#Barry gets tossed around REAL BAD
zeroducks-2 · 5 months
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(Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox)
Today in "I swear I was not watching porn you just walked in at the wrong time-"
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princessbrunette · 5 months
Dark! Rafe who won’t physically let you leave when you realise he killed sheriff peterkins - 🤍
it makes me giggle when ppl say dark!rafe cos im like skdjdjjs that’s just !rafe
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you’re scared to leave because you know he’ll flip out, too obsessed with you to let you go. which is why you pack a bag and attempt leave in the night, just for a little while atleast until you can gather your thoughts enough to speak with him. speak some sense into him.
unfortunately, you’re caught in the act in the hallway, bag in hand, trembling with adrenaline. he appears in your line of vision and the both of you freeze, watching his wide eyes in real time analyse the bag in your hand and your demeanour before he stiffens. you shrink, ashamed.
“where… where the hell are you goin’?” he asks, sounding hurt which makes your heart ache, still loving him deeply despite being unable to justify his actions.
“its just for a while rafe, i— i know what you did and i just can’t—”
“you know what i did?” his voice overlaps yours as he walks towards you, squinting and scratching his temple. “what did— what’dido, huh?”
you suck in a deep breath, shaking with tears in your eyes as you gaze up at him. your voice comes out in a mere whisper, as if you were afraid of the words. “you killed sheriff peterkin.”
his face hardens, jaw ticking and he blinks a few times, like he was trying to clear his mind of the memory. “you— you weren’t there. who even told you that?”
“rafe i love you i just don’t know if i can live with a murderer and—”
“hey!” he suddenly barks, making you jump hard enough to drop your bag on the floor. he inhales super hard like he’s trying to hold back his anger before he succumbs to it, arm shooting out to grip you by the neck. oddly, he doesn’t really squeeze— just holds you firmly, dragging you close to him with his teeth grit. “don’t you ever fuckin’ call me that again. who told you that?” he repeats.
you sob, hands clawing at the one wrapped around your neck. “rafe, please! let go, it’s me!”
“was it john b? huh? did he get you too, manipulate you like he did with my sister? lettin’ some dirty pogue kid get in your head? ‘cos— ‘cos he’s got some fuckin’… sick fetish for kook cunt? you packin’ a bag to stay with him, huh?” he kicks your bag by your side and you squeal, squeezing your eyes shut as you snivel.
“no! rafe, it— it wasn’t him— please, you’re scaring me— i don’t like it!” you cry, desperate and rambling. he manhandles you by the throat so that you’re up against the wall, glaring down at you like he hates you.
“you— you don’t like it? you know, what i don’t like is being lied to by my girl, after… after i treat you so good—” he rants, tears welling in his own eyes.
“it was barry! he came round and he told me!” you yell, and he finally relents, letting go and holding his offending palm up in surrender, stepping away to pace the width of the hallway.
you try to cry quietly, as to not bother him further and kneel down to gather the things that spilled from your bag when he kicked it. when you stand again, he’s still deep in thought— muttering to himself about barry being a snitch and you back away, knowing now might be your only chance. you surpass the hallway and book it for the front door, but you know it’s a lost cause when you hear him gaining on you — arm wrapping around your waist and lifting you when you reach the front door, a hand pressing over your mouth to silence your scream as he drags you away.
“i really, really wish you didn’t do that baby. ‘cus now, now i have to act like the bad guy n’lock you away ‘til you calm down.” he carries you towards the cellar, nose twitching in irritation as you thrash in his arms.
he tosses you into the wine cellar, shutting the door behind you and you hear the lock turn, followed by his body leaning against the door.
“rafe, please— please let me out, i’ll- i’ll stay— i’ll be good!” you cry, sucking in panicked breaths.
“don’t you panic on me. breathe. calm down.” he warns you, somewhat soothingly through the door, a lot calmer now he had you locked up. “i’m not goin’ anywhere, just need you to calm down if we are gonna talk about this like adults. yeah?”
you shrink down to the floor, feeling like the furthest thing from an adult— reduced to a scared little girl in his presence as you bring your knees to your chest, trying to breathe slower. “i’m scared.” you hiccup.
“i know, baby. i’m scared too, you know? don’t want you runnin’ off on me ‘cus i made a mistake. never ran off when you made mistakes, did i?” his voice is calm now, the way he spoke to you when you’d get upset. the mistakes you made in the past that he referred to were minute issues, hanging out with the wrong person or coming home past the time he allowed you out — never once as big a deal as killing someone. you weep, wiping your nose on the back of your hand and you hear him sigh. “i’m sorry about upstairs, alright? didn’t mean t’put my hands on you like that. i… i lost my temper… just need you to understand that i did what i did to protect my dad, and id do the same to protect you in a heartbeat. you get that?”
“i wouldn’t want you to.” you shake your head despite him being unable to see you.
“listen to me, killing… is nature. sometimes… sometimes you have to make choices for survival… and that’s what i did. you might not understand now… but you will.”
⊹˚. ♡.𖥔 ݁ ˖
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shower-phantom-ideas · 10 months
You guys just don’t understand
You can’t even begin to grasp the amount of pranks Danny could pull on super heros (is that one words? Superheros?)
Added a read more because I hate long posts
Danny as a ghost is so powerful. Like our boy can walk through walls, disappear, and fly! Do you even grasp how much more unique he is than the others guys??
Jokes aside just imagine if you will. Danny could leave batburger cups next to Batman all the time (he comes back later to toss em out of Big ol B doesn’t)
Like hell we talk about Danny just showing up basically stalking the heros but ok hear me out. He didn’t mean to figure out Batmans identity ok but he was in the right place at the right time and over heard some stuff. Now he follows Bruce Wayne around instead. Always spitting out if a batburger cup. Maybe Bruce makes eye contact with him and one time Danny just leans his drink out to as one does to offer a sip xD the man is horrified.
For the ?Robins? The other bats maybe he leaves gifts of sorts. Stuff they would like made from his ice or something. He can understand becoming a hero young and most (if not all) of them did that. He plays favourites with the younger Heros for sure. But hes still making them have there “God?? Is that you” moments like everyone else.
Hell he could follow Superman around and always make his cape flow against the wind and the Hero wouldn’t know wtf is going on. Maybe Superman hears a very slight snickering maybe but the prank is harmless enough so why worry too much. I mean it’s probably bad someone can do this without getting detected till they give themselves away by laughing but nothing harmful yet. (Yet would emphasise Batman)
I don’t know anything about GreenArrow but I assume he uses a bow and arrow so I could imagine Danny grabbing his arrows and making them fly in crazy wild paths before hitting their mark.
Idk honestly how he would fuck with GreenLatern besides like using his ghost powers to try and one up his ring. Like Lantern makes a shield? Danny makes a better one next to it or in front of it. Tbh it’s actually helping Danny get better at his powers so he does this a lot rip Hal (I did not know he was played by Ryan Reynolds maybe ill watch the newer movie)
He refuses to mess with Wonder Woman because the Phandom has told me she is his fav thus he refuses to prank her. He respects her too much and is a huge enough fan that hes too nervous to even approach. Thus she thinks she is this pranksters least favourite since she is never bothered.
Aqua-man (thx for the correction siri) is pretty fun to prank because Danny can follow the man underwater. Idk anything about science of it but imagine Danny like making a space he can talk in with his ice powers (making a bubble of sorts) to make spooky noises at ?Arthur? (R we seriously going with Arthur in this one?) like I assume without actual fish related powers, or with them I havent seen any thing aquaman, you can’t talk underwater. But also if Danny figures out his real name hes 100% gonna be playing the Hey Arthur theme at this man all the time.
He just lowkey overshadows cyborg. Not in a controlling way but just along for the ride kinda way. He was gonna make remarks about his tech but ended up being stunned by how good it is. “Fam I aint gonna lie. I came here to follow you around and make comments like a streamer but your tech is crazy cool. I mean you could have saved a little room with a more compact cooling unit but I mean this is probably some of the best stuff I have seen outside my family!” Or something idk. Maybe he goes full on antman in coldwar
As for the Flash thats pretty simple. He doesn’t let the Flash run from him. I don’t think Danny could keep up with the Flash at all. Like man cants have everyones powers (can’t he tho) but he just hangs on and pretends to have followed. I mean hes invisible the whole time so not like anyone can see lmao though if (idk who the flash is? So ill use Barry cause thats why google say) if Barry goes too fast he might get Danny to give up the game cause boy is on the side vomiting. Barry is pretty smug about probably being the first to throw the prankster for a loop but Danny is just on the side like “how can you go that fast and not be sick dude”
Like tbh I was gonna just make a list of pranks he pulls on Batman but yall seem to enjoy the Justice League so here go off I guess.
Honestly I had to charge my phone so I forget a lot of the post rip this kne
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nekrosdolly · 6 months
washing machine heart (18+)
toss your dirty shoes in my washing machine heart, baby bang it up inside.
cw; implied cheating, workplace romance, reader is the bad guy here, hurt/no comfort, eventual sex, p in v, afab reader, vulnerable wesker
pet names; dear (reader receives)
a/n; i love mitski and angst
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albert isn't a stalker. not normally. he's observant, for good reason- he has to be. if he wasn't alert at all times, his life would be on the line.
that's the justification he gives himself for watching you so casually flirt with chris, and chris flirting right back. it makes his heart tick in just the worst way imaginable. his stomach tenses, a searing wave of heat washing over his back. he hates this.
you're unaware of the watchful eyes on you. how albert wesker feels about you is none of your concern, mainly because you don't work for him. and maybe it's because of that fact that you enjoy flirting with his crew so shamelessly. touching chris's arm, watching his cheeks pinken so slightly from it. chris's hand finds your waist and just as you're leaning closer, the bell signaling the end of the workday rings.
you smile seductively at Chris. "well… i've gotta go, but i'll swing by sometime, okay? pinky promise." you give the bigger man's bicep a light squeeze and then make your exit.
it hurts. albert wesker is actually hurt.
he goes home late that night after finishing some much needed paperwork, his thoughts only on you as he drives. you, again, as he gets out of his car and locks it. you, accompanying him inside while holding his arm.
and you, in his bathroom as he showers. it's not always sexual, he's a more emotionally complex man than he'd like to admit. when he imagines you with him, you're always clinging to him somehow.
sometimes, you're holding his hand as he walks through the r.p.d, other times you're kissing him with all you've got and he can't say no. if only that was real. at 38, he's accepted his life of solitude. he can't exactly have a partner with what's to go down soon anyway. it's best if he abstained.
and he does, for the most part. he goes to work, watches you flirt with chris, or barry, or jill, or even rebecca- whoever you feel like- and then goes home. rinse and repeat for weeks.
that is, until your flirtatious gaze falls on him for once. your touches on his shoulder don't go unnoticed. of course, you get little physical reaction out of him. nothing but a measly blush as he brushes your hand away.
then, you stick around until all the other s.t.a.r.s officers are gone, and it's just you and him at the end of the day.
"hey, al?" you give him a small smile, almost shy. a blush tints your cheeks, your eyes more innocent now.
"yes?" he looks up from his paperwork, still sat at his desk. pen in hand, a metric ton of papers sat on either side of his desk.
"well… i was wondering," you start, approaching his desk nervously. he stops his paperwork completely. his heart is pounding in his ears, "if you'd like to go out with me sometime."
this must be a joke.
"dear," he adjusts his glasses, "you're joking." he states plainly.
"no, i'm not. i mean it." you step closer, so you're directly in front of his desk. he leans back in his chair and sets his pen aside, his gaze fixed on you from behind his shades.
"the bar."
"what time?"
"when are you off?"
"eight, then."
"fine. don't be late. goodbye."
successful, you walk out of his office feeling light on your feet.
the date goes well. you two drink and he's surprisingly charming under the layers of stoicism and otherworldly nerdiness. he wonders if he's dreaming the entire time. he's wanted this for so long, and now that it's happening, he feels… anxious. like he's waiting for the shoe to drop. you're stunning. too good for him, for who he really is, not the facade he's putting on now.
the other shoe drops in a way he wasn't expecting.
you're almost a year into your relationship. he's working all the time. it's hard for you, even harder on him to be away from you. his days off are few and far between, which he cherishes every chance he gets. while he's not the utmost affectionate person in the world, he tries. and he tries so hard for you.
"oh my god," you whine quietly as he takes you from behind, your back arched with your faced pressed into the mattress. this was meant to be quick- you have errands to run and a job to go to, all within the span of two hours. he's thrusting into you like it's the last thing he'll ever do, soft groans and breathy moans leaving him, too.
you're stupidly close, especially with how he's rubbing your clit. your cunt flutters before clamping down on his dick, a loud moan leaving you.
"fuck, chris, oh my god!" you whimper as you finish.
albert has never been an angry man.
"what?" he's pulling out and tucking himself away. it settles in just exactly what you've said. just how much you've revealed within a matter of mere seconds. you turn over and sit up against the headboard.
"why did you- what is going on? tell me. tell me right now." he sits down on the bed, his hands clasped in front of him on his lap.
"nothing is going on." you're a bad liar. you always have been.
"then what was that? why?" he's nauseated. upset. betrayed. he loved you, let you in when he swore he wouldn't, kissed your scars and told you that you're the only thing he lives for.
"i-i don't- you- it's not what you think, honestly." it's too late. he's getting off the bed, running his hand through his hair as he paces. this is his karma for living. you. agonized, he leans against the doorframe to the ensuite bathroom and pinches the bridge of his nose.
"you're sleeping with him, then. that's it. that's all it is, right? just sex, not- not love, is that right?" he can't bring himself to look at you.
"he- chris keeps me company, al. you're always so busy, and it's not my fault-"
"not your fault? what, so it's my fault?"
"i didn't say that,"
"you didn't have to. i knew something was going on from the start- you always liked him more than me, so why am i even here?" he might cry.
you're grimacing.
"can't i love you at the same time i love him?"
"no! why can't you love me!? did you ever love me? was i even on your radar?" he throws his glasses on the bed and covers his eyes, trying to will away the tears.
you approach him and he stumbles back against the bathroom door.
"don't do this to us." he whispers, taking his hand away. his gaze lingers on the floor.
"it's too late."
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berkmansimagines · 2 years
A/N: I've been listening to this song a lot lately and just wanted to write a cute little fic inspired by it 💎✨
Summary: You have to take off your engagement ring before going on a hit.
Pairing: Barry Berkman x hitman!fiancé reader
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You’re going out tonight. You have a job across town and then you’re meeting up for drinks with your handler - Diane.  
Before hitting the road, you lean against your car door and smoke a cigarette. Smoking usually helps you clear your head before and after a job, but tonight is different. You and Barry recently got engaged and your new fiancé has been stuck on your mind. What started as a fling turned into a forever thing. You don’t remember the last time you truly felt this happy. You also can’t stop admiring your engagement ring. It shimmers on your finger. You love the ring almost as much as you love the man who gave it to you.
You’re suddenly taken out of your thoughts when a car rolls in and parks in the space next to yours. It’s Barry. He just arrived home from acting class. You’re happy you’ll get a chance to see him before you go.
“Hey Berkman,” you greet your fiancé as he steps out of the car.
“Hey,” Barry smiles.
He walks over to you. You toss your cigarette to the ground and give him a kiss.
“Wow! You look really great,” Barry compliments you.
“Thank you. I polish up real nice when I want to,” you wink.
“You heading out?” Barry asks.
“Yeah, Diane called me with a last minute job. I actually think she feels bad about the short notice because she wants to take me out for drinks after,” you explain.
Barry eyes the engagement ring on your finger.
“Are you going to tell her about us?”
You sigh, looking down at your ring once again. You have to take it off before meeting up with Diane. She doesn’t know about you and Barry yet. You’ve kept the relationship a secret from your handler. When you started in your line of work, Diane warned you not to get involved with anybody from the job. You broke her rule. You know that you need to tell her eventually but you’re a little afraid of how she'll react.
“Not tonight. It’s not the right time,” you answer quietly.
Barry nods, understanding. He decides to change the subject.
“When do you think you’ll get home?” 
“I won’t be back until late. Don’t wait up,” you tell him.  
“I’m always gonna wait up for you,” he softly replies.
Your face lights up.
“I love you,” you wrap your arms around his neck.
“I love you too,” Barry smiles.
You lean in close to his ear.
“You have no idea how much I want you right now,” you whisper.
Barry raises his eyebrows. Before he has a chance to respond, you pull him into another kiss. Barry kisses you back hard. You’re so tempted to skip this hit and ditch Diane. You’d rather spend the night with your fiancé. But you know that you can’t. You have a job to do…
You pull away from Barry and take a moment to catch your breath.
“I have to go,” you sigh, “But just wait ‘til I get home…” 
Barry smirks.
“See ya later, Berkman,” you say coyly.
And with that, you part ways. Barry heads up to your place while you get in your car. You quickly check your phone and see a text message from Diane. You shrug. Your little moment of romantic bliss is over, now you have to put yourself into work mode.
You take a deep breath before reluctantly taking the ring off your finger. You hide it away in a little pouch in your wallet for safekeeping. 
You rest your left hand on the steering wheel while you put the key in the ignition. You frown at the sight of your bare hand. 
“Soon,” you say to yourself, “I’ll tell Diane soon…”
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wingsofescape · 2 years
Trinkets (Edwin Week 2022 Day 2)
It’s a weird thing, really, to walk back to the crime scene, the place where he and Winry almost died. Where he saw a man shed his mask and unveil the worst of humanity.
All for a trinket.
It’s not superstitious, he convinces himself as he tries to swallow back the bile and the scream in his throat, walking amongst the corpses of the pigs and seeing the chain that held her captive, the chair imprinted with his blood from the cut on his shoulder. The wound still tugs at him, sometimes. The guilt, too.
He finds it rather quickly, after his eyes scan the area and settle upon the tiny, shiny piece of metal. He picks it up and pockets it, and almost chuckles to himself. If it hadn’t been for this screw, he and Winry wouldn’t be alive. And Barry would still be living up to the “chopper” part of his name. In all their bad luck, this little object was a sliver of hope.
Okay, maybe he’s a little stitious after all.
He keeps it in his pocket. It follows him everywhere he goes, from Youswell to Liore, from hostel to hotel, bunk beds and his old room at Pinako’s. Home, although he’d never admit it. He doesn’t deserve one, anyway. Not until Al is human and his own limbs are flesh and blood.
By some supernatural design or pure luck (he doesn’t believe in either) or a freaky glitch in the equivalent exchange, it stays in his pocket. Even when Izumi beats him black and blue, when Greed tosses him around Dante’s mansion. It’s still there. Even when Envy kills him, when Ed sacrifices his life for Al, when he ends up in another world.
The screw remains.
Sometimes, late at night, when the thoughts of home feel like a bad fever dream and he is convinced he is in hell for his unforgivable sins, he twirls the screw around his fingers. It grounds him, reminds him he’s not losing his mind, that the people he loves and misses so deeply are real and waiting for him to come back.
Sometimes, the screw ends up pressed against his lips, and he hopes Winry can feel him, and know he’s alive. That he’ll come home, someday, and tell her about the screw that gave him a reason to keep going.
He doesn’t get to tell her about the screw.
Everything happens too fast, and he is reminded of his duty, his responsibility to any world he lives in. With a gate wide open and a bloodthirsty leader, Winry – the whole of Amestris, really – can never be safe.
He has to act for the greater good.
“Tell her thanks. She always made the best automail.”
And her trinket kept me alive.
It comes with him as he crosses the Gate yet again, alive, whole (although his entire soul is breaking). And now Al is here, memories intact, and Ed thinks he can breathe a little better.
It’s just a trinket, he says to anyone who asks.
It saved my life, he silently says to himself.
His apartment is filled with memorabilia.
News clippings, historical events, achievements from him, his colleagues and friends throughout the century he’s been alive. A doll from his great-great granddaughter, made with zero percent alchemy and two hundred percent love.
After he almost lost it while unpacking his boxes, so many years ago, it now sits on the table, never out of sight. His screw, his lucky token, his reminder she’s always watching over him, somehow.
The doorbell rings and he can hear their cheery clamour up the stairs. He smiles to himself. He better go and wake her. She’ll be overjoyed to see them.
He puts the photo of him and Al down and moves towards the door.
He stops in front of the screw and picks it up, before pressing his lips to it.
“Thank you, Winry” he whispers.
You always were the best.
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fernpost · 3 years
Cycle 3 - A Meal
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“Do we not have it?” Lup’s voice, just on the edge of unadulterated panic, filters through the room. It is borderline sweltering, and they’ve been at it all day.
If they don’t have it, it’s all been for naught. Taako bites at his nail, racking his brain, “fuck, do we not?”
Lucretia is sitting across the room, writing down notes from the day before. Her hand stills as she looks up, “it’s missing?”
Lup wipes her brow, before snapping her fingers and dropping to her knees, opening a small cabinet. She digs frantically through what they have, “if it’s not here, there’s none. I’ve looked all over- we honestly should have had it sooner but there was so much to do and-”
Taako steps behind her, hands resting on his hips to feign casualness. Lup adjusts her position and curses as she hits her head. Taako is about to comment, when she gasps.
He is silent as she jolts backwards with a cry, hand held in the air in success, waving it in the air, “we have it!”
Taako pulls it from her grasp, making his way towards the stove. Lup follows close behind, “if we had used the rest of the garlic last week, I would have jumped ship in shame.”
“Can’t make Mama Davenport’s special meat stew without it. Who are we to surprise our great captain with subpar stew.” Taako peels it quickly, cutting it up and tossing it into the pot liberally, firm in his lifelong belief that no recipe can have too little of the perfect allium.
Lucretia smiles as she scribbles in both of her notebooks from the table, “and Taako couldn’t have transmuteted more because…?”
Handing the spoon to Lup, he turns with an affronted gasp, resting his hand dramatically against his chest, “Do you think me a subpar chef?” With a snort, he kneels to peek into the oven, checking the status of the bread they are baking, “but actually, transmuted food is never as good as the real stuff. You can always taste the difference. It’ll do in a pinch, but for the occasion the Taaco’s spare no expense.”
“Ah, of course.” She goes back to her writing, content in listening to the two of them cook more.
After a few more minutes of gentle stirring, Taako sends Lup to grab Barry from the lab, where he’s been pouring over the same notes for a few hours now. Magnus, Merle, and Cap’nport should be back within the next half hour, if the Sending note Taako received is to be believed.
Considering it’s from Merle, who's to say. But preserving the heat of a dish with magic is much easier than making a dish from scratch, so it won’t be the end of the world. Anyways, Taako will give Merle shit either way.
Taako hear’s Lup laugh as she approaches, so he knows she successfully managed to wrangle Barold away from his work. He is already tired of their strange almost-flirting rituals, but it’s nice to see Lup so excited about something, even if it is a nerd like Barry.
(Taako is steadfastly ignoring how much he enjoy’s Barry’s company himself. Or Magnus’s. Or Lucretia’s. Or how comforting it is to talk to Merle. Or how welcoming Davenport always is. It all means nothing. They’re all still his coworkers. He definitely never seeks out their company. He pretends not to think about how the last time he was around the same people this long was his aunt, and he pretends not to think about how that ended. And it never feels bad when they leave on dangerous missions to look for the Light. Never.)
“Lup, the bread!” Taako calls out, pulling the stew from the stove and bringing it over to the table. Lucretia picks her notebooks up, bringing them over to the small sitting room and leaving them on the rickety coffee table (it wasn’t always rickety. Magnus had been trying, apparently, to teach Barry a wrestling move Merle had described to him once. Mending only goes so far). Lup crosses the small kitchen quickly, grabbing the oven mitts from the counter and pulling the bread out. It smells absolutely divine, of course.
Barry hovers near the edge of the kitchen, hands hovering awkwardly in front of him, “can I help-”
“Not after last time, Bluejeans.” Taako places the lid on the stew, turning to the fridge to look for the cider bottles he knows are in there somewhere from a small market they found near the end of the last year.
“Can you grab the plates?” Lup asks as she removes the bread from the tin and begins cutting it. Barry is quick to help, pulling the plates down from the cabinet right next to her (he’s trying so hard to not brush against her, it’s almost sad). Once he has a stack of seven, he pulls out the utensils as well.
Lucretia stiffens from where she has made her way to the window in the sitting room, peering out. “They’re back!”
Barry glances over, almost overbalancing and dropping the silverware as he gets distracted. After he regains control of the plates, he asks, “how do they look?”
“No worse for wear. No one’s limping or missing anything important, at least.” She pauses, and squints, “I think Magnus is a little singed, though.”
“He’ll be fine.” Taako waves it off. The big guy not getting injured would be more surprising.
Lup is bringing the tray with the bread over when the front door opens. Taako places the last cider down before calling out, “oh Captain!”
“We have a surprise for you!” Lup yells.
“What do you-” Davenport pauses, and Taako has cooked enough for the gnome to know he is smelling the air. “Is that stew?” He rounds the corner with the others. He looks tired, thick bags hanging heavy under his eyes.
They were supposed to be gone a week for a recon mission, but Merle sent a message saying they’d be a few days later. About halfway through them being gone, Taako had started digging through the books Davenport brought. One was, for some reason, an old cookbook. It was covered in scribbled writing, and a note left at the beginning detailed how Davenport’s mother gifted it to him when he left for his first job on a ship. One recipe in particular had a sticky note marking it, and Taako had glanced through the recipe. It seemed easy enough, so he brought it to Lup to make.
If she had said anything about him being a sap, he’d deny it. He just enjoyed trying out a new recipe.
“Are we going to eat or just bask in the smell?” Taako sits at his normal seat, not waiting to begin to serve himself. He passes the ladle to Lup, watching as the others join them. Davenport remains standing, only moving when Magnus kicks his chair away from the table, gesturing for him to sit.
The ladle is passed to their captain, who scoops some of the stew and stares at it, “is this…” Davenport looks up at Lup and him, squinting, “did you two go through my cabin?”
An overlap of “no,'' and “Taako did,” answer his question, and Taako quickly slaps Lup on the arm. “Was just looking at your books. You expect me to not read a cookbook you’ve got hidden away?”
Davenport doesn’t answer. He scoops up some of the stew and sips at it, obviously hesitant. It’s quiet in the room, before he smiles, “almost as good as my mom made it.”
A cacophony of mockery aimed at Taako blusters out, his own voice just barely rising above as he defends his honor and abilities.
No one mentions how their captain looks a little misty-eyed. It’s been a long three years.
Later that night, Magnus approaches him and Lup as they play cards in the sitting room, vaguely describing a pie his dad used to make on Candlenights, asking if the two of them thought they could recreate it.
Taako is offended that he believes they can’t.
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sophiainspace · 3 years
💫 for that ask deal. Coldwest or whoever you're feeling I guess!
It took a wild heart to tame mine
And it took a wild heart to charm
Now a wild heart’s gone and floored me…
Who wants a love that makes sense anyway?
- ‘Wild Heart’, Mumford & Sons
Complicated Feelings
(Ficlet - Iris West/Leonard Snart)
Joe: Anger
“That man is a murderer!” her dad yells.
It’s almost funny that he still thinks he can frighten Iris away from the guys he disapproves of, as if it’s any of his business. It’s the most irritating version of ‘scared straight’ Iris ever heard of. The fact that she has a bad habit of being attracted to guys her father has personally arrested, is neither here nor there. And it didn’t even help when Iris dated his partner, so it’s pretty clear no guy is ever going to be good enough for Joe West’s (twenty-eight-year-old) little girl.
Still, this is a fairly extreme reaction, even for her dad. He’s currently standing in the West family living room, his face screwed up in such rage that Iris is a little concerned he’s about to burst a vital blood vessel.
Iris rolls her eyes.
This is apparently a mistake; her dad just gets louder. “Are you even taking this seriously, Iris? I’ve personally arrested that guy! Twice! In two different decades!” He shakes a disapproving head. “You wanna come with me down to the station right now? I’ll show you his damn record. Then you can decide if that’s the kind of man you wanna date.”
On the sofa, Iris folds one leg over the other. When she speaks, she tries hard not to match her dad’s volume. Getting quieter is an old trick, that sometimes calms him down a bit. “I know what’s in his record, Dad.”
“How?” her dad demands. He loses a couple of decibels of volume in his curious tone, which is a good sign.
Iris makes a really good attempt not to look smug. She probably fails. “He showed me.”
“He WHAT?”
Iris rubs her ears pointedly, and shrugs. “He helped me break into the CCPD archive building one night. I needed to look at some Santini records for a story I’m working on.” She gives Joe an innocent smile. “Don’t worry, Dad - it was just the archives. I’d never break into the main precinct. I’m not that dumb, and Leonard sure as hell isn’t.”
When her dad rubs a hand down his face and slumps into the seat next to her, Iris knows she’s won. Joe sighs. “Okay. We’ll come back to you breaking and entering right into police property in a minute.”
“Sure, Dad,” she says cheerfully.
He turns his head to look at her. The anger has drained away, leaving real fear in its place. There you are. Iris can deal with worry. As long as her dad is honest about his motivations, she can handle him. “Baby girl, are you really sure about this?” Her dad takes her hand. “I know, I know - you’re a grown-up…”
Progress. Iris nods. “I am, and I can make my own decisions about who I spend my time with.”
She carefully avoids the word date, just as she has for the past five weeks.
“Even terrible damn decisions like Leonard Snart,” her dad mutters.
Iris raises an eyebrow.
Joe sighs in defeat. “I’m just scared for you, baby girl.”
Her poor dad. He keeps trying to keep her out of danger, and it’s a losing battle. Iris squeezes his hand, almost sympathetic. “I know. I promise I’ll be careful, okay? Besides.” She aims a warm smile at him. “It’s not serious. This thing’ll probably be done in a week or two. So you don’t have to worry, okay?”
Lifting Iris’s hand to his lips to kiss it, her dad nods. “So that’s two of you with a thing for criminals,” he mutters.
Iris doesn’t know what that comment is about, and she doesn’t ask. She’s almost glad when the conversation moves on from Leonard Snart. Even if it does turn to Iris’s criminal behaviour, and whether her dad is obliged to report her. Iris has to fight a smile for the whole of his lecture, knowing there’s no way he’s turning her in. When your daughter is the light of your life, ‘scared straight’ will only ever be an act.
Barry: Concern
In the middle of the Cortex, her best friend worries at his lip. “You know he’s a killer, right?”
That really is everyone’s excuse for keeping her from seeing Leonard, isn’t it? Iris folds her arms. “No, Barr. I’d managed to miss that fact entirely. Thanks so much for pointing it out.” She pulls back on the sharp tone when he gives her a look. “And he hasn’t hurt anyone in a long time. Not since that deal of yours. You know, the one that had you saying you could see the good in him? It’s almost like you were trying to reform him.” She shoots him a smug grin.
Barry chuckles, glancing away to the Flash suit - and something strange crosses his face. It would be almost imperceptible to anyone else. But Iris is not just anyone.
“Barr,” she asks, stepping carefully around from behind the desk, “you’re not jealous, are you?”
Barry looks back at her with a smile that, if she doesn’t look too closely, is hardly tinged with sadness at all. “Why would I be jealous? I hate to break it to you, Iris, but I got over you a while ago.”
Iris she doesn’t mention the alternative option. If Barry isn’t going to acknowledge the obvious, it’s best if she doesn’t.
But when she thinks he’s not looking, Iris gazes at him. He’s staring at the Flash suit again, his eyes so sad it’s going to break her heart. How long has the poor boy been in love with Leonard Snart?
It seems to take Barry a minute to make it back to the here and now. “I’m just a little concerned, that’s all.” He lays a friendly hand on her arm. “You’ll stay safe, won’t you, Iris?”
Iris matches Barry’s too-cheerful smile, like fake flowers in summer, with one of her own. “Of course I will. Don’t worry, Barr.” She turns away to the door.
When she reaches it, she spins on her heel to get another glimpse of him. Barry is back to staring into empty space with empty eyes. Iris knows he won’t want her pity, but she can give him something. “I’m just having fun, okay?”
He glances back at her. “Are you?” he asks, a little too softly.
Iris tosses her hair over her shoulder. “Of course I am. Did you really think Leonard Snart would want things to get serious?”
She walks away without looking back. Best not to give Barry a chance to call her bluff.
Leonard: Love
“I hope you’re aware that all my friends and family have very complicated feelings about you.” Iris drops her weekend bag on the hotel room bed, winking at Leonard.
The man himself is stretched out on the bed like a big, lithe cat. One leg folded over the other; hands linked behind his head. It’s just the sort of cocky, lazy pose that’s designed to get Iris hot. She’s not going to tell him it’s working already. “Is that right?” he purrs. He pats the bed next to him.
Iris jumps on greedily, falling into his arms. His kiss is warm and inviting, a delightful welcome-home even in the bleakly familiar mid-budget hotel surroundings, with all the identical fixtures and fittings as every other hotel they’ve stayed in, every weekend for the past five weeks. “Mmm,” she murmurs against his lips - so soft and gentle it surprised her, when they first started this little fling. So far from what she’d expected. But by now she’s learned that Leonard Snart always defies expectations. “I’ve missed you.”
“Not like I’ve missed you.” His voice is so sincere, it scares her a little.
But no more than she can handle.
“So.” Leonard lazes back against the headboard, lifting an arm so she can snuggle in against his side - and she never says no to that offer. She wriggles into his embrace, sighing out all the stress of the week as she listens to Leonard talk. “Tell me about these complicated feelings your people have about me. I might be kinda flattered.”
“Kinda?” Iris raises an eyebrow. A full-of-himself criminal winks back at her. “Well, let’s see. The whole of STAR Labs found out that I’m sleeping with you, all at once - alcohol was involved, and no, you’re not getting that story.” Leonard grins, but lets her continue. “Cisco said he could not in good conscience talk to me while I was dating a supervillain who’d once kidnapped him, and slammed his lab door, and then he had to come back for half his stuff, and then he said maybe if you apologise, he’ll think about being okay with it.”
“An apology, huh?” For a moment, Leonard looks as unsure as Iris has ever seen him. Then he shrugs. “Guess that can be arranged.” He sneaks her a little smile when he thinks she’s not looking. “If it’d make you happy.”
Iris hums and kisses him again, just a light touch of her lips on his. He makes the cutest happy noise - it’s enough to set her heart fluttering in her chest. “It might,” she murmurs. “Hmm, who else… Caitlin was tight-lipped for a few days, but then she admitted she thinks you’re hot, and Frost turned up to say that, if she dated men, you’d be pretty high on her list too, and a few other unsettling things along the lines of you go, girl, so I think I’ve won them over.”
Leonard throws back his head and laughs. He looks too beautiful for words when he does that. “Well, these sound like complicated feelings with acceptable resolutions.” He reaches out a hand for her face, stroking her cheek, a touch of concern on his face. The fluttering in Iris’s chest kicks up a gear. “So that can’t be all of it, if everyone in that goody-two-shoes hero store found out at once.”
Iris’s gaze drops to the blanket beneath them. “My dad and I had a fight for the ages,” she admits, with more of a wobble in her voice than she intends. “Worse than when I dated Lee Tarrant when I was sixteen, and he was a coke dealer.” Leonard’s snort is delightful, persuading Iris to entertain him a little more. “In the end I distracted Dad with something else… and now you might have a standing invitation to the weekly West family dinner.” Iris pats a horrified-looking Leonard on the back. “Cecile and Jenna are your way in. Bring Jenna presents. Not stolen ones. My dad will love you in… maybe a week or two.”
Leonard lets out a disbelieving snort.
“Okay, a month might be more realistic,” Iris admits, attempting a grin. She’s a little worried at the distant look that’s turned up in Leonard’s eyes.
“Go on,” he says softly, as if he needs thinking time. “Anyone else express complicated feelings about yours truly this week?”
“Just Barry.” Iris feels the way Leonard goes still against her, but she doesn’t draw attention to it.
Leonard makes a quiet little hmm sound. “Don’t tell me the Flash wants me dead too. Even when I’m fucking his best friend, that seems out of character for our beloved hero.”
Iris gets the sense she needs to tread carefully here. “No, he wasn’t mad. He was a little worried, but mostly he seemed kind of… sad.”
“Is that right?” Leonard’s eyes are a deep, dark mirror of Barry’s, back in the Cortex.
So there is a story there. But Iris is not going to push for it now. She just leans in and kisses him, one more time.
When they finally part, Leonard is gazing at her like he’s seeing her for the first time. She smiles… and he clears his throat. “So. West family dinner, huh?”
Iris snuggles back in under his arm. “Yep.”
“With your dad and not-stepmom and baby sis.”
Damn. He’s really thinking about it. “Yep.” Iris holds her breath.
“…And Barry.”
“Of course.” Barry is a non-negotiable, if Leonard cares about her. Whatever complicated feelings those are, she hopes she’s worth getting past them.
(When did she start hoping she was worth anything to him?)
Leonard makes an oddly thoughtful sound. “And I never have to go anywhere near STAR Labs?”
Iris lets out the breath she was holding. “I give you a couple of months before you’re dying to, just to annoy them all and play the dashing not-at-all-hero while you’re at it… but, no, that is not required.”
Leonard licks his lips, clearly hiding a smile. He rolls them both over, ending up on top of her. She giggles and lets him stay there, just for a minute. Leonard murmurs, “A couple of months, huh? Is that how long you think this thing is gonna last, Iris?”
Her heart is doing that flip-flop thing again. There’s a strong, gorgeous man above her, his muscled, careful arms either side of her head, and - oh, fuck it. She wants to keep this. “Well. I guess that depends.”
He tilts his head. “I’ll bite. Depends on what?”
In a graceful second, Iris has switched their positions, straddling him. His eyes darken with lust. Iris wants to hold onto that look for as long as she can. Maybe a whole lot longer than two more months. “On how long I can keep you interested,” she teases.
Leonard winks at her.
The next kiss leads to another, and another…
Iris lies beside at him in the afterglow, just enjoying his arms around her.
As his beautiful eyes hold her gaze, he asks her, “What are you thinking about?”
She and Leonard have told each other a lot of lies during the past month or so. Iris has told herself even more.
It’s just a fling.
One more weekend, and we’ll call it quits.
We’re just having fun.
I’m not in love.
But Iris is done with the lies. “Complicated feelings,” she replies, cupping her boyfriend’s cheek. “And I don’t mean my friends’ feelings.” She meets his trusting gaze. “I mean mine… and yours.”
His laugh, surprised but delighted, is everything she could need in an answer.
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just-my-fandom · 4 years
One After Another (Cisco Ramon x Allen! Reader)
Chapter 1
Table of Contents
Part 1; Reader and Cisco meet their son from the future. Nora and their son admit to why they can’t go back to the future.
Request; Hi yes! Can I request a story? Or two long parts? Where the reader (Barry’s twin sister) and Cisco are married and reader is actually pregnant, and Nora shows up with a boy couple years older than her, and they reveal to be Barry and Iris’ daughter and the boy is reader and Cisco’s son, Dante? You don’t have to if you don’t want! Not forcing!
Tag list; None currently.
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. . .
“Are you sure you dont want to know the gender?”
“I’m positive, Ralph,” You nod your head slowly, once, hands at your stomach and holding up your glass cup of (Favorite/Drink), “I mean, it’s not a big deal to me. We’ve already decided on names, Dante for a boy and Nora for a girl, simple,”
“But you guys could have a huge gender reveal party!” Ralph pleas, when Barry gets up to answer the door that was knocked on twice, “You could have party poppers, or have Joe dress up in a diaper!”
“I’ll kill you,” Joe threatens, and you snort, looking over your shoulder when two figures step into the living room, both darting their eyes around the living room as to scan each member of team Flash,
“I’m sorry,” Your brother rubs the back of his neck, brows pinched together as Cisco shifts in his spot beside you, arm along the back of the couch as his free hand held his wine glass- lucky, “Who are you guys?”
“I’m Nora,” The girl hesitates, hands wringing together, “Nora West-Allen,”
Before anyone can question on her last name, the boy next to her shifts, his eyes flicking to you, “I’m Dante,” You feel your chest tighten strangely, “Dante Henry Ramon,”
You feel Cisco cough on his wine, his hand behind you covering his mouth as he looks up at the young male, his brows pinched as his eyes then flicked to yours, “What?”
“I know this sounds super weird!” Nora tosses her hands in front of her, watching as her aunt and uncle stared at each other, before looking back up to her and Dante, “But we need your help,”
“I thought we were done with time traveling,” You sigh, tiredly, Cisco cocking his head in a “seriously?” motion, so you shrugged,
“What-what can we help you with?” Barry stammers, eyes narrowing slightly in thought,
“Dante and I were able to come to the past,” Nora explains, “Which is where we helped you destroy that satellite,”
“Wait, you’re a speedster?” Cisco points to Dante, your son forcing out a nervous laugh and a nod of his head,
“Great,” You murmur, so everyone looked to you, “I lose my speed and my son gains them,”
“Uh, you actually get your speed back after you give birth, Aunt Y/N,” Nora smiles, and watches as your lips pull upwards,
“Seriously?” You punch the air, free hand on your stomach, “Yes!”
“Okay,” Cisco shakes his head, standing up, “You’re telling me that the baby inside her right now,” He points to your bump, then raises his finger to Dante, “Is you?”
“Exactly,” Dante nods, “But I’m from 25 years in the future,”
“So you’re saying,” Barry runs a hand down his face, hand resting at his chin, “You’re my-our daughter,” He gestures to Iris, “And you’re my nephew?” Dante nods,
“I was named after both dads brother and Grandpa Henry,” He explains, looking to Nora, “Nora was named after Grandma Nora,”
“I see it as a win-win,” You grin, Cisco gesturing a hand out to you in disbelief,
“How are you so calm?”
“We’ve seen weirder things than this,” You remind, grasping the edge of the couch to stand, “Get me up, I can’t stand watching you drink wine while I’m stuck with (favorite/fruit) juice,”
“Why don’t we go to STAR Labs,” Iris speaks up, watching Cisco take your hand and raise you to your feet, allowing you to fully get a look at Dante, “We can figure all this out there, let you guys explain,”
. . .
“This is...”
“Weird,” Cisco finishes Barry’s sentence, looking to his brother in law who nods, both watching the two speedsters race around the speed lab, a mix of purple and yellow lightning blending with (favorite/color),
“Man I really miss my powers,” Your lips purse in a pout, hands curled under your stomach as your eyes easily kept up with the two speedsters,
“Can you really believe that’s our son up there?” Cisco murmurs, your eyes flicking to him, smiling at the grin on his face, “No matter how weird this is, it’s cool as hell,”
“I just can’t believe that we have a son,” You glance up to the running speedsters, “I was pretty sure Baby Ramon would be a girl,”
“Okay, we both know I was routing for a boy,” Cisco reminds, and you laugh, head tilting back with a grin.
“We need to be responsible with this,” Barry speaks up, your smile faltering as you look to him, “We need to find a way to send Dante and Nora back, and fast,”
“Yeah, I kind of agree,” Cisco purses his lips, “Even though this did ruin the “find out the gender at birth” scheme we were going for,”
Two figures speed to a stop behind you, your body turning to look to Nora and Dante both grinning at each other, them then looking to their parents in front of them,
“Okay guys,” Caitlin steps up, ordering the two to give her a hand, where she pierces their finger with a needle, “This is gonna link us up with your biometrics,”
“And these scrunchy things,” Cisco nods, moving in front of Dante to clasp the device around his wrist, “Is gonna analyze your connect with the Speed Force,”
Both teenagers nod as they both in sync look at their devices, grinning at each other before sprinting back around the speed lab,
“And what does it say?” Barry asks Caitlin, who types up the screen in front of her,
“A quick analysis of their DNAs show patterns that are familiar to all of you,”
“I knew it,” You nod, pursing your lips, “They’re our kids,”
“Well of course, Dante’s got my amazing hair,” Cisco twirls a lock of his hair, grinning when you shake your head.
“What about them being stuck here?” Barry continues, watching the quick interaction between his sister and best friend,
“Everything’s normal,” Cisco mutters, his own eyes on his screen as you move next to him, “They both have the speed force in their systems, they’re just... not going fast enough to open up the portal back to their timeline,”
Barry nods as his phone vibrates, glancing down with a short huff, “Damn, I was supposed to meet Singh at CCPD an hour ago,”
“Be safe,” You demand, your brother nodding before he speeds off, allowing you to look back up at the two speedsters, smiling lightly before looking back down to Cisco, his eyes looking up to meet yours before his hand presses to your bump, winking,
. . .
“I can’t believe I’m wearing the same tachyon enhancer my dad used to meet Supergirl for the first time,” Nora grins in excitement to her cousin next to her, who allowed Cisco to make adjustments to the same advice on his chest,
“I know, right?” Dante nods, gesturing to the device, “Mom had one too. But just the thought of them meeting Supergirl- cool as hell,”
“Alright,” Caitlin laughs, stepping back from Nora, “You’re both all set,”
“Did all these suits shrink?” The team looks up to Barry pulling at the bottom of his old Flash suit, your nose scrunching, “And why does it smell so bad?”
“Because it’s the one you used when you swam against King Shark, Uncle Barry,” Dante snickers, Barry nodding in realization,
“We should get going,” Barry presses his lips together as Dante and Nora frown to each other, Nora nodding in agreement, sadly,
“Then this is goodbye,” Dante says, clapping his gloved hands together as he glances to you, where you smile, softly, “It’s good to see you again, mom. I guess I’ll see you in a minute,”
“It was great meeting you,” You nod, “Even if it was six weeks too early,”
Dante laughs, glancing to Cisco, who holds up a pointed finger, “Answer this for me. Do I keep my long gorgeous locks even when I’m in my fifties?”
Dante holds up a finger to his lips, Cisco’s eyes widening in terror as he looks to his wife, where you laugh and snort against your hand, watching as Dante moved to the side of Barry Nora wasn’t at.
You wait, patiently, when the three speedsters rush off, looking over when Wally speeds up next to you, his hand at your arm, warningly, “Did they already leave?”
“Yeah, why? What’s up?” Iris asks, Wally shaking his head as he releases you,
“We have to stop them,”
Your eyes flick in alert to Cisco, flinching in alert to the explosion heard from behind the doors,
. . .
“Sorry I was too late,” Wally leans forward on his elbows, looking up to Nora on the labs bed, Dante and Barry both holding ice packs to their heads, “We got their Gideon to scan Nora and Dante’s blood samples,”
“Whatd she find?”
“Negative tachyons,” Wally sighs, your brows pinching as you glance to Cisco next to your chair,
“Negative tachyons?” Cisco questions, “So what, instead of speeding you up they slow you down?”
Wally nods, warily, Cisco frowning and huffing, “Well damn I was just joking, that’s a real thing?”
“Yeah. Ava and her team at the time bureau have encountered them before, but no one knows where they come from or how they’re generated.”
“Like Dark Matter for the space time continuum,” Barry nods,
“Exactly. They’re keeping Nora and Dante from entering the Speedforce,”
“Okay. I’ll work on this, you guys go help Ralph with the Gridlock crime scene,” Barry demands, ordering Dante and Nora to stay at the labs,
. . .
“We have to tell him,” Dante leans against Cisco’s desk as he watches Nora stare at the group photo of their family, his eyes staring down at the floor, “Uncle Barry at least deserves to know,”
“Nora,” Barry speaks up, so both Dante and Nora looked up at him, “What happens to me? In the future?”
Nora, Dante and Barry all stand in front of Gideon’s screen, the bright words, “FLASH VANISHES IN CRISIS,” shining in their faces,
“How long?” Barry orders, Nora tapping the screen so a new news article shined, saying, “25 YEARS LATER- FLASH STILL MISSING,”
Barry clenches his jaw, Dante clearing his throat, “You never come back,”
Barry glances back to look at him, then Nora, “How old were you when it happened?”
“I was born a few years before you vanished, I was at the age where I don’t have memories, but Dante, was,” Nora answers, shortly,
“Youre not stuck here, are you guys?” Barry realizes, Dante glancing down at his feet before looking up at his uncle,
. . .
“So you’re not stuck here,”
“No, we’re not,” Nora glances up to look at Iris, who sits in the seat in the corner of the West living room,
“So the reverse tachyons in your systems?”
Dante looks to Caitlin, “Were put there because of us,”
“Are you kidding?” Cisco asks, leaning on the couch beside Ralph, “Do you know how many credit card points I just blew just trying to get rid of those negative tachyons? I just bought a brand new spectral tachyeometer when I could’ve taken Y/N on our Fiji get away,”
“Why didn’t you guys tell us about this before?” Iris asks, “And why tell us when Y/Ns not here? She will be thrilled to know Dante gets to stay longer,”
“We can’t tell Y/N,” Barry instructs, Cisco looking up at him with pinched brows,
“And why not?”
Nora lifts her wrist to show the hologram of the same news letter from earlier, Cisco sitting up to read it more clearly,
“Barry never returns?” Cecile gasps, looking over to Cisco,
“Y/N doesn’t even know I disappear,” Barry explains, “And she can’t know. Not now,”
“And why not?” Cisco repeats, “You just want to throw it at her last minute as if we don’t know it’ll happen years in advance?”
“We don’t know what the news will do to her,” Barry reasons, gesturing to Dante, “She could go into early labor, complications can happen due to stress,”
“When uncle Barry does vanish later, mom falls into depression,” Dante tries, Cisco looking to him, “The realization of her losing not only Grandma Nora and Grandpa Henry, but uncle Barry disappearing, it takes a huge effect to her,”
“That’s why you came here,” Joe points to Nora, “To see your father,” Then Dante, “And your mothers brother before he vanished,”
“Well,” Iris stands up, Nora glancing up to her, “Looks like Dante and Nora will be able to train some more, after all,”
Dante and Nora look to grin at one another, Barry announcing to meet at STAR Labs in the next hour, “We’ll make an excuse as to why Dante and Nora are able to stay longer,”
. . .
“Babe? We’re home,”
You look up from the stove with pinched brows, stepping in the entrance of the kitchen so you see not only Cisco, but Dante,
“We?” You question, Dante pressing his lips together with a wave, “Were you not able to get him and Nora home?”
“Actually, yes,” Cisco nods, setting down his jacket, “But, Barry has decided to let them stay longer, train them more on their powers,”
“Will it not affect the future?” You ask, glancing up at Cisco when he moves up to you,
“Barry’s got it all under control,” Cisco nods, “Dont worry,”
“Okay,” You sigh, hands at his torso as you look to Dante, “Well. Welcome home I suppose. Why don’t you go get settled in the guest room, since, you know. Your bedroom is still a nursery,”
Your son laughs, nodding, “Yeah. Thanks mom,” You watch as he disappears down the hall, glancing up at your husband of three years,
“Mom,” You repeat, Cisco smiling as your eyes flash with warmth, “I’m never gonna get used to it,”
“Two more months,” Cisco reminds, hands slipping from your waist to your stomach, hands under your shirt, “And we get to meet baby Dante,”
You laugh, nodding, hands sliding around his neck to tangle in his hair, “I love you,”
“Mm, not as much as I do,” Your husband teases, leaning forward so his lips met yours, hand sliding to your back to pull you closer, so your stomach pressed to his,
You release a sigh against his mouth, smiling as you lean back, “C’mon, I made your favorite,”
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brelione · 4 years
Clean You Up (Barry X Reader)
Request:May I please request from prompt list #2 with 34 for barry🥺👉👈
I love how you said ‘please’ thats so polite omg
Barry was problematic to put it simply.It seemed that he got into a fight every single day during drug deals gone wrong.He always won rather it be because of his strength or his ability to make someone cry by just staring at them.
You stayed in the bedroom most the time,not wanting to see any drug deals happening or bump into anyone.He always tried to tell you that nobody would mess with you,that you were safe.You knew that but the idea just made you stressed.The sun was going down,the bedroom door opening.
You looked up from your phone,seeing Barry with blood dripping down his chin and cheekbone.Your eyes widened,standing up and pushing him up against the wall.His eyes widened,looking down at you. “Barry!Why are you bleeding?”You asked,cupping his face.He chuckled at your concern,pulling your hands away. “Another fight,I won though.”He shrugged,walking past you and going for the closet. 
“I dont care that you won!You still got hurt!”You exclaimed,grabbing him by the arm.He rolled his eyes,wiping the blood with his hand. “I didnt even feel it.”He replied,pulling off his blood stained sleeveless shirt. “But you’ll get your cuts infected!Dont touch them-your hands are dirty.”You grabbed his hands before he could touch his face again. “You’re so dramatic.”He huffed,trying to pull his hands from your grip.
 “You get no kisses and no sex for five days.”You told him,watching as his face paled,shaking his head. “Bull shit.”He answered,watching as you got more angry. “Just let me clean you up,please?”You asked,pouting and looking at him with puppy eyes.It was his weakness,making him sigh as he nodded slowly.You grinned,dragging him into the small bathroom.
You made him sit down on the toilet,a frown on his face as you ran a small rag under hot water.You knelt down in front of him,wiping the blood from his bottom lip and his chin. “What was the fight about?”You asked,rinsing the blood from the cloth.He licked his lips,getting rid of the small amount of blood that was left. “He couldnt pay me.”He answered,clenching his jaw as you pressed the rag to his cheekbone and temple. 
“Sorry.”You mumbled,kissing his forehead gently.His hands lifted to your hips,squeezing lightly.You smacked his hands away,making him furrow his eyebrows.You were the only one who ever did anything like that.You were the only one who could even touch him at all.You pressed the rag to the cut on his cheekbone,hoping to stop the blood completely. “Do you have cuts anywhere else?”You asked.He bit his cheek,knowing better than to lie to you.He lifted up his shirt,showing bruises and a long dragged out cut.Your eyes widened,holding his shirt up. “What the fuck?”You whispered,staring at the patches of purple skin.He grinned slightly at your reaction,glad that you cared so much. “Look at me.”He told you,watching as you touched the bruised skin lightly.You looked up at him,your eyes slightly watery.
 “Im fine.I ain’t never had infected cuts before.”He reminded you.You glared at him,your hand trailing up his chest and squeezing his jaw lightly. “Barry,you’re really dumb.”You told him,kissing his nose.He held his breath as you pressed the towel to the cut. “Hold this here.”You told him,taking his hand and placing it over the rag.He watched as you grabbed a box of large bandaids,un wrapping one.
 “Do you need to bite the chain?”You offered,pulling the silver chain from under your shirt.He shook his head,pulling the rag off of the cut.You placed the bandage over the injury,rubbing it lightly to keep it there,leaning down to kiss the skin of his stomach.He smiled slightly,tossing the rag into the sink.
You let him pull his shirt back down. “Im still getting kisses and shit,arent I?”He asked.You shrugged,going to leave the bathroom.He stopped you,pushing you up against the door. “Give me a real answer.”He demanded,squeezing your waist tightly.You pulled him down,kissing him gently.He smiled into the kiss,pulling away with a grin. “That’s what I thought.”He grinned,following you back into the bedroom.
You slid under the covers,grabbing your phone again.He pulled on a black t shirt,slipping under the covers next to you. “What are you doing?”He asked,wrapping his arms tight around you with his chin on your shoulder,looking at your phone. “Horror movie.”You answered,scrolling through netflix.He nodded,his short beard tickling your neck as he left a trail of gentle pecks along your neck.
 “Horror?I thought you hated horror.”He tugged at the bottom of your shirt. “Only bad horror.I like psychological horror.”You mumbled.He nodded,dragging his hands up your waist,grinning when he realized you werent wearing a bra. “Bear.”You spoke,turning to look at him.His eyebrows raised,letting you know that he was listening. “Would you murder me?”You asked.A smirk tugged at his lip,clicking his tongue. 
“Would I get payed?”He asked.You sighed,putting your cold feet on him and making him hiss.  “I have no idea why I like you.”You grumbled,continuing to scroll through the movies.He moved so he was on top of you,his hands pinning yours above your head. “Because I make good pot brownies.”He kissed you lightly.
 “And I give good hugs.”he kissed you again. “Oh,and you think im adorable.”He kissed you gently,smiling as you let out a soft giggle. “You should make pot brownies.”You suggested.He shrugged,kissing you once more.  “I broke the blender.”He answered,making you frown. “How’d you break it?”You asked,pulling his hair out of its knot so you could twirl his dark hair between your fingers. “I put a spoon in there by accident.”He admitted,leaning down to kiss your collarbone. “Dum dum.”You smiled,lifting his chin to kiss him gently. “Shut up.”He answered.
@outerbongs  @copper-boom  @httpstarkey @teenwaywardasgardian @drewswannabegirl
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dccomicsimagines · 4 years
Spilled Coffee - Wally West x Reader
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Requested by Anon -  Impulse accidentally knocks a girl over while running only for Wally to fall for her when he stops and helps her up and then tries his hardest to find her when he's not in uniform?
You shuffled out your front door and down the driveway. A warm cup of fresh coffee in your hand, filling your nose with it’s lovely, wide wake scent. Your overnight Amazon order had just been delivered, but the deliveryman left it at the end of the driveway. Personally, you didn’t see why they couldn’t at least leave it by the front door. 
Taking a long sip from your cup, you bent down to pick up the package. You straightened before a car honk shattered the peaceful quiet of the day. A bright yellow and blue car sped down the street. “Come get me, Flash Boys,” a man in an orange and blue costume and a mask shouted out the window. The car skid into the turn, running into a few garbage cans on the way. 
You jumped slightly before carefully steady your coffee. “Maniac.” You tucked your package under your arm and turned to go back to your house. However, after your first step, a gust of wind hit you. It was so powerful, you lost your balance and crashed hard onto the pavement. 
Your coffee splashed onto you, burning your skin. “Shit.” You checked the package, which you landed on. It didn’t look damaged. 
“Sorry about him. He never looks where he’s going,” a voice said. You looked up, wide eyed at the hand offered out to you. “Did that coffee burn you?” 
“A bit.” You took the hand and got to your feet. “I didn’t break the cup at least.” Your body ached from the impact. You’ll have bruises tonight for sure. It took a moment before you noticed the red and yellow suit on the owner of the hand. “Is it Halloween?” 
The red headed man chuckled. “No, I’m Kid Flash.” You stared at him blankly. “A superhero.” 
“Oh, that’s why you’re wearing that?” You shook your head. “Well, thanks for helping me up.” You started toward your house with a limp. “Better go stop that guy.” 
Kid Flash was still standing where you left him when you reached your front door. You raised an eyebrow at him. Suddenly, he shifted before disappearing in a flash. You sighed. “What a crazy day,” you mumbled, going inside to change out of your coffee stained clothes. 
“Where were you?”  Bart asked as he finished deconstructing Trickster's car, leaving Trickster in a state of shock. He sat on his car seat with a loose steering wheel in his hand.  He threw the steering wheel with a scream of frustration. 
“You knocked over a civilian.” Wally zoomed to tie up Trickster with a piece of extension cord. “I stopped to help.” 
Bart shrugged. “Oops. Were they feeling the mode?” 
“Yeah, but then they didn’t know who I was.” Wally stopped next to Bart. 
Trickster laughed. “Not everybody knows you, Flash Boy. They only know the Flash.” 
The cops pulled up. “Let’s go.” Bart elbowed Wally before dashing off. Wally sighed, following him. They both rushed out of their suits and into civvies. “Do you think we missed the surprise part of the party?” 
“No, Uncle Barry is supposed to pick her up from work at five. He’s always late, so we should be good,” Wally chuckled as they both zoomed through the backdoor. Joan jumped, almost dropping the cake in surprise. Wally quickly caught it. “Sorry.” 
“Boys.” Joan shook her head. “You almost missed it. Barry just texted that they were on their way home.” She took the cake back and glared at Bart in warning when he tried to steal some frosting. “Bartholomew, snack on something else.” 
Bart blushed and zoomed off into the living room to find snacks. “Do you think it’s weird that someone doesn’t know who Kid Flash is?” Wally asked, crossing his arms. It bugged him. He used to hate it when he got called Speedy or Mini-Flash, but for someone to not even recognize him. You lived in Central City. How could you not know who he was?
“No.” Joan took the cake into the living room. Wally trailed behind her. “Not everyone is so into superheroes to know all your names.” 
“But she lives in Central City? It’s our city,” Wally exclaimed. Mary came over and started to smooth out Wally’s hair. “Mom, stop it.” 
“I don’t know why you can’t run a comb through your hair once and a while.” Mary shook her head. 
Rudy clapped a hand on Wally’s shoulder. “Listen to your mother.” 
Wally sighed. “But the entirety of Central City knows the Flash, thus they know Kid Flash. I mean it makes sense if no one knows who Bart is.” 
“Ouch.” Bart pouted, eating a bag of Chicken Whizees. “I’m so crash they don’t have to know my name is Impulse.”  
“They’re here, everyone quiet and hide,” Jay said, turning off the lights. Wally got pushed down by his dad. He grumbled, still obsessed with the idea you didn’t know who Kid Flash was. 
“How does someone who lives in Central City not know who Kid Flash is?!” Wally said for the hundredth time that week. Dick rolled his eyes. 
“Can you give it a rest? Who cares if she doesn’t know who Kid Flash was?” Dick landed a punch on a robber. Wally and Dick were having guys’ night out only to find robbery in progress.  
Wally zoomed around another robber so fast that he got disoriented enough to back up and fall into the nearby trash can. “I care.” Wally stopped beside Dick once all the robbers were down. 
“Cops are on their way. Let’s go.” Dick climbed out the window and landed on the street below. Wally dashed down the stairs and out the front door to join him. They both walked down the street, heading toward the new club they decided to check out. “You need to get turbed, dude. I mean we’re on a covert ops team. No one is supposed to know who we are.” 
“People know who Robin is.” Wally threw his arms in the air. “There was even posters made of us. Remember Gar had them in his room.” 
Dick stared at him blankly. “Walls, not everyone is obsessed with superheroes.” 
“So? I mean it’s like not knowing who the president is.” Wally kicked a beer can down the sidewalk before picking it up and tossing it in a garbage can. 
“There are a lot of people who prefer not to know who the president is.” Dick laughed. They joined the line into the club. 
“What is this place anyway?” Wally tapped his foot, eyeing the bouncer somewhat nervously. 
Dick shrugged. “It’s a new club. Plays live music every night.” He bumped Wally’s arm. “I heard the band playing tonight is awesome. Barbara recommended it.” 
“Oh, Barbara recommended it?” Wally raised an eyebrow. “So is that working out for you two now?” 
Dick bit his lips to hold back a smirk. “We’re not feeling the aster yet, but it’s getting close. I think she’s going to give me a chance.” 
“Good for you, dude.” Wally smiled, bumping Dick’s arm back as they reached the front of the line. They showed their IDs to the bouncer and were let inside. The club was crowded. Dick led the way to the bar, getting two sober colas for himself and Wally. Wally took a sip of his drink and turned to look at the band as they warmed up.
Wally spit out his cola all over a few passing women. They gasped, glaring at him in disgust. “Walls, what the hell?” Dick exclaimed, flashing a smile at the women. They instantly didn’t seem so upset anymore. However, Wally’s eyes were on the stage. His heart pounding so hard, it threatened to burst from his chest.
“It’s her,” he whispered to Dick. His hand shook so bad, his cola was spilling on the floor. Dick took it from him and set it back on the bar. The bartender stared at the mess on the floor.
“Who?” Dick followed Wally’s gaze to the stage. “Which one?” 
The singer took the mike. “Hello music lovers, are you ready for Laugh Track?” they shouted. The crowd screamed in response. Wally’s eyes stayed on you as you beat the tempo of the song on your drum set before the rest of the band joined in.
“She’s the drummer.” Wally raised his voice, not taking his eyes off you. Dick chuckled, shaking his head. Wally saw how skillful you were on the drums. He moved closer to the stage. Dick followed him, wanting a closer look himself. 
Your face was a mask of intense concentration. Wally loved how confidently you played. The little smirk you got when you did your drum solo. Wally’s knees shook. He almost crumbled at the sight. In that instant, he knew you would rarely leave his thoughts again. 
“Dude, you’re drooling.” Dick pulled Wally over to sit down at an empty table. Most of the crowd was on their feet, dancing and cheering for the band. Wally still didn’t take his eyes off you. You glanced up and met his eyes for a second. Time froze, the last note of the sound hung in the air. A real smile pulled at your lips. Wally grinned back at you.
Suddenly, time sped back up. The crowd was cheering loudly as you looked away from Wally. Wally moved to go to you, but Dick grabbed his arm. “Walls, you can’t go up there.” The band started their next song.
“But...” Wally looked back at you to find you focused back on the music, drumming away expertly. “Oh my god, she looked me! She smiled at me!”
Dick shook his head. “You’re hopeless,” he sighed as Wally focused back on you. However, Dick sensed he wasn’t done hearing about you for a long time.
“This sucks,” Wally groaned, collapsing on the floor of Roy Harper’s new house. The original team had come by to help him move in. Artemis stepped over him. 
“You aren’t even doing anything.” Artemis rolled her eyes at him, box in hand. 
Roy set baby Lian on Wally’s chest. “Hold the baby if you aren’t going to help.” He went back out to grab more boxes. 
Kaldur and Conner came in with an armchair. “Wallace, we will step on you,” Kaldur warned . Wally sighed, scooting out of the way. Lian giggled happily, thinking it was a game. 
“I haven’t been able to find her.” Wally looked at Lian who smiled at him sweetly. “I’ve looked up her band, Laugh Track, and all I found was a website for merch.” 
“Oh, that’s why you’re wearing that.” Conner snorted, nodding at Wally’s bright colored shirt with Laugh Track spray painted across the front. 
Wally glared at him. “I think it’s romantic,” M’gann said as she floated some boxes down the hallway toward the bedrooms. 
“Or it’s creepy. You realize she’s probably going to think you’re a stalker or something.” Artemis smiled when Wally turned his glare onto her. Lian reached up to grab Wally’s bottom lip. 
Dick and Roy came in with a coffee table. “I didn’t expect Ollie to buy me so much furniture for a housewarming gift,” Roy said as they set it down against the wall so it would be out of the way. Lian saw Roy and got excited enough to wet her diaper. 
“Roy, she needs you.” Wally held her out, wrinkling his nose. 
“You’re useless,” Roy said, coming over to take Lian and going to the bathroom to change her. 
Wally groaned, bringing his knees to his chest. “I found the house where I first saw her this morning, but she’s not there anymore. I think they were renting it.” 
Dick laughed, sitting down on the armchair Conner and Kaldur just brought in. “You know I could help you find her?” Dick jumped when Wally suddenly appeared beside him.
“Really? You will?!” His body vibrated in excitement. “Because that would be crash, dude!” 
“Impulse rubbing off on him,” Conner grumbled to M’gann. M’gann kissed Conner’s cheek.
Kaldur chuckled. “Why did you wait until now to offer your assistance?” He sat down on the coffee table. Artemis came up to offer him a water bottle.
Dick snorted. “I wanted to see how long it would take him to ask.” 
“Oh, thanks for waiting, Dick, so we could all hear Wally whine and complain,” Artemis said, rolling her eyes. 
“You’re welcome.” Dick smirked at her, earning a sharp punch in the arm from Artemis. Wally sat back on the floor, lost in his excitement at finally being able to meet you as Wally West. Who cared if you didn’t know who Kid Flash was? It wasn’t like you couldn’t learn. 
“What the hell is this? I go change Lian’s diaper and you all stop.” Roy came out of the bathroom with blazing eyes. Lian laughed. Her cuteness threw off his threatening appearance. “We’re renting that moving truck by the hour.” 
“I thought Green Arrow was paying for it,” Conner said. 
Roy froze as if he suddenly remembered that little fact. “Well, in that case.” He sat down next to Kaldur and handed Lian over to M’gann. “What’s the gossip? Is Wally going bald?” 
“Hey!” Wally grabbed a throw pillow from one of the boxes and threw it at Roy’s head. “I have all my hair, thank you very much. It’s you that getting a dad bod.” More pillows were thrown, and for a day, it was almost like old times back during the first year of the team.
You sighed, picking up your book as you sat on your stool behind the drum set. The singer and the bassist were arguing again. The bassist had written a new song, and the singer was adding their own flare to it. It was a mess as usual. The keyboardist laid down to take a nap on the floor while the guitarist went outside for a smoke break.  
About a chapter or two later, they finally came to an agreement. You put your bookmark in, and picked up your drumsticks. The new song was interesting to say the least.
The club wasn’t open yet. Only the bartender and the manager were there, preparing for the night. The band decided to practice while you could since you were all playing this club for the week. It was a chance to try something new and see how the crowd responds, your manager said.
Speaking of your manager, they burst through the stage door like their pants were on fire. “Hold the practice. You need to save your energy for tonight. We got some record companies coming to listen.” 
You sighed as the band stopped mid song. “Oh my god, I have to go get my hair done,” the singer cried, knocking over their mike and going on their phone to find the closest hair salon. The keyboardist just laid back down on the floor, while the guitarist went back out for another smoke break. The bassist ran up to your manager, chatting away. 
Putting your book and drumsticks in your bag, you got up to leave. A cup of coffee would be good. You didn’t get a lot of sleep last night due to sharing a room with the guitarist who snored like a fog horn. 
You left out of the club’s back door and used your phone to find the nearest coffee shop. “Where are you going?” the guitarist asked, blowing smoke into your path. You wrinkled your nose, walking through it.
“I’m going for some coffee. Want some?” You stopped a little ways away to avoid breathing in the cigarette smoke. 
“Yeah, you know what I like.” They took out their wallet and handed you a ten. “Bring me a snack too, will ya?” 
“Sure.” You took the ten and stuffed it in your pocket. “Don’t tell everyone else. I don’t want to get five coffees again.” 
They snorted. “Yeah, I still haven’t gotten the coffee stain off my shirt yet.” The blood rushed to your face, but you laughed it off and walked out of the alley to the street.
Luckily, you found a coffee shop two blocks away. You ordered your drink first and sat down to read your book in one of the cozy armchairs. Your drink sat on the table next to you. Time slipped away from you before you heard the table fall. You jumped, protecting your book as your coffee crashed to the floor. It splashed everything. “What the hell?” 
“Sorry.” A familiar looking red headed man quickly grabbed napkins to mop up some of the mess. “I’m such a klutz.” 
“It’s okay.” A employee came over with a mop and a wash cloth. The man turned to you. Your eyes went to his t-shirt, remembering the design your band had picked out for it. “Oh, are you a fan of Laugh Track?” 
He blushed. “Yeah, I heard them play a few weeks ago, and I couldn’t get their music out of my head.” He held out his hand. “My name is Wally.” 
“(Y/N).” You gave him a tight smile and shook his hand. It felt familiar, but you didn’t know how.  “I guess I better get another coffee.”
“Oh no, I’ll buy it for you. It’s my fault.” Wally smiled and suddenly you lost yourself in his green eyes for a moment. “What’s your poison?”
You laughed, getting up with your book and bag in hand. “How about I order it while you pay?” The two of you went to the counter, chatting away like you knew each other for your entire lives. 
Meanwhile, Dick and Barbara watched from a small table in the corner. “I can’t believe he purposely spilled her coffee. That’s a sin,” Barbara whispered, giggling away.
“I know, but it broke the ice didn’t it?” Dick took a sip of Barbara’s coffee. She glared at him, but he flashed her a charming smile and the glare faded away.
“At least she didn’t think he was a stalker.” Barbara snorted, stealing a sip of Dick’s coffee in retaliation. 
“Artemis will be upset about that. She bet me twenty that Wally would get punched in the face.” Dick and Barbara watched as you and Wally sat back down with fresh coffee. Wally looked happier than he had been in a long time. Dick smiled before he turned his full attention to Barbara.
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sophialikesthings · 3 years
Death Of Me Chapter 7
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Song: Helium- Glass Animals (IYKYK 💙💚) "This is the stupidest drawing in the world. Who drew this?" I laughed looking at Kiara.
"Who do you think?" She looked over at  Pope.
"Kie, your plan better work because there is no way we can pawn these off with a symbol on it." JJ walked over tossing the gold in front of us.
"It's gonna work." She held up a blow torch.
I helped JJ set up the pot where we would melt off the wheat symbol.
Once the gold was melted down we all hopped in the van and headed towards the local pawn shop.
"Hell of a job melting it down, Dr.Frankenstein." JJ hopped out of the van looking at the poorly melted glob of gold.
"Like you could have done any better?"
"I could have done much better, I took a welding class"
"Guys chill, all that matters is that the wheat symbol is gone." I tried to mediate the situation
"Easy for you to say. You're not the one that has to pawn this piece of shit off." JJ held up the gold.
"How did I get this job anyway?"
"Because you're the best liar." Pope said as we headed inside.
"Afternoon ma'am" JJ took his cap off.
"I see you buy gold." He took off his backpack, the rest of us pretended to look around the store.
"That's what the sign says don't it?"
"Well, I sure hope you buy a lot of it, because I'm about to blow your mind." He pulled it out.
"I ain't got much mind left to blow, so have at it kid."
"How 'bout them gold apples." he set it down in front of the store clerk.
"That ain't real." She chuckled
"That ain't real?" JJ repeated her.
"Feel how heavy it is."
She struggled to pick it up and grabbed her magnifier glass and looked closely as if she was examining every inch of it.
"Spray painted tungsten." She looked at him
She grabbed a hammer and hit a corner of it.
"If that wasn't real gold would you dent it that easily ma'am?" JJ questioned her judgement.
"Hold your horses." She put on her glasses
After bickering back and forth she put it on a scale.
"Seven pounds thats a lot of earrings." She didn't believe his lie.
JJ went on about how his mom had 'alzhimers', trying to gain sympathy from her.
She walked away to go get someone from the back.
"Alzhimers? Are you kidding me JJ?" I questioned his lying capabilities. "What? Got me out of many detentions so why not try it now?"
The owner came back out and started talking prices with JJ I kind of zoned out looking at 'Vintage Jewelry' with Sarah.
Before I knew it we were headed to the pawn stores warehouse to get the money.
"JJ, How in the world did you get away with an Alzheimer's lie?" I laughed.
"Listen man, we got the money didn't we?"
Suddenly we heard the sounds of police sirens telling us to pull over.
As we were trying to stash the gold someone pointed a gun at John B, Unfortunately I knew exactly who this was.
We all carefully did as instructed lying down on the ground while he went through the van.
John B got up and quickly ran to Barry's car grabbing the car keys and waiting till Barry got back in the car, strangling him getting back the gold he took. JJ ran over to help him get the gold back. While they were throwing punches I scooped up the gold from the passenger's seat and ran back to the van.
"I got it! Come on."
"Wait." JJ pulled down his mask.
"I know this piece of shit!" JJ couldn't believe it
"He's a base head."
"Probably knows my brother." Sarah panted.
"He does."
"He sells coke to my dad." JJ squared up.
"Mrs. Country Club!" Before Barry could finish speaking, JJ punched him.
"Let's go see where this son of a bitch lives?" JJ started walking.
"I'm gonna remember this shit!" Barry threatened.
=== "I should get back to my place, I'll see you later JJ." I hugged him tightly.
After I let go I walked back into my house to see the boys hanging out outside.
"Hey!" I greeted them
"There you are! I was wondering where you went?" Rafe hugged me kissing the top of my head.
"Rafe Cameron!" I heard Barry pull up out front.
"Fuck!" I ran inside to my room, opening the window so I could hear their conversation.
"What are you doing here man? Are you good?" Rafe asked, pulling him over to the side.
"No, I aint good man."
"Alright what happened."
"Why's your family think I'm just some bitch they can shit on?" Barry asked. "First your dad kneecaps me in my house, then I have to deal with your sister and your girlfriend breaking into my house and stealing my shit." He got upset.
I saw Topper's face change, he looked up at me and I felt my heart drop.
"My little sister, Robbed you?" Rafe asked.
"Yeah, Sarah, Demi, and their surfer rat friends stole 25k from me! That is why I'm here."
"Demi wouldn't even pick up a dollar off of the streets." Rafe defended me.
"Sort this shit out or I will! And I wont be nice about it." He barked.
"What are you gonna do?" Topper asked.
"I don't know?  That's not my problem." Rafe chuckled.
"Hey, That's Demi we are talking about." He reminded Rafe.
=== I ran over to the Camerons where Sarah and John B were
"We gotta go, Like now! Barry came over to my house and told Rafe about everything, Rafes coming to get you." I explained out of breath.
We quickly left the lot as soon as we could. We made it about five minutes out when Rafe pulled us over.
"Let me handle it, Sarah, come out when you think it's necessary." I hopped out.
"What the hell is wrong with you?" I stomped over.
"There she is!" He took his helmet off.
"Hello? Are you high?" I asked
"Damn it Rafe, we could have run you over."
"I just heard about your little home invasion!" He scoffed.
"What are you talking about?" I acted clueless.
"What would your father, the sheriff, say if he knew you were robbing dealers?"
I heard Sarah step out of the van.
"And you! What would our dad say?" he pointed at her.
"I don't know. You could tell him if he didn't kick you out." she snapped back.
"Listen Demi, I try to take care of you."
"That's a lie" I laughed.
"Who's ungrateful, as always, listen, the guy that you robbed is a bad man, Demi."
"Yeah, I'm aware, Rafe!"
"Listen! He gave me this,okay?" He showed me his arm.
Suddenly Topper decided to show up.
"You take care of your shit, I'll take care of mine!"
"I"m taking care of my shit! Listen Demi, One day I'm gonna be running the show, for us because I love you!"
"A-and I don't like it when we fight." He pulled me in for a hug.
"We will talk about this later."
=== Later That Day === I decided to go and see what JJ was doing because I was bored, oddly I showed up at the house at the same time as Kiara and Pope.
"Hey, what are you doing here?" Kiara asked, giving me a hug.
"Checking in on JJ, he had a rough day."
All of a sudden fairy lights come on.
"Where did that come from?" We went to the back of the house to find out.
As we got closer we saw a drunk JJ sitting in a brand new hot tub popping a cork off of a champagne bottle.
"What did you do? JJ." Pope asked.
"I got a jet going straight in my butt right now." He laughed.
"Y'all should get in here immediately. Especially you Demi, you look hot in a bathing suit."
"Salud!" He held up a plastic champagne glass that was in a flamingo drink floatie.
We just looked at eachother confused about the sudden change in JJ.
"JJ? How much did this cost?" I asked.
"Uh...With the generator, the petrol,and oh, hey, express delivery I'd say...pretty much all of it. Yeah." He chuckled as if this was a joke.
"All of it? You spent all of it. In one day?" I replied.
"Yeah, I burned a hole right through my pocket."
I stepped closer to JJ
"But, I mean ,like,come on, guys, like, look at this!" He showed it off.
"Finest in jet-based massage therapy, that's what they told me."
I just stared at him.
"Demi, what? Can't a man have a little luxury in his life? Come on, all this scrimpin' and scrapin'... I mean, like...guys, we-- you only live once, right? Enough of this emotional shit. Get in the Cat's Ass. Come on." He gestured us over.
"In the what?" Kie finally spoke.
"The Cat's Ass. That's what I named her."
"Oh, hey, yo I almost forgot." He flipped a switch causing a disco ball to light up and spin
"Yeah, that's right, I know. Disco mode."
"Are you kidding me! You could have given it for restitution!" Pope yelled
"Or any charity!" Kiara chimed in.
"Or better yet, you could have helped us buy supplies." Pope threw out another suggestion.
I could see him break.
"Ok, you know what, I didn't do that! I got a hot tub!" He stood up. I saw the bruises on his body making me feel sick.
"For my friends." He cried.
"I got a hot tub for my friends, you know what screw friends. I got a hot tub for my family."
I slipped off my shoes and got in with him, wrapping him in my arms as he cried out.
"I can't do it! I can't take him anymore!"
"It's gonna be okay." I kissed his shoulder while his face was nuzzled in the crook of my neck.
Soon Kiara and Pope joined in on the hug.
"I love you JJ." I whispered in his ear.
"I love you too Demi."
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mosylufanfic · 3 years
Killervibe + 66 😈😈
66.  “I’m not sure you understand how much I care about you.”
    @thatkillervibe, I had this ready a few days ago, and then I watched the clips from the episode to get the details of her apartment right . . . and realized I'd have to re-write a bunch of it. Ugh! Anyway, thanks for your patience. Enjoy!
Keeping Warm
Ralph left after they got Caitlin stable - which in this case, meant they'd gotten her up to a temperature above freezing and she wasn't spilling off mist like a cooler full of dry ice. He was reluctant to go, but she shooed him out. "I'm doing much better and I'm sure you have things to do."
When she tried to shoo him along after Ralph, Cisco crossed his arms and said, "Nuh-uh, I'm parked here, young lady."
She knew that look. She gave up.
But she out-stubborned him on the topic of maybe going to a hospital, or at least urgent care. "They wouldn't know what to do if my cold powers took over again," she said, "and they might contract frostbite trying to treat me."
Cisco had his mouth open, ready to offer up a quick breach to Star Labs, before he remembered he didn't do that anymore.
He retrieved throw pillows from the floor instead, tucking them behind her so she could sit up on the couch and drink clear broth out of a coffee mug. There was still a zone of cold around her, but no worse than sticking your hand in a refrigerator.
Against his will, he pictured her as she had been when he and Ralph had burst in: lips blue, fingers bone-white, mist spilling out around her, even the blanket frosted over. And her plaintive voice - help me.
He shuddered.
"Real talk," he said. "You think this is going to hold?"
"I don't know," she said quietly. "I hope so. At least until my mom gets back to me."
She'd called her mom and left a message, clearly trying to strike a balance between asking for help and sounding like she didn't really need it, not really. Ralph and Cisco had exchanged the looks of men who had experienced Caitlin's mom in person.
Dr. T hadn't called back yet.
He brought her another mug, this one piping hot, drowning a tea bag, with a thick layer of honey at the bottom. "Well, I'm here."
She gave him a smile. "Thanks." She considered her half-full mug of broth and traded it to him for the tea. "I'm just glad that your plan worked to bring my temperature back up."
Cisco frowned down at the broth. He'd brought it to her less than ten minutes ago, fresh from the microwave, and it was stone cold. "You done with this?"
"Mhm," she said, stirring the tea.
He took it back to the kitchen and dumped it out in the sink. As he was stashing it in the dishwasher, a yelp of surprise and distress came from the couch.
He whipped around. "Caitlin?"
"I froze it," she said, staring into her tea. 
"You froze it?"
She held the mug out to him and sure enough, the tea inside was frozen solid, the handle of the spoon sticking up straight, the string of the tea bag sadly flopping around the surface like ice fishing gone wrong. It was a wonder it hadn't cracked the mug.
He picked up the thermometer and aimed it at her forehead again. 4 degrees, he saw, and his throat locked up for a second before he realized it had switched to Celsius. He hit the button, and it converted to Fahrenheit: 39. Still not great, but not freezing, either.
All he could think to ask was, "Need another blanket?"
"I think it was a flare," she said, carefully setting the mug down on her end table. She held her hand out in front of her. "I'm not misting."
Her fingers were shaking.
He went and got another blanket anyway, tossing it over her feet when she wouldn't allow him to wrap it around her shoulders. He wanted to cuddle her for comfort, but she was worried that she'd freeze him next, and he wasn't one-hundred-percent pooh-poohing that notion.
He texted Barry to bring him a set of dampener cuffs, and got a text back that their friend was in the middle of something. He said, 911 Caitlin needs them and got no reply.
"I'll be okay," Caitlin said. "He needs to conserve his speed and the cuffs would be a last resort anyway. It took me by surprise the first time, but I know the warning signs now and I can turn things over to Frost if it gets really bad. She thinks she can handle it better."
Cisco sent out a group text asking for someone to bring him the cuffs, just in case, and stuck his phone back in his pocket. "Maybe you should call your mom again," he suggested.
She shook her head, pulling the second blanket up over herself. "I've called her once. She'll get back to me."
"Call her again. Please."
She looked away, and it might have been a really long-winded argument except that her phone rang at that moment. She grabbed it and informed him, "It's her," before answering. "Mom? Hi. Thanks for returning my call."
Seriously. Who said that to their mom? What kind of mom made their kid feel like they had to say that?
He tried not to listen in, but the open layout of her front room made that pretty hard. He focused on washing dishes and figuring out how to thaw the frozen mug enough to dump the tea-block out. When that was done, he busied himself texting Kamilla that he wouldn't be home tonight. 
"Okay," Caitlin said. "Okay. Uh-huh. No, that's all right. Yes. I'll keep you informed. Okay. Bye, Mom."
At the sound of her sigh, he put his own phone down. "What'd she say?"
"She'll be here in a few days."
"A few days!"
"It's fine, I'll stay home until then. I'll take care of the wound and switch to Frost if I need, and if someone can bring by the cuffs, I can have those, too."
"But - "
"She has to get things in order at the office so she can take the time off."
He stopped dead, mid-protest. He couldn't think of the last time Mama Snow had ever taken time off work for her daughter. He was pretty sure that when Caitlin had been born, Carla Tannhauser had popped her out during a board meeting and stashed her in a file cabinet.
Caitlin looked up. "She's very concerned."
"Yeah." He sat down on the coffee table, ignoring the way she hissed at him. She hated when he did that. "So she's going to like, come here?" He pictured Mama Snow at Star Labs, snipping at all of them. "How long?"
"No, she - " Caitlin cleared her throat. "She'd like to take me to the lab in the Arctic."
"Hang on, Icicle's cryotastic lair of chilly evil?"
"Don't call it that, and yes."
"You're leaving?"
"I agree with her. We'll need the specialized equipment there to figure out what's going on, and maybe to stabilize it."
"How long?"
"As long as it takes, I guess."
How long would that be? "You want I should come with?"
"You just got back," she said. "And no offense, this is really more of a biomedical issue than a mechanical one. If it turns out we need some kind of device built, I can always call you."
"Yeah, you got my digits," he mumbled. "So what'll you do until then?"
"The wound did close up before my immune system went haywire," she said. "So now it's a matter of taking it easy. The antibiotics should start to work, and I'm taking in lots of fluids. I'm not concerned about that part, it seems like it's just a matter of time."
She was the doctor. He nodded. "Okay. But I'm staying here tonight to look after you."
"You don't have to do that!"
"Yeah, I know, I want to."
"What if I freeze you?"
He grinned at her. "Baby, I'm too hot to ever get that cold."
She rolled her eyes at him. "Seriously. You don't have to stay."
He squatted down next to the couch, as close as she would allow him to get. "Caitlin," he said, looking her in the eye. "I'm not sure you understand how much I care about you."
"I know you care about me."
"But you still think I'm going to see you in this condition and go swanning off back home."
She chewed her bottom lip. "What does Kamilla think?"
The rebuttal should have come easy. She's fine with it. You're my friend, you need help. It wouldn't be the first time he'd put in overtime to help a friend. It was one of the things Kamilla said she liked about him.
But for some reason he couldn't get the words out. "She understands," he said. "I filled her in. She says get well soon."
She doesn't have any reason to be jealous, he thought, and then immediately thought, Jealous? Why did that even cross my mind?
Caitlin studied him, and he tried not to squirm. 
"Anyway," he added. "We should get in some concentrated bestie time, since I was on the road and you're going to be off in the Arctic. Hmm?" He looked around and found her remote. "Here, I'll even let you pick the first movie."
"Oh, really," she said archly.
"Yes, really, here."
She took the remote with a pleased hum. "I should get injured more often."
"Umm, hard no on that."
By the time they'd finished “Always Be My Maybe” and “The Old Guard,” she'd downed some egg flower soup and a mug of tea without flash-freezing either, and taken some antibiotics as well. The cuffs had arrived too, courtesy of Allegra, who'd stayed long enough to eat three egg rolls and watch the end of Caitlin's rom-com. 
When Cisco finished cleaning up the Chinese delivery boxes, she was snuggled into her pillows, eyes closed.
"Hey," he whispered. "You awake there?"
She snored a little. He snickered.
He considered her couch. He'd had occasion to sleep on it before, and he knew it was decently comfy. But she would probably prefer her bed. 
On the other hand, she was asleep now, and she clearly needed the downtime. He didn't want to wake her all the way up just to steer her into her bedroom a few feet away. Especially if it would break open her wound again, or her suddenly-uncertain powers were under shakier control in her sleep.
He decided to leave her where she was and claim the futon in her study. He knew where all her extra blankets and pillows were. 
He held his hand a few inches away from her cheek, testing. When it failed to freeze over, he pulled the extra blanket up over her, then leaned down and kissed her forehead. Her skin was unsettlingly cool under his lips, and he paused until he saw her chest rise and fall. Then he brushed her hair back and murmured, "Sleep tight, frosty girl. I'll be right here if you need me."
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comradelup · 3 years
30, mermaids blupcretia ?
30. kiss under a full moon
i’m soooo sorry for how late this is akfnakfnsjfn but i like how it turned out!
“This is a bad idea,” Lucretia says, but she still keeps up with Lup, which has to count for something.
“But it’ll be fun!” Lup insists, the current plus her swimming speed letting her hair trail after her. Lucretia’s always been envious of Lup’s talent when it came to swimming, but they both know Lucretia is way more agile.
“Not if it gets us killed,” Lucretia remarks, sounding more than a bit apprehensive.
“C’mon Lucy!” Lup says, sending a beaming smile over her shoulder. “It’s a full moon tonight! I know you love seeing it as much as I do.”
Lucretia sighs, unable to argue with that. They have done this multiple times before and yes, it’s dangerous, but they’ve never been hurt before. Plus, it’s so fun!
Lup gives her one last smile before turning back forward. “Look at that!” she exclaims, finding a burst of speed as she climbs higher and higher. In the distance is a massive ship that casts a shadow from the moonlight over the ocean floor.
Lucretia catches up and puts her hands on Lup’s upper arm. “We should go back.”
“Babe, we’ll be fine,” Lup assures her, her hands over Lucretia’s. “I promise.”
“Are you sure?” Lucretia asks, eyes darting between Lup and the ship’s wooden hull.
Lup nods, and she gently removes Lucretia’s arms in order to wrap her arms around Lucretia’s waist holding her close. “I’ll always keep you safe.”
Lucretia blushes and ducks her head. “Flattery won’t save you if humans attack,” she says, but she has a cute little smile on her face.
Lup uses one hand to tilt Lucretia’s chin up, smirking as she leans in and captures Lucretia’s lips in her own.
Lup’s hand moves to cup Lucretia’s face, while Lucretia’s hands move to Lup’s shoulders. Their tails twist together and Lup keeps hugging her closer and closer; she can’t get enough of this feeling, and the light of the full moon makes Lucretia look beautiful.
Then there’s a splash.
Both girls break the kiss as their heads whip to the source of the disturbance. And they see a body sinking— a human body. Pale skin, dark hair, a white shirt, and strange blue garments around his weird human legs. A weight is tied to his feet, keeping him from floating to the surface, and his arms are bound.
He’s conscious, but facing away from them. He jerks violently, trying in vain to free himself.
“Let’s go,” they both say as they pull apart, quietly and in unison; Lup swims towards him and Lucretia swims away.
“Lup, what are you doing?” Lucretia hisses, begrudgingly following her girlfriend.
But Lup doesn’t answer, too busy swimming up behind the man and wrapping her arms under his. She pulls with all her might, but he’s still struggling and the weight is too heavy. He flinches at her presence and looks like he wants to speak, but only bubbles come out; right, humans breathe air.
Lup lets go, letting the weight sink the last few feet until it thuds against the ocean floor. She swims around until she’s facing his… well, face.
He has a bit of stubble on his face, and he’s puffed out his cheeks to try and hold in some air. His eyes are wide as he stares at Lup and in front of them is some strange contraption. A small black frame holding together pieces of glass in front of his eyes and supporting themself on his nose and weird human ears. Though, it isn’t held well, the impact of being thrown overboard his ship dislocating it pretty thoroughly. Lup does him the kindness of getting the thing off of him and tossing it to the side, letting it sink to the floor.
Now he should be able to see better, but also it’s freed up his face so she can lean in and give him oxygen.
Her mouths meets his in what could almost be considered a recreation of her kiss with Lucretia, but instead of their lips moving together, Lup pushes air into his mouth, letting him take in a breath through her.
She pulls back and studies his face for any reaction. He seems to be getting re-oxygenated, but he also looks bewildered by the event that just took place.
“Yeah yeah, mermaids are real and one just kissed you, let’s focus on keeping you alive?” Lup tells him, even though she knows humans can’t understand her language. She turns to Lucretia and points down at the weight. “Break the chain! Use some rocks.”
The man tries to look over his shoulder at who Lup’s speaking to, but Lucretia’s already diving down to follow the order. Meanwhile Lup’s swimming behind him in order to undo the binding on his arms. It’s cloth, much easier to rip, so she does it no problem.
As soon as he’s able to he reaches for his legs (more specifically the part right above his feet— there’s probably a name for that) and tries to shake off the heavy metal shackles keeping him tied to the weight. Lup reaches down too and tries to do the same, both to no avail. Feet below them, Lucretia’s got a sharp looking rock and is attacking the chain at the base of the weight.
The man suddenly looks back to Lup with a panicked expression. Wordlessly, she sucks in a breath, takes his face in her hands, and brings his lips to hers in order to feed him air again. Really, humans should have developed gills before they started trying to sail over the water.
As they pull away Lup hears a crack and a yell from Lucretia. “Got it!”
Already, the man is floating up towards the surface. Lup puts her arms around him and starts swimming, much faster than he could ever hope to go. She angles them towards the ship so they can break the surface in its shadow and hide from the hostile humans that did this to him in the first place.
Once they’re there, she hears him suck in a huge breath. Seconds later Lucretia joins them, and the three of them tread water to keep their heads in the air. It seems to be much easier for the girls than him, but Lup isn’t surprised.
“We really shouldn’t be out here,” Lucretia says, and she’s staring at the ship. “They could realize that he didn’t drown.”
“No, we’ll be fine,” Lup says, “Humans can’t see through the water as well as us.”
Lucretia turns back to her. “Then what do we do with him?”
She nods to the man, who looks incredibly lost. Of course he is, he can’t understand a single word they’re saying. They ignore him.
“We’ll get him to shore somehow,” Lup says, “We can give him air underwater and swim him to land.”
Lucretia’s face twists into apprehension. “I don’t like the idea of going to land.”
Lup resists the urge to roll her eyes. She loves Lucretia, but she’s so scared. “We’ll drop him off near land, then. Look, we can’t exactly leave him here!”
Lucretia opens her mouth to respond, but the man interrupts her. They don’t understand what he says, but they watch him turn between the two of them and repeat himself.
Lup shrugs and shakes her head, her best way of saying she doesn’t get it. The man takes a beat, thinking, then points to himself and says, “Barry.”
“Huh?” Lup says. Her confusion is evident.
“Barry,” he repeats, pointing at himself.
“Lucretia,” Lucretia says, pointing to herself with a small smile.
“Oh,” Lup says. Both of them look to her and she points to herself. “Lup.”
Barry smiles. Pointing to each of them in turn, he says, “Barry, Lucretia, Lup.”
Lup nods, a smile of her own rising on her face. This is gonna be… well, interesting for sure, but maybe a bit fun too.
The man suddenly gestures to his face, saying something as he makes shapes with his hands. He makes little squares in front of his eyes and realization hits Lup a second time.
“Right! Whoops! Hold on,” she says, and Lucretia starts laughing. Barry laughs along with her as Lup dives under the waves to go find his accessory.
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barrysjumpsuit · 4 years
blindsided - barry’s sister x rafe cameron (ch. 3)
part one, part two, masterlist
word count: 3.5k
warnings: cannabis use, cocaine use, physical and verbal abuse, underage drinking, anxiety/depression, mentions of sex, the whole nine yards tbh
synposis:  christy is a lifelong resident of the outer banks. after a series of hookups with rafe cameron, kook royalty, she’s smitten. what she doesn’t know is about what her boyfriend and brother are involved in behind her back
a/n: things are starting to get good... I’m super excited to write the rest of this! got some wild shit coming up. read this for SOFT RAFE. (side note, the necklace part is 100% a marie thing that i do and wear. i studied moon snail predation on clams so HMU if you wanna learn abt the ecology of the long island sound) (also in this house we stan naturdays)
Rafe had listened to Christy’s begging when she was saying she wanted to go to the Boneyard separately from Topper and Sarah. They slipped out before the others were done getting ready, but Christy still couldn’t bring herself to relax. 
Her boyfriend was on edge too. They were silent as they drove south, Rafe eventually pulling off the road as they reached the trailer. Barry’s bike was gone from where it usually sat, and Christy was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief. 
Rafe followed her into the trailer. It was weird seeing Rafe Cameron, so well put together, in her shithole of a home. He knew better to comment on the state of things, and he looked visibly uncomfortable.
“Come on and help me,” Christy said, grabbing his hand and leading him down the hall to her bedroom. She unlocked the door and pulled him inside before closing it. “You know how to pack cigarette joints?” 
“Can’t be too hard,” he said. Christy pulled out a mason jar of bud from her last harvest, along with two paper plates she kept for this exact purpose. 
“We’ll do all of them,” she said. “I have a couple already made.” 
Christy sat down on the bed next to Rafe. Their knees touched, the jar between them. She busied herself grinding the nugs, picking out the stems while Rafe started emptying the cigarettes of their contents. 
“You know,” Rafe said suddenly, breaking the silence. “I’ve never smoked weed.” 
“Really?” Christy asked. She was genuinely surprised. “Y’know, they say it’s the gateway drug, and…” 
“Yeah, I went straight to the hard stuff,” Rafe said quietly. “It’s more of a… pogue thing.” 
“What, so we’re stereotyping drugs now? I’ve seen you drink Natty Light. That’s as pogue as alcohol gets.”
“Naturdays!” Rafe protested.
“As if that makes it any different.” Christy grinned and tapped the grinder to the paper plate that sat in Rafe’s lap. “You want to try?” 
Rafe nodded, and Christy looked up at him. There was something soft about him now, sitting in her bed in her shitty trailer. He hadn’t said anything about her living situation like he normally would. He hadn’t refused to help her. 
“You don’t have to if you don’t want to,” Christy said quietly. He looked up at her, smiling softly. “We can wait until we’re there or until we leave. It’s up to you.” 
“What will it feel like?” he asked. 
“You really are clueless. We’ll wait until we’re away from the party, okay? This strain chills you the fuck out. It’s the only way I can sleep most nights.” 
“Really?” he asked. “I didn’t know that. You always seem to fall asleep pretty easily.” 
Christy bit her bottom lip before answering, focusing on twisting her grinder. “It’s because I feel comfortable with you.” 
Rafe’s hand was suddenly cupping her cheek. He had moved the plate and his in-progress work to the bedspread and was leaning forward, perched on his knees. “Christy…” he murmured, his lips tantalizingly close to hers. “Really? You mean that?” 
“Yes,” was all she could say. She could smell his breath, his deodorant, his cologne. 
“You mean the world to me,” Rafe purred, moving his hand so it rested on the nape of her skull. “I love you so much. I’m glad we found each other.” 
“Me too,” Christy whispered, and Rafe’s lips were on hers. They were gentle, patient, and tender. The kiss made her feel safe, reciprocating what she had just confessed to him. 
Normally, Christy had a tough exterior. She was closed and blunt. People knew her for that, and even Barry commented on it. She didn’t know why Rafe of all people unlocked her as if he had a key, melting her heart and opening her up. It was true: she usually smoked herself to sleep every night. If she didn’t she would toss and turn into the early hours of the morning, and by then she would give up and go for a run or boat ride. Whenever she spent the night with Rafe, tucked into his bed and in his arms, her brain stopped worrying. It stopped running through endless scenarios, and she slept. 
Rafe was the one to pull away. He smiled gently at her. Some of his hair fell over his eyes, so Christy reached up to tuck it back where it belonged. “I love you, Rafe Cameron.” 
“I love you too, Christy,” he murmured back, kissing her once more on the forehead before sitting back down on the bed and picking up the paper plate again. 
The two of them packed a cigarette carton full of joints in half an hour. Before they left, she pocketed her bowl, a couple baggies with nugs, and JJ’s five grams. 
“This is a cute picture,” Rafe said as Christy stowed the last of the bud underneath her bed. They had used half of it prepping for the kegger. She looked up to the picture frame he was holding. 
The photo was of her and Barry. They were younger – Christy was fifteen and Barry was nineteen – and on the boat. They were holding a fish, a huge striped bass they had hauled in on light tackle. A shadow was cast over a corner of the picture, and Christy’s heart twisted. 
“You okay?” Rafe asked, and she just nodded. “What is it?” 
“My mom took the picture,” Christy said quietly, taking the frame from him. “This was one of the last memories I have of her before she killed herself. Like a week later.” 
“Oh baby…” Rafe put an arm around her, kissing the top of her head, and she leaned into him before putting the picture frame back on her dresser, face down. 
“Let’s get out of here,” Christy suggested, and she gently pushed Rafe out of her bedroom. She turned and relocked the door before pocketing the keys and walking down the hall. 
“Look who we have here! Rafe Cameron!” 
Christy froze at Barry’s voice. Rafe’s hand tightened around hers, to a point where it was almost painful. Barry was sitting on the couch in front of the coffee table, and she could tell he just did a line.
“You just can’t stay away, can you, boy?” Barry said, standing and sauntering over to them. Christy tried to push Rafe behind her, but he refused to budge. “You fucking my sister again? We’re going to have words.” 
“Barry, stop it!” Christy put her hands on Barry’s chest and shoved him, but he barely moved. “We’re together, okay? We were just stopping by to get some weed to sell.” 
“You sure you don’t want anything else?” Barry asked, dangling a baggie of cocaine in front of Rafe’s face. Christy could tell he was bristling with anger and doing everything he could to restrain himself from swinging a fist. “Right here, Country Club. She’s got your name on it. I miss your business, you know.” 
“Barry that’s enough!” Christy yelled, shoving herself between the two of them. “Rafe, let’s go.” She tugged on his hand, but Rafe remained rooted to the dirty carpet of the living room. 
Rafe didn’t say anything. He and Barry stood, staring at each other, both of them seething with anger. 
“I don’t want your fucking blow,” he finally said, turning, and storming from the trailer. 
“You’ve got yourself a keeper there, Chris,” Barry said, swinging the baggie. “A real winner.” 
“Fuck you, Barry!” Rafe yelled from the other side of the screen door. 
“Go. Sell your weed and fuck your kook. Fuck your kook in his mansion, eat his food, sleep in his bed. And leave me here.” 
Barry’s words followed her from the trailer. Rafe grabbed her and they hurried to the truck, getting in and peeling out of the yard. 
Rafe was quiet, and Christy knew what that meant. He was pissed. Christy couldn’t help but press herself against the door, making herself small. 
He didn’t pay much attention to her until a whimper made its way out of her mouth. She closed her eyes at the sound, knowing that Rafe looked over to her. “Oh, baby…” he said quietly. A hand touched her shoulder and she flinched. 
Christy had seen Rafe angry before, plenty of times. He was the only person she had ever seen seriously take on her brother and make her fear for him. 
“Just… leave me alone, Rafe,” she muttered. 
“Christy, I’m… I’m sorry.” 
“Rafe, just be quiet, please.” She opened her eyes to look at him. He looked shocked, his mouth slightly open. Christy looked away before closing her eyes again.
She felt him pull the truck over to the side of the road. “Christy,” he said again, softer this time. “Hey. Come here.” 
Rafe pulled up the center console and slid across the seat so that he could wrap his arms around her. Christy curled into him, trying to hold back tears but failing as Rafe’s fingertips started making lazy circles on her back. 
She wasn’t sure what she was crying about. Barry’s words rattled her. The whole exchange did. She knew Barry’s words were true. Christy had left him when things got tough. But she knew she couldn’t totally blame herself. He wasn’t doing much to help his situation.
Rafe encountering Barry was something she didn’t want to happen. But it did, and it was bad, but not as bad as she thought it was. Maybe it was best for them to get their anger out before she was deeper in the relationship with Rafe, and before it was more of a secret. It was bound to happen at some point. 
“I’m good,” she said, making a slight peace with her thoughts. Christy unburied her head from Rafe’s chest, rubbing makeup all over his face as she wiped the tears from her eyes. “I’m okay.” 
“You still want to go to that party?” Rafe asked, leaning his cheek on the top of her head. 
“No,” she replied. “But I at least have to stop by. I’m selling someone some weed. It won’t take long.” 
“Okay,” he said. Christy felt him press a tender kiss to the top of her head before sliding back over in the seat and pulling back onto the road. 
The sun was about to set. As soon as Rafe parked near the Boneyard, Christy hopped out of his truck. She walked through the grasses and onto the beach, knowing exactly where JJ would be. He was manning the keg with John B, the hose in one hand, a beer in the other. Christy shoved through the crowd, consisting of mostly tourons, and slid up next to JJ. 
“Follow me?” she asked, and he wordlessly handed the hose to John B. 
“Hey, Christy, you okay?” JJ asked suddenly. Christy kept walking, but JJ continued. “You don’t look too good, dude.” 
“Thanks for pointing that out,” she snapped at him. They were still too close to the crowd for her to feel comfortable doing a deal of anything larger than a couple blunts. 
“I’m serious. Hey.” JJ reached out, grabbing her arm so that she faced him. “Is everything okay?” 
She just sighed. “Want to smoke a joint with me?” 
JJ was visibly confused, but he didn’t protest. They sat on a piece of driftwood, and Christy pulled out one of the cigarette joints she and Rafe had rolled earlier. She lit it, taking a few hits, before passing it to JJ. She waited a few minutes before speaking the first words. 
“I don’t know what in the fuck I’m gonna do, JJ.” 
She was surprised the words rolled out of her mouth like they did. Maybe it was the weed, or maybe it was the walls crumbling in her brain, wanting to push her old life behind her. 
“Care to elaborate?” JJ asked beside her.
“I’m dating Rafe Cameron,” she stated, knowing that JJ could put the pieces together. 
“Oh,” he said, surprised, furrowing his brow. “I didn’t expect that.” Before Christy could say anything, JJ’s eyes stretched wide, and he looked at her. “Oh. Holy shit. Does your brother know?” 
“We had our first encounter with him about an hour ago,” Christy replied, taking the joint back from JJ. 
“I take it it didn’t go well?” he asked, and Christy shook her head. 
“Nope,” she said, smoke coming out of her mouth. “Barry’s not having much business. Hasn’t been good ever since Rafe ghosted him. He won’t move his own product, he needs people to buy from him in bulk, which no one will do because Rafe told everyone he’s a crazy motherfucker. Right now it’s just a few close friends he has.” 
“Agatha probably didn’t help, huh?” JJ asked, and Christy just shook her head. “If anyone can get through it, it’s you, Christy. You’re pogue through and through.” 
“You don’t know me,” she said quietly, handing him the joint. Her eyelids were heavy and she pressed her palms into the smooth, soft surface of the driftwood. 
“I know enough. Anyone to have been through as much shit as you can get away from that situation. It takes one to know one, Christy.” 
She looked over at him. JJ was smiling softly, and she couldn’t help but smile back. 
“Here’s your weed,” she said, pulling the baggie out of her pocket. “Same strain you’re smoking now. You can finish the joint, too.” 
“Here’s your fifty,” JJ said, handing her two twenties and a ten. “Thanks for your business.” 
“And for yours,” she said, standing. JJ laughed as she had to catch her balance. 
“Hey Christy?” JJ called quietly as she turned to walk away. 
“Yeah, JJ?” 
“Let me know if you need anything, okay?” 
“You got it,” she said, turning away so JJ couldn’t see her smile. The two of them had always had a natural understanding of each other. It takes one to know one, as he said. It was true. 
Christy trudged up the beach and back into Rafe’s waiting truck. “You good?” he asked, and Christy nodded. 
“Let’s go get stoned.” 
Christy woke up before Rafe did. He was rolled towards her, an arm draped around her waist with his mouth slightly open. 
Rafe’s breath smelled of weed. She smiled to herself, remembering the events of the previous night. They had gone onto the Druthers, laying on the outside seats, and smoked. The strain Christy brought was her favorite indica. She usually smoked it before bed. It was the only thing that would shut her brain up. 
“This is nice,” Rafe said after a few hits. His eyes were soft under his hooded lids. “I like it. I feel good.” They were laying next to each other, feeling the boat rock gently beneath them. She was laying on his chest while Rafe gently threaded his fingers through her hair, occasionally scratching her scalp. 
Christy fell asleep like that. She only woke up once to Rafe carrying her down the dock; she murmured his name and tightened her grip as she felt him step onto the soft grass. He had to briefly put her down to open the door to the house, but he picked her up again and quietly ascended the stairs before pushing open his bedroom door and setting her down in his bed, sliding next to her and pulling the covers over them. 
That’s where they were now. Rafe Cameron’s bed. His grey pillowcases smelled like him, like cedar and seawater. It was an odd combination, but she liked it. 
Rafe had put her phone on the bed between them. The time read 5:32. Her shift started at 7, so Christy decided she could get away with a few more minutes of dozing. Her work apron was draped across a chair in Rafe’s room, and she could probably rewear the previous day’s clothes, which were piled on the floor next to it. 
Christy’s stomach rolled at two missed calls from Barry. He wasn’t a texter. He was a caller. Christy was a talker, hating phone communication and opting to talk to people face to face. She willed herself to push the thought of what he had to say until she would go home after her shift that afternoon. 
Rafe was still asleep by the time she left for work at 6:30. She kissed him gently before closing his bedroom door softly behind her and trying to leave the house undetected. 
On her walk to work, she smoked a cigarette, willing the brief high to wash away the thought of Barry, which lingered in the back of her head. Instead, she focused on the sound of the laughing gulls on the shore, and the rhythmic lapping of the waves as they reached the beach. The crunch of her shoes on the gravel shoulder of the road, of the sound of cars driving by her, of the voices greeting her as she passed houses. 
Work was busy with tourists, rebounding back to the island after the hurricane. The hotels had power again, and she talked to her guests about what they had been up to. She liked hearing their stories: what drew them to the OBX, where they came from, who they were. One young couple had just gotten engaged the day before. One table seated an older couple, travelling down the east coast from Connecticut looking for seashells, and asked her the best spots. 
“At low tide, the west side of the island is the best,” she suggested, topping off their coffees and putting another handful of prepackaged creamer on the table next to their mugs. “The sound makes it shallower, so there’s lots of critters living there. More intense wave action on the east side will wash some up but they’re usually pretty banged up.” 
“That’s a neat necklace,” the woman pointed out. Christy picked up the pendant, smiling. “Did you find that?” 
“This? Oh, thanks. I love it. My mom found it.” She couldn’t help but smile at the couple, and at the memory. She pulled it off to hand to the woman. “It’s from a moon snail. The hole is a drill hole, see how regular it is on the edges? Moon snails are predatory, they’ll drill into whatever they can. Usually clams and other snails. Even other moon snails. Like this one here.” Christy pointed out the perfectly rounded hole. 
“Did you find it here?” the man asked. 
“Nah I’ve found some here though. They’re everywhere. I found this one at Edisto Island near Charleston. You guys should definitely check it out, it’s the best shelling beach I’ve ever been to.” 
The couple tenderly looked at each other. “That’s where we got married,” the woman said. “Thirty five years ago. That’s one of our next stops.” 
“It’s a special place, that’s for sure,” Christy said, smiling. Mr. Carrera’s voice sounded through the restaurant, calling out her name. “Is there anything else I can get you two?” she asked. The couple shook their heads, and she turned to make her way to the counter. 
“I’ve got a big to go order just called in,” he said, scribbling on a notepad. “Can you and Kiara make sure everything makes it into the right containers for them, and then help load it up?” 
“Sure thing, Mr. C,” she replied. They were at an odd time of the day – they were still serving breakfast, but had just opened up orders for their lunch menu. Since it was a Sunday, the place was packed with brunchers, and her section was full, keeping her mind occupied. 
The shelling couple left her a hefty tip and a sweet note on the receipt. Maybe she would see them on her walk home at the beach she told them about. 
“JJ told me about you and Rafe,” Kiara said as they were packing to-go containers into plastic bags as the orders were finished. 
“You gonna warn me about him?” Christy asked flatly, almost disinterested. It sounded bitchy of her, but she knew Kiara cared about her. 
“Just… be careful.” Kiara replied quietly. “If you ever need a buffer or place to crash away from them… let me know. Okay?” 
Christy looked at Kiara, surprised. “Thanks, Kie,” she smiled. It was nice knowing there was someone looking out for her, even if they weren’t extremely close. 
The rest of her shift went by quickly and effortlessly, but as she closed out and began walking him, she was smacked in the face with reality. Barry would be waiting for her, without a doubt. She also realized she hadn’t gotten any texts from Rafe. It was two in the afternoon. Surely he would be awake and wanting to talk to her, right? 
Christy walked along the beach, her shoes shoved into her backpack. She saw their boat tied to their dock, the trailer just up the shore from it, and she started towards the trailer. Barry was laying on a couch outside. It was nasty – they usually just draped a tarp over it whenever it rained. 
After mentally preparing herself for this interaction all day, she was surprised to see Barry grinning at her, calling out to her giddily.
Christy could tell he wasn’t high, but sober. His mood plus his mental state didn’t make sense
Something had happened.
fun stuff to come in the next few chapters! shit’s about to hit the fan ;)
taglist (msg or ask for an add!)   @stargazingstarkey @letsgofullkook @ims0golden @ampanonyg @hoeforpankow @jjsmentalpolaroids @drewstarkey @obbx-tings @bricksatanakinswindow
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fandomdancer · 3 years
Print list #1 Fluff 32 & 50 with Talia & Sherloque please?
Here is #32, Make a Wish. #50 is coming later!
I haven’t written for Sherloque in well over a year so...sorry if this is awful...
(c. December 2018, Season 5)
               Tally curled up against the edge of the seating couch in the center of Jitters. She rather loved the cozy addition to the coffee shop, and was grateful for any time she could spend on it. Jitters was quiet right now, the lunch hour just winding down and the baristas scurrying about cleaning up and restocking. The sun poured through the windows, warming the shop, and Tally’s toes tapped unconsciously to the music pumping through her headphones. She took a sip of her pumpkin spice latte and picked up her tablet, ready to start another round of research on Cicada.
               “Bonjour, petit alouette.”
               The distinctive French voice got around her music (as it always did), and Tally’s heart beat a little faster as she looked up to see Sherloque standing before her. As usual, the tall detective wore his brown pants and button up black shirt with the green/navy waistcoat fastened securely around his chest. His grey blazer hung open on his shoulders, and his black fedora hid his brown curls. Tally gave him a little smile. “Bonjour, Sherloque. Que fais-tu?”
               “Ah. I am working.” He gestured to the tablet in his hand.
               Tally raised her tablet. “So am I. Cicada?”
               “Non. A side project. No charge.” A little twinkle glimmered in his eye. “We are all surprised, yes, by the arrival of Miss Nora?”
               Tally nodded, though her stomach still curled at the memory of the sheer hatred in Nora’s voice when she had addressed Tally last. “It’s way cool to see Barry and Iris’s kid, but we don’t really have a good track record with visitors from the future.” If only I could get her to tell me what she thinks I did…maybe I can figure out where this ‘Overdose’ came from…
               Sherloque didn’t say anything and she looked up to see him tilting his head curiously at her, silently urging her to continue. Instead, she found herself staring at him just a little more. There had been a time when a Wells tilting his head would have triggered memories of Ren, harsh enough that she would have to look away. Now…all she could think of was how attractive it made Sherloque look, that detective brain latching on to a curiosity she had unknowingly laid out in front of him.
               “We don’t get a lot of visitors from the future,” she elaborated, “but the ones we have gotten generally don’t bring good news. Thawne, of course. We had a magician last year, Abra Kadabra…full of nothing but arrogance and dislike. He was from the 64th century. And Nora…”
               “Has brought Cicada.” Sherloque sat down on the couch beside her, gently setting down his teacup and saucer on the coffee table in front of them. “And something else too…something personal, dare I ask?”
               Tally shifted position, turning towards him. “She was nice enough at Joe’s place but when we were alone…she called me a name I’ve never heard before, and told me that…that in the future I was responsible for…killing a whole lot of people.” Her eyes slid away as she spoke, anxiety and guilt for something she hadn’t even done still weighing on her shoulders. She absently set down her latte.
               Alarm and concern warred on Sherloque’s face as he leaned towards her. “You believe her?”
               “She’s from the future.”
               “Ah, but is the future set? Or is the timeline…malleable?”
               They had spent much of the previous year working on answering that very question and honestly, Tally still didn’t know what they had found out. Iris had been stabbed but it hadn’t been Iris, and H.R. had pointed a gun at Savitar from the roof, but it hadn’t been H.R.. The scene had played out the way Barry had seen, but the wrong people had died. Was the future set?
               She shook her head. “I don’t know.”
               “This is not something to worry about. You are not a killer. You do not think about killing these people. The idea, it makes you sick. You cannot even smell your coffee.” He gestured to her latte on the coffee table before focusing his eyes on hers again. “What Nora knows, what Nora sees, it is in her time, not this one. You are not a killer, petit alouette.”
               Tally couldn’t help but smile at the nickname, nor could she stop the blush crawling into her cheeks. She knew he would see it, and she dearly hoped he would not comment on it. To try and hide her reddening cheeks, she murmured: “Thanks, Sherloque,” and quickly reached for her drink. In her haste, her hand knocked over the salt shaker on the table, spilling salt. “Oh, crap!”
               “What? It is a spill, we get the napkin here…” Sherloque reached for the napkin dispenser but Tally was already grabbing a pinch of the salt and throwing it over her left shoulder. Sherloque stared at her, clearly surprised and confused, before continuing. “What is this, you throw?” He imitated her tossing the salt over her shoulder.
               “It’s bad luck,” Tally said. “It’s just…” She felt suddenly embarrassed, blushing for a whole other reason now. “You spill salt, it’s bad luck. You cancel it out by throwing some over your left shoulder.”
               “Ah, it is bad luck on this Earth! Well. Let me tell you a secret. On my Earth, it is time to make a wish.”
               Tally blinked. “What?”
               “Make a wish,” Sherloque smiled. He took a pinch of the salt and tossed it out into the room, briefly shutting his eyes before looking back to her. “Your turn.”
               “Like when you lose an eyelash,” Tally said. “You make a wish and blow it away.”
               Sherloque gestured. Tally leaned forward and picked up a pinch of salt, then shut her eyes, her mind spinning through a dozen thoughts before landing on one simple desire. She tossed the salt into the room as well.
               “Now we clean up the salt, but we do not throw it away. It goes outside to help carry our wishes.” Sherloque swept the salt into a pile, moved it into his hand, and then shook some of it into hers. “I will go first so no one takes our seat. That would be bad luck, yes?”
               “This is such a ritual!” Tally laughed.
               “Spilling salt is no simple matter.”
               They took turns dumping the salt out of her hands, earning curious looks from the baristas as they left and reentered the store, and by the time they sat back down Tally had forgotten all about Nora. She leaned against the back of the couch, propping her head up in her hand, and smiled at the detective sipping his tea beside her. When he had finished lingering over the flavor, he settled in the seat and looked at her, his blue eyes vibrant in his tan face and his thin lips stretched in an inviting smile. Her heart rate picked up again as she thought about her wish, and she swallowed.
               “What was your wish, petit alouette?” he asked.
               Was he reading her mind? Was that how he was such a good detective? Tally blinked. “What?”
               “Your wish.”
               “You don’t tell people your wish! That stops it from coming true!”
               He raised an eyebrow. “And how can a wish come true with only one person believing in it?”
               He had a point, but Tally still wasn’t sure how to tell him without setting the room on fire from humiliation. “What was yours, then? You wished first.”
               “You spilled the salt. It is your wish that is important.”
               “Oh, stop trying to trick me.” Tally tried to sound annoyed but the grin on his face was infectious and she could not resist the urge to giggle at the silliness of the whole moment. Had he set all of this up to distract her from Nora, Overdose, and Cicada? Or was this just a quirky setup of life in all its randomosity? “You first.”
               “Very well. I wished…” he trailed off dramatically before winking, “…to see you smile.”
               Oh. Well. Tally ducked her head. “That wasn’t your wish. You’re just being a flirt.”
               “You don’t know if it was my wish or not.”
               “Isn’t it bad luck to lie about a wish?”
               “You hurt me!” He lay a hand on his heart, looking mock-stung, and Tally laughed again.
               “You’re just trying to manipulate me into telling you my wish.”
               “And it is working. You are going to tell me.”
               Tally raised an eyebrow. “Where are you getting that idea?”
               Sherloque looked her over, his eyes dancing and that damning little smile on his lips. Then, to her surprise, he leaned over to her, closing the distance between them considerably. His eyes flicked to her lips as she parted them unconsciously and she swallowed quickly, suddenly aware that she had no desire to move even though everything inside of her thought t would be a very good idea to do so.
               “You want to,” he said, his voice a low, inviting purr, sending shivers through her body and pleasant sensations through her abdomen. No matter what Earth he was from or what name he had, Harrison Wells had a voice that weakened her defenses. Ren had had it too, and she could remember him using it on her to great effect.
               But the face in front of her was…for once…not Ren’s. It belonged to Sherloque Wells. She could look at his face…and not see her dead fiancé.
               “You are curious,” he continued, captivating her. “We are from two different worlds and this is a superstition from mine. You want to because you wonder if it is real even though it is not from your Earth. Come on, petit alouette. Tell me what it is you wished.”
               “For a chance,” Tally breathed. No hesitation, his blue eyes held hers and his voice coaxed the words out of her throat.
               “A chance for what?” he asked, his voice no less enticing but now just as soft.
               “Just a chance.” He could not seduce out of her what was not there. Give me a chance, she had thought, and even as she had blown the salt away she realized she hadn’t quite known what she was asking for. It had been a simple desire, a chance. An option. Give me the option.
               But this close to him, with the warmth of the room and the thick smell of the coffee and the thumping beat of music in the background, she had a feeling she knew exactly what she was asking for. The question was, was he good enough to figure it out?
               The silence between them worked as a magnet, drawing them closer and closer...
               A violent vibration tore through the air as Tally’s cell phone skittered across the coffee table. The two of them jumped, looking down at it, and Tally grabbed it on reflex, hitting the ‘accept’ button. “Y-Yeah? What?”
               “Ah…you okay, gurl?”
               Cisco. Tally exhaled a breath she didn’t realize she was holding. “Yeah, yeah. You started me. I was…reading.”
               A slight pause, then: “Uh-huh. Well. Is Sherlock with you?”
               “Loque!” Sherloque said loudly. Tally did a double take. How did he hear that? Her phone wasn’t on speaker!
               “Ask me if I care!” Cisco shouted back over the phone.
               “Cisco,” Tally complained.
               “Sorry. So. He’s there with you and we need the two of you back at S.T.A.R. Labs. Can you get here fast please?’
               Tally nodded before remembering she wasn’t on video chat. “Yes. We’ll be right there.”
Bonjour: hello, good day
Petit alouette: little lark
Que fais-tu?: What are you doing?
Non: No
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