would u ever explain the circley levels of hell chapter/plot/theme structure bc i am very curious 👀👀👀
I'll make a video explaining this too since it might be helpful to hear me explain it with... my face, but this circular story structure is something I'm calling orbital plot structure. Luckily for all of us, I wrote up a detailed memo for my workshop which I'll share below (with lots of expansion)!
Disclaimer: The following is all my original writing theory AKA I came up with all of this myself AKA this method is in early development. You're welcome to share it/use it wherever, just link back to me! This also means when I think more, there may be more to say, LOL.
TL;DR: the orbital plot structure consists of two elements: the thematic satellite and the "scene" rings that orbit the satellite. I've shared two versions (the original and the modified version) below!
Orbital plot structure
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The orbital plot structure consists of two essential components: the thematic satellite and the scene rings. We have a core theme (the “satellite”) that every single scene “orbits” around. Every scene links back to the theme.
Plot progression/movement comes from the rings rippling outward (indicated by the outward pointing arrows). However, this movement is still deeply connected to the theme (indicated by the unfilled arrows pointed inward—we are pushed out by the theme like an exhale but naturally brought back toward the theme like an inhale). The amount of rings will differ for each work.
This plot structure may work well for theme-driven stories and chapters between 1500-3500 words.
Below is an example of the classic orbital plot structure for the first chapter of my novella, BODY BACK (chapter update HERE!). That chapter is called "Living Pictures."
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The theme for this chapter of course is "life as a living picture." Every single scene is necessitated by this theme and therefore precipitates the next scene that is also necessitated by the theme.
Here is a breakdown of how each scene links back to that theme:
Scene 1:
Harrison floats fully-clothed in a pool that belongs to a wealthy couple. He is jaded and also thinking about God
Explanation: This scene quite literally IS a living picture. Harrison feels unreal/otherworldly and not like an actual human person.
Scene 2:
Harrison describes the couple who own the house/pool. The man is a realtor, and the woman stays at home mostly, but walks dogs on the side.
Explanation: Harrison projects the couple who owns this home into "living picture" mode. He doesn't see them as people, but merely as The Realtor and The Dog-Walker.
Scene 3:
Harrison contemplates his “easy” Las Vegas life since moving in with his mother, Suzanna.
Explanation: Harrison explains how HIS actual life in Las Vegas has felt like a living picture (he also resists this idea at the end).
Scene 4:
Flashback: Harrison recalls drawing his new sort-of boyfriend, Jeremiah.
Explanation: This flashback with Jeremiah is ALSO a living picture. Heightened language. Dreamy imagery. He doesn't feel present, but like a snapshot in a moment.
Scene 5:
Harrison describes his vices (smoking and his ex, Lonan lmao, comparable) which trickles into a recurring dream/nightmare of Lonan.
Explanation: This scene is AGAIN a living picture--more dreamy language (it's quite literally a dream too). Lonan is captured in this memory, even though this moment was once real and not a photo.
Scene 6:
Distracted by the dream, Harrison is caught by the couple. The man seems unimpressed by him, though the woman (Sadie), perhaps realizing how young he is, invites him inside for tea.
Explanation: We SHATTER the living picture (LP) here. Harrison isn't living in a dream state, he's actually very much in the real world where breaking into a stranger's pool is NOT okay. LOL.
Scene 7:
Harrison observes the couple’s “catalogue” home while Sadie makes tea.
Explanation: Sadie and her husband live in a home that is also picturesque. BUT, he quickly notices something is amiss--she doesn't actually seem to genuinely exist in its pristineness and niceties, just like Harrison doesn't exist in the niceties of his "new" life in Las Vegas. This is why I ended the chapter here--he's addressed the theme.
You'll notice I didn't include the arrows in the above diagram--I've only included those for demonstration purposes to show how movement in this type of structure works. You know how water ripples in a circular pattern when you drop a stone into it? That's how this story structure progresses--every scene revolves around that stone in the centre.
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^^ A visual for you!
Typically, in western storytelling, we think of structure like this:
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This diagram is known as Freytag's triangle/pyramid, and it's a useful way to understand stories (though... not my favourite for many reasons, but a great place to brainstorm your own writing theory). In diagrams like this, it's easier to see the movement of a story, since the line naturally moves left to right.
You could ABSOLUTELY map "Living Pictures" on the above structure, but I personally prefer the orbital plot structure for this particular series of books (Moth Work x Feeding Habits x BODY BACK) because of how deeply thematic they are. Because those projects are very internal and driven by complicated emotional exploration into central themes, it only made sense to map my own story structure that was reflective of that.
To clarify, I don't mean that other structures can't contain theme. Of course they can! But this plot structure is specifically built for thematically-driven work (this would NOT work if your work was not thematically-driven).
Funnily, the orbital plot structure is what my brain "sees" as I write chapters in this series (I don't follow this structure for every project). So while some people outline, brainstorm, etc, in advance of drafting, I start drafting with this in mind. Usually I don't figure out the theme until I'm through the first scene, or sometimes until I'm done the first draft, but when that theme is identified, it's very easy for me to either mould the rest of the chapter around the theme, or revise it around that theme.
If I'm stuck while drafting a chapter, it's usually because something about the theme isn't clear--consciously or subconsciously--to me.
Also: because of the nature of this structure being quite specific to a theme, this is probably not the best fit for very long works/chapters. But I'm sure you could try!
Speaking of longer works...
Orbital plot structure (modified)
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The modified orbital plot structure follows the same principles of the orbital plot structure with two essential components: the thematic satellite and the scene rings. Scenes continue to orbit the “satellite.” However, a new element—fossae/dips—are introduced in the case of longer word counts (3500+).
The amount of rings and dips will differ depending on the project (there can be more or less than what is pictured above). These dips serve as scenes that may not be as closely related to the theme but that still move the work toward another thematic scene/“bump.”
Plot progression/movement comes from the rings rippling outward (indicated by the outward pointing arrows). However, this movement is still deeply connected to the theme (indicated by the unfilled arrows pointed inward—we are pushed out by the theme like an exhale but naturally brought back toward the theme like an inhale).
I'm not going to include a physical example of this because that would be... a teeny cumbersome, LOL, but this is just an option for people who like the orbital plot structure idea but don't feel like they want to write scenes that are extremely thematic every single time (or their work wouldn't fit that original model).
To note: The dips/bumps don't need to be uniform. Two dips can follow each other, just as three bumps could follow each other. This will depend on you and the work.
But good writers don't gatekeep <3 so here's a written version of chapter six of Feeding Habits that follows this structure quite nicely. For the sake of clarity, I'm going to call the fossae/dip scenes "dips" and the thematic scenes "bumps."
CW: Dead animals, blood, violence
THEME: Indissoluble bonds
Scene A:
DIP: Harrison gets back to the NYC apartment he shares with his mother after running errands to ward off either the spirit that haunts their walls or to rescue whatever is stuck in them. His mother preps for a dinner as Harrison has invited his old pal Reeve over.
Explanation: This scene MUST happen to get us to the following "bump," and that's because we get some critical exposition here: Harrison has had to go to a hardware store for supplies to cut open the drywall in his apartment as he and his mother can hear something in the walls, AND, Reeve is coming over for dinner at Harrison's request. We're not sure why.
Scene B:
BUMP: Harrison removes a litter of kittens from behind the drywall. One of the kittens is dead. Strangely, a German Shepherd puppy is also in the litter.
Explanation: What does it mean for Harrison to find a single dead kitten in a litter of live kittens? Does that kitten have a bond to its litter, despite now being gone?
Scene C:
DIP: Reeve appears in a glamorous blur and makes an interesting first impression on Suz who seems slightly stunned and endeared by her.
Explanation: We need this scene to get us to the next bump--this is Reeve's intro and also introduces the "bond" she'll later form with Suz. The entire chapter title, "Blood Sister," comes from the women's bond. What does it mean to feel connected to someone as if you had actually done a blood pact? And is that similar to the bond between the kittens? ...And the bond between Lonan and Harrison...?
Scene D:
BUMP (subtler): At dinner Reeve confronts Harrison about his “straight-edge” lifestyle since moving to NYC and he realizes her judgements about his life being monotonous are very true–he lacks purpose.
Explanation: This scene gets us to an important realization for Harrison: he feels like something is missing in his life. I wonder WHAT (the answer is Lonan lol).
Scene E:
BUMP: Harrison and his mother clear the dishes and Suzanna confronts him on the fact that he hasn’t told her that Reeve is in fact Lonan’s sister. Suz knows the boys’ relationship is complicated, and plays Devil’s advocate by outright asking Reeve how her brother is. Reeve, who hasn’t seen Lonan longer than Harrison, has assumed Lonan lives with them or is close by, and feels semi-betrayed that Harrison has kept his whereabouts a secret.
Explanation: This one is more explicit of a bump. Why hasn't Harrison told his mother Reeve's true identity? Is it because he's not ready to even think about Lonan who he still feels inextricably connected to??? Yes!
Scene F:
DIP & BUMP: Reeve and Harrison drive to a garden and he’s reminded of the event that lead to him and his mother’s return to the east. Harrison meets Winona outside a convenience store, the same woman Lonan meets in ch.6 of Moth Work. She takes him to her mansion where she’s hosting a party and introduces him to her husband. Harrison makes multiple bad decisions which you can probably figure out for yourself!
Explanation: This scene almost serves as both a dip AND bump as we slowly "dip" into exposition. But the relevance and "bump" of this scene becomes abundantly clear when we realize the woman Harrison follows home is the SAME woman Lonan follows him in Moth Work. Indissoluble bonds driving you to do the same thing?? LMAO I love them <3
Scene G:
BUMP: Harrison wakes up in Winona’s house and is confused to see her and her husband standing over his leather jacket. If we remember what happened in ch. 6 of Moth Work, Lonan gets beat up by Winona’s husband and has Harrison’s jacket & angel chain stolen. We can assume from this scene that Winona has a) recognized the jacket and b) chosen him to come back to her house for the purpose of also beating him up (which happens).
Explanation: Again, why do Harrison and Lonan make the SAME decisions and have the SAME thing happen to them? Is this because they have an indissoluble bond? That theme is actually dropped explicitly in this scene. (Also a tangent: in the MW version of this scene, Lonan loses the fight--black eye art is the aftermath of that--and therefore loses the jacket, but in FH, Harrison stumbles out of there with his jacket HAHA so he won. Lonan is a loser. <3)
Scene H:
BUMP: Reeve and Harrison jump a fence into a garden to give the dead kitten an unorthodox “water burial” in the garden’s fountain. Reeve confronts him on why no one has seemed to care about her whereabouts for the last year, and also suggests the only reason he wanted to see her now is because he misses Lonan. Harrison miserably drinks too much wine.
Explanation: In this scene, Harrison contemplates the indissoluble bond between the dead kitten and its litter--it's gone now, but was still a part of that collective, just like Lonan is gone now from his life but is still part of his collective. Harrison accepts that yes, he indeed still feels connected to Lonan, and actually, deeply misses Lonan (like the kittens--do they miss their sibling now that its gone?). He literally writes out Lonan's name in the snow as an expression of admittance to that truth (THAT'S GAY AS FUCK HARRISON, GAY AS FUCK).
Alright, I couldn't help myself, here's an illustration to show what that chapter looks like according to this structure. You can see I only used one ring because I don't have that many scenes. Now that I think of it, for this modified structure, a single ring would work well for one story/chapter (whereas in the original structure, one ring equals a scene), unless you have 60 million scenes (or you use act breaks within chapters). *High five!* we've made a development as I wrote this post.
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A hint about orbital structures: some crime TV shows use this structure IMO, ESPECIALLY episodes that follow crimes that are geared at revealing something about one of the central characters. Look at many of the Criminal Minds specials OR at any Hannibal episode and you won't be able to unsee it LOL.
Let me know if you have any questions! For writers who have very visual brains like me (or writers who've described their processes as "sculpting" words like myself), I hope this is useful!
57 notes · View notes
some dreams are meant to be kept to oneself
26 notes · View notes
norris55s · 6 months
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april fools' day - charles leclerc
reader x charles leclerc social media au
a/n: based on this request! i hope it's good
charles_leclerc has added to his stories
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🎵Outro Music
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liked by charles_leclerc and 105,934 others
y/nusername: part of the journey is the end. as you’ve heard, charles and i have broken up, but this decision comes from a place of love. i’m so thankful for our time together and i look forward to what our friends era has in store.
view all 5,345 comments
charles_leclerc: 🤜🏻🤛🏻
user92: everybody shut the fuck up
user72: are you FUCKING kidding
user23: love isn’t real
user37: say sike right now
user58: you guys missed april fools' by a couple days you can take this down and we’ll pretend we never saw it <3
user93: im going to cry
user65: the outro music???
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liked by charles_leclerc and 136,792 others
y/nusername: post break up glow. (happy april fools' day, he’s still mine.)
view all 5,394 comments
landonorris: you will pay for this
georgerussell63: You absolute freaks
carlossainz55: You two should not have freedom of speech
y/nusername: me when a bad bitch tells me to stfu 🫡
oscarpiastri: Called it
user58: same
charles_leclerc: Always yours, chérie ❤️
landonorris: oh shut the fuck up
user67: the way we were bamboozled
user47: i hate them
charles_leclerc added to his stories
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3K notes · View notes
moonreader1010 · 3 months
Pac- what are you known for/famous for 💋
Note- 1. The pictures used do not belong to me. All rights go to the owner. (2) This is a general reading for entertainment purposes so take what resonates.
Pile 1. Pile 2
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Pile 3^
Pile 1- He said, "You bad, Nicki, " I said, "Thanks, sir" (thanks, sir)
Stay in some fresh prints, Ashley Banks, sir (banks, sir)
Call me A.I., sir, I'm The Answer (Answer)
I'm in the playoffs, sir, I advance, sir (advance, sir)
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okay so I feel like there is soo much masculine energy (not to be confused with being a male) . It’s more like your energy is veryy dominant and assertive. This is how people perceive you. You are this untouchable personality to other’s. You are perceived like a perfect leader who can deal with literally anything that’s thrown at them. You are also known as someone who is very stable. And people know you as someone who can control anything. Due to this, there could be many people who come to you for support. You might have a rags to riches story (or might have this in the future) and this will influence greatly what you are known for. This will be your trademark like you will be known as someone who went ahead and built their own empire. You will be also known for you financial success. You are also known as someone who is very wise and compassionate.
Channeled/above mentioned song- sir by Nicki Minaj ft. Future
Pile 2: "Ayo, just last week I told 'em to pick a side (side)
I bust shots, don't duck if it don't apply ('ply)
Bae out in Paris, he told me to pick a ride (ride)
Sike, made you look, I still didn't pick a guy
I'm the trophy of the game, everybody tryna win me (win me)"
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What’s with so much earth energy?? Lol. Anyway, before I even started shuffling the Cards I felt like you have a lot of jealousy surrounding you. Especially by women. Like you just get hated for no reason at all. So yeah. You could be known for being praised or being awarded a lot. Like it’s not even necessary that you actually get praised or awarded. There could be someone else getting the same things as you but no one would bat an eye but when you get those exact same things than everybody is protesting and being all jealous and bitter. And you know, when it comes to you then people only notice your success and achievements but they literally refuse to acknowledge the actual efforts that you were putting behind the scenes to get all that. They are almost blind when it comes to your efforts. Due to this, they could see you as someone who just gets stuff and gets a lot of opportunities. They might start rumours to ruin your reputation too. Despite this I can tell that you are known as someone who is fun. Like you know how to enjoy yourself. This makes these haters sooo mad omg keep it up. You could also be someone who speaks the absolute truth. You don’t really care who you are speaking against because for you if something is wrong then it’s f*cking wrong. You could also be known for your financial decisions like investments and stuff. And also the way you notice every detail.
Channeled/above mentioned song- hard white by Nicki Minaj
Pile 3- I don't want no drama
I just wanna be your diamond, babe
Guaranteed to be a problem
Every time I get around you, babe
I just want you to need me
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You are known as someone who has been through a big event and that event has totally changed you. You could be someone who USED to compromise or let anyone walk over you but now you know your worth and won’t let anyone play with you or you heart. You are known as someone who is very difficult to approach as you keep your heart safe and hidden. Karma could have a lot of significance for you. You are known as a very balanced person. You are also known as someone who can’t tolerate injustice. You are known as someone who is dangerous and people shouldn’t message with you. People see you as someone who is very very brave. And they might see you as someone who is still looking for the right people to let in. You might have been overkind at some point in your life and people took advantage of that. I just wanna give you a hug so bad. But now you people think thrice before even considering using you or your kindness. You are also known as someone who is very independent.
Channeled/above mentioned song- favourite by Nicki Minaj
544 notes · View notes
love-belle · 1 year
light as a feather !!!
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ in which she writes a song and finds love again while he finds himself facing the consequences of his actions.
for when the right person is right around the corner. ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
social media au // lando norris x fem!ex!reader // charles leclerc x fem!reader (implied)
sequel - you got me thinking nonsense ⋆·˚ ༘ *
warnings - language, mention of cock once, sex jokes (???)
author's note - might make a part 2 idkk but i hope u like this <3 thank u sm for reading!!!! alsoooo im gonna start a taglist so if ur interested PLEASE let me know <3
taglist - @marsdreamworld @1nt3rnetgf
≡;- ꒰ °instagram ꒱
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liked by y/nupdates, f1paddockgossip, y/nsteponme and 79,628 others
popnews y/n y/l/n and lando norris called it quits after almost a year of being together. this news came after y/l/n flew out to see him during the dutch grand prix and left the very next day, not attending the race. "it was very sudden, neither of them saw it coming," sources close to the pair commented. "they were together for a year and it was getting very real and that scared lando. he just felt like the relationship had run its course and wasn't going anywhere." this proved to be kind of confusing and controversial as not even a week after their break up, norris was spotted with a girl out on a "date". for more details, visit the link in our bio.
username say sike rn
username WHAT THE FUCK.
username "the relationship had run its course and wasn't going anywhere" brother what do u MEAN it wasn't going anywhere and what do u MEAN he went on a date
username nah this is insane wtf
username no bc he's scared of commitment after a YEAR in the relationship like what the fuck
-> username like brother those are the things u realise after the first few dates not a YEAR wtf
username i feel so bad for y/n like i know my girl gave it her all
-> username imagine being with someone for a year and they break up with u bc they're scared of commitment but then go on a date not even a week later
-> username she's stronger than me bc i would've bitch slapped that mf
username i just know she's cooking something like im on the edge of my seat fr
username don't come at me but this is charles' time to shine
-> username nah bc that boy has been harbouring the BIGGEST crush on her for years
username the next album is gonna be fire 🔥🔥🔥
username no bc they were so cute together i thought they'd be forever :////
username my parents 💔💔💔💔💔💔
username no bc if this turns out that he cheated on her i will RIOT
username praying for lando bc y/n is everyone's fav on grid
-> username man's definitely tasting gravel the next race
-> username it's gonna be charles to push him off i can see it 🙏🙏🙏
≡;- ꒰ °instagram ꒱
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liked by charles_leclerc, carmenmmundt, lilymhe and 3,772,415 others
yourusername feather out everywhere lol have fun with this one <3
tagged landonorris
username i am afraid lando is crying as we speak rn
charles_leclerc so good 😘
-> yourusername thank u charles 🫶🏼
-> username i just KNOW his everlasting crush came back with a VENGEANCE
username bet charles is just gonna slide up now that lando fumbled
username she gagged him with this
username ur signals are MIXED u act like a BITCH u fit EVERY stereotype send a PIC
-> username iconic
lilymhe enjoyed every second of it 🔥🔥🔥
-> yourusername i love u <3
username i just KNOW that the drivers gc is WILD rn
-> username i would everything to be in there atm
maxfewtrell oh the silence from his room is LOUD
-> yourusername LMFAOAOAO
username men really don't know how to handle a bad bitch
-> username fr like 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
taylorswift so proud 🤧🩷
-> yourusername i love u mom
username the silence is LOUD
username nah bro fumbled HARD
username i absolutely LOVE this song but im not gonna lie i miss lando and y/n SO bad like i wanted what they had 💔💔💔💔💔💔
-> username no bc i need to go back to their in love era
username lando norris is having a breakdown over this as we talk
carlossainz55 on repeat 😍
*liked by yourusername*
username someone PLEASE hand the mic to lando i need to hear what he has to say about this
username never make a singer mad at u bc they WILL write a song about u
*liked by yourusername*
alex_albon absolutely iconic
-> yourusername thank u lily's bf 🪿
username no bc i was expecting more of a heartbreak song but THIS??????
username cleared him
username he must be soooo embarrassed like how r u gonna go ahead and say that u lost HER
username mother ate
username she always serves cunt
luisinhaoliveira99 pretty girl cool song 💌
-> yourusername angel ❤️‍🩹
-> username OH MY GOD
-> username i did not see this coming
-> username PLEASE the duo i didn't know i needed
-> username lando is somewhere pulling at his hair
-> username love it when people (y/n and luisinha) unite to destroy their common enemy (lando)
≡;- ꒰ twitter ꒱
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≡;- ꒰ °instagram ꒱
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liked by lilymhe, oliviarodrigo, charles_leclerc and 2,628,825 others
yourusername floatin through the memories like wtv (photo creds to charles_leclerc who annoyed me until i agreed to post these)
username OH MY GOD
username my lord she has served cunt once again
-> username as expected
username im so bi like
alex_albon oh how i LOVE being a woman
-> yourusername alex wtf
-> yourusername sure
username im HERE for charles and her like yes pls
username the dress is soooooo pretty like 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼
-> username fr like how did charles not pass out from behind the camera
-> charles_leclerc trust me, i was so close
-> username im giggling and that wasn't even directed at me
username the prettiest 🫶🏼🫶🏼
carla.brocker miss my girl so much u look like an angel 🩷🫶🏼
-> yourusername miss u so bad i love u 💕🍧
username she's so pretty oh my god
username pretty beautiful ethereal breathtaking hot angelic gorgeous cute heavenly stunning ravishing divine graceful alluring elegant
username js say the word y/n i can bark ☺️
luisinhaoliveira99 pretty girl 🫶🏼
-> yourusername i love u 🫶🏼
-> username i love them sm
-> username no bc this will always be iconic
username i NEED charles and y/n to get together like rn
username SHE'S SO ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
username ate so hard and left no crumbs
charles_leclerc 😍😍😍😍😍
-> yourusername 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍
charles_leclerc too good to be gatekept
-> yourusername ok who the fuck taught u what gatekept means
-> charles_leclerc alex
-> yourusername stay away from my man alex_albon
-> alex_albon your man 😏
-> charles_leclerc 😏😏😏😏😏
-> yourusername i hate both of u
charles_leclerc does this mean you're my girl?
-> yourusername not if ur gonna be cocky like this
-> alex_albon oh he is gonna be COCKy alrightttt
-> charles_leclerc i mean...
-> yourusername JAIL BOTH OF U
-> username oh they definitely together or something
-> username nah they're fs dating
username y/n just one chance pls
username my pronouns are she not her bc i'll NEVER be her
≡;- ꒰ °instagram ꒱
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liked by pierregasly, carlossainz55, maxverstappen1 and 975,327 others
landonorris talking shit ain't gonna do a thing
username says YOU
username lando babe go on do it log out and never log in again
username alr that's enough being silly for today
username dw guys he was just feeling a lil silly 🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪😝😝😝😝😝🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️
username no words
carlossainz55 listen to your own advice, brother.
-> username damn he even used proper punctuation and all
username hahahahaha 😐😐😐😐😐 SOOOO hilarious 😐😐😐😐😐
username stfu
username "talking shit" my brother she literally just wrote a song destroying u and connected with ur ex and got a f1 driver who was ur friend up in her dms and posted a few shady captions what r u on abt.
-> username y'all my girl did no wrong he had this coming for cheating
charles_leclerc lol
-> username out of everything everyone has commented this is by far the most scariest one
-> username u know u have done fucked up with charles comments "lol"
username love how the comments are just bullying lando 🫶🏼
alex_albon LMFAOAOAOAO
-> username PLEASEEE ALEX
-> username forever in love with him he's my babygirl
username love how protective the drivers are of y/n ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
username m*n need to go back to war fr
maxverstappen1 cannot wait to see you on track this week.
-> username i have a feeling lando's gonna kiss the barriers this sunday 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
username anyway stream feather by y/n 🫶🏼
username LOVE to see the grid calling him out
-> username fr like gag him
lewishamilton nice joke. never joke again.
-> username no bc if i got called out by THE lewis hamilton i will just never show my face ever again
-> username right like how is he not embarrassed
username no bc if i lost someone like y/n bc i was a fucking idiot and then my best friend rizzed her up i would just simply Pass Away like that's a level of embarrassment i CANNOT take
lilymhe didn't you cheat on her 😂😂😂😂😂
-> username nah he deserves everyone calling him out lando wtf
username lily u will always be famous
maxfewtrell don't make me apply for a new roommate
-> username PLEASE MAX
-> username just a very good example as to why u should NEVER EVER EVER EVER cheat on ANYONE bc u will end up like lando on the internet
username y/n bout to swing back on him i can feel it
≡;- ꒰ °instagram ꒱
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liked by luisinhaoliveira99, carlossainz55, sebastianvettel and 2,262,826
yourusername i hit ignore
username PLEASE
username she's too iconic i fear
username no bc u know shit is real when seb is here
username i love how luisinha and y/n are like best friends now
-> username the most iconic pair EVER
*liked by luisinhaoliveira99 and yourusername*
danielricciardo baby-you was so swag
-> yourusername i know
-> danielricciardo what happened now
-> yourusername wOW
username she was such a vibe-y child i love that
username this is so MESSY and im here for every second of it
username her using her own lyrics like mother 🙏🙏🙏
username i would get on my knees for y/n and y/n only
username serves cunt again and again
charles_leclerc smash that ignore button and while you're at it, i sent you flowers 🥰
-> yourusername omg they're so prettyyy i love them ☹️❤️
-> username white heart to red heart we love to see it
username no bc what i don't get is how he's gonna break up with her after a YEAR of being together bc lil bitch boy got scared of commitment and then turn around and allegedly cheat on her and then say u talking shit like NO SHUT THE FUCK UP we got a banger song and an iconic duo with the bad bitches u fumbled and i get a chance to see charles FINALLY make a move on his godforsaken crush
-> yourusername that was so intense and im trying to process it all but U GO BABY I LOVE UUUUU
-> luisinhaoliveira99 spoke facts
username love the comments are just charles and y/n, luisinha and y/n and anti l*ndo ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
username im sooo here for this let's fucking go
alex_albon i would've been best friends with baby-you ngl
-> yourusername we're literally best friends what the fuck r u about
-> alex_albon no you're just an unfortunate addition to my life because my gf loves you
-> yourusername yeah she loves me MORE than u so go cry abt it
-> lilymhe true 🫶🏼
-> alex_albon wow
username the day charles and y/n (IT WILL HAPPEN) get together will be the day i can finally rest in peace
username the silence from l*ndo's side is DEAFENING
3K notes · View notes
1989tvcore · 6 months
tied by music. - charles leclerc. chapter one.
summary; in which a songwriter gets in contact with the il predestinato to help her in creating her most personal album.
face claim; taylor swift
pairing(s); charles leclerc x fem! singer! reader, zayn malik x ex! fem! singer! reader. smau.
warning(s); toxic/unfaithful relationship, reader in a very bad mental state during break-up but she’s eventually healed, zayn is the douchebag i sincerely apologise. </3 (most of these are shown in the following parts)
author note; can we please um… ignore the fact that um… this is literally the script for my um… fame dr… ANYWAYS HERE’S COMPOSER CHARLES TO COMFORT YOU! 🤍 this series will have many parts or maybe just two, we’ll see how it plays out.
masterlist | chapter 2
english isn’t my first language, credits to rightful owners.
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liked by y/nayncrumbs, ynphobic and 45,771 others
popbase Song-writer & Musician Y/N Y/LN & former One-Direction & Musician member Zayn Malik have officially broken up after 6 years of being together, TMZ reports.
tagged: youryusername, zayn
view all comments
user6 oh that y/nayn stan account must be crying now that the rumors are confirmed …
y/nayncrumbs user6 i literally just turned suicidal.
ynphobic y/nayncrumbs u know damn well this was long due …
user47 user6 can you blame them?
user58 THANK GOD, that man was insufferable when it came to their relationship
user13 user58 silent like
user0 user58 do y’all ever shut up
user58 user0 just wait until y/n releases a new album x
user13 user99 girl she’s free???
user1989 wait a sec … remember when we got y/n6 rumors a few months ago?? DID HE CHEAT?? ZAYN IT’S ON SIGHT.
user17 user1989 they might’ve just not announced it when they actually broke up 🤡
user1989 user17 they were spotted together multiple times during y/n6 rumors and he was literally ignoring her while talking to models???
user16 why is nobody mentioning how charles leclerc has literally been helping y/n to make y/n6???
user55 user16 same question right here.
user4 user16 how do you know it’s for y/n6?
user16 user4 y/n has mentioned multiple times that she admires charle’s music and would love to work with him on a project of hers or his
user77 user16 Y/N IS A F1 GIRLIE??
user16 user77 since she was a child 🤧
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yourusername just posted a story!
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seen by charles_leclerc, oliviarodrigo and 1,403,758 others
user13 this album will break us all so bad.
user16 hi pls attend the next grand prix tyvm
charles_leclerc you must be in jail for not sending me the first picture.
yourusername charles_leclerc surprise? 😁
charles_leclerc yourusername yeah yeah whatever now send me the picture so i can make it my wallpaper 😌
charles_leclerc just posted a story!
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seen by yourusername, f1, landonorris and 997,410 others.
f1wagsource soft launch, no?
yourusername no bc i’m literally announcing our baby tomorrow
charles_leclerc yourusername I know 🫶🏻
yourusername charles_leclerc i’m so nervous
charles_leclerc yourusername there’s no reason to be nervous sweetheart. whatever happens I’m here.
yourusername charles_leclerc stop being such a good boyfriend you know i’m not used to men like you 😔
charles_leclerc yourusername I really don’t plan on stopping anytime soon cherié.
yourusername charles_leclerc please do not! i love you 💞💓💕💗💝💘💖
charles_leclerc yourusername i love you too babe, now go rest you’ve got many promotions starting tomorrow.
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liked by charles_leclerc, arianagrande and 13,400,239 others
yourusername Surprise surprise! The first single of my new album “Metanoia” (coming out April 23), “we can’t be friends (wait for your love)” comes out tomorrow evening!
Thank you my whole team for making this album possible. I’m so grateful for all the wonderful and talented artists who took part in the creation of “Metanoia”, truly couldn’t be more lucky to have people like you by my side. Whether that is as colleagues or friends. In addition, there was one special someone who took HUGE part in writing, composing and producing this album with me, someone who I have very close to my heart. @charles_leclerc, the man, the monegasque himself. Thank you for agreeing to helping me bring into real life my deepest emotions and thoughts, you stood by me during very hard times in my life, I will always be thankful for that. Studio sessions with you are my only good memories of the hell I’ve been through last year.
And to the fans, thank you for supporting me always. I hope you’re excited for this project as much as I am. See you tomorrow for the premiere of the “we can’t be friends (wait for you love)” music video!
view all comments
arianagrande congrats!! can’t wait to listen♡
liked by author
yourusername arianagrande my girl 🤍
iamrebeccad can’t wait for tomorrow 🥰
liked by author
yourusername iamrebeccad love you so much. 🥹💗
francisca.cgomes album of the year already
liked by author
yourusername francisca.cgomes tearing up, thank you so much kika. 🥹🤍
lilymhe so in love with you! 💗
liked by author
yourusername lilymhe my #1 gf 🥹💞
alex_albon lilymhe excuse me?
rachelzegler I THINK I’M CRYING??
liked by author
niallhoran Congrats sis!
yourusername niallhoran Thank you Niall! 🫶🏻
user29 niallhoran oh zayn fucked up big time
ynayncrumbs niallhoran oh it’s really over.
user13 user1989 OH MY FUCK YOU DID
user45 user1989 I think you graduated from tom holland manifestation university!
user88 user16 she’ll probably reveal it later
user30 user99 I’ve got a feeling it’ll have a love interest
user99 user30 SAME
charles_leclerc So proud of you! ❤️
liked by author
yourusername charles_leclerc Thank you Charlie! 🥹
ynphobic charles_leclerc I think I’m not breathing anymore.
user49 charles_leclerc I’M CRYING TEARS OF HAPPINESS.
landonorris having early access to this album: it’s good ig…
yourusername landonorris did you think the same when you were crying to the whole tracklist?
landonorris yourusername YOU DID NOT.
alex_albon landonorris get ended nowins 🤣‼️
landonorris alex_albon FUCK YOU
yourusername user11 he deserves it more than anything. 🤍
©️ 1989tvcore 2024 , all rights reserved.
taglist; @formulaonebuff @ironspdy @sleepybrokenmelle @dreamergirlatpaddock @taygrls
401 notes · View notes
boiohboii · 1 year
Nobel prize winner wife pt2 (toto wolff x reader)
(Social media au)
Toto just revealed who his wife of 15 years is, but if he was going to reveal his family, why not all members of them?
in which Toto Wolff decided to let everyone know who is the little boy who made him a father
Note: I am sure this is not what you guys had in mind when you asked for part 2, but I just felt like a little teen in the mix is needed for our favorite it couple. WARNING: like 3 swear words, if I missed anything please let me know
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Liked by wolfffam, ynwolff, totodaddy and 417,930 others
F1WAGS&FAVES: Dr. YN LN seen today in Yeongsan International School of Seoul, rumors are she is there for the freshmen's parents career day.
username: I can not handle dad toto and mum yn
username: toto and yn might be official dilf and milf
username: no, I refuse to believe they have a kid that isn't me
username: I am willing to fight their kid for an exchange of parents
username: I love how with every photo her skin tone gets whiter
username: welcome to the white washing of korea
username: she never disappoints with her fits
username: if they actually have a kid imagine how awesome it'd be, like his dad is the team principle of the Mercedes f1 team and his mum is the only woman to win a Nobel prize twice!
username: if I'm a parent and my kid is a friend of theirs, I'd never compare my kid to baby wolff, he'd just pull an uno reverse card and compare me to yn and toto
username: say sike rn
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Liked by Lewishamilton, Pierregasly, georgerussell63 and 819,652 others
mercedesamgf1: can't wait for sam to join us, it's going to be such a fun weekend with him here..... here are 4 pictures of baby wolff throughout the years (yes, we knew, he is our favourite person in the paddock) ps: all photos of our prince are till he was 13 years old
Lewishamilton: can't wait to see the little man
samwolff09: can't wait to see you too uncle Lewis
georgerussel63: @.samwolff09 what about me?
samwolff09: @.georgerussel63 we were together last week 😆 but I still miss you 😄
username: his account is private 🥲
danielricciardo: the little prince is growing up, I remember when he was just learning how to run
samwolff09: uncle Danny, please don't tell anyone of that time, I still get embarrassed thinking about it
samwolff09: we can't wait to join you again, take good care of mum and dad till Jay and I join you
mercedesamgf1: of course your highness
username: who is Jay?
username: imagine it's his brother
username: STOP IT!
maxverstappen1: P misses you @.samwolff09
samwolff09: @.maxverstappen1 I miss her too!! So much! Is she joining this weekend?
maxverstappen1: @.samwolff09 yes yes, once she knew you're coming she wouldn't take no for an answer
samwolff09: @.maxverstappen1 YES! I CAN'T WAIT, SEND HER MY HUGS AND KISSES
username: max being chatty with toto's son is so unhinged for my 2023 agenda
username: max writing his longest comments for sam wolff will be my favourite social media interaction
mickschumacher: Sammy! Keep your phone with you this time @.samwolff09
samwolff09: @.mickschumacher micky, please, it was one time!
sebastianvettel: well, now I have no choice but to go this weekend
samwolff09: uncle seb! I miss you!! Are you really coming?? Please say yees, pleaaseeee
sebastianvettel: of course little cub, who else is gonna watch over you and Jay
username: baby wolff collecting drivers left right and center
christanhorner: it had been too long since I saw this little man
samwolff09: looking forward to seeing you again sir @.christanhorner
christanhorner: @.samwolff09 please, call me uncle chris, and make sure to stop by and say hi
samwolff09: of course uncle Chris! See you then
username: I am confusion
username: did baby wolff just make a truce between mercedes and redbull
username: his smile can stop wars and here's the proof
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Loked by park-sunhoon, jaypark, lewishamilton and 273 others
samwolff09: I just wanna thank my parents on my birthday cause they always make me feel loved, they always make me feel safe and that every little thing I do or feel is valid and is okay, I am so lucky to have them and I am truly thankful for being able to have them in my life and to be here as their son.
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Liked by jungwonofficial, park-sunghoon, mercedesamgf1 and 261 others
samwolff09: 11 years apart and my love for this place is still the same
jaypark: one of the best vacation houses fr
park-sunghoon: true, it's still my favorite place
jungwonofficial: the summer we spent there was the best one man, we need to do that again
samwolff09: @.jaypark @.park-sunghoon @.jungwonofficial let's go again next summer, I'm sure dad and mum won't mind
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Liked by jaypark, jungwonofficial, park-sunghoon and 258 others
samwolff09: I hate that we don't have any good pictures with the 4 of us together, but aside from that, I miss you three so much, fuck you for being busy...... but hey, make these bomb tracks woon and sungie win another world championship... jay I see you everyday at school but it'd be rude if I didn't include you
jungwonofficial: so it's rude to ignore jay but not rude to not post a picture of us together, okay I see how it is sammy boy
jaypark: we are the nepo babies of our quadrant man that's why I'm stuck by your side 😚
park-sunghoon: I thought you deleted the photo of the 2 of us! Dude, I can't have evidence of me clinging onto you, it'd ruin my image!
jaypark: what image, everyone knows you're a clingy ass mf as soon as you see sam
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Liked by mercedesamgf1, georgerussel63, sebastianvettel and 361 others
samwolff09: happy father's day to my old man, he is such a great and loving man (even though he still scares me whenever I'm studying) when I feel like I'm so different from him he gives me all the love and support I need, and even if I don't say a thing, he still knows and makes sure that I know how appreciated I am and why he is proud to be my father, he let's me explore and experience things as much as I want while watching over me so that I won't get hurt. Dad, I love you so much and I swear I will carry you and take care of you when you're old and tired
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{Taglist- everyone who asked for pt2, thank you and I hope you liked it ♥️♥️
@topaz125 @miiikkeey @omgsuperstarg @nayizy @ohkapten @d-stargirl @innercollectivecomputer }
2K notes · View notes
johndescole · 3 months
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Combined the ideas of layton's evil brother and his gay lover (who hate each other) both bothering him at work sometimes
ID in alt and repeated below cut
[ID: a professor layton comic.
1: Descole jumps through Layton's window, saying "Mwahaha I hope you didn't miss me, my dear bro…"
2: Descole appears to have interrupted Layton and Randall making out in Layton's chair. they are looking towards the viewer with shocked expressions and a bit of spit still connecting their mouths. a speech bubble attributed to Descole says "ther…"
3: Descole and Randall from Layton's point of view. Descole is just standing there saying "Layton, I want you to know you're still my brother, and I support you no matter who you love, even a pathetic, useless, has-been bumpkin." Randall is frantically looking between Descole and Hershel yelling "Descole? Brother?!" in all caps, and then "Hershel my darling pookie bear light of my life please say sike."
4: shot of Layton holding his brim to shadow his eyes, thinking "Oh dear… explaining this… that is quite the puzzle…" Randall is gripping his shoulders and a speech bubble attributed to him says "Hershel please say something" in all caps. A speech bubble attributed to Descole only contains ellipses, indicating silence.
end ID]
223 notes · View notes
iwasdear · 4 months
I'm coming in with another thought about Matsukawa cus he lives in a penthouse in my brain and bro is not moving out any time soon
he did not truely grasp how big his meat was until he lost his virginity
sure he's not dumb he knew it was definitely something but not until he got a girl in bed did he realize his shtick was built different
and lemme say that did more than just inflate his ego, he was a changed man
And doesn't just slang it all willy nilly and expect his size to do all the work, he learned the motion of the ocean and was a certified sex god from that point forward‼
Not just cocky for cockys sake, he promises a good time and sure as hell lays it tf down too😼
On a similar note can I ask how you think all the seijoh 4 first times went? when? how? what do you think?
oh i definitely fuck with this thought, anon. he's not cocky just because he can be cocky, but it's because he knows he can be cocky. matsukawa isn't like those annoying mfs that are cocky because they think they're the shit. he is the shit. after that encounter where he lost his virginity, he became a god and nobody could stop him no more.
now, here is how i think seijoh 4z first time went ( with reader ) ★
oikawa had his first time at a party. since he's very popular, he gets invited to parties often. i feel like he def had no idea as to what the fuck to do, but i mean, you're not bound to knows when it's your first time, right? he was really excited about it, though, and spoiler: he came really fast! we understand, king. hormones are everywhere, there's a rush that's hard to ignore, its a first time sensation, how could he hold back? he had a round two after that because he reached his own high, but reader didn't even get to enjoy theirs, and let me tell you. his second orgasm hit him ten times harder. i know this messed up with his ego so he's been participating in every no nut november like a loser because he says it will help him last longer (it really doesn't).
mattsun had a pretty decent first time with a date, and it went absolutely amazing for both of them. the amount of stamina this guy has is insane. they met on a dating app, both of their profiles specifying that they didn't want anything serious, much rather looking for a quick hook-up. it was then when matsukawa realized his cock was in fact not your average dick. the fact that his huge buddy could make someone cry in pain fascinated him. my guy has morals so he held back so reader could adjust but god was his ego over the roof. ever since then, mattsun proudly carries a weapon between his legs.
makki had his first time in a damn club HANDS DOWN. unlike oikawa, who had the commodity of a (strangers) bed, hanamaki went at it in a bathroom. oh yeah. ngl i feel like he's a sucker for head, so they went with that first! he loved it, btw. lasted quite long but not too long, iykwim. then he proceeded to fuck reader on the sink. some clubs tend to have full body mirrors and my gut is telling this mf had a second round but this time full view on said mirror. the ones above the sink weren't it for him. out of the 4, i personally think makki is the most experienced. he knew what he was doing the moment they walked into that bathroom. if you're wondering, they waited for it to empty out and locked the doors and didn't let anyone in for a good two hours, teehee.
this one may be a little too biased because i love iwaizumi a little too much, and in my eyes, he's a gentleman. unlike the other 3, iwa had his first time with someone he was in a stablished relationship with at the time. it was actually quite romantic and beautiful and SIKE. hajime had his first time in the lockers. stressed from dealing with oikawa and his annoying fangirls, mattsun and makki holding him back from beating the shit out of his best friend, and just built up stress from other things. he was over it. the stablished relationship part is true. he asked reader to meet in the lockers a little earlier than the time practice usually ends because he heard from others (mattsun) that sex was a good stress reliever. by the way, iwaizumi was the last to lose his virginity. the gentleman part was also true because despite being someone who doesn't speak his mind outloud, my man still had the courage to confidently ask reader if they could do the deed right there and then. tbh i feel like he likes his privacy, and i mean, anyone could walk in any second, so they both went with the showers. great experience if you ask him, but he would NOT do it in an open space like that ever again.
© iwasdear | more thoughts are welcome!
375 notes · View notes
k4marina · 8 months
bruce wayne x fem!reader || smau
pt. 2 of this :)
pt. 1
pt. 3
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liked by yourusername and 21,304,272 others
brucewayne just going to leave this here
yourusername bruce- 😭😭😭😭
brucewayne what? 🤷‍♂️
user is that y/n’s face on his mug??? 😭😭
brucewayne custom made
user plsss 😭😭
user this man is WHIPPED
liked by yourusername and brucewayne
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liked by brucewayne and 20,364,208 others
tagged: brucewayne, racheldawes, & harveydent
racheldawes had such a blast you and bruce!!
harveydent thank you for gracing our engagement party with your presence 🙇‍♂️
yourusername ofc anything for the common people 💁‍♀️
brucewayne the prettiest 🤍
yourusername mwa 💋
user look at her dresssss 😍😍😍
user ikr 😭
user man i wish i was rich and had rich friends like y/n 😭😭
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yourusername posted a story 42 minutes ago
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user2 replied girl say sike rn 😨
user4 nononononknono u can’t do this. u can’t post smt like this and expect us to be calm U NEED TO EXPLAIN 😭😭
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liked by racheldawes and 22,293,108 others
yourusername life as of late 🙃
user WTF DOES “🙃” MEAN ???? 😭😭
user guys bruce didn’t like this post 😀
user maybe he’s busy 😭😭😭 (i’m delulu)
user noooo they broke up 😭😭
user it’s not confirmed, they still follow each other and have each others photos up
user but they also haven’t confirmed that they’re still together 😭😭
user if u and bruce brake up i’m going to be the next joker 😐
user frr 😭😭
user if they brake up then loves not real
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liked by racheldawes and 23,193,028 others
brucewayne only thing that matters
user bruce how could u fumble y/n???? 😭😭
user no fr she’s smart AND hot?? homie had it all 😭😭
user pls say sike if this is a prank then it’s not funny anymore 😭
user guys i think it’s time we admit the fact they’re not together anymore 😔
user nope not going to boooooooo
user no we’re not (i’m delulu)
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liked by brucewayne and 22,282,018 others
yourusername this place is like 18193819203x bigger than my last place
user what does this mean??? 😵‍💫😵‍💫
user pls tell me you’re still together otherwise i’ll kms 😭😭😭😭
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liked by yourusername and 23,139,730 others
brucewayne you guys really thought i’d let her go?
ps. it was her idea to be dramatic about her moving in
yourusername 🙈🙈
yourusername sryyyy just wanted to have some fun
user WAR IS OVER 🙏🙏
user pls don’t ever do that again, i almost had a heart attack 😭
user ya’ll know damn well that these two were giggling and kicking their feet while we were out here dying 💀💀
yourusername posted a story 1 hr ago.
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[caption: my forever 🤍]
thinking abt writing another brucewayne x reader fic 🤔
710 notes · View notes
kadextra · 11 months
okay I’ve been inspired to rant about soulfire’s spawn now (this is very /lh im having so much fun)
It’s on the top of the mountain which is already painful. add to that the burning sun melting tons of the snow on day one, now it’s just horribly shattered-looking and the respawn is on a pillar, they instantly lose hunger and take damage trying to parkour navigate out. it’s even worse at night.
LOOK AT IT??????
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q!tina earlier had to hide in a hole eating maggots to survive and im still so obsessed with this scene, it was like a pivotal character moment
“im eating maggots in the snow oh my god this is disgusting this is like the worst arc I could go through. i’m taking this to my grave I can’t tell anybody, this is embarrassing this is like. you die with this secret. i’d rather admit that I killed federation workers than admit that I ate maggots in the snow all by myself.” 💀
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so ofc blue very early on decided to abandon the spawn and instead make their base on a nice cozy little beach, and today they put a bed to respawn and everything! <3
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but SIKE the bed doesn’t do anything and they’re cursed to keep spawning on top of the mountain anyways!!! :D
so every time a blue member dies, they gotta make the fun journey of trying to survive navigating out of their hellscape spawnpoint, run down the whole mountain breaking their ankles with every step, and drag their battered starving bodies into the frozen ocean. <333
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610 notes · View notes
cartierre · 1 year
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SOCIAL MEDIA!AU logan sargeant x fem!streamer!girlfriend
side note: the youtube profile took me forever to edit because i couldn't find a nice template so i did it myself. nearly ripped my hair out, but now i have a template to reuse!
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♡ liked by alex_albon, logansargeant, mickschumacher and 398,003 others
yourusername this is how i'm living life knowing my biggest haters are also my biggest fans <3
view all 1,739 comments
user1 an icon. a legend. she is the moment. ⤷ user2 nah she's annoying ⤷ yourusername and this is what i mean by my caption user2
alex_albon twitch collab when? ⤷ yourusername when we're in the same time zone
user3 all the hate just proves her point lmao ⤷ user4 we love to see an unbothered queen
logansargeant she a baddie, she know she a ten comment liked by yourusername ⤷ user5 LOGAN IS SO REAL FOR QUOTING ICE SPICE ⤷ user6 this is so random i love him for that
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♡ liked by logansargeant, pierregasly, yukitsunoda0511 and 401,829 others
tagged: alex_albon, logansargeant, yukitsunoda0511
yourusername miami dUmP (i was told a dump is only a good dump if yuki is included)
view all 1,927 comments
user7 bless pierre for his yuki in every dump agenda ⤷ user8 she's so real for doing it as well
user9 when will there be a new stream? ⤷ yourusername soon!
logansargeant 🦅🇺🇸 ⤷ yourusername stop
user10 so she's the one that hates men? ⤷ yourusername yes ⤷ user11 Y/N HAHA I LOVE HER ⤷ logansargeant that's the one
user12 she looks fun, but then i watch one of her streams and i get second-hand embarrassement in an instant ⤷ yourusername tomato tomato tomato, i'm throwing tomatoes
user13 the way she has to defend herself against every mean comment gives me child behaviour. can't handle hate? don't become a public figure ⤷ logansargeant someone doesn't seem to understand sarcasm.
pierregasly good one!
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♡ liked by logansargeant, dennis_hauger and 378,938 others
tagged: logansargeant
yourusername two years with this clown
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user14 she's calling her boyfriend a clown? look in the mirror, ma'am ⤷ yourusername it's called "having a sense of humor" look it up ;)
user15 omg congrats!!!
user16 the cutest couple fr <3
logansargeant my lucky charm 🍀 ⤷ yourusername i will try and project all my luck on you in spain ⤷ williamsracing we're begging you
logansargeant i love you ⤷ yourusername say sike rn comment liked by logansargeant
user17 y/n's kinda mean to logan or is it just me ⤷ logansargeant she's wired differently
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star-dust-shark · 4 months
pjo characters as weird and dumb things me and my friends have said
Percy: what the fuck is cockblocking like I can't block ur cock on Snapchat
Will: UUUUUUUGH MY ASS HURTS- ooh look a butterfly
Jason: I can't actually believe I just agreed with you but hey here we are
Reyna: why the fuck am I friends with any of you hoes
Piper: should I...? too late I did it
Will: the best way to rizz someone up is by rizzing them up *turns to friend, winks horribly* hey baby girl
Rachel: one sec getting my anger out *aggressively splatters paint on canvas*
Annabeth: sometimes I'm smart. When I'm smart, I'm smart. *awkward thumbs up and grimace*
Octavian: fuck the gays they should all die ... I mean I could fuck some gays
Hazel: I'll make you tea but not in a sweet way I'll make it so hot in burns your tongue and you can't speak for a week
Frank: hey guys check me out I'm a furry on drugs *WOOOF WOOF BARK BARK BARK WOOF WOOF*
Grover: I love plants :3 specifically magic mushrooms but like
Leo: I mean I would totally fuck you but like respect man
Will: Ugh fuck my life I hate everything *coldplay starts playing* I retract the previous statement I fucking love life
Jason: UGH UR ALL SO DUMB but I'm in
Nico: if u wanna kys clap ur hands *rapidly claps hands*
Piper: *hypnotizes u with my beautiful blue orbs* come over to my house
Hazel: respectfully hope you die <3
Frank: I'm on acid what's it called when a ton of cats jump on each other a dog pile or a cat pile
Reyna: OH THANK GOD- sike I don't believe in that motherfucker hahahha
Annabeth: I'm so smart *holds up the one good test I got in school* see the teacher even gave me an 11/10 because I wrote my name in a cool font
Leo: UUUUUGGGGGHHHH IM SO HORNY- *mom walks in* oh hi mom how are you
Will: we can just... fuck. as friends though no homo.
Octavian: you all suck and I hate you *silence* no wait come back
Someone: haha ur gay
Nico: yeah??? and ur not?? like don't knock it until you try it dick is yummy man
Hazel: someone just told me what smearing is and honestly I kinda wanna die *fix you by coldplay starts playing* LMAO WTF
Frank: you sad ass emo dog just be happy
Percy: I Am OnE wiTh ThE oCeAn AnD HopEfuLLy aLL oF ThE hOt MerPeOpLe In iT
Leo: *talking to literally nobody* hey guys!! gonna go get my top surgery! *shows up at claires*
Reyna: I only wanna die sometimes and that's normal right
Will: *playing guitar* haha look guys I'm fingering A minor *strums violently*
Jason: screw men *eyes widen* I should start taking my own advice ngl
Will: *listening to a playlist that Nico made him* ugh my emo ass boyfriend and his stupid music I hate him *proceeds to write his name over and over again in diary with hearts around it*
Nico: what if I strangle someone with a pair of earbuds
Will: please don't
Leo: *in demonic voice* LeAf *eats it*
Nico: *pulls gay flag out of pocket* omg it's u
Will: *shuffles around in pocket, finds condom* ... it's u, vanilla flavoured
Leo: my name's Leo
Percy: and I like jugs
Nico: I'm mentally ill
Leo: and I'm on drugs :D
Jason: is there anything better than pussy
Piper: I thought you where gay
Jason: my boyfriend's trans?
Will: the temptation to fuck an emo boy rn is killing me
Leo: the masculine urge to
Leo: I forgor
Will: that's good!
Nico: like me in bed
Leo: smash or pass Ryan Gosling
Will: PASS
Solangelo: *glares at each other*
Nico: omg stop with that song
Will: but
Will: but you can take me hot to go :(
Annabeth: yeah
Percy: yeah
Annabeth: *in funny voice* yeah
Percy *hentai moan* yEEEAAAaaH
Jason: never ever look up what an eyesha erotica lyric means
Reyna: oh you poor soul *pats back*
Nico: I can't breathe
Will: just
Will: breathe air
Nico: I breathe drugs
Piper: I'm gonna go play basketball
Leo: haha play with my balls
Jason: already do
Leo: *chokes on air*
well that's all sorry for the torture, thanks to @localcosplaymushroom, @crowwolf8, @justagremlinoncaffeine, and @secret-mewtwo for all of the funny convos that went into this
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liliavanrougelover · 3 months
If it's ok, could you please write the vice housewardens with an s/o who treats their housewarden the way sebek does malleus!!! (so with jade for example, the reader would be a huge azul fan, just to clarify :3) platonic with ortho ofc
Housewarden's fan
Characters: All vice-housewardens (Platonic Ortho) (Ruggie is Savanaclaw's honorary vice-housewarden)
A/N: This took longer than I wanted. I'm a top-tier procrastinator.
Trey Clover:
He’s really thrown off
He’s happy that you like Riddle, but he wasn’t expecting it
And he definitely didn’t expect you to tell him that you’re a fan of Riddle
And if you’re as intense about it as Sebek is with Malleus, it will definitely throw both of them off so much
Riddle himself won’t know how to feel
“That was amazing, Riddle! You’re so talented.” He just poured a cup of tea. What do you mean?
Riddle does get an ego boost from it. It won’t show but he’ll feel so good about himself
Trey is just happy that you two get along
Ruggie Bucchi:
“Join the club.”
Ruggie isn’t a fan of Leona (obviously) but he’s aware that Leona has a fan club
Leona’s a prince, of course he has a fan club
Leona has to ban you from Savanaclaw because of how intense you are
You’re gushing about how cool he is to someone else and gets so creeped out over it
Ruggie messes with Leona about it, but also asks you to tone it down so you can come back to his dorm
Do you expect him to study all alone?
He’s also a little weirded out about it, but not to the point that he’d leave you because of it
He sometimes gets a little pouty because it feels like you like Leona more than him, even though he knows you don’t
Jade Leech:
Well, of course you’d be an Azul fan
Shut up, Jade. We all know you’re secretly surprised
He’s unfazed, to be honest
He will accuse you of liking Azul more than him to get kisses
He’s a little shit like that (affectionate)
When Jade actually gets jealous, he’ll just drag you out on a hike
Floyd also teases you for being an Azul fan
Azul will use it to get more money
Jamil Viper:
He can’t deal with this. Please
Say it’s a joke, say sike
The one person that he loves more than anything else is a Kalim fan
You tell him this and he just walks away. Literally turns around and walks away
He’s so conflicted
On one hand, he loves you. On the other hand, you’re a fan of Kalim
Don’t bring it up around him ever again, please
Rook Hunt:
Him too
You tell him you're a fan of Vil and he’s just like “Of course you are. Who wouldn’t be?”
You and him will sometimes just gush about Vil. Whether it be how pretty he looks today, his acting, his singing. Anything
And Vil…
“There’s another one…” -Vil
Rook wil also rant about Neige to you, even if you aren’t a fan of his
Ortho Shroud:
His best friend is a fan of his brother?
Well then, do you want to meet him?
Come over to Ignihyde and he’ll introduce… He’ll try, at least
Idia doesn’t let you into his room under any circumstances
Ortho brings you over and Idia is having a heart attack
Ortho tried
Lilia Vanrouge:
Immediately compares you to Sebek
He also introduces you to Sebek now you guys are friends
He’s happy that you like Malleus and Sebek (and Silver)
He’s just listening as you tell him all the things you like about Malleus
He just this soft little smile on his face
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lovelyo · 4 months
Season 3 part 2 will be Ass. Let me Tell You Why.
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Cause in the end, Penelope, Lady Whistledown, the one who has left devastation in people’s lives will get all what she wants. The man that she wants, the attention that she wants, the family she always wanted to be(so envious of them she talked shit about them ), will get her best friend back, might have the heir for that dumbass Featherington plot line, might get the Queen’s pardon and above all else, will most likely not give up LW cause they made LW such an integral part of the show.(so in that case, she’ll be even more filthy rich)
And if we go by leaked spoilers, it is said that Colin will be mad at Penelope for like 1 episode until Kanthony talks some “sense” into him. So that just tells me Kanthony will be OOC because there’s no damn way Anthony would let that beast comment about his wife slide.
There are no stakes when it comes to this season cause we all know how it’s finna go down. If Penelope gets any type of consequences, then her very undeserved HEA is doomed so everything is going to have to go her way for the already idiotic plot to make some form of sense. It’s like the love triangle in part 1, what the hell was the point of Lord Debling when everyone and their ancestors knew Colin and Penelope were end game? So we can see Colin’s cringe angst? If we already know the answer to the love triangle, there’s no point. The “find you a husband” plot line was stupid as shit anyway, but it’s whatever now.
Ugh, then we have to sit through more awkward love scenes between asshat 1 and 2
Eloise threatening Penelope with her LW identity is going to amount to nothing cause we know Penelope isn’t gonna receive any comeuppance. Matter of fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if they made Eloise apologize to Penelope for…🤷🏾‍♂️🤷(let’s apologize to the toxic friend for not dealing with their toxicity)
For Penelope to have a happy ending, she has to get away scot free and that’s what boils my blood. I hate in media and literature when a character goes around, creates chaos and receives nothing for it or just a slap on a wrist. I’ve noticed an increase in it lately too. Also, I’m tired of writers not severing their bias from their writing. I’ve been encountering many series lately where the writer(s) have favoritism towards a specific character and gives them the easy route, bends the world for them and pull punches just because they like them so much. It’s really aggravating cause you see everyone else getting put through the wringer and then you see the favored character walking through Candyland. It hurts the story, the character, and frankly makes you hate the character.
Everyone around Penelope is gonna act brain dead in order for Penelope to get what she wants and I’m not here for it. Even the general audience ain’t for it. The only people cheering this madness are the asylum patients called Polin fans with delusions that Penelope deserves the world.
I’m not even looking forward to Francesca and John’s story cause of the Poolin fecal matter I’ll have to swim through to get there. At this point, I’m might just watch spoilers of part 2 cause it’s not worth it.
P.S. Watch Cressida get the short end of the stick cause she’s the “bully” of the show and Penelope is the “victim”. Watch them break Creloise because of the “I don’t want you hanging around Eloise” subplot which will ultimately fuel Eloise and Penelope becoming friends again. Also, Penelope and Cressida competed for Lord Debling just for Penelope to go “sike” and marry Colin so she wasted Debling’s time and made Cressida feel like shit because she wasn’t chosen. P.S.S- Polins are huge ass hypocrites cause they ragged on Eloise being privileged and having “everything” but are silent about Penelope being privileged. By the end of this season, Penelope will basically have everything, even more so than Eloise, but sure, Penelope is definitely not privileged 😑. Penelope is privileged inside the world and outside by production, why are we denying this?
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lunarmango · 2 months
Flickering Lights
Demon Alastor x Human reader fic? ON IT. I'm so siked to make this a series and I hope who reads this enjoys this as much as I do. I wanna get into writing. (I don't write, I draw) and I was thinking of making a longer fic, the details were so hard to piece together. I really enjoy the concept of demon Al with human reader. So here we go!
Word Count: 2k
TW: None for now? Pretty mild stuff haha.
Chapter One: Moving in
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New Orleans, Louisiana
Where wandering spirits were said to roam, walk and explore more frequently, being an area where people would find it easier to communicate with them, or so you were told. You were convinced it's utter nonsense to be completely honest. The whole notion of spirits was so far fetched you just couldn't bring yourself to even fathom them. Though not opposed to being proved wrong.
It's been years, saving for a house. Your apartment was small, cheap and far too crowded with furniture and items you just can't let go of. From a suffocating apartment to a house. You were practically buzzing from excitement. Like, literally almost shaking.
A new chapter in your life.
When you walked in, you suck air through your teeth in anticipation, the cool air hitting your teeth invigorating you, fingers fumbling with the old metallic keys that jingled in response, finally able to slot the correct one in the door and push open the dark wood hastily, the hinges swinging and the door practically flying.
You winced at the loud thud when it slammed on the white painted brick wall. Taking a few deep breaths, you decided it was best if you didn't wreck your new house on the first day. You think you would actually cry if you did, and you were not willing to test that theory. Checking the wall where the door hit with a small grimace of anticipation, you close the door behind you, relieved to see the wall is fine, your face relaxing again as you take yet another deep breath through your nose.
House tour!
Kicking off your shoes at the entrance, you begin wandering from room to room, you take in the spacious kitchen and living room. Though it lacked a certain homey touch. But you were aware why. There was no furniture after all. You had a vision for the house. Just had to wait 3 days before you could make it happen and the furniture would arrive. You had big plans, that did not pair well with your lack of patience. You already had multiple shitty sketches of how you roughly wanted each room to look. The furniture is all you need, it'll arrive soon enough. Hopefully.
You're going to need to find a way to pass the time.
First things first, you still haven't explored the upstairs! Running your hand gingerly along the wooden railing as you hop upstairs, the hard floor creaking occasionally under your feet every few steps, you take a sharp left and step into the master bedroom. It was massive. You feel a grin etch at your face as you peek your head inside. You're definitely getting a king sized bed. With a nod you left the room, confident you were going to be a pro napper at least a month within getting your new bed.
You open the door to the bathroom. Spacious enough, room for a decent sized tub and shower. Although you never really saw the point in baths if you wanted to get clean. You step out and look into the spare bedroom. Maybe a potential study? That or the attic. You always were sure that the environment can heavily affect the quality of ones work.
Was such a big house going to make you feel small? Possibly alone? You scoffed to yourself. Who cares when you have such a house?! Expensive too. Ho ho you were going to have fun "subtly" showing off this house to your friends.
With a quick, dismissive peek to the spare room you turn on your heels, going up the stairs to the attic with cautious steps, the worn wooden panels making such loud noises in retaliation to your steps that you were afraid that they would give in. Your hand gently opens the rattly metallic doorknob and open the door, squinting only to see a small switch on the side of the door. You flick it on and hear the buzz of a weak warm light turning on above you, fully illuminating the room the best the small warm light can.
First thoughts? Dusty. Very Dusty. Every box, book and the long desk and chair at the end of the room practically black and gray from the abundance of dust. A sigh escaping your lips, realising just how long you were going to be cleaning for, a task you were not mentally prepared for yet. Making your way to the desk, you approached a large wooden desk, most of the surface blocked by a large panel with knobs, switches, dials and little doodads that slide up and down. The sliding doodads having small, mini light bulbs at the top of each. You look at the corners and edges of the panel, looking for an on switch or something.
It was probably unplugged?
Nevertheless, as foreign as the panel seemed to you, a surge of determination drives through you to figure it out. It seemed expensive. Whoever used this probably cared deeply for it, the text of the brand faded, showing the love and use the panel had been provided with. If it was so well used, you had to figure out just why it was loved so much.
To begin, you had to figure out just what it is. Turning it on seemed like the obvious option.
Crouching under the table to look to where the cables lead, you notice a microphone on the floor. Wrapping your hand just above the flat base of the microphone, feeling the coolness of the metal and the sandy texture of the dust between your skin and the metal, you try to lift it. You were suprised to find your hand faltering slightly at the sheer weight of the microphone, dropping forward onto your knees to provide a better position to pick it up in, using both hands to stand up and set it in front of the panel with more ease. It wasn't that heavy. But you didn't want to drop it. Wasn't this supposed to have headphones...?
Once more, you go down on all fours, looking under the desk, when no sign of somewhere to turn on the panel or headphones appears, you circle round to the back of the desk, finding a wire and an unplugged plug. With a small huff that caused far too much dust to fly in the air, triggering a cough from you. Slotting the plug in the panel above you hums to life and flickers on once more. A small hushed yes emerges from you as you slowly stand up, brushing the dust from your knees, then your hands.
You walk back in front of the desk, flipping some random switches for the hell of it, satisfying metallic clicks and clanks as a result of your tampering. Then proceeding to tap the microphone, you blow on it to rid it of the pesky dust, stepping back to let the dust fall.
You took a moment to appreciate just how expensive this radio setup must have been, so big and complicated it made your mind whirl just trying to decipher what each control did. You brush away some more of the dust from the panel, running your finger between the buttons, trying to look for labels, or some sort of guidance, only to find them worn out, white writing so etched and scratched at on the metallic reddish-brown surface that it was unreadable. A soft smile tugging at your lips in realisation of just how loved this equipment really was.
You’ve seen the basics of what a radio setup should look like, without having to remember the separate into bitty details of the control. Panels, a microphone. Where were the headphones? You look below the desk, bending at an uncomfortable angle to the shelves situated under the left of the desk.
Not like you could broadcast anything even if you wanted to. Why do they use the headphones? To listen to the sound of their own voice? How proud and snobby must one be to love their voice that much? An audible scoff from you. You know you wouldn’t be able to put up with anyone of the sort.
Using both hands, stabilising the microphone properly, you pick it up, with a smart smirk, looking at the empty wall you begin speaking to your imaginary viewers, mocking the accent radio people had to use to the best of your ability. “Hello my dear viewers! Welcome back to my boring ass show, talking about shit that probably serves as background noise” A snicker escapes your lips as your smirks stretches wider in amusement, gently putting the microphone back down.
Eager to make your made up show more believable, you move away from the desk, eyes scanning the worn wooden panels of the floor. Remembering you looking earlier you let out a hefty sigh. Were you really going to spend hard earned money for a few minutes of make-believe mucking about like a child?
Oh definitely.
Lost in thought, still staring at the floor, chuckling in thought a distinct noise snaps you out of the haze of your mind.
You look over your shoulder to the direction of the noise, the desk, trying to place the exact location.
Another click
It was from the panel? You turn back to the panel, looking down on the panel as the clicks increase in frequency, switches being flicked, dials turned. A particular pattern caught your eye being the fact that during the abundance of alterations to the controls of the panel, no knob or slide was altered twice, almost if it was altering itself the clicking now a steady rhythm. What a ridiculous idea, as clueless as you were about the technology you were almost certain it wasn’t that advanced.
The clicks slowly come to a stop, one last slider slowly going upwards to a certain line before it stops completely.
“Eager to hear my voice?” You mutter under your breath, a dial slowly turning, one of your eyebrows quirking up in response. Spirits and ghosts don’t exist.
There’s always a what if.
What if they do exist?
What if you’re the first to fully realise this?
What if you’re living a ghost story?
After all, things moving on their own in the dusty attic of an old house was never a good sign.
Yeah no who were you kidding.
But just to make sure.
You bend at the waist, your lips as inch away from the crosshatched metal of the top of the microphone.
“Can you hear me?” You say in a teasing low purr, holding back a laugh in your lungs, helping to alleviate the tension you’re beginning to feel rising up in you, pressing in on the sides of your head. Jokes always help. Well. Not always. However you can’t exactly help it either.
A flicker of the small light bulbs, emitting a warm light above the sliding controls. You couldn’t help but still be sceptical. Your voice now has a newfound edge, the whole situation making you uncomfortable.
“You- can?”
Another flicker from the same small light bulbs.
A nervous laugh rumbling from your chest.
You had to figure this out, because you wouldn’t put going insane past you. Maybe a break from the attic would be good. Probably buy some headphones. As unsettling as the panel is, having the set incomplete irks you unnecessarily, and it was an enigma you couldn’t help but feel determined to figure out.
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