#BUT. also i think i am at least somewhat correct and if im Not then like. w/e we will all share our opinions and that will be that
lunar-lair · 2 years
quiet gear turning sounds as i attempt to puzzle out leo and caseys relationship
its so. like this is the very Core of found family, in that their relationship is simply…undefinable
theyre brothers and theyre master and mentor and the ghost of a father and his son, still here and still alive, and theyre best friends and simply family in every way there really could be
caseys other relationships are decently cut and dry; friends, brothers, sisters. (except for cass, thats a whole different can of worms.)
leo loved casey the moment he learned he had been apart of their family, whether in this timeline or another, regardless of his placement there.
theres this innate way casey looks up to leo that he tries to live up to, little mannerisms and things that make leo proud and endeared in such special little ways. hes still one of the first people casey goes to when he has nightmares, because he always sings the same song and holds him the same and hes home in a way none of the others can manage
and hes not him and casey knows that. but thats ok. hes still here, just a little younger, more compact, a tad more complicated
there are things leo learns from him and casey learns from leo, and there are still ways leo worries about him more than some of the others and things casey trusts leo with wholeheartedly, whether due to this invisible master-student tether that matters less than weightless air or just the ways they care
yet they roughhouse and they tease and they fight over the last slice of pizza and call each other stupid names and goof off
its this intricate kind of thing. they mean so many different things to each other. a brother, home, someone to hold onto, to take care of, however leo can, someone to look up to, however casey wishes, as long as leo can provide. they stick close on the couch, casey lulled to sleep by quiet lullabies and careful braiding of hair leos refused to leave unchecked. leo frets as loudly as he always has about caseys injuries, always so comforting and careful, and a little more ‘hey, be careful’ in his every action than with his brothers. casey follows behind leo, like a little brother and a student and the one whos taken care of, and leo leads the way ahead, gentle and careful and loving and just-barely-wise.
and the very next morning, they wake up and fight over the last pancake and stick their tongues out at each other from across the lair and leo calls ‘try not to get caught up in another apocalypse!’ before casey leaves and casey only cackles back with, ‘and dont get caught in any prison dimensions while im gone!’ because their gallows humor is their finest trait, and leo teases him when he gets back about how he got injured after hauling him in gentle and firm and comforting when he showed up and treating wounds with gentle hands, and they wrestle and laugh before they fall into bed together, both finding it so much easier to sleep with someone else, casey always curled up in leos grasp
its so, so nebulous. found family always is, but casey doesnt go to the others for comfort the way he does leo, they dont treat him quite so gently, because to him, theyre more brothers than anything else. its not so clean cut, but its simpler.
leo woke up after the kraang and took two sentences to ask how casey was doing.
he learned casey had seen the elder version of him as a sensei and a father and he never looked back. by god, hed be home for this boy if it killed him. this boy that saved their world. kind, and sweet, and oh so innocent for everything hes been through.
leo could never resist holding him close, calling him darling and my star and little lilac, and casey could never resist letting him, could never resist reminding him of their age and making sure they could have fun with it, call him comet and supernova and little sensei.
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leftclown · 1 year
So now I'm gonna move on and actually describe an experience I have had as a trans man who is currently detransitioned due to financial status. This experience involves both misogyny and transphobia, and I'm not really here to debate weather or not I Can experience these things, instead I'm just going to share it.
So I guess somewhat important context to this is that I am rather feminine by appearence. If you encountered me in the wild you'd think I was the hoodie and cookie monster pajama girl from high school. My partner, also not currently receiving gender affirming care passes a bit better than me. He at the very least gives people pause or incites confusion. Usually, though, people just assume he's a young man.
I was going to get a state ID because I had moved recently to another state. My ID from my previous state had my gender marked as M because I went through the due process to get that done. New home state has a policy that if youre from out of state you have to get your ID processed at the police station. My partner is also trans and had gone a week prior to get his done, and they had respected his ID's gender marker, moving all of his information from the out of state record.
I go in and of course I am marked F, so upon reviewing it I said thats incorrect, because my ID says M. We go back and forth and I eventually produce my partner's ID and say "you did it for him just last week". Big mistake on my part because I'm honestly still learning how not to give people like this the benefit of the doubt. Regardless, they go to their manager to figure out what to do.
A few minutes later I am called alone into the managers office. Here's a shortlist of this meeting;
-Thet confiscated my partners ID without him present
-Told me my due process didn't matter, that I can only change it if I had a letter saying I had already had SRS.
-Took my previous ID and voided it so I couldn't change my birth certificate
-Made me submit my ID as F
-Tell me my partner has to come in to correct his to F as well
This all happens very quickly, and I try to advocate for myself and lose. By the end of it, I am crying a bit and I mutter to myself "This is fucking insane".
This is the part that really fucked me up.
The manager stepped forward toward me, holding her hands in that defensive position, the one cops to do say 'I'm calm but prepared to use force', you know where they tilt their hips forward and rest their hands on the front of their belt. She tells me "I understand you're upset, but there is no swearing in here."
I am a nearly 30 year old MAN. And she is trying to tell me not to swear like I'm some teenager giving her lip.
"I'm not from here, this is just how I talk" I say, not yet realizing that she is trying to instigate. She prods this issue again, trying to detract me, trying to get me to cuss more. Trying to rile me up. I become quiet and still, thank them for their time and leave. She called me Sweetheart as I left.
And there is nothing I can do in this situation. Im dealing with cops in a red state. There's nothing I can do but cave to the authority because my plans are bigger than this. Because to further advocate is to put myself in danger and she made that very clear by drawing a line at me swearing. So I submit.
Submitting in a situation like this feels like your power is being taken from you. Like they are physically removing something from your arms and trying to get it back would be a major risk. It's not just that someone is stepping on me, it's that theyre telling me politely to get on the ground so I can be stepped on. It felt especially oppressive in this scenario, but it always feels like this. In the workplace, in social group, in family, a trans man is the least respectable thing you can be because not only are you a woman, but you're a crazy, damaged woman and if you're me you get ire for being a waste of a pretty face.
There's always a timeline too, it can be long or short but it always goes like this; People receive me initially with feigned tolerance and some mild comparisons to my partner's masculinity. Then they start poking and pushing and trying to see if I'm really a trans man in ways they think is subtle but to me is very unsubtle. Eventually, when they've disrespected me to the point of reacting emotionally, they act like they've gotten their gotcha moment because I've displayed the Ultimate Thing that makes you Not A Man: Tears. Most of them don't even need to get to there to conclude I'm a trender because well if I'm already almost 30 and haven't transitioned, I must not want it bad enough.
I'm sharing this story not just because it displays the intersections of being a trans man, how hard it is to obtain respect and how fragile that respect is, but also because I know there are guys out there who are like me. I see you, you with the puffy lips and round hips, you who can't transition right now, you who feels like he's waiting for a some day, for a time when it's just okay to exist out there and be treated with the basic fucking dignity of telling someone "Hi, I'm Dave" and having them reply without looking at your tits first. Who has beat himself up in the quiet hours for years for being too emotional, too feminine, feeling assaulted by the way the world wants to commodify your body and demonize your mind. You deserve to be seen and respected.
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Yup, that’s right, I am looking for someone to proofread my translations for CL and mark all of the typos and grammar/spelling mistakes! 
As you guys might or might not know, English is not my first language so my translations are definitely not 100% error-proof. (I also make a lot of typos because I’m thinking ahead to the end of the sentence and then write a word too soon, etc.)
For Dark Fate, Lunatic Parade and the start of Lost Eden, my bestie did all of the proofreading and I am eternally grateful to them for that! However, they got a new job midway through Lost Eden and their interest in DL has also faded somewhat, so we’ve decided that it would be best if I look for a new proofreader. 
What do you have to do? 
You will get a Google Document from me which has the translations of the chapters. It is your duty to read through them and correct the mistakes. In Google Docs, you can easily do so by selecting the word/sentence with the mistaking adding a ‘suggestion’. I can later then mark the suggestion as ‘fixed’ once I’ve adjusted the mistakes in my Tumblr drafts. 
What do you get in return? 
You will get early access to translations of the games and my genuine gratitude. uwu Since I do not get paid for these translations, I cannot provide any money in return for proofreading either. ^^;;
How do you qualify? 
I definitely do not expect you to dedicate all of your time to proofreading. Since I am ahead of schedule, you will usually have at least 2 weeks to read through chapters before they go live on my blog. 
Being a native English speaker is not required (my bestie wasn’t either) but a good knowledge of the English language would be nice, of course. 
Communication will be done through Discord, so it’s a plus if you already have a Discord account!
Interested? Drop me an IM!
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quietbluejay · 16 days
Solar War 2
I'm here for Layak stalking Abaddon, this is beautiful
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layak pulls a "we're not so different" and needles abaddon about killing the loyalist sons of horus at isstvan iii
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and layak pulls a batman lmao on the one hand, he's an incredibly irritating coworker on the other hand, i think it would be funny to stick these two in the pear wiggler together, and i think canon will give me what I want there i'm really hoping the people reading this are familiar with that meme otherwise I sound like a lunatic Boreas is dying one of Sigismund's comrades in his fight
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yeah he's kind of…haunted by that
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Mersadie is kind of grim, lol
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depressing lol but she's had a bleak seven years
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honestly i kinda…want to drop this book this is just…it's like trying to bite a windshield there isn't anything in here that really compels me to see what happens next
does my bestie andromeda show up more search says no boo!!!!
ok im giving it another shot Mersadie's subplot is at least somewhat gripping and now, over to the Emperor and Malcador there's a planetary conjunction and the time is at the turning of the year which has significance but like, the winter solstice is when things start getting lighter
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also i can't believe there's been so much about wolves and winter in a book where I'm pretty sure Russ never shows up
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IGNIS HES HERE and Menkaura is slowly transforming into what we see him as in the Ahriman series
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okay i guess i am a bit curious as to where this is going and also how French writes pre-Rubric Ahriman man Mersadie is picking up a whole group I'm really hoping the kids survive this I thought they were dead for sure
i…what what
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are you serious
So just…lock them all in a room???
I'm going to leave bite marks on every stone in your walls
things are not going so well on earth
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FINALLY we're getting a human face on things (got to see this guy's nightmare of his undead mother) ah time for malcador to go hard men doing hard things (loken's mad at him)
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he's going after Mersadie
aah Forrix POV even Space Marrines get fatigued after a while hm
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ominous forrix also really doesn't think highly of the EC and the NL which is especially funny for the NL
man, no matter what, French always writes Ahriman as a sad wet beast, a poor little meow meow i mean okay i guess McNeill did it too this bit was a little funny to me
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like Ahriman of all people thinking something is ridiculously pretentious ah tension between the WB and the TS
there have been some shreds of what could have been an actually good book buried in here I'm sorry I haven't really been doing a detailed breakdown lol
that one review was right (about a different John French novel, lol) "John French takes an overly verbose axe to anything resembling a cohesive plot in this book."
I'm not sure how I'd fix this one aside from getting rid of half the descriptions lol I know 40k as a setting is about armies and not individuals but this is a book I swear a good chunk of this stuff read a lot like it was taken from campaign fluff not sure that's the correct term I finally got around to reading most of the TGS fluff and it clarified a lot of things for me in terms of wtf Thorpe was doing and why his writing was so weird in Ghost Warrior
hm I think I'd cut all the stuff that happens on Terra, it belongs in a different book or do it as a short story
I'm not sure about the Mersadie subplot tbh but honestly I think that one deserved to be a novella it's one of the best parts of this book ah Mersadie and Loken are reunited!
French, seeing my aggravation, immediately decided to attack my weak points
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that's what this book is trying to be about, isn't it it's not doing a great job but the parts that hit, do it well ah classic ahriman
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yeah this whole thing has been a word bearers teamup which has been…interesting, for ahriman, lol
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Mersadie accomplished something!
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oh yeah she also has a lot of flashbacks and at this point I'm wondering if it's not just the trauma oh ok the memories didn't actually happen yeah I'm worrying about something spooky
visual representation of the traitor command centre before the battle
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hah it's actually really funny, I was reading about this recently and thinking about it w.r.t. to what Haley was trying to pull off with Wolfsbane
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so the traitor forces were only doing all this to get this planetary alignment
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you know things have finally been picking up …starting at the 70% mark
im also sitting on my hands to not quote TS Eliot's Four Quartets, I know I overquote it agh I'm weak, I give in
Garlic and sapphires in the mud Clot the bedded axle-tree. The trilling wire in the blood Sings below inveterate scars Appeasing long forgotten wars. The dance along the artery The circulation of the lymph Are figured in the drift of stars Ascend to summer in the tree We move above the moving tree In light upon the figured leaf And hear upon the sodden floor Below, the boarhound and the boar Pursue their pattern as before But reconciled among the stars.
At the still point of the turning world. Neither flesh nor fleshless; Neither from nor towards; at the still point, there the dance is, But neither arrest nor movement. And do not call it fixity, Where past and future are gathered. Neither movement from nor towards, Neither ascent nor decline. Except for the point, the still point, There would be no dance, and there is only the dance. I can only say, there we have been: but I cannot say where. And I cannot say, how long, for that is to place it in time. The inner freedom from the practical desire, The release from action and suffering, release from the inner And the outer compulsion, yet surrounded By a grace of sense, a white light still and moving, Erhebung without motion, concentration Without elimination, both a new world And the old made explicit, understood In the completion of its partial ecstasy, The resolution of its partial horror. Yet the enchainment of past and future Woven in the weakness of the changing body, Protects mankind from heaven and damnation Which flesh cannot endure.
back to book
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(i thought dorn had lighter eyes lol)
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anyways i guess i should actually finish Flight of the Eisenstein at some point it can't be more tedious than 75% of this book ugh samus is here ah so that's the twist in the mersadie plot
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i know she's being controlled or possessed or something but that's a fun image so the "keeler" in the visions was…Samus I think
so back on the vengeful spirit maloghurst did a sorcery to turn Mersadie into a sleeper agent uh huh [press x to doubt] Mersadie left right before Isstvan III!!!!! unless this is trying to tell me that idk Erebus was secretly tutoring Mal in dark magic, something that makes absolutely zero sense in the time frame we're looking at i can't believe it yeah okay some of the elements in here are fun horror stuff but I can't focus on that because I'm too irritated to quote that one reviewer "Samus is here and I wish he wasn't"
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vyladromeave · 1 year
If MCD gets turned into a book I am almost certain the autism ghosts will possess me again and I’ll have to making a 5 hour long rant with a conspiracy style string chart on my wall
GOD mcd as a book genuinely makes me both so excited and terrified at the same time. I've had this ask sitting in my inbox for like a day now because idk entirely how to voice all the opinions i have about this. AT THE VERY LEAST: It's cool that Jess hasn't forgotten entirely about MCD, and while it sounds like the plans to continue myst are more clear/doable (its the same format she's always done, all it takes is for her to write a conclusion she feels satisfied with. which is definitely a large feat but it feels more in-reach than expanding on mcd right now), its cool that theres still an interest for MCD as well.
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CONTINUING: MCD continuation sounds like it is not in reach right now, and not entirely a priority either. It's not even in pre-production yet, it sounds like she hasn't even decided on a format to release it as, which means relatively zero work has gone into making that yet. (Beyond the guideline that has already been written for it in the form of the existing MCD story that we know and are familiar with.) We don't even know if it would be a book!! JESS doesn't even know if it would be a book!! I don't know how I'd feel about it if it WAS a book! She's been vocal about wanting something akin to an anime or animated series before iirc (though i dont remember the source for this so correct me if im wrong), so it could be that thats still something she wants to pursue with and getting a whole animated show at a good quality is hard! I don't know!!! Nobody knows!!!! (And I don't know if she's ever even produced anything aside from Youtube Video Storytelling/RP series. Sure she has a very successful toy line, but that's not really a writing/storytelling medium. And I guess there's the music videos, but those are... um......... bad........ And we know she's no stranger to fanfic, thanks to the fucklist if nothing else, but i've literally never SEEN her writing go towards something that wasnt a Minecraft Youtube Video. On this note, if anyone is familiar with work Jess/the team has done for something that ISNT the medium of things she posts to her youtube channel, please send it my way I'd be very interested in checking it out.)
I think I'm glad that at the very least, it wont be produced in the same style as her modern rps (the style used for mcds3 + modern mystreet content + Rebirth too actually...) because I really don't enjoy that style... to me a big part of MCD honestly is the fact that things are for the most part kept in Aphmau's POV of things, something they ditch alot in modern rp content. But switching that format to something else might not lend to telling it the same way. Which is scary to me!! (honestly I personally think mcd would function really well as a first person visual novel or something along those lines. but if anything, that might require more writing than a book would, since there'd be choices and paths...) And obviously ppl HAVE attempted things similar to retelling mcd as a book before, there might be more MCD rewrites out there than MCD fanfics at this point tbh im not blind. But there's still the difficulty of being able to tell that story well in a medium it was not originally produced in/arguably meant for.
There's also the point of: I don't really Like a lot of the more recent choices Jess has made with MCD's story somewhat recently. The stuff with Irene in Mystreet just feels like a mess, I don't like the idea of the two having crossover. And while Rebirth for the most part was pretty good, there are still some things I have gripes with, mostly with how Aphmau is presented as a character and agency problems she's had since all the way back in mcd s2. There's a very real possibility that I just wont enjoy MCD as the way Jess wants to tell it now. And thats like fine, obviously, but it is also a little disheartening.
and then there's the point of: still knowing that i probably won't like how it ends, WE WILL LIKELY GET AN ACTUAL END. can you imagine that. MCD with an ending. a canon ending. I doubt it would be in the first installment of whatever MCD gets published as (if it gets published at all), seeing as even in Rebirth jess was planning on it having 2 seasons, but still. Even if I don't like the ending, the idea that there will BE ONE OUT THERE for me to bounce off of is incredible to me.
when it comes down to it: i honestly don't have much hopes of MCD ever being officially finished in any capacity. I hate to be a downer about it so soon after news that Should be Good. But the fact that she doesn't even know what MEDIUM she wants it to be in is not a good sign. If it Will ever be officially published in some form, it's likely it won't be for a very very long time. Not like mcd fans are strangers to waiting, but still. As a professional MCD Waiter, I would not be surprised if we are left waiting forever. It happened with original mcd, it happened with rebirth, i do not doubt it will continue happening for a very long time. I'm scared to get my hopes up for a finished story of any kind, because it's never approached Finished before. Its very hard for me to get excited over something I know will likely be abandoned, possibly before it's even been started.
but yeah if we get mcd book ill read it probably. ya know. whatever or something. <guy who is trying not to look like he cares about this a lot
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mister-eames · 1 year
Your fic rec for the day is past anterior by noyeahtotally! also! recently you answered an ask about times eames realised he was wrapped around arthur's finger... im wondering if there's an arthur version of this?? 😏
Past Anterior is so, so good, the dialogue is legit top notch, A+, top tier. Thank you for the rec - I second the recommendation for anyone who hasn't read it yet!
Yes, there is. The feeling is absolutely mutual!!! 😌
One. The first time Arthur realised, in hindsight, he was wrapped around Eames finger was six days into The Project. They were about to go under for the first time unassisted and he'd seen that skinny British liason with the big lips and the cookies struggling with his line, hesitating almost.
He'd walked over to you know, be a good team mate and tell him how to do it properly, slapping the mans fingers out of the way. Eames, as he'd come to know him, looked down at Arthur and smiled somewhat bashfully, telling him in a whisper that he was still a bit afraid of needles.
Arthur had thought then what is there to be afraid of if you knew the pain was coming? But gently inserted the needle into Eames' arm anyway. They have a rapport, him and Eames - it's nothing for him to help out a guy with his phobia. He'd get used to it soon, anyway.
Two. The second time is much later, and much, much more obvious to Arthur. It requires zero hindsight or reflection. He does think, verbatim, in that very moment, I am wrapped around his goddamn finger.
There has been a collection of moments where it took him a solid while to realise he was.... y'know, a little whipped. But he'd taken course correction on those things, or at least he'd tried to. Some of those things. Anyway. The point is Arthur had stopped stocking the Biscoff biscuits on their jobs and that's that.
It's not until the fifth time that Eames has broken into Arthur's home unannounced, only for Arthur to find him in his bed, or on his couch, like a goddamn dog who keeps following him home that Arthur thinks this. Because for once, he's got no urge to tell Eames, half-heartedly at best, to get out and leave. For once, it's kinda nice to see a familiar face in an otherwise empty house. For once, he sees Eames on his couch, flipping through a novel, brow furrowed and lips pursed in concentration, zero desire to yell at him, and thinks I am wrapped around his goddamn finger.
He does yell at Eames, for appearance sake.
Then he digs out the Biscoff biscuits he has out of his pantry. What? They're good. Eames can be right about some things.
Not that Arthur would ever tell him.
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cwilb · 2 months
syaing this in anon bc i dont want it to be seen as hate. what is the appeal of romantic calliumduo? i don't really see it since I mainly see them as one-sided enemies on tommys side, to somewhat friends because of tubbo over the course of their time on the dsmp
HAI ANON thank you for this ask /gen i love yapping about cubitos especially calliumduo!!
first of all im gonna go pretty based off of the wiki due to my memory issues, however i did check that everything had sources so hopefully its accurate. :3 very sorry if not and feel free to correct me in another ask!!
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^ this is their first meeting, where it says they bonded by planting things together then griefed cgeorge's house.
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this is after their first meeting, where cranboo confesses he was involved in grieving george's house and defends ctommy, saying "tommy is anything but selfish". they overall had a good relationship, at least at first (including for a good part of exile which is a big deal methinks)
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for the frenemies part im assuming youre talking about where ctommy was jealous about cbeeduo marriage (i choose to interpret part of this as him liking cranboo and being jealous of both of them because thats his best friend and someone he takes a liking to), where ctommy said despite his jealously 'he liked cranboo a lot and appreciated the fact that he had always been there for him'. from my view this is not negative and shows ctommys actual feelings about cranboo beyond his jealousy and how he tends to try and mask his feelings.
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their relationship is overall considered positive from both of their views, it isnt one sided enemies, they like each other (/p speaking at least, i personally interpret them as romantic).
theres so much more than this but these r like. the basics of it for me i guess? im tired and thats gonna be more IDs to add later so erm. asking other people as well is probably a very good idea /gen!!
also outside of canon stuff i project on ctommy and see him as aroace because i am and i think any representation of arospecs having romantic relationships in a way where people arent fuckin weird about it is really cool + i see cranboo as acespec and somewhere on the agender spectrum so they r aspec4aspec 2 me!!
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elixlozgamer · 2 years
Im probably gonna get a lot of hate. Im probably gonna get death threats in my ask box (again. Yes Im looking at you "kill the soldiers" anon. Speaking of which, anon will be OFF until this post stops getting notifs. Block me if you don't want to see any other opinions than you own, because I'm allowed to have them.)
Rest of PSA is below the cut. TW for mention of death threats and possible cussing.
But we do NOT need to send death threats, things with smutty themes, etc. Into a celebrities ask box all because they're gonna be on this site.
They're people just as much as we are. If you don't like them, theres a handy-dandy feature called "blocking and moving on". Not writing rude messages. Not saying "Blazing a post is a pvp attack". (Because god forbid an artist use a feature to be seen)
I understand not wanting big corps to make their way on Tumblr. Believe me, I do. However Tumblr's advertising (or at least on mobile) is easilly skippable/you can scroll past or actually look at the ad if its somewhat interesting.
Also, Tumblr sells shoelaces for 19 dollars. That should only be like three dollars, but it shows that it really does need the money. (@indigoartistqueen mentioned that, along with other various things in this article) Such as paying programmers to create new features. Paying artists to create new logos and themes. paying the employees that check out the reports. (which I am rlly sorry for them bc I just so happen to keep finding really rude comments or things shipping an 8 year old with an 1000 year old.)
So, if tumblr got a little more money, then merch will cost less. Features will cost less. You can crab someone for less for goodness sakes. (Speaking if which, if you REALLY hate a celeb that badly, run them off with crabs.) But tumblr, just like any other site and app, NEEDS money to keep it running.
Also, don't you think SOME form of algorithm will be good? Or at least better search results? Because artists do tend to use very different tags. (Like memes, funny, lmao, lol, etc.) All that could be grouped under "Funny" so that people can actually find and search for their content easier.
Not to mention that with the way the tumblr staff are, I highly doubt they're gonna be implementing things that will cause a riot from their supporters, like the algorithm, bc the blogs ARE the algorythm, reblogging stuff they like to spread it out.
But just a better tagging system! i myself have stopped posting art as much because I just DON'T get seen! People just don't like or reblog my work, but if I were to blaze it, I would suddenly have 1,000 notes full of threats and "this is a pvp attack. Everybody block on sight."
Now, getting back to the celebrity thing. So many people have said that they don't want any political opinions to divide this site. Well I'd hate to break it to you, but we have, in some form, a type of political dispute. Usually its over the type of view one should have on a fiction character. How you can interpret them. What headcanons are correct. Which fandoms better. Which characters hotter. I could go on over the disputes! Plus the political side of tumblr! Science side of tumblr! Religous site on tumblr!
It never ends! If you don't like a celebrity, DON'T SEND DEATH THREATS TO THEIR ASK BOX! Some will actually commit it! Instead, BLOCK. THEM. It's easy! Don't pay attention to it! Just block them. If you really don't like them, send a cursed image, like I don't know, Patrick Star in stripper heels! A perfect circle thats slightly off! Do NOT send threats, because they're humans just like you! (Or as a Fairy myself, xenogenders as well)
Point is, quit trying to run celebrities off this site all because you're afraid of contriversal opinions that you don't agree with! Just block them! It's there for a reason! It's not like roblox where you can only block 100 people total!
Use the block feature. Don't fight fire with fire. It will ONLY get worse. You don't see firemen using flamethrowers, do you??? No! Please for the LOVE OF WHOEVER OR WHATEVER YOU BELIEVE IN quit spreading hate! It only makes things worse! You're only making yourself worse! Just because tumblr is an anonymous site does not mean you can do whatever you want... Because guess what? There's other humans right behind that post you just saw! (Unless its a bot ofc, that's a different story for another time)
Respectfully, have a good day. If you don't like my opinion, block me. If you send me a threat, I'll block and report you.
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sunsrefuge · 1 year
character ask for ya: i know (or am pretty sure at least, correct me if i’m wrong) you have some folks whose timelines extend back into the gw1 era. how do their stories intertwine with the gw1 plot things? and/or feel free to elaborate on whatever extended life shenanigans are going on! :) @kerra-and-company (also you were definitely right about the fractal, i just checked, tyty :D )
((aaa!! i thought of Sunqua immediately, my memory of it is so spotty now im surprised i was right!!))
ohh !! I have a few !! ... a few, uh. let me count actually-- ... kai I have at least nine who do, i have more than i THOUGHT i did... holy fuck. Note that I haven't finished any of the GW1 Campaigns yet :'D So I can't really comment on the main story, but I can talk around it! ^^
Some intertwine very closely!! Others are looser and more in-between the first and second game! Qlikk is one of the most involved because he was the Hero of Cantha! His birthname is Yuna, and he still uses it !! he's just been hiding !! It's a little difficult to join the Durmand Priory and cite your name as Jiao Yuna, that anyone could instantly clock as the Hero of Cantha's name. And what an odd name for an asura! (of course, outside of my personal AU he's somewhat safe from that! In generalized AU's i still like to think that he directly helped the Hero of Cantha and is still somewhat notable - just enough to give him reason to hide his identity in present day!)
He traveled northward after the events of the first game, partly to avoid the attention, and ends up going to the Maguuma Jungle and becoming one of the Druids that you see there in Auric Basin in GW2!! He's technically made of celestial magic at this point -- during Heart of Thorns he got very curious about what was outside the jungle again, so he found a way to appear as an asura to explore again! (He's permanently got the antlers, wings, and tail though! He multiclasses as a Ranger / Mesmer in the first game, so he still has some Mesmer tricks to hide them!!)
Liifa's is fun too since he surfaces right after Nightfall - he's known Kormir as one of The Six pretty much his entire life! Dude is the reason for my new blog name the BIGGEST Sunspear you'd ever meet!! He's got their whole motto memorized and spent all of his youth living with them! :D He also has a personal vendetta against Palawa Joko for SO many reasons <3
im still going apparently but also! Alana Gravina! She's my Hero of Nightfall, and ends up staying in the Moon Palace... yes, with Joko. No, she is not having fun! ♥ She's a lich herself, and still retains her own will, so she's been working under Joko's nose and passing notes to the Sunspears about his plans for centuries! ^^
There's also Ryuji, Aysen, all of the Binding demons I have, Eliana and Kiera technically count via shenanigans, and Asier Gravina,, and actually Bjiattu's entire crew, technically. Whoopsie :D
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tonyglowheart · 1 year
okay lol I KNOW I said (and told myself) I decided on the bodice tassel-y dress, but now I'm thinking, that's the correct color scheme, and tassels say party, but the silhouette isn't quiiite giving me Iron Man
whereas these guys
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- I think do. There IS something to be said about cleaner silhouette lines for channeling IM vibes, I think. Also I think the silhouette + strap config + beading allow me to lean into art deco vibes without it just coming off as ""flapper"" costumey. (the spaghetti strap dress w the art deco-y lines is still my second/third choice. And that one has a ver with cap sleeves and arm beading which does read a bit too "flapper" costume for my taste)
And despite the variance in photos, I suspect that these two are similar, if not the same, fabric, cuz some stores photograph that first dress or the beadingless versions similarly.
So first one, obv, there's something to be said about clean lines. But I also am somewhat of a maximalist lol so the extra details on the second intrigue me.
I've done quick mock-ups in PS and I like both with a gold belt- the first one with a simpler gold belt, the second with a more statement geometric art deco-y belt & coordinating accessories to really lean into a sort of art deco architectural aesthetic vibe.
I'm still not sold on the mesh and might try to close that off at least in the chest (the first one might need to stay cuz of the underarm mesh panel). But then arguably, Tony's underwhelming Hellfire Gala look includes some red transparent fabric-y stuff, so it ties in, right? lmao
anyways lol. I did also look up the Hellfire Gala designs again and looked at some cosplays just to get an idea/get back in my head of what maybe I'd be seeing at the event (if ppl actually Go for it lmao), and I'm much more sold on that first poshmark dress (the halter with the flamey looking gold) now, actually lol. Tho still keeping that as a backup option since apparently it's a bit heavy.
But now I do need to decide between these two to gamble on Ali lol. Leaning towards the second one, I think, but still 🤔
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frizzy-frizz-frizz · 1 year
"the kevjean dynamic has me in a chokehold i cant stop thinking about them." SAME and I think its so valid of us there's too little of them out there whether it's romantic or platonic it's actually a crime
"i should reread it again" lmao that's exactly what I'm doing I'm currently halfway through chapter 3 (now 5 now the sequel and I'm done i might reread it again now since its complete). Also lost??? Omg you're so so correct here. "But if only you could see yourself in my eyes you'd see you shine, you shine I know you'd never leave me behind but I am lost this time" you are so so correct here
"these three will be the end of me i swear." THIS ENTIRE PARAGRAPH WILL BE THE END OF ME I SWEAR
"even the AGES are right." I KNOW HOW DOES IT FIT SO WELL
"my interpretation is VERY self indulgement." Self indulge away I'm here for it
"i associate my tears ricochet with post-baltimore kandrew." Lmao listen I thought this but then I was like perhaps that's too controversial idk but I'm so glad you went for it anyway
"FIRMLY believe andrew has had some horrible horrible thoughts about being like every person who's hurt kevin." I AM SO WITH YOU HERE THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT I THOUGHT
"listen those two are practically melded together okay" they rlly rlly are okay I'm in the middle of Andrews pov in tnotg sequel and I'm having feelings
"SOBBING THESE TWO THEY END ME I WILL NEVER STOP TALKING ABOUT THEM" hurting each other = hurting themselves
"once again, about kevin running away to the foxes and jean being at the nest" ykw this is such a valid interpretation but I refuse to believe that they didn't at least somewhat repair their relationship post canon okay I need them to be roommates okay
"BUT for extra sad you can remember all the drafts nora wrote where Jean died." BABE LITERALLY WHY THE FUCK WOULD I WANT TO REMEMBER THAT I ACTIVELY TRY AND NOT THINK ABOUT THAT I'm so fucking glad we had him joining the trojans instead that's so so much happier I remember the previous drafts and I need to lie the fuck down
"Andrew digging his heels and yet following Kevin and he promises andrew the world and them drags him towards it" YOU GET IT they were fucking attached at the hip
I am now actually incapable of listening to willow without thinking of kandrew the same way I can't listen to liability without thinking of kevin or dorothea without kevneil or two birds without kevjean
YOUVE ADDED THIS IS ME TRYING listen the way this song gets to me "I had the shiniest wheels now they're rusting" Literally him breaking his hand "Could've followed my fears all the way down" KEVIN "I was so ahead of the curve, the curve became a sphere fell behind on my classmates, and I ended up here" is this not him going from a raven to a fox???? "but I didn't pour the whiskey" the song's also about alcohol addiction this song's now linked to him in my head
Okay I have listened to silence before but with them??? "I found peace in your violence" yes I can see this "Can't show me there's no point in trying" is this not the entire point of their deal??? Kevin constantly trying to get him to try and to give him something to build his life around??? But also in reverse andrew giving him the chance to learn how to play again??? "I'm in need of a savior but I'm not asking for favors" GODDAMN "I'm so used to being in the wrong, I'm tired of caring" andrew core
I'm not ok is so pre-canon kandrew the way I dont even know which lyrics to start quoting first "I can be a handful but that's why you have two hands" lmao accurate I don't even know which one of them that could refer to "I can be a danger, danger for you" I THINK IM JUST GOING TO HAVE TO QUOTE THE WHOLE SONG "Too many issues, so I wouldn't blame you" ITS THEM???
505??? I LOVE 505 "If it's a seven hour flight or a forty-five minute drive" yk how in tnotg andrew flies to Boston bc kevins team would be there. Sorry I'm never shutting up about this fic ever "I'd probably still adore you with your hands around my neck or I did last time I checked" I NEED A MOMENT SHIT HOW DID I FORGET THIS LINE WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WHY WOULD YOU SUGGEST THIS IM NEVER GOING TO BE ABLE TO MOVE PAST THIS OH MY GOD "But I crumble completely when you cry" BABE YOU KNOW THAT ONE BIT IN TNOTG SEQUEL "If Andrew turns his head now, and finds Kevin quietly crying, it'll be the only thing that has ever happened to him." Yeah I'm def rereading this the way I can never stop thinking of it its THE kandriel post canon fic. "It seems like once again you've had to greet me with goodbye" Post graduation vibes everytime they meet they know it won't last long FUCK I'm obsessed with this song with them you've given me crack
I am not a robot okay okay you mention a song by marina and you've got my attention with every lyric I keep flip flopping between who the song is talking about "You've been acting awful tough lately smoking a lot of cigarettes lately" bc this is clearly andrew right but then "you don't always have to be on top better to be hated than loved loved loved for what you're not" which is so kevin??? Lowkey the way raven fans turned on him when he joined the foxes "I'm vulnerable I am not a robot" this could honestly be either of them the way both of them are viewed by the ppl around them
WOLVES WITHOUT TEETH YOURE SO RIGHT FOR THIS “Open my chest and colour my spine” I DONT EVEN KNOW WHERE TO START WITH THIS the idea that andrew was doing his best to hold up kevins spine for like months until he could do it himself "I'll be the blood if you'll be the bones" I don't know why but in my mind kevin is clearly the blood while andrew is the bones "hover like a hummingbird haunt me in my sleep" they were fucking attached at the hip obsessed with each other and OKAY SO THE CHORUS you would not believe what i found on genius lyrics "They are not running from the physical thing, but from what the thing represents emotionally. A wolf prostrate and panting is seeking permission for something, it wants it, but needs consent. The “tearing with out teeth” is the emotional pain of the mutual love and attraction they share, but cannot express." I actually can't look at this any other way now wtf was this person on when they wrote this annotation why does it work so well for them my god "how can I keep you inside my lungs" listen I'm sorry to keep bringing up tnotg but also tnotg andrew to kevin
Ghost of you by 5sos kinda reminds me of kandrew but like post baltimore (PLS I ACTUALLY WROTE THIS BEFORE YOU SENT THAT ASK and yes you absolutely should create a kandrew playlist if you want i'll be here for it) yk the whole missing someone who isn't there's anymore "still can't sleep on your side" them not being able to sleep in the same bed bc of a whole host of issues for both of them but also bc kevins gone and moved out "dancing through our house with the ghost of you" he's not there anymore when he's been within arms reach before "when you ran away, and no one could feel your hurt" LIKE ITS THEM
Also idk if this is bc I've just started twisting every song I listen to until it relates to aftg but endgame for kandriel??? Like first part is Kandrew the second verse is kevineil and third verse is andriel?? This either works rlly well and I'm correct or I've completely lost my mind (but like "I protect you with my life...reconnected when we were little bit older...i hit you like bang...calling my bluff on all my usual tricks"???)
Have you considered Dollhouse by Melanie bc it lowkey describes the nest/perfect court the idea that the public sees smth that it totally false while shit is going down behind the scene like "everyone thinks that we're perfect please don't let them look through the curtains" "smile for the picture pose with your brother"
LAST WORDS OF A SHOOTING STAR IN ON YOUR PLAYLIST "All of this turbulence wasn’t forecasted" him expecting to stay at the nest for college and then having to leave and all the drama that came after "I am relieved I left my room tidy" HIS ROOM AT THE NEST and when neil was there and it was like all perfectly preserved "they’ll never know how I’d stared at the dark in that room with no thoughts" again the nest?? It has just occurred to me that this could apply to jean as well "my dreams made music in the night" both of them dreaming of being able to get out one day "I was going to live" THEM FINALLY BEING ABLE TO LEAVE "you’d say you love me and look in my eyes but I know through mine you were looking in yours" okay okay but is this not kevin and rikos entire relationship riko looking at kevin but only viewing himself through it bc kevin was just an extension of himself and not his own person
Also Life on your playlist works so well???? "twenty-two and confused" this is like nothing new all over again bc HOW DOES THE AGE FIT "broken miss America" kevin being one of America's sweethearts is like so personal to me. WHICH REMINDS ME Miss America and the Heartbreak prince fits so so well for kandrew I feel like I've definitely seen someone mention it somewhere but I can't for the life of me remember who or where but god does it work I mean "I saw the scoreboard and ran for my life" pls see the vision I need your opinion
Queen of the night also works so well for them you're right EVERY LINE IS SO THEM "I've bandaged your bruises you've held back my hair who'd've known when this started that we'd end up here" pre canon to post canon them growing into ppl who can be good to and for each other "you reach out and touch me, say my name like a prayer" I need to go lie down how dare you suggest this song "all my friends say you're dangerous but I don't fucking care" okay my first thought was pre-canon ppl warning them to stay away from each other bc kevin could potentially bring down the mafia on andrew and Andrews whole stay away I'm dangerous vibe but like the only friends they had pre canon were like jean and renee??? So lol no there was no-one telling them to keep away from each other "This holy redemption tears us in two but I can't turn my back to you" Post baltimore divorce era vibes babe "one hand on the wheel and one hand on my thigh" lmao listen its a cliche but I feel like andrew would enjoy it with like Kevin or Neil in the passenger seat as long as no one is watching them "you're kissing my fingers, and I kiss your tattoo's" HOW DARE YOU RECOMMEND THIS SONG TO ME HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO SURVIVE THIS also I'm a strong believer of multiple tattoos older kevin (his dad has them and there's this one fanart by lucky-slice that's so lovely and you can rip this out of my cold dead hands). "and talk shit forever" lmao domestic kandriel shit talking ppl and gossiping is my jam
This got long I'm slightly concerned it won't send lol
line break for my lovely mutuals <3
lol my answers is just as long and i lowkey wanna post this without a paragraph break and plague people's dash
'there's too little of them out there whether it's romantic or platonic it's actually a crime' RIGHT?? kevjean is soooo scarce so of course we get to make everything about them. their specific dynamic is just so special and i am hooked on it
SAME im currently rereading tnotg this series is my lifeline. dayurno is a genius i owe them my life
' Lmao listen I thought this but then I was like perhaps that's too controversial idk but I'm so glad you went for its anyway' I couldnt bear to remove it!! i have so many feeling about this song i had to sit there and process it bear to remove this song not when it so so perfect and i am always in need of more material about the
YES someone agrees with me about my tears ricochet this is so validating. and YEAH the cherry liquor ice cream in the tnotg sequel!! i was never the same. i think of that scene a lot while listening to this song. they are SO- canonically attached at the hip kandrew really will end me huh 'Lmao listen I thought this but then I was like perhaps that's too controversial idk but I'm so glad you went for it anyway' oh there was no way i was skipping THIS SONG i have sooo many feeling about it its essential kandrew divorce era shit
i am DESPERATE for kevin and jean to get something of a happy ending I want them to find peace so badly they will absolutely rebuild post canon this is not up for argument.....but I may or may not read an unhealthy amount of kevjean agnst. but honestly if nora had killed off jean after ALL OF THAT I would've just put the book down right then and there i couldn't that bro i COULDNT
"they were fucking attached at the hip" they were they really were like- knowing each schedule and every little habit THEY ARE BASICALLY MARRIED
YEAH willow is so so perfect i listen to it on repeat i cant help it and i understand you so completely its impossible to separate liability and kevin in my mind now
' "I was so ahead of the curve, the curve became a sphere fell behind on my classmates, and I ended up here" is this not him going from a raven to a fox??? ' god yes this lyrics is what did it for me. this song is so so so inherently kevin with his stubbron single minded focus. kevin who's never done anything halfway flying or fighting or falling. ' "but I didn't pour the whiskey" the song's also about alcohol addiction this song's now linked to him in my head' YES YES cause it is absolutely criminal how little his alcoholism is addressed in this fandom i NEED more fics where its a main plot point.
' is this not the entire point of their deal??? Kevin constantly trying to get him to try and to give him something to build his life around??? But also in reverse andrew giving him the chance to learn how to play again??? ' akdnfnsjnndj YEAH YOU GET IT ITS SO THEM i cant believe it took me so long to consider this but now. i cannot stop.
"yk how in tnotg andrew flies to Boston bc kevins team would be there" not andrew Afraid Of Heights minyard getting on a fucking plane to got to an EXY event of all things just cause kevin will be there and- ngl that was may favourite kandrew scene in tnotg its PERFECT I LOVE IT. 505 KILLED ME AND BROUGHT ME BACK TO LIFE THAT LINE JUST ENDED ME RIGHT THERE HOW IS IT JUST SO- if i have to be stuck on this forever so do you "BABE YOU KNOW THAT ONE BIT IN TNOTG SEQUEL" EXACTLY you get it!! I was actually rereading tnotg when 505 came on and I FROZE it was SO PERFECT. I feel you I'd forgotten that lyric existed but now I listen to it on repeat I cant stop its so so so perfect it might as well be crack
'I keep flip flopping between who the song is talking about' right?? and every other line could be about either of them god they are so complementary but also theyre so much more alike than people realise at first and this song shows that so well. THIS WHOLE SONG IS BASICALLY KANDREW ARGUING BACK AND FORTH DONT YOU SEE "andrew, mockcingly: Who you never really liked and you never trusted But you are so magnetic, you pick up all the pins", "kevin: Never committing to anything, You don't pick up the phone when it ring, ring, rings", "both of them: Don't be so pathetic, just open up and sing"
' "I'll be the blood if you'll be the bones" I don't know why but in my mind kevin is clearly the blood while andrew is the bones' I HAD THE SAME THOUGHT!! it just fits so well?? youre right. And no no PLEASE continue mentioning tnotg i actually added this song because of tnotg. remember that one scene where neil thought andrew would slash his chest open for kevin and kevin walk into his chest and never look back?? YEA this exactly. omg omg i hadnt see the analysis of the song "I actually can't look at this any other way now wtf was this person on when they wrote this annotation why does it work so well for them my god" SAME this now lives rent free in my head i cant see it any other way either
'Ghost of you by 5sos kinda reminds me of kandrew but like post baltimore (PLS I ACTUALLY WROTE THIS BEFORE YOU SENT THAT ASK ' THE COINCEDNCE LMAO. no no but youre right and this song is so them like im supposed to hear "and i chase it down with a shot of truth, that my feet dont dance like they did with you" and NOT think of those dramatic fuckers?? when its clearly about them finding their sides feeling too empty?? their schedules out of balance?? their steps ungraceful after each movement was complementary...steps in a dance....give and take....at eqilibrium with each other for years?? how does one walk when the constant comforting weight by their side has been ripped away leaving bruised skin in his wake?? disgracefully that's how.
ENDGAME i hadnt considered BUT YOURE RIGHT I SEE IT. or maybe my brain is the saame and twits everything into being all about these exny idiots...perhaps we'll never know. immediately the kandreil of it all with the "oh and i got big enemies" and these dramatics fucks and their very different reputations. and THEN "you hold me down and i protect you with my life" VERSE ONE COMING IN WITH KANDREW.
i really really like the kevneil portion in endgame sooo much tho ' "I protect you with my life…reconnected when we were little bit older" ' THIS IS SO NEIL SINGING "Even when we'd argue, we don't do it for long, And you understand the good and bad, end up in the song" them CONSTANTLY arguing on and off court and kevin being the only one who understands all of neil, who knows the whole story, neil being the only fox who GETS what the nest is like....even BEFORE the nathaneil reveal kevin SEES him he picks him out of hundreds of potential players because he understands, KNOWS his game, his potential ON SIGHT (im confident this would be the case in any universe, kevin constantly finding him).
GOOD GOD THE ANDREIL AT THE END "calling my bluff on all my usual tricks" literally end me now cause they learnt each other so fluently in so little time "And I can't let you go, your hand print's on my soul" THIS LYRIC?? , andrew's hands always firm and decided yet always always kind....how could he go very long without his touch now that he's felt it? now that the memory is cooling balm on his skin on his soul?? "I hit you like bang" neil coming in like a whirlwind becoming essentially so quickly!! (and also andrew hitting him with the raquet in tfc lol)....imma put this song on my kevin playlist..the andreil portion can be like a fun extra in the middle of all the kevin vibes
dollhouse is very interesting i dont listen to melanie much i hadnt considered this.....but damn the vibes are so so much like the nest. kevin having to play the part of #2 of the perferct court...riko's brother...the raven with the perfect life...the media darling. no one really knows what goes on in the nest behind closed doors. no one can ever hear what kevin actually wants to say and that's the thing!! he's been voiceless his whole life....being torn apart in private and then paraded around like a show pony in public. god kevin day has been trapping in plastic wrapping for so long. I NEED THIS SONG IN THE PLAYLIST
LIFE IS SO PERFECT YOU GET IT. tbh the age mentioned is why i started thinking about kevin with this song in mind and now i cant stop. yessssss kevin day the media darling the broken miss america!!! a large part of my playlist is based around this i cant- "SHE WROTE IT ON THE BATHROOM WALL IN HER FAVOURITE SHADE OF LIPSTICK L I F E" there's just something so- kevin about that action. its barely thought through yet desperate yet so so resolute somehow. I CANT EXPLAIN but this song?? it is EXACTLY the emotions/attitude i imagine kevin would have during his healing process especially post baltimore. "Call it a night when the lights in the club dont shine no more" AND THEN "Call it a night when the lights in the studio dont shine no more" i mean come ON
'EVERY LINE IS SO THEM' RIGHT?? literally every part of it is perfect ilisten to this while imagining them on a drive alone to wherever they like aka a date not that andrew would call it that, and andrew gets to watch kevin bask in the sunlight and kevinn gets to watch him unwind and just- the heavy comfort these two can find in each other WHILE being the person one who can fully rile the other up (until neil). ' "you reach out and touch me, say my name like a prayer" I need to go lie down how dare you suggest this song ' HAHA i had the same reaction this song is on par with 505 in terms of utterly destructive lyrics in the context of kandrew.
ngl one of my favourite songs on the kandrew playlist is alone with me by vance joy like i heard the first line and i sold immediately this song is SO THEM YOU NEED TO LISTEN TO IT "i saw you smile, i knew you had spirit" ISNT THIS THAT ONE SCENE "so, did you have fun?" "youre despicable kevin day, dont know why i keep you around"?? IM SOBBING THIS IS ABOUT KEVIN BEING PROUD OF ANDREW!! and seeing him actually *try* and show courage and being like "i told you so i told you you could do it, i knew from the beginning all that you are and can be" AND THEN "isnt it odd the way we tell ourselves we've go limits" THIS IS BOTH OF THEM?? GOD THIS SONG
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demon-that-slayed · 2 years
alright hello I'm already gonna warn you, this'll be long. btw, thank you sm for doing it, I'm really hyped! you're gonna do amazing, I know that, so do ti as you wish, full creative freedom. (btw, I'm gonna copypaste this because I've already written it once, hopefully that's alright with you)
okay! so. starting with me ig. i dont even know how to begin.
im listening to music atm. i always do - people that dont always listen to some music are kinda psychopaths if you ask me. like, if im not listening to music, i'll be listening to an audiobook or a podcast or be watching some video or netflix. i cant not do anything. i say i love reading, but the last time i read a book has been weeks ago. i just have reading slumps sometimes. not saying that i dont read regularly - god, no. i'll find enough fanfics and oneshots and shit to count for a book. but most of the time i can spare, i try to write. and at the moment, im really doing good! i write drabbles almost daily, and i try to finish a chapter for my actual wip bi-weekly. which... i gotta admit doesnt work all the time but im trying! im just a shit ton of a procrastinator. like, sometimes it physically hurts telling myself i need to do something but not being able to get up and actually do it. i kinda zone out a lot too when im forced to sit through something boring or just when i cant listen to music/watch something at the same time. i fidget a lot, too. so basically as you can see im always doing something, always have something going on inside my head, am quite loud. like, literally, im the loudest person i know, except for maybe my dad, and im really expressive. could be italian with how much i gesture.
for my hobbies, well, ive told you about some of them so far. im not really... sporty. in the slightest. and i dont like sports either. but the one thing i do indeed like is badminton, which i do somewhat regularly. i think i'd suck at quidditch, but, unlike football, i do believe i'd be interested in watching. also i just really want to fly a broom - like, if i could pick any animal to be, i'd be a bird. always would have said so in the past too. maybe a cat, just because i really love them, and am planning to get one as soon as i get my own apartment. i'll take one from the shelter, i think, and if i could pick it'd be a black one so i can call it toothless. i do have a dog right now tho, or rather my family does. i love her, but she's not as cuddly as i'd like her to be, which, i mean, is fine im trying my best not to step over her boundaries, but then again my love language most certainly is physical touch, so my favourite moments with her are when she just allows me to cuddle her in front of the fireplace. its kind of a tradition at this point when theres fire in there. what else is there to say?
ive said quite much already but i feel like im still missing some.
i guess im really insecure of some things. dont get me wrong, i know my strengths, and i fucking love correcting people, my ego is over the moon sometimes. im stubborn and i hate being wrong and i know that im obnoxious when i discuss, just because i cannot stop discussing if theres still something to discuss. but im trying to better, really. some of it at least. still, i am in fact really insecure it seems. i worry so much what people might think of me - i cant present anything to anyone other than my closest family or friends because my voice will start to shake and i will start to sound like im gonna cry. on the topic of that, i cry so so easily. its horrible, really. plus, i have huge anxiety and i get panic attacks regularly, which kinda fucks with my sleeping schedule because they always happen when i go to bed.
okay, but enough with the depressive shit, im not done talking about myself yet. if you let me talk about myself i can and i will write paragraphs. really, dont worry putting all of this into your response. just think of it as me being super happy youre doing this because, honestly, genuinely, i am.
but getting on with it. when im excited, im kinda... like a child, in a way. like i let out unnecessarily high pitched screams and i cant stop laughing when ive started, and i clap my hand in front of my mouth or shake my arms out. im just really, really emotional tbh.
my favourite feeling is melancholy though. its... beautiful, in a very terrifying way. its the kind of feeling you get when you think about your childhood, or old friends, or family members you dont see anymore. its a feeling but its so much more and - i dont know. i dont know how it couldnt be my favourite.
i love sunrises and sunsets and i love the sun in general. im a summer person, partly because im always really cold (my circulation in my hands and my feet is fucked lmao, plus my blood ran low on iron for a while) but like, its summer, i dont get how it cant be people's favourite. plus, my birthday is in june, and my birthday is my favourite holiday. with christmas following.
okay i match you with…
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okay so be warned this is a very bad description but i think you guys would be great with eachother like these are very random things sos I’ll make a list :
(these are like headcanons if that’s fine)
okay so at night when you can’t sleep, he’ll just like cuddle you and make sure you’re fine, and you would make him happy just being there I guess, yk
anyways you two would like bond on liking music and what books you like and you always would have like mini arguments which end in him sarcastically admitting youre right which makes you feel good even if it’s not bc atleast you are right about this song being better or this character being more beil. than the other.
in summer and winter you always dragged him out for the sunrise/sunset and like he would jokingly complain sometimes because he would melt in the heat because it was always cold in the dorms and he had his sweater on
in the winter though you would steal lots of his sweaters and wear them piled on top of eachother because you froze in the cold
also when the full moon was near you’d always like be there and make sure he’s okay and you’d be like there for eachother all the time and like
he would sarcastically/jokingly be annoyed at you but actually really enjoy being around you, especially before you guys date.
oh yeah and you have picture albums filled with pictures that you, remus, or someone else takes that fill the albums
anyways, i hope this was good, ive never done this before lmao
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juvederm · 1 year
oversharing, being mentally ill possibly
i genuinely don't know if this is a legitimate phenomenon or not, but i have friends who "IRL" characters (call them delusions at times), and i kind of don't get it. it kinda seems like kinning to me. i described how i felt about my attachment to josh, and my friend related to a T but still called theirs a delusion. and correct me if im wrong but like... aren't delusions something that u don't know is happening... like ur not aware ur being delusional. but my friends seemed very like, aware. complete opposite.
so they tend to get upset when you "double" (meaning like, you kin or "IRL" the same character as them), or shit talk the character in any way. i kind of related to that aspect, just being overly protective of a character. but since my friend related to me, i assumed i had like a safe space to vent abt my actual frustrations with like, having this heavy of an attachment so i'll get into that now.
because josh is like my most liked loved admired character in my arsenal, i always projected onto him. when i was 14-15, i didn't call him a kin, because i didn't exactly relate to his canon version. instead i made a version of him i related to, and he was Literally me at that point. but also not. and comically as time went on, i noticed i was becoming more like his canon version, but also staying like the projection version of him (bc he literally had the same interests as me, same music taste, same fashion sense, same everything). this all snowballed into a weird thing where now he's become apart of my brain. he has like his own thoughts and feelings and opinions, sometimes i say things that he thinks and it gets me in trouble at times. i worry that like he might take over? and that i won't have any original thoughts? even tho this version of him is a mix of canon and projection. like we have to share some of the same thoughts but sometimes it doesn't feel that way. like i differ from him in some ways, for example, he's like a different type of intelligent from me, he likes castlevania and fighting games, etc.
along with this, i also have a sort of gender envy for him. i always wanted to look like him, be socialized the same way he was, have all the same friends as him, like i really wanted to Be him. so i took his name as a start. and it's always been a smack in the face to look in the mirror and not see That. being confronted with a girl reflection.
so i coped pretty hard. it became somewhat dissociative? i don't know if that's the right word, but i genuinely departed from my physical self whenever i'd do my "rituals" (i say this tentatively because i know this is a term used for OCD, which i'm not entirely sure i have or not), and my rituals always had to be the following thing: between 1-4:30 AM, at least an hour long, they had to have a Story, and they had to be Useful. and another thing, absolutely NO LIGHT. and it wasn't like i wanted to do them (i sometimes did), i HAD to do them. i've been very irritable the past few days because i've been missing them (literlaly bc i fixed my sleep schedule loool) and it's just been upsetting me.
it became hard to do anything, i've had these rituals since i was a kid. they always had to do with something i was currently obsessing over. always at night too. nothing really changed there. when i got to high school, i realized i was never going to be josh, or that ideal projection of him. because he was Me but he was also Me If I Did Anything With My Life. but i got to school, i wore the same black hoodie everyday, i didn't talk to anyone, i had my headphones on 24/7. and talking to people physically made me ill. i actually could not do it, because i would have an out of body experience where i would see myself through the eyes of whoever i was talking to, and see myself as who i ACTUALLY was, rather than the person i became during my rituals. and it stressed me out every single day i went to school, and on top of me just being a very slow worker (i cannot do deadlines), having dysphoria and depression, i couldn't Do school anymore. so i dropped out.
and nobody got why i did, i'm still very much judged for my decision but it was for my Own good. i've not been Great but my quality of life definitely improved a little bit after i dropped out. and i hate socializing with people as who i physically am, i hate being perceived when i can't control what i look like (can't start T, can't cut my hair, can't dress masculine), so i'm just a Girl to everyone which isn't necessarily a bad thing. i just want to CONTROL when i feel like a girl, i don't want it to be my natural state because i want to be Both. a girl and a boy. during my rituals, i always feel like a boy. to be honest, i feel like josh. that's the best i can describe it.
and back to my original point, i basically said all of this (although more condensed), and admitted that i disliked that disconnect i had by looking in the mirror and not seeing josh, i think my friend got upset by that? by me saying like, i wasn't who i feel and thought i was, and i think they took it as me saying "ur not (insert character) irl, just look in the mirror" but that's not at all what i was trying to say. i'm not rly defending myself here bc who am i defending myself to? like whoever's reading this is not like, thibking im the villain hopefully
but yeah. anyway. did you pray today
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foundthe8wing · 4 years
“Not a BDSM podcast,” yeah, considering that properly practiced BDSM involves keeping minors at a very safe distance, educating yourself about kink, practicing enthusiastic consent, using safe words, and respecting people's boundaries? They might wanna consider leaning into that.
No but really though, the thing about boundaries is one I wonder about a lot, especially after seeing their Stream of Blood crossover where I got the vibe that they hadn’t done a great job negotiating that stuff beforehand, plus a couple things in dndads itself--Will mentioning how “this podcast is getting a little fratty” and then all of them (including him) continuing the literal and figurative dick-measuring, Anthony saying “you’re so close to two children though, I don’t know how much you wanna play up the dong element” in LoC and Glenn going on to wave his dick around near the kids in that same episode, Freddie pointing out how weird and wrong the Odyssey-San thing was and nothing changing . . . 
I can’t say for sure how big a deal any of those things were to the cast members who brought them up but it seems like there’s a pattern of any “hey maybe this is weird?” moments getting brushed off. I get that “yes, and” is kind of the entire premise but I think their tendency to escalate Absolutely Everything makes it easier for them to get into iffy territory, and it feels like they ignore some of the more subtle “this might be a bad idea” signals because they don’t want to lose their momentum by stopping to think about where that momentum is taking them. 
And then there’s also Matt saying on Talking Sons that he enjoys making people uncomfortable, which I get, I guess, and there are fun joke-y ways that can be done but it really makes me wonder: do they know where the line is? Have they talked about it? Do they know how to tell the difference between their friends getting flustered vs being genuinely uncomfortable? Is there a safe word? Would they feel okay using it? Are they making an effort to pick up on each other’s cues?
I don’t know what goes on behind the scenes, and for the most part they seem comfortable and happy playing together, but I really do wonder about A Lot of Things.
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fancyfade · 2 years
How would you describe Barbara's personality?
DISCLAIMER: as for all my babs posts, this applies exclusively to pre magicuring babs
short version: the title her channel has on the batfam discord im part of :P
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(name was voted on by babs fans :P)
but anyway longer version:
babs is a character who is fiercely independent and doesn't really like being reliant on other people... physically or emotionally. she keeps people at arms length. she has a lot of what i view as bruce's unhealthy traits (feels personally responsible for everything, doesn't like letting people in, workaholic) a difference is i think she's slightly better at recognizing this and correcting it :P (Including when she treats other people unfairly -- she recognizes that she got over protective of Dinah after she got captured and injured and she wouldve HATED if anyone did that to her)
she also, despite being somewhat distant, is a character who very much believes in change. like thats part of the point of BoP and later on we see her try to change helena (against her will ;_;) and savant so savant is not a supervillain anymore and is also very much a mentoring people who are down on their luck kind of person (link) and she kind of wants to be the person for other people that some others* were for her. and she is SO involved in the superhero community it is obvious that connections are very important to her and she wants to be there for everyone even if she rarely will let people be there for her
she can also tend towards hypocritical sometimes :P Some of this is probably due to changing in writers but its a fun character trait to play with (and some times it is in text intentionally, like when she treats dinah in a way she would not like to be treated). but in suicide squad we see her debating luring carmichael into a trap to kill him (in her defense: he is totally trying to kill her) and later on we see her being OK with taking a life in self defense (she prepares to shoot someone in NML to save one of her operatives but helena as batgirl shows up so she doesnt need to, and she gives helena the go ahead to kill people if she needs to to rescue tim in jokers last laugh)... which makes it kind of amusing/frustrating that she beefs so much with helena which i think was partially due to the writers wanting everyone to exclude helena in batfam and partially due to good old fashioned misogyny on part of dixon (b/c dick had a one night stand with helena in one comic, so obviously babs has to hate helena in another and then other writers cant drop it b/c they cant imagine female characters as having relationships outside of men. though most of those writers were... male writers. act surprised)
this is what inspired the channel name (in that she recognizes traits she has in others but doesnt like it :P)
anyway time for some virtues: babs is extremely self assured and like… almost NEVER comes across as insecure or if she is insecure she reacts in a way that is more like covering it up by acting as ifs he has no doubts, which I like. frequently, when she is in distress, she is the person who rescues herself or at least contributes to her rescue (yes even as a disabled woman. act shocked, ableists). and despite the hard time she can have getting along with people and the many mistakes she makes, she also never stops trying and always learns from her own mistakes.
her self care in BoP reads like making sure other people are taking care of themselves XD (getting helena a teaching job, helping dinah get a flower shop, them getting civilian lives and she's just... still there, still without much of a civilian life). though this works with like. how little she seems to like other people taking care of her.
She reads as kind of autistic to me NGL
I am running out of things to say or more of i am worried i am repeating myself.
*but not batfam members
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naturallytom · 3 years
Mending a Broken Heart (Tom Holland x reader, alternative part)
a/n: me? writing? unheard of. jk im tryin to get back into the groove!! this is an alternate version to Mending a Broken Heart, so some parts are the same and some I’ve edited or added some things! hope u enjoy!! 
warnings: language, angst, mentions of cheating
please reblog/leave feedback!!
picture not mine!
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You had noticed it for months. Tom has been pulling away, spending more time out with the boys than at home with you. His kisses became forced and the words ‘love you’ slowly stopped falling from his lips. 
Most days he would leave for work before you woke up and on the rare occasion you were up when he left, he would mumble a ‘goodbye’ before walking out the door. Sometimes, if you were lucky, he would press a gentle kiss to your forehead. Most times, though, he would just leave. 
You did your best to keep the love alive, you were still madly in love with him. The wedding band that sat tightly on your ring finger mocked you. A symbol of what was love has turned into one sided love. Hell, you weren’t sure if Tom wore his wedding ring anymore. 
A quick glance to his left hand would reveal that he didn’t. 
You spent your nights wondering if it was something you did. Were you too clingy when he left to film? Was he just tired of you after four years of marriage? Did he find someone else?
No. You shook your head to yourself one night as you laid in the bed by yourself, the space usually occupied by Tom cold. If he found someone else and if he cheated, that’s on him. Not on you. 
Still, the thought plagued your mind. Did he meet someone else? Was she prettier than you? Is that where he was when he said he was out with the boys? Was she able to give him something you couldn’t give him?
The door opening and shutting alerted you that Tom was home. You sighed, knowing it’d be another night of sleeping on opposite sides of the bed. 
The door to the bedroom opened and in came Tom, Tessa jumping up to greet him. 
“Hey girl, hey love, how are you, hm?” He whispered, petting Tessa as his eyes flickering over to you, who was visibly awake. “Thought you’d be asleep by now. ‘S late.” 
“Couldn’t sleep.” You replied simply. “Hey so I was thinking, we haven’t had a date night in a while, maybe you wanted to go out to see the Halloween decorations around town and get dinner tomorrow night?” 
“Can’t,” He shook his head as he got ready for bed. “Harrison wants to watch the game. Told him I’d go.” 
“Didn’t you just see Harrison tonight?” 
“Yeah, and?” 
“Nothing.” You sighed, obviously upset. “Nothing, Tom. Goodnight.” 
“Night.” He responded, turning out the light and climbing into bed, falling asleep with his back toward you. 
The next day, you were surprised to see Tom already awake and waiting in the kitchen, sipping on a cup of tea when you got downstairs. 
“Good morning.” You smiled softly. 
“We need to talk.” He told you. You felt your heart drop and your palms get sweaty, but you wiped them on your pajama pants in an effort to seem totally calm and not panicked. 
“A-About what?” You asked, your voice coming out shaky. 
“I think,” Tom started. “I think we should get divorced.” 
It was then, at 8:30 am that your world came crashing down. 
“W-What?” You whimpered out, your voice weaker than before. “Why?”
“I’m not happy with you anymore.” He said simply. Your eyes flickered to his left hand, noticing the absence of the golden wedding band, making your heart ache. 
“We can try couples’ therapy. We can go on dates like we used to, Tom, please! We can fight for this, Tom. Fight for us.” You cried, your heart shattering into a million tiny pieces, each one puncturing your lungs as you struggled to keep your breath under control. 
“No,” He shook his head. “My mind is made up. I’m sorry, y/n. Um, I found a lawyer at a firm, they have a lot of other lawyers there you can contact. I’ll just, uh, leave their card here.” 
“So that’s it? Three years of dating and four years of marriage down the drain?” You sobbed, holding your knees to your chest as you sat on the kitchen floor. 
“I’m sorry, y/n. Truly, I am.”
He placed the small business card on the counter, grabbing the bags you didn’t even notice, mumbling an ‘I’ll be staying with Haz,’ before walking out the front door, like he did every other day. This time, though, you had the sinking feeling he was leaving for good. 
It was only three weeks that your lawyer came over to meet with you, joined by Tom and his lawyer. You kept your eyes focused on the table as you signed the paperwork, wanting to get this done as soon as possible. 
As soon as everyone left, you shut the door, slid down the back of it, and cried. 
Nearly two months after the worst day of your life and it was time for a self care night. The ring that once sat on your left hand was buried away in your jewelry box somewhere and you were finally starting to feel free and somewhat happy again after crying yourself to sleep and wondering where it all went wrong for months. 
After the divorce you buried yourself in work, using it as a distraction from going home to an empty house. You also moved out of the house you once called home. Not only was it too painful to go home to an empty house, but it was too painful to go home to a house that held so many happy and loving memories. You took the necessities along with some things you wanted with you and set yourself up in a hotel room for the time being. You treated it as a vacation. Except only a few people knew where you were. Your family knew, along with your friends, including Harrison, on the condition he didn’t tell Tom where you were. You started making time for yourself in your little hotel room and you became happier. 
Tonight, after a long day of work, you ordered your favorite Chinese food, played your favorite songs, and ran yourself a bath with a vanilla scented bath bomb. You were enjoying a glass of wine, the hot water of the bath soothing you when the music playing from your phone was interrupted by a call coming in. 
To your surprise, it was Tom. You contemplated answering it, but instead, let it go to voicemail. However, you were curious as to why he called, though you were also 99% positive it was a pocket dial. So you played the voicemail, the familiar voice ringing throughout the bathroom. 
“Hey y/n, um, I hope you’re doing well. I just called because I wanted to tell you something. I um, I miss you. A lot. And I know I don’t get to feel that way but I do and I just wanted to tell you that and I guess ask if there was any possibility of meeting to talk? Uh, call me back if...if you want. I don’t blame you if you hate me. Bye. Love y-” 
You turned off the voicemail before the phrase could be finished. Millions of thoughts filled your mind, ranging from happy ones to ones that made your heart ache and tears fill your eyes. 
You decided to ignore it, pretend it never happened, and enjoy your self care night. 
When Tom pulled up to his former house with flowers in his car and a pit of nerves in his stomach, he expected to see your car in the driveway and at least one light to be on. He was greeted with an empty driveway and a dark house, which confused him. It was the weekend, so you weren’t work. Maybe you had to run an errand? 
But after 20 minutes, he gave up hope that you were home and tried to call you, which to no surprise, you didn’t pick up again. He instead called Harrison in an effort to try and find out if he knew where you were. 
“What do you want?” Harrison answered, half concentrating on what Tom was about to say and half concentrating on the game in front of him. 
“Do, uh, do you know where y/n is?” Tom asked, taking Harrison by surprise. 
“y/n?” Harrison paused the game, suddenly not able to concentrate on it. “Why d’you want to know where y/n is?”
“I just want to talk to her.” He mumbled. 
“If I knew that’s where you were going I wouldn’t have let you go.” Harrison sighed. “Listen she made me swear that I wouldn’t tell you-” 
“Please Harrison? You’ve seen how much of a mess I’ve been. I just want to see if I have a shot.” Tom begged, making his friend cave. 
“Fine but if she moves again I won’t be telling you shit.”  
The next day you were enjoying a cup of tea and reading your book, getting some relaxation in before your week began when a knock on the door interrupted you. Confusion filled your body, you weren’t expecting anyone to pop by. 
Looking out the peephole, you froze at the sight that greeted you. Tom was standing outside your door, a bouquet of your favorite flowers in his hands. 
“Hi.” He breathed out, his nose and the tips of his ears red from the harsh winter air. 
“How the hell did you find me?” You asked, keeping your eyes focused on the ground. 
“Harrison. I begged him to tell me.” He answered. 
“I’m gonna kill him.” You muttered. “What do you want?”
“Can..Can I come in?” He asked. 
You wanted to say no, that he could say what he wanted to say outside or just not let him speak at all. But you wanted to be courteous to the other people on your floor and part of you was curious as to what he was going to say. So you wordlessly opened the door slightly, letting him in and closing the door behind him. 
“Now what do you want?”
“Did you get my voicemail?” He responded, hope filling his eyes when you nodded. “Um, I brought these for you. I was hoping we could talk.” 
“I don’t want your flowers. Why should I talk to you? We’re divorced, just like you wanted.” Tom winced at the words. “Nothing to change.” 
“Actually, we’re not.” He corrected. “I called the office the other day. Um, it’s not official yet.” 
“Well then they should make it official. Maybe I can call them and make it happen as my very last Christmas present to you. Just what you wanted.” You snapped. 
“No, this isn’t what I want, can I speak, please?” He pleaded, his eyes resembling those of a puppy. 
“You’re speaking already.” You answered, gesturing for him to continue nonetheless. 
“I- How have you been? I stopped by the house-”
“Tom I’m not gonna listen to your small talk. Say what you have to say and leave.” You told him. His heart broke but he couldn’t blame you. 
“Um, so I thought I wasn’t happy with you but um, as time went on, I realized how much I miss having you in my life.” He began, visibly nervous. “I was just looking through our pictures and how happy you looked and I just, I guess I realized I wanted to be the one to make you that happy again.”
“You haven’t made me happy in months, Tom.” 
“I know.” His heart clenched. “I know and I’m so sorry, y/n. I really am.” 
“Was there someone else? Did you cheat on me?” You asked. 
“No, no absolutely not, y/n.” He answered before adding; “I went on a date with someone after we split up but it didn’t work out. I realized she wasn’t what I want.” 
“Of course she wasn’t.” You scoffed. 
“I want you, y/n. I want to spend the rest of my life making you happy again.” He told you, tears filling your eyes. “Is there..is there any possibility you could love me again?” 
“Again?” You seethed. “Tom I never fell out of love with you! I never stopped loving you! That was all you! You stopped loving me and you wanted this stupid fucking divorce!”
“I..I don’t think I ever stopped loving you either.” He whispered, tears falling down his rosy cheeks. “Please, y/n, if there’s even the tiniest chance..” 
“Of what, Tom? Of going right back to being married? Of you making me happy? I don’t know, Tom! I don’t know anything except that I hate you right now.” You sobbed, crying into your knees while Tom let out quiet sobs of his own, his heart clenching at the lack of wedding band on your left hand and the lack of love in your voice, but especially your eyes. Your eyes, which once held so much love and adoration for him were now full of anger and resentment. 
“Of..anything, y/n. Please, I just want a second chance to show you how much you mean to me, to make you happy again. I will do anything to save us, anything you want. And...and if it’s not working or you just really hate me, I wouldn’t blame you. Not at all.” He begged, his eyes puffy and red. 
“I tried to save us, Tom. Don’t you remember? I begged and pleaded with you to do couples therapy to go on dates when you were breaking my heart into a million tiny pieces. I begged you to try and fight for us, for our marriage, but you just walked out the god damn door!” You spit through gritted teeth. 
“I fucked up, I know. I fucked up so badly.” He cried, wiping his tears away. 
“And if leaving me wasn’t enough, you took Tessa too! I was left completely alone in that big fucking house that was haunted by you. I couldn’t stand it.” You sobbed. 
“I’m..I’m sorry, y/n. So so fucking sorry. What do you want me to do?” 
“I want...I want you to hurt. I want you to hurt the way you hurt me. I want you to know how this fucking feels.” You said, your voice getting louder with each word that fell from your lips.
Tom could only cry. This was ripping him apart, he couldn’t even imagine what the whole thing felt like to you. 
“I’m gonna need time to think, Tom.” You finally mumbled, Tom nodding in response. 
“I’ll give you all the time you need. I promise you-” 
“Don’t. Don’t promise me anything.” You spoke, your voice low. “You won’t be able to keep it. You promised you’d love me forever four years ago and look what happened.” 
“y/n pl-”
“You don’t get to do this. You-you don’t get to just waltz right back in here and ask for a second chance to fight for us when I didn’t even get a first chance. How do I know this won’t end like it did before?” 
“y/n, I swear to you, if this isn’t working out, you can leave me. I...I just want a chance to prove myself to you.” He begged. 
“God, Tom. You don’t get it! I’m not going through this again. Do you realize how much you broke me the first time? Fuck, you had a chance, Tom. And you threw it away.” You muttered quietly. 
“I regret that every day. Every god damn day.” He told you honestly.
“I don’t know, Tom.” You sighed. 
“Talk to me?” He tried, knowing you were hiding something deeper than an ‘I don’t know.’
“Don’t know what else there is to say.” You mumbled. “I don’t trust you, I-I can’t trust you. I hate you.” 
“Why’d you get a hotel room?” Tom sniffled, changing the subject. 
“I told you. I hated being in that house. Hated being surrounded by the happy pictures and memories of us.” You told him honestly. “I want to start over.” 
“I want to start over. I can’t go back to being emotionally married to you even if we’ll still be married legally. I’m talking starting from scratch, as if we were meeting for the first time, the whole deal.” You told him. 
“That sounds perfect, y/n. Thank y-”
“Get out, Tom. Please. I just want to be alone and not with you right now. I’m still not happy with you.” 
“Okay.” He breathed out, hope filling him once again. “You won’t regret this, I promise.” 
“What did I just say about promises?” You asked tearily. 
“I know, I know. I’m determined to keep this promise, though.” He told you. 
“Fine. Whatever. Just please leave for now.” You whimpered, watching as he walked out the door, just like he did when he broke your heart. 
You decided you needed another self care night. Another bath was run, another vanilla scented bath bomb was used, more wine was consumed. 
Tom texted you right as you got out of the bath. 
Tom: hey y/n, it’s tom, just incase you don’t have my number saved anymore. I just wanted to say thank you for the second chance. I really am grateful. I hope you have a relaxing night, you deserve it. 
You rolled your eyes and tossed your phone gently on your bed, though you could feel your heart rate pick up and butterflies fill your stomach. 
Tom began texting you sweet little things each morning, whether it was to let you know that he’s been thinking of you or to tell you that he hopes you have a great day. At first you ignored them, but then you began responding in short answers of one or two words until the two of you were texting every day, like when you met for the first time seven years ago. 
Over a month after you started texting again, Tom took you on a first date. Pulling up to your hotel, Tom felt the nerves fill his body as he walked up to your door and knocked, another bouquet of your favorite flowers in his hand. 
He felt all the air leave his lungs as you opened the door. You looked absolute stunning. You were wearing a navy blue dress that reached down to just above your knees, one Tom bought you one year. 
“Wow, hi.” He breathed. “You look stunning.” 
“Thank you.” You smiled, accepting the flowers he handed you. “I’ll be right back.” 
Tom took you to your favorite restaurant that night, one that the two of you frequented when you (formerly) went on dates. 
When he took you back to your hotel, he walked you up to the door, where he nervously asked if he could kiss you. 
You said yes, and that was all Tom needed to press a soft kiss to your lips. The kiss was magical, both of you felt the sparks between the two of you. 
“God I missed doing that.” Tom mumbled as he pulled away to breathe. 
“Then do it again.” 
A couple months after that, Tom moved back in with you. You had gone back to the house every now and then, to slowly acclimate yourself to being back in the once happy house, only fully moving back when Tom moved back as well. The pictures of the two of you were dusted off, making your heart race instead of hurt at the sight of the happy memories. 
Finally, after a year, Tom proposed to you (again). You hesitated a little bit, still scared it would end in heartbreak again, which broke Tom’s heart, but said you yes in the end. 
The two of you renewed your vows, putting on the golden bands that were once again a symbol of the love the two of you shared. 
You had a small party back at your house after the ceremony, your families joining to celebrate. You found Tom alone in the kitchen, grabbing a beer for him and Harry. 
“Hey.” You greeted, fiddling with your fingers as tears of happiness filled your eyes. 
“Hey, what’s wrong, my love?” Tom asked, concerned as soon he saw the tears filling your eyes. 
“Nothing, nothing. I, um,” You started, wiping your tears away and wrapping your arms around Tom’s neck. “I’m really glad we made it back to this.” 
“Me too, lovey. I love you so much.” He whispered, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead.
“Hey, Tommy?” 
“You kept your promise.” You smiled softly, making Tom’s heart ache at the memory of you not being able to trust him. 
“I told you I would.” 
Your moment was interrupted by Harrison, who entered the kitchen, smiling at his two best friends happily in love once again. 
“Aren’t you so glad I told him where you were staying?” He joked, making you roll your eyes. 
“Shut up, Harrison.” You smiled. As your eyes flickered between Tom and Harrison, though, you knew you wouldn’t have been in this position if Harrison didn’t spill the beans to Tom. 
“Hey Haz?” You called, as Harrison went to leave the kitchen in fake offense. He turned at the sound of his name, knowing what was coming. 
“Thank you.” Tom nodded in agreement, his arm slipping around your waist. 
Harrison just smiled even bigger, all three of you knowing everything would be okay from now on.
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