#Beelzebub x self insert
angelphonia · 1 month
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My self insert (I would be 40 in the obey me world) and the headcanon heights I have for the Obey me brothers.
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crybaby-writings · 6 months
my fictional others as "my girl can wear whatever she wants because" tweets
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"my girl can wear whatever she wants cause i can fight" : OROCHIMARU
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"my girl can wear whatever she wants cus im scared of her" : KOZUME KENMA, HANGE ZOE
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"my girl can wear whatever she wants because shes a hoe and i knew that before we started dating" : BUDDHA, GETO SUGURU
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shellielovesart · 16 days
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the-devils-girl94 · 1 year
Christmas Betting Game 💋🎁
Chapter 1: Lexi Proposes A Bet! 💋
((I told you guys I would be bringing back this picture to explain it's meaning! Hope you guys enjoy this little smutty self-insert!))
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Lexi grinned at herself in the mirror, showing off her sharp teeth, as she eyed herself. Red like her eyes, she wore a bodycon dress that showed her voluptuous curves. It had no straps or strings, leaving an ample amount of cleavage to show and her shoulders bare. The hem of the dress was decorated with trims of white, faux fur. And a beautiful bow tied it altogether perfectly. With a pair of elbow-length gloves and thigh-high stockings, it completed and captured the very look she was aiming for.
A sexy, Missus Claus.
"Coo. Coo."
She felt a soft, fluttering sensation on her cheek and she looked over into the purple-tinted glasses of her owl. She gave them a smile and gently scooped up the small bird in her hand.
She placed the creature on top of her head, where it quickly settled itself into her curls like a nest. It gave her a phantom thumb's up. Chuckling, she gave herself one last look and grabbed a nearby Santa hat, putting it on her head. "I think I should dress up more often," she muttered to herself. "I should ask Asmo sometime."
"Coo," the owl replied in answer, but Lexi only rolled her ruby eyes at it. She made her way to her door, where she also grabbed a bag and a note, and left her room.
It was time for a new game to start.
It was another bustling day for the House of Lamentation. The brothers were once more getting ready for RAD and enjoying yet another eventful breakfast. But, this time, they were stunned to silence when the only human occupant decided to make her appearance.
Sauntering in the room, decked out in her Santa outfit, Lexi proudly exclaimed, " Ho ho ho, bitches!"
"Oi, Lexi, watch your language!," frowned Lucifer. He narrowed his eyes at her, but she only laughed in response, causing his brow to twitch in annoyance. He really didn't want to deal with today. "And please tell me what is the meaning of this? Why aren't you dressed for school?"
"I decided to skip school today. I got something I want to propose to you all."
Lucifer stood to protest but Satan, the fourth oldest of the bunch, abruptly intervened. "And what is it that you're thinking of proposing, Lexi?," he asked, giving her a smile that showed how amusing the whole situation was playing out in front of him.
She smiled back at him before returning her gaze to Lucifer, meeting his eyes coolly. "I want to play a game with you guys. And I think you'll all like what I got as a prize if you win."
Asmodeus, to the right of her, gasped in delight and clapped his hands together rapidly. "Ooh, I'm getting excited! I don't even know what the game is but I can tell I'm gonna win!," he squealed.
"Is the prize gonna be food? I'll play if there's some limited edition snacks involved," came the sound of the sixth oldest brother, Beelzebub. And soon the others started to chime in.
"Obviously, the prize should be money! Some cold, hard Grimm, man!"
"Waaah, if it's that new Ruri-chan figurine I've been anxiously waiting for my entire life, I would be so set!"
"Hm, I definitely wouldn't mind a new book that's been circulating in my social circles that I haven't gotten my hands on yet."
Lexi sighed and pouted as the attention from the brothers were fading away from her. She napped her fingers and a large phantom hand holding a buzzer came from underneath her hat. The sight of the hand caused Mammon to yelp and hide.
The sound of the buzzer caught everyone's attention and they were once again focusing on her. "Thank you, Sozzy," she petted the fuzzy owl under hat, chuckling when it nuzzled against her hand; the creature letting out a soft 'yeey' only Lexi could hear. Clearing her throat, she spoke again. "All of you are wrong! Though, thanks for telling me what I should get you for Christmas, but this prize is something more valuable and precious."
"Well, what is it?," came the annoyed voice of Lucifer, who was already done with the young woman's antics.
Hearing that, Lexi gave everyone a shit-eating grin, showing off her sharp, pearly whites. She brought her hands up to her breasts, leaning over the dining room table as she did so, which made all the brothers' cheeks heat up.
"It's me!"
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tyrian-sexual · 1 year
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I like to think Demons and Angels have the tapetum layer in their eyes which is a hard adjustment to get used to for a human.
Anyways first time Erin experienced it was checking out what caused a crash in the kitchen during the night, only to run into Beel.
Fake chat: Natural Human Instincts are Hard to Fight
(Chat Code by Aurorean on TH)
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downinthedevildom · 6 months
Hi! I hope u are doing well, i saw u were doing match ups and i wanted to request one.
Idk whT to put uh ill explain my personality.
I have a mmbti what whatever as enfp, i am also an aries.
Im 5’4
I am shy at first but once u get to know me just am very outgoing.
I have bad handwriting and insecure alot but even then i act social and put a front up, making sue no one around me is sad. Though i tend to babble and ramble alot;
Anyway uh i like to bake and draw, i dont like to party nor stay inside slot so im in the middle when it comes to being social and not.
Even though im a scaredy cat im not afraid to stand up for others. I am an air head but love to read and learn new things. Thats all ill put lol but ye
Hello lovely 🍒 Nonnie <3 it's been a HOT minute since I've written any kind of match-ups so please forgive me if it's lacking. I am but a weenie wiggling my way back into the word vomiting :') (Matched by Angel💜 ) ANYWAY! ONTO THE MATCH UP!! I match you with Lucifer!
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At first, he would probably not pay much attention to you, your shyness keeping you quiet and reserved. (out of sight out of mind vibes.) However, as you grow more comfortable in the House of Lamentation and grow more bubbly and open his eyes will start to drift to you more and more and over time he will find your personality endearing and infectious.
Your handwriting? not an issue, I mean... I HC that Mammon's handwriting is a garbled mess of scribbles so he would probably be used to it. Though he may tease lightly, as long as it doesn't upset you too much or even convince you to practice. though that would be more for his enjoyment. what do you mean you can't concentrate sitting on his lap? Obviously, this is the best position to be in so he could circle an arm around you, grasping your wrist to assist you in learning cursive ;)
You bake? instant up points for 1, you will be able to make delicious desserts when it's your turn to make dinner, and his baby brother Beel will be happy. (yes, he will also demand to try your bakes before anyone else. he has to make sure they are suitable after all.) and 2, being in the kitchen with you, you baking and him sitting at the kitchen aisle while he drinks his coffee watching you go about your work, well I believe he would find those domestic moments to be a perfect recharge for him. Finally allowing him a moment of respite and a few perfect moments to recharge.
Your middle ground of sociability would be a good thing for Mr Morningstar. We all know this man has to be social when needed or when accompanying Dai to functions or whatnot, but he also thrives in his alone time. Thus you will always be the perfect plus 1 for him, matching his middle-ground energy and he would have to worry too much about you getting out of hand at parties. When you both feel a bit too socially drained? time to make a little escape together and recharge without anybody questioning it.
Finally, your bravery would be a huge point of pride to him. Sure you may be scared easily but you do not let that fear control you when you need to protect what you love. Standing up in the face of danger regardless of how terrified you are? well, that's true bravery and you should be proud of yourself. He probably would tell you so at some point. after a particularly scary moment, he will let you know how much he respects you and how you should be proud of yourself. Fear does not control you, you control your fear.
Honorable Mention - Satan!
Again your half-and-half social standing gives cat vibes. we all know Satan is a cat in demon form at this point. one moment getting all the attention and the next he vibes in his room to read and chill out. you could both spend hours just relaxing quietly together in his room, spending time together reading without saying a word to each other. but those moments are so important to him because you are there. But then again, when he gets invited to any restaurant opening, concert, sports game, or anything else from his mass of contacts? well, you will be right there with him. perfect spontaneous date nights are inbound! :3
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ireonic · 1 year
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Reblogs are appreciated!! <3333 (pyxis (they/them) x Lucifer)
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My MCs Masterlist
Any and all relationships between my MCs and the OM dateables and demon brothers are mainly platonic, as for the new three (for my of-age MCs)… we’ll see. For non-MC works, here’s my Masterlist of Masterlists to suit your needs :3
Introducing: Adrienne and Orion
Introducing: Ash (PLATONIC)
//Ash - Teen!MC (PLATONIC) //
Ash - Introduction
Storms Suck (Lucifer)
Ice Cream (Mammon)
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2af-afterdark · 3 months
The One True King
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Fandom: What in Hell is Bad? Content: Bael x Reader, Reader is clearly in a (currently) one-sided admiration,technically this is based on what 💛 told me so it’s not a general reader but… I am trying, Reader is a devil, not smut A/N: 💛 anon gave me a really good prompt and I kind of wanted to wrote this for them. Uhhh… ngl, I have only written for a specific person one other time before. I usually say to give me a handful of personality traits and I will whip something up. So, you know, this was an exercise. May need more practice using other people's MC’s and self-inserts… Sorry if it’s a little… messy… There were many personality traits I couldn’t include in full because of the setting and length of this fic, but I hope that a few of them are noticeable at the very least. Word Count: 1854
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Bael was trying to finish the work that Beelzebub had left behind in his latest rush to escape responsibility. Trying. It was hard to concentrate with all the unusually noisy hustle and bustle happening not only outside his office door, but traveling down the hall. The heavy footsteps were more frantic than usual, with one particular set noticeably pacing back and forth right outside.
He held his breath as he waited for when the person inevitably finally knocked for him; a knock he was slowly getting anxious over given how hesitant that devil seemed to me to call for him. But, call for him they did as they peaked their head through the narrowly open door and said, “There's someone at the front gate asking for Lord Beelzebub.”
Bael cocked a single eyebrow only slightly. It was a well known fact that Beelzebub was rarely in Avisos, let alone the castle. Whoever had come to the visit was looking in the wrong place and causing a ruckus at the same time.
“They won't leave,” the devil in the doorway added when it became clear that Bael wasn't moving.
“The others haven't chased them away yet?” Not to be rude, but now was not a good time to visit.
“Stolas and Naberius still haven't returned from the mission you sent them on,” that would be attempting – and likely failing – to track and follow Beelzebub.
“What about Amon?”
The devil hesitated and Bael knew immediately that he wouldn't like the answer.
“Amon has been… subdued,” they said with no further explanation.
At least, as the devil in the doorway clarified, the person at the gate was a normal devil. It seemed they were another of Beelzebub’s many fans – like the rest of Avisos – and could be convinced to leave once they were assured that the king was not present. If Bael, the current acting king in Beelzebub’s absence were to come outside, then perhaps the visitor would leave willingly.
Bael was exhausted. He couldn’t recall the last time he had slept properly and it was starting to impair his judgment. Having an unexpected and unwelcome guest causing a scene at the palace gates was not helping his current state.
He stood from his desk. “I’ll see them away quickly.” If only so he could return to his work undisturbed. 
He marched out of his office with his head held high and a confident swagger that attempted to hide how completely and utterly tired he really was. A few devils who had clearly decided to stick to their own tasks rather than deal with the unexpected guest stopped only long enough to watch Bael walk by before busying themselves again. In his current state, he was their acting king and that made him someone to admire as he passed by.
But they didn't dare stop him to admire him in full. Even if they tried to, they wouldn't be able to. He was, after all, too used to focusing on the kingdom's operations to be distracted by how devils stared at their substitute king, and that was why he could arrive at the palace gates without delay. That’s how he made it in time to see the unfamiliar devil at the gate speaking through the bars to Amon who seemed to be doing nothing to move them along.
“Are you the one who asked to see Lord Beelzebub?” Bael asked as he approached the two. “You came at a bad time.”
You stared in awe as Bael came closer, the loose strands of his blonde hair dancing lightly in the wind, his skin-tight black uniform hugging his muscles and thin waist, and his uneven eyes staring back.
You were not one of the grand and illustrious 72 like he was. It was rare to be one of the 72 considering that there were, after all, only seventy-two of them in total compared to the entirety of Hell’s population. Still, even those who weren’t part of the 72 had a place serving their kingdom and their kings. What was Hell without its devils, after all?
Nothing. The answer was that Hell would be nothing without the myriad of devils that brought it to life. From the madness of Abaddon to the luxury of Tartaros to the efficiency of Hades, Hell was made by the kings and the devils that swore loyalty to them; each kingdom a reflection of its king and people. 
The only kingdom that could be argued was not a reflection of its king was Avisos, which was want to run rampant without its should-be-leader at the helm. Or, perhaps it was exactly the kind of thing the wandering ruler Beelzebub would want. A kingdom full of mindless pleasures in which frequent coming and going was the name of the game. Establishments in which he wasn’t expected to stay any longer than it took him to grow bored of whatever mindless indulgences they offered. It made for a wonderful economy, but a complete headache for any devil unfortunate enough to have to deal with the actual business and politics of the kingdom rather than simply enjoying all the treasures hidden around every corner.
You were one of those regular devils who called Avisos and its many different entertainment establishments home. The proof of your citizenship was pierced into your skin. You were not ashamed of your status as just another devil in the crowd. If anything, it made it easier for you to accomplish your goal. After all, it was in the nature of the 72 to care about their king, kingdom, and people. Amon already seemed to be on your side after a well placed bribe.
The next goal was Bael himself.
“No,” you corrected, “I asked to see the king.” You held out a wrapped, three-tiered bento box filled to the brim with food. “Have you eaten yet?”
Bael blinked at you a few times before glancing at Amon, who seemed entirely indifferent to the conversation between Bael and the unexpected guest. In fact, he seemed more taken with a piece of paper in his hand rather than anything happening around him.
You continued to speak without hearing an answer from Bael. “You seem like you’re always overworking yourself and it’s important to eat. I have a feeling you won’t take a break to cook for yourself so I cooked for you.”
Bael inhaled in a way that seemed more like an exasperated sigh. “Beelzebub really isn’t here. Attempting to bribe me will not get you an audience.”
“Who cares about Beelzebub?” you said bluntly, seeming to finally get a reaction from Amon who looked at you only long enough to glare judgmentally. You didn’t bother to even look at him before pulling a small envelope out of your pocket with your free hand and holding it out to him. He took it without a word, seemingly content once again. “I came to see you, Lord Bael.” You could feel your face heating up as you spoke. “Haven’t I made that clear by now?”
Bael looked at Amon once more, who was looking inside the envelope with approval. It seemed he really would receive no backup from his cohort.
He tried to put on his most convincing inflection as he began to speak, attempting to send this stray devil away without further delay or incident. “While I appreciate your intentions-”
“Amon, will you make sure King Bael eats something?” You were already waving another piece of paper in front of him; your last bribe of the day.
Amon took the paper and bento without question. 
“Thank you, Sir Amon.” You smiled at Bael who hadn't had a chance to finish his attempted rejection of your efforts. “I'll come by again tomorrow to pick up the dirty dishes, so make sure you eat everything. Wasting food is unforgivable in Avisos.”
You turned away with a pep in your step and tried to hide the absolute glee on your face. Not only had you managed to give King Bael the meal you had made for him, but you also managed to promise him that you would be returning tomorrow. Knowing that had you practically giggling as the distance between you and the gate where Bael still stood grew.
Once you were out of sight, Bael looked to Amon with a sense of defeat in his eyes. “Who was that?”
Amon shrugged. “I don't know.” He held out the bento to Bael so he wouldn't have to be the one to carry it. “Take this.”
Between the strange devil's antics and Amon's lackadaisical attitude toward them, Bael could feel a headache coming on. “If you don't know them, then why were you so amicable to them? Especially when you should have been escorting them away from the palace?”
He titled his head slightly, indicating he was too tired to have this conversation. “They gave me photos of King Beelzebub.” That was all the reason he needed. It's not like they were doing anything bad, so he didn't see a reason to waste his energy on changing them away, especially when he was getting rewarded for looking the other way.
“Is that all it takes to convince you?”
Amon ignored the question. “My arm is getting tired,” he said as he motioned again for Bael to take the bento.
Begrudgingly, Bael took the bento with both hands. It felt heavier than it should have.
“Are you sure all they came for was to deliver food?” 
It felt odd to have a citizen of Avisos storm the palace gates just to give him something to eat; something that, in all honesty, he could not see himself sitting down to indulge in given all the work he still had to do. Perhaps if he tossed out the food or gave it away? It wasn’t as if the other devil would know what had happened to the contents of the bento once it was empty.
“You’ll eat it,” Amon interrupted his thoughts.
“I won’t eat something given to me from someone unfamiliar.”
“Lord Beelzebub would.”
Bael winced, but in a way where only those who knew him well could tell that Amon’s words had cut him deeply.
“Lord Beelzebub accepts what his subjects give him. Sometimes he takes it without being offered…”
Did that mean Bael had to accept everything too? The same way he accepted all of Bell’s work and duties and even his face, did he have to take every gift as well? Because he was simply a substitute for Beelzebub?
“That devil called the fake king a king,” Amon said absentmindedly. “Do you think they know that you're just keeping the throne warm?”
“I’m sure they’re aware.” After all, there wasn’t a soul in all of Hell, let alone Avisos, that wasn’t aware that Beelzebub was the wandering king.
He looked at the bento in his hands.
He turned back toward the palace and began to walk.
“I have work to do.”
“Are you going to eat it?” Amon asked. “They already bribed me to make sure you do.”
“If I have a free moment, I’ll consider it.”
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demoneyecandy · 2 years
A New Cure for Insomnia
This is my first fic! It ended up being way longer than I intended and there’s more fluff and self-insert stuff than intended but there is also very much smut.
Work: A New Cure for Insomnia WC: 7.6k Relationship: Beelzebub x Reader, Beelzebub x MC AFAB reader, she/her pronouns and gendered terms for reader Warning: Explicit
Description:  M/C hasn't been able to sleep through the night in a week. Luckily, she runs into Beelzebub, who might have just the solution she needs.
M/C knew two things before she even opened her eyes; first, it was too damn early too be awake. Second, there was no way she was going to fall back asleep easily. Still, she tried to fight against what she knew to be true, keeping her eyes shut and praying to whatever deity was listening that she would be able to sleep until at least a semi-reasonable time. After what felt like an hour, but was more likely just a few minutes, she opened her eyes and flipped over towards where she left her phone to charge overnight.
“Are you shitting me?” she muttered to herself, rolling her eyes. It wasn’t even 3:30 in the morning.
She didn’t know why she was surprised – it had been like this for a week. She’d try to sleep at a normal time, only to wake up again in the middle of the night and lay awake for about an hour or two before eventually drifting back to sleep. M/C would normally spend that time scrolling through Devilgram, or sometimes texting Leviathan since he was the only brother that would be on his phone that late. Until tonight, she had refused to leave her bed. It felt like admitting defeat to do any bit of her morning routine during this hour, but if that’s what it took then tonight she was going to admit defeat. Laying in bed wasn’t helping her fall asleep again any quicker, so she decided to try a new approach.
Throwing a robe on over her nightdress, she rolled out of bed. Keeping her lights off to maintain the slim chances she had of falling asleep again sooner than later, she very carefully opened and shut her door, trying to make as little noise as possible. Her bare feet padded along the carpeted floor of the hallway until she found her way to the kitchen. Now she was faced with a dilemma. She wanted to keep the lights off to avoid waking up further, still desperately holding onto her dream of falling back asleep. Unfortunately she was not physiologically blessed with well-adapted features like the demons she lived with. She could not see in the dark, and if she felt around there was a risk she’d grab someone else’s food by mistake and start a fight in the morning when Beel was accused of eating the food, or worse – if Beel thought that someone else knowingly ate his food. M/C was not prepared to accept responsibility for that level of carnage. Compromising, she pulled her DDD out from the pocket of her robe and flipped on the flashlight. As she pointed the beam of light towards the cabinet labelled “human safe snacks”, two big eyes reflected back at her from the dark. “Fuck”, she whispered, clutching her chest “you almost gave me a heart attack, Beel”. She always forgot that their eyes reflected light like cats – she supposed it was necessary when living for centuries, if not millennia, in such a dark place. The brother in question swallowed whatever was in his mouth and grinned at her, “Hi, M/C. Did you get hungry too? Or are you still having some trouble staying asleep?”. She nodded. A small frown graced his face as he remembered his own struggles with nightmares. He hoped she didn’t have to deal with anything so awful.
She had mentioned to the brothers in passing that she hadn’t been sleeping very well over dinner, and Levi obviously knew from her uncharacteristically late texting, but she didn’t want to bother them or worse, worry them. They were so protective over her. In a way she appreciated it. She liked feeling so loved. On the other hand, it could feel smothering at times – like anything she did, she had to worry about how it would impact her boys. That was part of the reason she had never acted on her crush on Beelzebub. His brothers would riot.
The gentle giant had caught her eye from when they first met. He was absolutely gorgeous. Over time, she got closer to him. After they formed their pact together he had latched on to her and, to be honest, she had encouraged it. More time with him was a good thing in her book, even though she was always worried he’d catch her blushing or staring at his muscular arms and put two and two together. His brothers sometimes acted like he was stupid, but one thing she knew for sure was that he was anything but. He didn’t say as much as some of his brothers and he did talk about food quite a bit, but she felt that she understood why. His sin had to be painful. When she was hungry she could barely think her way out of a paper bag, so for him to be consumed by hunger more often than not and still manage to be as kind and gentle with her as he was? She admired him for it.
The sound of a cabinet door opening brought her back to reality. Beel pulled two things down from the shelf. M/C placed her phone face-down on the counter to still provide just a bit of light over a wider area. She smiled brightly at the items in front of her – her favorite mug and some sleepy-time tea from the human world. Her heart warmed as the red-head turned away from her to fill the kettle with water and place it on the stovetop. She remembered telling him once when they first began their friendship that she didn’t even particularly prefer the taste of that specific brand of tea, but she loved the silly drawing of the bear in pajamas on the box. It was a one-off comment, but he had listened and remembered all of these months later. How could she not fall for this giant goofball?
“Thank you, Beelzebub”, she said quietly. The sleep was still lingering in her body, making it hard to do much but mumble and yawn, but she knew she was going to be awake for the foreseeable future.
“Of course”, he replied.
The two sat in comfortable silence waiting for the kettle to boil. The only sounds were the steadily heating water and the muffled sounds of chewing coming from the demon across the counter from her. As the water reached a boil and the scream of the kettle pierced the air, Beelzebub brushed the crumbs from his hands and got up, crossing the kitchen in just a few strides and turning off the burner. Just as quickly as he left, he returned, filling the mug before her with hot water and watching the color flood out from the teabag.
“Be careful, it’s hot”, he cautioned. She thanked him and took the mug in her hands just to feel the warmth through the ceramic. They sat in silence just a big longer while she enjoyed the aroma of chamomile filling the room.
“Do you want to talk about it?” the demon didn’t even look up from his bag of spicy chips. Whether it was that he didn’t want to pressure her, or that he really was that focused on his chips, she couldn’t say.
“I think I’m just stressed – this happened once before, when I was back in school. It was my senior year and I realized I had two weeks left to write a thirty page essay from scratch. I got it done, but my sleep schedule was all messed up and took awhile to right itself again. Really, all I can do is deal with it for now unless I find a new way to fall asleep”.
“I see”, he seemed to think a bit on his response, almost like he was trying to solve a puzzle. “What have you tried?”.
“Well,” she thought back on the last seven nights, “I tried scrolling through my phone, I tried talking with Levi, and I’ve tried just lying there and hoping I fall back asleep”, his face became almost imperceptibly more serious at the mention of his older brother. Before she could look closely enough to see if he really did seem upset by something she said, his face had relaxed back to its normal state.
“Does anything else work for you?”
“Back home in the Human Realm, we have a supplement called ‘melatonin’, sometimes that will help but I already checked with Lucifer and it seems like there’s nothing in the Devildom with similar effects that wouldn’t kill a human. I’ve asked him to pick some up on his next trip, but that doesn’t help me now. Maybe a hot shower? But I’m worried that running a bath would wake the others up, and I don’t want to be a bother. I know it’s not a school night but you guys still have lives, I don’t want to deprive you of sleep. Especially Asmo – I think he’d kill me”. Beelzebub laughed at the image of an angry Asmodeus. Not because Asmodeus wasn’t terrifying when he was angry, but because the Devildom would freeze over before any of his brothers would harm her. Well, harm her now. She had become so dear to them in the months they’d known her – it was like they were new demons when they were around M/C.
Focusing again on the issue at hand, Beelzebub rested his hand on his chin, putting his now empty bag of chips in the growing pile of packages left empty from his nightly snack. From the looks of it, he had been in the kitchen for some time before she interrupted him. His brow furrowed in concentration, wanting more than anything to help her feel better.
After a minute spent under the sixth-born’s intense gaze, an occasional hum escaping his lips as he thought about her predicament, the human woman noticed the eyes of her demon brighten and a cheerful grin cross his face. Before she knew it, he was at her side, scooping her into his arms.
“What are you doing???” she whispered desperately, clinging to his well-sculpted arms out of fear of falling.
“Helping you sleep”, the man carrying her in his arms said this like it was the most obvious thing in the world, but without a hint of condescension. And with that, he whisked her away from the kitchen and towards the room he normally shared with Belphegor. Seeing no sign of the seventh-born, the human breathed a sigh of relief. He must be in the attic tonight. At least he wouldn’t get any blackmail material out of this situation. Beelzebub set her down in front of a door she hadn’t noticed before.
“What are we doing in your room, Beel?”
“You said a hot shower could help you sleep, right?”
“I did, but I also said that I didn’t want to wake anyone up”.
“That’s why this is perfect!” he smiled brightly, so clearly proud of himself, “Lucifer had a shower put in for when I come back from Fangol practice late. No one will be able to hear the water running”.
She was about to dismiss the idea- it felt intimate, using Beelzebub’s private shower, and the thought turned her as red as his hair. That is, until she looked up at his beaming face. How could she say no to those puppy dog eyes? Did he have any idea that she, his tiny little human, would move mountains for him? She could take a little embarrassment. And besides, he had a point. A shower really couldn’t hurt, and he would be in the other room, so what’s the issue?
“Okay” she smiled gently but sincerely. “Thank you Beel, I really appreciate you looking out for me”.
“Of course”. With that he walked into the bathroom and turned on the water, making sure the temperature wasn’t going to freeze or burn her. He was still learning about humans but he was fairly certain he’d become more aware of their physical limitations.
The human sat on his bed awkwardly, waiting for the go-ahead to enter the bathroom. She winced when he turned on the light, willing herself to adjust to the change more quickly.
“Come in,” she heard, and she walked towards the sound of running water, only to stop short at the threshold of the room. In front of her was Beelzebub, in the process of taking off his own pajama shirt, his necklace bouncing against his neck as he pulled the garment over his head.
“I am so sorry Beel,” she stuttered, averting her eyes. Though it was not the first time she had seen him shirtless, it was certainly the first time his hands had drifted towards the waistband of his pants while she was there to see. “I must have misunderstood – I’ll go back to my room. Have a good ni-“. Before she could finish her sentence and die of embarrassment in the safety of her own bedroom, she felt a hand close around her wrist and hold her steady.
“Where are you going?” Damn those puppy dog eyes. He looked confused and concerned.
“I – to my room?”, she stumbled over her words, equally confused. Did… did he want her to stay?
“Why? Did I do something wrong?”
“Absolutely not, I just thought you’d like your privacy, since you look like you’re about to use the shower. I thought you were offering it to me, but that was my mistake, I can leave now”. She was making eye contact with the handsome man now, if only because she was terrified she’d stare at his pecs until the end of time if she didn’t give herself something else to focus on.
“Oh, I get it”, the smile returned to his face, though smaller. “I don’t mind sharing, M/C. I made the temperature safe for humans too, feel it”, he took her by the wrist still in his grasp and very gently brought her hand through the open glass door of the shower so she could feel the water. She had to admit, it was the exact temperature she liked.
“Beel, do you know what showering together means for humans? Because I need to be sure that we’re on the same page before I agree to this”. The woman maintained eye contact, although it was becoming increasingly difficult to keep her eyes above his collarbones. His beautiful, delicate collarbones. He really was sculpted by God himself, wasn’t he? God couldn’t take credit for the upkeep of his creation though. Beelzebub really took care of himself for someone who could put away food quicker than an industrial garbage disposal.
“Satan leant me a book once where the characters took a shower together. They liked each other. I really like you, M/C. Don’t you like me?” Her breath caught in her throat. Both at the implication that Satan had loaned a raunchy romance novel to his brother, and that he had those kinds of thoughts about her.
“Definitions are important here, Beelzebub”. She hoped he knew she was being serious since she was using his full name. “How do you like me?”
He guided her hand from where it was still paused between them, dripping from testing the water just moments ago, and brought it to rest against his chest. “I’ve seen how you look at me, M/C”. His voice took on a seductive quality she could barely have imagined from the earnest sixth-born. “I think we like each other the same way”. With his other hand, he brushed her hair behind her ear and cradled her face in his large, calloused hand. She leaned into his touch and allowed herself to relish the feeling.
“Beel, I really care about you. Not only as a friend, but romantically as well. You mean so much to me and I don’t want to ruin this in a moment of weakness. I need to hear you say it”. She spoke into his palm, half hoping he wouldn’t hear her.
Whether it was lucky or unlucky, demons have excellent hearing, and there was no way he could ever mistake what he heard. Tilting her chin up with the hand she had been nuzzling, the demon bent closer and looked deep into her eyes, trying to convey what he knew he never could with words. They weren’t sure which one of them moved first, but before they knew it their lips had met in the middle. The kiss was soft and chaste, but they could feel how sure the other was that this was what they wanted. There was no hesitation on the part of demon nor human, only a feeling they might one day dare to call love.
“M/C”, he whispered against her lips, “you know I’m not as good with words as some of my brothers. Will you let me show you how I feel about you?”.
Rather than respond with words, the woman decided to follow his lead, and leaned in to join their lips once again as she nodded her agreement. She shimmied her robe off and let it drop to the floor before placing both of her hands back on Beelzebub to feel the muscles she’s dreamt of for months. Beelzebub’s hands settled themselves on her waist, squeezing gently as though reminding her that he is here, he knows her, and he wants her. Their kiss turned hungry as one of his hands slipped down her leg, teasing the hem of her nightgown. The demon pulled away just long enough to look in her eyes and seek her permission. The human nodded and she took a sharp breath as she felt where his rough hands began to push her dress from where it rested at mid-thigh upwards towards her hips. His hands continued upwards, dragging the fabric along her body while feeling the curves that he had studied from afar for so long. M/C raised her hands and they regretfully broke apart as he pulled the clothing from her body, leaving her only in a thin pair of panties.
The man took this pause to appreciate his human’s body- every stretchmark, every beauty mark, every dimple and freckle that had been hidden from his sight. He feels his sin begin to overtake him, desiring his dear friend’s body, wanting to metaphorically devour her until she screams his name. Not Mammon, or Asmodeus, or Leviathan, his name. Though envy was the third-born’s sin, Beelzebub himself felt more like the Avatar of Envy than the Avatar of Gluttony when he had heard M/C talk about how she had been texting Leviathan at night for the last week. He knew, rationally, why. Levi was a night owl, and they were good friends. Still, he had the thought, “why not come to me?”. He shouldn’t feel threatened – not only was Levi much too scared to ever make a move on M/C despite his fairly obvious crush, but the human exchange student was not actually his. Though he considered her his human and referred to her as such in his head, M/C shared a pact with his brothers as well. Tonight though, the melding of his gluttony and the unprecedented flood of envy he felt drove him to make her his.
His thoughts were interrupted by the object of his affections. “Your turn”, she said, sounding much more confident than when this encounter began. He grinned, and in one fluid motion he slipped off his pajama pants and let them join his shirt on the tile floor. He reached behind him to unclasp his necklace, but a small pair of hands grabbed onto his forearms in an attempt to stop him.
“Let me”, she wore a cocky grin. He turned around to face the mirror and bent down so she could reach his neck. In the mirror, though it was fogged by steam, he saw her stare intently at his back. She was focused on her task, but he was taken aback by the unexpected intimacy of the moment. He’d already stuck his tongue down her throat, but he was blushing at the tenderness of her removing his jewelry with such care. When he felt the leather cord leave his neck and heard the quiet clink of the tooth meeting the marble countertop, the giant couldn’t stop himself from turning around and standing to his full height. He held her tight to him, trying to memorize the feel of her skin on his and the way her heartbeat felt in her chest. She went along with his sudden movements, trusting him to keep her safe, and that alone just reaffirmed in his mind that he cared for her more than she would ever know. To trust him, a demon that could kill her in the blink of an eye, a demon who had even attempted to kill her on one occasion, brought him such a feeling of peace and gratitude.
Overpowering that feeling of peace, however, was the feeling of his cock hardening against the body in his grasp. The sound of running water and the feeling of her breath on his chest reminded him that there were time-sensitive matters at hand.
“Would you like to shower with me?” he asked, stepping back to appreciate her body once again, but holding her hands loosely in his so he could still feed his need for her body, just a bit.
“I would”. With a glint in her eye and a mischievous smile, she turned from him. He let her hands fall from his grasp, excited to have her entire body on his once again. The shorter of the two looked over her shoulder to be sure he was watching when she dropped her underwear, baring her ass to him and taking in his hungry expression. It only fed the fire growing in her belly. Now that they were doing this, she was going to make sure they did it her way. She wanted him to want her more than air, to feel like he’d die without her. Everyone knows that demons don’t handle temptation well, but this cocky, fragile human wanted to test his limits. If Lucifer knew what she was doing, tempting the most ravenous demon there is, he would be furious with her for so many reasons. That just made it more fun.
Turning back to face the shower, she stepped forward and let the steam envelop her like a warm hug. The shower was more spacious than it appeared at first. She had been slightly worried about fitting in a shower with the largest of the brothers, but she should have known that the eldest would have the forethought to make a Beel-sized shower. Leaning back, she let the water flow down her hair and back, taking in how good the pulsing showerhead felt on her tired body. Before she could enjoy the sensation for long, her companion stepped into the shower as well, closing the door behind them. The steam filled the shower more densely now that it had nowhere else to go, and the human pouted to herself that she wouldn’t be able to see her lover’s body as clearly.
As if sensing her displeasure, Beelzebub once again grabbed her by the wrist and led her hand to his chest. “Don’t worry, baby, you’ll get to look as much as you want later. After all, you’re mine now”. His voice was thick with want, “For now, touch”. Thinking he had the upper hand, he was surprised when he felt sharp teeth close around a spot on his chest, leaving a small red mark. A tongue came to soothe the sting, and his human stood on tip-toes to get close to his ear and whisper, “Oh, I’ll be touching. If I’m yours, you’re mine, and I plan to take full advantage”. His face turned red, and not from the heat of the water. His past lovers had all been passive, thinking that as a powerful figure in the Devildom that that’s what he wanted. This dynamic was new, but he wanted nothing more than to explore it.
Though she still could not see through the thick steam, M/C wanted to appreciate her demon’s body, Taking advantage of his shock, she pulled him to her and dragged his head down to meet in a passionate kiss. Needing more, she bit his bottom lip, demanding access to his mouth. He enthusiastically let her in,  letting her tongue twine with his while he eagerly explored her body with his hands. Normally, both of them loved to take their time, but months of romantic and sexual tension was coming to a head. M/C slipped her hands down his body, landing on his perfect ass. She couldn’t resist groping it, and when he moaned into her mouth she took that as a sign that she could grab him harder. His hands went to her breasts, one hand grabbing at one side and the other hand drifting to play with her other nipple, appreciating the noises of pleasure she made between kisses.
Standing beneath the water, they let their wet, naked bodies glide against one another. Beelzebub was once again taken by surprise when his little human shoved him against the wall of the shower. He moved to reach for her again, but she stepped back. “Stay,” she said. Though she had not used the power of the pact, her demon felt compelled to obey. Tilting the showerhead so she wouldn’t waterboard herself, M/C dropped to her knees in front of him, never once breaking eye contact. Her need to have him beg for relief hadn’t waned – if anything it had intensified. The determined look on her face excited Beelzebub. He didn’t know what she had planned, but he knew that when she decided on something there was no changing her mind.
The sixth-born stared intently as M/C nudged his thighs apart, one hand caressing the back of his calf and the other resting on his thigh. She left little kisses inside his thighs, starting just about his knees and traveling upwards along one leg. It was only now that she was able to see his cock, and the view was worth the wait. It took all of her self-control not to put her mouth on him, but she wanted him to unravel first. Looking up from between his legs, she saw him bite his lip and shut his eyes, trying so hard not to lose control with her.
“Look at me”, she said sternly, drawing his attention. “Your noises are mine. Don’t you dare keep them from me”. Powerless to resist, he released his lip from between his teeth and kept his eyes on the woman kneeling before him. She went back to her work, kissing and sucking and nipping at his skin, loving the sight of the bruises forming before her eyes. What she loved even more was the quickened breathing from the man above her. She wanted more of it.
Reaching the place where his thigh and groin meet, she licked and kissed at the delicate skin. His dick throbbed at the thought of her finally putting her beautiful lips around him. He almost cried when she pulled back and resumed her work on his other thigh. He had practice containing his sin, but he had much less experience with his brothers’ sins. He was no stranger to lust or greed, but for them to have this much control over him was new. His hands shook by his sides, trying to resist the urge to grab her by the hair and fuck her face like she was a toy. She knew exactly what she was doing. The human could feel the tension in his shaking thighs and his hands flexed only inches from her face. It was only a matter of time before his restraint ran out.
Leaning back on her knees and staring up at him, she scratched at his hips, earning a sharp intake of breath from her lover. “I’ll give you what you need”, she began, “if you beg”. Without hesitation, pleas fell from his lips, “Please, M/C, I need you. Please let me touch you, please touch me, I’ll take anything”.
“Then take it from me, love. Take everything you’ve ever wanted”. She had barely even finished speaking when she felt her demon’s hands gently make their way into her hair, tugging it into a makeshift handle. Glancing desperately into her eyes once more for permission, Beelzebub makes his hunger clear in the way he looks at his human. M/C could feel the wetness between her thighs, and she was sick of teasing herself along with her lover, even if seeing a powerful demon beg for her touch was something she feared she could get addicted to. Instead of reassuring him with words, she opened her mouth and looked up at him through her fluttering eyelashes, waiting to be used. Beelzebub pulled her to his crotch, allowing her to lick and kiss at the base of his cock, licking up the precum that had been flowing since he saw her in her nightgown. Her hand came up to gently massage his balls, making Beel throw his head back and moan.
“Fuck”, he said, mostly to himself, “you’re going to be the death of me”. He pulled her back, grabbing his cock with his other hand and slapping it against her cheek. Seeing the desperation in her eyes, he decided to have mercy and brought her lips just shy of the head of his dick, “Do you want to make me feel good, baby?” he asked. She nodded desperately, straining against his hold and trying to suck on his cock. Satisfied, he pulled her onto him, letting his human finally have a taste of him. Desperate to hear his moans, she sank down onto him, fighting through her gag reflex until her lips were pressed against the wild thatch of hair between his legs. Realizing she had fit him all, she let out a satisfied moan, rubbing her thighs together. Her moans were echoed by her demon, satisfied by the vibrations that her noises of pleasure caused. Shifting his hands to the side of her head, he pulled out slightly, then held her steady while he thrust into her throat. He wanted – needed - to feel her throat constrict around him as she struggled to breathe.
Eyes rolling back in her head, the woman could think of nothing but the way she could feel her throat bruising from his rough treatment. She brought her hands to his thighs, digging her nails into his skin. He gasped and pulled his human off of him, the slight pain having almost pushed him over the edge. Beelzebub knew he wouldn’t forgive himself if he came before he got to feel her cunt around his cock.
Offering her his hand, he helped her to his feet. He kissed her gently, trying to convey his appreciation for her and counter the rough treatment, though he got the sense from her dopey grin as he pulled away that she was having the time of her life.
“Do you think you can take me?”, he asked just loud enough to be heard over the roar of the shower. Thank goodness for Asmo’s constant baths, it meant Lucifer had gone for the largest water heater he could get his hands on a few centuries ago to avoid more complaints from the fifth-born about how he was “being punished for being beautiful” when the hot water ran out.
M/C looked down again at the monster between his legs. He was definitely larger than any human she’d been with before, but he was not so large that she feared for her physical safety. “Definitely not without some prep, I’m wet as hell for you but I’m not risking having to sit with an ice pack between my legs tomorrow. I really don’t want to answer any questions about that”. She laughed, a beautiful sound that brought a smile to his face, but he felt a new wave of possessiveness roll through him at the thought of his brothers knowing that he was the one who would be allowed to love her, to hold her, to fuck her until she cried. Beel may be one of the more low-key brothers personality-wise, but he was still a demon. It was in their nature to indulge.
Nodding to show he understood, Beel knelt where she had before, guiding her to the wall and maneuvering her thigh over his shoulder. He stroked her leg gently, looking up at her with a hungry grin. Knowing he was once again waiting for her permission, she nodded eagerly. He got closer to her sex, her legs spread for him and her arousal thick in the air, but stopped just short of where she wanted him.
This fucking tease.
He knows exactly what he’s doing, she knows it. He was clearly Lucifer’s brother, the family trend towards sadism shining through. She supposes that she was asking for it, making him beg earlier. That doesn’t make her like it any more.
“Please, Beel, I need you”, her voice was more like a whine than the confident tone that she’d been able to manage at the start of this. He let out a deep laugh, thinking her desperation was just intoxicating. Rather than drag it out, he told himself that he’d have so many more opportunities to make her lose her mind in any and every way he could imagine. He was sick of denying himself what they clearly both wanted. With that thought, he dove in like she was his favorite meal and honestly, she might be after this. None of the food he normally ate made such cute noises when he devoured it. She writhed against the wall, trying at first to find a handhold to ground herself along the walls of the shower, but quickly settled on grabbing a fistful of his bright hair and pulling him impossibly close to her. One of Beelzebub’s arms rose up to her waist, pinning her in place, while the other held her thigh up to keep her legs open for him. M/C could hardly distinguish the individual sensations, just that his tongue was hot and wet and eager on her cunt. Pulling harder on his hair, she almost screamed at the feeling of his moans against her. Beel likes a little pain, duly noted.
She was brought back into her body at the feeling of her lover shifting his attentions towards her clit, making room for him to gently feel around her entrance. It seemed he was taking her desire for more prep very seriously, which she appreciated since her human lovers rarely cared this much. The irony almost made her laugh. That ghost of a laugh turned to a gasp as he slipped one long, thick finger into her, quickly followed by a second when he met almost no resistance.
“Holy fuck” she moaned. The demon’s mouth left her skin and he stared up at her with starry eyes and a face absolutely coated in her slick. She had not been kidding about being wet for him, and his skilled mouth just exacerbated the situation. “Doing alright up there, cutie?” he asked his lover, wanting to hear her admit just how close he was to bringing her to orgasm as he continued to rub that spot inside of her that made her legs shake. “You know exactly what you’re doing to me, don’t pretend” she retorted, finding his smugness just irritating enough that she wanted to wipe that smirk off of his face.
Finding that a third finger fit inside of her with little resistance, he placed kisses along her hip and thigh, deciding she was as ready for him as he was willing to wait for. Another night, he’d have her begging for him to be inside of her but he quickly approaching the limits of his patience. Removing his fingers from her, he gently lowered her leg and rose to his full height. Staring down at her dazed expression and heaving chest, he kept his appetite at bay just a bit longer by tasting the remnants of her on his fingers and licking his lips.
M/C was furious at having her orgasm taken from her when she had been so close that there was no way that a being with as many years of sexual experience as him didn’t notice. Shutting off the water, the look in her eyes made it clear she was out of patience as well. She reached around the demon in front of her and flung open the shower door, telling him to get out and motioning towards the door to his bedroom with a jerk of her head. As Beel stepped out of the shower and cleared the path for her, she grabbed his hand and dragged him back towards his bed. Though he was much stronger and could resist her tugging with absolutely no effort, he wanted to see where she was going with this so he went along with his human’s directions. She tugged Beelzebub in front of her and placed two hands firmly on his pecs, pushing him back onto his bed. As hell went down, he grabbed her forearms, pulling her onto the bed with him, forcing her to straddle him to regain her balance.
Without the sound of rushing water, the human became more aware of the situation she was in. The only sound she could hear was the heavy breathing of herself and her partner. The water clinging to their skin was chilling with the air, sending a shiver down her spine. It was definitely the fact that she went from a hot shower to the chilly air of his bedroom, definitely not the anticipation from the fact that she could feel his cock pulsing underneath her or the anxiety she felt at not wanting to disappoint the object of her affections. That was her story and she was sticking to it.
Sensing a bit of her trepidation, Beel once again cradled her cheek with his large hand and stared at her with eyes full of adoration. “Hey”, he whispered.
“Hey”, she whispered back.
“We don’t have to do this if it’s too much” his voice was sincere and that alone was enough to settle her nerves. Rather than answer him with words, she bent down just the slightest bit and left a delicate kiss on the tip of his nose. Giving him a reassuring smile, she reached beneath her to grab his cock and rub it along her folds.
It took all of his self-control not to thrust upwards the second he felt his cockhead catch on her entrance. Focusing on his breathing, he rested his hands on her waist and looked up at her through thick eyelashes. Echoing her earlier plea, he told her to take anything she needed from him. Giving him one last smile, she lined him up with her entrance and began to slide down his length. Her eyes closed, trying desperately to commit this sensation to memory while he fixed his eyes on her face screwed up in pleasure and tried to commit that to memory.
Inch by inch, she eventually felt her hips make contact with his own. The human had never felt so pleasantly full, and her heart warmed at the pleased hum she heard come from the man beneath her. Opening her eyes, she gently brushed his hair out of his face, running her thumb across his cheek. With a gentle smile shared between them, she began to move. His hands tightened on her waist as she gained speed, using more force to bounce on her lover’s cock as she grew more confident. The orgasm she had been so close to before was quickly building up within her again, a warm feeling taking root in her stomach.
“Beel, please baby, I need more, I can’t move fast enough”, she scratched along his chest as she continued to ride him.
“Anything you need, I’m yours”. Her world spun and before she could process that he had flipped them, she was overcome with the feeling of him reaching deeper inside of her than she could remember feeling before, stretching her walls so very pleasantly. He thrust with reckless abandon, pulling her body to meet his movements like she weighed nothing. “So fucking tight, you’re squeezing me so tight, baby”, he mumbled. The two had entirely forgotten where and when they were, letting moans and grunts and praise tumble off of their lips as they had longed to for months.
“I’m close, M/C” he said, the plea implicit in his statement. Please let me cum. Her own mind going blank with pleasure as her orgasm overtook her, she couldn’t do anything but nod and wrap her legs around his waist tightly, hoping he understood that she wanted nothing more than for him to fill her with evidence that this wasn’t a wonderful dream, that this was real and had happened. Understanding, he nodded, and with a cry of her name she felt a heat spread through her. His thrusts slowed and stopped, and he dropped to his elbows in an attempt not to collapse on top of her. Her legs unwound from his body, collapsing to the sides.
The two laid in silence for a bit and tried to process what had just happened. What did this mean? What happens when the other brothers find out? Do they have a future together as two beings with wildly different lifespans and from two different realms? Somehow, each in their own heads, they decided at the same time that the other was worth it. Whatever the answers to those questions, they were willing to try if it meant that the other would be there when they woke up every morning and when they went to sleep at night. Beel turned the two of them onto their sides, still not leaving the warmth of her body. Taking a hand, he cradled her head against his chest, making a silent promise to protect her and be by her side as long as she would have him. As she closed her eyes and inhaled his scent, sleep finally coming to her, she made her own promise to bring a smile to his face every day.
After a discussion the next morning, the two had agreed to keep things to themselves until they worked things out more solidly. Unfortunately, nothing in the House of Lamentation can ever go the way that it should.
Beel left the room a few minutes before her, hoping not to arouse any suspicions. They checked each other’s necks and found no hickeys, they made sure their hair was combed out and they were wearing their own clothing, doing their best to avoid every pitfall that would reveal they had spent the early morning hours in each other’s arms. He left the room with his sweatpants slung low on his hips and his tight black tanktop showing off his muscular physique. She was so relieved to be able to drool over him a little more openly now. He gave her a kiss on her cheek and promised to save some food for her.
At breakfast M/C had barely sat down and greeted the brothers, minus Beel who was still in the kitchen, before she could feel sunset-colored eyes on her. She had expected Asmo to know, at some level, but she absolutely was not going to confirm anything for him. He had no proof.
“So,” Asmodeus began with his usual grin seeping through his voice, “the funniest thing happened last night”.
“Do tell, Asmo” she just wanted to get this interrogation over with. She knew without any kind of proof none of the other demons would take him any more seriously than usual, and they knew he loved to tease her with wild accusations and innuendos.
“I got in from the Fall at maybe 4am, and of course you know I just have to make sure that my skin stays in flawless shape, so I stopped in at the kitchen to grab that new face mask I showed you from the fridge”, the human felt some of the color drain from her face, but did her best to maintain a neutral expression. She had thought that Asmo would be staying over at Purgatory Hall with Solomon last night, but clearly she was misinformed. He probably got too drunk and they didn’t want to risk Luke being exposed to a sloshed Avatar of Lust. Suddenly her breakfast was just so interesting, she couldn’t possibly look up from her plate.
“You don’t say? I didn’t know they had the kind you needed to refrigerate in the Devildom”. A bold-faced lie. He’d brought you to a store that reminded you of Lush just last week to pick up a haul, and he had given you an hour long explanation on everything he had gotten, hoping it would rub off on you.
“That’s not the funny part”, he continued slowly, knowing he had you cornered. “When I passed the twins’ room, I felt the most delicious surge of lust. Would you happen to know anything about that, darling? I could’ve even sworn I heard some very familiar noises, given my sin”.
“Y’know Asmo, I wouldn’t. You said it was around 4am? It seems like it would be a little rude to me to ask your brothers if they had any particularly entertaining dreams, but that seems to be the only explanation”.
With that, he knew he had you. A Cheshire grin spread across his face in an almost unsettling way, “That makes sense. In that case, would you care to explain the little bitty human-hand sized scratch marks I saw on Beel’s hips when his shirt rode up earlier?”
Beel had wandered out of the kitchen just in time to hear the exchange and feel the stares of all six of his brothers bore into his skull.
Fuck. At least you’d found your new favorite way to beat insomnia.
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strawberry-cowmilk · 2 years
Ghost! Lilith who scolded them about their bad behavior towards the MCs and threatened "if you hurt them again then I swear I will [insert terrible threat] on all of you! not you beel I still love you" Lilith is actually very nice but scary when she angry (the power of girls) andddd if you don't take a request you can freely ignore this :) have a nice day
Hi, anon! First, I'm so sorry for the delay. I hope I didn't upset you. Hopefully you yourself are having a nice day too. Enjoy!
the brothers getting scolded by lilith
-> brothers x mc
mc's gender is not mentioned, not proof read
content warnings: spoilers up until lesson 16, (mild) angst, death, violence mentions
he wouldn't have hestitated to beat whoever dared scold him if it wasn't lilith
and honestly, it's understandable why lilith would do this
yes, lucifer deeply regrets his past actions, but pride prevents him from apologising to you, he just hopes you know how sorry he is
'hey! I didn't do nothing' 'you left mc alone with an angry levi, you left mc to die' '...oh'
mammon had almost forgotten about that, how could he be so stupid, he thinks to himself
after lilith is done, he rushes to you, begging for forgiveness, honestly you forgot about it too though
I think everyone knows why lilith would get mad at him
levi agrees with everything she says, he even goes on about how much of a gross otaku he is
eventually it becomes so bad lilith has to comfort levi because of all his self-deprecating comments
it felt weird to get yelled at by a sibling he had never met
and satan gets why he's getting scolded, he said some pretty nasty things when you refused to make a pact with him
he wants to apologise, but has no idea how to bring sonething like that up in the first place
he will at first snark back at lilith, but he quickly grows quiet
asmo didn't do extremely nasty stuff to you, but he has some negative credit
he thinks you might, deep down, actually not love him because of his past actions now, asmo will be overly affectionate with you for a while
beel honestly thinks he deserves to get yelled at too, he could have seriously hurt you during the custard incident
but he's just so happy to see lilith again, even though the guilt eats him up inside
beel will still apologise to you for his bad choices, though
well, he thinks he had it coming
belphie would be surprised if lilith let him in a 10 meter radius from you
getting scolded by the sister he loves so much hurt deeply, he'll turn into a levi for a few days, locked up in his room
452 notes · View notes
m3l-moony · 2 months
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Oi, oi!! Call me Melissa, Mel or Moony (she/her/hers) I'm a Brazilian hobbyst artist (and sometimes a writer) and welcome to my blog!
15y.o// autistic with adhd // 4w5 INTP // Ravenclaw // Cabin 27 (Nyx)
Confucius #1 simp and wife ♡ (SnV/RoR)
Personal account: @its-melzzz
divider by: @saradika-graphics // support banner by: @cafekitsune // header by: @girasois // icon: Artemis (Hades game)
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Respect above everything! My blog is a safe place for people
Likes are welcome, but don't spam them! Pretty please consider reblogging my writing and art, it means a lot! <3 and avoid a shadowban ' v '
Be patient with requests! I have a life, I have problems, so it can take some time. Please don't send the same request multiple times!! ♡
Please respect that this blog contains self-insert content and some of my ships (like Raiden x Thrüd)
I'll block and report anyone who copy/steal and/or use my writings/art withouth permission on Tumblr and/or other sites!!! Plagiarism is a crime. Reposting/republishing something without the creator's permission is a crime.
I won't tolerate anything on my dni list (some are really problematic things).
I respect ships, unless they're incest/step-incest (i have siblings and this makes me disgusted) and pedo
(i don't care who you ship, even if it's weird, just don't come to me with incest/step-incest/pedo/zoo and/or ships that invalidate a character's canon sexuality, please.)
note: please check tags, keywords and dni list! click "read more" and scrool down to see them.
anon list (to be added)
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Disney Twisted-Wonderland
Blood of Zeus
Criminal Minds
Shuumatsu no Valkyrie: Record of Ragnarok
Jujutsu Kaisen (anime only)
One Piece (anime only)
Stardew Valley
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art status: closed.
writing status: open.
a/n: blurbs only.
slots filled: 06/15
character limit: 1-5 (unless it's a group)
I'll write: fluff, poly, mlm, wlm, fem/afab reader, male/amab reader, gn reader, romantic and platonic.
I might write: suggestive, light angst and specific body/hair/skin color.
I absolutely WON'T write: heavy angst, vomit (i have emetophobia), non-con, dub-con, nsfw/smut, pedo, zoo, incest, step-incest, yandere/toxic/abusive relationship, cheater reader/character and addictions.
Notes: I'll tag you when I answer your request. If you don't want me to tag you please let me know! And if you're a anon you can put a emoji, so I'll add you to mu anon list!! ♡
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Painting their back (Buddha, Loki, Jataka and Heracles) - old write.
Girlfriend obsessed with cats (Tesla, Hlökk and Brünhilde) blurb
Ares x reader (fluff blurb)
Beelzebub x reader (slightly angst + fluff)
Jealous! Okita x reader (fluff blurb)
Hades x Gojo! reader (blurbs)
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#👾 moony.mp3! → blog things (about me/my blog!!)
#🎸 moonyplaylist! → singing/covers (coming soon!!)
#📖 moonylibrary! → my writings
#🎨 moonymuseum! → my arts and doodles
#🌙 moonypersona! → stuff related to my persona
#☀️ moonyocs! → stuff related to my ocs
#💌 moonyletter! → Q&A, doubts, asks, anons asks, already answered requests, etc
#💕 moonymoots! → my interactions with my moots :D
#👥 moonyanons! → my interections with my anons :)
#🗂️ moonyreblogs! → arts and writings that I reblog
other tags, like characters tags, are acessible on my masterlist. DO NOT USE MY TAGS!! pretty please :3
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☄️ → moodboards (idk if i'll do them but whatever)
🪐 → blurbs.
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🌈 → arts (requested or not)
✦ 𝐃𝐍𝐈!
blank blogs, bots, porn blogs, fetishists, pedos/maps, zoo, terfs, homophobes, racists, xenophobics, ableists, zionists, nazis and any prejudiced person!!
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© Moony (@m3l-moony) don't repost/edit/copy/translate my work or claim as yours!!
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goldenteaset · 8 months
What in Hell is Bad? (Belated) First Impressions
...AKA "This Hole Was Made For Me (But Oh God There Are Worms In Places)" XD;
Before I get into this, let me preface by saying I love otome games and have never played a Tower Defense game before. That is to say, I'm intrigued by the gameplay but am still in the "learning curve". With that settled, some bullet point'd impressions!
I've only able to actually play properly since yesterday, when all the crashes were finally fixed. (I do hope they fix the shop for the people who want to pay, though)
The quiz at the start immediately got me hyped! I knew I'd be having fun when I got to the "You've been trapped in an Angst Novel as a side character" question and one of the answers was "Create a 21+ romance out of it that's lewder than the original". My language, WHB (mostly) speaks it! XD
Actual R18 harem romance in an mobile otome game that isn't the Ikemen series('s non-canon events), truly incredible
It's funny, I'm aware that the translation is very literal in places and does need to be fixed, but there are also lines I genuinely adore and hope stick around. (Gabriel's introduction, for example. Gorgeous, ethereal language that perfectly fits an angel.)
On that note, I'm an absolute sucker for stories that deal directly with (Fallen) Angels, Devils, and what love and free will means for them. The plot so far is such catnip for me it's not funny
I also have a fascination with fetishes and what they could add to characters, and most of these I've only ever seen in research papers. Having them be this integral is like a dream...
...I'll cry in frustration if there's another hand fetishist who chops off people's hands again though. JUST BUY A MANNEQUIN'S
Minheok is way more interesting than I thought he'd be. Hearing him speak Korean compared to everyone else's Japanese (or "Celestial/Devilish" if you will) is really fun. :D
I'm loving the MC, even as I'm also adjusting her (in my case) for "OC with some self-insert" purposes. Love that she's so horny, love that she has a wide-range of tastes as a cute nod to the "MC gets along with everyone" trope, and love that she wants to make Gabriel cry!!
After Beelzebub (quiz starter) and Sitri, the third Devil to have my heart was Valefor. He's my MC's big teddy bear who protects everyone ;v;
The Secret Shop truly is secret, I haven't seen it yet
I'm loving being able to buy gacha currency with in-game money (pancakes) to better hoard. Please keep this, devs!
The level up etc. items keep making me hungry, it's genuinely great
I'm less keen on how hard it is to grind for certain items, but if I soldiered through FGO for five years I can survive this (I think)
That said, I don't think characters level up when you fight. That is ridiculous and would stop me from playing if the leveling costs became too high
Please let us play with the S- and A-Class Devils in Secret Club? :(
The chats are fun and cute, but I wish we had more...
Justice for Valefor let me put him in Secret Club he's been working so hard
Why don't the A-Class Devils have the boards like the L- and S-Classes? I want to learn about everyone!
The music is kind-of quiet? But I like what I can hear
I like the Day and Night-cycle on the home screen, very cute
Being able to have one of the Demon King's "assets" take up the whole home screen is both sexy and hilarious XD
The most YMMV opinion of them all: I wish the story segments were longer and that there was a way to do a kind of "Last time, in Chapter 1-(X)" to keep story info from being lost in the stream of battles
But in the interest of keeping things optimistic around here, I have one more impression to make:
Instantly makes this GOTY for me and I wish I was kidding
One look and I fell in love. And then I saw his potential L card/scene in the final trailer and fell even harder!!
I would feel dislike toward him re: Minheok and the Devils, but as far as he's concerned the sandwich that he rang up (MC) keeps yelling at him. I'm satisfied
My excitement at his L card reached such insane heights I started writing something starring him. That is a sign if nothing else!
...So yeah, I'm cautiously optimistic and will hopefully have even more to say soon. :D
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adcmans · 10 months
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Name: Corazón/ Cora (For short) / Sora
Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 20
Likes: Writing, Playing Games, listening to music, seeing people work, talking about My persona in my favorite things
Dislikes: seafood, abusive/ any r3pe writing, people that don’t pay attention to people hard work in GCs/Servers,
Anime I watch
One Piece
Life lessons of Uramichi Oniisan
Record Of Ragnarok
Black Clover
Gintama (currently watching)
Bungo stray dogs (currently watching)
Jujutsu Kaisen (Currently watching)
Happily Marriage (Currently watching)
Kemono Jihen
Games I Play
Obey Me
Obey Me nightbringer
Disney Twisted Wonderland
Arcana Twilight
Pokémon (Sword, Arceus, Violet, unite)
Writings I do
OC x Canon
Self Insert X Canon
Persona x Canon
I only do sweet and caring writing
Writings I won’t do
NSFW (Until I learn how to do it better)
Anything that is abusive or anything without consent
There is more but I can’t think
Comfort Characters
(Not in Order)
Julius (Black Clover)
Corazón (One Piece)
Katakuri (One Piece)
Lucifer (ROR)
Azale (ROR)
Samael (ROR)
Beelzebub (ROR)
Alpheratz (Arcana twilight)
Kalim Al Asim (TWST)
Sam (TWST)
Zerofuku (ROR)
Luke (ROR)
Buddha (ROR)
Fun Fact About Me
I have ADHD
I’m pretty good at knowing characters personality
My Gacha luck in games are pretty good
I have two dogs name Queenie (she has a lot Torta, Tortellini) And Nemo
I daydream a lot and remember all my ideas
Ending With Info
My request is open for any Headcanons,I mostly write for my persona I have and if your interested on me posting about them I would, I would also listen to people who wants to talk about there OC or Self insert with there favorite I am happy to hear about it.
Thanks for reading this and I hope your happy to hear me rant or doing random stuff.
Sona different media
Black Clover Sona
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loving-lord-of-flies · 10 months
Do you write good omens fanfics of so could I have a beelzebub x reader
I used to write Gomens fanfics but I don’t tend to write anything x reader. I may do hc lists But i use the term S/O as it can be read as a self insert, oc, or character ☺️
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numberonenat · 8 months
hello! you're looking for om! content?
here is it!
pink for the og, blue for nightbringer and normal for none of both.
all fanarts:
lucifer (nsfw) beel self insert belphegor bunny leviathan mammon beelzebub solotan
scenarios and writings:
nightbringer goodbye letter solomon's jealousy
chat gpt x obey me:
playlist based on the brothers playlist based on the dateables + luke playlist based on the side characters
random prints from the game:
belphie being just like me giant, colourful sea cucumber leviathanaldo levi and his silly dance luci making me cry fake celestial realm brothers. THEY HAVE A PACT? sleeping beauty mc simeon dialuci shipper brothers pretending to be other brothers grandpa solomon
beelzebub for the homosexuals! biblically accurate angels mc and the timeline (answered) solotan x solodeus i'm the real avatar of sloth
what in hell is bad
nightbringer trailer comeback
relevant reblogs:
newborn demons living with sol give mc some respect! diavolo and belphegor brazilian mc
toxic lucifer?
mafia italian mamms
yeah, i'm pretty active in the obey me fandom compared to the others lol
thank you for your interest!
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