#Bail is not taking this shit
varpusvaras · 4 months
It had been a busy day.
Part of it was Bail's own doing. He had needed something to distract himself from the ongoing investigation, so he had picked up all the work he had been putting aside during the past couple of weeks, and finally started to go through them. He was in the middle of going through the budget draft of ship manufacturing for Frigate-class ships, when the office's door's alarm lighted up.
Someone was trying to get in.
Emphasis on trying to get in. They weren't trying to break in, as Bail could see that they were trying to use their clearance on the door, but the reading kept being interrupted for some reason.
Bail frowned. He stood up and started to make his way towards the door, when the alarm shut down and the door slid open.
Fox all but stumbled in, his whole upper body pitching forwards as he moved, and he swayed still when he stopped and just stood there.
Bail was very thankful for having long legs, because he got to Fox with only a few quick strides, just in time when his swaying got worse and he started to list to the side, with his knees buckling. Bail managed to step to his side, so Fox would just easily fall towards him. He all but collapsed against Bail, his helmet diggin hard into Bail's chest as he let his head drop as well.
"Careful", Bail said, trying to take a batter hold of Fox, but as soon as Bail laid his hands on his back, Fox flinched and dug himself deeper against Bail. That was the last sign Bail needed to know that Fox was hurt.
When had this happened? Bail had not heard about any other operations where Fox would've been needed for the day, as they were busy with the attack on the Temple. Had something happened there? Bail had been under the impression that the situation was under control, and that there hadn't been any further attacks-
He could think about all of that a bit later.
"Fox?" He called. "Where does it hurt the most?"
Bail had learned to not simply ask if Fox was hurt, because almost every single time, if Fox just still had all of his limbs and his head attached to him, he would start to deny that he was injured in the first place, or insist that it was not, actually, even that bad. Fox did answer when asked what was exactly bothering him, even if he would try to downplay it anyway right after. At least it gave some sort of general direction for things.
Fox made an odd noise under his helmet, that almost didn't come out through the vocoders. It sounded almost like a whine.
"Head. Back. Arms. Hands. Legs", Fox muttered against Bail's chest. "Everywhere."
Alright, then. A little help, but a lot to be worried about.
"Alright", Bail breathed out. "Let's get you to sit down."
The few meters from the door to the office's couch took a lot longer than they usually did. Bail tried to keep most of Fox's weight on him, but it was still a struggle.
Bail couldn't understand how this had happened, and how any of the other Guards had not taken Fox back to the base immediately to be treated. They were all very protective of their Commander, and if they had been present, Bail knew that they would've taken action immediately, unless...they had not been there at all.
There was only one situation that Bail knew where Fox would be alone, that would end up like this.
The burning of anger lit up inside of him. Bail had never previously thought of himself using blackmail or any other unsavory methods like that, but even he had his limits. It was high time he started to weed out all the unsuitable people, who thought it was appropriate to treat the Guard how they liked.
But first, he needed to tend to Fox.
They got to the couch. Fox looked like he was ready to just fall onto it, which would most likely just aggravate everything more, so Bail had to very slowly and carefully put him down and arrange his body so it didn't look like it hurt too much.
"I'm going to take the helmet off", Bail informed him, before he reached for it and gently lifted it up.
Fox had mentioned head pain just before, and Bail could see why straight away. He had seen enough concussions to know what they looked like, and the way Fox's eyes were dark and could barely keep track of Bail, even though he was right in front of him, told enough.
Bail took in a deep breath and then took a better look of Fox as a whole.
Another immediately noticeable thing was his left arm. Fox was holding it close to his abdomen, and the commlink on his vambrace had an error-light on, as that entire piece of armor seemed to be slightly dented inwards. That explained why he had difficulties getting the door to read the clearance. It was either that the device didn't work properly, or Fox had difficulties keeping his arm still, or both, as Bail was already sure that the arm itself was also broken.
Bail glanced down, and held back a grimace and then a snarl. If the arm was probably broken, Fox's left leg definitely was, as the foot had rotated inside in a way that was clearly forced. No wonder he had been stumbling, with both the concussion and this.
Head, arms, hands, legs. Back.
The armor was not fastened properly, so Bail had an easier time getting it all of, even with Fox sitting up. He still ended up jostling him a little as he took off the backpiece, and every sharp breath Fox took in only served to fuel the anger more.
Bail carefully rolled the blacks up. He didn't need more than a peek to see the deeply darkened skin as bruises were already starting to form.
Bail never stopped to be both impressed and horrified of the way the clones were able to just push the pain aside. He almost hoped that some of it was because the concussion was making Fox confused enough to ignore some of it.
Bail tried to breathe in deep. He hoped it would've get the anger at bay for a moment longer.
It did, in a way. It pushed it down, but at the same time, gave it enough air to grow.
Fox looked at him then, his eyes wide, and even though Bail was almost scared to touch him, he had to. He needed to.
So he took Fox's face into his hands.
"What happened?" He asked, stroking his thumb over Fox's cheek.
Fox let out a wavering breath.
"I- we got a suspect brought in", Fox started, his voice stammering bit at the start. "She requested a visitor, a Jedi. It was- in her rights, so, we brought the Jedi in, and she- we saw though the monitor her strangling the suspect, so we took her in. We had to."
He sounded almost pleading at the end, for a reason Bail didn't yet understand.
"I know", Bail said. "I know, you were just doing your job."
Fox swallowed, and grimaced, pressing his eyes shut tight for a moment. Bail ran his thumb over Fox's cheek again, and Fox tilted his head more into the touch.
"I-" Fox started. "Admiral Tarkin told us that this was not a Jedi matter anymore, and we couldn't let anyone else in. He ordered us not to let anyone in. But then Skywalker came and wanted to go see her, and-"
He grimaced again, and Bail wondered if speaking was aggravating him. He started to lean forward, and Bail let him fall to him again, tucking him against him as gently as he could.
"What was Skywalker doing there?" Bail asked. He hadn't thought that the Jedi would put him out of all people to investigate a crime like this. Skywalker was a capable Jedi and a General, but what Bail knew about him, he was not the most experienced in situations like these.
"She's his Padawan", Fox said against Bail's shoulder.
"Tano?" Bail asked, perplexed. "You arrested Ahsoka Tano?"
Fox stiffened.
"We had her on camera", he said. "There was no one else in the room. We didn't hurt her, we just-"
"Of course you didn't hurt her", Bail hurried to say. There had been a desperate edge sneaking into Fox's voice just now. "I know that."
Bail had to admit that he didn't know Ahsoka Tano too well, but from the impression he had gotten, he wouldn't have suspected her first, at least not without any evidence.
Well, it seemed like there was evidence, wasn't there?
Fox's right hand closed around the front of Bail's shirt. Bail held him as tight as he could.
"I told Skywalker", Fox said. "I told him my orders. I told him. He didn't listen. He got in. Tarkin found out I failed. One of his guards kicked me down. I think I- I think I broke my foot more."
Bail frowned, something like dread starting to trickle in into the anger.
"More?" He asked.
Fox didn't answer. He just curled up against Bail, and Bail heard his breath hitch.
"Fox?" Bail pressed on. He had to know. "What do you mean by that?"
Fox pushed his forehead hard against Bail's shoulder.
"Skywalker didn't listen", he said. "He demanded to be let in. I told him no. He didn't listen, he forced himself in, I couldn't- Tarkin didn't listen when I told him-"
He stopped, and breathed, almost heaving.
"It hurts", he whispered. "Nobody listened to me. It hurts."
Bail held him as tight as he could, stared at the wall of his office, and saw red.
Bail got the recording of what had happened in less than an hour.
The Guard was very willing to give him anything he asked for. They had all seemed just as angry as Bail was, and has kept apologising over and over again, for letting this happen. For leaving Fox alone. It had been in between rotations, and Fox had taken it upon himself to watch the security point for that one moment. During that one moment, Skywalker had come in, and started to demand to be let in.
It wasn't their fault, and Bail said so every single time. Skywalker was a Jedi. The Guard should've been able to trust a Jedi not to hurt them.
Bail watched Skywalker and Fox talk. He watched how Skywalker got more and more upset with every single second. He watched how Skywalker lifted his hand and pointed it towards Fox on the other side of the security glass. He watched Fox tell Skywalker no.
He watched Skywalker threw his arm towards Fox. He watched as the whole panel around the glass bent and broke away, the glass shattering. He watched Fox being flung across the room and crashing hard against the far wall, shards of the glass raining all around him. He watched Skywalker not giving any of it a second look as he made his way inside.
He watched Fox lay there, dazed, before he rolled on his side and just managed to push himself up when two officer guards strolled in, with Tarkin soon following them.
He watched the guards kick Fox down and beat down on his already battered back one, two times, before the recording cut.
He couldn't stomach watching it for a second time.
There was a request to enter coming from he door. Bail pressed the door open.
Padmé stepped in, with a tight smile on her face.
"I'm sorry it took me a while to get here", she said, as she sat down on the chair on the other side of the desk. "Things have been...hectic."
"I can only imagine", Bail said.
The anger had stopped burning a long time ago, now. Now, Bail felt like ice.
He leveled Padmé a look.
"Anakin has had a hectic day as well", he said.
Padmé was an intelligent woman. Bail knew that she would be able to connect all the implications and come to a conclusion on her own.
She did, as the smile dropped away from her face.
"What happened?" She asked. "Did...did something happen at the prison?"
Bail almost had a feeling that she knew already, on some level.
"Yes", Bail said. "He attacked Fox when Fox didn't let him in."
Colour drained from Padmé's face. She opened her mouth, closed it, and hesitated for a moment before she opened it again.
"Is he alright?" She asked. The correct question for the situation.
"No", Bail answered bluntly. "No, he isn't. He got seriously injured by Anakin, and then injured further by Tarkin because somehow, an armed Jedi attacking him means that he failed to follow orders."
Padmé shook her head.
"I can't believe it", she said. "Are you sure-"
"It's on record", Bail said. "And before you mention it, yes, I am aware that Tano was innocent and framed. That didn't happen here."
Padmé didn't say anything to that, even though she looked like she very much wanted to.
Bail stood up.
"I asked you to come here as a courtesy", he said. Padmé blinked at him.
"Courtesy?" She asked. "For what?"
"I'm warning you in advance, because you are still my friend", Bail said. "I am reporting Skywalker to the Jedi council and asking them to demote him. He is not suitable to be a Jedi."
"Bail", Padmé said. "Can we talk about this-"
"We cannot", Bail interrupted her. "I am not going to let this happen again."
"It's not going to happen again!" Padmé stood up as well. "Anakin was just worried about Ahsoka. Bail, please."
"That doesn't give him the right!" Bail almost felt bad as Padmé flinched at his voice, but not quite. "I have kept your secrets, Padmé! I did that because you are my friend and I care about you, not because I wished to shield Skywalker!"
He went around the table and stood in front of her.
"He is going to face consequences for this", Bail said. "And you will not interfere with it. If you try to, my loyalty for you is over as well."
Padmé drew in a sharp breath.
"You wouldn't", she said.
"I would." Bail looked her straight into the eyes. "And I advice you to look hard at your choices. This meeting is now over. Leave my office."
He could see from her eyes that she understood him to be serious. Padmé walked out of the office without saying another word.
Bail stood there for a moment, before he took his commlink and his cape.
First, the Temple. Then, he was going to the Guard base to see Fox.
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tea-time-terrier · 1 month
My strongest dog trialing belief (besides that it should be done kindly and fairly) is that more often than not it's a Training issue not a Distraction issue <3
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drowningbpdbodies · 4 days
🎶 So what I’m gonna do now is freak the freak out (anxiety version)
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djpurple3 · 2 months
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Practicing Wilsons and Willows bc i cant sleep + closeups of my fav doodles under the cut
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They r judging u. together.
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weepylucifer · 1 year
The moment Steban was wistfully gazing towards La Delta thinking of his mother, she also looked up from her work cleaning some shitty rich people office and thought "I hope my sweet boy is having a nice evening. I hope he's not talking to cops or any stupid shit like that"
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lady-green-sleeves · 1 month
What was the point in doing b&c in the show it had zero lasting impact and now they’re doing the whole son for a son thing again with Rhaenyra and Alicent. Like why not just have that happen from the start it makes more sense in the story they’re letting, not that the story their telling really makes sense at all. Did they only include jaehaerys’ death so it could be another kick to tg bc it kinda seems like it. They’re just so all over the place it’s kinda funny they don’t even know what this show is supposed to be anymore. It really is just a fanfic with all the inconsistencies in the plot and characters, this is what I expect from a middle schooler on wattpad not so called professionals.
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dubb0-g0ldfe11 · 2 months
Kamado's death
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Don't insult her cooking you'll die both figuratively and literally. Also I gave Kamado's wife a design. Her name is Sora meaning sky in Japanese.
Based on this
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pickletrip · 9 months
August you little piece of shit.
Could you stop and think for once before doing something, especially when you already know that Day likes you romantically?! You already knew that you could not reciprocate his feelings so you decided to lie and pretend hoping it would make Day feel better?? What kind of rationalizing is this? Dude, c'mon.
Day is not just dealing with his romantic feelings here and you cannot just assume that you can fill in a role temporarily just to give him good memories and feelings. NOBODY FEELS GOOD BEING LIED TO. Take your pity and stuff it up your ass. I cannot feel any sympathy for him. If you want to make Day feel good and happy be genuine about it. It's very simple.
If you already knew that you did not like him that way, then why did you initiate that kiss?
Did Day confess directly to you so you felt the need to take some action? NO.
Did Day tell you that he had a crush on someone and you were scared of losing him? NO.
Then why would you kiss him and then reject him when he kisses back? What tomfoolery is this? Are you living in your imagination and you think your actions have no consequences? Did you suddenly think that by kissing him things would naturally fall into place? NO AUGUST. THAT'S NOT HOW LOVE WORKS.
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mossfulmemory · 16 days
may have just lost my two girl friends bc i refused to have sex with them. the joke of my life is never ending
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jellazticious · 1 year
People really don't read polls anymore huh? All of them is a popularity contest to them smh
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eclarinet · 2 months
same soup... different day
#hello it is sarah in the tags again#i feel like i tell myself i'll actually use this as a blog and then i forget and then i remember and then i forget again#venting ahead if that is not ur jam (talking to the 2 followers who actually see my posts)#i like tumblr because it;s so removed from my personal life that it feels really like a place i dont have to be anything for anyone#anyway i've been wondering if i should go back to therapy again but i feel like they might get tired of me because i keep bailing and comin#back like an addict lol like i swear i'll commit this time! sike. ghost be upon ye#anyway this time i'd come in for the big D#i don't like the floor it just feels closer to being six feet under and a bit like where i belong#i feel like a great number of things have happened in the past year and i've met all of it with a very lukewarm sense of dread and anxiety#its not even about feeling happy i dont even think i can feel shaken by anything. i feel like people see my apathy and think it's confidenc#anyway im not going back. they always say the same thing. can't do shit about shit life syndrome. and i don't want pills i'm so sick of the#isn't it something that i'm especially depressed the day before i start my new job? it's a tradition at this point. cheers#isn't it cruel that everyone in my life seem to put me on some kind of bizarre pedestal and no one questions my decisions or authority and#i battle with myself to figure out if i'm doing the right thing (no one will tell me the truth they are all scared of me getting angry)#was talking with a friend about how it'll be if i join their group project in a module we're taking soon.#and she's like well isn't it obvious? everyone will just listen to whatever you say and we'll end up doing well.#no one would challenge you because you're always right. and it's like.. yeah. i guess. okay. (hate that i know she's not wrong)#lol can u tell this is why house is kind of getting to me. learning lots of things about myself watching that man commit medical malpractic#anyway. i didn't ghost my therapist this time i remember now. she left the clinic lol she asked me to connect on linkedin. that was amusing#i always feel like the therapists here never know what to do with me and i kind of have to hold their hand a bit through my psyche#also they seem to be a bit at awe of me which is a bit annoying. and i know that definitely sounds like Issues but it's just like#ugh not you too. please stop i'm sick of it i'm sick with it. i don't want you to be inspired by my awful life and how i handled it#and i have nothing to say for it but... *gestures vaguely* of all of this
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ryehouses · 2 years
I don't remember clone wars SUPER well, but wasn't Bo's whole goal to get Viszla on the Mando throne, not Maul? She did accidentally help Maul get there, but it was never her goal, and she did immediately fight to dethrone him. Like Qui-gon is pretty responsible for creating Darth Vader but we don't blame him. Am I missing something???
hold on let me put on my philosophy hat! star wars meta under the cut, because this is way better than looking at contracts:
tldr, for folks that don't want to read a treatise: clone wars era bo-katan is like the shocked pikachu meme, in which bo-katan is running around with a bunch of terrorists, doing terrorist things, and then is surprised when doing those terrorist things has led to, like, the socio-political collapse of mandalore's government. she's the "'but i didn't think the leopards would eat my face!' sobbed the woman who voted for the face-eating leopards party" woman, except the face-eating leopard is a sith lord with attachment issues and moderate megalomania who kills bo-katan's sister to make his already desperately sad archenemy even sadder. she's an australia that has introduced a non-native cane toad to control a native beetle in order to more efficiently maximize a brutal capitalist system and now is upset that her house is full of huge toads with no natural predators. the toads are poisonous and the ecosystem is collapsing. i got carried away here, but you get the gist.
too long did read, for my reasoning: in this case, i'd argue that no matter what bo-katan's reason for going along with the maul plan is -- possibly installing pre vizsla to the throne of mandalore, but mostly just destablizing the neutral mandalorian government -- her reasoning is secondary to the action because she is fully and consciously participating in death watch, which is doing terrible things (not just on mandalore, mind; there's a whole little arc with ahsoka and... the one kid... lux? where death watch has just casually taken over an enslaved a random settlement because they can and think that they deserve to).
whatever bo-katan's original intentions were, be they good intentions (also arbitrary; the neutral mandalorians would disagree than any attempt to return to mandalore's more violent ways is not good, while dw could and does argue that they're just upholding their cultural traditions and fending off a government they didn't elect or support, how can that not be a good?) or not, intention is secondary to an action that does harm, especially to an action that does intentional harm. maul's name, like, means intentional harm. it's very on the nose. even if maul usupring vizsla was a surprise, the whole "building a super crime syndicate" thing is objectively a bad, immoral action, and imo it's pretty hard to "the ends justify the means" that away just because bo-katan didn't mean for what maul did to happen.
also, leaving morality aside for a minute, imo bo-katan holds additional culpability for what maul does because she knows that it's a bad idea to ally with him from the start, but knuckles under and lets it happen in order to get what she wants from the situation. i could be misremembering, but i'm pretty sure she knows that sith lords are bad news and tells pre vizsla as much, but ultimately falls in line because she wants what maul is offering. that's a conscious choice that she makes.
i think it's also important to remember that she does not abandon death watch because she thinks that maul's actions are immoral or bad -- she leaves because she doesn't want an outsider to rule mandalore. she says it out loud, to the viewer -- it's only after maul takes over and betrays pre vizsla that she bolts and lets obi-wan go, presumably to that obi-wan can rally some jedi to help him pry maul off of mandalore.
(I'm not touching the qui-gon thing until after I've shared it with the discord, because we've honestly never seen a "qui-gon is pretty responsible for darth vader" take and have to dissect it over the course of 4-5 buisness days.)
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giantkillerjack · 1 year
One thing you gotta know about me is that I will quietly unfollow the fuck out of anyone on tumblr who reblogs or posts anything even remotely positive about Tony Stark, like I will politely show myself out SO FUCKING HARD they won't even know what hit 'em. - probably because they are unlikely to notice it at all
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skrunksthatwunk · 1 year
ok yakuza 6 spoilers and not a very insightful post but every time i remember how young haruka is when she has haruto i get sooo nervous lol. she's like NINETEEN. what the FUCKK
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t4tpumpkinduo · 1 year
#i had this whole post ive been trying to formulate for so so long. abt my issues w ceewilbur and ccwilburisms and#to clarify i do like cwilb he is one of my faves. ik it may seem i wanna bite his arm off smtimes and i Do but#its mostly bitterness directed to the stuff Around him if that makes sense. yk the response to lots abt him#the way the overcompensation abt how he can be villanized swinging into a state where he Cant and never Did and wrong and if you critique#or acknowledge it you get snipped at and demeaned and treated like its a targeted hit on the mentally ill when its like#a mild disagreement with one of the most popular characters in the fanbase Easily#and w cc wil i do think he is just sm guy. im sure he's a nice dude idrc abt the ccs usually but he seems alright enough even tho he has v#goofy ahh takes and opinions but that doesnt make you Evil#but when i dive into what really has made me feel so alienated and snippy its. llmao its the racism yeah lol its super very much the racism#its very very prevelent and very common and very unchallenged. and it like. upsets me so bad its why i keep bailing on making my actual#full detailed post abt it. cuz everytime i try to formulate my thoughts i just get upset and frustrated i wanna rip my hair out#its hard not to feel like im talking to a wall when its so common and unchecked and. ive seen rightful critiques of these spaces and how#ppl interact with them Openly Mocked and brushed aside and treated like 'petty sensative internet drama' that ppl need to 'just get over'#sorry man im a fucking 🇲🇽 i cant exactly log off and Stop Experiencing Racism. and sorry that me feeling alienated and tired and sad abt#it is an inconvenience for you llol#and like idk. im not upset w anyone in particular this isnt a call out post or vague who give a shit and.#eh maybe im stupid but i really really believe a lot of ppl arent doing it on purpose#its just bein parroted ik i get it but#am i rlly not allowed to be tired? why should it feel like my responsibility to hold ppls hand and go hey mb treat poc and darker skinned#ppl like ppl. maybe you should examine why you need so many things made palatable to you through conventionally attractive whiteness first#idk. idk!!! am i crazy who fucking knows#but it has been weighing on me stupid style so bad#the shrinking fanbase and primarily yk common stragglers has just. rlly felt like a magnifying glass to my already existing issues abt it#idk man. idk im tired and im at work its 100°+ and my head hurts so this is all yr getting. lea me alone#and again this isnt a vague who Cares. just wanted to get it off my chest finally#huri.txt#discourse#<- ig
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nefretemerson · 2 months
sometimes I remember how my first cousin once removed who works part time at target has a mail order filipino bride and two kids and I get mad as all hell. and they all get invited to family functions because she and the kids didn't do anything wrong and she doesn't deserve to get iced out but I hate his fucking guts.
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