#in order to fucking see this scene smh
rking200 · 4 months
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Sometimes the only road to take is the darkest Sometimes the only way out is as a carcass
Happy 6th Anniversary, Detroit: Become Human! As always, you can find these gifs and more on the Connor and Markus pages of my Gif Archive.
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currymanganese · 3 months
The Bear Season 3 gave me the courage to start Interview With A Vampire~ Among many of the things that I found darkly funny about the season are:
1. The whore house scenes:
a. The Alderman that rightfully got his head busted open for dipping his dick in Brick's poop chute without her consent.
b. Lily saying to her madam, "they're swapping Andouillie sausage recipes." over ldpdl and lestat's dick measuring contest / posturing over her with all the gay ass lust and tension over them being so thick and pervasive like the fog of war on a DOTA map.
c. Brick's ascent to being ldpdl's woman of business and ldpdl skirting around racist ordinance targeting his *ahem* 'facilities' by giving the ladies shares in the business.
d. "I have clean pussies walking the floor out there!" ~ okay ma'am, Brick my beloved, I believe you.😭
2. The period accurate homophobia:
a. Paul's gaydar going off if Louis and Lestat even so much as breathed, gurgling and screeching like a geiger counter going off at ground zero of the Chernobyl Nuclear Reactor disaster - but not the defective geiger counter, "3.6 roentgen, not great not terrible.", but the accurate ones that could've saved so many lives and warned the reactor staff and first responders that they were all doomed in short order 😔
b. The police chief that came to loustat's home and shaded them for, "crimes against nature" at every opportunity
c. Ldpdl's mama basically calling him a filthy faggot in her mind at every opportunity, when unbeknownst to her he knew exactly what she thought of him after lestat turned him.
sidenote: actually it was heartbreaking how desperate ldpdl was for his family's love and approval, he tried so hard to hold onto them for so long - he's better than me in that regard, but it was so clear why that was ultimately an impossible task for multiple reasons namely....Bro you're a fucking vampire now! 😭
d. The crowd reaction to loustat having a 'dance of romance' at their family murder (unbeknownst to Lestat) divorce ball - the couple that walked right the fuck on out in disgust immediately at the sight of their pda might've saved their own lives if they were at risk of being lured in as prey. 🥴
e. "Daddy Lou and Uncle Les had a real funny way of being nice to each other!"
3. The unapologetic gayness:
a. "Ahhh! Lestat! Unpack your trunks (wdym by that lestat 👁️ that's innuendo there isn't it 😭) you're home!"
and the UNPARALLELED downbadism of "he ain't white, he french,!"
b. Lestat seducing Louis.
c. Claudia Louis divorce lawyer and power of attorney arc - he really couldn't have let that man go on his own. 😔🙏🏽
d. "Come To Me!" 😩🥵♥️✨💦🍆🌈
e. Louis taking Lestat back
d. Daniel being shady af and calling Louis a battered wife - he was so real for that.
e. Daniel in general - I know his old ass was lusting after "Rashid!" so bad and trying to act mad or like he was above it - but like sir! why tf did you want to know what he tasted like and how much he weighed etc. etc. but okay, no judgement, he IS fine as hell and *Spoilers* he's older than you anyway so good for you! 😉
3. Lestat's cheating ass,
a. he was almost as shameless a philanderer as my grandfathers, amazing.
b. him giving louis permission to indulge in an open marriage and obviously lying through his teeth about it - R.I.P Jonah
c. Him and Antoinette arguing over her finger.
4. Lestat in general. Sam Reid ILY - lestat my behated though but i see his appeal i really do.
5. Raising Claudia.
6. Claudia in general - she really is her fathers' daughter after all.
7. "Did you eat the baby?!" 🤨
Louis took so long to answer it makes me doubt his ✨ odyssey of recollection ✨ about the circumstances under review in this here interview
8. The ����🏾‍♂️💅🏽✨💖Odyssey of Recollection💖✨ 💅🏽🧚🏾‍♂️ smh louis - you spent way too much time with your huzzbands and they rubbed off on you - you were not always a theatre gay! but also go off king 👑🥰 because you have the talent for it.
9. The flashes of loustat coparenting baby vamp Claudia - the stakeout / ambush / you are grounded missy! moment in her room when she snuck back in the house.
10. Mr. Dr. "I'm not here!"
11. The poor tractor salesman that got got 😭
12.Nobody questioning why Louis' eye colour changed. "That information is on a need to know basis!"
13. realizing what moment that gif of louis' pov of lestat dropping him like it's hot was from - the vfx for this show is shit sometimes but I don't even care because everything else was so good 😭
14. Daniel a la Will Smith in Suicide Squad, "What is this, some kinda dark gothic romance?!"
Well, duh! I know everybody involved in this show was giggling their asses off like this 😁🤭 on set for that line and Mr. Bogosian sold it with conviction, well done.
What a great piece of television this season was. Thanks for the recs! @ambeauty @melfinawins
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etheries1015 · 6 months
I finally decided to suck it up and catch up with twst book 7, I stopped after seeing Silver cry because I'm sCARED OF BEING SAD 😭😭 anyway here's a few reactions I had to it 😭
And hearing about the update coming soon-ish to ENG servers I really need to read up
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Lilia pressuring Epel like the old man he is 😭😭 I love the moments that they remind us just how old Lilia actually is and how he sees most if not all the students as if they were his children/grand children, making sure they get the most out of the party and drink...its giving "What do you mean you're not hungry? Absolutely not. Here Is at least 5 servings of whatever dish I made to help u grow big and strong."
Okay I didn't take a screen shot of it but the entire section where Lilia looked kind of guilty with Ortho about exchanging addresses because you just KNOW he probably isn't gonna check in, presumably because he doesn't want anyone to get More attached to him seeing as he is nearing the end of his life span (crying shaking throwing up)
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THIS. THIS. THIS INTERACTION HE HAD WITH US. I LOVE HIM. I AM SO SILLY FOR HIM. I totally forgot I changed my in-game name from my nickname to my REAL name and when he said my name I verbally yelled "WHAT THE HELL" before giggling and kicking my feet hehehehe I'm clinically insane for him
But the fact that he acknowledged us as Malleus friend probably means we've spent a lot of time at the dorms or around Lilia for him to see how our friendship and interactions with him work, and it melts my heart hehe. Being part of the diafam fr. But honestly bro back me up, I'm tired of being called a hench-human 😭💀
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I wonder just how bad we must look with everyone noticing the strange shift??? Either we REALLY made a scene (tripping over, going pale) or the twst boys are just that attentive to us and I think that is the sweetest thing ever 😭😭 Ace and Deuce is so sweet for thinking of us and trying to get us out while also being polite to the people who kindly held the party. Despite not being there long, ace and deuce is willing to skip out on free food and drinks in order to make sure you're okay and I'm just 😭😭 ANGELS. I LOVE THEM.
But also the way Lilia worries for you is so sweet 😭💜 I should write a fic of sick reader and Lilia, or reader trying to tough it out because I know for a FACT Lilia would not let that slide! (Hypocrite 😐)
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I ACTUALLY DROPPED MY JAW WHEN SEBEK SAID THIS SHIT. I WAS. WHAT. WHAT THE HELL LMFAOOOOO 😭 thats fucking insane bro I actually found myself chastising him thru the phone, I would NOT let that discrimination against humans bullshit pass fr 😭 slap him right upside the head and give him a stern talking to. I like seeing Lilia get frustrated, he's so cute and UGH. Although it went in one ear out the other, Seeing Lilia mad is so hot if I'm being real with y'all rn BUAHAHA.
I didnt screen shot this either (and I can't fit anymore photos on this post smh) but Silvers nose being red and obvious he was crying but Lilia confused. DudE OF COURSE he was crying!!! You're his dad!! You raised him since he was a baby, he's just now going into adulthood and doing that WITHOUT HIS DAD who is going to a far away land! Sure, traveling is a thing , but honestly nothing beats having that support just a moments away. Silver is literally the sweetest and wants to support his dad , but who's going to support him????!?! Lilia is putting him in a position where Silver feels the need to be strong and hide his tears for Lilias sake, but of course this is hard on him, its so sudden, too! Being so close to your parent and next thing you know mere days later they are stripped away from your arms?!
I just want to give them all hugs. Lilia obviously has some issues and misconstrued ideas of love (a million people have made posts and comments on this, so I will not repeat it) and I just. Need them to all sit around and be their mediator while we go thru their emotional states.
Ugh. I was in my twst burnout stage and still low key am, but fuck does it spark so much passion in you 😭😭
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fresiants · 2 years
As much as I love Severus and Lily's friendship, I couldn't help but realise how toxic they were together. Their inability to understand each other in The Prince's Tale is honestly astonishing.
The fact that many Snaters are labeling Severus as "obsessive and controlling" for simply wanting Lily to stay away from the Marauders is baffling to me. As someone who has experienced bullying, I would be devastated if my best friend ever became close to, let alone defended, any of my bullies. Him wanting Lily to keep her distance from the Marauders and to stop defending them were not unreasonable requests, and he had every right to feel hurt by her actions.
The same can be said for Lily. She had every right to feel hurt when Severus chose to befriend Mulciber and co who believe in blood supremacy and openly looked down on Muggleborns. These two experienced discrimination and bullying yet still failed to see each others' point of view. Still failed to put themselves in each others' shoes.
I mean, take a look at this scene :
"We are, Sev, but I don't like some of the people you're hanging round with! I'm sorry, but I detest Avery and Mulciber! Mulciber! What do you see in him, Sev, he's creepy! D'you know what he tried to do to Mary MacDonald the other day?" Lily had reached a pillar and leaned against it, looking up into the thin, sallow face.
"That was nothing," said Snape. "It was a laugh, that's all —"
"It was Dark Magic, and if you think that's funny —"
And this :
“They don’t use Dark Magic, though.” She dropped her voice. “And you’re being really ungrateful. I heard what happened the other night. You went sneaking down that tunnel by the Whomping Willow, and James Potter saved you from whatever’s down there— ”
Snape’s whole face contorted and he spluttered, “Saved? Saved? You think he was playing the hero? He was saving his neck and his friends’ too! You’re not going to— I won’t let you— ”
Why was it necessary for these two to make excuses for these people? When they know goddamn well their best friend was effected by these people's actions.
Who the fuck cares if James Potter and Sirius Black had never use a single dark magic? They still use bunch of harmful spells to attack people. And given all the relentless bullying that Snape suffered from James and the others, he wasn't under any obligation to feel grateful to James for "saving" him that night.
It's also baffling that Severus found Mulciber's behavior amusing, given that he himself had experienced bullying firsthand. I feel like they need a third party to get involved and help them understand each others' point of view in order to keep their friendship from crumbling apart. Smh.
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powderseas · 7 months
side order is here!!! its real!!! yippee
what do you think of it so far?
ok so im just gonna spit out all my side order thoughts so far
EDIT: I ACTUALLY FINISHED THE GAME WOOO (just one run tho lol) im gonna write my thoughts under the previous stuff
OK SO. i think im a little..? dissapointed..? abt sider order?? like im kinda conflicted abt the lore, also i suck BALLS at the game
the thing is i have done 5 runs so far AND COULDNT GET A SINGLE WIN. the most i can do is up to floor 20.... im literally so bad at this game I ONCE DIED 2 TIMES IN AN EASY LEVEL. im newgen guys.
maybe im not fit for rougelike games but like... idk. i feel like me and the fandom as a whole expected so much more from side order. i feel like if the game is gonna make you replay the same stuff over and over again it should atleast have a SOUL CRUSHING LITERARY MASTERPIECE TYPE OF LORE like OE and Alterna
AND CAN WE TALK ABOUT HOW DIRTY THEY DID FOUR???? literally called them an irrelavent loser and then sweeped them aside... THEY DONT EVEN HAVE A PALETTE ICON???? theyre not even a secret boss smh.... agent 4 had so much potential I WILL NEVER FORGIVE NINTENDO FOR THIS. and like sure the parallel canon level kind of includes four but that thing is literally an npc??? like imagine what they couldve done with the story if they had included four in it:
when four is left out from the squidbeak splatoon they try to prove themselves by siding with marina with her project. it makes perfect sense. marina and four are both scared of being seperated by their loved ones. but four gets consumed by their anger and jealousy and goes full order mode LIKE DO YOU GUYS SEE MY VISION!!!! i will be forever mad that we didnt get this.
also why is murch out of all the chracters have a pallete??? why didnt they put in captain 3 or something????? sheldon i kinda understand since hes also kinda a part of the squidbeak splatoon BUT MURCH??? get the fuck out!!!
negative stuff aside tho. i love pearl and marina so much. THIS IS THE PEARLINA GAME GUYS!!!!! pearl literally mentions that marina and her sleep in the SAME BED???? marina is so autistic. my little autism creature. SHE MAKES DINO ARMS IN THE ENDING SCENE AUGHHHHHGHHH MY HEARTTT i love marina so much AND PEARL. SUCH A SILLY GOOBER. acht is so precious too... BUT I CNAT BELIEVE THAT THEY MADE THEM WHITE*??? ACHT IS NOT WHITE NINTENDO. anyways i love eight and her little found family full of lesbians. they are all lesbians your honor. we are raising lesbians in this house.
so yeah. i hope i can finish the run atleast ONCE. but like. idk i havent finished the game but side order jsut makes me feel. sad... and lonely...?? unlike octo expension where you could see more and more people using the metros and the chatrooms between marina and pearl are just AUUGGHHH OE IS A GAME. ABOUT CONNECTIONS OK. it makes me feel warm and happy and even though eight became traumatized i like to think that she healed and in the process met so many important people in her life.
in side order i dont see anything in eight*??? is she traumatized??? is she vibing??? is she happy to help??? I LITERALLY CANT TELL. side order makes me feel so cold and empty like do you guys understand what i mean. and its probably becasue it doesnt even take place in the real world. and the thing is. i understand that side order is supposed to be everything that OE couldnt be. i understand that. both games have their own quirks BUT. i just cant seem to make myself love it unlike any other story mode in splatoon...... im really trying to be not biased here but yeah. these are my opinions for side order
HELLO. so yes i somehow managed to win the game. and honestly. the final boss was pretty fun and everyone was so cute at the end omg... but i still think that side order is a bit underdevloped.... i dont even know if ill try to %100 is cuz playing it makes me SO STRESSFUL im glad i get to finish a run BUT i will definetly not be touching side order atleast for a while.... but despite i had plenty of stuff i didnt like in side order the ending managed to make me forget all that haha
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yezzyyae · 3 months
Sydney & Carmy only have food in common. Sydney didn’t even tell Carmy that her mother was dead smh so how are they these soulmates that’s yall see. I am confused food & past trauma concerning working in tough restaurants is what they have in common. It is nothing else! Sydney & Carmy’s brains are not strong enough to be a couple what would they talk about on their days off, the new menu for “The Bear” like come on.
I wish yall people get in a real life relationship because yall will see that Sydney & Carmy have no “romantic chemistry”! I am a black 35 yr old woman so I am not racist I just know real life & been in a real life love relationship for 6 1/2 yrs. We have many things in common not just 1 things & I don’t talk to my boyfriend about work it’s separate when we are home together. So please tell what do Sydney & Carmy talk about other than “The Bear” please I am dying to know?! I want to know what would Sydney & Carmy talk about after sex other than “umm what should we make for the new menu?” Like be forreal what else do they talk about I must have missed this episode please
And Sydney was not jealous of Carmy & Claire smh she is the only child so when she found somebody who loved food like Carmy she became clingy! Smh yall need to grow up & live in the real world because Carmy & Sydney doesn’t have anything in common but food. If it’s something else they talk about please tell me because Sydney judging Carmy but never admitting her mistakes is annoying enough.
I love the show but if “The Bear” keeps making Sydney out to be this savior who calls Carmy out but never her own weird & clingy & fucked up behavior I will stop watching it. Bad enough they NEVER addressed Sydney’s big mistake from season 1 episode 7 when she literally rushed Carmy into making a “to-go” option & then leaving the “pre-order” option open & then her cringey ass didn’t have a solution when the situation became out of hand she then turned her attention to Richie & threw his daughter in his face saying “even your daughter know you are a loser” then stabbing him 🤦🏾‍♀️like come on then calling Carmy a “shitty” person because he got frustrated then she quit. Like ugh no other boss would have hired Sydney back like in real life what other boss would have. Sydney never can handle pressure unless Carmy is right next to her & she always want him to saying “omg Sydney you are so awesome omg please don’t ever leave this restaurant” foh in season 2 episode 10 Sydney is the CDC right but she argues with Carmy about refiring them cold ass “7 fishes” then she wanting him right by her side the whole night. Man please I am the assistant manager at an Accountant Firm & my boss is not near me allday everyday because I’m his 2nd in command so Sydney please fuck off!
Omggg I hate Sydney shippers! I hate how yall bring race into it if ppl clearly point out all the reasons why they have no romantic chemistry! SMH it’s annoying and if the show ever go that route it will lose alot of fans because it will just be forced. And what will they talk about other than “The Bear” they don’t talk about anything else!
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pinknpoodley · 28 days
OKAY. i've seen 200% wolf again and i wrote up my thoughts. this is like soooo much fucking word vomit if you're gonna expand the post lmao
TL;DR i give the movie a 4/5. overall, it was SOLID, though i do acknowledge it had some flaws. it was a major improvement over 100% wolf, much to my relief. i realize that i'm very biased, but it's far from abysmal like some reviews are saying. for me, it was well worth the wait and the hype!
(major spoilers, obvs)
okay, first of all THAT INTRO THO. IT WAS ACTUALLY SO INCREDIBLY BEAUTIFUL I'M NOT EVEN EXAGGERATING. IT WAS CAPTIVATING I ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT. i actually thought 100% wolf's opening scene was VERY solid too, actually one of my favorite parts of the movie, but in a more emotional and heartwarming way
-WHOEVER DESIGNED THE MOON SPIRITS JUST FUCKING KNOCKED IT OUT OF THE PARK. HOLY SHIT. they look perfect in EVERY single way, and i never thought much about how they looked before but man, this beats anything i could've ever imagined. i think about them constantly, just... WOW. and they way they dance around and create a circle when they're gathering moonfire to beam to the earth in order to bless a werewolf with warfing abilities is just...amazing 😭
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-as a side note i wonder why they chose to demonstrate some random woman gaining the ability to warf and not a teenager like freddy. i have a hc that werewolves go through their first warfing around the age of puberty which is why freddy warfed on his 14th birthday. but now i'm wondering if there are exceptions to the rule and "late bloomers" so to speak cause that chick was like 30 lmao
-MOOPOO IS ACTUALLY REALLY CUTE. i saw some reviews saying he was annoying but no!! i love his fun little antics (like riding the space rover in the intro) and i'm still adoring the fact that he was modeled after fin edquist's kids. absolutely melts my heart ahh 🥰 i will agree that he is reminiscent of stitch at some points lmao
-LOVED freddy's narration and the character introduction, the way they made it look like a comic book with each character's name, title and class. THE ILLUSTRATIONS ARE SO PRETTY. AND I AM GLAD THEY DESCRIBED HOTSPUR AS AN EX-CON bc it implies he actually got a greater punishment than just picking up dog shit but still the fact that it's never referenced again in the movie bothers me. "poodles can do anything werewolves can do, but poodlier" and "hardcore awesomeness in-training" FREDDY'S SUCH A DORK I LOVE IT
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-interesting how batty's sense of smell proves to be very useful on the mission and is one of her greatest strengths - how she can detect the wind changing and the blimp changing course. i sorta wonder if that's why the pack allows freddy to take her along when they go on missions, cause literally she's the main reason why she and freddy were able to save those people
-loved freddy and batty's teamwork too, how that was showcased. they were seriously so badass!! like damn these gay dogs are getting a lot more done than those big, buff, powerful wolves LMAO. maybe that just drives the primary message of the movie home even more, now that i think about it
-IDK what flasheart was thinking telling the others to act like pigeons to fool the lady but hey somehow it worked!
-"hey it worked! hit more things" BATTY NOOO i felt bad for freddy he got so abused trying to stop the blimp lmao
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-THIS FELICITY HAZZARD AND HER FAKE NEWS REPORTING. i much prefer her in the series smh
-lady hightail was such a bitch wtf "we'll discuss his role in the pack later" ??? girl he is the future high howler tf you mean
-legit felt so bad for freddy during this part, it's definitely hard for him when the pack just sees him as a joke. it's terrible seeing him cry like noo bby. AND THEN THE WAY HE SLAPPED FLASHEART AWAY ?? OMG. like i know he was just frustrated and hurt but damn??? knowing what they've been through it just hurts to see that even more cause they usually have a very healthy and loving relationship ): ): and i could never see freddy seriously resenting flasheart, like not even for a second. he loves and admires him so much 😭
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-"hey. i respect you...kinda" batty's dialogue in this movie omg I LOVE HERRR she was so cute trying to cheer freddy up!! not to mention the animation ahhh she's just so cute 🥺
-"cut and color? maybe get some of those curls straightened?" i'm gonna conveniently interpret this to mean that freddy goes to the groomer or maintains his look as a hot pink poodle somehow and i fucking love that lmao
-the lore about the summoning stone is interesting
-the sequence where freddy contorts like something from the exorcist kind of like in the first movie and explodes into a wolf HSDKFvb i'm obsessed
-i don't really get why people have a problem with freddy's wolf form, i think he looks just fine?? i mean, you have the fursona and shreddy jokes and w/e but some people flat out hate it. idc, i think it's very consistent with his poodle and human design. i really believe they put a lot of thought into it. not to mention how well they managed to capture his mannerisms and personality across all three of his forms, i was pretty impressed by that. it had to be pretty challenging. ALSO i figured he would've naturally been a pure white wolf if he'd warfed into one originally, just like he was originally an all white poodle, so it fits right in with my own hcs.
-HIS EXCITEMENT AT BECOMING A REAL WOLF WAS SO FUCKING CUTE OMG. I LOVED THAT PART SO MUCH. WHEN HE WAS FROLICKING LIKE A DEER AND GROWLING AT THE FLOWERS IT WAS ADORABLE HDJDFCVNMB i kept remembering the intro of the first movie where he was little and jumping around all excited to grow up and become a wolf just like flasheart shdfjkc 😭 WHOLESOME AF.
-ALSO. ALSO ALSO ALSO I ABSOLUTELY LOVED HOW HE DIDN'T ACTUALLY GAIN NEW ABILITIES. he didn't become super strong or anything like his dad. he pulls a fucking twig out of the ground and acts like he is but no lmao it's like spongebob holding up the stick with the marshmallows on both ends acting like he lifted a fuckign barbell shdjfkgv he's STILL the same freddy, goofy and clumsy, he literally just took a different form. i can't express enough how much i LOVED that seriously
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-moopoo first meeting batty and freddy and the montage with him and freddy being goofy and bonding together was so cute ahh
-MOOPOO TRYING TO EAT A CROW WAS SO OUT OF POCKET LMFAO. also i love his tendency to add "-poo" to the end of everyone's names lol
-it was cute the way freddy scooped batty up and put her on his back ahhh
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-i was disappointed that the pack didn't have more of a reaction to freddy becoming an actual wolf like he was hoping, i mean c'mon he was so happy and excited lmao
-MAX'S BACKSTORY IS SO GOOD IDC. also i love her wolf design, it's actually rly cute. tiny wolf hehe
-the elders really suck actually. i feel like they're always looking to blame freddy for something or scold him, at least as they appear in the movies. they're not very fair imo, they clearly still judge him for being a poodle. also, lady hightail suspending him from the night patrol SMH
-well, flasheart...that was an awfully gentle way of telling freddy that moopoo's gonna die if he stays on earth. but it's super in character for him i feel. also it got really fucking dark there for a second
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-the sequence where batty and freddy chase moopoo around on the roof of farfang was so cute ahh
-I CAN'T FULLY EXPRESS HOW MUCH I LOVED TWITCHY AND HAMISH IN THIS MOVIE. LIKE HOLY SHIT. they were okay in 100% wolf but they didn't really stand out imo. but like whoa, the writing for them REALLY improved in the sequel. i love them sm now especially hamish lmao
-as a side note i'm sorta confused, do twitchy, hamish and bruno still live on the street while batty lives at farfang w/ the werewolves? based on how the first movie ended i sorta thought they were all living together now??
-twitchy insisting she doesn't like babies and getting freaked out by moopoo was soooo in-character for her lmao.
-hamish and his personality switch with the shades is hilarious hsdjf
-based on some reviews i read i was think there would be more scenes featuring or referencing shit, but it was literally just one and idk why people were freaking out. it wasn't even that bad 🙄
-moopoo is 400 years old apparently, i wonder when moon spirits reach maturity
-the great kennel and adding to the dog pack lore?? kinda neat i guess even if it only appeared very briefly
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-also freddy not being used to having a big heavy wolf body shdfv
-"learn how to transform with your clothes on" BUT HE LOSES THEM WHEN HE TRANSFORMS BACK. WHAT IS YOUR POINT TWITCHY. but yeah like you'd think he'd be more careful in the sunlight when he's in his canine forms by now but he's so impulsive
-it was so cute how they put moopoo in a baby stroller with twitchy and disguised bruno as his mom shjfk
-OK BUT I WILL DEFEND THIS FIT WITH MY LIFE. GENUINELY AWESOME AND ADORABLE. like he worked with what he could find and he rocked it. and holy shit the queer coding is absolutely insane IDCCC. also batty being super supportive 🥺🥺
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-the montage of hamish failing at being a guide dog and twitchy eventually getting fed up and kicking his ass,, rip
-"shave the baby" shdfvj
-moon spirits are incredibly powerful holy fuck. the way moopoo blasted through the force field like ??
-i actually think it's cute and sad how batty is scared of bats and it's implied she got her name from other dogs teasing her hsdjv
-wholesome batty and freddy moments 🥰"i'll take care of them lupin style" and then he falls over himself SDHFGK
-HANK W/ THE TENNIS BALLS. he seems fun i want more lore on him
-the moopoo hungry scene ahhh it was so wholesome to see freddy comforting him. and the animation where he was trying to consume his inner moonlight was really cool, like woah. the whole concept of werewolves having an inner moonlight/moonfire...i just love the lore in this movie so much it's unreal
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-freddy punching gar-gar in the eye and running away w/ batty I CAN'T THEY'RE SO GOOFY
-jennifer saunders is amazing as max, i loved her from the first introduction of her character omg. she killed it! also her expressions are sooo good i love it
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-love how they made the same joke as they did in 100% wolf with freddy trying to spit on the ground but failing dfgj
-more hamish and twitchy banter, i love how they tease each other and bicker sm
-the part where max mentioned a trust exercise and freddy assumed she meant a trust fall HSDJFV
-"if you'd rather be moopoo's daddy, i'm cool with that. i could be the mummy" BASED hamish
-the entire scene where freddy is pretending to kill the dogs LMAO?? then moopoo waking up and finding them "dead" SDFJGF
-"weird is different, and different is good" i really liked the scene where max and freddy were bonding. it gave max more depth and insight to her character. and freddy does tell batty he doesn't trust her but i think he did end up sympathizing with her in spite of what she'd done because he is very soft-hearted
-hotspur dumbass moments, he deserved to get caught in every one of those traps. also it was kind of really fucking weird how flasheart was laughing at him like it was endearing or something when this is the same monster that locked him away for six years and tried to kill his son. maybe he was happy bc he thought one of the spikes might impale his heart or something but that's probably wishful thinking. WTF this family. and NO I'M NEVER GONNA SHUT UP ABT THAT. IT MAKES NO SENSE HOW HE'S STILL PART OF THE PACK
-interesting how moopoo turns red and turns into a little gremlin when he takes the energy from the whoopsies lmao
-why did max diss freddy's human form tho i genuinely don't get it 😭 poor him
-gar-gar was cute when he wanted to play fetch with batty aww. the way their friendship develops is super sweet
-yeah idk the wolf runes look different to me in this movie compared to the series. it's pretty interesting. also interesting how freddy specifically said wolf runes, implying the existence of other runes, namely dog runes like in the series. i sorta doubt that was intentional but it's fun to think of it that way
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-"we're looking up" is SUCH A CUTE SONG. I LOVED THAT ENTIRE MONTAGE. ALSO THE BABY GAR-GARS WERE ADORABLE. and the earth magic stuff is really fucking cool, i wonder if they might incorporate that lore into the series.
-i noticed that the magic only changes the color of freddy's eyes, but that doesn't happen with max? i wonder why that is. maybe i missed something. he looks pretty neat with the glowing red eyes tho lmao
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-why did bruno, twitchy and hamish want to eat moopoo's vomit tho
-also freddy becoming sorta possessed by the earth magic was interesting? i feel like they could've done a lot more with that
-why did freddy cast a rainbow spell around batty... HMMM
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-i was surprised by the way max felt genuinely betrayed by freddy, and the way he said she has no friends. like basically, she's alone. and they did appear to have a heart-to-heart there while freddy was trying to talk her into casting the portal spell. she was just fooling them but still, it did seem a little genuine. i think she was just overcome with the urge to get her warfing abilities back and get revenge on the moon spirits. but honestly think max could've been rehabilitated, there was potential there. it sucks that in the end she was turned into a whoopsie and that was it
-i like how max couldn't find a word that rhymes with gravity, so she just made up a word lmao
-wait how tf did twitchy swallow hamish's shades
-yeeeah i was not a fan of the fart joke with bruno, with that being like his main contribution in the film ?? but at least it didn't drag on for too long ??
-gar-gar's return was sweet, again i love the friendship he formed with batty ahh
-the giant mutated moopoo was...completely unanticipated. but it was so sweet the way freddy sang his lullaby to calm him down
-AND THE SCENE WHERE FREDDY GAVE HIM HIS INNER LIGHT. i just...omg that was so beautiful and so in-character. like yeah, he WOULD be that self-sacrificing and it hurts so much
-it was incredibly sweet to see moopoo reunited with his mom and the other moon spirits omg. AND THEN HOW THEY ALL WORKED TOGETHER TO RETURN FREDDY'S INNER LIGHT. THAT WAS GENUINELY SO BEAUTIFUL OH MY FUCKING GOD
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closing thoughts:
-there were a lot of reviews complaining that it was unfunny. i can agree the jokes are kinda dumb and corny at times but to me that gives it charm lmao
-it's kind of interesting how the moonstone ring doesn't appear at all, like it isn't even referenced?? i thought it would be, but it wasn't important to the story at all. the story was purely focused on the moon spirits.
-ALSO NO HARRIET, CHARIOT OR MRS. MUTTON which surprised me, but again, they weren't important to the story at all. and i was thinking we'd see hotspur and flasheart (and the other wolves for that matter) in their human forms apart from in the intro?? but again, i guess it wasn't relevant so they didn't include that
-lastly, i've gotta be honest. i think this movie was much better enjoyed by fans of the series and the first movie than by people who know absolute nothing about the franchise. not to say that it can't be enjoyed by people who know nothing about it otherwise. it's just that knowing the characters and events from the first movie makes it a little less confusing imo. we did get some background on freddy, hotspur, flasheart and batty in the intro. however, there was barely anything about twitchy, bruno and hamish and no references to how they met batty and freddy. the segments featuring wolf runes also make more sense if you've watched the series imo, they are well established in the show.
-i may have additional thoughts on the movie that i'll post about later but that's it for now. AGAIN, IT WAS SO WORTH THE WAIT. I ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT.
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unserenedreaming · 2 months
HOTD episode 5 was (mostly) a hot fucking mess
I knew the writers disliked Daemon, hell I knew that most of them hated him. But to write a scene where he hallucinates eating out his OWN MOTHER???? THE WOMAN WHO GAVE BIRTH TO HIM??? I thought it was going to be a hallucinatory sex scene between him and Aemma, which would have been bad enough. But what we got...
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The only part I enjoyed about this episode was the highlighted contrast between Jace and Aemond as heirs. Jace is the heir to the Queen, one who would die to see his mother victorious. Aemond made himself prince regent by trying to kill his brother twice.
Jace is shown to be frustrated by his mother's restraining of him; he's a teenage boy who wants to defend his mother on the front lines, not understanding Rhaenyra's desperate attempts to keep him safe. His way of breaking free of his mother's constraints is a positive one. He wins House Frey and the twins for his mother (and don't get me started on how bad they butchered Sabitha Frey. We were supposed to have a mid-twenties bisexual baddie, instead we got Lysa Tully Arryn's understudy. SMH) and comes up with the idea of gathering the surrounding dragonseeds to add more dragonriders to their cause.
In comparison, Aemond gleefully watches as his brother is in constant pain (which I get, I also immensely enjoyed it). His decree to not let anyone in or out of the city will blow up in his face spectacularly. When Helaena asks him "was it worth the price (might have gotten the quote wrong)?" he just smirks at her. At least now the writers have basically killed canon Helaemond (unless Aemond gets forceful with Helaena, I hope for her sake it doesn't happen but these writers have shown they will do anything and everything they want to do, no matter how vile). The only good thing he did was ordering the rat catchers bodies be removed from the Red Keep. I am excited to continue to see him utterly fail, and Jace keep on winning. And yes, I know how this story ends. I am going to enjoy what I enjoy while I can
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princessbellecerise · 3 months
JACE AND CREGAN JACE AND CREGAN OMG IM SO GLAD THEY MADE CREGAN YOUNG AND NOT HAVE HIM ACT LIKE HES OLD ASF. He is supposed to be like 20 and I was worried they were gonna try and make him like Ned but NOPE. I liked how they tried to kind of tie in the GOT Stark’s with him but I wish we saw a bit more
Lucerys Velaryon my sweet baby boy, I will always remember you. When Corlys said he had that dagger commissioned for Luke I SOBBED. He loved those kids sm don’t you EVER try to tell me he didn’t want Luke to have Driftmark
Ugh, Alyn. Iykyk I was waiting his better half (his brother) to show up
Aemond Targaryen when I FUCKING catch you I swear to GOD. Rhaenyra searching for Luke had me in tears. The way she JUMPED off of Syrax to see if it was true oh god
Speaking of which, her scene with Jace destroyed me. The way he tried to be a good son and heir and tell her about his accomplishments but broke down. Oh my god and the way he reached for her I can’t
The greens had too much fucking screen time. All I heard was them yapping about a war THEY started. Also alicent trying to control her sons is laughable. You raised them to be misogynists and now you’re shocked they don’t value women? Hmmm I wonder why
Speaking of Miss Dowager Hypocrite herself…what happened to honor and decency hmmm? No where to be found I guess. Also Crsipy Cole, for a man that’s been sworn of celibacy you sure do get down alot
Larys Strong is the biggest instigator that’s ever lived and I think we’re about to see him changing loyalties like he does in the books. Hmmm
Luke’s funeral. My god. Jace lifting up Joffery to throw in Luke’s seahorse. Rhaena absolutely sobbing bc that was her betrothed :( . Somebody fucking sedate me
Rhaenys…my girl…what have they DONE to you? They made it seem like she didn’t give a single fuck about Luke’s death. CORLYS GRIEVED MORE THAN SHE DID ARE YOU KIDDING ME. This is not the Rhaenys I know. The Rhaenys that wanted to go to King’s Landing and kill the Greens so bad that DAEMON had to reel her in. Smh STOP WITH THE WISHY-WASHY SHIT. MY GIRL WAS FULLY TEAM BLACK
The writers are cowards and you can tell. B&C was Daemons idea. It was HIS idea for HIS son. Although, much as Team Green talks shit about Daemon, I’m also kinda glad they changed B&C to him ordering Aemond’s death.
And speaking of…sigh. So sigh. B&C was so…underwhelming. If they were trying to spark sympathy for Team Green then they did a horrible job at it because WHAT WAS THAT?? Helaena not even putting up a fight? Just straight selling Jahaerys out like damn girl it’s like that?? AND WHERE was Maelor?
Aegon and Aemond of course can go fuck themselves as usual. Them trying to make it seem like Aegon would’ve been a good king is laughable like be SO fucking for real
Otto Hightower your days are numbered. Just you wait, you’ve given your two psycho grandchildren a taste a power and I’m gonna laugh when it backfires
Overall, I did feel a little bit bad for Helaena but it’s still team black. I hated how they cut out the feast Aegon threw to celebrate Luke’s death. It adds a whole new layer as to why the Greens will never be in the right, if it wasn’t obvious already. ALSO, I cannot wait to see those fuckers realize that most of the realm wants Rhaenyra and not *what did Daemon say?* oh yeah, a drunken usurper cunt of a king
Jason (or was it Tyland) being made a fool had me dying. Like yeah your dumbass wanted him on the throne now what? Now you’re a damn pony. Giddy up fool
Them trying to make it seem like Aegon cares about his son when they haven’t even mentioned he has a son until the plot calls for it…sigh. I love TGC but you can definitely tell it’s HIM smiling and acting all cute towards Jahaerys, not Aegon if that makes sense.
Lastly, Lady Misery has always been Team Black and I wish they’d stop making it seem like nobody was on Rhaenyra’s side. Majority of the fucking realm fought for her it and they’re making it seem like she’s so alone. I also feel like they’re trying to use her grief as a reason she shouldn’t rule while trying to make Aegon seem “good” and I don’t like that
Let’s see what next week’s episode brings but hopefully the rest of the season is more…exciting
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bandtrees · 1 month
tell me about milton the presidential pool boy
OFC <3 i will do these solidly in uh... the order i remember to :D yay. milt is the perfect character to do this with though because my highly specific headcanon realities for him in particular are UNMATCHED. UNDER A READMORE—
Sexuality Headcanon: BISEXUAL ICON. also polyamorous of course, and objectum - which is obviously not a feeling he has words for but it’s part of what drives his initial attraction to marla and callum, his attraction to the objects in particular while they’re a novelty. i figured it would be an interesting segue into him being desperate to keep his ‘human’ face if it already stuck out in their relationship - but in a way he finds hot, lol. til it’s not anymore of course.
fun fact, in my milton fic that lays out a lot of what i basically imagine for him, i scrapped a line during him and callum’s arguments that would have been, in response to callum becoming more obsessed with the dialup/innovation overall, him trying to reassure callum that he would’ve loved him even without his object head - but of course he wouldn’t be able to lie like that, and would hold his tongue. it would’ve been a parallel to the last milt/marla scene, buuut i couldnt find a place to squeeze it in, lol.
Gender Headcanon: plain ol cisgender gentleman 👍
A ship I have with said character: WHITE HOUSE POLYCULE MY BELOVED. i am so very fond of callum+milt+marla you have no idea the mental illness i gave myself with them. i am a huge sucker for polyamorous ships and the amount of tragic potential with literally every combination of these three drives me fucking insane.
A BROTP I have with said character: i am sure him and norm would have a lot to talk about if they ever were to personally meet, lol.
A NOTP I have with said character: ...well here’s the thing about that. jokes aside though, if i can cheat and say “an existing interpretation of a ship i do like”, i do love callum/milt a lot, but i am specifically really not into the interpretation that it was an affair situation. for a lot of reasons - only one of them is that i’m as attached to the polyamory headcanon as i am. for starters, dubious a figure as he is, i don’t think callum would Do That, both morally and because i think a lot of his personality revolves around the fact that he only really views his life in service to other people and i can’t see him being that underhanded unless it was for a cause he really thought was just. when i think the problem with him is that he abandons his personal relationships for those causes.
that and, like… it just sidelines marla in a way i don’t like. dialtown, all my love to it, kind of already has a problem with its gender ratios and such and i don’t think regaling the female character in the equation to a beard or “The Wife” or whatever is fair — not to say i think every woman has to be shipped, but i just find her having an active role in callum+milt’s relationship way more interesting than any alternative. let her fujosh it out smh. plus i’m bisexual and will always take a well-thought out m/f ship over m/m ships that are just kinda there.
A random headcanon: lax as he appears, especially compared to callum, he has a lot of resentment in that weird little heart of his. he has an obsessive attachment to his own humanity, in a “weathered and it’s all i have” sense — being in wars made it so he felt a lot of his body wasn’t his own, but he wasn’t prepared to ‘lose’ it to the dialup, either. in a world where callum managed to actually force him to get an object head, he still would’ve committed suicide… after taking crown down with him, of course.
i also like stylizing him as having a black censor bar in place of a face :] with his trademark lil hat visible ofc lol.
General Opinion over said character: I REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY FUCKING LIKE HIM. both my insanely specific headcanons and the framework that dogman themself has put down for him. he’s very interesting and some of the bleakest dialtown’s story has gotten - which inherently intrigues me a lot. i think he has potential for a perspective on dt’s story we really don’t see that much of - that being how the dialup must have felt at the time, and how genuinely horrifying it would have been.
i also, for a while - and this is really ironic coming from me - really really did not like milton. not for anything to actually do with him - i just really liked callum crown and, before learning who milton was, was incensed that so many people seemed to be more attached to what i thought was a throwaway name than his actual lore, lol. now i know better of course. now i have become fucking insane, at that
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chaoxfix · 2 years
hm. upon replaying frontiers. the cutscenes and character talks ... are. not as good as i remember. so im doing a belated frontiers review, focusing more on characterization than gameplay -- because i have very few complaints with the gameplay, except for chaos island. because fuck that volcano in particular smh
anyways -- for all my criticisms here, i still like the game, and i see the characterization as lightyears beyond forces, and its definitely doing damage control for about a decade of bad characterization... but... all i can still say for certain is that its a step in the right direction but definitely not without some flaws i really want to write out to get out of my head. because some of the conversations are kind of. hm.
anyways. im gonna go a little more in depth with whats rubbing me the wrong way about a few characters under the cut, ALONG WITH SOME POSITIVES, but if you don't want to see anything negative about frontiers, please don't read! i don't want to damage anyone's perceptions of the game if you love it. and i do stand by the gameplay being really genuinely fun, its really just the characterization that has a few things that are bugging me -- which is surprising because i really liked it the first go around. anyway, here we go.
okay so here's whats bugging me about the following characters: mainly amy and tails, and following them, in order of most to least 'off' to me -- sage, eggman, sonic, and knuckles. that being said, even the negative points COULD spin to a positive, and i'll end with the positives after i explain what's bugging me and why.
amy, the negatives:
she just seems incredibly melancholy. yes, the atmosphere of the game is overall mysterious and melancholy, but amy seems more affected than anyone else. it also feels like no one was quite sure what to do with her character in this game, and she has a moodness that she's never had in other games (other than crying over sonics literal dead body in 06).
the interaction with her and sonic and reuiniting the koco with its long lost love ... "would you really not help a person in need?" and i think sonics response was really good -- a gentle "no, but we need to prioritize XYZ first" -- ... yet we're meant to sympathize with amy? why? to me, the emotional impact of this scene with the kocos just did not land. it has the bones to be really impactful, but there are just some elements of the conversation between them that feel really, really off-putting. amy seems very pushy and defensive, and i don't feel inclined at any point to root for her, which is a shame, since sonic clearly seems to.
continuing with the kocos scenes -- amy asking the kocos to be careful when they finally reunite -- it feels really ooc and quite melodramatic. it makes me think they're trying to go with overprotective mother character for amy now, which i just really dislike, and doesn't quite feel like her. i hope they can make her more of the elements of her characterization that best suit her -- headstrong and protective, and inclined to do things herself, in her own way, even if she's taking too much control of a situation.
on that note -- agency. i get that she doesn't have agency in this game (none of the digitized friends have much) -- but unlike knuckles and tails, amy doesn't seem to try and do much herself. she asks sonic to do tasks for her, but it just seems that compared to the others, she's not putting in much work or taking much interest in her surroundings. knuckles tries to fight sage, and tails helps with a few tech things -- what does amy do? why was she written into this position -- no agency, and picking fights with sonic and attacking his character when he doesn't follow what she wants? i don't like this for her. i want her to be written well so badly but at every turn in the games, there's nothing to show what a well-written and compelling amy would even look like.
lastly, the scene where she says, "and i want to share that love with the world, no matter how far apart it takes us" -- i viewed every single side story and overanalyzed every detail i could find. this part still doesn't really track for me. what exactly does she mean by this? what type of love is she sharing and how? frontiers seemed like it was trying to set up side stories for all sonics friends, but... if amy goes on a solo adventure, what will it actually be about? how will it make her grow as a person? what will her character arc be? based on what she said here, i have no goddamn clue! right now, i feel like not enough seeds have been planted for her, unlike with some of the other characters. hers is the least clear set-up for a solo story beyond this, and i find that very disappointing. i hope she still gets one, but an amy-centric game will already have a difficult time selling given the niche market sonic fills in the gaming world -- she doesn't need even more sabotage to a potential solo-game by a poor setup.
overall, it just confirms that the amy i want to see most in a game, is an amy who simply has never existed. in sega canon, the only thing that's ever been consistent is that she has a crush. meanwhile, the fanbase might be pretty divided, but from what i can tell, fans; most consistent characterization desires for her are that we want her to be: extremely compassionate, maybe nature-focused, an incredible friend. protective and hot-headed, always taking charge even if she should probably think things through first. a girl with some growing-up to do, but she's always someone who takes responsibility for her friends' safety and will do whatever it takes to bail them out. she loves the world and everyone in it, and wants everyone to have a chance to find happiness and love. she's a huge romantic -- and yes, she has a crush, but it shouldn't be the most central thing to her identity. yet... i cannot point to a single game that's given us that, without an extreme level of gunk to wade through in-between decent traits. i want to love amy so badly -- but at some point, she has got to actually be written well again, or she'll be beyond saving.
tails, the negatives: (many of these are more minor, things that just really nag at me, and aren't as grounded and consistent as amy's)
this one kind of hurts me to even mention, because im really not sure how much was the script and how much was just voice actors not putting emphasis on the right words. but it kills me. in the like, very first scene with tails, sonic's getting cyber corrupted, and they have a back and forth that's EXCELLENT on paper, but the VA delivery really puts me off. to summarize the conversation, "[fancy version of] im digitized and the cybercorruption is super bad for you" "uh, in english?" "im fine, you're not, and i'm worried." "ill be fine! and i need this power to rescue you!" "you're always rescuing me, and... lets focus on the now. what do you need?" -- and ON PAPER, seeing it written, it's mostly fine, though could use a few more filler words in some areas to make it sound a bit more human. but tails's VA puts such weird inflection on the 'you're always rescuing me, and' part of it. it just doesn't make much sense as-is. for the effect it seems to be going for on paper, the last bit of the conversation should have been altered to be a heavy-sounding: "heh- i'll be fine! and I need this power to rescue you, anyways. don't worry about me, i can handle this." "yeah, but... you're always rescuing me. i just wish... for once i could... - nevermind. let's focus on the now. what do you need?" -- it doesn't change the substance of the conversation, but the tone would have been so much more compatible with the rest of tails's lines. i really wish they would've had more time to tweak the script and voice acting, because so much of this game could've been stellar, but it just barely misses the mark for me.
creepy energy when sonic shows up looking visibly exhausted and injured and tails not only doesn't acknowledge it. but puts on a huge smile and grins and waves at him as he leaves? what the fuck was that about? putting on a brave face would be a great move but fr what is he trying to do here? sonics not even looking back at him, why is he grinning and waving when his brother's badly hurt?
overall i think i just had a few nitpicks with voice acting but i have way fewer problems with tails than amy <3
sage, the negative:
i. honestly do not like her character. her death was sad but for most of her screen time, she was just so needlessly frustrating to interact with, and ive never been a fan of "the conflict only exists due to someone purposefully withholding information." shes aggravating.
i did not like her song. it was mad funny which was not the point.
it implies eggman could be a good father figure. bite bite kill kill etc.
she worsened every single cutscene where she was watching from a distance. get out of here sage... im trying to watch sonic talk to his friends :(
dialogue just sounds stiff
eggman, the negative:
father figure eggman??? in this good christian minecraft server?
overall, i quite like him here! i think my main complaint is that there was clearly so much more planned that just was not implemented very well, so its sonic's story arc that suffers most
the amnesia storyline is literally SO juicy that i feel robbed that almost all of the dialogue is nearly impossible to trigger, and almost nothing comes of it in the main cutscenes.
i feel robbed that his cyber corruption was resolved with zero effort. i would have KILLED for a cyber corruption fight, or some cyberspace levels that were super fucked up and needed some outside thinking to beat and escape back into reality.
notice how all of these are mainly wanting MORE though -- his actual lines, characterization, line-delivery, etc -- i don't have a problem with any of what we got. my issue is i just wish we'd gotten to see the finished product that we all know the game devs were hoping to finish before they got crunched. :( amnesia sonic i'll love you til the day i die
hes a little stiff at times but i have literally no complaints hes great. knuckles sweep etc
no but for real i do have a few issues with how congested and stiff he sounds. there are also some really weird pauses in the middle of conversation? it was most noticeable with knuckles, but i did notice it with all the others. i think they probably should have edited the sound a bit better to make it flow more, like a conversation and not like VAs just reading lines one at a time in a booth
something about the way he interacts with the koco rubs me the wrong way but i can't put my finger on it.
i still don't love the idea of commander knuckles.
Because believe it or not, most of the negatives can be re-framed, AND/OR, are intentionally left somewhat lacking to set up for a transitional period so that the best characterization doesn't come premature. as in, if the characterization was perfect, it'd be like "haha, let's just pretend the last decade and a half didn't even happen. forces who?" instead, this takes the bold choice to acknowledge it and say, "yep! that happened. it sucked. we're doing better, but like real people, you have to go through the period of 'sucking less' before you get to the holy grail of self actualization.
so here's some of what i think are the positives, and/or the hidden meanings with some of these characters. but first i do want to go with a quick theme because its something i certainly believe while watching/playing.
the koco theory:
the kocos that each of the friends latch onto are ones that specifically project their issues from forces. it's most obvious with tails, but knuckles and amy have the same thing going for them.
with tails, the koco was a hero's assistant/pilot/whatever who fell short when the hero wasn't around. not much to say about it -- the game makes it super clear. tails even directly addresses 'just like when i fell apart around infinite' (paraphrasing). but just because his is the most obvious doesn't mean the others aren't doing it, too.
with knuckles, the koco were in a war against impossible odds... and knuckles was forced into a sudden commander position and didn't end up physically fighting much -- just like in forces. in forces, we hope he was fighting behind the scenes, but from what we the player saw, he was just in a supervisory position. sonic makes a dig at him for this in frontiers -- and i think it was meant to be a playful jab in-universe, but knuckles clearly takes it a bit more seriously. it bothers him to be in a supervisory position, and he's clearly a leader who researches military tactics, because he would've studied echidna war maneuvers, etc. i think this was partly meant to forgive forces / explain the role he was put into, but also to apologize to him as a character. he likes fighting even more than leading; putting him in a position where he's too immaterial to fight is torture for him, and he's grateful that sonic can help when knuckles himself is unable.
and amy... the koco she sees are lovers who are separated in a war zone; one is clearly a high ranking soldier, and the other, their lover. they come back together and confess their love just in time for both koco to die. this isn't a perfect 1:1 metaphor, but bear in mind that everyone thought sonic was dead. for six months. to them, he died in battle, with zero warning. of course amy would want a reunion between lovers before it's too late and someone dies. i think she has some serious survivor's guilt and regret going on. i still feel less overall emotional impact from amy's, because i'm just not a fan of love stories in general and i don't love how pushy she is with her scenes. but i think even sonic can tell that there's something going on with the way she's reacting to the kocos.
with that in mind, i'll add in a few other notes for each character. because the kocos being trauma-projection maps doesn't perfectly fix everything, but it does offer some explanations for some of the gaps in the stories.
amy, the positives:
despite still not being an amy characterization that i truly and unabashedly like..., this is still leagues better than any characterization i've seen for her in. ages. maybe ever. there are no moments where i think she's a bad person or aggravating -- instead, she seems very melancholy and thoughtful. i wished i could like her more, but we do see that sonic cares about her feelings deeply, and that's a step in the right direction.
notes about amy being knowledgeable about nature -- this is a trait that amy hasn't always had, but between this and prime, im liking this direction for her as a nature protector.
amy having a knowledge of the arcane! it's back and i couldn't be more pleased! i just think it's a very fun characterization trait for her and i quite like it
for the more mellow conversations, she seems like quite a sweet and friendly person. neat!
tails, the positives:
oh my god every single scene with sonic
no listen. listen. we've been waiting years for this to happen. tails getting some more room to breathe and grow up a bit? legendary!
i actually thought he grew up a bit too fast; the fact that they gave him the 'im mature and independent now!' arc in the VERY FIRST 3D SONIC GAME is kind of why the rest of the games have slowly watered him down and chipped away at his characterization. they played that card too soon, and too far. now we get to have that arc again and a bit slower; we're setting up in this game to see the real thing in a future adventure, and i'm very pleased by that.
little bro / buddy -> partner growth? holy shit... i adore this sm
the way tails reaches for sonic to physically try and hold him up -- twice in this game. my heart.
his vocabulary feels about right. it's not so over the top that it's aggravating.
he and sonic play off each other quite well, and understand each other fine -- aside from one joke about "those sure are words you said just now" (when sonics actively weakened by the corruption), sonic is insightful and his IQ isn't watered down just because tails is using higher vocabulary. this is clearly a duo that talks to each other frequently and understands each other quite well.
tails and sage's discussion is the only time i liked sage. i liked the way they communicated; i liked tails's ability to get to her by saying, 'my trust in sonic is also backed up by a lifetime of data' which was also super sweet <3
tails clearly cares about sonic and worries about him in return; he got an opportunity to see sonic when he was clearly not at his best. but he ALSO has a hero's mindset for most of this island of not trying to be a burden. granted, he does still need multiple pep talks, but his focus is to be useful and efficient as much as possible. you can also see that sonic has rubbed off on him in that way; you don't have to wonder where tails learned to push through negative feelings -- but he's still young enough, and sonic's a good enough friend, to help him open up. (unlike sonic who remains rather stoic through the end -- but thats just how i like him)
sage, the positives:
im putting a bulletin here so you don't think i forgot her. yeah.
the fact that all the Deep Lore are from eggman and in the big fishing minigame. holy shit. i was SO PLEASED to find that out. this was such a fun way to give lil sprinklings of lore
and the content of the eggman voice logs were all great! he was in character and very fun to listen to
my sweet summer child this is the best youve been written in so long. i am kissing you on your forehead you sweet blue creature.
optimistic and driven. focused on helping his friends. not stupid -- but he will follow the only lead he has, because what choice does he have? even then, he's not antagonistic towards sage, because he wants to have the bigger picture. he clearly doesn't completely trust the weird sky voice, otherwise why would he keep seeking out sage's information? he knows not to put all his eggs in one basket, it's just a pity that sage refuses to share information
RESILIENT LITTLE PUNK. i love him so much. he gets put through SO MUCH this game, and i really liked seeing it because it just drives home that he's an actual hero. this is doing damage control from forces, where he was allegedly tortured (yeesh) and was suuuuper chill about it, to the point that he has no reaction whatsoever when being freed. in this game, he's thrown through walls, shot missiles at, chased by giant buzz saws, keeps having to start titan fights without the last emerald -- and he presses on. we get to SEE him struggle. it's not heroism without struggle, and by seeing that it can be actually-difficult, his story is more impactful, and he's more interesting as a character.
his dynamic with each of his friends is unique, but he remains consistently characterized. it's fantastic. he's confident and devil-may-care while being a good friend and genuinely caring about each -- but with amy, there's a sweeter and more earnest undertone, with knuckles there's a clear rivalry and 'holding each other accountable and picking up the slack where the other fails' dynamic. they care but they're also both extremely stubborn about it so their affection is shown through tough love, and it's great. and sonic and tails's interactions are all gold. siblings, yes -- but sonic being tails's primary caretaker, there's a lot of responsibility there, even if it's largely masked by friendly banter. they care about each other, but it's clear who the older brother who's giving the pep talks is.
love that he continues to follow his views of right and wrong, without it being too in your face. it's not that he's stupid about sage -- but he knows she knows something he doesn't, so he won't antagonize her as long as he thinks she might crack and change sides -- he's seen it happen often enough, y'know? he's not the most patient guy for some stuff, but he's persistent when he needs to be
loved the voice acting in general. very fun sounds when running, especially the chuckles when you kinda miss a jump. he just sounds like he's having a blast on this adventure
loved all the mentions of the landscape etc as he's running. gives personality to both him and the area around the player.
no clue what sonic's doing after this game -- if all his friends are on solo missions, i hope he gets another one too. i know everyone wants him to house-sit for everyone else but i still love sonic going on adventures. i think he could have a fun solo adventure too :( storybook part 3 when? take sonic through a counseling book and make him fight all his demons from forced lol. by that i mean make him kick infinite's ass. kidding. mostly.
loved all his feelings about the architecture
he's definitely going through something and i love it
his friendship with sonic really shines here. yeah they're rivals but clearly they have a deep respect for each other. they also call each other out on shit which i think is important for both of them.
i liked his 'i think i'll have my own adventure after this' spiel best out of the 3 of them. yes even more than tails's. very well set-up. him and sonic sitting on the ledge just chatting felt like the most natural friendship in the world, and i get why knuckles is jealous.
that scene where the ruins are about to be destroyed. it got the perfect balance of 'deeply upset and worried' and 'can't express strong feelings well' ... beautiful
i loved so much of it but i actually don't have a lot to say specifically about him -- ares island was very atmospheric and i just liked him and his interactions with the landscape and sonic and the ruins.
more positives than negatives, truly. yeah, the characterization does still feel off in a few ways, and i don't like sage, and the cutscenes still aren't quite as good as i remember on my first run through. i think i wish they'd zoomed in a bit more, or made the digitized faces clearer, to show more feeling. i think i did also wish for deeper conversations than we got... especially with amy. but aside from some stiff conversations in some of the ruins-chatting, and some VA nitpicking where i wish they'd tweaked the lines or had lines closer together (there are some really awkward pauses in a conversation thats meant to be flowing) ... or done a few more takes of some things ... overall, i still don't dislike the characterization. it has room for improvement for a lot of these characters... but, there's officially positive trajectory now. i hope that these characters will continue on their upwards journey!
and bear in mind that i believe almost all of these could have / would have been fixed with a bit more time -- but that's sega's fault for rushing their franchise-saving game. the gameplay is a lot of fun, sega -- but everything else could've been even better if you just gave your game developers TIME. fuck's sake.
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rewritingcanon · 1 year
ok here are some of the revised one-part melbourne hpcc play highlights (part two yah) in an attempted chronological order:
part one
part two
the whole dark wand dance was such a fucking knockout everyone was popping their whole pussy to it. i wanted to twerk.
polly chapman also had a cute little bob in this era. i don’t know why they changed wigs for her but i guess she’s emo in the dark world
craig was carrying this big ass book and when scorpius went up to him trying to ask where snape’s classroom was he squeaked and tried to HIDE BEHIND THE BOOK like twice 😭 he only emerged to sideye the shit out of scorpius for being weird
when scorpius was talking to snape and snape was writing on the class board, i was close enough to see what he was writing and it was mostly random scribbles but he did write “E=mc?” 😭😭 bro is doing the calculations
ravager ron 🥵🥵 (aka hottest mf in the hpverse idc idc)
also snape was the biggest comedian ever? bro did not care if he was dead in the other dimension, he just started immediately roasting hermione and ron because ofc he has to
remember when i said scorbus mirrors romione? yah well they do it again with the dementors with ron and hermione fighting beside each other, and scorpius having albus emotionally fight beside him (as he will confess to him in the owlery later)
snape didnt tell scorpius who hes giving up his kingdom for but asked it instead, and scorpius said “im doing this for albus i-i think” boom timeline change
scorpius went to tackle his dad in a hug after returning from the dark world but he was dripping wet so draco just thrust out his cloak in between them to protect himself lmfao
he was like “daaaaddd 😆😆😄😙😯☹️ aw ☹️” nah draco was not gonna get water on his valentino white bag for anything
yann starting the fuckinng gossip
yann doing a fucking backflip over the staircase to spread more gossip
and i was sitting on the side a bit and could literally see matt holly who acts as yann run up a disappearing staircase and just leap off into the darkness of the wings 💀 idk if every yann is like a fucking stunt man or just this specific one
james and karl comforted rose when mcgonagall started lecturing hermione about the time turner by saying her kids didnt exist
rose looked like she was about to cry for the entire duration of the scene and hermione looked so ashamed of herself as well. which when you’re up close u can see how the bg characters are still acting, and it made their hug at the end of the scene all the more meaningful
meanwhile scorpius the whole time hermione and harry were being roasted by minerva was enthusiastically emoting like 😗😨🫢 bro could not believe the headmistress was just flaming the minister of magic like that
also when craig, karl, yann, rose and james were listening to mcgonagall… idk this was really minor so it COULD be a coincidence but when mcgonagall focused her attention on albus (because she was flaming harry and hermione first for a while) and started with “albus you were very brave,” james put his hand on the rail and leaned in closer to listen, like he was smushing his face against the rail trying to listen when it involved albus and idk. i thought that was very cute if that was purposeful
then the fucking owlery scene. omfg the owlery scene. the gayest ass place in the school for these nerds.
scorpius told albus in the owlery that (its literally a fucking love confession atp) he’s been doing everything for him and that he makes him stronger and was fighting alongside him and albus was like “y-yeah? 👉👈🥺” and then scorpius was like “yeah” and he leaned in and then ALBUS LEANED IN all very hopeful and then scorpius ruined it by saying “AND saving cedric wasnt a bad idea” COMPLETELY oblivious smh. which made albus flinch away and scratch his neck all sheepish and very adorably embarrassed. but basically it was a near kiss. and i’m not over-exaggerating just because i like the ship, albus wanted to kiss that boy 💀💀
(in this moment i also realised that albus literally only really laughs around delphi and scorpius. and he only really goes soft and quiet with scorpius ☹️)
then delphi comes in and literally plants herself in between al and scorpius… which is an interesting choice of placement
and scorpius sideyes her as aggressively as rose was sideyeing him at the start of the play lmfao i’ve never seen this boy look so disgruntled before
delphi actually screamed in delight when she betrayed scorpius and albus. like she shrieked and it was echoing as the scene was moving and fading to black it was SO GOOD
ron’s voice is like gruff and low and stuff mm (when he said “oh shut up will you” to hermione when trying to propose 🤭)
hermione also spoke in a specifc tone with ron when shes scolding him. like its lower and really fast. an example is when she said the “ronnotnow” moment when hes picking on dracos ponytail 😭😭 she’s so funny bru
ron getting down on one knee and saying “marriage renewal 🥰” with empty ass hands
ginny walked in on ron and hermione making out and then hermione got all flustered and did a little run up to draco and slapped him on the shoulder 😭😭 and he flinched too… you know that man still remembered her punch in third year
albus got down on all fours as soon as delphi turned her wand onto scorpius after he said “do your worst.” he literally BEGGED delphi to not hurt scorpius before she started torturing him. and then he was full on crying when it did happen
delphi taunting al by saying “if you want to stop me from hurting your FRIEND then do what you’re told.” and the emphasis on the word ‘friend’ was really taunting and sarcastic bc SHE KNOWS. it’s literally a fuck you to the ridiculousness of the queerbaiting in the og and i love it
ofc the change of albus’ weakness going from “friendship” to “LUVVVVV” (the actress had fun emphasising the queerness of it all i swearrr)
when draco, harry, ginny, ron and hermione are all in delphi’s room trying to find evidence of her identity, draco cuts hermione off by bellowing “SPECIALIS REVELIO” and then nothing happens. nothing happens. then ron goes “MUMBALIS RRRREVVVELIO” really dramatically in a thick accent to bully him 😭
ron is constantly bullying the shit out of draco for the entire play lmfao and the delivery is so fucking funny. draco cant say nothing either because he knows he deserves it deep down 💀
scorpius and albus’s hostility towards that one scottish station master on the platform was absolutely wild. albus looked innocently confused but scorpius cant mask for shit. bro was giving him a bombastic confunded look as he was speaking, leaning in to hear him better and staring flabbergasted at bro as he walked off 😭😭 14 year olds are brutal gawd
idk this might be the usual case for every cursed child play, but tom russell played both james sr and james sirius which insinuates james sirius looks like the og james which is so …
harry looked so small in the scene with dumbledore and him in his office and very boy-like. the positioning of the stage made it seem like harry was still looking up at dumbledore for guidance and when he started crying it just seemed like he needed a father mannn. phenomenal acting but bro 😭😭😭
and dumbledore looked so in pain too, and so GUILTY and because paintings are “nothing but paint and memories” makes it mean that dumbledore had felt that guilty and pained about treating harry like that in real life 😭 kill me now it was just a horrible time for everyone
all the drarry shippers deserve a medal for predicting that draco’s canon way of comforting harry or being nice to him is to literally just insult him more 💀 bro comes in and sees harry sobbing and just stands there like “my son said i was head of magical law enforcement in the other reality 🧍‍♂️ maybe this will be my office one day🧍‍♂️”
it makes it even funnier if youve read the script and know that the next direct line is a stage direction saying “harry is consumed in his grief”
when draco took out the time turner he owned to show harry he was like “yeahhh 😏real gold 😏😏 just the way the malfoy family likes it 😙” HELP
scorpius facing the audience, talking very softly about how he and albus should lean over the baby (harry), and so they both do, and then scorpius just starts screaming “HELP HELP HELLPPPPP” over audience members omgggg 😭
“it might traumatise the baby slightly 🤔”
scorpius got so excited about albus’s plan with the blanket and love potion that he tried to do a cartwheel and landed flat on his ass 😭
scorpius said “theres a rumour bathilda bagshot believed in never locking her doors” and then opened her front door with his bum 💀 he just playfully sticks it out on her door and he nearly fell inside bc it actually opened
ginny’s actress deserved an oscar for her scene with harry in albus’ room… like she was actually sobbing and shaking and yelling at harry, it was such a powerful scene for her character as a grieving sister and a grieving mother too. only scene that almost made me cry. katie jean-harding. remember the name fr
cue me pissing myself and just completely overreacting when the crew went to godric’s hollow and harry, hermione, ginny and ron were all talking about the dreary memories there and draco was just geeking out over how the houses had thatched roofs and that theres a farmer’s market 😭 his whole face just lit up when he spotted the market lolll he’s def thinking about a holiday home there or sum
get you a man (ron) who will hold a grudge (against draco) for you (hermione) for decadesss because of the things he said to you in your youth (very loyal husband material… hermione fr the smartest hp character, she saw the vision)
albus and ginny just throwing themselves onto each other and hugging and then harry just jogs up to albus, stops himself, and excitedly pats his shoulder
draco saying “we can hug too if you want” and scorpius slowly reaching out to him like the uppies meme
after the chat with ginny in the church in which ginny tells harry that albus needs to feel specific love from him, and albus was explaining the plan to defeat delphi, he says something like “and we should do this because do you know what im good at? polyjuic—” then harry yells behind him wayyy too loudly “I THINK THERES PLENTY YOURE GOOD AT ALBUS” and they all stare at him and ron just gives him a big thumbs up
and later when harry is trying to convince draco to go along with the plan to transfigure himself albus butts in saying “you should trust my dad, draco because he won’t let us down” and harry gets SO happy from it he and ron literally high five and he does a little jump in the background
also scorpius was constantly looking at draco when harry was talking about transfiguring himself into voldemort and it was fucking priceless. scorpius was so animated in his expressions he was literally staring at his dad like 😨 whilst draco is silently watching the whole encounter like 😐
when ron said “blimey theres two of them” when referring to scorpius and hermione, it literally had scorpius’ face LIGHT UP, hands over his mouth, and his posture straightened. i find it so cute how much he idolises hermione!
when harry turned into voldemort everyone flinched a step back except ron who went like “bloody hell! 😯” love him
the dramione scene was so minor, but it’s probably the biggest dramione moment to happen between the two of them in the entire hp series so im actually so surprised dramione shippers dont talk about it
breaking it down: draco says “im being bossed around by hermione granger” and theres a silence in which ron stops and looks at him very threateningly. then draco says “and im mildly enjoying it” with this big flirty ass grin on his face 😭😭😭 and then hermione has to HOLD RON BACK AND DRAG HIM AWAY LMFAO
draco the only type of guy to shoot his shot at a woman in front of her husband and his motherless son 💀💀
the fight scene with delphi and harry (+co) was hottttt and i dont mean in an attractive way but in the sense that it was literally fucking sweltering like i could feel the hot ass fire on my face as they were throwing spells at each other. i dont know how the actors could simply just cope on stage
albus was hiding behind ginny during fight scene with delphi and she was holding him close behind her. idk if it was because he hid behind her of his free volition or if she dragged him behind her but it was cute asf either way
when voldemort walked down into the middle aisle he stopped randomly and started staring at this random poor woman for a moment 💀
im sorry i know it wasnt funny but when everyone was witnessing voldemort kill lily and she was heart wrenchingly screaming “NO NOT MY BABY” voldy was like ���step aside u silly gal 🙄” i fucking shat myself omg 😭😭 he’s so unserious 😭😭😭
and then they’re back at hogwarts and everyone’s having a good time after bearing witness to all this trauma and what do you see? - polly chapman trying to fight THE minerva mcgonagall by boinking her with a big ass textbook. rose had to intervene and stop her 💀 girl wanted all the smoke
the last scorbus scene. oh my gawd. people talk about this but not in enough detail so i WILL QUOTE IT for you because i remember it by heart (and i also wrote it down immediately after the show ended so my memory was fresh). i haven’t seen people actually quote it so far so maybe i’ll be the first (unless someone else has already done it and i just didn’t see it), because people are literally missing out if they don’t go see the play themselves. it is a bit long and i dont want to make an already long post longer so i will leave it here if you’re interested in scorbus at all
but also, if you go read it, just take into account the way they’re speaking to each other. ive seen the play a total of three times, twice in two part and once in the revised one part and you can just tell it’s romantic from the way theyre talking to each other. the actors know what theyre doing
and ofc the coming out scene between albus and harry with albus saying “scorpius is the most important person to me, and he might ALWAYS be the most important person to me” and harry saying “i think thats a very good thing”
also not to brag but during roll call draco looked at me 😻😻 and ron looked in my general direction (he was smiling at the people in front of me because i think he knew them personally since the first three rows are like VIP (sorta) tickets and not open for general public sale but it was close enough)
anyways those are my notes! if youve read this much im impressed by you fr
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aphrogeneias · 2 years
im BEGGING i need to hear more of ur thoughts about the new episodes 🙏🙏
these are all very incoherent but hear me out ok <3
- the subtlety the show has when portraying addiction and substance use is something i appreciate a lot, we don't need overt scenes of drug use to understand daisy has a problem and we can tell that by the way we're casually shown her always drinking, taking pills and chain smoking, it's all there and it will get worse when they go on tour, i think some people wanted it to be really bad from the go, but that's not how it goes, not with storytelling and not even in life
- their first concert together was everything, daisy taking over the stage and never leaving, her magnetic stage presence, billy being an asshole because he's uncomfortable
- daisy feels more like book!daisy now but she was already great in the first episodes
- the scene where daisy breaks into her childhood home and gets arrested (which she denies in the book but now we can see the truth now) was truly heartbreaking. this is daisy jones, the girl who has it all. the money, the looks, the talent. but she's ultimately alone and desperate for attention and connection, i really felt her there
- "i'm from mars, karen. i don't have people."
- teddy is a mastermind king of reverse psychology
- CAMILA IS A MASTERMIND (taking daisy in, pushing billy to accept her in the band, meddling with graham and karen, she's behind everything!!! she's fucking smart and i love that)
- "families take care of each other" "do they? that hasn't been my experience" a stab through the heart would have hurt less smh
- karengraham is perfect, especially karen herself
- "you know it's not my job not to turn you on, right?" yes queen say it
- eddie saying rock and roll is about sleeping with some girl you don't know not about making sweet love to your wife and then proceeding to make sweet love to billy's wife... poetry tbh
- speaking of which camila x eddie is actually perfect. eddie's book arc was always about feeling inferior to billy, wanting what he has, and him wanting his wife too makes total sense. it shows how similar they are in every sense but somehow billy always has the upper hand, even in this situation
- it also gives camila some depth and more complexity, which we always love
- daisybilly happened and it happened in the book too. they did a terrible job trying to cover up that story about the "almost kiss" in the book, each of them had a different version of it, it was pretty clear that they didn't know how to hide it well. it was well done in the show, i was already expecting it and it made sense
- and the all rest with them writing in the pool house, becoming closer, was just how i imagined, sam claflin and riley keough did a great job showing vulnerabily and hostility and attraction, just everything daisy and billy needed to have in order to make their duo work
- the songs are all amazing and the recording sessions were very fun to watch, watching aurora come alive? dream come true
- daisy getting into a car accident while writing regret me that's daisy fucking jones dude
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mercymermaid · 11 months
i think it's time for my fnaf movie rant
these are in no particular order and are just a conglomeration of thoughts that i wrote down immediately after watching so they don't make any sense half the time, and don't include theories i've seen recently
- why did golden freddy pull a sans w the blue eye what happened to the white smh
- because mike explained that their dad was gone, right? and afton clearly recognized the schmidt name. due to this, i originally thought that maybe schmidt was some code name and that only the aftons could recognize it, but now i have a theory
- the families are switched somehow. Vanessa is either a stand-in for Charlie or herself, which makes no sense story-wise
- however, Mike, Abby, and Garrett are clearly afton children. Mike is Mike (and in the games, Mike apparently uses Schmidt anyway to investigate his dad), Abby can bring lengthened to Elizabeth, and the crying child doesn't even canonically have a name 💀
- so i was thinking what if the families were eswitched? vanessa was some sort of charlie stand-in, with afton as her dad, while the schmidts were raised by Henry
- this would explain why he recognized schmidt and offered the job at Freddy's - he'd already killed Garrett, so he wanted to finish off the collection. Mayne this could be a parallel to him killing Charlie, but since there's three kids, he needs to get them all??? idfk
- ONE OF THE GUYS BREAKING IN HAD A MIDNIGHT MOTORISTS T-SJIRT (the guy who got killed by the cupcake)
- i am soglad i went with who I did because i doubt any of my other friends would understand any of it 😭
- the balloon boy bit 😭 i doubt anyone not in the fandom would appreciate it as well as we did smh
- ugh i wish mark had his cameo but iron lung is important too ig
- we probably won't get to see a "WAS THAT THE BITE OF '87" moment because garrett got kidnapped instead of chomped smh
- also max getting bit in half is probably all we're gonna get of The Bite
- only issue is the lack of screaming during the springlocking. only your stomach is getting stabbed, not your throat yet. Scream.
- it would've been so funny if he pulled the "MICHAELLL DONT LEAVE ME HERE MICHAEL MICHAEL" while he was being dragged away but homie was too busy dying
- stop bonnie and chica staring down the camera while they release the cupcake is so funny 😭
- the lack of a mrs. afton is so real 🤩🤩
- dude the entire fort scene was actually so fucking hilario
- like bonnie just. falling backwards. is so him yk
- the issue with the family swap is that Vanessa just doesn't fit in. we can't play it off as a parallel to Charlie, because vanessa is already an established character with a connection to afton.  fuck you Scott.
- a bit upset they didn't keep Freddy's flashing face sequence smh
- they kept in the red eyes in some parts but im very glad they weren't in the rest. they looked fucking high. what happened to the black with white?? THAT WOULDVE BEEN TEN TIMES SCARIER AND APPEALED TO CANON, WHATS THE WITH THE CHANGE MAN 😭
- bonnie never got his eyebrows
- cupcake slayed and ate (literally!!!!)
- im actually super curious why half of spring bonnie is so damaged. now, it could go with the whole "this place hasn't been touched in forever, yadda yadda, destroyed suit makes it more sensitive and easy to set off" but. it's only one half of it. there could be a perfectly plausible explanation of "Oh yeah, only half of it was exposed to bad stuff, other half was covered with a tarp" ITS FIVE NIGHTS AT FREDDY'S. ITS NEVER THAT SIMPLE. HAVE WE LEARNED NOTHING? also a bit curious about whether movie afton already got springlocked once like book afton did (has game afton getting springlocked previously been confirmed? please lmk)
- i really love how they used the "the robots are just children" because they love abby and just want to play and shit and they're so sweet but they're so easily manipulatable 
afton probably didn't have to do much besides show the pictures and convince them he was good
and all it took for them to turn on him was abby drawing a second picture
what if she convinced them vanessa was bad or some shit? they are really fucking gullible.
- also what the fuck was that freddy head saw blade monstrosity??!! what 😭 
- like it never ends up being explained and it's not a stand-in for springlocks or being shoved into suits because those are very very much there
- literally the second i heart matpat's voice my heart went oop 
- it took a second for everyone to register it but we went WILD
- no bc a markiplier cameo would be so great but imagine if they used his reaction thing
- like they got him to film "WAS THAT THE BITE OF '87" as max gets bitten, and he appears in the corner for that one line
- even better, not reaction camera style, just standing there right next to her and then never being mentioned again
- either that or him popping up on the cameras (again, either as a reaction image, or standing there menacingly)
- also why DID vanessa keep Mike in the dark abt afton (not calling him her dad, not stooping that low) and him trying to kill Abby? fear of authorities getting involved? this is bumfuck nowhere Utah, she is the fucking authority, and considering what his aunt said, a police officer defending her dad against some random guy isn't gonna go well for him
- like sure she told him to not bring abby but she didn't tell him why of course it's not gonna go well
- about the family swap. it's so easy to tell the scmidts are supposed to be a version of the afton kids, why the fuck did they name him GARRETT?
- I love the whole references to phone guy
Would've loved to see actual phone guy (imagine if THAT was matpat's cameo)(coughs in fnaf the musical) but afton is good enough
but abby's "hello" while exploring Freddy's sounds so much lime balloon boy wtf
- abby is a monogram (or whatever it's called) for baby which might not have that much symbolism bc abby is short for Elizabeth but the more the merrier yk
- i think i answered my own question abt whether movie afton has been springlocked
considering how he fuckign SPRINTED at michael and made all these moves like kicking and shit? yeah, I'm more surprised it took him so long to get springlocked
same with game afton actually like.. hello? stop laughing at the fucking dead kids in such a damp room, it's your own fault dumbass
Basically book afton was the smartest about wearing the suit bc of experience
- my friend is complaining abt how flirty Vanessa is w Michael which is really funny for no reaskn
- as my friend mentioned, springlock scene was kinda anticlimactic lmao like where's the screaming? the blood?
- according to the same friend mentioned three times already:
Best parts of the movie
1. Matpat saying "that's just a theory"
2. Living tombstone credits
3. Vanessa getting stabbed
- the sounds at the end spell out "come find me" so wooohooo sequel time?? :))
- the "i always come back" was NOT it 😭 at least he said it yk
- okay someone pointed out that it was his last words so they were desperate and mad and showcase his lack of confidence in if he's actually gonna come back 
which is cool
but I like the og more yk
- about abby's springlock suit: its the same doll from 1:35 am (fazbear frights 3), then there's sparky as an animatronic ans restaraunt, wppohoho
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11queensupreme11 · 2 years
have you been to twitter recently. ppl are accusing gege of things and they're even bringing up the mei mei and lil bro scenes from a long time ago..💀 reminds me of something that happened in one of your other fics
stop i get pissed just thinking back on it 💀🤚
ooooooh my god they're so annoying 😭 ppl are seriously accusing gege of incest because of what he put in his fictional works?? not only that but did you see them attacking myamura too???
context: one of my fic series has dark content in it and I explicitly warned my readers about the kind of stuff to expect. Fast-forward some chapters later, I get readers accusing me of supporting that shit and even complaining about the dark stuff... THAT I ALREADY WARNED THEM ABOUT. SO MANY TIMES.
What's worse is that I cross-post on wattpad and wattpad has a feature that allows you to comment on every paragraph. When I went back to my warnings, I noticed that the ppl complaining about the dark stuff had commented on my list of warnings in the past.
They knew what was gonna come. But had the audacity to act shocked and bitch at me for the stuff they were already warned about 💀 Even worse, they had so many chances to stop?? They read my warnings, if they didn't like it, they should've stopped reading ugh. Some of these guys continued to even read the sequel books??? like i thought they hated it??? pls stop omg???
On twitter I see ppl doing the same thing rn.
Even though Myamura translated Sukuna saying that he plans on killing Yorozu/Tsumiki to break Megumi, ppl somehow deluded themselves into thinking that they're gonna do some "freaky" stuff in the next chapter 💀
Sukuna literally said he was gonna kill her. Not fuck her. And they weren't even flirting in the last panel so wtf
There's no incest because Tsumiki and Megumi aren't related so pls stop calling it incest because ur just lowering the seriousness of that word (and I know some Americans have the tendency to do that with other serious words too smh)
And when they get called out, they're like "you can't blame us because gege has a history of writing problematic stuff all the time like mei mei and her brother, the maki and mai kiss, etc!!! it's gross!! he clearly likes it!!"
those instances happened like... almost 100 chapters ago. Why are you still reading if you don't wanna see problematic content??? We're literally on ch 216 rn, you ppl had SO many chances to stop reading. Pls stop pretending to be "moral" about fictional content that you deem problematic and continue to read said problematic content while also complaining about that problematic content.
They clearly enjoy the manga if they're still reading it and keeping up with the leaks 🤭 idk why they gotta pretend to hate stuff about it in order to look "moral"
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night-heron-writes · 2 years
Buddy Daddies Episode 9 "No Sweet Without Sweat"
~*~Warning: Spoilers for Buddy Daddies Episode 9 under the cut~*~
Overall this was a very cute episode with almost no angst, which means next week is going to be painful. We're entering the final arc of the season here, and things are going to ramp up.
The first thing I noticed about this episode was the background music during the scene where Kazuki, Rei, and Miri were asking Kyutaro to come to the field day. The music playing in the background was typical classic-esque music that would play in a cafe, but what caught my attention was that it was played in a minor key. (Don't ask me which key, I don't have perfect pitch.) Minor keys are often used in music to signal ominous things. If I have my music theory straight, D-minor is considered the saddest key. It'd be interesting to know exactly which key this piece was played in.
Another thing that caught my eye was the way the shot zoomed in on Kyutaro's face when his eyes narrowed, and then the immediate cut to the opening song. This does not bode well, and combined with the musical implications I am starting to get an inkling that Kyutaro will betray our protagonists.
Rei going overkill to secure a spot was hilarious and also very touching. He went out in the middle of the night to secure the best spot to watch Miri. However, the barbed wire monstrosity was a bit much. Plus the way he just easily vaulted over the brick wall? He missed his calling as an Olympic gymnast smh.
Also Kazuki's camera setup kills me. I grew up with a dad who loves to take pictures and has all the snazzy cameras, but even he never used three at once. Look at that telescoping lens on the middle one! Kazuki is prepared.
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The discord helped me identify the brand that the cameras spoof off of. If you look at the marking on the camera, you'll see that it says "Milox", which is a spoof of Nilox. Here's a screencap so you can see it clearly.
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I think somebody needs to tell Kazuki that this is not what people usually mean by "fun fact".
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Absolutely dying at the fact that the daycare mamas still believe the whole "oil baron and washed-up comedian" story. 😂 What kind of fanfiction-type bullshit has Kazuki been coming up with?
Miss Anna is the MVP of tug-of-war. We stan a queen.
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Poor Taiga has managed to make enemies for life out of both Rei and Kazuki. That child isn't going to make it to elementary school.
What really got me about this episode was that the leitmotif I've nicknamed "Miri's Family" started playing the minute Rei unfolded the scavenger hunt card that says "family", and it doesn't stop playing until the field day is officially over. I think that's the longest we've heard it play! I'm almost in tears bc Rei and Kazuki have realized that Miri thinks of them as a family. A big moment for the both of them, and the leitmotif makes it all even more touching.
But the post-credit scene. Ah fuck. It's October now, and Kyutaro has yet to either give the organization information or tell Rei and Kazuki. So his decision so far is not to decide? It looks like the organization is starting to get antsy and press for information. Kyutaro better abide by what he told Rei and Kazuki in episode 5:
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One final note: It's absolutely hysterical how wrong my predictions were for this episode:
The daycare mamas' group chat pops up again, probably speculating on Rei and Kazuki's relationship history or how they got Miri
Rei and Kazuki get way over-invested bc they don't understand the idea of "friendly competition". (Almost a given, especially after that promo video 😂)
Kyutaro will show up at least once, likely in the post-credit scene
the post-credit scene will be the the only part of the episode that addresses the request for information.
We will get a hilariously over-the-top training montage where Kazuki and Rei coach Miri. I'm talking like on the order of the dodgeball episode of spy x family where the kiddos were climbing a jungle gym but it looked like mountain climbing 😂
we get at least one new important musical theme, or one becomes important that wasn't earlier.
I'm at 2 for 6 with my predictions.🤣 Maybe I'd better stick to the musical analysis...
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