#BUT‚‚‚ Reiji is also being EXTREMELY difficult about this as well
Can Reiji stop being difficult and let me unlock him plz. like I would LOVE to unlock him and move on with my life but I can't because HIS STUPID D/D/D DECK BASICALLY KILLS HIM FOR ME-
Like bruh at least lemme summon the shit I need to unlock you before your stupid contracts succ the LP out of your stupid little bitchy twink body man. Fuck
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kirua9 · 2 years
Which instruments would diaboys play if they were ✨️musicians✨️ (part1)
Firstly, since @besnella said this idea isn't a shit I share it, so thank you Esra!
Characters included: Shu, Reiji, Subaru, Ruki
1. Shu – violin
Well, we all know he is already a violin player. To be honest, I'm not fond of this idea him being a violin player. His laziness is just killing me, 1 thought he hasn't been practicing for hundreds of years – fatale for me as a musician myself. Lol I mean he's the type who actually might not practice but sound well, tho...
I don't believe these people, they must have sold their souls to Satan. But who am I to criticise rejet 💀, huh.
I feel it's not fair to give Shu the chance to play violin, being lazy for person, who plays such an instrument (which requires the perfect pitch, virtuous/good technique, has a leader role in orchestra) is just not fair :)
With such attitude Shu might be a... at least mid viola player, but not more than it. So, I'm kinda mad, but reiet kinda made him "that genius, that it's okay not to mention he even practice regularly.
Well, he listents to music a lot, but 💀. C'mon your fingers and ears have probably forgotten everything".
(As far as I know Shu also can play cello, and piano, huh? I guess, strings are over all interesting for him, haha)
2. Reijj –viola
Viola doesn't require such brilliant skills of playing which requires violin, even if we're talking about playing in orchestra. Sometimes viola has difficult passages, but they actually have an accompaniment, supporting function for the melody (wich usually play violins), that means their parties aren't that hard. If you're a cool viola player, you can be a soloist, huh, but you really need to have perfect technique and pitch also.
Actually, viola is very underrated and suppressed by violin. In fact, viola's sound is richer, it is deeper and sounds most likely to human voice (which is an advantage, and every instrumentalist wants his instrument to sound natural, just as perfect as the nature created our voice to sound). So in my mind, Reiji, benig a viola player, a very hard-working musician, is the one who endures being the "support" guy in orchestra, while his lazy bro plays the melody. Reiji would say to everyone:" Viola is better! It sounds more beautiful, it lacks of screaching, atrocious violin vocations!" But everyone else would say: "We can't even hear what do you play, violins are too loud, dear".
Also, viola is great when it comes to representing dramatic human voice, sorrowful voice or even the one wich waits for revenge. I think it suits Reiji, somehow.
3. Subaru – piano
I'm not joking. His physical power coul help him to play the piano, cause I believe he can manage only it, and that's extremely important – the moment of touching the keyboard is the base of playing. It's the base of producing the sound and I believe he'd be perfect at loud and intense parts of piece, but he'd suck when he need to make a gentle sound, although, muscle memory is his everything, I guess.
I really thought about saying Subaru will be good at drums, but there are A LOT of different percussion instruments he'd play, it's not only about the drumkit. I'm talking about the xylophone, marimba, some percussions which really requires technique.
I mean, piano also requires a lot of technical skills, but such a power which Subaru has in his fists is just useless in percussions. You should be very precise, accurate, well-coordinate to play drums , also patient when it comes to orchestra 👀, so... Only piano seems suitable, I think. I think Subaru is not the one who would keep the rhythm well :)
4. Ruki – oboe
I was struggling with this one. The choice between oboe and clarinet was too hard. Ruki for me is 100% a woodwind instrumentalist, because he has cold personality vibes, and windblown instruments are represented very detached-sounding. They aren't as passionate as the strings, so they don't illustrate human voice. They're closer to nature sounds, like birds or wind's blow.
So, oboe has brighter sound than clarinet, also oboe sounds more dramatic than it's "brother". Tho clarinet is softer, more round and you can mistake it for saxophone sounding.
Oboe is unique and more expressive, it slays the air. It also sounds dramatic/tebse because of it's nasal-like sound. Clarinet, on contrary, sounds 100 times more calming, there's no anxious hints in it.
https://youtu.be/2WJhax7Jmxs – oboe
https://youtu.be/0-jZJcpiy8I – clarinet
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cosmicdnps · 1 year
XOXO Droplets voice actor headcanons
Okay, hear me out, I know the game has voice actors but I was thinking to myself “damn, if this thing had an anime and they used major well known VA’s, I wonder who would voice who” so I’m sharing it with y’all
Bae Pyoun
Come on, this one was easy to guess, Michael J. Tatum, you try and tell me the VA for Kyoya Otori from OHSHC, Shu Tsukiyama from Tokyo Ghoul and Rei Ryugazaki from Free! would not be an amazing VA for our sassy, snide antichrist
Pran Taylor
Okay, hear me out on this one, David Walk, his soft but also deep voice for Reiji Sakamaki from Diabolik Lovers, Adam from Sk8 the infinity and Asuma Mutsumi from Kiss Him, Not Me could work, not only is his voice very cold at times but he also shows with Mutsumi’s voice that he can show a softer side
Shiloh Fields
I’ll be honest, I was kind of stumped on this one, but then I was tossing up between Greg Ayres or Todd Haberkorn (cause it had to be one of the Ouran twins VA’s) I genuinely don’t know why I think this, honestly either of the two I named would be great depending on which side of Shiloh you want to exaggerate on more, but I feel like Todd would be a great balance of both sides of Shiloh, VA of Razor from Genshin Impact, Haru’s Nanase from Free! and Aru Akise from The Future Diary, idk how to even explain this one
Everett Gray
My instant thought is Micah Solusod, the voice for Yuu Hyakuya from Seraph of the end, Mizuki from Kasisama Kiss, Shun Kaidou from Saiki K, Izuru Kamakura from Danganronpa 2 and legit so many more characters I love (literally I could name off like five more characters off the top of my head) but he shows that he can give off the “I’m too cool for this and too cool for you” vibe while also being able to have an extremely funny side
Nate Lawson
First off, damn, I had too think long and hard again about this one, and I may be wrong here but I feel like Jerry Jewell could do a good job, VA for Kyo Sohma from Fruits Basket, Moblit Berner from AOT and Yuma Isogai from Assassination Classroom, again that cool guy vibes but with a touch of anger at times too
Jeremy King
Another hear me out moment, Bryce Papenbrook, and I’m not talking his regular voice like for Adrian Agreste from Miraculous Ladybug and Makoto Naegi from Danganronpa, but more his voice for Staz Charlie Blood, the deep depressive voice, idk, it was hard to find someone for him, mainly because I love his original VA so much (not that I don’t love the rest) but Calvin has such a unique and amazing voice
I struggled to pick for this one because most of my favourite female VA’s voice more higher toned characters and for JB I knew I needed someone with a bit more sass to her voice, I ended up deciding on Elizabeth Maxwell, also the VA for Ymir Fritz from AOT, Midnight from BNHA and Arisa Uotani from Fruits basket
Idk, I’d like to hear other’s opinions, ik I’m probably biased and my opinions unpopular and honestly this was difficult to do, I mainly started it because Bae Pyoun and Kyoya Otori give me such similar vibes
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Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Laito Dark [Prologue]
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ー The scene starts in the forest
Yui: ( ...I made it to the Demon World, but what should I do now...? )
( They always escorted me to their castle in the past, so I don’t know the way either... )
( Running away was the only thing on my mind, so I came here without giving it a second thought, but perhaps I made the wrong choice after all... )
ーー Guess I have no other choice but to proceed for now.
Yui: !?
( Don’t tell me Wolves have made it this far...!? )
ー She starts running
Yui: Haah, haah...
( ...Seems like they’re not coming after me...Thank god... )
Haah...I’m kind of tired...
( Perhaps I should find shelter somewhere and wait for the sun to rise...Then I’ll continue my search for the castle once it’s light ouーー )
( Ah, but...But if I recall correctly, the nights here last much longer than those in the human world... )
What now...?
( For now, I’ll find a safe space to rest. There’s no point in aimlessly running around... )
ー The scene shifts to a cave
Yui: Haah...What should I do next?
( I wonder if I should just head back? Even if I continue to wander around here... )
( However, that’s where those Wolves are... )
( It’s no use. I can’t come up with any good ideas while mentally exhausted... )
( ...I’ll rest up a little. )
Haah...I wonder what Laito-kun’s doing right now...?
ー Yui closes her eyes
???: Kukukuku...How lovely...Honestly...Why is a girl’s lonely expression just soーー
ーー irresistibly sexy, I wonder? I can’t get enough of it.
*Rustle rustle*
Yui: Nn...
Yui: Nn...Stop...
*Rustle rustle*
Yui: It tickles...
( ーー Wait...!? )
( Something is...feeling me up...!? )
ー She opens her eyes
Yui: Kyaaaaah....!!!
???: Uwah...!?
Yui: ...!! Eh...!?
Laito: Owowow...How could you suddenly jump up like that, Bitch-chan...? You meanie...
Yui: L-Laito-kun...!?
Laito: I took a heavy blow right to the face as a result...
Yui: I...I’m sorry. Are you alright?
Laito: Uuu...I’m fine...
Yui: Haah, thank god...
Laito: I know I’ve only got myself to blame for trying to assault you in your sleep but...
Even so, your headbutt was nothing to scoff at.
Yui: ...Sorry. I was surprised when I felt something touch my body...
More importantly, when did you get here?
Laito: Eh? Quite some time ago?
Yui: Eh!? No way...You should have woken me up then.
Laito: I mean, that would have been a missed opportunity, no~?
Yui: A missed opportunity? Wait, how so?
Laito: This situation, obviously! Nfu~
Yui: ...!?
Laito: My cute Bitch-chan finds herself in unknown territory...
With nobody to come to her rescue, she has to spend a night full of insecurities all by herself.
Just the thought of that gives me the shivers! Don’t you feel the same?
Yui: I-I don’t...! I was really scared, you know...!?
Laito: Oh dear~? Are you mad at me?
Yui: W...Well...
( For as lonely as I felt by myself, seeing Laito-kun still be his usual self makes me feel extremely relieved. )
( I could never get upset at him... )
I’m not angry.
Laito: Fufu...Of course you aren’t~ You just love me after all.
Yui: ...How about you?
Laito: What about me?
Yui: ...Do you also...?
Laito: What’s this? You want to confirm it? I’ve said it plenty of times before, haven’t I?
Yui: Butーー
Laito: Nfu...You’re uncertain, aren’t you? ...I can tell...Nn.
Yui: ( Laito-kun... )
Laito: Of course ーー I love you. (1) A lot, okay?
Feeling reassured now? Nfu~
Yui: Yeah...Thank you.
Laito: Haah, I thought we were going to be apart for a while but...Our reunion came quicker than I expected...
Yui: I’m sorry for coming here on a whim. The Wolves made it to the manor...
Laito: Oh no, Bitch-chan. This is what you should say instead.
‘I missed you so much, I couldn’t stand being apart...So while I was thinking of you...
I subconsciously found myself opening the gate to the Demon World.’ ...Something like that?
ーー Say, tell me. I know we weren’t apart for long, but while you were by yourself...You thought of me, didn’t you?
Yui: Well, of course...
Laito: Did you let your imagination run wild during those times?
Yui: Well...
Laito: You didn’t?
Yui: ...I-I didn’t have the time to...
Laito: Really?
Yui: I don’t lie...
Laito: Fufu...Bitch-chan, no point in hiding it~
I can tell. The fact that your face is flushed as red as a strawberry right now proves my point.
You see...While feeling sad from noticing how my scent slowly faded from your own body.
Your feelings for me should have only grown stronger...
...Just like mine did...Haah...
ー He takes in her scent
Yui: Laito-kun, that tickles...
Laito: You don’t like it?
Yui: Uu...
Laito: Say, Bitch-chan? Should I not put myself at ease by taking in your scent like this?
Yui: ( He really sees right through me... )
Laito: Kukuku....A prisoner of love, you’re completely in my grasp, aren’t you?
ーー I don’t think I have to say this...But you have me in your grasp as well.
The truth is, I was worried you might just follow me here, so I’ve been keeping an eye on you.
Yui: Eh...!? T-Then...You’ve been watching me ever since I set foot inside this world...?
Laito: Exactly. I was watching over you.
I figured you’d come. You can no longer bear being away from me after all.
Yui: ...
Laito: Having trouble proving me wrong because I hit the nail on the head?
Yui: Yup.
Laito: ...Why the haphazard response?
I bet you want to try and defend your case, but you find it too much trouble, don’t you?
Yui: Uu...I-I mean, no matter what kind of response I give, I can’t talk my way out... (2)
Laito: Nfufu~ You seem to know me very well, Bitch-chan.
As to be expected of my Yui-chan~!
Yui: ( ...He seems very happy... )
( I guess I can take this as him genuinely accepting my feelings? )
( In that case, I’m happy too... )
Laito: Bitch-chan, are you listening?
Yui: Ah, yeah. I am.
Laito: Really? I hope soーー
Laito: Whoops...It’d be troublesome if those Wolves were to show up...
Come on. Let’s go.
Yui: Yeah!
( I really am glad Laito-kun came for me. Now I can rest assured, right? )
ー The scene shifts to the living room of the Sakamaki manor
Yui: ーー Wait...W-Why? We came back.
Laito: Nfu~ Exactly. That was my plan all along after all.
Yui: Is this...okay?
Laito: Hmー Let me think.
What if you’re attacked by those Wolves like Ayato-kun was...?
Laito: Well, I guess I’ll cross that bridge when I get to it...?
Yui: Laito-kun!
Laito: Just kidding~ It was a joke.
But you know, I might just prefer being roughened up by those Wolves over having to stay at that castle.
ーー I’d rather not have to stay there for an extended period of time.
Yui: ...
Laito: Say, you feel the same way, don’t you? Rather than being stuck at that castle crawling with Vampires...
...you’d much rather indulge in some sweet private time with me here, don’t you?
ー He steps closer
Yui: ( He’s trying to beg the question. )
( I guess he really must not want to stay at that castle... )
Right. Let’s do that then?
Laito: Nfu~ You’re good at matching someone’s vibe, aren’t you? I don’t hate that, you know?
Yui: Laito-kun...
Laito: Yes?
Yui: I like you.
Laito: Fufu... ーー So do I...Nn.
Yui: ...
Laito: Yui-chan...
ー The scene shifts to Yui’s room
Laito: ーー That being said, this place sure has known better times...The whole manor has been turned upside down...
I think Reiji would have a mental breakdown if he saw this. Nfu~
Yui: We have to try and tidy things up step by step, otherwise we won’t be able to properly live here.
Laito: Good point. However, I don’t dislike the thought of living in this mess of a manor.
Yui: Eeh!? W-What makes you say that!?
Laito: Just try imagining it! What it would feel like to ‘have some fun’ (3) in a room which has been turned upside down~ 
As you find yourself amidst not-so-ideal circumstances, you suddenly experience a strong desire for carnal pleasure and you eagerlyーー
Yui: S-Stop right there! I’ve heard enough!
Laito: Eeh? I was just about to get to the juicy part though?
Yui: M-More importantly, I wonder if those Wolves won’t come here anymore?
Laito: I’m sure we’ll be fine for a while. However, if we stay here too long, they might find us eventually.
Yui: Right...
Laito: So, I had a great idea.
All of the Vampires who live around this area have retreated back to the Demon World.
In other words, their manor is currently uninhabited, right? So why don’t we go live there?
Yui: You mean we could go to the manor of the Mukami’s, for example?
Laito: Nfu~ Exactly!
We stay here for a bit first, then go to the Mukami’s place after. Honestly, I wouldn’t even mind returning to your childhood home for a bit.
Yui: I see...If we go from one place to another, it’d be more difficult for them to track us down.
Laito: I think it’s an almost disgustingly good idea, if I may say so myself.
Yui: However, are we sure we can just invite ourselves in...?
Laito: It kind of gets me all excited! It’s like we’re eloping together. Nfufu~ 
Yui: ( He’s not listening at all. )
( We don’t know when the Wolves will make their move, so we have to stay on guard as long as we don’t know what exactly they’re after. )
( I can only pray life will be back to normal soon... )
Translation notes
(1) This might just be a stylistic choice, but when Laito says 愛してる or ‘aishiteru’, it isn’t written in kanji as it is in all other routes, but in Katakana. This is quite odd/uncommon because usually Katakana is used for foreign words or words borrowed from another language.
I’m sure there are other people who could do a better analysis of this, but I do think it’s written like this because Laito saying those words is also somewhat surreal in itself? So by writing the word in Katakana, it reflects that sense of ‘strangeness’. 
(2) Literally she says that she can’t escape his ‘pace’. 
(3) もつれ合う or ‘motsue-au’ literally means ‘to get entangled’. I mostly found it in context of tangled vines, etc. but I think we all know what Laito implies here. :p
<- [ Prologue ] [ Dark 01 ] ->
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knight-queen · 3 years
Lunatic Parade Reiji Sakamaki– (Chapter 01)
Lunatic Parade Masterlist (Complete)
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Yui: (I must have to take my heart back no matter what…!)
Place: Inside Mountain / 山中
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Reiji: Bernstein Caste...Let’s see. I will not take that much time from here on.
Yui: Oh I see.
Reiji: Yeah, we are about to pass through the main street, and you will hear the hassle of the parade right there.
Yui: (Oh...That place will be lively for sure.)
(There may be so many booths full of sweet smells out there just like the carnival was.)
Reiji: ...I shall expose all of the thoughts you are having now.
Yui: Yes?
Reiji: You are thinking 一what kind of special sweets could be piled up in the parade, right?
Yui: H- how did you catch it?
Reiji: Such a simple deal, it’s entirely obvious if I see this dummy loosen face of yours.
Yui: I am sorry…
Reiji: No need to feel sorry. Since the parade is entertaining, we should join this  just like the carnival.
*Reiji gets closer + Screen vibrates*
Yui: Kyaa!
Reiji: Before going there, we need preparations.
We do not want to regret facing problematic things like we faced during carnival after all...alright then.
Yui: (Bottle…? It smells so lovely.)
Reiji: Front neck...and wrists. Nextly you can apply wherever you prefer.
Yui: Umm, what is this for…
Reiji: Nice smell, yes? It was a hard time for me to have the ingredients adjust the fragrance that way.
Yui: Ingredients you say?
Reiji: Right, I have purified the vampire phenomenon at an extremely high concentration.
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If you apply this then it will basically create no difference between you and vampires.
Yui: So…?
Reiji: Oh my goodness, your consideration is dull as always….In short, you will not be noticed by others that you are a human.
With this, vampires who get seduced by your blood-scent will not drag onto you.
Yui: Th- thank you very much…!
Reiji: Sure...you are welcome.
Yui: (Huh? I see he is wrinkling his eyebrows…)
Err, does anything happen?
Reiji: Perhaps you did not notice yet but I am smelling same as my spiece from you….to be honest, it is an odd feeling.
I never had gotten along with a vampire like this so….it is truly a displeasure.
Yui: (Oh I get it...I can’t possibly smell it simply having a floral frangrame on me.)
(But I’ve broken down a little for getting him to make such a face…)
Reiji: Well then, now that we have tidied up preparations, let us move on.
Yui: Sure….
Reiji: What is wrong? If there is something you want to say, say it please.
Yui: (Guess all of my thoughts are visible to Reiji san...let’s try to be honest about it.)
That is...I am so happy that you have made that fragrance for me.
But I was a little shocked to think that you will get displeased as I will be walking by your side all the way….
Reiji: ...Get it. Well it is very simplistic of you to take it this way.
However, the point is that you are typically concerned about me, so I do not mind.
It will mean I am having objections if I say you are a hopeless person granting that.
But一 一
*Reiji gets closer*
Reiji: I’m thinking about such a cute thing that you’ve put on the fragrance that I have prepared while thinking about you.
There is no way I am displeased for you.
Yui: Kh...that’s…
Reiji: Pay attention to my words till the very end.
It is bothersome to bring a human like you to the Demon World but,
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I am simply doing all of these because I love you who is a human….It is also very obvious to say it.
I want you to walk on being by my side all the way, you know?
Yui: Kh!
Reiji: What are you being embarrassed for? ...It was you to say it though? “ I Want to walk on by your side.”
Yui: I did not say “I want to”...I said “Since I will be walking.”
Reiji: Kukuh, these are the same thing...Yui, I will let you walk by my side all the way.
Like this...closely touching each other.
Yui: ...Yes.
(Uuh...it’s so embarrassing but I am rather happy that he said it.)
Reiji: Well, I shall be done with teasing you and let us get to the castle town.
*He backs off*
Reiji: Stay close to me in such a way that I can smell the fragrance alright….get it?
Place: Glimmer Main Street / グリンマーストリート表通り
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Yui: Wah…! This place is so crowded!
Reiji: Yeah, as you would expect in the parade. Anyway, how shall we get started?
Yui: Are not we going to Bernstein Castle?
Reiji: Oh my...do you think we will have any chance of accomplishment if we simply rush in being unarmed and clueless?
Yui: Ah...it is true.
Reiji: First of all, we should come up with specific future measures.
We can go around the prominent places in order to gather important information.
Since the fragrance is doing a great job just as I had expected.
Yui: True. All thanks to you!
Reiji: This result was very obvious from me….Well, for starters一
Yui: (Oh? He is looking behind me but for what reason…)
Reiji: Stay as you are now...You must not turn over.
Yui: Eh?
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Reiji: And also...try not to get away from my sight as much as possible.
Yui: But why is that?
*Reiji gets closer*
Reiji: ...I feel like someone is following us.
Yui: What?
Reiji: There will not be any problem if they do not abduct you away but...this situation is no good I think.
I do not know what is going on but...let me hold your hand.
Yui: Kh!
Reiji: We are going to be dismissed from here...as fast as we can.
Yui: (Either ways, I cannot let go of his hand by any means!)
Place: Glimmer Main Street, Front of Wagon
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Yui: (There is a huge crowd around here so we will be alright if we get puzzled to them….but who knows the outcome.)
(More than that...I’m about to be out of breath as he was walking way too fast.)
Reiji: Oof...guess it will be okay if we reduce our walking speed little by little.
However, this place is one of the territories of the Earl Walter so we must avoid being inattentive.
Yui: Yes...by the way, what kind of person is the Earl?
Reiji: Despite gathering so much information, I can say that he does not really show up his appearance.
Yui: Oh no…
Reiji: There is also one fact I had gathered from all the people.
They said “There is no way he will give stolen things back”...So he is not a  un-straightforward person who possesses unique aesthetics and philosophy.
...It is absolutely hilarious to hear all the people are having complaints about such awful facts.
Yui: It is...unforgivable.
But it surely sounds extremely difficult work to accomplish our goal. If we….
(Don’t get my heart back then perhaps I will die….what can I do?)
Reiji: ...No need to get worried about that.
Yui: Eh…?
Reiji: You will be good since I am with you. Or...you cannot have faith in me?
Yui: It is not like that! But…
Reiji: I understand your depression. But….
I will surely save you from these.
Yui: Reiji san…!
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Reiji: Good grief, do not show such a pathetic face. Or I will end up punishing you at this rate, right?
Yui: Fufuh...I am sorry.
Reiji: Haah, I get sick seeing you that you do not understand anything unless you are told….try always to put on a cheerful face.
Yui: ...Yes!
*They go away*
???: …………
Place: Tart • TatanーGlimmer Street Stores 
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Yui: (Phew...It’s good that we find seats right away. I was so exhausted from walking here and there.)
(I ordered some pastry cakes since he told me I can get whatever I like but, it’s like a bang on our wallet.)
(There are also inedible fruits put onto these but these have great tastes.)
Reiji: The tea of this shop is unbelievably outstanding for having an aromatic blend in it. What about your cake?
Yui: It is super yummy. Umm...what about having a bite for tasting?
Reiji: Oh goodness...do you not think it is vulgar if two of us stick our mouth on this cake in front of the public?
Yui: Uhh...I thought this cake was preferred to your taste so I asked you.
(Haah...right, I should just eat it alone.)
Reiji: ...Nevertheless, if you want me to eat it so bad and I shall give it a thought.
Yui: But, I do not want to force you…
Reiji: Just give me that cake at once. However there is only one fork so it is troublesome.
Yui: If you are good with it then you can use my one.
Reiji: Haah, whose fork could you expect from me to use instead of yours in this situation? ...I will borrow this.
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Mnm….I see. It is fastidious, very much suits my taste type.
Yui: Is that so? I am glad then…
Reiji: Yeah but...it is your cake so I am fine just by having a single bite.
Please enjoy eating this to your utmost.
Yui: Yeah.
Reiji: Now then I wanted to talk about how to get...back your heart.
Yui: Do you have any kind of precautions?
Reiji: I do….If we just ask him to give heart back like a stubborn then he will not listen to us.
We shall at least exchange something with him...something which is more valuable than your heart.
Yui: Eeh? But how…
(I wonder if it will work for our opponent who easily snatched my heart away in the first place?)
(If we do not do it smoothly then we are going to lose both of those…)
Reiji: Ofcourse there is a doubt that it will go everything as planned. We are not even in the mid-way of our progress.
What a grief...what you are thinking now is showing off in your face.
For showing up different facial expressions one after another...what an amusing person you are.
Yui: My sincere apologies….
(Uuh...what a shame on me.)
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Reiji: Well then, as the continuation of our strategies follows. We will approach proposing negotiations and then we will enter in the caste from it’s frontage.
We will manage to pass through an opportunity and then we will creep in the treasure house and sharply steal the heart. 
Yui: (For some reasons, I don’t feel like this plan is made by Reiji san.)
….Will we really be able to pass it following this strategy…?
Reiji: For someone like you who is thoughtless may find it a little timidity.
But the only thing we can do now is to lead that strategy to go well.
Plus fortunately, we have so many treasures which are worthy to catch Earl’s interest.
Yui: Eh?
Reiji: The pocket watch of demise...The Earl will also love to hang out with us if we show this.
Yui: (His father...Karl-heinz gave him this watch which can tell one the end of time.)
(It is very enormous but this watch is very precious as it is full of important concepts…!)
Reiji: All now left is to...seek through an opportunity and find out the place where your heart is kept off.
Yui: But you cannot use this watch...as a bargaining tool...no way you can!
Reiji: Oh seriously, you are unbelievable...face at me.
Yui: Yes?
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Reiji: Listen attentively...there is no other thing to me which is more important than your heart.
Yui: Kh!
Reiji: ...Will you still not believe my words even if I say it straightforwardly looking at your eyes?
Yui: No...you are actually misunderstanding...you words have made me so happy.
Reiji: Likewise, it is my privilege to have you consider it.
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It was worthwhile continuing to train forcibly a silly person like you.
Yui: Oh come on...it is a rude way of saying.
Reiji: Heh...well then, let us move onto the next step.
Place: Saint Nore Park / サントノレパーク通り
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Reiji: Umm...we are going to ride that one.
Yui: Eh? The ferris wheel?
Reiji: Why are you being so astonished?
Yui: Well…
(It makes me awfully surprised that he brings me to an amusement park to begin with….)
Reiji: What’s wrong? You are making an unconvinced face.
But...is it not very natural for me to want the two of us to spend time together?
Yui: (Kh...he said it while I was staring at him...so embarrassing...!)
Reiji: What are you thinking about...while flushing your cheeks? How awkward.
Fuh...I will deepen the red color of your face even more once two of us get inside that small-spaced closed room.
We shall get going….
Place: 観覧車 / Ferris Wheel
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Yui: (We get in but...I was already tired of getting teased by him while lining up.)
(Certainly I am happy to spend time with the two of us but….all Reiji san doing for a while is just comparing the scenery with some kind of paper.)
Umm, what on the Earth you are watching?
Reiji: This is a sketch of the Bernstein Castle.
Yui: Eh? When did you get it?
Reiji: I had obtained it with an absolute secret route. First of all, in order to have a conversation with him, we have to gather information.
Yui: (Incredible...as you would expect from him.)
Reiji: So, that looks like this castle. For getting a better lookー
Yui: (He’s taking out something from his chest-pocket again. But what could it be this time?)
Reiji: Yeah, here it is. For looking far away, you will need a telescope of better quality.
Yui: (W- wow...I was freaked seeing anything coming out from his pocket.)
Reiji: Oh...there is not even a single sign of people surrounding the castle. I wonder if it is covered by any barriers.
...Aah, it has ascended to a perfect height. I wanted to view it from this angle.
By the way, this castle is built up with refined details….
Yui: (It looks a very splendid castle even if I see it with my bare eyes. I also want to have a good look.)
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I want you to show me later / あとで見せてほしい 
I want you to show me now / 今すぐ見せてほしい (+correct)
Yui: Umm...would you mind showing me too?
Reiji: Fine. But is it not okay if I show you later?
Yui: I thought...we can discover more if two of us observe instead of only one of us…
Reiji: ...Oh seriously. Your self-consciousness is very high. Alright then.
If you request that far, then I shall have you give me some valuable information for me instead of just staring at that.
Yui: Eeeh!?
Reiji: Kukuh...okay then, come here.
*Reiji gets closer*
Yui: (Wha...I was just wrapped around by arms...will I have to watch like this?)
Reiji: I shall fix you so that you will not mess up with finding the proper place. You can start to have a good view now.
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Yui: Y- yes...excuse me.
(Uuh...I am feeling thumping inside but I must concentrate to find out something…!)
(Let’s see…)
ーAh! The one who is bringing the tea-set to his terrace...he is the butler san, isn’t he?
Reiji: Butler? Let me see it too….move your head to the sideway very carefully so that the telescope will not move from its current position.
Yui: S- sure!
(The more I try to not move this telescope... the less distance it becomes between Reiji san and I….how embarrassing.)
Reiji: Umm...so that person is the butler of that castle huh.
Reiji: Yui, you really figured out a great thing. It will give us a huge hint.
Yui: I am glad…!
*Sound as the ferris wheel vibrates*
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Yui: Kyaaa!? Wh- what…?
*Reiji backs off*
Reiji: Hm? The ferris wheel stops moving. Is it an accident?
Yui: I- I guess so….
(What, we are stopped being hanged having pretty much a high distance from the ground...huh?)
R- Reiji san!! There is a ch-child stucked into the frame overthere!!
Reiji: Child? ...Oh, you are right. Well, there are times when some vampires start doing reckless things.
Yui: But if he falls...that boy will be able to fly up, right?
Reiji: It is impossible. Because vampires around that age and yet to be able to float in the air.
Yui: Eeeh!? Then we must help him!
Reiji: His parents will of course be out there. Someone like you who is rather a human does not have to over-worry for that.
Yui: But...ah!
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(He did not fall...for getting unbalanced this time but, I can’t see that child like this!)
*Opens the door*
Reiji: Wha- wait, do not tell me you are up to help him….did you listen to what I just said?
Yui: I did...if that child cannot fly properly then I must have to save him…!
(If it’s from here, then by ignoring looking down, I may get caught up with where that child is by following this frame….)
Reiji: Good grief, I want to refrain that child...from behaving reckless this time!
*Reiji gets closer*
Yui: Eh?
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Reiji: Listen, you stay here. Once I will fly out from here, you must close the door immediately. Got it?
Kh…! *Flies*
Yui: (Ah! He just flies to save that child…!)
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As soon as he reached the kid, Reiji san embraced the child and flew again.
And they safely alighted to the ground.
As Reiji san told me, I hurried up and closed the door of the ferris wheel.
Thereupon, the ferris wheel started to move. Perhaps it had stopped because that child was stuck into the framework.
Anyways, I must gotta thank Reiji san right after I get off here.
END of Monologue
Place: Saint Nore Park / サントノレパーク通り
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Yui: (...Ah, Reiji san!)
Reiji: Therefore, it is very idiotic to think you will be able to fly since your parents can do it! Be ashamed of yourself!!
And must not bother other people as well….Get it?
Vampire Child A: Yes….I am so sorry….
Reiji: Good grief...If you have learned from this experience then make sure not to make the same mistake again. Understood?
Vampire Child A: Gotcha...thanks a lot, uncle. Bye bye!
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Reiji: Wha-! U- uncle…!?
Yui: (...Looks like Reiji san has strictly disciplined the child but, as I thought children are really liberized.)
Reiji san.
Reiji: Oh it’s you.
Yui: Thank you so much. Back then...sorry for doing absurd things by any chance.
Reiji: Haa...not to mention it is not the first time that you are showing your nice-soul to me. I am already getting used to your these apologies.
I want to be aware that you are being kept endured long for having this kleinod inside you.
Yui: Ah…
Reiji: Since we are having an usual situation, therefore I want you to refrain stepping forward into dangerous things.
Yui: Yes...I am sorry.
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Reiji: It is good if you have regrets for this…anyways, our investigation for the castle is complete.
Yui: Eh? We are done?
Reiji: We have collected enough information from the outside of the ferris wheel….what shall we do now?
Yui: Well…
Reiji: If you would want to then let us enjoy the parade...or return back to the hotel at once.
Yui: I- I want to go to the parade!!!
Reiji: Heh...I can hear you even if you do not say so desperately...let us move on then.
Yui: Yes!
(It made me so happy that Reiji san has offered me…!)
Place: Saint Nore Park / サントノレパーク通り
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Reiji: Every single visitor is festiving out here….if you become so slow then then you are going to stray away from me.
Yui: Yes, I will be careful.
Reiji: Good grief. I cannot simply be relieved just by hearing these words...Let me hold your hand.
*Reiji gets closer*
Yui: Th- thank you very much….
Reiji: Nope...well if good to do this once in a while.
Yui: (Somehow it looks like a dream to walk so close to him in such a thrilling place.)
Reiji: ...We cannot get fussed over this crowded place. Let us move onto a preferable place.
Yui: Sure, then what about going to the game center right there?
Reiji: I would never go there unless they are really offering a great opportunity but...if you want to then I will go.
Place: Game Center / ゲームセンター
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Yui: (I thought it won’t be that enthusiastic but…)
Reiji: Ha! ...Haah!
Yui: (Unbelievably he is enjoying here, that’s good. Plus I am also happy to see his unusual sides….)
Ah! Look, only one point then it’s my victory!
Reiji: What you just say…?
Oh well, it is a game of hitting the bats. I do not quite understand the reason for playing such a barbaric game.
Let us do a match of one kind of brain game...I just found something perfect out here.
Yui: Concentration game…?
Reiji: Yeah. Although this graded game is very insufficient for me, you can challenge it.
Yui: Y- yes! I will do my best!
(Alright, let’s show my best to Reiji san!)
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Words he says一
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Alright then, we can start the game.
Oh my goodness.
That was amazing.
The game ends here. I am now curious about your score.
*If you win*
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Yui: Oh yeesss! Reiji san, you saw it?
Reiji: I didn. You really did well.
Yui: (Glad that I did it well! ...Hm? Something comes out…?)
Reiji: Guess you get...a prize. These are bathing tickets for the Spa in the Onyx Tower.
Yui: Waah! I am so happy. Would you mind going there together, Reiji san?
Reiji: Of course I will go.
...Fuh, you are being in high-spirit just for merely a game, are you not?
Yui: But, I am so happy that...I did itttt!
Reiji: Honestly, you are looking like a child as you are raising your hand up for being overjoyed. However….
*Fades to CG*
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*High five*
Yui: Eh?
(No way right...Reiji san just did it)
Reiji: I ended up doing this seeing you so overjoyed...it was not appropriate to do this though.
Yui: N- no! You made me happy!
Reiji: ...Well, it is not bad if it is with you.
*CG fades*
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Reiji: If we get this opportunity next time and then I will do this again. *blushing*
Yui: ...Yup!
Reiji: Ooh, I feel so hot. Guess the air-conditioner is damaged?
Yui: (Fufu, it feels good to see his rare sides.)
Reiji: So, shall we go to the spa?
Yui: Okay!
Reiji: I got sweaty for unnecessary reasons. I shall wash out everything and relax out there.
Place: スパ / Spa
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Yui: (We were supposed to meet here once we’re done changing clothes.)
Reiji: Yui
Yui: Reiji san! Sorry, did I make you wait?
Reiji: No, you are good. More importantly hurry up and get into the hot water.
Yui: A- alright….
Reiji: No matter how slim your body is, I will not want to show it to other people.
Yui: What!?
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Reiji: ...Nothing really. *Flushed*
*gets into the water*
Yui: (Phew. This warming feeling is so good. I feel luxurious as it is a large bath, unusual from everyday life.)
Reiji: Kukuh...Do not make such a lifeless face which seemed to be invited to heaven.
Yui: Uuh, but it felt so good that…
Reiji: It is okay though. Plus bathing while viewing the starry sky is not bad.
Yui: Yes. It is very charming.
(But, I wonder if it is really okay to be so carefree like this…?)
Reiji: 一It is okay.
Yui: Yes?
(Have I mistakenly spelled those words from my mouth?)
Reiji: Fuh...I can watch through everything you are imagining in your head.
Yui: Oh...you are right.
Reiji: It is okay to be carefreely relaxed down like this but...we also need to do some thrills in a while.
*He gets closer*
Reiji: Certainly this situation feels extraordinary but I cannot solve it even if it gets problematic.
Therefore, please think everything like nothing wrong is going on...muwah
Yui: Hhh!?
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(I didn’t imagine he would ki- kiss me in...this place…!)
Reiji: Could it be you are already starting to feel dizzy? In that case, we must get out right away…
Yui: I- I wasn’t feeling dizzy, it’s because you have just….
Reiji: Kukuh...is that so? Then let us stay like this for a while then.
Yui: (Uhh...I am just being teased. But Is it really okay to stay here like this.)
...We must get back my heart right? But if we fail…
Reiji: Rest assured. No matter what happens, I am by your side after all.
I will definitely take your heart back safely.
Yui: ...Yes.
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(That’s right. Reiji san will be with me so I will of course be alright.)
(That’s why...I will believe these words.)
Reiji: ...It is great to believe in me but I do not mind if you speak that out to me, you know?
Yui: Ah, y- you are right…
(But it is very embarrassing to say it facing toward him being in this state.)
Reiji: But it will be okay now. That will be a great problem if I really get you half-conscious.
After we get back to the hotel, I shall make you speak up your imagining words one by one.
You are not allowed to disappoint me there, okay?
Yui: Kh, I- I will do my best…!
(We had a lot of fun today...feel like I’m about sleepy.)
(And also he will be by my side all the time.)
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ーThe END of Chapter O1
73 notes · View notes
aomineavenue · 4 years
Homesick (Miya Atsumu x f!Reader) | 001. the unexpected.
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Summary: Six years ago, L/N Y/N wouldn’t exactly say that she loves her life. It had always been problematic but her best friend, Miya Atsumu, since she was eight when she moved to Hyōgo, has always been there for her, and she wouldn’t change it for the world. However, things would always fall apart for her ever since, so she should have expected of such. Running away from her problems seemed like the easiest route to take at the time, so what happens when the past comes barging back into her life demanding answers? Will she be able to confront her demons?
Pairings: Miya Atsumu x f!Reader
Updates: irregular.
Genre: Angst, ANGST I LOVE ANGST, a lil bit of fluff here and there.
Warnings: Language, etc. (Will be mentioned once posted because I don’t want spoilers huehue)
Disclaimer: I do not own any characters except for the reader and my ideas. I do not claim any images used for content in this fic, everything goes out to their respective creators unless it is mentioned that it is mine.
Status: ongoing. | series masterlist
↩ intro | the unexpected | a mother’s nightmare  ↪
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mia’s speaks:
Okay, so before we start the story. I’d just like to explain that this may be a slow burn kinda thing because I fully want everyone to understand yn’s point of view after she ran away six years ago. We will eventually enter Atsumu’s point of view along the story, but for now, I hope you guys like this! Let me know what you guys think! 
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It had been six years and to this day, it still haunts you. Well, what they say is true anyway. Everything you run away from will eventually continue to haunt you until you decide to face it head-on. Needless to say, you were feeling pretty pathetic. Six years later, and that is still what you felt to this day. Pathetically sad.
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The cool air emitting from the air conditioner set up in the living room, mixed with the early morning cold winter atmosphere that engulfed most of Japan with its beautiful white coat, brushes against the patches of exposed skin causing you to shiver slightly, silently cursing to yourself for forgetting to turn the appliance off during the night before. You had awoken too early for your liking, the sun barely peeking as you left the comforts of your bed to grab a cup of coffee. You were never a morning person, only because it was the time where you were often left with your thoughts as the time slot was usually unproductive.
During such unproductive hours, your thoughts usually consumed you. If it weren't about work or the handful of people you hold close to your heart, it often leads you to thoughts of your life six years ago. You wondered what it would be like if you hadn't opted to run away from reality a few years back during your high school years. Your train of thought often wandered to countless possibilities if you had faced your problems earlier on. To you now, running away seemed almost petty. Well, sorta.
Would you have been happy? Would they have accepted things? Would you have grown apart? Would they have pushed you away?
Sadly, you'd never know. This is only because you fear the truth so you refuse to return and seek certain answers that no doubt will only lead to ultimate disaster. You fear the consequences of your actions. To simply put, you were a coward.
It had been six years and to this day, it still haunts you. Well, what they say is true anyway. Everything you run away from will eventually continue to haunt you until you decide to face it head-on. Needless to say, you were feeling pretty pathetic. Six years later, and that is still what you felt to this day. Pathetically sad.
You move your gaze away from the hot cup of coffee on the kitchen counter over to glance out of the window from your apartment, watching the dark skies slowly fade away to signal a brand new day on the horizon, the sun painting the sky a bright calming hue. Any minute now, your friends that had decided to crash at your place during the previous night are bound to wake up. Your tiny space had become some sort of safe haven for when they needed to hide away from their own problems, or when they needed you to nurse their drunken states.
Despite it sparking irritation within yourself, you could never bring yourself to deny them. The group had been nothing but a solid help for you the past six years when you fled from Hyōgo and where you settled yourself in the comforts of your late father's best friend back in Kanagawa, Suwa Riku, reconnecting with one of your childhood friends, Suwa Reiji. The loving Suwa family accepted you with open arms, practically calling you their own despite the situation you dug yourself in. Honestly, if they had turned you away, you would have probably ended up in the gutter somewhere in Japan as you had no other place to go. It wouldn't have even shocked you if they were to turn their backs at you when you had first came knocking on their front door, practically drenched from the pouring rain, it was barely enough to conceal the tears.
However, despite the past they barely knew, they accepted you with open arms without an ounce of judgment. If they were curious, they asked politely, and if certain questions were too difficult for you to answer, they respected your need for privacy.
When you had left everything behind in Hyōgo, you wanted to forget. You had deleted your previous profiles from any sort of social media platform that you had and changed your number when you had the chance. To everyone in Hyōgo, you completely disappeared, a mere ghost that residents either often gossiped about or have completely forgotten, it wasn't as if you were well known within the community, but—still, your disappearance had quite the impact. However, since no one has found you yet in the past six years, it probably meant that your mother didn't care. You assumed the same for your handful of friends. You stayed with the Suwa Family in Kanagawa for at least a year and a half, time for yourself and to get adjusted to your new life before you convinced yourself to get a job that will lead you to a somewhat peaceful life, you needed it for support, now more so than ever. Once again, you are in debt when your childhood friend Reiji offered you a job as a manager for their group. Of course, how could you say no? Despite the busy schedule, you managed enough, sometimes giving you the ability to be flexible.
Ah, yes. Suwa Reiji, the lead singer for the famous boy band, Galaxy Standard. The two of you had been friends before you had moved to Hyōgo when you were eight years old. Despite the distance between the two of you, when your father was still around since your fathers were close friends, the two of you did keep in touch. However, as you grew older and found new friends in Hyōgo, the need to keep in touch disappeared almost instantly. Thankfully, despite years of not having any contact with each other, the two of you reconnected, happy to be back in each other's lives.
The past six years, as you tried to find yourself and finally settle independently, Reiji was there.
And despite the exhausting job of managing a boy band, you adored it. It kept you occupied. Despite the boys being famous, you opted to keep your social media platforms private, or rather secret, only your friends and a few of Galaxy Standard's fans knew of it. Although the fans knew of your existence, you wanted your personal life private and thankfully, the management and fans respected that with the help from your friends who are aware of your situation. You wanted to stay hidden. Accompanying the boys in certain events, despite being a girl where it was typical for fangirls to grow upset because of the close contact with their idols, the fans respected you and often held polite conversations with you.
Yes, despite the troubles you have, you wouldn't deny the fact that you were indeed happy, but lately, something in the back of your mind has been irking you, making you feel extremely uneasy for not knowing what it could be. It frustrated you to no end.
"Someone looks like a vein in their head might pop," you hear Reiji tease as he approached. You roll your eyes before turning your attention over to the man that intruded your thoughts. Bless him, you were slowly becoming crazy with all the thinking. However, you weren't going to praise him or anything, despite Reiji's calm and humble personality towards others, he was a completely different person towards you; often teasing, most days very playful.
You snap back playfully, "Good morning to you, too." He occupies the seat across from you, despite stumbling to your apartment the previous night completely drunk from a party, the man before you showed no sign of a hungover, you were used to it by now. "Seriously, you and Shizuma need to find some other place to crash. I don't even know how you roped him into drinking, he was absolutely thrashed when the two of you arrived. Normally, he'd be the responsible one."
"Yeah, but once he starts drinking, there's no stopping him. And Nah," he chuckles as he leans against the counter, a yawn escaping his lips as he spoke midway, "Your place is comfy but also because I get to see the cute faces of my favourite nephews almost instantly, it's a bonus."
"Uncle Reiji!"
"Where's Uncle 'zuma?"
Speaking of the little devils. Both of your attentions snaps at the two identical figures that stepped out of their shared room and into the vicinity that you and Reiji occupied. 
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The sight of their sleepy states warmed your heart at just how cute they have grown. Ah, yes. Your two boys. One of the two reasons why you preferred to keep your personal life, private. Of course, there was also Atsuhiko and Atsuhiro to think about. Your precious boys, your utmost priority. Everything you could ever want and more. They were the two that you could finally call home. As much as you know that your existence wouldn't be much of a big deal to the fans since you weren't entirely famous, you refused to let your boys get caught into any unnecessary drama that your friends have often got themselves into, so despite having famous uncles, you kept them shielded whenever you can. Of course, the fans of Galaxy Standard were aware of the existence of your little boys, often swooning when one of their idols were photographed with one of the twins. Needless to say, it always made the fans crazy, but you were grateful that the fans were respectful and never crossed the line whenever your boys were included.
Of course, the main reason why you wanted everything to be kept private was that you didn't want certain people to know the secret you've worked hard to stay hidden, but Japan was big, wasn't it? You often reassured yourself that it was impossible for paths to cross.
"Why are you looking for your Uncle Shizuma when I'm here?" Reiji asks, feigning hurt in his expression as both six-year-old boys approach, yawning and sleepily rubbing their eyes.
Atsuhiro, or rather Hiro, as he liked to be called sighs as he shakes his head at his uncle, "But Uncle 'zuma is the best."
"Now you take that back young man!" He scoffs as he playfully places his hands on his hips, "Who do you think raised you?"
The little boy tilts his head to the side as he watches his uncle in amusement of his antics, "Uncle 'zuma helped too! Mommy says he even helped out changing diapers which you didn't do!"
"But Uncle Reiji's the best! He always plays with us!" Atsuhiko, Hiko, retorts as he rushes over to his uncle to give him a high five, "Mommy, Uncle Rei said he's going to teach us some tricks like he did back then in Stride! Isn’t that cool?"
You send a glare towards the man that was mentioned by your son, who only avoided your gaze as he ruffles your son's hair, "Maybe something else. You can ask your uncles to teach you how to sing and dance like they always do, just not that dangerous sport."
Atsuhiko groans in protest while the other twin approaches you, wrapping his short arms around your leg, "Do you think they can teach us volleyball?"
"Oh yes!" Atsuhiko yells out happily agreeing with his twin, his dismay for his mother's earlier disapproval flying out the window as he looks at you with hope in his eyes, "Volleyball is so cool! Can we mommy?"
Almost instantly, a lump formed in the back of your throat at the mention of the mere sport, a reminder. It wasn't as if you were against the sport, but what caught you off guard was the interests your boys clearly showed. How ironic.
As you raised the two, whether at times you were alone or had help, you often pushed the twins away from certain reminders of your past. What was that? Anything that reminded you of your past in Hyōgo was pushed aside. It was rather petty, you knew that yourself but as the twin boys grew throughout the years, it didn't get unnoticed how their features screamed of the one and only Miya Atsumu. Well, you expected that—he is the father of your twin boys, but you silently prayed during your pregnancy and as you raised them that their features would come from your side of the family instead of his.
But of course, somehow you've upset the Gods for your pettiness. This was your consequence. A daily reminder. There's no denying of your love for your boys. They were your life and you wouldn't change anything because then they wouldn't exist. However, you've grown hateful of your past as years gone by. Your hatred for the awful memories had made it more difficult to forget.
You expected the interest in volleyball before they even mentioned it to you today. The clues in their shared room were enough for you to pick up that they were most likely to take after their father in a sense, not that they know of such.
Earlier, about two years prior when they first started in kindergarten, it was inevitable for such to talk about your families, you remember experiencing such back then despite it being foggy. They returned home, despite being young, they were smart for their age and bombarded you with questions without holding back; wondering about who was their father and where he was, or if Uncle Reiji or Uncle Shizuma were their fathers. Back then, you couldn't bring yourself to tell them the truth or even utter a single word about the man missing in their lives.
You experienced a whole week of silent treatment from your two boys because you refused to answer, their stubbornness hard as a rock. You refuse to answer their questions? Well, they, of course, fight back by refusing to talk to you. Oh, children, right? Of course, Reiji and Shizuma were a big help because to the twins, the two of your friends were practically the only father figures that they had. Since Atsuhiko and Atsuhiro refused to utter a word to you, they tried their best to talk to the twins, avoiding certain parts that they were too young to know about, and explained that when they grew up and they were ready to know, you would eventually let them know.
Bless the heavens because, after that, your two boys returned to their loving yet sneaky nature, never asking or mentioning about their father again. However, the majority of the conversations about their father were kept in secret between the two. Atsuhiro wanting to know more while Atsuhiko pushing the idea away, but not wanting to upset his brother, he keeps his dismay of their missing father from Atsuhiro, who grew more eager to find his father as years go by.
"What's with all the excitement at such an early hour? You two always have so much energy. What's this I hear about wanting to play volleyball?" Shizuma saves you from answering and you share a silent communication to send your gratitude for the interference.
Atsuhiro breaks out into a grin at the sight of his favourite uncle and immediately approaches him, "Uncle 'zuma, do you know how to play volleyball? Can you teach me and Hiko? Please?"
Shizuma chuckles in response, ruffling the little boy's messy locks, "I'm not that good but if you and your brother are serious about wanting to learn volleyball, I know a friend that may be of help."
"You do?" Atsuhiko asks, excitement in his voice.
You repeat, arching a brow in curiosity, "You do?"
"Well he's more of Asuma's friend than mine but we're good acquaintances," he answers with a shrug of his shoulders, "I'll see what I can do for my two favourite nephews."
"Yes!" The twins exclaim happily at the same time before running towards each other to share their routine handshake.
"Now that's settled," Reiji starts, clapping his hands together to grab the attention from everyone in the room, "Aren't you two supposed to be getting ready for your day with Grandpapa and Grandmama Suwa? You wouldn't want to keep those two waiting, I heard they have a really big day planned ahead for the two of you."
Ah, Grandpapa and Grandmama Suwa. Reiji's parents, and well—your substitute parents and the twins' substitute grandparents. Despite not being biologically related, they treated the three of you like a real family. They helped you throughout your pregnancy and at the same time raising your two boys. They did what any grandparent would do, discipline and spoil them. You wouldn't change it for the world. The love they had for your boys was overwhelming, and Atsuhiko and Atsuhiro completely adored their substitute grandparents just the same.
Atsuhiro releases a gasp from his lips at the realization of the big day, he had been excited, to say the least, rushing to get prepared whilst Atsuhiko frowns and stays rooted in where he stood, "But today's Uncle Asuma's birthday! I want to go too!"
"No can do, kiddo." Shizuma shakes his head, crossing his arms across his chest; an indication the twins are familiar with that meant it was not up for any negotiation. "You know this party isn't for little boys, your Uncle Asuma already told you this, but he promised to take both of you out tomorrow to make up for it. You and Hiro can celebrate his birthday tomorrow, I promise."
Atsuhiko releases a dramatic sigh, throwing his little hands in the air as he stomps his way to get ready, knowing that if he were to argue, he would inevitably lose. Oh well, he thought to himself, Grandpapa and Grandmama are the best anyway. 
"I don't know how you do it, 'zuma." You let out a laugh, shaking your head. "Those two have become spoiled to the core because of all of us, yet when it comes to you and their Grandpapa Riku, they suddenly become little angelic-slash-monsters who obey every command."
Shizuma lets a grin spread on his lips, "Some things can't be taught. Anyway, I'll get going. I have to help prep Asuma's party. I'll see you guys there."
"I'll get going too," Reiji declares as he stands up from his seat, "Don't back out of the party, I'll drag you there if I have to, I swear."
You roll your eyes at them, more so at Reiji than Shizuma, shooing them with your hands as you follow them to the front door, "Yeah, whatever. I'll be there. Stop worrying."
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Dropping the twins at the Suwa Residence after eating lunch together was often smooth sailing as the twins always adored spending the day with their substitute grandparents. However, Atsuhiko expressed his dismay of being left behind once again insisting of wanting to attend his Uncle Asuma's birthday party, you had to pry his hands away from his grip on your leg. Thankfully, you had help from his Grandpapa Riku, and after waving goodbye to a smiling Atsuhiro and a scowling Atsuhiko, you were off to get a few errands done before heading to Asuma's apartment to celebrate his birthday, taking your sweet time to avoid your favourite, yet rowdy bunch of friends, only because they probably wanted you to help them set up the party, which you didn't want to take part in.
Honestly, you could have chosen otherwise but decided against skipping the errands that would most probably pile up despite the break Galaxy Standard was having. Plus, you may or may not have, forgotten to get a gift for Asuma and if you showed up empty-handed, well, you weren't going to hear the end of it.
Hours went by as you got through your list of errands, you were left with messages and certain phone calls that you ignored throughout the day, you were finally able to buy a suitable gift for your friend. All there was left to do was show up to the party that was apparently already in full swing. Thankfully, your friend's lavish apartment was around the corner.
You waited for the traffic lights to signal the safe journey across the busy streets, your grip on the neatly wrapped gift on one hand slightly tightening against you as you shiver from Japan's cool winter breeze bustling through the air, something you're still obviously not very fond of. For as long as you can remember, you hated the cold. It was a bitter reminder of the times you were utterly alone. You always preferred the warm temperature, whether it was from a fireplace or someone else, it kept you from going numb, made to remind you of reality.
The sound of your phone ringing startles you from your thoughts and you pull the device from one of your pockets, Reiji's name flashing across the screen. You grumble to yourself of his impatience before answering the call, bringing the device up to press against your ear. Before you could utter a word, he beats you to it in a demanding tone, "Where are you? You're late."
"Hold your horses, Rei." You answer in irritation as you look up ahead to check the traffic lights that still had the signal to stay where you were, "I'm almost there. Be patient." However, you couldn't process the words Reiji muttered next from the other line. Someone calling out your name catching your attention, your eyes widening slightly at the realization of who it was. Immediately, you cut off Reiji's rambling from the other line and ended the call, slipping the phone back into your pocket as you feel your shoulder tense at his presence standing next to you. "Osamu."
"So it is you," he blinks in disbelief, his eyes drinking your features bit by bit to check if he was dreaming or not, "You look different, I barely recognized you if it weren't for your voice, but it really is you."
You nod stiffly, "I suppose I would since it has been six years and all. What are you doing all the way here in Kanagawa?"
Suddenly, a memory flashes across your mind. A memory of earlier in your apartment, Shizuma mentioning a friend who knew how to play volleyball. No, it couldn't be, right?
"Ah, I'm actually checking a few spots around here for my business," he lifts his shoulders in a shrug, "So Kanagawa, huh? This is where you've been hiding all this time?"
Your lips press into a thin line, feeling uneasy under his gaze. Of course, you would, you're practically hiding a really big secret. "I'm sorry, I don't have time to chat. I have plans and my friends are already egging me on for being late."
The traffic lights save you from a painful conversation, signalling that it was safe to cross but before you could take a step away, you feel him grasp onto your shoulder to pull you back. You turned your head to face him, ready to fight him off but you halted your actions at the sign of sadness his features displayed. You took the time to examine his features, your heart practically leaping as you were able to take in everything unlike seconds ago where you were purposely trying to leave. Of course, back then when you were friends, you considered Osamu as handsome. I mean, why wouldn't you? You were practically in love with his twin brother who you found extremely handsome at the time. However, that wasn't what ran through your mind. You began thinking that Atsumu probably looked just as good, and suddenly you felt a shitload of bricks slamming right down on your shoulders, the feeling of panic surging through your veins, wondering if Atsumu was around too that you failed to notice Osamu pull out a small card from his wallet, holding it out for you to take. He seemed to read your thoughts as he spoke to reassure you, "Don't worry. He's not here, but..." He trails off, looking at you with hope in his eyes, "take this, it has my number on it. When you're ready, I'm here to listen. I always have been. I want to know what you've been up to. I want to catch up."
At Osamu's reassurance, you feel your shoulders slowly relax as you take the card from him, your eyes scanning the printed numbers and words, Ongiri Miya, making you realize that he hadn't pursued Volleyball like his twin often rambled on. You flicker your gaze up to meet his once more and he gives you a small smile. You slowly nod as you slip the card into one of your back pockets, "I have to go."
He watches you leave, the smile he had instantly morphed into a frown as he watches you walk away once more and eventually disappear from his line of sight. He silently prayed that you would contact him when you could, wanting to reconnect with you after all these years, to know why you left. He promises to himself that when you do decide to reach out, that you wouldn't mention anything to his idiot brother.
He noted the shift of your body, how your shoulders relaxed at the mention of someone not being around, he knew that you had thought about his brother. And it only confirmed his suspicion of you leaving because of what his brother had done six years ago, the last day people saw you in Hyōgo. However, something still was missing, he still craved an answer. You couldn't have left just because of Atsumu's actions. So what was it?
Either way, he was determined to find out. You may have not known it then, but Osamu cared about you a lot. However, due to you being blinded by his twin brother's light, you failed to notice. He wasn't going to let you go this time, he'll find a way to get you back in his life. His phone blares his ringtone, snapping him out of his thoughts. As he brings his phone up, he grumbles underneath his breath at the sight of his brother's incoming call. Speak of the devil.
"What is it?"
He hears his brother whine from the other line, "Can't I just call my brother once in a while?"
"You only ever do that when you're in trouble or need something," he retorts with a roll of his eyes.
Atsumu laughs in response, "How'd the shop searching go? Anything interesting so far? When you coming back?"
"Hold up, what's with the questions?" He laughs at the sound of his brother's enthusiasm. It's true, they often disagreed with each other but when it came to supporting each other's passion, they were always there for the other. He shifts his gaze over to where you stood moments ago, a smile ghosting his lips at the memory of the brief conversation the two of you shared. "Yeah, maybe something interesting here in Kanagawa after all." He listens to his brother speak excitedly over the phone causing him to shake his head at the ridiculous tone. "Oh? He's here? Maybe I can hit him up..."
After the encounter with Osamu, you practically quickened your pace to Asuma's apartment, your heart beating erratically. You hadn't even realized you were holding your breath until you were gasping for air. Luckily, the majority of Asuma's guests were preoccupied that they hadn't noticed your entrance. You were sure you looked embarrassing looking extremely flustered.
You hear your name being called and as soon as you caught your breath, you notice Shizuma calling you over, Asuma and Reiji along with someone you seem to recognize but can’t seem place in your mind. Walking over, your lips curl up to a small smile as you extend your arm to hand over Asuma's gift, "Happy Birthday, 'suma. Here's my gift."
Asuma's eyes instantly light up, retrieving the gift from you, "I was going to get mad at you for being late but since you have a gift for me, I'll let it slide. Did the boys pick this for me?"
"Gee, aren't I lucky." You drawl sarcastically, a laugh being shared within the group as you shake your head, "No, you think those two would let me give them your gift? They said they'll give it to you tomorrow when you take them out. Hiko was upset when I left him with his Grandpapa Riku, though. He had this cute little scowl." Your three friends laugh, imagining their nephew in their heads. You flicker your attention over to the person who was watching you interact with the others with amusement, you smile at him politely. "I'm sorry. How rude of me."
"Oh, right!" Shizuma speaks as soon as your name slips out of your mouth to introduce yourself, holding out your hand for a shake which he grabs, "This is the friend I was talking about that can teach the boys volleyball."
"Hey! Hey! Hey!" He starts with a grin as he shakes your hand firmly, his enthusiasm infectious. Releasing his grip on your hand, he sends a little wave, "Bokuto Koutarou I'm a friend of Asuma's. Shizuma here was just telling me about your boys and how they were interested in volleyball and I wouldn't mind helping them out."
Asuma adds, "He's a professional volleyball player for Japan's V.League in Division 1. MSBY Black Jackals was it?"
You watch as the man who you thought kind of resembled a horned owl nod his head towards Asuma's direction, something about him oddly familiar. You hum along, eyes widening slightly at the information. "Professional? Wow, colour me impressed. Wouldn't you be too busy to train two six-year-olds, then?"
"I'll speak for everyone who knows her two boys that they're absolute devils," Reiji chuckles with a shake of his head, "Fast learners though. We'd teach them how to run like in Stride if we could but their mother over here refuses."
You scoff, "Because that sport can be dangerous!"
"Stride, huh?" Bokuto butts in, interested. "But yes, I have some time to teach. I'm sure they'll be okay. I owe Asuma anyway. I don't mind."
The corners of your mouth twitch to an unsure smile. You didn't know if you were going to go through with this if you were honest, but it isn't exactly something you can reject as your three other friends were present, and they would do anything for their favourite set of twins, spoiled rotten those two were.
"Don't worry," Shizuma claims, nudging you with his elbow as he gives you a reassuring smile, "They'll be in good hands, one of us will find the time to attend their little training. We're not as busy lately due to our little holiday anyway."
You hum softly as you continue to examine Bokuto under your gaze before something in your mind clicks, eyes widening ever so slightly. “I think I know you! Weren’t you at the Christmas Party last year that Reiji held?” 
He nods with a grin, “I was actually. Asuma invited me and I went along with a couple of friends. Funny how we’ve crossed paths before and yet we’re only meeting now, ay?”
“Ah, yeah. I think I remember now, sort of.” you laugh, nodding your head in agreement, “That party was crazy anyway. I don’t think anyone wants to remember that crazy night. Especially Reiji.” 
The man mentioned scoffs, rolling his eyes. “That’s why whenever I plan parties it’s never at my place anymore.” He shudders at the memory, “Drunk bastards doing the nasty at my place. And that model’s awful moaning could be heard even when the music was blasting.” 
You scrunch up your face in disgust, “Thankfully I left early then,”
An awkward laugh escapes Bokuto’s lips as he scratches the back of his neck sheepishly, “Yeah about that...” 
“That was you?” you and Asuma let out a gasp, eyes widening while Shizuma bursts out laughing. Reiji on the other hand, obviously not amused at the information. 
“Dude, what the heck!” Reiji exclaims, brows furrowing, “The least you could have done was choose a guest bedroom rather than on my own bed!” 
“Oy!” he laughs, holding his hands out, “I didn’t say it was me. I was just saying I know who it was. It was one of my friends, but I’d rather not say who.” 
Asuma joins his older brother Shizuma in laughing at the side while you try your best to calm down Reiji by tugging on his arm. “Anyway, Bokuto. I think we should talk about the schedule of your training with my boys. I’m sure they’ll be excited when they find out someone will be training them volleyball.”
Somehow, a part of you was screaming at you, telling you that this wasn't going to end well. Of course, you didn't realize at the time that you would come to regret such a decision, not like you had any say against it either. Your little boys were spoiled rotten and often got their way whether through innocent means or their sneaky tactics. It didn't help that their group of uncles were wrapped around their little fingers.
Ah, yes. You hadn't realized it yet, but it was the start of a roller coaster ride.
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Headcanon + Brothers (like her relationship with each of them (: kinda forget if I already sent one in or not asjasks )
Thank you for this ask. It made me think about Nunnally's family connections again.
Although going under this surname, Nunnally is not a real Sakamaki, and none of the Sakamakis is her actual brother. She also does not think about them as brothers and does not feel close to them. Perhaps apart from Reiji, but their relationship is complicated.
Nunnally sometimes (more often than not) calls Karlheinz ‘Father’ and often goes as his daughter in the human realm. However, for the Sakamaki brothers it would be clear that she is not related to them. Shuu and Reiji would be more aware of her true origin, i.e., that she is their father’s experimental subject.
As a small girl and a young teenager, Nunnally spent quite a lot of time under Lady Beatrix’s care, and this is how her relations with Shuu and Reiji developed.
If anything, she is close with Reiji. They used to spend a lot of time together as children being ignored by Beatrix when she was occupied with Shuu. Nunnally and Reiji share similar interests, they enjoy lab work (although probably for different reasons), play piano and chess, and like tea. It was actually Reiji who has taught Nunnally the art of making tea. It also helps that Reiji is not reluctant towards Karlheinz. Although Nunnally would not call Reiji ‘a friend’ or ‘an older brother’, their relationship - in practice - might be similar to that. However, since Reiji would always point out (directly or indirectly) to Nunnally that Karl’s not her father, and would intend to run some experiments on her, their relation is full of angst and mistrust.
Nunnally knows Shuu and she gets pleasantly with him. They would not be a bother to each other and could even enjoy time together, e.g., playing a concert. But Nunnally is reluctant towards Shuu as she believes he ignores his responsibilities towards the Vampire King, and this is unacceptable for her.
When "her story" begins now, she knows neither the triplets nor Subaru. She did not meet them as a child, but probably she would get to know them eventually. Indeed, Nunnally was aware they existed even in her childhood, but she simply had not interacted with them.
But thinking about their interactions. Nunnally would not get well with Ayato. His ‘ego’ would be too much for her to bear, especially that he does not have any qualities that Nunnally considers important. I am not sure about her relationship with Kanato. She cannot cook and bake, so she would not be of much use for him, but she might like playing with him. But then him carrying ‘Teddy’ everywhere would be childish for Nunnally. So, I am really uncertain how it could end up here.
I think she could get relatively well with Laito. That is if he leaves enough personal space for her, which I think would be possible. Nunnally is not the sacrificial bride or source of blood. They would probably drink her blood from time to time, though.
Coming back to Laito, although that would be extremely annoying for her at the beginning, Nunnally would not care too much about all the silly nicknames he would give her and all the talking he does. That is as long as it was just talking. Which in their case might work as Nunnally would be too boring for Laito to tease in the long run.
I think Nunnally and Subaru could get on reasonably well, but the relation would be based on her avoiding him. Subaru’s sudden outbursts and his violent and impolite behaviour (or at least that is how Nunnally would see him) would be difficult for her to deal with. She would finally grow accustomed to him and would understand that he will not hurt her, but avoidance would be her major strategy to get along with Subaru.  
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diabolik-lovers-box · 5 years
who would they fall for?
Anonymous: Hi!! How about headcanons on Ruki , Koua & Shu  and what they look for in a partner, like who would they fall for. Thank you :) 
hello! no problem! I decided to separate “what they would look for” from this request because that answer is really simple for all of them: obedience. they aren’t actively looking for anything else but it’s other characteristics about a person that would make them fall in love. 
Shuu Sakamaki
if Shuu is going to fall in love, it’s going to be with someone who chases after him, goes out of her way to be around him
he’ll say that they’re being annoying at first so it has to be someone who can be persistent without actually being annoying (i.e. they’re not loud, not overtly clingy, not possessive, etc.)
he would love someone who is honest in some form. they can’t act like they don’t want to be with him (even in a tsundere way)
let’s not forget that he’s a bit of a pervert, so someone who can keep up with him in that sense is important too
he would love someone who’s natually soft-spoken, has a quiet voice
he’d hate it if they tried to change him (i.e. tell him to stop being lazy, get him to get up and do stuff) in a pushy way (it just reminds him of Reiji)
instead, he’d love someone who gently pushes him (i.e. someone who offers to accompany him to things he would want to do, like a classical concert).
his attention is really caught by someone who is somewhat blindly optomistic, gentle, polite, quiet, naive, and, of course, easy to read
he loves honest confessions and words of affection
he definitely needs someone who’s a good conversationalist but knows to stop talking when he feel like saying someothing (someone who won’t cut him off and can be a good listener)
i really don’t think he would do well with someone who is extremely introverted since he doesn’t like the idea of them wanting more time away from him than he does from them.
trivia/just for shits and giggles: he’sa libra, I think he would work well with a Leo or Aquarius, but this is honestly the least important trait and the things above are really what matter
Ruki Mukami
to Ruki, I think he’d really fall in love with someone who’s extremely observant, someone who can see through his polite attitude. 
he’d like someone who he can relax around, someone who knows how to take care of themselves and can let him take a breather every now and then
he’d like someone who can challenge his opinions 
I think he would like someone who is knowledgeable on a bunch of different and random topics, I feel like he would think it was cute
I think the last thing on his mind is appearance, like he really doesn't care how they look so long as they know how to take care of their appearance
I think he’d like someone who’s very imaginative and creative but also someone who is very observant and fact-based... it’s a little difficult to explain, but like someone who is creative in the realm of imagination, but logical in the realm of reality, does that make sense?
I think he would fall for someone who knows how to pick up on subtle hints and act accordingly (i.e. if he feels uncomfortable in a situation and his possible love interest notices and helps steer him away from that situation, he would really love and appreciate that).
also someone know knows and respects his boundaries, I feel like at times he really needs his space, so someone who’s not super clingy
I think he’d like someone who’s clever and can solve problems by thinking outside of the box (i.e. the two of them are playing a board or card game and they win in an unpredictable manner)
on the topic of competing, I think he would really like a humble person or someone that doesn’t put their self-worth on the things they’ve won, but rather the things they’ve done that they’re proud of, even if they never got anything out of it (again, I hope that makes sense lol)
again, trivia: he’s a Taurus, I think he would work well with a Cancer or Virgo, but, again, it ultimately doesn’t matter
Kou Mukami
when it comes to Kou, I think the most important thing to him is having someone he can trust and someone who will trust him back
I think he would love someone who doesn’t really get jealous as it would make everything like him being an idol that much easier
on that note, i think he would like someone who is open-minded and interested in his career and music 
he would love someone who is a great listener and along with that, I think he would find someone who’s on the quieter side rather charming
I think he would really like someone who’s upfront and honest about things, someone who can be themselves around him as well as someone who he can be himself around too
I think he would like someone who can be free-spirited and spontaneous, but also knows how to work around a schedule when his life as an idol get a bit structured and stuff like that
i think he would like someone who listens to him and does things for him as their way of showing affection, but I think he also needs someone who can show him other forms of affection as well and teach him all kinds of different things about loving other people for more than just what they give you
I think he would like people who are optimistic or idealistic, I don’t think he would really like someone who’s pessimistic or dampers his happy attitude
someone who dresses stylish but also in their own way would probably catch his eye
someone who’s a bit naïve might be cute to him
i also think he needs someone who’s okay with him being in the spotlight or someone who doesn’t like to be the center of attention
gonna roll again with this just-for-fun horoscope segment: he’s an aquarius, I think he would work best with a gemini or sagittarius
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mukamibabe · 5 years
How would the S bros react if their wives (in a situation like Karlheinz) didn't get along at all? And had a dangerous rivalry much like Cordelia and Beatrix. One of them he married for love and the other for status.
OMG this request is like a year old BUT I LOVE IT KJKDJSalso !! i feel like the wive’s they married for status were probably forced by karlheinz?? i don’t really see any of them getting married for status, at least not by choice.
Shu already wasn’t fond of having multiple wives, but if neither of them got along, he’d at least try to keep them separated, and try his hardest to give them an ‘equal’ amount of attention. He feels bad for the wive he married for status, but he just can’t love her; he feels like he needs to say faithful for his other wife, because he loves her. Also, no!!! children!!!! Honestly,, I don’t even think Shu would get intimate with his second wive, he can’t bring himself to do it. However, when he does get the chance to be with his ‘real wife’,, he tells his wife that they won’t have children until the ‘second wife’ is gone, somehow.
Reiji doesn’t really think much of it, trying to go off of what he remembers about his father, his mother, and the rest of his wives, which he knows.. didn’t go well, but he doesn’t think either of his wives have too bad of a relationship. He understands the jealousy, but he makes it clear to his status wife that he doesn’t love them, and he never will. He’s a bit harsh to the status wife, though. It’s not like he means to be, he’s just stating the truth. 
Ayato’s like.. already crying inside. He hates it. He hates it so much, and honestly, it depends on who he thinks ‘started it’ he may just divorce them. Or both of them. He kind of has a difficult time staying faithful in relationships, and he’s not the biggest fan of commitment, so it’s pretty hard for him to only pay attention to his ‘real wife’ and not on his ‘fake wife’. He has a hard time resisting the temptation of doing things with his ‘fake wife’,  so in general he may just ignore them completely. 
Like his big bro, Kanato makes it clear to his ‘fake wife’ that he isn’t ever going to love them, and that they don’t matter to him. He only cares about his ‘real wife’, and basically everyone knows. If they ever start fighting in front of him (which is extremely brave..) he’ll flip out, and blame it on the ‘fake wife’, and only the ‘fake wife’, because why would his real wife do anything wrong..? They love him, right?
Laito’s probably the one who’s the most against the idea of having multiple wives, because he wants to be nothing like Karlheinz, and he feels like he’s following in his footsteps, which terrifies him. He is obviously more affectionate to his ‘real wife’, and only shows affection to his ‘fake wife’ if they’re in public. He’s not mean to his ‘fake wife’, he just friendzones them. 
Actually, I take that back about before. Subaru is probably the one who hates it the most, Laito being the second. He hates how forced it is, he hates that he really doesn’t have a say in it, he hates that they don’t get along, and .. many, many more. He hates all of it. Like Shu, he makes sure to give both wives an equal amount of attention, but for the ‘fake wife’, he feels bad because.. he really doesn’t love her. He’s not going to try to, but he knows how much this could harm a woman, so he tries his best to keep everything.. calm.
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bella-gunn · 5 years
More Blue Exorcist conspiracy theories!
I apologize, first thing for this "Wall-O-Text"(tm), anyone who knows me reasonably well knows I have a lot of thoughts that turn into mountains of words.
Unfortunately I still haven't found a way to toggle from rich text to html on my phone app (if such a thing is even possible). I do pretty much everything with my phone, so I'm sorry, no pretty text cut here.
Without further ado...
yuri-egin-123 asked some fantastic questions and this is my humble attempt to answer them, theoretically.
"...going back to Yuri's past, when Rin first saw satan, did Satan feel it? because it has already been proven that Rin can feel powerful demons nearby and Satan also in chapter 107. Now, does Satan know that Rin has been in the past?"
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Rin is powerful, true, but I don't think Satan would have noticed Rin for two really good reasons and one kind of theoretical reason.
Good reason #1:
Satan is incredibly arrogant. He can sense all demons, weak and powerful, but frankly he doesn't care because he knows he far out classes anyone else. So it doesn't make sense for him to take special notice of Rin in all the mess of demonic activity around him.
Good reason #2:
Rin is powerful, but he isn't more powerful than Lucifer, Mephisto, Egyn, Iblis and Asteroth, who are also in close proximity to Satan. Mephisto has been acting as Rin's personal tour guide, even Lucifer has ignored Rin in Mephisto's presence and they were in the same room practically face to face.
Theoretical reason:
Satan may not be able to tell the difference between Rin and his own power. The other demons respond to Rin's power just like it's Satan's, until Rin asserts control over his flames there is even some concern that they are actually Satan's flames. So I think it's unlikely that Satan would notice Rin because he would feel familiar and "same".
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What. An. Ass.
"...and in question the shiemi, at first I thought she was a clone of Shemihaza but nevertheless in chapter 99.5 they said "your mother awaits". I do not think Shemihaza is the mother of Shiemi, maybe Shiemi is Shemihaza herself, do not you think?"
I agree with you 100%; I do not think Shemihaza is Shiemi's mother in the traditional sense. It's clear there is a connection between Shiemi's birth and Shemihaza but I think it is less direct than Shiemi being a Shemihaza clone.
As far as Shiemi being Shemihaza let's examine what we already know from the story so far.
There are two upper demon ranks, the Baal and the Sol, Satan is above all.
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The Baal are the 8 demon kings, the Sol are the emperors of nothingness and creation, Armumahel and Shemihaza respectively.
The most recent chapter has given us suprising information; Armumahel is the source for holy water. Armumahel's influence "hollows out" humans, eventually making them "soul less", his influence on demons seems to cut their spiritual connection to Assaiah, sending them back to Gehenna.
This is wild, the whole thing from holy water to the experimental Illuminati weapons had me thinking:
If this is the power of nothingness made manifest in the material realm of Assiah, then what would the power of creation do!?
I have been turning this over in my mind since the Grigori representative called Shemihaza interacted with Lucifer in section 13.
Lucifer acknowledges the Grigori representative as Shemihaza but also appeals to their humanity. It is apparent the the Grigori representative was at one time human, but has put aside their humanity to take on the role of actually being Shemihaza in reality. This is no mere playacting, all signs point the the Grigori representative of Shemihaza as being a manifestation of Shemihaza.
Certainly there is some limitation, Shemihaza the Grigori isn't all powerful, but she is certainly well respected by Lucifer, who only respects power greater than his own.
Then there is the matter of Shemihaza the Grigori's seemingly unaging enterouge of obviously related people. They are all different shapes and sizes but they have very strong common traits, traits that are shared with the Lucifer clones.
Which brings me back to the question of Shemihaza's power in Assiah.
Creation much like Nothingness are broad concepts, without indulging in much philosophical navel gazing, I think the most obvious power of Shemihaza in Assiah would be making something exist spiritually that didn't exist before, perfectly opposed to and balanced with Armumahel's power to erase something spiritually from material reality.
As we learned from Reiji Shiratori and numerous other reminders, demons possess things that are spiritually aligned to themselves. It's somewhat problematic for the higher ranking demons, especially the kings, there is difficulty finding someone who is compatible, then they have the issue of their power destroying their host body.
So the section 13 researchers had two problems to solve:
1. Make the body resilient to demonic power.
2. Make the spirit compatible with the demon who will take possession.
The first problem was solved by taking tissue samples from Lucifer, Samael and Azazel, the three most powerful of the Baal.
It is obvious by the massive scale of the project, the images of the rows of birthing tables and cribs, that they tried surrogacy initially. It doesn't seem like that approach was entirely effective as they had begun using cloning vats/cylinders (Lucifer still uses that method currently so that indicates that it was a later and more successful method).
Out of the hundreds of clones there were only two successful clones (as in they suppoted posession): Ambrosius, a clone of Samael who was spontaneously possessed by Amaimon. There is some subtle indication Mephisto meddled, Amaimon certainly seems to owe him for something.
The other was Goro, the Azazel clone who was eventually possessed by Satan. Goro was not a perfect clone, he was damaged (if we go by Shiro's reactions) and was ultimately put in a semi vegetative state in a cloning vat because of his regenerative abilities.
There is something about that which is off putting to me. I kept getting hung up on the idea that this clone, Goro, who was essentially fully developed was placed in a vat and he didn't decay, didn't degrade. Bodies don't work that way, they begin to adapt to their environment on a cellular level, his skin at least would have been extremely damaged from years of submersion and any liquid medium he could have been placed in that would arrest that process is not conducive to keeping him alive.
With the revelation of where holy water came from it smacked me in the face; the liquid in the cloning vats is derived from Shemihaza.
This "water" derived from Shemihaza may be the base of the "elixer" and a sort of fountain of life but I wouldn't be in a hurry to fill up a cup! At best it is very unpredictable and difficult to control such a broadly active substance, after all you would want to grow new cells at a controlled pace, otherwise you end up with something cancerous like and truly monstrous. Michael Gedouin and all those poor people he experimented on are a cautionary tale.
Also, it seems that long term exposure to Shiemihaza's "water" may have the opposite effect of Armumahel's "water" and make things in Assiah more susceptible to possession.
Of course this is conjecture, there is nothing in the book that says I'm right, but it makes sense and explains why Shemihaza, the Grigori, is so involved in something as reprehensible as section 13.
Granted, the entire Grigori would have needed to approve and be involved with the project to some extent but we never see the other two, only Shemihaza.
Shemihaza is also deeply invested in Lucifer's decision and the outcome of the project in a way that indicates personal interest, which makes sense if you consider the spiritual and emotional connection of being the source of life for all those poor clones as well being, well, the Emperor of Creation. Even the misshapen more demonic clones that Lighting and Sugaro encountered would have been her progeny.
Going back to Shiemi, she shares certain characteristics with the Lucifer clones, namely blond hair, green eyes, a mysterious past and amnesia. Shemihaza's entourage identifies as her family so there is s very real possibility that Shiemi is a successful clone, not necessarily for Lucifer, but to be the next Shemihaza.
I think Mephisto was hiding her in plain sight, as it were, to keep her out of Lucifer's hands until the time was right for her to be brought to Shemihaza. She seems to have some disordered memories from her early childhood that relate to the garden she is taken to so it is very likely she was never in section 13. It is possible Shiemi was created directly by Shemihaza in the garden, which would explain the mother comment and her inclination towards growing things.
So I posit that Shiemi was created by Shemihaza, possibly from the Lucifer clone lineage, to be the replacement for Shemihaza the Grigori.
She is already most of the way to being able to channel Shemihaza, which she demonstrates by manifesting a forest to contain Rin just after his immolation. Obviously Mephisto knows something about it (poor Amaimon doesn't figure it out until it's too late for him to make a real marriage proposal, lol) and Shiemi's mom knows something because she told Sheimi enough for her to be prepared when the Grigori representatives came for her (very creepy people by the way, just a shade too perfect to be entirely human).
It will be interesting to see where things go but what really has me twisted up right now was Lucifer's casual demonstration that he has perfected the cloning method.
Up to this point we have operated under the assumption that the elixer was the only thing sustaining him and all of his efforts were going towards the creation of viable clones.
Now we know that not only does he have perfect clones for himself (which implies he appeared before Mephisto in a compromised body as strategy to keep Mephisto from knowing how effective his cloning process is) but he also has been collecting demons with regeneration abilities and is planning on cloning a body for Satan.
I have so many questions about this.
Satan seems to think his perfect body is running around, inconveniently occupied by his demon son, and would like to take it. But he is hanging around with his wimpy human son for some reason. Yukio is immune to the flames, all flames, has a temptaint so bad it's a wonder he wasn't posessed by a demon years ago except that he can't be possesed...
What do they want with Yukio?
Even better, why the hell did Lucifer give Yukio the Armumahel guns?
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I think the answer is twofold.
They, Mephisto and Lucifer, are setting Rin and Yukio up for a showdown, a sort of battle by proxy.
Mephisto and Lucifer are playing chess to determine the fate of the world because they cannot fight each other directly.
So Rin and Yukio are pawns that are poised to become queens on the board.
My magic 8 ball says "as I see it, yes":
*Yukio will confront Rin, because Rin can't let Yukio go.
*When that happens Yukio will use the Armumahel guns and damage or partially remove Rin's soul; in that moment of weakness Satan will have his opportunity to possess Rin.
*Yukio will immediately realize he has fucked up and will try to fix his mistake by killing Satan, or at least removing him from Rin as much as possible.
*More Armumahel gun action......
If everything goes Mephisto's way Satan wil be reduced to a shade of his original power and banished back to Gehenna (serves him right for being such a prick and dropping a helicopter on Mephisto's head), Lucifer will have to concede defeat and back down as per their wager.
If everything goes exceptionally well Rin's soul may even be restored to his body (I have a feeling Shiemi would have something to do with that).
But either way the balance would be restored and Assiah would be preserved.
If Lucifer gets his way Rin's soul is forfeit, Yukio is a way more fucked up Abel than the original bible story, Satan gets his groove on, Samael has to step back, allowing Satan and Lucifer remake reality unopposed.
I think the reason why Lucifer needs Satan is because Lucifer has the power to collapse everything back to the moment of creation but that's the best he can do on his own.
Essentially that is suicide.
He threatened it before, when he was trapped in a decaying shell, unwilling to allow himself to return to Gehenna. But now that he has a viable means of sustaining himself, and Satan has entered the picture, his plans haven't changed so much as they have shifted.
He still wants to end suffering but now he wants to remake the world, not destroy it, and to do so he needs Satan's power.
To Mephisto, destroy to create anew or destroy permanently, is all the same. Everything that makes him demon king of Space and Time, everything that makes him himself will cease to exist. He *has* to oppose Lucifer's plans, to do otherwise is to negate his own existence, which is something Mephisto is not capable of.
@yuri-egin-123 , thanks again!
Which is cool by me, otherwise this story would have been over before it began!
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72. How the Kids Deal With the Baby/Babies
Elliot was eager to hold Yuki and take care of her. It surprised you and Pein greatly. You didn't think your son would like to be around his loud and smelly younger sister, but he really took to her well. You were glad that he was so hands-on with her because that meant it was like having another parent around. 
There was just one thing he wasn't willing to do, well two really. He wasn't willing to wake up in the middle of the night with her, but that was understandable because he had other things to attend to during the day. The other thing was that he wasn't willing to change her diaper. He tried it once but was so horrified that he couldn't even attempt to do it again. You were alright with that though, since he did nearly everything else with her. 
Danny was not happy with the new baby. He wasn't happy that Mai cried at night or sometimes smelled horrible due to a dirty diaper. Danny would actively avoid her and would try to get out of watching her at all costs. It infuriated you and Zetsu, but you figured that he'd eventually grow out of it and come to love his sister like Sammy does, so you mainly relied on Sammy. 
That boy loved his little sister. He loved to help you out with her all of the time. Any free time he had, he was spending it with his sister and helping you take care of her. Sammy would take part in all aspects of taking care of her. Even bathing her and changing diapers. He was a little nervous at first, but once he got the hang of it, he was another mom. 
Tara was alright with the new baby. However, as soon as Fuyu began to cry or smell bad, she was out of there. She didn't like to deal with the gross and loud side of her baby brother. She would help feed him and bathe him sometimes, but she refused to change a dirty diaper. She once tried it and ended up getting peed on, so she was done after that. She would give support from far away for those types of things. 
While Tara was just alright with the baby, Dahlia was great with him. She helped with late-night feedings. She helped with dirty diapers and even bath time. She was like a second mother to Fuyu. She seemed to adore her younger brother and you and Sasori were thankful for that. You hoped that as she grew older, she would still love Fuyu. 
Serenity was great with the twins. Natsu and Haru were in great hands with Serenity. It surprised you how great she was with them. She would feed them whenever they needed feeding, almost more times than you fed them. She would change their diapers but usually wore safety goggles and gloves, just in case. She would even bathe them with your help. She seemed to just adore her new sisters. 
She would even wake up at all hours just to give you a break with the twins. If you asked her, she'd probably take over being the mother figure to them. That's how much she adored them. There wasn't anything she wouldn't do with or for Natsu and Haru. She was completely prepared for the smelly and loud sides of her sisters. You hoped that as she grew older, she would stay this way and continue to help and adore them.
Nova wanted nothing to do with her twin brothers. She thought they were loud, smelly and obnoxious. It seemed like Reiji and Tokiya thought the same of her because whenever she was around them, they screamed and threw fits. It was like they could sense her hatred of them. You thought that she would take to them well, but she refused to do anything for or with them. 
Nova wouldn't feed them, wouldn't bathe them, wouldn't change their diapers and even wouldn't watch them for a second for you to go into another room for something. She was 100% completely against them. It was quite shocking for you and Deidara due to Nova's normally upbeat and friendly personality. You just hoped that she would grow out of it and come to love her baby brothers and hope that Reiji and Tokiya would come to love her as well. 
Sarah did not like Kirai and Kazan one bit. She didn't like interacting with them, she didn't like speaking to them and she especially didn't like dealing with them. Meaning, she didn't like to feed them, didn't like to hold them and didn't like to change their diapers. She even refused to watch them. Though, she would at least check in on them if you weren't able to. As long as they were sleeping. 
While his sister didn't like the babies, Justin joined in with her. He didn't like to even be around the babies. He didn't like to be involved with anything revolving the babies. He refused to do anything with them and even refused to even check up on them while they were sleeping. It made things a bit difficult for you and Hidan. You could only hope that your children would get over whatever was bothering them and grow to love their new siblings. 
Kristina seemed to like Akihiko well enough. She was at least willing to deal with the baby, most days. She loved to feed him, despite the mess he created. She loved to watch over him and take care of him when he was crying. She especially enjoyed it when he was asleep though. She did enjoy her breaks from her little brother. 
Kristina, however, would not do a few things with Akihiko. Those things turned out to be changing him and bathing him. Plus, dealing with him when he smelled bad for any particular reason. She would then avoid him until he smelled better. She couldn't stand the smell of a dirty diaper and she especially couldn't stand the thought of changing that horrid smelling thing. You understood, so she was off the hook with those things. You knew she would be a good big sister regardless. 
Dexter for some reason, was not happy with Ai. He didn't like her one bit and he refused to explain why. Therefore, he refused to do anything with her. He refused to feed her, refused to bathe her and even refused to just watch her while you were away from Ai. He didn't want anything to do with her. It upset you and Obito greatly. You had thought he would have been a good brother. 
It seemed like his feelings towards Ai were not reciprocated. Ai seemed to love Dexter. She would laugh and seem super happy whenever he was around her for a short time when you forced him to be. She just wanted to be held by him and wanted him near her all of the time. She would even cry when he walked away from her. Dexter didn't care about her crying because of him though when upset you even further. 
Alexander loved Kira and Shion. He would happily do anything for them. He wanted to always feed them, bathe them and even change their diapers. He wanted to be around them all the time and loved to just watch them or hold them when he was left along with them. He truly loved his siblings. There wasn't anything that he wouldn't do for them. It was really sweet to watch him handling the babies. 
Alexander would even wake up in the middle of the night with them. He was like a second father to them. He told you that he would even die for them if he needed to, but that was extremely extreme so you told him not to do that. You understood what he meant though. He just adored the twins so dearly that he would do anything possible with and for them. You knew that he would protect them at all costs. 
Eclipse did not handle Ren well, at all. She found him to be quite annoying. Whenever he cried, she would complain. Whenever he smelled bad, she would complain even more. You knew that despite that, she loved her brother and would protect him, you just wished that she would be more hands-on with the boy. As she refused to do anything for or with him. 
Adryn was slightly better with Ren. She would at least take care of him when she was supposed to. She would feed him and watch over him, but not bathe him or change his diaper. She seemed to at least obviously love her brother. She would also be another protector but a more hands-on one. 
Arcadia was a completely different story. She completely adored her younger brother. She would happily feed him, watch over him, bathe him and even change his diaper. She would wake up at all hours to take care of him even if you were already awake with him. She was already a protector of him. She was a second mother to the boy. 
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sugurushimura · 5 years
Could you do a small headcannon for the yotsu's parents? Please I need more content of them on the internet
i sure can! it’s under the cut bc i uhh talk a lot. “small” headcanon... sorry.
we know that higuchi’s father is jiro higuchi, president of yotsuba heavy industry. i assume that this is some sort of subsidiary of the yotsuba corporation, although i honestly don’t know much about that kind of thing? either way, it deals with the manufacturing of large items in bulk. i don’t see his father as very involved with kyosuke’s life at all, especially when he was younger; he was more concerned with kyosuke’s decorum than anything else, but was never very involved in his upbringing. his mother was more involved. she was a temperamental woman with a bit of a drinking issue; she was also younger than jiro and married him primarily for money. kyosuke isn’t particularly close to either of them and secretly wishes he could’ve been more rebellious as a teenager.
namikawa’s father is the head of the u.s. division of yotsuba, and that’s all we know about his family. i imagine that his parents were actually fairly close and did have a genuine relationship (wow)! they pretty much trusted him to handle himself, so he had a fair degree of freedom as a child and teenager. reiji came out to them as trans when he was very young (probably towards the end of middle school), and his parents were very supportive; in fact, it’s partially due to his father’s influence that very few people in the company (or the world at large) are aware that reiji isn’t a cis man. despite this, reiji doesn’t have very much respect for his parents, his father in particular, and more or less ignores his parents’ existence when he can.
ooi’s father works for the ministry of defense according to the manga, but i actually headcanon this to be his step-father. his biological father was a morally rigid man who passed away when ooi was in junior high. his mother remarried not long afterwards to takeshi’s step-father, who was already a close friend of hers; she mainly did this to give takeshi another parental figure and to keep the family financially stable. she and takeshi are very close – probably the closest out of any of the yotsubas and their parents. he’s on good terms with his step-father, but they’re not close.
i’m going to refer to mido w she/her pronouns and the name ayame bc this is a headcanon post and i will headcanon as i please. her father, eigo mido, is a member of the house of councillors, so basically a politician; this is actually referred to outside of their manga profiles, when higuchi asks ayame to call him up and get him to stop the sakura tv broadcast. ayame gives him a decisive no on that and looks a bit annoyed – and in the context of canon, she’s really just annoyed about higuchi calling her up to ask this of her, but i do also headcanon that her relationship with her parents isn’t that great. they pushed her very hard to succeed throughout her childhood and were more focused on her academics and future career than actually being good parents, so their relationship with her was cold and distant. she never felt like she could live up to their expectations and they were never very understanding people; she isn’t out to them in any capacity and their relationships as adults is extremely muted. she’s not fond of them and they don’t reach out to her.
takahashi’s father, karazo takahashi, is the president of the japan financial times, which i assume is some sort of financial journal / newspaper? aside from ooi, eiichi probably has the best relationship with his parents overall. karazo and his mother had a bit of a rocky relationship when eiichi was growing up, but he gets along with each of them and they’ve mostly resolved their issues. karazo has a bit of a smoking habit and talks too loudly; his mother is more soft-spoken and perceptive. they’re very traditional people, but they’re decent company.
shimura is a bit of an exception to the rule here in that we’re given absolutely no information about his father aside from the fact that he wasn’t raised by one; according to the manga profiles, he was raised by a single mother. my headcanon is that his parents were unmarried and, in fact, not in a very committed relationship; he was never really supposed to happen. his mother was a somewhat unstable individual with a lot of unhealthy habits and an addictive personality, and his father bailed on her a few months into the pregnancy. suguru’s mother was extremely unprepared for motherhood, especially on her own. she was able to bring in enough money to keep them afloat, and her family (especially her sister) contributed as well, but they still had a difficult time keeping food on the table, and she treated suguru very poorly. like, very poorly. he cut off contact with her almost entirely when he left for college, and she passed away around when he began working at yotsuba.
both of kida’s parents are anatomy professors! that’s all we know about them. i headcanon that they actually met because they were studying at the same college and took a lot of classes together. they’re very logically-minded people; his father is a bit more sentimental than his mother, but even he isn’t very. masahiko was exposed to a lot of things about their field of study when he was little, so he was pretty impervious to “gross” stuff as a child and learned not to be freaked out by gore. they were also very strict with him, though, and really a bit repressive. he isn’t close to either of them anymore, but their relationship with him is certainly not the worst of the yotsubas.
and now we get to hatori’s parents. his dad, dainosuke yotsuba, is the big man himself, the president of the yotsuba group! since his name is also the name of the company, i’d imagine that he inherited his position from his father or … something like that. arayoshi is also canonically an illegitimate child, however, so we know that mr. yotsuba is a bit saucy himself. i’d imagine he’s married, but not to arayoshi’s mother, and had sired a child with his wife before arayoshi was born, although they didn’t go into the business field. his presence in arayoshi’s childhood was practically zero, although he kept him and his mother provided for financially; he has far more interaction with him as an adult than he did when he was a child, and that’s only because arayoshi works for him. their relationship is professional and pretty damn painful to watch because of how stilted it is. yotsuba also never really stopped with the whole extramarital affair thing and is having a bit of a fling with reiji right now, oops. as for arayoshi’s mother, she was pretty distant from arayoshi; she never really planned to have kids and mostly let him do his own thing. they’re still in touch; she finally married while hatori was in college, and her husband is a decent guy.
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blueeyeswhitegarden · 5 years
Arc V Anniversary Day 16
Day 16: Most angsty headcanons
I usually don't go for angst with my headcanons, but I can think of a few of them for this prompt. Yuto and Ruri's parents, or the people who they believed were their parents, died well before the Heartland Invasion. Yuto, Shun and Ruri were quite young when it happened so they don't have a lot of memories of their parents. They remember some feelings and can recall hazy images of their parents from when they were little kids, but they barely remember them. They grew up in different foster homes in Heartland. Yuto's foster parents weren't perfect, but they were pretty nice and that was a big reason why Zarc's influence didn't have a stronger hold on Yuto despite how he didn't meet Ruri until they were teenagers. Shun and Ruri's foster parents were a bit more difficult by comparison, especially for Shun. Ruri got along with them just fine, but Shun's increasingly angry attitude got him into some intense arguments with his foster parents, which only just intensified his attitude problem. They all passed on shortly before the Heartland Invasion as well. Because of the stress and trauma of fighting against Academia for about a year, they weren't able to properly grieve for their foster parents until after the events of the series.
Yuri and Serena's brief meeting as children did have a lingering impact on them. Despite how Leo kept them separated, they remembered each other for quite awhile. There wouldn't have been enough time for an instant connection like what happened with Yuto and Ruri, especially when Academia wasn't the most ideal environment for any child to grow up in, but there was a spark between them that they couldn't quite explain. They remembered each other's faces for a long time before the memories faded away. Even the feeling they had upon their brief meeting disappeared over time, which is one reason why Yuri had no problem kidnapping the other Bracelet Girls, why he didn't react differently when he tried to capture Serena in the Synchro Dimension and why Serena didn't recognize Yuya as Yuri when she first met him.
Since Reira wasn't split into four pieces from using the En Cards like what happened to Zarc and Ray, she pretty much has all of her memories of what was basically her previous life. Sometimes she'll have dreams where she remembers her time with the Lancers, bonding with Yuya and especially her strong connection with Reiji. But sometimes she'll have nightmares where she remembers the war she was in prior to being adopted by Himika. The images become a bit hazy, but the feelings of tread are extremely strong whenever she has these nightmares. Fortunately, Reiji is always close by and he gives Reira a new teddy bear in order to help her sleep better at night. It will get easier for Reira to process these memories as she gets older and Yuya helps out as another big brother for Reira as well to help her smile, but those nightmares can get pretty intense for infant Reira.
Just as Yuya eventually regains his memories as Zarc, Yuzu regains more of her memories as Ray over time. It starts off with remembering her duels against other professional duelists and then defeating Zarc, but soon she remembers her relationship with Leo. Yuzu fully acknowledges that Shuzo is her father and he becomes even an even more devoted father after the events of the series. He can be a bit overprotective given that he almost lost his precious daughter, but Yuzu knows that it's out of love and they spend more time together as a result. But Yuzu remembers that Ray and Leo had a good relationship too. She remembers just how happy they were together, how often they'd talk in-between Ray's duels and Leo's scientific research and why Ray took the En Cards in the first place. Leo wanted to atone for his mistake by sacrificing himself, but Ray couldn't bare the thought of living in a world without her father. Ray never knew her mother, so losing Leo was too much for her to bare in a world that was already in ruins. Yuzu deeply empathizes with these memories since she would do the same thing for Shuzo. These feelings are intense and she has tried to talk to Leo about these memories, even though everyone else, especially Yuya and Shuzo, are always worried when she makes these attempts, but Leo refuses. After everything he did as the leader of Academia, he recognizes that he doesn't deserve to talk to Yuzu. That would potentially offer more closure for him, but Leo knows that he has to deal with losing Ray on his own and not find another instant solution.
Much like Yuya, Yuzu accepts that she is Ray and Yuzu at the same time, so she does accept these memories as her own. She just has a mixed view on Leo. He was the man who kidnapped her, forced her to merge with her counterparts and whose actions nearly destroyed the world twice, but he is also the man who was a loving, caring and devoted father in another life. Reiji sympathizes with Yuzu since he had to deal with similar mixed feelings after his father abandoned him. Reiji has let go of his anger towards his father, but thinking about the man who started the dimensional war was the same man who he respected as his father was difficult to deal with. Even after the events of the series, knowing that his father abandoned him and his mother to chase after the ghost of a half sister Reiji never knew about stings for him. Despite Leo's refusal to meet with Yuzu, she still makes the efforts in the hope that he’ll finally have the courage to talk to her and start moving forward just as she does by living as Yuzu.
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derangedsilence · 5 years
Kanato Sakamaki
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Shipping?  Yes, but shipping with him increases the risk on everyone’s lives.  Singleship per verse with limited verses.  Please note - as stated on the rules page, orientation is typically listed as what the muses think they are.
Duplicates? Multiple ‘Yuis’?  What about character that aren’t on the dedicated castmates list?  Yes.  You can thrust Kanato at Kanato.  There’s also no issue with duplicates of canon, crossover, etc. characters that Kanato is already interacting with.  You want it, you got it.   To prevent destroying the validity of duplicate muses, I will sometimes think of things as ‘A Laito did this’ instead of ‘Laito did this’, which is a very subtle difference but prevents another muse from having to deal with the blame of an event they were not responsible for.  This will only be differentiated as necessary within writing.  I repeat: all duplicate muses will be treated with respect, not as ‘fakes’.  Any Sakamaki brother is a brother of his, regardless of how many Laitos there are (for example).  We’re just going to, uh, slide past that as often as possible (and occasionally make jokes).
Multiple Kanatos will be treated as though they’d somehow wandered into one’s world or the other via some enchanted, strange object or doorway in the Sakamaki household.  This allows them to interact, but prevents the concept that one is a ‘true’ Kanato over the other.  You have been warned.
Fighting?  A-Okay.  I’ve done a lot of fighting roleplay but it was in the past and I’m way more interested in the storytelling of it.  It’s better that we discuss the end result beforehand for smoother sailing, but we can improv it as well.  I do this from a storytelling perspective.
Harming? A-Okay!  Just be aware that this muse may harm or kill yours in turn!
Killing? A-Okay!  Please be aware, however, that should the need or desire to continue the verse arise, the death scene will be considered a what-if.  In addition, it is very difficult to kill this muse due to the pureblood resurrection abilities.  ...Based on the abilities he demonstrates that appear to be unique to him, he’s probably the hardest of the Sakamaki brothers to kill before any of them touch Yui’s blood.  After...  Well, let’s just hope he isn’t the one drinking Yui’s blood, shall we?
Can we send shippy memes / etc.? Sure, we can still explore what-ifs, drabbles and oneshot threads, but the main focus will be on the storyline here!
Can we know Yui has Cordelia’s heart, is possibly turning into a vampire, is surrounded by vampires, etc. and reference this to Kanato? On a case-by-case basis.  It should be discovered organically if it’s not something your character would be able to know already.  There’s plenty of situations where this would make sense.
Can we know about Kanato’s past before interacting?  No, not unless you have genuine reasons for it like being one of his brothers.
Can we have characters comment on the events of the timeline? Yes, if they “catch sight of”, “overhear a rumor”, “a familiar saw X”, or any other sensible reason, then characters can be aware of and comment on events.  I wholly encourage characters participate in Kanato’s life!  Please tell the story with me!
Can we rescue Yui Komori from the Sakamaki household? Unlikely.  At best, if you succeed in the first place, it’s entirely likely that they will find you, they will take Yui back, and they will kill one or both of you for this.  Or the Mukamis might take advantage of the situation!  Obviously, the exception here is the Mukamis, who are entirely expected to attempt this from time to time.
Can we reference interactions we’ve had with your Subaru, etc. to Kanato?  I mean...sure?  If you want?  I’m fine with using my muses for plot and timeline advancements for myself and those I interact with (within limits) but I’d also prefer to not be my Ayato’s Kanato and vice versa, so this would probably be limited.  You can still act like what’s happened has happened, though.
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Biography / Stats
FULL NAME. Kanato Sakamaki ALIAS. Hysteric (Ayato), Kanato-kun (Yui), Little Songbird (Cordelia) AGE. Appears 17-18 || Actually significantly older BIRTHDAY. March 21  GENDER & PRONOUNS. Male, he/him ORIENTATION. Demisexual SPECIES. Vampire OCCUPATION. High school student of the night school known as Ryoutei Academy. 2nd year in HDB, 3rd year if assuming time has passed. RESIDENCE. Sakamaki residence, Japan
HAIR. Purple EYES. Purple BUILD. Slim HEIGHT. 5'5'' (165cm) TATTOOS. None PIERCINGS. None. ADDITIONAL MARKINGS.   Discoloration beneath his eyes, likely due to lack of sleep. OTHER. Right-handed
ZODIAC. Aries (Aries/Pisces cusp) ALIGNMENT. Chaotic Neutral POSITIVE TRAITS. polite, attentive, clever NEGATIVE TRAITS. temperamental, childish, possessive
BIRTH PLACE. Japan NATIONALITY. Japanese PARENTS. Karlheinz (Alive?), Cordelia (Deceased / Haunting) SIBLINGS. Full Siblings - Ayato, Laito. Half-siblings (shared father): Shuu, Reiji, and Subaru EXTENDED FAMILY. Karlheinz's other wives, Beatrix and Christa. Richter (Uncle). EDUCATION. High school (likely several times over) SPECIES. Vampire NOTABLE SKILLS. Singing, the ability to hold teddy for absurd periods of time, wax doll creation. LANGUAGES. Japanese, English, Russian FAVORITE FOOD. Anything sweet, raspberry pudding
PUREBLOOD. Inhuman strength, increased speed, vision, hearing, and smell. Fast healing & healing saliva. TELEPORTATION. Can teleport instantaneously. FLYING. He can fly. OTHER. Can control and summon familiars. Can animate nonliving objects and control them as familiars. Can transfer soul(s) from one vessel/body to another. Has nightmare-inducing levels of pyrokinesis - is able to set bodies (and nothing else) on fire, control how it spreads, as well as set entire towns on fire at once. WEAKNESSES. Truly holy objects weaken him, but not by much. DISLIKES.   Spicy food, loud noises, not being understood, SHARING
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[*Credit: Appearance section pulled directly from the Dialovers Wiki.]
Kanato appears to have a similar resemblance in appearance to his mother Cordelia, having the same colored light purple hair, though he has large matching eyes with visibly dark undertones beneath them (most likely due to lack of sleep).  Kanato also has a rather short, thin figure with a noticeably younger look about him than his brothers, thus causing him to stand out as more childlike in appearance.  He began wearing glasses in MORE, BLOOD.
Kanato is almost never seen without his beloved Teddy wrapped safely in his arms.
In HAUNTED DARK BRIDAL, he usually wears a black hoodie vest with a long-sleeved white shirt and red ribbon underneath.  The vest’s straps extend to his upper arms.  He wears this attire with black shorts and red pants bearing a checkered pattern that reach above his knees.
In MORE, BLOOD, he wears a beige sweater with a black, polka-dotted dress shirt beneath and an un-clipped red bow tie.  He will occasionally don glasses.
His school uniform consists of the black school jacket over a maroon-colored vest with a red string tie and a white undershirt with a ruffled Victorian collar, which are worn with black pants.  He also wears short black knee-socks and brown dress shoes.
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By himself, Kanato tends to be easily amused by his own entertainments.  He talks often to Teddy, spends time with or creating wax dolls, and singing.  He seems to prefer spending time by himself and the simplicity of the neglect he’s used to.  
Outside of some of the disturbing and potentially threatening comments he may make, initial conversation with him reveals that he speaks in an extremely polite (often to the point of condescending sarcasm) manner and has an extremely pleasant, soft voice.
Unfortunately, Kanato is a spoiled brat, often extremely demanding and quick to emotional blackmail or tempter tantrums to get what he wants.  He’s incredibly cruel and violent when angered, yelling easily.  He’s quick to use tears to get what he wants, having no shame in being considered a crybaby - these tears are sometimes real, but are often forced and fake.  He’s so difficult to deal with that his brothers often leave him be, especially when he starts one of his violent tantrums.  
Kanato was severely neglected as a child except when it came to his voice.  He doesn’t think he’s attractive (or at least doesn’t find himself attractive) but his similarity to Cordelia pleases him, so sometimes he’ll enjoy staring into mirrors.
His brothers matter to him, but at the same time, this doesn’t mean he wouldn’t enjoy killing them.  Precisely because they matter, he would enjoy it.  However, he genuinely exhibits attentiveness from time to time towards Laito.  He’s resentful of Ayato’s lack of attention but would have a difficult time with receiving it in the first place: a common issue with most of his social desires.
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CHILDHOOD. The middle child of a set of triplets born by Cordelia, Kanato was raised alongside his brothers, Ayato and Laito.  Cordelia wanted to make Ayato the Sakamaki heir, so she largely neglected her other two sons except when it suited her.  Kanato was prized by Cordelia only when it came to his voice (which sexually aroused her).  She ignored him to the extent that he deliberately acted out and hurt himself to get her attention, but it never worked.  His craving for his mother’s attention was never satisfied as a child.
Much of Kanato’s poor behavior stems from clinging to the few things Cordelia encouraged in him.  At one point, she gave him a teddy bear that one of her lovers had given her - this became Teddy, the doll he prefers to bond with over his brothers.  She encouraged him to kill people she was bored of, finding amusement in and praising his dolls - Kanato continues to kill people (often sacrificial brides) and turn them into wax dolls.  
Eventually, Cordelia was attacked by Ayato and came to Laito for help.  Laito pushed her off a balcony.  When Kanato found her among the roses, he burned her remains and stored them in a bottle he keeps inside Teddy.
NEAR CURRENT.  Karlheinz manipulated circumstances to keep tossing experimental sacrificial brides at his children.  None could endure the blood loss, physical and emotional torment.  The sacrificial brides were too fragile and the Sakamakis broke their toys.  
CURRENT. A single sacrificial bride is surviving and enduring: Yui Komori.  Whichever brother obtains her will become the Sakamaki heir.  Without directly entering into a “relationship” with any of the Sakamakis, she endures her stay there.
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Brief summaries of the verses for Kanato along with potential links for those less familiar with Diabolik Lovers but still want to interact with him.  For the sake of keeping things clean, encouraging community-wide and cooperative storytelling in roleplay, and not letting things get too crazy, verses will be limited.  More may be made over time as needed.
| DL Anime | DL More Blood Anime | Haunted Dark Bridal | More Blood | (Coming Soon)
*This verse will be typically be the default, 'main verse'. In this, it is assumed that Yui Komori is staying at the Sakamaki household with some version of the first game having taken place. If the second game is included, it's with the idea that Yui stayed with the Sakamakis. Whether Kanato or one of his brothers winds up obtaining the Sacrificial Bride, Kanato’s life continues.
If for some reason it's absolutely necessary to differentiate between the verse above and a verse where More Blood has certainly occured, but Yui did not (at least initially) stay with the Sakamakis and instead is currently living with the Mukamis or was, until recently, still living with the Mukamis.  Rivalry abounds and attempts to procure Yui are likely.
Verse Details | Tag: #V; KANATO; MORE BLOOD
Posts that could take place in the Sakamaki or Mukami verses but involve duplicates (whether Yui or others) in the same scene in a manner that would be hard to pass off as typical flow for those verses.  Also includes nearly ANY time fellow characters are staying at the mansion, otherwise we’d end up with verses of 20+ additional characters hanging out in the Sakamaki villa.  
Verse Details | Tag:#V; KANATO; MISC
Posts that can easily be assumed to have occured in either the Sakamaki or Mukami verses, typically answering asks, etc. that aren’t directly related to events unique to their timelines.
Likely reserved for one-off threads exploring a “what if”, a romantic meme that would otherwise be inappropriate, etc.  If a meme doesn’t quite fit with one of the existing timelines, it’ll get one of these.
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THREAD / WRITING TAG: #echoes in the halls; kanato
HEADCANONS:  #hc; dialovers; kanato
IMAGES: #itt // kanato sakamaki
MUSIC:  #music; dialovers; kanato
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Diabolik Lovers GRAND EDITION for Switch ;; Haunted Dark Bridal - Reiji Maniac [04]
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ー The scene starts in the bathroom
Yui: Phewー...
( At 1 o’clock in the afternoon, I sure woke up at a weird hour... )
( It’s quite difficult to keep up with a reversed lifestyle. )
( I actually should be asleep at this hour or I’ll be too sleepy in class but... )
...For today, I’ll stay awake and go straight to back after getting back from school.
...I guess the tub’s almost filled by now?
ー Somebody enters the bathroom
Yui: ーー Eh?
Reiji: ...You’re being noisy.
Yui: Kyah!? Reiji-san!?
Reiji: ...
Yui: W-What...!? I’m going to take a bath now, you know!?
( Thank god I’m still wearing my top at least... )
( But this is still embarrassing nevertheless...! )
→ Turn around
Yui: ( Having my backside exposed is still embarrassing...But, compared to being stared at directly...! )
Reiji: ...You, what is the meaning behind this?
Yui: Eh?
Reiji: Turning your back towards me is extremely rude, you know?
I can take this as a sign of you mocking me, right?
Yui: T...That’s not it! I’m just embarrassed...!
→ Crouch down (♥)
Yui: ( If I sit down, I’d be able to cover up much more than when I’m standing...! )
Reiji: Fufu...Excellent attitude.
Yui: Eh?
Reiji: Lowering your head as soon as you see me, it seems like you have finally begun to understand the difference in our positions.
Yui: !? T...That’s not it! I was just...embarrassed so...
Reiji: Embarrassed? ...I fail to understand what you mean.
I simply came to stop you because the sound of the shower is too loud.
Yui: Eh? ...I’m sorry, was it noisy?
Reiji: Yes, very much so. Please do not leave the water running, but only turn it on when you’re actually using it.
Yui: Okay...
ー Yui turns off the shower head
Yui: ( Reiji-san must still be sleepy. I did something bad... )
Reiji: ...By the way, what happened to being embarrassed? 
Yui: Eh...!? Please don’t look this way!
Reiji: Why not?
Yui: Why...? Because it’s embarrassing! Besides, I also think it was wrong of you to suddenly barge in like that...!
Reiji: What exactly is?
Yui: Like I said...Well, I do feel bad for the loud noise but, calling from the other side of the door or something...Don’t you think there were others ways you could have gone about it?
Yet, you just invited yourself in...
Reiji: ...You are being unusually defiant with your attitude.
Is this the result of your embarrassment from being naked?
Yui: ...Wha...?
( I’m not completely naked but...Hearing him say that makes me even more ashamed... )
Reiji: ...That being said...
Yui: ( W-Wah...! He’s looking at me... )
Reiji: ...Hm...
Yui: ( Rather than watching...It might be better to call it ‘observing’ instead... )
Reiji: ...As I thought, I simply cannot understand why I shouldn’t look.
Yui: Because, well...
Reiji: I cannot feel anything from simply looking at this kind of body.
Yui: ...Eh?
Reiji: It doesn’t stir up anything within me, so I do not believe there is anything for you to be embarrassed about?
Yui: ( Well that just stings...! )
Reiji: More importantly, there’s something I’m curious about.
Yui: W-What is it?
Reiji: You haven’t been cleaning your body properly, have you?
Yui: Eh...I’m not?
Reiji: I assume you are bad at cleaning yourself. I will show you the basics.
Yui: Excuse me?
Reiji: I’ll clean you thoroughly, down to every nook and cranny of your body.
Yui: I...I’ll pass.
Reiji: Not a chance. 
Yui: ...!
Reiji: Having your body scrubbed to the point where your skin begins to peel off will make for a great experience.
Yui: I-I don’t want to...
Reiji: Well then, let us get started...
Yui: N-No...
( It’s already rough to have Reiji-san see me like this...! )
( If he were to touch me on top of that...God, is today my unlucky day perhaps...? )
ー To be continued ー
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mas-ai · 5 years
OH THANK GOODNESS. I knew I started a response to this and it wasn’t in my drafts and I thought I lost it. Turns out I just had it saved to a word document on my computer instead. ;;
Truthfully, I don’t really have a romantic OT3 for UtaPri. The closest would obviously be Quartet Night, but that’s a- … well, quartet. But hey, let’s go ahead and make one up because my head goes places when I see sweet darlings interact!
This does get to be quite long and includes some headcanons and in-depth exploration, so the rest is under a read more!
I'll be sliding Ai away from his beloved Masato for a minute here because adding anyone onto those two would probably not be the best idea.
I'll also be ignoring the bond between Ren and Masato for the moment, too, as aside from the fact that Masato decked him in the face previously and all of their history, I truly believe that they've grown apart. Maybe that isn't the right word for it, but rather than nourishing their relationship together they're each focusing on themselves more and the group as a whole rather than one another. With their development, in my opinion, I just don't see them being very close anymore. Not to say they dislike each other, they just... I don't know. Not as close as they once were? They lost that connection, in my eyes.
Yes, Masato is placed for the cornerstone of the OT3 because- ... I always choose Masato, let's be real. This shouldn't be a surprise sdfhuidhgduhg. I'm not going to say this is not intended to be romantic because I'm formulating a couple of headcanons here, but I'm writing this with the intent that it is platonic but I threw some potential romance in there.
We'll tuck Cecil to Masato's side! Not because of fellow Scorpio indulgence and I love Masa, no - but because I genuinely believe that Masato would be exceptionally close to him and they work well together. Masato is very (very) reserved, exceptionally passionate and so thoughtful of others. Nothing ever passes him by when it comes to someone he cares about, even if he doesn't really clue into the fact that he's being ultra aware and extremely helpful. Masato always knows. Whereas Cecil is quite blatant with his thoughts and feelings, he doesn't possess any form of filter. Anything he thinks or feels is voiced openly; so unlike Masato. Cecil is like the rocks on a riverside; harsh, slippery and posing danger if someone isn't careful. Masato is the gentle river which wears down the harsh edges over time as he teaches Cecil. Not -just- to tone it down a little sometimes and be a little more thoughtful of others in his words and actions, but about being an idol, manners (let's be honest...), culture and language - something which Cecil is noted to struggle with and the others do pick on him sometimes. Especially Reiji, who teaches him incorrect terms. Masato wouldn't judge him and I can just see him being very patient and genuinely helpful, keeping it under wraps too in case Cecil was insecure about being teased. Cecil would mature through their relationship, in this way. 
Masato would benefit, too - from Cecil's forwardness as he learns to voice his own feelings more often, he would be forced to be broken out of his shell a little bit more and try things that wouldn't.. necessarily make him uncomfortable but would press his boundaries for the sake of growth? It would start with simple things like foods from Cecil's country, to celebrating different customs, to doing different activities. I think we could see him become a little more outgoing and while he wouldn't change, I think it would just have a really positive impact on him to get him out of his tight shell a little bit. We've already seen the understanding between them (in the anime at least) and that they're capable of that; something that others really have a difficult time doing at first. Most disliked Cecil, to begin with (more on this in a minute!) and Masato was very cold and never really joined the group until much later. But, they vibe really well and this is further shown when Cecil joins STARISH.
I thought for quite a while on who would be the third part of this and while I almost settled for someone else, I think that Natsuki is the best choice. Natsuki was the first to allow Cecil in and give him a chance when he was first introduced; in fact, he was the only one to have any faith in him at all. Cecil's behaviour, to begin with, didn't really seem to irk Natsuki all that much. Natsuki is kind and patient, more than willing to give Cecil those chances to grow; something I think he would appreciate and reciprocate. They both share in their more wild moments without filters and tend to be a little extra (they both pull a Shining on several occasions and Masato would sit out while they were doing it) as well as their softer, more subdued moments. Both seem to have a 'switch', so to speak. Granted, Cecil's is slightly buggy and never really fully off. But they're both actually fairly grounded, yet unstable characters. It would be a rather strange relationship to see form into something strong, or rather neither of them would really realize how strong it is.
It's mentioned in Shining Live that Natsuki sees Masato personally, on a regular basis (alongside Ichinose, but hey) to cook. So, they already spend their spare time together and share more interests outside of work. I think this would be a similar dynamic with Cecil, where he grounds Natsuki quite a bit and Natsuki inspires a little bit of fun and openness into Masato's life and absolutely would be an extremely unexpected rock when needed. (Examples: standing up to his father, when his father collapses, etc). As they grow together, I think that if Natsuki were ever comfortable opening up about his past to talk about it with anyone... I think it would be Masato.
OT3 Headcanons That Nobody Asked For!
Masato would take Cecil to a lot of festivals to learn the culture. I'm sure Masato would absolutely love to hear about Agnapolis, too.
I guess.. Masato and Natsuki would be together first, whereas Cecil kind of worms his way in later?
Natsuki is absolutely poly.
Dinnertime! Masato makes everything, Cecil sets the table and sets a really relaxing (romantic?) mood, Natsuki cleans up after.
(Everything is very even between all of them, like that.)
Natsuki insists on baths. Masato is really unsure at first but they grow on him quickly. Cecil absolutely refuses but Natsuki picks him up and forces him in. He's really freaked out but Masato calms him down and he winds up enjoying it, at least until the water is too cold. Natsuki then has to lift him out and dry him off while Masato makes them all some tea.
Afternoon naps are a thing, courtesy of Cecil. Natsuki enjoys them because Cecil really likes to be compressed and squeezed while he sprawls out. Masato disapproves greatly and finds them lazy, but he does put a blanket over them the first few times before eventually dozing off with them while going over scripts.
Kisses. So many kisses. Cecil always, always on the inner side of Masato's wrist. Even when they're in public and it drives him wild. It is so, so intimate without being too PDA and quick to pull away from with a million excuses, which Cecil is quick to come up with if they're caught. Natsuki smothers them both all the time. Cecil enjoys it and just sits there, but seems to have a time limit before the claws come out and he doesn't want to be touched for several hours.
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