#Because he loved Misono and was loved in return
katzkinder · 6 months
Servamp headcanons, ice cream edition! Because my grandma got an ice cream maker and we’re all super eager to try it out but then she broke her back (she’s fine, don’t worry)
Mahiru: plain old vanilla. Misono introduced him to vanilla BEAN ice cream though and he’s feeling a little guilty about wanting to splurge a bit for the more expensive, creamier stuff… Kuro is an enabler and his encouragement is the only reason he’s still managing to resist. Just do it Mahi!
Kuro: Cookies and Cream is his favorite, but he’s also partial to cookie dough, or crumbled chocolate mint cookies as topping. He likes both the taste and the texture
Misono: chocolate lol. He’s predictable. His absolute favorite though are those ultra decadent brownie batter type of chocolate ice creams. Yknow the ones. Chocolate pieces, brownie bits, hot fudge swirl… He gets sick off the stuff easily though, so even though he loves it, self control is everything
Lily: vanilla bean with strawberry topping and cheese cake bites! He loves fresh strawberries in his desserts, and often he and Misono will trade bites if they’re getting flavor fatigue. Also very rich but the strawberry helps cuts through the sweetness
Tetsu: a Basic Boi who loves GariGariKun the most. Prefers popsicles over dairy treats. Yeah technically this isn’t ice cream but like. It’s the taste of summer and after bath refreshments. I’m not taking that from him
Hugh: vanilla with hot fudge sauce (and/or blood). He still prefers his chocolate parfaits, or better yet for this scenario, a milkshake
Licht: yknow those ultra sweet cotton candy flavors? If it’s ice cream by itself, he loves that. But if it’s a float, it’s gotta be vanilla in melon soda. If you take him to marble slab or similar place that lets you mix in a bunch of toppings, he will make a beeline for the gummy bears. Gets disappointed every time that they turn hard and unpleasant to eat, even though he already knows the outcome
Lawless: he has two favorites. Coffee bean (distinct from just plain coffee flavor) and moose tracks. I’m not sure what that’s called in other places? Basically it’s vanilla with peanut butter cups and fudge. Only goes for this when he’s depressed, if I’m honest. Otherwise it’s too sweet.
Mikuni: haagen daz amaretto almond crunch and their hojicha latte flavor. Forever sad that the former was limited edition and doesn’t make seasonal returns. It was absolutely perfect for his and jeje’s terrible Netflix movie nights (with the occasional appearance by johannes so they could make fun of the bad science together)
Jeje: since Mikuni only buys haagen daz (spoiled pretentious shit) he’s grateful they a rich pumpkin flavor that becomes available during autumn. He also really likes horchata milkshakes for the comforting taste of cinnamon.
Iduna: Tried butter pecan once and was hooked. The crunchiness of the pecans is her favorite part. It’s her go to for when Haagen Daz Creamy Vanilla Pudding flavor isn’t in season. Back home, though, it’s got to be the rather… Unique. Salty licorice flavor. She gave some to shuuhei one time just to watch him gag. She knows what she’s doing to that poor boy.
Freya: the simple freshness of strawberry ice cream is her guilty pleasure. She been thinking of making her own with an old hand churner. It would be fun, right? And it’s not like it would be difficult to get the ingredients she needs.
Nicco: Pistachio gelato, though he also enjoys the tartness and slight bitter aftertaste of limoncello flavor. He likes taking Ildio with him whenever there’s a new flavor he wants to try but isn’t sure he’ll like. Even if he doesn’t care for it, his servamp probably will. Does that make him mean?
Ildio: No preference as of yet. He’s still figuring this whole… Tasting your food thing out
Tsubaki: as expected, he loves matcha and red bean flavors. REALLY excited some of the Hagen daz hanamochi series is becoming a permanent flavor
Sakuya: rocky road. Sweet, crunchy, and a little bitter on the back end from the chocolate. Refuses to admit it but he also enjoys the hanamochi series. He’s stubborn. Whenever he wins a free popsicle he gives the stick to Mahiru, so inevitably when they hang out, that’s what he buys if they stop at the konbini, just for the chance to maybe earn some good boy points with his best friend and crush. And he thinks he’s subtle—
Reblog with your own headcanons! I love seeing what people add to my posts :3
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Recently we’ve had lots of reasons to look at the relationship that Lily had with the Alicein family over the centuries he spent with them, because it becomes obvious now that it wasn’t all peace and happiness and maybe never even one built on love in the first place. And I’ve been thinking a lot about this interaction from somewhere in volume three:
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Specifically in relation to what we learned about Lily in chapter 136. 
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And I know that Lily’s pocket money is a silly, one-off joke made very early on in the series, and that maybe all it wants to say is that Lily is bad at managing money, and that it’s probably not meant to be put parallel to this scene. But that won’t stop me. 
Because the jokes Servamp tells are rarely entirely random; and Lily’s pocket money might just as well be one of the many tiny hints we get as to what’s behind the facade of the little vampire paradise Lily built in the safety of Alicein mansion. He’s not allowed access to the family money, and there’s secrets in the mansion that even he holds no key to. Misono teaches Mahiru that a Servamp’s purpose is to fight despite how much his own Servamp dislikes it, and Mikado presides over an organisation famously riddled with people hating Lily’s kind, and maybe, when Misono threw all those books, it was a little more than a slapstick gag. There is a rift between Lily and the core family, one that’s not entirely Lily’s doing, and might have been there for a very long time. 
I don’t necessarily think that the Alicein were bad to Lily, or that he was miserable in his place by their side. But I find it striking that if you think about Lily then and Lily now, you find that he never really left the place he was in at the very beginning; never really reached a point at which he could stand on his own. He is no employee earning a wage but a Servamp bound to an Eve; and he struck a deal that demands him wholly and completely and allows for possession; that demands not only his time and workforce but control over him and his power and body. But he’s not treated as an equal in return; he gets pocket money rather than access to the family’s wealth because the actual reward he traded himself away for was safety for his children. As far as we know, at least. 
There is so much we have not seen yet, about how the pact between Lily and the Alicein came to be, and how they felt about each other for all those centuries, and I hope canon will explore this at least a little in the chapters that are left before it ends. What we do know is the secluded little kingdom in which they ended up in, and how much it trapped and hurt Misono – and maybe, though he was one of its architects, it wasn’t the most healthy place for Lily to be in either. And maybe, what Misono needs to do to end the chess game and foil his plans is simply to take him away; because he learned to leave and stand on his own and perhaps, it’s time for Lily to do the same.
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pocket-luv101 · 2 years
Summary: Mahiru asks Kuro to write him a love letter for Christmas. Before he can read it, a cat steals it. (KuroMahi)
Mahiru hummed along to the Christmas carol playing over the radio and a festive atmosphere filled the small apartment. He stood on a chair and he hung colourful ornaments onto a Christmas tree. A few feet from him, Kuro was playing with the cat that they were babysitting and distracting it from the tree. This would be his first Christmas since Kuro came into his life.
He was grateful to have someone to spend the Winter holidays with. He liked Christmas but it could also be lonely in the past. His uncle always did his best to take time off but he would be too busy to help with the holiday preparation. His friends would be celebrating with their own families so they couldn’t visit him. He would try to keep himself distracted by volunteering at soup kitchens and testing new recipes.
“Misono invited us to a white-elephant party on the twentieth. I want to give little stockings to his subclasses so we need to go shopping for them. We should have time on Friday after we finish helping at the soup kitchen. If there’s anything you want, just tell me. I already bought your present but I don’t mind getting you something extra for the holiday.”
“Can I ask you to take a break for the holiday? I feel like you’re going to be so busy this holiday that you’ll pass out soon. That would be troublesome.” Kuro walked to the Christmas tree with a white cat on his shoulder. He took the cat and placed it on Mahiru’s head. “At least think of our child. You’re going to leave me a single dad if anything happens to you.”
“Don’t be so dramatic, Kuro. I hope you’re not telling Tora anything like that. Koyuki’s sister will be upset if Tora starts to believe we’re his actual parents.” Mahiru laughed. Koyuki and his family were going on a ski trip for the holidays and they asked him to babysit their cat. They were already busy but Mahiru wanted to help.
He was glad that he had decided to watch Tora for them because it allowed him to see a different side of Kuro. Kuro was surprisingly nurturing with the cat and he played with the cat often. Mahiru would usually find the two cats sleeping in the sun spot created by their balcony door. He wondered if he could truly communicate with it in his animal form.
“I’m going to miss Tora once Koyuki’s family returns from their trip.” Mahiru admitted as he reached up to take the cat off his head. However, Tora evaded his hands and it whined slightly. He was confused by its behaviour but he couldn’t see it since it was sitting on his head. He looked to Kuro for help and he only chuckled lightly.
“Tora likes the ornaments on the tree and you’re the perfect height for him to reach it. I’ll get him down for you.” Kuro didn’t know what amused him more, the cat pawing at the tree or the way Mahiru pouted at him. He knew that Mahiru wasn’t annoyed with them or the situation and he wanted to tease him more. “I’m a little jealous that Tora stole my spot. Can’t deal.”
“Kuro, can you rescue me from being a cat tower so I’ll be able to finish decorating the tree? I also have to get dinner started soon.” Mahiru was careful not to move or else the cat could fall.
“As you wish, my love.” He joked in a British accent. He knew that having meals together was important to Mahiru but he didn’t want him to overwork himself. “Your uncle gave us extra money since it’s December so we can just get delivery. You don’t need to cook dinner if you’re tired.”
He started to lift Tora off Mahiru’s head until the cat bit his fingers and he winced. The cat landed back onto his head before it leapt towards the tree to continue playing with the colourful ornaments. Mahiru jumped after it to stop it from knocking down the tree. He let out a breath of relief when he caught the cat in his hands. He fell against the tree slightly and a few ornaments tumbled to the ground.
Kuro wrapped his arms around his waist and he helped him regain his balance. “This little guy is fearless, isn’t he? I’m starting to think we need to put a fence around the tree or something.”
“Koyuki suggested we give Tora a small tree to play with. It should be in the box of cat toys he gave us.” Mahiru walked to the cat tower in the corner of the room and he placed the cat on the plush stand. He hoped they could keep Tora from treating their Christmas tree as a new toy when he worked hard to decorate it. He gave it one final pat before he turned back to clean the ornaments that fell.
Kuro already picked up a few ornaments and he hung them on random branches. Most of the decorations were simple yet they complimented each other well so he knew that Mahiru must’ve put a lot of thought into them. The tree was beautiful and it reminded him of his warm smile. He wanted to make him happy as much as he could. He took out a candy cane envelope from his pocket and he placed it among the ornaments.
“Is that my Christmas letter?” Mahiru asked as he stood next to him. He adjusted the letter’s placement on the tree so it wouldn’t fall accidentally. His eyes shimmered with eagerness and nervousness at the same time. When Kuro asked Mahiru what he wanted for Christmas, he asked him for a love letter. He worried that Kuro would tell him that it was “troublesome” but he agreed. He wondered what he wrote inside.
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They settled on the couch to watch a movie before they went to bed. Mahiru was tired after preparing for the holiday so he was grateful for the opportunity to simply relax with Kuro. He leaned against his shoulder and he stared at the television without really watching. He could feel his eyelids growing heavy but he didn’t want to fall asleep yet. Kuro’s warm fingers brushing over his cheek woke him slightly.
“Should we head to bed? I’ll carry you.” Kuro whispered the words, almost afraid to wake Mahiru when he knew how tired he was. His response was an incoherent mumble and he made a small nod. Kuro turned off the television and the room became dark. Yet, he could still see him clearly in the moonlight and his open expression filled his heart with longing. Mahiru shifted closer to him and Kuro slipped his arms beneath his legs so he could pick him up.
He stood from the couch with Mahiru’s in his arms and the shifting of the cushion woke Tora next to them. Kuro lightly shushed the cat so its cry wouldn’t wake Mahiru. The cat rolled off the couch and landed at their feet. He assumed that the cat would follow them into their room. He cursed beneath his breath after he saw Tora trot towards the Christmas tree. Why was the cat determined to give them trouble that day?
He debated whether he should stop the cat at that moment or take Mahiru to their room first. He couldn’t decide before Tora jumped towards the tree and it attempted to hold onto the branches. The loud clatter of the ornaments woke Mahiru and he turned towards the sound. Luckily, the tree stayed in place and Tora landed nimbly on the ground.
“Are all cats this energetic? You weren’t this active when I first adopted you.” Mahiru sighed. He noticed the love letter fell from the tree and Tora took it into his mouth. He quickly moved out of Kuro’s arms so he could take the letter back from the cat. Tora dashed past him and he chased after it. “Tora, that letter isn’t a toy. Please give it back!”
“Troublesome.” Kuro transformed into a cat so he could follow Tora easily and speak with the pet. Tora carried the letter down the hall and then it slipped into the bedroom. As he entered the room, he saw Tora climb the cat tower to add the letter to its collection of toys. Kuro returned to his human form and he picked up the letter.
The cat’s teeth had torn into the paper and he knew that the letter would be salvageable even before he opened the envelope. He sensed Mahiru behind him and he gave him an apologetic smile. “It looks like I’ll have to get you another gift. A love letter is pretty small so you can ask for something else.”
“I’m sure Tora didn’t mean to ruin your gift.” Mahiru said but there was still a hint of disappointment in his voice. He handed the letter to him and he carefully ran his fingers over the delicate paper. “A love letter seems like a simple gift but it’s something special to me. You’ll probably laugh if I tell you why.”
Kuro cupped his cheek in his palm and he tenderly rubbed his thumb over his lower lip. Mahiru relaxed into his touch and he closed his eyes. He never judged him for his past and he wanted to help him in the same way. He didn’t tell him that but the love in his eyes told Mahiru his feelings. Mahiru smiled softly and he took his hand to pull him to their bed.
He sat on the edge of the mattress and he placed the letter on his lap. “You’re the immortal one but a part of me worries that you’ll suddenly disappear from my life. I wanted to have something in case anything did… It’s also a good opportunity to read how you felt about me. I know you love me but you’re not the best at communicating your feelings. I understand why and a love letter could make it easier for you.”
“Mahiru, I won’t let anything happen.” He promised. Mahiru had told him how he lost his mother abruptly and how that affected him. A part of him was scared that he would lose someone he loved again. He shifted closer to Kuro’s side and he nestled into his familiar warmth. His lips brushed over his temple so light that it almost felt like butterfly wings. Yet, his kiss caused warm shivers to run through him. “I love him. I’ll tell you that as much as you want. I just wished I had written a better love letter.”
“They’re your words so they would’ve made me happy.” Mahiru broke the seal of the envelope and he unfolded the letter. It was too dark to read but he could make out a few words in the moonlight. “Mahiru… The first… Knock… Thank you.”
“Mahiru, the first night we spent together, I didn’t know how to feel about you. I was scared that you would force me to face my past. You also made me feel hopeful that I could do it. Then I heard you knock on my door and everything suddenly became clear. I love you and I want to face the future with you. It might be difficult but I’ll protect you. Thank you for picking me up that day.”
“Thank you for always being by my side.” He whispered back. “I love you.”
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revoleotion · 3 years
Servamp characters & their tiktok accounts
because what the hell, I might as well do this. No specific orders, I might add other characters as I go.
(Thank you, Fiona, for help with Mahiru's and Kuro's accounts!! <3)
Mikuni (and Jeje)
For some reason, they keep going viral, no matter what they do. Maybe people are into this, perhaps it's the "oh! cute snake!" effect or the pure randomness of their videos? Whatever it is, people love it. Mikuni forces Jeje to do cute snake tricks. Jeje threatens to shoot Mikuni on camera. Mikuni consents to this. They interrupt a cooking video to make out in the middle of their kitchen. They either abuse the 3 minute function or upload videos that are 3-and-a-half seconds long. No consistent schedule what-so-ever.
Sometimes people ask if they are okay but they never really get an answer.
Their bio is the following:
stop looking for pronouns, don't refer to us
Snow Lily
We all know that he'd be extremely popular on Tiktok. He only got it to look at cute animal videos at first but quickly understood how the app works. He does a lot of outfit-of-the-day videos or cooking stuff or whatever he thinks is fun. He doesn't actively try to go viral either but there's something about him that attracts a lot of people. He makes sure to caption every single one of his videos, no matter how long it takes, and he makes sure his account is kid-friendly.
Because he has his name (Lily) and pronouns (he/him) in his bio, he gets a lot of transphobic hate, from either direction, really.
At some point he decides to address this by saying that while most of that transphobia might not apply to him, it says a lot about the kind of people sending him hate and that he is very disappointed.
After successfully vibe-checking the internet and causing a lot of daddy issues on accident, the hate stops.
He downloaded the app after Lily got all that hate and he wanted to defend his Servamp. The first video that popped up on his for-you-page was a viral video from Mikuni. Misono deleted the app after that and did not return. (He doesn't fully understand the hype anyway but he will look at any cute pet videos Lily shows him.)
He downloaded Tiktok because he thought it might be fun. His first (and for a long time only) video immediately went viral. He has no idea how to go from there, so he doesn't do anything with it. Now he only keeps the app to look at Tiktoks Lily sent him and to support his brothers.
After a while, he posts another video of Mahiru baking some cookies with the caption "I wanted McDonald's instead". The video gets three views.
His bio and account settings are still set to default.
He didn't want to get Tiktok but he didn't know how to figure out how to open the links of pet videos that Lily and Kuro kept sending him, so he finally caved in. He doesn't really use the app but he supports all of his friends and comments on every single one of their videos, even the really weird one from Jeje and Mikuni.
Krantz set up a business account for him because everyone does that nowadays. It's not as cringy as you might think it is. A lot of it is just trending audios with clips from Licht's concerts or announcements with his next tour dates. Sometimes there's also fun facts about Vienna or vlog-style stuff to make Licht seem more approachable.
Licht also has the log-in details but he finds it hard to use the app. He never makes eye contact with the camera and he doesn't understand most trends. And because Krantz seems to do an amazing job, Licht doesn't care what happens on there.
Krantz put in Licht's pronouns in all languages he speaks, so naturally some people sent him hate now because they assume he uses neopronouns. Licht has no idea what that's supposed to be but after a lot of research, he adds "angel" to the list of pronouns.
Bonus: Licht has an old account with his deadname on it. He doesn't have the log-in details anymore, so in a team effort with Mahiru, he mass-reports the account until it gets taken down. After this, he promotes Mahiru to a "full time angel". Mahiru is very honored.
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jekunitrash · 3 years
A very short one-shot for Jeje and Mikuni's birthdays
I know I'm late for Mikuni, please just consider the story is taking place on October 1st.
Mikuni wasn't fond of parties. Not anymore, at least. There used to be a time when the manor got pretty lively on this particular day. But now, even though he wasn't there to witness it, he could imagine it was but a plain and normal day at the Alicein mansion. Of course, he'd be lying if he said he didn't enjoy all the attention, the presents, the praises, and everything that came along with celebrating his birthday. It was just... something he could live without. Compared to the other, more considerable losses, this one was irrelevant. Laughable, even. And yet, it was at this very moment, that Mikuni felt the loneliest. It wasn't the celebration in itself he missed, but the people who were there to take part in it. People he loved and couldn't see anymore, people who had loved him in return and couldn't anymore. For quite various reasons, but the conclusion was the same. His deceased mother could never wish him happiness again, and neither would Misono nor his father.
Today could have been a delightful day, but all joy had died that night, as well. Celebrating had become meaningless, worse, it would be painful more than anything. From now on, Mikuni's birthday would be a regular day. That was what he wanted.
So why did his chest hurt so much? He had come to terms with his past decisions, since then. He'd known about the consequences. He preferred it being like this, a hundred times more than what could have been. But it still hurt. Maybe because this date was special, maybe because he only truly realized now all that he'd lost. Perhaps it was because he knew no one could make today the same as before, too. For all of those reasons, Mikuni felt empty like he hadn't felt in a while.
Then, he remembered a conversation he once had with Tsurugi. About being jealous of him. Obviously, the blond had denied it. What could he possibly envy about the raven? His situation was just as bad, if not worse than his. But as of now, it did feel like jealousy. Tsurugi may not have the best life here at C3, but he at least had Touma and a few friends to think about his birthday. Mikuni didn't even have that. It was such a pathetic thought, but it was true nonetheless. Tsurugi had something Mikuni didn't. And he sometimes hated him for it.
Jeje turned around upon hearing someone sneeze, and sighed when he saw it was only Tsurugi.
"Tissues... on the table...you should... dress warmer. Fall... is already here."
"Sure, thanks, Jeje-chan!" The man said, hopping on a chair. "This mission was so boring, I couldn't wait to come back. Where is Kuni?"
Jeje swayed from one foot to another, visibly uneasy.
"He is still... working. He said... he wanted calm and... silence."
Tsurugi downright pouted, a childish mannerism to express his disappointment. "Heeeeh, is he for real? Today is his birthday, though. Where is the fun in filling out paperwork?"
The vampire fumbled with his sleeves. "I don't think... he is... looking forward to his... birthday." He muttered, and Tsurugi noticed the hint of guilt in his voice.
"Well, for starters, did you wish him an happy birthday? That could help." He said, a brow raised.
"He... probably... doesn't want to hear it from me..."
The raven leaned forward, his elbows on the table and his chin resting on his hands. He looked irritated somehow and that sure was something new.
"Jeje-chan, that is, how should I put it? Yeah, you're being stupid."
The taller man was about to get irritated as well, but Tsurugi went on.
"Look, what I'm saying is, you can't know how he feels nor what he wants if you don't ask or try. Kuni-chan has no one besides you to remember - well, I happen to know because it's written on his registration - but anyway, of course it would make him happy to hear it. That's only natural. Even if he denies or try to hide it behind a facade, he has a heart. And he's too sensitive for his own liking."
Jeje bit on his lower lip, pondering on what the raven had just said. He knew his eve had been moody since this morning, just as he knew his family's absence, today of all days, was weighing on him. He just felt like it wasn't his part to play.
"Even so..." he began eventually, "I can't replace... his family. It will never... be the same, for him."
Tsurugi was quiet for a moment, as for once, he was thinking of the best way to say things. It was soon obvious what he should tell Jeje.
"Okay, you may be right. It will indeed never be the same. But it doesn't have to be such a bad thing. What I mean is, from now on, what you have to do is to make it as good as you can. And then, little by little, you will both get new habits and find a way of your own to celebrate it. Kuni-chan... he's stubborn, and I'm sure he can be resentful, but he has a sense of what's right and what's not. So it's unlikely that he hates you to begin with. Therefore, being wished a happy birthday, even if you're not best friends, would still make him a little joyful."
Silence followed his statement. Jeje couldn't argue against that, as his analysis of Mikuni was so sharp. He was admittedly impressed, since Tsurugi always acted like an idiot. He hadn't thought he could have such a good understanding of people. After being stared at insistently for a solid thirty seconds, Jeje resigned himself.
"Alright... I will... talk to him."
The raven smiled like a contented child, his arms proudly crossed on his chest.
"Good, good!"
The afternoon was near it's end when Mikuni got it over with, not that it mattered. All he wanted was for this day to finish quickly, so maybe the one after he would forget about it already. It was so frustrating. He knew there was nothing he could do to change anything now, but it was bugging him nonetheless. It was as though a little, pestering voice kept reminding him, 'hey, you're all alone for your birthday. You ruined everything, so this is entirely your fault, tough'. And at this point he was tempted to go to sleep if it meant it would shut up. It would most likely have to wait, if the knock on the door was anything to go by.
He'd be lying again if he said he wasn't a tad bit surprised to see Jeje.
" What? I said I needed calm, didn't I?"
While it was far from an engaging start, his tone wasn't as spiteful as he had meant it to be. He had mostly sounded tired.
"I know... but you've been here all afternoon and... I thought you should... take a break." Jeje mumbled, which made Mikuni look at him quizzically. He had never acted out of his own initiative before. Rather, he had never gone against his eve's indications.
"Oh." Mikuni said, "Well, there is no need anyway. I'm done."
"That's... good."
Well, now it was awkward. Mikuni wasn't too sure, be it because of the fatigue or the unrealistic side of the situation, but was Jeje acting shy?
"Yeah, I guess." He spoke, "If that was all-"
But, unexpectedly enough, Jeje wasn't done, and Mikuni stopped midway after hearing a distant voice.
The blond eve frowned, Jeje was being so weird and he had no idea why. Plus, he wasn't in the mood and it was beginning to annoy him.
"What?" He asked, and this time the vampire straightened his posture a little more.
"... happy birthday."
Mikuni legit blinked, his mouth slightly open in disbelief. "Huh?" He genuinely thought he had misheard, that he was imagining things. But his servamp surprised him even more by repeating that sentence. Louder, and firmer.
"Happy birthday, Mikuni."
The eve closed his mouth, opened it again, and in the end closed it. His troath felt dry for some reason, and his chest stinged in a manner that was oddly familiar. It was a strange warmth that spread and that he used to identify as joy.
Jeje was standing here, perfectly still, apparently waiting for an answer of sort. The way his mouth formed a line indicated that he wasn't too sure of what to do next, and Mikuni himself would have liked a notice.
At last, the only logical thing he could do was to thank him, and even then, he had trouble to process it. The embarrassed mess who spoke was totally not him, either.
"Oh, yeah. Right. Thank you."
Jeje seemed to relax afterwards, but it was still strangely tense. Mostly because Mikuni had a hard time believing it had happened. The vampire tried to think of a normal thing to do in this situation, or remember something the Alicein used to do on their birthdays. But then he recalled that Tsurugi had adviced to do something new, and decided he should just ask his eve at this point.
"So... Is there something... you want to do? Or eat?"
Truthfully, Mikuni's face was priceless, and perhaps someday he could even laugh about it, but not now. Right now Jeje was relieved, above all things.
"Some good tea would be nice, I suppose." Mikuni said eventually. "Also, a midnight stroll in the park. And why not cake, but I'm not going to eat it by myself, so... "
It was Jeje's turn to be started, and despite not being fond of sweet things, he couldn't turn down the offer.
"I... see. Then... I'll... have some. If that's... okay."
And then, Mikuni smiled for the first time in months.
"That would be alright."
Jeje poured a second cup of Ceylan tea for his eve, while the latter cut the small cake they had just bought. Tsurugi's present had been to negotiate a night out of C3 base without surveillance, and it was admittedly the best. Mikuni had cringed upon having the raven pester him about his birthday, of course, but his soft expression later on had told Jeje that he was thankful. The servamp could feel himself smiling, ever so slightly, as he put the cup on the table, and he was glad for the way it had all played out in the end. Mikuni was indeed loving his birthday, in a way, despite everything, and it was all the vampire could ask for.
It was when they were coming back from their walk, couple hours later, that Mikuni asked him out of the blue.
"By the way, Jeje. When is your birthday?"
Then again, it startled him. For one thing, no one had asked him that in a long, very long time. And for another one, he had stopped caring since he had become an immortal monster and had incidentally forgotten about it.
"I... don't know." He replied simply.
Mikuni hummed, and when the clocks indicated one minute past midnight, arbitrarily declared,
"In that case, your birthday should be today".
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shoujosekaii · 2 years
Futari de Koi wo Suru Riyuu
Chapter 52
Urara and Obi are at the train station and Obi asks Urara if it's really not necessary for him to send her home. She replies that it's not late yet, so it's fine. Obi seems a little reluctant.
Nevertheless, Obi thanks Urara again for the Valentine's Day chocolates and tells Urara to look forward to his return gift on White Day. Urara is surprised and flustered, saying that what she gave him doesn't amount to much at all, so he doesn't need to trouble himself over it. However, Obi still says for her to look forward to it, and gives her a warm smile. Looking back at Obi, Urara goes, "Um, okay. I will look forward to it..."
They bid their goodbyes and Urara walks away. After a few steps, Urara turns back, and finds that Obi is still standing at his original position, looking at her. He waves to her with a fond smile.
Urara is reminded of the things that Obi said back in Chapter 45: "In a relationship, when 2 people start dating, isn't it pretty common to have differing levels of feelings for each other? Then, in the course of the relationship, the level of feelings even out..."
Urara wonders to herself if what Obi said is true - if there is such a thing as developing the feelings of "love" only after starting a relationship. Urara also thinks about what Yukako said, that she would one day suddenly arrive at her answer.
Urara's phone buzzes with a text from her older sister, asking her to buy milk on her way home. She notices that there's another text besides the one from her sister - it's the one from Misono, and it's been 2 hours since he sent that text.
Urara is shocked in realization, thinking to herself that she did not notice the text come in at all. When she sees that it's been 2 hours, she decides to call him (instead of replying to the text).
When Misono picks up the phone, Urara apologizes profusely for missing his text, but Misono says that it's his fault for contacting her at such short notice. He then says, "Um... just like what I wrote in my message, if you have some time, could we meet...?"
U: Yeah... I'm free, but...
M: Really? Then, I'm at the park near Andou's house, if you could come...
U: Eh? Misono-kun, are you already there?
M: Ah- No! I'm heading towards that place now.
U: I see! But I'm already out now, so I need a bit of time to get there.
M: You don't need to hurry, just take your time.
After hanging up, Urara panics about what to do, because she doesn't have chocolates. She thinks that if anyone asks to meet up today (Valentine's Day), it could only mean that (they want chocolates). However, she also thinks that Misono does not seem like the type to enjoy or care about such an occasion, so he might not even have remembered that today is Valentine's Day - before telling herself to cancel that thought. She then thinks (in an attempt to defend herself), 'But, but! Such things, it's impossible if he didn't mention it earlier! After all, such things need time for preparation! Yes, yes!"
She ponders further, and thinks to herself that she doesn't want to see Misono's disappointed look, so she feels extremely worried and troubled.
The sky is already turning dark when Urara arrives at their meeting spot. Urara runs breathlessly towards Misono, who's sitting at a bench in the park, and he stands up when she comes. Misono apologizes for calling her up and Urara also apologizes for taking so long to arrive - she says, "You must have waited a long time?", but Misono says that he only just arrived (Misono you liar!!).
They sit down on the bench and are awkwardly silent for a moment. Urara is thinking to herself what to do as she still came empty-handed. She had intended to buy something on the way there, but the more she thought about it, the more it felt like a last-minute effort.
Misono calls out to Urara, startling her. Misono then begins, "Today... Um... is Valentine's Day." Urara panics to herself, thinking, 'Ah--- I knew it!', and while Misono tries to continue speaking, Urara blurts out, " Misono-kun, I'm sorry! I didn't..."
However, she realizes that Misono has a gift bag in his hands. He says, "This. Is for Andou."
Urara is surprised and peers into the bag. Misono says that it's something resembling a chocolate cake (he wrapped it in a box). Flustered, Urara asks if Misono hand-made it and he says yes. Uneasily, Misono asks if she can accept it, and Urara says, "Eh?! Of course! Or rather... Can I really accept it...? Thank you..."
Seeing Urara accept his gift, Misono is moved, saying, "--That... That's great..." with a blush. He then says that it shouldn't be kept outside for too long, before being interrupted with a couple of sneezes.
Urara looks at him while he apologizes for the sneezes. She notices that his hands and nose are red, while recalling their earlier phone conversation: "I'm at the park" "Misono-kun, are you already there?".
Urara then asks Misono when he started waiting. The question causes Misono to flinch, and he says, "You ask when... I also only just arrived--". However, Urara says, "Nonsense! If you only waited for a short while, why are your hands so red?!" and this causes Misono to hide his hands.
Urara then asks if he was already waiting since the time he sent her the text, and Misono just uncomfortably remains silent. Urara then realizes how long he had been waiting. Misono tries to lie again, saying, "No, it's true, I also just arriv-" when Urara wraps his neck with her scarf.
In her mind, Urara is repeatedly asking herself, 'Why?'. With a pained expression, Urara says, "It's so cold... It would have been fine even if you went home for a while... Also, we would definitely see each other at school tomorrow-"
However, Misono cuts in and says, "Today, is the day that you express your feelings to the person you love, isn't it. Therefore, no matter what, I wanted to give the cake to Andou today--"
"I'm so glad that I could give it to you."
Taking off Urara's scarf from his neck, Misono wraps it around Urara's neck and says that she should use it. Urara tries to stop him, but Misono pulls their faces close, and says, "I'm really thankful that you could come over today."
"I like you."
Then, Misono stands up and says that they should go back. He also says that it's late, so he will send her home. Urara's heart is beating very quickly, while she is still on the bench, in a daze.
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Summary: Kuro wakes up one afternoon and feels like he should be remembering something important.
He turns to his other side and sees the small calendar that Mahiru keeps on his bedside table.
The date today reads July 5.
Oh, Kuro thinks, realization dawning on him, Mahiru's birthday is coming up soon.
For @orangescribbles with love.
Kuro wakes up one afternoon and feels like he should be remembering something important.
He lounges for a bit longer on the bed, curling on his side and thinking. He can hear Mahiru moving around in the kitchen and singing along to a popular pop song.
It makes Kuro smile a bit. Singing while cooking is one of his Eve's more endearing habits and Kuro wishes Mahiru wasn't so shy about it. But as it is, Mahiru only sings when it's just the two of them in the apartment and even then, he only does it when he thinks Kuro is still asleep.
(Kuro doesn't bother telling Mahiru that he spends some minutes just listening to him sing before deciding to get up.)
Kuro does that now, too. He lets Mahiru's voice wash over him as runs his fingers through his hair, thinking. Just what exactly should he be remembering?
He turns to his other side and sees the small calendar Mahiru keeps on his bedside table.
The date today reads July 5.
Oh, Kuro thinks, realization dawning on him, Mahiru's birthday is coming up soon.
He contemplates for a few moments before he reaches out to grab his phone. Scrolling through it, Kuro makes a decision.
He sends a text to Lily and hopes the other Servamp will be able to get what he’s looking for.
"Brother, it’s here. I got the simplest one available."
"Thank you. Just leave it in front of the door at midnight. I’ll give you the payment the next time we meet."
"Got it. Oh, aren't you just the sweetest, Brother? Doing things like this for your Eve. Ah, my heart is singing!"
"...Mahiru deserves it."
"I have to agree with you on that. He’s really secretive about it, isn’t he?"
“He is.”
“We all have something for him, too, but we all decided to wait until a little bit after. Misono was a bit upset that he had to find out about it through the grapevine, but he benevolently agreed to be patient with the rest of us.”
“Thank you for going along with this.”
“Anything in the name of love, Brother.”
Mahiru is the kind of person that makes a big deal out of everyone's else’s birthday but his own.
He’s the kind of person that has everyone's birthdays saved on his phone calendar. He's the kind of person that makes sure to greet them the night before the actual date. If time permits it, he even throws a small house party for the celebrant where he takes charge of the cooking and all the other preparations. He's a very thoughtful and attentive person.
(Kuro knows this. Mahiru's thrown him a party before and while it was embarrassing to be at the center of everyone's attention, Kuro doesn't deny that the party and being doted on made him feel warm inside.)
But when it comes to his own birthday, Mahiru becomes as discreet as possible. Kuro hadn't even known the date until he had stumbled upon the birthday card and the small gift Mahiru's uncle had sent him.
As he and Mahiru eat late dinner together in companionable silence the night before the Mahiru’s birthday, Kuro finds himself wondering just how Mahiru celebrated his birthday all these years, if he even celebrated at all. He ponders on the possibility that perhaps Mahiru is the kind of person that gets shy about his birthday judging from the fact that he never really lets other people know about it.
"Something wrong, Kuro?" Mahiru asks suddenly, startling Kuro out of his thoughts. Kuro glances at him and finds Mahiru staring at him curiously.
Kuro tilts his head to the side. "Your birthday is tomorrow," he states, not beating around the bush. Mahiru blinks at him, surprised.
"How did you know?"
"I didn't mean to, but I saw the card and the gift your uncle sent you."
"Oh." Mahiru chuckles, embarrassed. "I thought I hid that properly."
So he didn't want me to find out, Kuro confirms. Setting down his chopsticks, he asks softly, "Can you tell me why you don't want other people to know about your birthday?"
You make sure to celebrate all of ours with us, Kuro thinks but doesn't say, so why don't you want us to celebrate with you?
Mahiru looks away and stays quiet. Kuro doesn't push him and only waits patiently for his Eve's reply.
"I don't want to bother people with it," he eventually answers, giving Kuro a lackluster smile. "People are already so busy with other things. My birthday is just another date on the calendar, anyway. It doesn't really matter if it gets celebrated or not."
Hearing him speak about it so matter of factly makes Kuro pause. "Mahiru," he begins, making sure to look into his eyes, "your birthday isn't just another date on the calendar."
Mahiru shrugs, looking away again. “Sure it is. It’s just another July 7th, Kuro, and besides, I’m not a kid, I’m not going to kick a fuss about my own birthday.”
(Mahiru’s response makes another more sobering possibility flash through Kuro’s mind. Could it be that there were people before who berated Mahiru about his birthday and celebrating it? He knows His Eve’s mother had passed away early on and that his other relatives, excluding Tooru Shirota, weren’t very kind to him. If Mahiru’s relatives constantly made him feel like he was nothing but a nuisance, if they made him feel bad for wanting to celebrate his own birthday, it would make sense that Mahiru would be very hesitant in letting other people know about the date and any kind of celebration would simply be out of the question for him.)    
It makes Kuro sad to hear how Mahiru undervalues his own birthday. Out of everyone, Mahiru is probably the one who deserves the most attention and praise during his special day seeing as he’s always taken care of the people around him.
He’s done so much for everyone, Kuro thinks, he deserves to be spoiled even if only it’s during his birthday.  
(But if Kuro had his way and if Mahiru would let him, he would want to spoil his Eve every day for the rest of their lives.)
Kuro glances at the clock and notices that it’s a little past 11 o’clock in the evening. Deciding that it’s time to put his little plan into action, he stands up, holding out a hand for Mahiru to take.
“Come with me,” he says to Mahiru, “I have something to show you.”
Mahiru stares at Kuro’s outstretched hand for a brief moment before replying, “It’s almost midnight, what are you planning to show me?”
Kuro huffs lightly and grabs Mahiru’s hand, pulling him up. “Something nice,” he answers vaguely, “now let’s go.”
“Wha-wait, Kuro!”  
Kuro found this place several years ago.
The small forest is a little haven away from the bustle of the city and before he got contracted to Mahiru, Kuro had always retreated to this place whenever he felt particularly overwhelmed or whenever he felt like he wanted some peace and quiet.
The fireflies emitting a gentle glow are just a bonus.
Mahiru gazes around in wonder. “I never knew a place like this existed,” he says, awe evident in his voice, “it’s so beautiful.” Kuro quietly trails behind him and lets him take in the scenery. It fills him with a sense of satisfaction knowing that Mahiru’s appreciating it the same way that he does.
He watches Mahiru for a bit longer before saying, “This is one of my gifts to you for your birthday.”
Mahiru turns to look at him, lips parted in surprise. “Kuro…”    
“This place has always made me feel peaceful,” Kuro begins, walking closer to him. He stops when he’s directly in front of Mahiru. “And I wanted to share this place with you.”
Kuo cracks a small smile, then. “It’s not much, but happy birthday, Mahiru, thank you for being born.”
It’s a little past midnight and Mahiru looks close to crying. Reaching out, he draws Kuro into a tight embrace. Kuro returns the gesture, resting his cheek on the top of his Eve’s head.
“You’re important to us,” Kuro murmurs, stroking his back in soothing motions. “We want to have the chance to show you that, especially during your birthday.”
Kuro feels warm tears dripping onto his collarbone. “We’re all glad to have you in our lives,” he continues softly.
Mahiru cries for a while longer and Kuro only proceeds to hold him tighter.
“I had a relative who once told me I didn’t have any right to want to celebrate my birthday because I was nothing but a burden to those around me, that my birthday was just another date on the calendar, anyway.”
This is what Mahiru shares once the two of them reach the apartment. Mahiru looks a little melancholic at remembering those words and Kuro wishes he could somehow protect him from the pain of the memory. But as it is, all Kuro can do at the moment is to listen carefully, so that is what he does. He carefully listens to the pieces of Mahiru’s heart and tenderly holds them close in his.
This is Kuro’s way of saying, I won’t let anything else hurt you.
“I guess it kind of got stuck in my mind,” Mahiru says softly, leaning against Kuro. “It honestly made me feel terrible about being happy about my own birthday. I felt like I would be troubling everyone if I asked them to celebrate with me, so I decided to keep quiet about it.”
Mahiru didn’t deserve to hear something like that. Truthfully, no one ever deserves to be told something so cruel. Distinctly feeling Mahiru’s pain in his own heart and wanting to offer him some sort of comfort, Kuro reaches out to intertwine their fingers together. Mahiru doesn’t pull away and only snuggles closer to him.  
“But at the same time, I didn’t want anyone else to be feeling the way I did, so I wanted to let everyone enjoy their own birthdays as much as possible,” Mahiru continues, eyes slipping closed. “It seems kind of silly now that I’m talking about it out loud like this, don’t you think?”
“No, it’s not silly at all,” Kuro assures him gently, “you didn’t deserve to hear those words from that relative of yours and you don’t deserve to deal with all these negative feelings, too.”
“You’re important to all of us, Mahiru.” He repeats what he said in the forest because he wants to drive his point across. “You were never a burden and you will never be. The only thing I’m hoping for now is that one day, you’ll get to celebrate your birthday without any lingering feelings of sadness or guilt. You deserve to be happy, Mahiru.”
He sees Mahiru’s lips curl up. It’s slight, but it’s a more genuine smile and Kuro prefers it over the lackluster one Mahiru gave him earlier.
“When did you get so good at talking about feelings and comforting people, huh?” Mahiru asks lightly, teasing him.
Kuro chuckles. “I think I learned from the best.”
“I do feel a bit better,” Mahiru admits, opening his eyes and gazing at him fondly. “Thank you for today, Kuro, really.”
Kuro raises their intertwined hands and presses a soft kiss to Mahiru’s knuckles. Mahiru turns red at the action and it makes Kuro laugh.  
(He loves Mahiru so much.)
“I told you I had another gift for you,” Kuro says, suddenly bringing his face closer to Mahiru. He relishes the way his Eve’s eyes widen and the way his cheeks turn redder.
“Y-you did…”
“Close your eyes, Mahiru,” he whispers and Mahiru’s eyes flutter close. Kuro grabs the gift he hid under the bed and places it on Mahiru’s lap. Mahiru instinctively opens his eyes and looks down when he feels the soft fabric brush the top of his legs.
“What-? A hoodie?”
“I had Lily help me pick out the design,” Kuro reveals, watching Mahiru lift the orange hoodie up. “I saw it when we went out grocery shopping the other day and thought that it would suit you.”
Mahiru’s cheeks are still flushed and he looks at Kuro with something akin to disbelief. Kuro knows how easily flustered Mahiru can get and he can’t help but want to tease him, so he asks, “Were you hoping for something else?”
Mahiru sputters and shakes his head, recovering. “I’ll-I’ll try it on now.”
He puts it on and Kuro was right, it does suit him. Orange has always been his color , Kuro thinks to himself.
    “It’s so comfy!” Mahiru exclaims, pleased. “Thank you, Kuro!”
Kuro gives him a small smile. “Do you want to receive your last gift?” He asks, cocking his head to the side.
Mahiru stares at him, astonished. “There’s one more?”
Kuro nods. He motions for Mahiru to give his hand to him and Mahiru obeys. Kuro makes sure to look into Mahiru’s eyes before he places Mahiru’s palm on his chest where his heart beats a steady rhythm.
Thump. Thump. Thump.
“You know, this one beats for you,” Kuro tells him, quiet and sincere, “and since it beats for you, I want you to have it. That is, if you'll have it.”
Mahiru gazes at him before smiling warmly. He looks close to crying again, but Kuro thinks it’s safe to assume that it’s because he’s happy.
“I don’t think I can reject a gift as beautiful as this,” Mahiru replies softly, moving closer to Kuro and pulling him into an embrace. “Thank you, I’ll treasure it for the rest of my life.”
(And if Kuro kisses Mahiru once, twice, numerous times after his Eve’s reply, he’ll claim that it’s because those kisses come as a package deal with his heart.)    
Mahiru is sleeping soundly, curled up to him.
Kuro idly plays with his hair and smiles when Mahiru shifts closer, seeking his warmth. He glances at the bedside table where Mahiru’s cellphone lays forgotten. The first thing Mahiru will see in the morning of his birthday are well-wishes from the other Servamps and the other Eves.
Kuro knows that they all prepared gifts for Mahiru the moment they found out about his birthday. Lily told him that Misono’s written a three-page letter for Mahiru, aggressively highlighting Mahiru’s good points and aggressively validating their friendship. Hyde said that Licht composed a short melody especially for him seeing as Mahiru has the potential to be an Angel like him. Hugh mentioned that Tetsu’s planning to give the two of them discount coupons to their family’s inn. All of them, including Kuro, planned a surprise birthday party for Mahiru at the Alicein mansion. Kuro can’t wait to see how Mahiru will react.
He smiles, wrapping an arm around Mahiru, the boy who loves everyone and who everyone loves in return.
“Happy birthday, Mahiru,” he whispers, “thank you for being born.”  
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10dreamt · 5 years
All of the Love, servamp for the new meme! (I know next to nothing about Servamp |D)
funky fresh multi ask meme.     /     accepting.
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despite being the servamp of lust, he actually isn’t shown to be particularly lustful in the common sense of the sin--however, he IS the only servamp character that has a perfect 10 for his attractiveness statistic, and his special statistic is “sex appeal”. 
while it’s implied that his presence can make others more lustful (with an exception for his current eve), his powers have almost nothing to do with his sin. he has control over illusions, perception, and memory. he’s also able to coordinate a special attack with his eve alicein misono that deals enough mental damage to make the victim pass out while dealing them no physical harm.
he has many, many children. he takes in children that he finds were abused and/or abandoned on the street. sometimes, if they need it, he’ll convert them to subclass vampires. those ones stay young of age and mind forever. however, nearly everyone in the alicein household staff was ALSO someone he rescued in the past--including the driver, misono’s father’s personal assistant, several of the maids, and the head maid yamane. 
i know i said previously that i’d only do 3 facts and one last number stating who any muse would get along well with, but here’s one more for all of love because i adore him! one of the biggest things he stands by is the idea that everyone was born to love and be loved in return.
i think he would get along very well with margaret, considering one of her canon likes is “love”.
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@ofsavior​ liked for a starter
𝐈𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐏𝐀𝐒𝐓 𝐅𝐄𝐖 𝐌𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐇𝐒 𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐋𝐃 𝐇𝐀𝐃 𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐍𝐄𝐃 𝐔𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐃𝐄 𝐃𝐎𝐖𝐍  .   the norms and values that had once structured his life turned out to be beautiful lies  .   to protect him from the cruelties that   were tied to his very existence  ,   he was told  ,   because he was still a kid  .   acceptance and forgiveness had come easy  ;   he was loved and thinking rationally  ,   it wasn’t really anyone’s fault  .   as time went by piece by piece the puzzle came together and now he was not so sure anymore   —     the answers he got  ,   gave rise to another swarm of questions  .   What else was being kept from his in the name of conserving his youthful innocence  ,   cushioning his weak disposition  .   kamiyas approach offered him a sense of equality his father never could  ,   even after all what happened  ,   and he was grateful for that  .   misono shifted in his seat  ,   black knight folded between thumb and index finger  ,   hazy eyes starring off in the distance  .   his focus on the game had lost to the enormity of their current situation  .    ❝    what do you think to be the reason for my brother’s actions  ?   i never got the chance to return the question .   ❞   
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ladyoftheblackrose · 6 years
Halloween Time(Servamps & Eves Pt. 2)
This is World End's continuation:
-don't worry, even though he's Gluttony, he still kept a single candy bar for you to munch on. Yum!
-really, he appreciates everything his s/o does for him but food is just so irresistible!
All Of Love:
-He's not a female, I know but still!
-Fairy Lily is also almost naked in this clothing of his—especially his exposed back.
-parents who see him will just go into full protective mode of their daughters(and sons XD).
-Gah, he keeps a sweet smile plastered on his face so even if his costume is revealing, he can collect sweets well enough.
-with his s/o Lily loves to walk alongside them, holding their hand and such OwO
-will give his s/o most of the candy but he warns them not to eat all in one go!
-they will return before Misono's bedtime!
-after making sure Misono is now comfortable and fully rested, Lily will accompany his s/o to their home.
-if they live within the Alicein mansion, he'll waste no time and will quickly rush into their shared bedroom. ;)
-WARNING! LILY WILL STRIP—assuming he didn't during trick or treating.
-if his s/o stops him or not, it depends.
-you will cuddle with him, no question.
-he strokes your hair and kisses you—
-"Goodnight, my dear. Fear nothing for I will protect you now and until the day we need to part. I love you. Don't let the spirits take over your body, okay?"
-he can only go trick or treating if his father allows it.
-if he does get permission, Misono insists on dressing up as a knight.
-but the costume is too heavy so Lily will just make a much lighter costume exclusive for the petite Eve.
-*drum rolls* PRINCESS ATTIRE.
-Misono yelling and startling the entire neighborhood!
-but he agrees to go because he says it can't be helped.
-although embarrassed, he wanted to try trick or treating for once qwq
-his s/o doesn't recognize him at first so he has to assure them that it was he, Misono Alicein, dressed up as a princess!
-s/o laughs.
-Misono's got a sweet tooth(just like Mikuni *-*)so he ends up eating most of the candy.
-toothaches in the morning lol.
-Poor Misono!
-But he is proud to say he enjoyed the rest of that night with you!
-and he accomplished something commoner-like! Hooray!
-because of his s/o's pleads, he agrees to go.
-he's normally dressed in a yukata.
-with his signature camellia-sword strapped to his waist.
-oh, and he removes his shades, too.
-if he doesn't get candy, he will THREATEN TO KILL the person refusing to give him some.
-he gets candy because of that.
-his s/o will be a little disappointed so he cheers them up by offering them sweets.
-or if that doesn't work, he promises to spend all day tomorrow with them!
-touched, his s/o will be overjoyed!
-at home, you watch horror movies played on TV.
-maniacal laughter!
-hugs you if you get scared and will constantly tease you.
-you both will fall asleep with the TV still on.
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hello-vampire-kitty · 7 years
Since the Lust movie is coming up soon, I want to have a discussion about Lily or theories. So when Misono was consumed by Lily it was revealed that Lily submitted himself to one of the Arisuin ancestors out of love for her, and ever since he has served the Arisuin family. What do you think of this? What do you think Lily did before he met this woman? Also the multitude of subclass, somewhere I remember he has so many as a means to atone for his sins but what sins? Just a couple ideas to start
I am not sure if Lily made a contract with that woman who was an Alicein ancestor because he was in love with her. I thought about it before and I was thinking that maybe something happened to that woman and Lily came to her rescue, but we don’t know if they actually fell in love. I also thought that because the Alicein family members of that time witnessed Lily’s power, they asked him if he could protect them, be in the service of the family.
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Lily, at the time with the woman, mentions of his ‘children’, so he had subclasses and I think that because he wanted for them to be safe, he would have taken the proposal because the Alicein family was wealthy and could provide for certain things for his subclasses. His conditions for protecting the Alicein family was that he and his ‘children’ would be loved, and in return Lily would also love all the next generations of the family.The reason I think he has so many children as subclasses, is because he might have been in the past, a person who was just like those children, unloved and unwanted and that’s why, after becoming a vampire, he wanted to use his powers to help those who were in the same position as him., because held on to his belief that everyone should be loved.We don’t why he became a vampire. He said “what kind of punishment is this?”, so this makes me think that he committed something in the past or he was just unfortunate to be turned into a vampire, if he had a very tough life before and bad things happened to him.
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(Also, with the revelation from chapter 67, it says that vampires where Jinn that would take a human form, but in the Lust arc it was said that Lily was human…we are gonna have to get more of the story in regards to how the vampires came to be)
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Let’s look at the last panel here because some of you may not know this from the scanlations (and I don’t have the official English editions of the manga, just the Japanes ones) and in the last bubbles from the left it says, loosely translated: ”As if it’s a repentance for lust”. You see, we have the word ‘lust’ but the furigana reads Lily, and that is how the kanji for “lust’ should be read, thus in a way it can be translated as “It’s a way of atonement for Lily.”You asked what his sins were, and I think it’s from here that we can (at least that’s how I view it) understand, that it’s about ‘lust’. We have seen (like in JeJe’s case with Mikuni’s mother)  that the representative sin of a Servamp can influence a person, and I can’t say for sure, but could it be that Lily feels guilty because he might have influenced Mikado’s affair with Misono’s mother, because they acted on lust?
Among those children Lily saved, there must have been those that were born out of lust and they weren’t exactly wanted and loved and Lily felt sorry for them, because we saw happened like in the case of Mikado and Misono’s mom (scandals because of affairs, having kids with someone even though are married and already having a child), and he must have found out from those children that he saved that they went through similar situations. He wants to repent somehow for the very sin that he represents and the things that can happen because of it, wouldn’t you say?
Wow, I wrote quite a lot haven’t I? I hope what I said there makes sense on this subject.
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katzkinder · 3 years
Iron Doesn't Bend (it snaps)
Some cute tetsono feels. Promise it ends on a very cute note despite the start xD
Sometimes (more often than not), Tetsu felt inadequate, and sometimes, no amount of praise, whether from his family, his friends, or even Hugh, was enough to make that feeling go away. Sometimes, he felt as if… His becoming an Eve was one big joke. That, once again, he would be told it was all a lie, that he wasn’t special enough, and left behind again.
Which was just plain silly. His friends weren’t like that. Hugh wasn’t like that. Even if he had lied to him before, Hugh wouldn’t… Do that to him. He wasn’t mean spirited. And yet, when he compared himself against his other, fellow Eves, the shortcomings wouldn’t stop. More and more, they piled up, the differences and the talents and the… The everything.
What was he good for? What were the things he could do? What made him worthy to stand by his partner’s side? By everyone’s sides?
What made him… Unique?
He wasn’t sure… If that really existed.
It always seemed like for every skill he could be proud of, another person in their group could do it better, and everything else, well.
Everything else… He was hopeless at.
He wasn’t charismatic like Mahiru aniki. He wasn’t good at reaching out to people like he was. He wasn’t a leader like him or Carpediem-san, either. He couldn’t build cool things like the Tinker, and he wasn’t cute and bubbly like her. He couldn’t play an instrument as well as Angel guy, nor was he as assertive. Hat big bro seemed like he could do anything, from running a business to making art to appraising wares. He could probably perform a tea ceremony, too.
Contrary to what others might think, he wasn’t stupid either. Not like that, anyway. He knew that Shorty’s big brother… Hated him a lot. He didn’t know why, but that only made things worse, in his opinion. There were probably very few things as bad as your best friend’s big brother hating your guts, except, of course, said big brother being cooler and better at every possible thing you could imagine, including the things you otherwise prided yourself on because not everyone could do them.
As for Shorty himself…
To say his feelings were complicated was an understatement.
Was Tetsu really humble? Or did he just not have anything… To be proud of?
“The hell are you talking about?”
Hm. Maybe he shouldn’t have brought this up with Shorty. As much as he looked to Hugh for guidance, sometimes Misono’s commentary was what he needed, if only because in this particular case, it felt like something Misono would be more familiar with, being Mikuni’s younger brother and all. After all, it was only natural to feel inferior to your siblings, right? No matter how much you loved them.
And yet, the derisive scoff he’d gotten in return made him think that perhaps he had miscalculated. He really wasn’t a thinker at all.
“Comparing yourself to Mikuni? That’s insane. He’s insane. Of course you don’t measure up; you’re only fifteen in comparison. He’s an adult--”
“And yet he picks on poor Tetsu-kun like a child,” Lily interrupts with a sympathetic coo, pushing a tea plate of cookies his way. “Go on, eat up.”
“He really does!” Misono continues with a huff, and it’s a little overwhelming how much the conversation has changed gears despite Tetsu’s own impressions. Beside him, Hugh kicks his little legs and nods along, face set in a serious frown that doesn’t quite match how young he looks. It’s kind of cool, in Tetsu’s opinion, how someone as tiny as his partner can still seem so intimidating and knowledgeable. How even though he’s so tiny, people listen to him.
They listen to Shorty, too, though, so maybe he shouldn’t be surprised?
“But Aniki was only fifteen when I met him, and he was already super cool and reliable,” Tetsu points out. Misono gives him a wilting look, and Tetsu finally takes one of the baked goods to nibble on. It’s delicious, as expected. He only wishes he had some green tea to go with it instead of black.
“That’s not the point,” Misono sniffs, crossing his arms and puffing himself up. A flush begins to rise to his cheeks and Tetsu cocks his head, ever so slightly, recognizing the reaction for what it is. Misono is about to say something very leader-y. “B-besides. You... You are... It's because you're you that I'm... I mean, that we…” His voice trails off, quiet and quieter, until it’s no longer audible, stammering and muttering and trying to get his bearings back while Tetsu patiently waits and the Servamps pretend not to notice. “Oh, screw it!” he finally explodes, “None of us would trade you for the world, you know?!” When Misono leans forward, Tetsu sits up straight, finding himself rooted in place by the fire in the young heir’s voice, the conviction that what he’s saying is objectively correct and he will hear no arguments to the contrary. “There are things only you can do, and even if there weren't, we'd still love you! And…!" The ruddy color is at an all time high and Tetsu worries, for a split second, that his friend might be coming down ill, but Lily doesn’t seem alarmed. In fact, he’s smiling, ever so softly, so he lets the thought slip from his mind.
Almost too quiet to hear, Misono manages to finish his last sentence. “And I’m… Jealous of you, Sendagaya…”
“Of me?”
“Yes! Because…! You’re strong,” Misono continues in the face of his bewilderment, “and reliable! A-and you can reach the top shelf without any trouble at all… You’re… Good at making things, too.” His eyes drift to his hands, and Tetsu’s follow them. He’s always liked Misono’s hands. They’re tiny, and dainty, just like the rest of them, but that doesn’t mean they’re any less comforting. They remind him of his mom’s hands. “Whether it be with paper or a brush, and your poetry… It’s… It’s nice.” His smile turns bitter, and Tetsu wants to get up and go sit by him. He hates it when Misono gets like this about himself. “I can’t even fold a damn paper plane properly…”
“But you’re the reliable one,” Tetsu offers. Misono looks up at him, seemingly startled, yet it only makes him want to continue. “When something happens, you always know what to do. I like it.”
This time, the smile isn’t bitter, but there’s still something almost self deprecating about it, but not… In a bad way. It’s like Misono is relieved, so maybe it was the right thing to say. “Trust me,” Misono chuckles, curling up on the lounge sofa, with his tiny socked feet and his tiny arms held around his tiny knees. He really does feel smaller than Hugh sometimes, even if he’s bigger.
It can be scary. It’s like holding a little baby for the first time, fragile and dependent on you, and yet he knows that Misono is anything but.
“I only look like that on the outside. On the inside?” He rests his cheek on his knees, shuts his eyes, his words carrying in the space between them, feeling like a chasm despite it not being very much distance at all. “I’m just as scared as you are… That’s why I like when I’m paired with you and Shirota. I know if something happens, I can depend on you both to do things I can't. You’re… Very good at protecting things, Sendagaya. We need you."
Tetsu stands up. Walks around the coffee table, and he and Lily trade places. Servamp seated with Servamp, and Eve seated with Eve.
Misono’s hand in his is tiny, but strong. Just like the rest of him.
“Thanks, Shorty. I need you, too.” A beat. “Your hands are really cold though.”
“Haaah… You really know how to ruin a moment.”
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This is mostly wishful dreaming considering my frustration about the lack of Snow Lily ever since volume four, but I like to think there’s a very real possibility he will become relevant again in the conflicts canon shows ahead of us. @yarrayora already touched upon it in his fanfiction here (which is amazing, you should go read it), but to make a long story short; I think there’s reason to believe that Lily will be the one to kill the Count. 
Which is a wild thing to throw out there but I can explain! Story-wise it would absolutely make sense for that to happen because Lily has been established to be the solution to a problem canon has - albeit indirectly - presented us with. 
Among the things the Count needs to be resurrected there is a “vessel”, a body for him to occupy. There’s wonderful theories about whose body that might turn out to be, and though my line of thought started from Yarra’s posts about Mahiru being the vessel, at the end of the day it’s not relevant here as long as we assume it’s someone we don’t want to see hurt. Which is exactly where the problem is: As long as the Count occupies another’s body, it’s near impossible to fight and kill him without also harming the vessel. 
Unless, of course, you have Lily’s scythe. 
Lily’s gimmick is that his weapon does not hurt his enemy’s body but, depending on translation, their mind, spirit, or soul. Which makes it a perfect tool to fight a hostile mind in a stolen body! And it was introduced as early as in chapter seven, during the alleyway fight against Sakuya and Belkia when the latter fell victim to it. The manga takes great care to properly establish what the scythe can do, to the point of stopping the fight for a second so Lily can explain it to Mahiru and us, the audience. 
(I don’t find it unreasonable to believe that even back then, the manga was written with its ending in mind - if “sensei” is first mentioned in chapter three it wouldn’t be a stretch to introduce the power that will kill him just a few chapters later.)
We also know that Lily did, at some point, want the Count dead, as he voted “Yes” to killing him along his older brothers (it’s curious he’s the only one of the younger ones to do so, but I’m not quite sure what that could mean or whether it has any meaning at all). We have no reason to believe his opinion has changed since then, and unlike Kuro, he never expressed regret for his choice. 
There’s other, smaller things that factor into this theory: The fact that Lily’s weapon takes the form of a scythe, possibly in reference to classical depictions of Death or the Grim Reaper; his name that can be read as “it all ends with love”. Names are very important in the Servamp manga, after all; Strike Tanaka has demonstrated time and time again how much thought goes into choosing them, and how telling of a character’s story they can be. 
(If I really went out there I could also mention that Lily deliberately spent what presumably amounts to centuries near the place he knows the Count died in, serving a family that has its roots deep in Vampire Business - I wonder whether he might know more than he ever let onto! But that opens up an entirely different can of worms.)
Also, I do work under the assumption that Lily’s powers will be restored, and he will return to Misono’s side in all his glory! There’s a lot to say about the why and how, but Misono promised he would make sure of it, and this is not the kind of manga to leave a promise as important as this unfulfilled. 
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pocket-luv101 · 3 years
Summary: Kuro finds Mahiru asleep in his pub. (KuroMahi, Modern AU)
“It was busy tonight. I’ll close up the kitchen so you can go to study for your exam, JeJe.” Kuro told his brother. The family owned a small pub and they would often work late. He was tired himself but he thought it was important for his siblings to focus on school. “Wrath will get angry at both of us if she thinks that I made you work late instead of doing your school work.”
Their conversation was interrupted when Hyde entered the kitchen and said: “We have a problem with a customer. He’s your regular and he’s asking for you, Kuro.”
“Me?” Kuro wondered what the customer could want with him. He didn’t have anyone he would consider a regular customer either. He rarely worked as a bartender since he preferred to cook in the kitchen. His siblings were better at small talk so he would leave the job to them. The pub was quiet so the customer wasn’t violent or angry. He wiped his hands and said, “Can you tell me what to expect?”
“You’ll call it ‘troublesome’.” Hyde told him and took the hand towel he had been using to wipe the counter. He started to clean the kitchen for him while Kuro stepped out of the room. His brother’s description of the customer was vague and he didn’t know what to expect. At first, he didn’t see who the person was and he thought the bar was empty.
He scanned the room and he noticed someone sitting at the bar with their head resting on the table. It was clear that the person had fallen asleep and Kuro sighed. He didn’t know why Hyde asked him to deal with the customer when he could’ve simply woken the man and called a cab for him. Kuro was glad that the problem wasn’t an angry drunk at least.
He stood next to the sleeping man and lightly shook his shoulder. As the man shook his head, Kuro was able to see his face and he gasped softly. He never expected to see Mahiru again, yet here he was. He could only stare at him while the memories of their relationship came back to him.
They had broken up the month before they graduated high school. The tears that Mahiru had that day still stabbed at his heart and Kuro traced his fingers over his cheek. Mahiru had the opportunity to go to a prestigious college and it would allow him to pursue his dream of becoming a photographer. But the school was in another city. Kuro didn’t want their relationship to hold Mahiru back from accomplishing his dreams. He made the difficult decision to break up.
“Kuro…” Mahiru mumbled his name in his sleep and his voice pulled him out of his memories.
“What am I going to do?” Kuro whispered and ran his hand through his hair. He was still in love with Mahiru so he didn’t know how he could face him after their break up. He didn’t know if he came to the bar to see him again but a small part of him hoped that he had. With a shake of his head, he reminded himself, “Don’t be selfish. Mahiru is better off without you.”
Despite those words, Kuro found himself gravitating to Mahiru. They hadn’t seen each other for a year but he hadn’t changed in that time. His face still had the soft and vulnerable expression whenever he slept and the sight made Kuro feel protective of him. Mahiru moved in his sleep and he almost fell off the stool but then Kuro caught him. “You could’ve chosen a better place to sleep.”
He slipped an arm under Mahiru’s knees and supported his back with his other hand. Slowly, he lifted Mahiru off the chair and took him to a lounge chair in the corner of the bar. When he held him close to his chest, he could smell alcohol on his breath. Had he been drinking before he fell asleep at the bar? He would have to lecture his brother about letting him drink too much.
Kuro was careful to not wake him as he lowered him onto the lounge couch. Then, he took off his jacket and draped it over Mahiru so he would be warm. He sat next to him and considered what he should do. Should he wake him and talk? Would it be best to have one of his siblings wake him and send him home?
They hadn’t spoken since the break up and Kuro wondered if college had been stressful on Mahiru. There were dark circles under his eyes so he was likely tired and needed sleep. He decided that it was best to let him sleep on the couch and watch over him. A part of him knew that he chose to let him sleep so he could avoid facing him again.
Unconsciously, he started to stroke his brown hair like he would in the past. Mahiru’s face relaxed under his touch and the small change squeezed Kuro’s heart. One of the things he loved about Mahiru was how honest his expressions were. Seeing him again brought back the regret he thought he had let go. They would call each other a few times after he moved to his new school but Kuro eventually stopped picking up his phone. It was painful to hear his voice when he couldn’t hold him.
“Kuro…” He spoke again. Mahiru turned on his side and hugged the jacket around him. The subtle scent of spices and seasoning that clung to the jacket reminded him of Kuro. In high school, he would visit him after the bar closed and his clothes would smell like spices from working in the kitchen. He realized that the cushions beneath him felt much stiffer than his bed and he sat up in confusion.
His eyes fell onto Kuro next to him. Mahiru opened his mouth to say his name yet he couldn’t form words. He had imagined a thousand different things he would say to Kuro if he ever met him again. They were a happy couple and he didn’t understand why Kuro suddenly broke up with him. He was upset and angry at first but now he only wanted an explanation.
Kuro was the first to speak. “You fell asleep on the counter and I was worried you would fall off the chair. I moved you onto the couch. Do you have a headache or feel sick? I can call a cab to take you home if you can’t drive. Your eyes look alert but your face is a little flushed.”
“I only had two drinks. That’s not enough to make me drunk even if I’m a lightweight.” Mahiru didn’t tell him that his blush was caused by how close Kuro was. He tried to stand but his legs were a little unsteady beneath him. His gaze fell to the ground in embarrassment and sank back onto the chair. A hand fell over his shoulder and he looked back to Kuro.
There was only kindness in his red eyes and Mahiru bit his lip. “Don’t look at me like that, Kuro. You’re going to give me the wrong idea of how you feel.”
“I’m sorry.” He took his hand back and sat next to him on the couch. Kuro didn’t want to see the pain in his else because he knew he would try to comfort him if he did. He broke his heart and he thought he didn’t deserve to hold him. An awkward silence surrounded them and he searched for something to change the subject. “Are you here on break?”
“The first semester ended and I decided to come home to visit my uncle. I’ve been busy with classes and I haven’t been able to stay in touch with everyone. I should go home before my uncle starts to worry. He isn’t as paranoid as Misono’s dad but I don’t want to make him worry.” Mahiru stood and slipped on the jacket. He didn’t notice that the jacket belonged to Kuro. “The cold air will help me become sober again.”
“I’ll walk you home.” He offered. “It’s dangerous to walk alone in the dark, especially when you’re tipsy. We already closed the bar so my siblings don’t need me here anymore.”
“Thank you.” Mahiru accepted but there was a brief moment of hesitation in his voice. He didn’t say anything further as he stepped out of the bar with Kuro by his side. The cold air made him shiver and he pulled the jacket’s zipper higher. He realized that he had put on Kuro’s jacket unintentionally yet he hadn’t commented on it. He reasoned that he could return the jacket once they reached his home.
He lived only a few blocks from the pub and Mahiru found himself dragging his feet to spend more time with Kuro. When he visited the bar, he hoped he could see Kuro again and speak with him. He ordered a few drinks for courage but he ended up falling asleep on the counter. Mahiru watched Kuro in the corner of his eyes. “How has business been?”
“We’ve gotten more customers. Since I graduated, I’ve been putting more hours into the pub and that helped keep down costs. Hopefully, the pub will bring in enough money to put Hugh and the others through school.” Their father had abandoned their family and Kuro did his best to support his younger siblings. Mahiru knew how important his family was so he couldn’t leave them. “What about you, Mahiru? I heard that your photos were featured in your college’s showcase.”
“Yes. I must’ve taken a thousand photos for the showcase. Art school is more work than people like to joke about.” Mahiru smiled wearily. “I threw myself into my work because I wanted to distract myself from our breakup. I couldn’t fully forget you though. The day I had to choose a photo to submit to the showcase, I came across this old picture. It was the reason I wanted to be a professional photographer.”
Mahiru took out a picture from when they were younger. The edges of the paper were worn from age. In the photograph, Kuro was asleep with a cat resting on his chest. “I wanted to take pictures of experiences and landscapes to share with others. While I was in class, each time I took a photo, I thought ‘I can’t wait to show this to Kuro’. Then I had to remind myself we broke up.”
“You deserve someone better than me, Mahiru.” Kuro stopped walking. “I’m sorry.”
“When you broke up with me, you said that it was because you cheated on me. I didn’t believe it then and I don’t believe it now. We’ve known each other for years and you’re not the type to cheat. It’ll be too troublesome.” Mahiru stood in front of Kuro and faced him. He cupped his cheeks and moved his gaze down to him. “Can you lie to my face and say you cheated on me?”
“I…” He started but then he looked into Mahiru’s large eyes. Kuro didn’t know how he was able to lie to him before. He had lied to him when they broke up because he knew Mahiru wouldn’t accept his true reason. He would’ve insisted that they try to have a long distance relationship but Kuro was worried it would hold Mahiru back. “I’m sorry, Mahiru.”
“For cheating or lying to me? Please, Kuro, I need to know why you broke up with me.” His voice started to break in time with his heart. “I loved you and I thought you felt the same way.”
Suddenly, Kuro gathered him into his arms and buried his face into his neck. He held him tight but Mahiru didn’t mind and hugged him in return. He slowly ran his hand down his back to feel his warmth after being apart for so long. Mahiru whispered, “Why did you lie to me?”
“I thought if I hurt you by lying, you wouldn’t have any regrets going to college. That school has been your dream for years. I need to be here to support my siblings and I don’t have a lot to give you. If anything, I’ll hold you back from your dreams.” Kuro didn’t lift his face from his neck and Mahiru could feel his warm breath against his skin.
“I understand, Kuro, I really do. Your family is important to you and I could never ask you to move to Tokyo where my school is. But couldn’t you have talked to me instead of breaking up with me the way you did? It hurt.” Kuro leaned back and tenderly ran his hand over his cheek to comfort him. Mahiru touched his hand and looked up at him.
Mahiru lifted himself onto his toes and kissed Kuro softly. “I could’ve gone to school in Tokyo and still date you. It would’ve been a lot of work but I’m willing to do it if it meant I can be with you. Aren’t we worth the effort?”
“You’re one of the most important things to me.” Kuro brought their joined hands to his lips and kissed his fingertips softly. “I thought I was doing what was best for your future by leaving but I only hurt you. I’m sorry, Mahiru. Will you take me back?”
“That’s the reason I came to your bar.” Mahiru smiled up at him. “Will you stay the night at my apartment? We have a lot to catch up on.”
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Ok so I saw this brilliant post by @rubyleaf this morning so I whipped this up (pardon any mistakes)! I did change the concept a bit tho! In this version, when they’re apart they don’t only miss each other, but they feel pain :) Anyway made this a hurt\comfort kinda thing... it’s kinda vague, so excuse my dull brain and enjoy! ~
Kuro ran.
He had no idea how long he was running for. He felt like he was carrying the weight of the world, but he kept running.
He felt pain spreading in his body, his head pounding like a drum and shaking him to his core. He was still running, and through the suffering his body endured he wondered what changed.
He had an urge to stop and never move again. Despite that, he kept running, because he knew the pain will worsen if he stops. So he ran aimlessly, unsure of where he’s going. He just knew he was going in the right direction.
The pain got fuzzier with every step he took, the near-death dread he felt washing off slowly from his body, leaving him unstable and tired. He stopped running and collapsed to the ground. Seeing weird, trippy colors wasn’t normal, was it?
The ache he felt in his heart remained.
Kuro didn’t need to be reminded why he hates living, but it seems like life loves throwing the fact in his face.
He tried to stand up again and gave up, deciding it wasn’t worth it. At that moment, his only wish was permanent release of the burden he felt.
And then he was reminded why he loves living.
Kuro jumped to his feet, looking around desperately. When he met Mahiru’s eyes, it was almost like a slice of heaven in the midst of hell.
“Mahiru!” he breathed. Mahiru ran towards him and wrapped him in a hug.
“I found you,” Mahiru whispered, tightening his grip.
“How did we lose each other?” Kuro asked, after letting out some breathless huffs that faintly brushed Mahiru’s hair. Kuro almost didn’t want to know. He was just glad that he could hold Mahiru in his arms, a comforting beacon of light in a crushing, painful darkness.
“They led me on,” he said after a few quiet seconds. Mahiru released Kuro from the hug and wiped the tears that formed in his eyes. The hands that gripped Kuro as if they’d never let go again turned into fists.
“I thought I saw him,” Mahiru said quietly. “So I just ran. Even though you weren’t with me. I didn’t even know where the others were--I just took off, because I thought I could do it alone--”
“You were brave. You did more than any of us would’ve done. It’s okay,” Kuro murmured.
“But it’s not!” Mahiru cried. “I acted on my own and got everyone in danger!”
Kuro didn’t know what to say, but soon before he could think of responding, Mahiru cut off his train of thought with a silent sob.
“That pain…” he whispered, as tears fell from his eyes. He had a horrified look on his face, and Kuro wanted to die just from looking at it. The torment that Mahiru sustained was unforgivable.
“I couldn’t stand,” Mahiru said weakly.
“I could barely breathe at some point, and my legs were too weak to move. I couldn’t do anything.”
I don’t want to hear this.
“I thought I was dying. I thought they shot me,” Mahiru gritted out.
I don’t want to hear…
“But I realized at some point it wasn’t a physical attack. It was leagues worse. I felt like a part of my body was torn from me.”
… About your pain….
“Someone found me. I’d tell you who, but the feeling of thousands of knives piercing my body was too much for me and I fell unconscious, so I couldn’t tell.”
The pain that was so much worse than mine.
Mahiru stopped talking to study Kuro’s expression. He cupped Kuro’s face with his hands.
“When I woke up, everything was hazy,” he continued. “I could barely see, but as soon as I woke up, the pain returned.”
“Stop talking,” Kuro begged. I can’t listen to this. I don’t want to think about the pain you had to endure because I didn’t protect you.
Mahiru stared into his eyes and continued, completely ignoring Kuro’s request. “I was in so much pain. But I knew that it won’t stop anytime soon if I didn’t go where it led me. So I stood up. I stood up and ran.”
“Mahiru, you don’t have to tell me abou--”
“I ran,” Mahiru pressed. “I couldn’t imagine what you must be feeling if I was hurting that much.”
“I ran.” he mumbled again, dropping his hands.
Kuro didn’t realize he was crying until Mahiru wiped a tear from his face.
“But hearing your voice…” Mahiru suddenly said. “Hearing your voice call my name in that exhausted tone. That was when I realized your pain was 100% worse than mine.”
“It wasn’t!” Kuro yelled. He wanted to stop crying. He thought he wasn’t even capable of tears. He closed his eyes and breathed. “The most painful thing i’ve ever had to go through was hearing what you said, and seeing you cry… I don’t want to watch you get hurt anymore. I won’t allow it.”
Mahiru smiled. “You know, we’ve never been this far apart from each other. Never this long too.”
Kuro could only nod.
“It made me think about how much we do together,” Mahiru continued. “You’re always by my side.”
“I’ll never leave it,” Kuro promised. “Never again.”
“I’ve never missed you as much as I did today,” Mahiru said with a soft smile. “I want you to stay by my side, and i’ll stand by yours. We’ll keep each other safe.”
You are my world.
“That sounds like a pain,” Kuro muttered. “Too much ‘pain’ in today’s lexicon! Rephrase!” Mahiru stated.
“I can’t have you jumping into danger trying to protect me when i’m supposed to protect you.” Kuro commented, paying no mind to Mahiru’s previous statement.
Mahiru didn’t reply, and pulled Kuro’s head down, leaning their foreheads together. “So it’s a deal?”
You are my everything.
“Hey, Lily!”
Lily turned his head. It was Misono, and he was running towards him. They were the only ones there, the others scanning the area for Mahiru and Kuro.
Lily was cut off by Misono’s hug. It took him a few stunned seconds before he was able to talk again.
“What’s the occasion?” he asked softly.
“Nothing,” Misono returned gruffly, pulling away. “I just felt like it.”
Lily stared. Misono giving him a hug out of the blue?
“Did you catch a cold?” Lily questioned, placing his hand on Misono’s forehead.
“Stop that! Did you find Mahiru?” Misono asked, slapping away Lily’s hand.
“My brother and his eve are okay,” Lily reassured, “but I think it’d be better to let them have some time for themselves.”
“Do you know where they are?”
“I think that I have a pretty good idea, yes.”
“So why can’t we go to them?”
“Why did you give me a hug?”
“.... That’s annoying,” Misono replied, irritated.
“Sorry,” Lily mused. It’s better to leave them to recover instead of barging in and making them embarrassed.
I would know. I am All of Love, after all.
slid in some lust pair because i love them lol. as i said, vague, so i imagine the whole ordeal was some sort of chase after members of c3. maybe touma and tsurugi? who knows~
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jekunitrash · 5 years
Chaos in the Alicein household
Chapter 1
It was already 10pm when they left the restaurant. Tsubaki chose not to come along because he wanted to meet up with his subclasses. But he did say it would be interesting to go next time. So the Servamps and Eves were now walking back to their respective homes. Speaking of which, the greed and pride pairs had to wave their goodbyes since their houses were in the opposite direction. Then the sloth pair also left, Mahiru wished Mikuni good luck with his father. The older boy gave him a genuine smile and thanked him. After this the Aliceins and their servamps resumed their walking. It was quiet but not in a bad way. They were simply enjoying the calm of the empty streets, thinking about how pleasant it was to be reunited like this.
However, Mikuni started to feel more and more anxious as they were approaching the mansion. The others noticed and all tried to reassure him in their own way. Misono called him an idiot for worrying too much, Lily said he should trust himself and Jeje who wasn't good with words just nodded in encouragement. So he tried to relax before entering and told himself everything would be fine. Misono opened the door and they made their way to the living room. They didn't know if Mikado would be awake but thought that in the worst case they would just have to wait until the morning to tell him.
They kept walking through the corridor when they heard a noise. It sounded like someone was reading so the lust pair walked in first. As expected, it was Mikado Alicein, who was also Misono and Mikuni' s father. When he noticed the presence of his son, he stood up to greet him and ask if everything was alright. He didn't know the details about the war between the vampires and the C3, but he had been involved with the servamps for a long time so he thought it might have been tough on them. Misono said he was fine but that he wanted to inform him about something very important.
Mikuni, who stayed behind and was waiting for the right time to show up, instantly tensed up. His brother had forgiven him but what if his father didn't ? He suddenly felt really sick and was trying hard to suppress the bad thoughts. Jeje was well aware of his distress and turned in his snake form so he could coil around his master's neck. He rubbed his head on his cheek which managed to appease him a little.
Back to Misono, he was now done explaining to his dad and was about to tell him Mikuni agreed to come back.
-« So after that I talked with Mikuni... and... » he started.
Mikado was listening intently. Could it be... ?
« ...and he agreed to return home with me. »
The room fell silent. Did he hear right ? Did Mikuni really came back, after all those years ? He couldn't believe it. He didn't even know what to tell him. Should he scold him, give him a lecture on his behaviour ? Or should he just hug him and tell him he's glad to ses him ? He had to say something at some point, though.
-« Is he here then ? »
Mikuni wasn't ready. His whole body was trembling in anticipation and fear, and he didn't trust his legs to carry him to where his dad was. But once again, Jeje did the right thing by nudging him slightly whit the side of his head. He didn't say anything but it somehow helped. So the eldest son of the Aliceins was currently marching towards his father. Jeje was still wrapped reassuringly around his shoulders and he was thankful to him for that.
Father and son were now seeing face to face but neither of them dared to break the silence. Lily was also standing beside his eve, watching the scene. It was Mikuni who spoke first.
-« He...hum... hello dad. »
Well it was a good start. He waited for his father's reaction, hoping he wouldn't receive a slap across the face. However, he certainly didn't expect him to start crying. He didn't have the time to say anything else since he was pulled in a tight embrace. His eyes widened in shock as the older man said something he never thought he would hear again.
-« I'm sorry, Mikuni. And I love you. I'm glad you came back. I'm so sorry for all of this. I'm sorry that you had to do this because of me. »
Oh. So that's how happiness feels like. Being held by your father, making up with your family. Having the opportunity to live a normal life again. He had forgotten about all of this. He had resigned himself the night he left the mansion. He had been able to make it with Jeje' s help, but their relationship had always been complicated because of the circumstances their contract was made in. He had met Tsurugi back in the C3, but they couldn't be friends for many reasons. Now all of this would change. They were going to start over. As a family. 
Oh also I forgot to mention I've started this story two years ago!? Like, already?? Time sure flies
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