#Battle of the Best 2008
fauxgraps · 5 months
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fluxydrawings · 2 years
hi. made a thing. enjoy :)
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parasolyaa · 1 month
Mischa Bachinski is a completely wrong spelling of his name. Misha Bachynskyi is the correct form.
To put it simple, it just doesn’t make sense in Ukrainian language at all. Instead of the soft “sh” (ш) that is supposed to be in the name Misha (Міша), for some reason there is “sch” (щ), which not only is less appealing to the ear, but also the name Mischa (Міща) does not exist. Could it have been just made up on purpose? Theoretically yes, but I feel icky about foreigners making up a name that sounds so ridiculous and has no background whatsoever. Besides, it is pretty obvious that they were going for the name Міша, but messed up the transcript. The surname ending -ski is an outdated Russian-sounding version, -skyi is a much more accurate one for a Ukrainian surname. The Ukrainian letter "и" never translates as "i", only as "y".
Talias name was completely butchered too, more here (there's actually a wholeass rabbithole from there on). The name of the city where she comes from is spelled wrong (it's supposed to be Kyiv, not Kiev), and so is Misha's (it's Odesa, not Odessa), also it’s Chornobyl, not Chernobyl. Characters frequently say "the Ukraine", even though the name of the country is supposed to be said without the adjective. Basically, not a single Ukrainian name was spelled correctly, and many things about Ukraine also were completely messed up.
And these are not just wrong spellings! These are the remnants of Russian oppression, specifically in Soviet times, when all non-Russian names had to be transcripted from Russian, all non-Russian languages were stripped of their originality, forcefully made to sound more Russian, and advocating for the use of your language could get you deported or killed (and now the same thing is happening the occupied territories of Ukraine, Sakartvelo, Chechnya etc.). Using the correct version of Ukrainian names is at least a sign of respect and recognition.
I am not saying that back in 2008 when the musical was made the authors deliberately decided on using the Russian forms of city names and, well, people names. Back at the time the voices of people advocating for correct forms were not heard, and this didn’t seem like a big deal. But in the context of the modern world it is very important, specifically because there is a literal full-scale genocidal war in Ukraine right now. As a Ukrainian, the nuance of those names and spelling matters a lot to me, and it is the same way for other Ukrainian fans I’ve met. Some didn’t want to get into the musical specifically because of these issues, plus the fact that Misha is kind of a harmful stereotype for Slavic people in general, which is yet another topic to explore at some point in the future. And he is still the BEST representation we’ve got and I love him dearly.
I believe that using a correct form of his name is a battle worth fighting
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lucyrose191 · 1 year
Paring Sebastian Vettel x Fem!driver!reader
Summary; Moments that Sebastian Vettel and reader have had throughout their careers together both on and off track.
Warnings; None, fluff.
F1 Master List , Part 2 , Part 3
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Sebastian and Y/N walked into the camera shot, sitting next to each other on the sofa, looking into the camera lens.
"We hereby announce our joint retirement at the end of the 2022 season" they spoke in unison.
📍Italian Grand Prix, 2008
"And Sebastian Vettel passes the checkered flag, taking his first ever win in formula one at the Italian Grand Prix!"
Y/N lifted herself out of her RedBull car after parking in the P2 slot, not wasting any time before running in the direction of her best friend who was getting hugs and pats from the Toro Rosso team.
She jumped into his arms just as he turned around causing him to let out an "Oof!" as he stumbled back into the barriers from the sudden surprise attack.
"I'm so proud of you, Seb! I wouldn't want to come second to anyone else!" Sebastian closed his eyes at her words before tightening his arms around her and lifted her feet from the ground, spinning her around and laughing happily.
"Sebastian, you're going to be joining Y/N at RedBull next year. What do you think she's going to be like as a teammate?"
Sebastian's face upturned into a smile at the mention of Y/N's name, to say he was looking forward to being teammates next year was an understatement. He had a very good feeling about it.
He leant towards the microphone that the interviewer was holding "Well I think it will be great, I've known her for a long time and I'm happy to say I'm at the point where I understand what she's saying, it's taken a while to get used to her accent"
"...You just wait sunshine, you just wait... I just need those two cars... Rosberg P4.... Kubica P5.... DU BIST WELTMEISTER!"
Sebastian immediately started crying, he was world champion! "Thank you boys! Unbelievable! Unbelievable! Thank you, I love you"
"Let's not forget, mate. You are the youngest world champion in F1 history, you're allowed to cry mate, you're allowed to cry"
"Y/N L/N you are a formula one World Champion!!!!"
She couldn't believe what she was hearing through her head set as she flashed by the checkered flag, tears streamed down her face underneath her helmet as she raised her fist in victory whilst driving her cool down lap.
She had done it, she had actually gone and done it.
The first ever female formula one world champion!
"Sebastian Vettel you are a two time World Champion!"
"Sebastian Vettel, Three time World Champion!"
"Four time World Champion, Sebastian Vettel everyone!"
Y/N screamed as Sebastian jumped out of the door of her motor home just as she was about to open it, the German himself fell to the floor in hysterical laughter at the look of horror he saw on her face.
"What the fuck, Sebastian!" She yelled, Seb got up and ran away still laughing knowing she'd be out for revenge
Sebastian, Y/N, Fernando and Lewis sat down, strapping their microphones around their head for the press conference to begin.
"Okay, let's begin"
A tall male with balding hair stood up and introduced himself, then started "I want to start with Sebastian, both you and Y/N are leaving RedBull this year, you to Ferrari and Y/N to Mercedes. Do you think you'll be able to have as a good of a relationship with your new teammate as you've had with Y/N"
"You're trying to get me into trouble here" Sebastian laughed nervously, shifting under Y/N's expectant gaze.
"No uhm" he began to answer seriously "Y/N and I have known each other and raced together for years so it was easy to battle each other while also working together, it's important to get along with the person you spend so much time with and I'll be happy if I have half the relationship with Kimi as I do with Y/N"
Y/N smiled brightly "I'm just that great!" She joked causing Seb to roll his eyes.
"And Y/N, how do you feel about joining Lewis at Mercedes?"
Y/N shrugged "I'm excited to be hopefully moving up in my career, Mercedes feels like a right choice for me to continue progressing. Lewis is a great driver and hopefully an even better teammate. I'll enjoy racing beside him whilst battling against him"
Sebastian rested his forehead against Y/N's, closing his eyes as he relished in the comfort that their closeness brought him. "I love you, Schatz" he whispered, not even realising that the words had fallen from his lips until he felt her step away from him.
Y/N looked up at him, her mouth was gaped open, wondering if she had heard him right. She had. She looked into his eyes and could see every emotion as he looked at her and sure enough there was love, so much love as he looked at her. "I love you too, Seb" she told him, laughing at the utter joy that shot through his face.
Sebastian shook his head. She loved him.
She loved him!
"Y/N L/N you officially have two World Championship titles, what a star!"
"Y/N L/N, three time formula one World Champion!!"
Y/N leant her body back against Seb's chest, he stood behind her, his arms wrapped around her waist with his head resting against her shoulder. She was a three time world champion, that was now seven between them.
Between them they had matched Michael Schumacher. Now if that wasn't an accomplishment, what was?
Sebastian nuzzled his head against hers, she smelt so good. "Will you be mine?" He whispered in her ear, his lips curving into a soft smile as he felt her shiver.
She didn't answer for a while, continuing to look out at the ocean and for a moment Seb thought that she was going to say no, she shook her head and he felt his heart crack.
But she had a smile on her face. "I've been yours for years, Sebastian" she told him, surprised that he hadn't known that but he wasn't the most aware person she had ever met but she wouldn't change him for anything.
"Y/N L/N, four time formula one World Champion!!"
"The rear of the car was getting all loosey goosey in the last sector there"~Sebastian Vettel
"Y/N L/N, five time formula one World Champion!!"
"Y/N L/N, six time formula one World Champion!!"
Sebastian applauded as he looked up at podium with a look of pure pride on his face, that was his girlfriend up there that was making history, not only was she a six time world champion but she was the first ever woman to achieve a world championship title for the sport.
They had shared the track together for the entirety of their Formula One careers and he felt so lucky that he had been there to witness every one of her accomplishments as she had been there for him.
They had 10 world titles between the pair of them, the history of the sport meant so much to the couple and it was overwhelming knowing that they were now a part of it.
"Everybody's a Ferrari fan, even if they say they're not, they are a Ferrari fan" ~Sebastian Vettel
Sebastian looked up at the love of his life from his position knelt on the floor, this moment had been a long time coming but he had finally plucked up the courage to ask the most important question he would ever ask "Will you marry me, liebe?"
Y/N looked down at the man that owned her heart, there was no hesitation in her answer "Yes! Absolutely!" The tears that clouded her eyes had begun to drop down her cheeks.
Sebastian smiled brighter than ever at her answer, he lifted himself off the ground and took the diamond ring out of the velvet box, grabbing hold of her shaking hand and sliding the ring into her finger. He lifted her hand and pressed it to his lips before looking her in the eyes.
He had never been happier in this moment, no number of world titles would match the feeling of having her agree to spend forever with him.
Now he felt like a true champion.
"And the Vettel's are at it!" Crofty shouted as he spotted Y/N's Mercedes get up close to her husband's Ferrari, the battles between the two were something every Formula One fan looked forward too each season.
Sebastian grinned beneath his helmet as he eyed his wife's car through his mirrors. She loved to challenge him and he enjoyed the fight.
She tried to get the inside line going into the first corner but Seb managed to block her causing her to have to lock up, he went slightly wide on the second which left a gap that might be a little too small for most but she took the risk and ended up beside him on the straight.
Side by side they shot along but at the next corner. Y/N took the inside and had managed to pull away from him on the exit, successfully leaving Seb behind her.
He couldn't be mad, his wife did well, just as she always did.
Y/N got into the passenger seat of the Ferrari, her husband shutting the passenger door before making his way round to the drivers side.
She hadn't been told they were doing hot laps for Sky Sports, her PR Officer had suddenly sprung it on her but apparently Seb knew and was very excited about it.
Sebastian settled himself in behind the wheel smiling at the camera's before nudging his wife "Are you excited!?" He asked, a big smile on his face.
Y/N rolled her eyes "I'm so excited for you to kill us" her sarcasm was clear as day, she was only joking, they were both very good drivers and had 100% confidence in each other.
Sebastian's grin widened, he switched the car on after making sure Y/N had her belt on before slamming his foot down on the accelerator sending Y/N shooting back against her seat with a grunt. "Fuck me, a warning would've been nice" she huffed.
"You're meant to be asking me questions" Sebastian told her, trying not to laugh. He couldn't wait to watch this back and see her face.
Y/N picked up the cards she had in her hands as Seb skidded around a corner "Okay, What is it like to have a wife that is a better driver than you?" Her voice wavered from the movement to the car.
Sebastian scoffed "Come off it! That is not a question"
His wife laughed "It is, I mean I have the titles to prove it"
"Yeah and you never let me forget it, ask me a real question" Sebastian said, narrowly missing the track wall as he turned around another corner.
Y/N huffed, he was no fun "Okay fine, when are you going to get Instagram?" She read from the sheet.
"I'm not, I don't need it" he simply replied. Y/N sent him a cheeky smile "yeah that's because you use mine to do all of the stalking"
"Exactly" he replied, a smirk on his face. They both kept their home life private but they did share the rare photo of some of the activities they did away from racing.
Y/N laughed as she read the next question which made Seb a little nervous "Who do you prefer as a teammate, me or Kimi?" She asked.
Sebastian guffawed "I'm not answering that" he replied which earned him an incredulous look "oh so you have to think about it?" She asked.
"You're both good for different reasons" he said.
"Okay so what is Kimi good for that I'm not?" She asked with a look that dared him to answer.
"Some peace and quiet" he muttered under his breath causing Y/N to gasp and slap his arm "That is just rude!" She said, pretending to be offended.
"I'm joking" he told her with a cheeky grin before slamming on the brakes as they reached the pits.
Y/N crept up behind Sebastian who was in the middle of an interview, she looked at the camera and placed her finger to her lips, warning the interviewer and the camera man to be quiet.
Those who saw what she was up to stopped to watch, trying to hide their amused smirks and giggles as Sebastian remained blissfully unaware, too focused on answering questions.
She got up right behind him and before he could sense the presence behind him she raised her arm up and poured the ice cold water over his head.
Sebastian shrieked and spluttered as everyone laughed, turning around he came face to face with the proud smile of his wife. He shook his head like a wet dog causing water to splatter everywhere, he launched himself at her. Y/N screamed, trying to run away but she was too slow, her husband had caught her and had pulled her into his chest, rubbing himself all over her to get her wet as payback.
Everyone in the Formula One world loved the prank wars that occurred in the paddock between the married couple.
"My name is Sebastian Vettel and I'm a Formula One driver for Scuderia Ferrari"
"My name is Y/N Vettel and I'm a Formula One driver for Mercedes AMG Petronas... yes! Fuck you Lewis... that's how you do it!"
"Seb's a four time world champion, and one of the most ruthless, brilliantly effective racing drivers that I've ever seen... You don't lose that ability overnight" ~Will Buxton
"Y/N just has this fire about her when she's on the track, she's one of the most determined and skilled driver's in the whole of formula one, I think her six World titles show that" ~Toto Wolff
Daniel Ricciardo threw his head back and sighed "I think the Vettel's will get those, they're both nerds"
"I have all the time I need?" Sebastian asked the filming crew who nodded in response.
S: "Lewis 2020,
      Y/N 2019,2018,2017,2016,2015, 2014
Y: Seb was 2013,2012,2011 and 2010
     2009 was Jenson Button
     2008 Lewis
S: Kimi 2007
    2006 and 2005 was Fernando
    2004,2003,2002,2001,2000 was Michael
Y: 1999 and 1998 was Hakkinen
     1997.... Villeneuve
Time skip
S: 1953 and 1952 was Ascari
    1951 was Fangio
S&Y: and the first one was Farina
The filming crew couldn't believe it, they clapped for the pair whilst shaking their heads in disbelief. The couple really were a pair made in heaven.
Y/N looked at the crew with a proud, excited smile on her face "Did I do it!?"
The crew nodded, Y/N's mouth dropped open before she smiled at the camera and bowed "I'm so proud of myself right now"
"Sebastian got them all right too" the camera man told her. Y/N laughed "Of course he did, who do you think taught me"
Y/N and Sebastian had just raced their last ever race in formula one, she had managed to get on the podium which was a great way to finish her career, one last trophy.
The drivers had all lined up to give the couple a last send off which was really sweet.
"Y/N! Sebastian! Can I get you for one last interview before you leave? I know you're probably sick of all the questions" Natalie Pinkham asked.
She was right, they were tired of all the questions but everyone had a soft spot for Natalie so it only felt right that she should be their last interviewer of the paddock and so the couple walked up to her.
"I was wondering if you could tell us a bit about your decision to retire together, I know you already explained a lot when it was announced but is there anything else that you have to add?" She asked, holding out the microphone between the couple.
Sebastian's hand settled on Y/N's back, his thumb stoking up and down, encouraging her to speak first.
"It wasn't an easy decision and we know that we definitely had the opportunity to continue racing but we have goals outside of formula one that we want to accomplish together and feel now is the time to work towards those goals, Seb and I entered formula one together and it feels right to leave it together too, it's great knowing that we quite literally went through the entire thing with each other"
Sebastian smiled lovingly down at his wife, she had described it perfectly. He knew she still loved racing just as she had when she first started and truly she had only agreed to retire because he had chosen to and she didn't want to race without him on the grid with her but he had lost his spark, he has tried to persuade her to continue but she was adamant.
"How about you, Sebastian?" Natalie asked, tilting the microphone closer to him.
"I think she worded it perfectly, I couldn't think of anyone better to spend my career with, formula one has given us both a lot of special memories but it's time for us to move onto the next step and you'll probably still see us around at some point"
Natalie nodded with a smile and thanked them before letting them get on their way.
Sebastian brought Y/N into a hug, holding her tight against his chest. "This is it, it's over now." He mumbled.
Y/N hummed into his race suit "Maybe. But it's the start of something better"
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keepthedelta · 1 month
what would you consider Rosberg's best race? (wanna hear people wax poetic about their special interest)
it's going to be a list because i am weird about nico
singapore 2016. an absolutely dominate weekend for him, fastest in every single session, outqualified lewis by 7 tenths (and danny ric by 6) setting what was (at the time) a track record. spent the entire race managing brake and engine issues, got screwed over by merc strategy when they were trying to get lewis back onto the podium after he got overtaken by kimi, had to make his tyres last an extra 20 laps with danny ric chasing him down 2-4 seconds a lap faster than him. won the race and then posted a slutty shirtless photo of him being cooled down by a fan in what could be considered the ancestor of the ice bath videos that teams post now.
canada 2014. a real contender for my favourite ever nico race even though he didn't win. both merc cars had mgu-h failure about 20-30 laps in thereby losing half of their power. nico switched brake bias to the front brakes so that less strain would be put on the rear brakes because on the lack of power and potential overheating. about five laps later lewis dnfs with rear brake failure. nico should have been overtaken by just about everybody, but instead he spends the next 30 laps using all of his power and speed in one specific sector (the one with the drs detection point) so that checo (now in second) is too far behind to get drs, and then, even though nico's car is barely alive for the rest of the lap, he can never overtake him. it literally took checo's car breaking down and allowing danny ric (now driving the best car in the field) for nico to lose the win. the mechanical masterclass of modern f1 (and yes it might not have worked at another track or i f someone other than checo had been in second, but i firmly believe that the lowest nico could have ever come given the circumstances was third) and it is not appreciated enough.
china 2012. i rewatched this recently and literally no one believed that nico was going to win until about five laps before the end. he was driving one of the world's shittiest mercs (i promise every single merc pre-2013 was worse than any car since then), got pole by half a second, got a perfect start, flawless tyre management, cruised to victory while everyone else was fighting for their lives behind him (the battle for second was absolutely insane, and nico was just minding his own business about 15 seconds ahead of them all).
singapore 2008. crashgate has entered the building. back then cars refuelled during the race and so another factor in the strategies was fuel load. nico and a number of others were running low initial fuel loads, so they would have to stop relatively early. except, just before they were going to stop, nelson piquet jr binned it into the wall (on purpose) and the stewards closed the pitlane for safety reasons. however, nico and the others on similar strategies needed to refuel so they had to enter the pitlane anyway which earned them a stop and go penalty which had to be served within three laps. nico did those laps as fast as he possibly could, meaning that after he served his penalty he only lost a handful of places (i think 3). robert kubica who also took a stop and go penalty on the exact same lap for the exact same reason (and was in a better car) lost far more places and i don't think he even finished in the points. nico spent the rest of the race rising up the field and finished second only to fernando (who got there by cheating) with lewis in a distant third (tbf i don't think he needed to try that hard by the end as he got a massive points gain over felipe massa his championship competition due to the ferrari pitlane incident).
malaysia 2016. casuals will tell you that this is the race where lewis lost the championship because of his dnf (and if you're a lh hater i recommend watching it because the level of conspiracy that emerges from lewis and sky sports is genuinely quite funny) but i think that's very misleading. in the very first turn seb crashed into nico, spinning him around and leaving him in dead last by the end of the first lap. nico fought through the field, pulled off a rallycross overtake on kimi, got a penalty for it, and was already sitting in fourth when lewis's engine blew up. he then pulled a ten second gap over kimi so that he kept his podium place, got danny ric to make max do a shoey, nearly threw up when he did one himself, told a room full of reporters that he didn't want danny ric to win another race (that year) and filmed one of the funniest ever post-race vlogs where he fidgeted with the neckline of his t-shirt while describing how seb had apologised to him for the crash and that was nice but it didn't get him any points back. truly iconic.
there is definitely a running theme in these choices i think. mostly that i think nico was at his best when he was fighting against the potential capabilities of the car/circuit/circumstances rather than other drivers 🤷🏿‍♀️
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misskattylashes · 3 months
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The Ballad of Miles Peter Kane
I’m writing this because 80% of the speculation in the AM/TLSP/MK fandom is about Alex – ‘he shags groupies, he’s gay, he’s bi, he’s autistic, he’s an arrogant bastard’....the list is endless. Because he is our master of deception and subterfuge, he opens himself up to speculation.
But on the surface Miles is so different. Happy, smiley, seemingly open Miles, sharing his home and his dog and his family on social media. Chatting away in interviews like a little bird. People think he has it together.
But dig a little deeper and read between the lines, and I get a completely different picture of Miles from the Rascal of 2008 to our One Man Band of 2024.
I have been watching some early interviews with Miles recently and he shoehorns the topic of women and girls into them far more often than Alex ever has. A simple question about if he likes meat is met with a ‘not in a gay way’. At a time when Alex was being photographed looking like Alexa’s little brother or Arielle’s hot gay pal, Miles was being ‘papped’ with his tongue down the throat of the latest hot model or Page Three Girl. There was a sexy girl in every video. And before you say it, yes there were in AM’s videos, but find me one where Alex interacts with them. There was also Miles’ relationship with Suki Waterhouse which I find hard to believe wasn’t real, unless he is far better than Alex at faking a relationship.
Controversial as this may be, but in my opinion, early videos of baby Al flirting openly with Andy, and pressing himself up against Miles, and a bit later on, even AM Alex flirting with that hunky male interviewer, does not point to someone battling too much with their inner homophobia. I think Alex – as ever – has two personalities. The Alex known to the inner circle is out and has been for many years. But Mr Schwartz - the public facing Alex, struggles with his sexuality and the effect it will have on his career and that of his three ‘brothers’.
But read between the lines of their lyrics from the AM/Don’t Forget Who You Are era. AM is filled with longing, of someone who doesn’t know where they stand with this secret - keeping lover who treats them differently at night than during the day. DFWYA is still full of ‘she’ and ‘her’ songs, although ironically the lyrics to Out of Control are so Milex coded it’s funny. I will always maintain Give Up is about Alex (I think ‘stand so tall’ is a figure of speech rather than literally lol) lyrics like ‘you’re pretty good looking but I’m looking for a way out’ and ‘stop tainting my soul’ scream Alex. Don’t forget both albums will have been written around the same time, so I am guessing that they were going through the conflict of Miles not knowing what to do, and him somehow blaming Alex for his confusion, but at the same time unable to keep away from him.
So we reach 2015 and the recording of EYCTE. Something happens. Once on stage and once in an interview, Alex talks about them falling in love whist recording the album. Traditionalists will choose to think he means with their ‘girlfriends’ at the time, but once on tour it is obvious there has been a change in the dynamics. Alex is coquettish and sexy, but his stage personas have all been a variation on this since Humbug, but Miles is different. Miles can’t keep his hands off Alex, Miles follows Alex around the stage like a lovesick puppy. In interviews gone are the playful lusty looks of TAOTU era, instead Miles gazes at Alex like he’s the most beautiful and wondrous thing he’s ever seen.
I think Miles had finally seen the light and realised he was in love with his best mate/casual fuck buddy. He could no longer go on treating Alex like some dirty little secret, and he could no longer deny his sexuality.
What happened afterwards? Who knows, I guess they’re the only ones who know the full truth. But they both came out of EYCTE depressed (the two interviews recently posted on here show this), but Miles admitted to having a mental breakdown, and all I can do is speculate why I think this happened. Imagine being a young man fighting inner demons about your sexuality, you finally realise you’re in love with your best friend and promises are made (see Someone to Rely On and Wrong Side of Life) and he leaves you to go off to France to record an album and keep up his ‘relationship’ with his girlfriend. You have laid yourself on the line and taken a huge step for him and he's gone.
In Alex’s defence, he probably had years of Miles letting him down and also the responsibility of AM etc, but this isn’t about Alex.
But time is a great healer and I think Miles came out of the whole period a different person. By Change the Show, we lose the ‘she’ pronouns (just one ‘girl’, and Suzie and Caroline) and sexy girls in videos. Gone are the models and page three girls. There is a brief ‘romance’ with Nadya Duke, but that is it.
So we come to One Man Band. Apart from one ridiculous tongue in cheek podcast with his friend James Buckley, where he goes on about women (incidentally just before the Ireland gigs with AM), Miles has changed. In early interviews, his childhood heroes are Lennon and Oasis…no mention of Baggio. With One Man Band we suddenly get Baggio and in interviews he talks of how eight year old Miles thought Baggio and the Italian football team were sexy. Old Miles would have followed that up with something like ‘the sort of sexy that pulled birds’, but there was nothing like that, instead he was admitting that part of his sexual awakening was admiring Italian men.
The video for The Wonder had a sexy woman, his friend Didem, but somehow the dynamic felt different, the general vibe was more two mates mucking about.
His stage persona is more ‘fruity’, he is using ‘she’ pronouns but to address himself, and whilst he isn’t ‘out’ - he may never come out publicly, it is entirely his choice - there is definitely a change in Miles, he seems more settled and happy in his own skin. He said he had therapy during the bad period and hopefully that helped. Interestingly he has posted songs about difficult relationships with fathers, and without casting aspersions on Miles’ dad, I wonder if part of his earlier issues were about him trying to please him. Liverpool has quite a macho culture – especially 20-30 years ago. Let’s not forget Miles liked and commented on that beautiful poem about men who know they are gay even when they are children. Maybe it resonated….
Miles story is a fascinating one, a look at a young man fighting his inner demons to get to a point where he knows his true self. I always think Troubled Son is the counter to Body Paint. But Troubled Son is about Miles coming to terms with who he is and accepting his own faults, Body Paint is Alex keeping on his costume, which he doesn’t look like taking off any time soon. Hopefully private Alex is as happy as Miles, and it’s just that public face that looks as though their world is ending.
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umgeorge · 3 months
george russell is interviewed on media day, austria - june 27, 2024 George: "Yeah, I think that… Obviously I know Lando well and it's great to see him at the front, battling for wins and pole positions. And I think the first time we raced each other was 2008, and I think this is what we went through during the go karting, F2, F3, F4, where you're fighting at the front every single weekend, and that's how it should be. The best drivers should be fighting it out on track. So he's a little bit ahead of us at the moment, so I don't want him to continue this form for too much longer, but as I said, this is what Formula 1's about and this what racing is about, so yeah, I hope it continues like this."
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intermundia · 7 months
Hey Will!
You seem to be very well-versed in the Star Wars books, and I was wondering if you could recommend essential reading as regards Obi-Wan and Anakin’s relationship (or character studies of them in general)? We all know about the ROTS novelization, but I was wondering what else you would recommend?
Any other prequel era book recs would be welcomed as well!
Apologies if you’ve already posted about this!
Obi-Wan and/or Anakin:
Legacy of the Jedi 📖🔰📙
Jedi Apprentice series 📖🔰📙
The Life and Legend of Obi-Wan Kenobi 📖🔰📙
Padawan 📖🔰📗💙
Star Wars: Republic: The Stark Hyperspace War 💥📙
Master & Apprentice 📖📗
Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan: The Aurorient Express 💥📙
Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan: Last Stand on Ord Mantell 💥📙
Cloak of Deception 📖📙
Star Wars: Obi-Wan 💥📗
Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace novelization 📖📕
Rogue Planet 📖📙💙
Jedi Quest series 📖🔰📙
Star Wars: Obi-Wan and Anakin 💥📗💙
The Rise and Fall of Darth Vader 📖🔰📙
Age of Republic - Obi-Wan Kenobi 1 💥📗
The Approaching Storm 📖📙
Star Wars (2020) #25: "the Lesson (Obi-Wan & Anakin)*"💥📗
Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones novelization 📖📕
Star Wars: Republic: The Battle of Jabiim 💥📙💙
Brotherhood 📖📗
Age of Republic - Anakin Skywalker 1 💥📗
Star Wars: The Clone Wars novelization 📖📙
The Clone Wars: Wild Space 📖📙💙
Clone Wars Gambit: Stealth 📖📙
Clone Wars Gambit: Siege 📖📙
Star Wars: Republic: Dreadnaughts of Rendili 💥📙
Secrets of the Jedi 📖🔰📙
Jedi Trial 📖📙
Labyrinth of Evil 📖📙
Dark Disciple 📖📗
Star Wars: Obsession💥📙💙
Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith novelization 📖📕💙
Star Wars: Darth Vader (2017) 💥📗💙
Kenobi 📖📙
Dark Lord: The Rise of Darth Vader 📖📙
Lords of the Sith 📖📗
Thrawn: Alliances 📖📗
Star Wars: A New Hope novelization 📖📕
Star Wars (2015) 💥📗
Star Wars: Darth Vader (2015) 💥📗💙
Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back novelization 📖📕
Star Wars (2020) 💥📗
Star Wars: Darth Vader (2020) 💥📗
Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi novelization 📖📕
📖 = book 💥 = comic 🔰 = YA 📙 = legends 📕 = quasi-canon (novelizations only canon when they line up with the films) 📗 = canon 💙 = favorite or essential imho
this list is not at all comprehensive, but merely the ones that i have found to be good sources for both/either characters as i've explored the lore over time!! they are not all of equal credibility, with legends and YA novels being less vivid in the mind than the canon ones. i'm listing so many because i like so many, but this is hopefully not intimidating as much as it is a full buffet for you to choose from!!!
also: 💙 Darth Plagueis 💙 it's not about the Team, but it is a phenomenal worldbuilding book for the prequels in general
<!--also also: the tv shows and movies are the most important sources for the characters, more important than the written word: the prequel films and the original trilogy, the clone wars movie, the kenobi show, the 2008 clone wars tv show, some rebels, (and then the legends 2003 clone wars tv show) are best sources for them. it’s a lot to watch but it's the most accurate representation of who they are!--->
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mister-leonn · 2 months
Coming right up with some new thoughts
I finally finished the Acolyte (took my time ik) and honestly, it's banger! Everything is on point, the story actually feels like it's Star Wars: we have jedis, siths, mysteries, turns of events, known characters, legends lore, ancient stuff never brought up before. The fights are so on point it's crazy.
But I gotta say this, and I know, a lot of people are saying it too, but I really gotta spit it out. Don't listen to the people saying it's bad. All I see all the time is stuff like, why did the lightsaber turns red?! Making Anakin less special, why couldn't Palpatine make force sensitive clones but some witches can? And on and on and on and on.... and you know what people, anyone, and I say ANY-ONE, who says that kind of stuff, hasn't watched the show at all, every one of these stupid comments find an explanation in the show. But let me tell the truth about all that, the loudest part of the Star Wars fans are Marvel men, they want Tony Stark, they wanted a twisted white guy who kills people for fun, they think they are some sort of Anakin wanna-be who have trouble with their anger cause of women and lies, when actually they are just sexist little shits who immediately hated on Ahsoka in 2008 and it shows. They hate less the concept of Palpatine surviving somehow than witches who create life BECAUSE of a vergence planet making they them ultra powerful, just because they are a lesbians, men free, coven of witches and that's what bothers them so much. If Osha and Mae had been white guys with anger issues they would claim it's the best show in the book.
But what I'm saying actually stands for any kind of Star Wars or Marvel content. Sure, Rey didn't get a good writing and was the main character of a trilogy purely made for the money without a single care for the fans, but they don't hate her for the writing, they hate her because she's strong, because she can do stuff on her own as she always did since 4 yo. They didn't say anything when 10yo Anakin blew up a battle station or won a podrace said to be impossible for humans. But on the moment a woman who is clearly stated to be all powerful because of a dyad gets skills a bit too fast that's it, throw the whole thing by the window they made Disney woke.
So all of you who loved the show and are just quiet about it, don't worry, everyone loved it, all the bad things you hear comes from like 100 stupid waste of men who only get heard because of an algorithm. Kinda sounds like politics, or religion, doesn't it?
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hboww2rewatch · 26 days
Please read the movie descriptions below
Saving Private Ryan (1998) - Following the Normandy Landings, a group of U.S. soldiers go behind enemy lines to retrieve a paratrooper whose brothers have been killed in action. Dir. by Steven Spielberg
A League of Their Own (1992) - American sports comedy drama film that tells a fictionalized account of the real-life All-American Girls Professional Baseball League (AAGPBL) during WWII. Dir. by Penny Marshall
Greyhound (2020) - The film is based on the 1955 novel The Good Shepherd, and follows a US Navy commander on his first assignment commanding a multi-national escort destroyer group of four, defending an Allied convoy from U-boats during the Battle of the Atlantic. Dir. by Aaron Schneider
Mudbound (2017) - The film depicts two World War II veterans – one white, one black – who return to rural Mississippi each to address racism and PTSD in his own way. Dir. by Dee Rees
Twelve O'Clock High (1949) - A tough-as-nails general (Gregory Peck as General Savage) takes over a B-17 bomber unit suffering from low morale and whips them into fighting shape. Based on a novel by the same name. Dir. by Henry King
The Best Years of Our Lives (1946) - three United States servicemen re-adjusting to societal changes and civilian life after coming home from World War II. The three men come from different services with different ranks that do not correspond with their civilian social class backgrounds. It is one of the earliest films to address issues encountered by returning veterans in the post World War II era. Dir. by William Wyler 
The Monuments Men (2014) - An unlikely World War II platoon is tasked to rescue art masterpieces from German thieves and return them to their owners. Based on the 2007 non-fiction book The Monuments Men: Allied Heroes, Nazi Thieves and the Greatest Treasure Hunt in History. Dir. by George Clooney
Dunkirk (2017) - Allied soldiers from Belgium, the British Commonwealth and Empire, and France are surrounded by the German Army and evacuated from Dunkirk. It is shown from the perspectives of the land, sea, and air. Dir. by Christopher Nolan
Fury (2014) - A grizzled tank commander makes tough decisions as he and his crew fight their way across Germany in April, 1945. Dir. by David Ayer
Valkyrie (2008) - A dramatization of the July 20, 1944 assassination and political coup plot by desperate renegade German Army officers against Adolf Hitler during World War II. Dir. by Bryan Singer
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fauxgraps · 5 months
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umlewis · 3 months
lewis hamilton is interviewed during the press conference on media day, britain - july 4, 2024 (transcript under the cut)
Interviewer: "Thank you. Lewis, can I come to you now? You've had many close battles with Max Verstappen. What did you make of what happened between Lando and him last weekend in Austria?" Lewis: "Um… Nothing, really. I didn't think anything of it. [pauses, waiting expectantly] I was more concerned about my race and enjoying the team's win." Interviewer: "Well, you've told us in the past that you treat Max differently on track, so what advice could you give to Lando about going wheel-to-wheel with Max?" Lewis: "Again, I don't think I need to. [laughs] They've raced each other for many years, so… Yeah." [laughs] Interviewer: "You're not gonna be drawn on this, are you?" Lewis: "It has nothing to do with me." Interviewer: "Alright. Well, look, let's bring it onto this wekend, then, Lewis. You're going for a record ninth win here at Silverstone. Have you got the car to do that?" Lewis: "I think on pure performance, I don't think we are currently in the same place, naturally, as you've seen in the last couple of races; on these high-speed circuits, particularly. McLaren I think probably might be the quickest, or at least Max, maybe, and I think we're not that far behind, and I think we've definitely seen some really huge strides forward and it's really great to see that we are slowly eeking closer to the frontrunners." Interviewer: "Alright."
[time jump] NOT SHOWN: Journalist: "Simon Lazenby, Sky Sports. I suppose, opening that question to the floor… Lewis, you kind of touched on it there, but it's the same question to all of you: Do you have to race differently when you're wheel-to-wheel with Max Verstappen?" Lewis: "Yeah, not a lot to add. I mean, I've spoken about it before." [time jump] Journalist: "A question for Lewis: Lewis, you have so many great [unintelligible] in Silverstone, so many great victories. Is there one moment, one day, one race, the most special one for you in your Silverstone history?" Interviewer: "Lewis, I'll just quickly repeat the question. You've had so many great memories at Silverstone. Is there one that stands out?" Lewis: "Yeah, 2008 I think will always be probably the most special; my first grand prix win here, and in the rain, and that's my first, like, real… I would say engagement, or the beginning of the journey with the fans here." [time jump]
Journalist: "[unintelligible] I have a question for Lewis: Are you really interested in buying Gresini team, or another team, in MotoGP?" Interviewer: "Thank you. I'll just quickly repeat the question, if I could: Lewis, are you interested in buying the Gresini motorbike team?" Lewis: "Well, I've always loved MotoGP. I'm interested in the potential growth of the sport, but I haven't looked that far into it just yet. But anything's possible. I'm definitely interested in, as I've said before, about equity, and already with the Broncos was already a first step in team ownership. And so yeah, I think over the next five to ten years there'll be hopefully more. We'll see where." [time jump] Journalist: "[unintelligible] A question to Lewis. You said before that one of your best moments was winning here in 2008. What was the big difference with the winning in 2021? It was a win, as well. Your different feelings." Interviewer: "So, Lewis, that first win in 2008. You've won a lot here. What is the difference in emotions, and including 2021?" Lewis: "2021 was still, I think, a great feeling. I think I'd been on such a long journey with the British fans, and we have such great… really, the best fans here. I dunno. I think it was just because it was a wet race, and it was the trickiest conditions that a racing driver will experience, and just the level that I was able to operate that day. And I think it was like 68 seconds I won the race by, so it was, like, far outdid any other race that I think I probably have ever done, particularly in the rain."
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awesomeferret10 · 3 months
Don’t think about the period between “Food Battle 2023” and “My Dead Friend”
Don’t think about how Sketch!Ian and Sketch!Anthony have been roommates since 2008 (with a brief period from 2016-2023 where Ian thought he was living with a wife not a best friend) and are always with each other.
Don’t think about how normal it is after a food battle for whoever died to get up and carry on with their normal lives the next day.
Don’t think about Sketch!Ian bringing Sketch!Anthonys body home after the ol’ scissoroo and waiting for him to wake up the next morning so they can go back to their usual nonsense
Don’t think about Sketch!Anthony not getting up the next morning.
Or the next.
Or the next.
Or the next.
Don’t think about the 14 days that passed between “Food Battle 2023” and “My Dead Friend”.
Don’t think about how much Sketch!Ian wants his best friend back.
Don’t think about Sketch!Ian sobbing at every little reminder that “Anthony isn’t back yet, 𝘸𝘩𝘺 𝘪𝘴𝘯’𝘵 𝘩𝘦 𝘣𝘢𝘤𝘬.”
Don’t think about Sketch!Ian desperately trying to date and move on.
Don’t think about Sketch!Ian getting more and more desperate until he goes onto the dark web, and pours all his time into reanimating Sketch!Anthony.
Don’t think about Sketch!Ian getting increasingly more panicked as Sketch!Anthony’s body begins to decay.
Don’t think about Sketch!Ian finally having to let go of Sketch!Anthonys body (either in the canonical nuclear explosion or if you’re being angsty about it sobbing, burying him as he’s finally too decayed to puppet, too rotted to pretend he’s still alive).
Don’t think about Sketch!Ian being so upset and setting up a small memorial in what was once their shared house.
Don’t think about Sketch!Ian being so depressed that his friends notice and begin setting him up with people to take his mind off it.
Don’t think about Sketch!Ian paying his neighbor off and willingly spreading the rumor that he shit himself to all his friends so that he can put his undivided attention on grieving Sketch!Anthony. On mourning his best friend, and the guilt that comes with the fact he killed him.
Don’t think about how the next time we see Sketch!Anthony is March 1st.
Don’t think about how that’s more than 3 months after he died.
Don’t think about how we have no idea when he came back.
Don’t think about how long Ian might have been grieving for.
𝐃𝐎 think about how when his roommate and best friend died all Sketch!Ians friends began setting him up on dates. Think about how that implies his friends think they’re an item, or life partners, or something of the sort. Think so god damn hard about how in Sketch!Ian’s friend’s minds a girlfriend is a replacement to Sketch!Anthony. Think about what everyone around them assumes they are. Think about how reasonable that assumption is when two 36 year old financially stable men are still roommates and have been since they were 21. Think about how in love Sketch!Ian and Sketch!Anthony are with each other whether in a gay way or not.
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w0rmdahl · 4 months
are you listening? — SKNS
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gif ©: w0rmdahl, madsofrps-blog
show: skins s1 (2007-2008)
synopsis: joey may have fallen first, but love fell on anwar.
word count: 4.1k
featuring: anwar kharral, (oc) joey park, maxxie oliver, mention of jal fazer, mention of tony stonem
warnings: (it's skins yk) strong language, sex, early 2000s
a/n: so much to say about this piece omg. check the replies for everything i have to tell you guys lol (p.s. i think swear i can write in present-ish tense but i can't begin without the bg set up womp womp)
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next-door neighbors turned childhood best friends, anwar and joey were widely regarded (at least by the 13 people who knew them) as two peas in a pod; an inseparable duo that always happened to be together even when they weren't really supposed to. most — if not all parent-teacher conferences were chalk-full of complaints about their inability to stop talking to the other, and numerous family gatherings had been defined by the odd man out chatting happily as usual with their other half — their other half being a spikey haired anwar standing significantly shorter than he was now or the brace-faced joey who'd refused to make eye contact with anyone else.
over the near-seventeen years they were friends so tightly knit you couldn't even fit a coin between them, joey and anwar had obviously encountered their fair share of pros and cons that came with the territory. on one hand, they always got away with whatever mischievous schemes they'd come up with because no one ever expected them to be in on it together. however, the most pressing issue by far had always been the dating allegations.
for a long time even the mention of romantic feelings lingering around had them up in arms, vehemently denying the allegations with an iron fist as they cited how ridiculous it was to assume just because they were a boy and a girl. and though they began this uphill battle before even reaching double digits, the accusations would only grow worse the older they got and the further into their friendship they ventured.
anwar had always been the very first to deny, always saying the same thing; "you're sick and perverted, joey's my best mate! she's not even like a girl to me!" and for some reason young joey always found this to be hilarious. nowadays, however, not as funny. actually a little hurtful to be completely honest, but she knew why.
the god-honest truth was; joey had loved anwar since the start. she grew up with the hopeless gnawing of yearn at her fingertips, familiar with the fungus-like growth of blush on her cheeks as they walked home from school or shared a cigarette under the stars. she'd spent years tossing restlessly in bed every night in an attempt to tune out the annoying hum in her chest until it eventually became nothing more than white noise in her ears — somewhat manageable but still tender like a bruise when pressed.
by 14 she had figured out a way to better conceal the jealousy that bubbled inside whenever he drooled over the nearest being with boobs, that is, until she found herself whining under the covers like a sick dog. by 15 she finally came to terms with the fact that he'd never even look in her direction with romance in mind, and by her 16th birthday spent with the blubbering drunk, joey finally put the hopes of ‘something more’ to rest as she fell asleep with his elbow dug into her ribs and a lump of acceptance in her throat.
on the contrary, however, anwar was not afforded the luxury of carefully unraveling the warmth in his chest until the burden met his open palms. no — unlike joey's lifelong pining, poor dear anwar happened to be speaking with maxxie when the realization fell on top of him like bricks squashing a bug.
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"i just — i don't get it! why does she do that?" he huffed before taking another swig of whatever liquor it was that they'd found at the park, sat leaned against his bed with the absence of her fairy lights reflecting into his window further grating his tender feelings. "of course i don't want to hear about some wanker trying to chat her up! that's disgusting!"
maxxie almost laughs at him, though he refrains. "oh, come on, anwar. you know joey's like mother teresa, i bet she didn't even let him dream about it. is it really that big of an issue?"
"it is! because now i have the image of this bloke shoving his tongue down her throat and if i think about it any longer i'm gonna spew!"
now pausing to catch the sad-faced-clowns gaze, maxxie snatched the bottle from him before shrugging, voice small like he already knew what would come next. "well..." he hummed, "have you ever thought about telling her?"
the aforementioned clowns eyebrows furrowed together. "telling her what?"
"come on, an, it's obvious. i've seen how you look at her. you'll never know until you give it a shot."
at first, anwar would fully brush him off. "maxxie," he'd say with the disapproval already written in his grimace "it's not like that — it's never been like that. i've never even thought of joey like that." but when his stripe-wearing friend finally went home and left him all alone to mull over their conversation, poor dear anwar would think of her like that. he'd find himself in a similar position that night, unbeknownst to either parties, curled into a ball under the covers as he clutched at his chest almost like he was ready to rip the frantic heart right out.
as jal would say months after this initial incident; "joey may have fallen in love first, but love fell on anwar." she was right, as always, but this wouldn't come to fruition until a period of continuous push-and-pulls between them.
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of course, the days and weeks following proceeded as typical as usual; anwar and joey hung out for the majority of the day, partied on the weekends, found themselves waking up a tangled mess on the floor surrounded by the rest of the gang covered in a typical amount of vomit. nothing significant immediately changed — much to his dismay — but instead it seemed as though a list of strange circumstances added up over time to grow into the change they both so desperately longed for.
first it was anwar. joey noticed only a few days after he'd originally got upset with her that he started accommodating her more — at least more than usual. it started with the bag of chips they'd bought to share between their parallel windows. usually he'd try to convince her not to get the spicy chips due to the fact that it always ended with tears, but on this fateful day, anwar picked her absolute favorite without so much as a flinch before paying for it himself.
it didn't strike her as exceptionally abnormal until she finished her drink without realizing and was yet again left sniffling, eyes wet as she reached over the gap to hand it back to him with dust-covered fingers. he'd resume leaning against the window frame in search for his drink to hand over only to turn back and find her with a thumb between her lips, tears dripping down her pink cheeks. she laughed.
"they're just so good."
joey would wait for her expected response, something along the lines of 'you're a monster/addict/freak,' only to have his dumb grin be the entire response. she could see his gaze surveying her warm face before fixing on her eyes and staying there, utterly unmoving until she'd grumble.
"just say 'told you so' or something! don't make me stew in it."
anwar was careful not to stare for too long after that, he knew she didn't like feeling 'seen' anyway. but you'd best believe he was studying her features every time she wasn't looking, skin so much softer and lips so much rosier now that he saw her in the new light. he could've sworn she existed solely in a hazy glow colored by every new feature he witnessed pulling him in deeper. if only he could reach out to make sure — to check and see if she was really as radiant as he'd observed. how didn't he notice it before?
it would get to a point that, on a foggy drunken night, anwar would reach out to test his theory.
"— so, when i went home, i got to tell my mom all about how well i did and how many compliments i got from the teachers. she said she'd make my jjajangmyeon tomorrow, too!" from her seat on the counter, joey sat swinging her legs with a cup full of absolute jungle-juice swishing inside as she told him about her successful friday quizzes. "i'm just so happy it's over. i could drink myself to death!"
anwar swore he was listening — he swore he was paying attention to each and every detail about her exams and all the people and especially that bloke dominic — but from his inebriated place against the adjacent island of this posh house he could not for the life of him keep his mind off of the yearn to bring his pounding heart as close to hers as possible. with slow blinks emphasizing his glossy eyes, anwar set his drink down and pushed himself to stand up in one swift motion, arms already wrapped under her shoulder blades by the time she understood what was happening.
it wasn't like they'd never hugged before — they have hugged plenty of times, in fact. physical contact was not a foreign language to them after a long childhood of sleepovers ending with him using her as a blanket because they fell asleep on the floor, but it definitely became less frequent the older they got. waking up on the floor with his head on her stomach was still a common occurrence, but tender interactions like hugs were typically reserved for serious, gloomy moments that called for it. like when her cat died. not, for example, while she was around 7 shots in telling him about her awesome day.
"wh—what's up?" she chuckled nervously, pulse against his as her fingertips subconsciously found his spine, "this is super haram." there was an anxiousness to her voice that even an intoxicated anwar picked up on, especially when pressed so close he could hear the vibrations of her vocal cords. anwar took a deep breath before he pulled away to reclaim his spot against the marble.
"i'm happy you're alive."
a flash of furrowed brows appeared across her face before she was then setting her cup down, sliding off the counter to put her jacket back on. "okay, annie, time to go home. i want you to remember this in the morning when i nurse you back to health."
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anwar declared to maxxie the following day (after recovering from his hangover) that he needed to be more careful with how he went about this with joey — if he was gonna muster the courage to talk about it, he had to be careful until that point came. he couldn't just find himself stumbling into it; he had to be smart about this and prove himself worthy as someone for joey, the famously proud virgin who ran off any guy looking in the wrong places for something 'haram' (as his dad and joey would say, though he was certain joey was only teasing.)
"how do i know she even likes guys? or anyone, for that matter!" anwar is almost spiraling with his eyes fixed on the ceiling fan, "the only people she's ever liked are all celebrities! sure, norman bates is an interesting choice, but everyone loves ralph macchio he's-the-fucking-karate-kid!!!"
maxxie, as per usual, was cool as a cucumber. "well, why don't you just do some spy work?” he suggested, “ask her sneaky questions...point her in that direction?"
this ingenious yet devious plan from the third musketeer would eventually be how joey accidentally stumbled into revealing a little too much, unknowingly lead into the territory by her best friend with a sinister motive as they waited on tony and michelle to stop shagging upstairs.
"hey," he'd inquire, innocent in the face as he looked over at her. "can i ask you something?"
"of course."
"the other day chris said mostly men have foot fetishes and mostly women have hand fetishes. is that true or..."
joey looked over at him already irritated, likely suspicious of a looming joke in poor taste. she sighed as she shrugged in an attempt to play off her genuine intrigue before actually pausing to think about it. it sounded true, didn't it?
"i mean...i have no sources, so don't quote me or anything, but i'd say it's probably true."
anwar leaned in a little closer. "but...so...you think a lot of women like hands?"
"i don't know, man," she chuckles and visibly leans away "i know some girls do. why are you so interested?"
"do you?"
now she's actually raising her guard, he can see it in her eyes as she grimaces at his questioning. "well..." joey starts, gaze flicking around the room so as to avoid his. "kind of."
anwar's mischevious smile would grow upon hearing this response, restraining the urge to tease and nudge her with an elbow in favor of continuing his spywork. "kind of?"
"i wouldn't even say it's a fetish like a foot fetish is —" she's speaking quickly the same way she did when trying to fight embarrassment, "it's just — girls can appreciate pretty hands when they see one — i can appreciate pretty hands. it's just an added bonus, you know? if you're hot that's awesome, if you're hot and you have nice hands..."
he didn't even have to think about his next line of questioning. "do i?" anwar asks, presenting forth a warm (and a little clammy from the nerves) palm toward her. joey's eyes would finally return to his, wide and utterly perplexed, before peering down at the fingers outstretched toward her.
"well..." she mutters, shaky fingertips grazing his knuckles as she turned his hand over. "i'd...say so. you have...um..." joey's almost crumbling under the pressure. her face is growing hotter by the second, covered only by the long locks of hair she let conceal her features while she tried to navigate this sticky situation. how to be honest while also not revealing that she had thought about his hands in detail plenty of times to recognize each and every vein and scar in the skin?
"well," her tone is stronger now that she's cleared her throat, "you don't have any visible diseases, so that's a start. your fingers are long — but not like, salad fingers long. and you have big hands, too, girls like that. — i think."
finally looking up from the back of the hand she knew well, joey's pupils are darker than before, a shy smile curling her red lips once she noticed his. 'sly' he thought, 'but not sly enough.' she'd set his hand back down in his lap as the creaking bed upstairs finally came to a halt.
"you're cheeky."
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moments such as these, tense and somewhat awkward but certainly suggestive, would be given the time to grow into an entire catalogue (later discussed between maxxie and anwar) that eventually built up into one final, fateful friday.
it was a friday like any other for the pair, the beginning of the weekend spent walking home side-by-side after school in order to drop off their bags before heading to some posh party tony had invited them to. but, halfway through the getting-ready process, anwar would decide to make a catastrophic play;
"do you know if kelsey will be there?"
joey, from her place laid flat over his covers, almost scoffed. "um...why would i know?"
"she's in your last period," anwar shrugged nonchalance before pulling a different shirt over his head. "just thought you might have overheard her say something about it." from the corner of his vision he could see her sit up for the first time in 20 minutes, her arms propped behind her back as she looked over at him, though he couldn't see her expression.
"how do you know that?"
"she told me yesterday." he'd say simply. joey only inched closer, her full and individed attention on him now as she sat at the edge of the mattress.
"she told you? what does that mean?"
anwar couldn't help the smirk that found it's way to his lips at the obvious jealousy in her voice. he turned to look at her — wiping the grin from his face first, of course. "it means she came up to me yesterday before last period to ask to hang out." he stated plainly, watching as her gaze became sharper, "but i said no cause i didn't wanna cancel our movie night."
"oh, how thoughtful of you."
anwar was immediately certain he'd made a severe miscalculation by the absolute venom in her voice, low and barbed and filled to the brim with animosity as she rolled her eyes — a gesture he didn't see often. joey sat tense with her arms folded over her chest so tightly that her nails dug into the skin like she was holding the leash of a rabid dog.
she spoke again.
"so thoughtful, in fact, it makes me wonder why you even bothered to bring kelsey up at all. you could've just kept that to yourself — and yet here we are. why is that, anwar?"
he audibly gulped, his mouth agape as he searched for an explanation to offer other than the real one. joey was too quick, however, too well-versed in anwar-isms to not notice his obvious tells of dishonesty. within a beat and a half she's shooting to her feet with her pointer finger angled accusingly at him.
"you know what? i'm sick to death of your double standards, anwar, and i never got an apology after you totally brushed me off over the dominic thing — so it's funny that you decide now is a great time to tell me all about how badly that cunt kelsey wants in your pants. did you think i'd be happy you canceled because of me? that i'm the roadblock?"
in their near-seventeen years of friendship, never has anwar seen joey so angry. of course they'd argued in the past, especially over trivial things, but jo typically spoke in this distinct whine that came out whenever she felt cornered. maybe that was just how he made her feel at the time, and maybe that was how she effectively wanted to make him feel — but he didn't have the time to think about that now.
"n—no, no," anwar is backpedaling, his mind spinning the wheel on where to begin — what to do. "i wasn't—i just—it's different!" he's incomprehensible through the fire in her veins.
"what's different, anwar? your hypocrisy? — telling me all about how well you and kelsey kerr get along but i'm the bitch for telling you how massive of a cunt i was to dominic?" her eyebrows are almost touching, the lines of disgust visible by her flared nostrils, teeth bared like a violent beast. joey's almost yelling by this point, "you made me feel like bristol's town slut for telling that — that fucker off and yet here you are asking me if your stupid hookup is coming to this stupid fucking party!"
anwar begins sputtering for the right words to say, nearly unintelligible as multiple explanations meld together into a frantic jumbled mess. "jo — no — it's different now! i just mean — i didn't — i was just trying —"
she's over it. "you know what!?" joey interrupts, her volume close to the loudest he'd ever heard her voice (minus the spider on her shoulder.) "i don't want to hear it!" and without another word she's already turning on her heel, stomping her way out the door before slamming it behind her. thank allah his family was out.
of course anwar followed after her! what else was he supposed to do? he'd be hot on her heels the whole way down the stairs, blubbering a slew of apologies and explanations and pleads as they exited his front door and walked right up to hers. joey then turned as her fingers gripped the knob, face to face with him from her spot on the top step, and wholly severed any lingering conversation to be had.
"shut up, anwar! just shut the fuck up! i don't know if you think it's funny to piss me off or what — but now i'm pissed off! so what i need from you right now is to shut your mouth and fuck off because i don't want to say anything mean to you because i love you—so.for.the.love.of...god or allah or whatever! — go away!"
anwar went back to his room with his tail tucked between his legs, head hung as he flopped onto his bed. he'd turn to look out his window — the one that had always been their own personal menagerie for the other to watch and occasionally sneak into — only to find her blinds closed. with a heavy and distinctly discouraged sigh anwar would spend another hour or so going over everything that had happened — everything that could happen after this passed. he'd find that the longer he thought about it, the worse the outcome between them spiraled in his mind, his hands and his legs restless — itching to get up and do something about it. so he did.
first anwar tried tapping on the glass to see if anyone was actually inside there, rightfully earning himself a middle finger that emerged from below the windowsill. he took it on the chin with a short nod of acceptance before turning around just to brainstorm another option, then deciding to throw pebbles at the street-view glass. that was rom-com-ish, right? maybe he could charm her enough to hear him out, to just listen from the top of the tower she'd barracaded herself in, to understand the love inside that begged to be seen.
although this attempt was completely ignored instead, anwar was not discouraged, finding his own resolve by his side; he'd either burn every bridge to joey in one fell swoop, or he'd make it to the other side unscathed. using a trick from his sisters who'd gushed over john cusack after watching that one movie from the 80s, anwar would head back inside only to emerge with the biggest boombox he could find propped on his shoulder, the tape she'd made for his 14th birthday already playing one of her favorite songs.
it took a moment (the entire first chorus) for a response, but soon a glossy-eyed and puffy-faced joey appeared in the window, arms still folded over her chest and brows still furrowed despite his determination.
'and you do your best to show me love.'
he held the boombox taller, stronger atop his shoulder as he watched the grip on her own arms loosen.
'but you don't know what love is.'
anwar offered a weak, apologetic, pathetic smile.
'so are you listening?'
finally, the outline of her smile would be revived as she let go of her flesh to pull the window pane up, lifting it over her head to lean over the edge. she couldn’t resist paramore.
"trying to get arrested?" she asks, obviously teasing although her tone remained the same as before.
anwar wouldn't waste even a second, setting the still-booming speaker on the ground to dive head first into redemption, calling up to her with a muddled and quivering voice.
"joey, i'm sorry! i'm sorry i'm not a better friend to you! i'm sorry i'm a hypocrite and a dick and a caveman and a jackass — i swear i'm good inside! i can be tender! i can be kind! please let me show you! i — i have all these feelings inside me and to you it's just words and you know i'm not good with my words!!"
joey pauses. there's a lot to sort through here and not a lot of context, so she's mid-filling in the gaps when he starts hollering again.
"i'm sorry about dominic! i know it was shitty — i just — i couldn't stand the thought of him — !" anwar nearly chokes on the words "i just wanted to make you jealous! i wanted to see if you felt as awful as i did! and i'm sorry, jo! i'm sorry i l—" he stops himself to gauge her reaction.
there is a smile of utter disbelief on her face now, teeth growing more and more visible as she stares down at him from her place on the second floor. even under the familiar streetlight he can see her cheeks blushing a deep red, eyes sparkling with what he'd describe as hope. with a deep breath and a leap of faith, anwar would finally say the three simple words that sealed the deal.
“i love you!!” anwar calls up to joey from his place on the sidewalk, the prince at the bottom of the tower calling up to the princess. and what does she say?
“i think about you when i touch myself!!”
anwar had never been so sure about anything in his life.
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Chronicle of Emotions (Fluff)
FastForward!Raphael x reader
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Gif credit: isitdonproof
A/N: This would very much create a paradox in space and time, but fuck it. Let have some fun!❤️ Also, I know that BTTS aired in 2008, but April mentions that they have been gone for around a year, so I’ve set their return to their own timeline in 2007.
Being punished with cleaning off Cody’s collection after an incident with Mikey, Raphael stumbles upon your diary from the past.
Warnings: Other than invasion of privacy, one that I can think of❤️
Raphael grumbled and cursed to himself as he dusted off the boxes around him, mumbling about how much he hated the future. He couldn’t believe he was the one that had to take the fall for this! It was Mikey that started it! Continuously poking that Helix game into his face, until Raph finally jumped on him to give him a beating. But Master Splinter wasn't having it, especially not in Cody’s penthouse. So Raph was the one that got punished with cleaning Cody’s collection.
Raphael wandered through Cody's collection of artifacts, recognizing quite a few of them. A samurai suit, some utrom technology and things from their lair. Some of them were more dusty than others, like the many books that once stood in Leonardo’s bedroom. Understandable. He didn’t even read them now in the future. But as he browsed through the items and boxes, one particular object caught his attention - a small, worn notebook. Raph frowned. He had never seen this before. Was it one of Donnie’s notebooks? Or one of his future ones? Raph did not know, so he opened it and looked at the first page.
Property of (Y/N) (L/N).
Raphael's heart skipped a beat. (Y/N). The name resonated with a sense of familiarity and warmth. You. One of his best friends left back home in 2006. Officially his best friend, yet he had dreamed of you to be so much more to him. He admitted it to himself long ago - he loved you. And to be standing there, 99 years in the future with your diary in his hand, he could not help but feel a slight pain in his heart. He missed you.
But to say that Raphael didn’t find himself curious about what the diary in his hand held, would be a lie. So with a mix of curiosity and trepidation, Raphael delved into the diary, turning to the first page.
19th of July, 2003. Dear diary You wouldn’t believe what just happened to me today. I’ve met four turtles! Four MUTANT turtles! Talking, walking on two feet, carrying weapons and doing ninja things! And get this, they are my age! How sick is that?! I know, I know, it’s hard to believe. Even I feared I had lost my mind for a moment, but they are as real as the page I’m writing on. And they are nice. They are sweet and funny and I hope I can see them again soon!
Raph felt a smile spread on his lips, remembering the day he and his brothers first met you. It had been a Friday night when you came to surprise your cousin April, not knowing she already had four mutant turtles and their rat father staying in her living room, using it as a hideout for a short time. Raph and his brothers would have stayed hidden away from you in April’s closet, had a bug not been crawling on Raph’s arm, causing him to burst through the door and directly into your face.
Raph felt his face get hot when he remembered that you actually caught the bug, and managed to calm him down, even though you were still shocked by the sudden surprise of a humanoid turtle in your cousin’s home. And that had been the starting point for Raphael’s growing feelings for you.
Raph flipped through the pages, skimming at the words, feeling curiosity growing. There were entries about battles fought and victories celebrated, about friendships forged and broken. Names he knew and names he had never heard of before. Someone from school or work mentioned once, just to never be mentioned again. Raphael's eyes widened as he read about your reflections on their encounters, realizing that his presence had left an impact on you just as you had on him. Raphael's cheeks warmed, and he couldn't deny the fluttering in his chest. You were not just a friend; you were someone he had held close in his heart, even if it was a secret he had kept buried beneath his tough skin. And even though it was wrong of him to be reading the words of your thoughts, he just couldn’t help himself.
In the quiet solitude of Cody's futuristic lair, Raphael found himself drawn not only to your words in your diary but to the feeling of being around you once more. He couldn't deny the impact your diary’s presents had on him, awakening emotions he had long kept guarded. Raph knew he would see you again one day, but he could not stop himself from missing you.
“How is the cleaning going, Raphael?”
Splinter’s voice from the doorway made Raph jump. Even with his graduation to Chunin coming up, Raph’s skills could not match his Master’s sneaking skills… especially not when he stood with his beak deep in your diary.
“Great, Master Splinter!”, Raph said, hiding your diary on the back of his shell. “Absolutely great!”
Splinter was quick to notice the way his son was standing. His smile on his face, along with the way his arms was bent to the back of his shell. Having been the one raising Raphael and his brothers for the past 18 years,  Splinter knew way too well how it looked when they tried to keep something from him. But knowing Raph’s hatred for the future, Splinter found it somewhat comforting that his son had found something he wished to keep hidden. To keep for himself. Maybe it was enough to make him more comfortable with their current situation.
“That sounds good”, Splinter said, taking in the somewhat cleaner state of Cody’s collection. There was only so much you could do with an almost hundred years old collection and an angry turtle. “I believe you’ve been punished enough for today, Raphael”.
Raph breathed a sigh of relief. After his father’s reaction to he and his brothers finding April and Casey's old journal, he feared what he would say, had he known about your diary in his hands. He thanked his Master before waiting for him to leave, so he could run to his room all while keeping the old worn book in his hand a secret.
Once Raph was sure he was alone and that none of his brothers would burst through the door, Raph turned to open your diary once more. With a page open he turned to look at the date.
29th of July 2006
Raph almost slammed your diary shut again. His hands trembled a bit. That was the day he and his brothers traveled to the future. The day they left you, April and Casey in the past, reminding him just how much he hated the future. Yet Raph did not leave your diary.
Raph’s heart broke a bit when he read your words. A whole year you were left in confusion before any of them returned home. You, Casey and April looked everywhere for them. Every place you had known for them to call home. You had searched in Casey’s farmhouse and Leatherhead’s lair. April had even traveled to Japan to ask the Ancient One, while Casey searched out of state, all while you stayed back, just in case they got home. A whole year, and nothing. April and Casey came home empty handed. No one knew where the turtle brothers and their father were.
Raphael continued flipping through the worn pages of your diary, his eyes scanning the entries searching for something he did not know how to describe. As he turned a page, he halted.
13th of September 2007
Raph knew he shouldn’t read it. Donnie has already told him and his brothers the dangers of meddling with their timelines, and how just being in the year 2105 could already have made unknown changes to their own future. But did Raph care about that? No. He already hated the future as it was, so making it worse would feel any different to him.
It happened! They are home! The boys are home! So much happened, and I don’t know where to start, but the most important part is that the boys are home and safe. April and Casey texted me and told me they had found them in the lair. And it was true! They were all there! Leo, Mikey, Donnie, Splinter and Raph. Speaking of Raph, it happened. It fucking happened. Finally it fucking happened!
Raph narrowed his eyes in confusion. What happened? Or… what will happen? - The fucking future thing was going to fry his brain one day.
Raphael kissed me!
Raphael's eyes widened as he absorbed the words on the page. The realization hit him like a tidal wave. He kissed you. He would kiss you! At some time in the future… or in the past… fuck that shit! He kissed you!
He did not say hey nor let his brothers say anything. He just walked straight over to me and kissed me! Just like that! In front of everyone! I will not lie and tell you that I didn’t want it, because in actuality, I did. I really wanted it, probably for way longer than I originally thought. I do really like Raphael, and it’s safe to say that he likes me as well.
His heart thudded in his chest as he read your words. You liked him? Just like he liked you? His hands shook as he tried to calm his breath. It was like an adrenaline bomb had hit him, making his heart raise even further.
Raph was tempted to read further. Turn to the next page and learn what would happen next. What words you would exchange and what actions the two of you would take. But just as he was about to turn the page, he decided against it. He already knew too much. Or maybe just enough. He now knew it was safe to kiss you when he turned home, and that you wouldn’t push him away nor fight against it. Learning more than that would take the excitement out of everything the two of you would do together.
Closing the diary with a mixture of awe and anticipation, Raphael couldn't help but smile. The knowledge that you harbored feelings for him, even if it was in a moment he had not yet experienced himself, filled him with warmth. And as he snuck out of his room to return your diary to Cody’s collection, he hoped that none of his brothers would notice him nor the little skip in his step.
Maybe the future wasn’t as bad as he had made it out to be.
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gunsandspaceships · 7 months
Tony Stark’s achievements
(NEW) Tony's real Alter Ego
Tony's self-esteem:
Self-esteem poll
About High Self-esteem and Absurdity
Tony and ambition
(NEW) 616 Tony
(IMPORTANT) Tony is not an extravert (+616 Tony)
Tony is bisexual in the MCU
Tony is a Sub in the MCU
Tony is not an alcoholic in the MCU
Tony's childhood & education:
(NEW) Bravery
(NEW) Inner Child
(NEW) Own Will
(NEW) Facts about his childhood
Doctor Stark
Tony and Rhodey
Billionaire Tony...:
Likes simple things...
Does things like...
(NEW) Doesn't have...
The AoU scenes
He's the guy who...
Doing chores
Can't cook but doesn't have a chef
Despises comfort
Avengers Compound Owner
Tony's masks:
"I'm fine" mask
Infinity War and Endgame examples
SM Homecoming examples
Civil War examples
Age of Ultron examples
Iron Man 3 examples
The Avengers examples
Iron Man 2 examples
Iron Man (2008) examples
Tony's introversion:
Extraversion-Introversion poll
Socially awkward Tony
Absent-minded Tony
"Our Brave Father" by Next Gen Media
"Unstoppable" (describes Tony perfectly in just 3 mins)
Good boy Tony:
Poll (Tony Stark as an animal)
Why he is a dog
Saint Bernard
Cat person
(NEW) Marksman
(NEW) Happy with kids
Happy doing Science
Tony without a suit or armor
"Playboy" Tony
Tony Stark is a Gryffindor
Captain Morgan
AU idea - pediatrician Tony
FrostIron in What If?
Opinions vs Truth
About Characters in the Multiverse
Perfect Character
"Favorite ship" poll
RDJ and Schubert in The Avengers
RDJ's Best Performance
RDJ’s Oscar snub in 2010
About genre discrimination and art
About “Real movies” and Art again
Why Bucky is not the new Captain America
Priority of Information Sources
Iron Man & Christopher Nolan
War and Peace
About Hypocrisy
X (Easter egg?)
Howard Stark
And nothing else
(NEW) Living in a world of superheroes and supervillains (if you're an ordinary person)
"Clint Barton has no superpowers"
(NEW) Tony Stark = Garrus Vakarian
Review of anti-Tony statements:
(NEW) Tony and inappropriate jokes
(NEW) Tony is not a womanizer
About Haters and Lovers
(NEW) For those who missed the villain in IM1
(NEW) Ratification of The Sokovia Accords
War Crimes
(NEW) Recruiting Peter in Civil War: a War Crime?
(NEW) Recruiting Peter in Civil War: Tony blackmailed him?
(NEW) Recruiting Peter in Civil War: Tony wanted Peter to fight battles for him?
Part 7 (Peter's PJ in Homecoming)
Part 6 (Tony vs Rogers & Barnes in Civil War 2)
Part 5 (portal in The Avengers)
Part 4 (Tony saving Steve in The Avengers)
Part 3 (Tony and time travel 2)
Part 2 (Tony and time travel 1)
Part 1 (Tony vs Rogers & Barnes in Civil War 1)
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