microsuedemouse · 1 year
I was working on self-checkout today and like. our new machines suck in the sense that they are extremely unintuitive and whoever is the attendant spends their entire shift teaching customers how to use the damn things bc there are no on-screen instructions to speak of
and today I learned the real victim of this poor UI design, even more than us, the aforementioned attendants: the probably-sixteen-year-old boy just trying to buy some goddamn condoms in peace before rejoining the buddy he’s in the store with.
now. to his credit, he was extremely chill about it when I approached to give him a hand. he shrugged and looked at me and said, “I am bamboozled.” he thanked me without embarrassment for my assistance, and in fact even gave me a wave and called out his thanks a second time later when he and his friend walked past. absolute champ, imo.
but still. many guys in his shoes would have been understandably mortified. a high school boy should be allowed the dignity of purchasing his condoms with some privacy, and without needing an exhausted and harried-looking 28-year-old woman* to come over and dismiss the self-checkout’s mysterious and unknowable complaint messages for him. jfc.
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its-kinda-snowy · 8 months
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I'm calling it
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hoofpeet · 2 months
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Call this the "I'm hyper-alert for any fracture in my mental health because a good portion of my extended family is either senile or insane"
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mayasdeluca · 4 months
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MAYA AND CARINA STATION 19: 7x07 'Give It All'
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In my opinion
There is no denying that House loves Cuddy. It's obvious, everybody knows it, there's no debate. Cuddy also loves House, again, obvious, no debate. But the way that Cuddy loves House is not the same as the way that Wilson does.
Cuddy acknowledges Houses issues, and she loves him in spite of them. She sees the worst parts of him, the "undesirable" parts of House, and she chooses to look beyond them. She sees the man that he is aside from those things, and she makes the conscious choice to coexist with those parts of him in exchange for being together with the parts that she loves. An example would be House's jealousy. She acknowledges that he can be extremely jealous, and she agrees to look past it because he's also very loving and protective. That's why when House continues to make mistakes, she becomes more and more disappointed. Because she sees a man who she believes could do better, falling back into his "old ways." She will try to convince herself that it's not a surprise when he does "bad" things, and she tries to convince herself that she doesn't need him to change, but the truth is that she does. Cuddy is a mother. She is a very mature, professional woman, and she wants to settle down. House, as he exists in the show, would not be able to live up to par with those expectations. I'm not saying he couldn't be a great dad to Rachel, or that he wouldn't love Cuddy, but he would realistically would not be able to act the way she needs and deserves for the rest of their lives. And when he does inevitably do something destructive, she will struggle to deal with it. Because she sees House as someone split down two sides, the "good" side, and the "bad" side, and she will expect him to focus on the "good" side, so when House does something wrong, it will feel like a personal attack, because she will see it as him not fighting hard enough to not give in to his "bad" side for her. And that's not to say anything bad about Cuddy, because the fact that she needs somebody who is the type of person that House just can not realistically be is neither of their faults. But I believe that House fully understands all of this. He is crumbling under the pressure of living up to Cuddy's expectations. He is constantly trying to fight his "bad" side so that he can be what she needs. But in reality, he is not two separate parts. There is no "good" and "bad" House. They are one in the same. With her, he has to fight to be what she needs. He has to fight to change. So when stressful things happen, his fight or flight response kicks in, and he runs. Because he's scared. He's scared that he is going to do something that will disappoint her. He is scared he won't live up to her expectations. With Cuddy, he has to sacrifice parts of himself to attempt to be who she needs. And it's just not sustainable. You can't live like that forever. All the good becomes overshadowed by constant anxiety and stress. It leads to House's mental health plummeting because he starts to hate himself for not being able to get rid of that "bad side." And so when Cuddy needs him during stressful times, he can't bring himself to be there for her fully, because he is so focused on the "good" side of him coming out, that he starts to lose himself.
With Wilson, however, it is basically the exact opposite. Wilson doesn't see two different sides of House. He sees one person who is incredibly multifaceted. He recognizes those "undesirable" parts of House, and he loves them just the same as he loves the "good" parts. Because he sees no divide. When House does things that are hurtful, he still calls him out, but he doesn't see it as a personal failure. He sees it as just a part of House. Like yeah, he'll insult your fatal illness, but he'll shoot some random guy with a spud gun for insulting you. Where as Cuddy would see those as two separate, distinct sides, Wilson sees those as a conjoined whole. He doesn't love House in spite of his issues. He loves House because of his issues. Because House's struggles are a part of what makes House who he is. So Wilson can fight with him and be mad at him and hurt him, but he doesn't expect House to throw away or "overcome" parts of himself. He would love for House to give up drugs, but he doesn't expect House to give up his addictive tendencies. There's a balance, and it's all an equal part of House. And so because of this, when House and Wilson are put in stressful situations, House doesn't feel like he has to run. He feels safe. Because he knows even if he says something wrong, and even if he upsets Wilson, Wilson is not going to leave him. Wilson does not have these high expectations for him that he feels like he is being forced to fill. And so he can focus on genuinely being in the moment and being there for Wilson because he is not fighting with himself, and he is not scared. He has trust in Wilson and enough trust in their relationship to know that they will work things out. I think the fact that they have very similar issues also helps a lot. He can be mean to Wilson and lash out, and Wilson will recognize that House is doing that because he is scared and because he loves him. In return, Wilson can also insult House and make fun of him because he's just as destructive. They meet each other on the same level because they are equals. House does not feel like Cuddy's equal. He feels like she is better than him, and he can't be himself with her. Him and Wilson know each other as well as they know themselves, and they're not constantly making the other feel like there are high expectations they have to fight to reach in order to love each other or be "worthy" of each other. They're just House and Wilson.
But I have no idea what I'm talking about, so take this with a grain of salt.
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front-facing-pokemon · 3 months
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canisalbus · 6 months
Different Italian anon, but the thing with Tuscan C is that it's pronounced like a very strong H sound, which is extra weird cuz the letter H makes no sound in Italian, normally. It sounds the way Spanish pronounce the J. We say it's "aspirato". So then people from there will say things like Hoha Hola (coca cola), and it's funny. It's also extremely contagious, I got family in Florence, you spend 3 days with them you start doing it too before you even realize.
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lil-inky · 2 years
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Girliepop that ain’t yo homie that’s a madman its time to RUN—
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sporeclan · 6 months
tips on drawing kitty designs? i am constantly afraid they come out too homogeneous....
I went very overboard for this ask, but I really like talking about my creative process so I hope y'all can bear with me on this one :')
Also, to be noted, I'm not a professional character designer nor have I had any design education, I'm just sharing what I've picked up myself over the years
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The number one most important thing for me when designing new kitties is shaping and posing. You could make the most interesting pattern known to man, but it's way more effective to give characters different bodies. Small or large ears, long or short tails, chunky or slender, the list goes on. But body language and posing is what really brings out a character's personality in my experience.
For example, Puddle will always be drawn with a certain grace to him. Not a single strand of fur will be out of place on his body. This is to add to that strange disconnect he has from the rest of his clanmates, and I think it's what really sells his character for me. He's, like, strangely ethereal.
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Another example of posing is with Mushroompaw, where she will be either skipping around or sitting clumsily with no in between. She's meant to be very energetic and somewhat uncoordinated, and it shows through so much more when she's goofing off every time she gets to be on screen
Now, you also sent this ask as a followup,
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so I did my best to make a little example for patterns themselves! I apologize if it's not very helpful though, I really just follow my heart when it comes to patterns
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And that's all I can think of for right now! If there are any characters people are particularly curious about, let me know! I'd love to do a deep dive on my thoughts while designing and even writing them !
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ciderjacks · 2 months
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red-dead-sakharine · 10 months
I saw the tags in @changeling-fae 's reblog, so...
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"I swear" does not necessarily mean he put it in the contract. He might have, but we don't know. He gives us his word, not a magically bound contract for this. Though I personally think he will not break his word, considering that Korilla says he's always fair and honest, it still is something to be aware of.
"never use the crown..." doesn't mean he can't use his innate powers against mortals. Or his army. Or send other lackeys, like Korilla or Yurgir, against mortals. Or use ordinary weapons against mortals. It only refers to the crown's power specifically. And against puny mortals he hardly even needs the crown to snap them out of existence.
"to dominate a mortal" doesn't mean he can't use the crown to kill, maim, torture, teleport, displace, tickle, explode, humiliate, and-so-on a mortal, or conquer the material plane. Dominate is a very narrow, singular action to exclude.
In short, he literally only gives us his word, that he won't use one of his weapons to do one specific thing with mortals. He can still use the rest of his arsenal, to do whatever else he wishes.
It's such an obviously flimsy promise full of loopholes, I was very disappointed, that Tav wasn't able to point it out to him at least with an insight check.
And considering that he states during his post-credit scene, that he'll "come knocking at your door", I'd say he was very deliberate with his wording here, and doesn't intend to spare the material plane. But we'll probably never know for sure. He could just mean to take us out for dinner, after all. Right? RIGHT?
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banished-away · 2 months
artemis and dahlia are so good. the contrast between the supposed hero drizzt always keeping her at an arm's lenght, preferring the "soft look" she puts on to please him where she acts and looks softer and covers her tattoos and scars, knowing she had a painful past but not bothering to ask or look into it because it would shake his morals and he would rather pretend to not know than to actually confront it or even help dahlia through it. meanwhile the supposedly cold killer artemis with just a few looks saw the pain in her, let her have the kill against herzgo because he realized it was important to her even if he had just as good reasons and he didnt know dahlia's yet, and when they were alone he let dahlia be vulnerable to him, asked her about her pain, and when she was not comfortable to speak about it he just stayed near her and comforted her
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you know the contrast between how Vergil is presented vs thinking too hard about Vergil’s story is pretty funny. Man’s reputation is this iconic badass, the pinnacle of what video game rivalries can be, the coolest guy to play as, the guy who breaks every game he’s added to,
and then you go to the story and like. man’s lost his free will and autonomy at 19 and then came back a fractured man half of which was a lovecraftian eye beast the other half of which was a chronically ill goth man. and then he reunites and hes in like his 40s now I believe but legit the last time he was actually in a game where he wasn’t being mind controlled when he was 19 which is both sad but also thinking about how this guy who’s considered one of the top badasses of gaming has never really lived life outside of being a teenager.
Anyways this is the secret comedic potential of post DMC5 for Vergil because not only has the human world probably changed a fair bit in terms of technology, if he’s sticking around Dante he’s gonna actually have to learn in depth how taxes and grocery shopping work. Amazing.
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martianbugsbunny · 1 year
I feel like Magneto needs a "be gay, do crime" shirt he does both so well
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aroaessidhe · 29 days
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2024 reads / storygraph
f/f contemporary romance
two cartoonist who’ve been rivals since uni, and now have competing webcomics online, have to work together on the relaunch of a cult classic at the comic press they both work at
they both struggle with art-related physical and mental health issues, and complicated families
#outdrawn#aroaessidhe 2024 reads#sapphic books#I thought this was decent! I liked the concept (even if I got distracted by some art related things…)#and the dynamic between the characters was good. I enjoyed their relationship development broadly speaking#and the emphasis on communication; though it was a quick flip into being together all of a sudden.#The sketchbook doodle flirting was cute. Some interesting exploration of their complicated family situations too.#There’s a lot of exploration of burnout and carpal tunnel and the dangers of artists overworking which I think are important conversations#and are done with some nuance. But it’s pretty much all discussed in the context of the personal pressure they put on themselves#rather than the industry corporate greed and artificial competition created by the comic platform - which are significant in this story!#It felt odd that that connection wasn’t really ever made?#I know that this is a romance and nitpicking the background plot is beside the point and also that I am not a big romance reader#but the premise that the comic hosting site archives everything; wipes the leaderboard; and out of nowhere has a comic competition for#new weekly chapters…I’m sorry but the art world would riot. Even if people enter because they’re desperate for the cash they’d be pissed#People live off the income from their webcomics! if they were erased (temporarily) with no notice…..there would be crimes committed istg#I simply don’t believe that it would be doable to create a new weekly webcomic with no notice while you also have a full-time comic job#(especially as the only stylistic choices mentioned are full-colour) - not to mention what happened to their 8-years-running webcomics#that were archived? they don’t think about them at all after the beginning? surely they’d care about that?#And then with their new comics they make for this competition (after work I guess) we get vague snippets about them but barely anything#- if they’re consuming that much of your time I would expect to feel like they’re thinking about them all the time#rather than the vaguest discussion about genre and cast numbers only.#I guess I just think the whole comic site stunt felt unnecessary for the plot anyway -#it would have worked exactly the same if they were just competing on the normal leaderboard with their normal comics???#anyway - I’m not judging TOO hard about all that because again I know it’s not the point and maybe the industry is like that in some place#Unfortunately it was distracting enough to affect my feelings on the book tho lol.#Lastly: the audiobook………oof. The narrators talk at different speeds; for one.#And Sage’s VA does this deeply weird raspy-anime-teen-boy voice for Noah which is such an odd choice#and doesn’t match her character at all.#unforch my library only had the audiobook (what I usually prefer) so I just had to sort of….translate the narration into a normal voice lol#anyway the romance is good tho
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squirreltastrophe · 5 months
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some little lighting tests that are kinda messy but I liked them enough to post :] wanna really focus on getting better at colors n such!!!!!!
(more coming soon probably hehe)
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