#BUT YEAH it leads to fighting and the loser being kicked out
wings-of-angels · 7 months
Passionate, homosexual love letter for you!
“Oh Max, thy strange swag has enchanted me. I dream of your amazing mouse facts, and yearn for the day that I might hear your wonderful jokes again.
Cursed be fate (uni) for keeping us apart (giving me work so I can’t write u so much).
In love (/p), a totally anonymous person.”
BDJSHSISJSOSHSK oh thank you anonymous person whos identity i yearn to unravel (charlie), i am platonically swooning at your words. Truly, how dare fate get in the way of our blossoming friendship 😔😔💞💞
#I HOPE THE UNI WORK IS EASY 💞💞💞#also GIGGLING thank you for this :D it made me smile#ALSO rodent fact:#did you know that rodents can declan ???#(which is when rodents who were previously in a group kick out one or more rodents from the group)#i was specifically researching gerbils so idk how generalisable this is to other rodents#BUUUTTT gerbils have hierarchys with 'alpha males/females' and subordinate gerbils#and sometimes the leader gerbil is challenged which leads to the challenger and the leader fighting#the loser is then kicked from the group#this can happen for several reasons#1. only the leader/alpha gerbil can mate with gerbils. which can make the other gerbils mad and want that for themselves#2. another gerbil wants to become the alpha gerbil. often this happens when the alpha is older or weak#3. if a newer or younger gerbil has joined the group. they may upset the established hierarchy. other gerbils may want to mate with it OR-#-the newer gerbil may want the leader position instead#(ive been calling the alpha gerbil the leader but idk if they actually lead anyone 😭😭 also im not sure if alpha females exist)#BUT YEAH it leads to fighting and the loser being kicked out#sometimes other gerbils will leave with the loser#HOWEVER in captivity when a gerbil is kicked out they cant actually leave the cage so its up to the owner to notice the signs of declanning#the signs are an increase in fights (when the loser doesnt leave cos it cant get out the cage.. the alpha takes their continued presence-#-as a threat to their authority leading to more fighting)#if not dealt with.. it often leads to the losers death :((#another sign is the loser not sleeping in the burrow with other gerbils and eating seperately#theyll also be really exited about leaving the cage and want to get out as quick as possible#if declanning happens ur supposed to remove the gerbil from the cage/tank/gerbilarium and give them a new home#then you gotta introduce them to new gerbils (gerbils get rlly sad if left on their own)#ANYWAY SORRU I WANTED TO RAMBLE ABOUT GERBILS COS I HAD NO IDEA THIS WAS A THING UNTIL A WEEK AGO
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bonefall · 5 months
Honest question, how do you think Clear Sky would react if he got yeeted to the Dark Forest upon death. I've been thinking about this for an AU and I have how I'll do it, but I'm super curious how you'd approach it because I like hearing you talk about the worst man ever
Oh he'd build an empire. Like. Immediately. First couple of cats that fall in with him would end up getting turned into his lackeys.
I lean into the Christian coding a lot but like, unironically, Clear Sky is the sort of dramaturge who could deliver lines out of Paradise Lost without breaking a sweat
Paradise Lost is about how Satan's ego lead him to oppose God, how he justifies hanging onto his anger at having had his ass kicked, and how he rallies all his demons to continue to fight for a lost cause they can't possibly win. Milton basically wrote it to connect that theme to humanity itself, exploring the various ways that Satan and humans aren't so different.
It just feels so right with Clear Sky in mind. Everyone knows the "Better to reign in hell than serve in heaven" line that the speech in Book 1 ends with, but the CONTEXT of Satan's words there is that he's looking at all his fallen allies doing the family guy death post at literally rock bottom, all these people who lost everything by following him, and he's giving them a pep talk.
"Ok yes. It smells like a sulphuric fart, the lights keep flickering, and everything is on fire," says Satan, "But maybe this is a you-problem. I'M this funny little thing called an ✨optimist✨ and you know what? Maybe God never built a minecraft base here because he's the real loser. YOU can say it's hell but you know what I call it? Free real estate babey. NOW LET'S GO FUCK WITH HIM!!!!"
And that's honestly the EXACT way I see Clear Sky reacting to something like that. Like he'd ever just lay down and die?? HELL no. He'd be PISSED that StarClan was SO UNGRATEFUL to him, that they did something so spiteful and unfair. Sure, he Made Some Mistakes, but he had to make HARD choices, and he was NEVER WRONG, and deserves his place being honored.
He might briefly have a moment of self-pity, woefully consider just giving up... but in the end, his damning would make him so mad. He'd want to get back at them as soon as his brief pity party is over (just like he did with One Eye), and he's absolutely incapable of ever NOT bossing other cats around. He just needs one or two goons before he's got a little base of power, and you KNOW that cats like Petal would do anything to go fight by his side again.
So yeah. If you're asking me, sending Clear Sky to the Dark Forest would unironically just result in the devil. And you'd have a great opportunity there, because StarClan SUCKS.
Both sides would be terrible options and you can really expand on the unfairness of WC's afterlife system, and the way that banishing a person like Clear Sky to an eternal prison with other desperate cats just ends up enabling and empowering his worst impulses.
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thebisexualdogdad · 11 months
Jason Todd x Male!MMA fighter reader headcanons
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*Oliver Stark used as a fancast*
● you're a personal trainer by day and underground mma fighter by night
● meeting Jason at the gym you work at and always checking each other out
● you'll be with one of your clients and smiling at him across the room while he tries to impress you by upping the amount of his weights
● "I noticed you've got a lot of scars, must have a lot of good stories to tell" you say when you finally talk to him for the first time
● "well how about you let me take you out to dinner and tell you some of them"
● while he doesn't exactly lie about how he got his scars he doesn't tell the entire truth about him being a crime fighting vigilante either
● he plays it as he just happens go be at the wrong place at the wrong time a lot
● you guys spend a whole lot of time together at the gym
● competing to see who can lift more
● and run a mile quicker
● sparring until you can't feel your arms anymore
● he's at the gym so much all of your clients know him
● "So how long until I get biceps as big as your boyfriends Y/N?"
● "it takes a lot of dedication to get biceps like these" Jason says flexing proudly
● Jason actually learns a lot of new moves from training with you
● Dick after a fight where they took down twenty bad guys "that was impressive Jason where did you learn that from"
● "Y/N taught me, you should take a few lessons from him maybe you could actually be a good fighter too Grayson"
● "ha ha very funny don't forget who's been doing this longer"
● going on long motorcycle rides with Jason
● you two race throughout Gotham weaving in between cars
● and loser has to pay for dinner
● Jason doesn't do much upkeep of his apartment
● he's got leftovers in his fridge that are so old its created its own ecosystem
● and there's dirty laundry laying all over the floor
● "when was the last time you did a load of laundry?"
● "well considering I haven't worn any underwear in over a week I'm gonna say a while"
● the very first time you went to his place you were surprised by all the books scattered around
● "I didn't take you to be such a bookworm"
● "do I get to keep my bad boy title if I tell you I'm banned from three libraries for not returning books?"
● this leads to a lot of coffee shop dates where you just quietly read next to each other and enjoy one another's company
● Jason goes to all of your fights
● he always gives you a good luck kiss in the locker room, "go out there and kick some ass babe!"
● you win the majority of your matches so there's a lot of celebrating with Jason after at the bar
● but the one time you got the shit beat out of you Jason had to fight the urge to not to murder the guy right there in the ring
● he and your manager carry you back to the locker room and get you cleaned up and Jason is pissed
● "Jay you gotta calm down I've done worse to people in the ring"
● "yeah but those guys aren't my boyfriend"
● your manager "you've got a lot of passion kid you ever think about signing up to fight?"
● "trust me I do enough fighting just not for money"
● your manager "what, are you involved in a gang or something?"
● "something like that"
● Jason thinks you still don't know about his secret identity but you figured it out a long time ago
● you don't say anything because you want him to feel comfortable telling you himself
● whenever that may be
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cosmolog · 11 months
Difficult Times
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After Venom and Y/n have a fight, leading to them separating, an unexpected visitor arrives at the door.
Warnings; Breaking noses, bad words, reader gets kidnapped. I could write a part two if requested.
You are Venom's host and dating Moonknight!
And I took some of the first part from Venom 2 to make up for the fight scene. Enjoy!
"Y/n.." Y/n stopped her bike and got off, taking her helmet off and going inside the apartment. Marc wasn't home, he said he had to go handle something important. Y/n didn't question it as she trusted him enough to know it was for something good.
"Y/n!" Venom continued to call her as she had been ignoring him the whole ride home.
"I don't wanna hear it" She muttered.
"Y/n, I am sorry. I didn't mean to."
"You didn't mean to but you did it. I mean, you just decided, I don't know-" She made a bunch of weird noises to imitate what Venom had done to Cletus Kasady. "That's it, you did it. You didn't even think that we might get caught. That we might get killed. No you don't think about things like that, do you?" She stomped into the kitchen and began aggressively making dinner. "You just think about chicken, you think about you, you think about what you want and you think about...you"
"Let me remind you of something, Y/n." Venom started. "You were a loser before I came along. You were nothing. I made you special!"
"I had a perfectly normal life before you!" Y/n stopped and turned to him as her appeared beside her. "I didn't have chickens, but I had a normal life. With dreams and other things I wanted...And I had a really successful TV show!"
"But you destroyed all of those things by yourself." Venom replied.
Y/n huffed. "Yeah, but I rebuilt my life and now I just wanna sleep. Goodnight." She started heading for her bedroom.
"And how did you build this new life?" Venom asked, making Y/n stop and squint at him.
"Excuse me?" She said.
"And who found the clue on the wall so you could be this big shiny hero? Hm?" Venom asked. "Who found the clue? Who?"
"Wow" She muttered.
"Yeah" Venom nodded.
"No, no, no. This isn't about being a hero for me, man. Okay? It's about wanting to live in peace. Do you understand what I'm talking about?" She asked, making Venom tilt his head. "No, you don't. You don't understand what I'm talking about. Okay, this is about me wanting to live without you whining in my ear all the time about eating bad guys or, like, nagging me about Marc or destroying my place or destroying my life!"
"Do you know how lucky you are that I chose you?" Venom glared.
"You chose me?" She repeated. "Buddy, I'm the only one who took you in when your friends kicked you off the planet 'Ming Mong' 'cause you are a reject! You are a pariah! 'Protection' my ass, you couldn't even protect anything! You are useless! You couldn't get a job down here cleaning toilets!"
Venom head-butted her, breaking her nose. She yelled out in agony, holding her nose. "Sorry! I- I don't know what came over me! Please, let me fix it." He healed her nose before head-butting her again. "So I can break it again!"
Y/n screamed and fell back onto the couch. Venom quickly healed her nose again but Y/n was beyond angry. "You son of a bitch!" She punched him.
Venom then dragged her around the house before yelling. "Out! Get out! Take your stuff!"
"This is my house!" Y/n yelled as Venom started throwing her stuff out the window.
Venom picked up her brand new TV, about to throw it out the window when Y/n picked up a chicken, preparing to throw it. "Sunny?" Venom stopped, appearing beside her again. "You wouldn't dare!"
"Yeah, absolutely." She sneered before Venom let go of the TV, the two hearing it smash onto the ground below. Y/n carefully put the chicken down and rushed to the window. "No, no, no, no, no!"
The person in the alleyway below shouted. "I'm calling the police!"
"I- I am so sorry!" Y/n yelled down to him before turning to Venom.
Venom wrapped himself around her neck as she threw another punch. His face went close to hers so she grabbed his tongue and pulled on it, making Venom yell in pain before throwing her onto the coffee table.
She groaned as he yelled at her. "You can't win! Look at me, look at the size of you. Puny." Y/n grabbed her bike helmet and smashed it into Venom's face, breaking his teeth. "Oh, how dare you!" New teeth quickly appeared before Venom threw her into the air, flipping her before holding her against the ceiling. "I guess this is goodbye"
"Oh, yeah" Y/n growled. "Finally something we agree on." She then set off the fire alarm, the two yelling as they separated. Y/n fell to the ground as Venom retreated through the vents, attaching to a random guy in the alleyway.
Y/n sighed as she enjoyed the silence. She closed her eyes and relaxed.
It had been a few hours and Y/n still lay in the same spot. It was only when her phone buzzed, that she finally decided to get up off the floor. She groaned as she stood, stepping over various broken items and making her way over to the kitchen counter, grabbing her phone.
She turned it on, seeing a large number of messages and missed calls she had ignored from Marc but before she could read it, the door bell rang.
She looked around her apartment at the large mess of the place before sighing and walking towards the door as it rang again. She opened it, seeing an unfamiliar man on the other side.
Her gaze dropped to his strange red tattoos on his face to his jacket and plain tan-coloured shirt. He was definitely taller than Marc and his eyes held the unsettling promise of safety that inevitably would be a lie.
"Hi, Ms.L/n?" For a man of his size, his sounded surprisingly soft with a thick accent to it. It almost made Y/n feel at ease, if he wasn't a random stranger who somehow knew her name.
"Yes?" She hesitantly replied. "Who are you?"
The man stood up straighter. "My name is Raul Bushman. I'm a good friend of Marc's" He answered.
She furrowed her brows at that. "Marc isn't one to make friends." She said, suspicious of him.
"Well, then I consider myself a lucky guy." Bushman chuckled.
Y/n stared at him for a moment before opening the door wider for him to come in. "Please, come in. I'm sorry about the mess. My...roommate and I had a bit of a disagreement."
Bushman chuckled. "It looks like you won. You must be one hell of a fighter"
Y/n laughed. "Well...I wouldn't say that" She said, scratching her head and heading to the kitchen. "Uh, would you like something to drink? I have tea, coffee, or you can have something cold"
Bushman stood watching as Y/n began making tea for them. "I sure do like something warm...like your blood." His voice was unheard by Y/n, who was too busy at the task at hand. He eyed the back of her head like she was prey.
She smiled and turned around only to jump with how close he now was to her. He continued to stare down at her. "Has Marc ever mentioned me?"
She frowned and thought for a moment before her eyes went wide. Bushman...This was Marc's ex-partner when they were working together. He had been the one to kill Layla's father along with everyone else that day. He had been the reason Marc had been at the brink of death and chosen by Khonshu.
She gulped. "Now that you mention it, your last name does sound familiar..." He smirked as Y/n's breathing picked up, her hand slowly reaching behind her back for the nearest weapon, a knife she had used to make the dinner that was currently cooking. Luckily, Bushman hadn't noticed her. "Why are you here?"
He hummed. "Marc has a price to pay. Unfortunately for you, you are that price."
She immediately swung the knife, deeply cutting his cheek. He yelled out before looking at Y/n, his eyes filled in mad rage. He grabbed her hair and slammed her into the fridge next to her as she screamed.
She kicked him, making him let go long enough for her to create some distance between them. She ran to the door, not even getting to open it when Bushman grabbed her from behind and threw her across the room, landing with a hard thud.
She groaned in pain as he tauntingly strode up to her, grabbing her leg and dragging her towards him as she clawed at the ground to try and grab onto something.
He pulled out a knife, straddling her and pressing the weapon to her throat. She froze in fear as he grinned like a maniac. "Be quiet while I tie you up!" He sneered.
She punched and kicked him in the face, getting out from under him and running to the kitchen to her phone. Marc's text burned into her memory. 'Don't go near the door. If he comes in, let Venom handle it'
Fuck! Bushman was getting up again as she tried to figure out what to do. He now stood in front of the door, blocking her only escape while grinning at her.
"I won't hurt you if you choose to cooperate" He growled, before coming at her again. She picked up the sauce pan from the stove and splashed the hot water onto him, but he didn't seem fazed by it. He grabbed her hand and pointed a gun at her head, pressing it into her skin. "I should kill you for that!"
"Get away from me!" She yelled, really regretting her fight with Venom a few hours ago.
He suddenly lifted the gun high before slamming it into her skull, knocking her out. He caught her before swinging her over his shoulder and leaving the apartment.
She should never have opened that door.
Part 2 here
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boxwinebaddie · 2 days
Has Raven/Jersey ever broken a bone?
alright, *cracks knuckles*
this one goes out to sickfic princess ana and whumpwhiz rp.
*blows a kiss to the heavens bc they're angels* MWAH!
but aaaaany-knee-ways:
...it's interesting, actually.
( or at least, it is to me, darling. )
because of how he's written, you'd think probably think, 'oh, but nina! jerseykyle gets in all these fights. he's all big and tough and strong! he prolly breaks bones all the time!" and that's precisely IT, my dear!
jersey breaks bones;
he does not get his bones broken.
and i suppose that's because he is a seasoned fighter. ergo, he knows how to throw a wicked punch, where exactly on your body it will hurt or humiliate you the most -- probably a combination of the two if he's feeling particularly pissed that day ( everyday ) -- how many times to do it, where you're vulnerable, sees everyone as a possible adversary and thus, weaponizes the moment he sees you, surveys you, sizes you up, indicates what kind of threat you are and…
Promptly Neutralizes You.
he takes all these precautions, runs all these tedious, elaborate tests and intense, premeditated processes of elimination ( literally ), not just because he does not like losing, which he doesn't...but because he literally can't. simply put: he does not know how to lose or get hit.
see, jersey does not cope with pain very well. mentally or physically. that's why he inflicts pain, because he is secretly scared of feeling it.
on the outside, he is a harsh, frightening, impenetrable, menacing thing covered in barbs and wires and armed heavily, because on the inside he is extremely fragile and should even the smallest chink in his armor form, his entire fierce façade will shatter into smithereens.
he does not like to get hurt, to feel weak, to feel unpleasant and horrible things, so he does everything in his power to be powerful so that he will never feel powerless. it's why he learned how to fight, it wasn't to hit people, it was to avoid being hit by other people. it was a defense mechanism because of how often he got bullied and how weak he constantly was from swimming out against the current of all his chronic illnesses. a lot of people would just let go of that short stick that life gave them and drown, but not kyle. not my baby. no, his life belongs to him. so he sharpened that stick into the shiv...
stuck it straight through the gut of life,
— and made god beg for HIS mercy.
but yes, it's all a perfectly placed show. because my boy, scary and frightening as he may be swinging those freckled fists of fury...
is a fucking WUSS.
who has not broken a lot of bones actually! not his anyways! because when he does lose a fight, he is a sore fucking loser indeed because he's suddenly hit with all this pain that he does not know how to endure or deal with and literally is such a baby and a princess, omg.
i /swear/ that WHOLE divorce whumpshot para and the one of him barfighting is him acting really tough and cool, but hes really like hooly shit, this sucks so fkn Bad, i hate this, i want my mOM!! :'(
riiiiiiiiiip, lmaooooo.
spoiler alert: jersey kyle is dainty and spoiled. he is a champion complainer and if gets a papercut...
you will hear about it.
conversely, however...lead singer ravenstan,
is very Quiet about pain.
ravenstan knows pain like the back of his hands, he, unfortunately, has had hands on him his entire life and where kyle learned to kick and claw and bite, stan just...internalized and endured all that pain.
he isn't brutal or vicious, he is kind and forgiving, he does not hurt things even if they are hurting him and has been hurt so much that being hurt is as easy as breathing to him…which is horrible because he has asthma and a lot of smoke-related respiratory damage.
but yeah, i actually ( god, i love you ravenstan ) want to scream because where jersey is hard outside and soft inside, raven is soft outside and hard inside and is extremely good at being hurt, ( a child weaned on pain thinks hurt is a comfort, rip ), will take pretty much anything you throw at him and because he literally does not want to inconvenience you...will not even indicate that he's hurt to you.
like he is very passionate about protecting and taking care of other people, but he does not care at all about himself or what happens to him, so if you're hurt, he is on his hands and knees, comforting you, placating you, doing whatever he can to help you...and he might have three bullets in his back, you wouldn't know until he started bleeding through his clothes and fell over. that man is a fucking TANK, guys.
the universe has tried to kill ravenstan...several tries.
( suicide tw, he has also tried a couple times </3 )
no such luck.
it helps that he actually has a surprising amount of off-hand medical knowledge because sharon transferred a lot of it onto him during stan's childhood when she was patching him up because he was a fkn disaster child who tracked mud and blood into her house 25/8, spent three days in a tree and took a hockey puck to the face.
i genuinely think that a large part of why stan was able to survive and endure a lot of the horrors he had was because sharon scolding him in spanish and teaching him stuff literally saved his fucking life.
but yeah, ravenstan is my selfless, accident prone king. he is such a mess, pilots his body so carelessly that it is legitimately frightening. he is constantly covered in bruises he doesn't remember getting, scratches he didn't even notice, does dumb shit and gets hurt and like literally can’t tell he's hurt until he is like abt to pass out.
tldr: rave gets hurt often and has broken a lot of bones.
usually because he's doing stupid, heroic shit.
for example, i am not sure how it got broken, i like to think it was at a concert or an event and he SAVED SOMEONE from something falling or what have you and broke the fuck out of his arm. so his arm was in a cast ( i need it to be hot pink ) and he was super bummed out and felt hella bad because he had a meet and greet and couldn't sign autographs so he just let everyone else...
give him Their autograph instead.
so no one got a personally signed picture of raven of crimson dawn, but much cooler, imo, was that they all personally signed his cast.
my eyes are leaking, lmao. branch in my eyeeee. ;-;
gods...sweet...sweet angel. uGh.
THIS IS SO LONG, BUT I HOPE THIS ANSWERS YOUR QUESTION! idk why i got so invested in this, omg, but thank you for asking and being curious and thank you all for being so lovely and asking me things. it means a lot to me that you care and know i adore you.
-uncle nina, jerseykyle inflictor of angst pain
( and major wuss ) >.>
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'IT' Discussions Pt. 1
yes theirs so much i could go into involving fears and repression and queerness and on and on and on in the 'IT' franchise (and i will, one day) but today to kick this all off we're going over something thats very near and dear to my heart and that ISSS (drumroll please) the use of opposites through the characters' depiction and character foils. lets do this one by one
Richie: The way he's depicted in both the book and movies, he acts like a fucking idiot lets be so real. he's dorky, and impulsive, and goofy, and typical mildly repulsive acting 13 year old boy but all in all depicted outwardly as an idiot. But when it matters. When its about how to find things, how to get around things and calm people down and get where they need to be and do what they need to do, Richies the one pulling through 9 out of 10 times. This boy is SMART. he pays attention and he remembers and he stays updated and informed. he acts like a goofy idiot to make those around him think he is (going into that more later) but in reality, he's the smartest loser. if he gets bad grades, he CHOOSES to. he knows his shit.
Eddie: where do i even start my dudes. obviously because of how his mother 'raised' (read: ruined) him, he's fucking scared. of germs, of new things, of everything, and not scared of the act of doing it but scared of what could happen when and if he does. he's a fucking scaredy cat. but genuinely? he's the fucking bravest. he's the one leading them, even if its Bev and Bill in the front. he pushes richie to do certain things, encourages stan, builds up bev and bill. when mike and ben get bullied by henry, eddies the one running in to do something about it and help them. yeah, he's constantly complaining about how shits gross and what could happen and this and that but only EVER as he's doing it. 'oh you could get poison ivy' as he's going into the bushes, 'oh this shit stinks' as he's pushing richie out of the way to climb into the sewer. for all his complaining and fear, he's the bravest.
Now on the topic of Rich and Eds, character foils, another use of opposites. Lets get into it pookies 😛
Now, every action has its equal opposite reaction. every thing that happens to one, that one goes through, that one does, the other has the opposite of that in the same way. So for every time Eddie comes home to an overbearing, intense mother, Richie comes home to an empty house and a note saying 'be back by 10' on the fridge. Every time Richie acts out just to make the others around him laugh so that he's worth something to keep around, Eddie sits there and shakes his head and smiles even though he told himself he wouldnt show too much feeling around them so he's not too much for those around him. one of them representing the fear of never being enough, never being GOOD enough, and one representing the fear of being too much, scaring those around him away. opposites.
but then theirs the purple to their Red and Blue. the similarities, where they mix and make something beautiful and painful. The constant fear of rejection and judgement of those around them. The repression and judgement of a small town in the 1980s and knowing, from the youngest of ages, that you're different, that your family is different and your mind is different and body is different. (come on, being gay and being on about 90 pills that arent even for fun in the 80s? one having divorced parents and one having parents that always fight and are always gone? they're all outcasts and repressed but these two istg). their purple.
the more you watch these movies and read the book, you can really pick up on more and more with it. how smart rich really is, how brave eddie really is, how similar they really are despite the differences in their situations and their characters.
Pt 2: Bill and Stan (Topic: Same)
Pt. 3: Bev, Ben, Mike (Topic: Same)
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the-firebird69 · 2 months
Cop Pulls Gun on Motorcycle for Wheelie
His bikers were messing with his cops for about 50 miles and with people too and the cops had to stay with them you're promising to do damage to people and it's the pseudo empire area this is going on the pseudo empire the Macklemore lock and minority checking out they're leaving existence in exchange for this rude rough behavior it leads them nowhere due to very weak and in the case of trump and company of leaders are completely absent they don't do any leadership they're on their own and he gets very very messed up there's a good reason for it he's going after the pseudo empire and the attacks and relentlessly eventually they sacrificed him and send him to Titan on his merry way to die and they know what time it is and there's a few other people are trying to mess with but they're getting smaller and smaller if you were in fewer that they're going after people who are messing around with them. It may seem unfair that we criticize them a lot but they're making our sense life hell and they're not being effective people at their jobs they refuse to take any direction no suggestions seriously you're going to attack the empire like they're nothing and they're going to get their asses handed to them go blow for blow is how Tommy f and yeah it was cited and shown with the fight at St John's between Mike brander and Grady grainy that's the blow for blow with Trump and a pseudo empire the other one was another fighter from the pseudo empire is known as the strongest guy in school no that was Grenier and he is a clone and he fought one of Max guys pseudo empire so these are all foreshadowing things and one of the bja people fought a pseudo empire person and you have to research it and that's what happens and they show one of bja punching our son more than once and it was really bad and nothing happened in the Midwest like that and they got their asses handed to them and really our son beat Brad each time Brad lost and he just kept on going and wouldn't stop and it's ridiculous the guy needs to be stopped we don't want to put up with it anymore if he tries to do it again would you just keep killing him and pretty soon he dies in Robocop and yeah that's the end of the line
And it's Trump and he's trying to get him to attack our son no that's the pseudo empire and they're putting him in there to do dirty work and they get delivered s*** kicked out of them for it that's too late for Brad the girl who kills him lost her husband to him already and our son knows her and she doesn't like her son in a nasty format and she's a trumpster it's not that obscure but these people are nasty okay this this guy Brad is going to get it he's a loser and a big mouth and we're going to take over the light cycle stuff can't believe someone who does nothing with something can sit there and get away with it so we're looking for people to build Brad's light cycle in the Midwest to suck him in there and get rid of them
Thor Freya
We have a few people who are interested in we're going to start discussions
And no they're not trumpsters
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noneuclideanwhimsy · 9 months
Very epic timeline:
Prior to 1980: Rivalry stuff, hatemail (not ship(kinda)) portal established
1980: black mesa died, Cave went a bit. Not good. Because his Loser BoyToy died and he kind of went into overdrive.
Late 1982: Caroline gets GLaDOSed
1983: Cave gets roboted
1984: robot apocalypse starts
(People getting captured so GLaDOS can run more tests, eventually progresses into people being forced into a digital hivemind. She also bullies Robo Cave)
(Footnote: Chell is born roughly 1979-1980, Barney and Adrian born 1970ish, Gina and Colette about 1960ish, Gordon was born 1993)
1995: No Life 1 begins
(Chell leaves Aperture (og), goes through robot city and then a human processing facility (steal the bones burn the rest for fuel) goes back to Aperture to find GLaDOS. She also kills Robo Cave. fights GLaDOS. She survives because of the Aperture in the middle of the ocean) (setup for the world getting better, finds out GLaDOS is still alive in the middle if the ocean, gameplay stuff, Chell teams up with the Resistance guys because. Yeah. So they get Chell to the ocean facility, she kills GLaDOS for realsies this time)
2000: No Life 2 ends
(GLaDOS gets died) (those gay old men are ghosts now, they're reading Breen's Perfectly Preserved hatemail (not ship) binder. and bullying each other(affectionate(derogatory)))
2010: Lambda begins
(The resistance guys tell gordon about a thingy (mythos) that's in the old black mesa building and they make a plan for him to get there)
(Lambda 1 Gordon goes through the og aperture laboratory to get to A Portal in an office that leads to a different office in black mesa) (Lambda 2 Mythos exists, he's doing hot girl shit like robot therapy. Gordon goes through black mesa to find him, does, goes back home.)
Postgame: robots get integrated into society yippeeeee also everyones okay and its all good and happy woohoo!!) The world is healing :) *.~☆(⁠人⁠*⁠´⁠∀⁠`⁠)⁠。⁠*゚⁠+
I love this, this makes a lot of sense!!!!
(Love how GLaDOS haunts the Lambda narrative by the Resistance still needing to exist and find Mythos because her robot army is still going on autopilot even after Chell thoroughly kicked her chassis.)
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thequietmanno1 · 10 months
TheLreads, Vigilantes ch 88, Replies Part 2
1) “Yeah Rappa, we have to preserve the time-space continuum, Knuckles needs to lose a few braincells, and some of restraint, if we want to prevent this timeline from collapsing into a paradox.”- Losing his Quirk helped, but Ironically, I think this chapter implies that Rappa’s talk with him here was motivating Knuckles even during his depressed slump, getting him to go out and seek out a fight to find something worthwhile to do with his time, rather than in actual hopes of finding a lead on the Villain factory.
2) “Don’t worry Rappa, there’s plenty of stupid in his future, rest assured.
It all condensed into a guy-shaped idiot who succeeded him.
Heard he was calling himself O'Clock 2 or some shit like that “- Hey now, let’s not be too rash here. Koichi picked up plenty of dumb habits of his own from Knuckles’ tutelage. 
3) “Knuckles please you weren’t made to play the straightman
but by god am I enjoying seeing you and Rappa bouncing from each other, I wanted a whole series of this “-  In another timeline, perhaps. Maybe if Knuckles’ Quirk hadn’t been stolen, he could have had a hero agency of his own with rappa and Miruko underneath him, complimenting their rash fighting skills with his brains and innate desire for dumb violence.
4) “I can’t lie I am absolutely loving seeing more of rappa and the more I think back, the more I can actually see his personality on the way Knuckles behaved
Hell, even the fucking grin that knuckles always had when he started to have fun was probably Rappa’s influence.”-  Rappa’s even doing Knuckle’s signature little clenched fist pose here, showing the influence he had on him. It could be said that Knuckles is intentionally basing his street janitor role on Rappa now that Knuckles has nothing else left for him but dumb mindless fighting
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HOW DID SHE NEVER GOT CAUGHT IS BEYOND ME, IT’S NOT LIKE SHE DOESN’T HAVE A RATHER NOTICEABLE QUIRK”- The perks of having showmanship and a good PR team, neither of which were available for Gentle back before he met La Brava.
6) “…
Yeah, you lost me there Mirko
Are you supposed to be a luchador or…?”- Based on a famous recurring one that shows up in various forms across numerous anime/manga, yeah.
HUHHH????? “- She even kicked Ryu’s ass, which is Ironic, as from the sounds of it, she was basically doing the same thing as World Tour in street fighter 6, running around and finding masters to fight against.
8) “am i having a fucking stroke here
SHE EVEN GOT EXPELLED FROM A HERO COURSE”- Middle school actually. She’s presumably on her first hero Course, and is likely the ace of her school, so even if this incident reached their ears, the prestige of having such a future top-class hero graduating from them might have made them reconsider punishing her, given her obvious potential.
9) “Knowing her, she probably meant everyone there at the same time, she can handle you losers without much trouble”-  Miruko’s here for blood, and she’s not picky who from.
10) “Yeah see what I meant?
Also I want to see that rulebook, because I doubt that there’s something written there against it. The show must go on, and is there a better show than the absolute massacre that mirko wants to unleash?”- The rulebook is incredibly thick, but filled with blank pages. Whenever somebody asks to see it, they get hit over the head with it instead.
11) “OH MY GOD I CAN’T BELIEVE ONE OF THE MEMBERS OF THE HORNY BRIGADE GOT A CAMEO ON THE MANGA, Y'ALL REALLY ARE EVERYWHERE”- I mean, Miruko does have enough animal traits to appeal to the furry fandom…
12) “but the scene of Rappa annoying Knuckles and Mirko being scolded by the fighters were both gold, and tipped the balance into the positive end. Damn you Furuhashi, now I need to say this was a great chapter just because of how good those scenes were”- Tons of AU material to be found from this arc, I believe. The adventures of the O’Clock agency would have been amazing to see, had they actually occurred
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00katrinka00 · 1 year
Landcaster Legacy Gen 7 Update #44
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Dear Diary, Today's the day, battle of the bands. I'm so nervous and feel like I'm not prepared enough. Jenna insisted on giving Lacy and I new hair styles last night after prom, not sure how I feel about mine. On the bright side Sage and I are together now. -Violet
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Violet was trying to get some more practice in before performing that night, and Lacy was not having any of it. "STOP!" Lacy yelled. "By the watcher, I need you to be QUIET." Lacy really didn't understand why she was being so rude to Violet lately, she didn't want to be mean.
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"Look" Violet began to say angerly "I put up with you practicing your lines all the time, the least you can do is deal with my music. I don't understand what has gotten into you lately!" Lacy thought about it for a moment, and without saying anything she headed downstairs
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Nat's younger sister, Jayda, came over later that night to watch Rosie, Alex, and Sophie. "Thank you so much for agreeing to do this, Jayda." "Not a problem Mrs. Landcaster," Jayda smiled at her. "I've had a lot of practice watching Sawyer." "We should be back by 10pm."
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Before the performances began Lacy sat outside still feeling guilty about her fight with Violet earlier that day. Owen noticed and sat down next to her. "I like your hair," he told her. "Thanks," Lacy smiled. "Are you okay?" "Why wouldn't I be?" Lacy lied.
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"You don't look okay," Owen observed. "Just a fight with Violet." "What'd she do this time?" "It was me," Lacy admitted. "You?" "I've been a bitch lately." "What happened?" Lacy was silent for a moment. "I guess, I do this thing, when I get too close to people, I push them away"
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"Is that, maybe, why you rejected me when I asked you out?" Owen asked. "Full of yourself much?" Lacy joked. "But yeah." "So, if I were to say I wouldn't let you push me away, could I have a second chance?" "Owen…" Lacy trailed off. "I don't know if that's a good idea."
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"Why?" Owen asked. "I just think there is a lot I need to work through before I start any kind of relationship," she explained. "Well, I guess, you know when I'm set to leave for college, so if you happen to change your mind, then I might have a reason to stay for senior year."
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As battle of the bands began, Janie's group was up first performing none other than one of Violet's songs that she had written before getting kicked out. With Sage quitting, Janie decided to step up as lead singer, and much to everyone's surprise she was amazing.
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After Janie's performance, Violet was freaking out int he hallway. "I didn't know she could sign like that!" she exclaimed to Sage. "To be fair I didn't know either," Sage admitted. "What am I going to do now?" "Violet you're so talented." "Am I?"
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"You are the most talented person I know, to hell with Janie, just go out there and perform like you've never performed before, you can do this," Sage assured Violet before pulling her into a hug. "Thanks Sage."
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Violet took Sage's advice, and performed the best she could. She only hoped it was enough to win.
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"And the results are in," Amelia Alden began to say. "As most of you know the winner of the competition will sign with Williams and Co. the recording agency owned by my family, and record their very own album, so without further ado the winner is…"
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"Janie," Violet called after the competition was over. "Yes?" Janie asked with a superior tone in her voice. "I just wanted to say congratulations, on winning," it hurt Violet to say this, but she needed to take the high road. "Ha, loser," Janie scoffed. "I'm trying to be nice."
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Mads approached Violet after the show. "Look sweetheart, you might not have won-" "Janie did," Violet said defeated. "Like why should I try?" "Don't say that. You're incredibly talented, and regardless of what happened tonight, you shouldn't give up on this." "Thanks mom."
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After Violet's conversation with her mother, she was swallowed up in a group hug with her father, Leo, and her grandfather, Matthew.
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Later, Lacy approached Violet. "Can we talk?" "I have nothing to say to you," Violet said bitterly. "Because every time we talk lately, you act like a bitch." "I'm sorry," Lacy said. "Uh-huh," Violet rolled her eyes. "Really, I am, I'm trying to apologize here Vi."
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"Look," Lacy began to explain. "Whenever I get too close with people, I start to push them away, I did that with my twin brother, and I realized that's what I'm doing with you right now. I don't want to push you away, you're like the sister I never got to have." "Wait, really?"
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"I guess I accept your apology," Violet said. "Thank you!" exclaimed Lacy excitedly. "And if I ever start acting like a bitch again, just tell me and I'll try to fix it."
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"Hey, Violet," called Amelia Alden. Violet, who despite the comforting words from her mother, was still quite upset by the events of the night. "Yeah?" she asked confused. "So, I know you didn't win, but I wanted to talk to you about that," said Amelia.
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"What about it?" Violet asked. "It was a technicality, that Janie won," Amelia explained. "What?" "Well, it's battle of the bands, and you entered as a solo act, so technically you were disqualified." "But-" "You are super talented," Amelia assured her.
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"I wanted to invite you to Del Sol Valley this term break, we host a sort of class for young musicians like yourself, vocal classes and such," Amelia told her. "Are you serious!" Violet exclaimed. "Absolutely, I just need to hear back from a parent by the end of the week."
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lilacmeadows · 3 years
The Next Step
Alright guys! This is my first one shot and it’s just pure smut with a little plot. Reader taking Steve’s Innocence because something about Steve being a virgin turns me tf ON! (lol the gif- what i would do to be spraying his chest with water for that scene omfg)
WARNINGS: Explicit language,Switch!Steve, slight dom!reader, SMUT, Oral (m receiving), Steve looses his virginity, Premature Ejaculation (but he’s a super soldier so he can do this all day), DIRTY TALK, Slight daddy kink, multiple orgasms (m receiving), the team hears them and makes fun of them a little. Just taking care of Stevie in the best way.
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You and Steve were dating for 3 months now. You had a thing for him for a while, and you could tell he liked you too. It started when you first arrived at the compound. He would be sitting in the kitchen with the guys for breakfast, and as soon as he saw you in your spandex shorts and baggy t-shirt that didn’t cover your ass, he wanted you. Sam would make jokes about how he can’t even finish a conversation if you walk into the room.
And when you wore just a sports bra and leggings to train, he couldn’t take his eyes off you. You would be on the treadmill, or lifting weights, meanwhile Bucky would be absolutely kicking Steve’s ass because he’s not remotely paying attention to their sparing match. How could he when your ass was all round, and he could see the sweat roll down your back?
Finally on a mission, you and him were on the same side of the building, and you stabbed a Hydra loser before he was able to shoot Steve in the back while he was busy fighting another asshole. You totally saved his ass. And that night when you were all back at the compound, he asked you on your first date.
Everything since then had gone really well. He was always such a gentleman. Maybe too much of a gentleman. He would always keep you well fed and entertained, and he adored quiet days where he could just sit in your company with his head in your lap while you stroked his hair. But that was about all the intimacy you got. There were kisses of course. But they never lead to anything considering he’d hardly even use tongue. If Natasha was his first kiss this century, you were definitely his second. His hands would always stay firmly on your neck or shoulders when he kissed you, and he never spent the night in your room or cuddled with you from behind.
It honestly was starting to get to you. After 3 months, it really seems like Steve isn’t attracted to you at all, even though he calls you beautiful all the time. And to make matters worse, the whole team thinks you’re having hot sex all the time, and you can’t deny it because your boyfriend asked if the two of you could keep what you do and don’t do private.
So there you were, sexually frustrated. As per freakin’ usual. And absolutely tired of it. You decided you’re going to sleep with your sexy goddamn boyfriend or at least make some type of progress, or this wasn’t gonna work.
You texted Steve 10 minutes ago to come to your room to watch a movie, and he took his sweet time before he finally walked in- sweatpants hung low on his hips and sinful white v neck that was at least 2 sizes too small.
It’s like he does this shit on purpose.
He joined you on your bed and gave you just a side hug as a greeting and that’s what made you snap. As badly as you wanted to start the movie and slowly ease your way closer to him, until you could rub up against him and finally get some passion going, that plan was out of the window.
“Steve. Are you attracted to me?” He raised both of his eyebrows in shock at the question.
“Of course I’m attracted to you, Y/n. You’re the most beautiful girl I know.” He said with a reassuring smile that, although genuine, wasn’t enough.
“So why won’t you have sex with me?”
“You want to have sex?” He gulped, as if it’s so hard to believe.
“Of course I want to have sex. It doesn’t even have to be sex. But something. We haven’t even made out or anything. I saw you shirtless more before we even got together.” You said, not trying to push him too far, but expressing your desire to be close to him, phsyically.
“Y/n.” He sighed, and leaned away from you with both elbows on his knees. “I’m sorry if I made you feel like I’m not attracted to you. I am so, so, attracted to you, it hurts sometimes. And I want to... do... that... with you, but I just don’t want to disappoint you.”
“Baby, how could you ever disappoint me?” You leaned in closer to touch his shoulder, watching him tense under your touch. It hurt to see him like this- so closed off from you.
“I don’t have any... experience. With these kinds of things. And you make me more than a little nervous” He admitted sheepishly, not meeting your eyes as he continued. “I’ve only had a handful of kisses, and according to Nat, I’m not very good. I don’t want you to sleep with me and think of me as a loser with super soldier serum.” Hearing him think of himself so lowly made your heart ache. You’d do anything to prove him wrong.
“Stevie, I’d never think that of you. Like everything, sex takes practice... and a good teacher. And I’m more than willing to put in the tutoring hours.” You joked, making him chuckle a little bit and relax his shoulder under your hand. “We can take things as slow as you want.” You said, backing up from him to start the movie.
You and Steve had been watching all your favorite movies in your free time to get him caught up. You got to about 15 minutes into Pulp Fiction when John Travolta was talking about eating a girl out, and you could see Steve getting tense out of the corner of your eye.
“I do want to.” He started, letting that sentence fragment hang in the air.
“Want to what, sweetie?” He blushed a little everytime you called him a pet name, which only made you do it more.
“Have sex with you. I just.” He moved to face you, the movie suddenly not important. “Can we go slow? I don’t know what I’m doing, Y/n.”
You nodded you head and sat a little closer to him, almost straddling him from the side.
“Yes baby. We can go as slow as you want. I’m not going anywhere.” You said as you started to nuzzle your face into his neck, finding his pulse and leaving a wet, open mouthed kiss. You heard him let out a deep exhale.
Putting your hand on his other shoulder, you kneeded the muscle a little before bringing your hand down to his pecs. Rubbing his chest with your hand in a sensual, but comforting, way. Your lips never left his neck, trailing small licks up his jaw, until you reached his ear.
“I’m gonna need you to tell me if you want me to stop okay.” He just nodded at you. “No baby, I need you to use your words. We’ll use colors okay? Red for stop, yellow for slow down, green for go? You wanna try that baby?” He tried just nodding again. “Use your words, baby.”
“Ye- Yes. Red for stop, yellow for slow down, and green for go.” He said, looking at you for approval.
“Yes, Stevie. My Captain is so good for me.” You said as you continue rubbing across his chest, leaving a kiss on his cheek, close to his mouth, before you leaned back slightly. You heard him let out a little moan at the use of his title and saw how his breathing was getting slightly labored. “I think we should just talk for a minute, hmm.” He looked at you, confused on why you’re stopping.
You laid him down on your pillow, and laid next to him, with one leg in between his. Half straddling him. You could feel his erection through his sweatpants and saw how his hands were in tight fists.
“I think you should just lay here for a minute, and let me tell you how wet I get for you. Hmm?” He looked up at you with lust blown eyes and moaned when you pulled his bottom lip into your mouth. “I get so turned on, when you first wake up in the morning, and come down to the kitchen. You hair is all messy, and I can tell you’re just a little bit hard. It’s so sexy, baby. And then you tell me good morning, and your voice is so deep and groggy. Mmm, does it for me everytime.” His hand moved up to your waist, eyes going from being squeezed shut, to looking at you longingly, and back to tightly shut.
“Y/n.” He moaned.
“What’s your color, baby?” You leaned closer to his face, urging him to open his eyes and look at you.
“Green.” He said.
“Good, baby. You’re such a good Captain for me, huh?” He groaned a little louder at that, so you decided to test a theory. “Or do you wanna be Daddy?” You said, then licked the shell of his ear.
“Jesus, Y/N.” His hips bucked up from the bed a little. Oh yeah, he liked that one. You decided to save that for another night.
“Color, Stevie?”
“Green, Y/n. Green, please.” He moaned again. Begging you to move faster, which is what you wanted him to do all along. You wanted to get him needy for you, so you could know he really wanted it.
You crawled over his lap, completely straddling him, and moved your hands down to his abs. You grinded down on him once, twice, and then just let your clothed core just sit on him. He moaned loudly then. The friction almost overwhelming for him.
“Can we take this off, Baby?” You said, putting your hands under his shirt hem. He nodded and helped you get it over his shoulders. “You’re so sexy for me Captain. I wanna kiss every inch of this chest.” You leaned down a bit more to give him a peck to the lips. “And I think I’m gonna do just that.”
You learned very quickly that Steve is vocal in bed. Loud moans and groans with every slight movement of your mouth on his collarbones or shift of your hips. You got to his left nipple and put it in your mouth- flicking it with your tongue and sucking gently.
“Oh, God, Y/N.” He bucked his hips into yours a little.
“I love hearing you come undone for me, baby.” You said as you move to his other nipple. You give every inch of his torso attention before you scoot back, in between his legs. You lay a hand over the large bulge in his pants where you can already see a wet patch forming.
“And you know what’s funny, baby?” His eyes are squeezed close, and he’s breathing so hard, you’re not sure he heard you. You apply a little more pressure on his weeping cock. “I said. Do you know what’s funny, baby?” He let out a choked sob at your tight hand rubbing his cock, even through the layers of his sweatpants and briefs.
“Wha-what’s funny, baby?” He got out in a deep whisper.
“You’ve been walking around here, for over 3 months, in these grey sweatpants.” You pushed your hands down to his balls. “And these tight ass T shirts.” Then you rubbed all the way from his clothed ballsack to where the wet patch is constantly growing. “Like a slut. And expect me to not wanna fuck you silly.” He came under your hands. What was once a wet patch has now spread to his entire crotch. His moans loud and breath coming in short gasps. He’d never cum that hard even by himself.
“Aww. Would you look at that. Captain came in his undies for me. I barely had to touch you, baby.” He reached out his hands for you. “How about we take these off, so I can clean you up.”
“Shit, Y/n. You’re so sexy. I’m sorry. I didn’t know I was about to cum, it happened so fast.” He said, thinking this is over.
“Language, baby.” You teased. “I’m just gonna see if I can get you all cleaned up.” You said, pulling his sweatpants down with this briefs and looking at all the creamy cum covering his underwear, cock, and tops of his thighs. He apologized profusely, cock slowly going soft. “Oh, Stevie. Look at the mess you made. Is all this delicious cum for me, sweetie?” He leaned in, on his elbows, to watch you lick up the cum from his cock, and scoop the cum out of his underwear. “You taste so good for me.” His cock was quickly going hard all over again to his surprise, even though you figured that would happen. He’s a super soldier, after all. “Do you want me to suck my Captain’s cock?” You said, and he nodded frantically at you. You put one of his hands in your hair, showing him how to take control of your head. “Like this, okay. You push my head down to make me go faster down your cock. It’s okay, baby. I can take it.” You said before you put the tip in your mouth and sucked it hard. He immediately let out a loud moan at the new feeling.
He did just what you said, pushing your head down, and pulling it back up. Deeper and deeper until his cock was at the back of your throat, and your nose was deep in his pubic hair. You flattened your tongue under his cock and rolled his balls around in your hands until you felt him cum deep in your throat.
“Fuck. Y/n, shit. It’s so good. Your mouth is so good, baby. Fuck.” He cursed and moaned as you let him fuck your mouth a little more. But this time his cock didn’t even soften. He was still hard, which worked great for you, because were getting more and more horny.
“Do you wanna keep going Captain?” You asked, taking off all of your clothes. His hands immediately reached out to feel your breasts in his hands. You moaned at the feeling. So sensitive from all the foreplay and lack of attention.
“Yes, baby, please? Can we?” He said, pulling you into his lap, moaning at the feeling of your wet folds rubbing his cock.
You took this opportunity to really kiss him for the first time that night, and it took your breath away. He bit your bottom lip before shoving is tongue in your mouth and completely dominating the kiss. It was so much different from any kiss you ever had with Steve. His hands touched everywhere on your body he could reach. He gripped your ass cheek tightly and you moaned loudly.
“I need you inside me, Captain.” You moaned as you slid your fingers down to your hole, trying to prepare yourself a little for the large intrusion. He watched you in awe as you touched yourself right on top of his cock and wondered how he was lucky enough to end up with somebody as sexy as you. He pushed his fingers up, alongside yours, to help stretch you open so he could absolutely ruin you. Then all of a sudden he let go of you.
“Wait. Fuck. Red, Y/n. We need to stop.” You got off of him in an instant and sat to the side. No matter how badly you wanted him inside you, you knew this doesn’t work without trust, and he trusted you to stop when he gave the color.
“What’s wrong, baby? Did I move too fast? We can stop.” You said, out of breath. It broke his heart to feel like he was leaving you unsatisfied.
“I don’t have any condoms Y/N. We can’t do this right now. I’m sorry. But I can-“
“I’m on birth control, Steve.” You said, with a small smile on your face.
“Oh. Why? When did you start that?” He asked you. Still sitting on the bed, but not looking at you.
“About 3 months ago, after you asked me out. I wanted to be prepared for anytime you were ready.” And as soon as you finished talking, he was on top of you. Holding both of your hands up above your head, he kissed you as he nudged your legs open with his knees. He rubbed his cock along your dripping folds, bumping into your clit clumsily, making you moan.
“God, Steve please fuck me. I want it so bad. I wanna feel you, baby.” You cried out underneath him, and he entered you with one thrust. A little too quickly, making you hiss at the burn of his size stretching your walls.
“Shit sorry. Fuck. Y/n, you feel so goddamn good. Fuck. God, Fuck. And so- hggnnn- warm, shit. Baby, I’m about to cum-“ He kept chanting in your ear. His thrusts were sloppy and inconsistent, but he was so big, he was hitting every single spot inside of you- making you see stars. You were moaning as loud as he was. Not caring that your room was one of the closest to the common rooms or that the bed was hitting your wall loudly with each knock of his hips again yours. He let go of your hands to pull your thighs further up around his waist.
You felt him cum inside you with a shout that was loud enough to be a scream, and could hear the squelch of it mixing with your fluids in your pussy. He was gasping for air, and grabbing you tightly everywhere his hands could reach. He was moaning constantly and chanting your name like a song, but he never stopped thrusting.
“Baby, I need you to cum for me.” He said as he kept rocking into you, his hips developing more of an even pace after his 3rd orgasm. He shifted his hips slightly, and was at the perfect angle to hit your g-spot.
You put two of his fingers in your mouth and sucked on them, before you brought the hand down and used it to rub your clit. The added stimulation and him hitting your g-spot repeatedly had you clinching around him in no time. The feeling making him hit another peak as well.
“Fuck, Stevie, baby. I’m about to cum. Can you cum again for me, baby? Fill me up?” You said, trying to stretch this feeling as long as you could.
“Yeah, baby. I’m with you, y/n. Fuck.” He shouted again as he came. Your orgasm triggering his, and the feeling of his cum gushing out of you around his cock extending yours. “Goddamn.” He said as he laid down next to you- not pulling out, but just keeping you on top of him. The combined juices spilling out onto his abs, but he loved it. The whole room smelled like sex, and Steve was willing to bet the whole hall heard them.
“So, how was your first time?” You said, nervously looking into his eyes.
“It was absolutely amazing, Y/n. You’re so sexy. I don’t know why I waited that long, getting off in my hand, when I could’ve been having 4 orgasms a night with you.” He said, kissing you deeply.
“If you think you’re up for it, we could probably go for 5.” You said. Starting to sit up on his cock still inside you.
“Baby, I could do this all night.” He said, beginning to thrust up, until a loud knock at your door interrupted you.
“Like hell you can!” You heard Bucky’s voice from outside your door.
“Stop fucking like bunnies and go to sleep!” Sam joined in.
“I don’t know who told you the world was ending, but you don’t have to repopulate the entire earth in there!” Clint chimed in.
“You don’t even live here!” You yelled back at the door, giggling, while Steve looked like he wanted the bed to swallow him whole.
“And you two just made sure I’m never gonna. The whole compound smells like sex!”
“Oops.” You giggled, kissing your Captain deeply.
Tony was gonna have to sound proof your bedrooms.
 (if you wanna be added to my taglist, just ask)
@little-moonbeam-666 @mela-noche @wondergirl556 @iimaryam99 @anakinravageme @crzcorgi @andydre4m @austynparksandpizza @dracris33 @musicheaux @bl4ckglitt3r​ @hydrasbitches​ 
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beann-e · 3 years
Mha Characters reacting to being hugged randomly by their s/o
-shinso would welcome you & your hug & words & then fight you to see who’s better with their words
-i take from his character that he loves winning — no matter if it’s something small or not he’ll act like he doesn’t care for it but won’t stop until he wins
It’s been a hard day he’ll admit.
Today was his first day being around class 1-A — and he could honestly say
they were just as annoying as he thought
Everyone was too quick to welcome him and surround him which just pissed him off
well, apart from the asshole with the red eyes who he refused to keep eye contact with
just bakugous mere presence or even his mouth opening pissed him off
Knowing deku and going off of how they first met when he shoved him out of the arena
showing him yet again that the hero course was not to be messed with
he thought he was prepared to meet the same person only for him to be wrong and walk in to see hero deku and class deku were two different people he was not yet ready to meet
To him hero deku was hardcore and fight fight fight
class deku was a loser
a loser who got bullied , fell on the stairs flat on his face, and got embarrassed by aizawa when he for the 4th time yet again in one class started staring at shinso with wide eyes like a tiny pervert and writing like a stalker his notebook
He took a deep breath before he grabbed the handle to your door just knowing that being by your side he may feel a little better
he silently prayed that today you weren’t doing something weird in your room like he often’d find you.
Thanking god when he saw you at your desk a small wave coming from you at his entrance
“ drawing — give me a sec “
he grunted as he sat on your bed hands holding him up while he flicked through his phones many apps — well not many seeing as though he rarely had time to get on his phone
Which is why he was confused when he found himself actually going through it pausing when he noticed he’d ended up on google trying to figure out different dog barks and their meanings hoping he could find a way to talk to bakugou and tell him to shut the hell up
“ you uh — “ he threw his phone behind him on your bed propping himself up to lay back “ you still drawing “
“ mmhm “ you said softly as you traced on the paper in front of you attention focused on your new hero design
“ oh “ his voice was soft you knew something was wrong he wasn’t a man of many words but he would always try to string a sentence along for you
“ hey shin you good “ you put the pencil in your mouth as you erased a line you’d messed up on
“ yeah “ he moved to stand up “ yeah “ he let out while looking around your room “ just tired baby “
your eyes creased as you ran the words through your mind until you both sat in silence the room growing cold
‘ somethings off ‘
“ well my uh — my girlfriends too bus— “
his mouth fell open in a wide o as he looked down to see your face pressed into his chest hands tied around his back your feet planted right in between his as you two stood in the middle of the room
His heart beating out of his chest when he noticed what you were drawing
“ y/— “
“ shh “
you pushed yourself further in his chest “ hug me back please babe “
he jumped forgetting that sometimes he had to return your affection and couldn’t just accept it.
That was hard for him to let himself do the things you do so freely.
His arms hung loosely around your back making you smile “ your getting there “ your voice came out muffled “ I’m so proud of you pretty boy “
he shook at your praise “ p-pretty boy “
“ yeah — your fucking hot babe “ he felt himself sinking into you
“ h-how — how am I hot ? “ the word fell foreign on his lips
“ your quirks so amazing — you look so good when your trying your best it makes me feel warm inside — and I especially like when you use your voice mask “
he found himself smiling
“ don’t get me started on your looks who can pull off purple hair like you shin “
“ you — you could “
“ oh god see and your an amazing liar — your all around awesome shin “
“ t-thank you but I don’t des—“
“ you deserve it “
you two fell quiet as he gripped you harder finally giving in to your affection
‘ he’s ok now ‘
“ how did you know something was “ he sighed out as he pressed his head in your hair “ off “
“ your always tired shin — always — you’ve never actually voiced it though so I was — I felt off myself when you said it —it felt weird “
“ you knew off of one phrase “
“ one phrase “
he smiled into your hair pulling your face back to plant a kiss to your forehead
“ see so fucking beautiful baby “
your thumb traced his face making sure to run under his eyes feeling just how tired he actually was when you felt his eye bags
“ no after school rant today “ he laughed mocking you in your own voice
“ get to sleep baby you have class tomorrow— shin if I see any new eyebags i’m kicking your ass — bab— “
you pushed him away as he fell back on your bed
“ what ? what I was just saying — i mean am i wrong you do say all of those things “
“ get out “ you protested sitting back in your chair continuing your drawing “ come look at this “
he sat confused as he blinked “ I uh “
“ choose the latter “
he smiled as he walked over to your chair draping himself over your shoulder “ your so talented “
“ no I just — i draw “ you said softly
“ oh she just draws “ he copied “ the beautiful lady just draws as she proceeds to draw a portrait of my new hero costume “
he pouted “ you couldn’t have possibly done this all right now how long did this take you “
you looked away
“ I told you I knew you were sad “ sighing as you looked up at him neck bent backwards
“ so I started drawing it when I walked past you in the hallway like I said your always tired but today you were wiping at your eyes constantly — yawning and just then you confirmed it saying you were tired so I “
you looked away “ I drew what you’d been trying to “
he moved to place his lips on yours not letting up until the both of you had to tap out at the lack of oxygen “ your so fucking beau— “
“ Beautiful “ you cut him off words syncing with his up as you two continued the rest of the night with you yelling at him about how he had to open up to his classmates and accept their flaws first before he came to talk badly about them to you
except for bakugou he could talk badly about him
“ thank you for the hug “
“thank you for the acceptance on my drawing “
“ thank you for the praise “
“ thank you for being with me“
he scoffed as his face grew hard before relaxing into a smirk “ thank you for loving me “
“ y-you win “
he laughed as he met your face with one more kiss smiling down on you “ I win “
-you only know because he doesn’t get upset at your actions and your in total surprise
You moved your hand to poke at your boyfriend for the 7th time in a row
your body ducking under his bed in fear of his screams everytime you poked
you frowned when he didn’t acknowledge you
you were only doing it because you wanted to hear some kind of response from him most times when you annoyed him like this he would pick you up and plop you on his bed and tickle the life out of you until you both fell asleep
For some reason he was barely even moving from the spot he came in and laid himself down in
After class the both of you walked to his dorm and he unlocked it holding it open for you and walking in after throwing his backpack to the corner as he ripped off his uniform blazer hand outstretched for yours as he laid them over the back of the desk chair
squatting down to help you take off your shoes and then grabbing them to place at the door his own falling right off his feet with a loud thump.
Him moving to his bed grabbing you and sitting you down on the floor in front of him your legs crossed in front of you as he laid on the bed looking at your sitting figure on the floor
His eyes never leaving yours the whole time until he finally shook his head and turned away from you causing your body to fall
thus leading to your endless pokes
‘ wait now that I think about it ‘
“ babe— have you talked at all today “
you looked to the floor “ I— I don’t think you’ve talked all day “ holding out your hand counting off your fingers
“ at lunch you didn’t even ask me what I wanted you just “
your hands moved up with your shoulders in a shrug “ got it “
you played with the hem on your pants
“ at practice you didn’t partner with kiri you just stayed near me and when we got in your room you“
you looked to your feet voice soft trying to sort through your mind
“ you took my shoes off for me “
you sat for a moment moving to poke him again his body never moving no answer being given to you
“ I know your not sleeping kats —you breathe heavy as shit when you are so “
he didn’t laugh or even grunt nothing falling from his lips as your eyebrows quirked into a knowing furrow
Hands and body leaving the floor as you climbed on his bed to lay on top of his body
your chest draped over his right side
legs straddling his own and your mouth pressed right into his ear
“ I swear i’m not going anywhere baby “
you watched as his eyes moved from the wall across from you two to the pillow right next to him
in hopes of conserving his feelings
“ your doing great — your the coolest and strongest guy I know “
you kissed the outer shell of his ear
“ your so respectful and understanding of my needs“
you placed a kiss to his jaw “ your cuddles are amazing and you make me feel loved when you finally give in and let me win our fights — snuggling up to me on the couch “
you moved to kiss the end of his eyebrow
“ your so hot when you talk to me —that’s when I find you the hottest “
your eyes fell to his lips as you stared down on him
“ when you answer me — and acknowledge me “
he grunted a little in response
his eyes closing when your mouth found his neck kissing softly as you smiled
“ there you go pretty boy“
he groaned as you hugged him arms wrapping around whatever part of his body you could find
“ your kissing everywhere but where I want you to “
“ and where’s that “
“ you know babe “
his face flashed a look you weren’t fast enough to catch as you laughed at him
“ fine fine “
you let your lips hover over his as he turned his body so you were now laying directly on top of him
his hands coming to rest on your lower back
“ before I give you this kiss “
“ fuck—seriously y/n — you can’t just talk after—you worked me up expecting a kiss “
he shook his head in annoyance “ fucking tease — I knew I should’ve kept my mood “
“ but why “ your face dropped as you looked around his “ why did you have a mood katsuki “
he grunted “ because I “
he sighed as he looked directly into your eyes “ sometimes I feel like i’m not doing enough like I could do more for you and sometimes I feel like I treat you like an asshole and what — what girl wants to date an asshole “
he shook his head “ I don’t know if I tell you I love you enough or if I— if I show you that I can protect you if I wanted to or even that I can supply all your needs “
he mumbled under his breath “ I don’t even know if i talk to you enough “
you smiled as you ran your hand through the top of his hair “ you do — you do it all “
you laughed “ and your just fine “
he looked away as you pulled his face back
“ no kats look at me “ his eyes darted away hating how he just opened up to you and now you were begging for eye contact he felt stupid and way too open
“ kats look “ he slowly found his eyes moving to yours at your tone
he knew not to mess around when your praising him it pisses you off and one thing he knows he doesn’t feel like dealing with is a pissed off girlfriend
especially after he just cleaned up his room from your last outburst of firing off his gauntlet at his negligence to answer you
luckily he fell submissive right after mind racing at your attempt to kill him over a small eyeroll and scoff at your praise
Only sucking up his attitude so he didn’t have to run into another problem like that where aizawa flat out kicked his ass for the hole you created in the wall that he somehow took the blame for when he felt your stone cold stare on his back in the office
he was not about to risk his good moment with you right now
“ your amazing , Beautiful , smart and talented “ he shook at the praise body growing hot
“ your doing so good for me and I couldn’t ask for anymore “ you smiled slightly “ keep doing what your doing “
his heart thumped hoping you couldn’t hear it
“ and also i’m not complaining —if you y’know ever wanted to take off my shoes for me again “
he scoffed as he looked away from you and back “ how’d you know “
“ you always tickle me when I poke and annoy you “
you pouted as he spoke “ huh always ? “
“ always “
“ you know my routine that much “ you shook your head in a yes
“ so now that I know why your always pissing me off and what you want I doubt I feel like giving it to you anymore “
you moved to get off of him “ ok well i’m sure it’s a bit more fun with kirish—“
your loud laugh ripped through the room as you fell to his floor with a loud boom
his mouth curling up into a smile as he dragged you back on the bed your protest falling on deaf ears as he continued until he finally stopped speaking into your ear softly
“ I lov—“ he shook his head burying himself into your chest “ fuck you shitty woman “
you smiled at his words hand raking up the back of his neck and into his hair “ I love you katsuki “
-the only way I can see you understanding somethings off with kirishima is if he just hasn’t been smiling or making comments all day
-then your like :0 uh woah dude my boyfriend hasn’t smiled all day
“ how about ice cream and a movie ? “ you turned to the red head sitting on the couch beside you then shaking you head at your question “ nah sounds lame right “
you laughed “ I knew you would say that “
you pouted when your thoughts finally connected “ oh — nevermind babe i’m sorry I forgot I didn’t do my homework it’s the one midnight gave us I should probably get started—“
Your mouth moving so fast you missed the way the speed in his leg increased in its shakes , the puff of air he let out at your continued talking when he just wanted silence.
Sometimes he enjoyed being around bakugou because at least he had silence for a moment just a moment until he would scream his head off only to return back to the quiet environment he’d created before
“ so yeah it’s a lot and if I don’t get it turned in today I may just fail her clas -“
“ then get it done “ his voice was low and quick to snap at you which had your mind stalling
you laughed uncomfortable with the way he spoke to you “ aw uh where’s my happy guy “
he scoffed as he shifted on the couch his leg speeding up its pace “ where’s my annoying girlfriend “
he snapped his fingers pointing it to you “ oh I spy with my little eye “
his voice was dead as he spoke
“ she’s right next to me “
your eyebrows furrowed as you jumped back a bit
you couldn’t even make out words after his comments
you knew for your few months of dating kirishima that it couldn’t be possible for him to be happy and care about people’s feelings all the time
he had to open up and let you see him pissed off at least once to seal the deal on your relationship
this was it
this was the seal but for some reason you didn’t know if you could close it —much less address it and find the problem
“ kirishima what’s wrong with you “
“ you’ve just been talking all day baby i’m a bit tired of just— “
he felt his body growing a bit hotter than normal , you feeling the heat from his words make their way over to you everytime he spit them out
“just hearing you — I know I can go on and on for hours but if I can go hours you can go days and I just never noticed until now “
“ oh “
“ yeah I need some silence right now babe and your—your not helping” his voice was low even upset he was still trying to save your feelings not that it worked
“ no ones helping “
you looked from your boyfriend to everyone around the room
their voices echoing with laughter everyone spread out around the room as they spoke about what they all did today.
The kitchen full of people
bakugous yelling moving its way down the dorm halls
your face dropping as you stood and grabbed his hand that he snatched back quickly
“ I don’t want to leave “
you pouted settling yourself back on the couch you didn’t know how to deal with him like this and his best friend wasn’t here and almost everyone else he said was adding to his anger would just make him angrier right ? if you called them over
so who could you get to help ?
“ I may be pissed off by them but I — I still want to be around people I don’t want to be upset and alon— “
Time slowed as he felt his body weigh down almost as if he felt the weight of himself when he used his quirk.
Eyes widened before they closed basking in the heat your body supplied as you crawled in his lap wrapping your arms around his neck legs around his own in a straddle
his body just relaxing into your hold not making any movements the occasional jump to follow you whenever you would move
“ come on tell me what’s wrong baby “
your voice was soft in his ear not wanting to draw attention over seeing as though he wasn’t in the best of moods “ who do you want me to fight “
you looked closely at his face as he was just quiet hands finally moving to push both your legs up so that he could get you as close as possible his mouth moving to kiss yours
happiness of the moment overflowing within you as you let him guide you in the kiss surrendering all control to him and letting him lead
“ just feeling a little background today ? “ you said smiling hands cupping his face
“ I understand it gets to someone after a whil— “
“and everyone acts totally brand new when they see i’m not happy for one day —baby one literal day —why am i just expected to be happy all the time “
he dropped his head to your chest “ i’m not no one is”
“ so then tell me what’s wrong why aren’t you happy today “
“ nothings wrong y/n “
his voice boomed loud through your chest
“ nothing is wrong I just feel like having quiet today but because of that —here everyone is —in my face asking me what’s wrong telling me i’m not myself “
he tried to bury his head further in your chest
“ when I want quiet everyones loud and I —I never noticed how loud i am —how loud everything is until I stopped talking and I hate it —I hate how loud everything is “
you sighed as his fingers ran along your thigh “ I thought if I followed you out here to watch a movie I would be comfortable “
his voice was sad “ I just wanted to come out here and watch a movie with my girlfriend but “
your hand running over his shoulders and back up finding a hold in his hair
“ I just got more pissed off when you actually started talking I just expected —if no one else could be quiet then you would “
“ well i’m sorry I wasn’t quiet “
“ you shouldn’t have to be not cause I want you to be“
“ that’s right “
“ I know “ he took a deep breath looking up at
“ I know you think i’m an asshole now because you’ve seen this side of me—the angry one but “
“ I don’t think your an asshole or you’d be sitting in bakugous room right now crying that there’s lemon juice in your eyes “
his mouth shut instantly as he stared at you in fear your thumb running circles over his cheek
“ h-how can say something like that and “ he shook his head “ that’s so manly god I love you so much “
“ I love you too but —you have to tell me things kiri I can’t just “
you flicked his forehead as he crinkled his nose in pain “ I can’t just read your big brain”
“ but you did it just now “
“ huh “
“ all I wanted was for you to hug me and like shower me in kisses to calm me down and you “
he kissed your forehead “ you did it —which kinda had me confused on how you knew me so well “
you laughed “ you looked sad —upset and I wanted to remind you that I was still here regardless of how you feel —you cat push me away that easily “
he smiled widely as you two felt heat radiate through your bodies
“ I really do love you baby months or years or days I love how well you know me”
your mouth opening to laugh as you cuddled into his neck
“ guys kirishimas fine “ denkis voice made the both of you shake
“ I told you he just wanted some attention from y/n —guys he just has a small case of simptitis “
your head turned quickly as you seen the shaking boy beneath you “ uh your room “
“ my room “
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peachsayshi · 3 years
Chapter 7 - Games
Gojo Satoru x Female Reader
Tags: Friends with Benefits, Teasing and a little bit of Fluff.
Summary: Trying to make sure the two of you stay out of the bedroom, you suggest playing a game of Twister and Gojo's mind starts to wander.
A/N: Sorry if there are mistakes! I don't have a beta and get tired rereading the chapters over and over again. This is a little short but we have some fluff and feels and we get a little insight on how Gojo has been feeling. I'm building up to something, I promise!
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“Okay, left foot on green…”
With his right foot remaining on the red circle, Gojo spread his legs wide to place his left foot on the green circle towards the end of the mat. Things were easing up on his end when it came to work and he decided to take advantage of that by spending his free time with you tonight. What he didn’t expect was for the two of you to be in the middle of your living room playing board games instead of the usual physical activity that you both have grown accustomed to partaking in.
“Is this really how you want to spend our evening together?” he asked, taking the spinner from your hand as he proceeded to flick the arrow with his thumb and index finger.
You nodded your head, “We need to keep ourselves out of the bedroom. Otherwise, we will never leave...”
Gojo rotated his neck from side to side before replying, stretching to prepare himself for the awkward positions he was about to hold, “you’re making it sound like that’s a bad thing.”
“Listen, game night is going to make up for movie night which never happened because we wound up doing it on your couch instead...”
A smug grin spread across Gojo’s face, thinking of your failed plan to have a scary movie marathon with him. You were hoping to catch the sorcerer squirm but what you didn’t expect was him teasing you thirty minutes into the film that inevitably resulted in you being fucked senseless on his couch.
“You’re really going to put the blame on me for that? If you were paying attention you wouldn’t have succumbed to my advances so easily,” he retorted defensively.
“You had your hand up my skirt!”
“Now, I told you what that skirt does to me,” he jokingly snapped, pointing his finger at you sternly before shrugging his shoulders. “I couldn’t help myself…”
“Okay, well how about the night we were supposed to go out for dinner but missed our reservation because you decided to rip up my dress on the car ride over…”
“Let’s not get too dramatic, I merely broke the zipper and I did buy you another dress.”
“Okay, how about last night?”
Gojo parted his lips, pausing to think how the two of you wound up naked in the shower instead of going to the karaoke bar with Rina and her friends.
“Last night... wasn't my fault,” he pointed out, arching his brow at you as he recalled the way you teased him into submission.
“Oh, yeah. That’s right…” you shyly replied, biting your bottom lip as you scratched the back of your head. “So, uh, what’s my next move?”
“Quick to change the subject, I see?” Gojo answered with an easy smile, “Put your left hand on the blue circle…”
With your feet on the green and yellow circles, you leaned your body forward to put your left hand on the blue sphere. Meanwhile, Gojo dropped the spinner on the ground beside you, suppressing a laugh as he watched you struggle to spin the arrow and call out his next round.
“The point here is...” you grumbled as you tried to adjust yourself back into a comfortable position, “...the two of us are getting carried away. I just think this little break might do us some good.”
“I don’t think working up a sweat is a bad thing,” Gojo insisted.
“Well, we can burn calories after I kick your butt,” you added on, waiting for the arrow to land. “Right hand on green...”
“For someone trying to make sure we keep our distance, you sure picked an interesting game tonight,” Gojo teased, finding his new posture which brought his face close to yours.
“I know for a fact that you can’t cheat playing Twister,” you reminded, before glancing up at him from under your lashes and inching forward to peck him on the tip of his nose. “Besides, I never said I wanted space, I just thought I’d change things up for the evening.”
Gojo’s smiled into your lips as he gave you a soft kiss in return, “if you think you can distract me by being cute, you are absolutely wrong .”
“We both know how much of a sore loser you can be,” you answered back, “I just hope you’re ready to throw yourself a pity party by the end of this because I am definitely winning.”
“Mhmm, whatever you say. Right hand, blue…” he continued, trying to pay attention to the game and observing you reach your arm slightly underneath him to place your hand on the circle.
He couldn’t explain when things became this comfortable with you. If he had known that hooking up with you would bring you both closer together as friends, he wouldn’t have rejected your offer that easily.
You’ve both already broken one of your rules. However, Gojo didn’t mind forgoing the “drinking” rule to decide whether or not the two of you wanted to hook up. You both no longer needed the excuse anyway, after a while it became painfully clear that regardless of what the plans were, things always resulted in the two of you tangled up in someone’s bed sheets.
The sorcerer spent a majority of his spare time alone, unaware of how much it bothered him until you came along. He thought about the way you described yourself when you were in a relationship with your ex-boyfriend, and wondered if this felt similar in any way. Not that he considered you as anything other than a friend...but he was curious .
You both were different in many ways but often clashed when it came to your perspectives on love. You believed that there was a person out there for everbody, that there was nothing like falling in love with somebody who looked at you as if you were their whole world.
Granted, those were your opinions when you were in a happy and loving relationship but Gojo always disagreed with you because he was convinced that relationships were messy and only brought unnecessary drama to the table. That’s why he had his own personal rule that was standard practice when it came to his “love” life.
He never hooked up with somebody more than once.
Rumors about his womanising ways only stemmed from the fact that he did actually have plenty of lovers. However, he could barely recall their faces and didn’t even remember their names. Sometimes they recognized him on the street, and foolishly attempted to strike up a conversation with the handsome, rich stranger who paid for their company.
Gojo would politely brush them off every time. His stone cold reaction broke the hearts of those who were lucky enough to even be in his presence. He surely didn’t need to pay for the escorts or call girls but the act itself was easier and he had the money to spend anyway. These acquaintances never asked him any questions about his personal life, which benefited him greatly because it left very little room for anything other than small talk. Once both parties were satisfied, Gojo would leave every encounter without ever looking back. Sex was a routine way for him to blow off steam or merely take care of his natural urges. However, you didn’t know that you were the first person who he consistently kept as company in the bedroom.  
Up until this moment, he had been suppressing his desire for you. Now that he has you, the sorcerer could tell he was getting greedy. He respected your wishes when you asked him not to see anyone else on the side but surprised himself when he realised that he had no interest in seeking out the strangers that used to keep him company at night.
Even though you both insisted that this new partnership had no influence on friendship, Gojo was observant enough to see that it was not the case. Little things were starting to change here and there, and he was carefully making note of it every time it happened.
For example, whenever he was off fighting curses, you started habitually checking up on him to make sure he was okay. One night when he was unable to answer his phone, he received a string of unusual text messages from you to find out what happened. He remembered calling you right after, teasing you to ask if you were worried about him. You surprised him with your fear, how you easily believed that something was powerful enough to harm him despite him repeatedly telling you that nothing could touch him. When you responded to his question with a sincere yes, an unexpected sensation spread across his chest. If he wasn’t paying attention to how much you cared about him before, he was more aware of it now.
To ease your worries, he made it a point to shoot you a text whenever he could just to let you know that he was alright. Although, he did sometimes forget which resulted in you panicking on the phone with him. Only this time, Gojo never made fun of your concerns.
In turn, he realised how fiercely protective he became of you and it killed him whenever he had to deflect your questions when you asked about his life. There was so much you wanted to know and so much that he wished he could tell you. However, he had every intention of maintaining this invisible boundary. The last thing he wants is for you to get caught up in something that you couldn’t understand. If he were to invite you into his whole world, that would only lead to you facing dangerous threats that loved to lurk in the shadows.
He would never forgive himself if something were to happen to you.
A few more rounds passed, and the two of you were intertwined in the most precarious situation. You were in a reverse tabletop position, looking like a crab with two hands and feet on the blue and yellow circles. Meanwhile, Gojo was in a plank position above you, his palms pressed on the red and green circle by your side, with one foot next to yours on a blue circle and another on a yellow circle.
You were shaking underneath him, desperately trying to maintain your awkward stance while Gojo appeared bored holding his own position with ease.
“Okay, I didn’t take your strength or height into consideration…” you groaned with a pout.
A chuckle escaped his lips, “give up, yet?”
“No…” you groaned, eyeing the spinner by your side as you reached for it with your right hand. You lifted your head slightly, your neck straining as you tried to call out the next move. “Left foot, green…”
Gojo picked up his leg but as he stretched himself out he realised that he couldn’t bend himself properly in that particular way.
Your eyes widened, watching him shake as he tried to rotate his body without lifting himself completely up off the mat.
“Or maybe your height is actually a disadvantage?” you questioned, ignoring the way your arms burned from holding yourself up as your heart raced with anticipation.
“Shhh, I’m concentrating...”
Gojo kicked his leg out one way and then the other, the comical image of his tall body in motion only made you laugh at his reaction. He tried his best to ignore the sound of your voice but knew that he could barely maintain his balance as he tried to find the green circle. However, he miscalculated the gravity of his own weight when he shifted to the left side of his body, his elbow buckling underneath and causing him to collapse.
“Yes!” you exclaimed, raising your arms up in victory, paying no attention to his body pressed on top of yours.
His face was buried in the crook of your neck, breathing in deep to inhale the scent of your soap. He felt your hand pat the back of his head lightly, indicating that you wanted him to get off from on top of you. He slowly unraveled himself, irritated by his own misfortune as he rolled onto his back to lay down beside you. He tilted his head to look at you, noticing you turn so you both were making direct eye contact with each other.
Gojo always knew you were beautiful. Nothing in this world could convince him otherwise but he never paid attention to the details of how pretty you actually were. Little things about you that made the gears in his head turn, from the gorgeous mane that sprouted on the top of your head, to the way your eyes sparkled whenever you were excited or how the curve of your lips was your secret tell to let him know exactly what you were feeling when you couldn’t find the words to explain yourself.
Why me? He thought to himself, if you wanted to fuck around with somebody then why did you ask me?  
A kiss on his lips snapped him out of his drawn out thoughts, he felt the pads of your fingers along his cheek, slipping lightly underneath his blindfold to reveal just one of those blue eyes.
“Ready for another round?” you questioned.
Gojo softly smiled, thankful that you haven’t grown bored of him just yet. He lifted himself up, bringing one of his hands to cup your face as he pulled you in for another kiss. His tongue parted your lips and he allowed himself this one indulgence as he trailed his hand to the back of your neck.
Whatever thoughts that were running through his mind, he chose to ignore. There was no reason for him to consider such trivial things anyway. You were spoiling him with your body, playing out the fantasies that plagued his mind. He was aware that his greed fueled his lust for you and honestly did not know what he would do if you were to ask him to stop.
He deepened the kiss, allowing the frustrating thought to play out in passion instead. You shifted your position, your hand falling to his chest as you gripped onto the collar of his tee. Still holding onto the kiss, Gojo lifted himself upright so he was seated and as much as he would love to take advantage of this current situation, he chose to pull himself away instead.
“Best of three?”
“That sounds good to me!” you replied as you circled your arm around his neck, before returning to kiss him again.
Gojo gave in for only a second, before cheekily breaking away and tapping you gently on the forehead with his index finger.
“Oh no, you aren’t doing this to me again...” he said, his hands moving to your waistline as he gently pushed you away from him. “You wanted to have a game night and we are going to see it through.”
He leaned across from you to pick up the spinner, before settling back down and holding it in between the tiny space that separated you both.
“Winner goes first.”
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gimmesumsuga · 4 years
Ps. I woof you
Pairing: Yoongi x Reader
Word count: 26K
Summary: The one with a happy accident of the furry, four-legged kind - “Are you calling my dog a slut?!” 
Warnings: Extreme fluff and domesticity, cursing, mild angst, smut inclusive of: fingering, oral sex (female receiving) and unprotected penetrative sex 
** Click here to read on Archive of our own (AO3) should the read more on mobile not work due to fic length **
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Thank you @readyplayerhobi​ for my super cute banner and @johobi​ for the gorgeous moodboard! ^^
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“Seriously?!” Sitting up with a suddenness that borders on miraculous given how fast asleep you were just a few blissful moments ago, you glare out into the darkness that fills your room.  
The wall opposite your bed may as well be vibrating, so insistent is the thud of bass that’s thumping through from the apartment next door, and if you thought you were pissed about being so rudely awakened in the middle of the night, that’s nothing compared to the indignance of your dog, Remi.  Barking her head off, you’re met by the sight of her pacing up and down the span of the wall once you turn on the light, blinking as your eyes adjust to the offending brightness.  
“This is just so not the time,” you hiss as you swing your legs out of bed and then stalk across the room to hammer your fist against the plaster, swearing under your breath.  Usually, you’re quite quick to try and stifle Remi when she gets her knickers all in a twist, but not right now - not when her yapping is perfectly justified and the dog next door then has the sheer gall to start barking back.  
“Oh, it’s on,” you grit out through your teeth, banging your fist against the wall with renewed vigour ‘til your fist is sore and Remi’s so worked up that she’s up on her hind legs pawing the paintwork right alongside you.  
Thankfully, your next-door neighbour soon gets the message and turns off his music, no doubt feeling cowed at having been met with such vehement disapproval from the opposite side of the wall.  You sigh, satisfied, but it seems Remi has no such intention of letting it go so lightly, her barking match with her nemesis next door carrying on despite the battle being over.  
“Hey, hey,” you hush as you squat down to her level, running your fingers through her fur, “It’s ok, you can stop now, Rem.  We won, it’s ok.”  She quietens slightly at the reassuring tone of your voice but, stubborn as she is, she remains determined to get the last bark in, growling low in her throat and staring at the wall until she’s absolutely sure that the dog next door has been forced to back down.  
She’s always been the same; vocal even as a pup.  She’s a canine of very few faults (or so you like to believe), but you’ll admit that she can be a little too loud at times - a little too quick to run her mouth off at the slightest unfamiliar noise despite you discouraging her from it as best you can.  
It was actually one of the reasons you and your ex broke up, as silly as that sounds.  He’d always been intolerant of Remi’s noise - of anything being anything other than perfectly perfect, frankly  - and the final straw had come when one day, in a fit of red-faced rage, he’d taken off his shoe and thrown it at her from across the room.   She’d yelped and ran off to hide, and that’d been it.  By dinner time that evening, he’d been in the process of moving out his things.  A two-year relationship over, just like that. 
Good riddance, as far as you were concerned.  Remi was your roommate years before he ever had been; your loyalties lay with her, as they do to this day.  
And boy, does she know it.  You think it to yourself now, as you lay back down in bed and she sits at your bedside with her chin rested on the covers looking up at you with her big, brown puppy-dog eyes.  
“Oh come on then,” you grumble, shifting over and patting the space you’ve made for her atop the duvet.  She leaps up, tail wagging, and quickly circles on the spot before lying down snuggled up against you, exhaling noisily in contentment as you fuss her soft, pointed ears. “You’re never going to make any friends if you keep barking at everyone all the time, you know.”  Remi closes her eyes, utterly unrepentant.  
Not that it’ll soon matter what the next-door neighbours think of you, that is - not if you don’t ace the interview that you’re due to attend in a disgustingly short amount of time.  You really should’ve gone to bed earlier, given that the ability to pay your rent is now riding on exactly three and a half hours sleep should you not manage to drift off again for what little time you have left before your alarm is set.  
Luckily, the slow rise and fall of Remi’s soft little body lying next to yours proves as soothing as you’d hoped it would, and you’re able to steal a couple of hours more of precious sleep before having to drag your unwilling carcass out of bed and into a pair of high heels.  Full of nerves, you bite your nails the whole way there and are forced to make a pitstop in a public restroom prior to your arrival (nervous bowels for the win), but despite all that, you get the feeling the interview actually goes rather well.  It’s not for anything fancy, mind - a retail position at one of the more high-end-but-not-quite-designer clothing stores in the city - but the woman quizzing you seems friendly enough, all nods and smiles and shiny white teeth.  You even manage to make her laugh, which is impressive given how lame your sense of humour can get when you’re nervous.  
She tells you that you can expect to hear back by the end of the working day, and whilst at first that sounds perfectly reasonable, by the time you’ve gotten home and changed into something more comfortable you’re already going out of your mind.  Remi seems to pick up on your unease, too, sitting dutifully by your side as you glance at the arm of the sofa where your phone lies every other second, her little ears alert and twitching.    
It’s only after you’ve checked it’s not on silent for perhaps the hundredth time that you finally decide you’ve had enough.  Decisive, you rise to your feet and slip on your shoes before grabbing Remi’s lead from where it hangs by the side of the door.  
“Who wants to go on a walk, huh?” you offer, but having already seen you reach for her lead, Remi is already beside herself with excitement.  Atop her back her fuzzy little tail is wagging up a storm, dusting back and forth across the floor once she finally calms down enough to plop her bottom down onto the laminate and let you actually attach her to the thing.  
“Ok, ok, don’t pull,” you murmur mostly for your own benefit as you open up the door and then pause to lock up, her lead looped around your wrist.  Heaven knows Remi’s not listening anyway - not when she’s this wound up.   “Jeez, I’m coming!” you complain, turning on the spot when she yaps impatiently only to take one step towards the staircase and then come to a complete stop once you realise someone’s already coming up the other way.  
That someone being Min Yoongi, your aforementioned next-door neighbour, and his dog, a little toy poodle you’re not entirely sure of the name of.  
If you’re honest, you’re barely on a first-name basis with the man himself, nevermind his canine companion.  You’re fairly certain you remember him introducing himself when you first moved in, but other than that you’ve had very little to do with each other since then apart from the one time you accidentally picked up his mail and he came knocking on your door in search of it.  You remember thinking he was cute, too, back then, but despite the smiles that you’ve offered up whenever you may pass in the hall, Yoongi has remained somewhat of a mystery.  
Is he just shy, perhaps?  Or is he really as aloof and disinterested as the perma-furrow in his brow might have you believe?  
Of course, as soon as Remi spots the other dog she starts whimpering and pulling even more with the want to go and say hello, which is ridiculous, really, because you know as the moment the poodle comes close she’ll turn tail and run - which lo and behold, she does.  Their noses have barely touched when she jumps backwards and then scampers to hide behind your legs, tangling you up in her lead as she goes.  
“Oh Remi, you big wuss!” you sigh as you fight to shuffle backwards enough for Yoongi and his dog to actually be able to get past - a task easier said than done given that the poodle seems set on chasing after her, tangling you up even more.  
“Holly, leave it,” you hear Yoongi warn as you peer down at the dogs dancing between your legs, praying for Remi not to do anything that might embarrass the both of you.  
She’s never been aggressive before - all bark and no bite through and through - but there’s always a first time… 
As if right on cue, Remi releases a deep, rumbling growl as a warning once it becomes apparent that Holly doesn’t have any intention of backing off without a fight.  You cringe at the sound, embarrassed.  
“Hey!  Be nice!” you scold as the other dog very quickly turns tail and runs back to his owner, startled.   You feel your cheeks fill with heat as Yoongi scoops Holly off the ground and into his arms, making a mental note to not give Remi any of her usual bedtime treats this evening.  
“I’m really sorry about that,” you gush despite Remi looking anything but, sat scratching herself at your feet without a care in the world.  
“It’s fine,” Yoongi shrugs, glancing down at Holly with a hint of a smile, “‘Bout time someone put him in his place.”  You can’t quite think what to say to that - caught off guard by how very different Yoongi looks when there’s a smile on his face rather than a frown.   
Yeah, he’s definitely cute.  Cute button nose?  Check.  Honey-boy smile?  Check.  Even the dye job on his hair is better than your own - a deep mahogany red to suit the changing of the seasons.  
Your silence earns you a quizzical look but no further comment, and mentally you kick yourself for being such an absolute loser as Yoongi turns and heads back towards his apartment, Holly still cradled in his arms.  
"And I'm sorry about last night!" you call after him like the unstoppable moron you are.  
Why would you bring that up?!  There's nothing but more awkwardness in-store by mentioning that, surely?! 
Still, deep down you feel obliged to offer some sort of apology.  After all, you expect Yoongi would have had the pleasure of having to overhear some of yours and your ex's more colourful arguments in the past.  Not to mention the fact that Remi decides to bark every time she sees a bicycle on the television screen.  
“It’s just… I had an interview this morning,” you explain as he slowly turns back around to face you again, one eyebrow slightly raised, “And I already went to bed late, so…” 
“Don’t worry about it.” You wonder if you’re imagining the way Yoongi averts his gaze and seems to shrink in on himself a little bit as he looks at Holly rather than you.  “I should apologise.  I didn’t realise how late it was.  Lose track of time when inspiration hits.”  
“Oh, that was you?” you enquire before stopping to think that maybe Yoongi might not want to share any further.  He appears to hesitate before answering, but when he does he offers you a small smile and another shrug of his shoulders along with it.  
“I’ve got a home studio,” he explains, exhaling with amusement before adding, “Not gotten around to soundproofing it yet.  Obviously.” 
So he works in the music business, huh?  You figure he must be pretty good, considering how you’ve always presumed it’s been mainstream chart stuff that you’ve been hearing through the walls in the past.  
“That’s really cool,” you grin, pleased to see him smile back, and you’re just about to open your mouth to keep the small talk going when all of a sudden Remi tugs sharply on her lead, jolting you off balance.  Flustered, you glare at her accusingly only to see her staring right back, impatient for the walk she’s been promised.  
Little madam would be tapping her paw on the floor and checking her watch if she only knew how… 
Giggling to mask your embarrassment, you make your excuses and bid Yoongi farewell, and you’re about halfway down the concrete steps to take you to the ground floor when suddenly his voice calls after you,
“How did it go?”  Looking up, you see his face peering down at you over the railings. The apples of his cheeks look even more pinchable from below; so smooth and sweet and round.  "The interview, I mean," he explains further when all you do is gawp back up at him, mouth hanging ajar.  
"Oh!" Could this really be real?  Is Yoongi - introverted, mysterious Min Yoongi -  taking an active interest in you?  Well, not you necessarily, but something to do with you, nonetheless.  "Yeah, I mean, I think it went pretty well."  He nods, seemingly satisfied with your answer. 
"Well, good luck with it," he says, and all of a sudden Holly's face pops over the side too, tongue lolling out.  At your feet, Remi grumbles disgruntedly.  
"Thanks," you reply, face aching with the effort it's taking for you to try not to grin too hard.  "Keeping all my fingers crossed."  Yoongi gives you one last final nod and then disappears out of sight, keys jingling as he opens his front door, and you’re left giddy in his wake.  
Realistically, you know this whole exchange was little more than every day ordinary - some might even say mundane - but it's caught you so off guard that you very nearly fall down the stairs when Remi barks you back to reality, tugging once more on her lead.  
"Oh alright, alright, alright…"
  Turns out, your gut feeling that the interview went well was right. 
Not that you’d actually found that out until much later on in the day, mind.  Thanks to all the faffing around you’d been doing with your phone prior to leaving the house, you’d managed to leave it by the front door rather than take it with you, and by the time you’d gotten home, there were three missed calls and a rather perturbed sounding voicemail waiting for you.  Still, better late than never, eh?  You were just glad your new employer hadn’t mistaken your sudden unavailability as a lack of enthusiasm; full of spluttered apologies and excuses by the time you eventually called them back.  
That was two weeks ago, now, and you’ve been pleasantly surprised as to how well things have been going so far.  Being a high-end store, the clientele are somewhat more demanding than you’ve been used to before, but the money’s good and your new colleagues have been more welcoming than you could’ve hoped.  Everything’s been coming up roses,  and whilst you’re revelling in your newfound financial security, Remi is… well, Remi’s not been taking to it quite so well.  
It was only a month or two that you were unemployed prior to starting this job, but it seems as though that was time enough for Remi to become all too accustomed to you spending all your time at home.  You’ve no idea how she is when you’re out during your shifts, but the way she sits whining at the front door whilst you get ready for work is enough to break your heart alone, and she’s so excited to see you every time you get back that it doesn’t take a genius to assume she’s been mourning your absence every moment that you’re gone.  
It makes you feel horrifically guilty, but what else can you do?  You need to work and dog sitters are a luxury you can't afford - at least not right now, anyway.   And so of course, like every individual who’s ever suffered with ‘mom guilt’, you end up over-compensating to make up for it; new toys, tastier treats, extra-long walks.  Basically, anything Remi might ever want.  
And it’s on one of these longer walks that you finally end up bumping into Yoongi and his canine companion again, meandering through the park nearest your home.  He doesn’t spot you, at first, which gives you ample opportunity to observe the fondness with which he watches Holly chasing the autumn leaves dancing along the path with each gust of wind.  You even get to hear him laugh for the very first time when Holly abandons the leaves and opts to chase his tail instead, and the whole scene is so endearing that you can’t help but stop and scrunch your nose at the two of them, grinning to yourself from where you linger further down the path.  
Does he have any idea how cute he is, you wonder?  You can’t imagine Yoongi would be the type of guy who’d appreciate hearing it, should you ever work up the courage to tell him so.  
“Hey!” you call out once you’ve mustered up the courage to finally reveal yourself, approaching them with Remi’s lead held firmly in hand.  On hearing your voice, Yoongi looks up from where he’d squatted down to give Holly a fuss, his small eyes widening infinitesimally once he realises it’s you. 
“Oh, hey,” he greets, quickly straightening up and brushing off the leaves that’d gotten caught on the front of his long, black coat.  
“How’s it going?”  You keep a close eye on Remi as you approach, and whilst she still tugs on the lead in an attempt to rush forward, you’re glad to find that this time around the two of them are somewhat calmer as to how they go about greeting each other.  There’s plenty of sniffing, still, and plenty of bouncing around, but apparently Holly is a quick learner and knows better than to come on so strong this time around.  
“Yeah, not bad.”  You can tell Yoongi’s a responsible owner by the way he closely watches Holly as the two dogs say hello, but as he glances up you can’t help but notice that there are dark circles under Yoongi’s eyes despite his profession of good health.  
Has he been staying up late again, absorbed in his music?  If he has, he must’ve had the forethought to use some headphones, as you haven’t been awoken during the night at all ever since that fateful evening a couple of weeks ago.  
“Hey, uh, how’d it turn out with that job, in the end?” Yoongi asks, and it’s stupid but you swear you feel your insides flutter with excitement at a) the fact that he remembered and b) would care enough to ask about it further on down the line.   
“Really good!” you reply as Remi sinks down into a playful stance amongst the leaves, bottom eagerly wiggling. “I got it, yeah!  Started last week.”  Yoongi smiles mildly, though it’s nowhere near the toothy grin you’d seen him bestow on Holly earlier.  What would you have to do to earn one of those, you wonder?  
“I figured you had.”  Your brows furrow in curiosity as he slips one hand into his pocket, shifting his weight.  
“Oh?  How’d you work that out?”  He glances at Remi for a second, pausing before he answers.  
“Your dog, Remi?” You nod, growing more curious with every second. “Well, she’s gotten kind of… noisy since you went back to work.”  
Oh.  Oh shit.  
Your embarrassment must show all over your face because Yoongi’s quick to continue explaining, his own expression turning into one of worry.  
“I mean, it’s no trouble.  It’s not like I’m trying to sleep or anything and my headphones cancel her barking out anyway,” he rambles as the two dogs continue to spring back and forth between the two of you without a care in the world. “It’s just… I feel kind of sorry for her, is all.”  
And oh boy, if you didn’t feel guilty already about leaving her than you sure do now.  What must Yoongi think of you?  Does he think you’re being neglectful of her?  That you’re some horrible, conscienceless owner?  Oh god, what if he reports you for animal cruelty or something?  
“I didn’t… um…” Realising you’re on the verge of bursting into tears, you purse your lips and look down at Remi for a second or two, trying to remind yourself that no matter what anyone may think, you’re doing the best you can.  She’s in good health and she’s happy… most of the time.  “I didn’t realise she was getting so upset while I was gone,” you say, blinking back the tears and forcing a smile as you shrug your shoulders like it’s not so much of a big deal.  “Maybe I’ll have to look into a sitter, or… or…” 
“I didn’t mention it to try and make you feel bad,” Yoongi gently interrupts, and you can tell that he’s being genuine from the tone in which he says it.  Somehow, he doesn’t strike you as the sort to bullshit someone just to spare their feelings.  “I’ve just been thinking; maybe I can take her out with me for a walk in the afternoon?  I’ll be walking Holly anyway, so…”  
“Are you serious?!” you exclaim, your sheer volume and enthusiasm so unexpected that Yoongi actually takes an involuntary step back, his eyes widening in alarm.  Even the dogs momentarily stop their play,  heads cocked to the side as they stare up at you, bemused.  “That’d be amazing, thank you!”  Yoongi smiles, rubbing bashfully at his neck, and if it weren’t for the fact you’re unsure of how he’d respond, you’d have thrown your arms around him already while you girlishly squeal your thanks.  
“Really, it’s no big deal,” he dismisses, but it’s too late.  As far as you’re concerned you’re already indebted to him for being kind enough to merely suggest it.  
“It is to me,” you smile and if you didn’t know any better you’d swear that Yoongi’s cheeks turn a softer shade pinker as he glances down at the floor, clearing his throat.  
“You can just drop a key over whenever.  Whatever’s easier for you.”  He shrugs his shoulders, all nonchalance in spite of your beaming smile.  Below you, Holly’s happily letting Remi clean the inside of his ears, oblivious.    
“Thanks, Yoongi.”  He looks up, and this time you know you’re not imagining the awkward blush dusted along his cheekbones.  “I owe you one.”  
It isn’t until later on, long after you’ve gotten home and whilst you’re trying (ie. failing) to get to sleep, that it suddenly dawns on you that there may be one potential downside to Yoongi’s generous offer.  
Now that you’ve given Yoongi your spare key, he can just come moseying on into your apartment any time he likes.  Any sane person would surely be concerned about the potential security risk that poses, surely, but you?  Oh no, your anxieties are centred around the fact that this means that Yoongi will get to see what an absolute shit-tip your apartment is and suss you out as the grotty little goblin you are, and thereby conclude that he should never, ever, ever speak to you again, for as long as you both shall live.  
Unsurprisingly, as soon as you realise this you’re even less able to sleep than you were before and proceed to spend the next four hours tidying up all the areas in the apartment you figure Yoongi is most likely to see.   You make a pretty good job of it, too, though you start to question whether it was worth it when you have to spend the next following day at work feeling as though you’ve got some sort of fatigue-induced hangover - dry mouth and all.  
It was, though, no doubt.  Once you finally arrive home all blurry eyes and aching feet, Remi seems a lot less manic than she has these past couple weeks when she’s been left alone.  She’s still pleased to see you, of course, but it’s a happy tail wag rather than a desperate nipping at your fingers or jumping up your legs like before.  You notice that Yoongi has re-filled her water bowl, too, and the calmness he’s imbued in her seems to last throughout the whole evening.  She's so calm, in fact, that you can’t help but wonder if he might’ve slipped something into said water bowl.  
If he did, you’d sure like to know what it was… 
And so it continues throughout the weeks that follow.  You and Yoongi never actually cross paths - much to your dismay - but Remi continues to relish her daily adventures out and about the town without you.  And it’s not just Remi that benefits from your newfound arrangement, either; with the time that you’d normally use to walk her yourself now no longer needed, you’re free to indulge in the self-care rituals that’d fallen by the wayside once the past few weeks.  Bubble-baths, face masks, deep cleanses - your skin has never looked better! 
“This is the life, huh Rem?” you sigh in contentment, glancing over to where she’s currently lounging atop the closed toilet seat opposite your bathtub, keeping you company whilst you luxuriate.   She says nothing, obviously, but looks happy enough with her chin rested on the sink and eyes half-closed.  She yawns, showing off all her teeth, and it catches - your mouth opening in a great big yawn as you reach out of the tub for the glass of wine precariously perched on the side.  
So what if it’s only three in the afternoon?  This is what weekends off work are for, and if Remi’s not judging you then you’re not about to go giving yourself a hard time either.
“What do you say to a little nap after this, hm?” Glass now empty, your fingers are starting to look a little bit pruney as you place it back on the side, and you take that as a sign to say you’ve been wallowing in your own filth long enough.  It’s time to make a move.  
With a great big groan of effort, you hoist yourself up out of the water and stand up, grinning to yourself at the little headrush that comes with it - purely from the change in blood pressure, obviously. Nothing to do with your midday alcohol consumption at all.  Unfortunately, your amusement is short-lived once you realise that in your eagerness to soak you’d completely forgotten to bring your towel along.  
“Ah shit,” you huff, climbing out onto the bathmat and then wiggling yourself in an attempt to drip dry as best you can before you venture out to where you know you’ve left it hanging on the radiator out in the hall.  Remi watches your shuffle curiously but it’s not as though she hasn’t already seen it all before, and you flash her a grin before covering up what you can with one hand and opening up the door, shivering a little as the cold air hits you.  
Suddenly, Remi darts out from the bathroom from between your legs, barking like mad, and maybe it’s because the alcohol has slowed your reflexes - or maybe you’re just a little slow in general - but it isn’t until you hear the front door shut and Yoongi calling Remi’s name that the slow realisation of what’s happening hits you. 
Remi's walk.  Yoongi's come to take Remi on her walk because as far as he knows you’re working, and why on earth would you have been smart enough to have had the forethought to let him know that you’re not?!   
“Hi Rem,” you hear Yoongi say once she’s finished yapping, her aggression replaced by excited whining as she no doubt dances around his feet.  Like an idiot, you’re so blindsided by his sudden arrival that all you can do is stand frozen in the hallway - the hallway that Yoongi would be able to see directly down should he only think to move a few paces to the left.  “You ready for walkies, girl?” 
Oh god, why now?!  Why you?!  
Remi lets out a bark of excitement and then, to your horror, you realise she’s turned tail and decided to come and fetch you to join in with all the fun, the bell on her collar jangling as she runs towards you, ushering in your doom.  
“Where are you off to?  You don’t want to go out today?  That’s a shame because Holly-”  The sound of Yoongi’s voice coming closer is finally enough to kick you into gear, and it’s with a yelp of alarm that you reach out and snatch the towel off the radiator and clutch it to your chest just in time for Yoongi to round the corner and come into sight.  
His eyes widen comically when he sees you, his mouth popping open as he freezes in the doorway and you scramble to cover yourself.  You’re not sure how much he actually saw but you think he must’ve seen something , judging by his reaction.  Between you, Remi runs back and forth, joyfully oblivious.  Your whole body feels aflame with embarrassment, and given the rising blush you can see on Yoongi’s cheeks you’d guess he’s not faring much better. 
“Um… I-”  you stutter out, holding the towel in place against your chest in case Remi decides to jump up your legs and yank it down. “I-I’m not working this weekend and-”  
Shamefully, Yoongi doesn’t even give you a chance to finish explaining.  With nothing more than a rapid series of blinks and a stiff nod, he turns around on the spot and walks out of your apartment faster than you’ve ever seen him move before, and though you and Remi rush aimlessly after him, he’s too quick to catch.  He doesn’t even shut the door after himself properly, so eager is he to escape.  
“Poor guy must've gone to pour bleach in his eyes," you sigh whilst Remi stares forlornly at the door as you press it shut, her tail hanging sadly between her legs.  You can only hope you haven’t scarred him for life and ruined your arrangement, and you tell yourself that it’s for Remi’s sake but really, you’re not sure your ego could handle it if it turned out Yoongi had taken one look at you naked and decided never to speak to you again.  
You run your fingers through the wet mass of tangles that is your hair, sighing once more as you head towards the kitchen, uncaring that you’re likely dripping bathwater all over the floor.  
“I think it’s time for another drink, Rem, don’t you?”  
  Remi doesn’t get walked that afternoon, much to her displeasure, and the reasons for that are twofold.  One - after having chugged down another two large glasses of wine in hopes of erasing your short-term memory, you were hardly in any fit state to pry yourself up off the sofa let alone walk around the block.    And two - even if you could walk, you would’ve still had to muster up the courage to step outside your front door.  Bumping into Yoongi and having him run away from you twice in one day was far too distressing a prospect for you to even consider attempting to move. 
Instead, you’d spent the rest of the afternoon lying about on the sofa, wallowing in your own self-pity until you’d fallen asleep in nothing but your towel, drooling all over the cushions.  It’d seemed like a good idea at the time, but the you of this morning is full of remorse having woken up with the back of her hair sticking out like a bird’s backside, a headache, and a craving for fried food that just won’t subside.  
It doesn’t help that Remi’s bouncing off the walls, either, and eventually you come to the conclusion that there’s really no way you can avoid taking her out for any longer.  You’re just going to have to pull on your big girl pants and if you see him, well… then you’ll just have to cross that bridge when it comes to it.  You’re both adults.  This shouldn’t be this big of a deal.  
But oh god it totally is because he’s so cute and what if he thinks you looked gross and oh god, oh god, oh god! 
But it’s fine.  Of course it’s fine, because you tell yourself it’ll be fine, and you didn’t bump into him for months at a time after you’d first moved in so why should it happen again now?  
Thankfully, fate appears to be on your side (or taking pity on you, at least).  You make it out of your building without seeing neither hide nor hair of your unwitting flashee - if that’s even a word - and despite having forgotten your purse, you still manage to find some change in the depths of your pockets for a snack from the food cart just outside the park.  
You munch it happily as Remi leads the way, darting from one side of the sunshine dappled pavement to the other to pee on everything she can find, and you’re just thinking about what a good call it was to get out of the house for a little while when you suddenly hear a familiar voice calling an all-too-familiar name and your stomach drops with dread.
Oh, fate can go fuck herself.  Fickle bitch. 
You come to an abrupt stop, eyes drawn to where your next-door neighbour is currently frolicking through the small field a little further down the path, just to your right.  
Frolicking is probably the wrong word, really, but you’re not sure what to call the gangly waving of arms and legs you can see going on past the small group of trees that’s concealing you from sight.  Holly’s off lead, you can tell that much, and Yoongi seems like he's having fun chasing after him, letting out some strange, high-pitched laugh when he almost trips over that has you guffawing in turn - a sound you quickly smother with the napkin you hadn’t yet thought to throw away.  
Yoongi drops to his knees amongst the grass and Holly is quick to take advantage, climbing up onto his owner’s lap to lick Yoongi’s face.  He groans and he grimaces, but you can still see him smiling as he wipes away the offending slobber, and you’re just about to start swooning at the way he’s lovingly fussing Holly’s ears when Remi startles you out of your reverie with a purposeful tug on her lead. 
Just like you, she’s spotted the object of your affections and is now desperate to make her way over, whining and pacing restlessly to and fro.  
“Rem, shh!” you hush when she lets out a bark of objection at your attempt to pull her back from the treeline.  As much as you enjoy seeing Yoongi you don’t actually want to see him right now, and if Remi keeps going the way she is you won’t end up with much of a choice in the matter.  
“Again, Hol?!  Really?!” Glancing over, you see Yoongi’s expression turn to one of distaste as Holly dips into a squat right in front of him, not a shred of thought spared for dignity.  You figure this is the best time to hurry on past while he’s suitably distracted but Remi doesn’t make it easy, pulling backwards as you try to walk on and then planting her bottom firmly on the ground once she realises brute strength is getting her very far.  
“I can just pick you up, you know,” you threaten, narrowing your eyes at her, but just as you’re stalking forward about to carry out the said threat, you’re distracted by the sight of Yoongi rummaging through his pockets, lips moving as though he’s grumbling to himself.  
You’ve seen that dance before; it’s one you know well, given how forgetful you can be.  He’s either forgotten his poo bags or run out of them altogether, and now you’re faced with the moral dilemma of knowing you have a brand new roll stashed away in your pocket.   As if sensing your hesitation, Remi stares at you as you squat down to her level, hands outstretched.    
‘Really?’ her eyes say, ‘Are you really going to just let him leave it there?  What if someone steps in it?  Think of the children -'
“Oh fine!” you huff, standing up straight and marching out onto the grass before you lose your nerve, Remi trotting along happily at your side.  
Must you really be so god damn conscientious all the time?  You swear it causes you nothing but trouble.
Before Yoongi’s even realised you’re there, you’re grabbing the roll from your pocket and thrusting it into his line of sight. 
“Here,” you offer as he startles, glancing from you down to Remi in momentary bewilderment.  You hadn’t meant to sound so gruff but unless you’d forced the word out you probably wouldn’t have been able to say anything at all, so you plaster a nervous smile onto your face in time for when he looks at you again, willing your posture to relax.   
“Uh, thanks,” he says he takes them from your palm and pulls one off, quickly putting it to good use.  Rather than stand there staring you turn your attention to Remi, mortified to see she’s taken a break from dancing back and forth with Holly in favour of sitting and licking her genitals in the most unladylike fashion.   
“Why don’t you go have a run with Holly and just… not do that,” you mumble as you bend to unclip the lead from her harness, granting her freedom.  She takes you up on your offer immediately, and the moment she’s loose the two of them go bounding off across the field as fast as they can go, Holly’s ears flapping in the wind.   You let out a laugh as Remi manages to dodge and weave around the slightly smaller dog, never quite letting him catch her but keeping close enough to maintain his interest. 
If only you were so skilled at the whole ‘treat ‘em mean, keep ‘em keen’ thing… 
“She’s really fast,” Yoongi comments, and as soon as he speaks it’s as though all the awkwardness comes flooding back for the both of you.  He can’t even seem to look you in the eye. “For a little dog.”  
“Yeah,” you chuckle back in the direction of your shoes, “She’s always acted like she’s twice her size.  Too big for her boots.”  
The two of you lapse into silence, Yoongi’s hands shuffling in his pockets whilst yours mess with your sleeves.  If only you could be so carefree as your canine companions who’ve now ceased their running and are circling around one another instead, sniffing each other out.  They’re having a great time, whereas the silence between you is quickly beginning to feel stifling, and you soon come to the conclusion that awkward or not, leaving things unaddressed like this is doing no good.  You’re just going to have to say something, even if it’s just to apologise and- 
“I’m sorry,” Yoongi suddenly blurts out just as you were opening your mouth to do the same.  Your eyes meet and then quickly dart away again, cheeks flushed with heat.  “I didn’t mean to walk in- I mean, I didn’t realise you were home.”  
“That’s ok,” you rush to excuse, “It was my fault, I should’ve let you know I wasn’t working.”  You brave a look at him, smiling sheepishly.  “Sorry if I… gave you a shock.”  Yoongi shakes his head, a small smile on his face as he waves his hand dismissively.  
“I’ve seen worse, believe me,” he chortles, and then as if suddenly realising what it is he’s just said his eyes ping open wide and his face fills with colour.  “Sorry, that sounded bad, I-” He stops talking when he notices you’ve startled giggling at his expense, your shoulders shaking with mirth.  What he said wasn’t even that funny - hell, some might even be insulted - but he just looks so adorable when he gets all flustered that you just can’t help yourself.  It’s either laugh or start cooing and pinching his cheeks, and you doubt he’d appreciate the latter.  Soon enough, he’s chuckling along too - albeit rubbing at the flush on his neck as he does so.  
“Is it just me or have you noticed how all of our conversations seem to end up with one us apologising?” you observe once you’ve managed to stifle your giggling, happy with how much lighter the mood feels now that you’ve aired everything out.  
“I hadn’t until you just pointed it out,” Yoongi admits, absently swinging the hand in which he’s holding Holly’s lead as he looks out across the field towards the two of them.  His profile is so pretty; such a sharp jaw for such rounded cheeks to sit on.  “I must make an effort to be more interesting.”  
“You’re already plenty interesting.”  The words are out of your mouth before they’ve even taken form in your head, and you instantly wish you could catch them and stuff them back in as Yoongi’s eyebrows rise, his head turning to look back your way.  “I mean… what I meant was-” you stammer as the smallest of smiles tugs at his delicate lips, and though you love to see it you can’t bear to look him right now, too busy wishing the ground would just swallow you up and-
“Shit!”  You sharply look up, just in time to see Yoongi take off running at full speed, and your heart starts pounding for a completely different reason as you look ahead to where he’s headed and realise what it is that has him moving so fast. 
Where the two dogs had been so happily sniffing around one another just a moment ago, Remi now seems to be in some sort of distress.  You immediately assume they’re fighting given how loud she’s whining, but as you take in the sight of Holly mounting her rear end you very quickly come to realise it’s the very opposite of fighting that’s the problem and start running after Yoongi, shouting in a futile attempt to discourage the two.  
You hadn’t even realised Remi was in heat, for Christ’s sake!  No wonder she was so keen on saying hello to Holly, today of all days!  
As luck would have it, Yoongi reaches them two just in time to intervene.  His owner’s arm-waving and shouting startles Holly so much that he dismounts without Yoongi even having to touch him, and whilst their owners are left out of breath and harrowed to the core, the two dogs go on about their business like nothing’s happened at all.  
“I’m sorry,” you gush, hands shaking you’re so flustered, “I didn’t realise she was in season.”  
There you go apologising again… 
You quickly go about putting Remi back on the lead as Yoongi does the same, and she’s all innocent eyes as she gazes up at you wondering what all the fuss is about.  
“It should be ok, I think.”  With Holly firmly back in hand, Yoongi takes a moment to straighten out his beanie that’d come all askew.  “They didn’t… uh…” 
“Yeah, no, I know what you mean,” you interject rather than have him saying it out loud.  They didn’t get stuck together is what he was probably trying to say, and really you’d rather not have a conversation about knotting right now.  You’ve had more than enough embarrassment for one day, thank you very much.  
“I think I should get this one home before we have any more near-accidents,” Yoongi muses, frowning as he looks down at Holly who’s still clearly expressing an interest, nose twitching in Remi’s direction.  
“Sure,” you agree, “And maybe we should hold off on the joint walks for a week or so?” You hate to suggest it because you know Remi’s going to be absolutely miserable without them, and you’re sure Yoongi would keep a close eye on them from now on, but it’s just not worth the risk.  “Just until her heat is over, anyway.”  
“Yeah, probably best.”  You expect that to be it, then, but much to your surprise Yoongi suddenly breaches the gap between you and bends in front of Remi, scratching her under the chin just as you know she likes.  “See you soon girl, ok?” he promises, and you swear you feel your knees weaken slightly at the way he says it in that low, dulcet tone of his.  And if they didn’t then, then they most definitely do when he looks up at you and smiles, the sunlight catching his eyes.  
“Yeah, see you later.” Starstruck, you answer somewhat robotically as he stands back to normal height with that same small smile still playing on his lips.  
“Later,” he says, making himself scarce before anything else has a chance to go wrong.  
You take a moment just to close your eyes; to collect yourself and calm your heart.  Remi's innocent little face is awaiting you once they open again, gazing up at you as though butter wouldn't melt in her mouth, and you can't help but soften as you bend down and run your fingers through her fur, sighing. 
"I know he's cute, Rem," you say, and part of you wonders whether it's Holly or Yoongi that you're talking about; Remi or yourself that you're talking to. "But you can't just go giving up the goods like that!"  She ever so sweetly licks your fingers - as if in penance - and you can’t help but wonder to yourself whether either of you is even really listening.  
At least she has the excuse of not being able to understand a word; you’re not sure what excuse your subconscious has for the numerous dreams it inflicts on you in the nights that follow.  Dreams of dark eyes, deep voices and long, wandering fingers that seem to linger on your skin even into wakefulness.  It doesn’t seem fair that whilst your sightings of the ‘real life’ Yoongi remain as sporadic and elusive as ever, you’re being haunted by his ever-so-alluring dream counterpart.  
It’s a stupid crush, really.  You know it is.  Your attraction to him is based on little more than his looks and the few short (and embarrassing) interactions you’ve had with the guy, and no-one is worth the realisation that you’re starting to resent your dog for all the time she gets to spend prancing around the park with him that you don’t. That's a new low, even for you.  
You’re just going to have to get over it, and as a couple of weeks go by with no further interaction between the two of you aside from the odd little post-it note left on your kitchen countertop once Remi's daily walks recommence, it gets a little easier to distract yourself from dwelling on the butterflies your next-door neighbour had been making you feel.  
Besides, if Yoongi was interested in pursuing something more than being your acquaintance surely he would’ve done it by now?  There’s no need for you to go messing up an arrangement that’s already working so well by getting feelings involved, especially if they’re not mutual.  Remi would kill you.  Or worse, Yoongi might start to think of charging you for his services rather than walking her out of the goodness of his heart.  Your new job may be going well, but that’s still not an option you’re in the position to afford.  
You feel as though you should do something for him, though.  You get the feeling Yoongi probably isn’t the type to appreciate a thank you card, and you’re not a good enough baker to go whipping up a batch of cookies or something else of the like.  Maybe you could splash out on a new piece of recording equipment the next time you get paid?  Hmm, but then that would require actually asking him what he wants, and no doubt it’ll be pricey if he’s using professional kit… Maybe you should just- 
“Oh, no, no, Remi, not there!  No!”  Panicked, you quickly pick Remi up off the sofa and rush her into the kitchen.  She continues retching even whilst in your arms and doesn’t stop until she’s finally thrown up this morning’s breakfast all over your laminate floor, uncaring of your whines of protest or the wrinkling of your nose.  
“See this is why-”  You groan with effort as you have to pick her up and move her out of the way to keep her from licking it all back up again.  You swear to god she’s getting heavier.  “-This is why you shouldn’t wolf everything down so fast!”  
Not that she’s ever had any issues with eating so quickly in the past.  Remi’s always gobbled down her food but it’s only the last day or two that she’s started bringing it back up again, and maybe it’d worry you if she seemed unwell in any other way, but she’s acting perfectly fine.  A little needier, perhaps, but you figure that’s just down to her missing her new playmate; she certainly isn’t shy about whining and pining after him whenever she can hear Holly next door.  
You’d even knocked on Yoongi’s door to check with him whether he thought Remi had seemed out of sorts at all, but he’d said he hadn’t noticed anything obvious either.  She’s not eating anything that she shouldn’t be and you haven’t changed her brand of food.  Sure, she might be eating a little bit extra of it lately but it can’t just be that, surely?  
Every sane person knows you shouldn’t google symptoms, but after you’ve cleaned up Remi’s mess and settled back down on the sofa, that's exactly what you find yourself doing.  With her curled up at your side, you scare yourself to death reading through all the horrible things that may or may not be the cause.  Parasites, liver failure, gastrointestinal blockages - none of them quite make sense because she’s perfectly fine - but as you continue to scroll there one possible explanation that catches your eye. 
And suddenly it all clicks into place; Remi’s increased appetite, her cuddliness, the vomiting.  She’s pregnant!  
You twist in your seat, staring down at her peacefully sleeping form with wide eyes and a furiously beating heart, unable to comprehend that this might be true.  Your gaze strays to her stomach as though it might suddenly appear swollen now that the secret is out, but with all her long fur as covering she looks as normal as ever, leg twitching as she dreams.   
How can she be pregnant?!  You warned her about this - about giving away the goods too fast - and now look what’s happened!   Holly didn’t… they didn’t even…!  
Remi lets out a yelp of surprise as you suddenly scoop her up off the sofa and rush to your front door, in such a hurry that you don’t even bother to shut it after you as you storm down the hall.  Calling Yoongi’s name, you bang your clenched fist against his door with little care for how hysterical you might sound.  
Hell, you are hysterical!   What the bloody hell are you supposed to do with a litter of puppies?!  Your apartment is barely big enough for you and Remi, nevermind however many offspring she may be carrying!  
Yoongi’s bleary-eyed once he finally comes to the door, sleepiness adding to the bewilderment with which he squints at the sight of you red-faced and near hyperventilating.  It’s shameful that even as worked up as you are that your gaze still strays, unable to resist the lure of checking Yoongi out in his baggy tee and basketball shorts.  How is it that even his knobbly knees are so cute?!  
“Hey,” he greets, trying and failing to stifle a yawn that gives you an ever so lovely view of his tonsils.  He must’ve been up late working, and for just a moment you almost feel guilty for waking him up until Holly suddenly comes running to the front door as well.  Catching sight of Remi in your arms, he immediately starts to jump up your legs to try and reach her despite the death glare he’s greeted with. “What’s up?”  
“She’s pregnant,” you blurt out, thrusting Remi forward before placing her down on the floor so she and Holly can greet one another.  You can’t see the harm, after all.  It’s not as if he can go knocking her up again .   Yoongi’s brow furrows, head tilting as he sluggishly blinks, struggling to process this new information.  
“Remi, she’s pregnant,” you state again, folding your arms across your chest as the words suddenly sink in and Yoongi's gaze plummets to the dogs at his feet.  “Holly knocked her up.”  For a moment, Yoongi says nothing.  All he does is stand there, rubbing the back of his neck as Remi affectionately nips and nuzzles at Holly, tugging on his ears.  
Finally, he looks up, eyebrows furrowed even deeper now.  
“How do you know it was Holly?”  Is he serious ?!  “I mean, you never know.  When they’re in heat they-” 
“Are you calling my dog a slut?!” you shriek, stepping forward so both Yoongi and the dogs are forced to move to accommodate your wrath.  He flinches, stepping back as the dogs scamper off somewhere further into the apartment.  “You were there!  We both saw them-”  Your arms flap as you search for the word, so outraged your face feels as though it’s on fire from all the red-hot blood rushing through your veins.  “- Canoodling !”  
If Yoongi weren’t so cute, you swear to god you’d kick him in the shins for the way the corners of his lips twitch at your choice of words.  
“Ok, alright,” he relents, cleverly deducing that trying to reason with you right now would be a fool’s game.  He glances over at the dogs, now cuddled up together in one of his armchairs.  “Just… how about we hold off on the meltdown until after we’re sure?”  Your eyes narrow despite knowing he’s right, unwilling to admit that just yet.  
There’s always the possibility you could be wrong.  The website you were looking at had so many different potential causes for her symptoms that it wouldn’t be impossible for it to be something else.  It might even turn out to be nothing at all.  
“I guess,” you admit after a moment has passed, unfolding your arms and letting them fall to your sides as you will your shoulders to relax.  
“The vet can do a scan, right?” Yoongi suggests, “Then we can figure out what to do if…” He glances at them again, drawing your eyes their way.  You have to admit they do make a very sweet looking couple, all curled up together like that.  “... if she is.”  
You bite your lip at the thought of the potential cost - you’ve got no idea how much it might cost or even when the right time to book it would be.  As if reading your mind, Yoongi speaks up again, rubbing at his neck once again. 
“I don’t mind splitting the cost if you want,” he offers, though he sounds a little awkward.  “You’re probably right about it being Holly…”  ‘Probably’ is a bit of an understatement, you think, but you’re not about to argue the semantics.  If you’re honest, you’re just feeling a bit overwhelmed by all of this; by the situation in itself and how level-headed and kind Yoongi has been to step up on Holly’s behalf so quickly.  
“They are a bit smitten with each other, aren’t they?” you smile, feeling a little calmer.  This could be a lot worse, you suppose.  The father could’ve just been some random dog in the park and you’d have been left facing this all alone.  
“Just a little,” he agrees, hands rested on his hips, and you swear the smile that blossoms on his face as he looks over at them is the sweetest one you’ve ever seen - your heart fluttering despite the promise you made yourself to get over this little crush.  
They’re not the only ones at risk of getting smitten, you think. 
“Anyway.”  You clear your throat in a futile attempt to get a hold of yourself. “Sorry for just barging round.  We’ll get going and let you get some more sleep.”  You call Remi’s name and she sleepily raises her head, refusing to move until you call her twice more, clapping your hands.  
“No worries. It’s about time I got up,” he says. “And what happened to us not saying sorry all the time, hm?”  Yoongi smiles crookedly, folding his arms, and god, it’s only the slightest bit of friendly teasing, so why is your heart racing so fast? 
“Whoops,” you giggle, acutely aware of the blush that’s warming your cheeks as you scoop Remi up in your arms. “I’ll try to do better.”  
“Then I'll expect your best,” Yoongi grins as he escorts you back to the door, and you swear to god you’re about to spontaneously combust any second.
“I’ll let you know about the scan, ok?”  He nods, returning your little wave as you say goodbye and then shutting the door before Holly has the chance to escape out into the hall after you.  You pause on the doorstep, willing your heart to calm down.  
“Oh you’re one to talk,” you hiss back at Remi when you notice her stare, wide-eyed and unblinking. The two of you wouldn’t be in this mess if she could’ve just kept it in her pants.  “You better hope I’m wrong about this, missus.”  
  You’re not, though.  The ultrasound scan that you attend the following week confirms your suspicions; Remi’s pregnant, about four weeks gone, and though the vet couldn’t be sure, she’d estimated her to be carrying at least three puppies.  She sends you away with her congratulations and an armful of literature - essentially the doggy equivalent of ‘what to expect when you’re expecting’ - and you spend the next hour after you leave the vets wandering the pet store aisles in some kind of daze, desperately trying to figure out which food you should buy.   
“Do you have any idea-” Yoongi looks surprised to see you when he opens the front door - Remi’s lead in one hand and a deluxe bag of dog food tucked under the other. “-How many different varieties of grain-free puppy food there are, Yoongi?”  He blinks, unsure, so you answer for him.  “Twelve.”  You can feel the bag starting to slip but you’re lacking the motivation to stop it, too overwhelmed from the morning you’ve had to want to fight anymore.  “Twelve. And not one single store assistant could tell me what the hell difference there is between any of them.”  The bag finally falls but luckily Yoongi’s right there to catch it, a furrow of concern creasing his brow.  “And it’s not even for the puppies.”  
“You… look like you could use a coffee,” Yoongi observes, stepping back from his doorway as he holds the bag against his chest.  
“Yes, thank you,” you sigh, stepping inside and bending down to let Remi off her lead as Yoongi puts the bag down by the front door and closes it.  
“So she’s definitely pregnant, then?” he asks as he reaches down to fuss Remi when she over bounds his way, tail wagging.  Holly follows quickly after but it’s not Yoongi he’s interested in - he’s too busy sniffing and licking at the bag of food.  
“Yep.  Triplets, apparently.  Or more, if we’re really lucky.”  Yoongi chuckles softly at the sarcasm in your tone, a faint smile on his face as he rounds the kitchen island and pulls out a stool on which you promptly sit, resting your elbows on the counter.
You hadn’t really taken the time to appreciate the decor the last time you got a glimpse inside Yoongi’s apartment, but now that you’ve got a minute you can’t help but notice how nicely put together the place is.  Yes, there’s some dirty dishware in the kitchen sink, and yes, his apartment is pretty much the same as yours in layout - just the other way around - but the warm, earthy tones of the place make it feel… cosier somehow.  More homely than the stark white walls and metallic countertops your ex-boyfriend had insisted you install back at your place.  
The smell of freshly brewed coffee grabs your attention, and you watch quietly as he pours you each a cup from a fancy looking cafetiere.  He’s surprisingly delicate in the way he moves - his long fingers deft and precise.  
“Milk?  Sugar?”  
“Yes.  And two please,” you mumble, still wallowing in your perceived misfortune.  At least you’ve got a nice view; Yoongi’s looking especially cute today in ripped jeans and a sweater that looks far too large, sleeves dangling as he reaches into the fridge.  
He takes his coffee with just the slightest touch of milk.  No sugar.  
“It’s not the end of the world,” he says eventually, breaking what would have been silence if it weren’t for the sounds of Remi and Holly play-fighting in the living room.  You swallow the sip of coffee you’d just taken - infinitely more flavorful than the cheap instant stuff you use at home. 
“I know,” you relent with a sigh.  You just hate feeling so out of your depth!  Usually, you research to death any kind of life choice you’re about to make - weighing out the pros and cons, thinking of any possible eventuality and most likely talking yourself out of it in the meantime - but you know nothing about dog breeding or raising puppies.  You’d never forgive yourself if you inadvertently did something wrong and Remi ended up getting sick or one of the puppies got hurt or- 
“My brother’s dog had puppies a couple years back, I can give him a call,” Yoongi says, as calm and level-headed as ever, “We go halves on everything and then split the profits afterwards.”  
“You think we should sell them?”  
“Well I hadn’t really planned on getting another dog anytime soon.”  His lips curve into a smile against the edge of his cup and you can’t help but smile in return, sighing again.  
“You think people will want them?” you ask after taking another sip and Yoongi puts down his cup to reach into his pocket, pulling out his phone.  
“I did a little research,” he says, rounding the counter to come and stand next to you, thumb tapping away at the screen.   Standing this close you’re able to smell his cologne; a soft yet masculine scent.  Does he realise how close he is, you wonder?  Or rather, does he have any idea how he’s got every single one of your nerve endings on high alert?    “Look,” he instructs, turning his phone your way to show you a picture of one of the most adorable little dogs you've ever seen.  It's got Remi's pointed little nose and brilliant white fur, but being half poodle that fur is slightly curly rather than straight, and unlike Remi's pointed ears, this dog's are long and floppy just like Holly's.
In short, it's frickin adorable.  
"Oh my god!" you squeal before you can help yourself, stealing the phone from Yoongi's grasp to get an even closer look. You keep scrolling through Google images and you swear each puppy is even cuter than the last, knees bouncing under the counter as your thumb relentlessly swipes.  
You totally miss the fondness with which Yoongi observes your excitement.  He's usually rather possessive over his tech, but you're just so enthusiastic he can't bring himself to cut your 'ooh-ing' and 'aww-ing' short - especially given how miserable you looked when you first arrived.  "They're so adorable, oh my gosh."
"I don't think we'll have any trouble finding buyers if they come out looking like that," he says, slipping his phone back into his pocket once you coyly handed it back, careful to avoid the brushing of your fingers. 
"No, you're probably right." If anything, you'll probably have trouble giving them up yourself!  Yoongi returns safely to the other side of the counter, smiling softly as he picks up his cup in both hands and takes another sip.  
"We'll figure it out," he assures you, and somehow, despite all your anxieties and doubts, there's something about Yoongi's voice that makes you put all your faith in him.  
Mind now at rest, the two of you chat whilst you finish your coffees, not just about the dogs but other things as well; his impressive home entertainment system, your plans for Christmas and various theories about the strange Mr Jung who lives alone on the floor below and yet can be heard shouting all hours of the day.  
It feels so easy to talk to him.  Familiar, almost.  Like you and Yoongi knew each other in a past life and have somehow found one another again.  
Or maybe you're just a hopeless romantic who's reading way too much into things but hey, you're not hurting anyone.  Just yourself, maybe, and you can live with that.  
"Thanks for the coffee," you smile as the conversation reaches a natural lull.  You're reluctant to leave but you'd rather not risk overstaying your welcome and turn what has been a lovely interaction sour.  
"Any time," Yoongi smiles in return.  This time you don't manage to avoid the brushing of your fingers as you hand your coffee cup back, and as your fingertips touch you end up pressing your thighs together under the counter from the thrill that runs through you.  Thank god he doesn't see it, lest Yoongi realises just how sexually deprived you've been since you and your ex broke up.  
Better leave now whilst you still have some semblance of self-control left. 
"Ok Rem, time to head on home," you call, slipping off the stool.  You pause, expecting to hear the jingling of the bell on her collar as she trots her way over to you, but nothing comes. "Remi?" You make your way into the living room only to find her curled up with Holly in that same spot on the sofa as last time, and if she heard you then she's certainly not acting as though she did.  "Rem, c'mon, gotta go."  Lazily, they lift their heads in perfect unison and yet Remi remains unmoving, yawning and stretching as Holly rolls onto his back.  
Glancing behind you, you ensure Yoongi is well out of earshot before squatting down so that you and Remi are eye to eye.  
"Look, I don't want to go either, but we don't want to overstay our welcome now, do we?" you whisper quietly, giving her fair warning before you slip your hands under her fuzzy little body and lift her from the seat. 
"Don't be sad." You almost jump out of your skin when you suddenly hear Yoongi right behind you, very nearly dropping Remi in your haste to turn around.  Apparently, Yoongi isn't a great believer in personal space (or else is oblivious to it) because he's close enough that he doesn't have to move an inch in order to reach out and stroke her fur, smiling. "We'll see each other soon," he reassures, looking up at you before adding, "Won't we?" 
"Yeah, definitely," you confirm, nodding like an idiot, and as though she understands Remi gives a little low rumble of contentment as she leans her head back against your chest, exposing her chin for scratches that Yoongi can't resist supplying.  
"I'll come fetch her for her walk tomorrow as normal." Yoongi pauses as he withdraws his affection, scratching behind his ear and keeping his eyes on Remi as he asks, "You are working tomorrow, aren't you?" 
Instantly, your cheeks flush with heat as you realise his intention for asking. "Y-yeah." God forbid he almost walk in on you semi-nude all over again… "Thanks." 
"No problem," he smiles, meeting your gaze.  You shyly return his smile, unable to think of anything more to say as he sees you to the door except to wish him goodbye, blushing once more when he quietly utters it back along with your name. 
It should be criminal for someone so good looking to have a voice so sexy.  How's a girl supposed to stand a chance?  Even when you're no longer in his presence, you can't stop thinking about him; his calm demeanour, his subtle smiles, the warmth he exudes around both Remi and Holly.  If he were just attractive that would be one thing, but now you're getting to know him more, little by little… boy, you're in trouble. 
And Remi doesn't seem to be faring much better, either.  Every small noise from next door that could possibly be her four-legged love has her pacing and whining, so eager to go to see him that every time you come home you have to be careful she doesn't dart out into the hallway between your legs and go scratching at Yoongi's door.  
Apparently, Remi's not concerned with the notion of looking desperate, which is why one evening when you come home and you're met with nothing more than silence and an empty apartment, you're more than just a little worried.  
Has she climbed her way out onto the balcony?  Shimmied across the window ledges mission impossible style in a desperate attempt to reach Holly next door?  
Unlikely, but you follow your gut instinct anyway and head over to Yoongi's as calmly as you can.  You take a deep, steadying breath as you knock on his door, trying to keep the rising sense of panic at bay.  You've already had a not so great day at work - too many customers with not enough manners.  The last thing you need now is a missing dog to add to the list.  
"Have you seen Remi?" you blurt out as soon as the door starts to open, frowning from the headache throbbing at the back of your skull.  "I just got home and she's not there and-" 
Yoongi's mouth opens but he has the chance to speak, the sound of Remi's bell does all the talking for him, jingling loudly as she comes running towards the door.  
"Hey you!" Your knees click as you bend down to fuss her, one hand on the hem of your skirt to make sure it doesn't ride up too far. "You scared me!"  Remorseless, Remi flops onto her side and cocks her leg up in invitation for you to stroke her stomach.  It's slowly starting to expand underneath all the fuzz, and despite your recent panic you still can't help but smile to feel it.  
"Sorry, should've left a note." Behind you, you hear the front door click shut.  Remi quickly has her fill of tummy rubs, and as she runs away back to Holly, you stand up straight and turn to Yoongi, endeared by the uneasy expression on his face and the awkwardness with which he shoves his hands into his pockets. "I keep hearing her whining after I've dropped her off, so I figured it wouldn't hurt for her to just stay a while longer 'till you get home." 
God, there he goes again being an absolute sweetheart. 
"Shouldn't have just assumed," he apologises but you're quick to wave it off, smiling.  
"Not at all.  Just glad she's safe." Yoongi smiles, hands coming out of his pockets, and as he walks on past you into the kitchen you're suddenly hit with the smell of cooking; onions and garlic and a sweet-smelling sauce.  
"You hungry?" he asks as he approaches the stove.  
You can't resist the opportunity to take a really good look at him whilst his back is turned; the epitome of effortless style in his open plaid shirt and skinny jeans.  He's barefoot, you realise, and you're not sure why you find that so attractive but you're not about to go analysing it now. Not when he's turned to look at you so expectantly - almost like you've completely missed something he's just said in favour of ogling how nicely the pockets of his jeans frame each of his perfect little butt cheeks.  
"Sorry?" you ask stupidly.  
"I always make too much," he says, mercifully turning back to his frying pan quick enough that he might have missed the blush on your cheeks. "Plenty to go around.  If you want." 
Wait.  Is Yoongi… Asking you to stay for dinner?  And do your eyes deceive you, or is the back of his neck turning a delightful shade of pink as he waits for you to answer?  
No.  No, that'd just be ridiculous.  You're just leaping to conclusions - presumptuous and delusional - but then… why are there already two place settings laid out on his small dining table?  Why is there an extra wine glass standing empty on the counter next to the one that's only half full?  
Did he… plan this out?  Hell, if he did, you're not about to go looking a gift horse in the mouth.  Fighting back a nervous smile, you remove your cardigan and hang it over the back of one of his bar stools as casually as you can. 
"Sure," you agree, untucking your blouse from your skirt before sliding onto the same stool to watch Yoongi plate up. "Smells a lot better than anything I could cook up." Would it be too much to go unbuttoning a couple of buttons on your blouse too?  Show a little skin?  
You're reaching to do just that when suddenly Yoongi turns around with his frying pan in hand and you promptly chicken out, clearing your throat.  From behind you, Holly and Remi come running into the room, and Yoongi gets distracted when your little lady starts pawing at his leg, vying for attention.  
"You want another treat, huh?" With his free hand, he plucks a little brown ball off of a baking tray by the sink and promptly throws it up in the air for Remi to catch, and as soon as it's within her jaws she lies down and merrily begins to chomp, crunching and munching away.  
"What's that?" you enquire as Yoongi recommences dishing up, spooning a chicken and vegetable something or other onto a bed of rice.  It's a good job you're not a fussy eater or else you might be slightly alarmed that he hasn't even told you what you're having…"The treat, I mean."  He looks up from sliding his frying pan into soapy water already waiting in the sink, glancing down at Remi.  
"Just some recipe I found online," he explains, casual as ever.  He brings over the wine glass you'd noticed earlier and offers to fill it with a tilt of the bottle, doing so when you nod.  "She needs the extra calories."
"You made them yourself?" you ask, incredulous that Yoongi would go so far and be so considerate as to go searching for homemade doggie treats.  He nods somewhat bashfully, avoiding your gaze as he carries both your plates over to the table and takes a seat. "You're unbelievable," you laugh before you can help yourself, wine glass cradled in both hands as you join him at the table.  
Perhaps it might be best not to drink too much of said wine.  Seems your tongue is loose enough already without adding extra lubrication.  
“I just mean-” You hasten to explain your brazen compliment, not missing the way Yoongi’s eyebrows lift in surprise when you reach for chopsticks rather than the knife and fork he’d placed beside your plate. “- My ex couldn’t even be bothered to learn how to use the washing machine, nevermind bake little organic dog treats in his spare time.”
Glancing over at Remi, you see her standing on her hind legs against the kitchen cupboards in desperate hope for more, and damn, now you’ve gotten a taste of Yoongi’s cooking you can totally understand why! 
“Oh my god ,” you groan around your mouthful, chopsticks clicking frantically as you gather up the next, completely distracted from whatever the hell it was you were just saying.  
“It wasn’t all organic,” you hear Yoongi mumble, cheeks pink as he takes a sip of his wine.  Is that just a little alcohol-induced flush you spy?  Or is he secretly flattered?  “Just the peanut butter.”  You smile, chewing ceaselessly as Yoongi deposits one very large mouthful into his not-nearly-so-small-as-it-looks mouth.  He fills his cheeks so full that for a few glorious seconds he resembles some kind of adorable human/hamster hybrid; so cute you just want to reach out and- 
"Always had your ex pegged as kind of an asshole, to be honest," Yoongi admits, eyes focused on his plate, and it's not so much the talking with his mouth full that has you nearly choking on your food - it's the bluntness with which he does it.  He looks up as you splutter, reaching for your wine. "No offence." He looks mildly alarmed as you cough once more. "It's just I used to hear him all the time through the walls, shouting his mouth off." 
"None taken," you wheeze, taking a sip of wine to clear the tickle that's left in your throat.  Your eyes are watering and no doubt your face is red, but that's the least of your worries right now, mortified to imagine just how many arguments Yoongi must've overheard during all the time that douchebag was part of your life.  
"Sorry if I'm overstepping the mark…" You shake your head quickly, waving off his concerns as Remi and Holly come trotting over as though to check on you.  Not that you're so naive as to really believe that - no doubt they're here to scavenge scraps off of the table rather than to ensure your wellbeing.  
"Not at all," you chuckle, "Asshole is probably putting it lightly.  Never really have had the best taste in men." Yoongi exhales a breathy laugh, smiling wryly.  
"Gotta kiss a few frogs to find the Prince, right?" You end up smiling even harder at that, snorting into your wine.   A few is probably an understatement, but that's not information Yoongi needs to know.  
"Sure he'll turn up one day," you muse, sounding ever so slightly wistful.  Your eyes meet Yoongi's from across the table and a beat passes, no words said as the two of you look at one another.  You don't dare move - even breathe - lest you risk breaking… whatever this moment between you may be. 
Unexpectedly, you feel soft fur against the bare skin of your leg and it startles you despite knowing full well what it is.  When you look down, you see Remi staring at you meaningfully, her eyes locked with yours even as she trots her way to the other end of the table to paw at Yoongi's leg, asking for a fuss.  
'I like this one, ' her eyes seem to say as Yoongi reaches down to pet her, smiling fondly, 'You should give this one a try.'
Oh, if only. 
“We can do this more often if you want,” Yoongi offers as his attention returns to his food.  “I don’t mind watching her ‘till you get back from work.”   
“Are you sure?” Once again you’re floored by Yoongi’s casual generosity.  He doesn’t even look up as he bobs his head in confirmation, his mouth too full to respond. 
“She’s no trouble,” he tells you once he’s eventually swallowed, “And Holly likes having her around.”  
“That’d be amazing,” you smile, “Thank you.”  He returns your smile - small, short and sweet - and you swear each and every time he flashes you a grin you end up falling just that little bit more.  
"Does that mean I have even more delicious dinners to look forward to?" you ask, surprising yourself with how flirty you sound.  How brave.  
Yoongi laughs at your forwardness, sputtering into his wine.  You don't really expect him to answer - assume he'll just laugh it off and not say anything at all - but Yoongi looks rather serious as he puts down his glass; his gaze so intense that for a second you actually forget how to chew.  
"If you're lucky," he promises, and oh boy, you hope you will be. "But next time, you bring the wine." 
  And so, you do.  
Every night throughout the week that follows, you pay a visit to the corner store on your way home to pick up a bottle of white, or rose, or red.  You're fairly certain the cashier might suspect you of having some sort of drinking problem, actually, but Yoongi's been so grateful that you can't stand the thought of turning up empty-handed.  And It’s not even as though you always drink the whole bottle, anyway.  It’s just a glass with dinner on Wednesday and Thursday, and then one extra on Friday and Saturday when Yoongi invites you to stay a little longer.  
And ok, so maybe he doesn’t actually ask you to stay, but when a guy starts asking whether you’ve seen this new show he really likes and turns on Netflix, what are you supposed to think?  
You end up thoroughly enjoying the hours you waste away sitting at the opposite end of his sofa with Remi in your lap, even the lazy Sunday evening that Yoongi spends watching some god-awful competitive fishing show that you pretend to like just because it makes him smile.  
It’s funny how simple a creature Yoongi turns out to be, considering how mysterious he’d first seemed.  He’s a man of few words but what he does say is always interesting, and you’d like to think you’ve gotten to know him pretty well as the week’s gone by.  He’s considerate and hard-working, introverted and yet speaks so fondly of the few friends he professes to have.  He loves music and fishing, cooking and expensive wine, and when he’s tipsy his voice gets even slower and deeper - his tone so dulcet that you could happily listen to him talk all night. 
By the end of the week you’ve spent more time in Yoongi’s apartment than you have your own, and you won’t pretend for even a second that you’ve thought that it’s a bad thing.  You’re well and truly smitten; the favourite part of your day now the moment you come home and have both Yoongi and the dogs there to greet you, even though that home is not your own.  
Picturing that - thinking of him - is the only thing that’s gotten you through the shittiness of your last few hours at work.  You really do enjoy your job, for the most part, but some days are inevitably better than others and today… today was a bad, bad, bad day.  The kind of bad day that has you searching the liquor aisle for the whisky with the highest volume of alcohol you can possibly find - the same bottle that you later slam down on Yoongi’s kitchen counter having already let yourself into his apartment, sighing every step of the way.  
“Bad day?” he asks, not yet having turned around to see the miserable look on your face.  You can’t bring yourself to say anything, too focused on trying to hold yourself together after having struggled to do so all afternoon, so you stay quiet as you give Remi the fussing she’s after.  Her tail is wagging with a glee you’re envious of, her fuzzy tummy growing more and more round by the day.  
“I can make this Irish if you want.”  You look up to see Yoongi standing beside you with a mug of coffee held in both hands and a soft smile on his face, and suddenly it’s just all too much.  The dam inside you that’d slowly begin to crack throughout the day finally bursts at the sight of him - overcome with emotion at having him treat you so kindly after having faced such rudeness and meanness for hours on end.  
“I’m sorry!” you squeak out as you burst into tears, your elbows meeting the counter as your face falls into your hands, not wanting to have Yoongi see you cry.  You can’t see anything with your eyes so tightly screwed shut, but if you could you’d witness the look of shock appear on Yoongi’s face - see his eyes widen and his lips slightly part as the rest of him freezes, unsure of what to do.  
You really try your best to stem your tears, but you’re so embarrassed to have him see you like this that it only makes you cry harder, shoulders trembling as you curl in on yourself in an attempt to hide.  
“I just h-had such a h-h-horrible day,” you sob, “This one w-woman - this bitch - she was s-so m-mean and she wouldn’t just-”  You abruptly stop speaking as an arm is suddenly laid across your shoulders, and before you realise what’s happening you’re being pulled into an embrace; your face nestled into a soft sweater.  
“Hey, hey,” you're gently shushed, and it’s not so much that Yoongi's comforting you that helps to calm you down, nor the feel of one of his large hands rubbing up and down the length of your back.  It’s more the shock of having Yoongi actually touch you that allows you to finally start catching your breath, your hands unknowingly reaching out to hold onto him.  “Whatever happened, it’s over now, right?  It’ll be ok,” he soothes.  
“Uh-huh,” you whisper into fabric, silently praying that your nose hasn’t run all over it, and although you’re no longer crying you allow yourself a moment more to enjoy the feel of his arms around you.  He smells wonderful - his slight body warm and firm pressed against you - and all you want to do is tighten your grip on his sweater and pull him even closer; tilt your head to skim your lips against his throat.  
“You ok?” Yoongi asks, and as you finally lift your head and dab away the moisture from under your eyes the last thing you expect is to feel his fingers fleetingly touch your hair.  You meet his gaze and the concern you see there is almost enough to make you start crying all over again - but then you watch as his pupils dart back and forth, up and down as he scans your face - and suddenly… suddenly you're kissing him. 
Or is it him who's kissing you? 
You're not sure who it is that makes the first move, but regardless of whoever the instigator may be, your mouths still meet in the middle.  Yoongi's lips are soft but his kiss is firm - purposeful - and utterly takes your breath away.  You make a grab for him again, clutching at the fabric at his hip to keep him close as you sweep your tongue across the seam of his lips, Yoongi's hands coming to rest upon your face.  They're so warm, so gentle as he traces your cheekbones with his thumbs, and-
All too soon he's pulling away, brought to his senses the moment he feels the moisture that lingers on your cheeks, and the quiet whine of protest that you're unable to hold back has your face burning with shame.  
"S-sorry," he rapidly stammers out as he stumbles back out of reach, retreating to the other side of the counter; a barrier between you.  His cheeks are flushed with the same heat as yours, unable to meet your eyes as he wipes at the corner of his mouth with his thumb and then rubs the side of his neck. "I didn't mean… I mean… you…" 
Oh lord, this is awkward.  So, so awkward!  What the hell did you have to go and kiss him for?!  He looks so painfully uncomfortable right now that you're sure he'd rather melt into the floor than look at you, and oh my god you're such an idiot!  What kind of moron goes snogging someone's face off at the slightest bit of physical contact?  Are you really that touch deprived?! 
"Sorry," he repeats, "You're upset-" You're already up and out of your stool before Yoongi even has the chance to finish his sentence.  
"I should just go," you blurt out as you pick Remi up off the floor and into your arms despite her huffed exhale of protest.  You're being a coward, you know that, but you're too fragile right now to go through the whole 'let you down gently' routine without sobbing all over again - especially if it's coming from someone you're so crazy about.  
No, you'd rather just see yourself out now and save him the bother.  Best for everyone if you just pretend this never happened… 
"Thanks for watching her."  You're moving too quickly for him to protest - to do anything but stand with his mouth agape as you race for the front door like the very flames of hell are licking at your heels.  
"Don't forget your-!" you hear Yoongi call, pulling the front door shut behind you too fast to make out the end of his sentence.  You scurry down the hall back to your own apartment, and it’s only as you’re struggling to get inside with Remi still balanced on your hip that you realise your hands are lightly shaking.  
“Never happened,” you mumble to yourself once you finally get the blasted thing open, relinquishing Remi from where she’d begun to wriggle and squirm in your grasp.  “Never happened.  It was just one stupid, silly kiss.”  You lean back against your front door, exhaling a sigh.  “Just… forget about it.”  
And oh, you really try.  You try everything and anything you can think of to get Yoongi off of your mind, but nothing works; not mindless trash TV, not blasting your favourite tunes while you’re in the shower - not finishing off the bottle of wine leftover from the night before last.  If anything, alcohol just makes things ten times worse.  As you lie on your bed amidst a tipsy haze, all you can think about is the way his lips felt pressed to yours and of how he tasted like the coffee you hadn’t had the chance to drink.  The low noise he’d made in the back of his throat when you’d grabbed at his clothes.  It was so hot… he’s so hot, and more than anything you just want to go back there right now and- 
You groan aloud in frustration, raking your fingers through your hair to keep them from finding their way into your pants.  God, you’re so royally fucked - and not in the way you’re wishing you were - but you’re too far tired and conflicted and just… sad to want to masturbate, no matter how fiercely Yoongi’s kiss may have made you ache.   So you ignore it, cocoon yourself in your duvet whilst Remi snores at your feet, and will yourself to fall asleep whilst silently reassuring yourself that tomorrow is another day.  
Come the next morning (which is mercifully hangover free), you ready yourself for work repeating just that.  Today has to be better - or at least it can't get much worse - and what happened with Yoongi was just… a blip.  Carelessness on your part.  And knowing Yoongi as you now do, you’re sure he’ll be far too much of a gentleman to mention it anyway.  
That’s if he doesn’t ghost you entirely, of course, which is a legitimate possibility.  
Luckily, your day does turn out a whole lot better than the one that came before; a small mercy, given how worked up you've been worrying about where to expect to find Remi once you get home.  Whether it be in your apartment or Yoongi's, you're unsure which option would be preferable.   If she's waiting at Yoongi's you'll have no choice but to go over there and face the consequences of last night's actions - a thought you by no means relish - but if she's at yours… well, you suppose that might just be even worse.    
You’re not too proud to admit that Yoongi's help with Remi has been invaluable over the past weeks, and if you're being honest, his friendship has too.  You can't imagine going back to the way it was before: barely seeing one another, exchanging nothing but awkward smiles in the hallway.  If he were to walk out of your life now you would really, really miss him - to say the least.  And that's… kind of terrifying.  
At heart, though, you’re a positive person, and you want to believe that things will just carry on the way they have before.  And maybe it’s just wishful thinking, but your hope is what has you stopping by the same old corner store on the way home and picking up a bottle of wine from a brand you know Yoongi likes, just as you’ve done so many times before.  And maybe it might be considered hedging your bets, but after the grocery store you head across the street to one of the local takeout places, too.  You know Yoongi’s all about meat, meat and more meat when it comes to food, so it’s not hard for you to figure out what to order; lamb skewers, tempura shrimp, spicy pork belly.  Some of it you don’t even like yourself, so you hope to god Remi’s waiting at Yoongi’s and not at yours otherwise there’s a hell of a lot of food about to go to waste.
You order so much, in fact, that your arms are aching by the time you get home - though that does nothing to distract you from the way your heart starts to gallop when it comes time to put your keys in the lock and open up your front door.   You hold your breath as it swings open, eyes closing for a second as you pray not to hear the click-clack of Remi’s claws on the floor, and when nothing comes you sigh with relief, never so glad to be greeted by an empty home.  
“Thank the lord,” you murmur as you place everything down on the kitchen table, figuring you may as well use this chance to quickly get changed and freshen up before heading next door.  Normally you’d just go round in your work clothes, and truthfully there’s nothing actually wrong with what you’re already wearing, but you appreciate just a little bit of extra time to mentally prepare.
Not that it helps, of course.   Whether in a skirt or jeans, you’re crapping your pants just as much as you knock on his door but you plaster a smile on your face nonetheless, holding aloft your wine and takeout bags as the door starts to open.  
“Hi,” you beam as Yoongi appears, “I brought goodies!”  He looks mildly taken aback by the sight of you and how bubbly you sound - even more so when you stride forward to enter without him yet having said a word.  “You’re not cooking yet,” you observe as you enter the kitchen and hear the front door shut behind you, Yoongi’s soft footfalls across the floor following shortly after, “Good.”  
You turn on the spot, grinning inanely as you try not to make it too obvious that you’re checking him out.  Must he really look so effortlessly stylish all the time?   He even has that whole ‘just got out of bed’ ruffled hair thing going on, and god, you hate him for how badly it makes you want to run your fingers through it to see if it’s as soft as it looks.  
“Where’s Rem?” you ask before your thoughts run too far amok, tearing your eyes away from him in favour of peering over his shoulder towards the living room.  
“Think they’re in my room,” he explains, fingers fiddling with the arm of the glasses he’s wearing and then straying into his hair to scratch at his scalp.  He must’ve been in his studio prior to your arrival - it’s the only time you really ever see him wearing his glasses.  “She’s been acting kinda weird today.”  
Frowning, you follow after him as he leads you down the hallway towards his bedroom.  You try not to focus on the fact that this will have been the first time you’ve seen it, or mourn that now that you are it’s in less-than-sexy circumstances.  
“What do you mean ‘weird’?” 
“Just… restless, I guess.  She didn’t wanna walk but I had to stop her scratching up the carpet ‘cus she keeps wanting to dig.”  He pushes open the door and immediately you gasp, freezing in the doorway.  Yoongi sighs heavily, surveying the damage before him.  “And ruin my bedding, apparently.”  
To be fair, it's not really that bad - and you're not just saying that because Remi's your dog and you're a wee bit overprotective, either.  Yes, there's one pillow that's been pulled off the bed and had its stuffing ripped out, but aside from that all that's really moved is his sheets, and whilst they've been pulled into a heap the floor there doesn't appear to be any other damage or… bodily fluids amidst them.  
"Oh Rem, what've you been up to?" you coo, kneeling down beside the heap of blankets that the two dogs are curled up amongst.  Holly comes alive at the sound of your voice, instantly perking up, and within seconds he's on his feet and visiting you and Yoongi in turn for a scratch behind the ears.  Remi, however, is somewhat lazier in her response.  She lifts her head slowly, emitting a pathetic little sound as she gazes up at you, pointed ears pressed back against the top of her head.  
"What's wrong girl?" Concerned, you're cautious in the way you put your hands on her, but you're relieved to find she's just as eager to receive affection as ever.  It's only when you run your hand across her belly that she seems to object, her small body tensing.  
"She's been in here for a couple hours," Yoongi informs you as he comes to kneel beside you on the carpet. "I tried to feed her dinner but she wasn't interested - thought it might've been something to do with her throwing up earlier on." 
"You think we should call the vet?" Yoongi shakes his head as Holly comes to reclaim his spot next to his lady friend.  Snuggling in close, he gives her an affectionate lick.  
"I thought about it," he admits, giving Remi's head a gentle pat, "But I don't think she's sick.  I think she's in labour." 
"Really?" Now that you think about it, the time frame does seem about right.  You just hadn't expected it to happen so soon… 
"Called my brother and he seems to think so." Looking up from Remi your gaze meets Yoongi's, and you figure it must show on your face how overwhelmed you're feeling because the smile that he gives you is a kind one.  
"So, what do we do?" you ask, sinking back from your knees and onto your bottom instead, crossing your legs.  Yoongi copies you, and for a second your eyes dart to the expanse of skin that's revealed to you through the rip in his jeans, right across the thigh.  
"Not much, apparently.  Not unless something goes wrong and Remi needs a hand."  You feel anxiety twist your expression and Yoongi brow furrows in sympathy, his fingers drumming against his knees.  "We've just gotta sit and wait." You chuckle mirthlessly, rolling your eyes.  
"Never really been the patient type." Yoongi smiles, rising to his feet and placing his hand on your shoulder as he goes, giving it a squeeze that makes your stomach go topsy-turvy.  
"I guess I better go get us some supplies to keep us going then, huh?" 
"That'd be good," you smile, blushing as he squeezes it once more before finally letting go.  You turn back to Remi as he leaves the room, worrying your bottom lip until you unexpectedly hear him call your name.  He lingers in the doorway, one hand on the frame.  
"Everything's gonna be fine," he assures you. "Trust me." And somehow, without question, you do.  
  It's a little odd, really, how effortlessly things have gone back to normal considering what went on between you last night.  Perhaps it's the pressure of the unfamiliar situation you've been thrust into that's redirected your attention elsewhere and thereby alleviated the tension. Or maybe it was just never as big of a deal as you'd made it out to be in your head.  Either way, you're grateful.  
That's not to say there's no tension at all, mind, but rather than making things feel uncomfortable it's more like… like there's a charge between you.  A spark.  You can feel it all the while you're sat eating dinner together cross-legged on his bedroom floor, lips tingling from how spicy (albeit delicious) the food is.  Coy smiles and stolen glances are made amongst idle chit-chat, distracting you from the waves of worry that rise and then recede with each little sound that Remi makes which turn out to be nothing.  
You've no idea how long labour usually tends to last for dogs, but you can only hope that if or when you ever decide to have children, that you handle it just as quietly and calmly as Remi.  You hope whoever you’re with is attentive as Holly, too, and you know that’s an odd thing to think but you can’t help but admire the way he is with her; laying patiently just a few feet away, his attention unwavering.  
Technically you know it isn’t the norm for the ‘daddy dog’ to be around while his bitch is giving birth (or at least so Yoongi had said), just in case his presence made Remi nervous or agitated, but these pair seem to be a bit an anomaly in that respect.  When Yoongi had tried to extract Holly from the room prior to eating dinner, Remi had gotten more restless than ever and so you’d been forced to let him back in despite all the guidance advising the contrary.  You’ll just have to keep an extra close eye on him when the puppies actually arrive, you suppose, though you know you can rely on Yoongi to keep him in line.  
And to be fair, it seems as though you’re able to rely on Yoongi an awful lot in general these days.  Having been so preoccupied with your new job you’ve done shamefully little research as to what to expect and how to prepare for Remi to give birth, naively believing that you still had plenty of time to spare. 
Lucky for you, Yoongi seems to have everything handled; the ‘supplies’ he’d previously mentioned turning out to be a heap of freshly washed towels, shiny surgical scissors and some sort of sucker device - the likes you imagine to be used for clearing snotty babies noses.  You eye it nervously as you finish your last mouthful of shrimp, silently hoping you won’t need anything other than the towels and a little bit of luck.  
“Thanks for dinner.”  You drag your eyes away from the scissors, Yoongi’s voice having interrupted your thoughts.  
“No worries,” you reply, smiling gratefully as Yoongi takes your empty plate from your hands to stack it on top of his own.  He puts them aside for a moment as he dutifully tidies everything away, putting the empty food cartons back into the plastic bag from whence they came.  “About time I returned the favour.”  Yoongi smiles wryly, no doubt too polite to point out that buying takeout and preparing a home-cooked meal isn’t quite the same thing.  
“To be honest,” he says, using his preoccupation as a good excuse to avoid your gaze, “I wasn’t sure whether you were even going to come over tonight.”  
Well, there goes the hope that you’d get through the evening without last night’s faux pas being mentioned.  
“Well, it’s not like I could just leave Remi here…” you mumble, glancing away as Yoongi sits back down beside you having finished clearing up.  You don’t want him to think that that’s the only reason you came but you’re not sure what else to say, fidgeting nervously with the hem of your sleeves.  
There’s a moment of silence - a pause long enough that it prompts you to look up, and when you do you see that Yoongi looks just as nervous as you feel, picking at his cuticles.  
“I…” He hesitates, huffing as though he’s almost frustrated with himself before forcing himself to look at you.  His Adam’s apple bobs in his throat. “I’m glad you did, though.  I wanted a chance to say I’m sorry for last night, for-” 
“Don’t,” you interrupt, surprising yourself.  His eyes widen behind his glasses, his mouth hanging open having been caught off guard, and god damn it, he looks adorable.  “We’re friends, right?  I don’t want us to have to keep apologising to each other all the time for every little thing.”  Yoongi nods, shutting his mouth. 
Was that… disappointment you saw in his eyes when you referred to him as your friend?  Yoongi smiles weakly but it looks forced - unnatural - and it disappears too fast for it to have been real.  In its wake a frown appears, one that deepens as his attention returns to Remi, and it makes you ache in your chest to see it.  Since you’ve become closer, you’ve gotten so used to seeing his smile and hearing him laugh that this just feels wrong.  
All of this - you hiding the way you feel, pretending like last night’s kiss wasn’t the best thing to happen to you in… in forever;  acting like Yoongi isn’t the best thing to happen to you in forever - it’s all wrong.  You should tell him what he means to you.  You need to.  
“Yoongi,” you say gently, calling back his attention, and when he looks at you your stomach churns so fiercely with nerves you fear you might lose your dinner.  You swallow, trying to get a hold of yourself, and bravely reach out to snatch his hand up from where it rested on his knee, threading your fingers between his.  He looks down dumbly at your conjoined hands, eyes even wider than they were before.  “I… I didn’t mind it.  When you kissed me.”  You feel your cheeks burning with heat but force yourself to continue, reassured that Yoongi hasn’t immediately pulled his hand away.  “Or when I kissed you. However it happened.”  You titter a nervous laugh, acutely aware of how clammy your palms are, and you’re glad to see that Yoongi looks just as affected by your confession as you are; every inch of his skin flushed a pretty blush pink under his normal skin tone.  “There was never anything to apologise for.”  
You flash him a nervous smile once you’ve finally done talking, giving his hand a squeeze of encouragement in hopes that he won’t leave you hanging too long before voicing some sort of reply.  A confession of undying love is preferable, obviously, but short of that just knowing he’s not totally repulsed would be enough. 
You can’t say you expect the sudden laugh he lets out - nor know what to make of it - and you’re just about to start freaking out and pull your hand away when Yoongi shifts closer to you and places his other hand over the two of yours.  The rubbing of his thumb back and forth across your skin helps to calm you, and he’s no longer laughing as he looks into your eyes, taking a breath.  He quietly calls your name, leaning closer.  
And then suddenly, Remi whines, and the two of you instantly break apart.  
“You ok Rem?” Quickly, you rise to your knees and shuffle towards her, frowning with concern.  You don’t mean to panic, but this is the first sound of obvious distress you’ve heard from her and you can’t stand the thought of your sweet girl being in pain.  
She looks up at you from where she’s nestled amongst Yoongi’s covers, panting hard, and you have to force yourself not to reach out to give her the fussing that you’re longing to.  Beside you, Yoongi watches her closely; observes the way she stops panting just for a second or two and seems to stiffen slightly before beginning to pant all over again. 
“Is she ok?” you ask, though you’re not sure why you’re presuming that Yoongi will know any more about what’s going on than you do.  
Tentatively, Yoong reaches out and lays both hands on Remi’s stomach, waiting for the next pause in her panting.  His eyes narrow, fingers twitching atop her fur.  
“Her tummy feels hard,” he says, “I think she’s starting to push.”  
“Shit,” you whisper under your breath, blushing when Yoongi chuckles in response.  He removes his hands from her, placing them back on his lap just in time for Remi to decide she wants to move, and she rises from where’s lain in the duvet all this time and begins to circle and paw at the covers, panting ceaselessly.  
“You can do it, girl.”  Following Yoongi’s lead, you reach out and gently stroke her back in reassurance, very nearly bursting into tears when Remi chases after your hand when you pull it back, nuzzling into your palm.  “We’ve got this.”  
  The next two hours pass by in something of a blur.  You all maintain a careful distance (Holly included), giving affection when it seems like she's in need of it and holding back whenever she seems agitated or restless.  She must get up and down to rearrange the sheets underneath her at least a hundred times before the first puppy is born, and you watch on with a mixture of horror and wonderment as it slowly emerges from inside her, trying your best not to cry at the sudden squeal she releases as her baby starts to crown, bottom first.  
You won't lie, it's probably one of the most disgusting sights you've ever seen, and yet you can't help but feel overcome with emotion as you watch this puppy arrive into the world, still cocooned in its amniotic sac until Remi instinctively begins to lick it clean.  She brings it to life with firm laps of her tongue, not stopping till its little body starts to wriggle and it releases the tiniest of squeaks.  Frankly, it's a good job the puppy is so cute, as it gives you something to focus on as Remi decides to chow down on the placenta, thereby separating it from her offspring.  
By the time the second puppy is born the first has already started to feed, it's head almost completely hidden by Remi's fur as it latches on.  That birth is just as straightforward, too, though Yoongi does have to shorten its umbilical cord slightly when Remi leaves it dangling just a little too long.  You're in awe of how confident and competent he seems as he does it, not a hint of hesitation evident on his face from the moment he realises what's needed to the moment it's done.  
Ah, if only you could ever be so cool. 
It’s only as the third and final puppy is being born that you start to encounter some trouble.  You almost start to believe the scan had been wrong and you were only ever expecting two puppies, figuring that Remi must be done having not pushed in almost an hour and a half.  But then all of a sudden she’s restless again and after a few minutes more another puppy begins to emerge.  The sac of waters around this one looks different - so green and dark that you almost can’t make out what’s inside at all.  
“Yoongi.”  You say his name out of sheer nervousness, already knowing he’s right there beside you seeing the same very thing.  Just like before, the puppy slides out in the amniotic sac onto the towel placed underneath Remi’s back end, but this time she doesn’t seem to pay nearly so much attention to it as she did the others - sparing it just enough licks to break the sac and then turning away, closing her eyes.  
All of Remi’s puppies so far have been just as white in colour as Remi herself, and so would this puppy be if its fur weren’t stained an unpleasant shade of green.  By Remi’s hind legs it lies limply on the towel; unmoving, unbreathing.  
“Yoongi,” you choke out, your eyes spilling over with tears, “Yoongi, it’s not breathing.  Yoongi, it-” Stifling a sob, you slap your hands over your mouth as Yoongi springs into action next to you.
Brow furrowed in concentration, he snatches up the scissors and deftly separates the puppy from its placenta just like he did for the one that came before.  He scoops it up in both hands and tilts its head down in order to help any fluids that might remain to drain out, murmuring urgently under his breath.  
“Pass me the sucker,” he suddenly demands, outstretching his hand, and you rush to obey, your own hands shaking as you place it in his palm and watch on as he precedes to suction each of the puppy’s tiny nostrils and mouth.  You pray that that will do the job.  To see some sort of response, the tiniest wiggle or smallest of sounds.  Anything!  But nothing happens - nothing at all - and you can tell even Yoongi’s starting to get desperate.  
“C’mon little guy,” he mumbles, wrapping the puppy in the towel and starting to vigorously rub its back, its stomach, its head - up and down all over, over and over again.  “C’mon, c’mon, c’mon.”  Even Yoongi’s eyes are looking glassy now, the tip of his nose turning red as he holds back the tears that you’ve long since succumbed to.  
And then, just as your face falls into your hands and a sob shakes your shoulders, you hear the tiniest, most fragile of sounds.   A squeak followed by a sharp inhale of breath, and when you sharply look up you see that the tiniest puppy of the litter so far has finally begun to squirm, its mouth opening up wide to display the tiny pink tongue within.  
“Oh my god!”  You’re half laughing half crying as Yoongi stares down at the new life down within his hands, his eyes wide with wonderment.  There are tears trickling down his cheeks but he’s smiling more brightly than you’ve ever seen before, and he’s so heart-breakingly gentle as he lowers the puppy back down to Remi’s level and presents him to her.  
“You did so good, girl,” he praises, voice thick with emotion as Remi begins to lick the puppy with renewed enthusiasm.  She only stops once Yoongi slowly moves him away to nestle him in between his siblings, encouraging him to feed with softly whispered words of encouragement, and he waits until the puppy is eagerly suckling to finally let go and back off, exhaling a sigh of relief.  
"Well, that was-" Yoongi doesn't get the chance to finish what he's saying, abruptly silenced apart from the one lone 'oomph' he grunts out as your bodies collide, dropping the towel with which he'd just been wiping his hands.  
"You-" you mumble against his lips between each frantic, urgent kiss. "You - are - amazing." He's blindsided and you can't blame him; unresponsive and unyielding.  But Yoongi soon gets with the program, his arms looping around your waist to pull you flush against his chest.  
His face is wet when you take it in your hands - just like yours - but those tears are long forgotten as the two of you quickly become lost in one another.  It feels so exhilarating to have Yoongi kiss you back so enthusiastically; makes you believe that maybe he's been thinking about this just as much as you.  To hear him sigh your name has you melting against him, your whole body aflame with molten fire, and when you gently bite his lip it delights you even more to hear the way his breath hitches. 
"You really weren't kidding, were you?" Yoongi asks as he attempts to catch his breath, your attention now focused on trailing kisses along the angle of his jaw. 
"About what?" you murmur in reply, grinning against his skin as his hands grab at your clothes when you softly nip at his earlobe.  
"About not minding about the kiss."
"Oh no, not at all," you admit, tone playful, and you're just about to begin tracing kisses down his neck when one of Yoongi's hands finds your chin and tilts your head up, bringing your gaze back to his. His lips are curved in a gentle smile as he brushes them against yours, chuckling when you attempt to chase after them as he pulls away. 
"Good to know." His eyes follow the movement of his thumb as he drags it across your bottom lip, moistening his own with a flick of his tongue.  His touch lingers at the corner of your mouth for just a second longer, and in that moment you can feel your heart racing at the thought of what he might do next.  "As much as I'd like to explore this further-" 
Beside you, you hear the sound of Remi's puppies softly squeaking, and when you look down to where Remi's lay, you see that Holly has used your momentary distraction as an opportunity to start sneaking over, sniffing at the air.  You look back to Yoongi and are met with a regretful smile as he takes his hands off of you in favour of straightening the glasses that had been knocked askew by your passion.  
"Right," you sigh, looking around at all of the surrounding mess, "We're grandparents now, huh?  Have to be responsible.  Mature."  ie. not go carrying on like a pair of horny teenagers while there are still pieces of placenta strewn about the place.
Yoongi looks up at you from where he's already knelt down gathering up some of the dirty towels.  He smirks in a way you've never seen from him before - a way that makes your insides clench with excitement.  
"For now, sure.”
  You're infinitely grateful that Yoongi doesn't put you in charge of any of the messy stuff when it comes to clearing up.  All he tasks you with is watching over the puppies and keeping a very curious Holly at bay from his new offspring whilst Remi recovers and he deals with the carnage that's been left behind.  It's not a difficult job by any means. Holly is more than happy to be waylaid by tickles under the chin and tummy rubs, and you're thankful for that given how preoccupied you are with the images of what’s just happened as they replay over and over in your head.  
You still can't believe that you kissed him.  That you kissed Yoongi and he kissed you back - kissed you back and, unless you're horribly mistaken, wanted more .   And what did he mean 'for now'?  Does he want to pick up where you left off tonight?  Tomorrow?  Maybe he's just saying that to give himself an out in the future?  Just in case he changes his mind… 
No, no, he wouldn't do that.  No one could kiss like that if they weren't really into it, and god , what a kiss.  It may have been a while, but you can't even remember the last time locking lips had you feeling so hot and heavy.  Have you ever had a kiss quite like that before?  You’re sure you’d remember it if you had.  
“How’re they doing?”  You automatically smile at the sound of Yoongi’s voice, hoping that the flush of your cheeks won’t give away the explicit nature of the daydreaming he’s just interrupted.  Stood in the doorway, you notice he’s no longer wearing his glasses, though the evidence of them remains in the pink indentations on either side of his nose.  Now that his glasses are gone the dark circles under his eyes are more evident, and you feel your brow creasing with worry as he enters the room and bends down next to you, stifling a yawn as he gives Holly a little love behind the ears.  
Whilst not being the most physically strenuous of evenings, tonight has been emotionally demanding for you both, and it’s only now as you realise that that you come to appreciate how utterly drained you feel.  You can only assume Yoongi feels similarly, given by the slightly glazed look in his eyes as he checks in on the puppies, one by one.  
“They’re doing pretty good, I think.”  Or at least, you think they are.  One by one the puppies had stopped nursing and fallen asleep next to one another, each with a full round belly.  That can only be a good thing, right?  “Remi’s pooped.”  She hasn’t moved since giving birth, as fast asleep as the puppies laid at her side.  
“She’s earned her rest,” Yoongi admires fondly, giving her a very brief pad on the head so as not to wake her.  You ‘mm’ your agreement, swallowing back the emotion that rises once more in your chest.  You’re so proud it almost makes you ache.  “I was thinking,” he continues, turning his attention to you, “Seems a shame to move her.  You want to sleep here tonight so you can still keep an eye?”  
You feel your lips part at his question, your mind automatically falling straight into the gutter.  So he does mean to continue things tonight, then…  
Seeing your expression, Yoongi grins wolfishly as he stands, letting out a chuckle.   
“The couch pulls out into a futon, so you can take the bed, if you do want to stay.  
Oh.  So, maybe not then… 
You desperately try not to let the disappointment show in your face but you figure it must at least a little seeing as Yoongi begins to laugh again, eyes full of mirth.  He extends his hand to you to help you stand and you marvel once more at how long his fingers are as they thread between yours; how delicate yet so strong.  The last thing you expect is to be pulled into his arms again so soon and so suddenly, near losing your balance as Yoongi draws you near.
“You’re cute when you pout,” he teases, taking your bottom lip between his thumb and forefinger and giving it a gentle pinch.  The smirk he’s wearing is as infuriating as it is sexy and you’re powerless to resist as Yoongi leans in to brush his lips ever so sweetly against yours, ever so fleeting.  
He’s enjoying this too much, damn it.  You should’ve never given yourself away!  Can he feel how hard your heart is beating, you wonder?  Can he feel how much you want him from how needily you grab at his belt loops?
“Let’s not rush anything,” he mumbles as you insist on kissing him once more, leaning forward onto your tippy-toes.  Sighing, you eventually pull away, eyes opening to see Yoongi looking down at you with thinly veiled amusement.  His smile is fond rather than teasing, though, so you let it slide.  He’s right, anyway, you suppose.  The two of you have only just revealed your mutual affection for one another; no need to go jumping into bed straight away.  
Ugh, being mature sucks.  
Reluctantly, you part ways for the time being and head back to your own apartment to ready yourself for bed.  You fill the small wash bag you usually take on vacation with all the toiletries you might need before embarking on the arduous task of deciding what to change into.  Do you go for ultimate comfort and opt for a baggy t-shirt and sweats, or do you dress to impress and slip on a silky camisole?  
It takes you a shameful amount of time to decide but in the end you settle on a compromise; one of your cuter, cotton t-shirts and a pair of shorts of a slightly more modest length.  After all, Yoongi’s made it perfectly clear that getting laid isn’t on the cards tonight.  No point in making too much of an effort - he might start to think you’re not coming back if you take the time to go shave your legs.  You cast them a cursory glance as you slip on your sliders ready to go back next door; they’re not obviously fuzzy from a distance, at least.  
When you get back to Yoongi’s apartment, he’s nowhere to be seen.  You figure he must be in the spare bedroom changing (and boy are you envious he has one of those) because he’s not in his own, and wherever he is he must’ve taken Holly with him as Remi and her puppies continue to sleep just as soundly as when you left.  He’s clearly been busy, though; there are fresh sheets on the bed, the corner of the duvet pulled back as though inviting you in.  Considerate as always.  
You figure you may as well carry on getting ready for bed in Yoongi’s absence, and with a yawn and a rub of your eyes, you dig out your toothbrush and head toward the bathroom, sliders slapping against the floor.  
“Oh!”  You almost drop your brush when you push open the bathroom door and find Yoongi inside, Holly sitting obediently at his feet.  You thank God he’s merely brushing his teeth and not in the shower - or worse, on the toilet - though you still stutter apologies and start to leave until Yoongi waves a hand to beckon you in, unbothered.  He smiles at you in the mirror, lips lined with foam, and you shyly smile in return as he hands you the very same toothpaste.  
Together, the two of you stand and brush your teeth; the room silent other than the rustling of bristles against enamel.  Your eyes keep meeting in the mirror and oh, how you wish you were able to ignore the way your face begins to blush and how Yoongi’s smile just grows and grows the more embarrassed you get.  It’s just so domestic, the two of you, stood side by side like this.  Like you’re husband and wife just going about your normal nightly routine; you’ll spit and rinse and then dab your mouths with matching ‘his’ and ‘hers’ towels.  
Hey, a girl can dream, right?  
“Thanks for getting the bed all sorted,” you say once you’re all done and Yoongi follows you out into the hallway with a nod and a ‘no problem’.  
“Just come wake me up if you need anything, alright?”  This time it’s your turn to nod, and you’re about to head back to Yoongi’s room when he suddenly reaches out and brushes his thumb against your cheek, smiling softly.  It grows when you lean into his touch, sighing, and you see his chest rise and fall with a heavy inhale before he reluctantly pulls away.  His hand falls back to his side and you have to resist the urge to reach out and take it in your own.
“Goodnight, Yoongi,” you bid him, his name heavy on your tongue.  
“Goodnight,” he replies, and just the timbre of Yoongi’s voice alone is enough to make your stomach flip with excitement.  It makes it hard to drag yourself away, and even harder to force yourself to relax once you finally slip between Yoongi’s sheets, knowing that he’s just down the hall.  It doesn’t help that they smell just like him, too, despite being clean, and maybe it makes you a bit of a creeper but you won’t deny that you take great pleasure in snuggling your face into Yoongi’s pillow, wishing you lying on his chest instead.   
  You don’t know exactly how long it takes you to fall asleep, nor how long you’re asleep before the sound of Yoongi’s voice awakens you.  Bleary-eyed, you look towards the door and see a slip of light shining beneath from the light in the hallway, disturbed by the movement of shadow.  
“Sorry, Hol. you can’t go in there.” you hear Yoongi whispering on the other side of the door.  “The ladies need their rest.”  Listening to them, you can’t help but internally ‘aww’.  Apparently, Holly must miss Remi as much as she does when they’re parted, and oh how you wish she could actually understand a word you say so you could prod her awake and tell her so.  “You don’t think I wish I was in there as well?”  
Wide-eyed, you stare out into the darkness on hearing what Yoongi had said, hands clasped atop your chest.  Is that true?  Does he really want to be in here with you, sharing this bed?  You can’t imagine any reason for it to be a lie; you know all your whispered confessions to Remi are always true enough.   
What should you do?  Would he be embarrassed if he knew you’d heard?  Should you - 
“C’mon, let’s go,” you hear him say, the shadows beneath the door disappearing, and it’s that sudden loss that forces you into the split decision you make that has you leaping up out of bed and flinging open Yoongi’s door before he can get too far away.  
“You can sleep in here, if you want,” you declare, ever so slightly out of breath.  You wish you’d spared a thought as to whether your hair might be a mess but fuck it, Yoongi’s already turned around and seen you now.  “If it’s easier.”  A hesitant smile tugs at the corner of his lips as he looks you up and down but there’s no such uncertainty from Holly; he happily runs right by you the moment there’s an opening, tail wagging up a storm.  
“You sure?” he checks, taking a step forward and oh jesus, of course you’re sure when he’s stood there looking - sounding - like he does; voice rough with sleep, hair tousled and half-dressed.  You can only be grateful that he doesn’t sleep topless or else you might just combust on the spot, so deliciously tight are the boxers he’s wearing.  
“He’s just gonna keep you up all night otherwise.”  You try to sound casual, you really do, but the nervous little giggle that escapes you as Yoongi enters your personal space gives you away.  He grins as he passes you in the doorway to head towards the bed, and just before you shut the door to plunge you both back into darkness you see him reach out and pull back the covers from the right-hand side of the bed.  
“You sleep on the left,” he says as he climbs in, sheets rustling, “Good.”  He must sleep on the right then, you’re guessing, and it makes you more happy than it should do to learn this, smiling to yourself in the dark.  You can hear the puppies snuffling around as you tentatively make your way over to the bed, but you're sure Remi will alert you if there's a problem.   Right now, you're too busy mustering up the courage to climb back into bed next to a man you've been fantasising about for so long.  
“Don't stand there getting cold.”  After such a long night, Yoongi’s probably too eager for sleep to have much patience for you dithering around at the bedside.  Now that your eyes have started to adjust to the lack of light, you can just about make out his face turned towards you, watching as you finally climb into bed, and it does nothing to lessen the nervous fluttering of your heart. 
You’re so tense; uncertain of how to lie or how close you ought to get.  You end up lying flat on your back for lack of a better idea, trying not to fidget as you stare up at the ceiling, and even though you’re not touching, you’re acutely aware of Yoongi’s body just a few inches away.  His breaths are slow and steady - nothing like your subtle, shallow inhales - and you lie there wishing that you had any hope of remaining as cool and calm as he always seems to be.
Eventually, though, your panic begins to wane, enough that you trust yourself to speak without giving yourself away.  
“Night Yoongi,” you whisper, not sure if he’s even still awake.  You hear a soft sigh and the rustling of sheets from what you presume must be him turning over to make himself more comfortable.  Soothed by his lack of reply, you, too, roll over in hopes of finally falling back to sleep, but when you’re met by the sight of Yoongi’s dark eyes looking back at you, you’re nothing but wide awake.  
“Hi,” he murmurs quietly, and even in the dark you can make out the subtle curve of his mouth as he smiles.  Your heart thuds in your chest, your throat suddenly dry, and even though you open your mouth to reply no sound has the chance to come out because faster than you can realise what’s happening, Yoongi’s closed the space between you and stolen your voice with a kiss.  
This isn’t a kiss like the last one you shared.  He was holding back last time - careful, gentle kisses that never lingered, never deepened - but this time is different.  This time, Yoongi kisses like he means to consume you, with a hunger so fierce that it sparks a yearning just as voracious within you.  It burns through you as Yoongi leans over your body, the weight of his own forcing you to roll onto your back as his fingers weave their way into your hair.  
Willingly, you submit to him in each way in which he asks, one by one; when he coaxes his way into your mouth with the press of his tongue, when you hook your leg over his hip when the hand that was in your hair slides down onto your ass, pulling your pelvis towards him.  
“Wha-” You gasp as he rocks his hips against you, only breaking your kiss out of the necessity to breathe, and the moment you do Yoongi simply finds another target for his lips, trailing them along the length of your jaw.  “What happened to- to not rushing anything?” 
“Fuck what I said,” he mumbles in reply, voice laden with desire.  Yoongi doesn’t curse very often but there’s something so hot about him doing it now between teasing your throat with his teeth and rubbing himself up against you.  “I’ve wanted you for months.”  
Well, that makes two of you then.  And he’s not lying, either; you can feel him growing steadily harder against your leg each time your bodies move, seeking out one another’s body heat.  
“Can I take these off?”  You feel his fingers lingering at the waistband of your shorts and eagerly you nod, pulling down one side as he handles the other till you’re able to kick them off somewhere beneath the covers.  
“Please.”  Rolling onto your back, you take Yoongi with you, seeking out his lips with your own.  While his hand reaches between your legs, you’re busy tugging at his t-shirt, baring his torso just in time for your fingernails to dig into his shoulders at the first touch of his fingers, gasping as he brushes the tips featherlight against you.  
“Baby,” he groans, and you preen at his use of the pet name, “You’re so wet.”  And you can feel that it’s true - can feel how sinfully his digits are able to slip and slide about your cunt, teasing their way between your lips.  
“Please Yoongi,” you plead, reaching between your bodies to grasp his wrist and tugging, tilting your pelvis up.  You’ve been dreaming about having his fingers inside you for so long that you’ve no shame in showing him just how much you want it.  You bite your bottom lip as he gazes down at you; watching, waiting to see your reaction as he presses one finger inside.  
“Haa!” you cry out, head tipping back into the pillow, and your eyes are too tightly pressed shut to see the way Yoongi smiles in satisfaction.  Craving more from you, one finger quickly becomes two, and you can’t help but grab at his shoulders for purchase as he so deftly stretches you open.  Each motion - each thrust and curl of Yoongi’s fingers - makes the most obscene of noises, so gratuitous is your want for him.  
Suddenly, Yoongi ceases your kissing, an urgent look in his eyes.
“Can I get a taste?”  His request has your pelvic muscles clenching around his fingers with excitement - a response you presume Yoongi rightly perceives as your consent, given the cocky smile that appears on his face.  
“Only if you’re as good as your tongue as you are with those fingers,” you tease, breathless.  You’re pleased by the way he chuckles - even more so by his reply.  
“Even better,” he promises, and though you mourn the loss of his fingers as they withdraw, you’re filled with too much anticipation to really care.  His eyes fixed on yours, Yoongi kisses his way down your body, making sure to spare time for each of your breasts along the way.  Through the material of your t-shirt he suckles and licks till the material has turned see-through, and only then does he hitch it up under your chin to reveal your chest and repeat the whole process again.  He lingers long enough to leave no doubt that he’s as talented with his tongue as he’s said, your nipples tingling long after he’s done drawing them out, stiffened into tight little peaks.  
Your hips are squirming by the time Yoong’s head is between your legs.  He holds them steady with firm hands as he kisses at your inner thighs, twice suckling hard enough for you to know he’ll have left a mark - evidence of his desire.  Your want to see him clearly is at odds with how comforting you find the dark, less self-conscious in knowing that even as Yoongi’s parts your lips with his thumb and forefinger, you’re not quite so brazenly exposed.  
“Tell me what you like,” Yoongi instructs as he makes himself comfortable on his stomach.  You mumble your agreement, heart hammering with a mixture of nerves and excitement because, in all honesty, this has never really been your favourite thing before.  You don’t want him to be disappointed if this doesn’t get you there, hoping he’ll realise that it’s more about the journey than the destination.  
He starts slow; long, luxurious laps up and down, ascending from your perineum and back again to gather your essence on his tongue.  He moans as he does it, and just hearing how much he seems to be enjoying the taste of you makes it feel all the better as he does it once more.  
“I like that,” you sigh, hips shifting to get more comfortable as you close your eyes and focus on the sensation of his tongue.  His hands are on your thighs as your own make their way down into his hair, and it’s just as soft as you imagine it to be - Yoongi near purring with pleasure into your heat every time you dig your fingers in whenever something feels particularly good.  
“Mm, o-ooh, I like that too.”  Your moans become more frequent as Yoongi focuses his attention on your clitoris, the tip of his tongue gradually gaining in speed now that Yoongi’s found his purpose.  For someone who has such a small mouth and such a dainty, kittenish tongue, you had no idea he could be so skilled with it - so deft as it wriggles beneath your clitoral hood in delicious figures of eight.  “Fuck, that feels good…”  
With each second longer that he continues, you can feel a heat gradually rising within you.  It starts right there between your legs, burning in your core, but soon you can feel the flush all the way up to your chest and your back is beginning to sweat, your mouth open so each breath is a pant - a gasping moan.  
In search of relief you tug off your t-shirt, but it does little to cool you down.  Not when Yoongi seems determined to have you falling apart on the end of his tongue, not giving you a moment's reprieve even when your hips grow restless, toes curling into the blankets.  
“Oh, oh, Yoongi,” you pant, one hand fisted in his hair whilst your other is grabbing at your own.  Your fingers wind in so tight that Yoongi responds in kind by sucking your on your clit so hard it makes you cry out, but the throb of pain it leaves behind on serves to push you even closer to the edge, begging for your release.  
“Please, please, please,” you babble, and your prayers are answered when Yoongi fills you with his fingers whilst simultaneously torturing you with his tongue.  With artful precision, his fingers crook and curl inside you to stimulate your g-spot, and though he’s gentle to start with, Yoongi is an expert at interpreting the sounds you make to know exactly how rough or fast you want it - not stopping till arousal is gushing from you with every stroke.  
“Mm, Yoongi, I’m gonna- oh, oh shit!”  Yoongi doesn’t stop as your orgasm takes a hold of you,  working you through it and savouring every drop of ecstasy he manages to coax out.   It’s only when your body begins to twitch from overstimulation that he finally begins to slow his ministrations, eventually emerging from between your legs when you weakly call his name, tapping on his shoulder.  
“Can I turn on the light?” he asks whilst you’re still basking in your post-orgasmic haze, too blissed out to do anything but nod your consent and watch as he reaches over you to turn on the lamp that rests on the bedside table over on your side of the bed.  “Wanna see you.”   
You have to throw your arm across your eyes when he first switches the light on.  When you eventually start to pull it back, Yoongi is still leaning over you, an adoring look in his eyes as he gazes down. 
“Would you look at that,” he says wistfully, cupping your cheek in his palm before leaning down to kiss you.  You can taste yourself on his tongue as it rolls into your mouth but you can’t bring yourself to care, not when he stops kissing you just to softly whisper ‘you’re gorgeous’ right against your lips.  
“You’re just saying that because you haven’t gotten yours yet,” you tease, trailing your fingertips down the length of his chest.  Yoongi chuckles, his laughter interrupted by a groan when you cup his balls through his boxer shorts and press your palm against his length.  
“Am not,” he insists, even as his hips rock forward into your hard and he nips at your bottom lip, groaning again as you squeeze.  
“Still, I think it’s about time for your turn, don't you?”  Whispered into his ear, your purr causes a shiver to run through Yoongi’s body before he abruptly pulls away and sits back on his heels.   Seeming to take a moment to collect himself, he runs a hand through his hair, and you can’t help but take advantage of this opportunity to take a good long look at your lover - to admire his slight waist and unblemished skin.  His face is flushed with desire and his eyes dark as they similarly trace your form, and you feel the very same blush fill your cheeks when your gaze is inevitably drawn to the ill-concealed erection within his boxers.  
Even hidden away beneath black material, its outline is unmistakable - as is the wet patch of material at its tip.  Yoongi catches you looking and you bite your lip at the smirk that curls his as he reaches inside his boxers and pulls his cock free, tugging them down just enough for you to make out the dark curls of pubic hair at its base.  
“There are condoms in the drawer,” he tells you with a pointed look at the bedside table, but frankly you’re too entranced with the sight of his vascular hand as it strokes the prettiest cock you’ve ever seen up and down to want to look away.  
You extend your arms towards him with a coy smile, opening them up in welcome, and Yoongi cocks a curious eyebrow as he shuffles out of his boxers before settling down on top of you, his cock laying heavy on your stomach.  
“I’m clean, and I’m on birth control.”  You hear Yoongi’s breath hitch with excitement as you place lingering kisses against his jaw, his cheek, his lips.  
“You sure?” he checks, and you can’t help but giggle because even as he’s double-checking Yoongi is already lifting his hips and reaching down to take his cock in hand, guiding it towards your cunt.  “We don’t need any more little accidents around here.”  Your insides flutter in anticipation as you feel him run the tip of it between your folds till it’s slick with your arousal, one nod away from slipping inside with blissful ease.  
“I’m sure,” you grin before kissing him again, and this time they don’t stop.  Yoongi swallows up the moan you make as he slides his cock inside you in one smooth motion, right to the hilt.  He smothers the gasp that comes thereafter when he pulls back and does it again, this time harder than the last.  With his tongue between your teeth, the two of you soon find a rhythm that has you both perspiring with effort - the sounds of your heavy breathing mingling with the slap of flesh on flesh and the slick sounds of your cunt.  
“Oh god, Yoongi!” you cry out when he alters the angle of his hips, pressing in harder, faster than before.  
“I know baby.”  He finds your hand where it lays upon the pillow and threads his fingers between yours, clasping it tight as he groans, forehead pressed to yours, and grits out, “I know, I know.”  
You pick your feet up off the bed and wrap them tightly around his waist, urging him deeper, and Yoongi doesn’t disappoint.  With renewed vigour, his hips surge forward, so deep that from this angle the tip of his cock not only kisses your cervix but grazes your g-spot on the way out as well, and even without any clitoral stimulation you can feel yourself getting close all over again.  
“Say my name,” Yoongi urges between kisses, squeezing your hand in his, “Let me hear you say it.”   You do as he asks - one time, two times, three times - and every time you do you swear your orgasm looms just that little bit closer.  
“Again, baby,” he chokes out, and you can tell he’s getting close too from the tension in his voice and how his cock has begun to twitch, his thrusts frantic now.  “Say it again for me.”   Yoongi throws his head back, lifting his chest from yours to drive his cock into you even deeper.  “Fuck, I love the way you say it.”  
There are tears forming in the corners of your eyes as his name tumbles from your lips, so close that it near steals the breath from your lungs.  Every one of your senses is filled with him - with the excruciating bliss that’s sizzling through your veins - and you can’t get enough.  Gripping tighter, pulling closer.  Kissing, touching, feeling.   It’s so much.  So much, and yet somehow you want more. 
“Please,” you choke out against the press of his lips, and you don’t even know what you’re begging for with both your hands held in his, gripping them tight atop the pillow.  You never want this to stop - never want it to end - and yet you’re both rapidly reaching the climax, tumbling into oblivion together.  
You try to hold back, you really do, but when Yoongi groans your name, pressing in deep, you’ve not a shred of willpower left.  You want to give in. 
“I’m close,” he tells you, the words gritted out through his teeth, “Feel so good around me, baby.” He nips at your jawline - nuzzles so sweetly into the crook of your neck and smatters it with kisses.  “Gonna cum with me?  So pretty when you cum.” 
“Yes,” you gasp, and you’re so close, so very, very close. “Cum in me, Yoongi, please - please .”  
With the sounds of your pleading, Yoongi, too, loses all semblance of self-control.  Driving his hips forward into you, he groans at the gradual tightening of your insides, and as his cock hardens even further, twitching in anticipation, you finally reach your end.  It’s so intense you aren’t even able to speak through your climax - unable to vocalise how incredible it feels except for the raggedly drawn breaths you take once it finally begins to fade.  
You’re disappointed to realise that Yoongi has already cum by the time you’ve returned to your senses, though from how hard he’s breathing you figure he must not have been too far behind.  His face is flushed with heat, chest perspiring, and you can feel the warmth he’s filled you with trickling out from where his pelvis sits flush with yours.   
He’s still holding your hands, you realise, and when Yoongi leans down to sweetly kiss you as he squeezes them in his own, you feel yourself blush even more fiercely than before, filled with girlish glee.  Ridiculous, really, given all that you’ve just done.  
“That was amazing,” you whisper against his lips, and his smile is just as coy as yours as he pulls away to look down into your eyes.  He doesn’t say anything but his tender expression tells you all you need to know, as does the way he can’t help but kiss you over and over again before he finally withdraws.  
“One second,” he tells you as he swings his legs out of bed and you roll onto your side to watch him go, laughing as he’s forced to shoo Holly out of the way from where’s sat waiting for attention, chin resting on the edge of the mattress. 
“I hope he hasn’t been sitting there the whole time!”  You watch fondly as Yoongi shimmies his boxers back on with a hop and a wiggle.  Gosh, he really does have the cutest little butt… “We’ll have scarred him for life.” 
“His own fault,” Yoongi dismisses, unconcerned. “I’ll just go grab some tissue.”  He leaves the room for a moment or two, and in that time you have to try very hard to resist the urge to shimmy a little dance atop his mattress - the threat of accidentally making a mess on his newly changed bedsheets looming in your mind.  At the foot of the bed, you can hear the puppies snuffling around, probably looking for their next feed, and you have to stop yourself from crawling to the other end of the bed to go look at them, too.  
As it happens, Yoongi checks on them when he gets back in your stead.  He passes you the tissues and then pre-occupies himself with Remi and the puppies whilst you clean yourself up, waiting until you climb back under the covers to finally rejoin you.  He sighs in contentment as he gets comfortable, gazing up at the ceiling with a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips, and all you can do is stare at him in wonderment as you lay on your side, hardly daring to believe that the last half an hour or so was even real.  
“I really like you,” you whisper after a minute or two has passed, still unable to wipe the goofy love-sick grin you’re wearing off of your face.  Yoongi turns his head to the side to look at you, a cocky gleam in his eyes as he takes in your expression.  
“Yeah?” he asks, eyebrow lifting.  Effortlessly cool, he extends his left arm out across the pillow to invite you to curl against his side.  You do so immediately, kissing the spot on which you then lay your head, snuggling close.  You feel his lips press against the top of your head in turn, and through his chest you hear his heart begin to gallop as he squeezes you tightly in his arms, curling them around you.  “I think I really kind of like you too.”  
You never intended to keep them all.  
One, maybe.  You and Yoongi had talked about it; how it’d be a shame to sell them all and not get to see how the pups would eventually turn out.  But the more time that went on - the longer the two of you spent with them and got to know and love all their little personalities - the more you couldn’t bear the idea of parting with even a single one.  
And maybe you would’ve come around to the idea of them leaving if Yoongi hadn’t been just as smitten with them as you were.  You were bad influences on each other, sending each other picture updates whenever either of you were out of the apartment ( your apartment, with both your names on the lease now, not just Yoongi’s).  As if you could’ve really brought yourself to use any of those adorable photos to place an ad that would eventually take them away from you.  You should’ve known from the moment they first opened up those beady little eyes and gazed into yours that you were done for.  
Though five dogs is undeniably a handful, you can’t bring yourself to regret the decision.   Not even now, as you hold a double lead in one hand and Yoongi holds a triple in the other, somehow still managing to keep yours conjoined as your pack pulls you along.  God help you should the whole lot of them ever spot a squirrel and decide to run, or make a mad dash for a half-eaten pack of crisps strewn across the ground.  
“Hey, hey, hey!” Yoongi warns, keeping a good grip on the puppies as they surge towards the greying spaniel that comes trotting along off-lead, his elderly owner just a little way down the path.  “Nicely, nicely.”  
You hope one day your dogs might be well enough behaved - or at least old and lazy enough - to walk so nicely off lead.  The spaniel is adorably patient despite being mobbed by three white, fluffy clouds; their noses searching out every available orifice to sniff.  You’re grateful that at least Remi and Holly have the manners to stay out of it, easily distracted by the sound of the treat packet you’re rustling inside your coat pocket.  
“Oh, what a lovely little family you’ve got there!” the elderly woman coos as she comes closer, and you thank the lord Yoongi has the good sense to hold the puppies back.  Even though they’re almost a year old they haven’t quite yet learned their strength, and you’ve no doubt they’d end up knocking her over if their overenthusiasm isn’t adequately reigned in.  “You’re so blessed!”  
Beside you Yoongi nods, his chin lifting in pride as the dogs wait to be petted one by one, tails wagging furiously along the ground.  He’s too busy watching them to notice the instinctive way your hand reaches for your stomach at the kind old lady’s words, fingers splaying wide over your lower abdomen where a little life inside you grows.  
You haven’t told him yet, but oh, you can’t help but start to grin as you imagine how shocked he’s going to be - how happy and excited.  If you closed your eyes now, you’re sure you’d be able to imagine the exact smile he’ll wear, all teeth and gums and sparkling eyes.  
Yoongi squeezes your hand in his, bringing you back to the present, and you give your tummy one last gentle rub as you return the woman’s smile, heart so full it feels fit to burst.  
“Yeah," you smile, catching Yoongi's gaze and beaming all the more, "We really are.”   
****  ****  ****  ****  ****  ****  ****  ****  ****  ****  ****  ****  **** **** 
Your feedback is always appreciated, dear readers!  Please let me know what you think ^^ 
Also, I’m sure we all already know what Holly looks like, but just in case you were wondering about Remi’s breed, she is a Japanese Spitz who would like an awful lot like this -
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And their puppies would end up look a little something like this -
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Freakin’ adorable, right?  
Also, those of you who’ve followed my blog for a while might’ve now realised that I modelled Remi after my own little Japanese Spitz, Shiro.  Is that awfuly self indulgent of me?  Oh yes.  Do I care?  Not even a little bit *grin* 
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cipheress-to-k-pop · 4 years
5 Times Dick Grayson tried to kiss you and the 1 time he did
Pairing: Dick Grayson as Robin x Reader
Warnings: Mentions of death and injuries.
Word Count: 3.3K
Summary: The 5 times that Dick Grayson tried to kiss you and the one time that he did.
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“How do you do the 17th one?” You asked, not even looking up from your notebook. The two of you were tackling your math homework together,
Some might call it cheating but you liked to call it teamwork. Afterall you were a team, and what was the difference between a few supervillains and integrals?
Realizing that he wasn’t answering your question, you looked up only to see him staring intently at you. You blushed, immediately feeling self-conscious and you looked away from his intense gaze.
“Um, Dick?” You spoke quietly, not wanting to cut through the comfortable atmosphere. And most importantly you didn’t want to scare him because you knew he was trigger-happy.
The boy in question was in a trance, not speaking a word, it was difficult to tell if he was even blinking. Something comical in you wanted to shake your hand in front of his face to see if his eyes would shake back and forth like a cartoon character.
The thought made you chuckle and it brought him out of his trance.
“Did you change your lip balm?” He asked curiously and you froze, stumped at the question.
“The colour looks different.” He answered like that would explain it but you didn’t know what surprised you more, the fact that he noticed that you changed lip balms, or the fact that he was being so blatant about it.
Something in you felt self-conscious about the fact that he was staring at you lips and so in a moment of insecurity, you pursed them, looking away before regaining your composure.
“Do you just stare at my lips all the time, Grayson?” You teased, hoping to gain some control and his face coloured, “Not all the time.”
“And to answer your question, yes.”
You’ll never know how badly Dick Grayson wanted to kiss you at that moment. How badly he wanted to hold you in his arms and just kiss you until he felt dizzy. 
And you’ll never know what it took for him to sit back down and turn back to his worksheet.
You couldn’t help the groan the escaped your mouth as soon as you opened your eyes. Your head was pounding and your mouth was dry, like you had swallowed a mouthful of sand.
You couldn’t feel anything, not until you were pulled up from the ground, numbly lolling against the person who was making you sit upright.
“Easy there.” The boy soothed, rubbing your back and your eyes felt heavier the more you tried to open them.
“Robin?” You croaked out, burying yourself closer to him.
“Yeah, and as much as I like this, we can’t stay here for long.” He told, trying to pull you upright but you kept slumping.
“(S/H/N) come on, if we stay here any longer, we’ll be in danger.”
You tried shaking the dizziness, “Okay, okay, pull me up.”
You were immediately on your feet, relying on Robin to keep yourself upright until the spots in your vision cleared. It took you a second but he kept through your side the entire time, rubbing your back and supporting your weight.
Once you were able to focus, you looked around, realizing you couldn’t recognize your location, “Where are we?”
“Bialya. 6 months later.” He replied, beginning to lead you away, keeping a hold on your arm until you stopped swaying. You most likely had either a concussion or a heat stroke.
“I don’t know what’s going on either but we’re gonna find out.” He sounded resolute and you nodded, finding some strength to keep pace beside him.
“You okay?”
“Yeah, I just needed a few minutes. As soon as we get home, I’m gonna sleep for days.”
“You know in some countries it’s called a coma.” He teased and you chuckled, allowing him to increase the pace slightly as you fell into step beside him.
“Any reason you haven’t called someone yet?”
“Batman said to maintain radio silence at all times.” He replied but you could tell her was confused about it. The two of you were headed towards a location that he felt had been important enough to be marked on his GPS.
The sun soon stopped beating down on your heads and before long it was nightfall, but you were still walking towards this unknown destination. It was silent, but not awkward, unlike most of the times you spent with Robin which was not awkward, but definitely not silent.
Eventually the exhaustion began to creep up on you again and you started swaying in your steps again, “Rob, I’m sleepy.”
He sighed, pulling you closer, “I know you are; we just have to finish this mission and then we can go home.”
You held on to him, allowing him to lead the way as your eyes closed on their own.
“(S/H/N) you can’t sleep.”
“I’m not sleeping, just, resting my eyes.”
“Okay then keep talking to me.”
So, you did.
You mindlessly rambled on as he guided you through the desert. You talked about your teachers, food, music, anything that came to mind.
“You know I’ve never kissed anyone before?” You murmured and he froze for no longer than a second before he was walking again.
“I’d like to, but I haven’t. But I’d like to.” You spoke again, not noticing the way Robin seemed to stiffen as you kept talking, “But I haven’t, cuz I wanna kiss a guy I like. I’ve heard it’s more special that way.”
“What about me?”
“What about you?”
“What if I kissed you?”
“Well, um, well, I don’t know, I think I would really like it.” You said absentmindedly and a small smile grew on your face at the thought of kissing Robin. Unbeknownst to you, Robin was smiling beside you.
Robin knew that he was taking advantage of the state you were in to get answers and some part of him did feel guilty, but that didn’t stop his heart from soaring when he heard your answer. Though he maintained a cool front, truth was on the inside he was screaming.
He stopped, in the middle of the desert, underneath the moonlight and he wanted to kiss you. And you probably would have enjoyed it.
But your mouth, your stupid mouth, instead spoke up, “But it shouldn’t be right now. No, cuz I haven’t showered, and my lips are probably really dry cuz I’m thirsty. And I don’t want you to think I have gross lips.”
He chuckled, pulling you close to him and walking with you again, “No, we wouldn’t want that.”
“You’re getting better, (S/H/N).” Commented Robin as you continued to spar in the training room. It was obvious that he was taking it easy on you because your pace was slower that he was used to.
And because you knew for a fact that if he was actually putting any effort then you would be on the ground in two seconds flat.
“Really? Does that mean you’re actually gonna start trying now?” You quipped, enjoying that this seemed more like a dance than sparring.
He laughed, “Not just yet. You need a little more practice.”
You swung at him and he dodged effortlessly, grabbing your arm and jabbing you in the elbow. The two of you continued to move around, dodging each other’s attacks and flowing comfortably around the training room.
This is usually how it would go until Robin got bored and floored you or you lost interest and just walked off the mat while Robin complained about you being a sore loser. He was right. You knew he was better than you at combat, but it didn’t mean you enjoyed getting beat up by him.
Even if he never actually hit you.
Even though the two of you were fighting with a quick pace, you couldn’t help but feel relaxed. Robin had that effect on you, you always felt safe around him.
Even though the boy before you was incredibly annoying, you couldn’t help but find a fondness in spending time with him. You liked him sure, but you weren’t completely sure if it was platonic or romantic as of yet.
Still, you spent most of your time with him on the team since he was the same age as you. It was one of the many things you had in common.
“After training do you want to get something to eat?” You panted, narrowly dodging a kick and you managed to grab his leg, applying a force at his knee before flipping him. He managed to land on his feet (not that you were surprised) and swung at you again.
“What do you wanna eat?” He asked with a normal voice and you narrowed your eyes at him. You had been sparing for 15 minutes now and he hadn’t even broken a sweat. You, on the other hand, could use a shower.
“Your pick.” You told him and he grinned. A blinding grin that would’ve taken your breath if you hadn’t already been wheezing like an old lady.
“Let’s get going then.” He said and you froze knowing what would come next. Robin took advantage of the moment you let your guard down and the next thing you knew, you were staring up at him from your place on the floor.
He was laughing at you, but you couldn’t hear it over the pounding of blood in your ears.
It took him a while to realize that you weren’t laughing with hm before he glanced down at you and his heart skipped a beat. 
Man, you were beautiful.
Your lips were wet from constantly licking them, hair splayed out beneath you and an attractive flush was creeping up your neck. You thought you looked like a panting hippo but in his eyes, he had never seen anyone more beautiful. 
There was an attraction between you, so powerful and magnetic that neither of you could resist and he leaned closer as your chest heaved. His hands rested on either side of your head and yours were gripping onto his arms.
His lips didn’t so much as brush against your when the door of the training room slammed open and in came the rest of the team. The two of you jumped from each other, almost like the electricity from before managed to shock you.
You mumbled something about hitting the showers before you practically ran out, groaning in embarrassment when you heard the team titter like 5th grade girls.
“I want pizza!” Robin called out as you ducked into the locker room, deciding that a cold shower might be the perfect remedy for your skin that still felt like it was on fire.
It wasn’t surprising to any of you that M’gann would choose one of the most overrated, cheesy movies there was for movie night. Well, movie morning, since last night the team was called on an important mission.
Now while you had no problem just shutting your mouth and enjoying a romance movie once in a while, you were also stuck between a bunch of boys who made it their mission to make sure you wouldn’t.
So, every five minutes they took to shouting, hollering, groaning about why this wouldn’t make any sense in real life.
You tried throwing pillows at them, turning the volume up, even kicking them off the sofa but nothing helped.
‘If you can’t beat them, join them.’
“This guy is such a wuss.” You commented and Wally high-fived you for joining the team while M’gann complained about you betraying them. The movie was about a man who for some reason refused to go after a girl who very obviously liked him and he very obviously liked.
She flirted with him, and they even went on dates sometimes but when she asked him about having an actual relationship he said no and then proceeded to get upset that she was hanging out with other people.
Red flag much?
You found yourself watching the movie with an intent you hadn’t before, wondering if you’d have to go through that. If you’d ever be denied the love of someone who loved you because of his own pride or ignorance.
“If he likes her then he should just tell her.” You murmured wistfully, watching the two characters on the screen and not noticing the way the boys looked at you. Truth be told, you hadn’t even realized you were speaking.
“He should tell her, huh?” Asked Wally and you could tell from the teasing tone in your voice that he was trying to make a joke but you answered him honestly, not taking your eyes off the screen even once.
“Yeah, in my opinion the story will only get good once he stops beating around the bush and kisses her.”
Ignoring the way, the guys snickered at your answer you just slouched in your seat, rolling your eyes to the ceiling, “But the guy is such a wuss it’ll probably happen in the last 10 minutes so what’s the point.”
You didn’t pay attention to the rest of the movie, losing interest as the character continued to get more and more stupid. Instead, you opted for playing games on Robin’s wrist computer.
After the movie was over, everyone started to retire to their own rooms. You were eating some leftover pizza and took to cleaning the mess the rest of the team left behind. It was, after all, your turn on the chore list.
“You were right, you know.”
You jumped, dropping whatever it was in your hands. Robin winced at the bigger mess that you made before kneeling down and helping you clean it up.
“You’re so jumpy, one couldn’t even imagine that you go on covert missions every other night.” He teased, dodging the handful of popcorn you threw at him.
“You bother me enough on those missions alone don’t you think? Any reason that you’ve come to annoy me now? Or was it just to give me a heart attack?”
“You were right.” He said softly, throwing away the empty bottles of Gatorade and coke.
“I’m right about a lot of things Robin. You’re gonna have to be more specific.”
He grasped your wrist, stopping you from grabbing the stack of empty pizza boxes and you turned to him, the quip dying on your tongue from his serious expression.
He leaned close enough for you to see the reflection of yourself in his sunglasses. The proximity between the two of you was electrifying and addicting.
“The story will only get good when the guy stops beating around the bush and kisses the girl.”
You swallowed, hands settling on his and you let him pull you closer.
“Team to gather in the training room immediately.”
You sighed, pulling away from him, “Mood ruined.”
“Batman has the worst timing.” He grumbled and you giggled, grabbing his hand.
“Maybe next time, Boy Wonder.”
“It’s gonna be okay. It’s gonna be okay.” Robin chanted over and over again to you but you knew what was going to happen. His voice cracking and the tears flowing down his face was a good indicator as well. 
You bit your lip so hard it bled, grunting when you tried to move. It hurt. It hurt a blinding, searing, burning pain that made your vision turn blurry and the edges of your vision turn white. 
“I can’t move.” You whispered tearfully and he shook his head, tightening his hold on you. His grip hurt but you still let him cling onto you for you knew it would be the last time he could. 
The pain wouldn’t last long. 
“We can carry you.” 
“You don’t have the strength,” You told him softly, cupping his cheek to make him look at you. Blood was dripping down the side of your face and tears were streaming down your cheeks, “Even if you did, it hurts too much to move, Robin. You have to leave me here.” 
He shook his head stubbornly and against his control sobs began slipping past his lips and your heart clenched to hear him sound so heartbroken. But then again you felt the same way. He held onto you tighter and you caught a glimpse of the timer on his wrist. 
There wasn’t much left. 
“You have to go.” You told him again, “You are all that Earth has left. You have to go.”
“I can’t leave you.” 
Your body was wracking with sobs and you raised a bloody hand to his cheek, wiping away his tears to no avail, “I love you, please forgive me.” 
You turned to Kid Flash who was watching the two of you. He was crying as well; his chest was shaking and wavering and you tried to give him a brave smile but a sob broke through you. 
“Take him away from here.” 
Wally grabbed Robin and he struggled in his grip, trying to get to you, crying for you. He managed to push Wally’s arms off him to make a break for you. To tell you he loved you too. To kiss you for the first and last time. To say goodbye. 
But just as he reached you, Kid Flash grabbed him and super-sped away, all while Robin was crying in his arms. He saw your body receding, trapped against the wall where the guards had pierced you with an energy spear. 
The last thing he saw was your tearful smile and he thought you were the bravest to be smiling through so much pain. 
In the end, neither Kid Flash nor Robin made it out alive. 
The mothership exploded before either of them could escape. 
Explosions felt a lot colder than you expected. 
All you felt was a cold breeze after the explosives went off and your eyes shot open, gasping for air. You recognized the ceiling of the cave and felt the cold sweat drip down your body. You didn’t know how or why but you knew one thing.
You had lived. 
Tears immediately sprang to your eyes and you couldn’t even pull yourself to sit upright before you started crying. Black Canary was at your side, pulling you into her arms as you sobbed, thanking whatever divine being that had been listening for helping you. 
You were alive. 
Your eyes screwed tightly shut as you just held onto her, feeling such overwhelming happiness that it felt heart-breaking. 
When you finally got the courage to open your eyes and see where you were, you saw your team staring back at you with concern on their faces. You knew then that you’d never take advantage of them again. You’d never take them for granted and you’d cherish them from now onwards. 
And then your teary eyes caught onto Robins figure who was the only one who had left the bed that they woke up in. Your chest just hurt at the sight of him, regretting the way you had sent him off but also knowing that there was no other way. 
So, you shakily pushed off Canary’s grip and on wobbling legs you stumbled towards him, slumping against his weak stance before grabbing his collar and slanting your lips on his.
He responded almost immediately, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you closer. The kiss was sweet, but salty as your tears mixed on your lips. 
Your heart was full when you pulled away from him, leaning on his shoulder. His arms stayed around you, needing to feel you breathing against him. You met eyes with Wally’s wet ones and he sent you a shaky smirk, “Took you long enough.” 
You giggled tearfully, as Dick buried his head closer to your neck, and rubbing his back comfortingly, “The story was getting boring.” 
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cobaltusami · 3 years
Tropical Vacation pt. 2
Hey hi hello! This Is the last part for the day, I felt bad since the first one was so short and uneventful.
This one was funny to write, I liked writing Monokuma and Monomi's 'fight' scene xD
Characters In this part: Lee!Gundham, Lee!Kazuichi, Lee!Nagito, Ler!Nekomaru, Ler!Chiaki, Hajime, Fuyuhiko, Mahiru, Sonia, Hiyoko, Akane, Mikan, Peko
Words: 3,083
PT 1: [Click here], PT 2: [You are here.]
“KAZUICHI, I AM GOING TO DESTROY YOU!” Gundham yelled after his friend, chasing him down the beach in a full on sprint. The chase didn’t last very long though before Nekomaru quickly got In the middle of the two and held the breeder back.
“Easy Tanaka!” He barked. “What the hell Is going on?!”
“Yeah, Why are you so worked up? You guys sparrin’?” Akane asked..
“He’s trying to kill me!” Soda accused, pointing his finger at the angry boy in front of him.
“This fiend used some kind of powerful unseen force to send me flying into the water!” Gundham responded angrily. “You are lucky my Devas were not with me!”
Now that he mentioned It, Nekomaru did notice that Gundham was soaking wet.
“Easy dude! I was just playing around, I saw Sonia had your scarf and your zhu zhu pets!” Kazuichi retorted.
Nekomaru sighed in exasperation, why can’t It ever be something… normal with these two? “Y’know what, fine.” The larger student pushed both of them to the ground and proceeded to pin them both and tickle them. “If you’re gonna fight with each other… Then you’re gonna laugh with each other!”
Kazuichi shrieked as he felt his ribs being attacked, he cursed himself for not changing out of his swim attire back into his jumpsuit before launching Gundham into the water.
Gundham wasn’t much better off, Nekomaru was mercilessly tickling his exposed neck and collarbone. “FUAHAHAHAHAHA! F-FIEHEHEHEHEND STAHAHAHAP IHIHIT AT OHOHONCE!” He tried bringing his shoulders up to protect his neck but as soon as he would, Nekomaru would then attack his belly and hip, making his arms instinctively shoot back down to protect his body.
“Not until you two agree to stop fighting.”
The Ultimate Team manager narrowed his eyes at the pinkette, he leaned down and blew a raspberry against his belly whilst vibrating his fingers into his ribcage.
Kazuichi exploded with screaming high pitched laughter, throwing his head back in the sand as he frantically shoved at Neko’s head and kicked at the sand.
He pulled back grinning then turned to Gundham, whose belly he was still tickling with his other hand. “Don’t think I forgot about you!” He teased, leaning down and blowing a raspberry against his neck.
Gundham burst into loud laughter, rivaling Kazuichi in volume. He tried to push Nekomaru away but this only seemed to encourage him, his other hand left Kazuichi giving him a chance to breathe and instead began poking at Gundham’s ribs and underarm teasingly.
He delivered another deadly raspberry to his sensitive neck, this time drawing a loud squeal followed by booming belly laughs. “GAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! NAHAHAHAHAHAHA PLEHEHEHEHEHEHEASE!”
“Do you agree to stop fighting with Kazuichi?” Nekomaru asked, after a moment of no response he gifted him yet another raspberry.
“EEEAHAHAHAHAHAHA! FUAHAHAHAHAHA!” Tears were in the Supreme Overlord’s eyes from laughing so hard already.
“I’ll ask again, Are you gonna stop fighting?” He repeated, speeding up his tickles.
This time he was met with frantic nods. Nekomaru stopped tickling Gundham and turned back to Kazuichi. “Now, Will you stop fighting with Gundham?”
“As long as he doesn’t fight with me…” Kazuichi said nervously, sitting up.
“I don’t think that’ll be an issue, If he does, He knows what will happen to him!” Nekomaru laughed in amusement.
Gundham shakily sat up. “D-Do you also… vow… not to… push me Into anymore… water?” He panted.
“I dunno man, That’s kind of a hard one. The look on your face was hilarious!” Kazuichi grinned.
Nekomaru glanced at Gundham, upon seeing the somewhat downcast expression on his face he grabbed Kazuichi and held him down.
“ACK! Hey hey hey! What are you doing?!” He panicked.
“Promise you won’t throw him In anymore water.” He ordered.
“Okayokay! Jeez! I promise I won’t throw him In the water again!”
“And apologize to him.”
“You hurt his feelings, apologize for pushing him in the water.”
“No way! He didn’t apologize to me for chasing me!” Kazuichi fired back.
Nekomaru sighed. These damn kids never learn do they? “Gundham, C’mere.”
Gundham shuffled closer, looking questioningly at the larger student. “Yes?”
“There’s something I want you to do.” Nekomaru replied.
“What Is It, Fiend?”
“Hey, I don’t like where this is going…” Kazuichi squinted at Nekomaru, suspicious.
“Tickle him without mercy until he says he’s sorry.” The muscular student grinned at the horrified shriek that came from Kazuichi.
The Mechanic began frantically squirming, though he wasn’t able to move very much thanks to Nekomaru being freakishly strong. “Nononononono!” He didn’t much care for the dark look in Gundham’s eyes, nor the evil smile that followed.
Meanwhile further down the beach, the rest of the students were just chilling and enjoying the day. Or trying their best to.
“Are you sure we should not go check on Kazuichi and Gundham?” Sonia asked.
“Nah, I’m sure they’re fine.” Chiaki replied, building a sandcastle version of Princess Peach’s castle.
“Or one of them has finally killed the other and we’re going to have our first trial.” Hiyoko smirked. “I’m betting on Kazuichi being the dead person.”
Sonia looked horrified.
“Hiyoko!” Chiaki and Hajime chastised.
Mahiru approached the mischievous girl. “Okay, That’s a timeout.”
“What? But I--”
“Go sit on the steps!” she pointed to the steps leading to the beach, Hiyoko pouted and complied silently, crossing her arms as she sat down.
“Listen, I’m sure those two dumbasses are fine, Hiyoko’s just a bitch.” Hiko tried to reassure the blonde, Hajime tried not to laugh at that, but a chuckle slipped out. Mahiru wasn’t as amused.
“Where’s the lie?” Hajime whispered under his breath.
“Both of you get a timeout too.” Chiaki said as she stood up, she pointed to a second set of stairs. “Go sit until you can be nice.”
“Why? It’s--”
“I’m not going in fucking timeou--”
Chiaki squeezed Hajime’s side and poked at Fuyuhiko’s ribs, making them both immediately shut up. “Steps.”
They both complied, muttering under their breath as they sat down on the steps next to each other.
“You guys worried about Kazuichi and Gundham?” Akane asked, coming from the direction of said two students. “‘Cause they’re fine, Coach Nekomaru Is helpin’ them.”
Sonia let out a sigh of relief, her hand resting over her heart. “That Is good to hear, Gundham was quite mad when--”
She was cut off by a blood curdling scream that sounded vaguely like Kazuichi coming from the other side of the beach, followed by laughter. Sonia giggled. “I think I will go check on them anyway.” She said as she stood and walked off.
“Nekomaru Is wrecking them, Isn’t he?” Nagito asked amusedly.
“Oh totally.” Akane grinned. “I kinda forgot how vicious of a tickler he is, kind of makes me wanna challenge him to a tickle fight.”
“I think you’d lose.” Mahiru smiled in exasperation.
“For some reason, I get the impression that’s what she wants.” Hajime chuckled.
“Goodness! Whatever was that horrible scream?” Usami asked, appearing out of seemingly nowhere.
“Oh hey Usami.” Chiaki greeted the pink and white rabbit with a small smile. “It was the sound of Kazuichi getting tickled.”
Usami let out a small sigh of relief, then giggled. “Oh, That’s a relief. I am glad It was the sound of friendship, I thought for a moment that Monokuma had reappeared.”
“You rang?” Monokuma asked, suddenly next to her.
“Uwaaah! Where did you come from!?” Usami cried out in surprise.
“We could ask you the same thing…” Hajime said quietly.
“Wha? Has no one ever explained the bears and the bees to you?” Monokuma asked, tilting his head. “Alright I guess. Well, when two bears love each other very much--”
“Nooo! That is too mature for this audience!” Usami protested, putting her little hands on Monokuma to stop him.
“She does realize we’re not kids… Right?” Nagito whispered to Chiaki.
“For some reason, I don’t think she’s talking about us…” She whispered back.
Monokuma growled, his red eye flashing briefly before he shifted and threw all of his weight into his shoulder, promptly sending Usami flying from the force. “Keep your dirty pure hands to yourself, Monomi!”
“Uwaahh! It really hurts when you shoulder tackle me!” she cried, hitting the ground next to Chiaki.
“Anyways! I have an announcement for you Goody goody losers!” Monokuma said loudly as Nekomaru, Gundham, Kazuichi and Sonia all rejoined the group.
“Oh great, I get back just In time to listen to the homicidal tanuki.” Kazuichi frowned.
“For the last time, I am not a tanuki!” Monokuma snapped, raising his hand to threateningly show off his claws.
“He Is right, Children! Monokuma Is a bear, and--” Usami was cut off by Monokuma stomping over to kick her In the head.
“I don’t need your help!”
“Oogh! It hurts when you punt me too!” she sobbed, curling up in the sand. Chiaki got down on the ground next to her to comfort her.
Monokuma cleared his throat. “Now that Monomi Is done interrupting me, I have an announcement. As you know, I am the headmaster of Hope’s peak. That school, just like this island, Is currently full of students!”
“What?! There’s more than just us trapped by you?!” Kazuichi asked, shocked.
“Why are you telling us this?” Peko asked, crossing her arms.
“I’m glad you asked!” Monokuma bellowed. “Because, I think my students are starting to get depressed… So I think they might benefit from a change In scenery!”
“You don’t mean…” Hajime trailed off, nervous as to where this was going.
“Are you going to let those students out of the school??” Usami asked, surprised.
“Yup! Only for a while though, I wouldn’t want you all conspiring against me once you get acquainted with each other! I just hope those cold blooded killers can behave themselves for a few minutes...” Monokuma replied. “Puhuhu, Oops, did I say that out loud?”
“Acquainted with each other…?” Mahiru repeated. “You mean you’re…”
“You’re going to let them loose, Here!?” Kazuichi finished for her.
“You guessed It! Sharkboy Is today’s winner! Tell him what he’s won, Monomi!”
“W-What? What are you talking about n--”
Monokuma jumped into the air and elbow dropped the rabbit. “Nevermind! My joke Is ruined now, you’re so useless!”
“Uwah! It hurts when you elbow drop me!”
Hajime sighed at the scene before him. Is anything ever normal with these two?
After that, Monokuma left saying he had other business to attend to, After Usami had calmed down from getting a third strike from Monokuma she stood up and dusted herself off.
“What was he talking about? There aren’t really other students… Are there?” Mahiru asked apprehensively.
“No way, He’s clearly lying to us!” Kazuichi answered.
“There’s one way to find out…” Chiaki mumbled, looking at Usami. “Usami?”
“Was he telling the truth? Are there really more like us?” The pink haired girl asked softly.
Usami nervously looked away, stammering as she spoke. “W-Well, I don’t… i’m not…”
Chiaki frowned. “So It’s true. Is what he said about them true too?”
“N-No! I don’t… Think so…” Usami sighed softly, sitting on a beach towel. “Yes there Is more like you. I didn’t want to leave them, Please believe me! But I didn’t have time to grab any more of you before Monokuma showed up again.”
“Why didn’t you tell us before?!” Hajime snapped.
“Uwah!” Usami jumped In surprise, her ears drooping sadly. “I-I couldn’t! I felt too guilty and horrible for having to leave them behind! I can only imagine the horrors they’ve had to endure because of Monokuma.”
Chiaki gently petted the rabbit’s head. “It’s okay, It’s not your fault. It’s Monokuma’s fault.”
Usami sniffled, her ears perking back up. “Th-Thank you.” she cried. “But, I am at fault too. I should have fought him at that point, But I was scared and worried about what would happen to you all if I were to lose… I guess In the end It didn’t matter anyway.”
“So just to confirm, there’s a whole other group of students about to be released onto the island and we have no idea if they’re participating in the killing game or not...?” Mahiru asked quietly, fear prominent in her eyes.
Hiyoko got up and went over to her girlfriend, wrapping her arms around her to comfort her. “It’s okay, Mahiru! I won’t let them hurt you!”
Mahiru blushed. “I-I wasn’t scared!”
“I am afraid so.” Usami confirmed grimly, though the next moment… “However! This could be a very good thing too, Perhaps they are like you and refuse to play his game!” She suggested brightly.
Hajime felt a pit In his stomach, It took him a while to warm up to and trust the students trapped with him... he was definitely nervous and untrusting of this.
“Usami Is right!” Nagito spoke up. “We have to stay *Hopeful!”
Oh here we go…
“They are Hope’s peak academy students, after all! I’m sure they’re as reserved and strong willed as all of you Ultimate’s!” Nagito smiled, getting that look In his eyes again.
“Nagito…” Hajime said warningly, not wanting to listen to his speech again. “Remember what happened last time you droned on about Hope and Ultimates?”
“Oh, Right! Sorry, I guess even trash can be forgetful too, I’ll try to stop.” He smiled sympathetically at the Tsundere student.
“Stop calling yourself trash.” Chiaki frowned.
“But…” He stopped himself as Hajime and Chiaki both folded their arms and glared at him warningly. “O-Okay… Even though I am…--”
“Say It, and you’ll be sorry.” Chiaki puffed her cheeks in annoyance.
Nagito blinked, weighing his options. “Why are you so upset about me calling myself trash? I am trash. Do you get mad at everyone for speaking the truth?”
Unfortunately as he usually does, He chose incorrectly. Chiaki threw herself at the taller student, knocking him over into the sand. She then began squeezing his sides in rapid succession, avoiding his attempts to dislodge her hands quite easily.
“W-Wahahahahait! Chihihiaki!” Nagito squealed, trying to protect his sensitive sides from her merciless wrath.
“I warned you.” She deadpanned.
“Usami, Do you think we should be worried about these students?” Nekomaru asked over Nagito’s laughter.
“I don’t think so, I think we should welcome them with open arms! Who knows what horrors they’ve seen? We should treat them with kindness and love!” She answered.
“Then that’s good enough for me!” Neko grinned.
“Yes, I think It will be nice to make some new friends!” Sonia beamed, her eyes glittering happily.
“And who knows? Maybe there’ll be some cute girls In the class…” Teruteru said slyly.
“If you make any unsavory advancements towards the new mortals, I will put a curse so vile on you that even your future spawn will be cursed!” Gundham threatened, making Teruteru immediately shut up and shrink back with fear.
“I guess It doesn’t hurt to have some new friends…” Kazuichi reluctantly agreed with Sonia, no one was surprised.
“Ibuki thinks It’s a great idea! Maybe Ibuki will meet a musician to rock out with!” Ibuki’s eyes became starry at the prospect.
“Hey guys…?” Hajime spoke up hesitantly.
“Maybe there’ll be a gamer I can play with…” Chiaki smiled, still mercilessly tickling Nagito. “Or y’know… A therapist for Nagito…”
“Whyhyhy would a-ahahaha therapist wahahahaste their tihihime on sohohomeone lihihike mehehe?” Nagito laughed.
Chiaki narrowed her eyes at the Lucky student, attacking his belly with clawed hands. “You’re just asking for It, Aren’t you? Do you enjoy being tickled, Nagi?”
“NOHOHOHO!” he squealed, trying to curl In on himself.
“M-Maybe I-It won’t be s-so bad.” Mikan said hopefully. “I’m sure they a-are nice!”
Mahiru glared at Hiyoko, sensing she was about to say something unpleasant, The blonde girl immediately shut her mouth and snuggled more into Mahiru.
“Perhaps there will be someone who is knowledgeable with swords…” Wow, even Peko seemed enthusiastic about this-- well, as enthusiastic as Peko can be.
“Ooh! Maybe there’s someone strong I can fight with!” Akane’s face lit up excitedly.
“Guys? Aren’t you the least bit worried? What If they’re just like Monokuma said…?” Hajime asked.
“What’s to be worried about? If they step outta line, We can just beat ‘em up.” Akane grinned.
“We are NOT going to beat them up!” Nekomaru argued. “There are other ways of dealing with violent students than fighting!”
Akane put her hands on her hips and looked questioningly at Neko. “Oh yeah? Like what?”
Nekomaru glanced at Kazuichi and Gundham, who both seemed to blush at his gaze. “Things…” was his vague answer.
“I’m with Hajime on this one.” Fuyuhiko spoke up, standing up. “The thought of people we can’t trust coming on to the island makes me… kind of nervous.” he admitted.
Mahiru nodded in agreement. “Yeah, I agree too.”
“I’m kind of indifferent.” Hiyoko shrugged. “Maybe they won’t be as lame as you guys… but on the other hand, I don’t want Mahiru to be afraid.”
“I-I told you I’m not afraid!” The tsundere girl stuttered.
“It’ll be okay, guys.” Chiaki said softly, her tone contradicting her ruthless tickling. “As long as we stick together, We’ll be fine.”
“You’re an Ultimate too.” Chiaki reminded, pausing her ticklish attack. “And you’re valuable. Not trash.”
Nagito giggled tiredly as he caught his breath. “But compared to you guys… I’m not all that special…”
“Neko, He still hasn’t learned.” Chiaki called over her shoulder. Nekomaru sat down next to them and cracked his knuckles.
“I got this!” He chuckled, The next moment the air was filled with Nagito’s shrieking laughter as Chiaki and Neko proceeded to destroy the man with low self esteem.
Hajime was silent as he thought about the possibilities, It just wasn’t sitting right with him. But If Chiaki could look on the bright side… Maybe he was overreacting…?
He felt a hand rest on his back, looking to his left he saw Fuyu offer a brief reassuring smile, showing that he was just as nervous as Hajime but more worried about comforting him. Hajime faintly smiled back and put his arm around Fuyu’s shoulders, pulling the Yakuza into his side.
Mahiru gently punched Hajime’s shoulder affectionately. “It’ll be okay… We just gotta stick together like Chiaki said…”
Hajime sincerely hoped she was right about this…
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