#BUT i won’t be getting one of those guys until it’s closer to all hallows eve 😌
patrickztump · 1 year
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saw some cute guys at home depot yesterday
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xoxo-teddybear · 4 years
He’s Lost - Bakugou Katsuki - Part 2
Bakugou x f!reader
Warnings: angst, slightest fluff, cursing, physical harm mentions, lowkey little yandere obsessive hints, smut, 18+, daddy kink, sad boi Bakugou    :(
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Summary: Bakugou’s been going through hell ever since the breakup. He’s been so lost without you. But he’s willing to do whatever it takes to win back his Teddy bear. Everything and anything for the love of his life.
*Everyone is of age for legal consent (which is 16 in Japan, if you are uncomfortable with it please move along, thx<3)*
A/N: Bakugou is a little OOC but the main thing in the beginning starts with fixing up Katsuki a little bit. So sorry if you don’t really enjoy it all that much<3
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Melancholy music bounces off the walls of the dark room. The river of tears that flow down his once perfect porcelain skin is everlasting. As he lays in the soft bed, staring at the ceiling, he thinks about all he could’ve done better for you. In his hand, the same framed picture of you both that he’s held onto every night ever since the horrible incident. Y/N L/N. Like a song that’s stuck on loop. It’s the only thing that runs through his mind.
The door swiftly opens, and much to his disliking, a massive amount of light now enters the former den of manliness pit of depression.
To show his displeasure, Bakugou rolled himself in the blankets, covering his entire body in them and being the picture inside with him as well. With different circumstances, Y/N would’ve thought it was cute or adorable, but it wasn’t Y/N that opened the door.
“Really Bakubro?” The blonde’s best friend spoke.
Eijirou Kirishima. The best friend of our dearest sad boy. He’s been letting his Bakubro crash in his dorm room because Katsuki refuses to clean his own. It looks exactly the same as it did on Valentine’s Day. Just a little different.
Rose petals were dead and dried up on his floors, candles were nearly melted to the bottom as they lay everywhere in the room, the curry was thankfully thrown out by Kirishima claiming that he could smell the spoiled aroma all the way from his room. But the presents, letter, and new gear stayed in the exact same spots. Bakugou didn’t feel worthy enough to be blessed with all the stuff but he was oh so desperate to be worthy. Worthy of your time, your love, and you in general.
Bakugou let out a grumbled whine of displeasure. He could feel the disappointment and concern radiating off his friend. As Katsuki poked just his face out of the covers, he was met with the expression that represented those two things.
“You can’t keep living like this bro,” Kirishima began, “You can’t keep hallowing in sadness in my room. I wanna help you, but you gotta help yourself too. Ever since you and Y/N split-“ Bakugou quickly interrupted.
“We didn’t split, she left me!” The blonde cried.
“...Right, okay. Well ever since Y/N left you, you’re not the same. You stay in here, playing the same damn sad tunes, covering yourself in my blankets, crying all day, and holding onto that picture! You haven’t even been to class or training! Shit man, you don’t even come out of my room to eat food! I gotta bring your plate here just to make sure that you’re properly fed. You’re a mess Bakugou. And not even the hot kind!” His best friend was right. He was a mess. And not even the hot kind.
“Well what the hell am I supposed to do shitty hair?” Bakugou said while dragging the covers over his face once more. Inside the blanket he held onto the picture as if it were actually you.
The fake red head snatched the covers off of his friend’s body and forced him up.
The said friend didn’t take too kindly to that and growled in displeasure.
“What the fuck Kirishima,” Bakugou said, a little to calm and chilling.
“Dont give me that bull Katsuki. You gotta get her back. I would say move on, but it’s clear you can’t.” Kirishima said while rolling his eyes.
Bakugou mirrored the action and said “yea no shit genius. I can’t and won’t move on.”
“So then go get her man!” Kirishima yelled
“And how the fuck am I supposed to do that? Huh?!” Bakugou was so confused. In what way was it going to be possible to win you back?
“Figure it out! Look Bakugou, I’ll be here to help you along the way, but you gotta figure this shit out on your own. This is your relationship here, if you want it as bad as you claim you do then prove it. You want Y/N back? Then fight for her, idiot!” The blonde’s eyes seemed to go wide.
Two words stuck out to Katsuki during his friend’s little speech. Prove it. Fuck yeah he will! He’ll prove to the whole damn universe how much he wants you back. More importantly, he’ll prove it to you and win you back.
The iconic Bakugou smirk reappeared on Katsuki’s face. Kirishima took it as a good sign. “Alright shitty hair, you want me to prove how badly I want Y/N back. FINE!” The two friends pulled the iconic bro hug to seal the deal.
(You know? That shit that guys do where they high five and pull each other in with that one hand for the quickest hug and pat each other on the back? You know what I’m talking about.)
“Welcome back Katsuki.” Kirishima gladly stated. “Now get the fuck out of my room man, I’m sick of sleeping on the common room couches and you reek. Take a shower. And get your own clothes from your own room.”
As Kirishima pushed him out into the hallway and shut the door, it hit Bakugou like a bus. This would be Katsuki’s first challenge. Going back into the room filled with the torn love.
As Katsuki opened the door holding onto the picture, he felt his heart sink. He saw the damage. Melted candles, dried petals, the gifts and letter. Even the nasty smell of the spoiled curry still remained. As Katsuki gathered the courage to walk in and place the picture on the messy nightstand, it’s like the room was holding onto some sad emotions. Heartache and regret filled Katsuki’s chest. He couldn’t believe how fast it happened. He thought he would at least have a minute or two before he felt the pain again. Man, did it hurt like hell.
Katsuki dashed to his closet grabbing the first things he saw. He grabbed his shower container that held all his soaps and cleaning utensils and ran out the room, shutting the door. Once out, he let out a breath of relief.
“...after I clean myself up, the room’s next.” Katsuki said with determination as he walked towards the boy’s community showers and bath house.
When the hot water hit his skin, he felt a sense of calm. It wasn’t the same as the warmth of Kirishima’s blankets. It was better. The water and hot steam completely engulfed him in relaxation. The water washed away not only the dirt and grime, but also some of the tense feelings. For a moment, he felt at ease.
As Katsuki walked out the bathing area now fully clothed and dried, he made his way back to his room. He stood there, staring at the knob until he felt he was ready. Once he opened the door, the emotions hit him once again. Like a wave of sadness washed over his entire body. Finally, he stepped in.
First things first. Open up these windows. Let out that disgusting air filled with spoiled curry and sad emotions. When Katsuki took a breath a fresh air, he felt so alive. Much better than he has in days.
Now, we gotta move stuff. Katsuki picked up his dirty laundry and put it in his closet to wash later. He moved all his presents up off the floor and onto the bed. He swepted all the dead petals and toss them in his trash can. He threw out all the ruined candles and sprayed the room with air fresheners. He fixed up his bed and placed the picture frame back on his now cleaned nightstand. Next to it, a lit candle that smelled of caramel.
Katsuki took a seat at his desk. He was back to thinking about Y/N and all that he could do to win her back. As he checked his clock, he realized just how late it was. Kirishima came back to him at the end of class and training which was around 6. He spent an hour talking to Katsuki, and then Katsuki spent 4 hours cleaning himself and his room. It was 11:00 now. Way past his usual bed time. He’ll figure things out in the morning.
Katsuki smiled to himself as he layed in his own bed. He was finally on the right track again and one step closer to getting his teddy bear back. He turned to the picture frame, and grabbed onto it, hugging it while he slept. Katsuki was getting better but he wasn’t whole again. He needed Y/N to help him sleep alright, so holding the picture at night will have to do. He couldn’t wait till he woke up in the morning. Tomorrow he had school, he’ll get to see Y/N’s beautiful face for the first time in awhile, but before that, you bet your ass he’s waking up extra early to come up with a plan.
The next morning
*BEEP* *BEEP* *BEEP* *BEEP* *click!*
The blonde smacked his alarm button before he rose up and stretched his body. Today was the day. He’s gets to see Y/N again. Bakugou just sits in place staring at nothing. Just taking 2 minutes to regain full consciousness. Once he’s set, he’s up and getting ready. It’s 4 in the morning now, so he begins to strategize.
Katsuki is pulling out easels and white boards. Pulling out notebooks and writing down facts. What Y/N is interested in, her favorite hobbies and foods, where she likes to spend her time, what she could need help with that Bakugou could assist her with. He’s also writing down the highlights of their relationship and what she seemed to enjoy best about him. He’ll be keeping that as a reference for when he needs to reassess on how he should treat her better. He will do better this time. That’s a promise to himself and you.
After half an hour of slightly struggling, he reaches out for help. Now at 4:30 a.m, here was the blonde knocking at his best friend’s door.
Rock music is blasting, sweat is flying everywhere and punches are being thrown at a hero. Not just any hero, Crimson Riot! As Kirishima continues to spar with his idol, he’s interrupted by a banging sound.
“The hell?” The younger red head says. Soon his idol began to fade away.
“Crimson Riot! Hey are you okay sir?!” But it was too late, the man was gone. Now the whole room was waving around. Did Kirishima accidentally mistake his giant jug of water for vodka or something? Soon he was left in nothing but a black abyss. And then....he fell!
“Shitty hair.....Ei....KIRISHIMA!”
“AH!” The red head screamed as he shot up from the bed, head-butting his best friend right then and there. Great, a perfect dream. Ruined.
“Ah, shit!” Bakugou said in pain as he held his now throbbing forehead. “What the fuck?”
“That’s my line Bakugou,” the red head sighed, “Did you break into my room? Jeez man, what the fuck? What are you doing here at.....4:38 a.m?!?!? DUDE!”
“I know, my bad okay? But..I could use some help.” Bakugou whispered the last part so Kirishima had no idea what this man just said.
“What bro?” Kirishima asked.
“I said....I could use some help.” The blonde repeated.
“C’mon man, you’re gonna have to speak u-“
“I need your help, alright?!” Bakugou finally said. Kirishima sighed. His bro really couldn’t wait until later?
“Bakugou, you know I’m always down to help you out but this is too early man. Can we just-“ the blonde quickly added on to what he was previously saying.
Kirishima’s eyes shot open after he closed them to drift off back to sleep. Did the Katsuki Bakugou just ask for help by saying please? This must be extremely important.
“......alright. You got me, I’m up. But if I’m gonna be up at 4 in the morning, others are gonna be helping us too.” Kirishima bargained.
“But-“ Kirishima cut him off
“But nothing. Besides, I’m drowsy in the morning so I wouldn’t really focus all that well. And we’re just going to the people we can trust.” The red head explained.
“Fine.” The blonde gave in. So there they went, gathering the other members of the Bakusquad (minus Y/N) to help Bakugou win back his girl.
As the 4 sleepy heads sat down on Bakugou’s floor infront of the whiteboard he wrote on, The blonde began to explain some of his plans.
“So I was thinking of treating her real nice all day until she takes me back and we become friends again, eventually leading to our relationship, but then I realized she’d be into a fake me and we all know I can’t pull the nice guy act forever. Then I thought I’d spoil her with all of the things she desires, but money can’t buy you love. So I thought I could-“ Katsuki quickly noticed the long period of silence other than his voice.
There, were his 4 friends sleeping in a dog pile in the middle of his dorm room floor, completely ignoring everything he’s been saying.
Bakugou sighed and grabbed a small “heroes weekly” issue sitting on his desk, rolled it up, and wacked his friends in their heads.
“You idiots...WAKE THE FUCK UP!” Ahh, welcome back Gremlin Bakugou.
As his friends came back from the dead, they all complained.
“Aww c’mon Bakugou. We’ve been at this for an hour already, it’s 5:40.” Sero said while yawning.
“I don’t care. You idiots offered to help so here you are.” Bakugou said while turning to face the board again.
“We didn’t offer shit!” The bakusquad simultaneously replied.
Mina let out a groan while rubbing her eyes open, “Look Bakugou. We really want you and Y/N to be happy together, we really do, but maybe it’s for the best if you guys don-“ Mina was cut off by Denki slapping his hand over her mouth.
As she looked at her electric friend, she saw a nervous expression on his face. She followed his gaze and saw the back of an angry and almost insane looking and shaking Bakugou.
Hearing Mina say that he should let Y/N go triggered something in his brain. But hearing her say they wanted the couple back together enlightened him too. His mind got the two mixed up.
‘Everyone wants us back together. Not just me. So...then we are back together. Yeah. Y/N is still mine’ the now insane blonde thought to himself.
“....Ok well, time to go, get some sleep, see you idiots in the morning!” Bakugou said while pushing the group out of his room. Once they made it over the threshold, he slammed the door.
With an insane plan in mind, Bakugou checked the time and saw he could take at least a good hour long nap before he had to get ready to leave for school. And that’s exactly what he did. So he jumped into the covers, grabbing onto the picture and drifted off into sleep.
*BEEP* *BEEP* *BEEP* *BEEP* *click!*
Bakugou’s alarm rang once more, and again, he slammed it shut. He stretched, got up outta bed and changed into his uniform. That power nap really well rested him, but it also must’ve fucked up his brain even more.
‘And now it’s time to go see my beautiful girlfriend,’ he thought to himself.
After Mina’s comments last night, it hit Bakugou with a great realization. Everyone wanted him and Y/N back together. Not just him. So why not give everybody what they want? Sure maybe Y/N might not completely want it but she’ll learn how to love Bakugou again. Everyone’s happy. And so, Bakugou was convinced that him and Y/N were back together.
At breakfast, Bakugou ran down to already see the Squad up and eating.
“Why the hell do you losers look like death?” He asked while grabbing a cup for his orange juice.
“Well we were all trying to sleep, but after what happened this morning, we couldn’t.” Mina explained.
“What happened this morning? There was nothing big except you guys helping me out.” Kirishima really couldn’t believe it. Had his dear friend not even notice his weird ass trigger moment earlier?
“Alright whatever. Anyway, wheres Y/N?” Bakugou asked after he finished his cup.
“Oh, she just left. She had an early breakfast and went for a quick walk.” Mina said.
“You planning on talking to her today Kacchan?” Denki questioned him.
“You damn Spark Plug, of course I’m gonna talk to my girlfriend today. Fucking idiot.” He said as he grabbed his bag and walked out the kitchen.
“.........Huh?” The entire squad was left in confusion.
‘Had they gotten back together this morning? Did she really accept him back that fast? What the fuck is going on?’ They all thought.
“WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?!?” Kaminari cried out as he pulled at and scruffled his hair in confusion.
Ah Denki. Always saying what everyone is thinking but the only one ballsy enough to idiotically say it aloud.
As she walked to class, Y/N hummed a little song to herself. She enjoyed her walk as it helped clear her mind from all the recent events. Her breakup with Bakugou really took a toll on her. They were together for almost 2 years (EVER SINCE JUNIOR HIGH) so of course the split hit her hard. He accused her of cheating and burned her. So much for trust, right? Not only that, but the burn left a tiny scar. Usually, due to you having a regeneration ability as part of your quirk, Phoenix, the scar should’ve healed up. Maybe the emotional damage caused it to permanently mark itself in you. Oh well, whats done is done. And now it’s time for class.
When you walked though the door, you were expecting a normal day. Ever since the split, you usually got their a lot earlier before anyone else so you could sit, do a little reading, sketch out a little drawing, or just rest your eyes until the bell rang. Except this time, when you opened the door, someone jumped on you for a hug.
“Babe! There you are you little dumbass. Jeez, I was looking for you everywhere.” Bakugou said as he let go of the hug. “I’ve missed you, haven’t seen you in a few days.”
“Uhm, you said babe??” You spoke with a confused and shocked voice.
“Yeah, I called you babe? So what? We always call each other that. You are my girlfriend after all.” He said so casually as he walked to his seat.
“Uh, Bakugou-“
“Katsuki.” He deadpanned.
“Bakugou, we broke up.” You stated while walking up to him.
“Mm...no we didn’t.” He once again so casually said.
“Wha- I- we- you-....HUH?!” You stuttered out.
“L/N!” You corrected.
“Y/N. We didn’t break up you dummy, we only had a little set back and that’s fine. All couples do. But thankfully you forgave me and we’ve moved past it,” he began as he pulled you into his lap, “besides, everyone wants us back together including us so why not make it easier for everyone.”
You began stuttering out none sense right there on his lap. You were in such shock and utter disbelief that he said all that bullshit. Well maybe he was right about one thing. Everyone did want you guys back together, including you both, but that’s besides the point! Y’all broke up! He needs to accept it.
“Baku- no- I- we-“ and before you knew it, his lips were on yours.
And for some reason, you didn’t push him away. Granted you didn’t accept it either, but you slowly melted into it. The kiss was passionate and slow. It wasn’t sloppy, it was very controlled, but it was just a lotta lip and tongue. The whole thing sent butterflies to your heart and stomach. Oh how you missed moments like these with Katsuki.
He readjusted you on his lap so that you were now straddling him. His hands travelled down to your ass as he gave it a nice squeeze, one that made you moan into the kiss. Your arms went straight to his neck to pull him in for more and he took it as an invitation to start. The kiss began to get a little rougher. More tongue and teeth, both of you extremely desperate for the touch from one another. With your cunt pressed onto his crotch, he slowly thrusted up into you as you grinded down slowly on him. You both started breathing heavier and letting out little whimpers of ecstasy. He could probably feel your now soaked panties. One hand left your ass and came around to the front. He pressed on your soaked pussy through your damp underwear and it caused shutters to go through your entire body.
You began pressing down into his hand, desperate for more friction and Bakugou noticed. He moved your panties to the side and slipped in one finger. This was rewarded with a louder moan that caused Katsuki to smile into the kiss. He knew you and your body so well. He was determined to treat you right and get you to fall for him one more time. As his finger felt around your velvet walls, he slipped in another one, receiving an even louder cry of pleasure. You broke off from the kiss to throw your head back. Katsuki saw this as an opportunity to attack your neck. To mark you up and let everyone know you still belonged to him.
“K-Katsuki. Don’t...don’t stop,” you panted.
“I won’t princess, I’ll take care of you.” He smiled.
Without warning, he shoved in 2 more fingers. You were so loud and Bakugou was so proud. You were gonna let everyone know what’s happening and he was excited.
He lifted his head to whisper into your ear as you continued to moan and sigh.
“Well aren’t you just a little slut. You want everyone to know how well daddy takes care of you? You want them to hear you scream in pleasure?” His words went straight to your cunt that was now welcoming in his 5th and final finger. Completely fisting you now, you let out loud cries.
“S-uki, .....ah, AH YES! Mm, s’too much!” You cried out. You couldn’t help it, you loved him. You knew you did. Even though what he did was wrong, your body took over and your mind turned off. You fully succumbed to his wishes.
You let your feet hit the ground to stand yourself up a little bit and fall down onto his fist, meeting the thrust of his hand moving in and out of you. Watching the show, Katsuki couldn’t help but stare in delight. His hard on growing bigger and bigger each second as he bit his lip to hold back his sounds. Watching you bounce on just his fist did something to him and brought out a feral beast. He snapped.
He pulled his fist out of your aching pussy and sat you down on his desk. He stood up infront of you and tore your delicate panties off.
“Katsuki-“ you were silenced with a smack to your ass
“That’s not my name, teddy bear. C’mon now, you know exactly what I wanna hear.” He said while caressing your thighs.
“..Yes daddy.” You bashfully said.
With a kiss to your cheek he praised you.
“Good girl.” As he began to unbuckle his belt, you looked around the classroom.
“D-daddy. Someone’s gonna see!” You cautiously stated.
Katsuki reassured you with a kiss to your lips, “We’ll be fine princess, I promise,” he said while placing his tip at your entrance. You whimpered at the thought of him inside you again, it’s been so long. You were almost nervous. That is until Katsuki place a finger under your chin so you could face him in his eyes.
“I’m gonna take care of you, so don’t worry.” And with that you slowly nodded. And he finally began to press into you.
With just his tip in, you let out a breathy moan. He was bigger than you remembered. He kept pressing and pressing until he was fully inside your warm and tight hole. You both let out a moan at the feeling of each other.
“Daddy, please move.” And he did as he was told. With a steady pace set, he thrusted himself in and out of you. Both of you moaning louder every second. While you were enveloped in the euphoric feeling, Katsuki was struggling to hold back the beast inside of him. That is until you came up to his ear.
“Fuck me like you mean it, daddy. I won’t break, I promise.” You said in his ear and Katsuki swore he could hear your smirk. Gripping your ass and continuing his pace he spoke.
“Don’t be mad when you can’t walk for the next week,” he smirked. With that, he slammed himself deeper, harder, and faster inside of you. His tip hitting your cervix. You let our screams of pure pleasure and he did the same.
“Oh yesss...shit daddy..so big..”
“F-fuck! Oh you like that? Yeah princess? ...oh shit baby your pussy takes me so well. Y-Yeah, your tight little cunt takes this big cock so fucking well,” he moved faster inside, exploring you completely. His hands went straight to your shirt and and ripped it open. You had a few buttons fly everywhere, but you didn’t care. He pushed your bra up and let one of your mounds fall into his hand. He squeezed it tight to release a generous moan from you. He then dove into the valley of breast to mark your chest. You held onto the back of his head and tugged at his hair and he growled at he feeling, enjoying every second of it.
“Oh yess princess just like that. S-shit. Oh fuck yes...oh you’re mine,” he went deeper inside as he spoke.
“Fuck! Daddy yes! Right t-there! Oh my god..yess,” you cried out.
“Can you feel that. Oh fuck, can you feel my dick in your gut?” He moaned out. Katsuki went to grip the edge of his desk as you kept your hold around his neck, causing him to somehow move faster. He went up to taste your lips once more
“I love you....so much princess...you hear me...Mm, your mine,” he said between kisses and ended with a smack to your now red ass.
His words had you squeezing his cock. He knew what was coming.
“Aww, is princess gonna cum? You gonna cum on daddy’s dick?” He teased.
“Mm...p-please daddy. Please let me cum,” you said while throwing your head back. Katsuki only smirked at this.
“Not yet~” he pulled out of you, leaving you a whiny mess.
“N-no! Daddy please! Please let me finish,” you said while holding onto his shoulders, inches away from his face, pressing your chest to his. Your words caused his “little” friend to grow even harder and Katsuki only smirked and looked down at you.
“Dont worry teddy bear, Daddy’s not done with you yet.” He yanked you off the desk and pressed you down onto it, with your chest to the desk. Then he slammed back into you, returning to the fast pace again.
“Fuck yeah..oh god look at this ass. Nice and round, all red for me,” he said while pounding into you.
He gave your ass a good few smacks, countered with a thrust each harder than the last before going to lay his chest on top of you to whisper in your ear.
“You wanna be a good girl for daddy? Huh, teddy bear?” He asked.
“Mmm, yes! Yes I’ll be good, just please!” You cried out. He reached his hand over to rub on your clit. Your body began to shake with pleasure.
“Then cum with me.....NOW,” he said, and that was all it took for you to release the white liquid. As you came you could feel his hot release filling you up to the brim. He cried out in pure pleasure while you did the same.
You both stayed in that position for a bit, and you could feel the mixture of both your release dripping down your inner thighs. Soon, you felt Katsuki lower himself to kiss your neck.
“You did so good princess.” He calmly said to you. It was relieving, and you loved the sound of his voice, but you couldn’t help but feel a little off at this whole ordeal.
Katsuki pulled out of you and watched how his cum covered and filled your entire pussy. He smiled at the sight and went to grabbed some tissue on Aizawa’s desk to clean you and himself up.
He tucked himself back into his pants and you rebuttoned your shirt the best you could and flipped your skirt back down. Since Katsuki tore your panties you’d have to go commando at least until you got back to your room. You watched as Katsuki went to throw away the tissues and your torn underwear into the trash can. When he made his way back to you, he held you in his arms and attempted to kiss you. But you turned away.
“Hey teddy be-“
“No, Katsuki. Please don’t call me that.” You said while looking down. Katsuki felt his heart hurt a little. You’re always gonna be his teddy bear, why would he ever stop calling you that?
“Y/N, what’s wrong?” He asked you.
“Us. This. Katsuki, what happened today should not have happened.” You said
“What?” He was so confused and a little hurt.
As tears start to fill your eyes, you did everything you could to not let them fall. “Suki, we broke up. You accused me of cheating, you burned me! So for us to come in here and just have sex like nothing happened is wrong.”
“Y/N, I’m sorry for what happened. Seriously, after what I did it destroyed me. But please listen, I lov-“ you cut him off again.
“I know!.....I know you do Katsuki.....and I love you too Suki. So much,” this brought a smile to his face. A true, genuine smile that you loved so dearly.
“But I’m scared.” You added on. This made Katsuki’s smile drop, worry and concern fill his eyes.
“Of what exactly?” He asked you while gently holding onto your hand.
“.....You.” This shocked him. His own teddy bear feared him. Heartbreaking.
“I’m scared of the lack of trust that you have for me. And not only that, but your quirk too. Katsuki I know you’re one of the best students here at UA, but I know you’re emotions can get out of hand too. It’s clear that when you’re not in control of your feelings, your quirk can lash out. The evidence is right here,” you turned you arm that he was holding to show him the scar he left on you.
Now this really hurt Katsuki. He loved marking you with his love, not with his anger. The fact that he did that to you sent his mind into a frenzy. Until he felt your touch on his cheek.
Holding onto his cheek with your soft hands, you spoke reassuring words. “Katsuki, you were right about two things. I do want us to be together again and I do forgive you,” and with that, Katsuki leaned into your touch. Holding onto your hand that held his face, he released a single tear he didn’t know he was holding and closed his eyes in relief and satisfaction.
“But I can’t be with you again.” Your words caused him to open his eyes and stare at you in shock and fear. “At least...not yet.”
Whew, his heart rate went back down. Oh the rollar coaster of emotions this poor boy was currently on.
“Yet?” He asked hopefully.
“Suki, I’m still trying to fix myself, and it’s clear that you need to fix yourself too. I really want to be with you, but we both need time to grow for each other. I can’t leave you. I know for sure that in my heart, you’re always gonna be the one I run back to, but I don’t want to run back to someone who could possibly hurt me again. I want to come back to you knowing that when we are together again, our relationship is secured.” You explained.
A silence filled the air. You both stared at each other for what felt like forever. Nobody else in the world. Just you and him. He then pulled you in for a tight hug. As he held onto you, you could feel hot tears hitting your shoulder, and quiet sobs left his voice along with a hitched breath every now and then. Katsuki was crying.
“....I promise you. I’m gonna get better for you. I’m gonna be worthy of you and your love and it’ll stay that way for the rest of our lives. You and me. Together. Im gonna do whatever it takes to get you back and I won’t stop at anything until you’re mine again. I swear I’ll treat you better than I ever did before. As long as I know that you’re coming back to me and me only, I’ll wait for you for as long as it takes teddy bear.” He said into your neck with his arms tightly wrapped around your waist.
“I know you will Suki. And I promise I won’t make you wait too long.” You said while hugging him back.
“You better not.” The blonde said.
“Don’t forget though, I’m always yours. And just yours.” You reassured him.
“......Can we at least make this a little easier for me and say we didn’t split. We’re just on a break. A small break?” He said, now looking directly in your eyes while still holding onto you.
You put his worries at ease with your gentle smile. “The smallest break, Suki.” You softly laughed as you both went back in for another hug.
“........I like it better when you call me daddy,” the damn devil said while smiling.
“Shut up you horny idiot.” You chuckled.
‘I can’t wait to be yours again,’ you both thought
You both stayed there in each other’s embraces until the world faded away. It was just you and him. Together. You were both no longer lost. You weren’t at your destination yet, but you were on the right tracks. One step closer to each other. One step closer to love.
A/N: There’s still a little more I wanna add to the story, so there will be a part 3 to close this little short story. Sorry if there were any spelling mistakes. Thank you guys so much for the love and support. As a new writer I never expected to grow so quickly so I truly love each and every one of you bear cubs! Sorry this was so long, I hope you enjoyed! 💗🧸
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bioodorange · 3 years
||The Pastas At The Beach||
this was originally like an entirely different post but ehhh this ways better!
disclaimer Im setting this like, at a beach with a boardwalk and such next too it? Public beach, small time vacationing!
and that they conviently like..pass as human
I hope you guys enjoy!! remember too check out my announcement board!
taglist: @frozensriracha @creepy-bi-day @capricornartistsstuff @krayolacolor
Jeff the Killer
Jeff doesn't really do much at the beach
The salt water irritates his skin and he burns easily, doesn't want too deal with it
Spends most of his time asleep
Hogs all the damn towels by sprawling out all over all of them
Gets sand over everything that they brought with them
Forgets how wind works and it gets everywhere
When its time for some of em too go get food, he always fucking goes
Wants too walk around and do something, and maybe not get blamed for all the fucking sand when everyone sits back down
He wears one of those like protective long sleeved shirts? and red swim trunks that are just somewhat obnoxiously bright
While getting the food he has a brilliant idea
Befriends the fucking seagulls
Lures them back too their umbrellas and just vibes with his bird army
atleast he's not alone anymore?
Ben Drowned
first off I know like he doesn't go swimming
but imagine if he did
his fucking goggles get filled up with blood
gets weird ass tan lines from the blood on his face like, when he's not swimming
has too wear the goggles when he puts on sunscreen-
ok ok thats it
fucker wears like mountain dew swim trunks
and those arm floatie things despite not going anywhere near the water
He tries too sit around Jeff but that gets boring fast-
Just walks the fuck off without telling anyone, on a journey for adventure
Will spend literal hours sitting underneath the boardwalk until someone finds him
After that they get him like one of thise beach toy kit things
Sally's nice enough too fill the bucket with water too, so they can make sand castles and stuff
She walks along the shore line with him, gets pretty shells too
Also if Ben were too go in the water
He's a fucking shark magnet with all that blood-
But don't tell him that, he won't come back too the beach
Ticci Toby
Toby is very excited too go to the beach
He didn't get out much as a kid
Siked as hell too get in the water
Drops his stuff off as soon as possible and runs right into the water
And thats when he realizes he can't fucking swim
Awkwardly flaps his arms around until a wave moves him along too back where he can stand
Everyones kinda confused when he comes back like "?? You were so excited, what happened?"
"I can't swim :(("
Cody volunteers to teach him right away, like the great brother he is
The thing is Cody is a horrible fucking teacher
Another few minutes of Toby getting owned by some waves and Cody just screaming stuff like
"Use your arms Toby- no not like that how I showed you- no I'm not going too help how are you supposed to learn-"
That's when Kate drags him back too shore and Doby and Brian teach him instead
In a bit he learns and ends up having a lot of fun
I feel like Toby would really like boogie boarding?
A lot easier then surfing but still a good time
Also they have too tie a red scarf around his arm so they don't loose his ass in a crowd, or in the water
Third Base
so far, Doby's the only one on this list who actually came prepared
I feel like he'd use one of those face lotions that has SPF 30 in it already?
Smart enough so he doesn't have too smear sun screen around his face, can just use the spray stuff and get going
Also has shoes and sunglasses too go with each like swimsuit/outfit he brings
Mans is put together
Really likes collecting shells and stuff
Walks with Sally, shows her how too find them
Wakes up kinda early as it is? So its easy for him too go too the beach early and find the shells before the tide pulls them back out
It's one of his favorite times, actually
The suns just rising, a few shops are opening, only a handful of people are on the beach
Does it everyday as his "alone time" before everyone else wakes up
Spends most of his time with everyone kinda relaxing?
I can see him really liking those beach volleyball games
Or just playing frizbee in the shallow water!
Really, really enjoys making sand castles
Builds a moat and everything so it stays up when the waves start coming closer
Cody, another kid who never got much beach expierence
But acts like he did
Buys one of those waterproof, phone lanyard things
Forgets too fucking close it properly
Doesn't have the first idea of what seagulls are like
"Oh come on buys its fine-" gets fucking owned for his cheesestick
Lowkey scared of them after that
Refuses too eat on the beach after that
Sits with ben under the board walk and curls around his chips
Spends most of his time in the water
Wants too see how far he can go before the lifegaurd calls him back
Finds it funny as shit too just slowly go deeper while grinning at them
Until a wave slaps him in the back of the head
And then he gets scared of the deepwater too
After he looses Swimming Coach privellages gets really fucking salty and sulks on the beach
Kate takes pity on him and walks around the boardwalk with him
But he also didn't know you have too reapply sunscreen after you go swimming
Gets really really bad sunburn
Jeff, Ben and Toby take turns slapping it whenever he gets too cocky
This is gonna be a Dad Tim one, fight me
Really has no idea what the fuck is going on, but still manages too keep everyone together?
Tells the same story, atleast twice a day, about the killer wave that almost took his shorts off
Gets in fights with seagulls whenever they get realitively close too the group
Also buys one of those crappy beach wagon things too put their stuff in
Buys a mug and cheesy beer koozie
Doesn't enjoy the beach that much but gets excited too go?
Ends up sitting down for most of the time unless he gets dragged on walks
Might just kinda walk until the water is at his knees and just kinda stand there, and nod a little
Giving mother nature his approval
He takes Sally out and holds onto her stomach, lifts her up over the waves whenever they come
Asks her what she can see, before he drops her back down
Tries it with Ben, gets kicked in the gut-
Favorite time is when it's dark and they go
Not for a long time, just a few minutes too walk along the shore before it gets dark
Designated photographer
Is supposed too be taking photos but mostly gets footage of the stupid shit that happens
Like Jeff not being able too figure out the dishwasher or Clockwork wrestling with her dresser where only half the drawers worked
Just kinda sits back and watches things go up in flames
He's the designated like playlist guy too? On the drive over, whenever he got bored just
"Hey what song should I play?"
And watches chaos ensue
His vacation is watching everyone else have a bad time
Makes up for it though, saves them a shit ton of money by making dinner every night.
I feel like he genuinely enjoys late nights on the beach, like Tim
Gets some beautiful photos of the water, and people taking walks that he's pretty damn proud of
Maybe once or twice he'll join Doby for a walk too get pictures of the rising sun
Likes getting small things from the gift shops
Shark teeth, maybe a cheesy snowglobe
Something silly but nice too remember the trip by
Eyeless Jack
first things first, ya know those double-lens glasses? Like you flip up the sunglass part and theres normal lenses underneath? Someone gave him those
But their are crappy eyes painted on the normal lenses
He's very confused but its just ridiculous enough for him too like
The beach isn't his favorite place, I HC him as nocturnal and most things are open during the day
He takes too the rides and crappy carnival games that are open late at night
He can't see everything super well but makes up fun things for himself
Enjoys going on rollercoasters that he has no idea what the hell the drops look like
Fucking hates bumper cars
Can't tell where everyone's coming from or when
More nerve racking then fun
Whenever they go to the beach beach he just kind of chills
Akwardly curls up on a towel because he's big as shit
Where ever they stay he walks around, uses his echo location shit too find out all its quirks
"This walls more hallow then that one- those support beams in the lobby are doing a very shitty job of keep things together"
Loves sitting out on the balcony and just smelling the salt air, listening too people laughing and the ocean waves
Just the small details a lot of people miss
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astaroth1357 · 4 years
Leviathan's Odyssey 6:
*Lucifer is in the middle of packing an extra set of water-wings into a cat-themed bag on his bed. Beel is waiting for him at the door in swim trunks, holding a placated baby Satan who’s gnawing on the ear of his beloved Mr. Whiskers*
Beel: Lucifer, are you sure about this?
Lucifer: Yes. I'm sure.
Beel: But he's so small… Isn't there another way to get him tired?
Lucifer: I don't suppose you have any suggestions?
Beel: ….. 
*unable to answer, Beel turns away with a guilty look. Lucifer just sighs, picking up the bag and finally looks back at his brother*
Lucifer: I thought so… *he passes by but sets a hand on his shoulder* If he's strong enough to have a body count, he can learn to doggy paddle. Now let's go.
*in an effort to curb Satan's boundless destructive tendencies, Lucifer finally read a parenting book and decided that giving their little hellspawn some physical activity could make him easier to manage. Lord Diavolo offered them his private beach for a few days to that end, so some swimming appeared to be in order. Satan was still much younger than any of his brothers when he taught them, but nothing about this child was normal. He could probably handle a little water as long as he was supervised...*
*the trip through the portal was uneventful for the brothers, as was setting themselves up on the beach. Belphie had been the only one to complain about being dragged onto another family outing, but he seemed content enough to sleep in a deck chair while Beel set out (and ate) the day's snacks. The sun wasn't helping Lucifer's headaches at all, and since Asmo had wandered off to take pictures in his new speedo, care of baby Satan fell to Mammon*
*to the secondborn's credit, he actually remembered what they came there for and brought his little brother out to the water’s where the waves lapped the shore*
Mammon: Okay, little guy… Lucifer wants ya good and tired so let’s play in the water for a bit.
*he takes Satan off of his hip and lets him sit in the sand right where the water will come up to hit his legs, not nearly deep enough to be of any danger, but enough to get him accustomed to the stuff. Predictably, the baby demon is mesmerized by the cool new substance hitting his skin and Mammon can’t help but grin at his amazed expression*
Mammon: Yeah, this is called the “ocean” little buddy! *he kneels down next to him and scoops some of the water into his palms to let Satan stick his hands in* It’s all made’a this stuff. Can ya say, “Ocean” for your big bro?
Satan: Perwish!
Mammon: Thaaaat’s not even close, but I guessed ya tried... *he sighs and looks out for a moment at the lapping waves then back at Satan* Want to go out a little deeper? See more water?
*Satan coos at him and holds his hands up to be lifted, so he takes that as confirmation and helps him to his little feet. Thankfully for House, he’s not terribly mobile without help, but when someone holds his hands for him he can more or less walk upright. Mammon helps him takes a few steps deeper into the water until the level reaches about to his knees and he seems quite pleased with himself as he watches the water rise and fall slightly over his legs*
Mammon: Ya like water, buddy? Ya must because you haven’t tried drownin’ me yet… *he laughs only a bit at his own joke… partially because he’s only half joking*
*Mammon lets Satan stand in the water for a little bit, glancing around at the rest of the shore around them and trying to think of what kinds of things he could collect and sell from the beach... He gets so preoccupied by his thoughts, that he doesn’t notice the size of the waves beginning to swell until they start going well past Satan’s waist… When his little brother begins to make a fuss, he looks down in surprise at how suddenly the water level had begun to rise*
Mammon: Huh? What the heck??
*he’s quick to scoop Satan back up, but as he’s getting his brother settled back into his arms, he hears a growing commotion coming from the beach behind him*
Lucifer: -mon! Mammon!! Ge-!! *though he recognizes the voice, the roar of the waves drown out most of the words*
Mammon: *frowns* What?? I can’t hear you! 
*when he looks back at his shouting brother, he can see the eldest is up on his feet along with everyone else - even Belphie is awake and they all look… alarmed? What’s going on??*
Lucifer: Get out of the water!! NOW!!!
Mammon: “Get out of the…?” *confused, Mammon turns back to look out over the ocean… but what he sees sends a chill down his spine*
*there’s a dorsal fin in the water. But it’s no ordinary fin… It’s a towering monstrosity, easily the size of a ship’s sail, with dark spines running through indigo webbing… Though it’s a little ways off from where he’s standing, that only makes its sheer size more horrifying and not less…*
*Mammon grips onto Satan like a precious treasure then bolts from the water as fast as he can, scrambling so frantically that he nearly falls into the sand in the process. When he returns to his brothers, Lucifer pries Satan from his hands while the rest pull Mammon back into the group. It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say he’s been scared half to death…*
*meanwhile, the fin in the water slowly drifts across the horizon. Though its pace may appear lazy, its relative size means its covering miles upon miles easily… To their collective horror, it appears to sink below the surface for the briefest of moments before something else rises out of the water… First two branch-like structures: multi-pronged, sharp, and as dark as night, then a mass of purple between them, seemingly connected together… The purple substance is dripping with water and pools around whatever rising form is taking shape above the surface…*
*where the purple mass parts, they see two glowing eyes fixate on them from afar… their pupils nothing but thin slits against the amber that surrounds them… Each eye could easily fit a whole wing of the Demon Lord’s Castle inside and even from this distance their scale is staggering…*
*the eyes watch the group for what feels like an eternity, blinking languidly, before they close and sink again below the surface, the “creature” seemingly disappearing into the waves*
Mammon: …. Lucifer….?
Lucifer: *swallows a moment, holding Satan tight against his chest* … Yes?
Mammon: What the HELL was that thing?!?
*for once, Lucifer seems to be at a loss for words… Diavolo had assured him that this shore was uninhabited and safe! Whatever that monstrosity they just saw was, he could hardly begin to call it “safe!!”*
*before Lucifer could collect himself enough to answer, they spy something else approaching the shore at a fast pace, so fast in fact that none of the brothers get a chance to change forms before it's already breached the surface and landed on the beach in a kneeling position. The creature some yards before them appears to be shaped like a man covered in black scales… each one shimmering with an indigo hue in the artificial sunlight. Like the beast from the water before, the creature’s head is a mess of purple but when seeing it closer it only appears to be hair... Its hands and feet are taloned with thick black claws and a long, black tail slinks its way out of the water to seemingly test the feel of the air around it…*
*they hear the creature inhale deeply while still crouched against the sand, maybe testing out its lungs, before it slowly rises on its reptilian feet. With more of its body revealed, the brothers can see that it’s not entirely scaled: pale skin covers its bare chest and spreads up to parts of its neck and face where the scales don’t reach… One of its hands grasps a jagged red trident, seemingly ripped and carved from coral, while the other flexes in its now waterless environment… but there’s something familiar about its face…*
Belphie: *squints at the creature, rubbing his eyes furiously* Am I dreaming... or is that…?
Asmo: *staring at the beast himself in aghast horror, though of what can’t be said for certain* I-I can’t believe it...
Mammon: *covers his mouth with the back of his hand, seemingly unsure how to react himself* Is... Is that…?
*Lucifer tries desperately to regain some level of composure, but he’s just as shocked as his brothers… If his suspicions are true, then maybe… just maybe...*
*the feel of Satan’s tiny hand gripping onto his swim-shirt grounds Lucifer for the moment as he tears his eyes away from the mysterious man and down to the child in his arms… and his blood runs cold…*
*Satan is staring at the man with just as much horror as the rest them… his little fists digging into the fabric of his shirt enough to tear. For just a second, he looks up at him with pleading eyes before burying his face into Lucifer’s chest... like he wants to hide... In all his time with this baby demon, he’s never actually seen him so pale… so... terrified*
*when he looks back at the man on the shore, he’s wearing a smile but one of razor sharp teeth gleaming in the light, giving his mouth an almost ghastly glow… and those amber eyes he had hoped to see again stare back at him with no love left…*
Lucifer: It’s good to see you again… Leviathan...
*a true sentiment, but hallow words to utter it... Something tells him that this won’t be a “happy” reunion...*
Parts: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
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wordsnwhiskey · 3 years
As It Should Be Verse: Hold Onto The Sunset Drabble/Oneshot
A/N: This is my go at Writer Wednesday, hosted by the amazing @autumnleaves1991-blog . I've got this set in the future of the As It Should Be verse. I figured since Chapter 3: Statesmen & Demons left off on a bit of a sad note I'd give you guys some fluff to tide you over until Ch 4!
It's 03:30 here and this is unedited so I might come back and see if something is egregiously wrong but otherwise this is going to stand.
Warnings: None? Aside from a polyam MMF relationship that's all fluff (with PDA) here!
Pairing: Agent Whiskey x F!Reader x Frankie Morales [AO3]
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The sand was warm beneath your toes as you shifted in your decidedly uneven folding chair. A few crushed beer cans littered the table but you were all too enthralled in your game of Hold ‘Em to care. The smell of charcoal and grilled food floats teasingly in the air. Santiago had abandoned your game to go and start grilling otherwise we won’t eat until the sun’s long gone. Yeah, that was it. It had nothing to do with the fact that he had handedly lost his last hand and consequently the rest of his money, to Frankie.
It was Jack’s turn to deal and you watch his large hands palm and manipulate the well-worn deck. The whirring sound of the cards folding together followed by the sharp tap against the table as he shuffled was calming and sounded as natural as the ocean waves licking at the beach did. You paused a moment before looking at your cards to try to gauge everyone else's reactions only to find three pairs of brown eyes and one pair of green eyes staring back at you. Laughter rang out across the table, that’s just what happens when you play poker with Statesmen agents and Delta Force vets. Schooling your facial expressions, you peel back the corners of your cards to see your hand: a Jack and 10 of spades.
“Call.” Came Tequila’s cheery drawl.
“Fold.” Ginger sighed and tossed her cards back to the center of the glass table.
“I’m getting another beer from the cooler. Does anyone else want one?”
Her question was met with chorus of ‘pleases’ and ‘thank yous’. She smiled then rolled her eyes and went about collecting the cold, wet cans from the cooler.
“Call.” Continues Jack with his trademark smirk.
“Call.” Frankie’s voice is a bit rough from having just downed the remainder of his beer.
You called wordlessly, your chips following the others’ as they clinked on the glass table top, then Jack dealt the flop: 9 of hearts, 8 of spades and Ace of diamonds.
Jack’s gaze was on you, gauging your reaction and wondering if you had an Ace to match the one on the table. The betting went around, Jack raised, a classic aggressive opening move from him, but you were all somewhat surprised when Frankie re-raised him. All eyes narrowed at Frankie. The man had a scary good poker face, keeping the tension out of his jaw and meeting everyone’s gaze with those brown puppy eyes of his. It was how he had trounced Santi earlier.
Ginger came back with your beers and set them down on the table before taking back her seat, watching in amusement. You called and Jack dealt the turn card: a Queen of spades.
“You waitin’ on a Jack there darlin’?”
Jack challenged and raised, his voice was rough honey as he tried to get a rise out of you.
You let a laugh spill from your lips and your own mischievous smirk lights a spark in your eye.
“Oh no, I’ve already got a Jack and you’re more than enough. I don’t think I could handle another.”
Frankie’s neutral face breaks into a wide grin and Jack’s mind starts spinning, trying to assess all of the possible meanings behind what you just said. The three of you call and Jack throws down the river: a 7 of spades. What were the fucking odds?
Tequila frowned then checked, Jack raised, Frankie called and you re-raised. A collection of groans were uttered across the table but they all ponied up anyways.
“Straight Flush. Pay up boys!”
You don’t even bother to hide the smugness in your voice. Tequila huffed and cracked his beer open.
“Santiago! Is the food done yet? I thought you said we’d be eating before the sun went down?”
He was exaggerating of course, it wasn’t nearly that late and the summer sun was slow to set over the water. Tequila got up to go and lick his wounds with Santiago around the grill. You got up as well, walking around and pressing a kiss to Frankie’s lips before Jack unceremoniously tugged you into his lap for a kiss as well and smiled.
“C’mere, darlin’ I want one too.”
His smile is good natured, your boys were rarely ever jealous of each other. Something cold and wet makes you jump, your eyes darting to the offending object only to see Frankie’s wide grin and mischievous eyes as he holds your cold beer to your arm. You playfully smack Frankie’s arm then take your beer with a thank you. You’re pleasantly surprised when Frankie lifts your legs to rest in his lap, his fingers grazing over them as he sips his own beer.
Frankie deals the next hand and you can’t help but giggle at how ridiculous it is being in Jack’s lap and trying to keep your cards from each other. Ginger wipes the floor with all of you that hand.
Hooting and hollering, draws your group’s attention across the beach and you see Benny and Will ambling across the sand, each with a six pack in their hands. Benny practically tackles Santiago as he brings him in for a hug.
“Hey! Watch it Benny, I’m grilling here!”
Will shakes his head and pulls Santi in for a decidedly calmer hug and Benny is already waltzing over to the table where you, Frankie, Whiskey, Ginger and Tequila are. Frankie lets your feet down and stands to give Benny a hug.
“Fish! Good to see ya man!”
“Good to see you too, Benny.”
You’re out of Jack’s lap, to his slight dismay, and hugging Benny, it had been years since you had last seen the lovable younger Miller brother.
“Benny, this is Whiskey, Ginger and Tequila, we all work together.”
Benny didn’t even bat an eye and just greeted everyone with a large smile.
“Whiskey, Ginger and Tequila! Well, don’t you all sound like fun!”
Laughter rang out amongst everyone and Santiago called out that the food was done.
“Why don’t you stay here, honey. Benny and I will get plates for you and Whiskey.”
Frankie wasn’t really asking a question and it wasn’t much of a choice since you found yourself once again back in Jack’s lap, his mustache tickling your skin as his lips pressed to your cheek then temple.
Benny clapped Frankie on the back as they walked over to where Santiago had set out their food.
“So you and Hawk and… ?”
“Yeah, and Whiskey, the three of us, together.”
Benny eyed Frankie for a moment, more out of concern than any judgement.
“Well right on, Fish. It’s good to see you happy. About time with Hawk too, huh?”
Frankie fought and lost against his blush, playfully shoving Benny. They brought their plates back to where you and Whiskey were sitting. Frankie put Whiskey’s plate down, inched his chair closer then sat down. Benny handed you your plate with a flourish.
“Here you go, baby.”
You rolled your eyes, shaking your head and smiling at him even as Jack’s grip on your hip tightened slightly.
“Thanks, Benny.”
He left the three of you then and went to mingle with Ginger and Tequila.
The three of you ate in easy silence. Your feet were draped across Frankie’s lap, your back cradled by Jack’s arm and head resting on his shoulder. Frankie’s fingers alternated between tracing patterns over your skin and resting on Jack’s free hand.
Laughter played off of the sand and air around you, mixing with the sound of the waves. A light, content smile played across your lips as you watched your friends together. It was getting darker now and the sky was painted varying shades of pink, purple, and orange.
The word slipped from your mouth in awe. Frankie and Jack hummed their agreement in unison and you swear sometimes they were on the same wavelength. You let out a long sigh then take a sip of your beer and settle in further against Jack.
“Whatcha thinking, honey?”
Frankie’s voice is just above a whisper, as if talking any louder would break the spell of perfection that had settled around your group and mother nature.
“I wish I could just hold onto this moment, hold onto this sunset. I’m with the loves of my life, for the first time my family is all together, they’re all having fun and I can’t think of a place I’d rather be than right here watching this sunset.”
Jack held you tighter and kissed your shoulder while Frankie brought your knuckles to his lips.
“We love you too, honey. Couldn’t imagine being anywhere else either.”
Frankie murmurs against your skin and you feel Jack’s hum through his chest. You take in the sight before you, memorizing it so you can paint the canvas in your mind and hold this moment with you, your own slice of heaven. Breathing in, you hold onto the remnants of charcoal from the grill and the salt from the ocean. You hold onto the feeling of the warmth radiating from the last rays of the fading light. It gives way to the heat emanating from Jack and Frankie, which envelops not just your body but your soul as well. You let out a sigh as Frankie leans in closer to you and Jack.
You were going to hold onto this sunset for the rest of your days.
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Thanks for reading y'all!
Taglist: @danniburgh @pascalslittlebrat @yespolkadotkitty @mothandpidgeon @mouthymandalorianalso @phoenixhalliwell @itsme-aj467 @kesskirata @rosiefridayrogersunday-reads @driedgreentomatoes @pintsizemama @neganwifey25-blog @wheresarizona @absurdthirst @sarahjkl82-blog @duchesschameleon @sherala007 @beautyagegoodnesssize @all-hallows-evie @a-bang-for-your-bucky
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professorrw · 3 years
All I Want, Remus Lupin Fanfiction
Chapter Nine
Warnings: eventual smut, death, violence, swearing, age gap, slight angst, major spoilers for Deathly Hallows
A/N: I hope you guys enjoyed this! If you did, like, comment, and reblog! If you would like to be added to my taglist (permanent or for this series) tell me and I’ll put you on there!
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It was a week or so after Remus's attack and you noticed the weather starting to get chillier. Taking full advantage of the last days of summer, you went to the waterfall often and swam when the weather permitted.
It was one of those days where the sun was blaring. You went down to the waterfall and stripped down to your bra and panties. The water was cool and felt good on your skin. You had left Remus in the tent napping and wanted to catch the sunset if possible. You swam around for a bit and floated in the water, not taking any mind to the noises around you.
That was until you heard a few twigs snapping in the direction of the tent. Those weren't the normal noises you heard while out here; you hadn't encountered any animals large enough to snap twigs. You opened your eyes and sank into the water until only your nose and above was out of the water.
Remus was walking towards you. Of course. "Apologies, I didn't mean to startle you." He approached the edge of the water and noticed your pile of clothes. His eyes widened. Did he think you were fully dressed in there? You lightly laughed and stood up in the water; where you stood it only came to your chest. "You should get in, the water feels extraordinary. You won't be able to for much longer, it's going to get colder," you said.
"Oh I don't know... my wound is still healing."
"Your wound has healed really well. It won't hurt you to get in the water," you insisted.
"Well alright."
You turned around and let him have his privacy. When you felt ripples in the water you moved your body back around. Remus was standing in the water too. It stopped at his ribs. You swam backward, away from him, and closed your eyes. Feeling ripples in the water, you knew he was moving around too.
"It does feel nice. Thank you," he said, closer than you expected. You hummed and continued to float around. It was serene and peaceful. After a minute or two you decided to move behind the waterfall. There was a cave-like dip in the rocks behind the cascading water. You went through it and sat up on the rocks. Remus followed and sat next to you. You both stayed there, admiring your surroundings.
That was until Remus spoke up, "It's very beautiful. Is this what you do everyday?"
"Yes, it's calming. It almost makes me forget about what's going on."
You looked at Remus to find that he was already staring at you. His hair stuck to his forehead and he only had on his underwear, but so did you. You dropped your gaze from his body and looked back into the water. You could feel his eyes on you, watching you intently.
Your face heated up and did everything to avoid his gaze. It didn't work and of course you looked at him again. You felt the desire to get closer to him, to feel his skin on yours. What is going on? You shook your head, trying to clear it. "What is it?"
"I- um- nothing just enjoying the view," you happened to be looking at him when you said that. You immediately looked away, hoping that he didn't think you meant him. Even though you half did. Remus was attractive. He was tall, lean, and had a kind face. His hair was beginning to grey from it's natural light brown color but it still looked good. What are you thinking? Remus doesn't think of you that way. Or did he?
You felt flustered. Your thoughts were all over the place. It was normal to think of a man as attractive. Completely normal. But Remus wasn't like any other man. Even if you wouldn't accept it yet, you were starting to feel something towards him like never before. You had denied it a month ago but the affection was poking its way to the surface again.
Needing to cool off, you dived into the water, swimming halfway across the lake. You ultimately decided to get out of the water. You laid on the rocks that surrounded the lake and breathed. That's what you needed to do, breathe. Remus couldn't like you like that could he? He's older, 18 years older to be exact. But you were turning 20 in January. You were an adult.
You were wrenched out of your mind by Remus breaking the water and drying himself off. He stood with his back to you. Your eyes wandered the many scars on his skin. A moment later he had his clothes back on and was looking for a dry rock to sit on. That rock happened to be next to yours. He sat down, legs stretched out in front of him. You decided to sit up too, stretching your legs out and crossing your ankles.
You hadn't dried off or changed back into your clothes yet. You became acutely aware of the fact and crossed your arms over your chest. Remus must have noticed because he quietly chuckled. "You're being quiet," he said.
"I know. I don't want to disturb the peace. Not that you're disturbing the peace..." You were fumbling trying to find something to say. You weren't going to tell Remus you were thinking about him.
"Ah... okay. I thought you were avoiding talking to me," he confessed.
"No. I wouldn't do that. I enjoy talking to you."
"I'm glad. I enjoy talking to you as well."
You both stayed like that for a while before Remus headed inside and you put your clothes on, following after him.
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Taglist: @bellamy1998 @sxsalvatore @ottjord @lina1945​
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batarella · 4 years
The Odyssey - (Professor!Jason x Professor!Reader)
ALSO, I’d like to thank @offendedfishnoises and @sarcasmismyfirstlove for this idea (those thirsty bitches wanted this a lot) and @idkmanicantenglish for providing me with such amazing suggestions! love you guys but ya’ll are an astronomical level of horny
Fucking hell, you were so doing this on purpose.
And it didn’t help that you were late. Even if he weren’t at the podium standing in front of almost a hundred people, he could just feel how half his students’ attention had long left him and were almost drenching the floors of their drool. It sickened him. You, with your insanely fitting pencil skirt hugging your curves, a thin button shit that laid so delicately against your skin, high heels on your feet as red as the lipstick you were wearing, and a pencil you used to hold your hair up in a bun, you took the front seat, crossed your leg over the other and pulled out your notes.
Professor Jason Todd stopped with his lecture for the tiniest minute to breathe, and he told himself it was because you, his co-worker, were assigned to observe how he’d deal with such a number of students before sending the report over to human resources. His job was on the line. Of course, he’d be sweating off his pits.
Yeah, it was totally because of that.
“As I was saying,” he said. “The Iliad and the Odyssey are the oldest surviving works of Ancient Greek Literature…”
You started jotting down onto your notebook, not of his lecture, but on how he was speaking, standing, and interacting with the students, your eyes peeking up from your dark-framed glasses and looking directly into his own. Pursing your red lips together, you inched up your seat, and your skirt riding up your thighs caught Jason’s attention more times than he would ever say.
But he managed to continue speaking at a modulated volume as if he weren’t distracted at all.
“We have little reliable information about him other than that he was blind and may have been from island of Chios. He probably made money singing at festivals. Milman Perry in the 1920s speculated that Homer…”
Half an hour passed perhaps. He was doing fine. Great, in fact. You had stopped with your notes for the moment and were leaning back against the chair, the tip of your pencil between your teeth. Dark red lipstick looked so good on you…
“A-and,” he coughed. “About the Greek’s religion…”
Okay. You looked absolutely gorgeous. He never denied that. But the way you were looking at him now? In the middle of a lecture when you were supposed to make sure he doesn’t mess up? Jason wanted to dig himself a hole right in the middle of the concrete floor and die.
You smiled at him.
That’s when he audibly stuttered, cleared his throat, thought back for a few good seconds on what the hell he was saying, before he continued.
He had to stop looking at you.
Look at anyone else. That kid who looked like something was up his nose. A girl who was writing down every word he said without missing a syllable and still had her phone up to record him. A boy with dark eyes who’d fallen asleep on his desk. Another guy three seats away from you, looking over at your chest.
Three knocks on his podium to catch everyone’s attention. Everyone stopped with their whispers and naps and looked back at him again.
But it wasn’t without glancing down at your chest, too. Just to know what that other guy was gawking at. And as if you knew, you breathed in with your chest up and he could see how the buttons of your shirt barely did their job.
He had to look away before he’d be given any more chances at a peek at your dark-colored bra.
Homer. Odyssey. A journey that lasted decades and other shit he’s known since 5th grade. This was exhausting. Trying not to look at you was exhausting. Being ashamed of getting a hard on behind the podium in the middle of a fucking lecture was exhausting. And later tonight, he probably won’t have the energy left in him to go on patrol.
Alright. He can take this. He knew what to do.
“Please take out any paper you have with you and write down a piece of ancient Greek literature you want to do for this week’s paper. I’ll give you five minutes.”
Breathe. Fucking breathe. This was his chance to breathe. He probably hadn’t in the last hour, because it felt like not even the tiniest bit of oxygen was flowing up to his brain.
But the demons in him spoke against his ear. It was telling him to look up at you again. Just a glance.
You were swinging your leg, your back straight as a pole and your teeth around the pencil once again. You smiled at him, this time with your eyes so dark and deep that it sent his blood flow roaring around the vessels in his body. Jason didn’t smile back. Instead, he looked at you with his face all blank, up and down, before turning back to his class. “Pens down. Tomorrow we’ll talk about the Trojan C-“
Then, you had it in you to take the pencil out from your hair, letting it drop and flow down to your back. It was a curled, beautiful mess. And you didn’t straighten it out. Instead, you let it rest over your shoulders and looked straight at Jason with the most subtle smirk.
And your lips had that pout, from a habit he’d noticed when you’d instinctively lick over your teeth. Your lips were what he stared at the most.
As did practically the whole room. They weren’t even waiting for Jason to finish his sentence and pick his mouth back up from the fucking floor.
His stutter made you narrow your eyes, lean over your desk, and take note of his behavior.
You tried to at least hold back your smirk when you heard the knocking on your office door. The same three knocks he used to silence his class.
“Come in.”
Jason stepped in, his laptop bag over his shoulder.
You stopped what you were doing and placed your pen into your holder.
“Mr. Todd-”
“Don’t give me that,” Jason said, rolling his eyes.
You let out a breathy chuckle, spinning in your chair as you leaned back. He looked mad. And insanely hot. Never mind being in a teacher’s suit that was all brown and boring. He looked good in anything. Jason set his bag down, pulled down the blinds of your windows, then walked over to the other side of your desk with a glare that sent you in painfully delicious shivers.
His hands on your desk, he leaned over to you. “That wasn’t funny.”
“That was hilarious.”
“I’ll get fired.”
“Relax. I gave you a perfect score,” you placed your elbows on the table and looked up at him, feeling his breathy growl so near to your lips.
His breath uneven, you reached out to hold his tie, twisting it around your fingers.
“The students are gonna know something’s going on between us. They all had fucking hard-ons in class.”
“And you didn’t?”
Your eyes darted over his lips, then at his crotch. You smiled.
“You are so dead when I observe you tomorrow.”
“Then it’s HR’s fault for letting two professors secretly sleeping with each other have a say on their job performance.”
“It is,” he smirked.
“What are you gonna do? Parade into my class with your shirt off?”
“No, but it’s never been that hard to make you soaking wet for me.”
You pulled on his tie and he hungrily devoured your lips like he’d been long wanting to do that the whole day. You stood up, pushing the chair behind you, then Jason violently cleared out your desk with a strong swipe of his arm, pulling on your waist to let you sit on the table.
“Did you-” you said between kisses. “-lock the door?”
“Mhm.” The table squeaked when he pulled you even closer, letting your legs swing over the edge of the table. His hands were all over your thighs, squeezing and kneading them to tease your pussy. You helped him take off his suit jacket, then you pulled on his dress shirt up from being tucked into his pants so your palms could snake up his abs. Jason tore your shirt open, letting the buttons pop and fall to the ground.
Gasping, Jason started kissing down your breasts and you let him ride your skirt up to your waist. He pulled you closer, and you spread your legs wide open for him to get comfortable between them. Teasing the tip of your heeled shoe against his back, you moaned when he grinded against you.
You weren’t wearing any panties. For fuck’s sake Jason looked like he wanted to murder you after fucking you so violently. “I can’t believe you.”
“Shh,” you gripped on his hair, so tightly it made him wince. Glaring at you, he took your hand off and started to pull his tie off from his neck.
“You don’t get to do anything.”
Gulping, he took a moment to watch your chest heave before taking both your hands, letting his rough finger graze across your wrists. Then you almost came right at that moment when he pulled your arms behind your back, turning you around, then tied your wrists together with his tie.
You could feel your wetness drench the table.
“Get on your knees.”
You did. And you kept looking up at him while he unbuckled his belt and let his awfully hard cock spring out of his pants. “Has that been wanting to see me for the last hour?” you said.
Without an answer, Jason held the side of your face, taking in the sight of you so flawlessly perfect in front of him. He grazed his thumb against your red lips and groaned. “I’ve been wanting these lips around my cock since you walked into the damn room.”
When he started gripping your hair, he pulled you to him and his cock sunk deep into your mouth, past towards your throat which instantly made you gag. It was hot, almost a blur, but Jason kept holding you still until he heard you whimper around his dick. “Hmm?”
Your eyes locked onto him, you let your tongue play with his load inside you, swirling and teasing with your drool trailing down your mouth. He shut his eyes and moaned way too loud. Pulling your head back and forth, you hallowed your mouth the best you can and stared up at him.
“Fuck…” he gasped. “You have no idea how hot you look right now.”
He didn’t give you a chance to answer and pulled his cock deep into your throat to watch you gag.
Pulling your head back just to breathe, he let go of your hair and let you suck him off at the pace you wanted. You couldn’t use your hands, so you did what you could with your lips, your tongue, your teeth so lightly grazing the tip, watching his reactions. His finger brushed against your cheek, and you pulled away to look up at him with your drool dripping down your chin.
You absolutely loved watching him squirm while you sucked his dick. The way he pulls on his own hair, trails his hand down his abs, he watched you with his mouth parted and let his dark hair flow down to his eyes. You licked his tip, sucked it like you would with a lollipop and let your tongue go crazy with the slit at the tip. He bit on his hand, still keeping his eyes on you, then you forced it down the back of your throat the best you can and choked yourself.
“That’s it,” he said. Smoothing your hair over with his hand. You pulled back to look at him, and he put his thumb into your mouth, pulling it off with a loud pop before letting you have it with his cock again. You could tell he held back his cum. He looked like he was just about to internally explode.
You stood back up, kissing him so he could taste himself from you. Jason didn’t wait another moment to forcibly turn you around, then he bent you over the desk to let the cold, breezing air hit your throbbing cunt.
With your hands still tied, you let him hold onto your waist, bruising them with his strong hands, then you hit the table’s surface with your forehead when he started fucking the living daylights out of you. “Oh!” you squealed, but you bit your lips before you could scream anything else. The thrill of getting caught, it was one of the reasons why your relationship with Jason was so hot.
You don’t think he’s ever been this hard before, like it was throbbing and hurting so much that any touch was possibly going to make him cum. Still, he had it in him to hold it back, but a pull on your hair made you wince at the pain, then he pounded into you so skillfully fast, you could only stare at the wall with your tears leaking out of your eyes. It was definitely a blur now. The buzz, the sensation, his moans, you came much too early despite all your forces doing everything to hold it back. But you couldn’t, and with him still pounding relentlessly, you were a twitching mess so sensitive to the core.
The pain was so beautifully mixed with the orgasm, which trailed on and on the more he fucked you. Fuck, the orgasm probably lasted longer than the build up. But with your mouth so wipe open, screaming whatever profanity you knew in your head, Jason kept going until another coil in your stomach built up, and you exploded.
Jason didn’t last any longer. Spilling his hot cum inside you, he hesitated to slow down, wincing at his own sensitivity. You were panting, sweating off your skin, and you laid bent down over the table even with him already zipping up his pants, taking his tie off from your hands.
You pulled yourself up and stretched your skirt back down to cover your cum-covered thighs, still in a daze. You turned around, wrapped your arms around him and kissed him gently, much softer than just a moment ago.
“That ended way too quickly,” he said, his hands on your waist.
“Why don’t you come over tonight and we’ll make it last for all the way until dawn-“
“We should probably go to a hotel,” he smirked. “Can’t risk getting caught in that fucking teacher’s dorm.”
“I’ll book us a night.”
Winking at you, he slapped your ass before pulling away and walking out the door.
  Taglist: everyartistwas-firstanamateur  @sarcasmismyfirstlove @damned-queen-of-gotham @idkmanicantenglish @wunderstell @birdy-bat-riya @get-loki@everyday-imfangirling @comic-nerd-dc @multifandoms916 @icequeen208@offendedfishnoises @egdolan @xemiefx @arkhamtoddler @elsenthal@mythicbitchx @supremehaunter @ burning-alive  @lucy-roo  roseangel013bf @ loxbbg  reclusive-chicken-nuggethttp-cherries shadowsndaisiesriver9noble zphilophobiazannoylinglyaries
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sentientpaperbag · 4 years
So this not only ended up being longer than I meant, but most of it is lore related because I changed some stuff involving the lore of magic in this universe. So you get to learn about Dark and Light Husks a little more
Also i might have gone on a bit and rambled in the tags, whoops~
Under the cut!
Zonta was tired. She’d gone a little overboard with the spellcasting practice. She just desperately wanted to get her spells right without causing too much trouble. She knew using Dark Magic was dangerous, and usually using it as much as she had would result in some form of permanent change in her appearance or even becoming a Dark Husk.
But... she hadn’t had any side effects. She was actually, weirdly enough, good at it. To her knowledge, every witch had a specific form of magic that they excelled in. For example, Zonta knew a nice girl who lived outside of town in the forest, and her specialty happened to be plant based, although she usually used mostly fungi.
Zonta, however, learned pretty quickly that she was very good with Dark Magic. It wasn’t necessarily forbidden, but it was frowned upon to use this kind of magic, due to the very dangerous consequences of overuse.
Zonta supposed it could be worse. She could be in the cult of Light Magic. Or she could be a Light Husk, those were far worse than a Dark Husk, and Zonta decided long ago that if she ever turned into a Husk, she’d go for the less depressing Dark version. At least that way she knew people would leave her alone.
“What exactly are Light Husks again?” Markus, who had come over to help her as best he could with her practice, had absolutely no idea how magic worked. Zonta liked being able to explain things to her friend, even if he didn’t really get it. She supposed it was only fair, however. After all, she hardly knew how werewolves worked and he had done his best to explain that all to her.
“Light Husks are people who used Light Magic. It’s far more powerful than Dark Magic,” she explained, “It’s also more unstable. If you have to use any kind of frowned upon or illegal magic, it’s better to use Dark instead of Light, even if people seem to be more scared of the former.”
“So since it’s unstable it’s easier to turn into a Husk, right?”
“Mm-hm,” Zonta sat down on the long couch in her living room, propping her feet on her friend’s legs as he sat down beside her, “Light Magic, being incredibly unstable and dangerous, usually tends to turn a person into a Husk pretty fast. You get like… the weirdest God complex, too. I went to a gathering with some other witches one time, and there was a Light Husk there in this like… I wanna call it a tube but it wasn’t really one. Anyway, they were in this anti-magic container thing, because if a Light Husk got loose, the world would probably be in a shit-ton of trouble. Light Husks have a whole cult following, cuz they’re usually thought of as godlike. It’s… really creepy, actually.”
“Exactly. Anyway, this Light Husk was a woman, probably like… three, four years older than us, and she’s all glowing and ethereal and it’s absolutely terrifying. But like… these people are coming up to the container and they’re asking questions and she’s answering them and her voice is absolutely mesmerizing. Really echo-y and unearthly. Honestly if she looked more like a horrifying creature made of eyes and flaming wheels and wings she could have passed as what people thought angels looked like. I don’t like it. People are obsessed with Light Husks.”
“I hope there’s not that many out there…,” Markus looked a little worried for a moment. Zonta smiled reassuringly at him, shaking her head.
“Nah, there’s like seven. After the seventh person turned into a Husk, people kinda realized that hey, this shit is dangerous and probably lethal, let’s not turn ourselves into ethereal beings of light and energy.”
Markus frowned, lost in thought for a moment. Zonta glanced out the window behind them, silently thinking her own private thoughts, mostly about how grateful she was that the two of them were comfortable with one another to talk about the less appealing sides of their abilities.
“What about Dark Husks? Are you worried about becoming one? If you use your magic too much, I mean,” Markus finally said.
“I mean, I used to worry about it. But I usually can feel when I’m going a little too far and I think that stops me from going overboard. So it should be fine, as long as I remember to take breaks and stuff. Gotta let my magic replenish or I would definitely turn into a Husk.”
“What do they usually look like?”
Zonta shuddered, thinking about the depressing forms she once saw roaming the countryside, “They look like ghosts. Or at least what I think ghosts look like. To my knowledge, Jason is the only one who can see the dead, and I’m too afraid to ask if they look like Dark Husks.
“But they like… they have hallow eyes and sunken cheeks, their bodies are usually thin and bony. Their whole body takes on a monochromatic color scheme that matches their magic. So, for example, if I turned into a Husk, my body would turn different shades of purple,” she explained, shrugging slightly.
Markus tried to envision that for a moment, furrowing his brows together. Zonta thought he looked cute when he tried to imagine something she explained. He usually looked very serious like that.
“You keep furrowing your eyebrows like that and you’ll get a crease in between them,” she teased. He relaxed his face, a small smile forming.
“I think you’d be a pretty color, but I also think you’d look scary if that happened,” Markus said.
“You think my magic color is pretty?” Zonta tried to stay calm, her heart fluttering. Usually her magic color bothered people. Magic usually was a bright color, but hers was a darker purple, almost an indigo of sorts.
“Well yeah. I mean… I think your magic is cool. And the color is kinda nice, it suits you.”
She smiled, “Thanks dude, that means a lot to me. Usually when people find out my magic color, they freak out. And then, when they find out I specialize in Dark Magic of all things, they start thinking I’m like, evil or something.”
“Do you know what kind of magic your dad did?”
She shook her head, “My mom said she can’t remember, and he left before I was born. She told me she just remembers what color his magic is. It’s red. I’ve never seen that color for magic before, it’s kinda unique. Like the dark purple for my magic. Guess weird colors run in the family.”
“Maybe he did Dark Magic like you and that’s why you’re good at it.”
“Haha, maybe.”
Zonta fought the urge to yawn, her eyes heavy. She wanted to keep talking to Markus, but she had really worn herself out practicing.
“You look tired, Hummingbird,” Markus said softly, “You should probably rest.”
“Nah, I’m.. fine,” she mumbled. She knew she needed to rest, she just didn’t want to.
“At least close your eyes. You can still talk to me, but with your eyes closed.”
She complied, closing her eyes. It was fine for a moment until she felt fingers gently brush across her face and her eyes shot open.
Markus looked embarrassed, “Ah, sorry. Should’ve said something. You had a stray hair in your face and it was bugging me. You can close your eyes again, I won’t do that without asking next time.”
She chuckled, shutting her eyes again. She tried not to think about how soft his fingers had been when they moved across her cheek.
“Your accent popped out for a minute there,” she said, laughing when Markus replied, “Howdy, ma’am,” in the most Texan accent she’d ever heard.
“Hey... If I fall asleep, don’t let me sleep too long. I have to make dinner for my mom when she gets home in a few hours. The flight she was supposed to work on next got cancelled or something, so she gets to come home for a few days,” Zonta mumbled, her words slurring a little as she felt sleep start taking over.
“Or, you could sleep and I could make your mom something. She knows you practice a lot and wear yourself out, I’m pretty sure she’d be fine with my cooking.”
“She liked that one thing your mom made,” Zonta replied, opening one eye slightly, “Those tamale things. They were really good.”
Markus grinned, “I told you. You didn’t wanna try them.”
“I didn’t wanna end up not liking them and disappoint you.”
“You could never disappoint me, Zonta,” Zonta felt her face heat up at how sincere he sounded. She opened her eyes fully, sitting up a little more and moving slightly so she was closer.
“That’s nice to know,” she said quietly, wondering if what she was feeling was genuine or just because it’d been so long since she’d dated that any form of kindness from a cute guy sent her into a romantic frenzy.
He smiled gently at her, pushing her slightly on her shoulder so she was lying back down, “You need to rest, Z. Close your eyes again.”
“Fine,” she mumbled, “Hey, you think you could you try teaching me Spanish again sometime?”
“Only if you try teaching me how to dance.”
Zonta snorted, “You have two left feet.”
“And you can’t roll your R’s.”
“That’s fair,” she laughed.
Her mind started wandering as she felt sleep start drifting over her again. Her mind drifted to thinking about what holding Markus’ hand would be like. It was such a specific thought, and she was fairly certain it was because she was a little touch starved, but she just wanted to hold his hand sometimes.
She was half tempted to say something, but felt herself grow nervous at the thought of asking, instead opting to stay quiet.
She felt herself drifting off to sleep, and she swore she heard Markus say something, but her mind was foggy and she was pretty out of it. She felt herself growing limp as sleep overtook her, and she hoped that maybe she’d have a decent dream for once instead of the weird and sometimes frightening dreams she commonly had.
Markus quietly and gently moved her so her legs weren’t on him anymore, and he found one of the small blankets she kept around the house, covering her with it. He smiled softly at her and walked into the other room to go find something to make for her and her mother when she returned home.
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mercifuldeaths · 5 years
Vertigo: Chapter 11: Hallowed Ground
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Vertigo: Chapter 11
Hallowed Ground
Jim Mason x Reader
Warnings for this chapter: Intense descriptions of drug use, overdose, and implications of suicide.
Summary: Waves, rocks, fire, salt, stars.
Notes: I cannot believe I’ve taken so long with this. It’s been finished in my drafts for...months now. Interaction with writers is so important, guys! It truly keeps me going. 
Anyway, this is dark. PLEASE don’t feel obligated to read if anything in the warnings is triggering to you or makes you uncomfortable! It’s a bit of a departure from my usual style, but I enjoyed making some parts of this chapter a bit more ambiguous and abstract. 
I hope you enjoy xx
Word count: 6.1K
Gif credit: (Unfortunately, I can’t find the source of this beautiful gif. If anyone knows, please tell me and I’ll credit them straight away.)
It was a grey morning. The sun not yet risen, but light enough that stars were hidden in the illumination. Overpowered by something greater. It was still. Everything unmoving. Stagnant. 
And for once she was happy about that. Not the ebb and flow of water, the waves, but something that could maybe give them a little more time. It’s how Medina knew something was desperately wrong in the universe-that she was okay with this stillness. She lived for motion, the rocking sensation, whirlpools, rips, anything that moved her but that morning gratitude settled in her chest for the crushing calm. A lake. Not the ocean. 
They couldn’t find him. Jim.
A missing person couldn’t be reported until it was twenty-four hours after the time they went missing, she thought. It had only been about seven. But someone could go lots of places in seven hours. Lots of things could happen in seven hours. 
The cold started to seep into Medina’s thin jacket, her nose running, eyes red. She didn’t bother blaming her tears on the cold. Jim was gone. She could feel it in her bones. In her soul. She didn’t know why she was still rushing because she knew they were looking for a body. Seven hours was much too long post mortem to do anything about it. 
She bet that he was cold, too. 
They had decided to split up- to cover more ground, was what she told Y/N but it was really because Y/N still was hoping and Medina knew she couldn’t live with false belief. Maybe it was so she could cry a little, too. They checked the beaches first-it’s where she thought he would go. To the water. To her. 
Beaches were strange, she mused. It was all really just one, right? Stretching along a coast...people just decided to name different parts of it. Off topic. It was weird. Her mind wanted to think about anything, anything, but Jim. Cold and blue and grey with his eyes open staring at nothing. His hair curly from the sea air, hands tensed, knuckles covered in dried blood, thin skin stretched over bone. Maybe the sea started lapping at him. It was going to be high tide soon and the winter waves were high. Off topic.
She walked along the shore, where earth met water, the temperature icy but reminding her of why she was there. For the first few hours, she ran. Ran through the sand and the dunes and over fences screaming. She screamed until she tasted blood. He was alive then. His pulse living inside her. The second heartbeat, because they always came in twos. The best things did.
Now, she was tired. And he was dead. So it didn’t matter anyway. 
Medina walked, letting the water splash up soaking her jeans. Good. Along the way, she collected sea glass, throwing the ones that weren’t smooth enough back into the water. Someone else will find it when it’s ready.  She walked in a straight line pretending a balance beam was under her. You always imagine the weirdest things, Medina. When his voice echoed too loud she turned backward and walked that way. What? No remark this time, Jim?
She looked down the coast both ways. Empty. 
She was empty, too. 
She smelled burning. Fire. 
“Jim, what are you doing?” Medina whispered out her window down to Jim who was crouched next to a bonfire he had created in their backyard. 
“Oh hey! Come down here,” he shouted, much too loud for the hour. Medina’s phone said it was close to three in the morning. 
Choosing to placate him was easy. He was….she couldn’t tell. But he was talking to her. So he was probably high. She held onto whatever shred of hope was left that he wasn’t. She made it down into the yard and sat next to him without a word. They never had to speak, but she found herself unable to think of anything to say to him. 
Jim flipped through the stack of papers he had next to him, licking his thumb, then flipping again. She almost laughed. He had them organized by age but he was mostly done by then, just finishing up when his sister noticed. She looked to him with wide eyes, a weary smile on her face and he felt his chest tighten. Pity. He was suddenly reminded why he was doing all of this. 
He found that he liked the warmth that radiated onto his skin from the flame. Orange and hot. Not blue and cold. It was like the sun from that coffee shop. He’d miss that. Added to the list. But it would be okay. In the end, anyway. The smoke curled up into the sky but he tried not to look. He’d miss that, too. The stars. Added to the list. 
Medina was looking up, though. Looking for him up there, he knew. Because that was the thing- he wasn’t stupid. It wasn’t like he didn’t know what he was doing. Each pill each line perfectly planned to destroy him in the best way. Sometimes Jim was reckless, but not with this. Methodological down to a science. After all, he knew his limits by then. 
The way that it hurt them though….wasn’t accounted for. Y/N...Medina. That’s why he wished it was done already. So they wouldn’t have to hurt for him anymore. Y/N...I want to see her. Stop being a selfish asshole, she hates you. I don’t care. I want to see her smile a few more times.
“What are you doin’?” Medina asked, finally looking to her brother. 
Jim sighed. “Just getting rid of some shit.” He lifted one of the stacks he had left. This one labeled ‘Kindergarden?’ because he couldn’t be quite sure. 
Medina leaned in and tried to read the label but he pulled it away before she could. Hearing him speak, she was almost sure he wasn’t high. And he’s talking again… A flicker of optimism. 
“What is that?” she asked, moving faster than him, and managing a grip on the stack. In her haste, a few of the smaller pieces of paper fell to the ground next to her. On instinct, she reached down to grab it and found that it wasn’t a paper at all but a photograph. 
The two of them, sitting on the steps of their home back in Michigan. It was the first day of school, she remembered that day. She had cried because she wanted a blue backpack, like Jim. Jim had cried because he was scared. Over waffles, before the bus came, she promised she would watch out for him-make sure nothing bad happened. 
Her stomach rolled, nausea creeping in. 
“Oops,” Jim sang as he threw another pile into the flames. 
“No, stop!” Without thinking she reached into the fire to pull out the photos and small tokens of their childhood together. The only markers of their history besides the memories they held too close to share. “Fucking,” she hissed as the papers fell to the cool grass under her feet, the small flames dying quickly, the pages still scarred and curled at the edges. “What are you doing? Jim, this stuff’s important.”
“Why?” He pulled a cigarette from his pocket and used an ember from the burning pile to light it. “It’s not like I’m gonna need it.”
A pile further from the rest caught her eye. “Is that your birth certificate? And passport?” She rushed over to it, smoke clouding her face. He didn’t bother to try to beat her to it and took another lazy drag off the cigarette balanced between his fingers. “Jim,” she said a little more firm, trying to recapture his attention back from the curling pages in the fire. “What are you doing? Really?”
“I’m just not going to need it, Medina. I’m finally getting out of here.” He smiled. The first one she had seen that wasn’t full of malice in forever, it seemed. 
She hesitated, wary of what he was implying. “Where are you going, then?”
“Right now? Probably over to Y/N’s. ‘Miss her.” He stood abruptly, forgetting his plans to keep burning now that Medina would inevitably put a stop to it. She stood back, hands still tracing the edge of his birth certificate. 
“If you’re leaving...you’re going to need this,” she whispered and held up the slip of paper. 
He flicked the cigarette into the flames that were starting to die down, running out of kindling. Another smile graced his lips but it was dampened by the shake of his head. No.
“I won’t need it.” He winked and stepped closer. She gasped when she felt him pull her into a hug, arms wrapped tight. “You’re my favorite, you know that?”
That was what he always said to her. ‘You’re my favorite.’ She never bothered to ask his ‘favorite’ what? But she really didn’t have to ask. Because he was her favorite, too. 
She held onto him, probably longer than he intended the hug to go on for, but he didn’t pull away. Unable to help herself she placed her ear to his chest. His heartbeat was there. The sound that she had grown accustomed to in those nine months sharing a womb with him provided little comfort. He slowly started detangling himself from her, after dropping a kiss to the top of her head. She felt the sinewy muscles pull away and she wanted nothing more than to grab them back around her. Just one more time.
Without another word, he spun on his heel and managed to gracefully clear the fence around their yard, headed to Y/N’s house. He managed a small wave back to his sister, over the shoulder but still moving forward. 
She grew cold without him there, despite the warmth coming from the dying fire. He liked fire. Not water.
They had gone camping a few times throughout their childhood and if it was anything Medina remembered it was to not douse the flames with water before retiring for the night. It’s supposed to burn itself out. She resisted the urge to cool the embers with the seawater that was so close to their home. Unable to sleep until the embers were blackened and cold, she stayed awake, watching them burn from her bedroom window. 
Y/N had the heat blaring in her car-too stuffy and warm, but the outside was too cold. The worst part was the getting in and out of the car. It wasn’t enough time to completely warm her to the bones so her hands remained chapped and stiff gripping the steering wheel, anything to stay grounded. 
Her and Medina opted to separate. Sure, ‘cover more ground’ but also because Medina’s slow glances and supreme uninterest were not helping the situation. Y/N knew Medina need to be near the water so she was stuck driving looking for him. 
The roads and houses didn’t change when everything else had. Nothing changed in Palos Verdes, she noticed. Each paved street turning onto more asphalt, leading to a tan house with a red tiled roof. Carbon copies. A wave of nausea settled in her belly as she continued looking into the grey where everything started melding together. The red roof, house, street, sand, ocean-all became one under the blanket of fog. 
She tasted blood and realized that she was gnawing on her lip. Briefly, she was about to ask Jim to bum a cigarette but her blood ran impossibly colder when she remembered the empty passenger seat. The vacancy was palpable.
When she reached the end of the street, a dead end leading to a trail to the ocean, she pulled over, hearing the tires spin in the sand. Before she could even hear the car door slam behind her she felt the biting cold on her hands and face. It wasn’t enough of a distraction from the nausea and the ache in her eyes, almost too exhausted to keep going. But she knew she would no matter how bad she really did just want to stop. Let it happen. If he wanted it this bad...shouldn’t they respect it? Stop letting him get in your head. 
The walk down to the beach was a longer one than she was ready for, ice in her veins but fire licking her skin. This cove was opposite the side Medina was looking on. The coves were nice because once standing inside it, enclosed on the three sides by high bluffs, there was a clear view of the definite shore. No stretching landscapes, sand extending in both directions, ocean in the other, just the semicircle of beach. Almost completely enclosed, the only way out through the ocean. The bile rose in her throat before she could stop it and she retched into the hilly dune off to the side of the worn sand trail. “Fuck,” she muttered to nobody while licking the back of her hand to rid the acidic taste. 
He wasn’t there. She could see that in the first few steps onto the soft ground. The only reason her feet kept pulling her forward was the pile of black ash that stained the creamy expanse. A beach fire, no doubt. As she grew closer she saw the emptied beer bottles haphazardly strewn about, cigarette butts lazily thrown into the edge of the circle of ash, but no Jim. It was a foolish thought that maybe there was some massive misunderstanding and he had somehow wound up down here with some of the boys. But the peeling logs that once held warmth were cold and damp from the morning dew, she reached a hand down to make sure it wasn’t warm, lit recently...a sign that maybe he was there earlier. Not alone and...just not alone. 
Exhausted, she kneeled next to the blackened sand, jeans now damp, too. They had fires there. There was always a fire when they were together. 
It had been a long day that extended into an even longer night. Jim still radiated heat, probably from the slight sunburn he was sporting after spending all day on the beach as she felt herself press into him to avoid the summer chill that came when the sun finally went down. A group of the usuals surrounded a small fire someone had managed to build in the center of the cove, warm oranges spreading over the dunes on onto the bluffs. 
The party had lasted from sunset onward but once it hit closer to sunrise than sunset their friends started clearing out either falling over themselves or linked arms with whoever they were planning on spending the remainder of the night with. And that’s how Jim found himself half laying against one of the makeshift benches, really just washed up driftwood, Y/N comfortably tucked under his arm. 
“I don’t know why you like it so much.”
“Hm?” She looked up at him, a little groggy from the booze that was starting to lose its effect. Jim liked it when she was like this, a little sleepy and vulnerable, but completely herself. 
“The sunrises. You’re exhausted, let’s just go-” he started.
“No, no it’s almost up. Just relax,” she sighed and further leaned into him, preventing him from getting up even if he wanted to. She felt Jim laugh a little and drop a kiss to her hair, wild from a day of surfing and playing in the sand. 
“It’s all new, you know?” she whispered, afraid to disturb the universe. 
Jim nodded, but was still unsure of what she meant. ‘It’s all new’. He wasn’t a fan of new, preferring the comfort of worn in tee shirts, old cartoons, the same jacket for years now. They were familiar, something grounding. New wasn’t...good. New was moving to Palos Verdes. His mother’s new personality, his father’s new wife, his sisters abandonment. Because she really did. And he hates to blame her, but she’s the reason he became...whatever it is. 
His mother was only the spark that lit the flame. Medina and her newfound obsessions and distance were the true catalyst. And his father. And maybe his mother...maybe there wasn’t even a spark. Maybe it just happened. It wasn’t a spark, it was sinking. His pockets weighed down with pills, sinking until he hit the seafloor, salt filling his lungs. 
“You like new beginnings,” he stated matter of factly, a sort of revelation. 
“And you don’t.” She knew him better than she let on. An innate feeling, not something she could explain or reason but she felt Jim in her soul. 
“I like some new beginnings,” he said a little defensive even though he knew he had no reason to be. She could read him like a book. “I like this.” He nodded between them.
“I like this, too,” she laughed, liquor still on her breath. After a moment, Jim saw the clarity in her eyes, all traces of tipsy gone. “I really like this, Jimmy.”
His fingers cradled the back of her head, thumb rubbing small circles, and tilted her face up towards him. He didn’t like the change from the night before and sighed, the irony not lost on him. Last night the fire threw orange shadows across her cheekbones and it made her glow. A few times he caught himself glancing over at her looking like some ethereal being. She was unreal. 
But at her favorite time of day, her face tilted up to the sky, up to him, a grey washed over her. She always tried to explain that it was soothing to her, the part of the day when the world was still, quiet, grey. Nothing truly existed in those precious minutes. Jim found it almost morbid. They greying landscape with fog rolling in to blanket reality. She let out a hum and Jim watched her eyes flicker shut. He had to look away. 
Nothing existed at this part of the day, though. That was the one part he could get behind. Not existing. 
“What do you think is gonna happen?” Jim asked, voice soft.
“What do you mean?” She shifted, eyes cracking open to meet a view of him looking out onto the waves. 
“To us.” His face shifted into something of being haunted by something that hasn’t happened yet. Y/N felt her stomach clench.
“...I don’t know, Jim. Can we just...be?” she said knowing she was dancing around the topic.
She was surprised when Jim gently shook his head. “I need to know there’s something for us. I need something to hold onto.” The last part was supposed to stay in his head but the lingering effects of the alcohol made his lips loose. 
“We’re…” she trailed off, thinking. It wasn’t a secret, Jim’s fear of commitment, so this was new. “We’re gonna be fine.”
“But really,” he said with a little more emphasis as he straightened his back against the driftwood. Y/N rearranged herself accordingly and sat between his legs, his chest to her back, both looking out from the cove. The grey morning was turning into a yellowed hue as the sun peeked through the clouds that decorated the open sky. 
“I think we’re going in the right direction, babe.” She tilted her head back to rest on his shoulder, trying to look at him even though the angle made it impossible. He did that on purpose. 
“I just want like--I just want it all. With you,” he stuttered.
She took a deep breath and Jim could feel his heart palpitate. “I do, too.”
“Like-everything. A stupid house and a dog and like I don’t know. I want to like...do taxes with you?”
A laugh passed her lips. “Taxes?”
“Yeah, taxes,” he sighed, giggling and felt his face burn. “Just like, even the stupid shit. I want that. With you.” He was raw, an exposed nerve on display for her to do with that she chose. 
“I want a stupid house, too. And a stupid dog, and kids-one day. And sure, taxes,” she mused maybe a little too quiet for him to hear properly. 
His eyes were still cast out onto the horizon, scanning for something it looked like. 
“I mean, let’s not rush things.” She gripped his hand that was resting around her waist, completely wrapped in his embrace. “We have time.”
Jim nodded but she didn’t fail to notice the small crease in his brow, his tell for when he was overthinking. “Let’s...start with coffee.” Y/N detangled herself from the cage of Jim’s arms, missing the warmth but consoling herself with the thought of Jim inevitably smiling into the warm drink.
Jim looked up to her. The outline of her body blocking the sun that kept rising, hand extended towards him to help him up. He couldn’t help but place a small kiss to her palm before letting her help him rise. He noted the sand stuck to the jeans she was wearing and couldn’t resist playfully swatting her ass a few times as they made their way back to his car.
“Just trying to help! Can’t have you covered in sand all day,” he laughed as he went in for another tap-just missing and grazing her thigh.
 Her little squeals made him smile. 
It was the wrong beach, not the one he was going for, anyway. But was he going for a beach at all? Did it matter? Yeah. 
He remembered there were stairs but not much else. And then it was dark and cold and the water was there. He was there? Fuck. 
There were the pills shoved in his back pocket...that happened at some point. Right?
He reached into the jeans pocket and was met with emptiness. Well really fuck. It made sense, he supposed. The way his heart was going so fast he swore it was going to rip his ribcage open, his breathing was slow though and that was confusing. But the drooping eyelids and desire to just fucking lay down was all too familiar. He must have at some point because he felt some sort of grass or plant stuck in his hair. 
Jim reached to tangle some of it out, his long fingers combing through knots and wincing a little at the pain that he couldn’t really feel. Probably thanks to the oxy. He found his hand sticky when he returned it back to searching through his pockets for a cigarette. It was dark and he couldn’t find his phone-did he even have it to begin with? The streetlights were just close enough to see his fingers painted red. Oh, the stairs. 
He supposed it really didn’t matter anyway. Nothing did anymore. There was no recollection of what he took. The handful of pills were all different colors, sizes. They were beautiful. There were a few bumps of coke taken off his own hand. His nose still tingled and he could taste the bitter on his gums. 
But there were no stairs or pills or powders or Medina or Y/N or his mom, dad, friends there anymore. 
The beach? Oh yeah. 
It was the wrong one. He knew that much. 
He sat alone in the center of the sand, head lolling to the side. 
Go closer.
“No, I don’t wanna move.”
Too bad.
He wasn’t crazy. He knew that. He just...something pulled him to the waves. 
I get it, Medina. 
It was a Thursday when Y/N had managed to drag Jim out of bed early enough to  get out before anyone else. 
“You have no classes, you have no excuse!” she sing-songed as they wandered down the path behind Jim’s house to the bay, grey waves already crashing onto the shore. He smiled at the winter waves, bigger than ever and pulling whitecaps every so often, and was secretly glad that she managed to force him out. It was that but also probably the breakfast burrito she brought. Yes, she was willing to bribe him. 
He had been acting...off. Nothing to worry about, but just the stress of his thesis and some stuff with his mom had him looking just a little more tired. Typical of a college student, though. Some more coffee, a Red Bull here and there, and Y/N didn’t need to know about the lines of coke he would sneak in the bathroom between classes. Just sometimes, though. 
He’d convinced her to wax his board for him while he leaned back against the rocks to have his breakfast. Watching her hands glide over the board in familiar strokes and circles was meditative for him. It was comfortable, the coconut smell of the wax mixed with the lavender of her conditioner, the waves crashing, the song she was humming without realizing it. It felt more like home than the house just up the path did. 
“Jack Johnson?” he mumbled around a bite of burrito, managing to catch a piece of avocado before it fell onto his wetsuit. 
She looked up from her work on the board and took a second to register that she was even humming. “Oh, yeah,” she gave a gentle laugh. “I always see the poster on your door.” She shrugged and got back to work, moving slow enough for Jim to enjoy his breakfast. 
He smiled, forgetting all about that poster. “Put it up ages ago-when we first moved. Banana pancakes, huh?”
“It’s a good song!” She set the wax aside and looked over the two boards ready to be put to use. 
“I’m particularly fond of banana pancakes.” He shrugged. 
“Is that you saying you don’t appreciate today’s breakfast?” he voice rose playfully and she nodded at his mostly gone burrito. “Because I don’t have to do that anymore…”
“No, oh my god no!” he rushed to get the words out. “You know you’re the only reason I’m like...alive. Not eating hot pockets for every meal.” 
She laughed. “I’m kidding, babe.” 
“Okay,” he sighed a bit more relieved. “I don’t know how nobody has wifed you up yet. I get wake up calls, food cooked, you’re a goddamn dream.” 
“Well I guess someone has to make a move, eventually.”
“You’re young...we’re young,” he murmured, methodologically folding the tin foil his breakfast was wrapped if before setting it in his bag to throw out later. The mood had shifted and Jim cursed himself. He saw the way her lips tightened and her movements more controlled as she picked herself up. Tucking her board under her arm she let out a wavering laugh, “Ready?”.
“Always,” Jim whispered breathlessly. 
Walking down to the waves he was sure to drop a few kisses on her temple while thinking of how he would never be lucky enough to be the one to ask her to be his wife.
After a particularly long morning, the sun and salt became overwhelming as Jim and Y/N made their way back onto dry land. Jim’s friends had a tendency to ruin things and Jim wasn’t having it. He found himself tucked into a diner booth before they could show up to the beach, Y/N across from him, biceps wonderfully sore from paddling and still feeling the sun’s warmth in him. 
It was probably a little early for burgers and fries but neither of them cared. Jim glanced across the table to where Y/N was quickly sending a text before catching him looking. “What?” Her eyes looked up to his, face still tilted to her phone. 
“Oh, nothing,” he laughed. As much as he wanted to, he didn’t feel right saying how he was just mesmerized by the water that dripped off her hair to water stain the shoulders of her shirt darker. Small sand granules still stuck to her hair and skin even though they tried to get all of it off. The way her skin practically glowed under the light that spilled in from the window she was sitting next to, her eyes that looked just a little smaller without mascara on...he loved them. He loved her. 
He loved her. 
He did. 
And sometimes it would hit him at the most random times like when she would trip over a curb, or say something that she probably shouldn’t have, or like when she was stealing fries off his plate-which she always did. And she was doing just that while scrolling through a text message as Jim looked on and just took in...everything. Because it felt mostly right. Only mostly because Palos Verdes sat looming outside. Anywhere else in the world and it would be okay. Probably. 
He knew he was running from problems. That things might not be any different if he got away. 
On stained napkins, Jim planned his escape route. Rough sketches of his future. Maybe theirs. 
“I’m gonna get us out of here.”
“Don’t make promises you can’t keep, Jimmy.” She still smiled, knowing that he would get out one day. 
If it was night then why was it so fucking bright out? White. Blankness, blindness, the world still spun but he didn’t know how because he couldn’t see it, so how could he feel it? It was night- he was positive about that because the sea was black. Ink black. 
Even when he was older-no longer a child, just moved to the bay, looking out into the nighttime waves sent ice down his spine. Watching the surfers bob over the swells, black turning to grey where the wave broke, his chest tightened. It was swimming in ink and dark. He bet that when you came out you were covered, dripping in the stuff, staining and tainting every inch of flesh, maybe even the insides, too. Swallow some of it or breathe it in and let it paint the inside of you black. He always wondered what monsters lived there, under the blanket of dark. 
It was stupid, he knew. Sea monsters didn’t exist but it was primal. Something in his blood screaming to stay away, that something down there was going to kill him, rob him of the breaths he struggled to take in anyway. Chest always tight. Lungs covered in soot and ink. Blood crashing waves, uncontrollable, and deadly-potentially tragic, but poetic. Sparking inspiration for writers, musicians, the everyday man. They all go to the sea to cleanse the soul but they didn’t see it at night. Not the way Jim did from his window every. Single. Night. Just outside, just out of reach. Just far enough away to let him sleep, but close enough to be a threat. 
But Medina dragged him down to go night surfing. 
He watched it swallow him whole. 
He was one of the monsters that lurked down there. 
Everything returned to the sea, he knew that. His thesis. Pollution. What? He managed one steadying deep breath, tricking himself into thinking he could feel the tissue expand in his chest cavity. His hands shook. It wasn’t bright anymore. 
It was dark. And night. And the waves crashed in front of him. 
He wanted to run. 
Jim made himself sit. Cross legged, back hunched over- Sit up straight, mom will complain- he straightened. Everything in him screamed to run, go anywhere but here. One more breath. A pause, a beat. His eyes narrowed at the black sea in front of him, staring at the white foam that broke off. 
The wind picked up and he felt his hair tangle and curl in the salty air. He didn’t bother moving it. The cold ripped through his body, though. Chilled to the bone. 
The lights had gone out. The streetlights? The moon? Did it matter? It was darker than before. Jim faced the ocean, mind finally blank. Numb. A breath. A beat. A clear mind. Until it wasn’t. 
Chills turned into sweats, his temperature rising impossibly fast, he felt it seep from his forehead but he still shivered. He blinked the salt from his eyes-from sweat? Or...how did I move…? The ocean lay in front of Jim. Black, swirling, and breaking, growling whispers and words to him. Calling to him? Probably. 
When did...my heart--? If he knew how to crack a chest-Dad knows that, he’s good at it…- he’d rip it out. Offer it on a silver platter to whoever wanted it. Nobody did, though. Anything to get it to stop. His hands shook and the waves still crashed. They didn’t stop, they wouldn’t stop. 
He moved closer. Why? 
I’m scared.
I know. 
You have to. 
Trembling legs carried him closer to the beast. It crawled closer on its belly, an inch from his sneakers, and controlled him. The closer it came the tighter his chest, the sharper his inhale, filling him with emptiness. Exhales were good, he pretended that it was him blowing it away until the pattern shifted again, waves overlapping and nothing discernable. Even Medina didn’t like it when it was like this- tides changing. No pattern. But it was still hers, and hers alone. She was born in a cradle of brine while he was drowned by it. 
He wished he knew how to swim. 
But he belonged in the sky, he tried to look up but his eyes were trapped, held by the dark in front of him. There was no escape- no way out from under it. Its reach clawed at the land until it took chunks of it, winning. It tore through his skin until he was nothing but exposed and raw. Its silent demons moving amongst and within him, gifting him with every burden bestowed upon him. 
Mom, dad, Medina, Y/N...me. Jim. 
It’s your fault, you know. 
I know. 
I know.
He knew it already even though his mind insisted on whispering every chance it got. Blinking got hard, eyes heavy. Everything heavy all of a sudden. 
The weight of solitude settled on his shoulders and found a home in his belly. Not just on the wind whipped beach but everywhere. Laying in bed with Y/N he always found himself alone. Not alone-lonely. 
But there is no time to be lonely when there’s a grave to dig.
The thought of her cracked him. He looked away from the monsters, hiding his eyes in his palms he felt his tears stain the cuts. How they got there, he wasn’t sure. 
Tendons, ligaments, bone- all weakened, he felt something push him to his knees. It had to have been her? No. But maybe? He couldn’t be sure. That or...whatever was out there. It’s you, you dumb fuck. 
Sometimes he forgot that he was one of them. Slicked black and melding into the monster itself, bobbing on the surface but knowing just how easily it could smother him, should it choose. 
It crawled away in retreat when Jim’s hands fell to his mouth to muffle the scream that threatened to rip from his chest. He couldn’t let anyone hear, not when he was so close. You’re almost there. Don’t stop. Do. Not. 
“I won’t, I won’t,” he whimpered, voice cracking and high. He didn’t sound like himself. Or maybe he sounded more like himself then ever. Raw. There wasn’t any more time to put on a front. 
A stillness came over him when the water rushed to surround and saturate his knees, half buried in the sand-kneeling in worship or terror. He let it run over his fingers, feeling the push and pull, his inhales and exhales no longer synched. They were slow. Slower than they should be. And they hurt.
The water was almost clear when it was close enough. He saw the blood wash away off his trembling hand when the wave was sucked back in, taking a part of him with it. 
His head bowed, not in reverence, he was sure. But because there was no point in holding it upright. There wasn’t a reason to look up, all the stars had gone. Snuffed out by the water that wavered in his view. He wasn’t going to make it there, anyway. He felt an ache in his chest when he realized that he wouldn’t be able to meet her at cassiopeia, as promised. 
It wasn’t just a dull ache, though. He felt the way oxygen flowed in and out of him too slow, the way his heart was throbbing too fast…
He fell over, face half buried in the sand, unable to move, paralyzed as the tide rushed in, claws open and ready to claim him. He didn’t remember being able to take one last gasping breath, salt filled his lungs and light filled his mind. 
For the first time, he was ready to go somewhere on his own. 
He smiled. Relieved, after so much waiting.
Tag List:
@langdonsinferno @ccodyfern @starwlkers @babypinkstyles94 @1-800-bitchcraft @hailbaphomette @langdonsdemon @michael-langdon-appreciation @langdonalien @katiekitty261 @aveiangdon @sojournx @oneday-i-will-fight-luke17 @americanhorrorstudies @sojournmichael @nana15774 @duncvn @gold-dragon-slayer @cocosfern @rosegoldrichie @and-shes-not-even-pretty @avesatanormalpeoplescareme @lvngdvns let me know if you want to be added! I’m making a completely new one (the complete one I have is so outdated) tell me if you’d like to be included! I’m sorry if I forgot anyone, like I said, my list is a disaster right now hah. 
Thank you all for your patience and support! It’s so appreciated you have no idea.
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peaceisadirtyword · 6 years
Don’t play with fire. Prologue. (Modern! Ivar/Reader)
A/N: Should I post this? No. I’m posting it anyway? Hell yes.
This is just another idea I had while I was in Copenhagen, it’s very similar to Secrets, but darker; its the typical Ivar is dangerous but maybe the reader is worse. I wanted to post a very short prologue to see if you guys like it. If you do; I'll post more parts. If you don’t... Well, we can all forget about this😅
I should focus on the stories I have already started? Yes, but my brain works like this😂. Sorry, I promise I'm not abandoning any series or anything♥️
So, hope you like it! Tell me what you think!😘
PS. I will answer your messages and comments first thing in the morning, I promise! thank you so much💜
Warnings: The things we do for love
Words: 719 (short and not too boring, I hope)
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gif isn’t mine, I can't remember where I took it from :( 
Loud music, surrounded by sweaty, drunk people. Laughs, yells and awful singing. The flickering lights. 
Nothing like the calm night you had planned, studying, watching films and maybe reading a book. 
You were completely alone. Alone in the middle of a crowded nightclub, one you had never been in. 
How the hell did you end up there?
"You promised me you'd keep me out of these things"
"I know, love, but I need your help" your boyfriend caressed your cheek "You told me you loved me, didn't you? Then help me"
"You won't be in danger, Y/N, I promise"
"What do I have to do?"
"Just get close to him, you're beautiful and smart, I will protect you"
"Are you sure?"
"Of course I am, I trust you... If you don't help me I will have problems"
And of course you accepted; risking your own life, getting closer to one of the most famous criminals in the country, to help the person you loved the most. 
You knew where to look, they had given you instructions. 
Just get closer to him, tell him what you have to say and gain his trust. If you do that, he'll die soon, I promise. 
Erik promised you he would die before finding out about you. He would never suspect you, you were just a student whose job in a small cafeteria in the centre of Copenhagen wasn't enough to pay the university, the rent and the bills. You wanted a bit of money, and information. Especially information. 
No one knew you. 
You were anonymous. 
What could go wrong? 
A part of you knew you should have said no. If Erik truly loved you as much as he said he would understand you didn't want to risk your life. For fuck's sake, he asked you to risk your life for him. 
But you loved him, your Erik... He was too important to you. 
You finished your second drink. It was important you drank some alcohol to go unnoticed, but not enough to get drunk. 
You have to be focused on the task. 
The VIP part was near the bar. There were four giant bodyguards that didn't look very friendly. 
Erik's counting on you.
You just needed to get there, tell them you needed to talk to him. 
Tell him what you know. 
And get out. 
He will probably ask for your name, he'll want more. 
You were tempted of asking for another gin tonic, but you knew you shouldn't drink that much. 
Breathing deeply one last time, you grabbed your purse and started walking towards the big guys. You didn't get too close, though, as someone grabbed your waist, preventing you from walking forward. 
"Well, beautiful, I don't think you should get close to that part... There isn't enough dance floor for you in here?"
It was a man. He was blonde, with his long hair tied back on a man bun and playful green eyes. He smiled softly at you, and you frowned. He looked familiar but... From where?
"I... Need to talk to someone in there"
"To whom, love?" He licked his lips. His tone was flirtatious but dangerous.
"That's none of your business" you raised an eyebrow. The guy was intimidating, but after dating Erik and getting to know his friends, you knew how to deal with those type of grown boys "And don't touch me" you got away from him, making him chuckle. 
"You can bet that it is my business, love"
"Stop calling me that, I just want to talk to Ivar Lothbrok, and then I'll leave"
The guy smiled.
"And what does a pretty thing like you have to do with my little brother, huh?"
My little brother. 
Your eyes widened when you recognized Hvitserk Lothbrok. Erik had showed you some pictures of the brothers, but you had forgotten Hvitserk until then. 
"I... I have information" you bit your lip, knowing that Hvitserk would be more helpful than those bodyguards. 
"Information about what?" He crossed his arms, tilting his head to look at you.
"About Aethelwulf, Ecbert's son"
Hvitserk nodded, licking his lips. 
"Alright, beautiful, I will take you to my brother. You better have good information because he's in a mood today... And trust me, you don't want to get on his nerves"
Tags: @mblaqgi @alicedopey @lol-haha-joke @hallowed-heathen @ivarslittlebadgirl @naaladareia @tephi101 @captstefanbrandt @love-hate-love @titty-teetee @thisisparadisemylove @readsalot73 @moondustmemories @thevikingsheaux @therealcalicali @chimera4plums @blushingskywalker @awkwardfangirl02 @gruffle1
thanks for reading♥️
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vineshia · 6 years
Fantastic Beasts: Crimes of Grindelwald
So I've seen a ton of bad reviews of the movie on my news feed, so I thought I would give my thoughts.
I am a huge Harry Potter nerd, so much that I have a Deathly Hallows tattoo.
So here it is:
I liked the movie. Honestly.
Now do I understand why people would be upset, sure. So let's address some of those I've seen.
1) McGonagall - There is a character that is a teacher in Hogwarts that is named McGonagall. People are mad because according to timeline Minerva McGonagall shouldn't be born yet.
Guess what, someone probably gave birth to her. The teacher is even shown in a flash back and looks in her early 30s late 20s. Guess what if Minerva is supposed be born around this time, then good probably that's her mom. People do on occasion do the same job as their parents and even act similar. They also never use her first name in the movie.
2) The Movie Doesn't Really Have an End - correct. You are correct. They said from the very beginning this was going to be a 5 movie set. This movie was really just set up for the rest of the series. For a casual movie goer, I can see a huge glaring problem.
However, I am ok with it. One of my biggest problems in movies is when they cram to much shit in them or leave shit out. Half Blood Prince is my favorite of the Harry Potter books, but my least favorite movie. They left all the things I loved in the book (aka the huge fight at the end where all of DA has taken Luck Potion), in favor of making sure the overall plot was done.
This was a plot heavy movie. Like Atlas hold up the whole heavy. It is full of exposition and character arc set ups.
In the first movie we got to meet the main characters, we even got to meet the villian, they go on a fun adventure with the major plot acting as the subplot in the movie. It was whimsical.
This movie is not. It is dark and if you aren't taken parallels to the White Nationalist Party to this movie you are not paying attention.
The Crimes of Grindelwald, isn't about his crimes. It's the crimes done in his name, For the Greater Good.
3) They never outright say Dumbledore is gay - Guys there are 3 more movies. I personally identify as Pan Sexual, sometimes Bi depending on who I am talking to, it's hard for some people to get. I am into two guys being together, it's my jam. I am ready for that to be addressed in the movies, absolutely.
But I don't need a forced line in the movie, just to be blatantly queer.
For example:
There is an Auror questioning Dumbledore about Grindelwald. He says "Is the reason you won't fight him, because you two were as close as brothers?"
Dumbledore responds "We were closer than brothers"
There is subtext there friends. What would everyone have preferred Dumbledore say "Nah we were banging mate?"
That's not how Dumbledore's character is.
Dumbledore and Grindelwald are two sides to the same coin. Both are super charismatic powerful wizards. Both have a way of subtly manipulating those around them to get them to do what they want. Both are so intelligent they can accurately predict peoples movements so far in advance they can steer a person to their own goals. That's why they liked each other.
It is literally a plot point in The Deathly Hallows that had Ariana not died Albus Dumbledore would have been doing these things with Grindelwald.
In no way would a character that spends so much time doing subterfuge blatantly say anything about their personal life to anyone else, unless it was to get what they wanted.
Dumbledore knew the Aurors didn't like him and was vague and evasive. Talking to Leta he is trying to get to think about what he wants he tries to gain her trust by talking about his sisters death. Making them relatable to each other.
As a character I just don't see that being someone addressed point blank until the two men are face to face, so you know, the last movie.
So my personal general feelings after seeing it.
I love Newt. He's adorable and very clearly on the spectrum. It is a great representation of Autism, and he is not just a side character, he is the hero of the story.
Grindelwald is a manipulator, he is pulling the strings on everything, and so is Dumbledore.
Nagini is a hot babe, and a curse is an interesting way to build Voldemort's snake into something more.
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deanssweetheart23 · 6 years
Against All Odds - Part II
Title: Against All Odds: A Kiss To Build A Dream On (Part II) Series Rewrite
Summary: Dean knows their relationship is doomed when he meets her just a few months before going to Hell. Fate intervenes.
Author: deanssweetheart23
Characters: Dean Winchester x reader
Word count: 2333
Warnings: Fluff. Angst. Implied smut. References to hell, loss and grief. Slight canon divergence (there’s no Lisa).
Author’s Notes: This is the second part of a seven-part series rewrite going from season 3 to season 11. It’s also my submission  for the 31 for 31 Challenge by my love @torn-and-frayed‘s 31 for 31 Challenge –my prompt will be used in the next part. Special thank you to my sunflower @trexrambling for betaing this for me, she is the best <3
Guys, thank you so much for reading and loving this story as much as you do. I’m sorry I didn’t update earlier, but it’s been a rough few weeks. I am back, though, and I plan on posting the next parts sooner (and I’m working on something big to share with y’all).
Without further ado. Enjoy <3
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Dean’s used to losing people.
He’s used to seeing the ones he cares about caught in the middle of crossfire because the angels and the demons have petty things to do with their time.
He’s used to being treated as God’s pawn, nothing but a soldier to help him in the greater scheme of things.
He’s used to grief.
In fact, he knows grief better than anyone, knows it in all its depth and darkness, in its hallowing emptiness and terrifying immensity, in the haste of whiskey and its cold, sleepless nights.
Dean knows grief, but when he loses Sam, he loses parts of himself with him, loses chunks of flesh and bits of soul he’s sure he’ll never recover. His entire existence had always been revolving around one simple request: Look out for Sammy.
And who is he if there’s no Sammy to look out for?
He takes a deep breath, runs a hand over his face roughly.
Ahead of him the state line stretches, but he’s not worried; he knows exactly which exit to take.
If anything, he’s stopped by her house multiple times since those three days they spent together over a year ago. He never talked to her, of course, never built up the courage to knock on her door and go inside, tell her how he really felt, how he hadn’t been able to stop thinking about her after the nights they spent tangled in each other, those long walks by the beach, the coffee-laced kisses they’d stolen over breakfast in bed.
No, Dean never told her any of it, but he still drove past her house, the home she had without him, to make sure she was okay, safe and happy and cared for.
A car honks its horn behind him.
He blinks, slows down.
He wonders whether he should turn right.
He wonders whether he deserves to turn right, deserves to drive to her house and waltz into her life again, a mess even greater than Jay had been.
He wonders if he has the right.
The car honks again, louder this time.
He promised Sam.
He promised.
Besides, she’s the only person he wants to see.
He makes the turn.
He’s standing outside her door twenty minutes later, ringing the bell two minutes after that. Its sound travels across the rooms immeasurably, followed by the padding of feet against bare wood. The vibrations are familiar and they send him reeling, bring back memories of her in his oversized shirt, pacing the floor as he made dinner, a pout on her lips because he’d just made fun of her feet, clad in a pair of fuzzy socks in the most disturbing shade of pink he’d ever seen.
He waits for one, two, three long seconds, and then.
“Dean?” His name falls from her lips in a whisper, timid and startled and sweet, and it takes him back to the night they’d shared their first kiss, the way she’d called for him as he tasted her on his mouth, certain that nothing would ever feel as good as she did in that moment.
He tries to smile.
It wobbles right off.
“Hey, Doc.”
A shaky breath.
Brows arched in a way he finds absolutely endearing.
“Is everything alright?” she asks, arms wrapped around her middle. “That call you gave me a few weeks ago…” She pushes some hair from her face, takes a step forward. “It got me a little worried.”
He nods.
Their conversation, dragged and raw, echoes soundlessly in his mind.
“Dean?” he hears her ask over the phone, worried, skeptical. “Tahini said you called, but I was in surgery. What’s going on?”
Dean hesitates.
He shouldn’t be doing this, he thinks. Not after the way they left things. Not with the Apocalypse looming over their heads. And yet, he feels like a weight’s been lifted off his shoulders as her voice washes over him, feels like he’s Dean again, not the righteous man or Michael’s vessel, not a warrior destined for great things.
Just Dean.
“Nothing, I just… I wanted to make sure you’re okay.”
“Why wouldn’t I be?”
“Honestly… Things are about to get really bad, Doc.”
“Bad?” she repeats, incredulous. “What do you mean bad? Dean, what’s going on?”
“I, uh… You’re gonna see stuff on TV. Scary stuff. But I don’t want you to worry. Whatever happens, you’re gonna be okay. M’ gonna make sure of that.”
The silence that follows is thick, taut.
She draws in a heavy breath. “I don’t understand. Have you been drinking?”
He lets out a bitter laugh, shakes his head a little. “No. Look, I know I sound crazy, but I need you to trust me. Can you do that?”
“Yeah,” she says after a long pause. “Yes. Just… Come over. Please. I’m worried about you.”
“No, don’t… Don’t do that. I know the life that I live, Doc. I know how that’s gonna end for me.”
“S’ alright. I don’t mind. Not anymore. I just… I wanted you to know… When I do picture myself happy… S’ with you.”
He’d regretted the words the moment he hung up, had cursed himself for sneaking into the shadows of her life again only to say goodbye, but he’d been desperate, about to say yes to Michael and he needed to hear her voice, needed some kind of closure.
“Dean?” she repeats, face sculpted with concern. “Are you okay?”
His gaze slides to the empty space next to him.
Darkness wraps its way around his heart.
“M’ fine,” he lies, a lie that’s been ingrained into his jabbed heart by now.
She hums.
The look she gives him is enough to let him know she doesn’t believe him.
“Tell you what,” she starts, a reluctant smile softening her unease, “s’ getting dark outside and you look like you could use a drink.” She steps aside, lets him steal a glimpse of her empty living room. “Wanna come in?”
He lets out air through his nose, not quite a laugh. “Yeah.” He runs a hand over his face. “Yeah, I think I’d like that.”
She smiles then, perhaps the most genuine smile he’s gotten out of her that evening, and, with her eyes locked on his, she reaches for his hand, manipulates their fingers until they’re intertwined.
And, just for a second, he swears he can almost breathe freely again.
Six months pass.
Dean moves into the small cottage with her, finds a respectable job at a construction-sight nearby. He tells her everything about his old life the day before he signs the contract, speaks to her about monsters and angels and demons, about Sam’s sacrifice.
He’s reluctant to, at first, worries that he’ll lose her just like he lost Cassie, but he can’t really be with her if she doesn’t know, can’t allow himself to become a concrete part of her life without making sure she wants him, wants every dark and guilty part he keeps hidden.
She does.
It surprises him a little, because he’s not used to people choosing him, not used to being loved so wholly and unconditionally by someone, but he gives himself over to her, trusts her with everything he’s got because he can tell how much she loves him.
It’s written across her skin every time she traces his scars with her fingertips, etched on her body as it wraps its way around him at nights. It’s there when she goes grocery shopping for him and it’s there when she tries to make him laugh, no matter how bad her day had been. It’s always there and it’s comforting and arduous at the same time, because he knows he has her, knows he’s finally managed to have something good in his life while his brother is burning in the Cage.
Sammy’s burning, and he is in love.
Soft lips press themselves against his neck, will his guilt away.
He closes his eyes in a shudder, despite himself.
“A quarter past six,” he mumbles, eyes glancing at the clock etched on the kitchen wall as he places his hand over hers.
Y/N’s just returned from her morning run –a habit of hers that reminds him so much of Sammy it hurts– and he can feel a thin layer of sweat against his body as she stays close along his back, can feel her heat sinking into him.
“Not bad for a slow poke,” he adds when he turns around, enveloping her in his arms.
“Shut up.” She nuzzles his clothed skin, almost sighs in content when he presses a lingering kiss on her forehead. A heartbeat passes, and then, “You’re up early. S’ your day off, isn’t it?”
He hums.
Without looking up he says, “Couldn’t sleep.” He runs a hand over his face, wonders whether he should say more. “S’, uh… S’ six months today.”
The statement hangs between them, dark, heavy, and, for a second, he almost regrets putting it into words, worries that she won’t know how to navigate her way through it, how he needs her to respond.
But she does.
She always does.
She cups the side of his neck, runs her thumb over his skin soothingly. “I know.” Her eyes drift to the griddle in front of them, the ingredients scattered on the counter. “Tell you what, let me take care of this. I got some time before I leave for work.”
He grins a little, pulls her closer. “Yeah, you should use that time to shower.” His fingers tangle in the bandana she’s using to keep her hair in a bun. He takes it off, lets it fall onto her shoulders unceremoniously, wild and unruly like a bird’s nest.
He loves it.
“You stink.”
“That’s the price of staying fit, smartass.” She reaches for the cupboards, pulls out her favorite mug. “What are you making anyway?”
He hands her the coffee pot.
Nonchalantly, he says, “Pancakes.”
“Uh huh.”
“Do they have chocolate chips?”
He nods, tries to keep a straight face as he leans in and whispers, “And peanut butter,” like it’s the filthiest thing he’s ever told her.
“Hmmm,” she lifts her mug, sips some of her coffee. “Knew I loved you for a reason, D.”
“C’mere,” he mumbles, a secret smile playing at the corners of his lips as he lifts her onto the counter, clasps a hand at the side of her neck.
He kisses her then, deep and ardent and bold, too bold for it to be a brief morning kiss, and she sighs into it, lets him drag her closer to the edge of the counter until it all becomes too much, and he breaks it off, buries his face into the crook of her neck.
“Thank you about last night, by the way,” he rasps out afterwards.
He can feel her smile at that, can feel the warmth of it seeping into him and his mind drifts back to the night before, the feel of her pressed up against his arms, the Tillamook Rock Lighthouse standing striking, commanding, miles away from him, the way its light brought the ocean to life.
They were supposed to go to her friend’s birthday party, but there was a kid there that reminded him so much of Sam he couldn’t stay for longer than an hour, and she’d agreed to leave without a second thought, had apologized to Tahini and walked out with him, her hand running soothing circles over his back.
A hum.
Gentle fingers stroking his cheek.
“Anytime, D.” She kisses the top of his head. “You know that.”
And Dean does know that, but he hates this, hates being so useless, so absolutely weak, a dead weight wrapped around her body that can only ruin her.
“Alright-” she straightens her back, makes sure to meet his gaze- “what is it?”
His eyes drift to the counter.
He licks his lips. “S’ just…” He runs a hand over his face, lets out a dark laugh. “I know how hard it was to take care of Jay after Iraq and I don’t want… I hate that I’m putting you through it again.”
She leans a bit closer, takes his hand firmly in hers.
“D, you just lost your brother.” The words are a statement more than anything, brimming with empathy and heartache. “I am not expecting this relationship to be all rainbows and butterflies, just like I’m not expecting you to give up on hunting just because you live here. And I’m not comparing you to Jay.”
“No, I know we’ve talked about this before, but I just–” she juts her chin– “I need you to understand that all I want is to be with you.” Her thumb smooths over his jaw. “I don’t care if you’re a hunter or a construction worker or a frigging astronaut.” She tips her forehead against his temple. “M’ in love with you.” They kiss again, softer this time. “And, for the record–” she jabs a finger at him– “you’re the best man I could have ever asked for, okay?”
He smiles, a smile that’s broken and real and torn around the edges.
“God, you’re…” He takes his hand in hers, and grips. “You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me, Doc.”
She laughs.
The sound reminds him of sunlight falling through the trees on a dark path.
“The best?”
She smirks, slants her eyebrow, and he can feel the tension of the morning scattering around them like dust.
“Better than meeting Dr. Sexy?”
“And the Cartwright twins?”
He squints at her. “How do you even know about that?”
“I have my sources.”
“You’ve read the books, haven’t you?”
“Maybe,” she shrugs.
“Doc–” his lips find their way against her throat, familiar, demanding– “you’re so much better than the Cartwright twins.” When she chuckles, he can feel it reverberating deep into his lungs.
He falls a bit deeper in love with her after that day.
Forever tags: @jpadjackles @supernatural-jackles @trexrambling @percywinchester27 @torn-and-frayed @atwistoffate @there-must-be-a-lock @masksandtruths @princess-shurii @lipstickandwhiskey @sunlightdances @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @ravengirl94 @hannahindie @escabell @kathaswings @dreamingdean @becs-bunker @wordstothewisereaders @imagining-supernatural @sgarrett49 @iwriteaboutdean @mogaruke @spngeronimo @ruprecht0420  @pickupthatamulet @imissyoualittlemoreeveryday @wellthatsrandomkek @winchestersnco @jayankles @winchesters-flannels @akshi8278 @persephone-divine @tiny-friggin-human @keepcalmandcarryondean @becominglionhearted @polina-93 @mandilion76 @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester @ravenangel33 @holahellohialoha @atc74 @dancingalone21 @dancing-the-hellfire-rumba @juanitadiann @yourvoiceislikearose @sinistersaltqueen @carryonmyswansong-archive @emoryhemsworth @superapplepie @bebravekeeponfighting @carryonmywaywardcaptain @sebastianshoe @kleinkariertebetrachter @stellaa33 @samisimportant-blog @jessilliam-caronday @shutupiminlooove @annoyingpeople-postingthings @caitthejourno @no-shit-sherl0ck @superflurry @mrswhozeewhatsis @starry-chaos @rlawson418 @novaddictx  @caeruli @itssmallerontheoutside-13 @may-darling @jerkbitchidjitassbutt  @adoptdontshoppets @jessikared97
Against All Odds Tags: @mirandaaustin93 @angelessquirrel @chantalkate16 @tryn25 @jbbarnesgirl @jessieray98 @ultimatecin73 @gloriousartisanfancreator @fangirl-and-medstudent-help @kararanae23
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carolinesbookworld · 6 years
It’s a Good Thing I Have a Dragon - Charlie Weasley
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Charlie Weasley x reader
Word Count: 1,590ish
A/N: This took me a week to write and I still don't know if I like it all that much. Anyway, the timeline might be kinda screwed up because I haven't read Deathly Hallows in forever, but that's when this was intended to take place, like before Bill & Fleur's wedding but after Harry left Privet Drive. Idk it's a fanfic, I can do what I want.
Also this is based on a ship that @madformoony did for me on my main blog @toomanyroses25 :)
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The Burrow appeared in all its glory as Charlie and you Apparated into the yard. “It's been so long since I was here,” you stated.
Charlie laughed and swung an arm around you. “Yeah, well you're here now so that's all that matters.” The two of you continued walking down the path, hauling your trunks along behind you. Seeing all the grass with a bunch of miscellaneous objects scattered around, trees casting odd shadows over them, made you feel nostalgic.
You and Charlie had met in detention one night during your fourth year. You already knew his brother, Bill, as he had helped you many times with Transfiguration and you helped him with Charms, even though you were in a different house (A/N: or in Gryffindor, whichever applies to you) and two years younger. Charlie, who was the same year as you, became one of your closest friends after that fateful detention. You never really got on with Percy, and Ron and Ginny were never in Hogwarts at the same time as you, but the twins made your last two years... interesting. Then you and Charlie went off to Romania together, he to study dragons and you to write a novel based on said-dragons. It only made sense that after a few years, you would admit that you had been in love since your school days at Hogwarts. And now you were headed back to the place you visited every summer after fourth year...for a wedding.
“If I'm being honest,” you said. “I didn't think we'd come back here except to tell your mum we were getting married.”
Charlie let out a laugh. “She'd have a heart attack if we didn't tell her in person.” This caused you to laugh as well. “Although, I was planning to tell her.”
You froze. “Now?” Charlie nodded. “Are you sure this is the best time, Charlie? I mean, Bill's getting married, and all this stuff with another war coming on, and Ron and Ginny will be going into their two hardest years at Hogwarts, and-”
“And nothing!” Charlie stopped you short. “Mum will be thrilled. And besides, don't you think we could use a little happiness? What with Dumbledore being gone and all this madness with the Order?” Charlie sighed. “I want my family to know that we're together.”
“They do,” you replied. “Have since we were here last.”
He rolled his eyes. “You know what I mean.”
You sighed and turned to look out at the yard, crossing you arms. “I just think…”
“You think what?” He took your hands in his and kissed each of them.
“It's Bill's wedding. Don't you want your brother to have his own day?”
“He will! And just think how excited he'll be when he finds out I finally got the guts to ask you to marry me! He's been wanting this to happen practically since we met!” Charlie's arms snaked around your shoulders, pulling you into a comforting hug. “If you really don't want to say anything,” he mumbled into your hair. “We won't. I want this to be your decision too.” You smiled against his chest, hugging him closer.
“I love you.”
“I love you.” He looked over at the house. “Now, let's go face the monsters.”
You giggled. “Yeah, your younger siblings are monsters, but dragons are just misunderstood.” Hand in hand, you walked down the rest of the path to the front door of the Burrow. Charlie knocked on the door. Not a moment later did it swing open, only for a beaming Molly Weasley to appear. “Oh, there are my world travelers!” Molly pulled you each into a tight hug. “I've been waiting for you to arrive. We were just about to start dinner.” Molly led you and Charlie to the table where the rest of the family, including Harry and Hermione, sat.
“Ah, there they are!” Arthur stood, gave you a hug, and shook Charlie's hand. “Fred, George, take their trunks up. I suspect you've had a long journey.” The twins stood and took your trunks before popping out of the kitchen.
“Well, come sit, don't just stand there,” Molly fussed. She set plates in front of you and you began eating.
“It's delicious, Mum,” Charlie commented. This is the nicest dinner we've had in ages.” The family laughed, and you heard Ron mumble, “That's unfortunate.”
The sun was just setting over the tops of the trees when George and Fred dragged everyone outside for a sundown Quidditch game. “I think I’ll just sit this one out,” you told the group. “My shoulder is still sore from that Ironbelly the other day.” Harry looked up in alarm.
“Why? What happened?” Ron asked quickly.
“She was standing too close,” Charlie said, grinning stupidly. “Had something to tell me and boom!” He clapped his hands together. “Dislocated shoulder.” The twins laughed as you rolled your eyes.
“Yeah,” you said. “Just like that time a few months back where you nearly got your finger bitten off by Jumper because you were coming too close.” At his name, your tiny dragon poked his head out of your sweater pocket. Charlie stuck out his hand, and Jumper hooked his claws around Charlie’s thumb, hauling himself up. You glanced around and laughed at the boys’ stunned expressions and Hermione and Ginny’s looks of adoration.
“You have a dragon?!” Harry whispered in wonder.
You nodded. “Charlie bred him for me. I barely get out with the big dragons anymore because I’m too busy copying down everyone’s notes. Merlin knows how impossible it is to read those journals!” Charlie rolled his eyes.
“Mine aren’t that bad,” he said. You gave him a look, and he shrugged, cradling Jumper to his chest.
“Can I hold him?” Ginny asked, grinning. You nodded and held out your hand for your dragon to climb onto. Jumper was one of the smallest dragons in the world. Somewhere in South America, a smaller dragon had recently hatched, but it was still a baby and no one was sure how big it would grow. Jumper stretched from your fingertips to a few inches past your wrist. He looked even smaller in Charlie’s hands, but he was the perfect size for you, able to fit in your pocket and go anywhere with you.
“He’ll fly to you if you call him,” you told Ginny.
She took a few steps back and called, “Jumper!” Jumper’s head whipped toward her and he scrunched up, let out a little roar, and jumped from your hand. His wings, almost as wide as he was long, spread out and caught a gust of wind. Suddenly, Hermione gasped. You all looked to her in alarm until she grabbed your hand.
“Is that…” She had flipped your hand over and stared at your ring finger. “Are you…” You smiled, nodding excitedly.
“You’re the first to notice,” Charlie commented, chuckling. “We were planning on telling everyone later tonight.”
“Bloody hell!” Ron exclaimed. “Is everyone getting married?”
The twins laughed and both swung an arm around you. “You do know there’s a war going on?” George asked.
Charlie and you laughed, saying, “Yes.”
“Good,” Fred said. “Because if not, there might be a problem.”
“So how did he ask you?” Ginny questioned. She, Hermione, and you sat on the floor of her bedroom. The girls had pulled you away almost instantly (after Ginny managed to calm down about you being her future sister-in-law) and now wanted the full story.
You laughed fondly, stroking Jumper's wings as he lay curled on your knee. “Well, he didn't mean for it to happen the way it did, but it all worked out. I mean, I said yes, didn't I?”
“Why didn't it happen the way he planned?” Asked Hermione.
“Because of this little guy,” you replied. Ginny held out her hand and Jumper jumped (A/N: I thought it was funny) onto her fingers. “Charlie was planning to have the ring attached to his leg or wing or something and he would call Jumper when it was time. Instead, Jumper stole the ring and wouldn't give it back, so Charlie had to ask me without the ring.” The girls aww’d. “It took us three days to get the ring back. Jumper hid it in his nest, so we couldn't find it at first. Then whenever we tried to dig through, he bit us. Charlie managed to trick him so I could dig it out. I think I went into shock after that, though, because I don't really remember what happened next. Just one minute I saw the ring in Jumper's nest, and the next, I had it on my finger and was squeezing the life out of Charlie.”
“I think it's cute that he wanted your dragon to be a part of it,” commented Ginny.
A knock sounded on the door, and the three of you turned to see who it was. Charlie stood leaning on the doorframe, arms crossed over his chest. “I assume my sister wheedled the story out of you?” You nodded. “Did you show them?” You shook my head.
“Show us?” Ginny tipped her head. “Show us what?”
“This,” you replied, rolling my eyes. You clicked your fingers at Jumper and a moment later he was on your hand, clawing at your ring. “He has an obsession with it.”
“Why?” Hermione laughed.
“Merlin knows!” You exclaimed. “You know what we have to do now, Charlie?” You turned to look at him. His amusement turned into confusion. “We have to tell your mum.”
He groaned. “She'll be furious we didn't tell her first!”
"Well," you said. "It's a good thing I have a dragon."
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gnhpinn-notebook · 6 years
Lion Lattes: Part 1
I decided to try my hand at writing a proper Klance fic, so I hope you like it!
“I hate everything.” Lance groaned as he banged his head against the table.
“No, you just hate homework.” Hunk sighed, patting his head reassuringly.
They were all sat in their flat kitchen, with an array of snacks spread out between them.
“I mean what I said.” Lance looked up at his laptop with distaste. He still had a thousand words to write on his WW2 essay, and he was no closer to finishing it than he was half-an-hour ago. “Pidge, you know you love me?”
“No, I don’t,” Pidge said, not even looking up from their laptop. “And even if I did, I wouldn’t do your homework for you. Serves you right for leaving it until the last minute.”
“I hate you,” Lance muttered.
“And you wonder why I don’t love you.” Pidge rolled their eyes. “Maybe you’ll learn your lesson this time and won’t go out until after you’ve done your homework.”
“Never.” Lance hissed. “When a pair of pretty girls ask if you want to go out with them, you don’t say no.”
“They only asked you because they wanted fuck boy repellent.” Pidge snorted.
“Your point? It was fun, I hardly ever get to spend time with Allura since she started her placement.”
“Lance, you’re getting distracted.” Hunk said and received a sharp glare in response.
They sat in silence, writing for what seemed to Lance like an eternity, but was probably only a couple hours. Lance wanted to put on some music, but Pidge quickly shut that idea down, claiming they couldn’t think properly when music is playing. Lance was pretty sure his brain was going to implode from essay overload when the silence was finally broken by an alarm on his phone.
Relieved, he removed if from his pocket, only to have his mood darken. Lion Lattés.
“From one soul sucking task to another.” He groaned and saved his work. “Pidge, will you at least proof read what I’ve got while I’m gone? You know how much of a grammar Nazi Professor Wright is.”
Pidge eyed him condescendingly over their glasses before nodding. “Only if you bring me back some of your brother’s red velvet cheesecake as payment.”
“Deal.” Lance grinned and messaged Pidge the link to his essay.
Lance ducked gratefully through the employee’s entrance of Lion Lattés, cursing himself for not bringing an umbrella. It had started chucking it down halfway there, and now he was soaked. He shrugged off his jacket, at least his under shirt was dry.
“Luke? I’m stealing one of the towels!” He called, plodding down the hall to the staff room. A familiar face popped around the doorway to the main shop.
“Didn’t you bring an umbrella?” His brother asked.
“Do I look like I brought an umbrella?” Lance snapped, running a hand through his damp hair for emphasis.
“Oh don’t be a drama queen, it’s just water.” Luke rolled his eyes as Lance closed the door to the staff room.
Relieved, Lance grabbed one of the fluffy towels from the corner and dried himself down before changing into his uniform. It wasn’t that he disliked working at his brother’s café, in fact, he was grateful for the work, and Luke paid well. It had a nice atmosphere, good food and plus Luke let him take the leftover cake home when he worked the closing shifts.
The only problem was that Lion Lattés wasn’t exactly a hotspot. He’d be lucky to get more than twelve customers in a three-hour shift. The place made most of its money from its Wednesday and Friday night book clubs. On those days, it was packed, but come there at any other time and it was a dead zone.
He grabbed his laptop from his bag, his brother usually let him do his homework behind the counter when it was quiet. Which it usually was.
“Right, I’ll be back around five,” Luke said, as Lance came through the doorway. “Thanks for taking the extra shift.”
“You can thank me by letting me take home some of the red velvet.” Lance grinned. “Now get going, you don’t wanna keep Mel waiting.”
Luke ruffled his hair affectionately before going to change. With a sigh, Lance sat down his usual stool and looked around the café. There was an old couple sat in one of the booths, but that was it. With a groan, he opened his essay to find a disturbing number of incorrect spellings highlighted by Pidge. Cracking his knuckles as though bracing himself, he got to work.
He was torn away from his collusion by the ringing of the café door.
“Welcome!” He called absently, finishing up his sentence before closing his laptop. He put on his best customer service smile and turned to the person approaching the counter. “What can I get for you?”
It took all his willpower to stop his jaw falling open. The guy who had just walked in was not one of the middle-aged or elderly customers who usually came to Lion Latté’s, no, this guy was about Lance’s age. And he was hot. Broad shouldered, a bit shorter than Lance, and his eyes, they were gorgeous. Even the scar on his right cheek added to his cool mystery.
“One medium latté please.” The boy said, lowering the hood of his raincoat to reveal shaggy black hair pulled into a ponytail, ok the mullet wasn’t great, but nobody’s perfect.
“Coming right up.” Lance grinned.
He turned to the coffee machine and began to make the order, while covertly sneaking glances at him. During his observations, he spotted a Harry Potter key-chain on the boy’s messenger bag. Hoping to impress the stranger, lance carefully drew the deathly hallows symbol in the latté foam before placing it on the counter.
“That’ll be £2.20.” He said, with what he hoped was a winning smile.
“Thanks.” The boy slid the money across the counter to him and then took his latté over to a table by the window.
Lance sat down with a sigh. Not even a change in expression. He watched the boy take a notebook out of his bag and open it. After several long moments of watching the boy – even the way he sat looked cool – Lance sighed again and returned to the dreaded WW2 essay.
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sushigirlali · 6 years
Lollipop (Reylo Fanfic)
Disclaimer: I do not own Star Wars or anything that relates to Star Wars.
Rating: E
Continuity: Modern AU
A/N: This one-shot is dedicated to @saturnine-stardust for her adorable take on the Aria Grande lollipop meme! She’s a great artist and you guys should definitely check out her work! Somehow this fic ended up being super dirty, so mind the rating! 😀 Enjoy!
Master list –> sushigirlali’s Reylo fanfiction 
Lollipop By: sushigirlali
“I can’t believe you made me leave the house like this,” Ben grumbled, automatically holding the door open for his girlfriend as they exited the local corner store. “I can barely walk straight!”
“You promised me breakfast,” Rey reminded him as she stepped onto the sidewalk, absently tugging down the hem of her oversized baby blue sweatshirt.
Ben eyed the black logo emblazoned across her left shoulder with a wry smile. Although they hadn’t attended school at the same time, their respective colleges held a long-standing rivalry that went back to their founding over a hundred years ago.
Having thrown on his favorite collegiate shirt after getting out of the shower this morning, he was pretty sure she’d worn the old hoodie just to annoy him. Among the many things Rey and Ben had in common, ribbing each other about their choice of university was a favorite pastime of the longtime couple.
“And you promised to protect me from those hooligans you call friends!” he shot back playfully, yanking the hood of his jacket over his baseball cap to block out the early morning sun.
“Hey, blame your own competitive streak, not me,” she replied dryly, pressing the crosswalk call button. “You didn’t have to play fifteen rounds of beer pong with them.” 
“How are they so good at handling their alcohol anyway? Do they both share the same hallow leg?” Ben chuckled at his own joke, taking a swig from his water bottle while they waited to cross. After the ridiculous amount of beer he’d imbibed the night before, hydration was key to a swift recovery.
“Finn and Poe were in the same frat, so they’re total pros at the whole drinking game thing,” Rey reminded him. “So, maybe don’t challenge them next time?”
“That’s probably wise,” Ben sighed. “I’m never going to live this down, am I?”
“Nope!” she sang, reaching into the front pocket of her sweatshirt. “Here, this will make you feel better!”
Ben watched as she unwrapped a lime green lollipop.
“Go on, take it,” she cajoled, holding up the brightly colored candy. “It’s green apple, your favorite.”
“I’m not really in the mood for—mmph!” he broke off as Rey shoved the round ball of sugar between his lips.
Giggling at his miffed look, Rey popped a cherry red lollipop into her own mouth. “Well?”
“It’s good, I guess,” Ben mumbled around the sucker, the crisp apple flavor making his taste buds sing.
“Just good?”
“Okay, better than good,” he grudgingly admitted. If nothing else, he was honest to a fault. “How’d you know green apple is my favorite, anyway?”
“I’m a mind reader,” Rey teased, smiling when his fingers slid through hers despite his harried tone.
“Yeah, yeah, but—”
“No buts!” she interrupted, tugging him into the road as the little walking man signaled it was safe to cross. “I’m starving!”
Allowing his lady to pull him along to the public parking lot across the street, Ben helped her into his huge black Suburban before coming around to the driver’s side and climbing behind the wheel.
“Since I’m not getting out of breakfast and back into bed,” Ben bantered, holding the paper stem of his lollipop between his fingers like a cigarette as he started the engine, “where would you like to go?”
“Maz’s, of course,” Rey said, idly crunching on her cherry treat as she buckled her seatbelt.
“But that’s all the way out in Takodana!” he complained, smoothly backing out of the parking lot and into traffic.
“Don’t worry, baby, I’ll make it worth your while,” she promised.
“Oh, yeah?” Ben raised an inquisitive brow, already turning down a side street that led to the road out of town.
Teasing aside, they both knew that Ben would give Rey anything she asked for, especially when it came to food. He was forever trying to make up for her desolate childhood in the foster care system, even taking up cooking lessons and buying a subscription to Blue Apron just to make homemade meals for her, much to Rey’s amusement and not-so-secret pleasure.
“Yeah,” Rey smirked, prying the long fingers of his right hand off the steering wheel and bringing them to her breast. “It’s a thirty-minute ride to Takodana, so I thought we could have a little fun.”
“What are you—?” Ben stuttered, dropping the sticky lollipop onto the black floor mat in surprise. “Rey, where’s your bra?!”
“On our bedroom floor where you tossed it last night,” she purred. “We were too drunk to do much more than undress at the time, but I’ve been thinking about fucking you since I woke up naked in your arms this morning.”
“Jesus, Rey,” he breathed, instantly hardening at her whispered words; he loved it when she talked dirty to him. Fingers contracting around her soft mound, Ben zeroed in on her hard-tipped nipple, rolling and pinching it between his thumb and index finger until she was squirming in her seat.
Sighing prettily, Rey stretched like a cat under the tantalizing pressure. “I love the feel of your hands on me.” She waited a beat, savoring his touch, before dragging his hand down her body. “Would you like to see how much?”
“Did you…did you leave your panties at home too?” he said in a strangled voice.
“Hmm…I don’t remember,” Rey said coyly. “Can you check for me?”
“Rey, we shouldn’t…”
“Why not?”
“Because we’re in a moving vehicle?” Ben said gruffly, trying to fight against his baser urges. “We could crash.”
“No, we won’t. I trust you,” she assured him.
“Please touch me, Ben,” she tempted, caressing the back of his hand. “I know you won’t let anything happen to us.”
“Dammit, Rey, this is so dangerous…” Ben said roughly, but he couldn’t seem to stop himself from slipping his hand between her smooth thighs; that pleading look on her face was just too enticing.
Glancing nervously at the road every few moments, Ben sucked in a harsh breath as he delved under her sweatshirt. Finding her bare beneath the garment, Ben tunneled his fingers through her neatly trimmed thatch of curls, tracing the seam of her pussy with calculated restraint.
“Oh!” Rey gasped in response, spreading her legs wider as he toyed with her. “Ben!”
Separating her tender folds, he massaged her tight opening lightly. “Is this what you want? Or do you want my fingers inside you?”
“Yes! Please!”
“Yes to the first question or…?”
“Ben Solo, I swear to god!” she growled threateningly.
Grinning at her heated reply, Ben gently penetrated her slick entrance, groaning as her wet flesh parted for his thick middle finger. “You’re so wet!” he said appreciatively, twisting his wrist as he pushed deeper.
“I can’t help it!” Rey confessed, clutching at his sleeve. “We haven’t been able to make love in days and I’ve been going crazy!”
Maintaining a death grip on the steering wheel with his free hand, Ben added a second finger, curling them in a come-hither motion while his thumb found her pulsing clitoris. “Did you touch yourself last night? Wishing I was coherent enough to satisfy you?”
“I’m sorry, sweetheart,” Ben said sincerely, gliding in and out of her with practiced skill, “but I’m here now.”
Traffic was thinning out as they neared the exit to the expressway, so Ben chanced a longer glance at his lover. Body tense, head thrown back, eyes shut firmly against the blinding pleasure he was giving her…damn, she was beautiful. She was everything he could ever ask for in a partner and more, and somehow, she loved him. Sometimes he still couldn’t quite wrap his head around it.
“Ben! I’m so close!” Rey said excitedly, sitting up straighter as he continued to finger her, bending her knees and lifting her feet to rest on the edge of the seat.
The position opened her up to him ever more as the sweater fell away from her thighs, and Ben was suddenly, exceptionally glad for the illegal tint on his windows. He’d been working on his possessive tendencies over the last few months, but the thought of anyone else seeing Rey in such a vulnerable state was disturbing.
“Baby, please,” Rey begged, lifting her hips in time with the motion of his hand.
“What do you need?” he rasped.
“Harder! Faster!”
Ben redoubled his efforts, vigorously rubbing her clit as he thrust a third digit into her honeyed depths, enjoying the way her voice cracked as he filled her. “That’s it, sweetheart,” he encouraged, “fall over the cliff; I’ll catch you.”
Rey began to shake as she neared completion, tossing her head from side to side against the headrest, simultaneously trying to pull away and get closer to his searching fingers. And then she was tipping over the precipice, screaming his name in a riot of pleasure before collapsing against his side.
Ben curved his arm around her shoulders as she came down, pulling her closer. “How do you feel?”
“Amazing,” she whispered, nuzzling against his bicep. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome,” Ben said. “Now that you’re—ah—Rey?”
“Yes?” she said innocently.
“What are you doing?”
“Nothing…” Rey said, skating her fingertips up his broad thigh to the tie of his gray sweatpants.
“Hmm?” she murmured, already sliding her hand into his pants and under the band of his black silk boxers.
Ben managed not to jerk the wheel as she grasped his hard member, but only just. “Fuck!”
“Oh, baby, you must be in so much pain,” she baited, gently stroking him from tip to hilt.
“You have no idea,” he gritted out.
“No?” Rey pulled back, hooking her fingers in his waistband. “Let’s see what we can do about that then. Lift your hips.”
After a brief hesitation, Ben carefully took his foot off the gas and lifted away from the driver’s seat, allowing Rey to tug his pants down far enough to free his arousal. He was too far gone to deny her at this point, regardless off his misgivings, and they both knew it.
“Good boy,” she said approvingly, wrapping both hands around him this time. Rey let out an appreciative whistle as he grew impossibly harder in her grasp, adrenaline mixing with their natural chemistry to create a perfect storm of love and lust. “Damn.”
“Like what you see?” Ben murmured.
“You know I do.” Rey licked her lips, stealing his focus away from the road again.
Hell, who are you kidding? Ben thought fondly. She’s been districting me since day one.
Having grown up as the son of a prominent politician, Ben was used to minding his manners in public. But the more he made love with Rey, the more he wanted her; regardless of the appropriateness of time or location. If fanciful things like soulmates and kindred spirits really existed, Rey was definitely his.
“Don’t miss the entrance,” she reminded him wryly when he continued to stare at her.
“Shit!” Snapping back to attention, Ben quickly boarded the on-ramp and merged onto the empty freeway. “Wow, that was a close—oof!” he grunted as Rey suddenly unbuckled her seatbelt and scrambled over the middle console to straddle his lap.
“Rey!” he protested, caging her in as he grabbed the steering wheel with both hands to avoid running off the road.
“Keep driving,” she said huskily, lifting up to align their bodies. “I’ll do all the work.”
“Rey, I don’t think—oh, fuck!” Ben rumbled as she impaled herself on his thick erection.
“Ben!” she whimpered, rocking back and forth until he was fully seated inside her sticky heat.
Knuckles turning white on the controls, Ben barely resisted the urge to close his eyes as Rey made love to him. “You feel so good!” he choked.
“So do you!” Rey bit her lip, shifting so slowly that Ben could only classify her movements as sensual torture. “I love you, baby.”
“I love you too!” Ben palmed her left buttock, needing to touch her despite the risk.
Rey moaned as he kneaded her supple skin, bracing her knees on the seat and her hands on his broad shoulders so that she could rise up and down more quickly.
“Do you know why green apple is my favorite flavor?” Ben asked, recalling the lollipop now taking up residence on the floorboard.
“No!” Rey panted, grinding down against him.
“It’s because you tasted like green apple the first time we kissed,” he said hoarsely, shockwaves rocketing up his spine as she twisted her hips. “You had just downed an appletini at—”
“Mos Eisley Cantina,” Rey supplied, looping her arms around his neck. “Wow, I can’t believe you remember that.”
“Why wouldn’t I?” Ben said tenderly. “You mean everything to me.”
Rey froze for space of seconds, staring at him with her heart in her eyes, and then she was kissing the breath out of him, melding their lips and bodies and souls together with a fervor that scorched him. Pulling over before he lost his mind altogether, Ben quickly threw the car into park and discarded his seatbelt.
“Baby, baby, I need you to—ah!” Rey gasped as he dragged her sweatshirt over her head and half-swallowed her right breast.
Suckling her plump nipples in turn, Ben circled her waist, matching Rey’s rhythm and driving her toward a second climax with every powerful thrust of his hips.
“Come on, sweetheart,” he urged, starting to lose his grip as her sheath clamped down on his cock so tightly he thought he might faint from the pleasure of it.
“I’m almost—I—”
As Rey’s exquisite body danced before him, it finally dawned on Ben that he was still mostly clothed while she was completely nude. Enthralled by the dichotomy, he reached between their bodies to caress Rey’s sopping core, strumming her clit and sucking her nipples until her back arched and she was crying out in supplication.
“Ben!” she whined. “I’m—I’m coming! Oh, god! I’m—Ben!”
Her release triggering his own, Ben crushed her against him, burying his face in her sweetly scented hair as he floated on a cloud of physical and emotional satisfaction. There was no one else like her in all the world, no one else who could match him. After years of fending off debutants and gold-diggers, Ben knew that he had finally found the one.
Damn, he was lucky.
“Are you okay?” Rey queried, running her fingers through his hair in the aftermath. “Still feeling hungover?”
“Between you and the car horn I’m a little deaf now, but other than that…” he teased, trailing his fingers up and down her smooth back. “I feel right as rain, sunshine.”
“Oh my god! I didn’t even realize I was pressing against it!” Rey laughed, impishly pecking him on the lips. “I guess things got a little out of hand.”
“A little?” Ben said sardonically, indicating their state of undress. “The party last night was a little out of hand. What we just shared was out of this world.”
“Cosmic,” she agreed happily, snuggling against his firm chest. “And you know what I want now?”
“More?” he leered.
“You’re still thinking about food?” Ben said in mock indignation, leaning down to pry the dirty green lollipop off his pristine floor mat and pointing it at her accusingly. “I give you all I have to give while trying not to crash the car and—”
Rey silenced him with a kiss, taking the sucker out of his hand and tossing it into an empty cup holder. “Feed me and we can spend the rest of the day in bed.”
“Well, if that isn’t the best deal I’ve heard all day,” Ben grinned, helping her back into her own seat before setting their clothing to rights. “It’s a shame you have to put that old hoodie back on though, you look so much better without it.”
“I’m sure,” Rey retorted, rolling her eyes. “Now, let’s eat!”
Later, when they were finally seated at Maz’s diner and Rey was diving into a mountain of pancakes and bacon, Ben couldn’t help but think that burnt toast and runny eggs had never tasted so good.
A/N: First of all: don’t have sex and drive, friends! Cause you will crash and you will die! Second of all: thanks for indulging me and reading my little smutty fic! I have a tone of other Reylo fics, so please check them out as well! 
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mistystarshine · 6 years
I want to clarify something.
Sometimes I feel like, because I am in full support of Dabi getting a redemption arc, people think that I think the character is secretly soft, just misunderstood, kind and loving, actually gentle, absolutely full of regret and guilt over what he's become, and/or his actions are easily forgivable. That... Is not true.
Dabi has been shown to be a fairly aloof and distant person who falls into a sort of mania when too worked up. Is there more beneath that? Absolutely! A well-written character always has more than one dimension to them. Are there people he loves and cares for? Quite possibly. Nothing has been confirmed yet, but I believe that his last appearance implied that he cared for his family. And, if he really is Touya, judging by Natsuo's behavior, at least one of his siblings cared about him. However, we are yet to see him display obvious or highly implied affection for anyone on screen. He even seems to keep the rest of the League at a distance. (That is why, while I do support to 'League as found family' mini-trope, at this point in time, I envision Dabi's role in it as being somewhat emotionally one-sided and not caring about his companions as much as they do him.) Whatever he's feeling... I think there's going to be a lot of anger and potentially mental instability to work through before we get to see anything that could be categorized as 'soft'. It will not be an easy fix.
Does he feel any remorse for what he's done? Most of his actions suggest that he doesn't, but Snatch questioning him on it seems to be pointing the narrative in a certain direction and, once again touching on his last appearance, his flashback to that battle may imply that he feels remorseful for Snatch's death. (Horikoshi making him bleed from the scar by his eye certainly wasn't a conincidence.) If he did indeed spare Aoyama during the attack on the training camp, that implies that he may not be as ruthless as he seems and capable of feeling such things. Personally, I do think that he feels guilty about Snatch and it may be bothering him. But. He has not shown an iota of even implied guilt for all of the villains and criminals he's killed. Just because they were villains and criminals does not mean that their lives inherently have less value. (The hero and legal systems may see it that way, and I would not be surprised if Dabi sees it that way, but not only did Snatch disagree, but the narrative pretty clearly sided with him. On a side note, it is very interesting for me that, aside from Snatch, Dabi has only killed villains and criminals despite being one himself. I see this as a sign of emotional and mental instability, maybe even a low degree as self-worth, as much as a hint that he has the potential to be redeemed thanks to more 'acceptable' victims.) If he does indeed regret what happened to Snatch, that carries weight, but it won't matter much unless and until he thinks of the other people he's killed.
Now, let's talk about whatever he was before he became what he is. I support the theory that Touya (if he is indeed Touya) was a gentle child. Likely a frightful and anxious one as well to some degree, regardless of whether he tried to hide it. Considering the way Dabi behaves, I wouldn't be surprised if he was more outspoken and prone to retaliation than his siblings, but being Endeavor's 'almost perfect' son would have weighed down on him. For me, this started as a headcanon designed for maximum heartbreak, but now we have a degree of canon evidence to support it. We've only seen Touya through a few flashbacks with his face obscured, but those flashbacks, especially the second one, say a thousand words. That child was not a villain. But he isn't that child anymore. (If I may digress for a moment, that's the entire reason @ohmytheon and I started writing Karma in Retrograde. We wanted to examine how he went from that child to Dabi in the most heart-wrenching way possible. We didn't write Ryouta* to say that Dabi isn't actually what he is, but that it isn't what he used to be. Just like there being more to him doesn't change what he's done, what he used to be doesn't change what he is.) How much of that person is still inside him remains to be seen. While I can only speak for myself, I think that while the person he used to be isn't entirely gone, it is pushed very, very far down and it will take a loy of pain, effort, and hard-fought, probaby-unwanted-by-the-characters character development to pull it back up.
Is what Dabi has done justifiable? Nope, regardless of Endeavor's abuse. Is it forgivable? That depends on the individual, but on the grand scale, not really. Which means that it might look like I just painted a pretty irredeemable picture. So why do I want him to and think he may get a redemption arc?
(It's all about the character development, my guy.)
There is nothing that Dabi can do that will undo what he has done. It's not something that can ever be dismissed as there's no true equivilant for a human life. Saving someone else's life doesn't bring back someone you killed. The thing is, no one can undo what they have already done.** That does not mean forgiveness does not exist, but that is a wholly different thing from redemption and also does not mean the past is re-written. Redemption is not about perfectly balancing a cosmic scale, because that it impossible for anyone to do regardless of their actions. Redemption can vary widely, but to use the most general phrasing possible, it means becoming a better person that you were before. Growing, changing, and trying to do better. The worse someone's past actions were, the harder it is likely to be to do this. Some characters may not succeed even if they try. But it is possible.
Since this is just supposed to be a post about what I think Dabi is like, as a character, at the present time, I am not going to go further into detail on why I think redemption is possible for him in particular or why I think it has a good chance of happening. Also, I wrote this entire thing on mobile and my thumbs are killing me. I will say that when I do analysis, it tends to be from a writer's perspective and narrative centered rather than focused on symbolism or only what we've seen happen so far. Essentially, if I do theorizing, it's almost entirely going to be done from a platform of 'this is what I would write and/or what would be the most impactful'. But! If you want some How's or Why's concerning Dabi redemption, I point you over to @hamliet , who has posted some stuff on the topic that I highly approve of - namely why Endeavor's arc would be hallow and meaningless without it if Dabi is indeed Touya.
* Yes, I know, we almost definitely guessed Dabi's real name wrong. But Ryouta is a lot closer to Touya than we expected to get! We'll edit KiR when it's officially confirmed just in case there turns out to be a fifth Todoroki kid or something. Not likely, but ee don't want to risk a second editing. That or my anxiety over people judging us for waiting will win out before confirmation and we'll edit.
** I am not delving into the topic of morality and responsibility when time travel and de-aging get involved. Nope. Not today. The former is too complicated and would take forever, the second is the other reason we wrote KiR and would be hell to write without risking spoilers. Plus. We're already writing KiR.
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