eillanu · 6 days
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B x C 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔊🔊🔊🔊🔊🔊🔊🔊🔊🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣
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mjfass · 1 year
My favorite part about the BCC and Elite feud is that all the girlies (gn) are loving it regardless of who wins. We are just enjoying the homoeroticism of the entire thing and I love that for us.
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comment-exchange · 4 months
341. [podfic] automatic joy (Fandom for Robots)
Title: [podfic] automatic joy
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55933390
Platform: AO3
Creator: wilfriede0815, Gilraina, Jacks_Long_Coat, Flowerparrish
Work Type: podfic
Fandom: Fandom for Robots
Rating: T
Pairing: bjornruffian & Computron
Length: 22:37
Warnings: None
Number of comments: 1
Completion Status: complete
Short summary/description: bjornruffian meets Computron irl for the first time.
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fmarkets · 7 months
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Bluelinx Holdings Inc. Faces Financial Shortfall in Fourth Quarter of 2023 https://csimarket.com/stocks/news.php?code=BXC&date=2024-02-21140923&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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cutupsmethod · 2 years
Fri Nov 11th YE GODS (L.I.E.S.), Lilac/Web, Plasma Arc, Qancel + at Collision
Fri Nov 11th YE GODS (L.I.E.S.), Lilac/Web, Plasma Arc, Qancel + at Collision
Friday Nov 11th 2022BxC Collective presents a night of live dark electronicsto shatter the mind and body from the UK, now in dark new-england… YE GODS(Bunker-Panzerkruez/ L.I.E.S. / Phage Tapes/ Giallo Disco) Ye Gods is the Occult Devotional Electronics project of British composer/producer Antoni Maiovvi. Combining drones, mantra and drum-machines-as-bassline-generator experiments the YG…
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skrunksthatwunk · 2 months
no this is not an important topic BUT im curious. note: i forgot to put a "i literally don't care i just do whatever" option but. pick im bald for that i guess
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shevr · 1 year
btw im always open to receiving & answering asks but i'm specifically sightly tipsy rn so hey if u wanted to ask me things. u have half an hour to 45 minutes before i pass out
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inkyminx · 1 year
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dirkxcaliborn · 2 years
I keep poly-shipping and then being upset there's no content... or worse, someone wrote it but they wrote it wrong
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la-pheacienne · 3 months
I saw Sara Hess saying that 1) Daemon and Rhaenyra feel like the same person in different bodies and 2) Daemon is a man so he can do whatever he wants (🥺) while poor Rhaenyra is stuck in a castle giving birth so she feels helpless. This does come across in their fight scene. This is so incredibly stupid it is actually painful.
First of all this "same person different bodies", cognitive dissonance thingy where a woman completely identifies with a man that is her relative but can't live the way he does is a Jaime x Cersei thing. Exclusively. This is their theme and cannot be applied to Daemyra. And that's because:
1) They are twins. The "same person in different bodies" vibe makes sense here. Self-explanatory. Daemon and Rhaenyra are both Targaryens and they have this obvious, visceral connection (in the book anyway lol) but they don't literally feel "the same person" to the point that they are unable to understand their individuality, in the sense Hess uses. At least there is nothing in the source material to suggest this. Fanon territory.
2) Cersei never held the same amount of power and authority Rhaenyra did because Cersei was not a Targaryen heir to the throne of the 7 kingdoms. Cersei was just a noble woman, a queen consort and a mother of a king. Rhaenyra was a Targaryen heir and Queen of the 7 kingdoms. Not gonna open the debate of whether or not a monarch can have more legitimacy than any other monarch. I think we can all agree, by following common sense, that the circumstances under which Cersei and Rhaenyra obtained power are substantially different so the authority of these two women is substantially different.
3) For that very reason, the dynamic that Cersei has with any other male in her life is not comparable to the dynamic Rhaenyra has with her father or husband/uncle. Viserys made Rhaenyra heir to the throne. Daemon is her consort, and he is set to serve her. The situation is entirely different with Cersei and her relationship with her father, brother, husband, and son.
3) Rhaenyra was eventually able to marry the man she wanted. The man she wanted. She was also able to have the family she wanted. Not the same situation with Cersei. This is extremely important lmao. Rhaenyra could have had any man she wanted, anyone, and she chose that man. For some reason the show wants us to forget this.
A lot of words to explain that Rhaenyra feeling "trapped" in her womanhood as opposed to Daemon enjoying his male privileges, and the frustration that causes her since she feels "they are the same person" with different gender roles, is an extremely reductive copy paste from Jaime x Cersei that completely misses the mark by neglecting that 1) Rhaenyra is the Queen and Daemon serves her, 2) Rhaenyra is in a marriage she chose freely against everyone's wishes, 3) Rhaenyra has the family she chose and is perfectly satisfied in her role as mother.
Book!Rhaenyra does not feel "trapped in a castle making babies while Daemon is out there fighting". Book!Rhaenyra is overjoyed with the fact that she can rule in Dragonstone, be a Queen, be a mother, raise her children, and on top of that have a man like Daemon at her service, as her sword and an extension of her will and power. Not only that's not causing her frustration, that's precisely what she likes about him and their relationship lmao. Yes they have a final fatal conflict, but not at that stage in the narrative. I'm sorry if this doesn't seem "progressive" enough to Hess or to you guys.
Also even in the context of the show Daemon's arguments are actually solid. Rhaenyra accuses him of not letting her consider the terms of their foes... girl, what terms? That her sons will become cupbearers? Lmao. Also, who is raising an army for her? Who crowned her? How did we go from show!Daemon fucking up with BxC to questioning whether or not he even recognizes her as his Queen? How did that happen? This fight feels so entirely detached not only from book canon but also from show canon.
For all these reasons their fight scene was incredibly stupid despite the good performance of the actors, and their bond, that should be at the core of the narrative, is hollow and flimsy. It's also incredibly boring and unsexy, sorry. It would have been better if they had at least established a firm, passionate relationship beforehand but they didn't even do that. Now I don't even know why she married him in the first place. It's not clear. I never saw genuine passion between them. Y'all love can yap about the gEnDeR rOLeS all you want but the truth is that the writers can't write romance to save their lives.
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mjfass · 1 year
Oh, to be a fly on the wall of the BCC locker room tonight.
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ilminnestrone · 3 months
I really need to take this out of my system because I stumbled across this polyphobic bullshit too many times.
When it comes to polyships, you all need to stop with this constant blabbering that ships involving character 1, character 2 and other characters are not character 1 x character 2. Yes, they fucking are.
It's literal Polyamory 101, if not Polyamory for dummies, and you're just full of polyphobic shit without even knowing (I hope).
Do you really think we polyamorous people wake up one day and fall in love with the same person, at the same time, with the same intensity? That's unicorn hunters' thinking. It's the first thing you learn when you get into consensual non-monogamy. I'm telling you: it doesn't.
Not all the people involved in a polycule are necessarily in love with each other or having sex with each other. That's called Heaven on Earth. Most of the times some of them are in love, some of them fuck, some of them do both, some of them just watch, some of them cuddle, some of them are into kink without the sex part and some of them despise each other.
Polycules are formed around relationships between individuals. Polyamory is messy and complicated because the people involved in it form bounds that are completely independent. Every pairing in a polycule has its own peculiar relationship. A, B and C are in a closed throuple? Then you have three different pairings involved: AxB, BxC and AxC. And also the dynamic between the three of them. The more characters you add, the more the pairings and variabilitiy. That's math, pure and simple. So YES: ships involving A, B and C are AxB too!
You are totally entitled to your NOTPs. You're entitled to dislike het ships or homo ships (even if I think you might have an issue if you are repulsed by an entire sexual orientation). You're entitled to your monoships or to dislike polyships. The point here is not personal preference.
The point is you have to fucking stop using polyphobic (or any other kind of queerphobic) statements to exclude things you don't like. Use tags. Don't consume a piece of media if you don't like it. Headcanon every single character on Earth as monogamous. But keep in mind you don't own an entire fandom and other people are entitled to enjoy their headcanon as much as you do.
Just be a decent human being to people who are just trying their best to survive in this world and yearn for representation. Because we exist, and those statements are hurtful.
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inkstainedkateyyy-14 · 6 months
Hi hi, I've been a bit inactive but I promise I'm working on stufff!! Might post some BxC next week if I have the time!
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woso-dreamzzz · 9 months
hey, i requested a fix about r with anger issues a few weeks back, i was wondering if you were gonna do it or not.
no rush out anything, but if you're not just lmk bxc i can ask someone else xx
I'm absolutely going to do it 😊
It's in my drafts waiting 😊
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ranmagender · 4 months
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I've started to learn to animate, simple idle animation.
Bo30 or Bo as she's called is a prototype developed by a company called BXC (Boxing Corp) to try create an android that could beat a human in a boxing match.
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pendulum-sonata · 1 year
I'm sorry but I'm about to have another salty fandom aunty moment.
But what happened to the rule of not over-tagging the ot3, square or polycules ships posts?
If you're posting about AxBxCxD ship, then why the fuck are you also tagging AxB, BxC, CxD, and literally any other ship involving these four characters?
I've seen people trying to justify the usage of all of these tags by saying things like "B-but they're technically all of those ships!" and I'm not here to argue with them about the dynamics of their ships, my annoyance has little to nothing to do with that.
It's about spamming the ship tags, because idc, it should be considered tag spamming.
Like, the whole point of having ship names for literally any ships is to avoid clogging the main fandom tags, and also so people can filter them, because, yeah your polycule ships are 1000% valid, but some people aren't going to like them, period.
It's just that, plain and simple.
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