skitskatdacat63 · 1 month
Okay guys, Miami GP time again. Now, how do we go about convincing Jimmy that Fernando absolutely NEEDS to recreate the Miami 2004 pics???? Like cmon its literally the 20th anniversary, you can't pass that over
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egophiliac · 3 months
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(almost) four years in, and I finally had time to draw something for the anniversary! woo! 🎉🎉🎉
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queerdraws · 10 months
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projecting on luffy again. get bited.
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rking200 · 17 days
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Sometimes the only road to take is the darkest Sometimes the only way out is as a carcass
Happy 6th Anniversary, Detroit: Become Human! As always, you can find these gifs and more on the Connor and Markus pages of my Gif Archive.
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saturngalore · 6 months
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the universe of saturngalore 🪐🌈
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akkivee · 7 months
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stay warm everyone!!!!
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seyaryminamoto · 3 months
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Fic-to-Art #39: Gladiator's ELEVENTH Anniversary! (+ BONUS: Fic-to-Art #36...)
And here we are! March 26th arrived and I did not forget about it, but I paid for my ambitious madness with my wrist and forearm. Somehow, I finished my intended pieces on time, but I do not advise that you ever try to make 9 artworks in 3 days. No, sir. Bad life decisions, that's what that was... but this fic, as anyone knows, moves me to do things I never thought possible, starting with writing the fic itself!
It's really crazy every time it hits me that I've been doing this for as long as I have. It's been a complicated, chaotic journey, with its many ups and downs, but ultimately, it has been our journey. For some people, this is just one more fic in the pile: for me, it's been the best adventure of my life so far. Everyone who has ever been touched by Gladiator, who has ever cherished this story, who's looking forward to the big conclusion, who wants to see how the chaotic war is going to end... you're all part of this crazy adventure along with me, and I can only thank you for joining me.
This year, I had no time to make as big a project as I usually go for. Thus, I did a sort of free-for-all edition of Fic-to-Art over at Patreon and challenged myself to draw as many scenes as I could, out of their suggestions. I even sprinkled in a few scenes I impulsively wanted to draw because I loved writing them or because I look forward to writing them... and this is the result!
In order, the scenes are as follow:
Sokka combing Azula's hair, a common occurrence throughout the story.
Azula watching over a convalescing Sokka in the Chase of Jeong Jeong arc.
The outcome of Sokka's final battle in the Superior Gladiator League, namely a moment where Sokka and Azula more or less gave away their relationship's true nature to the public by raising their hands towards each other...
And now, spoiler territory! Some were by my choice, some by Patreon requests:
An important moment shortly after Sokka and Azula reunite.
Azula confronting her father, with a LOT of backup.
Xin Long's long-awaited freedom.
The aftermath of the final battle.
The full-blown confirmation of their relationship to the general Fire Nation populace.
Sokka, Azula and Hotaru's first night together
And the big final one is ACTUALLY Fic-to-Art #36 but hahaha woops I didn't post it here on time because it was super hard to finish since I had a LOT of things going on... but here it is now! :'D it's a glimpse VERY far into the future of this fic's timeline!
Alright, that should be enough talking and explaining. Some things are vague, some things aren't, but ultimately I really hope you guys will be looking forward to the scenes you haven't seen yet, and to Gladiator's eventual outcome.
So now... with all this being said and done, I'm gonna go take a trip down memory lane and watch my Tenth Anniversary video once more! Feel free to do the same thing if you'd like to commemorate the fic, I think it's a good way to experience Gladiator all over again, hahaha.
Thank you if you read all this, and if you read all THAT: 5 million word landmark, here we come! Thanks for hanging out with me across ELEVEN years of Gladiator!
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kirby-the-gorb · 10 months
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seraphicalsuccubus · 1 month
omg guys I just found my beautiful, hardcover, illustrated, deluxe 30th anniversary edition of The Princess Bride and I forgot how fucking stunning this fucking book is 😭😭😭
I thought it was so gorgeous when it was gifted to me for Christmas several years ago from my mother that I never even opened it up long enough to read any of it because I fucking cherished this copy of one of my all time favorite book and film adaptions so so so much, I didn’t want to mar the book at all by reading it because it’s just so beautiful that I packed it away, in a separate box, cushioned by my own shirts since I don’t have a bookcase anymore, and just kept it safe there and, UGH !!! it still looks pristine now that I’ve taken it back out !!! 🥺🥺🥺
but now I have the urge to actually open it and read it, because I haven’t read the book in like 20 years now and it was one of my favorites the first time my mom let me borrow her copy when I was 7-8 years old. and then when I bought my own hand me down falling apart ass paperback version I found at the library for like $2 during one of their like book sale things when I was 10, and read it over and over again until it was missing pages. like, that’s how much I love this book. I read it to DEATH. like. that book was so loved that I read it until it couldn’t be pieced back together anymore. and even though it was in rough shape when I got it, I didn’t care. I loved it because it was finally MY copy. and now I have this just absolutely gorgeous copy to replace that old falling apart book I had lost ages ago and was devastated about, and it’s one of my most prized possessions.
I’m going to be much more careful when reading this version, seeing as it is a deluxe anniversary edition that was gifted to me, and has quite a lot of beautifully illustrated pages and even some extra chapters. and because, eventually, I want to pass it down to my kids so they can read their mother’s favorite book, from her own copy of it (if I ever have any kids, that is), like my mother did by letting me read her copy and just fall in love with the story. which is a big part what instilled my love for this book/film at a very young age, that connection over it that I had with my mother, because her and I have never really connected on much so this book holds a lot of sentimental value to me. and I want to one day pass that down to my children for them to read (not keep, just read and decide if they want their own copy so I can go buy them an edition of it, like my mother did by gifting me this edition when it released even though it was years and years after I’d first read the book and fell in love with it, she just remembered how enamored I was with the story and the characters that she wanted to surprise me with a brand new, beautiful copy of my own). so I’ve def gotta keep it in really good condition. that’s my drive to not ruin this book and read it to death like my poor old paperback version I had, lol 🥺🖤
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wiihtigo · 2 years
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going godmode to impress a boy
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freckliedan · 7 months
i haven’t been actively in phandom since 2016 and i came across your anniversary theory the other day while trying to catch up, and since you originally wrote it in 2018 i was wondering if there’s been any new details in the meantime! (if this is okay to ask)
i'm so sorry but i'm medicated now
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lskamil27 · 22 days
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[ WEEPING ROSEMARY ] ✦ TAA-DAHH! It's been a year since the demo first came out, and since the full game is still in the making...
To celebrate the year, I decided to give the sacrificial offering of my senior thesis PDF of 55 pages of game progress / art / characters !!
If you want to download, here is the [ link ] !!
And because people on twitter voted on it, below will be some of progress that has been made towards the final & such:
Will give a heads up, that some things are censored out & hidden, either through color or black silhouettes! As well as not ALL progression being shown here. This is so not everything is spoiled to you all, so when the full game is released, the gameplay is not ruined.
Character ✦ Progress
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Map ✦ Progress
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Assets / UI & CG ✦ Progress
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Writing ✦ Progress
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With now everything shown, I hope you guys enjoy and have lots of fun with what I've shown!
Progress has been slow for me the past three months since I've recently taken up a new job that I'm starting to finally settle myself into, so hoping that means more days of productivity!!
I don't know the date of when I'll be able to release the full game, but I want to say thank you to everyone who have been so patient and kind! I'll be doing my best!!
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andorshitdaily · 9 months
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ANDOR + Texts From Last Night
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msbhagirathi · 4 days
Moon-struck (For Arshi Fiesta)
Aao parmeswariyon welcome. :)
He stared at the random but ~not so random~ word, google had dared to suggest to him today, staring back at him. As if to challenge him to deny the truth written beneath it as it's 'meaning'.
He slammed the cover of the iPad and threw it away on his bed. He pulled out his belt only to slam it away on the floor.
He tore through his hair with both his hands, resting them at the nape of his neck, with the fingers intertwined.
He couldn't deny the effect that, that slip of a girl had on him ever since she had bombarded into his life quite literally.
He still used to feel restless and anxious almost all the time but it was not due to the anger and desperation of the trauma that he had to go through as early as fourteen. He could admit it to himself that he still used to wake up in the middle of the night with a start. But it wasn't due to the fear and panic which used to make him feel like breaking into tears and cry away for the rest of the hours in the vicinity of the walls of his room.
Rather it was due to the fact that a certain someone in a red chiffon saree, a barely there blouse, with no room for a bra had started coming to meet him in the privacy of his dreams.
The two frail doris tied above the shoulder blades, jet black straight hair pushed to one side of a shoulder. And just when he used to about to touch them, grab them in a bunch to bring them at the back and run his fingers through them.
There would be nothing accept the darkness around him to comfort him of the teeth shattering anticipation.
Heart galloping as if no tomorrow, and lungs struggling as if there was a sudden shortage of air around him. The hair pulling frustration running back to him and he used to fall back on his bed.
Again going through the charade of tossing and turning around until light flimsy excuse of a sleep used to evade him.
And yet when he used to wake up in the morning to start his day. He ~very strangely so~ used to feel as fresh as ever. Well rested, satiated and calm and absolutely at peace.
He knew he had somehow fallen for her.
He had seen her innocence when she used to distribute prasad and teeka to everyone around her cubicle on her floor, greeting them with 'shubh prabhat' and 'devi maiyya ki kripa se apka din mangalmay ho.'
He had seen her brilliance in the way she had handled the menial tasks that he had given her.
He had seen her kindness when she had given away a pair of bangles, which she had liked and bought for herself, to a little girl who had also liked them but was far from being able to afford them. Across the street of where his car had happened to be parked one day.
He slammed his hands on the window in front of him.
He knew he had fallen for her hard. A lil bit too hard for his own liking.
He knew he was love-struck.
He knew he was moon-struck.
P.S.: So. ladies and gentlemen Sanka devis and Laard governors. *bows down with exaggerated gRaCe* This sweet short rendition was written much to the threat invitation received from @phuljari di. Hope you enjoy. :)
Credits: @arshifiesta
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every-sanji · 26 days
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essektheylyss · 3 months
I have seen the newest fhjy Aelwyn Abernant gifset multiple times in the last week and I had planned to watch it eventually but like...... is that really what's gonna get me into this series. Is that really what it takes. What the fuck level of targeted advertising is THIS.
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