#Baldur is a very fancy boy
salemoleander · 3 months
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Completely unrelated to anything Minecraft but I did finally make myself do some art today! This is my cat Baldur :D
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orangechickenpillow · 7 months
Karlach just very casually carrying Astarion around like this
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I think he'd like it once he got over the horrifying ordeal of being vulnerable
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tcustodisart · 3 months
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Connecticut Tav | Wood Half-Elf | Beast Master Ranger
So, this is my sheet for @bareee's @tav-dex. Went a little overboard and made a whole ass character sheet (man the last time I made one of those was so long ago). I want to write something about my cringe boy so. Buckle up because it's going to be long and poorly written (I suck at writing).
One edit because I'm a dummy, his alignment is neutral good not true neutral idk why I did that.
He was born and raised in his mom's and step-dad's tavern called Crow's Perch (not as fancy as Elf Song but in a different category as Blushing Mermaid)(the tavern thing is just for the sake of a joke that the most popular drink they serve is called 'Connecticut Water'). He has an older brother, who's a bard. Despite the description for Urchin background ("After surviving a poor and bleak childhood") he had a happy childhood, filled with love and support. The two brothers treated the whole Lower City as their playground: breaking into places just for fun, pick pocketing nobles, climbing Wyrm's Rock Fortress etc.
His love for beasts and creatures of any kind comes from the stories told by his step-dad (both him and Tav's mom are retired adventurers). Step dad was the one who told Tav about Darkmaw the Wicked *wink wink*.
At one point he got tired of the city life and decided he wanted to become a ranger. After successfully fulfilling some contracts he became so confident of his skills he tried to build a trap all by his own. The trap exploded right into his face (he himself has no idea how it didn't kill him or damaged his eyes). After that he was sulking in his hunting hut for a month. The experience humbled the boy. Most of his adventuring prior to the nautiloid could just be boiled down to hanging around one village and talking local boars out of destroying potato fields, and occasionally getting rid of poachers.
Before the abduction he was on his way to Baldur's Gate to see his family (which he hasn't seen in months).
Trivia (because it's easier to write stuff this way):
His hair started to go grey at the start of Act 3 from the weight of responsibility and stress.
In Act 1 he was corresponding with his family thanks to Faust. After entering The Underdark he stopped sending letters (In Underdark because it would be hard, in Act 2 because he didn't want the bird to be killed by Shadow Curse).
Despite being close to his family in Act 3, he didn't visit them or send any messages in fear that Gortash and/or Orin would hurt them.
He carries with him a razor and some fancy oils for his beard.
His brother wrote one ballad about him, soon after that Tav forbid him from writing more (it was very much not accurate).
His step-dad taught him how to fight with a sword, while his mom taught him archery and the art of stealth.
Tav's biological father died when he was very young so he has barely any memory of him.
Tav's a walking Merlin app, he can identify any bird by just listening to it.
He loves climbing trees. Either to rest on a branch or to scout the surroundings.
He loves picking up herbs and making potions.
Despite growing up in a tavern he's not much of a drinker.
He's very self-conscious about his height and chest-to-belly area. He tries his best not to show it.
At one point he was persona non grata at Sharess' Caress.
He enjoys fishing.
Sir Daisy Dewdrop Fluffington is a name of his childhood plush.
He knows how to play lanceboard (he often plays against Gale and tries to teach it to Wyll).
He draws in his journal. He drew all of his companions at least once.
He almost cried when Jaheira called him 'cub' and almost called her 'mom' in response.
He's scared of Lae'zel. But tries his best to understand and help her.
He had countless heart-to-hearts with Karlach.
In his journal he described Astarion as 'his equal on the battlefield'.
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asidian · 4 months
Death and Fancies: Chapter 1
by: Asidian
Fandom: Baldur's Gate 3
Pairing: Cazador/Astarion
Warnings: noncon, torture, starvation, Astarion's very bad time during his first month after being turned
Astarion gasps for air, and it tastes stale in his lungs; the scent catches in his nostrils, the too-sweet aroma of flowers just beginning to decay.
"Come to me, boy," says a voice, and it echoes through his mind.
Astarion knows that voice.
It lingers in fragments of memory: the hard grey shadows of a back street, and the sharp copper reek of his own blood, and the cobblestones beneath him, hard and filthy. He recalls staring down at the ruin of his own stomach, thinking senselessly that he's only just bought this shirt, and it will be a fortune to replace.
Then comes the voice: high and light and amused. Then comes the silhouette, standing in the mouth of the alleyway. Then comes a man, kneeling beside him – a face Astarion knows in passing, a noble from some event or another, someone whose name Astarion has not bothered to recall.
"You're dying, boy," the man in his memory says, and Astarion says, stupidly, "My shirt."
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grape-eating-vampire · 4 months
alright, it's done. i finished it.
this is the third and final part of things that happened in my first bg3 playthrough ever that I found so funny that I put them in my notes (spoilers below)
let me start this by saying I have only cried twice in the 155 hours it took me to complete this shit. however, I have almost-screamed at the characters more times than I'd like to admit. but first here's stuff that happened since the last one of these posts I made:
after killing Orin I went around Baldur's Gate for a while and did odd sidequests, including
clearing out a haunted house and sidelining to kill a stinky man in a wardrobe (and drag his body to a guy two streets over)
entirely ignored Gale's quest to look at a book because I kept getting arrested there after having killed the boss mage guy
I also foolishly though this wouldn't have any consequences. oh boy was I wrong
went to see a underwater prison, got told off by Gortash, decided to explore it after killing him, and promptly forgot to do so
killed Gortash! fuck that guy the only good thing about him is his fancy robe
tried to recruit a dragon called Ansur, found out the emperor is Balduran (????????? honestly I was shocked)
killed said dragon and felt like I was playing skyrim all over again
found a letter ("Dear Ansur") by Balduran/the Emperor. this was the first time I cried. I could still cry.
patch 6 came out! that was yesterday and I spent about 10 minutes trying out new kisses and sitting on Shadowhearts stool in camp (she now says "I'm glad you decided to join me" or something like that when you do)
went pretty much straight to the underground pool thing where the brain was supposed to be
failed abysmally to Dominate The Brain™
got pulled out by the emperor and had to start beef with Lae'zel because I had also forgotten to care about Orpheus and the hammer from the House of Hope
admittedly, I didn't really forget, I just didn't want to spend any more time with Raphael than I absolutely had to
my +14 persuasion saved the day once more and Lae'zel was fine with the one hope in her life getting his brains sucked out
went off to fight the brain once more. my game crashed twice trying to load that cutscene.
met all my allies! I forgot how many there were actually, and I only called on two of the groups later on
fought a lot. like a LOT lot.
got to the Netherbrain and kicked it's ass*
*had to reload about 3 times and try again because Minsc at level 12 was stuck on 100 hp for some reason and kept fucking dying
finally managed to kill the fucker! had Lae'zel deal the killing blow which seemed very fitting
more cutscenes, but this one actually didn't crash the game, I got to look at some beautiful unloaded walls and stuff instead
Lae'zel left right after we got to the haven. understandably so
remember how I ignored Gale's quest? well he didn't blow himself up like he inteded earlier, but he left to becOME A GOD????? I cannot fucking deal with this man
Karlach on the pier. this was the second time I cried, but unproportionally much so
Wyll left with her for Avernus, the little cutscene of them arriving there made me feel a bit better
Astarion had to leg it because of the sun (sorry)
Shadowheart didn't do much of anything during all of this, neither did Minsc, Halsin or Jaheira
decided to go help kids with Halsin, seems to fit my character (eventhough I really didn't roleplay so much)
we got an epilogue! yippie!
caught up there with everyone, except Lae'zel (who was there via the fantasy version of zoom) and Gale (who was there via the fantasy equivalent of a voicemail)
tried to hug Gale, couldn't, almost cried again but managed
also met a tressym who I recognized from fanart as Tara. I don't know why she was there, we never met her before and Gale hadn't mentioned her either
read a LOT of letters the party had received. barely kept my composure at the Gur's letter to Astarion
Withers did a cool speech and the game ended
after all of this and so much more that I didn't take notes about, I can confidentially say that Baldur's Gate 3 is the best video game I have ever played, and within it's genre my favourite ever!
I'm also emotionally devestated, especially after these final parts (but in a good way)
that's all, thanks for reading!
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msviolacea · 10 months
There's a lot of "oh, Baldur's Gate, isn't that game all about sex?" out there - I've seen it on the internet and heard it in conversation - which is fair, that's what the mainstream articles have been about, and let's not lie, most of us around here are all about the sexytimes with pretty people. (Me included, 100000%. And my "romance doesn't make an experience less interesting or serious" rant will be saved for another day.) But anyway ... it's Monday, and I'm avoiding work, so I figured I'd list as many things as I can think of right now that make the game amazing that have nothing to do with actually having sex with someone.
GINORMOUS areas to explore.
There are lore books literally everywhere. If you like reading random bits of in-universe texts, you'll be spoiled.
Have you ever played D&D and wished certain spells had more utility - like Grease, or Sleep, or Create/Destroy Water? You're in luck here! Anything that can either create a ground effect or temporarily distract/take enemies out is OP!
Animated, voiced cut scenes with nearly every single NPC you run across.
At the same time, most of them are not required. Some will give you interesting side quests, extra approval/disapproval from your companions, or interesting information that will give you more options in a future quest, but you don't have to spend hours talking to people unless that's your jam.
In character creation, you don't pick male/female as a gender. You pick from four body types (two small, two large, two with breasts/more slender, two more broad/slightly larger), three sets of pronouns (he/she/they), and several different sets of genitals - mix and match all three categories to your hearts' content. I'm sure there are other things they could have done, but it's the most inclusive character creator I've seen in a major game for sure.
The turn-based combat is a blessing for anyone who struggles with real time combat. Take your time, consider your options, look at things from all angles, sort through your spells and attacks to find the right one.
Or you can remember you picked up that barrel of smoke powder three rooms back, climb up into the rafters of the room, and chuck it into the fire pit in the middle of the room for maximum effect. I cannot overstate how fucking satisfying that is.
Big fucking tiefling horns. Of a variety of shapes!
Your female companions are the tanks/hearty warriors. Your male companions are all delicate fucking flowers, at least until you get Druid Daddy who can turn into a bear.
While optimizing your 4-person party to bring the usual configuration - one tank, one healer, a couple of DPS - is useful, it isn't always necessary. There are some fights where bringing four ranged options is a great idea, as long as you give them some survivability spells or plenty of potions. Sometimes bringing four people who can just barrel their way into a pile of ogres is satisfying. Mix it up!
Okay every companion thus far (I'm still only through act 1 yet, listen I have two games and my partner didn't feel well enough to continue the game where we're the farthest this weekend so I spent my time catching my solo game up) is absolute gold, no duds in the bunch, and the next few bullets will be one awesome thing about each one of them that has nothing to do with romance.
Astarion with the Thief subclass at level 3 literally cannot fail most lockpicking or trap disarming checks unless he rolls a nat 1. He is invisible when stealthed. He can one-shot most low level goblins with sneak attack arrows from range. He is a very bitchy fancy-lad Super Rogue.
Wyll is the Goodest Boy - the speed with which he goes from "I am oathbound to kill you demon!" to "well shit you're just a tiefling guess I'll deliberately fuck up my very dangerous warlock oath for you" is wonderful. He's noble and impetuous and wants to be more than a rich boy and gives nearly everyone the benefit of the doubt. I would die for him.
Karlach does the ADHD idle dance of "I could not stand still if you paid me all the gold in Baldur's Gate" and has the best puppy dog eyes. Also the story tie-in to her rage mechanics is really great and excellent storytelling.
Lae'zel is nigh unkillable if you give her the right stuff. Speccing her as Battlemaster is amazing for controlling the most powerful combatants on the field. Trip Attack has saved my ass so many times, you have no idea.
On paper, Gale should be absolutely insufferable. But somehow the writing and voice acting managed to hit just the right notes of humor and good nature and wizard geek. I'm very impressed.
Shadowheart is a very interesting combination of amoral/self-involved but also compassionate and I find myself fascinated by it. She clearly contains multitudes, and thus far the story is doing a good job of doling out pieces of her at a satisfying pace.
And speaking of interesting moral dichotomies, I absolutely adore that Halsin is both the good influence authority figure and also utterly ruthless when things run afoul of his strongly held belief system. Also thicc, broad-shouldered elf supremacy.
The tieflings you meet in Emerald Grove are directly tied to the D&D adventure "Descent Into Avernus" - as is Wyll! (And I'm sure it has a lot of context for Karlach's story as well, I haven't finished reading it yet.) I'm sure there's more when you get to the actual city of Baldur's Gate, but I'm not there yet. It's just fun to have that as an option to read for backstory about some of the game's characters and situations if you want. It's not required reading, though - cough, Bioware/Dragon Age, cough - everything that happens with them is perfectly understandable without any additional context!
The "Balanced" combat difficulty is a really good mix of fights that take a LOT of strategy and ones that can be easily cheesed.
Have you ever wanted to shove someone off a cliff even though you have like 8 strength? Listen, a 30% chance is STILL A CHANCE, and you have limited bonus action choices. TAKE YOUR SHOT.
... feel free to add your own. I'm still pretty early in the game and can't wait to get to more.
(edited for some slightly better phrasing about the character creation gender options, hopefully)
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legacyshenanigans · 9 months
The Sweet one.
I just really fancied writing this little piece on Astarion and his life as a slave to Cazador while it was fresh in my head. 🤍
Astarion lay on his bed, a hand to his chest and the other behind his head in the spawn dorms of the Palace, his mind blank, which was actually a nice change for once, he shifted slightly and winced touching his leg after receiving some harsh punishment that day, for what exactly? He couldn't even say, but this is how life was for him. He sat up and rubbed his eyes when the doors to the dorm opened, an instant feeling of dread and authority came over the room which made Astarion tense up in a heartbeat, Cazador stepped inside, looking at him, a small frown on his lips.
Cazador: Its evening..Why are you still here?
Astarion: I...I needed rest.
Cazador: Rest? *bursts out laughing* You rest, when I say you can rest, you have work to do, child of mine. *devilish smile*
Astarion: Don't make me go out there again, please, I'll do anything else, I just..URGH..Please.
He said with puppy dog eyes towards his master. Cazador swiftly approached him, giving him a quick back handed slap across the face, making Astarion let out a small squeal.
Cazador: Your doe eyes and pathetically sad begs don't work on me, boy. You know that *smirks* but I'll bite, and give you a choice because i'm feeling generous.
For even a small moment Astarion felt hope being given "a choice" but that feeling quickly faded no sooner did it come, he knew it wouldn't be a nice choice, he'd be picking between two evils.
Cazador: You have two options. Go out and bring me another soul..Or stay here, in the dungeons, being tortured all night for your disobedience, so I can hear those perfect, sweet screams of yours..
Astarion sighed and shivered as he stood, looking into his masters eye's.
Astarion: ...I... Shall return with another body for you.
Cazador: *smug chuckle* Of course you will, You're the most skilled of the group after all for such tasks, I'll give you that. And remember, I want them sleeping, so do what you do best *smirks*
Astarion had to stop himself from frowning as his master chuckled again before leaving the room. He got himself ready and left the Palace on the hunt for a person to "woo" and bring back for the night.
It didn't take him long, naturally. Astarion had a gift for charisma and seduction. He could talk a dog off a meat wagon, it was easy for him. Nobody ever turned down that charm of his. He'd entered some small back ally pub, they were best kind of places, places where the people who tend to go to them wouldn't be missed. He soon locked eyes with a young gentleman in there, he approached, giving the man his signature smirk.
As the night went on Astarion turned on his charms, making the man laugh, making him feel wanted and safe, little touches, flirtatious banter, it worked a treat of course, though it was fake on Astarions part. That time of the evening came, Astarion leaned over whispering in the mans ear to go home with him, to which the man quickly agreed with even a blush on his cheeks which Astarion strangely found himself finding very endearing. As they wandered the streets of Baldur's Gate late that night, Astarion couldn't help but actually talk to the man, at this point the people he was bringing back were usually VERY drunk and just followed him into the shadows of the streets, speaking vulgar words about how much they were looking forward to fucking him, but this man was different.
Astarion: You know, I must say, you're not like most of the people who hang around in pubs like that.
The man chuckled softly and blushed again.
Man: Well, I erm...I actually don't go out much, at all actually, please don't think less of me for coming home with you, so willingly and excitedly...I.. I don't do this, ever..*small shy giggle*
Astarion tilted his head and raised a brow.
Astarion: I see..Are you..A virgin?
Man: *blushes* I...I am...But I convinced myself to...Well...Live a little..As I never have, I've always been very sheltered..Heh..I'd say I'm very lucky to have grabbed the attention of someone as beautiful as you, a high elf no less, I'm just a human, I'm surprised you took an interest in me truth be told..You're.. *blushes more* Ethereal, if you don't mind me saying so.
Astarions heart suddenly sank in his chest, this person was sweet and caring. They were a pure soul, an intense feeling of guilt washed over him hearing the man speak, dawn would be approaching shortly, he had no time to try and find anyone else, and if he came home empty handed, he'd suffer tremendously for it, which he really didn't want, but it was actually breaking him knowing the fate this man was going to face.
Astarion: Thank you..You're..Very sweet.
Man: That I am *giggles* Anyway, I'm looking forward to spending this time with you..Go easy on me *small chuckle*
Astarion: *sweet smile* I will...You needn't worry, Sweetheart.
Astarion reached over and tucked the mans hair behind his ear with an endearing grin. Once back behind the Palace walls, the usual practice took place, Astarion took him into one of the lavish bedrooms of the Palace, made him feel even more secure, and made love to him, gently, per the sweet man's request, it was enough to actually pull at Astarions heartstrings, time went by, Astarion lay looking up at the ceiling of the room in a daze, before turning his head to look at the sleeping man next to him, he looked peaceful, blissfully unaware of what was to come, Astarion face saddened, before he carefully got out of the bed, throwing on his underwear and wandered towards the door, opening it, coming face to face with Cazador which made him flinch. Cazador gave a wicked grin, looking over Astarions' shoulder at the sleeping man.
Cazador: Sleeping peacefully as per usual after you got your hands and body on them *smug smirk* Now go, back to the dorms with you.
Astarion couldn't help but speak out. He'd never usually do this, of course, but this situation was almost new to him. It had never been like this before.
Astarion: Just...Erm...Make his death a quick one, please.
Cazador raised a brow and let out a quiet chuckle.
Cazador: Oooh, feelings? How peculiar *narrows eye's*
Astarion looked at him meekly through guilty eye's.
Cazador: He will die the same way they all do, begging for his life, filled with fear.. They taste soooo much better when they're terrified. *sinful grin* Now get out of my sight...
Cazador stepped into the room, closing the door as Astarion made his way back towards the dorms..A tear falling down his cheek as he closed his eyes and let out a shakey breath.
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full---ofstarlight · 7 months
tagged in this oc questionnaire by @gwynbleidd !!! i did delvyre because my brain is just full delvyre these days, but also my d&d character sirrus, because it just dawned on me that i can spill all his backstory secrets here without worrying about spoilers bc none of you are my party members hehe
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NAME: Delvyre Coppersmythe — Delvyre was the name that her mother, whomst she has never met, gave her and it was embroidered onto her blanket when she was left on her father’s doorstep <3 
NICKNAME: Del, since it’s just a nice shortened version of Delvyre; her father used to call her Little Flame, even before she started learning fire magic 
GENDER: cisfemale
STAR SIGN: I do not have enough braincells to figure out the Forgotten Realms translation, but she’s a Sagittarius Sun, Aquarius Moon, Leo Rising.
HEIGHT: 5’3” (160 cm)
NATIONALITY/ETHNICITY: Her mom’s family are High Elves, and her dad’s family has roots in Kara-tur but they’ve been in Faerun for generations at this point. She’s lived in Baldur’s Gate all her life. 
FAVORITE FRUIT: While she likes cherry-flavored things, her favorite actual fruit is any kind of citrus
FAVORITE SCENT: Is it too obvious if I say a campfire? 
COFFEE, TEA, OR HOT CHOCOLATE: All three? I think coffee wins out slightly, because she likes the buzzzzzzzzzzzzz. 
AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP: Either more than 10 or less than 6, there is no in-between. 
DOGS OR CATS: I gave her a proficiency in animal handling for no real lore reason, and I guess I’m gonna reverse engineer that and say she’s a big cat person and used to feed stray cats in the Lower City a lot. 
DREAM TRIP: I think she’d love to go to Alm. 
NUMBER OF BLANKETS: So. Many. She likes to bundle up when it gets cold. She wraps herself up into a little nest. 
RANDOM FACT: If she was a Pokemon trainer, her buddy Pokemon would be Nine-Tails. 
sirrus's has a lot of our homebrew world lore so i did my best not to just gush about it lmao
NAME: Sirrus Montague totally not Eminence Sirrus Mavros Alarie
NICKNAME:  The Red Thief is his, like, criminal name. Also what if I told you Sirrus was a nickname?
GENDER: cismale
STAR SIGN: My DM very kindly provided us with her homebrew months and seasons and said she was working on an astrology system, and my only requirement was that there was one that was Lying Liar that Lies for him <3 (Ahem. Gemini.) 
HEIGHT: 5’10” (178 cm) // but he wears heeled boots and counts his horns when listing his height, so he’ll tell you 6’1” 
NATIONALITY/ETHNICITY: He says he’s from Endoza, a port city in the Peaceable Kingdoms (our homebrew world), but REALLY he is from the Sentose Archipelago, a pirate-y vibe collection of islands just south of the PK, populated by hobgoblins, tieflings, humans, water genasi, and half-elves. Oh, and he’s a tiefling. 
FAVORITE SEASON: Summer. Ya boy hates the cold.
AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP: Eight on the dot. He needs his beauty sleep <3 
DOGS OR CATS: I’m leaning towards cats?? For no real reason????
DREAM TRIP: Our in-game joke is that he’s gonna take our Jimmy Buffet-inspired NPC buddy for a fishing-tour-combo-bar-crawl and the next campaign will kick off with them tied up on a boat and having to figure out how the heck they got here (it won’t happen; I’ve been tipped off as to what the next campaign is). 
NUMBER OF BLANKETS: One but it’s very fancy and cozy
taggin' @criffyzou @sun-marie @yappatadwinks @n7viper @thedeadthree @birbycakes @commander-krios @cynda-queer anddd anyone else with little guys (gender neutral) that they would like to fill this out for!! (tag me bc i always love to read about them :3c)
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*I hiss and scamper up a tree and throw rocks with my questions painted on them through your window*
Songs you associate with any of your characters? You know like the thing where you listen to a song and make up an animatic in your head?
What's everyone's favourite colour?
What do the museum archives people do in their free time?
Are any of your characters scared of storms? For no reason in particular.
Opinions on tea? (From the characters) (I mean you can say yours too if you want)
Are there any other metaphors?
What would happen if the main character(s) from all your stories met each other?
Is there anyone in specific the mind burglars are working for or is it just, like, highest bidder?
Similarly, what happens to the stolen memories? Do the victims still have them? How difficult is it do steal a memory? What makes one memory different from the one that happens after it? How many can you steal at once? (This one is like 5 questions badly concealed in a way too small trenchcoat)
AHHHHHH anyways
Some have more soundtrack feel but:
Jules: Mayonaka no Door/ stay with me, Charlie: Murder on the dancefloor by Sophie Ellis-Bextor, Malik: Good-old-fashioned lover boy by Queen
Ed: Got my mind set on you by George Harrison, Anthony: Rocket Man by Elton John, Norna: You’re my best friend by Queen, Cecil: Long Away also by Queen, Maura: Killer Queen ALSO BY Queen, Roscoe: Don’t bring me down by ELO
Mathildis: Rowing, Cavendish Lab, Collapsing Inwards and A Spacetime Singularity by Jóhann Jóhannsson. All have a very nice science feel and kinda follow in the tone how Mathildis changes I think.
Treeve: Restless by Abel Korzeniowski and The Moon Will Sing by the Crane Wives
They both also have a song together ig? which is Your Blood by Aurora
The Kilmoores have I‘m Dying Mother, Cian has a more soundtracky song named QKThr by Aphex Twin which I think kinda fits (although it sounds a little more peaceful) because it sounds kinda disjointed and heavy. I had a really weird thought recently where I thought that sound design from Cian’s pov like in cinematic format would sound super neat.
2. I don’t know everyone‘s. I think Norna likes orange, Cecil blue, Ed purple, Jules like a burgundy red and Mathildis green.
3. They live in a city so. city stuff I guess. But they also hang out with each other and go pet animals at a shelter. Stuff I‘d like to do ig. They also listen to music a lot?
4. Malik maybe because he can’t hear that well when it’s stormy. It’s a little scary to him.
5. Tea‘s good with milk and honey (mine). The museum archive guys are indifferent. Roscoe is trying to push tea because it’s a little less strong than coffee that has his team all jittery (looking at Norna and Cecil). The science guys drink it if they want to be fancy. The Kilmoores drink tea like, all the time even if in crisis it’s only little ugly dried leaves. Maybe with a shot in it or smth.
6. Huh, idk honestly. The mind burglars have kinda this thing about how abuse (even if only emotionally) fucks you up. The museum archives look a lot at death and grief. Baldur‘s death is how people were manipulated and trained by politics during the war and what that leads to. Kilmoore is about how the war fucks people up directly. Yanno.
7. They‘d probably be confused as hell and try to stick together. Especially Cecil, Mathildis and Cian would be puzzled as hell at each other because weren’t they in different situations, they’d probably think the same. Roscoe wouldn’t like Treeve probably. Ed would try to explain communism to the Baldur’s death and the Kilmoore guys which is a bad idea because they’re alternate universe wartime people.
8. The highest bidder. They be doing it for the cash. Usually it’s corporate shitheads.
9. „Steal“ is more like „we remember the information and submit it.” There’s also overwriting, where you alter a memory to influence a person, but if done wrong, it can cause the person’s sense of self to deravel. Victims do still have them. Complete removal is impossible.
It’s difficult as heck, not only do you have to get past the person’s brain and manipulate them without noticing, you also sometimes come across some pretty fucked up shit in their minds and have to get through to get deeper, and you have to go deep a lot of times. A lot of times you need to keep the person unaware and make them feel as if they’re still conscious, which is why you need a team to tweak stuff. It’s not like you’re rifling through records; it’s like you’re in a place. Steal at once is difficult- the distinction between individual memories is not black and white, and as you go through you see and “steal” a lot of stuff. Fun fact: Cecil has trouble with his memories deraveling later in the story. Say Yipeee to traumatizing slow memory loss!
10. Cats are great. Most of them probably lovee cats.
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dmagedgoods · 9 months
aAAAUUUGH 1 and 2 for the BG3 act 1 ask thingy, tell us about your Tav tell ussssss
Ohhh nice! Thank you so much! Let’s start at the beginning, very good idea. 👀💕 1. Tell us about your Tav! Name, class and subclass, race, pronouns. Do you have a headcanon for where they're from? Their family? Are they a Dark Urge? Or did you choose an Origin Character? Was it an easy decision? (1) I usually have the most fun with games if I throw in one of my main OCs. Therefore, Dark Urge was not an option for me. (Not for round one that is, I may try it later though 👀). This time I picked Rowley. He’s been with me for around 11 years already and, to my own surprise, works greatly as Tav. Most games don’t allow enough unhinged madness or don’t have the needed kind of humor to play as him, but BG3 really hits the right tone to imagine him. I also didn’t have to change a lot about his story to make him fit the universe and premise. Rowley is a rogue and an assassin from Baldur’s Gate, half-elf, he/him. Originally, he was born in Red Larch. He and his twin brother are the sons of a human father and an elven mother (forest elf). She was a seamstress and dressmaker, their father a gambler and small criminal, and taught Rowley all his tricks at a very young age, mostly because the boy proved useful to him and had a natural talent for cheating, and lying, and theft. Rowley’s twin brother, on the other hand, was treated cruelly. Their father viewed him as worthless because he lacked Rowley’s talents (to get him money). His brother was calm, more withdrawn, drew, sewed, and wanted to become a dressmaker like his mother. His father often beat him and used him as an outlet for his aggression - the reason for a growing fierce hate Rowley developed against their father (and mother who never stepped in). When things became worse during their teenage years, Rowley took his twin brother and fled with him to protect him. 2. Was there something about the character creator that just couldn't capture your Character? Please tell us about their hair, facial hair, tattoos, piercings, disabilities, their trans or intersex body, or anything else you're comfortable sharing. There is a lot the creator wasn’t able to capture about Rowley and I only went for the face that came the closest. The flair is right (and I’m glad), details aren’t. His scar is wrong, his face appears a little too juvenile and the small character model isn’t tall enough while the tall character model too bulky for him. I would need something right in the middle. Anywayyy, here is a little description of him: Rowley is tall (183 cm) and lithe, fast, and dexterous, his body athletic though lean. A long scar leads from the corner of his upper lip upwards across his right cheek. There are more scars on his back, arms, hands, legs and almost every body part. He has sharp features, attentive eyes, the tip of his nose goes slightly upwards, his lips are relatively thin, but his mouth seems to be a touch too wide for his face. His insolent grin became his trademark. Furthermore, the scar makes it appear somewhat asymmetrical. His eyes are of a cold, stormy gray. He has short, straight hair, but it’s long enough to look wild and unruly. The dark ashen-blonde tone is cold but can look warmer in the sunlight. During missions and exploring, Rowley likes to wear leather: black coats with broad shoulders and cords and laces and belts and buckles, usually boots and gloves (sometimes fingerless). His style is practical but extra. In his spare time, he wears loose shirts with wide sleeves, mostly white, sometimes in bright colors, and dark simple pants. When the occasion allows it, he goes for more fancy fashion choices, eye-catching pieces fitting for a noble but casually worn and just the slightest bit loosened in this way or that to break with the etiquette. His ears are pierced in many places. He wears necklaces and bracelets of silvery metal and dark leather. His posture is confident and casual, very relaxed. He often has a provoking grin or mischievous smirk on his lips. His movements are smooth and graceful.
While he knows how to stay unseen when he wants to - and highly enjoys it -, he also likes to get attention by creating chaos or acting provoking and disrespectful. Here is a picture of him made in the game in comparison to the one I drew of him recently:
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lemidnightlitterareur · 6 months
“I suppose you’re wondering why I invited you here,” Gortash said as he poured the wine, offering a glass to his guest.
“ Well, yes. Of course I'm curious ” Leah replied, taking the drink and crossing her legs, “If it was Guild business it would have been my mother you had bundled into a carriage in the middle of the night and by now you would not be breathing and Nine Fingers Keene would be walking out of here with wet blades.” She took a breath and a sip of the fine red she had been served before she continued. “You want something done off the books. Don’t you, Enver?”
Gortash held out his arms wide, “You have me!” He smiled, “ But I very much doubt you can guess the topic of our conversation.” He pulled up a chair opposite Leah and made himself comfortable.
“No. Because I'm not a mind reader, mate.” She sat back in her chair, levelling her gaze at the man in front of her. Her face was carefully blank as she waited for the negotiations to begin.
“I want to have your mother assassinated and install you as the new Underduke.” He stated, plainly as if it were nothing. His eyes narrowed behind steepled fingers as he waited for her reaction.
“I’m sorry, what?” She placed her glass down on the side table carefully. “What the fuck - did you just say?”
“I have big plans for Baldur’s Gate. Huge. And I need someone I can rely on at the helm of the Thieves Guild. I think that someone is, you”
Leah's mind was in full on flight mode. Working out her exit strategy as she stalled for time. “Me? Why me? And why do you think I'd let you kill my mother?”
“Several reasons actually. Chiefly - this: She had that masked bean counter Uktar break your poor little heart. Even made him choose. Between you his “love” and his position in the Guild. Didn’t even have to threaten to break his legs. She showed you his true colours and you hated her for it. So why continue to do her bidding? Take away the only thing she truly cares about, the Guild. An eye for an eye, Leah.”
“What’s the point if she's dead?” Leah tapped her nails on the carved arm of the chair, “If - and only IF mind you, id want her alive to see me take it apart bit by bit, everything she's built, crumbling into dust.” She spoke through gritted teeth, her mind racing. There was no way she was leaving this room alive if she refused. No guarantee if she agreed either. She knew the bastard fancied her. The few times that they had met he had made it more than obvious. Even now he undressed her with his eyes.
“I'm sure if we put our heads together we can come up with something that will benefit us both,” he sat forward on his chair, leaning towards her.
So she mirrored his movements, held his eye contact. Flirted a little. If there was one thing men like him were willing to believe it was what they wished to be true.
Sometimes when you want to get out of a room in one piece you have to use what you’ve got and of course there is no harm in enjoying it - once you get past the ick.
Leah's cheek pressed into the polished gloss of the solid wooden desktop. Grunting through gritted teeth as Enver Gortash roughly pulled down her leathers, revealing her bare skin. She felt his gloved hands caressing her, parting her. Gasping quietly as he stared at his prize. His thumb brushed over her tight little arsehole with reverence, down past her wet, waiting core and rubbed her clit until she began to mewl and shiver. Leah groaned with disappointment when he stopped and received a hearty chuckle in response.
“Patience, darling.” He cautioned, smugly. “All good things come to those who wait.”
Gortash folded her arms behind her back and held her wrists together tightly. The thrill of seeing her like this was almost enough to end him right there. To empty himself in his trousers like an excitable young boy. He took a deep breath, centering himself. Controlling himself.
He slowly entered her with a long groan, savouring her tight heat when he bottomed out inside her. “My darling, you are exquisite.” He breathed, tightening his grip on her small wrists. When he started to move he made long, slow thrusts. Taking his sweet time now he finally had her. Exalting on each stroke when he filled her completely. Her moans of pleasure filled his chest with pride, that his cock could move her so.
“Please,” she begged, unable to stand such a slow pace, “I need…” she cried out sharply as Envers hand connected with her ass, shocked into silence by the full-on slap she had just received. Her eyes wide as he continued on without missing a beat.
“Be good and you will receive everything you desire,” his voice was husky with arousal. “Misbehave and you will receive another one.” The longer Leah stayed silent the harder he drilled into her. Accepting only her moans and wails to spur him on.
Leah's eyes rolled and her mouth hung open, a small puddle of drool gathering on the desk beneath her cheek. An aching storm gathered between her legs as Gortash savagely rearranged her insides. Leah felt his weight shift when her moans intensified. Her wrists were freed and his thick body covered hers pressing her leather wrapped breasts into the desk beneath. His hand snaked beneath her armpit to grip her throat as he continued to fuck her relentlessly, loud wet slaps echoing through the halls of his house.
“You will not come until I tell you to. Is that understood?” He ordered, his mouth on her ear as he pulled back on her neck.
Leah groaned, her face red with effort. Eyes bloodshot. “Mmhhmmm” was all she could manage. His fingers dug into her throat leaving her struggling for breath. Her vision began to narrow, still he pummelled her cunt. Suddenly she was released just when she thought she would die.
“Come for me” he whispered and that's all it took. The dam broke and Leah's body betrayed her. She came - hard. Wave after aching wave radiated from her clit. Surging through her body making her grunt and groan animalistically. Gortash followed her pulling out his cock and shooting his thick load all over her ass with a shuddering groan. Gasping as his come splattered over her.
Leah's emotions almost got the better of her but she managed to hold off her burgeoning tears. The relief of the orgasm coupled with the shame of letting it happen made her feel dirty. The kind that would never wash off. It was almost over. All she had to do now was make it out of the door. Easier said than done.
Leah stayed face down on the desk when she felt Gortash move away. He returned with a warm wet cloth and began to clean up his mess. “You learn quickly,” he praised, “Clever Girl. You can get up now, you're all clean.”
Leah stood, stiff and sore. She pulled up her pants and buckled up her belt. Careful to keep a satisfied smile painted on her face. Relaxed and happy. Appearing in no rush to leave. She walked around the desk casually and picked up her wine glass from the side table, draining it dry and pouring herself another. “Well,” she smiled, “I did not expect that when I accepted your invitation,” she kept up the eye contact as she walked towards him - painfully uncomfortable as it was. “I’ll have to think about your offer, it’s a big decision.”
“Straight back to business,” he said, obviously impressed, “this is why I need you, Leah. Together we can bring Baldur’s Gate to heel. I need you on my side - at my side.” He stepped closer, closing the gap between them. “Join me.”
Leah smiled and placed her hands on his chest, “You know, Enver? I just might. If tonight’s been anything to go by. I think I may just be coming back for more and sooner than you think.” Leah's hand slid down to grab his cock, massaging it gently. She wanted to vomit.
“See?” He breathed, “ You can be such a good girl. You just need a firm hand, Leah.” He stroked her cheek lovingly with the back of his hand, his eyes gazing softly into hers. Gortashs lips parted as he leaned in for a kiss, claiming hers in a passionate embrace. His eyes opened and he stared into a shadowy alcove, a figure waited patiently in the darkness. The gloom only just camouflaged its bright, white scales. How long had they been there?
“Take my carriage,” he said, as he broke the kiss suddenly. “I have something important that needs my urgent attention.”
Leah held his gaze in silence, feeling the hairs on the back of her neck rise. There was someone behind her. Someone he did not want her to meet. “Good night, then,” she conceded, pointedly giving a little sideways glance in the direction of the interloper.
Gortash tilted his head and smiled indulgently. He took her small hand in his and brushed a soft kiss across her knuckles “Good night.” He watched her intently as she walked away, her hips swaying hypnotically. “Leah!” He called out just before she disappeared out of sight. He waited for her to turn before he spoke again. “I will need to see you again…very soon. I have something very important for us to discuss.”
Leah rounded a corner and left through the kitchens. Her poker face collapsed into a grimace. Sometimes she was disgusted with herself. Why didn’t she just stab him? Instead she let Enver Gortash use her in the worst way possible and practically thanked him for it afterwards. Never had she felt so dirty and embarrassed. Angry and used. “No. I did what I had to do,” she reasoned, tears forming in her eyes, “I had to get out of there alive. Warn everyone what that Son of a Bitch is up to.”
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drakomod · 10 months
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My bard boy, Finley. In Baldur's Gate 3, I based him more off of demon AU Finley so that he's more of an OC than much like Fancy Dwight.
I love him very much, this game has taken up all of my free time
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danse--macabre · 2 months
trans astarion headcanons
talked to this about a few people individually, and decided to make a big old post.
so for starters: we are talking transmasc astarion. raised in some fancy smancy magical elf town. saw himself as a boy/man from a young age. transition was both easy and culturally accepted: transitioned young, magical t, bottom/top/whatever surgery etc. the works, ka-pow level 9 spell of here's your tits blasted off. he wanted it, he got it. he didn't quite conform entirely to the androgynous elven ideal, so to celebrate being hot and himself, travelled all the way from whatever fancy smancy elf settlement he was from to Baldur's Gate to make his big splash debut as a newly minted t-Man - and ran headfirst into becoming flamboyant law school frat boy, party boy slut who was pulling right left centre like a fucking conveyor belt, they were lining up (hey, what a better way to debut becoming sexy, lads?). still, smart enough to pass his exams despite the wild parties the night before, and well-connected, schmoozes his way into a successful respectable career aged 39 using his fraternity/society/elite men's club contacts to get there (and well, if he previously fucked some of them when in law school, who cares!). he's having the time of his life, enjoying loving his body very much, thank you.
and then he becomes a vampire. and he's frozen in time looking like this.
(cw: discussions of transphobia, misgendering, & trans fetishisation)
and at first, who cares -- this was always what he was supposed to look like, he's immortalised as this - as his peak - and you know the way youth is just lionised, put on a pedestal in queer spaces, he decides he doesn't fucking care. it's a relief.
(the quiet realisation he'll never grow old in his beautiful body, that maybe he had more growing to do, much more of himself to become, sometimes bristles at his subconscious -- but he bats it away in the same way he bats away things like 'hope' or 'optimism'. he doesn't have space for that while being crushed.)
anyway. two narrative possibilities here, in the vampire years:
fetishisation. transness becomes his entire sexual appeal, rather than part of who he is more broadly. lures chasers who are desperate to get their horrible hands on a hot t-boy, who often want him to perform in demeaning ways that may undercut his gender/misgender him. leans into the parts of astarion's narrative where he is often reduced to a sex object.
erasure. people believe he is cis, fuck him like he is cis, expect him to behave like he is cis. and he almost forgets he is trans. he becomes detached from that part of himself almost entirely - were it not for visual signals (e.g. top surgery/phallo scars that cannot fade over time), he'd do so. leans into the out-of-body dissociation elements occurring instead.
anyway, nautiloid happens, game happens. astarion doesn't pretend he's NOT trans, it's just something he tends to dismiss as 'not very important', and straight up won't come up until act 2. this minimising approach allows him some control over his narrative even if it is avoiding a difficult truth: others hurt him because he was trans, objectified him because he was trans, or simply didn't want engage with something they considered unpleasant.
we get to the final choice. a key facet of spawn vs. ascended astarion is acceptance versus denial. ascended astarion convinces himself that being a spawn is a demeaning experience where one would be better off dead, and uses that to justify killing 7k spawn (as well as part of himself). classic "accept oneself; live in pride vs. deny oneself; live in shame" queer dilemma. so it follows that astarion's journey with his transgender identity develops along those lines.
spawn astarion embraces his transness, and makes efforts to be trans in his own terms -- rather than for the gratification of others. he embraces his gender non-conformity and much more and is so much more playful with gender. this could develop into becoming genderfluid/non-binary gender where his particular mode of effeminate masculinity develops into something like 'sometimes I'm a she/her in stockings actually, but I'm never a woman', something he can only really embrace when he is no longer living in crisis mode, can accepts himself as a trans person, and knows he does not need to exist to be desirable to others. regardless of whether he's non-binary or simply gnc, i think it takes a fair bit of confidence & bravery for him to play with gender knowing it might jeopardise people reading him as masc, but he's tired of living for others wants & eyes.
ascended astarion in contrast, lives in denial about his transness. tries to convince you he's a cis man. and yes, he might be able to pass seamlessly, but he's quietly miserable.
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hexblooddruid · 8 months
does bryn have any post-game/netherbrain-defeating plans? what does her life look like 10 years out from the game? 100?
Oh boy. So I loved the ending Bryn got in game. She was always very respectful of Karlach’s desire not to go back to Avernus, to live out the rest of her life in Baldur’s Gate. As a druid and a life domain cleric she gets it. But when it was actually happening and Wyll was begging Bryn to take Karlach to Avernus with them (and shout out Theo and Samantha for killing this scene), she had to float it to her as a possibility. She still had Karlach make the choice but let her know that she wouldn’t be alone, that Wyll and Bryn would be there for her. So that’s her immediate post game plan. She, Karlach, and Wyll travel down to Avernus to clear the hells of its devils
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There they go. The Blade, Fury, and Light of Avernus.
The Gale break up was friendlier than expected. He saying that he really needed some time to himself before committing to travel to the hells with them.
How long does it take to clear the hells of its devils? Ten years? Let’s say ten years out they’ve completed their mission.
Uldar was fine with Wyll turning down the grand duke position but was at least expecting a huge fancy noble wedding in Baldurs Gate when these two fucked off for Avernus for ten years and ended up getting married in Avernus by Tiefling Elvis with Karlach and Astarion as the only witnesses.
So they return to Baldur’s Gate, lauded as heroes and in the middle of the Baldur’s Gate Wedding of the Century.
At 34, Wyll is still young man and at 45, Bryn is still a young dwarf. He still wants to adventure but she wants to start setting up roots for when they are ready to retire. After the wedding, they build a home in Rivington not too far from the Wilden Oak. Bryn works with Rolan to create a collection of Druidic lore at Sorcerous Sundries. They have kids eventually, I haven’t sorted how many but they have at least one dwarf tiefling daughter.
100 years? Her beloved has been gone for a couple of decades at least. She returns to Rivington to tend to the Wilden Oak in the spring and autumn (and on the anniversary of his proposal) but otherwise she travels a lot, finally taking on her Faithwarden duties. She travels back to Forgotten Forest and trains the young druids there. She goes back to the Shadowlands and spends time with Halsin there. Maybe they even start the relationship they never got to start when they first met.
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idlenight · 9 months
1 and 2 for the tav's. to get to know them. 👀
Thank you so much for the questions Wonda! I've been dying to talk about my Tav's.
This got quite long, and there's pictures so it's all under the readmore. If you're interested this OC ask game was newly made by my mutual @glitchy-npc
1 - Give a basic run down of your OC. Name, general info, relationships.
Syleth of the Green Knights. A tiefling paladin (and as of recently, a sorcerer) who is sworn to the Oath of the Ancients. He grew up on the streets of Baldurs Gate as one of the many urchins, though when he was twelve he was taken in by a temple of Selune. Syleth felt like he owed them everything, but they didn't treat the tiefling so well. When he came of age and the Moonmaiden had not blessed him to be one of her Clerics, he saw it as a sign from his god that he did not belong in the temple and she was guiding him on a different path. Which is how Syleth ends up becoming a Green Knight.
Stat wise: Tiefling, Paladin(oath of the ancients)/Sorcerer(dragon bloodline), Acolyte background. I'm romancing Astarion with him.
Connor Newsong, similarly to Syleth, grew up on the streets of Baldurs Gate, unlike his friend, the human boy stayed there for a lot longer. Connor did whatever he could to earn money and survive. Which is how he picked up the lute one day. Connor never went to a fancy bard school (not officially anyway, but he has stolen their litrature to teach himself) but he is quite the talented bard. His talents got him off the streets and into a life of adventure. Until the events of the game, he didn't exactly plan on ever returning to Baldurs Gate.
Stat wise: Human, Bard (College of Lore) + Rogue, Urching background. Romancing Gale.
(also yes Connor gave himself that last name when he started his bard career, tbf he was like, 14 at the time)
Lord Lucien Peter Levvine-Rainhold is the son of the human noble Timothy Levvine and the high wizard Ashera Rainhold. Lucien is the youngest child of three, his parents already had 'the heir and the spare' which gave Lucien a lot of freedom as a child. He was thought the manners of the high class and basic magic as was expected of him, but when he ran around in the courtyard pestering the estate guards to teach him how to swordfight he was given that luxury.
Stat wise: Half-Elf, Fighter (Eldritch Knight), Noble background. Romancing Wyll.
As with all games like this where I end up making multiple characters, I like to imagine them all exisiting next to each other in the story. So for my Tav's i've decided they where an adventuring party before they got snatched up by the Nautiloid at the start of the game. There is also a yet undifinied Cleric of Selune that im still workshopping, she's also part of this group.
I don't want to make this even longer so I'm not going into the details of relationship rn sorry 🥲.
2 - What is their physical appearance? What tends to stand out to people who notice them for the first time?
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The first thing one would notice of Syleth is probably the whole, tiefling thing. The horns and demonic eyes are kind of obvious. The second thing would be his tattoos or his recently grown in dragon scales (that was a weird thing to wake up to). Syleth mostly wears heavy armor, but in camp he barely wears anything at all besides pants and boots, in fact you're lucky if you even get a fucking shirt on him. (He already hikes around with too many layers and heavy plating you think he's restricting his movements in any way during downtime?)
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Most notable about Connor is that he has purple eyes and redd-ish and purple hair. Not the most normal thing for a human, he probably has some elven ancestors in his family (not that he ever had any family, so he can't check). Other than that he's quite tall but definitely not build for combat in any way, one could say his Constitution stat is trash. Connor dresses himself in a very bard-ly way, enough to be classy and eye-catching but also not too extravagant.
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Lucien is a mountain of a man, a build he can thank his human father for. Another thing that catches someone's eye is well, his eyes! While he was not born with heterochromia, after the bard Volo poked around with an icepick in his eyesocket he's one magical prostethic eye richer! (that wasn't very smart, but that's his dump stat anyway <3). Lucien might be nobility, but he doesn't exactly dress like it. It's practical armor in the field, and well loved worn casual clothes that he's probably had since he started adventuring.
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msviolacea · 7 months
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Also, to commemorate finishing, the final screenshot either of us managed to get of our party, because we were too mesmerized by the cut scenes at the very end to screenshot there. So have Daranya, Temelin, and their fancy boys talking to [redacted] before heading off to the final showdown. They saved Baldur's Gate (without a proper tank in their party) and all lived to tell about it.
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