit a nerve. Sucks that my roommate won't even attend a party with me for once."
Seungmin felt his heart break. "A roommate? I'm not even your friend?"
"You stopped being my friend after I realized you're a loner and so boring. Like really Seungmin? Taking pictures of the sky is so creative there are tears in my eyes."
Seungmin stood up to get a glass of water. "No one asked you for your opinion Hyunjin. Let me remind you that I suggested to make an Instagram account for fun, not to change your whole fucking personality."
Hyunjin went into the kitchen and smirked at Seungmin. "Oh I see now, you're jealous. Jealous that I have more followers than you, jealous I'm more handsome than you, jealous-"
"Shut up! You're not Hyunjin. Hell I don't even know who you are. Fine! Have that stupid party here, I won't be attending and don't fucking ask for me. You have gone low Hyunjin. I don't even know who I fell in love with anymore."
Seungmin left the room without another word, slamming the door to his room.
Hyunjin stopped for a moment. "He loves me?"
"Thanks for letting me stay here Felix, I'm sorry about that."
"No worries mate. You're always welcome here."
A ding goes off on Felix's phone and he gasps.
"Chan's throwing a party, wanna come?"
Seungmin groaned. "Come on Felix you know I don't do any of that. Plus the NOD Magazine at the University posts about the parties and posts photos. I can just read it and feel like I'm there."
Felix sighed. "Well if you ever change your mind, you know the address."
Felix soon left for what he called was the party of a lifetime with Jisung, Seungmin curled up in a ball watching Netflix.
A ding soon came from his phone.
Felix: if you change your mind mate, here's the address [Address]
Seungmin groaned, one party couldn't hurt right?
Oh but it did.
As Seungmin opened the door to his own apartment, he was welcomed with the shouts of "KISS, KISS KISS" and two people kissing.
Who you may ask?
Political Science major Hwang Hyunjin.
Journalist Yang Jeongin.
Hwang Hyunjin has won the title of Student Council President for the 2019-2020 year!
But that's not all;
Sources closest to them have said that they have feelings for each other and have taken it to the next level.
Congrats to the new couple we wish them well!
Seungmin sniffled.
"Stupid Hyunjin. Stupid Seungmin. If only I said nothing about opening an Instagram account he wouldn't have changed."
he could have been Seungmin's from the beginning.
now Seungmin is welcomed to the apartment with an empty feeling.
his heart more fragile than ever.
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staliasjeronica · 5 years
Riverdale 3.09 Thoughts *Spoilers*
- Choni ❤️❤️❤️ But “stealing from.the rich to give to, well, us” what? Cheryl… YOU’RE RICH. Give some of the money to the Serpents They need it a bit more than you do baby. BUT BITCH THEIR FIRST I LOVE YOU I’M—
- Five weeks of the quarantine… that would have made an INCREDIBLE story line? Seriously? It would have been amazing to see Sweet Pea being temporary king while Jarghead and FP were gone. But no… let’s just skip the good part? What the fuck kinda writing skips.a great plot?
- “All physical contact must be kept to a minimum?” um… literally WHY? There’s literally NO reason for that to be a rule? Also fuck off Moose no ones likes a tattle tale and we all know that you’re slumming it up with Kevin after school so leave my babies alone. Oh. it’s for the seizures? Really? Dude SEIZURES ARE NOT FUCKING CONTAGIOUS YOU STUPID FUCKERS OH MY GOD. Stop trying to keep then gays from being cute!!!!!!!
- The RROTC made the rules? Dude they don’t run the school lmao that’s NOT HOW THINGS WORK
-  Ew and then my mood is ruined by bughead waking up 😷😷😷
- Betty put all of those girl’s… in HER house? THE COOPERS CAN BARELY TAKE CARE OF THEMSELVES LET ALONE THOSE GIRLS. Also don’t they fucking have families? And yes, Betty, that scream definitely would wake up your mom because they have those motherly instincts and they’d think their child was hurt, so ofc she’s going to wake up.
- They want to play… G&G… are you kidding me? I kinda get that it makes them feel better because that’s how they had it in SOQM but still WHY? JUST PLAY CLASSICAL MUSIC OR SOMETHING AND TAKE A BATH.
- Of course Jughead goes from his horrible leadership to “I left you too long” stfu right now your priority is the Serpents and who’s dealing the drugs (although I know who and uhhhh leave them alone he has to stay alive somehow)
 - “Maybe that means that Archie could come back home” wE KNOW YOU’RE IN LOVE WITH HIM BETTY. Barchie!!!! ❤️❤️❤️
- Reggie ❤️❤️❤️ WOAH WHAT NO LEAVE HIM ALONE? HE ALREADY GETS ABUSED BY HIS FATHER! But aw Ronnie gets to take care of him I’m—
- Hiram really is trying to hustle his daughter wow so uhhh he does know that his daughter is the incredible Veronica Lodge, right? She’ll find a way lol we all know the queen can do everything
- “Has anyone ever told you you’re a badass?” Wow Reggie is so fucking into her I’m just 😭😭
- If Vegas gets hurt RAS will LITERALLY DIE.  I KNOW WHAT HAPPENS AND I’M NOT READY FOR THIS. Also there’s no way Vegas wouldn’t have seen or heard the bear behind him but sure whatever. ARCHIE JUST BC SHE’S ZONING OUT DOESN’T MEAN YOU CAN’T HEAR HER. JUST DO WHAT SHE SAYS JESUS. Also how convenient that it suddenly doesn’t work.
- “They imprinted on me” Betty NEVER say that again that was gross as fuck. “But as their queen, they are your responsibility, not mine” bitch Betty can’t be a queen no matter how hard she tries, and she (nor Jughead) know how to take care of anyone but themselves so… Alice unless you want Betty to end up killing them, this is where you, as the mom, undermine her and take them to the farm. Of course I don’t trust the farm but it’s much safer than the Cooper house hold because they have the resources to spare, the Cooper’s don’t.
- Hey here’s an idea… since you can’t get to Hiram using the nuns because they took a vow of silence (cowards) then maybe… just maybe… OUT IT AS A CONVERSION THERAPY HELL SITE AND USE THAT INSTEAD? But we know Betty doesn’t want to save the gays so 😷😷
- I love Josie’s singing but why is she singing in an empty lounge? REST HER VOCALS.
- I used to love Hiram’s evil-ness but now he just shows up all the time and it’s getting annoying. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD END THIS FUCKING PLOT SO VERONICA CAN FOR ONCE GET HER OWN STORY THAT BETTY DOESN’T TAKE, THAT DOESN’T REVOLVE AROUND HER FATHER OR A GUY. SERIOUSLY. They have so much potential with literally any other character but still decide to force Bughead and their separate characters down our throats. Like at this point honestly just kill them both off Jesus Christ
- Jughead… this is a gang… they’ve always sold drugs? At least, weed, but still? You have to take into consideration that you were gone, and they were placed under quarantine, and they needed money. You can’t blame any of them for dealing with Hiram you whiny piss baby. Desperate times call for desperate measures.
- God it bothers me that Jarghead is such a lowsy king. When do we get Sweet Pea overthrowing him? pLEASE WE NEED IT SO TONI CAN LEAD BESIDE HIM. Maybe Swangs (even though I know what happens) and Choni can co-lead the Serpents
- Cheryl speaking facts! AND MY BOY FANGS. Jughead had NOTHING to say to Fangs and FP had to step up and cover for Jughead, because he was right. What else are they supposed to do? Gangs are supposed to do bad shit? Jughead has done ultimate horrible shit and suddenly he’s going to act like a gang is supposed to be clean? Jughead do your research that is not what gangs do. Also, if FP is going to be at every fucking Serpent meeting maybe he should, you know, take his spot back. He’s a MUCH better leader than Jughead, even though I’d prefer it be one of the founding members like TONI FUCKING TOPAZ or something.
- I love how no one really does the “in unity there is strength” thing. Like, they know they’re being lead to slaughter basically and FP is just letting it happen. Also, they’re running the gang into the ground. There is no more unity because JUGHEAD’S STUPID POWER-HUNGRY ASS ISN’T DOING SHIT TO HELP THE GANG. Also also Betty looks so out of place and awkward there. Can’t wait for Archie to come back and for her to realize that he almost died and then realize she can’t live without him and that she loves him and finally bughead can split for good and barchie can rise
- If Veronica paid why the FLYING FUCK did they go after Josie? FucK OFF HIRAM
- Polly you had to say his name. LEAVE MY BOY ALONE.
- “We could’ve helped you” JUGHEAD YOU LITERALLY JUST BANNED CRIME. THE SERPENTS HAVE NO MONEY WHAT ELSE WHAT HE WAS SUPPOSED TO DO? Also they can’t get mad at him bc this was before Jughead got back and did the stupid crime law like a hypocrite
- Oh Jughead has one brain cell left? I know he ends up being cancelled but he’s not… yet.
- Why is Archie hallucinating playing G&G? Like doesn’t this mean he’s playing by himself? The fuck?
- Dead ass Cassidy telling Archie it sounds like his fault that all that happened, you can tell that this is Archie’s mind because he always blames himself for things that have nothing to do with him. Because we know that it’s definitely NOT his fault. None of it is.
- Cheryl just HAD to kiss the picture
- I’m mad that they didn’t have Joaquin not actually die. Like, Sweet Pea and Fangs were close to him? They could have faked his death like what the fuck
- How did Jughead know that Toni was involved? Cheryl was the only one who left a stupid calling card.
- But he can’t fucking kick her out she’s literally a legacy. This crusty white boy needs to sit the fuck down
- Okay one, Cheryl why would you bring Fangs back into it? THE FUCK. Also, Jughead you can’t be disappointed in Fangs for telling SP even though you said not to tell anyone—best friend’s never count. 
- “And the rest of us don’t get to go back to Thistlehouse” says the disgusting whiny piss baby who gets to sleep in his girlfriend’s house, in her comfortable bed while his gang lays in cots or some shit in tents. Get off your mighty high horse, Jughead. God, now they’re switching roles… Betty is kinda becoming SLIGHTLY tolerable and now Jughead is being so fucking annoying. Go back to how it was please.
- So Archie standing over Hiram and shit was all a fucking dream? Really? COME ON. Lol Hiram has a point though because everyone goes in and tells him their fucking plans. OMG THE CALLBACK TO THE FIRST EPISODE WAS GREAT. CALL BACK TO BARCHIE BEING ENDGAME YESSSS.
- So if Veronica ended up smashing the egg… then fucking give Fangs, Toni, and Cheryl their spots in the Serpents back since it was all for nothing anyways.
- I’m glad Cheryl and Nana Rose are housing some fo the girls but WHAT ABOUT THE SERPENTS YOU GUYS HAVE A BIG FUCKING HOUSE. Why didn’t she house some of them there? I mean it’s ooc for Toni not to be thinking of her fellow Serpents why wouldn’t she be like “hey babe you have a lot of room here what if we help house some of the Serpents” but uhhh apparently not.
- Hey FP shut the fuck up with this “she’s still a Lodge” shit because you all know she doesn’t associate herself with her parents anymore. Remember “you don’t have a daughter” or…?
- Jughead brought up when FP worked for Hiram. Hell yeah! But him saying he wants Jughead to be a better king than him? BITCH YOUR SON DOESN’T KNOW HOW TO RUN A GANG. HE SUCKS. HE’S STUPID AND RUINING THE GANG HOW CAN YOU NOT SEE THAT? God never give your throne to blood family.
- Yeah, FP, you’re not made for the sidelines you’re made to RULE you stupid fuck. Maybe you should get back with Alice she makes you more stable and less stupid
- So… you threaten the gargoyle bitch but you don’t unmask him to see who he is? Are you fucking stupid?
- If they make Archie unlikable the only good core four person will be Veronica.
- VERONICA SINGING ❤️❤️❤️ Oh fuck I know this song but I can’t remember where I’ve heard it!!!
- VEGGIE. SHE’S SO FUCKING HAPPY TO SEE HIM I’M— HE’S SO ENAMORED WITH HER. VEGGIE KISS. Why can they make their chemistry shown on screen but Bughead can’t? Like both couples are even dating irl, too…
- JUGHEAD YOU PIECE OF SHIT. He only uses Sweet Pea or Fangs when he has something he doesn’t want to do usually because it’s too dangerous for him (whiny piss baby). DON’T MAKE MY BABY BOY GO UNDERCOVER HE’LL FUCKING GET HURT.
- I’ve literally never hated Jughead more nothing he can do can make up for what he’s done in this episode bye
- What the actual fuck. This is so fucking stupid.
- Archie isn’t dead. If Archie dies before bitch ass Betty or Jiggaloo Jones I will literally come after RAS. 
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New Beginning’s
               The day my life was ruined I could remember it like it was yesterday. It was a Tuesday, my very first day of work. I was only sixteen never had a chance to live. Although it was late, it was hot just like it always is in Florida.  My first day on the job had been hard just as I knew it would be. But, I managed and left with a smile that would soon be ripped from my lips. I called my mom but she had still been at work so she told me to take the bus. It wasn’t unusual for me to take the bus home when mom worked late. What was unusual was that my dad’s car was in the driveway when he was supposed to be at work. That didn’t bother me though, I was excited to see my daddy. I heard the sounds before I opened the door. My daddy was crying. I remember I hesitated, but curiosity filled me so I opened the door. The barrel of a gun pointed at my face as I opened that door. I had never been so terrified in my entire life. The large man holding the gun grabbed me and he pushed me in the house. The door closed along with whatever freedom I had left.
            “Don’t kill her!” My daddy begged.
            I remember looking at him wondering what my big strong daddy was doing crying as this man pointed a gun at him. His shirt was wet with tears and his hair disheveled obviously from a fight. But the thing I remember the most is his eyes. His crystal blue eyes shining from the tears looking at me, pleading with me. “I won’t.” The man answered and put his hand over my eyes as a shot rang out.
            I don’t remember screaming. Even when he let his hand fall and I looked at my daddy there I couldn’t speak. My heart had shattered the moment I heard that shot. I didn’t fight when the man shoved me in the back of his van leaving my father there his crystal blue eyes wide open, staring at me. It has been three years since then and I am still in the hands of the man who killed my father. My name used to be Rose but the only thing that left his filthy lips is wife. The man had entered some type of delusion that I was his wife and that I could possibly love him. I had tried to escape so many times but he would always catch me. Never did he lay his hands on me though, instead he took his anger out in sex. If I just laid there and let it happen it wouldn’t hurt as much and he would leave after.
            I would’ve given up after that but I found out that I was pregnant. I couldn’t let my child grow up with the man who killed her grandfather, my father. So, I planned I would just tell him I need to see a doctor, that I thought I was pregnant. I knew he wouldn’t let me and would just go out and get one of those drug store tests. Given me the perfect opportunity. After having failed at escaping so many times I finally figured out the perfect escape. It was going to work and I and my baby were going to live. So, I did what I planned and the moment I got into town I called the police. They came and got me and now I’m here.  “Thank you, that’s enough.”
            “Are you sure detective? I will answer any questions you have.”
            “No. You’ve been through enough. Would you like to speak to your mother? She has been very worried about you.”
            Mom walked in holding her bag so tight to her chest I thought she was gonna hurt herself with it. “Rose?”
            I knew that was my name I just hated the way she said it. It was as if all the sorrow I had endured somehow matched up with her’s. It was as if she was pregnant with a monster’s child instead of I. “No. Don’t call me that. I am not Rose and I never will be.”
            She sobbed in front of me so hard the detective had to escort her out. A new deceive sat in front of me, a female. “So, I know it must have been hard. I can’t even try to understand. But, I think it’s best to go home with your mother.”
            “Your right. You can’t begin to understand what I have been through. No human can. Yet you want me to go home with that women. She doesn’t understand either. She thinks she’s found her little girl. That everything can go back to normal. Well, it can’t. I’m not her little girl anymore and this is a happy fucking ending.”
            The pity in the detective’s eyes was so overwhelming that I had to close my eyes. “Your only other option is to go into witness protection.”
            I opened my eyes and could see that her earlier expression had been replaced with a hard one. She didn’t care. No one did. She was only trying to kiss the ass of my mother. Who while I was gone married a very rich man who had a lot of say in this city. “Put me in witness protection.”
            The next few days were hard I was forced to answer question after question on how I wanted to live my pretend life. My new name would be Claire, Claire Daniels. I would be shipped off to Oklahoma and be provided with a comfortable home. There was no need for me to work as my mother generously offered to send me checks every month. There would be a bodyguard designated just for me. How fucking special did I feel? They even let me decide if I wanted to go back to school and finish my education. I refused, all I had to do was give birth. After that I would end it all, they didn’t know. How could they? All they cared about was how much mother was going to pay them for finding me. I hated them, even more than the man that did this to me. They even had the audacity to ask me about abortion.
            The child had nothing to do with anything. It was innocent. No one was going to hurt this baby while I was still alive. That shut them up quick. So here I was trying to act normal in a supermarket as woman whispered around me. I know it was because I was young and pregnant. Not because they found out my identity. What I have learned is that women like to talk, especially about other women. I ignored them and paid for the food as Agent Marks watched me from the door. “Did you get everything you needed?”
            I ignore him and put the stuff in the trunk of the pick-up hopping in the car. He sighs and starts the car. I wonder why they assigned a man to be my bodyguard. It’s not as if I had been trapped by one for years. “You know you can talk to me.”
            Ignoring him was easy after a few unsuccessful tries he would usually shut up. Oddly this time he continued to talk. “You know the town is having a thanksgiving festival. We should go.”
            He paused and then looked at me with a huge smile. Agent Marks was handsome, well at least to all the other women in town. I didn’t have eyes for him, or any man ever. My life was over the moment I gave birth to this child. “You talked.”
            “No shit.” I snapped.
            He laughs. “You know if you talked more you wouldn’t be so miserable.”
            I looked at him angrily and jumped out of the car the moment he stopped. I was going to walk back even if it killed me. “Hey wait!”
He jumped out after me and grabbed my arm spinning me around. “You want to know why im so fucking miserable! Maybe it’s because I was forced to be someone else for years. You don’t know what it’s like to be raped by the man who killed your father! To come back and have everyone tell you it's going to be okay when you know it’s not. To be pregnant with the child of the man who ruined your life. You don’t get it! No one does!”
He grabbed my arms pulling me in front of him. “You're right I don’t know what it’s like! But that doesn’t mean you should fucking give up just because this happened to you. Pick yourself up and live your life! Take the chance that was given to you because I know how many people have died just wishing for it!”
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