abyssin · 10 months
your aesthetic is GORGEOUS
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WAH THANK YOU SO MUCH ANONIENONIE!! everything i've used is all in my credits but a good chunk of my aesthetic is thanks to my talented best friend @aedearly!! he made sure my childe got his pinks for the psd, and as a pink apologist, i've been so enchanted each time i see how well it works on tartar sauce, especially with blood stains (❁´◡`❁) definitely make sure to commission him if ur interested to have gorgeous aesthetics on ur blog too meheheh
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avis-writeshq · 12 days
hi ! love ur fics <3
can i request reader as being a massive flirt publicly towards spencer but when its Intimate and Private, reader is suddenly Stunned and Speechless and Blushing and spencer kinda gets the confidence to Do Stuff
im sorry if that was the stupidest described ask ever achh but lov u !
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pairing: s9!spencer reid x bau!fem!reader genre: established relationship, bombshell-ish(?) reader, fluff warnings: 16+ for kind of suggestive? he’s so in love UGH a/n: thank you for requesting !! wc: 1.22k
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Spencer thinks that you are the most beautiful person in the world. He thinks that you’re glowing every time you walk into the room– no matter how upset or disgruntled you may be– and as cliche as it may seem, he’s certain that swarms butterflies fill his stomach and cloud his mind. In fact, he thinks that you have always had that effect on him, ever since he’s met you. You’re touchy, and despite Spencer’s general aversion to physical touch, he finds that he doesn’t mind your germs much. 
Very often he finds himself at your mercy, with the way your fingers brush against his face as if it’s nothing, as if that movement alone was something that you do with everyone (you’ve only ever done it with him). There are other instances where you’ve been very blatant in your attraction towards him, so much so that he ends up with his cheeks hot more often than not. A part of him is grateful that though you work in the FBI, it isn’t his division. He doubts he’d be able to see the end of it.
“Spencer,” you gush, curling your fingers into the ends of his hair. Or rather, lack of hair. “You got a haircut. You’re supposed to consult me first, you know.”
He laughs, looking up at you as you stand over him while he sits at his desk. “Is that what a good boyfriend is supposed to do?”
“Yes.” You speak with mock indignation, properly running your fingers through his hair from his fringe to the back of his head. “It’s so short.”
“Do you hate it?” There’s a momentary pang of unease that strikes at his heart. “Maybe I should have consulted you.”
“No, baby, it looks really good.” You smile at him, pressing a kiss to his hairline. “You’re warm. Do you have a fever?”
Of course I’m warm, Spencer wants to say while you continue to dote on him, your hands travelling to his collar next and brushing against his throat. You’re touching me in the middle of the bullpen. 
He opts to not say anything when he sees your knowing smile. You’re doing this on purpose. He clicks his tongue, squeezing at your waist lightly as you lean over him to kiss his forehead. He’ll let you win this battle; he’s going to get you back.
He doesn’t really know how to get you back. There are a few harmless things he’d thought of doing: sneaking into your department and hiding your mug on the top shelf (he fears that you’d ask someone, a taller more handsome someone, to rescue it for you), not wearing the tie you picked out for him that morning (he can already envision your disappointed frown and his chest aches at the imaginary you getting upset because of him), and putting toothpaste in your Oreos (he doesn’t want to die). 
All of these ideas go down the drain and he ends up not getting back at you for days. It doesn’t help that he’s been gone for a case while you’ve been stuck at home. It isn’t all bad, and a part of him wishes that he can hold himself to the same level of confidence as Derek when Penelope calls him with flirtatious motives. You do virtually the same thing. 
Your words are honey as you shower him with compliments, ending him with a simple “Hey, gorgeous.” 
It is enough to make his heart leap to his throat and his cheeks to warm to a pretty pink. There’s not much overlap between the Human Resources Branch and the BAU, especially considering that you assist more on the training and hiring side of things, so there aren’t many opportunities for you to fluster him when he’s out of the office. He finds that you always make an excuse.
“Hi,” he responds softly, avoiding the teasing gazes of Emily and Derek. “Is… are you okay?”
“Do I need to not be okay to talk to my lovely boyfriend?” 
You’re teasing him, poking fun at the way he so easily surrenders to you. He resists the urge to run out the room. 
“Stop,” he warns half-heartedly. He says your name quietly, tapping his fingers at the edge of the table. “Is there something you needed?”
He can practically hear you smile as you respond, the sound of your mouse clicking in the background. “Oh, yeah. My computer says that my storage is full. What do I do?”
“Your storage is full,” he repeats, smiling. “That’s why you called me?”
“It’s lunchtime in Santa Monica, right?”
He relents, cheeks hurting from how hot and stretched out they are. “Yes.”
“Then it shouldn’t be a problem.” 
He puffs out a breath of air, running his fingers through his hair. “You’re ridiculous.”
“You’re lovely.” He can imagine you batting your eyes, your smile saccharine. “Don’t you wish that you were here, gorgeous?”
He’s definitely going to get you back.
Spencer goes to your apartment once the case ends, his eyes dreary with sleep and the horrors that he saw only a few hours prior. Your apartment key hangs next to his on his keychain– a limited edition Tardis charm that you got him for his birthday. He huffs out a breath, unlocking your door and stepping inside. He’s met with you dancing around in your kitchen, headphones on whilst holding a wooden spoon. A part of him is concerned with how easily he could slip into your home without being notice, but the other part can’t help but smile at how carefree you look, and he leans against the wall to stare. 
He doesn’t get the opportunity to stare for long. It’s comical, the way you jump upon seeing him, eyes wide as you rip your headphones off. 
“You’re back! You scared me.” A smile stretches across your lips while you press your palm to your chest whilst taking steps towards him. “Don’t do that ever again.”
Spencer laughs, toeing his shoes off and resting his hands on your waist. His head dips down to meet your gaze, peering up at you with a soft smile. “You look beautiful.”
Your cheeks glow warm and you break eye contact. “Yeah?”
“Mm.” He hooks his pointer finger under your chin, pressing a soft kiss to your lips. “I missed you.”
He notes the way you don’t respond, in some sort of daze while your lips part in both surprise and flusteredness. He understands your sentiments– it isn’t often that he initiates affection. 
“Did you miss me, too?” Spencer asks softly, his lips brushing against the shell of your ear as he speaks. 
“Of course I did,” you croak out, heat building in your head. 
Spencer chuckles, a smug smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth. He’s doing this on purpose, flustering you to the point of no return. He kisses you again, one hand holding the base of your head while the other squeezes at the flesh of your waist. It’s dizzying, the taste of coffee on his tongue and the feel of his fingers in your hair. 
“Hey, gorgeous,” he murmurs once he’s pulled away. His thumb rubs a line from the back of your ear to where your jawline starts, and he can’t help but chuckle. “Where did that confidence go, hm?”
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reblogs are always appreciated!
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taintedtort · 2 months
Hihii...!!! i really love ur HCs and i wanted to ask if you're comfortable with these types of character writing, what r ur headcanons on kenma, kuro, tsuki n maybe suna would act when they're drunk ? like would they be a bit different than their usual self ? sorry to ask a lot but im more curious on ur thoughts on kenma ;; .. write whatever u can, idm ! thank u ehehe have a good one ! >_< <3
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summary. they’re drunk lolz
characters. kenma, kuroo, tsukishima
warnings. afab!reader, drinking/alcohol, post timeskip!!!^^
a/n. yesss i love kenma, many thoughts on him!! he’s my favorite!!! didn’t add suna because i don’t really know his character that well :( added a kenma bonus to make up for it tho!
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☆ i think he’d be a sleepy drunk. he's out as soon as his head hits any soft surface— maybe even before! i feel like he also acts grumpier, mumbling complaints when you wake him up and try to move him (he was passed out on your shoulder in the car, you have to get him to bed!)
☆ his face gets kinda pink, like he’s blushing. he’s pale, so it’s more noticeable than it would be on someone else. his eyes get droopy and his face sort of relaxes, so he looks mean and tired.
☆ he stubbles slightly, but he surprisingly manages to maneuver himself pretty well for a drunk person. just don’t ask him to do a cartwheel or anything… he couldn’t even do one of those while sober.
☆ he doesn’t drink often, so he’s a light weight… plus he’s skinny and on the smaller side, so he doesn’t have to drink much to get a buzz. he’s usually responsible though, but sometimes he celebrates too hard (with a bit of a push from kuroo)
☆ he doesn’t get any more talkative, but he’s less filtered that normal. i don’t think he’d be too flirty or mean, but if he got drunk enough he may compliment you a couple times.
☆ the type to get so drunk he forgets who you are. you come find him to pick him up after someone called you, and he’s face down on the table. you nudge him, trying to gently guide him to stand, but he’s immediately swatting you away, grumbling about how he has a girlfriend.
"leave m' alone— got a girlfriend already," he slurs, raising his head to drunkenly glare at you. his eyes narrow further when you laugh.
"kenma… i’m you’re girlfriend," you tell him, always finding it a bit amusing when he gets this drunk. he’s not too much of a hassle though, since he usually knocks right out when you get home and tuck him in.
he's silent for a moment, just staring at you up and down. he wears the same expression he has whenever he buys a new video game, excited and in awe.
"really…?" he asks, a hopeful tone in his voice. now that he’s looking at you… you are really pretty. he really hopes you're his girlfriend.
"yes, really. i’m gonna take you home, okay? cmon," you urge, gently grabbing his arm and helping him stand. he complies this time, his eyebrows raising.
"we live together?" he questions, the situation just getting better and better to him.
"we do," you confirm, another giggle leaving you. it doesn’t really hurt your feelings that he doesn’t remember, you find it more amusing and entertaining than anything.
"… im so lucky," you hear him whisper under his breath, looking at you as you guide him to the car.
☆ he'd be a funny drunk i think… a bit of a handful, and is entertaining at first, but eventually gets annoying. his emotions kind of double when he’s intoxicated, and he’s also kind of erratic. really energetic after his first few drinks, but if he’s extra drunk, he’s more emotional.
☆ his eyes get a little watery, but that’s about it. he actually looks more lively while he’s drunk, because he makes more facial expressions.
☆ he can’t stand straight at all, especially if he’s had more than a couple drinks. needs support to walk, otherwise he'll fall. he’s heavy though, and puts majority of his weight on you, so sometimes you end up falling anyway.
☆ he can handle his alcohol pretty well. takes him a few drinks to get a buzz, but he doesn’t usually stop there. mostly drinks to celebrate things, or at parties. never drinks alone, that’s just boring and sad to him.
☆ probably asks you random stupid questions like "what number am i?" or "what animal would i be?" (follows up that second question with "would you still love me if i was that animal?")
☆ i think he’s more talkative, but he speaks faster and his words are kinda jumbled, so it’s hard to understand him sometimes. he gets a lot more sappy, constantly complimenting you and telling you that he loves you (he does that all the time already)
"y're sooo pretty, love you s' much."
☆ not that much different than when he’s sober, honestly. he gets more mellow, surprisingly, though it might be because alcohol makes him a little sleepy, similar to kenma. he isn’t quick to fall asleep, but he’s not energetic and jumping around.
☆ his face is more relaxed, which makes him look even more intimidating and mean. his eyes get a little red around the edges, but that’s mostly it.
☆ stubbles quite a bit and holds things for support. if you try to help him, he’ll snip and you and complain that he doesn’t need your help to walk. (he does, and eventually gives in and leans on you a bit when he almost falls on his face)
☆ also a lightweight. doesn’t go drinking unless he’s invited, and even then he’s usually the designated driver. on top of that, he hates being hung over, and he hates throwing up, so he rarely gets super drunk. kuroo tries to persuade him sometimes, but the most he gets his a little tipsy.
☆ probably gets into debates with people about certain topics that he likes, arguing with them about facts and opinions. he usually wins. even when he’s drunk, he’s still quick witted.
☆ he fights you on everything, insisting he’s fine and "not drunk" whenever you try to help him. you end up ignoring his complaints and just assist him with changing and getting into bed anyway. he’s asleep pretty quickly, especially if you run his back/scalp.
"i don’t need help— i'm not even that drunk!"
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seraphmeraph · 8 months
hi!! i recently found ur account while scrounging thru the bi han tag (theres so little bi han x reader fics 😭) and i love ur writing so i was wondering if you could do a bi han x princess reader? maybe the lin kuei made some kind of alliance with a king and he falls jn love (or lust) with his daughter? idk if that makes a lot of sense lolll. anyways thank u and i love ur work!!
i gen never expected people to really like Bi Han that much
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Bi Han x Princess Reader
MK1 short story with smut at the end starring guess who?? BI HAN <3
TW: 18+, smut at end, fingering, praises, suggestive, boobs, Bi Hans not as degrading, forbidden love
A/N: mb for this shittiness anon i tried LMAO- I feel like by now everybody should know i dead just don't proofread
Your father, the kind, wanted to strengthen his kingdom's defenses. So, to achieve this, he proposed an alliance with the enigmatic Lin Kuei.
You first met Bi Han at a banquet to congratulate your alliance. Your father introduced him to you as the Grandmaster of the Lin Kuei. You couldn't help but feel attracted to his cold and rough attitude, not to mention how handsome he was.
Bi Han's heart fluttered when he saw you, but he tried to push it deep away, feeling unfamiliar with this feeling. But as time passed, he couldn't help but try to be closer to you. He wanted to hear your rambles and see your beautiful eyes and elegance.
He would purposefully run into you, planning and taking notes on locations you would stop by. One of these is the royal garden, where you'd take a walk every day. Slowly, you noticed how often you would see the Grandmaster. You found it unusual, but you didn't mind his presence.
Slowly, it went from seeing each other to striking up conversations with him. He would often give you advice for your duties as a princess.
As you two grew closer, you would often find yourself openly complimenting him and subtly flirting.
"I'm aware you're a cryomancer, but does your heart ever get cold? Maybe my presence can warm it," You spoke, gaining a little smile from him. It was the first time you had ever seen him smile, and it made the butterflies in your stomach go crazy.
Considering he's unfamiliar, you are likely the first to admit your feelings. You asked him to meet you in the royal garden at night, and when he showed up, you began confessing.
The garden was very serene and peaceful. The moon cast a pale, silvery light over the garden, illuminating the flowers and trees. It was filled with the sweet fragrance of the blooming flowers. The pathway was dimly lit with the soft glowing lanterns, casting a warm and inviting light onto you both.
"Princess," He greeted you with a bow. "Is there a reason you requested to see me this belatedly at night?" He questioned, his voice gruff, but his eyes betrayed him.
"Yes…" You took a deep breath. "Grandmaster, I believe I'm in love with you," You admitted, wasting no time admitting your feelings. Though you were nervous, you were also confident.
"Princess…" He trailed off, unsure what to say.
You stepped closer to him, feeling your heart beating faster with anticipation. "Please, don't say anything if you don't feel the same way. I just had to tell you how I feel," You said, trying to hide your disappointment.
But before you could leave him, he pulled you in and kissed you. He backed you into one of the pillars, pressing your back against it. The kiss became passionate. All his pent-up lust for you is pouring out now. His cold hands were going to cup your cheek.
Your love was forbidden, a princess with a Lin Kuei assassin? Not to mention, you were the next heir to the throne. Your father would prohibit you from ever seeing Bi Han again and most likely change the relationship between your kingdom and the Lin Kuei.
A secret relationship between you both blossomed. Bi Han would often meet you in your chambers or the garden. Occasionally, he would convince your father that he was best fit to guard you whenever you had events.
You would leave your balcony window open for Bi Han to climb through at night. This was one of the nights when Bi Han visited you.
"Grandmaster!" You almost exclaimed, getting up off your bed to see him closer.
"Bi Han," He corrected you with a slight smirk.
"Sorry," You giggled, taking hold of his hand and bringing it to your cheek. His excellent hands felt cold against your warm cheek. "I missed you, Bi Han," You smiled, looking up at him.
His thumb grazed your cheek as you continued to hold it. "I did too, my princess," He spoke, leaning over to kiss you.
His lips pressed against yours, and you both were locked into a fiery kiss. Bi Han's other hand gripped your waist, pulling you deeply into the kiss. His tongue grazed your bottom lip, gaining entry into your mouth.
Bi Han couldn't contain his desire anymore. Pulling away from you, he threw you over his shoulder, carrying you over to your bed. You giggled at his roughness and kicked your legs, but he easily held them in place.
He threw you down on the bed, got on top of you, and continued your kiss. One of his hands gripped your thigh, pushing up your nightgown just enough to expose your panties.
Your hands went up to his hair, fingers reaching his bun. You quickly undid it, letting his hair down.
He pulled away from the kiss again, pinning your hands above your head. His hair fell around his shoulders.
"You're so handsome with your hair down," You looked at him lovingly.
"Is that so?" He spoke, his hand trailed closer to your core.
You couldn't help but shiver, feeling his cold fingers touch the sensitive part of your thigh. He then let go of your hand, using both to pull the nightgown over your head.
You sigh softly, feeling Bi Han's hands run over your body. His lips followed down your body, stopping to give your breasts extra attention. Rubbing your nipple in between his fingers while sucking the other one. His eyes looked up at you, watching as your face contorted into one of pleasure.
His hand slid down to your stomach, holding you in place as he kissed your body.
"Tell me, do I have your approval, Princess?" He said teasingly, smirking.
"Yes-Yes," You babbled, running your hand through his long hair.
He pulled your panties off, and his thumb massaged your clit as the other hand spread your thighs further apart.
You bit your bottom lip, keeping your legs open for Bi Han.
He inserted two digits into your heat, the cold of his fingers giving you goosebumps. He began pistoning his fingers in and out of you at a fast pace, not giving you any warning.
"Bi-Bi Han!" You grabbed at his shoulders as he continued his assault on your pussy.
"Tell me how you feel, pretty girl," He spoke, his eyes never leaving your face, obsessed with your reactions.
Let's hope you don't wake the whole castle up.
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lilbunnis · 8 months
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❛ ♡. header credit. ⎯⎯ 𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐲. ❜
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𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐩𝐭᛬ michael gavey as your boyfriend.
author’s note᛬ hii ! ♡ first time posting a concept on here--- & first time writing for my boyfriend, michael gavey. [also… i know we haven’t seen michael smoking cigarettes in the film; but it’s my canon that he does!] i hope y’all like it…& please, reblog & give me ur feedback. thank u! 🍒
warnings᛬ mdni! mentions of smut, profanity, she/her pronouns, afab reader, pussy whipped!michael, mentions of oral sex (m + f), demeaning names, [slight] mentions of bullying, pet names, romance, fluff. any grammatical errors are my own--- in advance, i sincerely apologize.
word count᛬ 591.
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꒰ ⋆ ♡⃘ michael gavey would be the most perfect, adoring and loving boyfriend--- though he could also be quite cruel sometimes; a bit of an asshole, too… all due to him being a cocky, little smartass. michael gavey is head over heels in love with you. like, obsessive--- ‘will do anything you ask of him’ in love with you. michael gavey can be a complete and utter menace; one moment, he is a total dick to you because you’re not understanding what he has been trying to explain to you [for almost two hours now], from a class you both share--- and the next, he’s apologizing with a bouquet of a dozen red roses and his mouth on your cunt for hours. afterwards, romantic words from your favorite poets would spill from his soft, naturally curved mouth, while he’d casually hand feed you cherries, occasionally lighting up cigarettes for himself. michael gavey is so ridiculously smart, he finds it quite unbelievable how utterly dense you can be whenever he compliments and flirts with you, though you'd think he's just joking around, or being a tease--- honestly, he thinks it’s kind of cute how oblivious you can be to his affections.
michael gavey might not look like it, but he’s the type of man to fuck you nasty style; can be quite possessive over you, too. most days, when your boyfriend michael gavey is studying for an upcoming exam, a lit cigarette hanging loosely from his plush lips, while his nimble fingers continued skimming through page after page of his massive textbooks, studying nonstop. sneakily, you’d go into his dormitory and drop down to your knees, before taking him into your mouth and eagerly sucking him off, causing a shout from him when he eventually comes down your raw, sore throat--- “my poor, little baby girl… such a naughty fucking thing,” he’d coo mockingly, clenching both of your blushy cheeks together with his long fingers, before he’d claim your mouth in a dirty, deeply passionate kiss.
michael gavey adores seeing you wearing his clothes, especially his oversized sweaters, because that way he can ruthlessly rut into your weeping cunt while fucking you from behind; with you only wearing his sweater. michael gavey loves the taste of your strawberry flavored lipgloss [nearly as much as he loves the taste of your sweet little pussy]--- he loves kissing your plump, juicy, glossy lips whenever he can; and fuck, having your glossy lips wrapped around his cock? let’s just say, it’s embarrassing how quickly he shoots his load down your willing, suffocating throat.
michael gavey loves the way that you smell--- like red roses, strawberry lipgloss, vanilla perfume, sweet scented candles [courtesy of you lighting them all around his dormitory], and your skin… fuckin’ hell; soft as satin and sweet as honey, always smelling of the lavender body lotion he bought for you one random day that the two of you were out shopping [yes, he was holding all of your bags like a perfect gentleman]. michael gavey might be called on the daily a loser or even a freak, but he knows that regardless of the name calling; you’ll always stand by his side, defending him with your foul [glossy] mouth. michael gavey thinks of you as his soft, delicate little angel with a heart made of glass that he must protect at all costs. michael gavey would do absolutely anything you ask of him, he is just so fucking whipped for you; you’re his first love, and hopefully, you’ll be his last.
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horrorartsworld · 4 months
lovely how are u? hope you’re doing amazing, please don’t overwork yourself and take care.
Can i send u a request? If the answer is yes…HERE I AM
There is a ball/or like an event where we have dancing involved. There reader is in a corner of the main hotel hall, looking at everybody dancing, she decides to go out in a sort of garden or whatever you want, and there meets Alastor? Maybe teasing and stuff like that YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN- surprise me darling
luv u💌
aww you sweet thing 🥺!! i’m doing well thank you and i absolutely adore everything about this request! especially the fact you trust me with such a lovely idea, so i hope i did you insane amounts of justice with this one and as always enjoy ❤︎₊ ⊹
under the pale moonlight
alastor!f reader
no warnings for this one c: just fluffy !
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Everyone at the Hazbin Hotel had came together in the last couple weeks to throw a HUGE elaborate party with the hopes of welcoming in more sinners that were accepting of their rehabilitation program. Charlie was all a buzz about it, as she loved seeing her friends so willingly help get this all together as she went to the highest extent of writing her own little speech for it (of course with yours and Vaggie’s help) and making sure to mention her little band of misfits as she would pitch it later on that evening to hopefully win a couple hearts with her insatiable charisma. 
Tonight just so happened to be the night, guests already flooding in through the doors of the main hall, you couldn’t help but look around admiring the hotel in this moment of controlled chaos with a small smile creeping onto your face since it had never looked and sounded so alive in all its time sitting here on top of the hill.
Beautiful decorations adorned the walls and any crevice the crew could find, platters with food of all kinds to dine in on, jazz music from a band Alastor had mustered up playing softly in their designated corner, and a big scribbled on sign that hung over the main doors with the words “welcum” managed to some how weasel its way into the formalities here making you giggle to yourself as your friends were so predictable.
“Bitch!! Look at you!” Angel dust compliments making you snap out of your sweet little thoughts to yourself as you looked over at him then looking down at the white gown the girls had helped you pick out blushing bashfully as you playfully fanned a hand at him then covered your cheeks. “Oh stop! Have you seen yourself!” you attempt at reciprocating the energy as you gesture towards his short pink dress that flattered him well.
He chuckles brining you in for a hug before admiring the hotel alongside you with a smug look on his face. “I can’t believe we actually did this”
“I know! i think we really outdid ourselves with this one and i bet Charlie’s shitting bricks right now seeing all these people” you snicker in which he does too at this.
“Oh without a doubt, hey! Have you seen smiles anywhere? He’d usually be all over this joint kissing ass.”
Now that he mentioned it you started to wonder where the tall deer man was, attempting to look over the crowd of demons to no avail, Alastor would’ve been easy to pick out if he was here.
“Yeah i’m not entirely-“ before you could finish your sentence Angel was dragged away to the bar by none other than Cherri Bomb, a small ‘sorry’ was mouthed to you and then you were alone with your thoughts once more.
Sighing softly to yourself you noticed the band had started playing a slower song now, demons who had partners gathered to slow dance in the middle of the floor so elegantly with the lights of the chandelier above them casting a pretty glow amongst all their usual ravaging faces, surprising and almost scaring you seeing their decency unfold in-front of you.
Continuing your watch from afar a small ache within your heart erupts as you couldn’t help but wish you had someone of your own to share moments like that with. You quite pitied yourself since you never were much of the realtionship type though now that didn’t seem to be the case. Sighing once more in shameless thought, you tear your eyes away to stop the torture amongst yourself as you desired some fresh air.
Finding yourself in Hazbin’s small little garden with the few dead frivolous plants amongst a murky pound with barely any life in it, sitting yourself on a bench in the mix of it all.
The breeze being the only nice thing as it lightly brushed through your hair and dress as you looked up at Hell’s moon for a moment as you still pondered the thought of love.
“Running away from our problems are we?”
You jump startled slipping off the bench and onto the hard ground making you huff as you stare up at the smiling bastard.
“Gosh…I must say you look quite good from down there my dear~” his voice low and oddly somewhat playful as he appears next to you in his usual attire that seemed almost too fitting for the occasion.
“Oh don’t flatter yourself” huffing once more as you scrunch your eyebrows at him, you wanted ever so badly to give him a piece of your mind, but you knew it wouldn’t do you any good in this moment since it seemed with the weight of your dress you could barley get yourself up.
He chuckles seeing your predicament as you plop around the floor before you finally give up not daring to look up at him for help as your cheeks burn from embarrassment.
“Do you need assistance darling?~”
“No” you grumble crossing your arms as he waits patiently for a moment before you say, “alright maybe i do..”
A mischievous glint passes through his eyes as you finally look back up at him shivering slightly when seeing it.
“Beg for it~”
The wind practically knocked out of you as he said it so huskily. “w-what?”
“You heard me my dear….i want you to beg for my help, it’s not that difficult to comprehend~” he teased with his eyes squinting down at you as if demanding you to do it now.
Your cheeks were on fire as your mind scrabbled with what to do, though it was painstakingly obvious.
Once your mind was right you suddenly grab his hand with your upper body pressed up against his leg giving him the best pleading eyes you could muster as you say, “p-please help me alastor~” in the sweetest voice that had him squeezing your hand.
He then pulls you up to your feet with a surprising amount of strength making you teeter about before you catch your balance once more, his hand staying in yours.
(cue the music!! ⤵️)
There’s a sudden silence that falls between the both of you with the only sound being from the soft tunes of the jazz band pouring from the windows of the hotel.
Alastor without warning grabs your hand tighter as he pulls you toward his chest, discarding his microphone for the spare of the moment without care, then rests that hand on your hip.
The sudden movements catching you off guard making your heart race a little with both the close proximity and the feeling of his touch.
“I think you deserve a dance for all my trouble tonight~”
“O-oh nonono Alastor- I can’t dance” you say bashfully trying to pull away with no budge.
“I won’t take no for an answer~” his voice stern as he keeps a hold on you as he then starts to guide you with his movements. Delicately swaying back and forth.
At first you looked like a new born bird trying to fly but eventually you started flowing along with Alastor, becoming way more comfortable with yourself. The two of you glided along the grass of the garden underneath the spotlight of the moon. You then lightly rest your head against his chest feeling the vibrations of his humming along with the song that seemed to comfort you as you shut your eyes to take it all in.
Because for some reason it seemed so perfect to you. Like you’ve finally found what you’ve been missing for all this time.
You open your eyes once more meeting Alastor’s as you softly spoke out to him,
“Yes my dear?~”
“How come i didn’t see you at the party this evening?”
“Well….because i knew i’d be seeing you~”
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vrisrezis · 9 months
OMG I REALLY LIKE UR YAN GETO HC!! It's quite rare seeing sub yan fic these days... And if u don't mind, may I rq yan Gojo hc? (No pressure tho)
Have a nice day/night!
Thank u! And yes ! I’m such a fan of subby yanderes . Makes me sad there aren’t more :((
Here’s some Yan gojo for the soul
College au? Normal Yandere stuff, gojo is possessive and very bratty and subby! umm lotsa nsfw in this one, mentions of choking, gojo is very masochistic but still very loving, kind mentions of gojo getting beaten up but … yea
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Yan! Gojo who notices you the moment you step into those door of the classroom, and he makes himself your never ending curse ever since
Yan! Gojo who is convinced you must love him, since he’s irresistible. Why wouldn’t you love him? The object of his affections has taste, after all.
Yan! Gojo who thinks you’re playing hard to get when you say you aren’t interested. There’s no need to be shy! He’s not going anywhere.
Yan! Gojo who’s delusional enough to think you’re dating simply because you looked at him a second too long.
Yan! Gojo who sees himself as the only one worthy to be in your presence. Everyone else doesn’t matter.
Yan! Gojo who loves to compliment you, but expects the same back. Otherwise he gets mad at you. However, if you ask why he’s mad he claims he’s fine ! There’s nothing wrong! But he’s silently brooding at the fact you didn’t compliment him back.
In the same breath Yan! Gojo who gets mad when you don’t notice slight changes in his appearance such as a different shampoo he’s using. He did it just for you! How could you not notice?
Yan! Gojo who insists you kiss him whenever you talk to that stupid bitch that keeps grabbing your hand.
Yan! Gojo who’s completely unashamed in how badly he wants you, and tells you as such.
Yan! Gojo who can’t get off unless you’re inside of him (whether that be your dick in him or his dick in u lol)
Yan! Gojo who wants you to pull his hair and completely wreck him. He knows he can be a overconfident brat, please put him in his place!
Because for as much as he’s the only right one for you, you’re the only right one for him. The only one that can put him in his place.
Yan! Gojo who ends up threatening your friends to leave you alone, you’re his.
Yan! Gojo who acts over confident as per usual, he’s confident in your relationship but he still gets really jealous of everyone around him.
Yan! Gojo who’s really possessive and protective of you, truly acts like your classic crazy girlfriend.
Yan! Gojo who screams at you when you talk to other people and make him jealous “on purpose”
But even after those fights, he comes back to you as if nothing ever happened an hour later, giving you the softest look and the sweetest kisses.
Yan! Gojo who gets mad at you a lot but also forgets the things that you do that make him mad… a lot.
Yan! Gojo who gets very jealous easily. Insists you fuck him to make him forget about it.
Yan! Gojo who gets clingy when he’s jealous, and starts being openly perverted and sexual as a result of his jealousness.
Yan! Gojo who likes when you choke him when you’re fucking
Yan! Gojo who looks at you with such adoration in his eyes, to him you are perfection. He loves every single part of you, because that’s what it means to love someone. Even when you piss him off, he loves every inch of you.
Yan! Gojo who insists you put him in his place constantly, please beat him up. You’re the only one that is capable of beating him up. The only one capable of touching him, he wants to constantly be reminded of how you own him.
Yan! Gojo who just wants you to use and abuse him.
Yan! Gojo who wants you to make him cry and embarrass him, he does not care about anyone else. He doesn’t care about his reputation or the people that worry about him, he wants you to wreck him beyond repair.
Yan! Gojo who just wants to be your toy, and never feels insecure about it cause he’s so convinced he’s your world, just like you’re his.
Yan! Gojo who likes taking you out on dates, he’s surprisingly romantic for being such a menace to society
Yan! Gojo who is actually very sappy despite how crazy he can be
Yan! Gojo who doesn’t try to resort to killing people but absolutely will and will feel nothing upon doing it, they have to be really persistent on talking to you.
Yan! Gojo who tricks you into thinking your friends and family dont love you and even if they did, who cares about them?
Yan! Gojo who wants to be the only one in your life, won’t understand why you don’t just ditch everyone else already.
Yan! Gojo who loves being your toy, but he also loves being your good little pretty boy.
Yan! Gojo who wants you to slap and step on his dick
Yan! Gojo who tells you how much he loves and adores you everyday
Yan! Gojo who’s so clingy it’s overwhelming
Yan! Gojo who loves you so intensely it becomes completely overbearing
Yan! Gojo who likes giving you little kisses on your neck
Yan! Gojo who lets out the cutest giggles when you do something he thinks is cute.
Yan! Gojo who laughs like a highschool girl when you make a joke
Yan! Gojo who constantly gives you literal heart eyes
Yan! Gojo who blushes when you call him pretty
Yan! Gojo who’s into you feminizing him. Call him your pretty girl.
Yan! Gojo who likes being carried by you even if he’s a lot bigger than you
Yan! Gojo who loves being kissed on the neck, he blushes like crazy
Yan! Gojo who likes being called princess
Yan! Gojo who loves you so much and tells you constantly
Yan! Gojo who’s very demanding in your relationship and isn’t exactly aware of the fact, but he loves you and would protect you. He’s the only one that deserves you. Please don’t throw him away!
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blowedtvhead · 10 months
hii lauren i hope youre having a good day! can i request a oneshot/hc's of saiki and his s/o's first time? i think it'd be SO intimate and special since it would take a while to get comfortable w going further. like i jus love the idea of two people experiencing it for the first time w each other its so emotional yk!! tysm in advance if you take this request, lots of love to u <3
Hii Anon!! Thank you so much for your kind words <3
First-time with our fav psychic <33
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Warnings: aged-up characters, fem!reader, cunnilingus, vaginal fingering, finger sucking, and vaginal sex (p in v sex)
A/N: I honestly think Saiki would be so sweet and loving during the first time (Also, I basically wrote a story with hcs, lmao)
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-- You and Kusuo have been dating for about 6 months when you two finally felt ready to take your relationship to a new level
-- He'd never trusted anyone more than he trusted you
-- The two of you talked through the event and how much it'll mean to you both (not to mention how exciting it'll be)
-- When it came to the actual night:
-- Before Kusuo came home from his day at work, you set up your shared bedroom with nice candles, soothing music, and the bed adorned with nice sheets
-- You wanted everything to be perfect
-- Kusuo came home to find you sitting on the bed, waiting patiently for him
-- You stand up and go to him, where the two of you share a sweet kiss
-- With this kiss, you wrap your arms around his neck while his hands find themselves on your waist
-- The kiss starts off sweet but becomes more passionate and heated, with your moans escaping your lips whenever Kusuo's mouth decides to kiss your neck
-- "Can I take off your shirt?" he asks in between kisses against your skin
-- "Yes, please do," you reply
-- He grabs the shirt you're wearing and lifts it over your head; he throws the garment on the floor and begins to kiss your chest and anywhere that is exposed to him
-- He gives you sweet, gentle kisses; wet and hot
-- You bring your hands up to his hair and pull slightly; you moan all the way, with Kusuo grunting slightly
-- After he's satisfied, Kusuo stops and looks at you to say something: "Can you get on the bed?" he asks
-- You nod and climb onto the bed with Kusuo following you
-- You lay under Kusuo as he kneels between your legs and he removes his own shirt
-- He places his palms on your thighs and looks at your shorts; "Can I take these off?"
-- You say yes, and he carefully grabs them and helps you to finally get out of them; leaving you in just your panties
-- Kusuo takes a moment to look at you. "You look gorgeous like this," he compliments
-- You try to cover your face because of your rising embarrassment
-- However, Kusuo takes hold of your arms and pushes them away. "Don't be like that. I wanna see just how sexy you look when I touch you"
-- He looks down at your panties and them back at you "can I?"
-- You nod, but if you're being completely honest, you're not sure what his next move will be
-- He hooks the elastic of your panties and delicately slides them off you; after which he tosses them away much like the rest of your clothing
-- "Spread your legs for me, Y/N," he says, flicking his pink eyes up at you
-- You do so, and he goes down to your pussy, giving your clit a small lick
-- You whine in response, making it clear you want him to do more
-- "Getting needy already?" Kusuo asks; you nod, and he chuckles at your honesty
-- "How cute," he says
-- Kusuo goes back to your clit and kisses it with his tongue grazing it as well
-- "K-Kusuo," you moan. "Don't tease me"
-- Without saying anything, he begins sucking and licking your clit even more; making you throw your head back on the pillow and grip the bed sheets under you
-- He licks and sucks for a bit before he brings his fingers up and circles your slit asking for entrance
-- "Please," is your response, and he slowly inches his fingers within you
-- Kusuo is slow with his fingers and tongue, not wanting to overwhelm you quite yet
-- He watches for your reactions and sees your eyebrows knitted together with your glossy, pretty eyes watching him; your pretty moans filling his delighted ears
-- His fingers thrust in and out with his sucking of your clit going faster and deeper
-- You begin to feel hot, and your orgasm begins to build; making your pussy hug around Kusuo's fingers tightly
-- Kusuo lifts his head up to speak to you to say, "Gonna cum? Hmm?"
-- "I—ah! Yes," you reply
-- "Then go ahead," he eggs and continues to finger-fuck you
-- You feel yourself let out, and your orgasm drenches Kusuo's fingers
-- "Good girl," Kusuo tells you; he brings his fingers out of you and looks at your lips. "Can you clean them up?"
-- You nod eagerly, and he brings them to you, where you obediently suck and lick his fingers, tasting yourself
-- "Think you can handle a bit more for me?" Kusuo asks as he removes his fingers from your mouth
-- You nod once again
-- Kusuo lifts himself up and brings his body close to you, and hovers above you
-- "You sure?" he asks, just wanting to confirm
-- "Yes, I'm very sure," you tell him
-- He grabs the rest of his own clothing and strips it off, leaving himself exposed like you
-- The two of you share another kiss before proceeding
-- Kusuo then puts his hands on your thighs again and spreads them so he can have full access to your entrance
-- Kusuo uses your arousal and past orgasm to his advantage and collects it on his cock
-- You moan and whimper from the feeling of his cock on you
-- “I’m going to go slow, alright? I don’t want to hurt you,” Kusuo tells you
-- “O-Okay,” you gasp out
-- True to his word, when Kusuo begins to enter you, he’s slow
-- He watches you as you try to accommodate his length and girth since this is the first time you’ve had to
-- When he bottoms out, Kusuo stops before doing more
-- “Are you okay for me to move?” Kusuo asks
-- You shift a bit so you adjust yourself and him, which makes you more comfortable
-- "Yes, you can move," you say
-- Kusuo begins to thrust in and out of you at a manageable pace that he knows you can handle
-- His cock going into your pussy begins to feel good, and you clutch at Kusuo's shoulders as a way to ground yourself; your moans once again being heard
-- "Fuck," Kusuo curses. "You feel so good;" he begins to moan along with you
-- His eyes close, and he brings his face close to your neck and shoulder, making his moans reach right at your ears
-- "Mm, Kusuo!" you moan; his cock begins to brush against a place within you that makes the heat in your body build once again
-- "K-Keep going, just like this," you plea, and he keeps up his actions
-- "S-Shit," Kusuo can feel just how hot your body is getting, and it feels so good
-- His thrusts keep hitting the place within you, and you can feel your orgasm coming; you feel yourself close around Kusuo's cock and he begins to curse and moan even more
-- You finally cum once again, and when Kusuo moves his cock there's a small white ring around it; however, Kusuo is more focused on cumming himself within you
-- You grip onto Kusuo even more as you ride out your orgasm and feel your overstimulated pussy try to keep up with Kusuo's merciless thrusts
-- "Fuck, just a bit more," Kusuo reassures you
-- His thrusts begin to be erratic, and he even increases his speed; chasing his own orgasm
-- You feel his cock begin to twitch within you, meaning he's very close
-- Kusuo kisses your shoulder to quiet himself as he finally cums into your pussy
-- You feel his warm cum fill you up
-- Kusuo and you stay just as close for a bit longer so you can catch your breaths
-- When Kusuo pulls his cock out of you, you feel some of his cum seep out of you
-- "Hold on, I'll clean you up," Kusuo says and slowly gets up from the bed and goes over to the bathroom
-- He comes back and has a warm wet towel which he uses to clean you with
-- "You did amazing," "You looked so beautiful," "I'm so happy you are my first," he compliments
-- You reach out and touch his arm sweetly "I'm so happy you're my first too, Kusuo"
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Networks: @enchantedforest-network || @planetonet || @themovingcastlez
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devourers-of-god · 3 months
Hello again! As I understand it, applications are still open aha... I hope I haven't tormented you (sorry, I'm just wildly delighted with your work, and there are too many ideas in my head)
In general... it seems to me that it is quite difficult for Sally to open up to people, despite the fact that he is a very kind boy. It seems to me that he may be shocked by excessive tactility and emotionality
So, what about an overly active f!reader who likes to hold hands with friends, and hugs at a meeting, and kisses on the cheeks (sorry, this is literally me, and at the same time all my friends are not particularly tactile, aha ...). I was thinking that the reader might like Sal... how do you think he would react? And yes, it can be either fan fiction or headcannons, whatever you want aha. I will read everything with pleasure!!!
HI!! thank you SO much for the compliments, you are the sweetest! You are SO right about Sal D: ANS ALSO you do not torment me !!!! the requests are slow these days and im sooo happy you're taking the time to ask me stuff !I will do a one shot for this lololsorry this took a while to write, I had exams, school and work :P BUTTT I got my drivers licence LOLLL okep thanks for your request!!! and if you ever have more ideas, it will be my pleasure to try and portray your ideas with my writing!
Warnings: None, fluff ? u guys are not dating lololol
Type: Oneshot
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Oneshot -
Everyone described you with few words; bubbly, a social butterfly and VERY affectionate. You were not shy to pour your heart out to someone when needed, but you also were the first one to help a friend in need.
You always thought that being this touchy and nice to people was just common manners, until you be friended Sal Fisher.
Sal Fisher was an interesting individual, his everyday life was affected by years of torment explained by his flashbacks. He wasted a lot of his youth because Sal was isolating himself, not talking to anyone, not even his father. Even though his ''beloved'' father wasn't trying to help him to begin with. Though, this caused the young boy to develop an awkwardness to someone's touch and Sally could not properly explain to someone how he felt, he couldn't quite put words on his true feelings. Being touched, brushed or even just the thought of all this, made Sal feel something he couldn't even express. Sal was hollow, basically a shell of a human.
You luckily moved to Nockfell, the infamous town that your family wanted to move in so bad. You and your family landed in the Addison's apartments, there you met the tall Larry Jonhson. It was easy to get along with this guy anyway, you found yourself very lucky that day because the metalhead introduced you to Sal Fisher. You two will eventually end up together, but you don't know that yet.
For you, it was love at first sight. You Immediately complimented the way Sal presented himself. Basically showering him with compliments, especially his mask and hair. It wasn't your fault that you're this friendly, its the usual y/n. Sal Fisher felt almost claustrophobic by your gestures, weirdly appreciated that. You were not aware but this boy is secretly craving compliments, being this lonely for this long had affected the poor boy.
As the weeks passed, you and the blue haired boy hung out often, which made you delighted. You two were eating lunch together while the others had an art project to complete. Mr. Fisher and you were discussing when suddenly Sal made you laugh, your reflexes got the best of you and pushed him gently. Sal smiled to himself as his face turned crimson. ''God you are so funny, you need to stop my cheeks are hurting!!'' You confessed as you chuckled lightly. ''Pretty sure my name is Sal ,y/n'' your crush responded. You punched his shoulder gently, just as a way of saying to shut it. You knew that Sal was not introduced properly to your love language, but luckily you asked his closest friends about all of this. They approved to you that the masked boy isn't disturbed by it. It motivated you to not hide your true self, since your upcoming boyfriend is fond of it.
In an instant, the bell rang. You got up quickly and held Sal's hand to make sure he's following. You didn't want to lose him in the crowded halls right? Or did you just want an excuse to hold his hand? Sal figured this out but never told you.
Arrived to his locker, you were so happy that day and your nature took over suddenly, you peeked a small kiss on the cheek of Sal's prosthetic. '' See ya Sal! Goodluck with your math test-'' You yelled out as you escaped. You were proud of yourself too, you really liked Sal and the only way to show it is with affection and physical touch. You could not believe you actually did that. The next class felt like it was the longest ever, the school system was seperating you from your future lover.
Meanwhile, Sal's train of thoughts was going faster than usual. He froze in place for a good 5 minutes with his face hotter than when he had the flu. He thought to himself that you might like him, but Sal reasoned himself after saying that you probably do that to everyone. He wasn't so special, he thought. Normally, affecting gestures are not welcome for Sal Fisher, but you stood out. He actually felt great in your embrace. Even though he's not quick enough to hug back sometimes, he melts every time.
''Man I know you like her, you don't even let us touch you dude.'' Larry said after Sal reported everything of today. Sal closed his locker door a bit louder than he should've.
''Fuck off Larry. She's just different I guess.'' Sal retorted, what's left of his face turned a tint of pink, ballet pink to be exact. Sal thought to himself that he was pleased that the school day finally ended, they could finally go home and play som- Sal's thoughts were cut off by you hugging Sal as a way of greeting. He felt his legs soften beneath him. Sal's heart skipped various beats. '' Hi Sal!! Oh hi Larry! What are you guys up to after school?'' You smiled wildly as you got closer to Sal, which made him shiver. Larry started to smirk in a more of an evil way ''Oh I'm actually busy tonight but I know that Sal wanted to hang out with you y/n'' Sal bumped into him ''accidentally''.
Your cheeks flushed as you looked away ''I would love to! My parents are picking me up today so- text me okay?'' You ended your sentence with a small wink directed to Sal. You quickly left to go in your guardian's car. Suddenly you didn't feel like walking like everyone else, you were so happy you skipped your way to the car. Sal's jaw was hanging since Larry opened his ''dumb mouth'' as Sal would say.
''Youre welcome my man!'' Larry chuckled.
'' Get lost.''
HELLO!! hope you liked it :) I don't know why, im less satisfied with this.. if there's anything you guys think I should add please feel free to share your thoughts with me!! Per usual, stay safe and MY REQUESTS ARE ALWAYS OPEN!!!! its currently almost 1 am lawd goodnight friends :) P-S: we're almost at 150 followers!!!!!! very exciting :DDDD thank you!!
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kumimi3 · 8 months
can i request a fic where gun goes to a club/bar w very very VEERY shy S/O who gets all red at the slightest touch ^^ u can add nsfw too if u want love your works
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❪ LOOKISM BOYS<33 ❫ ❮   bunny darling ⟡ I'm deeply sorry for making you wait for so long anon!!! I didn't have enough time to answer this(It didn't help that ive only seen this last week) Please forgive me love :(( ↳ 
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notes: suggestive nsfw at the end(wont turn into full smut thought)
Gun does not care much for interactions, if it was for him, he would've completely left the club and be with you for the rest of the night, but he couldn't--All thanks to that stupid, piss-haired man
Although, it was a good thing you were here with him, but if anything, he wondered why you agreed to come with him to a club when you're just so shy?
"You didn't have to come just because of me. You know that clubs like this are often than not, dangerous... Right, bunny?"
Bunny... It was a cute nickname he called you most of the time, it was simple and definitely a relation to your shyness that has him reminded of a bunny
"W-Well... I didn't want you to leave so early" You muttered in embarrassment, "And, well--Uhm... I've always been curious what a club is like."
Gun hummed at your explanation before holding your waist, pressing a soft kiss on your head before guiding you inside the wild yet luxurious club
"Always so thoughtful... Just stick close to me and you'll be fine. Do you understand?"
"Yes, I do."
It was a good thing the club was more catered to the rich people rather than your typical club, it was more... Tolerable, quite good enough for your first time, Gun thinks.
The moment you entered, you held the hem of Gun's lavish suit when you see everyone look at you in either lust or in awe. No one came blame each other, you were very mesmerizing to look at
"They're looking at me... Gun, is there something wrong? Please, please, I don't think I can handle this--"
"Nothing's wrong, Y/n. Believe me, if one of them were looking at you weirdly, I'd kill them."
You gulped at the amount of stared you were getting, but it changed the moment you feel Gun's hand covering your eyes, feeling him guide you by the waist as he walked towards a more silent area
Gun heard all of the whispered compliments they gave you and he can't help but smirk in pride. You're the woman he loves and takes pride in, his trophy, of course they should think that way.
The moment you entered the circled seat, you yelped and blushed deeply the moment Gun has you seated on his lap, facing him. With widened eyes, you whimpered in embarrassment before covering your face with your hands.
The sight was adorable to Gun, even after all the time he placed on you on his lap, he couldn't help but love the reaction you give him.
"But there's so many seats available, w-why on your lap... Gun! This is so embarrassing, what if someone sees--"
"Isn't my lap more comfortable? Didn't know my girl was so picky when choosing where to place her butt on. Is the couch more better than me?"
The more he continued to speak, the more you blushed so deeply your whole face was going red. You didn't see his teasing eyes when you hid your face on his chest, accepting his lap hesitatingly as you tried to find a more comfy way to sit.
Too bad, it caught Gun's attention as the more you moved, the more he felt yourself rubbing close to his, well... Thing
"Oi, what do you think you're doing?"
"Just t-trying to sit more comfortably, a-am I moving too much? I'm sorry, I--"
It dawned you too late once you felt something protruding through your entrance as you stayed silent in shock while Gun merely looked at with a sudden change in his eyes--A more beast-like kind.
Hoping to at least ease the situation, you were about to stand up before he held your waist and made you sit on top of his hardening cock through his pants
"Close the curtains."
You knew he shouldn't be questioned when he's being like this, so you obediently close the dark curtains, blocking the both of you from any of the people outside
If you two were truly to do sex right now(which will, actually) you just hoped nobody would know, please, please, just dont. Your thoughts were cut the moment you squeaked in surprise at the touch of Gun's lips on yours.
Holding on to his shoulder for balance, his hand was placed on the back of your head before kissing more deeply, bucking his hips to satisfy himself, it'll only take a few more whimpers from you until he'll finally lose it and fuck you like an animal
"No matter how many times I sit you on my lap, you never seem to know that if you move too much, you'll get fucked. You never learn, do you?"
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okkalo · 1 year
Good day~ If your requests are open can I ask you for Chigiri, Nagi and Rin when they have a crush and how they'd confess headcanons please? Have a nice day!~
hi anon! congrats on being my first request <3 i hope u have a nice day too!
reminder that requests are open!! if you have any questions about my requests feel free to send an ask!
second part here with: reo, hiori, and karasu
characters: chigiri, nagi, rin
heart is beating up and down!
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- i headcanon chigiri values quality time
- he’s constantly inviting you to go out or come over (i also headcanon that he makes u avoid his sister when ur at his place bc he thinks she’s just that weird)
- i can imagine you guys getting compliments on being a cute couple in public. he gets so embarrassed and tries to his his face from you. “who says stuff like that?” his play-it-off quote
- he would confess to you in a park. it had been early mid-evening, you guys had just gotten desserts from a nearby cafe and decided to enjoy them on a bench in the park
- after you both had finished your food there was kinda a moment of silence, which was not awkward! it was a more enjoy-the-moment kind of silence
- he decided to break it, finding this a good place to confess to you. “hey, y/n?” you replied with a small hum, looking over at him. you got a little worried seeing him so serious.
- “i like you, a lot.” he would look at you while saying this, his eyes reflecting his confession (god i would pass out on the spot)
- would not be opposed with a kiss, however, he will not engage it!
- pls say you feel the same. imagine his soft smile once you say that
- he’s probably the hardest one to spot with a crush
- would definitely hang around you more, skip practice to see you (pre blue lock ofc) pls call reo and tell him to get nagi.
- would probably somehow make it a thing where he’s always resting his head on you. be it your shoulder or your lap. he also does the thing where he comes up from behind you and rests his chin on the top of your head!!
- he also likes quality time (he’s bigger on physical affection) so he’s probably at your house a few times a week (probably not much public places)
- i feel like he would ask reo for advice on confessing? pls nagi is so hopeless he doesn’t know what to do..he probably gags at all of reo’s ideas, deeming them “cringey”
- i bet he would confess when you guys arrived at your house. he had walked you home (surprising) but couldn’t stay so he just said it when you were about to go inside
- really awkward because he did it so casually? you had to ask him to repeat himself because you couldn’t believe what just happened (he just replied “i like you.” 😐🧍‍♂️)
- if you say you feel the same then and there he would probably just say “cool” like? he’s so stupid, save him.
- i do not think he would kiss you after the confession!! he would save it for another day!
- i will also believe he would be the guy to think you guys are dating even though he never asked you out or anything? reo has to tell him to confess and nagi is just like “?? we’re already dating??”
- PLS i can also imagine he tried to confess to you in a game but you stopped playing it so you never saw LOL. you start playing it again 4 months after you guys are official and just see “i like you” — 5 months ago
- ilovehimilovehimilovehim.
- he probably takes awhile to confess, hoping his feelings would die but only to find out they grew stronger (he’s terrified of rejection [thanks sae.])
- he would probably do things for you without even noticing. oh, you’re hungry? have his breakfast bar. oh, you’re thirsty? have a drink of his water.
- if he gets called out on it he’ll scoff out a “shut up.” will add an insult unique to the person calling him out too (lukewarm will always be in it however). yes, he’s also blushing (don’t say anything about it!)
- will be so down bad if you do something for him too
- he actually confesses when you’re worrying over his ankle. he was practicing by himself and you were watching and all of a sudden he just stopped moving, to which you quickly ran out on the field to find out what happened.
- “rin you should stop for tonight. i’m not trying to say—.” “i love you.”
- he doesn’t even mean to say it.
- pls kiss him. this man has felt this way for months (he’s probably made you wait that long too)
- if u say you don’t feel the same? bye. im crying for his sake
- if you tell him you feel the same he wouldn’t know what to say back (it would be so awkward). so pls just kiss him.
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unedited thank you for reading!
ps. sorry if chigiri’s is weird?
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xkotaro16o · 2 years
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—𝙾𝙿 𝙼𝚎𝚗'𝚜 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝚂𝚎𝚎𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚃𝚑𝚎𝚒𝚛 𝙵!𝚂/𝙾 𝚆𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚊 𝚂𝚑𝚘𝚛𝚝 𝚂𝚔𝚒𝚛𝚝—
Summary: Headcanons where a few OP men see their S/O is wearing a short skirt. What’s their reaction?
Pairing: Roronoa Zoro x F!S/O, Charlotte Katakuri x F!SO, Vinsmoke Sanji x F!S/O, Eustass Kid x F!S/O.
CW: Fluff, slight cursing, slightly suggestive, grammatical error, OOC.  
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—𝚁𝚘𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚘𝚊 𝚉𝚘𝚛𝚘—
To be honest, at first Zoro doesn't realize about it. But not after you walk pass by him when he's awake. Dear, that outfit of yours... Interesting. Very interesting he sees right there.
In the beginning of the relationship, he couldn't help but to blush at the sight. Look at how gorgeous you are! Also, this man stares at it and snaps when he realizes he stares too much (also doesn't want for his friends to tease him about it).
BUT after he gets used to it, oh damn. He smirks and enjoys the view in front of him right now. Actually, he doesn't care what kind of clothes you're wearing as long as you're comfortable, BUT THIS IS VERY INTERESTING.
In private, his hand starts to get a little bit out of control. Grabbing, squeezing, touching your skin. In the dinner table, he puts one of his hands on your thigh. Also, he doesn't let the other people stares with a lust gaze or touch you. No. He'll cut them.
"You look sexy in that skirt, babe, seriously. Always perfect, huh."
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—𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚕𝚘𝚝𝚝𝚎 𝙺𝚊𝚝𝚊𝚔𝚞𝚛𝚒—
Honey, Katakuri loves whatever clothes you're wearing. Unfortunately, those skirt you wear makes him blush and flustered messily. He knows it's inappropriate for him to stare too much, but he couldn't help it, you're very... Gorgeous.
Thank goodness his scarf helps him to hide his blush. NO ONE can see him in this state, well except Brûlée and you. Let's see, in public, he'll smile under his scarf and probably peek at you every time he has the chance to.
He won't stare at you, he knows it's rude. But it'll be a different case if you guys are in a private place. He praises you here and there, he's very sweet, right? A little bit touching and caressing your skin as well. Darling, you look perfect in his eyes.
But don't tease him, no. Unless you're inviting the hidden beast to come out and have a feast. That's a different story, dear.
"S/O, that skirt suits you a lot. You look pretty in everything, sweetheart."
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—𝚅𝚒𝚗𝚜𝚖𝚘𝚔𝚎 𝚂𝚊𝚗𝚓𝚒—
Are you trying to kill Mr. Prince? Because Sanji is a SIMP for you, for his precious and perfect S/O. He'll literally compliment you in every clothes you wear. BUT THAT SKIRT? Damn, baby.
He notices it SO FAST. Even the lightning couldn't match his speed. His eyes are all over you and your body. Compliment here and there as well.
Wait, is it too short? Yes, expect him to lose a lot of blood afterwards and Chopper cries because Chopper thinks Sanji is about to die. Yes, die from blissfulness. No matter what place are you two at, he'll still praise you and show you all of his love.
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—𝙴𝚞𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚜𝚜 𝙺𝚒𝚍—
This dude, this metalhead, this captain grins so wide when he sees you walk out from the room wearing a short skirt. He'll brag you to everyone, literally everyone, ESPECIALLY THE CREW.
Like you see that woman who's wearing a short skirt and looks so freaking hot, sexy, pretty right there? You see how stunning she is? Yes, that's HIS S/O. Don't forget about this but this man has no shame.
He teases you in public, not just with words but also with his actions. Try not to scream in surprised when his hand suddenly smack your butt or grab your thighs. It's not his fault that you look so hot in that skirt.
Later, he'll have you all by himself. Just don't stare too much, only he who could stare at you that much. In private, everything will get more dangerous. What do you expect from Eustass Kid anyway?
"Babe, you look so fuckin' sexy, damnit. I can see your pretty ass from here."
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mossmurdock · 4 months
grocery clerk suguru x youtuber reader... we r officially walking people (we r holding hands btw) @twentyfivemiceinatrenchcoat i hope u dont mind being tagged but i know u were excited about this!!
OK! so this is such a specific concept but it is so very special to me. i imagine suguru working as a clerk with one of those cute little aprons some stores sometimes have their employees wear. so he's got this little job but then later at home he likes messing around online.
yes guys, im making him a little streamer in this au i couldn't help myself. (what games he likes to play specifically i'm not too sure about yet, but i think he likes to stream a variety of things!) he's got a small audience but he's found that it's a cool way for him to decompress so he really enjoys it!
anyway back to the reader. you come into the store suguru works at pretty frequently, with an array of impressively well picked groceries almost every single time. he likes to play this little game when gets bored on shift where he guesses what people are cooking based on what they buy, and you're by far his favourite any time he plays it.
it's a little embarrassing to admit, but you're kind of the best part of his week. always so kind even on days he notices you're in a rush or stressed out, bidding him a good day after you're done bagging your items, a small smile on your lips the few times you raise your head to look at him.
suguru notices that you seem to favor him anytime he's at the registers, feeling an odd sort of pride whenever he spots you scanning the lines and choosing his every-time. call him delusional, but it sort of becomes hard to ignore when you choose him even when a register with a much shorter line is available.
for some reason he's found it strangely difficult to break the ice with you, finding it hard to secede from his practiced script in the short time the two of you share a space. the most deviation he's been able to muster in the past weeks has been asking you if you'd like to sign up for the store's rewards card.
subconsciously searching for something to point out casually takes him a few troubling days, but he finally conjures something in the spur of the moment. right as he's handing you back your cash, suguru notices the vibrant colour of your nails; they're different from last months.
"I like your nails," he mentions quickly, semi distracted by the upcoming customer already beginning to place their items on the belt.
You look up from your bagging and Suguru is able to literally catch the way your face brightens, fixated on the flash of your teeth and the crinkle of your eye. It's the first time he's seen your cheeks rise up so high, delightfully different from the subtle smiles you've granted him till now.
"Thank you," you reply, a laugh laced into your voice. And then you're gone again, throwing a sincere good bye over shoulder, bag hung over your arm, and stepping out the automatic doors.
the interaction is short, brief enough to have suguru thinking about it the rest of the day. latching onto it enough that he finally buys that nail polish remover he's been needing to wipe away the chipped mess on his own fingertips. and maybe he repaints them new with you in mind.
it goes on like this for a little while. you notice the new colour on suguru the next time you see him and compliment it. he does the same for yours, mentioning how close it is to one of his favourite shades. actively holding back from slyly commenting on how you've been subtly matching it to his preferences based on your short conversations. blue, green, black; anything he mentions makes a subtle cameo onto the design of your nails in the following weeks or so.
he never explicitly mentions you during his little streams, but suguru does have this thing where he'll mention craving a specific food that's related to what he'd seen you buy that specific afternoon to his chat. it's fun to mention it to his few viewers, sometimes they'll recommend him tutorials on how to make certain things or even share their own recipes. it often ends rather jokingly, with crazy inedible recipes no one would dare follow, but some times it can be rather wholesome.
one night, he gets off stream and actually decides to check a few of them out. aimlessly scrolling through both the serious and unserious suggestions.
he never would have imagined recognizing your nails, jewelry, and voice after typing in the title of a video and pressing on it.
turns out the reader makes content themselves! they've got this semi-popular cooking channel they've been growing for the past two years or something like that. i like to think it started off as something sort of accidental for you. like one of your close friends liking your cooking so much that they beg you to share it.
then you just kind of picked up the habit of making different types of videos by following a vague schedule. you found yourself really enjoying the process of making the food and sharing the way you did it with people. one of your favourite parts is reading the comments of your videos and seeing how people's food turned out for them, if they liked the taste or if they cooked it for someone else.
it's been a motivator to indulge in your groceries a little more. eventually you switch over to buying at the more expensive grocery store more often in order to purchase higher quality ingredients.
it helps that you meet geto there, the cute clerk who has a sweet voice.
you grow to enjoy him being part of your routine. a small part of you even believes him ringing you up adds a dash of luck to how your cooking will turn out that week.
the more you've frequented, the chattier he's gotten, gracing you more with that silken voice of his. it almost reminds you of a warm meal.
but this afternoon seems odd.
geto can't seem to stop staring at your hands today.
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kafus · 2 months
as the resident ceo of likodot, what are your thoughts on the scene in episode 9 where dot ends up being the one who gives liko the courage she needs to tell her father that she wants to continue traveling with the RVT?
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AH YES. THIS SCENE. I HAVE MANY THOUGHTS. THANK U FOR ASKING. apologies if this post is messy i have brainfog but i wanted to answer it anywayyyy
dot and liko's early connection is pretty interesting to me because at the time of this episode, the two barely know each other. dot first appears in episode 7 and this happens a couple episodes later in episode 9... not a lot of time has passed.
at this point in episode 9, liko knows that dot:
is murdock's niece and around the same age as her
is a tech wiz who wrote the app the RVT use to maintain the brave asagi and talk to each other
is good at gathering info online too
is a social recluse
does not eat very well/doesn't eat with other people
is interested in legendary pokemon, mysteries, that sort of stuff
and of course, she has heard the gurumin theme song coming from dot's room, and seen her quaxly, which leads to the iconic misunderstanding that dot is a huge fan of gurumin and not... literally gurumin lol
on the other hand, liko has no idea what dot looks like, does not know anything about her history, and has not had a proper conversation with her - their only communications have been through her bedroom door, first through quaxly bringing her and roy notes (which are drawings to interpret and not even actual written words), then when dot yells angrily at her to shut up/go away because she's interrupting dot setting up for her livestream, and then when dot finally budges just enough to mention her interest in legendaries & mysterious things.
by all regards dot is probably more of a concept to liko at this point than a whole person; a disembodied sometimes-voice who belongs to someone that deserves to be reached out to, but who hasn't actually been reached yet. this is overtly clear with her misunderstanding about dot being a gurumin fan - liko is piecing together who she thinks dot is with very little context clues and actual interactions and she is literally drawing the wrong conclusions lol. at most right now liko is interested in dot because of the whole gurumin thing... and because she's just a compassionate person who can't imagine that the person behind that door is a bad one, or someone who should be ignored, so she's compelled to learn more and reach out and figure dot out.
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and that's the thing. liko is just naturally the sort of person to want to go out of her way to reach out to dot despite knowing pretty much nothing about her personally, and even having their first couple of interactions be rude ones. she follows through - she takes dot's lunch to her, makes sure to say "i'll talk to you later" and thank her for things, in a way that roy isn't (not to say that roy doesn't care, but liko is focused on her in particular). sure, the idea that they have a mutual interest in gurumin definitely helps, but she was interested before that and wasn't thrown off by her rude drawing of roy losing to fuecoco even before she started associating dot with gurumin. and this, especially coming from a peer and not a worried adult, is certainly foreign to dot and she kind of doesn't know how to deal with it, but it means a lot to her.
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^ i think this bit at the end of episode 8 after liko and roy walk away is a really good summary of how dot is about all of this. she's reclusive, doesn't like noise, likes being in her own space, and she's "supposed" to find people like roy and liko irritating... but she can't help but smile about them being around, and while thinking about them.
oh, and of course dot has been overwhelmed by liko's compliments towards her work as gurumin even though liko doesn't know that's who she's complimenting. she's a popular youtuber and i'm sure she gets compliments from people all the time, but this is definitely a foreign experience for her in person, coming from someone verbally like that, not to mention how genuine and passionate liko is about it. i mean it makes her blush like this okay come on:
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ALL OF THIS is to say that liko is a meaningful person to dot at this point, despite how little liko actually knows about her. liko has reached out to her in a way that no one has before, has directly complimented her work/passion, and has responded to her rudeness/antisocial behavior with even more curiosity instead of shying away.
so like of course when it's possible that liko is going to leave, she's upset about it and wants to do something about it. this is such a new situation and she's still so reclusive that she needs a little push from landau (who knows her well enough to tell she has emotions about this despite her not exactly wearing them on her sleeve), but the feelings she has about liko are enough to push her through, just enough to leave a wordless drawing by her door, which is massive for her at this point in time.
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liko's response to this is understandably not super expressive or emotional, and in fact right after seeing the drawing, she first has a far more emotive conversation with mollie and orio and then roy, before eventually taking the drawing with her to dot's door and thanking her. she still doesn't know dot that well and honestly even though she was thinking that dot was opening up a little bit, she probably didn't expect this gesture. she doesn't know how meaningful her reaching out to dot has actually been.
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regardless, she understands the meaning of the drawing and once again goes to talk to her, even without expecting a response back, and is able to go leave and tell her dad she wants to stay on the brave asagi, so it obviously contributed to her courage. it's proof that even this person who she barely knows cares about her and wants her to stay, and it also rewards her efforts of reaching out and proves to her that yes, dot is opening up and receiving liko's attempts at reaching out - her advances aren't unwanted. how's she supposed to leave now that she's sunk this time and effort into connecting with dot? dot is not the only reason she wants to stay of course, but it's a piece of the puzzle. she can't just leave now that they've made this connection successfully!!
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dot says this after liko's already left, but regardless they've made a connection in their own unique, nonverbal way, and of course everything between them continues to grow from here.
so anyway all of this is to say i think it's fascinating the way these two connect mostly without words and through action/gesture at the start of the series, and i think the lopsidedness of their connection with each other is actually pretty interesting and reveals how much liko's compassion and efforts affect dot early on. she really is the vessel through which dot comes out of her shell and that's evident from the beginning
ALSO as an aside, very cute that dot does these little doodles at all? they aren't bad!! liko also draws... even though dot doesn't seem to take it as seriously or have it as an actual hobby i think they should draw together i think this would be cute JIOSJDOF
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oddballwriter · 6 months
Here for smut requ!!
Steven having a crush on shy reader n they go on a date and Marc coaches him on what to say and do cuz Steven is a bit nervous and he knows she likes his hands and him praising her and stuff but he doesn’t know how to go about but Marc does 😼
So when they make it to his apartment the once so gentle Steven became rough and dominant.
Thank u and if u don’t end up doing it sorry for wasting ur time.
Just Go with It
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Summary: A very nervous date leads to going over to Steven's place. The both of you are very shy but with the help of Marc, Steven manages to get something started by talking to you and pouring a cup of tea.
Warnings: I didn't actually make smut from this, I'm sorry, but there is talk about the reader having a thing for Steven's hands and being flustered by compliments and praise from Steven. It's kind of a fade to black depending on how you want to look at it. 
Author’s Snip: I know that Anon asked for smut but I just couldn't find it in me to actually write some smut, so I did my best to make it a fade to black instead Also it's not fully what Anon asked but I don't really like the trope of the system swapping without the reader knowing that there even is a system. So yeah. I hope this is good enough.
I’ll shut up now. Enjoy! And don’t be afraid to request.
Word Count: 1,574
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Steven isn't usually nervous or scared when entering into his own flat, but right now his nerves are all in power drive. After a nice date with you, that he had to have Marc coach him through because he didn't really know what to say or do, Steven, on his own, asked if you wanted to come back to his flat to have some tea and talk some more. Something that he has no idea how he managed to courage up saying when waiting for the bill to come back. And when you said yes, he tried to keep his cool and excused himself to go to the restroom, thankfully empty, to make himself more nervous about the possibilities of what might happen now.
"Why are you freaking out, Steven? You managed to do that on your own." Marc questions in the reflection of the mirror. "Because I didn't mean to open up a bloody can of worms, Marc! I just meant that as in actually talking and having a cup of tea!" Steven exclaims as he hides his red face in his hands. "Okay? Then just do that, buddy." Marc answers. "But what if she thought that I was secretly asking to hook up with her and she expects me to make a move at some point?" Steven whines. "Well, in that case, I'm sure she'll have a tell once you're there and if that happens then just go with it if you want," Marc suggests, "It's not that hard." he comments. Steven cringes at that last statement, "It's not that hard for you, mate. But it is for me. I've never gotten intimate with a person before.".
Marc sighs. "Steven, listen. This is your date. You managed to do pretty well on your own with a few pointers from me. I can only help you so much. But if it comes to maybe getting laid tonight, I can't really help you. I'm willing to bet that you don't want me in your ear while you're getting it. If you want, I can tell you if she's giving signs that she wants to go all the way but after that, it's all on you." Marc explains, giving his alter an offer and some extra help in the situation. "If she doesn't show off anything then you guys can just have your tea and talk or whatever." Marc says. Steven looks towards Marc and nods before taking a deep breath and leaving the bathroom to head back to his flat with you.
So now with a kettle on the stove, you and Steven sit on his sofa. "Dinner was nice." you comment, attempting to break the silence in the flat. Steven nods, embarrassed at the idea that he let an awkward silence brew, "Yeah. I found the restaurant a while back, I needed to do something else around there and when I came across it I was like "Oh would you look at that", you know?" Steven rambles before realizing that he was rambling. He also realizes that he's been fidgeting with his hands and immediately stops and folds them when he sees you looking at them, giving a whispered 'sorry'.
"No no, it's fine. I fidget with my hands too." you say as you look back down at them. "They look nice," you mutter under your breath, "They are?" Steven questions. You realize what you've said and backtrack, "I mean, you know, they just look very well maintained. Guys hardly take care of their hands and they sometimes look kinda ugly." you explain.
"Do they really look that nice?" Steven asks as he holds his hands out for the both of you to get a better look at them. You shyly take one of them and feel the skin with your thumb "Yeah." you say, "They feel really soft actually." you remark as you give the one you're holding a little squeeze. Upon looking closer you ask "You file your nails?". Steven, who was caught up in the fact that you were holding and feeling his hands, and thus he was feeling yours, snaps out of it and answers "Yeah, I do. I bite at the edges of them sometimes and so I file them so that they look better.", "It also helps to keep them short so that dirt doesn't get under them." he adds. "Well, they look very well kept." you comment timidly.
Steven nods as a thank you before hearing a 'psst' nearby. He looks towards the source and finds Marc looking at him from the reflection of his TV. Steven gives him a 'what' look. "She likes your hands." Marc points out. "Yes, I know." Steven responds in his head with a slight I'm-not-dumb tone. "No, Steven. She really likes your hands." Marc objects, "Maybe she wants you to do something with them?" Marc prompts with a tone that reads 'if you know what I mean'. Steven thinks about it before he notices that you're still holding and slightly feeling up his hands.
Steven tries to think of something to say or do in this situation, realizing that this might be going faster than he thought it would, but the sound of the kettle starting to whistle steals his attention before he can. With a quiet "Excuse me." and pulling his hands away, Steven gets up, takes the kettle off the stove, and grabs two mugs.
"Pour the tea in front of her. Give her a bit of a show." Marc suggests. "Shut up." Steven mumbles but freezes when you ask "Hm?" indicating that you slightly heard him, Steven recovers by saying "Sugar in your cup?" like he's repeating himself. You smile and say "Yes, a spoon, please." you request. Steven nods and pours a spoonful of sugar into your cup but takes the empty cups to the coffee table and actually does pour the tea in front of you like suggested.
Your eyes flicker between his hands that are on the kettle with a rag and Steven's face. You blush just a little, that would have gone unnoticed if Steven wasn't slightly expecting it. He pours his cup and walks back into the kitchen to leave the kettle. "I told you she'd like it." Marc says from the reflection of the kettle. Steven flashes him a look that radiates the words "Shut the hell up." before dropping it once he makes his way back to the sofa with you.
"You know I really enjoyed spending time with you tonight. I was surprised when you asked me out to dinner." you say as you gently swish around the tea in your cup to help the sugar mix as it dissolves. Steven raises his eyebrows for a bit in surprise at hearing that, "How come?" he asks. "Well..." you stammer, "You're very smart and polite, and handsome. I thought that you would have had someone already. Most guys like you are hard to come by nowadays and most have partners already. So I figure that you also had somebody already." you explain. Steven blushes at being called such attractive things. "Well then you would be surprised that I was both scared to ask you out to dinner and shocked that you said yes." Steven says, "I would have thought that such a beautiful and smart woman like yourself would already have someone or at least have many men trying to ask you out all the time." Steven claims.
"Seems like you got lucky then." you giggle as you blush at the idea that Steven, the man that you've been crushing on for a long time, was saying that he expected to have competition when asking you out. In the meantime, Marc makes a suggestion, "Keep going, Steven, she seems to like it.". Steven nods and does his best to do that. "I mean it. I really do." Steven says, "You really are a rare one. I'm happy you agreed to go out with me.". You sigh and hide your burning red face, "Stop. I don't think I can handle getting any redder." you beg. Steven scoots towards you on the sofa and gently takes your hands away from your face so that he can see you. "I really like your face, in any color it may be in." Steven says as he looks into your eyes, now staring back at him.
A second passes by the two of you while you softly stare at each other, it feels longer, but in a pleasant way. Steven could feel that Marc was going to say something again, but he didn't want to hear it and just did what he figured he was going to suggest. He leans in more and kisses you on the lips, with you flinching just a little before kissing him back.
The kiss is gentle and sweet, but there is a little bit of something in it between the both of you. When Steven pulls away, he notices that your hand is placed on his shoulder with your thumb timidly placed on the base of his neck like you were originally going to keep him pulled in. Steven smiles a bit at the idea and looks towards you, but you are leaning in yourself and manage to press a kiss on his jaw. The soft kisses continue from there and Steven feels less nervous about things possibly going farther tonight and he can sense that you are too.
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bluethude · 2 years
Hi I just wanted to say I like your storys and I enjoy reading them and if you don't mind I would like to request a pregnant reader with her lovely caring wife (aka beidou/ningguan/ei/miko/kokomi Sepperate) ofc u don't have to do all of them if you don't want to or if it's to much I just thought this would be a cute story yk. And yeah I'm sorry if I had any grammar mistakes englisch is not my first language hehe:)
Hey there !
Thanks for reading what I can write and thank for the compliment, it really means a lot ! Sure I can do this, it is a very cute and sweet idea !
I hope you'll enjoy it as much as you enjoyed my other works ! And don't worry, English isn't my first language either, besides we all do mistakes so don't worry about potential grammar mistakes !
Requested : Yes
Characters : Beidou, Ei, Kokomi, Ningguang and Yae Miko, separately
Summary : Beidou, Ei, Kokomi, Ningguang and Yae Miko with a pregnant reader !
Word count : 2095 words
Warning : quick mention of death (in Ei's part), other than that, nothing
​​​​💫​​Rules and list of fandom💫​
​​​​✉️​Asks are open​​​✉️​
✨​Let's go ! ✨
As much as she loves you and wants to be with you all the time, she asks you to stay on land.
I mean, you're pregnant and what if they encounter a sea monster or something ?
Besides, on lang, there's plenty of doctors you can see in case there's a problem.
Anyway, since you can't go with her on sea, she goes on one or two trips at sea before staying on land during pregnancy. She will just plan the Alcor's trips from land and give all the work outside Liyue to her crew. If it's business inside the nation, she'll do it herself, as she still needs to do something to provide for you and your kid to be !
Completely overprotective, no one can touch you except her. With what happened in her childhood, I assume she's very protective of people who accept her as she is no matter what kind of luck she might bring. So the least problem, she will not be calm until she has confirmation that it's really fine.
If a "Karen" type of person is messing with you (with how many stories you can hear about them and pregnant women), trust me, she'll have to hold back to not put this person on life support for the rest of their life.
If at first you're staying at Liyue's Harbor, toward the end of the pregnancy, you go to Qingce Village, to be sure to relax and knowing the eledery people would do anything to help you and they probably would also know what to do if something happens.
Will totally bring you some trinkets and gifts she found or bought not this far. She would go to Liyue Harbor from time to time, to make sure everything is fine with her crew. Always bring a small gift, for you or a new toy for the kid !
Would totally carry anything for you, you're forbidden from lifting more than whatever she might see as too heavy for you (which is a bit of everything)
Her heart melts when she sees the eldery people of the village helping you out with bringing you what you might need. Even if they ask you if you would need help looking after the child or if you would like some clothes for the baby or you, or offering some food. She's very grateful for their help.
Will be the useless partner when you start to deliver. Kinda, she panics a bit too much, but she will be there to hold your hand. Well you might have broke her hand during the delivery but it's not like she mind. She knows worst and also, she knows your pain is greater than hers.
"You okay, y/n ? Oh, let me help you with this ! What do you mean you can carry it ? You're already carrying our child ! No need to do more !"
She already got the trauma from the loss of her sister, no way she's gonna take any risk at losing you or your child.
She keeps your pregnancy hidden, for safety reasons.
Yae Miko is probably the kid's godmother.
Kujou Sara will be the child's fierce guardian and would be honored to teach them how to use a bow or be their preceptor.
Anyway, thanks to the kitsune, some people knew you were pregnant and the whole news spread across Inazuma.
Before you can do anything, there's a big feast to celebrate !
You're not mad at Yae Miko though. Not like you can blame her or any citizen, it was bound to happen at some point.
The entire nation congratulates you. Even Sangonomiya's shrine does it, as this new life would probably be another chance to finally establish durable peace since this new life would be the start of something new.
During pregnancy, Ei is very overprotective and never leaves you. She would let Yae Miko do half of the Shogun's work, to allow her to spend more time with you.
Given she's not human, she doesn't really get how a pregnant body works, but will ask questions to help you better. She will also read books about it, to be sure.
Brings in whatever food you crave, no matter how weird, but will mostly give you rich food, with a lot of fat and vitamins to be sure the baby will be healthy.
While Ei doesn't plan to step down, a healthy child will ensure a healthy heir in case something happens to her.
When the delivery comes around, she's there, in silence, giving you her hand. She's silent because she knows words won't do anything with the pain you're feeling. At least, that's one of the reasons she gives you and the only one she's willing to voice.
The other reason was she was silent because she knew there was a certain percentage of chance you die during delivery and she was actually praying that her sister would protect you during delivery and if you pass, she hoped Makoto would take good care of you when she couldn't.
"Hello dearest. How do you feel today ? Uh ? You want a special mushroom pizza and ... Salty dangos ? Well, as you wish."
She is... Very stressed out.
She has to deal with Watatsumi Island's affair, the aftermath of war, the formation of a new army, the negotiation with the shogunate and all.
And now your pregnancy, which doesn't help her much with the amount or stress.
At this point, Gorou steps in and deals with most of Kokomi's duty on the Island or at least as much as he can do to help her and also to allow her to take time for you.
Kokomi is grateful for it.
Well, the news of your pregnancy spreads fast and the entire island is congratulating you !
Kokomi will help you anytime and all the time and the moment you start to feel unwell, she'll heal you and soothe you ! Probably very good at foot massage and will do some for you !
Starts to plan with you some education and perfect names for the kid. Please let her educate the child about strategy and shrine duty. It's not much and a kid would have a lot of free time since those things are taught when the person is mature enough to assimilate and learn such things. And it is quite easy to learn.
Probably read some strategy books to the baby inside of you. It's never too early to learn and at least, they would be able to recognise her voice !
Gorou actually helps you both without any problem and would gladly go search for a future nanny for the kid to be. Or give you anything like clothes or toys.
Bold of him to assume he won't be the kid's nanny and cool doggo uncle in the future.
Anyway, since the Divine Priestess is about to have a kid, people give you and Kokomi a lot of support, food, clothes, toys, a children's book and everything you need.
Chances are Kokomi is helping you and doctors during delivery. She talks to you and tries to take a bit of the pain away.
Heals you or at least helps your body to recover after the delivery.
"Here you are y/n ! I was looking for you, some villagers gifted us some baby clothes and other items and I was thinking maybe you would like to see what they gave us ?"
Honestly, she would hire the best doctors and maids to look after you the second she learns you're pregnant.
She's not worried. You both talked about it and it was bound to happen sooner or later with all the procedures.
Anyway, she won't stop working, since she now has to deal with Liyue's new era and guide it through the change.
The news spread immediately and all of Liyue sent you congratulations.
The adepti also sent each something, not that they cared, but they knew Ningguang was someone they couldn't ignore and if the was establishing her dynasty, then let it be, Liyue was changing and maybe this child will be the star of a new generation, the first generation to be born and live during this new era of men.
She would come to you quite often throughout the day to check if everything is good.
Would absolutely gift you the finest gifts and find the best things for the child to be.
Would be happy to see all the support, but she knows that a lot of the support isn't genuine and is people's attempt at getting in her good graces. Well, except when it comes to Liyue Qixing and Adepit's gifts.
Keqing, Yelan and Ganyu will be around a lot, excited for the baby. They all would be the aunts.
Keqing isn't exactly good with children, but she would be willing to make an effort for Ningguang's child, while Yelan is the cool rich aunt who's rarely there but each time she comes would gift something cool, while Ganyu will be the soft aunty who you could go to, to talk about anything.
Probably asks Yun Jin to be the future kid's teacher into fine arts because she trusts the young lady to do well into transmitting the delicate art of theater through education. Ningguang won't have an uncultured child as hers.
During delivery, she is in the room, sitting a bit away. She doesn't hold your hand as she needs her hand to keep working, but her presence is enough to make you feel a bit better. Besides, her being closer would bother the doctors who are well more versed into assisting someone in labor than her.
"Hi, y/n. Do you feel well ? Do you crave anything particular or do you need something else ? Maybe you want me to take some time off for today ?"
Well, her attitude doesn't change a lot.
She will tease you a lot, she loves your reactions with your hormones ! At least she has a whole new field to explore with her teasing.
Honestly, the entire shrine would be helping you with your pregnancy, and, with the news spreading a lot of people come all the way to the Grand Narukami Shrine.
The shrine maidens will offer you some predictions !
She will be there no matter what, after all it's not like she has something else to do.
Will pick up a lot of children's books for the kid to be. Maybe a lot of authors in this line will try to offer her their own books in an attempt to have a good relationship with Yae Publishing House.
Wonders if the child would be a kitsune or a human, maybe a hybrid, but how would that work ?
She would be excited and curious to explore what the child would be, so many possibilities ! And so many ways to tease them !
For sure she would tease you saying Ei was already a child so she's used to handling kids and babies.
Speaking of which, it is probably the only one Yae Miko would fully trust to be around you during pregnancy.
Ei is happy for Yae Miko and hopes for the child to grow healthy.
Ei would be that nice aunty who brings and gives whatever the kid wants while Yae Miko would be the teasing mom with some strict rules.
Yae Miko would want to teach the child how to tease as soon as they would be old enough. But she would also love to teach him about how to use a vision if he's granted one. But she'll have to wait for the birth, first
Would prepare herself anything you crave for ! Even the weirdest food, she'll happily prepare it ! It is a very good experience, sometimes you even cook together this weird dish you might want.
About the weird food, she thinks it's funny to order it actually and she loves seeing the cooks' faces when she puts an order for a udon noodle soup with a Special Mushroom Pizza's taste and deep fried tofu.
During delivery, she will hold your hand and distract you a bit by teasing you. It annoys and distracts you. She probably also let the shrine maidens do their job at helping you deliver.
"What is it, my dear ? Oh, you want me to read a book to you ? How cute. What book do you want to hear today ?"
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