#Bella Calls Esme Mom
panlight · 9 months
The other thing about the Renesmee storyline that bothers me (other than it not really making sense that only half of the vampire species retains fertility, or that it rubs motherhood in Esme and Rosalie's face, or I just don't vibe with supernatural pregnancy/creepily smart children stories) is that it sort of invalidates all the cool stuff SM did with found families.
The Cullens are LITERALLY a found family--Carlisle found Edward, Esme and Rosalie; Rosalie found Emmett; Alice found Jasper and then then Cullens; Edward found Bella. They aren't actually related at all, but they created this bond, this family, and that's so interesting to me how they come from different places, different time periods, and still make this work. Fascinating!
And the wolfpack, too! Now some of them are actually related, but generally as like second or third cousins. I don't know about you, but I only really know my first cousins, and even then not all that well. I had a second cousin in my homeroom in high school and even though we had the same last name I didn't know her at all. We just shared great-grandparents that died before we were born. So to me the pack also has that found family vibe. Sam as the pack dad despite being so young himself. Emily as the pack mom, making snacks and giving the boys a place to hang out at her house. The brotherly joking and bickering and fighting between all the guys. You can tell in these scenes that SM grew up with brothers. I did, too, and there are moments that really capture that, even though other than Seth and Leah, none of them are actually siblings.
But then she throws in Renesmee and it sort of feels like, "well, found family is good enough for the others, but Edward and Bella need a REAL family." Esme "makes do with substitutes" but E/B get a REAL child, and that just did not sit well with me. And in the movies Edward even has LINES that reflect that vibe, when he's standing with Alice and Jasper as the wolves attack in BD pt1 and says like "I won't let them hurt my family;" like Alice and Jasper themselves aren't also his family. Or in BD Pt2 when he tells Bella, "You've given me something to fight for: a family." Again, like he hasn't had a family all this time. I get that when you become a spouse and parent your definition of family can change but it still just felt kind of like a slap in the face considering we spent all this time with the other characters and they have all risked their lives so this Edward/Bella/Nessie family can even exist. Including the shifters!! And maybe she didn't mean anything by it, but because Nessie is the only biological child in the Cullen family is does come off that it's superior to the other kinds of bonds somehow.
I don't know, it just sort of feels like biological family is elevated above the found families. For example, in the books, Renesmee doesn't actually call them Aunt Alice and Uncle Jasper like in the movie, she only calls them Alice and Jasper. Charlie gets to be Grandpa, but Alice and Jasper aren't Aunt and Uncle.
And I really liked the found family stuff, so this "REAL family now" vibe was . . . not my favorite.
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crazyk-imagine · 9 months
Misunderstandings and New Found Love
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Pairing: Paul Lahote x Hybrid!reader
Characters: Sam Uley, Hybrid!reader, Emily Young, Edward Cullen, Rosalie Hale, Esme Cullen, Carlisle Cullen, Victoria, Jared Cameron, Paul Lahote, Leah Clearwater, Seth Clearwater, Jacob Black, Embry Call, Quil Ateara V, Bella Swan (briefly mentioned)
Warnings: The science in here makes total sense, angst, fluff, happy ending, the ending might be quick but there's time skips people, characters might be ooc but idc, twilight tings, Sam and Emily being iconic, cursing, reader uses last name when they're mad, Jared's the comedic relief, Paul and reader have a past
Word Count: 4,800
You look up, ready to help the most recent customer who walked in; only to find the one person you didn’t. You hold back the urge to roll your eyes. “How can I help you, sir?”
“I’m not here to ask.”
“Then why are you here,” you hiss at him.
"I'm just... checking on you.”
“Checking on me? Did you check on me when my dad died or when my mom left and died in the accident because as I recall, Uley, you didn’t. So, I’m going to kindly ask that you get whatever you need and leave.”
“Have we really come to this?”
“Yes,” you nod, grabbing the next order and setting it in front of one of your regulars before walking back to him. “Ever since you all… changed, things have been tense."
"Why are you here?”
“You know why.”
“No one-"
“You have no idea what anyone thinks or the looks they give me.” You take a deep breath, trying not to let him know how much it affects you. “I just- I want it to stop. I’m tired of them all staring at me like I’m a monster. As if this isn’t enough,” you mumble the last part under your breath.
His shoulders sag, not realizing anything that’s going on in your life. “You should come by the res tomorrow.”
Before you can try and argue with him as he rearranges the bags so he can have a better grip on them.
“No one but Em and I will be there.”
“They’re going to know I was there.”
“They won’t know it was you specifically and besides, I’m their alpha.”
“Way to use your title for your own gain.”
“It got you to smile. Thanks for the food.”
You shake your head, knowing it’s a bad idea even though you’re sitting in their makeshift driveway.
Sam’s warmth emanates through the door. “You coming in?”
“You gonna put on a shirt.”
“I will if you come in.”
“That sounds like blackmail.”
“Sam, quit standing in front of her door. She can’t get out if you’re just standing there.”
“Yeah, Sam.”
He narrows his eyes and steps back. “You really want to make fun of the alpha?”
“Yeah, I really do.”
“Alright, you two.”
You snicker when the man beside you lowers his head, looking like a sad puppy.
“It’s nice to see you again. How are you?”
You shrug, officially feeling more awkward than ever.
“You can talk to us, you know. We always cared about you.”
“That’s nice of you to say, Emily. But I don’t think anyone in town would agree with you.”
“Good thing I’m not like everyone else.”
You lower your head as the scent of one of her infamous muffins hits your sensitive nose.
“I’m sure you’re hungry after being up for a while.”
You shrug.
“So, what brings you here?”
“Your heater came into the diner, again and basically begged me to come over.”
Sam rolls his eyes. “You’re one to talk.”
“Why do you think I’m in layers?”
“A sign of self-torture.”
“I can’t pretend that they’re not hiding themselves from the world after everything that’s happened.”
“Thanks for never changing and I’ll take that as my cue to leave.” You move to get off the stool.
“No, you’re not. Sam, stop bringing up things they’re not ready to talk about.”
She hands you a mug of hot cocoa, knowing it’s your favorite to have around the holidays.
“What… do you guys know?” You tap the rim of the mug, watching the steam disappear.
“Only that you shifted,” he answers after the couple share a look with one another.
“Everyone thinks I shifted in the car, right?”
“Not everyone.”
“What do you think happened?” You ask, lifting your head.
"A cold one was nearby.”
You nod, “yeah. She,” you shake your head, feeling your body start to shake.
"You don’t have to talk about it.”
You give her a soft smile.
“She decided to leave because it was too much and left me a note, not even bothering to apologize and it- it pissed me off. I shifted and then ran after her, only to find one of them going after her and… took care of it.”
“You weren’t in the car?”
You shake your head, wiping your cheeks. "No."
"Why does everyone think you were?”
“I pulled her out and-” You cover your face.
“Do you remember who it was?”
“It was some redhead, I think. She definitely wasn’t happy with me.”
“What do you mean?”
You shrug, not wanting to worry them.
After talking for a few hours, you know it’s time to leave.
“What? No," Emily whines.
"Em, they don’t like me, and I’d rather not be glared at while you try and take care of everyone.”
“I still don’t want you to leave.”
“I do.” You grab your stuff and grab your bag before pausing. “Thank you for listening.”
“Always,” the woman smiles. “We’ll see you again, okay.”
You kept in touch but didn’t go back to their home for a while, not until you were dragged back by Sam but we’re getting a little ahead of ourselves.
You knew what was happening and watched from a distance, never letting the cold ones or the other wolves know of your presence.
The alpha was the only one who knew you were there.
You didn’t tell him you’d be nearby in case they needed an extra body because they thought you were a murderer.
A couple of the newborns sneaked into the woods to try and escape but never got far enough with you there.
Body parts were flying around so no one questioned anything when more came their way.
Then you turned around and noticed one of them aiming for Leah, before Jake could even try to intervene, you did; barely batting an eye when they stared in your direction.
You shoved her out of the way and took care of the newborn before anyone could get hurt, shocking everyone but Sam, who grabbed your arm and pulled you to the side. “What was that?”
“I saved someone from your pack before they could get hurt, what’s it look like?”
“Don’t take that attitude with me.”
“Try and control me, watch what happens.”
He growls your name.
“I needed this.”
The mind reader is beside you two, trying to calm everyone down. “She’s the reason, isn’t she?”
You glance at him from the corner of your eye. “Yeah, so this felt like I could save someone and get my own revenge.”
“She, did it?”
You scoff, snatching your arm out of his grasp. “Don’t act like you didn’t know. You knew the moment I told you.”
He tries to defend himself but you’re not having any of it. “I ask one thing of you, vegetarian.”
He raises his brow.
“I lite her.” You pull up your sleeve, he notices the bite on your arm but doesn’t comment on it (yet).
You take the torch from the blonde and stare into the red head’s eyes for a second, “hopefully you’re not tortured too bad in hell.”
You glance at the other cold ones and raise a brow. “If you guys die, you’re definitely not going where that bitch is. You know better and have worked on redeeming yourselves.”
They glance at one another, not expecting you to hear that.
You rip your sleeves and make a quick wrap for the human. “Wrap this around your arm, it should help until you can get the proper bandaging."
She blinks owlishly, “oh- uh- thanks?”
“Don’t mention it.”
“Who do you think you are?” She gets in your face.
“You better move before you do something you’re going to regret, Leah.”
“Oh, yeah. That’s rich coming from the murderer.”
You scoff through your nose and grab her by the collar of her shirt, her eyes widen not expecting this to get physical but doesn’t back down. “Say that again when I’m the one who saved your ass. You have no idea what happened that day, so you need to shut your mouth.”
Sam stands behind you, waiting to see what happens because he knows that you know better than to fight someone.
“Keep your pack in check, Uley.”
“Where are you going?”
“Somewhere I won’t get pissed off.”
You start to head into the woods when the mind reader stands in front of you.
“Did she do that?”
You don’t need to look down to figure out what he’s talking about. “That’s why neither you nor the others can smell me. I hide it.”
“They don’t know, do they?”
“Not about this, only Sam and his girl know about the red head's involvement. I only shared so you’d know.”
“That was kind of you to share even when you didn’t need to.”
“Yeah, I get it. I’m frickin’ amazing, can I go now?”
He steps aside. “You should stay with them.”
“How can I do that when they don’t trust me?”
“Make them.”
“It’s not easy, Cullen.”
“If you can do it with their alpha, you can tell the others.”
You roll your eyes, “get your girl checked out before she gets an infection.”
He heads back over towards Bella.
“Did you see her arms?” The human asks.
He nods. “They don’t know.”
“Know what?”
“Of Victoria’s involvement in the worst day of her life.”
Esme and Jasper’s shoulders sag, unable to imagine what you went through.
“And it’s still alive?” Rosalie chimes in.
“She'll become hybrid.”
The Cullens raise their brows.
Sam orders everyone to go back to Emily’s and hopes you do the same after seeing your arms.
You roll your eyes and answer his call. “Unavailable, please leave a message after I hang up."
“Cute, get to Emily’s.”
“You can’t make me.”
You can hear the couple arguing over who should be the one to talk to you.
“Please come over. We have a lot to talk about.”
You sigh, “do they still think I did it?"
"You can change their minds.”
“That’s so much work,” you groan.
“Please. I haven’t seen you in a few weeks and I know you barely know your way around a kitchen.”
“I’m better than you think.”
You stand on the porch, knowing it's going to be hell the moment you step inside.
“You’re going to put a hole in their porch the longer you stay out there,” Paul jokes, earning a chuckle from almost all of his pack mates.
You open the door and ignore their gazes as Emily pulls you into a hug.
“I’m glad you’re okay.” She pulls back and checks over your eyes stopping on your arms. Her worried eyes land on your face. “Did she-”
You glance at the pack from the corner of your eye, sensing their stares.
Sam stands beside you, placing a hand on your back as he shares a stare with his fiancée. “Sit down with the others while I finish up dinner.”
He guides you to sit but the uncomfortableness emanating from them makes you aim for the couch. "You're sitting at the table.”
“A pack sits together.”
Paul and Jared scoff. “As if they’re part of the pack. Not after what happened,” the former says.
You tense up, closing your eyes so as to not lose your cool.
“Don’t talk about it,” Emily tells them.
“How are we supposed to ignore the fact-”
You growl, eyes changing colors; you can’t turn around. “Ignore the fact that my mother died, and I almost did, at the hands of that red headed bitch no less.”
Emily says your name.
“Sorry, Em. I know cursing is basically forbidden in here but that was me being nice.”
You push yourself off the couch. “This was a bad idea.” You try to pass the pack when one of them sticks their foot out, you kick it with too much strength, irking the hot head.
You open the door and nearly fall, the doorway being the only reason you’re still standing.
“Hey, hey,” Sam started freaking out. “What’s going on?”
You run towards the railing and throw up.
“Why is it- are throwing up-” He stops himself when he sees the color. “What did you do?”
“I’m dying lone wolf. What does it look like?”
“I told you-”
“They hate me. It was never going to happen.”
He picks you up and brings you back inside. “Call Carlisle and ask him what we can do?”
Paul makes another snide comment and you’re losing it.
You get away from the alpha and grab the wolf’s shoulders, shoving him into the wall, not at all making eye contact with him until you hold him in place, with the black bile dripping down your chin.
“Listen here, Lahote and listen well. I will not take any more of your smartass comments. I am still a person with the same issues as yours just a little extra, but your comments stop now. I am tired of everyone thinking I did it. You want to know what happened. That red head came into town and my mom decided enough was enough, she packed a bag and was getting ready to leave. I shifted, found her about to eat my mom and wound-up getting bit only to find that she did go for my mom and held her till her last breath. Then as they hauled her away, I found the scars and realized what happened. Someone spread some rumors and here we are. You want to say anything else?”
He shakes his head, letting out a deep breath.
"Holy shit!" Jared says as soon as your body sways.
Leah, the closest to you, grabs you before you could fall. "We need to take her to a hospital."
"She won't go but maybe the imprint will help?"
"Holy shit!"
"Shut up, Jared," Embry takes initiative and reaches over to punch his pack brother's shoulder. "Shut up man. You're not helping."
The one who can't stop repeating himself rolls his eyes. "You can't tell me I'm the only ones whose mind was blown with everything we just learned."
"You're not but you can shut up."
"Take her to the guest room while I call-"
"No!" Paul stays where he is, debating on leaving now so as not to hurt you anymore than he already has.
The sight of his imprint half dead in Leah's arms and the jokes he made while trying to trip you make him realize he's an even bigger idiot than he thought. "Don't call the leech doctor."
"What are we supposed to do? Let them slowly die when we know there's someone who could have saved them?"
The hot head wants to growl at his alpha but doesn't because he doesn't want to lose it faster than he wants, he's having a hard time trying to calm himself as it is.
"He's here."
Carlisle smiles, "Alice had a vision and sent me over as soon as she could."
"We appreciate it."
"What's going on with our patient?"
Everyone tells them what they know and have seen.
"I see. There is a likely possibility that the venom is working through their system and hasn't quite mixed yet."
"What does that mean? They have to die in order to live?" Paul chimes in.
"It may also have to do with the fact that they haven't shifted as often as you and are not part of a pack. Lone shifters have a hard enough time trying to survive on their own but mixing in the venom, is well-"
"A death sentence just waiting to happen," Sam finishes for him.
The doctor doesn’t want to tell him he's right and knows his silence is enough.
"Is there anything we can do?"
"Continue to make sure they are comfortable and let nature heal them."
"So, your solution is to let them die?!"
"Get him out of here," Sam orders Jared, Embry, Leah, and Quil.
They drag him out so the two can continue their conversation.
"I know you just imprinted but you need to calm down, dude," Jared tells him.
Paul continues to shake, unsure of anything he's feeling right now.
On the one hand he has someone to love and protect but on the other hand, he has to try even harder to control himself otherwise he's going to lose it.
He's also upset because he was acting like such a dick to his imprint and even though he never thought he'd find them; he definitely didn't want this to be his first impression. "How am I supposed to calm down when everyone's solution is to let them die?"
With Jared blocking his way in, he can easily get in his face.
"How would you feel if this was happening with Kim, huh? Tell me that."
His friend's face hardens, "don't talk about her."
"Then don't try and talk about mine like you know something."
They stare at each other, their chests heaving with each heavy breath they take.
"Great, now that we've had our macho match, can we go for a run? As much as I want to make it up to them, I don't want to be here any longer when we can't apologize," Embry interrupts.
The two shake their heads and head into the woods so they can phase and be free to run wherever they want.
"How can we help them?" Sam asks the doctor.
"I'm going to be honest with you, Sam. This is a little out of my jurisdiction, but I will do all that I can to help anyway, I can."
The alpha nods, "I appreciate it."
"I believe now their transition will be complete within the next few days."
"What brought this on?"
"It was only a matter of time before it hit, and I think the adrenaline and stress of the battle speeded things up." He glances back at the alpha who stares at your body with much concern. "May I ask, how close you are to the lone shifter?"
"Before everything happened, we were close. I always thought of them as my younger sibling but then everything happened, and I stopped talking to them because I was concerned for their safety and didn't want to hurt them."
The doctor can tell by the look on the shifter’s face that he's still disappointed in himself. "You did all you could and allowing my assistance is more than they could ask for."
"How long will it take?"
"My guess is, they'll be ready by tomorrow."
"So soon?"
"Their shifter DNA is altering the venom and their genetics. Now that they're resting, they've been able to heal themselves."
He notices the expression on Sam's face. "Let's give them privacy. Tomorrow is going to be a busy day."
Emily and Sam hug one another, unsure of what to think; they never wanted this for you, and they feel terrible because they can't help you.
"The boys should be back soon, yeah?"
He nods. "Hopefully Paul's calmed down."
"I think this is going to be a hard time for him."
"Yeah, I know," the alpha sighs.
The boys and Leah make it back to their home and sit at the table. "What are we going to do?"
"We have to wait."
"Did you two know?" Leah asks.
"They told us what happened, but we didn't know she bit her," Sam tells her. "We knew they were hiding something, but we didn't expect this."
"You should have told us," Paul grumbles while snacking on a muffin.
"You didn't even like them until you imprinted," Jake points out.
"I'm not the one on trial here."
The young wolf scoffs, "you should be."
The hot head stands up, pushing the chair back. "You want to take this outside?"
"Maybe I do."
"Alright, you two, that's enough."
They back down at the voice of the alpha, although it takes Jake a few more seconds before he sits down where he was. "You two need to stop it. We've got enough to deal with right now."
After an hour, most of the pack leaves; some to do their patrol shift, others to spend time with their family.
"Do you want to stay in the room with them?" Emily asks, noticing the longing he directs at the door.
He doesn't want to say it out loud and nods.
"I'll tell Sam when he gets back, you can go in but be careful, okay?"
"Do you think they'll forgive me?"
She nods, remembering her and Sam's minor falling out after his episode. "It'll take time."
He sighs and the door inches open, he hesitates to move.
The sight of you almost lifeless and thinking he hates you, kills him.
Why didn’t anyone tell them they’d get so sappy?
He doesn’t know whether he likes it or not as he takes a seat by the bed. His eyes trail over your face, taking in every inch of you.
If he was the artsy type, he’d definitely paint you. He doesn’t know when he fell asleep but waking up to the sun rising was annoying, just because he was one with nature doesn’t mean he needs it to be his alarm clock.
He rubs his eyes, trying to remember everything that happened last night and glances down at you.
You moved in your sleep, the hand practically reaching for him, warms his heart.
He grabs it, wanting you to be comfortable and not wake up with achy joints.
Your eyes move and he doesn’t realize it. It’s hard to open your eyes but you manage to do it, only to find the hothead holding your hand.
You freeze and his eyes trail up your arm, staring into yours.
“You like me now?” Your voice cracks after not having used it in a while.
He shakes his head and reaches for the glass Emily left, inching closer and closer to your face.
You grab it from him after pushing yourself up, back resting against the headboard. “What happened?”
“You died.”
You blink your eyes rapidly, trying to understand what he just said. “I’m sorry?”
“The venom from the bite was killing you and the fact that you barely shift… didn’t help.”
“So, now I’m both?”
“I think so.”
You set the cup down and push sheets off your heating body.
“What do you think you’re doing?”
“Leaving,” you grumble.
He pushes himself out of the chair and grabs your wrists, stopping you. “No, you’re not.”
“You don’t own me.”
“The imprint bond says otherwise.”
You snatch your wrists out of his grasp, “no, the bond is basically saying we’re soulmates and you don’t own me.”
You make it out of the door and into the hallway before it clicks. “We’re imprints?!”
“I think they’re awake,” Jared comments and shoves a piece of bacon into his mouth.
Embry smacks the back of his head.
“No, no, no.” You stand before the woman you go to for everything. “Tell me it’s not true.”
The corners of her lips twitch.
You snatch a sausage and munch on it. “This is not right.”
“Thanks, sweetheart. I feel the love.”
You purse your lips and glare at him. “You’re the one that was being a dick yesterday and now because of the bond, you want to be my prince charming.”
“I never said that.”
“You’re acting like it.” You sit on the couch before any of them realize where you are going. Your head plops against the back of the couch. “Why am I so damn emotional?”
A warm hand rests against your knee; you lift your head and find those damn attractive eyes that have always captivated you. “You went through a big change which has altered a part of you.”
“I didn’t want this,” you sniff.
He nods, “I know but w- you’re going to get through it.”
“You weren’t nearly half as nice as this before you shifted.”
“Sweetheart, I was nicer to you than most people.”
“It’s true,” Jared and Quil chime in.
“No one asked you two.”
They stare at you with wide eyes and raised brows as if this had proven their point.
“If you’ll let me, I’ll be there for you.”
You stare at him, gulping at his words. “How do I know you mean that, and you aren’t just saying that, so I don’t eat half the town?”
“We,” he clears his throat. “We came up with an alternative if you wound up being more of a leech- cold one, more of a cold one.”
“Am I going to eat a bunny?”
“Or a squirrel,” Jared jokes, earning no amused faces in return. “You all need a new sense of humor,” he mumbles, crossing his arms.
“How do you feel?” Sam asks.
“Like I’m on an emotional roller coaster.”
“Are you hungry?”
“I’m always hungry for Em’s food.”
Paul guides you to the table so you all can eat.
“Should we call the doc?” Embry wonders out loud.
“Don’t need to,” your imprint grumbles.
You run to the door, opening it. “I smell bunny.”
He chuckles, “it was the only thing we had.”
“Do I have to?”
“It will help with the urges.”
“There’s only one urge I have, and I don’t like it.”
“What?” Seth asks.
“Nobody tell him,” says Quil.
“Come on, don’t be like that.”
“I think it would be wise if you took this. We don’t know the severity of your condition yet.”
“I’m fine. Just trying to wrap my head around the fact that no one hates me.”
“We’re totally sorry, by the way,” Embry adds. “Ow!”
“Not my fault, man,” Jared raises his hands.
The two start to brawl, leaving Sam to try and stop it while Carlisle talks to you and Paul, explaining how you should be careful and thanking you for your assistance.
“I know I was a jerk to you but,” he glances over to Emily and Sam. “Would you ever consider accepting my apology and going out with me?”
“Give me a few days to adjust and then if I think I’m well enough, ask me again.”
“Hey, man. It wasn’t a no, alright,” Seth holds his hand up for a high five.
The hothead shoves the kid to the side, following you so he can sit in the open chair to your left.
Emily pours you a drink and sits down so you all can eat.
A few days later and you’re feeling better, still adjusting to everyone’s new attitude towards you.
You stick with more human meals than the animal blood the Cullen’s shared with you, not wanting to rely on it.
Things with Paul are still interesting.
He’s slowly worming his way back into your heart. “You want to go on patrol with me?”
“Aren’t you supposed to be with Quil?”
“He wanted to switch.”
You stare at him with a deadpan expression. “Did you threaten him?”
He raises his hands. “I did nothing.”
“Sure, you did,” you chuckle. “Come on,” you call out.
“Where are you going?”
“We have to patrol.”
He stares at your bare back. “This reminds me of when I first took you out.”
“You barely asked me out and then kept me in your backseat after school.”
“I wanted you to stay warm.”
“Oh, is that what they call it?” You ask with mischief in your eyes.
He nods, pulling you back into him by your waist; his chin resting on your shoulder. “I actually kept you there so no one else would see you.”
“Didn’t want them seeing the hottie in my car and think they could get with you.”
“What a gentleman,” you tell him with a dry tone.
He shrugs, chuckling under his breath, “I try.”
“Are you serious?”
“About what?”
You run behind a tree and shift, waiting for him to catch up; it doesn’t take him long.
“About what?”
“Not wanting anyone to ask me out.”
“Why would I lie about that?”
“To get in my pants?”
“I was already getting with you.”
“I wouldn’t be so cocky. You’re still in the early stages of this relationship.”
“So, we’re in a relationship?”
“I never said that.”
He nudges you with his snout. “You did, don’t deny it.”
“I’m denying nothing. You need your hearing checked.”
“I think I heard you just fine.”
You roll your eyes and speed up, racing to meet the others; you meet Leah, Embry, and Jared.
The two former run to you and tackle you, playing around with you while Jared goes for Paul.
All of you run back to Emily’s when Sam calls you all back.
The air flowing through your fur is amazing, not to mention the fact that you’re getting to know your imprint, slowly but surely falling for him. 
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supermassivebutthole · 8 months
Everyone loves Ren in the cult she was born into.
They don't call her Ren. They use her birth name, a ridiculously long conglomeration of the names of others; Renesmee Carlie Cullen.
Ren is made up of pieces of the cult she was born into.
She has her father's hair, her mother's eyes. A vampire's appetite, a human's heartbeat. She dresses herself like Alice, holds herself like Rosie. Smiles like Esme, studies like Carlisle, fights like Emmett, listens like Jasper.
Ren has learned who to be from the cult she was born into.
Jacob, sweet Jacob, has been a boy longer than Ren has been alive. Before he loved Ren, he loved Ren's mom. Bella was his everything, but it was really you all along, he explains. Isn't that romantic?
Ren knows enough of the world to understand something is wrong.
But everyone loves Ren in the cult she was born into.
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For funsies, do you have thoughts about what pokemon each Cullen would be most likely to have? Like idk why but I picture Emmett with a Growlithe
I swear to god I had answered this somewhere but since I can't find it, I doubt others can find it.
Let's do it.
Per the Pokemon universe, Alice is very clearly a psychic and while a powerful one is more or less bog-standard and less terrifying than Sabrina.
I imagine Alice would have a Kadabra and they would have great fun together as Alice communicates for them and uses them to teleport her places she wishes to go.
Bella has an Eevee, not only is it appropriately normal/non-interesting looking but it's very vulnerable looking, weak compared to its potential evolutionary forms, and has that evolutionary potential to become almost anything for all Bella wouldn't really recognize that fact.
She'd love Eevee because it's a normal type, just like her, because Bella is so normal it hurts.
"Bella, that means only fighting types are super effective against you"
"I am so average."
Carlisle has a Chansey that becomes a Blissey that is his wife Esme. See, Carlisle was working at a Pokemon Center (as one does) and one day came in a tragic Chansey that had had to run away from its trainer and in the process lost its egg.
Everyone had given up on Chansey and Carlisle, cursing himself for being a vampire and probably terrifying the life out of her, ends up taking her home.
Chansey thrives in her new environment and, as all Chansey do, becomes progressively weird the more happy she is. Chansey evolves into a Blissey, a creature that will run at lightening speeds to offer you an egg in your time of need.
It is accepted in the Cullen household that Esme the Blissey is the Cullen mom. It's so accepted, they forget it's weird.
Bella comes to their house and Edward promises she'll love his mother.
Who is his mother?
The Blissey making Italian food in the kitchen because Isaballa is Italian right? (Despite Blissey only saying "Blissey" the plot does not change at all and Bella just assumes that when Blissey goes on a long chirping rant to her it's about how great Edward is.
Yeah, Edward must be her favorite blood sucking child.)
Edward doesn't have a pokemon.
This is because as a vampire he didn't want to corrupt a good, benign, pokemon with his presence (only the fact that Carlisle and Esme are so pure prevents him from feeling too terrible about Esme). So, Edward wants to gravitate towards more... ah... let's call them tempermental pokemon such as Gengar.
However, Edward doesn't actually want a Gengar, as he wants to be a good person worthy of the world, and a Gengar also doesn't want him for that same reason.
When he meets Bella, there's a dramatic moment where she helps him accept that he too can have a pokemon like a real boy. As Bella tells him what to get, and he wants to impress her, I imagine he gets a Dragonair as it's so beautiful and elegant, just like Bella thinks Edward is (he's never allowed to evolve it into a herp de derp Dragonite).
Growlithe and Arcanine in the pokemon world I think are a little too associated with duty/law enforcement to quite be Emmett's thing. Growlithes, while dogs, are very much watch dogs and have a steadfast seriousness when it comes to protection/the law or what have you.
I'm really struggling with him, actually.
I'm going to go with Aipom, good natured but extremely mischievous (and perhaps a little short sighted) who love to live in groups and are just looking for a good time.
Emmett would think his Aipom is the shit.
Emmett also has a Magikarp because he thinks it's hilarious. Its name is Splash. He will never ever trade it.
Esme is a Blissey. See above.
Though, a happy (but weird), day might come about when coming back from doing the shopping (which Blissey happily does now without having to worry about eating people even if the towns people of Poke Forks are a little surprised that the Blissey is just out there shopping... alone... or going to parent teacher conferences and just... acting like people) and what do you know there's an egg.
"This is our egg, Carlisle" Esme the Blissey clearly pantomimes.
"Sure," is what Carlisle says because he doesn't want to disagree (and pokemon work in mysterious ways) but he did not do the thing that you know humans do to procreate.
Anyways, point being, Esme at one point might have a little Happiny.
Rosalie looks on it with envy because while she adores Esme, EsMe CaN HaVE ChiLDrEN anD isN't a VAmPIrE.
Jasper has a Houndoom from his glory days at war. He tries to tell people it's not a Balrog.
Jasper is wrong, it is a Balrog.
There's a story here.
There is great debate over what pokemon Renemsee should get as it should be as special and wonderful as she is. Edward wants to give he ran Eevee, like her mother (Bella's Eevee having since evolved into some state Bella thinks is more cool/better) and for the symbolism of potential and growth that Eevees represent.
Bella wants to give her daughter a Dratini, something that will grow up to be beautiful and elegant and otherworldly (and never a Dragonite, never, it will only stay a Dratini).
Esme of course offers her beloved daughter Happiny (but isn't that your child Esme???) as well as an egg in Renesmee's time of need.
Alice wants her with something adorable like a Pichu, Azumarill, or what have you. It will look great in pictures. And must never ever be allowed to evolve.
Emmett wants to give her a Magikarp which they will name "Splash Two" or "Splashnesmee".
Jacob, of course, wants to give Renesmee a Mightyena because it's a wolf. "It will eat her face, Jacob" Bella does not want to do this even if she admits the symbolism is touching.
In all the bickering, Renesmee stumbles across a Cleffa (stumble being that a spaceship arrived and hit her in the face). Cleffa, being extremely rare and alien, is not recognized by the Cullens who stare and wonder "what is that thing".
Alice supposes it's cute, if not what she had in mind, she can work with this. Bella, Edward, and Jacob are all still upset and trying to get Renesmee to give the thing to Esme to raise so she can have their pokemon instead.
Renesmee ends up with all the pokemon, but does not get rid of Cleffa.
I actually put Rosalie as having a Chikorita. Chikoritas are steadfast, loyal to those they love, as well as courageous. While a Vulpix and Ninetales would appeal to Rosalie's aesthetics, being incredibly beautiful, Chikorita would have all the qualities she'd look for in a friend/partner that is a Pokemon while also being able to be nurturing/help with chores and things (via the use of helpful vines versus well fire balls).
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nightingale2004 · 2 months
Twilight next generation: Bella x Edward version
Elizabeth Rosaleise Swan Cullen
Faceclaim: Katie Douglas
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Oldest daughter of Edward Cullen and Bella Swan and the firstborn triplet
Elizabeth is a vampire human hybrid, otherwise known as a Dhampir in her family
She looks more like her mother with a bit of her father
Elizabeth prefers to be called Liz, Lizzy, Elly, or Eliza for shirt
Like most of her family, she is gifted with the ability of mind control
Elizabeth and her siblings were born in Forks Washington, but as soon as they were born, her family immediately packed up and made their way straight to Alaska with the help of Jacob and his pack
Liz has a love for dancing, and her family comes all to her dance shows. Her favorite is ballet, the waltz, and also playing "Just Dance"
Has more control over her thirst for blood than her siblings
She's not really close with her parents but feels more close with the rest of her family.
She always wanted to meet her mom's parents. After they moved back to Forks, she developed a very great relationship with her grandfather Charlie Swan and his new wife, Sue Clearwater
Feels closer with her aunt Rosalie and her Uncle Emmett.
She always challenges her uncle Emmett to a dance off (which she always wins)
Loves her sister Renesmee
She is a bookworm like her dad and also has a major collection of music records
Loves her family very much
She often dances in private to let off a little steam or when she needs to clear her head
Has a great sense of fashion (thanks to her aunt Alice)
She's a loner like her dad and prefers her solitude, but there are times when she loves the comfort of her family
Is also a lover of yoga
E.J (Edward Jr.) Masen Swan Cullen
Faceclaim: Timothée Chalamet
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E.J. is the second born triplet and firstborn son of Edward Anthony Masen Cullen and Isabella Marie Swan
Like his sisters, he is also a Dhampir
He is called Eddie, Ed, mini Ed, or mini Edward by his family (mostly by his uncle Emmett)
He has a gift as well, which is telekinesis (moving things with his mind)
When E.J. shared his mother's womb with his sisters, the three of them could communicate with each other through their minds
E.J. and his sister's still have psychic conversations with each other in case they don't want their parents hearing them
E.J. takes after his father in appearance but has his mother's awkward introverted personality
E.J. is an artistic soul and loves painting, drawing and sketching.
He is a big loner.
Prefers silence but loves hearing his younger sister Nessie play piano
Loves playing chess with Edward
He often sketches his family or anything he sees
Loves training with his uncle Jasper
He is a little gentleman and modern feminist
A big bookworm
He is Esme's favorite (don't tell anyone🤫)
He is closer with his dad and often seeks him out for advice along with his uncle Jasper and Grandfather Carlisle
He is a baseball champion and one of the fastest runners in the Cullen clan
Renesmee Carlie Swan Cullen
Faceclaim: Mackenzie Foy
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Renesmee is the youngest child of Edward and Bella Cullen and the third triplet out of her siblings
She is a mommy's girl
Takes after both her parents but has her father's beauty in Bella's opinion
Also a Dhampir
Unlike her older siblings, she is actually very social and loves interacting with her family and making new friends
She loves playing piano and is a piano protege
She is very close with almost all her family
She is called Nessie, Ren, Nes and Beautiful by her family
She and her siblings grew up in Alaska, but when the triplets became teens, Bella wanted to go back to Forks and managed to convince everyone to join her
Renesmee has a bit of difficulty controlling her thirst and can sometimes go into a spiral, which is a risk to her family.
When Ness and her family moved to Forks, it wasn't an easy adjustment, but they soon grew comfortable. At least until the wolf shifter and Volturi drama happened.
Renesmee writes her own music and original pieces. She also plays music for Lizzie to dance to.
She hates seeing her family argue with each other or see her parents fight
Her gift is shield penetration and thought transmission. She can also have psychic conversations.
Renesmee tries to see the bright side of things and tries to make everyone happy.
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goldeneyedgirl · 1 year
this is may be a dumb question but i saw something about it in the tags and you're a wordsmith and i do so adore your fics, so if the cullens adopted bree tanner, what do you think that would look like? like what would the dynamics be? (especially between bree, jasper and alice?)
There is no such thing as a dumb question anon! I have 0 recollection about any Bree tags, so we're going on totally fresh vibes.
Also wordsmith? I wiggle, thank you so much! I'm so glad you enjoy my fics!
I also need to be totally transparent: I never read Bree Tanner. I know the plot, but like Midnight Sun, I never felt moved to engage with it. I also found that Bree's early life and Alice's was so similar it was slightly silly. So please excuse me if I fudge the details.
If the Cullens had adopted Bree... well. That would put a major spanner in the works because newborns and Bella would not mix well.
This means the family would have to split up, and that would be controversial: Jasper would have to go with the newborn, and Alice would go with Jasper because dealing with a newborn would not be a great time for Jasper. Rose and Emmett would probably go with them - Emmett could be useful with Bree, and Rose would both want to get away from Bella, and want to go with Emmett. I could see only Carlisle, Edward, and maybe Esme staying behind in Forks with Bella, honestly.
But that's a pretty dramatic twist in the Cullen dynamic and separation would definitely effect how Bree bonded with everyone - she would automatically be closer to the family she was 'raised' with, and defer to Jasper and Emmett before she did Carlisle, Edward or Esme. I could see Bree going to Jasper or Emmett for permission/help rather than Carlisle being something that really calls into question the dynamics of the family - and I could see Edward, Esme, and Bella as perceiving that as an insult to Carlisle. But whilst Bree is grateful to Carlisle for negotiating her freedom, her loyalties lie with the family members that 'raised' her and protected her. And I can see all four of them being very protective over her; ultimately the family would have this unspoken divide into two covens simply because of the split, and it would take time and communication to really heal it.
That's quite a complicated scenario, so let's backtrack and say that it was possible for Bree to start in Forks with the full Cullen family and become one of them. (We'll get through the rest of the family before we get to Alice and Jasper.)
Esme would dote on her; she would mother the ever-loving shit out of her - especially when Bree told her about her upbringing and her missing mom. I think Bree would take the place of the 'baby' of the family because she's both the newborn and the youngest of the family. Bree would absolutely soak all of this up, and probably drive everyone else nuts hogging Esme for the first few months.
Carlisle would be very kind to her, try to help her transition to animal blood, and very carefully give her the rundown on the laws of vampires, and the family rules. I can see Bree being wary of him as a father figure because of her father's abuse, but also be relieved by the fact he's protected her and he's telling her everything she needs to know. He saved her from death, that's huge considering both her bio father and Riley sent her to death. There would be a lot of respect there, and eventually affection, but it would be as openly affectionate as the relationship Bree has with Esme.
Rosalie would be distant at first, very put-out that they've adopted a stray and be very, very frustrated as Bree learns control and how to behave as a human. But as time passed, I could see Rose thriving as a Big Sister - teaching Bree how to do things like change a tire and take care of a car; teaching her to drive; how to throw a punch. Rose would be the one to go searching for Bree's mom and finding out that Mr Tanner was charged for her murder would enrage her. Rose is definitely the one who organizes a burial and headstone for Mrs Tanner, though she lets Esme and Carlisle break the news to Bree.
Emmett would love Bree. A kid sister? One who is doesn't mind being tossed in the air and is happy to go bear hunting multiple times a week? He's hooked. And I think that easy-going acceptance would go so far with Bree. He's just... friend-shaped, and he's got her back. If she's out of control, Emmett's got her in a bear hug and he doesn't even hold a grudge if she bites him. She feels very safe with Emmett, and loves playing video games with him, and more than once Rose has walked into their bedroom to find Bree lounging on their bed talking to him whilst Emmett sorts comic books or something.
Edward resents the fuck out of Bree because he sees her as taking the place reserved for Bella - the baby sister, the newborn. He's frustrated that they have to deal with Bree's newborn year, because no one will change Bella until Bree is in control and safe to be around - Jasper would flat out refuse and leave if he had to deal with two newborns, and having two at the same time - especially of opposing ages - would be a recipe for chaos. But he's also intensely aware that Bree was in literal hell both as a human and as a vampire, and he tries very hard to be kind and mostly just comes off as the bothered older brother. He's also the one that picks up on the fact that Diego is most likely dead, but she's so hopeful he cannot tell her otherwise. Bree tries to get on Edward's good side, but she just keeps messing it up - touching his sheet music, his CDs, accidentally insulting things Edward holds dear. It would be funny if it wasn't going so very wrong.
Bella as a human is scared of Bree, because it's so very obvious Bree struggles in Bella's presence. and because of Bree's association with Victoria and with Riley. Bree's pretty curious about Bella, but they don't have a relationship until Bella is a vampire. As a vampire, Bella is quite... dismissive of Bree; because of her shield, Bella doesn't experience the bloodlust Bree has, and she's married to Edward, where Bree has lost her mate. Bella suffers from an inability to see from other's perspectives and her own privilege in her change, so she has a low tolerance for Bree - especially around Renesmee. It takes time and they make peace, but they aren't ever close.
Jasper. Oh boy. Jasper has a very complicated relationship with Bree because of his time in the South. He hates being around newborns because of that; their emotions change so fast, they can be triggered from calm to frothing rage instantly, they bite, and they are so strong. Having Bree join the family was not on Jasper's agenda at all, but he's also past the point of executing newborns for existing and accepting that Esme and Carlisle want to keep her. He sees her presence as part of his penance and a step closer to being a better man.
Jasper would be the one that did the most monitoring of her because of his gift and his experience. It would take a lot out of him, and he'd hover at the sidelines, quiet and waiting. I think the stress of knowing that after Bree is 'done', he's expected to go and do exactly the same thing with Bella. That would be stressful and exhausting and depressing for him. And he would be the first line of fire when Bree was out of control - getting bitten by her would be a fun adventure into flashbacks of the south for him.
But I also don't think that he'd hold that against her at all. He'd be kind and he'd be patient because he knows what it's like to be lied to by a leader. He knows what it's like to wake up in a hellscape of death and pain and destruction. And he knows what it's like to be given a second chance by the Cullens. I think he'd be a lot warmer to her after her newborn period was up, and I think he'd eventually joke about any bite scars she gave him. I definitely think that Bree would see him as a protector figure, because of how he monitored her, but also someone worthy of respect, fitting in somewhere between Edward and Carlisle. He would also do a lot of the legwork for Rose trying to track down Mrs Tanner.
Alice would be Jasper's main support during Bree's newborn year, and probably be the ambassador between the pair so that Bree doesn't feel intimidated, rejected, or threatened by Jasper, and Jasper didn't get overwhelmed by Bree and lose his temper. I can also see Bree appreciating Alice's makeovers and becoming Alice's favorite person to dress up because she never had that opportunity before and Alice prides herself on being a very stereotypical big sister with movie nights and dance parties - something that Bree loves and would cause a little tension with Bella and Edward.
Alice would also essentially confirm that Diego was gone to Edward. She would also kind of confirm that Fred was alive, mostly because he makes her visions go wonky because of his gift, which I think Bree would be delighted by. Bree would like the reassurance that Alice's gift offered, that she could check that she was doing things right and she was safe. When it came to the next high school, I could see Alice and Bree both being enrolled as freshman so that Bree has someone to watch over her and she's got one friend in class to have a normal high school experience.
I hope those were the kind of takes you were looking for Anon!
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lioslollygagging · 3 months
New Friend: Ch 1
First chapter of hopefully many!!
summary: Jessica Stanley tells her older sister, Rebecca Stanley (my oc), about the graduation party the Cullens are throwing. Set in Eclipse.
cw: cursing
“BECC” Jessica screamed my name as she ran into the kitchen.
“The Cullens are throwing a party this weekend!”
I looked up from my 17th job application this month (i’ve been keeping careful count) “You’re fucking with me.”
My baby, and only, sister has a tendency to exaggerate. She’s a brilliant person, but our age difference, 18 and 24, is sometimes unmistakable
“I swear to god i’m not. Alice invited me! It’s a grad party for Edward and her. Oh! And for Bella, which is so ridiculous because Bella would never throw a party. It’s totally because Edward is having one and she has to do absolutely EVERYTHING with him.”
It’s brutal, but she’s not exaggerating anymore. Chief Swan’s daughter has only been living in Forks for a little over a year, but she became close to the reclusive Cullens, specifically to Edward (“The Hair” as Jess calls him), so quickly. It’s genuinely concerning.
“Where are they throwing this supposed party?”
I had to ask. I can’t imagine the Cullens letting people into their home. I’ve passed by our neighbor’s dense, forest driveway everyday, but there’s no sign a house even exists behind the greenery. Just a fantasy to most. I wonder if the Swan girl, Bella, has been there? There’s no way. She wouldn’t have lived to tell the story. I know I definitely sound ridiculous. Hell, I probably even sound like my sister, but there’s something so… off about them. I don’t hypothesize any unusualness because they all look like each other, even though they’re all adopted, or that they’re so private like the rest of the town thinks. Even though those traits are really weird. I just can’t seem to get past the prejudice. Maybe Leah is rubbing off on me. Since coming home from college, she’s been absolutely repulsed by the Cullens, specifically with Edward’s commitment to Bella. I hear about it in passing every other time we hang out. Now that I think about it, she’s never said why.
“It’s at their house actually! I can’t believe i’m actually going to see the Cullen mansion! I mean, I was never told it was a mansion, but Dr. Cullen is the only doctor in Forks, so he has to be making a fortune.”
“Do they need any chaperones?”
There’s no way I’m leaving Jess alone in those woods.
“i mean Dr. Cullen and his wife will be there.”
She nodded like that was obvious, but i’ve only heard of her as “Dr. Cullen’s wife” or “the Cullen’s adoptive mom”. I saw her at last year’s graduation for her older kids, but I didn’t greet her. I wasn’t even sure I had her name right.
“Can you call Alice and ask if I can come with you?”
Jess sighed in relief: “Thank god. Mike and Ang are coming with me, but they’re just as freaked as I am.”
Part of me just wants to know if their home is as strange as them.
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palmofafreezinghand · 2 years
happy thanksgiving
when renee bails on bella, she spends thanksgiving with some unconventional hosts. on ao3 here.
thank you to @birchbees for requesting a story of "esme being a good mom to bella"
Bella and Edward were supposed to be enjoying a peaceful fall afternoon together, ideally cuddled up in front of the Cullen fireplace reading from a well-worn copy of ‘Wuthering Heights.’  Bella had fallen asleep within minutes, tired from having spent the previous night talking. She woke up an hour later to find Edward had been dragged out by Emmett who had possibly detected a black bear but needed a telepath to be sure, Emmett still had yet to give up hope Edward’s gift would suddenly apply to animals. 
She learned all of this from the handwritten note in beautiful cursive taped to her forehead. Thinking the house was empty she went to fetch a glass of water. Despite the fact, the entire family had risked their lives for her, more than once, Bella was still terrified of leaving any trace of evidence in the house that she was alive. 
She walked into the kitchen checking her phone, Renee had called for the first time in three weeks. Bella would call her back, maybe in a day or two. Their conversations were getting less frequent, especially after Renee had broken the news she was spending the holidays with Phil’s sister and her children. Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s. There was no reason it should have upset Bella as much as it did, she couldn’t think about it for too long. 
She wiped what was definitely not a tear as she swung open the kitchen door. 
“Good morning,” a familiar voice said from the kitchen bar. Bella jumped a little before realizing it was just Esme, probably the least threatening person she knew, especially for a technical murderer. 
“Hi,” Bella smiled, trying to aggressively wipe away the certainly not tears. She knew Esme noticed but thankfully was kind enough to not mention it. 
“Can I get you anything?” Esme asked. She was sifting through a large book of fabric swatches while looking back and forth between her laptop screen, the book, and the plans she had strewn across the marble countertops. 
“I was just getting water,” Bella said, suddenly afraid of being an imposition. 
Esme smiled and returned her attention back to her work. “Edward will be home soon,” she said as Bella filled a water glass. 
“I know. He left a note.” 
“Figures. But he promised he’d hide my left socks if I didn’t relay the message.” 
“I’ll make sure to tell him. Your socks are safe,” Bella said, taking a sip of the water. Esme at some point had started keeping a pitcher of water in the empty fridge, she infused them with different fruits today’s selection was orange and lemon. 
They sat in comfortable silence for a few moments, Bella refilled her glass once. 
“Are you doing anything for Thanksgiving?” Esme asked as she carefully tore out a pink striped upholstery fabric. There was no way Esme would have known Bella would rather do anything but think of the holiday season, but it still felt cruel of her to bring it up. 
“No,” Bella muttered. “My mom is spending the season with her new in-laws, and Charlie has to work so I’ll probably just have a quiet night at home.” 
“That’s a bummer,” Esme frowned.
“It’s alright,” Bella shrugged. “The only thing I really like about Thanksgiving is my grandma’s pumpkin pie without the pumpkin but I haven’t had that in years so it’s fine.” 
She omitted the fact she could eat an entire tray of sweet potatoes with caramelized marshmallows on top, would eat cranberry sauce straight out of the can like it was candy, and used to wait anxiously in front of the oven window watching the turkey roast. 
“Well, we’d love to have you over. Although we might not be much fun.” 
She showed up at the Cullen house for another mundane afternoon, three peanut butter and jelly sandwiches stowed in her backpack, a Cosmic Brownie for Thanksgiving dessert, and a Diet Pepsi as a treat. It was a pathetic excuse for a holiday dinner but she supposed this would be how holidays would go for the rest of forever, it’s not like vampires would ever spend fourteen hours in the kitchen just for nostalgia. 
“What is that?” Rosalie whisper-shouted, appearing in front of Bella’s truck in a flash. 
“What?” Bella frowned. 
“The food in your bag,” Rosalie hissed. 
“It’s my… dinner?” 
“Edward didn’t tell you,” she scowled. 
“Tell me what?” Bella asked. 
Rosalie rolled her eyes, a gesture that somehow involved her entire body. “Give me the sandwiches,” she whispered. When Bella didn’t do as she said, thinking she couldn’t be serious. “Now,” she held her hand out in front of her. “Please,” she added quickly. 
Bella did as Rosalie said. “Thank you,” Rosalie muttered. “Now go in there and say thank you.” 
“Thank you?” Bella said, not understanding why she was thanking Rosalie for stealing her food but doing so anyways. 
“Not to me,” Rosalie said, rolling her eyes once again. “Just go inside, please,” she smiled slightly, lightly pushing Bella towards the house. 
When Bella opened the front door she was greeted by the smell of spices and something sweet baking in the oven. 
Edward poked his head out of the kitchen, grinning when he saw her. “Happy Thanksgiving.” 
Bella walked into the kitchen to find one of the most extravagant spreads she had ever seen. It wasn’t an Edward extravagant, expensive and lavish, but lovingly extravagant, homemade dinner rolls, two different salads, a small turkey, and a honey-roasted ham. 
Edward and Esme were both in the kitchen, although Edward was standing off to the side, more an accessory than an actual assistant. He greeted her with a kiss on her cheek, his arm wrapping around her shoulders and pulling her into his side. “Suprise,” he whispered into her temple. 
  Esme was wearing an apron that looked straight out of ‘Leave it to Beaver’ and well-loved over the years, her curls piled on the top of her head in an unruly bun. “Happy Thanksgiving,” Esme smiled as she pulled a pie out of the oven. 
“Happy Thanksgiving,” Bella said, trying to swallow the sob that had been threatening to jump out her throat all day, this time for a very different reason. 
“Alright,” Esme said, sliding three pies across the counter towards Bella. “I give up. I tried,” she laughed lightly. 
Bella looked down and there, sandwiched between two almost pumpkin pies was a version of her grandmother’s pumpkin pie without the pumpkin looking up at her. 
“Pumpkin pie, without the pumpkin,” Bella said looking at the pie crust filled with vanilla ice cream topped with whipped cream. The sob in her throat was now declaring war against her. 
Esme looked at the pie in disbelief, “you’re kidding. That’s it?” She asked, pointing at the pie. 
The only response Bella could muster was to wrap Esme in a hug. “You nailed it,” she whispered, her voice no louder than a rustle of leaves. “Thank you.”
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deathontheworld · 11 months
Chapter 3...
Chapter 3 of Just the Two of Us is now out on AO3!!!!! (Also read below the cut)
When the final bell rang, students rushed to get out of the school. Jasper, who was waiting for Alice by their car, looks around, not being able to see his “siblings” yet. Maybe I left early, Jasper thinks. 
Suddenly, Alice places a hand on his shoulder from behind, whispering in his ear, “Your mate is going to come over.” Jasper looks at Alice confused, before she moves her head to direct his attention towards Milo before getting into the drivers seat of one of his most prized possessions, his car, a grey Tesla S. 
Milo, who was currently walking towards Jasper, was holding a lit cigarette in their hand. Jasper watches as they take a puff, blow out the smoke, then throw the cigarette on the ground, before taking the last strides over to Jasper.
“Hey.” Milo says. 
“Hello.” Jasper looks over Milo, and feels a flurry of emotions. 
“Here’s my number. Just in case I’m not here.” Milo says, extending out a piece of paper, with numbers that were neatly written. 
Jasper smiles, taking the paper, and waves Milo ‘bye’ as they leave. 
Jasper turns, and signals Alice to move over, which she rolls her eyes to and points to her ears, telling him that she cant hear him. With a sigh, Jasper goes over to the passenger side of the car, and gets in. 
Alice squeals the second Jasper gets in the car, asking “Are you going on a date?” Alice looks at him with puppy eyes. 
Laughing and playfully pushing Alice’s face away, Jasper responds, “No, no.” Alice frowns at this, and Jasper can feel her confusion. Tilting his head, trying to understand, Jasper doesn’t get a chance as two of his other “siblings”, Edward and Bella, get into his car. 
“All ready?” Alice calls as she starts to back out of the parking lot. 
Throughout the way home Jasper is caught in his thoughts, overthinking. What did Milo mean when they said, “Just in case I’m not here?” Why wouldn’t they be at school? Suddenly, Jasper is pulled from his thoughts as Alice pulls into their driveway.
Getting out of the car, Jasper watches as Alice and Bella meet up with another of his “siblings”, Rosalie. Jasper jumps a bit as Edward places a hand on his shoulder. 
“What’s going on?” Edward asks, seemingly concerned. 
Rolling his eyes, Jasper huffs and shrugs off Edward, “Nothin’” Walking inside the house, Jasper is met with his “mom”, Esme. “How was school, Jasper.” She smiled at him.
Smiling back, Jasper says, “Normal. Nothing out of the ordinary.” 
Suddenly, Alice chimes in, “What about your mate giving you their number?” There were “ooo’s” from the girls. “You have a mate! That’s amazing!” Esme practically shouts, pulling Jasper into a hug. 
After Esme’s bear hug was over, Jasper’s “dad”, Carlisle, comes down the stairs. “Who has what now?” 
Jasper listens as Alice goes on about Jasper’s “mate”. Rolling his eyes at his family's excitement, Jasper says that he is going to his room. “Don’t be a stranger!” Carlisle calls out as he walks away. 
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panlight · 2 months
One thing I don’t get in the twilight saga is that in new moon as Edward ran away, did NO ONE TRIED TO STOP HIM?
I mean Carlisle later says how hard it was for him as they voted for Bella to become a vampire but he literally only reached out to them once every few months and later Alice literally had a vision that he wants to die.
As far as I know he didn’t even got consequences, I know he’s an adult but he literally ran away from home. I kinda expected at least a talk with Esme and Carlisle when he came back.
And in new moon they didn’t even show how Esme felt, I mean he calls her literally ‚mother‘ and Edward, Carlisle and Esme have a very close bond.
This got long, sorry for my bad English.
It's strange that the whole family up and moved for him . . . and then he left the family anyway.
I suppose it's fair he needed some time alone; as a mind-reader he really just can't get it by hiding in his room, he'd still be hearing everyone's thoughts about him.
And plot-wise, he had to be away from the rest of the family for the Romeo and Juliet miscommunication thing to work. He has to be told "Bella's dead" without anyone around to stop him from doing something drastic. So that's probably the real reason he left and everyone just kind of accepted it; it needed to be that way for the plot.
What irks me especially is how Edward's suicide attempt and Bella's cliff-jumping that is reckless if not actually suicidal is just . . . not dealt with. Like at all. I think Esme is like "never do that to me again!" and Edward's all aww shucks, "sorry, Mom" and that's the end of it. And Bella's mental health problems are just treated like "well Edward's back so she's cured!!!" and I get it's a romance and not an exploration of depression or whatever, and that Bella's hallucinations are probably intended as side effect of heartbreak and not a psychiatric or neurological condition, but you'd still think there might be some follow up? Especially the cliff dive -- Esme killed herself by jumping off a cliff. I don't know how she wouldn't see parallels and be worried. And also Carlisle, as a newborn, tried to kill himself a bunch of different ways -- that's HOW Edward knows it won't be easy for him!
And, sure, I suppose it's possible behind the scenes Esme and Carlisle sat Edward down and talked through all this or whatever, or they begged him not to leave in the first place, but again because it's a romance it's just "Yay he's back! Bella's not depressed or hearing things anymore! Let's move on with our lives!" No one other than Rosalie is really allowed to question or argue with Bella or Edward's choices and they have little influence on them. They're supporting characters just along for the ride. It's like what Bella and Edward do is just the weather and they gotta be like "Oh look, showers with high melodrama and a 50% chance of a fight to the death to protect Bella." "Again? Ugh, better bring an umbrella."
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thefantasticreader · 1 year
A little love never hurt
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Summary: Y/n is the youngest member of the Cullen family and the only human in the family expect Bella. With no mate she never thought she'd find the right one, so it came as a surprise when she was asked to marry the love of her life. Her sisters are all for it, but here's the real challenge, telling her parents.
Warnings:Just one curse word, thats it! oh and fluff/cuteness
Y/n paced the room, her beating heart struggling to contain her fear. Her sister Rosalie was on her left side watching the beads of sweat run down the girls temples, "What if they say no? What if they... they don't like him?" She kept muttering. Alice was trying to calm the girl down from her pacing movements and rambling as best as she could.
"Y/n Cullen! They're gonna love him, they love him already, they're gonna be happy, I promise!" She finally got out as she held the poor girls shoulders gently. "Yeah, Yeah your right... I'm just gonna come clean about it." She said walking for the door. She stepped out the door but came back only a few seconds later "But what about!" she began as Rose stood. "GO! Tell them, trust us, it'll be ok." She gave her younger sister a pat on the head as Alice hugged her and she headed to the main room.
Her brother's were sat in place, Edward fiddled with his fingers nervously, Jasper was content in the corner with his book as he waited for what you had to say, a sly smile on his face as he could feel your excitement from the other side of the house, Emmet was pacing the floor nervously which was not something you saw often, and your father and mother both sat upright with their hands held together.
Taking a deep breath outside the threshold of the door you stepped into the room, The first to their feet was your mother Esme. "Dear we were so worried, what is it that you need to talk about? We came as soon as we could from the hunting." You smiled a little. "Thank you for respecting my few hours while I talked with the girls," you began. "You ok Y/n?" Carlisle called from where he was sitting. He could see you were nervous, the sweat thick on your forehead and temples, the red eyes as if you had been crying, and the slick grease hands.
"Mom, Dad, I..." You paced yourself as you got glances from the other three siblings who had stopped what they were doing to look at you. "I. I'm getting married." You finally said as you held out your hand with the ring on it. A heavy smile shined brightly on your face as Your mother raced over to view the shiny object that sat on your ring finger.
"OMG!" Emmet cried out from the corner he was in, "MY LITTLE SISTER'S GETTING MARRIED!" you knew he'd be excited. Your mom looked up and gently set her cold hand on your cheek, "I'm very happy for you dear, I can't wait to see you in a wedding dress." whew at least she was happy. Emmet began to run up to you and hugged you tightly, Edward cut in after he lifted you into his arms and spun your arms. "Let's not break her before the big day Emmet." he chuckled and you did too as he set you to your feet.
Jasper stood and walked over, wrapping two cold arms around your torso he enveloped you in a hug. It was a gentle one, but a firm one, the same ones he would give you when he was proud of you or if you just needed someone to help you through a tough time. Turning to your father he sat there with a small smile on his face. "I've watched you grow up since you were little, this is news to me. I'm happy you found the right person, if he truly makes you happy then I support your decision Y/n." Thank god he approved.
The girls had joined you by now and both enveloped you into a group hug as your father stood and made his way to you. "A little love never hurt anyone right?" You asked a little slyly. Both of your parents smiled and kissed each side of your cheeks. "We are so proud of you Y/n." they both said together.
"Omg we need to go dress shopping!!" Alice announced excitedly from behind you. "I think that can wait for the minute Alice." Carlisle said. they chuckled and went back to hugging you, the coldness swarming you in a comforting way.
I'm pleased to say that your father was very happy to walk you down the isle as you were handed off to your groom, your siblings all helped plan the wedding too. Of course Alice being the main decorator, but your dress, well it was all on you. And they all had to agree you looked so happy and so stunning. Both your parents were very proud to call you their daughter.
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Okay but how SWEET would it have been if Bella and Edward gave themselves some time after graduation to maybe live together, do sexy but not sex stuff together and just allow their relationship to grow instead of gaslighting each other into wanting this marriage.
Like imagine them sitting on the couch, Bella having finished her dinner and resting under her heated blanket against his chest and them just talking and Edward kissing her forehead.
And then Bella getting up being like: "there is this thing I've been meaning to ask you" and she comes back to the couch and sits across from him and looks at him and just smiles because she actually wants this.
And then she pulls out a small box and opens it and Edward just stares at a minimal golden ring that Esme and Carlisle helped her pick. And it's not fancy, she bought it with the money from her student job, but she worked so hard for it and the utter shock and disbelief in his face makes it all worth it.
And then her being all festive and serious "Edward Anthony Mason Cullen, will you do me the honor-" but before she can finish the question he is up and back on the couch holding a box of his own.
"I- I had this whole plan, I was gonna take you to see René and, I mean I already asked Charlie and" and Bella just smiling because she had figured out his plan as soon as he told her about the tickets to Texas (where her mom was living at the moment) because Charlie had been really weird too.
"Will you marry me?" She asks and Edward just scooping her fragile human body into his arms and kissing her for the first time being a little careless about it but nothing happens and he just sits her down and insists to put his ring on her first (an heirloom from his mother) and then her fingers shaking when putting the cold band on his finger.
And like a minute later Alice, and all the Cullens with her call and is just so supportive of their wishes for their wedding.
It would've been beautiful
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divescustos · 1 year
edward will occasionally call esme 'mom'. mostly in light hearted, teasing moments. it was a term of endearment he had never used with elizabeth masen, with her he had gone from calling her 'momma' as a small child, to 'mother'. 'mom' belongs to esme. he knows the effect it has on her, and in a way it's his way of saying 'i love you' without those specific words.
carlisle is very much just carlisle the vast majority of the time. but in the early decades, when in public he would refer to carlisle as 'father', knowing how pleased it made carlisle to hear it. he has less qualms about giving carlisle the title -- even with his dim human memories, he knows he didn't have the closest relationship with his human father. from about the 80s onwards, he becomes more comfortable jokingly referring to carlisle as 'dad'.
in terms of his siblings, rosalie is often 'rose'. he only felt comfortable calling her that after their heart to heart during emmett's change. if he'd tried before then, he's pretty sure he'd have had his head ripped off. emmett get's 'em', almost from day one. it's too easy to fall into being comfortable with him. jasper becomes 'jazz' before too long -- mostly following emmett's lead. alice does not get a nickname, she's just alice to him.
bella is always bella, or love, or sweetheart. he'd like to use more, but he knows it would just embarrass her, so he refrains.
he mostly refers to renesmee as 'ness'. he recognises the sentiment behind his daughter's name but that doesn't mean he doesn't also recognise that his wife may not have been in the best frame of mind. everyone had slipped so easily into following jacob's habit of calling her nessie, that edward had too. the look he god from bella would make him stop short, and he just sort of adopted the nickname of a nickname.
in terms of names he'll accept: 'kid' from emmett and emmett alone, 'ed' as long as it's not too often. esme can use as many terms of endearment as she likes, even if he does get embarrassed. 'son' from carlisle. his human father was the only one to ever call him 'junior' but he doesn't remember it. they were never really together enough to anyone else to need to differentiate that much.
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threebooksoneplot · 2 years
Episode 11: "Intro to Biological Horniness 101" (Show Notes)
listen along here
[00:03:37] M’s 2008 Twilight special edition 
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[00:04:05] Fanlore's entry on Quizilla
[00:05:42] By “H2O: Just Add Water extra [brown] guy” M allegedly means this guy in the background of 2x20 “The Gracie Code”
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[00:07:05] M’s Twilight summary
Bella and Edward walk into bio. It’s movie day. The lights go off and they are consumed with lust for the rest of the hour. Bella and Mike barely survive Gym class together and then they squabble about Edward. Bella and Edward squeeze past Rosalie’s BMW and drive home, where Bella sleeps badly and dreams of Edward. The next day Charlie makes eggs for himself but not Bella and Edward drives Bella to school while cross-examining her on the witness stand and they sit in Bio consumed with lust for the rest of the hour, then Gym class sucks again. Edward drives Bella home, time to namedrop the best boy in the whole world, who shows up with his dad and he knows what Edward is!
[00:09:37] Shannon’s Midnight Sun summary
Welcome to Chapter 12, everyone! It’s got face-touching, psychic spying, and captivating performances by both Edward and Emmett. Whose line is it anyways? Not Emmett—the boy just can’t help himself, he’s an improv king, folks. Anyways the boys get Angela a date, Edward waxes poetic about the time he spent juggling in the yard and moping in the tub, and Rosalie screams at Edward in the yard. Unfortunately, he’s not arguing back though, which is like totally a bummer, you know? Either way, Emmett and Rosalie aren’t pulling their punches this chapter, and Jasper is about thirty seconds and one more revealed secret away from trying to shove Alice in a cat carrier and bolting into the wilderness. It wouldn’t work obviously because this is Alice we’re talking about; I just think that’s neat.
AND here comes Chapter 13 barreling in like a freight train, but don’t worry, it’s only pulling along the most Bella Information we’ve literally ever gotten. I like to call this chapter “Stephenie Meyer’s Biography” because the self-insert is dialed up to eleven here. Let’s learn about Bella’s boring tastes, her adventures with Renee, and Steph—I mean BELLA’S favorite books and movies. Emmett and Jasper are betting on whether Bella survives through the weekend, Carlisle is betting Billy Black will uphold their end of the treaty, and Esme is betting on Alice! It’s a pretty mom-heavy chapter with Renee and Esme stealing the spotlight here, and I still think Rosalie should fuck up Edward’s car; she deserves it…as a treat.
[00:12:22] Some visual aids to help you younguns picture the era that M is talking about:
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[00:14:06] “Is this allowed”
[00:15:18] As in this meme originating from Hark, A Vagrant
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[00:30:58] G mentions this well-documented social thing
[00:33:55] The Gems and Minerals hall in the Smithsonian Natural History Museum in Washington, DC
[00:38:30] The Twilight quote on the wall of the Dymocks bookstore in Brisbane above the escalators
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[00:53:56] Fine Japanese linen (sometimes things that are expensive...are worse)
[01:01:29] They TOUCH??
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waldensblog · 2 years
Eclipse from Charlie’s POV
-I fucking hate that Edward Cullen. Every damn day he comes over. Why does my daughter love this fuckwad? 
-Oh good Bella is going to see her mom... of FUCKING.COURSE. Edward is going with her. Can I ground someone else’s child? Why can’t she go with Jacob... oh fuck she called me out. Damn it she knows me too well it’s like she can read my mind.  
-I am ungrounding Bella with the condition she see other people, other friends. I am hopeful that with this newfound freedom, she’ll get a fucking life outside that goddamned Cullen boy.
-Hurray! Bella is going to see Jacob!!!!!! Wait... broken truck. Well, I’ll take her! I like spending time with Billy and I love seeing her happy with Jacob. I’m still rooting for that kid breaking Edward’s hold on her... 
-(Inexplicable allowing Bella to stay at the Cullens while Edward is “hiking” for multiple days during the school week. Only talked to Esme, didn’t even talk to Bella. I am going with he was enthralled by Alice or some shit cuz I got NOTHING to explain this otherwise lmfao). 
-Hurray! Bella is spending time with Jacob, and with Angela! I am glad to see her spending time with other friends!
-Fucking Cullen. That boy is going to be the death of me... getting into the same school? Yeah fucking coincidence, not a plan. And here I was banking on a Turkey Dump... 
-My daughter is graduating, this is a special day. Fucking Cullen insists on riding with us. Can I arrest him on the way and keep him in the squad car? Hmmm... what crime can I possibly pin on him?
-I knew motorcycles were dangerous.
-Billy has been getting me all paranoid. I can’t explain it, but I feel like... something’s going on. I am worried Bella is going to run off with that Cullen boy and I won’t be able to do anything about it... The look in her eyes tells me I’m not far off... I love my daughter and I want her to be happy, but I wish she’d see that Edward boy as I do. He’s not good for her, and I worry about her... 
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themultifandomgal · 2 years
Temptation Pt30
Temptation Masterlist
Just before Charlie leaves we return from the woods. Bella and Edward see Charlie off
"Well done Bella. Never seen a newborn show that kind of restraint" Jasper smiles
"I'm not sure she is a newborn. She so tame"
"Emmett, no" I nudge him
"Emmett don't antagonise her. She's the strongest one in the house"
"Please" Emmett snorts while cracking his knuckles. Of course this ends up becoming a challenge. Emmett carries over a huge rock for Bella and him to arm wrestle
"Don't hurt yourself Emmett" Edward says as the others come to join us. I stand next to Jasper and Alice
"Alright on 3. 1, 2, 3" Jasper counts down and so the arm wrestle begins. Emmett seems to be struggling and Bella wins
"Did you see that?" Bella smiles and hits the rock. Defeated Emmett walks over to me in a sulk. Bella walks off from the group
"You'll be the strongest one again soon" I pull him in for a hug "it could be worse"
"You could be me" I laugh "the weakest, the slowest, the.."
"The one who can smell and hear better. You beat us in some things as well. And you have a feeling when somethings going to happen. Plus your the most beautiful woman ever"
"Your cute"
"Just cute" Emmett raises an eyebrow making me laugh.
Over the next couple of weeks Renesmee grows more and more each day, all of us worried with how much time we will actually have with her. Today Jacob, Bella and Renesmee have gone out to play with the snow. That is until they rush home
"Tanya convinced Irina to come reconcile with us" Carlisle says ending his phone call
"It looks like she changed her mind"
"Seeing Jacob must have been to much for her" Esme states
"Wish I could have just spoken to her"
"Shes family. She'll come around" Carlisle puts his arm around Esme. I lean on Emmetts shoulder as Edward and Renesmee play the piano. I get a feeling that Alice is about to have a vision so I rush over to her as she walks in holding a vase. Alice's eyes glaze over. I catch the flowers before she drops them. Jasper is by Alice's side in a split second
"Alice what is it?" he asks. I place the vase down on the top of the piano
"The Volturi. They're coming for us" my eyes widen in fear "Aro, Caius, Marcus, the guard.. and Irina"
"Honey come here" Renesmee goes over to bella who pulls her close to her
"Why?" I ask
"What did Irina see in the woods" Edward now asks
"We we're just walking"
"Ness was catching snowflakes" Jake continues
"Of course" Edward says in realisation, I'm guessing his read Jacobs mind "Irina thinks Renesmees an immortal child"
"What?" Bella frowns
"Let me show you" Carlisle takes Bella to our library, the rest of us following except for Rose who watches Ness.
"Immortal children were very beautiful. So enchanting. To be near them was to love them. But their development was frozen at the age they were turned" Carlisle places a book in front of Bella who flips through the pages. Alice and Jasper hold each other off to the side. Emmett stands behind me with his arms around my waist, Edward behind Bella as she is sat down, Esme is sat next to her and Thomas stood behind Esme. Jake is sat in the corner of the room
"They couldn't be taught or restrained. One tantrum could destroy an entire village" I explain to a confused Bella
"Humans heard about the deviation and stories spread. The Volturi were forced to intervene. Since the children couldn't protect our secret, they had to be destroyed. Their creators grew very attached and fought to protect them. Long established covens were torn apart, countless humans slaughtered"
"Seeing Ness must have brought back some memories of her mom and sibling" I sigh
"The Denalis' mother made an immortal child?" Bella ask. I nod my head
"And she paid the price. Affected Irina the most"
"Well Renesmee's nothing like those children. She was born not bitten she grows every single day"
"So can't you just explain that to the Volturi?"
"Unlike wolves who will actually listen to other packs, the Volturi won't listen and besides..."
"Aro has enough proof in Irina's thoughts" Edward finishes my sentence
"So we fight"
"Their offence of weapons are far to powerful. No one can stand against Jane"
"Alec's even worse" Alice continues after Jasper has spoken
"Well then we convince them" Bella's now mad
"They're coming to kill us not to talk"
"Emmett" I scold "but you are right. They won't listen to us, but they might if there's more of us, witnesses" I look at Carlisle to see if he agrees
"Carlisle you have friends all around the world" Edward also looks at Carlisle
"I won't ask them to fight" he stands with his arms crossed over his chest
"No not fight. Witness. Kat actually could be on to something"
"They only have to see that she has blood in her vains and her hear her heart beat" I get out of emmetts grip and walk over to Carlisle "if enough people agree, maybe then the Volturi will listen"
"We can ask this of our friends" Esme places a hand on Carlisles arm. He agrees then nods his head
"Do you think Garret will listen?" I ask referring to an old friend of Carlisle. Emmett and I met him years ago at our wedding
"I'm sure he will. I'll get plane tickets for the morning. You need to go and sleep" I nod my head and walk over to Bella
"We will figure this out" I place a hand on her shoulder giving it a reassuring squeeze.
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