#Badass witch bitches
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I was hoping to have all 3 of my Freela kids ready by tomorrow, been falling behind because life... but the *STAR* attraction of the three is finally finished! (haha get it? *star* cus she's named after a star AHAHAH)
So this is my official redesign of my Freela baby, Turanga Violet Star Fry.
*Is named after the Violet Dwarf Star. You know, the star that literally forced Leela to face her true feelings more than ever and trust Fry with the most important thing in the universe, and also made her realise she could not deny her undying love for Fry any longer.
*Pronouns she/her
*Family pet name is Hexy Chicky
*She is a goth punk rebel without a cause
*Angsty Teen (16 years I'd say roughly of age)
*Is besties w/Bender
*Has an ✨ICONIC✨ Witch's Black cat (Fang, Morris and Munda's cat's baby 🥹)
*Her hair has mutations where it glows the colour of the violet drawf star. The glow gets brighter and engulfs her whole hair whenever she is closed to the encyclapod or anything that is in danger and needs to be saved, this includes beings, and whole entire planets. Certain situations one might say.
*She has a connection to the encyclapod and knows where it can be found at any given time. She learns she can communicate to plants, animals, basically anything living.
*Her hair can also change length and texture to best suit her needs. Think like Bayonetta (best video game witch IMO she is boss queen) Violet can use har hair as a weapon to defend herself. She also learns she can grow tenticles at will from her hair, very much like her other two siblings.
*She is a bad ass boss bitch like her momma
*Has big fuck off death stomper boots, just like her momma
*Is an environmental and animal activist like her momma
*Practices witch craft due to her innate connection with nature all that is living.
*Will spend hours debating with her brother Phil and Professor Farnsworth and Cubert about what is science and spirituality, what can be explained and what cannot be explained and try to either thwart them or find a way to bridge the two together.
*Bisexual / Demisexul
The Chicky on her shirt is the chicken she's known as in the family, they all have chicken nicknames cus of the chicken hats. I am working on a family photo of them all as we speak. Thank you so much to the incredible @ladybender for the inspiration for this idea. 🥹
Still working on her story and everything but I finally have her design ready and I am so happy and proud. If you ever saw spam posts on DeviantART of a user called FryplusLeela4Eva2getha that was me and I posted artworks of Violet and her two siblings Phil and Sam. Redesigns of them coming soon! I'm just so happy I was able to get one of them out at least before the drop of the first new episode haha.
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genevieveroque · 2 months
Blood Lust
This is chapter one of my original story. Book 1 of the Sterling Brothers series!
The sound a human made when you snapped their neck was always so satisfying. The power of having their life end at your own hand was unmatched. I listened to Jordan’s heart rate slow until it was gone. One minute strong and beating, putting up a fight and the next second, nothing. So simple.
“Booooo! You know they taste better when they are alive!” Gabriel rolled his eyes as he took Jordan’s limp wrist and sunk his teeth into the tender flesh. 
“Fuck off, go suck on your very much alive cheap whore over there then. This one’s mine anyway.” I spat as I prepared to dig my teeth into Jordan’s soft vein. The delicate skin at the jugular vein always broke the cleanest and it was taking every ounce of self control to not taste this man. I could hear the blood beginning to slow and knew if I waited any longer he really wasn’t going to taste the best. 
“You promised you would share today, you always do this shit. You can’t come in here with these yummy guys and not expect me to have a turn.” he continued to scold. I motioned for him to shoo as I bit down and let the sweet honey taste fill my mouth. I knew he would taste good, I could smell the floral hints in his veins. As I got stronger, the world around me quieted, and I devoured the delicate meal. Drinking feverishly, I allowed the warmth and familiarity that always followed the taste of blood to fill every part of me. This was everything I had dreamed of it being. He was euphoric. The room began to spin and I got dizzy the more I drank from him. He must have been plastered before I killed him. I allowed the effects to fill my body and relished in the lightheadedness that came from being blood drunk. When there was nothing left for me to drink I pulled away and frowned as I stared at my new friend. He was young which made his blood so rich and thick, and he was so kind. I’ve noticed that the gentle, kind souls always taste better. Makes it harder for us to stop. He was, for lack of better words, innocent. But with a smell like that, I was intoxicated, I couldn’t do anything but crave him. When he took me into his home and gave me a warm place to stay, I knew I was a goner. Finally, when I received the invitation to the monthly Red Ball, I knew I couldn’t wait any longer. He knew he was going to die, fear always tastes better. After putting in all this work, getting to know him, building his trust and breaking him, I was going to do everything to make my meal better. I did grow fond of him though, he always seemed to want my attention, I liked that. To honor the time we had spent together, I promised I wouldn't share him. 
I was so caught up in my own world with Jordan that I didn’t realize the other festivities happening around me. Outside they started a game of chase, but after just feeding, my skills wouldn’t be put to good use out there. Gabriel had gone back to his own pet project of the month and seemed… preoccupied. Deciding my night would be better spent on my back than on my feet, I began to look for Sebastian. He was sitting in the middle of the dining room table taking a sip from the drug whore of the night. He could barely pull himself off of her and his eyes were glazed once they met mine. He smirked and motioned for me to join him. This could be fun. I stumbled over to him and climbed onto his lap, his hard cock rubbing against my ass. 
“Dance with me.” I whispered as I grinded myself against him and placed kisses down his stubbled chin. He groaned and placed his firm hands on my hips and stopped my motions. He could never handle it when I teased him. 
“Sorry boys, my Baby wants to dance.” He scooped me up into his arms and carried me back onto the dance floor. Holding me close, we got lost in each other's touch, our hips swaying to the rhythm as his clothed cock pressed into me. Before long the drug whore found herself back in Sebastian’s arms and he took a long sip, then motioned for me to join him. 
“I want the jugular.” I told him. He laughed and shook his head. 
“No Baby, if you bit there, you wouldn’t be able to stop.” I rolled my eyes and bit into her arm and drank to my heart's content. Her blood was bitter like black coffee and her skin tasted of nicotine and smoke. It coursed through me like a bolt of electricity and I could feel every sense heightening. I was alert and powerful, and I was never coming down. I pulled away from the girl, no longer needing her services and I pulled Sebastian in for a kiss. His hands found their way into my hair and he tugged on the base making me moan against his lips. Our bodies pressed together as we rocked to the beat of the music, allowing ourselves to become one with each other. I could feel him getting hard against me, I could taste the desperation on his tongue. I nipped on his lip and my hands fumbled with his belt, quickly throwing it aside. He groaned as my hand slipped into his pants and firmly pressed on his hard cock. Slowly, I stroked him up and down as I bit into his neck and sucked gently on the scarlet red blood flowing from the cut. The familiar taste of blackberries and lemon exploded in my mouth as I moaned against him. I could feel the temperature of my body rising and my heartbeat begin to quicken and I lowered his jeans, exposing his 8 inch cock. His hand slipped underneath my dress and he raised his eyebrow at me. 
“Baby, you didn’t wear any panties?” He chuckled as he slipped his fingers effortlessly into my slick pussy. 
“Shut up and fuck me.” I whispered into his ear and gasped as immediately after, he thrusted deep inside of me. I wrapped my legs around him and moaned, as he began to bounce me on his dick. My nails scratched into his back, drawing thin lines of blood. I pressed my lips back onto his with a fierce desperation, relishing on the swift burn of his teeth biting on my lip. Euphoria flooded my body as he sucked on the cut, and thrusted harder into me, finding heaven on earth in all of the right places. I panted against him, not able to hold off much longer, and as his thrusts got more erratic, I could tell Sebastian couldn’t either. I could feel people staring at us as we put on a show, lost in our own pleasures. And as we both reached our peak, my eyes landed on a pair of displeased and sharp gray green eyes. I smirked and threw my head back, giving into the pleasure and moaning Sebastian’s name. I rode my orgasm out as I continued to grind on his cock and his thrusts began to slow. I held onto him like my life depended on it and breathed him in, pressing my head against his chest. Once he was limp inside of me, he pulled out and slowly tucked himself back in. I lowered my dress and found myself swaying in his arms to the music. I slowly began to pepper kisses up his neck, making my way to his lips and gently palming his dick with my hand. 
“You’re insatiable, Baby.” he slurred against my lips and began to kiss me back, feeling the full effects of the drug whore. 
“It’s what you love about me.” I quickly broke the kiss, smiled and continued to sway along to the music getting lost as the hum of drugs flowed through my own veins. Sebastian held onto my waist and pulled me tighter to him.
“You tease.” He groaned and began to kiss me again, willing to give into me once more. I moaned as his tongue licked the underside of my neck but my eyes landed on Nathaniel again. He stood in the back of the room, clearly unamused with the activities in the party. His eyes stayed fixed on mine as he made a small nudge to the door and walked away from the chaos in the main room.  Suddenly, Sebastian wasn’t enough. I motioned for the blood whore to come back over and like the addict he was, Sebastian could not resist another taste. He quickly bit her neck and got lost in the euphoric feeling of the cocaine laced blood to fill his system. I slipped away knowing he would be busy for a while and ran through the corridors to find the secret bookshelf. 
I looked around to ensure I wasn’t being followed and I quickly lifted the red satin bound book from the third shelf on the bookcase and watched as the hidden passage made itself known. I slipped through the door and watched it close behind me. 
“Took you long enough.” Before I could turn my head to follow his voice he was pulling me towards him, lips meeting mine with a passion. The subtle metallic taste lingered on his tongue, mixing with my own blood as he bit on my lip. I moaned around him and pulled away breathless. 
“I was busy.” I whispered in his ear as I began to unbutton his shirt. His hands gripped mine, stopping my motions. 
“That’s funny, I watched my son’s slut get fucked shamelessly in front of me, and you still think I am going to fuck you tonight.” He teased as I felt the tie he had around his neck, wrap tightly around my wrists, behind my back. “You’re mistaken, Pet.” He chuckled and motioned for me to get on my knees. Defiantly, I stood still and looked him in the eyes. He raised an eyebrow at my challenge and shook his head, a smile playing on his lips. 
“Get on your knees and suck my cock,” his firm deep voice sent chills down my spine and I couldn’t refuse his order. The strong pull of the compulsion moved my body to follow his commands. It was a game he liked to play, to show me my place, and I gave into it. 
I stared up into those mesmerizing eyes, and grasped the zipper of his pants with my teeth. He moaned as he looked down at me, waiting patiently for me to free his cock. Once the zipper was down I bit the edge of his pants and pulled them down enough to release him, ravenous to get a taste. I moaned around his cock as I kissed the tip and gently grazed the underside of his cock with my tongue. I could feel him tense at my slow ministrations and he quickly lost patience. Taking only the head into my mouth, I slowly began to suck. I felt his firm grip in my hair as he jerked his hips and pressed my head down to the base of his cock. He moaned as I gagged, feeling the constrictive warmth of my throat against him. He was in bliss. Seeking his orgasm, Nathanial set up a quick pace as I continued to hollow my cheeks and gag on his cock. I knew exactly how Nathanial liked it and I moved my head to follow his rhythm, swallowing his cum without losing a drop. Satisfied he pushed me off, and tossed me like a ragdoll towards his bed.  He quickly released my hands from behind my back and brought them together in the front. Once they were bound tightly to one end of the tie, he looped it across his headboard and tied off the other end. I moaned as I tugged on the tie, it was tight, restrictive, and strong, but the material was flimsy, I could break out of this easily and he knew it. He was testing me. I gasped as Nathanial straddled me and pulled my dress off, exposing everything underneath. Soon, I felt his lips wrap around my nipple and hands involuntarily pulled against the restraints trying to run through his hair. His left hand playing with the other nipple and pinching hard enough to make me yelp. He smirked and continued to grind against me, the uncomfortable friction from the clothes he was still wearing was ruining the moment. 
“Take it off.” I gasped as he released my nipple from his fingers and allowed the blood to flow there once more. 
“You are bold for making demands when in this position.” He chuckled as he stood up from the bed and began to take off his button down shirt. 
“Can’t help it, I want you with every fiber in my being.” I told him desperately, knowing flattery was the only way I was getting an orgasm from him. I watched him hungrily as he removed his pants and he made his way to me. He smirked and leaned in, placing a rough kiss on my lips and whispered in my ear, “Don’t think I don’t know what you’re doing, Pet. I’m in charge here, not you.” He walked over to the drawer beside me and pulled out a much too familiar toy. Without further warning, the cold metal of the remote controlled bullet was placed directly on my clit. The intense pleasure overwhelmed my senses as my back arched and my eyes rolled into my head. 
“Well, well, well, what do we have here? You are quite sensitive today, Pet, what did you take at the party?” He questioned, staring at me with a new glint of mischief in his eyes. 
“COC.” I gasped trying to catch my breath and processing anything other than the vibrations pressed directly on my clit. He smirked and moved it in slow but deliberate circles, stealing the breath from my lungs. Each movement brings me closer and closer to an orgasm, and just as my toes begin to curl and I am going to lose myself, he stops everything. I scream in frustration and thrash in my bindings. Slowly he begins the process again, as he uses his other hand to slip three fingers deep into my pussy and soft whimpers continue to pour out of me. I never knew it was possible to be so overstimulated, while at the same time not stimulated enough. Lost in my own thoughts, I didn’t realize the vibrations that were once on my clit were now deep inside of me and Nathanial wasn’t touching me anymore. With the little strength I had left, I lifted my head to see where he had gone and found him sitting on his throne in the corner of the room. His cock stood rock hard as he slowly stroked himself up and down. His other hand held onto the remote controlling the vibrator. He leered at me as I watched his finger slide to the top of the remote. A scream was ripped from my throat as the vibrator came to life on full force. I couldn’t hold it in any longer and came hard, grinding my hips into the empty air, craving any form of friction. 
I took deep breaths as I came down from my orgasmic high only to be overwhelmed by the oversensitivity plaguing my body. The vibrator hadn’t stopped, Nathanial just stared as I writhed and begged for him to stop, slowly masturbating to the sight of me, denying me the touch I so deeply wanted. 
“Please, stop.” I whispered, not having much more energy left to do anything other than take his punishment. He stood up from his throne and walked over to me, I thrashed in my bonds, wanting to be released, to be able to touch him. I felt the vibrator turn off and was relieved that we were done for the night. He slowly pulled it out and I frowned at the sudden emptiness. Mistaken, I felt his mouth wrap around my clit and begin to suck. Two fingers pressing back into me and exploring places only he knew how to find. It wasn’t long before I reached another orgasm, grinding my hips on his face as he allowed me to ride it out on his tongue. Once again as my body grew to hyper sensitivity, he didn’t stop and kept going, pinning my hips and legs down as I tried to push him away. I could feel his movements becoming more calculated as he continued to suck on my throbbing clit, causing me to reach a third orgasm in a matter of minutes. Finally, mercifully, he stopped his attack. Breathless, he walked closer to me and gave himself the final stroke he needed before cumming all over my face. 
He collapsed on the bed beside me and I licked my lips as I broke free from the tie holding me to the bed. I slowly crawled over to him and pressed my head on his chest. He wrapped his arm around me and stared down at my pouting, cum covered face. 
“What’s wrong, Pet?” He chuckled fondly as he pressed a kiss to my head.  
“You really didn’t fuck me, you prick.” I grumbled and punched his chest. . 
“Naughty girl’s don’t get fucked. Now be a good girl and wait for me here while I go shower, and you better let that cum dry.” he ordered as he placed a deep kiss on my lips. Taking advantage I quickly bit him when he pulled away. 
“Bitch.” He smiled as he turned towards the bathroom. 
“Prick.” I grumbled back, and laughed as he flicked me off in the mirror before the bathroom door closed. 
I lay satisfied on Nathanial's bed wrapped in his satin sheets as I listened to the steady rhythm of the water flowing as he showered. The drugs were beginning to wear off and I didn't want to move, however, the alternative would be sleeping over and the thought made me sick. Dreading the pounding headache I knew was going to start the minute I began to move, I slowly stood up and changed back into what was left of my clothes for the night. I grabbed the tie he had used to tie me up and wiped his cum off of my face. I found a piece of paper he had left on his table and quickly sprawled a “Thanks for the fuck” and left it next to the tie, showing him my clear disobedience. Then I quickly pushed through the door that led me to the secret room, quietly finding my way out through the side door. But before I could reach it, I heard voices just ahead of me. I froze and listened to what they were saying and waited for the coast to be clear. 
“I know, can you believe it? So sad, nobody knew it was laced. Poor girl OD’s a few hours later in the middle of the party. They just dismissed it thinking one of the guests just drank too much. But once some of the guests started coming down with symptoms, they realized it was an overdose.” One of the women in the clean up crew spoke.  
“I heard about the guests, since they are, you know Vampires,  will they die if they drank her overdosed blood?” The young man questioned. 
“No sweetie, they’ll just get really sick for a little while, but they will get over it after a few hours.” The voices began to fade as they turned a corner. I finally had my chance, I raced out the door, ready to just get home. But then once the cool, crisp night air hit my face I felt nauseous. I stared blankly at the dark night ahead of me as I bore with the consequences of the night's activities. Two options now faced me, I could use my enhanced speed and get home so much faster but feel the effects of running in these conditions for the next three nights, or make the slow walk home but probably be fine in the morning. Fuck, I have that art exhibition tomorrow, I would much rather not look like walking death. Naturally, I opted for the latter and began to stumble home. 
As I walked I could feel that something was wrong, my body was heavier than normal and I rarely get nauseous, but whatever that girl had taken was fucking me up. My head was pounding and I could feel the bile rising in my throat. She must have taken something that was laced, lovely. I trudged forward and was ready for the night to be over. I took deep breaths to keep the nausea at bay and listened to the steady footfalls of someone walking down the road. Confused at hearing the footsteps, I looked at my phone. Wincing as the bright light shone and illuminated the time, 4:22 in the morning. The footsteps were getting closer and I realized the man was heading in my direction. He was still far enough away, but focusing on something other than the feeling in my stomach and head, was helping me ignore the pain. I watched as the man walked closer, his hands in the pockets of a nice pair of black slacks. He was wearing a white button down shirt with half of the buttons missing and he looked disheveled, staring up at the sky as he walked with tense shoulders. I wonder why he is out at this hour, but I didn’t want to disturb his peace. Suddenly I got a small cramp in my stomach and all the distraction from the pain was gone. I started to walk a little faster, and breathe deeper to try and make it home before the nausea won me over. The man was close now and from the few glimpses I allowed myself to take, I could see he was so handsome. His lip was busted, the scarlet drops flowed freely down his chin, and the sweet smell of his blood mixed with his scent of warm snickerdoodle cookies. If this were any other night, I would have done everything in my power to get a taste of him, however, destiny had other plans.
As we passed each other, our eyes met for a split second as we continued to go our separate ways. I was only blocks from my house, when another cramp invaded my stomach and I couldn’t hold it in any longer. Falling to my knees, I began to throw up all over the ground. It was never ending, if I needed to breathe, I would have died. Then, I felt a gentle hand on my back as someone began to pick up my hair away from my face. The man's scent filled the air once again and I felt like dying. Finally, after what felt like hours, there was nothing left to vomit and I collapsed onto the cold sidewalk. 
“Are you alright?” The man asked me. After spilling my guts into the street, I was actually beginning to feel a tiny bit better. I slowly raised my hand and gave him a thumbs up. He chuckled and shook his head, as he extended his hand for me to take. I grasped onto it and allowed him to lift me from the ground, and rested on him while he supported my weight. 
“What are you doing out so late? Can I walk you home?” He questioned staring at me with deep blue eyes and a kind smile. 
“I could ask you the same question. And don’t worry about it, you already did more than enough. I don’t live far from here, I’ll be fine.” It came out as a broken slur, and as I tried to detach myself from him I stumbled on my own feet. He held my arm before I could trip and he began to plead with me. 
“Please, I don’t think my conscience will leave me alone knowing I left a beautiful woman to fend for herself in this condition.” I rolled my eyes, but nodded as I led the way towards my home. I clearly was not smooth on my feet and I held on to his arm for support and rested my head against him. Whatever was coursing through my system was making me tired. I could feel him looking down at me as he began to walk with more confidence, holding up most of my weight. We walked with a steady stride in comfortable silence towards my home, I was getting sleepy and couldn’t wait to get there. However, walking with this stranger was oddly pleasant, his scent was familiar and comforting, something I needed as who knows what flows through my veins. 
It’s not long before we reach the steps of the August Knight Memorial Library, and I stop walking. Slowly letting go of my comfy walking partner. I looked over and he was staring at me confused as he pointed at the building. 
“You live here?” he questioned. I nodded and slowly made my way up the steps. 
“Goodnight! Thank you for walking me home.” I slurred and fumbled with one of the locks. He stayed at the bottom of the stairs and waited until I made it inside. 
“Sweet dreams.” I heard him call before I shut the door and made my way up the stairs and past the hidden passageways to get to my flat. Once inside I ripped off my clothes and threw myself onto my bed and screamed as another cramp rolled through my stomach. What was happening to me? Suddenly, I remember the conversation I overheard from the cleaners, one of the blood whores must have OD, and it was probably the one Sebastian and I drank from. Fuck, it was going to be a long night. 
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spiritofjustice · 2 months
me: Lost World by Michael Crichton isn't very good (sees a review where someone says it's bad because it's too "PC" because the female character is badass and because a black character is smart) you know Lost World is actually a very good novel
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timeisacephalopod · 1 year
Look Scooby Doo is "for kids" but those movies slap, just watched The Witches Ghost and it's some Top Tier Shit 👌🏻👌🏻
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sylvanfreckles · 1 year
(Day 25: Presumed Dead)
Never turn your back on a witch...even when she's dead.
Coming up on the end with a little Laudna and Ashton piece. It was fun working in some of her gameplay mechanics with this one, I hope you enjoy it.
And with that, I'm finally caught back up! And only three days to go!
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cosmicanakin · 4 months
blast from the past | part two.
pairing. vinnie hacker x female reader.
outline. shopping for groceries late at night, coincidentally vinnie and his possessive bimbo girlfriend are there too.
contains. angst, violence, toxic relationships, strong language, unhealthy coping mechanisms, trust issues.
authors note. i love reader in this one she's such a badass. not proofread !!!
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part one.
a week had passed since that disastrous night at the charity gala. you've been trying your best to keep busy and occupy your mind elsewhere, anything to avoid dwelling on memories better left buried. inevitably though, thoughts would drift back no matter how hard you tried shoving them down. the sting of betrayal lingered sharpest from vinnie, someone you never thought capable of such blind trust in strangers over you.
tonight found you wandering the aisles of the local supermarket down the street, needing essentials to fill your empty fridge now that work consumed all hours. late evening meant fewer crowds ideally, wanting solitude to wallow in the peaceful sounds of the freezer humming. headphones drowned out the world as you aimlessly surveyed options, pausing by the mozzarella to snap a pic for inspiration.
checking your phone brought a notification, some silly video your friend had sent to lift your gloomy mood lately. laughter died abruptly in your throat at what appeared next in your peripheral vision, however. vinnie stood not 10 feet away, equally frozen as startled eyes met yours across the dairy aisle. he looked as taken aback by the chance encounter as you, and hovering behind a cart steered by none other than the wicked blonde witch herself.
blood turned to ice in your veins at the smirk unfurling across her glossed lips, recognizing you with unabashed glee. meeting vinnie's gaze again you quickly turn on your heel, determined to escape before venomous words can fly.
"y/n wait!" his voice sounded behind you as feet shuffled in pursuit. refusing to give him or the bitch further satisfaction, you picked up your pace eyes fixed ahead unwaveringly. a hand grasped your shoulder to spin you around, meeting empty air as you sidestepped nimbly out of reach.
"what do you think you're doing chasing after her, vinnie? don't you remember what she did to me at the gala? that slut isn't worth your time."
you froze in your tracks at her sardonic tone carrying easily the short distance, blood slowly beginning to boil at the audacity. slowly turning around, you saw the blonde grab vinnie harshly by the wrist to drag him back, he struggled against her iron grip to no avail, equally taken aback by her words. neither noticed your approach until you stood only inches away, leveling a withering glare her way.
"i may be a fucking slut, but at least i'm not a crazy possessive cunt. and you should work on how to keep that mouth shut before you end up in a body bag, bitch." without awaiting a reply you shoved vinnie aside with enough force to send him stumbling into the shelves.
the blonde lunged at you with claws outstretched and you swiftly deflected, delivering a swift right hook to her pert nose that crunched satisfyingly. she howled clutching her face as blood poured between slender fingers, knees buckling to the slick floor tiles. not wasting the opening, you straddled her torso raining down blows with practiced form and efficiency, releasing weeks of pent-up rage and hurt.
distantly you registered vinnie's shouts to stop somewhere in your red haze of adrenaline and endorphins. it wasn't until strong arms circled your midsection forcibly yanking you off the whimpering mass of fake tits and extensions that your assault relented. still panting heavily as the world swam back into focus, you glanced down at the mess of smeared blood and makeup staining your knuckles with a rush of satisfaction.
shaking off vinnie's hold roughly, you scanned the aisle as people watched the spectacle unfolding. forgetting your discarded basket you marched past without a backward glance, leaving the store and its chaos behind in your wake as whispers steadily grew louder in the distance.
arriving home still a wired mess, you attempted to steady your whirring thoughts long into the night. raw feelings still simmered just below boiling point, exacerbated further by unwelcome memories refusing to leave you be. how could vinnie so quickly side against you even after everything, believing her manipulative lies over your history together?
it was well after midnight when your phone buzzed on the bathroom counter as you cleaned up your knuckles so they don't get infected, the screen illuminating vinnie's contact photo. against better judgment your thumb slid automatically to accept the call, holding the device weakly to your ear.
"y/n, i know you're angry but please we need to talk. meet me at the overlook from our first date..." without waiting for a reply he hung up, leaving you little choice but to drag your exhausted body back into restless motion once more.
the overlook held a dear place in your heart, somewhere vinnie had first taken you during happier times together. perched atop the hill it afforded gorgeous sweeping views of la's twinkling skyline as stars shone brightly above, serenading lost souls who found solace beneath its glow. you couldn't deny the poetic justice or closure meeting there again may provide, no matter the fresh pain it stirred.
parking alongside vinnie's car just as the time on your dashboard struck 12:30, you stepped out into the chill night air slowly making your way toward the rusted bench. he sat waiting silhouetted against the cityscape, head rising as footsteps crunched gravel announcing your arrival. you gazed out over the glittering city wordlessly, keeping distance and walls firmly in place.
"y/n...i know apologizing can't make up for the shit i pulled or how badly i hurt you. stephanie, she's...trouble, to say the least. but none of that should have given me excuse to turn on you like that when you've never given me reason not to trust you with my life." his tone held unmistakable remorse, struggling to find the right words under your stony silence.
"my actions were inexcusable and you didn't deserve the shit she caused. i was a coward for not standing up to her manipulations sooner. you have every right to still be angry with me and i won't blame you if you never forgive what happened..."
honestly you didn't know how to feel or process the jumble of warring emotions wreaking havoc inside. some small, neglected part craved wiping the slate clean and jumping right back into the familiar comfort of his arms. but trust once broken could take lifetimes to genuinely mend if ever, and your dignity wouldn't allow walking right back into the line of friendly fire so easily.
"i appreciate you owning up to being a fuck up vinnie, don't get me wrong. but actions speak louder than any amount of sorry's. you looked me dead in the eyes and CHOSE to believe her crazy accusations over a person who loved you unconditionally for years. that kind of betrayal cuts deeper than you seem to comprehend..." you sighed wearily dragging fingers through tangled locks.
"all i ever wanted was for you to have my back without reservation like i did for you. what's to stop the same thing from happening again down the road if some other new face comes along manipulating the situation, vinnie?"
he hung his head in shame, lips set in a grim line comprehending the enormity of damage wrought maybe for the first time. a painful beat of silence stretched between you like a great chasm, each wrestling their own tumultuous internal demons in solitude.
"you're right, y/n. as much as i want to make things right between us again someday, the trust and security you need from me after all this is more than i can give or deserve from you right now. all i can do is promise to do better learn from my mistakes, and be a man worthy of your forgiveness someday if you'll grant me the chance to slowly earn it back."
turning to face him fully you offered a small, sad smile cradling his downcast features tenderly between your palms. leaning up you pressed a lingering kiss to his cheek, letting the multitude of emotions pouring from your touch convey what words couldn't.
"take care of yourself vinnie. maybe with time and distance to heal...we'll find our way to each other again. but for now i think space is what's healthiest, no matter how badly my stupid heart wants the comfort of nostalgia."
turning you walked away slowly back to your car without looking back, leaving vinnie and shattered remnants of your past silhouetted against the city that raised you both. it would take dedicated work on his part to regain even an ounce of your trust moving forward, if ever possible again. but closure and clarity wherever it may lead was the first step toward accepting messy realities and finding inner peace.
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thelostpretzel · 24 days
hello!! i just wanted to pop in and say that i really really love your ocs, their designs are all so fun and creative!!!!! esp the heroes of the city waow :00 also deeply interested in whatever lore they have so if you ever feel like dropping crumbs,,, *hands outstretched*
*cracks knuckles* thank you for asking dear stranger i would love to ramble about my children (the?) Heroes of the City (sorry, I still don't understand how article THE works) is a story in the genre of LitRPG (like literature + RPG or manhwas/novells about rankers) and it's about Players who are trying to save The Sentient (?) City from self-destruction (or help it destroy itself if a Player feels like hating the world) so the main cast is Eki (she/them) aka The Leviathan Slayer aka The Hero she smol she kind she could kill a god if this god is a threat to her found family but only if said god is a physical threat she is a beating pillow for every morally gray/black character in The City and will never win against charismatic-based villain (she's very naive and soft hearted and everybody uses it)
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Black Silver (she/her) aka The Witch or The City's Shadow
the hottest and the deadliest villain of The City and i have nothing else to say
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Rex (he/them) aka [data deleted]
he is one of The City creators and his main mission is to be a threat to his ex-soulmate - Black Silver who is actively destroying The City
they are the Most Toxic Couple of the project and i feel terror every time i think about them
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Little Box (she/her) aka [???]
i don't know what she is and i'm lowkey scared to know so she's just vibin' here and there (i think she's dead)
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Coffee Fox (he/him) aka The Keeper aka The Guardian
a barista of a tiny coffee shop and The Retired King of The City
he brings comfort and love to every Hero but can only watch The City fall because he's forever locked in his coffee shop
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Magnolia (she\her) and Glitches (they\them) aka The Healer/The Parasite
ah yes a cool badass parasite with no morale compass and an absolutely miserable host with terrible anxiety disorder i love it (Glitches also often flirts with The Bitch i mean with the guy who is hated by the whole City and Magnolia lives in constant fear because of it)
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Midas (he/him) aka The Bitch i mean The Cursed King
The Bitch of The City (and he's fucking rich and hot too i hate him so fucking much i don't even draw him consistently WHYYYYYYYYYYY)
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Adam (the fuck/that) aka The Emptiness
the mute horror of the City (he likes Little Box and Magnolia though)
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aaaaaand the last one
42 aka Zwai (man/failure)
he's just funny little guy with horrible medicine trauma and a cat
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thats it thank you
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hotvintagepoll · 2 months
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Angela Lansbury (The Harvey Girls, The Court Jester, The Manchurian Candidate)—The babe, the myth, the legend. In her own words her early hollywood roles were "a series of venal bitches" and they were all glorious. Half of them wanted to kill you and you probably would have thanked them. She even goes toe to toe with Judy Garland in The Harvey Girls! That said, she was chronically underused and misused during this era - she was just 36 when she was cast as Elvis Presley's mother in Blue Hawaii and a few years later commented that she'd played so many 'old hags' that most people thought she was in her 60s. She thought she was "all talent, no looks" but she was the full package! Post-1970 I hope we all know what an incredibly talented and compassionate badass she was, but I feel like not enough people know her early roles as a hot (often villainous) young thing.
Silvana Mangano (Bitter Rice, Teorema, The Witches)— She always portrayed such confidence, such sass- those eyes could make you tell the truth.
This is round 2 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
Propaganda for Angela Lansbury:
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"Angela Lansbury might not be where your mind goes first when you think of hot leading women, because she had a later career revival. But she began acting in the early 1940s after leaving London due to the Blitz. In the first couple decades of her film career she has an openness about her. She said she never really fit in with the Hollywood crowd and to me she gives off a friendly, untarnished vibe."
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"Most of us know Angela Lansbury as old lady sleuth Jessica Fletcher, but it's important to know that she was smoking hot in her younger days as well as a damned fine actress. Although she didn't get lead roles until her early 40s, at 17 she was a supporting actress in films such as Gaslight (1944), National Velvet (1944), and The Picture of Dorian Grey, for which she won the Golden Globe for best supporting actress and was nominated for the Oscar. Even in her memorable performance as the manipulative mother in The Manchurian Candidate, she is listed as a supporting actress as she does not play the love interest. She was successful both on stage and screen, and won the Tony for her lead role in the musical Mame on Broadway in 1966. TL;DR While Angela Lansbury mostly played supporting roles in films before 1970, she had what it takes to be a leading actress, which we know from her success on stage and tv from the mid 60s onward"
"She looked like a princess but bit like a viper"
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"Is there anything this woman couldn't do? Act in comedy and drama, sing, dance, be a wonderful human being - quite simply a true and wonderful lady."
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"she is the fairytale princess of my dreams in court jester"
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"god she had such an incredible career all throughout her life really but as a young lady she was just as incredible as she was in her later years. enchanting voice, amazing personality, and absolutely GORGEOUS. she lamented not having the looks to play leads in romance but that idea is so batshit because look at her??? she's one of the most terrific women of all time. also she's my grandmother's favorite actress and i truly get it"
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Painfully sexy Italian bombshell
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lizzieisright · 5 months
Moon peppers (2)
were!Abby x witch!reader
Summary: Abby runs away from her (former) pack and into your forest. You're not happy with your new (woods?)mate.
Tags: fantasy au, sloppy worldbuilding (fuck it we ball), fem!reader, alpha!abby, witch!reader (so not an omega), sentient forest, stubborn idiots in love who annoy each other.
Notes: Abby really doesn't like sharing the forest with a witch, while you try to prove to yourself that you are the badass who is not afraid of a giant wolf.
Taglist: @abbysbae @poxismind @sidefanficaccounttohidemyshame (if you want me to tag/untag you for the whole series dm me please)
You are not getting terrorised in your own home. Well. You are not getting terrorised in your own home again. 
You wake up with this thought, angry and grumpy, the fear of the night still tightening your chest. You didn't even bathe yesterday, just took your clothes off and went to bed, the last shreds of your dignity not letting you hide under the covers. 
It's still hard to feel so powerless, so you're angry at yourself as well for being scared. Of a werewolf no less. It's humiliating, but after the bear you learnt to at least respect your fear - it kept you alive this time. But now, when the sun shines through your curtains and you're a little afraid of leaving your bedroom, it becomes annoying. You scold yourself and get up from your bed, nervously checking the window in case the wolf is still there. You doubt it, but today is your fishing day, so you need to be sure the wolf won't tear you apart the moment you step outside your shields. You try to remember where you put your dagger - as if it will help you anyhow - but then your panicked brain remembers. 
There is a wolfsbane bush just to the right of your hut. You can rub it on your dagger and then it will hurt the wolf. So you plan to make a small detour to the wolfsbane bush before heading out to the river. 
You quickly bathe, but the temperature of the water irritates you: you're unstable, so your magic is unstable, so one moment the water is warm and the next it boils you alive and the next it's freezing cold. And all of this because of the wolf. 
You start the fire for the kettle with matches, cautious of your magic, and while it boils, you check the windows again. No sign of the wolf. 
The basket is on the floor still, and you gently pick it up to sort your things out: Caitlyn's baked goods and Vi's booze go into your pantry (you leave one of the pastries for yourself on the table) and the moon peppers go to the still room where you create all of your potions and medicines. The floor is dirty and you don't mind a little work, so you get a cloth and start washing the floors.
Sometimes you forget how much you rely on your magic, but now, knowing you can set the hut on fire or flood it completely, you have to put your hands to work. It's calming, actually, the repetitiveness of it, so you wash your floors clean and only then sit to have your breakfast. 
You get ready as if you're going to war, putting multiple daggers on yourself, strapping them to your thighs and smaller ones to your ankles - you're not taking any chances. Usually you wear a cotton vest, but today you dug up a leather vest that is way harder to tear. You put a sac on your shoulders and go out. 
The air is colder today, and you look around in case there's any threats - one threat. You even touch the ground, hoping the woods will show you where the wolf is to avoid it, but the forest ignores you. 
You make your way to the wolfsbane bush and it's not there. You are sure it was there yesterday, you walk on this trail all the time. But it's not there anymore, and you know it's woods playing tricks on you, and it makes you furious. 
You're literally helpless against this wolf and this was the only hope for having a chance at survival. You're scared and you are spiralling, almost cursing the forest for being such a bitch, not understanding why they would do this to you. 
Why makes you stop in a cold terror. Because you know perfectly why the woods are not giving you any kind of weapons - you don't hurt others. You just don't, and you don't poison your blades with something that can actually kill a werewolf, and you don't strap a bunch of knives to yourself or think like a warrior. 
Yes, you're petty, but you're not vengeful anymore. 
You sigh and look at the sky.
“Yeah, okay. I'm sorry.” You grump. “But have you seen this fucking beast?”
The leaves rustle. 
“Oh fuck off.” You huff when you get a wave of laughter from the wind. 
A witch. There is a witch in the woods and Abby can't be more irritated. Witches are not someone she'd consider nice, they're vicious and you might be the weakest spawn of Satan if you ran from her. 
Abby wanted to get some moon peppers for herself to heal faster, but you just had to cut every one of them. She smelled you when she came to the bush and didn't pay it any mind because witches don't have a distinct smell, no. They have creepy fucking eyes that glow in the dark and when you looked at her, Abby felt not only threatened since you were on her territory, but also pissed off, because her moon peppers were taken by a fucking witch. 
So Abby wanted to kill you, and if it wasn't for your stupid shields she definitely would - she is hurt, hungry and alone, and she needs you gone. If Abby thought she'd stand a chance against you, she'd have tried to maybe talk to you, but your presence in this forest while she is desperately trying not to die is a threat she is not willing to entertain. She is either going to kill you or you're going to kill her, and this is it. 
Witches are notorious for being evil manipulative bastards who blood bind anything that has blood, and Abby had some of her packmates bound to a witch as guard dogs because they needed a potion to survive a wolf fever in the winter. They didn't die from the fever but they sure as hell might've died from serving this witch. But Isaac was furious and of course they went as a pack and tore the witch apart, releasing their packmates from her bounds. 
So no, Abby is not planning on being nice to you, she is planning on destroying you. She is still injured and there's blood all over her den, she can't risk you finding it and using it for your own gain. 
Abby sighs and crawls out of the den, sniffing around: she is so hungry. She needs to go for a hunt, but she is too weak for it yet. Her hind legs are aching, there's multiple wounds on her sides that she should treat in human form, but Abby is scared she won't be able to handle it yet and it will put her at risk. There is no smell of her former pack, so Abby crawls out further, now able to look around: this part of the woods seems and smells safe. Abby groans and stands up, trying her best to not whine from pain in her body: not only her wounds hurt, but after you tripped her last night she hit her head pretty hard on a root, so now she is also dizzy.
Abby is still scared she will die, which is a sign of, well, dying, so she clings to her life with her claws and makes herself move. The river is not so far away from the den, and Abby is halfway there when she picks up your scent. 
It's not that Abby already knows your scent, it's just the only scent with a heartbeat that doesn't smell like another animal, since animals don't smell like lavender and soap. Abby doesn't doubt that it's you because she can somehow feel magic around you, and it makes her tingle in a very creepy way.
Well, hasn't this day just gotten so much better? Abby can just kill you and eat you - actually she is apprehensive of eating a witch, but she is desperate - and this will be the end of her troubles. And your shields will fall, so she could go and loot you. Perfect plan, she thinks. 
Now, a giant alpha wolf is not the most quiet animal, especially since Abby is so heavily injured, but Abby tries her best to go as silent as possible so she could first figure out where you are and second - figure out how to attack you. The luck is on her side: you're sitting on the shore with your back to her, so Abby can just jump you and bite your head off with its unnerving eyes. 
The thought of finally having some meat makes Abby salivate, but she keeps focused on being quiet - she needs to ambush you, otherwise you'll notice her. So she moves slowly, until you're in her direct line so she could make the jump and kill you. 
Abby flexes and shifts her weight before the jump, but exactly when her paws are inches from your body, you turn your head, shriek and your arms fly up in surprise. 
The next thing Abby knows is a strong wave of water knocking her back to the ground, while her nose gets overwhelmed by the smell of fear. Abby's animalistic side is roaring from both irritation and satisfaction: even if she didn't get her prey, at least it's terrified of her.
Your heart beats so fast in Abby's ears it is almost too loud, and she sees how your fingers twitch. It makes her quickly get back on her paws and growl at you. 
“Don't you fucking growl at me, wolf.” You try to sound offended, but your voice is shaking. “You came to this forest, I live here.” 
Well, you have a point, but because you're a witch, Abby isn't going to listen to it. 
“Turn back, I know you're a were.” 
Fat chance. Abby growls at you again and makes a few steps forward to threaten you. 
“Or don't.” You murmur in a shaky voice. “Leave me alone, okay? I won't bother you, so don't bother me.”
Again, you have a point. Again, Abby will ignore it. 
Abby comes closer and you stumble back - are you really so weak you can't fight her? - until you trip and fall into the water. 
You can't help the feeling that the wolf is laughing at you as you sit in the river, your nets gone, soaked in cold water. It's humiliating beyond belief, and you're really tempted to water whip the wolf, but the backlash is not worth it.
You stand up, huffing and puffing in annoyance, and pull all the water out of your clothes until you're dry. 
“Asshole.” You tell the wolf, and it not only growls but also moves closer, ready to attack again. “Fuck off.” Yes, you're shaking, but you can't just give up. 
The wolf growls so loud you feel it vibrate in your bones, holy shit. 
“If you jump me again, I'll trip you again.” You threaten and the wolf stops growling so loudly. 
“I'm fishing here, and I'm not planning on moving. Deal with it.”
The growling resumes and you sigh. 
“If I give you a fish, will you leave me alone?” 
The wolf hesitates, and you're hopeful for a moment, but then it growls again. 
No, you think. You're not moving. You weave your magic and wolf snarls at you, but you only create shields in case it will try to attack you again. Then you sit on the shore and pull your nets back where they're supposed to be, playing it cool, waiting for the fish to get trapped in. The wolf circles you and it's terrifying, you're literally sweating from fear, but you don't give up. 
It's tense, but you still sit at least an hour until you get three fish in your net, hyper-aware of the wolf - thankfully, it left a few minutes ago, and you let out a relaxed sigh. You did it. You stood your ground. 
Abby is so pissed off it's unbelievable: she is hungry and there's food right in front of her, protected by stupid shields. She tries not to think what can happen if she eats a witch - will it drive her mad? Who knows. But you're also fishing, and Abby is teased with it. The offer you made was tempting until she understood it was a deal and Abby wasn't a fool for making a deal with a witch. So she spent some time just to bask in your smell of fear and laugh at you trying to appear as if Abby's presence doesn't make you want to shit your pants. It's amusing, honestly. 
But then Abby feels how she is getting tired - she is in no shape to play games right now. She really needs some food if she wants to survive the night. So Abby goes up the river just far enough to still smell you in case you try anything, and goes into the water, trying to catch some fish with her mouth. 
Abby is not a bear, so her fishing skills are not as precise, but Abby is decent: wolves eat fish too, especially if they're alone, like Abby right now. Abby catches the fish, sinking her teeth through its scales, and brings her catch to the shore. The fish still jumps, but it's far enough to not get back into water, so Abby returns and continues her hunt. 
It takes Abby a while and she is quite exhausted by the time she gets around twenty fish, so she shakes off the water and goes to her pile of tasty, mouth watering food. Abby is salivating as she smells the fresh fish so she digs in, almost choking on the first one. She coughs, but doesn’t stop chewing, too desperate and starving. She is still on guard, her ear perked up, but the food calms her down and makes her feel lazy. Abby is very tempted to just nap right next to her rapidly disappearing pile of fish, but she knows it’s not safe, so she makes herself lazily walk back to her den. 
When Abby smells you close to her den, she sees red. Suddenly her lazy walk turns into aggressive running and she attacks you immediately when she sees how you kneel down on the ground in front of her den. This is not just a direct threat to her as a wolf, it’s a real threat of being blood bound, and Abby is terrified by the mere thought of it. 
Of course your shields save your ass, but as Abby lands on her stomach, you also fall from the impact of a giant wolf attacking you. Abby gets up and growls, baring her teeth as a promise to kill you, so you scoot back. 
“Do you live here?” You ask as if it’s a surprise. Yeah, like you didn’t know it by the sheer amount of blood around. Abby jumps again and bounces off again, but she is so angry at you and your shrieks are the best music to her ears. “But it’s a bear den! You dumb fucking- Find a better place for yourself, because the bear will come back and I don’t think your furry ass can fight it.” You spit out as you get up quickly and weave shields around yourself. 
Abby barks at you and you jump in fear, backing off. You then walk backwards as Abby moves forward, practically kicking you out from her territory.
“Okay-okay, I’m going. Fucking creep.” You murmur under your breath and Abby growls at your audacity: you came to her, not the other way around. Entitled bloodthirsty bastard.
You turn around and start walking back to your hut, but Abby waits until she can’t hear your heartbeat anymore, and only then she goes back to the den.
Your words about the bear coming back actually worry Abby, but she doesn’t have any strength to go and look for another spot - and since she put her scent everywhere, the bear will be angry anyway, so maybe she will have to fight it. 
Fuck, Abby thinks. She is weak and dizzy and all she wants is to take a nap and rest until her body feels better, not think about fighting a bear.
So Abby crawls back into her den, wraps around herself, burying her nose in her tail, and falls asleep.
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stobinesque · 1 year
talking could, if we'd just dare (you know that i'll forgive you), pt. 1
@steddie-week day 6: misunderstandings / "You Lookin' at Me Lookin' at You" by Ozzy Osbourne | ~5.5k words | G or T inspired by this post from @inklessletter!
If Eddie was being honest, he’d never actually paid that much attention to Steve Harrington. Sure, it was impossible not to know of him. But for most of his life it had simply been…unimportant, to know about the various goings on of the Class of ‘85’s royal court. Harrington was rich, a bit of a bitch, and kept company with other rich bitches, and so Eddie neatly categorized him with all the other pretty, rich jocks, and went about his day. Life was easier when there was an order to such things. Keep the smalltown, upper-middle class heroes to one side, and the freaks and degenerates to the other, and everyone could live in an uneasy sort of harmony until they walked the stage and left this rathole behind.
Of course, repeating senior year thrice had put a wrench in that plan.
Meanwhile, Dustin Henderson had thrown the whole damn toolbox into the whole not-paying-attention-to-one-Steven-MiddleName-Harrington plan.
And whatever the fuck was going on now had just blown everything out of the water. 
(Or into the water, as the case may be—except the freaky parallel hellscape they’d all dove into seemed to be utterly devoid of the substance, so maybe the original metaphor worked just fine.)
So now he had to contend with the fact that Steve Harrington was a) a pretty nice dude to recent victims of smalltown witch-hunts who had just been thrust into what was apparently a years-long government conspiracy involving monsters and mind-controlling wizards, b) a bit of a dork, c) friends with a whole bunch of dorks, most of whom were four or five years younger than him, d) admirably—though perhaps self-destructively—protective of said dorks, e) just as much of a badass as Henderson claimed, and, most distressingly: f) extremely hot while doing so. 
The being a protective badass part, not all the other ones.
(The other parts Eddie was retroactively filing under “adorable,” and “cute.”)
The expression Steve got on his face when Eddie lobbed his battle vest at him was also priceless, so at that point Eddie figured, fuck it. What did he have to lose from some harmless flirting? The chances of him making it out the other side of this both alive and un-incarcerated were dwindling by the second, and it’s not like he ran any risk of things going anywhere. (Harrington might be a good dude, and alternate dimensions and monsters and superpowers apparently existed, but Steve Harrington being anything other than a straight man with Traditional American Values™ strained credulity—and the Munson Doctrine—far past any acceptable limit.) 
After all, if there was one thing that Eddie had actually learned from D&D, it was that a little bit of flirting and fun could take the sting out of any TPK.
If Steve was being honest with himself—which he’d been making a concerted effort to try to do since fall of ‘84—he could admit that his…jealousy…of Munson predated Dustin joining Hellfire. His whole climbing-on-cafeteria-tables schtick was kind of obnoxious, sure. But up until he’d wound up flunking his first try at senior year, Eddie'd had this sort of dorky-but-cool aura that Steve wished he was apathetic enough about other people’s opinions to achieve.
For a man who seemed to genuinely believe he was a coward, Eddie Munson was so…loudly and unapologetically himself. In Hawkins, Indiana—a place that quite literally wanted to kill him for how much of a freak he was. And, sure, some of that came down to the whole wanted-for-murder thing. But the man had also spent the better part of the past twelve hours flirting with a former jock—whom Eddie himself admitted to thinking was a douche up until a couple days ago!—so Steve had the sneaking suspicion that there was probably a corner of the town that already had it out for Munson long before Chrissy Cunningham’s body was found in his trailer.
And it wasn’t that Steve wanted to get into metal, or that Dragons game, or start wearing hand-printed t-shirts and attaching his wallet to a chain. He just wished that even after all the years of monsters, and government threats, and Russian torture, he didn’t still feel the need to hold himself to standards set by other people. 
If anyone was a coward, it was Steve.
And there was something kind of…nice—reassuring, even—about the fact that Eddie seemed to feel the same way—but in reverse—about him. Like together maybe they could take the bravest parts of the other and make them their own.
And underneath it all, Steve could admit, was the fact that Eddie was…pretty. 
So. Steve was having a bit of a crisis
“Robin, I’m having a crisis.” 
“We’re all having a crisis, dingus,” she shot back, slapping at his shoulder with the back of her hand.
“No— no, not that.” Steve started emptying one of the bottles of vodka they’d procured into the half-dead grass. “I’m talking about the whole—” Steve waved a hand over towards where Eddie and Dustin were horsing around. “The Eddie thing.”
“Oh, you mean the fact that he’s been blatantly flirting with you since you got eaten by bats?”
Steve rolled his eyes. “Yes, Robin, I’m talking about the blatant flirting.”
“And…why is that causing a crisis?”
Steve fish-mouthed at her. “B-because…” He leaned forward with a finger held aloft, ready to waggle it in her face. He paused. Frowned. “Well, because…” Steve threw up his hands. “I don’t know! A few days ago the man thought I was a douche. Literally just yesterday he was, like, hot-and-cold trying to throw me at Nancy, while also ogling my chest hair, and now he’s calling me ‘big boy’ and trying to get into my personal space? It doesn’t make sense, Robin!”
“Welcome to the club, buddy.” She raised her brows at him pointedly. And, yeah, that was fair, he guessed.
“And,” He started again, “And– I’ve also got Henderson insisting that I win Nancy back—he does seem to have finally dropped the whole are-you-secretly-dating-Robin thing, though, which—”
“Oh, thank god.”
“Yeah. But, on top of that Nancy has also been making eyes at me, but she’s still with Jonathan so I don’t know what to do about that. And it’s all just a mess, Robs! I’m a mess.”
“Yeah, well, that’s been true for ages, Stevie.”
“Thanks, Robin. That’s very helpful.”
“What? I’m just saying, if you’re going to tell me that I’ve got to ‘be myself,’ and put myself out on a limb with Vickie, while you’re out gallivanting with Helen or Jackie or whoever—”
“Whatever.” Robin waved her hand dismissively. “My point is: you keep throwing yourself at all of these girls who only know the old you—even if you’re trying to give them the new-and-improved model—and you haven’t even tried to go after a guy, and I think we both know why. And now you’ve hit the jackpot of what every tragic gay teenager in smalltown America can only dream of: you’ve got someone blatantly, and undeniably into you, who you also like back, and you’re telling me that you’re having a crisis? Need I remind you of the tableau we were treated to back at The War Zone?”
Steve sighed. “I know, Robs. You’re right.” Steve jammed a funnel into the neck of the bottle he was working on, and the two of them kept building molotov cocktails in the dying evening light, as Steve tried to reassure Robin that she still had a chance with Vickie—which she did, and Robin took his mind off his own impending disaster. But, if Steve had even a shadow of a chance of getting to hook up with a guy, Robin deserved to have a romance of her own. As much as Robin was afraid to see it, Steve was pretty sure he recognized that conflicted look Vickie’d had in her eyes when she’d spotted Robin in the store. There was something there, he was sure of it.
But maybe Vickie was like him. Maybe she’d only just learned this new thing about herself. Robin—and presumably Eddie—had had at least a couple of years to sit with this knowledge about themselves and come to terms with it. But for Steve (and Vickie?) it was still so scarily and terribly new. With girls, Steve knew how to play the field. He knew what was expected of him—what role he had to fill. But with Eddie a guy, all the rules went out the window; all of his scripts: useless. He’d have to start from scratch, and build something completely different from anything he’d been taught to want or expect before.
Maybe he was getting ahead of himself, though. Because Robin was right: they had more important things—end-of-the-world shaped things—to worry about. His love life could wait. Eddie could wait.
They all just needed to make it out of there alive.
Eddie survived. 
They won.
Eddie survived, and so did everyone else, and they won.
Eddie kept repeating it to himself, because he couldn’t quite believe it. 
He couldn’t make heads or tails of the fact that in the end running away was exactly what he needed to do to make sure they all made it out in one piece—more or less. 
He’d walked right out of hell with nothing more to show for it than a few scratches up his sides, and a ring of bruises ‘round his neck. In the end, Steve was the only person other than Red who needed a hospital stay of any kind, because what would have been manageable wounds on day one, had become life-threatening after days of infection and improper care.
A future in a state penitentiary also seemed to be out of the cards. There was probably nothing any of them could say or do to convince the general Hawkins populace of his innocence, but Dr. Owens and his ilk had crafted a cover story believable enough to win over Powell and Callahan, at least. More to the point, though: all charges had officially been dropped, and the case was closed.
Now there was just the mortifying process of figuring out how to move on. Or at least forward. 
That was the part you didn’t see in movies. No one showed the recovery. Because what was so interesting about watching someone pull their life and body back together? As though healing wasn’t just as much a part of the story as the falling apart.
Eddie wasn't ashamed to admit that it was driving him a bit mad. Because these kids all seemed to be seasoned veterans at it. They hadn't just snapped back to their relatively-easy-going-but-bitchy baselines by any means—Lucas and Dustin especially seemed incredibly subdued in response to the extent of Max's and Steve's injuries, respectively—but they moved around one another with a care and familiarity that spoke to years of experience. 
“How did you do this?” Eddie scrubbed a hand through his hair, yanking at the roots. He and Robin were posted by Steve's bedside—he still spent most of his days semi- to unconscious. And while Eddie didn’t necessarily think it made a whole lot of sense for him to be spending more time at Steve’s bedside than the kids did, Robin was only ever dragged away from him kicking and screaming, and as the newest member of the apocalypse posse above the age of twelve, he was in desperate need of her guidance.
“How’d I do what?” Her typically-raspy voice sounded paper thin, and there were deep, dark circles under both eyes.
“I don’t know—!” Eddie flapped a frantic hand around, like he could manifest words and meaning into being. Something about it made the corners of Robin’s mouth twitch up. “Any of it? You–you dealt with a flesh monster, apparently, and you’re just...walking around on two feet, probably ready to graduate—which is more than I could guarantee for myself—”
“Hey, you will—”
“Not the point, Buckley! The point is, up until this new bout of freaky shit popped into existence, you seemed like you were walking around Hawkins without a care in the world. So how’d you do it? What’s your secret?”
Robin scoffed. “If you think I was walking around without being terrified every day, you either weren’t paying attention, or you’re a lot less smart than I gave you credit for, Munson.”
Eddie grimaced. “Sorry, sorry. That’s not what I meant, I just…you seem like you managed to pull yourself back together—whereas I feel seconds away from total collapse.”
“Yeah, that’s not just a you thing.” Robin twisted one of her rings around her finger. “But you wanna know what kept me upright? It was Steve. I don’t think I would have made it through the last eight months without him. And I know he’s gonna be alright, but I am still terrified that something will happen and he’ll get ripped away from me.”
Eddie frowned. He didn’t think he’d been picking up on those kinds of vibes between Harrington and Buckley, but the way she spoke about him… “Are the two of you, like, a thing?”
Robin barked out a laugh. “No! Not at all. I mean, he is the most important person in my life, and I would both kill and die for him. But, like, in a normal, platonic way.”
“...I’ll take you at your word for the ‘platonic’ part, but there is absolutely nothing normal about what you just said. You two are freaky for each other.”
Robin giggle-snorted, and it scrunched her nose up in a way that filled Eddie with warmth. Despite everything about his…everything, he’d never been short on friends—but it always felt nice to find another one. “Yeah, yeah I guess we are.”
“Mmm…Bobbie? ‘Zat you?” The beeping of Steve’s heart monitor picked up a little speed, and the man in question’s eyelids fluttered open. Robin immediately unraveled from the folded-up position she’d adopted in the hospital chair, and reached out to take his hand into her own. 
“Yeah, Stevie, it’s me.”
Steve squeezed her hand, before his eyes started scanning the room—going wide when they landed on Eddie. “Oh. Eddie.” A light pink flush broke over his face, and he averted his gaze almost as quickly as he met Eddie’s. That kept happening whenever Steve woke up, and Eddie didn’t know what to make of it, but it always left him off-kilter in a way he didn’t want or know how to put a name to. He always took it as his cue to leave.
“Well,” he started, with forced cheer, and a shit-eating grin. He pushed himself up from the chair and dusted off his knees. “I’m gonna leave you two lovebirds to catch up,”
“Not lovebirds—” Steve slurred, at the same time Robin exclaimed, “Ew, Munson!”
Eddie just cackled and sauntered off with a jaunty salute.
Steve felt like he was losing his mind. 
He'd been out of the hospital for a few weeks now, but he almost wished he was back there, because every waking second was just a never ending parade of pain and confusion. 
Fuck, why did almost dying always hurt so much?
The upside of being awake and ambulatory, was that Eddie had finally stopped running out of the room whenever Steve was awake for longer than two seconds. The down side—which was unfortunately directly connected to the aforementioned upside—was that Eddie was being weird.
And, okay, Steve had an admittedly shallow pool of evidence from which to draw his comparisons from. But the fact remained that Eddie’s behavior towards him pre- and post-Vecna-slaying were worlds’ apart. And he didn’t know how to fix it. He’d tried everything: playing coy, bringing him small gifts, finding excuses to talk to him one-on-one when the rest of the group was gathered together. But none of it seemed to work.
What Steve wanted was to just be able to rock up to the trailer with a bouquet of flowers and ask him out to a night at Enzo’s. But even without the whole recently-wanted-for-murder thing, the two of them going out on what was obviously a date in Hawkins was not only a bad idea, but actively dangerous. And without his typical romance rituals to fall back on, Steve was at a loss as to how to proceed, when the object of his affection was acting so damnably fickle.
“I just don’t get it, Rob. One minute he’s calling me ‘big boy’ and getting all up close and personal, and the next he’s looking like I killed his cat!”
“You have got to stop using other people’s trauma as analogies for your love life, babe.”
Steve waved a hand. “Mrs. Henderson’s not here.”
Robin threw up her hands. “And that makes it okay?”
“Uh, yeah.” 
“Fine, whatever.” Robin ruffled her hair in frustration. “Maybe he’s just nervous!”
“Nervous! Why would he be nervous?”
“I don’t know, Steve. Why are you nervous?”
“Because I like him, and I don’t want to get hurt again!” Steve shouted, startling himself by the force with which the words came tumbling out.
“Yeah.” Steve sighed. “I mean, it’s not just that, though, it’s…” Steve waved a hand into the open air between them. “I don’t know how to do this, you know? If this was a girl, I’d be thinking ‘oh, she’s playing hard to get—’”
“I can’t believe that’s a real thing people do,” Robin deadpanned.
“I mean, sometimes it really is just that they don’t like you—except that then they don’t keep trying to, like, hang out and joke with you—which Eddie does, he’s just hopelessly awkward about it.”
“Steve. Eddie is a hopelessly awkward person. It’s like a defining character trait.”
“Well he wasn’t with me.” Steve wiped a hand over his face and groaned. “I’m just nervous I misread the whole thing, you know? And if I did, and I ask him the wrong thing in the wrong way…what if he doesn’t want to see me again? Like, at all?”
Robin reached out and took his hand. “I hate that you have to know what that feels like,” she said, soft and careful. “But even in the wild event that Eddie is either a: entirely straight, or b: just not into you, I don’t think there’s any version of him that wouldn’t want to talk to you at all. So you should ask him out.”
“Okay, Rob,” Steve sighed. “Only on one condition, though.”
“Oh, no. Ohhhh, no you don’t—”
“You’ve gotta ask out Vickie,” Steve finished, holding out his hand with a smirk.
“Uggggh, fine. Deal.”
Steve was acting weird.
He’d been acting weird since getting discharged from the hospital—acting all shy and blushy one second, and then turning around and bringing him a new set of dice the next—but it’d really been cranked up to eleven for the past week.
And, look, Eddie knew he was new to the monsters-are-real crew. He knew that in order to make space for him they had to alter whatever their established dynamics were to fit him into them. But that didn’t account for the fact that all of a sudden Steve seemed to be completely unable to string two sentences together in front of him. 
Maybe the two of them weren’t quite friends yet, but he missed the ease with which they’d been able to talk and be honest with each other only a couple of weeks ago. Hell, they’d had more chemistry together down in the Upside Down.
Oh, fuck. 
Maybe that had been the problem all along. Maybe Steve had finally clocked his doomsday-flirting for what it was, and was trying to establish boundaries. Eddie thought he’d pulled back since they'd all crawled out of hell—broken, but alive. As soon as the danger was clear there was no reason to play the bit anymore, right? It’s not like his flirtation attempts had ever been more than a way to liven up what had been an unmitigated shitstain of an experience. Sure, Harrington was pretty, and nice—and there was clearly more to him than met the eye. Eddie had really enjoyed getting to know him over the course of the past few weeks. He wouldn’t mind getting to know him better, if he was being honest. But it looked like the door was closing on that chance if he didn’t straighten things out.
“Hey, Harrington?”
“I thought I told you to call me Steve, Munson.”
Eddie smiled his ‘malicious compliance’ smile and clasped his hands behind his back, rocking onto his heels as he said. “Alright: Steeeve.”
Steve rolled his eyes, but there was a little smile on his face that belied the general bitchiness of the rest of his demeanor. “What do you want, Eddie?”
Eddie spread his hands out in front of him like he was unfurling a map into the air between them. “Just figured I ought to clear the air.”
Steve frowned. “What are you talking about?”
“You know—the whole reason you’ve been all weird around me lately? I figured it’d be best if I put all of my cards on the table.”
The frown dropped off of Steve’s face—replaced by an expression that Eddie couldn’t decipher. It wasn’t…bad? There was no apprehension to be found there. Steve looked almost expectant. Hopeful, maybe. Which didn’t make a whole lot of sense—but Harrington didn’t make a whole lot of sense, so maybe Eddie was just misreading whatever he was seeing there. 
“You know it was all just in good fun, right? That it didn’t mean anything?”
The frown returned. “What are you talking about?”
“Back in the Upside Down. You know I was just messing with you, right, man? Just a bit of good ol’ fashioned I’m-about-to-die flirting, you know? Nothing to get all worked up about.” Eddie kept a wide smile fixed in place, tried to really lean into the whole ‘non-threatening gay guy’ vibe—an uphill battle for him, specifically on one of his best days. He’d do jazz hands if it’d help sell the performance any better. But each word out of his mouth felt more like a lie than the one before.
A thin fissure appeared on Steve’s face—a crack that Eddie could almost see through, but not enough to be able to make any sense of what was on the other side. “Oh,” Steve said. His voice was shaking and Eddie couldn’t figure out why. It set off alarms in the part of his brain that was always primed to run at the first sign of danger. “So you’re…not gay?”
Eddie frowned in confusion. Of all the ways he thought Steve might react, that was not one of them. So Eddie forced a laugh, trying to disarm the question. “Oh no, I am a flaming homosexual. I just want to make sure you know that doesn’t mean I’m interested in you.”
The frown slid off of Steve’s face, and the fissure smoothed itself away like it’d never been there. The Steve standing before him was blank-faced as a statue, and it made Eddie want to puke. In all his worrying about Steve being uncomfortable with the idea that Eddie was hitting on him, specifically, he’d entirely forgotten to be worried about Steve being straight up homophobic. At least he wasn’t throwing punches. That was something, right? But Steve was looking at him with such a totalizing coldness behind his eyes that Eddie felt like he’d been left out to sea. 
Steve gave a stiff nod. “Right, of course not,” he said, but the words came out wooden. He threw a thumb over one shoulder and twisted on his heel, back toward the beemer. “I’ll just…I gotta go.”
And then Harrington turned his back to him, and walked away.
Eddie didn’t have a crush on Steve.
So why did it hurt so much to watch him leave?
Robin sped down the stairs when she heard the banging at the door. There weren’t many people who would bother turning up on her doorstep unannounced. Even fewer who would make such a concerted effort to try to knock it down with the force of their pounding fists.
She swung the door open to find a tear-stained Steve standing before her.
“What happened?” She gasped out. Was it back? It couldn’t be back. El and Will had both sworn on pain of death that it was over. Maybe there was a new horror in town? Maybe Nancy had gone missing? Or Dustin? One of the other kids? Maybe Eddie? 
Steve cut off the racing of her thoughts with a sobbing gasp. “Nothing, Robs.” Somehow, he looked worse than he had after the Russians. His head was hung low, and Robin could swear there was a shadow of phantom-bruising around his eyes. Like he’d been emotionally decked in the face. He took a step forward to come inside at the same moment that she took him by the wrist and yanked him across the threshold.
“What do you need?”
“Bathroom,” was all he said. And then Steve swapped his-wrist-in-hers for her-wrist-in-his and he pulled her further into her own house, toward the second-floor bathroom. When they reached it, Robin plopped down on the floor with her back against the tub while Steve took up his position with his back pressed up against the toilet bowl.
“What happened?” She whispered.
Steve was silent for a long stretch of time. He turned his head to the side, as though he was trying to look out of the small frosted window high up on the wall beside him. “He doesn’t want me.”
“Who? What? What are you talking about, Steve?”
Steve turned back to face her. “Eddie. He doesn’t want me.” Steve no longer sounded sad—he sounded vacant.
Robin’s nose scrunched up like she’d smelled something wrong, because that didn’t make sense. Robin might not be good at clocking other gay people—she wasn’t that good at reading people, period—but it’s not like Eddie’s flirting with Steve had been subtle. And even beyond that, he was always looking at Steve while he was asleep in the hospital bed, in a way that Robin thought meant something… There was just no way that Eddie didn’t have at least a little bit of a crush on Steve, right? So what had he said to make Steve so certain about that he didn’t? “How d’you know that?”
Steve laughed, half-hysterical, as he tipped his head back onto the lid of the toilet. “He said it didn’t mean anything—the flirting.” Steve wiped a hand clear across the length of his face—chin to forehead—before digging his fingers into his hair. He laughed again. Or—it was more a puff of air, than anything else. And there was definitely no humor behind it. Just a bitter kind of resignation. “And then—he said—he told me he was gay, but that he just wanted me to know that it doesn’t mean he’s interested in me.” Steve covered his face with both hands and let out a broken sob. “God, he and Nance should compare notes.”
Robin could feel the lines carving an angry space between her eyebrows, and a fire in her heart. How dare he? Maybe Robin had misread Eddie's whole vibe toward Steve—but how dare he just trample all over and discard his heart like that? It didn’t make sense—but it was happening, and she had to fix it, because no one was allowed to break her other half. 
“Hey Stevie?” She asked, trying to keep her tone light.
“Where do you keep your little nail bat nowadays?”
Let it not be said that Eddie Munson didn’t know how to pull off a top-tier wallow. Ozzy’s pleading vocals were pouring out the speakers, while Eddie was laid star-fished out on the mattress, staring at the ceiling like it might give him answers, and torturing himself with the memory of Steve Harrington biting into the tail of a hell-bat.
Is it me or is it you?
Things are so much different now
But nothing lasts forever
He really should have known that whatever kind of rapport he and Harrington had going was too good to be true. Once a rich dickhead jock, always a rich dickhead jock, right? He almost felt bad thinking that. But what else was he supposed to think? The second Steve Harrinton had found out he was gay he’d turned his back on him. That was pretty cut and dry.
A loud banging at the trailer door cut through his thoughts and over the sound of Ozzy singing looks and glances can't repair, talking could if we'd just dare.
Eddie had half a mind to just ignore it, but there were even odds that it was one of the UD Crew as it was a member of Hawkins’ resident angry mob. So Eddie peeled himself off the bed, leaving Ozzy blaring behind him, and yanked open the door. “What—?” He started, but came up short when he registered an absolutely livid Robin Buckley staring back at him.
Eddie hadn’t thought to take into consideration the idea that the person at the door might be a UD Crew member taking up the role of angry mob members. But Robin Buckley was standing on his stoop looking half-ready to commit a murder. The second the door was open, she shoved past him and into the trailer.
“What the fuck is wrong with you, Munson?”
“Wh-what are you talking about, Buckley?” Covering his face with a piece of hair wasn’t enough—he wanted to melt into the floor. Had Steve really sent Robin to beat him up for being gay? That was some next level gymnastics in avoiding making physical contact with another man so that you don't seem gay.
Robin yanked at her hair and started pacing around the common area, glaring daggers into the floor (but thankfully not at him). “What am I talking about, he asks! You really are a medical grade idiot, aren’t you?”
“No, shut up, I don’t want to hear it.” Robin abruptly swung around on her heel to rush at him and jab a finger into his chest. “You broke Steve’s heart. And I don’t care if you were never into him—because I know that you can’t help who you like, or love—but you had no right to be so fucking cruel about it!”
A penny dropped.
“Robin. What are you talking about?”
Steve was heartbroken? That didn’t make any sense. He should have been relieved, he should have—
Robin laughed, hysterical, and threw her hands into the air. “I am talking about the fact that you told my best friend who has been pining over you for fucking weeks that all of the very obvious flirting you’ve been doing ‘didn’t mean anything,’ and that you just had to let him know that you weren’t interested in him specifically.” Robin paused to take a deep breath and kept barreling on. “And I get not wanting to lead someone on, Eddie—but even I know that was the least tactful way you could have gone about letting him down.”
Eddie shook his head, backing up toward the nearest wall like a cornered animal, because what Robin was saying didn’t make any sense. “I— I don’t—I mean, I do like him. I thought he didn’t like me! I thought he was straight!”
That brought Robin up short. Her shoulders remained set into a tense line, and her brow was still furrowed in distrust, but some of the unrelenting ire slipped away. “You didn’t—? Did he not—? What the fuck, Stevie!” The last part Robin muttered under her breath.
“Did he not, what, Buckley?”
“He didn’t ask you out?”
“No. What? Was he planning to?”
“Yes, numb nuts! Steve’s been trying to ask you out for weeks! I mean I guess mostly this past week—but that’s because before then he’d just been trying to beam the knowledge directly into your head through your thick skull.”
“Oh, shit.” Eddie’s heart dropped into his stomach as the full ramifications of what he’d said caught up to him.
“Yeah, ‘oh, shit,’ Munson.”
“Buckley—” Eddie rushed over to clap both of his hands onto Robin’s shoulders. “Robin. I’ve gotta fix this.”
Robin rolled her eyes. They were still creased at the corners, but the rest of her seemed to have softened a bit. “Yeah, you do,” she said—all low and serious. “You’re gonna have to fucking grovel.”
Eddie nodded. “Can you help me?”
Robin narrowed her eyes at him. “Yes.” She crossed her arms over her chest. “But let me make one thing fucking clear, Munson: I am doing this for Steve, not you, capiche? You put one toe out of line and I’ll go to the Wheeler house and grab one of Nancy’s guns.”
Eddie held up his hands in placating surrender. “Message received, loud and clear.”
Robin nodded, satisfied.
Eddie grinned back. “Let’s go get my man.”
there is now a part two!
626 notes · View notes
tragedy-machine · 1 month
Edwin Payne, need I say more
ok I will say more, he's a gay repressed ghost from the edwardian era who's a logical and stoic character with lots of trauma, who later goes through even more shit and is shown broken and crying?? hello?? not to sound like a psycho, but iykyk, a strong/calm character breaking apart and being vulnerable is PEAK TELEVISION, don't fight me on this
a true and well done portrayal of the found family trope
really dope female characters with amazing fashion! includes: a badass goth lesbian butcher!
your favorite character (Edwin, bcs it will be Edwin, bcs he is everyone's favorite character) has an absolutely adorable friendship with a genuinely GREAT female character where she helps him realize his feelings and even though they're "weirdos" to other people, they understand and support each other unconditionally
Edwin's and Charles's devotion towards each other, the pining, the jealously, their tenderness with each other and the love they share
your favorite character (again, Edwin) is a magnet to all the supernatural gays in a small port town, overall the dude has literally 4 love interests in the show even though he doesn't even TRY, doesn't know how to get bitches, he just does, and I LOVE that for him and hope he continues his streak in s2
and the show is genuinely funny, beautifully-shot and very interesting! it has great pacing and is just really fun, I rewatched it 2 days after I initially finished it and it did not feel boring at all, there's just so much happening in the 8 episodes that they stay entertaining
the premise of the show itself, ghost detectives, supernatural investigations, set in the sandman universe, coproduced by Neil Gaiman, it has the vibe of good omens and maybe a bit of sabrina the teenage witch mixed together, IN THE BEST WAY POSSIBLE, JUST TRUST ME BRO
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beevean · 2 months
You know, the funniest thing about how the games treat Dracula compared to the show is that the former have no less than four foils for our villain! To really hammer in the point that dude chose to be a bastard when he could have not!
Alucard also lost Lisa - he watched her die, he listened to her last words, and by all account it was a slow, painful death. He could have been angry towards the mob who unfairly put his mother through such a terrible death. Instead, accepting Lisa's final message, he chose to protect humanity from his father's fury, and kill him over and over which causes him so much internal turmoil that he'd rather sleep his life away.
Soma discovered that his fate was to become the Dark Lord. He simply refused. In fact, he was scared to become the Dark Lord, to the point of making Julius promise that if he lost against Chaos, the vampire hunter would kill him. Soma wants to be a normal human with his friends, and he'll fight to stay so. (worthy of noting that he's the only foil here who can't resist the darkness' call when he sees his beloved die, in DoS: Mina's Talisman can only slow the process down for Arikado to intervene in time. It proves that he really has to struggle to remain as himself)
Hector also was forced to see her beloved be executed in a sham witch trial - deliberately! Isaac deliberately set this up to enrage him to the point of being easily manipulable, and Death deliberately fanned the flames of his anger so that he'd succumb to the Curse and become Dracula. Hector not only directed all of his anger to the only responsible for Rosaly's death, but by the end he pulled back, because he realized that anger was not real, and recognized Isaac as another victim before peacefully moving on.
And Leon also had his fiancée die (see a pattern here), in fact he had to strike the fatal blow, under her request. Mathias honestly believed that because of this, Leon would understand his grief, and also renounce to God. But Leon not only had no intention to forgive Mathias for his cruel plan, he insisted that he'd rather live as a human and honor Sara's final wish, than exist for all eternity all alone, the fate Mathias doomed himself to.
So yes, eventually it almost becomes funny how much the games keep insisting "look at how much of a pathetic loser Dracula is. what a weak bitch. really thinks he's all justified because Wife Died™. Look at all these badasses with Dead Wives™ and how they still do the right thing! lol, dracula. lmao, even."
the virgin "he did nothing wrong 🥺" vs the chad "he did everything wrong and he's a petty manbaby about it". we stan
(ofc there is the heavy implication that Dracula literally cannot move on nor become a better person because of Chaos' influence inside him, which is why his soul had to do a hard reboot in the form of Soma to be freed from the cycle of destruction he stuck himself in. But there is certainly a discussion to be had about how much this affects Dracula's agency and culpability)
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mdhwrites · 5 months
Can you explain to me how the Titan enforces Christian Fundamentalism?
The Titan makes the only crime Belos committed be that he was a false prophet. Luz is beyond reproach though because she is a true prophet and a true believer. She is then sent to murder a men, blessed with holy power and strength in her convictions, by that God... And we are supposed to cheer.
This isn't even much of an exaggeration or dramatization. The Titan's answer to Luz's fears about justifying horrible acts in the name of protecting others is essentially this. That Belos' true crime wasn't in wanting to kill, oppress or lie. It's that he did it for selfish, self aggrandizing reasons. That if he'd simply been honest and earnest, he might feel a little bad for a mistake or two here or there, like the Titan is about the Collector, but he would have been entirely justified in his genocide. Just like they are beyond approach for wanting this man dead.
As the show says "He wants to be a hero and have the power," but then Luz comes in, trying to have a badass one liner for her return and even says "Darn it, I still can't think of what to say" which isn't even a reference to an earlier part of the show (I don't think at least). It implies Luz waited to come back when it would be the most dramatic and when she was most ready to look the part of the hero. She even references Azura, the FICTIONAL HERO, in her last speech and goes back to the catchphrase she wanted for a hero just nuking a bitch. She TOOOOTALLY doesn't care about being a hero though and because of that, she's all good to be doing all of this. That's what the Titan claimed at least.
Worse yet is that we only really have the Titan's word for glory and power being all Belos cared about. The fucker spent CENTURIES on the Isles. He deformed his body and probably doesn't believe he'll go to Heaven anymore with how much magic he had to internalize in order to pursue the goal of genocide. Even when alone, with no one to prove anything to, he still talks about saving souls and just needing to survive to do this. He's okay with dying afterwards because he DOESN'T care about the glory. Literally the only time he seems to give a shit about other people's approval and the status this might get him is the Witch Hunter General lines and you know what, I don't think it's entirely unfair for him to hope to get some recognition out of four hundred years of work, even if that work was pure evil. You could maybe say Philip's journal shows a hero complex but A: that still doesn't make his belief in protecting others a lie, just means that he has an ego about it, and B: is from hundreds of years ago and he literally abandoned the journal eventually. Abandoned his own heroic tale. By the finale... His intentions are pure. At bare minimum, that's how they are framed by the show itself with his desperation to do this, even at the cost of ending himself. So why does he deserve to die by the show's logic?
Well... He doesn't. He doesn't even deserve to be stopped because his faith is earnest. Except... It's not the right faith, is it? Belos doesn't believe in magic. Doesn't believe in the Titan. He is a blasphemer and false prophet. But now Luz has actually spoken with the Titan, been friends with his son and spread her ideals across the Isles, ideals which are strictly not the Isle's ways but that do theoretically make the basis of the Titan claiming she's a good witch (which is also referencing Azura potentially). The literal first person we meet on the Isles doesn't give a shit about things like lying, cheating, etc. and the early episodes give the impression that no one here does. That Belos doesn't force conformity on that matter even, making it so that these baseline morals that Luz disagrees with are earnest and honest. And yet, none of them are allowed to stay that way. They all enter her fold and listen to explicitly her morality. A morality that happens to line up with Christian morals and that the Titan seems to approve of.
And again, that's not interpretation. The finale actually straight up confirms this isn't the Isle's morality and REVELS in that fact. Belos begs for his life, saying they are not murderers, scoundrels and killers. That their culture demands better of them because they're human. Luz doesn't disagree... But she also doesn't do the act herself (unless you want to say she brought on the rain, but then you have her boiling a man to death which is just HORRIFYING.) Then, in a moment we're supposed to cheer for, Luz's closest connections with the Isles, and Raine tacked on, show up, proudly say they're not better than murderers, and stomp the fucker out. Not a quick mercy killing like a blast of magic or a magic scream might have done. Not the eviscerating explosion Luz had to do as a part of stopping him. No, instead, they brutally stomp out a defenseless, dying man before Raine literally says, "That was satisfying."
Our. Heroes.
And don't get me wrong: Belos needed to die. Thematically it's correct and narratively it's correct. The problem is how the show frames this final conflict. It literally asks if it's okay to kill him. What is a reasonable justification for murder. For even wanting another person to die. For a lot of kids, this might be the first time they hear ANY nuance on this topic. So what is the lesson imparted? Is it that sometimes force is necessary but we should only do it when we are certain that more lives will be lost otherwise and that there is no other option? That'd be a great way to show the Titan actually learned something from his mistake with the Collector. Is it that we can't show tolerance to the intolerant because they will only ever take and destroy? Refute an argument that modern racists use to allow hate speech and actions against others. Is it the simple fact that because Luz actually fears being monstrous, she won't end up the same way because that fear and hesitation will never let her commit the sort of genocide that Belos desires? Or heck, say they aren't racist without saying the word by going "We judge him for his actions and the cruelties he has committed, not by the cruelties of a people or the circumstances of their birth." All of which would be varying degrees of fine morality wise and are genuinely ways good people cope with having to commit horrific violence.
No. Instead, it's just that one did it while excusing it with lies while Luz will do it with pure faith in her heart. You... You do know that the VAST majority of Christians literally use this as a way to dismiss bad actors in the church itself? "He doesn't represent all Christians! He didn't actually hold the faith!" Do you think every brimstone and fire preacher is just a complete liar and not a SINGLE one of them genuinely believes what they preach? Because I'm sorry to break it to you but even as far back as the fucking Crusades, while sure the leaders were corrupt, secular men, most of the soldiers were genuinely god fearing people, terrified for their souls and seeking this as their only form of penance, especially as they saw it as protecting Christianity. It's one of the reasons they were able to do so much damage because the goal for the common soldier wasn't conquest or national pride. It was to murder the other culture who had taken sacred land. They believed earnestly... So were they justified in the massacres of civilians that they committed?
And this is without getting into how we have literally a Holy Trinity of the father (the Titan's corpse), the son (King, who is exceptionally self sacrificing eventually), and the holy ghost, in a very literal sense. Or how about the glyphs being called the Titan's Language and given to Luz to empower her? How invoking simply his words grants one exceptional power? The Hexside Squad in the finale use glyphs, half of them for the first time, to supplement their powers while dead exhausted and it doesn't seem to just be able to help them, it is still keeping them close to their normal power level and potentially energizing them with how not tired they appear to be while doing this. Almost like they're prayers, pulling on the power of a higher being.
But those elements don't matter. For the sake of the Titan supporting Christian Fundamentalism, all that matters is that he puts faith above what is morally correct. That you can excuse any action so long as you are genuine in the belief that you are doing it for the right reasons. Eda could be making this same argument and it would still be wrong and morally reprehensible.
It's literally "The ends justify the means," and how is that your final lesson, for your main character, in a KID'S SHOW? Let alone when that is EXACTLY the argument Belos, THE VILLAIN, has always made. Not just with wiping out witches but with petrification, lying to Lilith, manipulating Hunter, etc. etc. That it was all justified for his grand, 'good' ends.
I already stated arguments that could have been made, that wouldn't have taken much more time to do (if any), that would fix this so don't you DARE even consider bringing up the shortening with this. It is one scene that does the vast majority of this. Arguably, like five lines tops. Five lines that destroy the morality of your very show and any chance at saying Christian Fundamentalism is wrong.
All because its last message wasn't that prophets should be questioned. Only that there are prophets to listen to explicitly and that you should avoid false prophets... Somehow. Maybe just ask if they like anime I guess?
This was first written before I saw the finale, then I tried to make minor adjustments because of the better absorption of events but ended up rewriting the whole thing because I wanted to better focus on just the hypocrisy and god awful morals than talking about if the Titan counted as God or god.
Also, just for those curious: I was raised on Christian morals and did go to church when I was VERY young. My faith nowadays is that I consider there to be comfort in there being a higher power but that I do not care what form they take, nor do I really like organized religion as while it brings comfort and community to many, it also is all too easy to corrupt with personal greed and anger. I've been told the closest label to this is agnostic.
I have a public Discord for any and all who want to join!
I also have an Amazon page for all of my original works in various forms of character focused romances from cute, teenage romance to erotica series of my past. I have an Ao3 for my fanfiction projects as well if that catches your fancy instead. If you want to hang out with me, I stream from time to time and love to chat with chat.
A Twitter you can follow too
And a Kofi if you like what I do and want to help out with the fact that disability doesn’t pay much.
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rowarn · 9 months
note: this list is being updated as more things need to be added!
note2: if u have a question about whether i will write something, please feel free to ask!
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please don't demand works from me! i appreciate people being excited but there are ways to ask if i am going to write something other than commanding me to do it !
if you're going to ask for a part 2 at least say something nice about what i did write first......cmon.....
do NOT take my works and post on wattpad or any other websites. my works are easily found here and on ao3.
do not send me asks bashing another writer! if someone has done sometime wrong and you feel i need to know, you may inform me but i do not want to be complicit in witch hunts !
i do not engage with call out posts. do not send me call out posts of other people to reblog. i don't care.
use tone tags ! i struggle to discern tone and intent in people's words sometimes !!
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DO! (what u will see from me)
♡ dom!cod character
♡ hurt/comfort -- arguments, misunderstandings, trauma comfort, safeword use, sickfics!
♡ abusive themes as long as it's not the character's doing and only in a comfort kind of way; abusive relationships, sexual assault, and things of that nature!
♡ dumbification, dacryphilia, condescension <3
♡ gentle sex, praise, pet names, general soft content -- i can, of course, do rough content and am more than happy to do it!
♡ fuck or die/sex pollen....maybe...?
♡ loss of virginity, established relationships, friends to lovers, enemies to lovers
♡ age gaps
♡ breeding kink — without pregnancy <3
♡ loss of virginity, wet&messy, squirting
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DONT! (what you will not see from me)
♡ sub!cod characters -- i don't mind if they're a little whiny but full submissive men is not something i'm into!
♡ graphic non-con or incest content -- it doesn't bother me but i dont write it. i will interact with writers who do create this content, however!
♡ military!reader -- i like soft civilian reader, i don't really make the reader someone who is 'badass' and 'cool' i also dont like writing action
♡ heavy angst, sad endings, hurt/no comfort — i don't like to be sad
♡ she/her reader, he/him reader, or amab!reader
♡ heavy degradation; whore, slut, bitch or any names like that -- i will sometimes mention degradation in passing but its not usually anything graphic.
♡ pregnancy, lactation
♡ graves......
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ofdarkestdesires · 10 months
Alright! So, now that we have the full line-up of the Level 10 Bell’s Hells artwork, I think it’s about time I sat down and gave my personal opinions that nobody asked for about everyone’s styles.
Chetney Pock'o'pea
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While I appreciate the more active pose and visible armor as opposed to his more unassuming original design, I am very off-put that he completely abandoned his original color scheme and all shreds of his original aesthetic. I also think the tracksuit is a bit much—listen, I’m a fan of toeing the line of what fashion belongs in a fantasy setting, but I’m pretty sure this fully vaulted over the it and did a full backflip and three-point landing into ridiculous. 3/10
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And unfortunately, the same must be said for his Lycan form. This artwork feels like a serious downgrade from the original Chetwolf, which honestly filled me with a shock of horror each time he popped up. The only reason it is higher than base-Chet is that Chetwolf is still a werewolf, and werewolves are badass. 4/10
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Laudna, on the otherhand, is a total glow-up from her original design. Everything about her design ties together and brings in perfectly her aesthetic and backstory, from the haunting tree embroidery on her dress (akin to the Sun Tree she was hung from) to the little Pate birdhouse backpack (an homage to the Baba Yaga forest witch imagery she picked up), all the while looking so much like the elegant and imposing Delilah Briarwood. Easy 10/10 for me.
Fresh Cut Grass (F.C.G.)
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F.C.G.'s new art...isn't bad, but I'm not as wowed by it as some others on this list. Something has clearly changed here in the choice to include his new blue jacket, and I approve! I'm also a fan of the wires having more definition and appearing more purposefully stylized, as if he's taking better care of himself...but the pose and the style just feel a bit lacking to me. 5/10
Fearne Calloway
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Honestly, my only gripe with this outfit is the upper-half of her bustier. It feels very cluttered and like there is a lot of fine detail that just ends up being all meshed together. That would be my other only other gripe, too—there's a lot of small, fine details here that makes her feel cluttered. Which, honestly, fits her as the sneaky little hoarder that she is! But yeah, I would've done something else, something cleaner, with the upper half of her bodice. Also, while I know she is a Druid, I don't think she needs the plant growth on her legs... 8/10
Imogen Temult
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I would just like to point out that this outfit was unveiled to us as Imogen's choice for winter-wear while traveling through the Crystal Sands Tundra. Is it sexy? Definitely. Is it my personal taste? Mm, not really, but I can see the appeal. Am I upset that even after the semi-canonization of her needing glasses, this bitch is still not a sexy glasses-wearing nerd? Absolutely—but the biggest sin this outfit does is fail to be climate-accurate. -1/10 for improper environment protection, and 7/10 for the outfit itself.
Orym, Savior Blade of the Tempest
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I am incredibly torn here. Because, when it comes down to the armor itself, this is a clear winner. Orym's new uniform is a perfect upgrade from his original more humble and simple apparel, becoming much more about function and protection, while still retaining his svelte and limber appearance. The noted upgrade to Seedling is also nice, though I wish it was a bit more pronounced. What pulls me back from really loving this design, though, is his proportions—I feel like his head is way too big, or his limbs are way too skinny. Over all, I have to give this an 8/10.
Ashton Greymoore
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Remember at the start how I said I'm all for toeing the line of what fashion belongs in fantasy settings? Yeah, this fucks! From the first episode, we knew that Ashton was a punk, and this just picks that up and runs with it in such a cool, fun way. I legitimately want this entire outfit—fuck cosplay, I'd just wear this irl! It leans enough on his old design to be recognizable, but pops out as truly his own. And the hammer looks wild—I can't wait to see that thing really pop off like crazy in the next fight. Definitely a 10/10 from me!
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itzvintagevibez · 1 year
Charlize Theron's Character Prompts
Lady Leonora Lesso AKA Sexy Redhead
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Kinky: (part 1) (part 2) - in progress
My Redhead: (part 1) (part 2) - in progress
Shh: (only one part)
School for Good and Evil: (part 1) (part 2) - in progress
Babysitter: (only one part)
Do you wanna build a snowman?: (only one part)
Daydreaming: (only one part)
Strange Feelings: (i'm gonna redo this but just read this shitty piece if you'd like to)
How Nasty of Us: (only one part)
Dolls: (only one part)
Perverts: (only one part)
Killer Dean: (only one part)
"Eyes up here, Ever.": (only one part)
Fetish: (part one) (part two)-coming soon
When parallel worlds meet: (chapter 1) (chapter 2)-coming soon
Satisfied: (only one part)
Queen Ravenna AKA Step-mommy vibez
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Don't Test My Patience Child: (only one part)
She's a Witch!: (only one part)
Tears of Gold: (part one) (part two)-coming soon
Charlotte Field AKA Miss Prez
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Eyes for you (part 1) -not yet created
Your Number One Fan (only one part) - not yet created
Clea Strange AKA Marvel Queen
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Mentor's Pet (chapter 1) (chapter 2) (chapter 3) (chapter 4) (chapter 5) (chapter 6) (chapter 7) - coming soon
Elaine Markinson AKA Miss Red Lips
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Wine and Dine (only one part) - paused
Lorraine Broughton AKA Badass Spy
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I Shouldn't Have Met You (part 1) - not yet created
Ice Cream
Sorry Not Sorry
My Type?
Pick Up Lines
Why Do You Keep Stealing My Clothes?!
Most Likely To...
Most Likely To...Pt.2
She's Not My Girlfriend!
What do you do when you see person in need of help?
Demented Clown?!
A Gay Test
You Look Like A Never!
That Son Of A Bitch!
You Can Stop Smiling...
May The Less Horny Person Win
All I Want For Christmas Is You
Tagging My Favourite Bloggers;
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