#Bern (BE)
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They had a fun corner in the natural history museum in Bern about the taxidermy process, and they showed the effect the eyes have on how realistic or uh. disturbing. a mount is
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The first fox had all black eyes. Not super realistic for those who know red foxes usually have orange or greenish eyes, but still pretty cute
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The second one had normal fox eyes. I think they could've gone with a size or two smaller, but still. Regular orange eyes with a vertical pupil as it should be. But then. Oh. Oh no.
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Human eyes 👁👁
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wanderlandjournal · 4 months
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moody switzerland
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allthingseurope · 1 year
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Bern, Switzerland
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atomic-raunch · 7 months
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Colette Berne pouring champagne cocktails and watching Bonanza
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annebrontesrequiem · 1 month
I'm sorry but people angry at Ukraine for pressing into Russia are so funny to me. Oh, now you care about territorial incursion? Uh-huh. Quick question, who was the first to annex a part of a sovereign country, and who later launched a full-scale invasion into said sovereign country? Yeah, thought so.
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gativo · 1 month
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plum tree
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illustratus · 5 months
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Silberhorn and Eiger from Mürren by Carl Millner
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vintagegoddesses3 · 2 months
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wgm-beautiful-world · 6 months
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Oberhofen Castle - SWITZERLAND
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mjbythebay · 4 months
Dick, sitting at the dinner table: how was school tim?
Tim: it was fine
Dick: you've hardly touched your food
Tim: I don't like meatloaf
Dick: no problem, it's left over night. We've got steak, pasta, what are you hungry for?
Damian: Bernard dowddd
Tim: shut up
Damian: he is
Tim: shut up!
Dick: do not shout at your brother!
Dick: Jaybird!
Jason, from the other room: kids, listen to goldie
Damian, whispering: I bet he'd eat Bernard-loaf
Tim: *attacks him"
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izylly · 29 days
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seamistgale · 8 days
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Bernard was being haunted.
His sus-o-meter isn't up to 100%, but if he's being real, it never is. The downside of being into conspiracy theories was that you were only partially sure which one was more skewed than the other. One day he could be convinced Batman is more cryptid than man, and then he'd stumble on some fascinating witness accounts that make him rethink the Vampire hypothesis.
This time, however, he's fairly sure this sort of freaky shit only happens to people in those cookie-cutter horror movies.
… Except this particular ghost might be of midwestern decent, or something, because they sucked at properly haunting.
Example number one:
It was rare that Bernard had dishes piled up. He lived alone, and occasionally Tim would come to his apartment; with a couple of games, some takeout boxes, and a movie later, there would be way more things to clean up than a whole weekend on his own.
The last time Tim came over, Bernard didn't bother cleaning up for the night, and then the trash just…. Disappeared.
Not like 'a burglar broke in for some weird fetish reason, and my trash is now gone' gone, but more 'the trash is in bags, the dishes are clean, and I swear the air smells fresher' gone.
That was strike one.
He brushed it off because Tim had been there. It was unlikely he just went on a stress cleaning spree at Bernard's place but… Well, Bernard's caught him doing way weirder shit. It's fine.
(it's not fine. You just didn't move things around on someone else's turf.
"…Clean up?" Tim echoed back from the phone, sounding as confused as Bernard felt the following morning. "I-- no, of course not!" and then hurriedly continued to reassure Bernard he'd never do that. Because Tim was nice like that, even after Bernard low-key accused him of giving him the Gotham equivalent of pissing in someone else's yard.
So, that was strike one in the back of his hindbrain that something was up.)
Strike two and three came together.
See, in Gotham's economy, sometimes your employer doesn't have your paycheck the week it should be. Who cares if you need to pay rent through or your landlord will double your rent? Neither your boss nor the landlord in question, obviously. So what he usually did was have a nest egg the size of his rent just in case.
But this month Bernard had splurged a little too much, so he was short. It was nothing big, he was just five bucks short.
The issue was, that his landlord was paranoid and was already breathing down his neck for not paying the next month's rent the day before the new month started. Like clockwork, his landlord put a warning under his door, ready to evict him the same day the month started if Bernard didn't have the rent in cash the next morning.
He knew the eviction notice was at the door, but chose to ignore it because it didn't matter, he'd get those five one way or another by the end of the day.
By the time he came back, two things were out of place. The first was the eviction notice on his table. Again, no one moved someone else's shit around.
Strike three happened while counting his nest egg, and would you look at that! He had more money than he'd counted. Nothing ridiculous, just… He had those five bucks now.
All these little things were easy to miss, or misremember, but Bernard was not most people. But the catch here was… All these things were good things. Sort of.
So not only was this happening when he wasn't around, but they were happening to his… Advantage? He'd even call it good fortune if one was willing to ignore the lack of privacy… And maybe he would have, if this wasn't Gotham. Privacy was a mix between a luxury and a currency. Sometimes a kindness.
In some ways maybe it would have been an effective scare tactic, to mess someone's shit up, but this was not the way he'd personally go about it if he wanted someone to leave the building.
So here Bernard was, staring again at the dishes he had placed as bait, because he wasn't an idiot and tempting a ghost into anything remotely violent was stupid. The dishes were cleaned.
He squinted at the ceiling, then at the rest of his apartment, trying to gauge whether trying to make first contact was going to get him more haunted, killed, or turn him into a Saturday morning cartoon.
Finally, he picked up a cup. Not a glass cup, because why would he give the ghost any ammunition, but a couple of fairly clear plastic cups, a marker, two sticky notes, and filled both cups with tap water decently enough so a mild tremble would be noticeable.
The first sticky note said "Yes", and the second, predictably, said "No."
"So." Bernard sat in front of the cups, feeling halfway like a dumbass for doing this in the first place, and halfway like he's about to do the worst decision of his life because it might just work. "You from out of town, or are you just really shitty at this?"
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cosmicpoutine · 30 days
bernard's reintroduction had him throwing hands with chaos monsters and yet people are out here calling him a twink please
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topcat77 · 3 months
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Tina Berning
Quiet Steps
Ink and crayon on found paper
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takethelx3 · 21 days
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Golden hour or something,,, angel baby (Troye Sivan) was on loop the whole time I was scribbling.. 👉👈
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annebrontesrequiem · 4 months
The beautiful word minunthadios, 'short-lived,' is used of both Achilles and Hector, and applies to all of us. We die too soon, and there is no adequate recompense for the terrible, inevitable loss of life. Yet through poetry, the words, actions, and feelings of some long-ago brief lives may be remembered even three thousand years later.
The Iliad, trans. Emily Wilson
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