#Beorn x reader
ohnonotnow · 9 months
my library
here's some of the best the hobbit/lotr fanfics I've read cuz they can be quite hard to find and I wanna help
will update the list as I read
Smoke, iron and Thorin
Fire and Gold
Learning Khuzdul
Braid of Gold
Thorin being soft
The Beauty of Chance
Those Hands
The arrival
A king's crown
Covered In Steam
There's just inches in between us
Thorin after a long day of training with his nephews
In This Moment 
Symphony of your life
Oh so quiet
Find Your Way Back
fili oneshots
The Most Unpleasant, Defective, and Abominable Incident
Stay with me
The Redeemer
Durin's Garage
Lost My Way
The book keeper
The beauty and the Beast
getting back at Kili for teasing
My Treasure
Madly in love
It's in his kiss
Love Bites
Sway With Me
Wood Carvings
Softly. . .
Sweet like nectar
A Shot in the Dark
Early Mornings
Beorn takes care of you when you're injured
Watcher of Wanderers
The Innocence of Brutality
Being best friends with Legolas
Hazy Memories
Best friends father
Flower On My Skin
To Meet Under the Stars
Passenger Princess
Autumn Thunderstorm
I Could Love You With My Eyes Closed
Gentle Dark
My Heart Is In Your Hands
Just a Little Help
Warriors Great Tales
The Fountain
Return to Me
Burnt Bread
A Helping Hand
Wildest Dreams
Falling In Love With A Librarian
SFW alphabet
A Roll in the Hay
Turning Points
More characters
various characters oneshots
Imagine: elves having highly sensitive ears and you finding out by accidently touching them.
Journey to Erebor
Hair braiding
Elves + Braiding
What Type of Kisser is Each LoTR Character?
The Hobbit Characters + Physical Affection (Suggestive Version)
A Headcanon For Each Member of Thorin’s Company
Cuddling With Thorin's Company
Imagine some of the elves of Middle Earth find out how easy it is to make you (a human staying in Rivendell) blush and become aroused.
The LOTR characters reacting to a modern reader
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sorcerousundries · 13 days
Lalala vs okokok with lotr and the hobbit
Your the lalala, they’re the okokok
Thorin, Fíli, Aragorn, thranduil, Elrond, Arwen, bilbo, gimli, Sam, Éomer, Glorfindel, Bard, Beorn, glóin, Tauriel, Faramir, Boromir, Haldir, Bifur, Dwalin, Balin, Dori, óin
They’re the lalala, your the okokok
Legolas, Frodo, merry, pippin, Éowyn, kíli, Galadriel, celeborn, also Arwen, Lindir, bombur, ori, nori, bofur, meludir
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shirefantasies · 20 days
Little Flower- Beorn x F!Shy!Reader
A request from @peachpitpoisonlips! Always down to write more Beorn 😁 where my Beorn girlies at?
Warnings: angst at the beginning (fluff later I promise!!!), canon typical peril
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Perhaps you were simply a fool. Would anyone but, after all, have set out into the woods so late and with so little? But what choice did you have? Homeless, you were little more than a nomad. Some towns welcomed you in, but it was clear when the novelty wore off and your lack of coin impeded. Selfish as it may have been, it rent your heart to see families walking hand in hand together, even couples sitting side by side or the occasional set of twins playing a game of hopscotch or arguing over some book. Everyone with some outward tether practically built into their lives by some divine craft, a gift from the Valar you could not resist sometimes feeling had been wrest from your hands. But did you know any better?
The woods felt thick, leaning and pressing down upon you as though you held something they greatly desired tucked close against your chest, just out of reach. Every sound had your head darting this way and that. Were something to come for you, you had a small knife to your name to fight with and that was that. No fine weapon of iron, no great wooden shield. At least you were a fair climber. Getting up into the trees would help against a wolf at least if not a-
Rustling startled you out of your own mind, jarring your vision back into focus of the fading light filtering between the trees. Soon it would be nightfall. Things were moving in the gathering shadows. Stepping slower, more carefully, you swung your gaze back and forth but saw nothing and pressed on.
Dodging a jutting stone, you almost startled yourself kicking up some leaves, let loose the faintest of nervous chuckles before hearing a distant scrape. Taking hold of the next tree trunk ahead of you, you peeked out, scouting the horizon. There!
A great black bear, the most massive one you’d ever seen, lumbered closer to your place, huffing. Dread slid down your throat like cutting icicles as its eyes slid right to yours. This was not how you wanted to die. You’d always imagined it more as a release, giving up from the defeat of shivering cold beneath surrendered blankets. And yet what anticipated you? A life of brief antiquity, no hearth or fields to call your own? Not a soul to call your name once you were not there speaking it?
This, too, could be a release. Inhaling deeply, you stepped from behind the trunk and closed your eyes, waiting, waiting…
No pain, no sound, not a single thing befell you, and there you were finding yourself frowning, your eyelids peeling back open just in time to see the bear’s form melt and shrink, becoming a man before your eyes. Gaping, you studied his sturdy, bearded form, the pair of brown eyes looking you over, then softening. He reached out a hand and you flinched back.
“I have no reason to hurt you, little flower,” he said, voice low, accented, and for emphasis raised his hands up and away from you, palms out.
Something about the nickname, even from a tall, imposing stranger, brought a shaky smile to your lips. Heaving breaths came a bit slower to your aching chest. Completely frozen at their shaky hold upon twisting roots, however, your feet did not cooperate.
“Come on,” he took one step closer, “you cannot stay here. Come with me, please.”
Please. Eyes widening, you finally shook out of your stupor and slowly gave a tiny nod, stepping forward to his side. Who was this man? How had he transformed before your very eyes? As your gaze drifted over his form, dodging quickly over his bare chest with heat creeping to your cheeks, you caught sight of the broken manacle still binding his left wrist. Perhaps it would be rude to ask questions. Maybe he would change his mind about guiding you.
At least you could learn his name. Thus, you asked it, voice still quiet as air returned to your lungs.
“Beorn,” the man said, “And you need not be afraid. These are my woods. It is the elven woods you must be careful of. But these borders are far. You will not wander there.”
Taking his pause as an invitation whether it was one or not, you supplied your name. “So you… guard this place? Who else lives here?”
A wince cut across Beorn’s face at that, softening his severe features into something more timid. Something that had hurt. That must have been how you looked to him, too.
Just as quick, though, that vulnerable look was gone again, gone completely stoic. “My animals and I call this place our home.”
“Are- are they…?” How could you put it? Do they turn into people too? Are you an animal? What strange magic lives in this place.
“Just animals, little flower. There are no others like me. I live alone.”
Perhaps you had more in common with the bear-man than you’d have thought. You shook your head at his last comment, though.
“If you have them, you are never fully alone. …I- I love animals,” you admitted quietly.
“You might see them, then,” Beorn replied, “but first you need a meal and a rest. Perhaps a bath.”
You could have argued, but he was right. Even if he had not been, he could have mauled you. The more you observed the way Beorn looked at you, how he took much shorter, slower strides to stay at your side and hovered a hand by your back, though, the less you could picture him attacking without grave cause. The same part of you that had resigned to Beorn’s being the end of your life now gave a faint, internal laugh.
Another temporary home. This time a cottage a ways deeper in the woods, doors and windows lined with intricate woodwork and stone. A rocking chair rested upon the porch, welcoming you to a small, cozy home with pillars as beautifully carven as its exterior. Beorn settled you down in one of the great chairs at the dining table, a table you could not help wondering at given his solitude.
"Stay right there. Lucky for you I already had broth warming. Care for some bread?”
"Sure," you agreed, nodding faintly.
Back to another house of novelty. One more night of entertaining a stranger, this time one who almost killed you. One who was an even greater rarity than yourself.
From the stove across the way, Beorn looked over his shoulder at you, and you felt a flush of heat rise to your face.
"So..." You wrung your hands. "Get many visitors?"
"No," he shook his head, "And I do not try to. Though I confess some days I tire of my voice being the only one heard. I like yours well enough."
Well enough. Well enough for what? For one night? To tolerate? To keep? No. You shook your head, feeling an even redder hot glow about your face.
“Thank you,” you answered quietly.
Crossing the room, Beorn approached you with a large pot in hand. Sliding a bowl and spoon in front of you, he ladled you up a serving of steaming brown broth and set a slice of bread at its side. You hesitated, staring down at it until you noticed his expectant look and took up your utensil. The broth slid warmly down your throat, bringing a glow back to your body you hadn't realized you lost.
"Good," you nodded, taking a bite out of the bread, the softness of which was equally warm.
You spoke very little during that meal, both of you, and though you could not speak on Beorn's behalf you simply did not know what to say.
Waking up was the only thing that brought you realization of your sleep, a state you were not sure when you entered. Large, fat bumblebees drifted lazily about the air above your head, one landing upon your knee and butting its head up against it, which brought a shaky chuckle to your lips. All uncertainty was forgotten in that little moment of levity, bringing you to throw off the thick woolen blanket you had no memory of even laying eyes on.
Your location? Still within Beorn's cottage, that haven of warm hearth and hanging candles and those gorgeous pillars you'd begun to wonder if the man had made himself. Could hands so large create something so beautiful? Stranger things had happened. You'd seen them turn from a bear's paws in the blink of an eye, after all.
Rising scents distracted you, pulling you fully onto your feet. Softly you padded across the floor, still chilled from the night's air.
Across the room Beorn stood and gently slid a pair of softly-cooked eggs onto a plate aside sliced apples and some sort of honey-drizzled cakes. Eyes darting your way and back down to his work, he spoke.
“For you,” he said, nodding toward the plate.
Simple enough, but a beautiful and comfortable sight. Taking the seat across from Beorn, you ate, sneaking glances at him. This time, though, he did not allow for silence long.
“So what brings you here, little flower? Where do you belong?”
Little did he know how the little flower before him wilted. Wincing, you replied in a voice barely more audible than had you whispered. “Nowhere. I have no home.”
Brown eyes widening, Beorn softened again, a rare lifting of his stoicism that moved your heart faintly beyond the borders of your pity.
“I understand,” he told you, gaze dropping, “I am the last of my people. Sole carrier of a legacy of hunted people. I belong nowhere but with myself.”
“Do you never wish for more?” You blurted out before you could stop yourself, leaning forward in your tower of a chair. “Have you never desired that someone would stay?”
“Who would?” Beorn shrugged, venturing another glance into your eyes. “What have I to offer if I am not game?”
“To me,” you replied, feeling a flush rise to your cheeks, “You have offered kindness. The most beautiful home I have seen. Realer company than the pity nights often given. Your heart is worth far more than your pelt, Beorn.”
At that, it was the great hulking man’s turn to be speechless.
You were taken out into the yard, crunching across the crisp green grass at Beorn’s side and handed a dented metal pail. He nodded encouragement and watched closely as you shakily milked one of his cows. Brushed one of the longer-furred ones, a smile crossing your lips. Repeated every animal’s name softly. The skin-changer, as he called himself, all but started at the welcome one of his horses gave, butting her head into your hand.
“She was the most difficult spirit to tame,” he explained.
“Kindred spirit to you, then,” you teased, shyly handing him his brush back and smiling when he did not recoil, mirroring your expression and shaking his head as his fingers closed over yours.
“Yes,” he said, “Perhaps so.”
It was at Beorn’s bidding that you returned with him for dinner, this time a roast with savory brown gravy and a variety of vegetables nestled at its side. How all things looked nicer out in nowhere escaped you, but it charmed your soul nonetheless.
The next words spoken cut into your thoughts with a heavy realization: leaving it all would engrave the deepest wound yet.
“Where will you go next?”
Your face fell, fork dropped at your side as you inhaled deeply. “I… I do not know.”
“Nowhere you particularly care to see?” Beorn prodded.
Your breaths sped a bit, bringing you back to the sinking black water of despair that had swallowed you in the woods. Darkness closed in on your vision. “No. I travel only where I have not yet been sent away.”
“And that,” Beorn's eyes were your anchor, the only points of focus remaining through the haze, “Is not what I mean to do.”
You frowned. You looked up from your sticky white sea of oats, the golden ooze of egg yolk spilling onto its borders.
“The decision is your own. I know the feeling of the cage. But the animals…they would miss you. I would miss you. Perhaps I have been alone for too long.”
A bumblebee lazed past your head. One buzz sounded, two, three. Beorn swallowed, stared at you like he had never seen you before. You smiled. His hand crept to rest over yours across the surface of the table. For once, you did not feel like a novelty.
Taglist: @lokilover476 @fuckyoumakeart @kilibaggins @filiswingman @ibabblealot @stormchaser819 @pirate-lord-of-narnia @datglutengoblin @letmelickyoureyeballs @mossyskinn @wordbunch @tiny-and-witchy @th3-st4r-gur1 @fleurdemiel-145 @mistresskayla-blog1 @misabelle717 @h0n3y-l3m0n05 @evattude @noodlesduck @kpopgirlbtssvt | Reply/Message/Ask to join 🖤
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multific · 1 year
A Life We Can Have
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Beorn x Reader
Warnings: injury
Summary: After an unlucky night where you were chased by Orcs, your life forever changes when a huge bear saves you.
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You wake up with a sudden realization. 
You had no idea where you were, or how you got there.
All you could recall from the night before was that a bunch of Orcs were after you as you ran through the woods. 
With a bleeding leg and a possibly broken wrist, you tried to dodge their arrows.
You ran fast but they managed to catch up. One of their wolves bit your ankle, making you fall and let out a groan of pain. 
You could recall the loud noises the orcs made, you remember crying and the pain in your ankle and wrist getting worse.  
Then a giant bear came out of nowhere and killed them all. 
Your last thought was that you would be the dinner for this bear. You weren't exactly sure what happened after that at all. 
But somehow, you woke up in this rather nice and cosy house. 
As you moved, you let out a groan, the pain in your body finally setting in. You ran for so long, your feet hurt. Your ankle hurt where the wolf bit you and your wrist hurt because you fell and injured it.
You looked around the house, but no one was there.
You thought a giant might have lived there, given how huge everything was.
You were only a simple human, but you were well aware of all creatures that lived on this Earth with you. But you had no clue what kind of a creature would live in such a house.
You slowly got off the bed and made your way over to the table where you found bread, so you took a little.
This is when you hear the noise of someone chopping wood. 
Being mindful of your leg, you slowly walked out and this is when you saw him. 
His back was to you, and you took a moment to take him in.
He was huge, he easily chopped the wood with his giant axe. His back was covered in scars and along his spine he had hair going down, it looked more like fur. 
A very hairy man, but who were you to judge?
You heard stories of a beast living alone in the woods. He cared for the animals but he didn’t like company. 
A fierce man, who was now chopping wood in front of you.
You weren’t sure if you should talk to him or not, one thing was for sure, you didn’t want to startle him.
“Umm.” you started but as soon as you did he turned around, with that huge axe in his hands.
“You should be resting, you hurt your leg very badly.”
“I-I did but… Am I at your house?”
“Yes.” he replied with a lot of annoyance in his voice and you nodded.
“So, you saved me last night from the bear? Thank you.”
“Go back to bed. I’ll prepare some tea once I finish chopping the wood.” you didn’t argue, why would you? Or rather how could you? 
The man was huge but you saw him more as a gentle person, despite his rough edges. 
And you also feared that instead of the wood, he would chop you in half.
You just slowly moved back into the house and sat on the chair by the huge table. Your leg did hurt and your wrist was throbbing a little, but your mind was still running at a hundred miles. You tried to recall what happened but couldn’t. 
You knew you fainted, but then what happened to the bear? Did this man scare it away? Did he fight it?
He did look rather dangerous with his axe. Maybe he could take the bear in a fight. 
Whoever this man was, he certainly lived alone, looking around his home it was cosy, but it didn’t have the touch of a female, clearly, he was a bachelor. Not that it was a problem, it was only an observation on your part.
You needed to think of other things because if you didn’t, the pain would hit you.
You heard him enter through the door as he soon headed for the stove. In complete silence, he started to make tea for you as you munched on the bread you took earlier. 
He clearly didn’t have many visitors. You watched as he worked, trying your best to ignore the pain, you watched his hands work, you watched as a shackle was on his wrist, it must have been there for some time now. 
He soon put a cup in front of you.
“Drink it and leave.”
“Uhm, but my ankle…” you were very much up playing the pain. It made the huge man in front of you groan.
“Alright, you can stay until you get better. I’m not too fond of visitors.”
Clearly. But he will have to deal with you because you don’t plan on leaving anytime soon. Especially not when there are Orcs in these woods and you have only one working leg.
Even if the pain wasn’t that bad, you still preferred the comfort of a home over the cold floors of the forest. 
"What is this?" you asked him as you munched on the deliciousness in your hand. 
"Honey cake."
"I really like it." you said. "Did you make it yourself?"
"I did."
"It's really really good."
He didn't reply, but you didn't expect him to. 
Your leg and wrist felt much much better now. His herbs worked better than magic. 
You also noticed that slowly, he warmed up to you. He even offered you his smaller room so you didn't have to sleep on the hay or floor.
He was a strange man.
Affectionate, yet he looked afraid of it.
You could see that deep down, he was a very warm person. However, the terrible things that happened to him, made him cold.
Winter was near.
So Beorn told you that you will need to help him with his farm and animals. You had no problem with that. Given that you grew up on a farm, and you loved to help.
And by the time the snow arrived, his home was ready for the harsh winter.
And so were you.
You made clothes for yourself and him. He didn't really want to take the clothing but now, he wore it every day. He said it was so warm, he enjoyed it.
It filled you with pride that he wore the clothes you made, he ate the food you prepared and he listened to you.
In return one evening, he told you a story, a story of his own, his terrible past and what he went through. 
You cried that day, letting the tears fall as he reached over to wipe your tears away.
"Why are you crying?" he asked.
"My heart breaks for you. No one deserves that kind of torture." you said as you lifted your hand and touched the shackle on his wrist.
That day, Beorn promised himself he would never tell you another story of his.
He hated to see you cry.
He wanted to see you laugh, like you laughed when you played with his horses or bees.
How or when you became so important to him was a mystery to Beorn, but here he was now.
He sat in his chair as he watched you, you were making a blanket. You said his house was rather cold for you, so you needed something warm. He wanted to offer that he could sleep with you so you wouldn't be cold but he didn't want to cross that line.
He was sure you only viewed him as a friend and nothing more.
You often found yourself babbling and telling him stories. Stories he most likely would call nonsense. 
But in truth, he loved listening to you talk. Every story he remembers and could recall at any moment.
One evening, after dinner, you just sat on the couch he made for you, you cuddled up with your blanket and a book when Beorn joined you. It was snowing heavily outside, so he wouldn't go out for his usual runs.
He sat down and you offered him a smile before you looked back at your book.
But out of the corner of your eye, you could see he was staring at you.
"Is there something on my face?" you asked but he shook his head, no.
He was behaving strangely. You tried your best to focus on your book but it was difficult.
"What are your plans once winter is over?" oh, he wanted you out of his hair.
"I-I-You don't have to worry, I'll leave as soon as I wouldn't freeze to death in the woods. I really appreciate your hospitality and I don't want to bother you longer than needed," you said but didn't look at him.
"It's no bother. I was asking only because then we could make you a bed."
"I have a bed." you looked at him, confused.
"You have a mattress, I was thinking of making a bedframe, so it is more comfortable." 
"So you want me to stay?"
"Only if you want to."
"I would love to. I enjoy your land very much. The beautiful trees and the animals. I can only imagine what it must look like during the spring."
"Is my home the only thing you enjoy about being here?" you looked at his face as he avoided your eyes.
"What are you asking?" your voice was quiet, and he finally looked at you.
"I grew very fond of you, I never imagined myself in this situation, but... Love is not something I believe I deserve. I am a monster, my past is... awful. I do not deserve such a flower like you. But I also won't be able to let you go. Only if you reject my feelings- I want you to be happy here with me. But if you choose to leave, I won't force you to stay." his words honestly surprised you, you never expected him to confess to you.
"I would love to stay with you. I just wasn't sure of your feelings. You hide them very well."
"It is a skill I learned." you smiled at his comment. 
He moved towards you and you moved with him, he pulled you into his arms and you never felt warmer.
It was quiet, you could hear his heartbeat and the fire crackle behind you. 
"You deserve happiness as much as anyone." you said as he tightened his hold around you. 
"Thank you." he whispered and he just held you for hours.
It was the first time in his life that someone touched him with care and affection for what felt like years.
And slowly, he started to believe he deserved this happiness.
Spring arrived with flowers.
As the snow melted and everything began to bloom, your love fully bloomed.
You looked at Beorn as he tended to the bees.
You followed him to his goats and helped him feed his horses.
A smile never once leaves your lips. And he is much the same.
Then you cooked lunch for both of you, he loved your cooking and you were happy to make him anything he wanted.
Given how fresh and amazing his crops were, it was easy to prepare something amazing.
Then after dinner, the two of you would go to sleep in his bed, him holding you close to his chest.
It was a simple life, but it was all you could hope for.
You often catch him smiling even if it's a small one.
You make him happy and he makes you happy.
This was the life you always wanted.
Although you never imagined you would have it with a man who can turn into a bear, you weren't complaining.
He was your bear.
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Taglist: @fleursirvart @greenarrowhead @thisismysecrethappyplace @sincerelyfan @theoneanna @aestheticsandmarvel @rororo06 @castellandiangelo @destynelseclipsa @spilledinkindumpster @capsiclesdoll @puknow @alwayshave-faith @alex12948 @lxdyred  @imagines-by-a-typical-fangirl @anonymoussherlockandmarvelgeek @praline357 @trshngyn @avengers-r-us @violet-19999 @top1bbgloak   @manduse   @jacalineiscomingforyou  @mandoloriancookie @noname2246
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meganlpie · 8 months
Growing Love
Based on this request:  I do have a story request for your the hobbit book. I was thinking of possibly the reader staying at Beorn’s and the grow to love each other overtime and they eventually admit it to each other.
Here you are! My apologies for the wait. *Beorn is NOT mine and is the property of JRR Tolkien.*
Warnings: Mostly fluff, slight angst(?), first time writing Beorn. Reader is described as being shorter than Beorn. Beorn is theorized to be anywhere from 7'3"(220.98cm) to 12'(365.76cm) tall.
Pairings: Beorn x reader
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When you had first accidentally stumbled upon the house in the woods, you thought you would die. After all, there was a giant, great bear right on your heels. You managed to find a small space to hide where the bear couldn't get you. A few hours later, after the bear had left and you calmed down, you were approached again by a very large man. While you were intimidated, he did not seem to want to hurt you. In fact, upon hearing your story, he offered you a place to stay.
       You grew to enjoy working alongside Beorn. You cooked together,  took care of the livestock and ponies together, and kept bees together. But your favorite thing to do with Beorn was work in his garden. For such a large being, Beorn was as gentle as could be with his garden. He talked to his plants, nurturing them the way a parent would a child. He taught you about the various things he grew and how to care for them. 
Time passed as you stayed with Beorn while you were trying to figure out where to go and what to do. Some days, you felt like a burden to the skin-changer. Still he never said anything like that to you nor did it seem that he was tiring of your company. You often caught him staring at you in what appeared to be deep contemplation. Like you were a riddle he couldn’t solve. One day, you would figure out exactly what Beorn was thinking.
Beorn had given you your own patch of land to grow flowers alongside his crops. You were tending to those flowers one morning when you felt Beorn’s eyes on you again. “Is something wrong?” you asked him, straightening up. He cleared his throat as if he were embarrassed to be caught staring. He paused for a moment, contemplating his words carefully. Given his usual brash nature, you were happy to wait for him to get his thoughts together.
“I have discovered something. Something unusual,” he replied after a bit. You cocked your head to the side as you gazed up at his face. “Oh?” He nodded and brought a hand up to his chin, the manacle on his wrist jingling slightly. “The thought of you…leaving. It does not please me. At all. I find myself getting rather angry at it. I had heard of feelings like this, but did not believe in them.” 
His confession threw you for what felt like hours. His intense gaze never left your face as he watched you take in what he’d said. “I…are you saying that you care for me?” You could have smacked yourself at how unsure you sounded. He nodded once but then his brows furrowed. “Perhaps care is not a strong enough word. I believe what I feel for you is deeper. Much deeper than simply caring.”
You felt your entire body heat up. Was he really saying what you thought he was? “Beorn? Are you telling me that you might love me?” He thought for a moment before confirming your words. “Yes. My love for you has grown, I believe, much like the blooms you have tended to. A tiny idea, a seed, of what life could be with you by my side for the rest of our days began this and now, like your flowers, I feel something blossoming and maturing in my heart that I have long thought was incapable of such things. And now I need to know if the same can be said of you. Do you-Could you…love me?
A smile crept its way to your lips before you could stop it. Beorn simply stared at you until you realized that you hadn’t answered him after nearly a minute. “Beorn, of course I could love you. It is possible that I already do and have been denying myself the joy of it, thinking you would eventually tire of me and I would have to leave.” You removed your gardening gloves and slowly reached over to take one of Beorn’s hands in yours.
“We could live a thousand ages and I would not tire of you,” he admitted slowly. You beamed up at him as tears of joy pricked at your eyes. Beorn smiled down at you but suddenly stiffened. Your brows furrowed as he straightened up and sniffed the air. “What is it?” you asked in confusion. 
“Orcs. Get inside, bar the door, and don’t come out until I return.” You knew better than to argue. Instead, you merely agreed and Beorn turned to leave. Before he got too far, you called out to him. He glanced back at you over his shoulder. “I love you,” you confessed. He smiled again. “And I you. Now go. I shall return.” You quickly ran inside, the door barely closed behind you when you heard the growling of a great bear. “Be safe,” you whispered. You had no idea that, very soon, a company of dwarves, a wizard, and hobbit would change your lives completely.
(a/n: I hope I did Beorn justice. I have one more request for him on my list)
Forever Tags: @fizzyxcustard @brewsthespirit-blog @sirkekselord @aikibriarrose @lady-of-lies @motleymoose @stories-by-shanna-p @dark-angel-is-back @esoltis280 @supernatural4life2022 @asgards-princess-of-mischief
Tolkien Tags: @jotink78 @thealbersclan @evyiione @legolaslovely @justcallmecinammon @wingedlandwasteland
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itsthesinbin · 1 year
wrote some beorn porn while the internet was out hope u enjoy it
no warnings on anything iirc
Beorn was an interesting man. A tall, gruff Skin-Changer who was more gentle to animals than most. You got to witness his affections toward his animal friends in more depth than your previous companions would.
You were in Thorin Oakenshield's company for a time, having joined the same time as Bilbo did from your own, private, circumstances. The Hobbit had been a wonderful roommate, kind from making you food to tending your goose eggs when you'd whack your head on his too-short ceiling. Even protecting you as best he could from those nasty goblins, same as the rest of the company.
But luck would not be on your side in that faithful battle. A sword slashing through your poorly-fitting armor, an arrow in a leg and a crack to the skull left you too injured to join them on the rest of their journey. You tried your best to fight with Thorin, but even Bilbo knew you would be even more of a liability than he was at this point in time.
Once the eagles dropped you off and you were carried to the next stop in the journey, you knew that it would be your last. Gandalf had managed to convince the Skin-Changer to, at least, let you recover before trying to send you on your way. Splintered bones and pierced flesh took time to heal, however.
Beorn was more than a gracious host, going as far as to hand feed you the first week and a half where you were too weak to do it yourself. Face too swollen to chew anything more than softened bread and honey and eyes unable to even see the fork you'd need for anything else. Hands trembling too harshly to allow you to lift one of his already massive cups. Massive for you, at least, since Beorn was a massive man as is.
When he couldn't be with you- be it tending to his bees or being gone throughout the night as a bear- his animal companions kept you company. Dogs would fetch things and a very kind sheep let you use her wooly body as a pillow. Ponies knelt down to let you grab on so you could hobble your way to a prepared bath. His animals were just as kind as he was. Thankfully, not as gruff.
One night, your wrappings needed changing. Thankfully, the blood and puss had stopped, but you were still sweating through them like crazy. The tender skin of your cut torso made it near impossible to change without pain. You tried to keep quiet, and usually it worked, but tonight it was near unbearable. Your animal friends had left you alone for the night, as they always did on nights like this. No wool to muffle the noise and no fur to pet to calm you down.
Without knocking, the door to your little guest room swung open. Hastily, you moved to cover yourself as Beorn's shadow fell over you. Even in the low candlelight, his eyes shone brightly and bore into your own.
Without breaking his gaze from yours, he made his way over to you. Neither of you spoke as he dropped himself next to you. Gently, he took the bandages from your trembling fingers. He pulled the blanket away, and you felt your cheeks flush slightly with a flustered heat.
Slowly, he began to wrap your bandages for you. A gentle nudge to lift an arm or tilt forward was all it took to get his point across.
"I have heard your struggles more often than you think, little rabbit," he murmured. You averted your eyes with a small sigh. You guess you weren't as good as hiding it as you thought.
"Rabbit, huh?" You couldn't help but ask. Beorn had called Bilbo that a time or two as well, but with you the nickname felt more… intimate. He hummed, smoothing the bandages before sliding a hand down your back. You couldn't help but jolt slightly.
"Jittery. Jumpy. Like an injured rabbit, trapped with a bear." There was something in his voice as he spoke. A hunger that made a lump grow in your throat. You forced yourself to look up at him.
"Trapped? Does the bear plan to actually harm me, when I can't defend myself? Have his fill of me?" Beorn let out a grunt in response. A large hand slid up your back again, carefully turning you more toward him. His free hand went up an arm. A shoulder. A cheek.
"Harm? I do not think I would have it in me. Have my fill, however…" He tilted your head up further, leaning down toward you. Your eyes trailed down his face, before flicking back up to meet his own.
"Only if the little, injured rabbit would put their trust in me." His voice was low in your ears, barely above a whisper. He held you in such a way that you knew you could escape his hands if you wished, even with your minimal ability to move. The way he held you was intoxicating, however. Just as his scent and his warmth was.
"Hard not to, after you've taken such good care of me," you replied, leaning forward to meet him. He hummed out a noise so deep it was almost a growl, capturing your lips in a heated kiss.
To say there had been no tension between you two would have been a lie. The way he had fed you had gotten softer. The way he had tended your wounds had gotten much more intimate. A few times you needed help bathing, and even you couldn't miss the way his eyes swept over your body. A darkness to his eyes that gave away every thought he had. You had ignored it, just in case you were reading the wrong signals.
Now that he had your head tilted back, hands on your face and tongue in your mouth, you cursed yourself for being willfully oblivious. You held onto his wrists, feeling yourself become hazy from the smell of honey that seemed to follow him everywhere.
He finally pulled himself from you, helping you tilt back to lay against the pillows. You both knew there wouldn't be much for you in the way of moving. He hardly seemed to care, however, as he took the time to ease your too-large pants down your legs. You hissed as your injured leg was moved, but he simply muttered something in a language you didn't recognize- not that you recognized many languages here, besides the common tongue. It sounded like an apology, however, if the way his thumb grazed the recently-wrapped bandages around your thigh were any indication of his intent.
His lips returned to yours, only for a moment, before they trailed down your jaw. You melted against him and the bed, leaning your head to the side so he could do as he pleased. "Doing as he pleased" led to him nipping and sucking on your neck in hopes of leaving marks.
One of his hands trailed down, sliding along your skin and faintly dragging his nails to make you shiver. It settled between your legs, nudging your thighs open. You reached up, an arm going around one of his shoulders to card your fingers through his hair. He let out a pleased noise against your neck.
You wanted to reach over with the other hand, but the moment it tried crossing over your chest you sucked in a painful gasp of air. Immediately, one of Beorn's hands grasped your own. He set it back in its place carefully, rising from your neck. A stern, but gentle, look in his eye.
"Your injuries do not heal just for this," he said, "let me take care of you as I have been." You grumbled slightly, feeling a heat in your face at his commanding tone. You nodded, however, and Beorn smiled slightly.
To distract you, he brought himself back in for a kiss- more rough and ever so slightly desperate compared to the others. The hand between your legs finally sprang to life, pressing and rubbing against you in a way that made your hips jerk. You couldn't help the small moan that escaped you as your body relaxed further.
Slowly, he left you to remove his own clothes. Not that it took long- his clothes were large and loose, made to remove quickly should he need to change. You were thankful for that as he hurriedly returned to your side.
His hand returned, and you knew this time it was in preparation for the next step. He was a massive man, and he needed you as relaxed and open as possible. After all of this, hurting you was the farthest thing from his mind.
You couldn't help but groan as his fingers slipped inside. Your hips arched and your head dropped back. He moved slowly, deliberately, in a way that would get you to loosen up for him. Your hips rolled in response, trying to get more from him.
Unable to stop himself from much longer, he removed his fingers once again. You whined, only getting a chuckle from him as he got between your legs. He slid his length against you, drawing a shudder and a breathless moan from you. Beorn, himself, let out another low growl at the feel of you.
"Been a long time since I've felt this," he grunted as he pushed in slowly. Your breath hitched at the sensation. He growled, deep and animalistic, as he thrusted into you.
He hauled your hips up- careful of your injuries- and your uninjured leg hooked around his waist. He slid a hefty pillow underneath your weak leg, keeping it elevated so it wouldn't be too uncomfortable. Your hands found his face and pulled him back down for a searing kiss. He held you so sweetly, so securely, you couldn't help but melt against him. Never had anyone treated you so carefully- like you were ready to break. It was just as intoxicating as the honey and cream he'd fed you over your time here.
His mouth found your neck again, hips settling into a nice rhythm as he left new marks on your skin. You felt his sharp teeth scrape and drag along your throat. Such trust you had in the bear, to let his jaws near your neck. Not that he had given you any reason not to trust him.
"Beorn," you murmured in his ear, voice pleading. He let out a low hum, before speeding up. His fingers dug into the meat of your hips, claws pricking your skin delightfully. You gripped onto him as his eager lips moved upward again. He moaned, low and heavy, into your mouth. You couldn't stop the whimper in return.
One of his arms moved, going around your back to cradle you against his strong chest. You whined loudly as you arched up against him. You felt yourself ready to snap, like a coil wound too tight. If his moans and growls were any indication, he felt the same.
You let one of your hands wander down between your legs. You moaned, matching his pace with your hand. He snarled out, latching onto your shoulder with his sharp teeth. You knew you would be bleeding, but neither of you cared in the moment.
You finally snapped, gasping out as you came around him. His growl traveled through your trembling body. He fucked you through it, causing you to cry out in overwhelming pleasure.
He let go of your shoulder as he reared his head back. He moaned, loud and long, as he dragged you as close as possible. He breathed hard, bucking and grinding up into you, as he rode out his own orgasm. Beorn held you suffocatingly close, the heat from him surrounding you completely.
Slowly, you both began to calm down. He panted into your neck, careful not to put too much weight on your upper body. He carefully removed himself from you, settling you back on the bed and pillows. He stood, grabbing a clean cloth and medicine to clean you and dress your newest wound.
"Apologies," he said as he cleaned the new blood from your shoulder. You hissed slightly at the sting, but smiled anyway.
"Can't say I'm upset at having the mark of the bear on me," you teased. His hands stilled for a moment, and you saw him swallow thickly. He made quick work of your wound afterward.
Once you were cleaned, he edged himself under the blankets next to you. His large arms gathered you up, pulling you toward him. You shifted, grunting slightly as you attempted to get comfortable.
"… Stay. With me," he muttered against your temple. You froze for a moment, before looking up at him. You were stunned. He brushed your hair back.
"You have only the Hobbit to return to, do you not? He is a fine fellow, but… you do not care for him as I've seen you do for me." He turned slightly, helping you lay against him better. You chewed on your lip in thought.
It was true. Before the Company, all you had was Bilbo and Bag End. After the Company, you had him, the Dwarves, and Gandalf. Now… You had Beorn. The man who had nursed you to health while your companions traveled on.
You didn't blame them for leaving- okay, maybe a little. You knew Thorin's quest was important, however, so you tried not to let it cloud your judgement of them. But Thorin wasn't the one that hand fed you after your jaws and eyes had swollen nearly shut. Bilbo wasn't the one that took the time to bathe you when you couldn't move. None of them were here to hold you.
"… I've never really taken care of a homestead before," you joked. Beorn couldn't help but laugh, a small shake of his head joining the sound. He got comfortable with you, rubbing a hand up and down your back.
"I can teach you, once you are healed. Now rest." he reached over, blowing out the candle and allowing the moonlight to keep the room lit. He pulled the blanket more securely around you- not that you needed it, since the Skin-Changer was so warm you figured you'd wake up sweating later.
You threw an arm around him, a teddy bear of pure muscle to hold throughout the night. You knew you were safe with him, and drifted off to sleep fast. Usual nightmares of goblins and orcs replaced by sweet dreams of bears and bees and wildflowers. For the first time in a while, you slept peacefully. And for that, you'd be grateful.
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betyloca · 7 months
Imagine: being a skinchanger girl traveling with Thorin's company and thinking that you were the last one until you met Beorn in his bear form.
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You were inside Beorn's house while the company was sleeping, you were very curious about him.
You believed for a long time that you were the last of your kind, you got up from where you were sleeping and walked silently towards the door to leave.
You were excited to meet someone like you. You began to walk cautiously when you felt something behind you watching you. You turned to look and saw a giant bear.
y/n: hello
You said as you sat on the grass not wanting to show any threat.
Y/n: I'm Y/n.
You saw how he approached you until he was inches from your face, you let him sniff you.
Y/n: I'm a skin changer like you.
He looked at you for a few seconds until you saw him leave for a moment you stayed sitting you thought maybe he was upset a few minutes passed until you saw a very tall man without a shirt facing you
Beorn: I'm Beorn.
You stood up from where you were sitting with a smile on your face.
Y/n: what a cute name
He crouched down to your height to look at you, inspecting you.
Beorn: I thought it was the last one.
Y/n: well here I am
you said as you smiled excitedly you saw how he smiled a little.
Beorn: What are you doing with a group of dwarves?
Y/N: I'm on a mission to take your home back from a dragon.
You saw how he frowned, it seems he didn't like that.
Beorn: You're still a child, you can't go on a mission like that, I can't allow it.
Y/N: Well, what a shame, you have a stubborn girl.
Beorn: Will you come back?
you said as he walked into the house.
Y/N: If I plan to come back, I just found a person who can put up with my antics, you won't get rid of me easily.
He smiled as he walked in behind you. It was exciting to see another skinchanger alive, but this one was more stubborn.
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some beorn x reader ideas im tossing in the ring
beorn patrolling and hears a scream only to find orcs surrounding a pregnant witch (6 months along), and he ends up saving her and they end up falling for each other, he helps to deliver the baby.
beorn gets caught in a modified bear trap the orcs set out, a young woman finds him and aids the oddly massive bear, not knowing that that is, in fact, the "fabled" skin-changer himself. the entire time she's helping him she's just comforting and cooing at the bear. she leads him to a river near his house and cleans his wrist and leaves for a moment to get her bag, only to turn around and find a behemoth of a man sitting there staring at her, his wrist is kinda bloody.
beorn x chaotic!lapicentaur!reader (bunny centaur) (im well aware lapicentaurs aren't chaotic, but have you ever owned a rabbit? no? then stfu)...i can only imagine this relationship being grumpy x sunshine
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allexthakatt · 1 year
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Here's the updated Masterlist!!!!
If you'd like to see who I write for, and what I'll write, please look at this post!
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Dance of Death ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🩹
Do I Wanna Know? ❤️‍🔥
That This Feeling Flows Both Ways ❤️‍🩹 pt 2 to Do I Wanna Know
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Panty Raid 🥵
Not Like The Others ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🩹
Save Your Tears ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🩹
Thunderstorms Are Scary, But You Make It Better 🥵❤️‍🩹
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Mixed Signals ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🩹
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Liars Get Punished 🥵❤️‍🔥
Never Gonna Leave You ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🩹
Lend a Shoulder ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🩹
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shirefantasies · 6 months
Hi, I hope you doing good. Can i have a matchup for LOTR and/or HOBBIT please 💐 Firstly English not my first language. I'm autistic. I'm genderfluid, bisexual with male preference.I have long black wavy hair. I have thick black eyebrows, brown eyes. I always have rosy chubby cheeks. I have braces. My body is curvy with very big chest and little tummy. My eyebrows are constantly furrowed. Also I'm 172 cm. I'm Libra. If you interested, my mbti Infp and my enneagram 5w4. I always have poker face. I'm very outspoken, stubborn. I always doing my job alone. I find it difficult to express my feelings and prefer to isolate myself. My best feature is that I know a little about everything, I always surprise people. Those who know me for the first time describe me as cold, scary, quiet, unapproachable and distant, mature. But at heart I'm compassionate and helpful, works for the good of people. And they often think I can't speak and I'm deaf but I'm not. People say I'm extremely chaste. When I enter an environment, I listen to what people say and get to know them well, I decide if there is anyone worth talking to. I'm only close to two or three people. They describe me as cold, soft inside, calm, sarcastic, resourceful and knowledgeable. I am usually a rebellious person. I am the person who stands against injustices and lies in an environment. They say I make clever jokes and I'm the mom-friend. Actually i like to help everyone and it works automatically without me noticing. I will help anyone by giving my all. And i hate phsyical touch. My love language is words of affirmation. If I talk about myself, I've always been on my own. I have family problems, I was never close with my father. Even though we are side by side with my mother, we are distant. I'm just my own mom and dad. That's why I've always focused on academic achievement for salvation. And I think I'm very good at it. My hobbies are drawing, sewing, writing and researching, especially about mythology, cultures, politics, history, fashion. I like to visit second-hand and antique markets. I'm someone who doesn't like to waste money but cares about clothing. I always wear my headphones and listen to music, i listen every genre. I like silence, soft colors, being alone, flowers (especially honeysuckle), spring and breeze. I don't like crowds, noise, children, loud talkers and shiny things. I always wear colorful clothes with floral prints or all black. I also wear interesting earrings and different printed socks. And finally, I don't really have an ideal type. I love every person. I like the fact that there are different people. And I don't believe in love. If I'm going to be with someone, I'll be happy if we have respect, compassion, and loyalty to each other. It is enough that we are in harmony with each other. If I am with someone, I am clearly their mother.
You sure can have a matchup 💐 and your man is…
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Beorn! 🐻
You are tired of the world. Tired of all its hustle and bustle and rules and unnecessary noise. It isn’t like you have family back in any of those towns and cities anyway. Nature is your true domain, the place where you can be yourself and feel harmony, stroll through fields of fragrant blooms without prying eyes…or so you think. A small patrol of orcs catches you off guard, brandishing their scimitars and chasing you deeper into the woods you had sought solace in. Your legs pump as fast as they can, but it is hardly enough. Just as you think your burning, heaving chest will give out and fail you, though, a great bear bursts from the woods, making short work of your would-be tormentors. Before your eyes the beast shrinks down, becoming a great man, and bids you simply “Come with me.”
Had you more energy you’d have tried to fight, but as it is you practically shake from the adrenaline and still feel a burning in your lungs; nodding, you just follow him down a trail and across a field to his cottage. Distant, in bloom, populated only by livestock and bumblebees. You like it. Tentatively you smile up at the towering, bearded man. “You have no home, do you?” He asks. You shake your head and he sighs. “That is what I thought.” It seemed he isn’t much one for company, either. No complaints leave his lips, though, as you set down your small pack of possessions, or as you scan the interior of his home, taking in every nook and cranny. “We eat in an hour,” the man simply says.
Beorn. You learn his name over the meal, confirm your suspicions that he, too, has his reasons for isolating from society. Tell him how beautiful his home really is as he speaks of protecting nature’s gifts and feeling no remorse for those who sully them. Respect flows through you at his words, keeps you nodding as he speaks.
When you emerge the next morning, this time clean and in a long dress of floral print, you notice the way Beorn’s bushy eyebrows rise, his expression softens. You practically challenge him as you go outside, exploring and gently tending the livestock. He says nothing, though, save following you and giving you the occasional nod at your kind treatment of his animals. “Keep my house safe,” he tells you at the end of the day, “and I keep the woods safe.” In his way, you realize, he is asking you to stay, and you agree. He makes a nicer meal this night.
Your motions in the kitchen are something of a dance, Beorn and you all but intuitively moving around the other, working in perfect rhythm. His people have many old songs to learn, and you vow to sing them as best you can as you work. Beorn cleans and bends some old metal scraps, strings a pair of acorns into new earrings for you. Payment for repairing all his blankets, he says, but you catch the faintest of smiles on his lips. Spring explodes across the meadows in great flowery bursts. Soon in your pastures a new calf is born; in a wave of excitement and celebration, Beorn lifts you up by the waist and spins you around. Both of your serious expressions bursting into true joy, utter freedom of care and concern, for the first time in too long. Some may call your life simple, your relationship confusing, but you know what you are to each other deep in your hearts of hearts and you want for nothing that your woods, your little cottage, and each other cannot provide.
Taglist: @lokilover476 @fuckyoumakeart @mossthebogwitch @ibabblealot @kilibaggins @joonies-word @stormchaser819 @pirate-lord-of-narnia | Reply/Ask/Message to join 🥰
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multific · 2 years
Our Little Cub
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Beorn x Reader
Summary: Domestic life with your teddy bear.
Your husband has been away for a couple days now on a hunt. You knew how he liked to make sure the entire forest was safe. You assumed he found something or someone as he will be back soon. You knew very well your husband would never leave you behind or do anything reckless.
But you also knew he definitely was in for a surprise. 
Small little Aiden only learned that he has the ability to turn into the smallest cutest little cub.
You were delighted by the sight when you discovered it one morning. Instead of the cute little baby, it was a small little bear cub. 
"Hi, Honey Bee." you told the little kid as he made little noises. "Aren't you the cutest?" 
You were slightly worried when you gave birth that the baby you had would not be a skin changer, given you were a human. So you were absolutely thrilled to see the small baby cub.
"Your Papa is going to be thrilled as well." you said as you started feeding him. 
Ever since that day, Aiden didn't turn back to human. Which didn't worry you, you knew he would need to learn his powers. But you did make a note every day that passed.
You got used to the little cub pretty easily. You did notice that he loved to be outside. He loved to be around the bees and the goats definitely interested him a lot.
You smiled as you watched him crawl around your garden, you of course let him explore but you still had one eye on him. 
Aiden was definitely an active and very curious baby. 
You lifted him into your arms before heading inside.
"Time for a nap." you said as he yawned and you put him in his little bed. 
Aiden fell asleep rather quickly as you moved back to the kitchen to clean up and also outside to make sure all of his things were gathered. 
This is when you saw Beorn. Entering the garden as he closed the gate behind himself. 
You smiled and ran towards him.
He quickly lifted you up, kissing you.
"I missed you." you said as he slowly put you down.
"I missed both of you as well, where's my little one?"
"Taking a nap. You should go and see him, we have a surprise." you said as you grabbed his hand, slowly and quietly making your way inside.
"Look at him." you said as you pushed him towards Aiden's room. 
Beorn slowly walked in, looking into the little bed he made with his own hands just for his child.
Then, he saw his son, well who he assumed to be his son, it was a small brown bear. 
"He changed by himself. I found him like this three days ago." you looked up at him, you could see on his face he was really happy.
"My Love, he is a skin changer." he stated the obvious as he looked at you and smiled.
"You are no longer the only one. But Beorn is it normal for him to change this early? Isn't he too young?"
"Everyone goes through it at different ages. It can last for days the first time because it is not... voluntary. So, he is doing really good." he run a finger down his little cub's back. Watching as the small bear moved a little in his sleep.
"Let's leave him to sleep then." you said as both of you made your way out of the room and into the kitchen where you were halfway done with dinner. "Can you tell me where were you?"
"I got tangled up with Gandalf again, and since we couldn't go through certain... villages because of me, it took longer. I didn't want to leave you for so long, I won't do it again, Honey. I promise."
"We were fine, and your help was needed. I understand and I'm sure your son does too. I told him how his papa was out there saving or helping people."
Beorn smiled, imagining how you must have sat in front of the fireplace and told your son stories, it warmed his heart. He leaned down and kissed your temple. 
"I love you." he said, voice barely a whisper and it made you smiled.
"I love you too."
Then both of you heard your little cub as your husband went to check on him, soon your big bear was holding your small bear in his arms, smiling like a proud papa bear.
Taglist: imreadinggoaway @fleursirvart​​ @v-2bucky ehsebastiancrunch-time-sports  @pxstelrainbow ablogbypeteparker liamssmilersmexylemony @greenarrowhead feelingsareharddd @thisismysecrethappyplace @sincerelyfan @theoneanna @aestheticsandmarvel @rororo06 @castellandiangelo @avengers-r-us @destynelseclipsa   @spilledinkindumpster celebsimagine @capsiclesdoll snoopy3000 @firstangeldragonranch @puknow @crazzyter  @alwayshave-faith @soleil-dor @alex12948 scream-kiwi79  @lxdyred  @imagines-by-a-typical-fangirl​ @liveforkarljacobs @anonymoussherlockandmarvelgeek​​ @paola-carter​​ @stunkbiggu
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theglassofmiddleearth · 3 months
Imagine getting ready to leave Beorns's home and travel to Mirkwood.
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Thorin: "Gandalf, time is wasting."
Beorn: "There is more. Not long past, word spread.. the dead had been seen walking near the High Fells of Rhudaur."
Y/N frowns and meets Beorn's concerned eyes.
Y/N: "The dead you say?"
Beorn: "Is it true? Are there tombs in those mountains?"
Y/N and Gandalf look at each other and think back.
*A memory*
Galadriel: "When Angmar fell... the Men of the North took his body, and all that he had possessed and sealed it within the High Fells of Rhudaur.
Deep within the rock, they buried him.
In a tomb so dark.. it would never come to light."
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Gandalf: "Yes. Yes there are tombs up there."
Beorn: "I remember a time when a great evil ruled these lands. One powerful enough... to raise the dead.
Y/N side eyes Gandalf.
Beorn: "If that enemy has returned to Middle Earth... I would have you tell me."
Gandalf: "Saruman the White, says it's not possible."
Y/N: *spits out* "Blast that old man."
Gandalf: *pats Y/N's shoulder reassuring her.* "The enemy was destroyed and will never return."
Beorn: "And what does Gandalf the Grey say?"
*Gandalf shakes his head, unsure.*
Y/N: *Steps forward.* "We must go."
Beorn: "Yes. Go now, while you have the light."
*A howl rings out through the trees*
Beorn: "Your hunters are not far behind."
Y/N: "Thank you Beorn."
Beorn: "No you can't keep one of my puppies."
Y/N: "Fine."
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betyloca · 8 months
the bear and the jaguar
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Summary: You escape from a giant bear along with Thorin's company. What your host doesn't know is that you are a werejaguar.
warnings: despair / memories of death / anguish / everything softens in the end
You were waiting next to the company for Bilbo to return. You were standing next to Gandalf, he was an old friend of yours.
He had recommended you for Thorin's company as a hunter, rather you were not a hunter but a predator, well that's how you felt.
In the distance you began to hear some familiar footsteps. It was Bilbo who had returned. Everyone turned to see him, relieved.
Gandalf: Did they see you?
Bilbo: no but...
Gandalf: What did I tell you, discreetly like a mouse?
Everyone began to agree with Gandalf. You noticed that Bilbo wanted to say something.
y/n: *screaming* silence
everyone was silent watching you
y/n: Bilbo, what did you see?
Bilbo: I wanted to tell you that there is something there and it is very big.
You could smell that there was another aroma in the air like a bear
Gandalf: I wanted it to be shaped like a bear.
Bilbo: Yes... how do you know?
Gandalf: There is a house not far from here.
Thorin: Is he friend or foe?
Gandalf: Neither of them, but it's the only way out.
We were running, the orcs were chasing us and now a bear, we had been running for a couple of hours.
Y/N: Gandalf, how much longer?
Gandalf: not much longer
I was going to protest until I heard a roar. I looked back and saw a huge bear. He looked upset.
y/n: fuck
We began to run faster until the house became visible, several came to the entrance trying to enter.
Thorin: They will open the door
I was running until I heard someone shut up, when I turned around I saw it was Bofur, I was running to help him.
y/n: quickly get up
He immediately got up and ran, he knew he wouldn't make it to the door so he started to attract the bear's attention.
y/n: *whistling* hey big guy come get me
The girl turned to look at me but started running towards me "this is a bad idea" I thought.
bofur: not my lady
I saw that he turned to see me, he tried to run towards me, but Dwalin stopped him. I saw that the bear was starting to act. I made a sign to Dwalin to take him away, and I started running towards the forest.
I ran so much that my feet hurt. It had gotten dark, I was under a tree. There was no sign of the bear, but you could hear the grubs.
I walked stealthily until I got behind a bush. I hated the guargos and the orcs were monsters. I raised my hand to my cheek, touching the scratch scar. I began to remember the day my life changed.
I lived in the forest with my parents, they were good, very loving people. One day I asked my father to play in the forest and he told me to be careful.
When I went out to play, I didn't realize how late it was. When I tried to come back, I heard a sound and some grunting. When I turned around, I saw golden eyes looking at me. A huge jaguar pounced on me, scratching my face.
When I woke up I was in my house, my mother said that my father found me, my mother brought a healer to check, she told them that I had the werejaguar curse, it would transform me into a jaguar.
at some point and that it was dangerous to have me around.
My parents decided not to listen to him and it happened when I turned 17, I had no control over myself and I murdered my parents.
When I remembered that, I wondered, maybe the orcs and the guargos are not the only monsters.
I already controlled my transformation well thanks to Radagast who had found me and helped me control this power.
I started walking back to the house until I heard the sound of breaking branches I started to get closer I saw a man who was putting on a shirt he had long hair I was going to leave until I heard the sound of grunting he turned towards the sound seeing Suddenly I took off the coat I had on.
I had finished inspecting my territory so that I did not see orcs
I was in a bad mood, I know that when I got home there would be dwarves.
I was changing thinking about where that woman was, I didn't find her anywhere and if the orcs took her, I was remembering what she was like, she had golden eyes like those of an animal.
I began to feel that someone was watching me until I heard a growl I saw that a huge guargo came out of the shadows I put myself in defense it began to growl but I was about to transform until something pounced on the guargo I saw a jaguar was biting and scratching it until The guargo took him off of him. I saw that the jaguar stood in front of me while roaring at the guargo while the animal ran away from there.
I saw how the jaguar walked with a limp on one foot, it had a wound on one of its legs.
I knelt in front of him
Beorn: Come, I won't hurt you.
I saw how he growled at me and walked
beorn: how stubborn you are
I started to be sure until I saw her go behind a tree. I saw how she changed a woman, putting on a coat over her exposed skin. She turned to look at me.
x: what the hell do you see?
beorn: you are the woman who went with the dwarves
x: how do you know that?
Beorn: I'm a shapeshifter.
x: were you the bear?
I saw her get alert
Beorn: I won't hurt you.
x: why?
beorn: you saved me so you are not a danger
x: I'm not afraid of you
beorn: you're not like me
She looked at me and seemed to relax.
I saw this man. He seemed not to be afraid. It was strange to me that people are not afraid. When I told them, the dwarfs felt uncomfortable, but they accepted it.
y/n: what's your name?
x: beorn
y/n: I'm y/n
I saw how he smiled
beor: we should go back and heal that wound
We were walking side by side it made me feel small when we arrived I took him to his kitchen as I passed I could see how the dwarfs Bilbo and Gandalf were sleeping
I was happy that they were okay I saw Beorn walking towards me with some ointment for the wound.
beor:* sitting next to me* let's see, give me your arm
y/n: no, I do it
beorn: how stubborn you are
He said, taking my arm while he healed me. I looked at him, he had beautiful eyes. He looked up and I looked away, looking elsewhere.
Beorn: I'm done, wait here.
He got up and left, he started to inspect the house until he returned with a measure of clothes.
Beorn: You only have that coat so I brought you clothes.
I blushed when I remembered that I wasn't wearing anything under my coat.
y/n: thank you
I said taking the clothes.
beorn: behind there is a room you can change and sleep there
y/n: thank you big guy, rest
I said going into the room I could see a giant bed I sat on it and started to change my shirt it fit like a beast I put on my pants tying them with the belt of my coat I settled on the bed getting ready to get some sleep the pillows had their aroma began to fall into sleep while I thought about what would happen tomorrow
Would you like a second part?
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danger-xylophones · 2 years
Hey! I hope you're having a good day/night <3 I had a LOTR and/or The Hobbit headcannon request but if you're not taking those rn I understand <3 How various characters would react to a friend (reader) who is very emotional (like, the type of person who when they find something funny they LAUGH HARD, has deff. been kicked out of public places for fighting people who made them angry, and gets teary eyed even over the death and suffering of animals and total strangers) Any character is fine, I love them all, but please include Gandalf (he's SO COOL! and I feel like he doesn't get included in hcs enough but idk-) Thank you <3 :)
Howdy, I am still taking requests it just takes me awhile to get around to them.
I also agree Gandalf should show up more.
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Gandalf adores you
You are unequivocally one of his favorite people
And that's saying a lot considering he's been around for centuries
He loves how expressive you are and wishes more people were as free with their emotions, he thinks that maybe some problems in middle-earth could be solved if people were just more open about how they're feeling
Of course, he acknowledges that your propensity for expression can be a danger at times
He would never wish for you to stop being so expressive, but he does wish you'd quit getting kicked out of bars
It makes it hard to go get a drink with you because you're banned from a lot of places for 'roughhousing'
He's keen to have you meet Radagast, he thinks the two of you would get along swimmingly
I will add he's hesitant to smoke anything other than pipeweed with you - I mean, you're already prone to heightened emotions when sober, he's a bit scared to see what happens when you've got some for of recreational substance in you.
You're the first person he wants to show any new fireworks he learns to make to because you let your enchantment with the party favors shine through unabashedly
Beorn was initially a bit put off by you
He's very quiet and used to the company of animals who normally don't laugh when he cracks a joke to himself
But he warms up to you when he sees just how deeply you care for anyone and anything
He took you on a walk one day and you started crying because you found a tree that'd been scorched by a lighting bolt
And again when you were so gentle and tender with one of his horses that suffered a bad scrape on its side
He starts to open up a bit when you're around
It's not that noticeable but the jokes he normally cracks to himself are now loud enough for you to hear
He looks forward to your sporadic visits now
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Being an elf who was raised to keep a stoic countenance, he finds your expressiveness odd but a welcome change
The first time he cracked a joke that made you laugh he was worried you'd asphyxiate
Gandalf had to be the one to explain that you were just like that, that you felt things a bit differently from others
It takes Legolas a bit to get used to just how strong your emotions are
He happened to be in a bar with you when you got kicked out once, he was worried he'd be helping you bury a body before the end of the night
He understands your empathy for animals though, as that is something he can say he feels deeply
Elves share a special bond with all life and though they are often spared by death, that does not mean witnessing it ever gets easier
He eventually learns to appreciate your expressiveness as a gift few can claim to have
Galadriel is very fond of you
You remind of her of her younger self who was more wild and willing to let her feelings shine through
She loves it when you tell her stories of your life
Your still just as emotive while recounting your journeys with Gandalf to her as you probably were while traveling
She's a bit jealous of you though, as she wishes she could show her emotions as freely as you do
You're a breath of fresh air for her
As the Lady of Lothlorien, she has a certain countenance she must uphold and that stoicism is often repaid with aloofness from her fellow elves
But you remind her she is also a person, same as you, and that she feels too
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Whenever you get tossed out of a bar, Gimli's often right there with you
He's also loud and expressive
You can hear his laugh through the clamor of a filled tavern and his temper has also gotten his name blacklisted at a few mead halls
He thinks of you're pretty dwarvish, which is high praise to him
Dwarves are passionate folk and that passion is celebrated because it takes great emotions to ring art from stone
He does feel a bit awkward if he sees you cry only because it takes a lot to make dwarves cry
So he's a bit clumsy if he tries to comfort you
But he loves that he can find you in a crowd if he pauses to listen for a laugh
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Bard doesn't know how to feel about you, if he's perfectly honest
You remind him of his children who are still learning how to control their temperaments
And his initial thought is that you're too immature
However, when he does finally sit down and talk to you he's quick to realize that this supposed 'immaturity' is something he completely fabricated
You're incredibly intelligent, emotionally and intellectually
And he soon realizes he made a grave mistake judging you so early on
He comes to love just how boisterous your laugh is
It becomes enough for him to start laughing just hearing you laugh
He's still learning how to handle you're more fiery emotions
But he's a loyal friend who'll stick with you even when you get the both of you kicked out of the bar
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allexthakatt · 2 years
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Helloooo! My name is Allex, I'm 24, and I still love fan fiction. 𝕀𝕥 𝕨𝕒𝕤 𝕟𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕣 𝕛𝕦𝕤𝕥 𝕒 𝕡𝕙𝕒𝕤𝕖.
Wanna read what I got? Heres my MASTERLIST!
REQUESTS ARE CLOSED!! Even if you don't really request, I love talking to people! Please feel free to ask or even just send a message <3
Heres who I'll write for::
Eddie Munson 🦇
Steve Harrington 💅
Dr. Spencer Reid
Luke Alvez
Aaron Hotchner
Derek Morgan
Legolas Greenleaf 🏹
Aragorn 👑
. The things I write::
SMUT! oo la la ~ 🥵
ANGST! ouch... ❤️‍🔥
HURT/COMFORT! cuddles.. ❤️‍🩹
FLUFF! kisses? 💗
I do mostly f!reader BUT if you'd like I can do gender neutral! Reader too!
Have fun reading ✨
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blackloveangel13 · 1 year
Am i creativ enough to think about a fanfic? Probably.
Can i write? Oh God No
Do i try nontheless?! Maybe
Am I writing in english thats not my mothertoung? Absolutly
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