#Bad Choices
pleasure-addiction · 6 months
Let your Desire guide you. Relapse Again and Give in
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sher-ee · 2 months
Sorry Donald, looks like you're not in control anymore. The people who you trusted to help you are actually hurting you. They're costing you votes, time, money, and eventually, the presidency.
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socialbutterfly19 · 25 days
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That look you give when maybe alcohol wasn’t the smartest choice right now. Beware
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bedtimegiraffe · 9 months
Enjoy (?) some screenshots of Kade being grievously injured at the end of book 1, with consequences into book 2!
Book 1 fight with the Dreadlord possessing Nia:
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Book 2 reunion:
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Kade is still remarkably chill though. A+ brother
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shadowisabean · 13 days
No thoughts, only treats! 🤤😋😂
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saltysplayt00ns · 13 days
Tearing Page 733 hind
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Tch MAAAAAAAANNNN!!!  I’ve been waiting for this page to come up, cause this is just blatant kique misogyny and sexist of making females complacent of something as serious as a scratch of the muzzle from a short fuss - right here and insulting of the characters who are in Asmundr Comic. It's like the movie: thing of a clone of the person.
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Page 93, 94 & 104
Lifa is just acting way too submissive on this when Lifa, who would never put up with this, Lifa of all dogs who know the red-flags of manipulative and threats of harm from unbalanced power dynamic,
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Page 143 & 265
LIFA who has told and taught the family to stick together and work as a team in a no mercy environment, protect your own and think with a clear mind -  is blatantly letting family abuse slide by. And immediately go to the next Subject cause showing how evil Marduck is then Lifa’s family basically falling apart is far more important. If it was Ronja, Jahla or a female family member - bet they would be ridiculed, belittled, practically coerced to apologize. While If it was Rogio or Ranach or Roamer getting hurt or pitied or had been killing people ( which they did ) , they would be coddled and sympathized - which is what’s happening here, Rohgir being sympathized for basically wounding his sister and daughter of Lifa and it's not bluntly told but implies for Jahla to be “ understanding “ so they can move on and be a happy family again. Ignoring/brushing the problem off doesn’t fix it.
Heck THIS IS NOT HOW ROHGIR ACTED EITHER, this is like a 180 of Rohgir’s personality.
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pages 263, 265 & 297
yes, he is blunt and crass and yes secretive, and would take risky decisions that would protect his family to live another day, but in any way shape or form would never raise a paw to another because his eugenic uprising would have him be Marduck 2.0 AND RANULFR .
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Kaine and Lifa should be shocked/horrified since this is The one who Rohgir's family + pack fought in a war against his father's ideology of being the superior species ( that he disowned as a a father ) , that also tried to also non-consensually mate with Niita; his aunt and Lifa's sister . Stressed or not you should never resort to hurting your siblings unpurposely.  Why are the Akiulfrs even under him as subordinates? at this point if he is willing to attack the triad  leaders who’re equal to him as family . That implies he's willing to hurt his own members who HAVE no equal power over him that are no blood related members. It would be a full on rebellion.
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Page 389 & 656
Roughhousing is okay, but everything is not fun and games when someone literally gets hurt. Most would even ask if it’s ok to do certain things or if a simple “ ow “ or “ stop, that hurt “ would immediately be apologized/stop all together. At least sensible people. Intentionally hurting someone needs to be stopped because you'll enable it and once enabled,  it will lead to toxic to dangerous behaviors, interactions or/and abuse. You see it all the time and you see it now.
The author really doesn’t know what he wants to do with the majority of the characters, cause literally everyone is a villan who is misunderstood or the moment he makes them a villain and then changes his mind and back peddles to make them not a villain but a misunderstood, sympathizing character. I rather suck a gallon of pure lemons before I sympathize with Ranach and Rogio.
Lifa like...this is your son, siblings or not you shouldn't be hurting each other nonetheless intent on killing. the fact Jahla doesn't even mention her biting Rohgirs neck that can kill or paralyze his spine is already a reflag of their own. why you hiding that fact saber teeth can puncture and do damage, they obviously don't break.
Lifa could have said: Lifa: “ This is not like him to… “ // ( To keep secrets yeah but not to twist the truth. )
Jahla: " he clawed my muzzle off …before banning me from the Island."
Lifa: " What...??!!”
Kainen: " He may be dealing a lot with a large pack..,"
Lifa cutting Kainen off: " It does not excuse my son to resort to retaliation. Threats, but not of family and certainly NOT of his own." 
Jahla: "we talk to him as a family then? Perhaps if he sees us be fine..."
Lifa looks off in frustration and disgruntlement: "We would, but Marduck would not approve. We would already be off to find the others if we did." // ( discard the page of that Marduck introduction and he is shown later after Jahla found him by the family describing him. )
Kainen, licking lips nervously, looks over to the Beacon and where Marduck went: " He's one of Father's own and makes it clear every chance he gets." // ( In a better scene Kainen indicating Marduck attacking the Rabishu and I Kainen to prove a point when he tried to leave. )
Jahla In deep thought, scrunching eyebrows: "Perhaps, I can talk to him. I am familiar with Father just as much as he is, just tell me what I need to know about him." // ( cause the old Jahla would be gun-ho excited of learning more about Father, after all she broke with Rhovanion, monologue a poor excuse with Rome, studied the hidden languages, taken in Father's creation; Avanti - is now acting hostile of a dog she barely even given a chance. )
And that would lead to the next Page Jahla encountering Marduck NOT CRAMMING IT IN ONE PAGE. it's like the dumbest thing to state an “ oh” .
Plus it's the same pose of 3 dogs sitting overhead/bird eye view and discussing. Plus Lifa’s face is Rogio like a copy + paste of Rogio.
We got now mothers enabling their kids to stay with strangers ( Feomeh with Diarko ) , Mothers letting their son do all the talking and leading ( Liari & Ralei  ) , mothers letting male family members keep their rank after disobeying a command from the leader ( Ronja and Roamer ) ,  and now excuse sibling physical assault (Lifa and Jahla ) ps. Forgot about the Nubia situation and Feaf of disregarding a non-consensual agreement to bearing a Hybrid child from the quote ' golden ' in quote lioness a few pages ago. Thanks to the commenter for jogging my memories ♥
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downfalldestiny · 7 months
Stop 🚫 !.
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katandthecrazies · 3 months
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smthlittle · 6 months
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Simple story
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echoesofdolores · 3 months
He stepped up to the open pilot door and got a shaky thumbs-up from Vickers; the man looked positively green, and Wesker briefly considered leaving him behind. Chris was licensed to fly, and Vickers had a reputation for choking under the gun; the last thing he needed was for one of his people to freeze up if there was trouble. Then he thought about the lost Bravos and decided against it. This was a rescue mission. The worst Vickers could do would be to throw up on himself if the 'copter had crashed badly, and Wesker could live with that. From Resident Evil: The Umbrella Conspiracy by S.D. Perry
The actual worst that happens:
(I really love the fact that you can see the silliness right from the intro.)
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chrystalwynd · 5 months
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From Chrystal Heights:
Getting caught by a witch in bed with her boyfriend is never a good idea. You might find yourself completely tied up and levitating helplessly above the floor with no clue when she’s going to release you or what she’s going to do when she does.
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sher-ee · 3 months
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But I’ll choose good over evil every time.
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itzbloom16 · 8 months
I literally just spent 100 canadian dollars on jjk merch... unemployment sucks
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bedtimegiraffe · 5 months
If You Refuse Nia's Request
Ever wondered what happens if you refuse to stab Nia with the Blade of Light? Or which of your friends is hardest to kill? Weird, but I do have an answer for you...
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40 notes · View notes
Now that Kelli has been gone for a bit, I feel like I can get this off my chest: Wolf Productions done fucked up.
Not for the first time, and not right from square one. But gosh, what a waste.
Kelli Giddish's Rollins was the only female character with the depth and acting chops behind her on the show since Cabot was a regular. She showed up and was able to go toe to toe with Mariska in carrying episodes - both personally related to her character, or to cases - not to mention had electric chemistry with Benson (sexual or not, take your pick).
With all the flack that SVU had taken over the years for not having a more diverse cast in regards to sexuality, Amanda was the earliest and best opportunity they had to develop a complex, interesting storyline of an adult woman coming to her sexuality late in life. I am not even necessarily the most ravenous Rolivia Shipper out there, but I'm heartbroken that they took Amanda's character over the years into the most boring, obvious, dissatisfying of directions.
I adored Amanda's wild/problematic side. Her episodes with her fighting with Amaro, dealing with her gambling addiction, shooting her sister's ex, or going rogue undercover are my favorite episodes of basically the last 10 yrs of the show. It was so good to finally have someone in the squad who was easier to relate to in a real-world sense. Someone who went to a Big Girl job in the day, but in the off hours was a mess with a rebellious streak.
It was always my hope that they would turn around the storylines where she seemed to chase men that were purposely bad for her, into a realization that it was because she was more emotionally into women. It fits so perfectly with her childhood, her background, and had ready-made holes in existing canon where they could have written it in with ease. (Pretending to be Liv's gf at the sperm bank, the remarks she makes in the episode Plastic, questioning her second pregnancy, etc.)
Instead, they had Carisi mope after her for years, all through the seasons where she showed no interest in him. I lost 50% of my respect for Carisi when he had that sulking tantrum after she fucked the bartender in Intent (a sexist double-standard btw, which would have never flown with fans if it had been Rollins pouting bc Carisi turned her down), and the other 50% after Carisi became ADA, with the writers seeming to then write him as rather victim-blaming.
The biggest irony, in my opinion, is that Dick Wolf complains that giving the fans EO will make the show too 'soap opera-y,' when what he/they did with Rollisi and Kelli's exit was far and away the most soap opera-esque thing they ever wrote! Fuck off with that obvious shit! Oh, the once-troubled blonde who is now straight as an arrow, rides off into the sunset with the Catholic altar boy and trades her powerful feminist position for a 9-5 (don't come for me, there's nothing wrong w being a professor, that's not the point here) and her two kids. Eat all of my ass, Mr. Cis-het, White, Only-Primetime-Billionaire Wolf. 🙄***
To make matters worse, they specifically brought in a POC actress to play a bisexual character, only to write her out as fast as possible for absolutely no discernable reason!?! The utter waste of what they did with Kat Tamin is an equal travesty. Give me Kat waking up in Amanda's bed. Give me Amanda making pancakes for breakfast and Kat carrying the kids to the table. Give me anything but the bullshit, Caucasian tripe that they sold us with Rollisi!!!
*takes deep breath*
And if - IF - the powers that be couldn't think beyond the end of an average-length cock when it came to Rollins, then for the love of all that is holy: her chemistry with Sergeant Khaldun was 1) vastly more believable 2) hotter 3) more diverse as an overall cast option and 4) less cringeworthily obvious.
I have loved SVU since I was 16 yrs old, and even though I gave up watching it around The People v. Richard Wheatley (for reasons unrelated to this specific rant), I still lurk in the background and keep myself vaguely caught up. But it's getting impossible to defend a lot of the choices they have made in the last three or four years. Good talent is so hard to hang onto these days in H'wood, and Dick Wolf seems just as, if not more, determined to fuck up his show as Chris Carter was in the 90s with TXF.
Thanks for coming to my TED Rant. 😮‍💨✌🏻
- HeartEyes4Mariska
***Not to mention the Barisi Shippers got robbed in the process.
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saltysplayt00ns · 4 months
WOW have not given a confirm from Roamer and already jumping guns.
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From the duration of the whole Kique trying to start this poly thing of two of the most red flag characters to pedestal However Rogio is on Roamers:
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and Kargo love interest is on Roamer:
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From looking over the type of poly relationship it would end up being either a Hierarchical polyamory, Polyfidelity, Solo polyamory or a Triad. But since it's kique it's more likely to be a triad with Hierarchical instead of something of equally grounding everyone; they ( kiq. ) will mainly focus the attention and love all on Rogio but having it where Rogio and Kargo caring about Roamers needs. in hindsight if Roamer focusing all his care and attention on Rogio the sadly Kargo will have to follow along. That's not a relationship that's a coercion of someone who is emotionally being pulled around just like another who was pulling roamer around as well;
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And you know who been doing that for all through Home comic??? ROGIO, Rogio so far has been manipulating, gaslighting, mansplaining, victimizing and done toxic/abusive traits that is not appropriate. "but he's not hitting or screaming at his face so its not bad??" Just because its not shown loud in your face doesn't mean it's not their. Just because a meat-eating Predator is not chasing you down immediately after making eye contact on you, doesn't mean it's not a wild, carnivore. It's the same with Herbivores which so many overlook because it can't eat us and it's harmless when actually they're just as unpredictable as a carnivore. A lot of things happen behind doors and others figured out how to not make it obvious. These are usually Covert Coercion/abuse that is so subtle your can miss it or overlook it. Like slow boiling a frog in a pot.
We have seen from the beginning how Rogio was from the first chapter and given context of how he is overtime. Roamer is very naïve and gullible to be used under Rogio's dispense and whenever Roamer speaks up or states an opinion Rogio does not like. he gives Roamer the silent treatment and cuts all connections to him, practically ghosting and pretending he doesn't exist. You see it all through Chapter 11 through Chapter 12. And Later see Rogio been observing from the distance on Chapter 13.
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That later had Roamer to lash out his frustrations on other people AND be depressed/mope around cause he's been giving all that love and attention to abruptly giving the cold turkey.
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Also pointing out that Javo is not a warrior but Fremja is, So why Roamer doesn't train with someone who is an established role but would fight someone who is not of equal task and someone who is far weaker then him??!!. Frenja has fought with Roamer during Avanti and traveled with him when they left to meet Kargo and Ferah again. She has a track record - Javo does not. it's very subtle misogyny of having the females laying around or doing nothing when the barrier is basically down to open attacks, while males are being the active ones. The group should be at least planning to build a smaller barrier or doing something to be prepared. Later it bite them when IT DID HAPPENED of raiders coming in. You say meteor has changed but examples like these contradicts it.
------ I have seen ENOUGH comics, fanfictions of stories of people who does that including the toxic tactics. And now Rogio left the weight all on Roamers shoulder to do the decisions FOR him, there's has been no return of the conversation of Roamer agreeing to it with Rogio or stating more of his opinion on the matter. Roamer will just agree to it AND IF HE DOESN'T ROGIO WOULD DO THE COLD SHOULDERS AGAIN!!. This is very new territory with different opinions and backstories, cause Meteor tribe has shown to NOT BE POLYAMORUSE. Neither Asmundr or any cookie cutter tribes in Home except possibly southSpear, but that is more an orgy to pass the time being in a boring desert.
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I call that BS on them all laughing and having fun together cause all of that happened with Kargo and Roamer and later Roamer dump Kargo to be all happy with Rogio.
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it would've been interesting done by a competent author, but the comic is already being rushed even more, since its confirmed there is 4 chapters including the recent one left.
The author has so far been doing the same stuff/traits Rogio has been doing and is willing to bend out of shape and reality to protect Rogio, a fictional and dangerous character to portray and claim as the ' idea character ' to follow and sympathized.
Side note:
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I also learned that Feomah; the mother of Diarko and Diarko was an idea from a fallen individual with Kiq. So the possible reason Feomah is separated from Diarko is because of that and now Diarko will be used as a scapegoat for Rogio innocents and that the toxic Poly thing between RxRxK is a good thing. " we can't separate now since Diarko sees us all as parental figures under him." yeah let's have a child who was subjugated through trauma of cults by his tribe, genocide, prejudice by the canines to be given more trauma under meteor who had to move further away from his blind mother and got attacked twice by raiders. instead of being with their mother who is safe in a tranquil area with more members then meteor. Also forcing for Diarko to fight instead of giving him a choice if he wants that or do a different role. No wait that's not manly enough for males to do. 🙄
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