#Best Mistake 3 (Cameo)
nailsinmywall · 9 months
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Maeglin in gondolin (and curufin laughing at eol)
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chuluoyi · 9 months
the secret wife
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- nanami kento x reader
follow the first years’ misadventures as they find out that apparently, the infamous 7:3 sorcerer is also a dutiful and loving husband in private!
genre/warnings: crack, fluff, the first years are simply chaotic, an attempt at humor, gojo cameo (he’s so insufferable), mentions of pregnancy, nanami being the best husband there is
note: based on an anon's suggestion, this is a spin-off to love entries' wife (so gojo is married to love entries reader naturally!) this is full chaos and crack omg so sorry and isn't proofread bc i’m kinda tired so pls forgive any mistakes and my dry humor :')
general masterlist
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On one fine, sunny day, which was supposed to be a calm and relaxing afternoon...
“Hello? Yuji—”
Megumi could've sworn, they weren't usually this nosy.
“Gojo-sensei! It's urgent!”
Call it indulgence, because Nobara's curiosity just got the better of her.
“Oh? What's—”
“Does Nanamin have a wife!?”
And Yuji... well, he just needed answers, because the three of them were now in the ‘Mom and Baby’ section of department store, having just witnessed a monumental sight of their esteemed mentor, Nanami Kento—
—with a remarkably stunning woman hanging onto his arm.
“Huh?” Gojo's confusion was evident from the other line. Oh, yeah. Yuji had decided to cut to the chase and call him too, hoping for a swift clarification.
Okay, so why were the trio—plus Gojo on the speakerphone—hiding behind a pillar just to spy on Nanami and his very possible wife? Let us rewind 30 minutes before...
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Yuji considers himself to have an exceptional eye and taste for women.
And 30 minutes ago, when he fell on his butt on the rough, hard asphalt in the jammed Shibuya crossing after accidentally getting shoved by the crowd, and encountered a kind, vivacious older woman—you, who extended a hand to help him up, he was even more convinced of that.
“Are you alright, Itadori-kun?” your soft voice entered his ears, catching him off-guard, and Yuji was certain of two things then.
One, that you were just like a literal angel descended from skies above, all dolled up and pretty with your flowy sundress.
“Ah, uh—” he stammered, eyes darting everywhere and anywhere at once as his palm started sweating after clasping your hand. “I-I am…”
And two, for the life of him, he had no idea who you were.
But it registered late in his mind to ask as he was busy controlling his ragged breathing and instant crush, and before Yuji knew it, you graced him with another kind smile and went on your way.
And did he feel so miserable afterwards.
. . .
“She’s sooo hella pretty, Fushiguro! And she knows me! Me!”
Megumi sighed, eyeing his friend in disgust. Truthfully, all he wanted was to return to the dorms and collapse onto his bed, and not listen to his friend’s incoherent ramblings.
"You sure you weren't imagining things?" Nobara questioned with slight irritation. "After you embarrassed us in front of Gojo-sensei's wife a while back, please think more before you act."
"I'm not, I swear! She said my name!"
"Itadori, can you please just not?" Megumi grumbled, having enough of this ruckus. "I want to walk back in peace."
And so tucking away his pout, Yuji walked in silence just as his best friend asked, and he was really going to leave it at that when suddenly he caught the sight of a familiar pristine coat and the sundress from earlier. “Oh?”
"Isn't that Nanami-san?" Nobara also spotted him, her eyes widening when she saw you, who was happily beaming as well as Nanami's light chuckle. "And wait, who is—?"
"That's her!" Yuji burst out, pointing decisively in your direction. "That's who I was talking about!"
Oh, no. Megumi dreaded it already. He could already see the utter catastrophe—
"I'm going after them!"
"Wait, Itadori! Me too!"
Too late. Before he could stop them, Nobara and Yuji had followed the pair. Reluctantly, Megumi trailed behind them too, albeit wearing a vexed scowl. Yet despite his misgivings, he couldn't deny that the things he saw over the next 30 minutes were genuinely unexpected.
Nanami consistently led you to a quieter spot away from the bustling crowd, his hand holding yours firmly. He would occasionally throw you a smile, or when you didn’t hold hands, then he’d wrap an arm around your waist. And to the trio's bewilderment, they also saw him tenderly brushing his lips against your head while on the escalator.
Soft and gentle. It was a side of Nanami Kento they had never witnessed—either with anyone else or even himself.
The two of you ventured through home appliances, visited food stalls, and eventually... the ‘Mom and Baby’ section.
"Do you want to rest for a bit?" Nanami's voice held a touch of concern as his hand settled on the small of your back, and seeing that, Nobara positively swooned.
"Oh, no, I'm fine," you responded with a reassuring smile. "Let's head over there. I'd like to see that next!"
Watching you and Nanami meticulously going through strollers and cribs like a pair of would-be parents was apparently too mind-blowing for Yuji and Nobara, leading to the decision to call Gojo right then and there. And, as they say, the rest was history.
"Last I heard, Nanami wasn't married," Gojo answered resolutely. "If he is, then it's the ultimate betrayal because he never told me!"
"But we see him with a woman! At mother and baby care section!"
Gojo hummed in thoughtful manner. "Okay, students. Now I'm tasking you to see this to the very end! Keep me on the line!"
With that, Operation: Uncover Nanami's Wife was officially underway, and frankly, the way the three of them were clumsily tailing the 7:3 sorcerer made Megumi want to facepalm. How was it that Nanami hadn't noticed their rather conspicuous attempts at all?
Now you were fawning over baby clothes, cutely trying not to squeal as you picked a little blue and yellow overalls. "Kento! Kento! Look, how cute!"
And all of them were floored once again when the expression on his face softened, as a warm smile adorned his lips. "Yeah, they are."
"Is she pregnant? She doesn't look it..." Nobara remarked, squinting and frowning, still watching the two of you like a hawk.
"Or maybe they're shopping for someone else?" Megumi suggested, earning teasing grins from Yuji and Nobara, to which he quickly rolled his eyes, as they chorused, "Looks like you're curious too!"
After a while, you moved from the clothes to sections stocked with mother's necessities. Yuji leaned against one of the racks, pressing his ear against it, with Nobara and Megumi crowding behind him, attempting to catch a snippet of your conversation with Nanami.
"I think we should get some heat packs and these pillows—"
"Oh, Kento! You're such a worrywart, I still won't need them for a few more months—"
"Wait, what?" Yuji whipped his head around in surprise, causing Nobara, who was leaning on him, to stumble and inadvertently collide with the racks.
"Eh? Huh!?"
Unfortunately, the racks weren't sturdy enough, and the force caused them to sway dangerously. Nobara, sensing her imminent fall, instinctively grabbed Yuji's arm to steady herself. However, he got tugged instead and their combined weight exacerbated the situation, leading to the racks quickly toppling over and a deafening commotion ensued—
"Careful!" Nanami immediately pulled you behind him, a protective arm around your shoulder, sensing your shock from the sudden crash. He was on high alert, expecting some sort of attack of cursed spirits, but instead, he was met with the most astounding sight of the bickering culprits amidst the fallen racks.
"Kugisaki! What are you doing!"
"You dumbass! Why didn't you stop me from falling?!"
"Itadori-kun...?" Nanami called out in utter disbelief, his mind couldn't fathom as to why the first years were here. However, his attention quickly shifted to Megumi, who was seething and sending his friends a glare so hard it could drill a hole into them.
Then, the boy swiftly fixed himself into a low bow in front of him, ashamed, disregarding Yuji and Nobara's groans altogether. "Nanami-san, I'm very, very sorry on their behalf."
"What are the three of you doing here?" he inquired, and poor Megumi seemed at a loss, huffing as he nervously rubbed the back of his neck, unsure of where to even start.
Meanwhile you were full of worry for the fallen kids. "Oh my gosh, are you alright?"
For the second time today, you tried to help Yuji to stand on his feet, and this time, he really had a good look over you.
It wasn't exactly noticeable due to how loose your dress was, but now he could see that under it, your belly was slightly rounded—an unmistakable baby bump.
Amidst his shock and pain, Yuji couldn't bring himself to take your hand as he inadvertently let this slip, "N-Nanamin! You knocked her up!"
Nanami blinked. You gaped. Megumi and Nobara went pale in sheer horror, ready to murder their friend on the spot for his extreme height of rudeness.
“Itadori-kun,” Nanami cleared his throat then, and if he was offended, then he chose not to show it. “First of all, I’m sorry for not introducing you sooner. This is Y/N, my wife, and yes,” his tone hardened slightly, “She’s carrying our first child.”
“S-so you are married!”
“Yes, that was what I—”
“What the hell?! NANAMIIII!”
Oh, the freaking phone. After his fall, Yuji’s phone ended up on the floor, and of course, Gojo did hear all of the entire madness, evident from how his voice blared from the phone.
Nanami frowned, unwittingly reaching out towards the phone. “Who—?”
“NA-NA-MI!" Gojo screeched in righteous exasperation, and the former immediately pulled away from the phone with a cringe. “How could you?! I invited you to my wedding! Are you a hermit or something—how could not tell anyone!? Didn’t you say I can officiate—”
“I said no such thing. Please refrain from saying outrageous things, it’s both annoying and misleading,” Nanami stressed, growing more irritated by the mere sound of Gojo's whining voice and feeling his patience waning rapidly.
"Aren't we friends?! How—!"
"Should I find you instigate one more of this... shenanigans with the kids, I won't hesitate to report you to Yaga and your wife," he interjected then with clear irritation, and right that second, Gojo shut himself up.
Yuji, Nobara and Megumi couldn't help drawing that one conclusion in wonder: So, that's what Gojo-sensei is afraid of.
Nanami swiftly ended the call with a flick of his finger, returning the phone to the still mystified Yuji. Turning back to the trio, Nanami's irritation simmered as he glanced at the mess of broken goods on the floor, as well as noticing the approaching clerks.
"You three..." Nanami started, his voice rising slightly, unfaltering even as the three of them flinched. "Do you realize what you've done? Are you so idle that you can ditch your assignments?"
"Kento, don't be too harsh," you rebuked, placing a hand on his arm with a frown on your face. Nanami sighed, looking over the situation once again. It was a whole rack of baby necessities destroyed; plates, glasses, and whatnot scattered across the floor.
Nobara bit her lip in anxiety. “Oh my god, who's going to pay for all this damage?” She could already imagine the staggering amount this mess would cost. This is worth millions, anyone can go bankrupt.
There was only one person who can and will. Immediately, both Nanami and Megumi turned to her with a shared resolve.
"Gojo," Megumi blurted.
"He will be charged for everything," Nanami added with spite.
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"You just love those kids, don't you, Kento?"
That night, when both of you were ready for sleep, Nanami had one hand caressing your still growing belly, and you teased him with a chuckle.
"Huh?" your husband looked at you in mild confusion as he stopped stroking you. "What do you mean?"
You giggled again. "You said to put it on Gojo's name, but in the end, you were the one who covered the damages first."
Nanami huffed lightly. "That's because I can't get the kids in trouble. But mark my words, I'll make sure Gojo pays up later, by force if I need to." He made a face when he remembered just what a massive bill it was. "That's too much money to be spent carelessly. We have our child and our future to consider."
"You're always like that," you sighed fondly, taking his hand and placing it back to the swell of your belly. "Always on the first line of defense for the students." Your smile widened. "It makes me think... just how lucky our kid will be with you as their father."
"On the contrary, I'm counting my blessings that they'll have someone as soft as you for their mother," your husband retorted with a smile, kissing your temple. And your heart melted into a puddle by his affectionate gesture.
"That's too sweet... ah, yeah," suddenly, you were reminded of a critical thing. “Kento, have you ever considered telling everyone else that we're married? At least to people at school?”
Nanami always wanted privacy for safety reasons most of the time, and you understood that, but seeing that Gojo and the first years knew already, you thought it might be the best time to let everyone know.
"I honestly don’t see the need to, why?"
"People like Gojo are confused—"
Your husband rolled his eyes then. "Don’t worry, dear. People like Gojo exist to spread the word so we don't have to."
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ddeunbi · 3 months
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PAIRING jake x gn!reader WC ooo GNR fluff, suggestive WRNGS grammar mistakes, kisses, public setting, soccer-player!jake CAMEO huh yunjin of le sserafim ( BOOKSHELF ) for @jakesangel this was supposed to be a hyung line fic, but i decided to turn it onto a jake fic instead since i feel bad; writer's block sucks
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your boyfriend had promised to take you to the bakery that you've been wanting to try for weeks today, which explains why you're waiting for your boyfriend to finish his daily basketball practice at the gym. luckily, you don't have to sit on the bench alone today as your best friend, yunjin, is waiting for her cousin to give her a ride home.
you look at the clock in the gym, 3:55 p.m., just 5 minutes more until they're done.
sighing, you rest your head on yunjin's shoulder. she placed her head over yours and wrapped her hand around your shoulder.
"endure it for 15 minutes more, then you can hug and kiss your boyfriend all you want. I don't recommend hugging him, though; he's sweaty" you nudge her side, laughing at her. "hey! it's just my opinion,” yunjin laughed.
"since both of us are bored, tell me about that girl right there." you looked at where yunjin was pointing, only to find the girl that you probably despise the most right now, sitting with her minions. she was the one who always claimed to be jake’s real girlfriend and bothered him everywhere.
"her face is so annoying, I want to punch it," yunjin remarks. you chuckled, knowing that you and her were on the same boat. you hate how she's still following jake everywhere when she knows that he's with you.
just when you're about to tell yunjin more about her, you hear your name being called. you turned your head to the source of the sound, only to find jake winking at you before shooting the ball into the basket. the ball successfully went into the hoop, which filled the whole gym with the sound of shouts. the coach blows the whistle, signaling that it’s the end of the practice
you're never really a fan of public attention, but you started to ignore the feeling of it ever since the two of you got together. you know what you're getting yourself into when you're dating a well-known athlete at the school. it's not like you hate it; you just prefer doing everything in your own space.
"i can't believe i'm saying this but hell, that shit was so cool," you heard yunjin say beside you, clapping her hands. you know yunjin is not really fond of jake; well it’s not like she hates him but rather stays on guard in case jake does something he shouldn’t do.
“go, i’ll manage just fine here. plus my cousin is almost done,” yunjin nudged you once again. “well then, thank you for today jen. if it wasn’t for you, i would look like a lost dog sitting on this bench alone.” you stand up and start gathering your things together to put them in your tote bag. you slid it over your shoulder. yunjin hummed as a response. “you sure you got everything?” she asks, looking around, probably looking for your things.
you chuckle at her and say, "I did. thanks again for today. let's grab ice cream tomorrow, see ya,” you said, giving her a pat on the shoulder. “now that’s more like it! see ya”, yunjin smiles. you wave your goodbye, which she returns not even a second after, and that was your queue to properly go.
the second you reached down, you saw jake waiting for you with his arms wide open, making the smile on your face wider. you ran to him, and wrapped your arms around his neck before kissing him. you could tell that he was shocked at first, but he quickly wrapped his arms around your waist pulling you closer to him. he closed his eyes and returned your kiss. you heard his teammates cheering, but that was the least thing that you cared about right now when you have your precious boyfriend in your arms right now.
you can feel him smile against your lips, probably because of the cheers. one of his hands went on its way to the back of your head, deepening the kiss. his soft lips are glued to yours, noses nudging against each other's.
you were the first one to pull away, resting your forehead against his. you want to kiss his soft lips every second, but the lack of oxygen makes you pull away. you open your eyes only to find him looking at you with so much love.
“bold now, are we?” he smirks. he leans in, hugging you properly. “do that more often; i love it,” he said against your ears, which made you let out a small laugh. you realize the little crowd is now gone; there are only a few people left in the gym. you look at the place where she and her minions sat, only to find an empty chair. they probably left, you thought. 
you smiled to yourself, knowing that in the end, you will always be the one who he hugs and kisses, not some girl that he doesn’t gives a fuck about
jake pulled away, planting a kiss on your temple. “i need to shower and change my clothes; will that be okay for you? i’ll be quick,” he asked. both of his hands are now caressing your hair, looking at you again with the same stare that you’ve come to love. “yeah, take your time. the cafe won’t close until 8 p.m. anyway,” you said, giving him a soft smile.
“perfect, let’s go,” he pecked your lips before taking your hands to interlock his fingers with yours and kissing them.
well, yunjin's advice may have gone over your head.
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NANA'S NOTE i should stop disappearing omg
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makeupbychio · 23 days
training season // logan howlett x fem!mutant!reader
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Summary: Your actual training class sucks, so you asked Logan for his help if he’ll like to train you. He accepted and unexpected feelings were developed. The goal is to make you stronger and one of the best with or without your powers.
Warnings: Cursing, physical fights, injuries due to the fights, mutual romantic and sexual tension, vague mention of smut, Logan feeling unworthy, Storm cameo, just two idiots in love without saying it. Mentions of the Professor, Scott and Jean. Angst but with a fluff happy ending.
Words: 4k.
A/N: First things first, english is not my first language so I’m sorry if there is a mistake but I needed to write about this old man we all love so much. Also, very important to mention that your powers are related to energy and nature manipulation, and also you are a grown woman despite the fact that you take classes in the mansion. Thank you, hope you enjoy <3 Comments, feedback or ideas are welcome!! <3
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From the moment you stepped into the mansion Logan knew you were going to be partners in crime. At first you were so cautious with your words and actions, it was because you never thought that you were going to find a safe place for you as a mutant, but once you saw all of the people that lived there and shared same fears and also joys, people just like you, you started to be your true self. Not just with your personality but also get the chance to get to know more about your powers and how to control it and be stronger.
The first times you talked to Logan were always with the Professor near, he was always trying to convince him to have his own class to teach the kids. All the times that conversation went on it was when Charles needed to talk to you or vice versa in places where Logan always somehow got it the way.
From your spot you saw every time they leave for a mission. And every day you work your ass off to be at their level and be part of the group because you wanted to be useful and contribute something to the x-men and not just live there and take classes.
One time you were walking to your class that Storm was in charge of, due to your ecokinesis powers being related to nature too, when Logan was going in the opposite direction. It was funny because he had such a serious face all the time but with you he always stopped to say hi and ask you how you are. Now or never you thought to yourself.
“Fine, thanks and you?” you asked him, looking up at him, you were grabbing your books close to your chest.
“Good, just going to the kitchen to grab some breakfast” he smiled at you looking at everything you were carrying.
You were so nervous to ask him about this but you saw what he could do, you stuttered and paced anxiously in front of him. “Cool, look I have like ten seconds before I’m late to Storms but I’ve been trying to ask you if you would like to give me a couple of training lessons? I know that you don’t want to have your own class, you made that very clear, trust me but…”
Despite your anxiety, you never break eye contact with him. So you saw how slowly his features changed to a surprise. He never expected that question from you. “Not to be mean, but why is that, princess?” he asked you full of curiosity.
“Don’t get me wrong, I’ve seen videos of you fighting and I need to be at that level” you answered him but still he wasn’t stoned because for him it is hard to love his powers sometimes since he’s been always treated as a weapon only. “Also, Scott classes are boring as fuck” you rolled your eyes just by remembering that you have that class before lunch.
Logan laughed at your statement, a cocky grin on his face now. His ego at his best because you were asking for his help instead of Scott. Logan didn’t want to admit that he would do it not just because to rub it in Scott’s face but also because since you arrived he couldn’t take his eyes off you. Every time you are around someone of the team he tries to crash the talk just to get to talk to you, he doesn’t know why he does that instead of just talking to you.
“Meet me at the lake after lunch, and we can discuss this better” Logan gives you a wink, you smiled at him with a thank you and rushed to your classroom. Storm was already outside in the hallway waiting for you, watching Logan disappear. She knows him, and she knew what this was all about.
So deals were made that day, and he promised to give you some training lessons with the condition you promised him to always give your 200% to every lesson. You didn’t know how many lessons he was going to offer but when he knocked at your door to go on you never gave him an excuse, sometimes you trained really late when you should be studying or sleeping, you were training with Logan. You were not doing anything illegal but you can sense that maybe the Professor would not like this, or maybe yes.
At first the whole time together was dedicated to just training. You didn’t have a spot, sometimes the lesson was outside, sometimes inside. But after a couple of them, in between you two found time to get to know each other. Logan was amazed by the whole you. About how fast you learn, about your charming but badass personality, about your powers, about you always being so honest and empathetic. So he found himself so mesmerized and in love with you. He kept his promise and with your hard work, lots of hours of study and training sessions the goal was for you to get to control your powers and be one of the strongest.
About two months passed and to get to train you better he had a lot of conversations with Storm in her classroom for him to get to know and understand your power so you could use it for better, also to get to know your limits with it.
“Why are you doing this, Logan?” Storm asked him once he reached her for answers of your powers. She wanted to make sure you were not going to end up with a broken heart. “She’s my best student and once she’s ready I’m going to talk to Charles to include her in the team” she looked at him with a deadly look without blinking to not miss a single thing from his face to reveal the truth.
“That’s exactly why! I want her on the team too!” Logan tried to escape his friend. “You said it yourself, she’s your best student, and with her actual training lessons she was going nowhere, no progress”.
“So since you are so committed to having more people on the team, I’m going to tell Charles you are okay to have your own class” Storm kept testing him. Logan sighed, trying to keep in secret his feelings. “Don’t do this to her if you are still in love with another person…” Storm said, with pleading eyes because during this time she got to know you too and consider you a friend besides her best student. Womanhood at its best.
Logan looked at Storm with a surprised expression at the accusation. He got serious and sat down in front of her, he took the chair and placed it with anger. “Okay you want to know the truth? First, I totally agree with you that she’s the best, I hope that you are talking not just about her grades that she gets in your class, I hope you’re talking about her whole persona because you know what happened? Since you think you know me so well. I don’t care anymore about Jean since a long time ago. You understand? That happened like a century ago, so you know what happened to me?” Logan was unstoppable with his speech now that his friend got him on his nerves, Storm knew this was going to be a monologue without letting her say something. “It happened to me to get to know someone so pure, so smart, so kind, not just incredibly beautiful but someone who really makes me think this world can be fixed for the better and also makes feel every time I’m with her that this is actually a place where I belong to for fuck sake!”. He growls finally pouring his heart out to his friend. He was scared to finally accept his feelings towards you.
Storm didn’t know what to say, she didn’t mean to upset him or to make him remember the awful times he had with Jean. Also, she was speechless because you were just at the entrance of her classroom god knew since when, your figure standing there lost of words too.
You arrived just in time when Logan was giving Storm the answer the mutant was looking for. You were not looking for Logan, you were there outside her classroom because you had to deliver the paper she asked the class the week before. You knocked first but Logan’s words were louder for them to hear you.
Of course after that, your whole relationship changed with Logan. But at that moment you didn’t know what to do, what to say. It crossed your mind that maybe he had feelings for you but when you arrived at the mansion the first thing you knew about Logan was the whole Jean thing, so every time you had a vague thought that maybe he liked you your mind immediately reminds you about his story with Jean. So you tried to keep it professional but with every conversation you had with him you found yourself also falling for him.
Also, during the lessons he never crossed the line with you. NEVER. Even when you hinted him that he could, he never did it. That’s also another reason why you thought he was not into you. So you were confused because he always gives you the brightest smile, told you his darkest secrets and got him calling you all the pretty nicknames, but never took advantage of the situation. Because for the training he had to touch you, to correct your postures, to teach you the attacks, fight against him, etc. But he touched you with a firm and yet soft grip. He was a true gentleman so even when you flirted with him, he never made a move on you.
Logan was also dealing with this confusion, his mind also getting the best of him tricking him every night he went to bed if you were flirting with him or you were just being nice to him. So he wasn’t going to push you until you told him directly about your feelings or what you wanted.
Just two idiots in love without knowing the other one is in love too. Classic.
“Y/N…” Logan said once he noticed you were standing outside Storm’s classroom. Storm felt like shit to push his friend like that. If he only knew you were in love too, but you got scared and ran away.
“Fuck…” Logan murmured to himself. He should have told you how he felt, but time passed within your lessons with him and his mind just assured him you were not into him because of all of the awful things he had done in the past and told you about it. He didn’t want to scare you so he gave you your space. “Well, now I think I don’t have to do this anymore, thank you Storm” Logan sat up from the tiny chair compared to his body, Storm also sat up from her desk wanting to say something to her friend but at this moment it was going to make it worse.
Thanks to the universe, you didn’t have more classes that day so you ran and hid in your room. That night you had training with Logan but after your cowardice you assumed Logan was not going to knock at your door for a lesson. You tortured yourself in bed all day about what to do because at some point you needed to leave your room, you skipped lunch and dinner. Logan still showed up at the casino and hoped to see you, when he didn’t he noted himself clearly to not bother you.
You debate on how to deal with this situation, Logan has a special spot in your heart to ruin everything. If he didn’t see you in that way as you feel for him it’s okay. You hope that at least you could be friends or just future colleagues. You are a grown woman so you can deal with a broken heart, it wouldn’t be the first time. So you changed in your training clothes, maybe for the last time because you also would understand if Logan doesn’t want to do this anymore.
“WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!” your roommate screamed at you that maybe someone heard them in the hallway. You told them about what happened earlier, they knew about the training sessions when they were worried about you why you left the room every night till late. “HE LITERALLY TOLD STORM HOW HE FELT FOR YOU, THAT HE LOVES YOU!”.
“No- I- He didn’t say he loves me” you corrected them.
“UGH I CAN’T WITH YOUR STUBBORNNESS SOMETIMES, MAYBE HE DID NOT SAY IT EXPLICITLY BUT HE SAID ALL OF THOSE AMAZING THINGS ABOUT YOU AND HOW YOU MADE HIM FEEL THAT’S LITERALLY LOVE!” they were about to hit you in the face to wake up from whatever delusional dream you were. “Go and fix this, if you really like him he should know”. They couldn’t blame your fear, you’d been through a lot and as a mutant they understand the feeling that you don’t deserve that kind of love because you were different.
After that awakening help from your friend you find the courage and before you chickened out you left your room to head to Logan’s room. It felt like it was so far away, like you were moving in slow motion. Once you arrived, you tried to knock on the door but Logan opened it to leave his room. His features changed immediately into a smile, so happy to see you. “Hi princess, I was about to go to your room to…” he explained.
“Logan, please hear me out. I’m sorry about earlier, I shouldn’t have ran away, I just- I never thought you would see me like that because I don’t think I deserve it, but what I’m trying to say is…” Logan never saw this side of you, nervous around him. Not even when you were also telling him your darkest secrets. He had always seen you so confident about yourself and your skills.
“Sugar, what if we go outside to train and we can discuss this also” Logan knows how to make you feel better. You always loosen up when both of you are training. It was a safe space, maybe it was all of the exercise that makes you feel relaxed or maybe that you both were alone without any pressure.
“Okay, yeah. Great idea, I’ll follow you” all the time you next to him heading outside to your favorite spot, the lake. It was late and the stars were shining bright. It was relaxing to see the water so calm and the warm breeze. The lake was really far away from the rooms, a lot of trees with damages due to the training of other students' powers, including yourself, that’s why the training classes were outside, most of them.
Somehow Logan just started the class like nothing happened earlier. “Okay princess, this one is going to be different. You have to knock me down with your skills and tactics I taught you”. he challenges you, ready for you to make your move. “I’m not going to give you an advantage, so…” he gave you a cocky smile. He was so ready, in another hand you were shitting bricks.
“Logan I don’t think I can do that, I’m- I don’t want to hurt you” you were regretting your decision, the truth is that your mind was full of what happened today that you can not think about anything else, so you were going to lose really fast.
“You can use your powers if you want, I’m not scared of it or of you. If you need to use them, go ahead, remember I heal really fast”. Logan was always encouraging you and celebrating your powers, not just because they are fucking awesome but also to make you feel good and make peace with them.
You’d learn a lot in every class about your powers, the natural energy manipulation you are connected to. You can communicate, influence, manipulate and control nature. Thanks to Logan’s words you feel confident that you can beat him easily by snapping your fingers to control something around him and win the challenge.
You recently learned about magma so you think about hitting with a magma fist, but rapidly he ran to you and knocked you down. “Okay, so this is going to be physical”. You groaned at the sudden pain, he was going to put it hard for you because you needed to learn to fight in case you were not able or stable to use your powers.
He was not going to use his claws, he surpasses you in height and weight but that didn’t stop you. He’s fast but after all of this time he teaches you some of his own tricks so you are now using them against him. This will be the only circumstance he will be throwing hands at you, and he’s still being gentle with you. Due to all the movement you are approaching the lake, so you corner him and with a kick on his ankle he is down.
Logan is trying his best to concentrate, he feels so stupid for being busy thinking how gorgeous you look tonight under the moonlight. So he got distracted easily when you pulled your hair up and next thing he was down on the floor so you took the opportunity to manipulate the ground around him, lifting him where he was laying and throwing him into the lake.
You didn’t punch him too hard so you hope he’s not going to drown. And he didn’t, he quickly surfaces his head. “Good job, princess!” he was so happy, already healing the pain you caused him with the kick. He was so happy all of the training was going so well with you.
“I’m sorry, Lo” you felt bad now looking at him stepping out the lake all wet. He got closer looking for your injuries, in case he accidentally used his claws. He is in front of you, really close looking for your permission to touch your scratches you got in your arm when he knocked you down. You just nod at him. He always asks for your permission even when you've been training for a while now. Every single time.
Unexpectedly, he touched your neck, finding a small scratch. You almost turned into stone at the sudden touch. His cold hand, due to the cold water that was still pouring all over his body, made you shiver. “I’m sorry” he looked at your face, that pretty face.
”Don’t worry, Lo. It was probably the dirt that made that. Not you” you assured him.
“I’m not talking about that.” now with a sad look on his face, almost like regret. “I’m not good at this, maybe because I’m not worthy but I should’ve told you about how I felt, about how YOU make me feel”. His body finally relaxing, feeling his chest like unraveling a really big knot.
You are getting all emotional, you shouldn’t have ran away that morning, you didn’t mean to hurt his feelings making him think that you didn’t reciprocate the love.
His hand is still on your neck, the other one holding your lower back. You ran your hand on his wet hair to put it all back, some of his locks covering his pretty face. You escape a small laugh looking at the new hair style. “What are you talking about? You deserve all of the good and love, I’m sorry for earlier but we are really dumb because I thought about the same about not being worthy of your love and also I thought you still have feelings for, well, you know, the rumors, so that’s why I never told you”. You leaned your head on his hand.
He brushed your tears with his finger, never wanting to see you cry again. “Like I said before, this is the first time I feel this and it feels really good because thanks to you I feel that I belong and have a purpose. I promise you princess if you want, I’ll protect and love you every single day”. His face is close to yours. Tears keep falling but happy tears to finally find someone so kind. You finally close the gap between your faces and kiss him so tenderly, because you couldn’t find any more words after his declaration. His smile is so big while he holds you close to him, never wanting to let go of this moment.
Like a cliche movie, the sky made a sound and rain poured from the dark clouds. Logan was already wet from the lake so he didn’t mind. He only cares about you. You broke the kiss to breathe, you looked deeply into his eyes and found that sparkle he always has when you are around him, but this time more intense. He looked up at the sky smiling, “Did you do this?”, he asked you with an eyebrow raised.
He wasn’t going to believe any of your answers. Because your emotions sometimes take control of your powers, what you actually did is that a lot of tiny flowers bloomed around where you both were standing. “I’m just guilty about this” you pointed at the ground.
“Okay princess, let’s go before you catch a cold” he took your hand to guide you inside the mansion.
Next morning, you showed up at Storm’s class with a wide smile, so she knew that the rain she made last night worked to make the moment more perfect. It was her way to make up for her two friends.
It took you about 5 months when he told you you were ready. It was a non stop thing, some days you trained twice. There were days you didn’t want to attend, because you had a shitty day, because you were feeling under the weather, or you felt insecure and unworthy. Your mind gets the best of you but every time you opened the door when Logan knocked, you felt way better when he greeted you with a smile and big kiss. “Let’s go, princess. Today we need to improve your attacks”. Every night after the lesson you ended up staying at Logan’s room for some reason.
Professor Charles noticed your improvement thanks to the recommendations from Storm and Logan, so he invited you to join the team. The day he asked you, you were so happy that you said yes in a second and ran to find Logan to give the big news. He was outside, fixing his motorcycle, a cigar in his mouth. Once he sensed you, he was greeted with your arms around his neck hugging him, he was so happy when you told him how it went with the Professor.
“Welcome to the team, princess” he kissed you, holding you impossibly closer to his figure. He knows this is important for you and he’ll keep his promise till the end of days to protect you every single moment, especially now that you are going to be out in the field too.
“Thanks, babe! I guess now we should be more cautious about us around the team” you frowned at him. Not wanting to be one of those gross couples in public but for Logan it is really hard to keep his hands off you.
“Fuck them, you’re all mine and they should be grateful I stopped complaining like I used to” his arms hugging your lower back, and his hands mysteriously always end up grabbing your ass. You giggled at his attitude, knowing he’ll fight the team every time they’ll complain. “God, can’t wait to see you in that uniform! You’re going to look even sexier”. He got all excited and you can feel it by being so close to him. It’s going to be hard for him to hold himself if he’s already like this without even happening your first mission as an x-men. “I think the training season is going to come back”.
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dollfaceksj · 1 year
reminder | jjk (m) pt. 3
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➥ PAIRING: jungkook x fem!reader
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➥ SUMMARY: Whenever he flies back into town, your doorbell is the first he rings. When he has to fly out again, your bed is the last he lies in. However, you’re not stupid. You know your ex-boyfriend, that also happens to be an up-and-coming professional boxer, Jeon Jungkook, doesn’t come to you only. Unfortunately, you have no right to be jealous, not when you’re the one that ended the relationship.
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➥ GENRE: angst ⋆ smut ⋆ bit of fluff ⋆ exes with benefits
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➥ CATEGORY: three-shot
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➥ WARNINGS: explicit sexual content, lots of arguing, angst so much angst, toxicity, strong language, jealous!jk, possessive!jk, reader gets a taste of her own medicine, slightly aggressive jk (not @ reader dw), cockblocker!yoongi, hater!yoongi, mean!yoongi, yoongi just cares about jungkook okay, another bts member cameo and he’s the only normal person in this frfr, a bit of jungkook pov, quick forgiveness bc they love each other so much guys like theyre such losers omg, mentions of.. THE NECKLACE… sorry in advance, oral sex (m. rec), unprotected sex (dont be dumb), rough love making, make-up sex, shirtless ck jk because why not…, kinda subby!jk for a moment… :D, creampie, mentions of edging, mentions of overstimulation, teasing, imo both reader and jk are extremely dumb in this tbh, minors DNI
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➥ WORDCOUNT: 12.5k
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a/n: ah. its the final part. i wanna take the time to thank you guys for loving this three-shot! the love reminder has received really did have me considering making it into a series (i really did) but honestly i think it’s best to keep it a three-shot. HOWEVER: i wanna write a lot of drabbles for it so look out for those!
a/n 2: ignore any mistakes u see or you are cloverphobic. not betaread.
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The distant thud of a car door slamming shut makes Jungkook jerk awake in his car. With a hiss, he slurps up the drool that had trickled down his chin from being knocked out and he shoots upright in his seat. He’s jetlagged as hell after flying out from Australia but he still insisted on seeing you first.
Unfortunately, when he knocked at your front door around 12AM, you weren’t home. Being his stubborn self, he decided to wait for your arrival in his car. He dropped Yoongi off at home and returned, parked in front of your door and waited.
But the sound of that car door slamming shut has pulled him out of his slumber. He looks out of the car window on his side, and there you are in the distance, dolled up and searching for your house keys in your clutch as you make your way to the front door.
Wearing a tight dress, hair did exactly the way you know Jungkook likes and from this angle he can’t see your face but without a doubt, he knows you’re absolutely gorgeous.
He takes his phone out of his pocket to check the time and the numbers on his lockscreen – which is a picture of his hand holding yours – tell him it’s 4:08AM. He’d been here for hours but all of it felt like minutes when he finally set his eyes on you again.
Right as he’s about to get out of his car, the figure of another person walks around the car you had just gotten out of. With a squint in his eyes, Jungkook tries to figure out who’s walking up to you right now.
A man, not much older than himself, holds you by your arm as he leads you to your front door. A frown creeps onto his brows when you don’t seem to have a reaction to this man touching you.
Jungkook watches as you keep digging into your purse, seemingly searching for your keys but that doesn’t matter to him anymore.
With a scowl on his pretty face, he silently gets out of his car and sneaks up on the both of you. He makes sure not to make any noise as he stands directly behind the unfamiliar man. Jungkook tilts his head to the side as he says, “She can handle the rest from here.”
He watches with a stern look in his eyes as you and the man slightly jump from the sudden interruption. Your head snaps in his direction and so does the man’s head next to you.
Jungkook can see the horror in your eyes as you come to the realization that it’s none other than Jeon Jungkook standing right next to you.
You’re staring at him like he’s grown a second head, Jungkook’s eyes trail your face and scan your features, committing it all to memory. Pupils dilated, a thin layer of sweat coating your forehead, lips swollen, remnants of lipstick smudged across your chin.
“Who’s this?” the unknown man asks you after the deafening silence that had settled around the three of you, a raise to his eyebrow as he turns his head to look at you.
You quickly compose yourself and clear your throat to speak but before you can answer, Jungkook butts in. “I’m Jungkook,” he says, cockily.
The man slowly nods to Jungkook’s introduction and opens his mouth to respond with his own name as he says, “Hoseok.”
Jungkook nods again after puffing out his chest with an air of arrogance and replying, “Nice to meet you, Hoseok. It’s awfully late, though. You should go home.”
Hoseok turns to look at you with a confused yet concerned look in his eyes, checking with you to see if it’s okay to leave you with this man named Jungkook.
You let a soft sigh push past your lips and give him a nod of reassurance. You place your hand on Hoseok’s bicep to wordlessly tell him it’s okay but he doesn’t look convinced. That’s when you say, “It’s fine, Hobi. Thank you for helping me get home. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
Jungkook’s eye twitches at not only the nickname but at the fact that you’ve seemingly agreed to meet up with this man tomorrow. His gaze drops to your hand on Hoseok’s bicep and he rolls his eyes, fighting the urge to flex his own arms but quickly realizing how stupid he’s being.
Hoseok nods once he sees the sincere look in your eyes and slowly starts walking backwards whilst staring Jungkook down. Jungkook isn’t backing down, though, staring back head-on. Hoseok clicks his tongue and finally spins on his heels, making his way back to his car. He looks back one more time.
Jungkook hasn’t budged from where he was staring Hoseok down and Hoseok glances at you one last time before getting into his car and driving off.
Jungkook glares at the retreating vehicle until it has literally disappeared down the street.
With a frown on his face he turns to you but you avoid his gaze as you turn your keys in the keyhole, unlocking the door to your home. You don’t even hold the door open for Jungkook as you walk in, heels clicking against the tiles as you kick them off and make your way to your living room.
You toss your purse at the couch, watching as it tumbles to the ground with a loud clatter, spilling all its contents but you don’t seem to care as you turn to look at him once he closes the door behind him, in the midst of kicking his own shoes off.
“Why the hell are you here, Jungkook?”
His brows pinch together at your words, the urge to nibble on his bottom lip starting to creep up his spine. “What do you mean, why am I here?”
You stare at him for a moment longer with frustrated eyes and your lips pressed into a thin line, watching his every move but he isn’t budging an inch.
You shake your head as you start walking away from him but he quickly stops you, hand wrapping around your bicep as he tugs you back. “Y/N, speak.”
You glance down at his inked hand wrapped around your bicep and try to wiggle it out of his grasp but he doesn’t let you.
You scoff, “Seriously? I don’t fucking hear from you the entire two months you were in Australia and you have the nerve to come back and act like nothing has happened?”
Record scratch.
Jungkook can hear the cry threatening to spill from your throat and it stings him as bad as when he was punched in the mouth a week ago during a sparring match.
He’s usually gone for a week or two, never longer than that. Not only has he been gone for two months, he didn’t contact you at all while he was away.
He shakes his head, tugging you even closer to him. “You never hear from me when I’m gone, I always come back like nothing has happened! Why are you suddenly acting like it’s a big deal? We’ve been doing this for two years.”
You press your hands into his chest in an attempt to push him off but there’s no real strength behind it. “Because this time, it’s not the same!”
He quickly takes notice to your quickened breathing and the hurt in your eyes but he doesn’t comment on them and decides to stand his ground and defend his actions. “How is it not the same?”
The look of disbelief you give him has his heartbeat stuttering in its rhythm and his throat tightening as it starts drying out.
“Don’t act dumb, Jungkook,” you say, adding more strength behind your push against his chest.
He doesn’t budge nor respond, instead, he continues to stare you down with eyes that flicker with uncertainty and desperation.
You shake your head in disbelief again at his lack of response. “Last time was different. You know it was.”
Again, he has no rebuttal because he knows. He knows it was.
But Jungkook was scared. Terrified, even.
Before he reminds himself of how he’s felt the past two months, he changes the topic. “Who was that?” is all he asks.
Your brows pinch together as your eyes scan his face, dropping to his lips and catching the way he wets them with his tongue, a substitute for chewing on them. “What?” you ask him in confusion.
“Hoseok,” he pauses. “Who is he?” he asks, the face of the unfamiliar man flashing in his mind makes his blood boil all over again, fingers adjusting around your bicep to make sure you don’t slip from his grasp.
You can’t believe he’s deterring the conversation to this, apparent by the raise in your brows and the change in your pitch. “Are you serious?”
“Answer the fucking question, Y/N.” He closes the distance between you two, menacingly towering over you as he stares you down with his onyx eyes.
You huff in frustration and with a shake of your head, you reply, “He’s my friend.”
Jungkook nods to your words in mockery and then reaches up with his other hand, wetting his thumb with his tongue to wipe your chin clean of the makeup. “Friends follow you to your front door at 4AM with the same lipstick on their face that’s smudged across your chin?”
“Oh,” you begin with your eyes narrowed, “don’t you fucking start.” You wiggle your arm out of his grasp and this time he lets you, allowing you to make your way towards your bedroom. His presence is in your wake, following close behind you.
He ignores your words and as soon as the both of you enter your once-shared bedroom, he asks, “Did you fuck him?”
You groan, “No, Jungkook. I didn’t fuck him.” You start taking your jewelry off as you continue, “But friends do share New Year’s kisses.” You fully turn your back to him, tucking away your jewelry in their rightful place. “You didn’t even fucking wish me happy holidays.”
He sighs in exasperation, staring at the ceiling. He knows the fact that it’s New Years is why you’re dolled up, why you’re dressed like this, why you came home this late.
But that doesn’t make him hate it any less.
With a shake of his head, he says, “You know how busy I am, Y/N. There’s nothing more I would’ve wanted than to be here with you, you know that.” His tone has softened and he’s closing the gap between you two but he stops dead in his tracks when your head snaps in his direction.
“I’m not asking you to be here while you can’t. I know you can’t. I’m asking for at least a phone call.” You reach for the zipper on your dress right under your armpit, tugging it down to your hip. “Not even a text, are you fucking kidding me?”
He loudly exhales again, shaking his head as he throws it back and his gaze shifts up to the ceiling, his Adam’s apple bobbing up and down as he swallows down what he really wants to say.
You bitterly chuckle as you eye the short distance between the two of you – he’s standing about two meters away. “Bet you had enough time for other people.”
Your accusating words make his eyebrows twitch and so, his response is immediate. “I didn’t fuck anyone.”
“Aht,” you say as you hold your hand up. “Don’t you fucking bullshit me,” you add, pointing an accusatory finger at him.
He shakes his head in disbelief, face turning to the side as his eyes shift to the wall on his left. He glares at the wall for a while, his hands on his hips and his bottom lip trapped between his teeth.
Then, he says, “Is he the one?”
Jungkook can tell by the way you sigh in exasperation that you’re fighting the urge to start yanking on your own hair.
“The one what?” you groan in annoyance as you start tugging your dress down your body, exposing your body in a matching underwear set and letting the dress pool at your feet before reaching for your bathrobe.
He rubs his face harshly as he adds, “The one you fucked.”
He’s still not looking at you but by your tone and heavened breathing, he knows you probably look like you want to bend over and scream until your vocal chords burst.
“I told you, I didn’t fuck–”
He immediately cuts you off. “I’m not talking about today. I’m talking about what you told me in the shower before I left for Australia,” he says. Then he repeats, “Did you fuck him?”
At that, you go quiet.
He closes his eyes at the silence, jaw clenching as you fidget with the ropes of your bathrobe and his own throat tightens at how you go speechless. You glance up at him with big eyes and a tremble in your chin.
At your lack of response, Jungkook finally looks at you, eyes dropping to your mouth, not missing the quiver in your pretty lips. “It’s him, isn’t it?”
You shrug your shoulders and finally find your voice after what seems like ages. “Does it matter?”
“Yes, it matters.” He stomps the rest of the way over to you, menacingly towering over you. He adds, “I’m not buddy-buddy with the people I fuck.”
You tilt your chin to look up at him, brows knitted together and a scowl forming on your face. “Drop it, Jungkook,” you mumble, tying the bathrobe around your waist.
He closes whatever small distance is still in between you, his body pressed up against your arm before he leans down to directly say the next words into your ear, “Was he good? Did he fuck you good? Did he do the thing you like?”
You move your arm up, pressing your elbow against his chest in an attempt to push him off but he doesn’t budge an inch. “Stop it,” you warn.
He clicks his tongue and kisses his teeth with a loud smack, still not backing away from you. “Not so fun to be on the receiving end of that, is it?”
He’s right. You’ve been pestering him like that for years, always bringing up his sex life with other people to provoke him, to annoy him, out of your own selfishness. Why can’t he return the energy? Put you in that situation? Give you a taste of your own medicine?
You click your tongue in annoyance not only with him but yourself. Teasing him all those times has come back to directly bite you in the ass.
“Shut up, seriously.” You bump your shoulder into his as you make your way to the bathroom but he doesn’t let you get away that easily.
“Were you together? Or was it casual?” He follows close behind you as he continues to pester you.
He doesn’t care about the warning tone in your voice or the scowl on your face. “I just wanna know. I wanna know if he knows I fucked you all those times too.”
You don’t even respond as you start taking your makeup off, ignoring Jungkook’s gaze through the reflection. He’s leaning against the doorframe, cockily staring at you through the mirror and you do your best to ignore him.
When it’s been quiet too long for his liking, he says, “Does he know you’ll always let me do whatever I want to you?” He begins to walk closer, closing the distance between you two until his chest is pressed up against your back and continues to menacingly stare at you through the mirror. “That you’ll never forget about me?”
You slam your makeup wipes down onto the sink with a loud thud, turning to face him. He’s completely pressed up against you at this point, caging you in between the sink and his own body.
You don’t even know what to say because that’s exactly how you’d talk to him ever since the break-up. You tilt your chin to look up at him. “Stop.”
He scoffs as he stares you down with intense eyes. He kisses his teeth with a loud smack and says, “Yeah, not so fun, is it?”
You ignore his provocations like he did yours all those times and move your elbows up to his chest, pushing past him to walk back into your room. Jungkook is aware that you’re constantly creating extra space between the two of you because his proximity will have you bending to his will.
He stays back this time, just quietly watching as you get ready for bed. He can’t ignore the sinking heart in his chest as your bottom lip quivers and your breath has gotten shaky, he can never be mean to you for long and he knows that.
He deeply sighs and shakes his head at his own antics. “Come here,” he mumbles as he makes his way to you.
You don’t respond, you just keep your back turned to him as you prepare your pillows and sheets.
He quietly sighs to himself as he wraps his arms around you from the back, halting you in your movements.
He turns your body to make you face him, his big hands firmly on your hips. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said those things.” He leans into the crook of your neck and nudges your ear with the tip of his nose. “You drive me crazy and it’s making me act a fool.”
Your arms stay limp by your side, your way of telling him you’re still mad at him but you turn your face slightly to give him more access to your neck like you’ll always do.
“I fucking hate how much I love you,” he whispers into the crook of your neck, pressing a soft kiss to your collarbones, fingers digging through the fabric of your bathrobe to grip your hips tightly.
You sigh softly at the sensation of his lips on your skin again, your hands coming up to squeeze his biceps. “You’re an asshole.”
“I know, baby.” His voice is muffled by your neck but you feel the smile on his lips against your skin. “Didn’t like the taste of your own medicine?”
You grunt in response, pinching his biceps which makes him hiss and chuckle before pulling away from your neck to glance down at you.
“Will you let me kiss you?” he asks you, thumbs rubbing circles into your hipbones as his pretty black eyes roam your features.
“No,” you reply, moving your hands up to his chest and rubbing circles through his shirt.
His lips pucker up in a childish pout but he doesn’t push it any further, your proximity is enough for him.
“What’s the magic word?” you say.
His chest puffs as he chuckles, shaking his head. “Will you let me kiss you, please?”
You huff like a little kid that’s just finished throwing a tantrum but you nod your head to his question nonetheless, hands moving up to cup his cheeks.
His face closes in on yours and he presses his lips to your attention-seeking ones. He melts into your kiss, hands traveling up your sides to hold your waist tightly.
It’s been too long since he last saw you, so kissing you feels like a thousand years ago. He makes the most of it as he tightly holds onto your waist as if you don’t have breakable bones, as if you’ll slip through his fingers, as if you’ll disappear into thin air.
He slowly pulls back from your kiss. “I have something to show you,” he says as he reaches for something in his pocket. His phone seems to be in the way so he takes it out of his pocket and hands it to you so you can hold it while he searches for what he so desperately wants to show you.
You glance down at the screen as it automatically lights up and your eyes mindlessly drop down to the 3 hours old notifications.
René (AUS)
Are you still at the same hotel? Want me to come over?
René (AUS)
Missed call (1)
He watches your face twist into confusion and pain as his own eyes drop to where you’re looking at, the realization dawning on him like he got hit by a fucking train.
Jungkook’s body tenses up under your touch. His other hand drops from your hip and your eyes slowly trail to look up at him.
In a panic, he quickly says, “I swear, it’s not what you think. I swea–”
You don’t let him finish as you slam his phone into his chest and directly stare into his concerned eyes. “Fuck you.”
The way you say it with so much venom in your voice knocks the air directly out of Jungkook’s lungs.
He can hear an imaginary record scratch when you point toward your door and say, “Get out.”
Jungkook is stunned.
You have never made him leave.
You have never told him to just get out.
And for some reason, the ‘get out’ hurts even more than the vicious ‘fuck you’.
Jungkook shakes his head, running a hand through his disheveled hair. “Don’t make me leave. Please.”
You immediately reply, “I want you to leave. Right now.”
He stares at the wall for a few moments as he gathers his thoughts. You stare at his side profile for a few seconds before you spin on your heels and head towards your bed.
As you plop down on your bed, you’re just in time to watch Jungkook dig in the pocket of his sweatpants and roughly throw something across the room, aimed right at the wall to your right.
You flinch at the clatter of a small box being smashed against the wall and turn to look at him with a frown etched onto your features.
He has never shown you any aggressiveness ever so you’re shocked at the sudden switch. “What the hell, Jungkook?”
He tugs on his long black locks before he quietly curses and turns, loudly stomping out of your room. The shuffling of him putting his shoes on reaches your ears and before you know it, the front door has been slammed shut.
Your hand sits on your chest, right over where your pounding heart is. You’re not scared of Jungkook and never will be but there’s a reason you don’t go to his matches. You don’t like seeing the boy with the entire galaxy in his eyes be aggressive, be angry, be consumed by hate.
When you’ve finally composed yourself, you take a few breaths to steady your ragged breathing. You deeply exhale and get up from your bed, walking over to the mini box and its spilled contents.
The small blue box is on its side, wide open and something shiny is sprawled out next to it.
Small tear shaped sapphire earrings that would fit perfectly with your estranged necklace.
The words – which you recognize as Jungkook’s handwriting – on the neon pink post-it that’s stuck to the inside of the lid shatters your heart into a million pieces.
‘Be my girlfriend (again)? :)’
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I’m outside ^_^
You smile at your phone and apply your lip gloss as your finishing touch. With a final glance in the mirror, you give yourself a smile and a nod before heading into the hall and sliding your feet into your pumps.
You leave your home after locking up and quickly make your way down to the vehicle in front of your home before hopping into Hobi’s car, leaning over to give him a greeting hug.
“Hey, you okay?” he asks as he leans back and starts accelerating after you’ve closed the car door.
“Yeah. You?” you say as you buckle your seatbelt and open up the interior mirror above your head to check your makeup again.
“I’m fine.” He slows down in front of a red light and glances over at you. “What was all that about?”
“What?” you ask, already knowing what he’s talking about as you continue to check your teeth and waterline, ignoring the persistent lump that’s forming in your throat.
“Yesterday.” He returns his gaze to the road in front of him. “Well, more like this morning.”
You sigh and close the mirror, slouching in your seat as you glance over at him. “I’m sorry about that, Hoseok.”
Even if Hoseok was just helping you get inside, you feel bad about sending him away like that.
A chuckle leaves his mouth. “I know you are, I just thought I was seconds away from being decked in the mouth.”
You look out the window, pressing your lips together in an attempt at blending your gloss with your peachy nude lip combo.
“I know. Jungkook is just,” you pause, rubbing the scrunch between your brows.
He accelerates once the light jumps to green. “Is he the boxer?”
You merely hum in response, picking at the loose flesh around your manicured nails.
“You love him, right?” Hoseok’s question knocks the air right out of your lungs. The lump that had started forming in your throat has lodged down your esophagus and has unleashed a stream of lava that causes your heart to burn.
Your lack of response makes him nod his head, his hand coming to his jaw and rubbing his freshly shaven chin.
“And he certainly didn’t seem happy to see me,” he chuckles as he recalls the events of this morning.
“Yeah, well.” You nonchalantly shrug your shoulders. “He can’t just show up at my front door after two months of not talking to me.”
“Two months?” he repeats, leaning his left elbow against the window next to him and rubbing his chin with his hand whilst his other hand manages the gear shift and steering wheel.
You nod and cross your arms over your shoulders, adjusting the belt that’s digging into your neck.
He asks, “What was he doing for two months?”
You explain the events that happened two months ago, from Jungkook showing up to you telling him for the first time (again) that you love him. You explain the entire history between you and Jungkook, all the problems, all the love, all the pain, everything.
Hoseok knew you were still head over heels in love with an ex-boyfriend that also happened to be a professional boxer but he never pried. However, as he witnessed that embarrassing moment firsthand, you’re of the opinion that you owe him an explanation.
“Hm.” He thinks about what you just told him for a few moments, seemingly in deep thought. Unfortunately, you know Hoseok well enough to know when he wants to say something.
You turn your head to look at him, chest already tightening at the thought of him not agreeing with you. “You’ve got something to say.”
He looks at you for a moment before glancing back at the road. “I’m not sure you want to hear it.”
The raise in your brows indicates intrigue and surprise at his words. “Well, now you have to say it.”
He chuckles at the switch in your tone and parks in the theater’s parking lot before turning to look at you again. “To me, it just seems like he didn’t want to suffocate you again.”
“Suffocate me? He’s not going to suffocate me by texting me once in two months, Hobi.”
“No, I get that, and he is incredibly stupid for that but it seems to me like he’s so scared of losing you again that he didn’t want to ruin anything?” he explains, his point of view being a reminder that not everything may be what it initially seems to you.
You furrow your brows and part your lips to argue but Hoseok cuts you off before you can.
“What did he say after I left? Did he seem different?”
You think about it for a while. Yes, he did seem different, now that you think about it.
And then you’re reminded of Jungkook’s gift and his question. And at that, a surge of guilt spreads through your chest and starts bubbling up your throat.
“He, uh,” you start as you clear your throat, “he just asked who you were. The usual ex-boyfriend stuff. But he did kind of ask me to be his girlfriend again.”
He unbuckles his seatbelt and then turns to you. “So, I take it y’all made up, then.”
You shake your head, avoiding his gaze as you open up the mirror again to check if there’s anything in between your teeth to pretend you don’t care. “I told him to leave.”
“Why?” His brows are pinched together in confusion and you can see him aiming his frown at you in your peripheral vision.
You shrug your shoulders nonchalantly again, hoping to appear unbothered. “I saw his phone, one of his groupies texted him. Just wasn’t in the mood.”
“Did he text them or did they text him?”
You slowly turn to look at him as a frown climbs its way onto your brows. “What?”
Hoseok stares at your for a few moments in silence before repeating his question, “Did he text them?”
You idly blink at him, the image of Jungkook’s face when he swore it wasn’t what it looked like flashing in your mind. Fuck.
You quickly compose yourself and say, “I don’t know.”
Hoseok blinks at you for a few times with a slight pinch in his brows before slowly nodding. “Okay.”
“You want to say something again,” you groan loudly, rubbing the scrunch on your forehead to prepare yourself for what he has to say now.
Surprisingly, he chooses not to. “I’m not going to this time.” A chuckle leaves his mouth after he says that, shaking his head in the process. “Let’s go, the movie is about to start.”
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Australia, 1 week ago
With a big gulp, Jungkook slams his glass down onto the wooden surface of the bar he’s sitting at. He winces at the burning liquid sliding down his esophagus, bringing his hand up to wipe his mouth with the back of his hand as he pulls his phone out of his pocket.
He stares at his lockscreen, a smile creeping on his lips at the picture. His eyes trail your fingers and your hand, how well they fit in his.
With a tilt of his phone, he unlocks it using Face ID and opens the message app. He scrolls until he sees your name, it’s been over a year since either of you last texted each other. Like mentioned before, he always comes back unannounced and you always act like nothing has happened.
It’s how it’s been for two damn years.
His fingers slowly start hovering over your contact name. Should he text you? Should he not?
He shouldn’t. You told him the two of you would talk about it when he’s back. Maybe he’d scare you off if he were to text you right now.
Besides, he’d be back in town in five days anyways.
Right as he locks his phone again, he’s dragged out of his thoughts when a hand squeezes his bicep.
He snaps his head in the person’s direction.
“You gonna keep acting like you don’t see me?” Ashley – an ‘acquaintance’ of Jungkook’s – says as she tucks a lock of her hair behind her ear.
(Read: acquaintance meaning a person he’d usually fuck if he was back in their country.)
“Oh,” he mumbles, his arm tensing up under her touch. Not to flex his arm but because he doesn’t want her touching him. “Ashley, right?”
“Hm,” she hums as she drops her hand from his arm, swiveling in her stool to face him, her knees pressed into the side of his thigh. “Doing anything tonight?”
He shakes his head as he continues to stare at the ice ball in his glass, his fingers fidgeting with the rim.
“Wanna do me?” she suggests, her feet making their way to rub up and down his calves in a teasing way.
He instantly regrets all the times he had her bent over his hotel couch, pounding into her from behind and kept his eyes shut to imagine he was fucking you.
He quietly exhales and rubs his eyes with the back of the knuckle of his index fingers as he looks for an excuse to reject her. “I don’t have any protection on me,” he mumbles, hoping she’ll get the hint.
Jungkook is responsible when it comes to his sex life. He’s quite literally always carrying protection. The only person he had ever fucked raw and would continue to do so are you.
So, these past two months he’d been walking around with nothing of the sort because he didn’t feel the need to. Now that there was that blossoming chance that he’d get back together with you, he’d wait for you.
He doesn’t want anyone else moaning his name, he doesn’t want to hold onto anyone else’s hips while pounding into them, he doesn’t want anyone but you.
“We could pass a nightshop on the way to my apartment,” she offers, her hand coming back to his bicep and sliding up his shoulder to his neck, the tips of her fingers playing with the ends of his hair.
The thought of anyone else touching him right now has goosebumps popping out of the upper layer of his skin and not in a good way.
“Let me use the restroom first,” he says as he gets up from his stool, subtly shrugging her hand off his neck in the meantime.
He looks her way for the first time since acknowledging her at the start and gives her the fakest smile he can muster. He walks around her and disappears in the sea of bodies that had started growing behind them.
He quietly makes his exit through a backdoor, standing in front of the building with his back to the door as it shuts loudly behind him. He tilts his head back and allows the infinite soft rain droplets to gently kiss his face and neck.
After a few more moments of enjoying the rain and distant booming music, he whistles at a taxi that he sees passing by and jogs toward it, hopping in the back before anyone else catches him.
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Damn Hoseok.
It just seems like he didn’t want to suffocate you again.
He’s so scared of losing you again that he didn’t want to ruin anything.
Did he text them?
Should you have heard him out?
You couldn’t even focus on that damn movie. Hoseok’s words and input kept clouding your mind, kept reminding you of maybe – just maybe – you were being unreasonable.
No, you’re not at fault for being upset that he didn’t say a word for two months.
You still think he’s an idiot for that.
Even if it’s been like that for the past two years. This time it was different and you’re not going to let anyone gaslight you into thinking it wasn’t.
But with how well you know his heart, his love, his passion for you, you should’ve known better. You don’t even know how long he’d been waiting in front of your door on New Years.
And there you were during New Years, opening up your front door with a man in your wake that had been in your (once Jungkook’s) bed.
You and Hoseok met at a party of a mutual friend one night and immediately hit it off. For the first time since Jungkook (about a year and a half after the break-up), you finally allowed yourself to let loose and do the thing Jungkook did to get his mind off of you.
You ended up having casual hook-ups with Hoseok, and goodness, was he amazing.
He fucked you good, touched you in the right places, said the right things, did everything right.
But he wasn’t him.
So, after about four months, you’d called it quits. Hoseok, being the amazing person he is, didn’t pry but insisted on staying friends and being there for you.
And that brings you back to the conversation you had with him in the car on your way to the movies.
He didn’t excuse Jungkook’s behavior but he made some good points, and damn him for that. Because now you can’t stop thinking about it. All of it. The worst being that Jungkook had planned to ask you to be his girlfriend again on New Years.
And thanks to all of that thinking, you find yourself in front of Min Yoongi’s front door a few days later.
Since you broke up with Jungkook, he never bothered to find a new place since he’s gone a lot. So, you assume he must be crashing at Yoongi’s when he’s not crashing at yours.
You raise your shaky fist and knock on the door.
A few seconds later, the sound of shuffling and keys jingling reach your ears and instantly sends a jolt of electricity up your spine. The door swings open and you make eye contact with his manager, his intense eyes make your heart almost implode within your ribs.
His frown at your presence almost stings. “What are you doing here?”
You look to the side as you swallow, hoping it helps you gather your courage. “Is Jungkook here?”
He scoffs, clearly unimpressed. “Why?”
“I need to talk to him.” You turn your head to look at him again, hoping you look as determined as you feel.
He dryly chuckles and shakes his head in disbelief. “So, you can kick him out at 4AM without hearing him out but he needs to hear you out because you’re the one that needs to talk now?”
You cross your arms over your chest to keep yourself from fidgeting and glance at the floor. “I want to apologize to him for that.”
“You want me to believe that?” He glances at his watch as if he’s unimpressed with your reasoning.
Gosh, why is he so stubborn?
Before you can even reply, he bitterly adds, “You need to quit playing with that boy’s feelings, Y/N.”
You finally look up at the older man, a quiver in your bottom lip and an imaginary bag of sand unleashing in your throat as your mouth dries out at his accusation. “I’m not playing with his feelings, Min,” you pause as you look away. “Please, just let me talk to him.”
“You can’t expect me to believe you came all the way out here just so you can apologize to him.” He slides his feet into his shoes, running a hand through his freshly cut hair.
He looks so nonchalant, as if what you’re saying is of absolutely no significance to him. The tightening in your chest tells you that you’re starting to lose your patience. “And why the fuck not?”
Yoongi’s eyebrows twitch as he takes a step closer to you, menacingly looming over you. You now know where Jungkook gets that from. “You could’ve texted him and he would come over in a heartbeat, you know that.”
“Let me stop you right there,” you say as you raise your hand, holding it up in front of his chest. “He’s not a fucking dog. I’m not going to text him so he can jump at every command. I know he would, which is why I took it upon myself to come here and personally apologize to him.”
Yoongi tilts his head to the side as he listens to your ramble, his arms crossed over his chest. You see the glimmer of something in his eyes but you can’t tell what it is, he’s always been too hard to read.
You drop your hand, wrapping it around the straps of the purse you’re holding in your sweaty palms to tug it over your shoulder. “So, will you let me?” you say after a few seconds of silence from Yoongi.
He narrows his eyes at you, still trying to read you and your intentions. But your sincerity is clear, evident by the fire in your eyes, your balled fists at your sides and the pinch in between your brows.
He takes a deep breath and steps aside to let you in. “Do what you want. I was about to leave anyway,” he mumbles as he slides his coat on and walks around you, heading out the front door.
He abruptly stops and turns to look at you one last time. “Don’t make him do anything stupid, Y/N. Or so, help me God.”
He stares you down as if he wants to obliterate you with a single blink of his eyes and with that, he leaves.
Jesus. What is his deal?
You clear your throat and compose yourself. You quietly close the door after he’s left, kicking your shoes off and make your way down the corridor, peeking into rooms until you find a door that’s shut. You try to open it but it’s locked so you quietly sigh before bringing your fist up and knocking softly on it.
“Can it wait ‘till tomorrow, hyung?” Jungkook’s groggy voice is muffled from behind the door.
Your chest tightens at his voice.
You shakily exhale as you drop your hand, your other hand still sitting on the door handle. “It’s me. Can we talk?”
Instant shuffling behind the closed door has butterflies eating your stomach from the inside out, your fingers tightly wrapped around the straps of your purse as you forcefully swallow down the bubble of panic that’s threatening to rush up your throat.
The door swings open and you’re met with bed hair, shirtless, sleepy Jungkook.
Your eyes drop down his figure but you quickly return them to his eyes, your lips pressed into a thin line.
His eyeballs are practically bulging out of his eye sockets at the sight of you here and his brows are dramatically pinched together but he quickly composes himself and shoves his hands into his pockets. “Why are you here?”
It stings, it does. You realize that asking him that day what he was doing at your place must’ve hurt this way. Burned this way. Stung this way.
“Jungkook,” you breathe out, your hands in front of your thighs with your fingers wrapped tightly around the straps of your purse as you swing it back and forth to distract yourself from the nerves creeping up on you.
He tilts his head to the side, parting his lips to answer your call but he closes his lips right away. The fact that he’s not replying is enough to have your heart stuttering in its rhythm, veins pulsating with fear. What if he tells you to get out like you did?
His silence makes you speak up and say, “I’m sorry.”
His expression doesn’t change but there’s a glint of surprise in his eyes. “For?”
“Everything.” Your reply is immediate.
He slowly crosses his arms over his chest. “You’re going to need to be more specific than that, Y/N,” he says with a stern tone in his voice that has your stomach twisting into a wringed out shirt.
You sigh as you watch him step backwards into the room again, leaving the door open for you, a wordless invitation.
He doesn’t even turn the light on, just goes back to sit on the bed but he reaches over to turn the flashlight of his phone on and turns his phone face down on the bed so it lights up some of the room.
You walk in and close the door behind you, looking around the room. You haven’t been here in a long time but not much has changed.
Your feet bring you to the foot of his bed, his eyes staring you down the entire time. “I’m sorry for sending you away and not hearing you out. I shouldn’t have done that.” You place your purse on his bed but stand in front of it still, anxiously fidgeting with the strap.
He continues to quietly stare at you which makes you continue, “I was,” you pause to sigh deeply, “I was upset because you didn’t talk to me.”
He exhales deeply and looks to the side, your eyes watching as his Adam’s apple bobs up and down. “You told me we’d talk about it when I was back.”
“I know I did but I thought I’d at least hear from you if it was going to last that long. I was waiting,” you explain, not missing the way Jungkook has nervously started nibbling on his bottom lip.
“I just thought that last time…” You shake your head as you continue, “I thought last time was different.”
He slowly nods as he returns the eye contact finally. “You’re right, it was,” he quietly says. “I’m sorry. I should have reached out. I was just scared you’d push me away again if I reached out to you just because you said–” he pauses as he glances at you and then turns his head to look away again, “those words. That you’d think I was too excited or something.”
Hoseok — a complete stranger to him — read Jungkook better than you. You should be fucking ashamed.
You gently rub your eyes to not mess up your eye makeup and then walk around the bed, moving to stand in front of him. He refuses to look at you, though, staring at his lap as if it’s playing a movie to him.
“Jungkook,” you start, “look at me.”
He slowly turns his head and tilts his chin to look up at you. If he notices the way your hand slightly hesitates before reaching out to him, he doesn’t show nor comment on it.
Your fingers delicately tuck his long black hair behind his ear, mindlessly playing with the shell of his ear.
“Will you hear me out this time?” he asks you, eyes twinkling with hope.
You shake your head. You don’t want to hear him out because he doesn’t owe you an explanation. “You don’t owe me anything, Jungkook. You don’t have to explain yourself to me.”
He wraps his fingers around your wrist as your own fingers play with his locks. “I want to. Will you let me?”
Your chest deflates as you deeply exhale at his stubbornness. “Okay.”
He reaches for his phone that he left face turned down on his nightstand and hands it to you. He’s telling you to check his phone to prove his innocence.
You shake your head as you push his phone away, you’re not that kind of person. You’re aware you and Jungkook don’t have the healthiest relationship but snooping in each other’s phones is something neither of you ever felt the need to do.
However, Jungkook is determined. “Just look at it,” he pleads.
Your eyes shift downwards as you curiously glance at the screen. It’s a text conversation between him and someone.
You realize he’s showing you the full text conversation that you read last time and there are no replies from Jungkook at all.
René (AUS)
Why didn’t you tell me you were back in Australia? We could’ve gotten together and hung out!! Let me know when you’re back x
René (AUS)
Missed call (2)
You rub the scrunch between your brows and take a deep breath as the reality of the situation dawns on you. His words play on a continuous loop in your head.
I didn’t fuck anyone.
Jungkook had never denied it before. He would usually be quiet if you’d imply he’d been with someone. And if you think about it, that wasn’t even the part that made you upset. It was not hearing from him at all.
You push his phone back toward his chest when the text messages have mockingly stared at you long enough. “I’m sorry, Kook. I was such an ass.”
You continue, “This doesn’t change anything, I’m still a prick for not considering your feelings.”
He looks up at you through his pretty lashes, teeth chewing on his bottom lip which has reddened from all that nibbling.
You mindlessly press your thumb into his chin to make him release his bottom lip as you conclude, “Even if you did do whatever I thought it was you were doing, you have every right to. You don’t owe me a goddamn thing.”
“Just stop.” He shakes his head. “Don’t say that.”
You sigh as he dismisses your statements, he’s going to keep dismissing them so there’s no point in pressing him about it. “Well, I’m sorry. Are we good?” you ask as you tuck another lock of his hair behind his ear.
A soft smile stretches onto his pretty lips, his eyes glimmering like he’s holding the entire galaxy in his gaze, which is you. “Of course we are,” he says, eyelashes fluttering at you and if it was any quieter, you could probably hear the blinking of his eyelids. “Did you come all the way out here to apologize?” he adds, his voice quiet and uncertain.
No, you didn’t.
You slowly nod, sliding your fingers to his earlobe and down his jaw, rubbing his chin with your thumb. “I did.”
He nods his head and you notice the scrunch in his nose for a split second, a habit he has when he becomes emotional. Becoming emotional is the last thing you need right now so you avert your gaze to your purse on his mattress. “When will I see you again?” he quietly asks.
“You know where I live,” you say, telling him he’s always welcome whenever he needs you. You drop your hand from his face and reach for your purse, slinging it over your shoulder as you head towards the door again. The sound of him following behind you reaches your ears, letting you know he at least wants to walk you out.
It’s a direct parallel of whenever you walk him out of your house.
However, you change your mind and decide that right now is the best time to respond to his unanswered question.
“Actually,” you say as you turn on your heels, “I came for one more thing.” You take his phone out of his hand to use his flashlight.
He halts in his steps behind you and raises his brows, eyes shifting to your hands as you pull out a box from your purse.
You hold it out to him, shaking it slightly when it takes him too long to take from your hands. A frown sits on his brows for a moment but he takes it into his hands nonetheless, opening it to look inside of it.
It’s your estranged necklace, the one he gave you three years ago.
He glances up at you, his pretty eyes once full of love and hope now full of hurt and despair. His misunderstanding squeezes your heart until you almost can’t breathe under his pained gaze.
“You’re giving this back to me?” he asks, voice so small and barely loud enough to be heard.
You shake your head. “I’m asking you to help put it on me.” You turn the flashlight around to aim it at your face, allowing him to finally see the tear-shaped sapphire earrings he got you hanging from your earlobes for the first time since you walked in.
It had been dark in the room so he never noticed you wearing them until this very moment.
His eyes jump from your right ear to your left, the reality of the situation dawning on him like a pile of bricks. The smile that suddenly stretches onto his lips singlehandedly glues all the pieces of your broken heart together again.
He can’t contain his wide smile, fingers scrambling as he takes it out of the box. He throws the unimportant box somewhere on his bed and unclasps the necklace, wrapping the chain around your neck from the front, never breaking eye contact with you as his fingers fasten the chain behind your neck. He adjusts the pretty necklace around your neck and reaches up to play with the earring in your right ear.
You can’t help but smile at his giddy reaction, your fingers coming up to fidget with the pendant.
His hand drops from your earlobe to his side, fingers pinching at the fabric of his swears. “Is this a yes?”
(Read: He’s referring to the question he wrote on the post-it note.)
You shrug your shoulders with a smug grin and add, “Clearly it’s not a no.”
A soft chuckle leaves his mouth as he shakes his head at your teasing. His hands reach out and hold your waist, pulling you closer to him and your heart jolts in between your lungs at his proximity. He nudges your nose with his and respectfully drops his hands to your hips.
“Will you let me kiss you?”
The two of you giggle when you realize you’ve both asked each other the same question in unison. You bring your hands up to cup his face and press your lips to his.
He pulls you closer, closing the distance between the two of you as he tilts his head. His hands squeeze your hips and you hum into the kiss, moving your hands behind his neck so you can wrap your arms around his neck.
You pull away slowly and move to cup his cheeks, rubbing the apple of his burning cheek with your thumb.
“Stay the night. We’ll talk some more in the morning,” he says carefully, hoping you’ll agree.
You tilt your head to the side as his offer reaches your ears, a thinking pout on your lips before you part them to say, “I don’t think Min Yoongi would appreciate me staying over. He hates my guts.”
He stares at you for a moment longer and then glances at the wall. He knows you’re right. “He doesn’t hate y–”
You cut him off. “Yes, he does.”
“He hates what I let the relationship do to me. It’s not anything against you.” He tries to reason but you can’t forget the way Yoongi looks at you like he wishes you would just disappear into thin air.
He must’ve noticed the uncertainty in your expression. “I’ll lock the door,” he adds as he nods over your shoulder at the door.
“What are we, teenagers?” you laugh, rubbing his chest to make him look at you and he does.
He kisses his teeth after being in deep thought. “Okay, then just stay for a little while.” He pulls you down onto his bed, making you let out a surprised yelp.
You fall on top of him, hands still on his chest. You glance down at him and he’s got a shit-eating grin on his lips. He whimpers when you bring your hand down to slap his chest before you roll off of him to take your jacket off.
You toss the article of clothing somewhere across the room and your attention is disrupted when he wraps his hand around your wrist to pull you down and back into his embrace.
He pulls your back flat into his chest, arm hooked around your waist and his lips pressed into the back of your neck. He inhales through his nose and presses a soft kiss to your shoulder blade.
“I missed you so much.” He leaves a trail of kisses from your shoulder to your neck, not paying any mind to the goosebumps that he’s awakening directly under the soft flesh of his lips.
You hum in response and let your eyes flutter close. “I haven’t had sex in months so if you don’t stop kissing me right now, I’ll ride you for three hours.”
He chuckles and pulls away to say, “Aren’t we moving too fast?”
You roll your eyes at his stupid joke as you wiggle out of his grasp and sit up, your gaze shifting to him next to you, eyes scanning his cocky face. “You fucked me for two years, Jungkook.”
“Still.” He rolls onto his back to be able to look at you better and moves his hands up to place the back of his head on top of his palms, allowing you to look at the clear outline of his biceps and triceps. He adds, “We just started dating, you horndog.”
“Right,” you say as you mockingly nod your head and get up from his bed, starting to head out of his room. “Guess I’ll just ask Hoseok.”
By the time the ruffling of his sheets have reached your ears, you haven’t even made it halfway through the room. Jungkook drags you back by your bicep, pulling you backwards into the room. You let out a quiet shriek when he spins you in one swift motion, hooks his hands around your thighs and lifts you onto the dresser.
He wedges himself in between your thighs, pulling you to the edge of the dresser and holding you tightly by your waist, fingers draped over your ribcage. “You just love exploring my limits, don’t you?”
You chuckle and reach up to tuck his beautiful hair behind his ears with both hands. “You’re hot when you’re jealous.”
He shakes his head with a smile stretched onto lips, wrapping his arm around the perimeter of your waist to push your chest flat into his. “Yeah? I could also just text René right now,” he says as he shrugs his shoulders before adding, “ask what she’s wearing.”
Your face twists into a scowl as you press your hands into his chest in an attempt to push him off but there’s no strength behind the push because you don’t want to push him off and luckily, Jungkook is not budging.
You huff and wrap your arms around his neck, pressing your lips to his jaw and leaving a trail of soft kisses on his honey skin. “You could but you won’t.” Your breath tickles him, apparent by how quickly you can get goosebumps to pop out of his skin.
“Hm,” he hums nonchalantly and tilts his head to give you more access. He adds, “You sound awfully confident.”
“Yep,” you retort right away, dropping your arms and placing your hands on top of the dresser, leaning back on them as you look at him. “Want me to show you how confident I am?”
He cocks his eyebrows and tilts his head to the side, contemplating your words. “And how would you show me?”
You blink at him, fluttering your eyelashes innocently as you push him back and hop off the dresser. You turn him around and press his back into the dresser.
You slowly sink down, squatting in front of him and caging his calves in between your thighs in the process.
You look up at him with an innocent twinkle in your eyes as you reach for the waistband of his sweats, waiting for him to give you the green light.
“Shit,” he breathes out before eagerly nodding.
A soft giggle pushes past your lips as you start tugging his sweats down his legs and letting them pool at his ankles. You’re faced with his black Calvin Klein boxers and fuck, does he look good.
You tuck your fingers under the hem of his CK boxers and slowly tug them down his legs as well. His dick isn’t hard yet but it’s slowly growing.
You place your hands on the outer-sides of his bare thighs and move your head downwards to take the head of his dick into your mouth without using your hands, pretty eyes still staring into his.
He curses quietly and places one of his hands on your head, staring down at you to watch your every move.
You keep your eyes glued to him, lashes kissing your brows with the same innocent glimmer in your pretty eyes. You continue to move your head down his shaft, feeling it harden in your mouth and grow heavy with blood on your tongue.
His dick starts rapidly inflating in your mouth but you’ve already completely lathered it in your saliva, making it easier for you to pump his base as you continue to suck on the first few inches of his hardened dick.
You slide your tongue down his shaft, tracing one of the veins down to his balls as you gently suck on them whilst pumping his shaft, your eyes never breaking the intense lock you have his gaze in.
He winces in sensitivity and his thighs tense in pleasure as you continue to suck on his balls, your thumb gracefully rubbing over the head of his dick every time your hand makes it up his shaft.
“Quit teasing me,” he demands but it comes out in a pleading tone, his hips slightly jerking as he tries to fight the urge to thrust into your hand.
“Quit teasing me, what?” you press a kiss to the side of his shaft, eyes menacingly mocking him as you refuse to look anywhere else. You love when Jungkook submits to you because he rarely does.
He grunts in annoyance. “Quit teasing me, please.” His hand on your head gently strokes your cranium, hopeful that you’ll comply.
But you have other plans.
You haven’t taken him into your mouth since you’ve started teasing because the moment you do, he’ll make you eat your own shit by mercilessly fucking your throat. And you’re in need of teasing him some more before you let that happen.
You lick a wet stripe up the downside of his dick ‘till you make it to his tip, collecting all the precum that had started oozing out of his dick onto your tongue. You teasingly lick all around the head, the tip of your tongue sliding in between his slit which makes him hiss.
“Y/N,” he warns, trying to sound stern but his mouth betrays him when a soft, desperate moan pushes past his lips right after he says your name.
You simply hum in response. He can sound stern all he wants to but you’re the one in control, not him.
One of your hands abandons his thigh, letting the cold air hit the warm spot on his skin that your hand has left and you bring it up to massage his balls, tongue still wickedly teasing his slit.
You innocently blink up at him as you start pressing kisses to his tip, the precum sticking to your lips as you leave a sloppy trail of kisses down his shaft.
“Y/N, please,” he whimpers.
The moment his plea reaches your ears, you part your lips wide enough for him to fit through but you don’t move. It’s a wordless invitation for him to come use your mouth however he pleases.
He gets the memo right away and doesn’t waste any time to slide right into your mouth, holding your head in place as he thrusts into your mouth, groaning when the head of his dick slams into your soft palate.
You blink your tears away but it’s useless as he continues to assault the back of your throat, tears uncontrollably spilling from your eyes and rolling down your hot cheeks, ruining your makeup in the process.
You tap his thigh twice and he understands, halting his thrusts and glancing down at you to check. Once you take his dick back into your mouth and move your own head down his shaft again after catching your breath, he throws his head back and lets you suck him off to the best of your abilities.
Your makeup has undoubtedly smudged all over your face but you don’t mind, not when Jungkook loves it. You gracefully move your mouth down his dick, committing the feeling of his hardened shaft effortlessly sliding over your tongue to memory.
He moans and groans a few more times and that tells you he’s nearing his orgasm. But just as you’re about to speed up, he stops you.
“I want to cum inside of you,” he tells you before sliding out of your sloppy mouth.
You try to catch your breath and nod as you wipe your chin and mouth with the back of your hand before rising to your feet.
“I don’t like that I’m completely naked and you’re fully clothed.” He reminds you that you are – in fact – fully clothed and he is – in fact – buttnaked.
“I don’t know, seems kind of fair to me.” You shrug your shoulders once you tug your shirt off and throw it somewhere in the room. You bring your fingers up to right under your eyes to try and clean up some of the makeup stains on your hot cheeks. “‘Cause aren’t you a pervert, anyway?”
He scoffs as he crosses his arms. “I’m the pervert?”
He takes a breath to continue his argument but it’s abruptly cut off when you unclasp your bra and toss it at him, watching as it gracefully drapes over his shoulder.
His eyes drop down to your chest as if he’s forgotten you even have eyes before his hands wrap around your waist and push you toward his bed with a quickness.
You let yourself fall back against the soft mattress but you can barely enjoy the feeling before his fingers tug your pants down your legs. You prop yourself up on your elbows and watch as he mindlessly tugs your jeans off your ankles, angrily tossing it aside.
A soft giggle leaves your lips as you watch him be passive aggressive with your pants but not for long when his eyes shift to yours.
“Something funny?” he quips, eyes dropping down to the only piece of fabric that’s hindering what he wants to do to you.
You glance down at your panties before back up at him. Your hand travels down your stomach to your pelvis, slowly sliding your panties to the side, allowing him to see what a mess he’s made between your legs.
His tongue peeks out at the corner of his lips, sliding along his bottom lip as he eyes your attention-seeking sex. He hooks his fingers around your panties and slides them down your legs, tugging them off your ankles and tossing them somewhere on the floor over his shoulder.
He hunches over and positions his mouth right above your pussy before spitting on it, watching your legs jerk as he rubs it into your already soaked sex with his fingers. He knows you like it and he’s right, it drives you up the fucking wall every time he does.
He straightens his back and positions himself at your sticky sex, rubbing the head of his dick up and down your wet slit.
He wastes no time as he looks into your eyes when he pushes in, watching your face and how your eyes widen, your mouth falls open, your body jerks.
“Jungkook.” His name leaves your mouth in a desperate moan as he bottoms out, his brows furrowed and his bottom lip trapped between his teeth.
He lets out a low grunt and after a while of adjusting to the feeling of being inside of you again, he starts thrusting into you.
Your eyes shift to where you’re connected, intently watching how his dick disappears in and out of you. A pathetic moan falls from your lips, a surprised yelp following directly after when he grabs a handful of your breast, massaging it in his palm as he fucks into you.
His hips speed up in pace, the sound of his skin slamming into yours has your eyes rolling back and your arms give out, making you fall back against the mattress, sprawled out in front of him again.
He lets go of your breast and pushes one of your legs back, hooking it around his arm to keep it in place and mercilessly starts pounding into you, face hovering right over yours. “You’re so beautiful.”
Your eyes flutter open at his words, the only thing you can think about now is the stretching in your walls and his beautiful face in front of yours.
“You belong to me, don’t you?” he muses, face closing in on your neck as he presses soft kisses to your sweaty skin. The soft whines and whimpers leaving your mouth makes him fuck you harder yet gentler, full of love yet full of hate, want but also need.
You gather your breath to answer his question, in the mood to tease him now that he’s finally yours again. “No.”
Teasing each other is your love language.
His hips slow down and his face appears in front of yours again with a frown. His jet black eyes staring you down makes you want to sink into his mattress and disappear off the face of the Earth. He arrogantly clicks his tongue as he says, “Is that so?”
“Mhm,” you hum, closing your eyes as you move your hands up to the back of his neck to play with his hair, twirling his locks around your fingers.
He mockingly nods at your teasing. “You know damn well no one else fucks you like I do.” His thrusts get harsher, eyes dropping to your breasts bouncing from the momentum of his pounding.
You whimper at the switch, the rough pounding makes the wetness squelch extra loud and you’ve made a disgusting mess against his sex with your slick.
“You know, Hoseok was pretty goo–”
“But who’s the one fucking you right now?”
His rebuttal has you dead silent aside from the occasional, pathetic moans and heavy breathing. You open your eyes and the first thing you’re met with are his own, black and frustrated.
“The love of my life.”
Your reply to him has his hips stuttering in their rhythm, the corners of his lips twitching as he tries to fight the smile threatening to creep onto his lips. In order to hide his smile, he starts leaning down and presses his lips against yours in a sweet kiss, a stark contrast to the rough pounding of his hips.
Make-up sex really is the best.
You decide it’s enough teasing and wrap your legs around his waist, caging him in between your thighs as you pull him even closer. “I love you so much,” you mumble against his lips, arms wrapped around his neck to fully keep him trapped in your embrace.
He nods at the words, his pelvis still repeatedly slamming into yours. His hips slow down but the power behind them never subsides, the rough pounding has all your nerve endings set alight and your thighs jerk violently when the head of his dick barely grazes your cervix with each thrust.
“I’m gonna cum,” he mumbles against your lips, allowing you to lick into his mouth. You clench around his dick, walls wrapping tightly around him. He groans into your mouth, it’s your way of milking him of every drop and he knows it.
“Harder,” you moan once he pulls away from your lips, his brows knitting together as he complies, roughly slamming his hips into yours.
His breath is getting heavier by the second and his dick twitches in between your walls, alerting you that he’s seconds away from his climax. “I love you so much,” he mumbles as he ejaculates, painting your insides with his cum.
He keeps thrusting and lets long groans and moans leave his lips as he fucks his load into you, your soft whimpers in his ear are the cherry on top that drives him insane.
He gives you a couple more thrusts before he fully comes to a halt, face buried in the crook of your neck.
The synced heavy breathing, his proximity, the reality of the situation, it all has tears pricking in your eyes.
He slowly lifts his head off your shoulder, eyes searching yours. “You haven’t cum yet, hm?”
You shake your head in response.
“Remember when you teased me while sucking my dick 20 minutes ago?” he asks as he unhooks your legs from his waist.
Your breath hitches in your throat as you listen to him, already knowing where this is headed.
“Get ready,” is all he says.
He pulls out and drags you all the way to the edge of his bed, forcefully shoving his fingers into your mouth while the other wastes no time traveling to your sex and beginning its torturous assault on your sensitive clit.
Your throat is ruined from the screams you’ve let out when he continues to edge and overstimulate you for the next 30 minutes, watching in satisfaction as you writhe and squirm under his touch.
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You wrap the towel around your frame as you leave his bathroom, eyes glued to him as he’s staring at the ceiling before his eyes shift to you. He turns on his side and props his head up on one hand, a smile on his lips as he watches you dig into his dresser for something to wear.
“When do you leave again?” you ask quietly as you pull out a pair of his sweats.
He stares at your back for a moment longer before answering, “Next Thursday.”
(Read: For context, it’s Friday right now.)
Your hands find one of his bigger shirts and you pull it out, placing it next to the sweats you chose on top of the dresser.
You continue, “Where are you going?”
He thinks about his answer for a few seconds. “Brazil,” he says. This conversation happens every time and yet he answers like it’s the first time you’re asking him these questions.
You slowly nod as you consider asking him what you want to ask him.
“How long will you be staying there?” you ask as you drop your towel and slide his sweats and shirt on, ditching your bra and underwear.
He looks up at you as he says, “I’m not sure, probably a week or two.”
Your feet slowly take you to him and you take your seat on his bed right next to him.
You nod your head in understanding again before you reach out to tuck his hair behind his ear, addicted to the way his soft hair feels against your skin.
“Will you let me come with you?”
Your question has him perking up like a cartoon character, lips twitching, eyes wide, ears expanding.
Ever since you met him, you had never flown out with him anywhere. You love change but you also love the comfort of your own home.
But love is about compromise, is it not?
He instantly shoots up in his bed and lunges at you, wrapping his arms tightly around your frame, face buried in your hair. He deeply inhales, his arms almost crushing your ribs, his pounding heart beating against your chest.
His breath has gotten shaky but you can tell that he’s fighting the urge to bawl in your presence. And eventually, he finally finds the voice that abandoned him in his time of need.
“I would love that.”
⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆
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mjdrawsalot · 3 months
Jon Kent (pretty much) Complete Reading Order
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Compiled first for my personal use and tidied up for @jonkentweek ! Goes up to June 2024 and includes every appearance of this character that I could find. I used ComicVine's archive to track these down, which is both fallible and constantly being updated, so there might be some mistakes. Also, I did my best to highlight the occasions where Jon was a significant character in a story and to skip the ones that were just a non-speaking, one-panel cameo, but those were personal judgements and your mileage might vary.
Color key (and apologies for the eye strain): Red are issues in which Jon is a central character, not just a cameo, Blue are crossover events, Orange are stories that take place in alternate universes/are non canonical
Optional stuff you can read for historical context:
Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow? (1997) a classic possible future story, which is, to my knowledge, the 1st time a character named Jon who is Superman’s kid appears
Son of Superman (1999) a self-contained, now AU, story about a teen Jon Kent, very classic 90s young adult comic with all the tropes that come with that, but enjoyable as the proto-iteration of Jon as an idea
Canon appearances start here
The Final Days of Superman crossover event: Superman (2011) 51-52, Batman/Superman (2013) 31-32, Action Comics (2011) 51-52, Superman/Wonder Woman (2013) 28-29 (This is the origin story of the Clark, Lois and Jon that the comics follow in Rebirth. Largely ignored by writers, as it was written to patch up New52 weirdness, but there are occasional references that might be confusing if you skip it completely.)
Convergence (2015) 5, 8
Superman: Lois and Clark (2015) 1-8 (Establishes Jon and his family in the DCU)
Superman (2016) 1-11, 13, 17-28, 30, 32-36, 38, 40-45, Special 1
Action Comics (2016) 957-972, 974-978, 980-983, 985, 987, 989-1000, 1002, 1005, 1016, 1022-1035, 1042, 1045-1048, 1050-1057, 1059-1060, Special 1, Annual 2023
Justice League (2016) 3-6, 15, 18-19, 22, 28
Trinity (2016) 1-6, 16
Super Sons (2017) 1-16
Dark Nights: Metal (2017) 3, 6
The Man of Steel (2018) 1-6 (central from issue 4 onwards)
Superman (2018) 1, 4-12, 14-16, 20, 29-32
Adventures of the Super Sons (2018) 1-12
Justice League (2018) 9, 23-25, 34, 52, 75, Annual 2022
Super Sons/Dynomutt Special (2018)
Super Sons: The Polarshield Project (AU trilogy of graphic novels)
Supergirl (2016) 8, 30-33
DCeased (2019) 1-6 (what if DC but zombies?)
Super Sons: The Foxglove Mission
Lois Lane (2019) 3-4, 6
Legion of Super-Heroes: Millennium 2
Legion of Super-Heroes (2019) 1-12
Dark Knight Returns: The Golden Child
Green Lantern: Blackstars 2-3
The Terrifics (2018) 25
Teen Titans (2016) 15, 43, 45-46
DCeased: Hope at World’s End (2020) 1, 4-5, 9-15
Robin 80th Anniversary 100-Page Super Spectacular (in the short Super Sons story)
DCeased: Dead Planet (2020) 1-7
Super Sons: Escape to Landis
Batman/Superman (2019) Annual 1
Challenge of the Super Sons (2020) 1-14
Dark Knights: Death Metal The Last Stories of the DC Universe (2020) (in the Superman short story)
Dark Knights: Death Metal The Secret Origin (2021)
Dark Knights: Death Metal The Last 52 War of the Multiverses (2021) (in the Superman parts of the story)
DC Nation Presents Future State (2020) (intro, information and behind-the-scenes for Future State)
Future State: Superman of Metropolis (2021) 1-2 (Future State is another possible future, meaning that it’s not necessarily canon, but it takes place in the future of the main canon, not in a complete AU, like say, Dark Knights of Steel. Technically not necessary to understand main universe stories, but a few popular characters and characterizations were brought over to the main universe.)
Future State: Justice League (2021) 1-2
Future State: Superman/Wonder Woman (2021) 1-2
Future State: Kara Zor-el, Superwoman (2021) 1
Future State: Legion of Super-Heroes (2021) 2
Infinite Frontier (2021) 0 (establishes the main universe status quo from this point on, feat. a synopsis of Jon’s life up to here)
Challenge of the Super Sons (2021) 1-7
Superman: Son of Kal-el (2021) 1-18, Annual 1
Shazam! (2021) 1
Superman Red and Blue (2021) 6 (in the short story The Special, but this mini series in general is cute and I recommend it)
Justice League vs. The Legion of Super-Heroes (2022) 1-6
Superman & Robin Special (2022) 1
DC’s Round Robin (2021) 2 (in the short story Superboy: The Man of Tomorrow)
Nightwing (2016) 89, 91-92, 101-104, 110, 112-113
Earth-Prime (2022) 2 (story based on the CW show Superman and Lois)
DC Pride (2022) (in the short story Super Pride)
Justice League: Road to Dark Crisis (2022) (in the short story Team Up)
Dark Crisis (2022) 1-7
Dark Crisis: Young Justice (2022) 1
Dark Crisis: Worlds Without A Justice League: Superman (2022) 1
DCeased: War of the Undead Gods (2022) 1, 4-5, 7-8
DC’s Terrors Through Time (2022) (in the short story Trick or Treat)
Dark Crisis: The Deadly Green (2022) 1
The Death of Superman 30th Anniversary Special (2023) (in The Life of Superman short story)
Dark Crisis: The Dark Army (2023)
Superman: Kal-El Returns Special (2023) (in the short story Distractions)
Lazarus Planet: Assault on Krypton (2023) (in the short story Electric)
Batman (2016) 131-132 (in the Tim Drake Robin chapters)
Superman (2023) 2-3, 9
Lazarus Planet: Omega (2023)
Power Girl Special (2023)
Adventures of Superman: Jon Kent (2023) 1-6
Superboy: The Man of Tomorrow (2023) 1 (edited version of the story in Round Robin)
DC Pride (2023) (in the short story My Best Bet)
Titans: Beast World (2024) 3-4, 6
Titans: Beast World Tour: Metropolis (2024)
Trinity Special (2024) (taken from the backups of Wonder Woman 2023 plus some extra)
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hotvintagepoll · 6 months
Welcome to the HOT AND VINTAGE MOVIE STARS tournament! We are now finished with the Hot & Vintage Men Tournament; The Hot & Vintage Movie Women Tournament is ongoing. Submissions for hot vintage women are now closed, but we are accepting propaganda for those already in the bracket.
Round 3 of the Hot & Vintage Women Tournament will be posted Saturday, April 6th. All polls—including ongoing polls, previous rounds, old tournaments, the various shadow brackets, and fun mini polls—can be found in the #hotvintagepoll tag. Every poll in the Hot & Vintage Women Tournament will be tagged with the hottie in it if you need to search for someone in particular.
“Where is [my favorite hot woman]?” It depends. Have you checked all the polls in the tag? Have you done a tag search for her? If you still haven’t found her, either nobody submitted her or she did not fit the criteria of being a movie woman from 1910-1970.
“Can I still submit hot women?” No, the submission window has closed. Please do not send in women you wish had made it into the bracket. I can’t do anything with those asks and they just make me sad.
“I have additional propaganda for the hot women!” Great! Send me an ask or reblog the poll and add your propaganda to it. You can also tag me in posts (this is the best way to submit gifsets or fancams). I don’t boost all the propaganda I see or receive, but I try to boost the best of the best.
If you’re submitting propaganda for your hot woman, I don’t accept propaganda that’s from beyond the end of this tournament’s era (ie don’t send me pics of them from before 1910 or after 1970). I also don’t accept propaganda of TV appearances unless it’s clearly a cameo where they’re playing themselves. Please break long asks full of photos up into a few short ones so I don't clog everyone's dashes. I watch every video I receive to tag for trigger warnings, so please don't send me super long videos.
I don’t post or boost negative propaganda about any hot woman. If you really hate that a certain hot woman is winning, send me positive propaganda for their hot opponent. If you think a hot woman shouldn’t even be included in the tournament because of scummy things she did in her lifetime, please read my take on it here.
If I see repetitive, trolling, and/or bigoted remarks in the comments, I may block you from this bracket. If you want to point out a hot woman’s flaws or misdemeanors, that’s fine, but if I see consistent bad-faith trolling you will be blocked.
The views expressed in the propaganda are not my own. I don’t submit my own propaganda, and I don’t change what’s submitted beyond fixing obvious spelling mistakes. If you hate a poll bio or a pic, let me know and send me something I can use instead. Thoughtless bitching gets blocked.
"Where are the hot men?" Most of them are in the shadow realm! Toshiro Mifune was crowned the winner of the Hot & Vintage Men Tournament, and the rest were banished below the earth, where shadows creep and the hours grow long. You can find all the round 1 matchups here (thank you @markwatnae!), or you can do a tag search to find out what happened to a specific hot man.
“My FAQ isn’t on here :(” send me an ask! I love hearing from you guys—just please check these basics first.
Thank you for being here! Enjoy the tournament.
If you want to search through the different rounds of the tournaments, I'm including links under the cut.
First round of the hot men—#round 1 archive, #round 1 blog
Second round of the hot men—#round 2 archive, #round 2 blog
Third round of the hot men—#round 3 archive, #round 3 blog
Fourth round of the hot men—#round 4 archive, #round 4 blog
Quarterfinals of the hot men—#round 5 archive, #round 5 blog
Semifinals—#TWO KINGS archive, #TWO KINGS blog
Finals—#hot men finals
First round of the hot women—#ladies 1 archive, ladies 1 blog
Second round of the hot women—#ladies 2 archive, #ladies 2 blog view
Other featured tags: #housekeeping (organization updates), #family lore (personal anecdotes relating to the hotties or stories about sharing this poll with their families), #hollywood creatures (pets named after old movie stars), and #silly times (what it says on the tin).
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violetganache42 · 2 months
And now, a compilation of highlights celebrating our favorite trouble making triplets (so troublesome that they would not stop causing technical difficulties throughout the stream):
The first highlight before we began the watch party proper
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Lottie doing pre-stream entertainment until WriteBackAtYa's laptop was working again… not realizing that it was working again all this time.
"Donald's Nephews"
Dewey wearing an orange shirt
quiltedmushroom: Donald is almost unintelligble Me: "I'll show you unintelligible!"
Me realizing why my "I'll have the duck" comment was considered as "spoilers"
WriteBackAtYa: Why does Studio Ghibli food always look so good?
"Allowance Day"
The return of whitewashed Daffy
The music when the triplets were pretending to be a radio station
WriteBackAtYa: *suggests Bubba Night* puffywuffy8904: uh oh
WriteBackAtYa: Can't get whiter than 87 Fenton talking amirite!??!
Tokuvivor and I quoting one of the best moments from Scoobynatural (I was HOPING he would reply with "Son of a bitch" and I was not disappointed. XD)
Remembering the triplets broke the economy during Scrooge Night earlier this year
Scrooge making deals with a Banana Republic
Launchpad appearance!
Scrooge attacking a dictator. Why? Because he can.
The entire episode in a nutshell:
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Caro pointing how this episode feels like a premise for a Regular Show episode
Uno and "Dead Duck" mentions???
The expectation of Scrooge saying "Come back here, you little shits." (After what happened, he deserves it. lol)
"The Split Sword of Swanstantine!"
Scrooge failing a spot check and noticing Lena and Violet had tagged along
Speaking of which, Sabrewing sisters appearance!
Scrooge getting suplexed by a woman after mistaking her for Black Heron
Violet: "Should I change out of my pyjamas first or—" Me: "NO TIME! CUE THEME SONG!"
Just. Dewey it!
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All the constant Dewey puns lol
Scrooge and Black Heron getting trapped by societal convention (It was SO awkward for them. lmao)
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Background buff wolf girl!
Missy: smash rockerduck
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Sky pirates cameo!
The Spice Baron saying all cheetahs are cheaters
The Duck-McDuck family revealed to be a global legend thanks to their ongoing adventures
Violet's scream after eating all the spices (I fucking love how her character was fleshed out throughout season 3. lol)
Praising the writers for giving us the three children duos in this episode
Steelbeak appearance!
"And I… I love you?"
(Play dumb!) "What sword?" (Not that dumb!)
Lena being a big sister to Huey
Huey unleashing the Duke/McDuck temper on Steelbeak:
puffywuffy8904 pointing out the similarities between Huey and K.O. accepting the Duke and T.K.O. as the respective parts of them
"Your bazaar adventure is over."
"Um… BAIL!"
"Can't Take a Yolk"
Donald suddenly having a six pack
The salesman reminding me of Wes Weasley from Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog
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Everyone freaking out about the humans
Us getting secondhand embarrassment from Huey trying to flirt with the blonde twin girls
Donald's OG design appearance
Uncle Doofus (I'm scared. ><)
Praising the fact that Quack Pack gave us one of the best versions of Daisy
Hair color inconsistencies for the twin girls
Remembering Donald was in the Navy
Missy: the fearsome five can split me limb by limb
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Llewella (Don't deadname Louie like that!)
The Discord lag making this episode an experience™
This episode reminding us of a Darkwing Duck episode
Elvira Coot mention?
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Me seeing Donald holding and going after a red balloon:
The irony in Dewey trying not to let Donald's egg fall
The episode ending with Donald becoming a giant
All of us needing to process what the fuck happened
Us concluding that this episode singlehandedly caused Discord to break
"The Fight for Castle McDuck!"
Dewey and the viewers learning why Scrooge says "Bless me bagpipes" (thus leading to the implications of a cursed kilt)
"No! Bad nerd!"
WriteBackAtYa commenting how something always ruins Webby's trip to Castle McDuck
Missy fucking thirsting for Matilda
Huey and Louie walking away grumpily after Dewey hits the former, causing the latter to fall off the chair
The noise Scrooge makes while being put in a headlock
Learning that the art book says Hortense and Quackmore are both alive and living at Elvira's farm (I honestly thought they were dead because of Disney's mandate of the Sensational Six's parents not appearing/having major roles!)
Phantom Blot Naruto running
This shot of Webby
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"If one of these bagpipes kills me, I'm gonna be so mad at you."
Scrooge rubbing Webby's back to comfort her! 💖
This episode showcasing how it accurately portrays sibling dynamics
Pepper's sneeze
The entire scene of the McDucks struggling to flip the table (My assistance didn't make a difference.)
Us spamming the DedDewd emoji during the BEST scene in the entire episode
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Everyone inserting McScrooge in the family's surnames
Nathan: Does this family do anything other than fight?
Titus, aka Dirty Dingus, biting Fergus
Webby's anxiety about the family splitting up and guilt for causing so many arguments and fights 😢
Scrooge, Webby, and Matilda all sharing a hug!
Puffy and Missy fighting more than Clan McDuck
"Music Day"
Mortimer jumpscare
Horace mention!
Clara Cluck and Clarabelle Cow appearances!
Pete jumpscare
Imagining a House of Mouse reboot with the DT17 triplets as a boy band (Jet, Turbo, and Rebel are their band names)
puffywuffy8904: I don't know what's hapoening anymore and at this point I'm too afraid to ask
The return of Squirrels in my Pants
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Quack Pack jumpscare
Kid HDL being voiced by Tony Anselmo instead of Russi Taylor for some reason
Story Blossom: Louie eats hot dogs in it Me: DT17 Louie is gagging
Us saying DT17 Donald would beat the shit out of the short's version of him
Godfrey: "You're alive?" Me: "You're alive! *faints*" Godfrey: "You forgot to tell Donald?" Me: "Whoops. 😅"
EllaKai: tbf Donald had it coming Godfrey: *singing "Cell Block Tango"*
"Day of the Only Child!"
Us looking forward to this episode!
Dewey picking up Webby and spinning her around (Don't you fucking tag this as ship, you sickos.)
"And this is why we need Only Child Day." *smack!*
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Another Launchpad appearance!
Jamie and Tokuvivor fanfic shoutouts!
Huey bonding with Bouncer and Burger
Missy: cumin CUMin
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(Not during Huey time!)
Learning that the art book also says there were plans for a Bouncer redemption arc and him becoming Scrooge's personal chef, but it unfortunately got scrapped (I remember @real-life-pine-tree and I talking about that idea a few years ago, long before the art book was a thing!)
Doofus' debut in general (I don't blame Louie for spamming the elevator button. ><)
Duckworth mention
"We're dead inside."
"What is he gonna do with the umbrella and walnuts?!"
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Dewey Dew-Night!
Monseuir Saucy
The severe Discord lag making the stream a funnier experience
Dewey's Louie voice sounding like Miss Piggy
Me: "Webby, you can come out." Everyone: Webby having lesbian thoughts about Lena (I love it! XD)
"'She knows.' Shut up, Louie."
"Brothers again? Brothers again. Triple threat!"
Dewey looking back at Webby as she was singing the Dewey Dew-Night theme
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a3r3n · 4 months
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from the "Chasing Cupid" series
Nct High Stories presents...
★Make a Wish★
A Shotaro × reader story
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"Wherever you are I can find you"
🌼Pairing: Shotaro × girl!reader
🌼Status: ongoing
🌼Summary: Y/n loves her best friends, but if there's one thing she would change about them, it is the way they constantly prank her. They think she's too shy and diligent, and that she can have some fun at least through their jokes. But what if one of their pranks leads her to message an unknown number, and they grow close without even knowing who they are?
🌼Genre: social media!AU / high school!AU / fluff / crack / strangers to lovers
⚠️Warnings: ignore the timestamps, slight cursing, some cameos (or more)
☆Chasing Cupid Series☆
A/N (⚠️disclaimer): this is the third sm!au of my Chasing Cupid Series, and it's about Shotaro!! I know he’s not part of nct anymore, but I started this series two years ago when he was, and I felt it would be incomplete without him. Anyway, you don't have to read the previous stories to understand this one, but if you want to do it I'll be truly happy <33
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[intro pt. 1] - [intro pt. 2]
[1] ➪ single and desperate for love
[2] ➪ do it for the plot
[3] ➪ y/n bully era???
[4] ➪ toilet number guy
[5] ➪ Y***
[6] ➪ Sunday mornings🥰
[7] ➪ sit in a corner and cry
[8] ➪ baguette chat noir croissant???
[9] ➪ did somebody say CHEER?
[10] ➪ Bibble
[11] ➪ UH????
[12] ➪ last first Dream band night
[13] ➪ how to get away with setting ur teacher’s hair on fire
[14] ➪ mr. Wang🥰😚😍🤭
[15] ➪ DreAm sPoRt GamEs
[16] ➪ one (1) innocent mistake
[17] ➪ 👍🏼☀️
[18] ➪ y/n.exe
[19] ➪ weekly douchebag count
[20] ➪ expired yogurt
[21] ➪ Donghyuck Einstein
[22] ➪ a very talented water bottle boy
[23] ➪ boba🤤🥰😋
[24] ➪ accomplished it magnificently
©a3r3n All Rights Reserved. Please do not copy, repost, or translate any of my works.
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antianakin · 7 months
Lol bringing Anakin Skywalker onto your show where your own fucking characters are so flat and disconnected from the wider storyline that they routinely have to be SIDELINED whenever they try to touch on it is such a transparently desperate move to try to make this show seem bigger and more important than it is.
Much like with The Mandalorian and the Ahsoka show, TBB is making the PROFOUND mistake of thinking that being disconnected from the greater Skywalker Saga is a failure and not an opportunity. This is also why the main ensemble NEVER SHOULD'VE BEEN CLONES IN THE FIRST PLACE because the story that was written for them was so clearly and obviously not made with clones in mind. The characters DO NOT CARE about clone issues, they DO NOT CARE about the rebellion, they DO NOT CARE about the Republic or what happened to it. ALL they care about is themselves and like... Omega.
And this doesn't have to be a BAD thing, they can just live in their own little bubble and have their own adventures in the Star Wars universe without being really impacted at all by the narrative happening around them. This was something people loved about Din and The Mandalorian in its early years, something it started to lose in season 2 with the introduction of Ahsoka and Bo-Katan and then completely gave up on in season 3. Having your main character(s) be completely removed from the more well-known story and its characters can really open up a LOT of chances to tell some unique and interesting stories. We see the proof of that in pretty much every episode of Visions that exists.
But by making the main ensemble of TBB clones, people are going into this expecting it to be a story ABOUT THE FUCKING CLONES, exploring how the clones are actually impacted by Order 66 in its immediate aftermath, what does this look like for them, what happened to them, how did Rex, Gregor, and Wolffe end up entirely alone on Seelos and are they truly the only three survivors out of that population of MILLIONS. And instead, because the main characters are clones-but-not-really, we have a story that tries to pretend to be about clones but is in actuality could not care less about the clone issues and any time they try to ADDRESS clone issues, their entire ensemble has to be literally sidelined to do it because it wouldn't make any sense for them to care.
And they keep tossing in all these random cameos by other characters who ARE more involved in the bigger story, like Rex and Hera and Saw and Riyo and Bail and Cody and Ventress. So not only are we expecting this to be a show about clones, we're expecting it to touch on a lot of the characters whose stories are more interesting. Except it can't do that and these characters just flit in and out without having any real impact on TBB at all because they CAN'T. This show and its characters literally won't allow for it. It relies on these cameos to keep people invested in it because they so clearly don't trust their own main characters enough to hold anybody's attention on their own, but they can't do anything interesting with those cameos because they AREN'T the main characters and their main characters WON'T GET INVOLVED IN THOSE STORIES. So we're locked in this really annoying pattern of getting glimpses into these better, more interesting stories and then getting abruptly wrenched away without getting any kind of follow-up or conclusion.
So including Anakin? Yeah, that's gonna be a massive mistake. People are going to LOVE having Anakin in there because hey, it's Anakin, the main character of the REAL story everyone ACTUALLY cares about, it's Darth Vader, that villain everybody loved, we're all invested in THAT DUDE already. But it's going to pull focus from TBB immensely and add exactly nothing to them because TBB have zero real connection to Anakin and all of the themes surrounding his character don't mean shit to this particular ensemble. At best, he's a monster for them to flee from because they can't defeat him in any meaningful way, and anybody could've been that monster. But they made it Anakin because people already like him and they're DESPERATE for some positive attention on the finale season of this show. It won't work, this show is already fucking awful and tossing in yet another cameo isn't going to change that. It's just desperate and it's lazy, two things this show has been from day one.
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demigods-posts · 1 year
Reasons why Drive from The Lightning Theif is an amazing song:
1.) "All your worries come in flurries, but we bested freakin' furries! Look how far we've come. We can't give in." I love how this song is mainly Grover being moral support for his two friends, which is so sweet, in-character, and in alignment with his motivation for being on this quest. Not only does he want to wash his hands of past mistakes, but he wants to protect Percy and Annabeth, whether that be from monsters with the intent to kill, or internal doubt of their abilities. He's such an amazing character and friend. We stan Grover.
2.) "Look, the Gateway Arch!" "Look, a lady with a puppy!" Yes, if course, Annabeth is immediately in love with national monuments, and Percy is captivated by a cute doggy. I just love them both and their little characteristics. I also love how they sneak in the whole 'blew up a national monument and got poisoned' part of the book.
3.) "We urge all citizens to stay off the road, and don't-" "Drive! Just drive!" I love how we know that they're on a quest to return to Zeus his master bolt and save Sally's soul from the underworld, but to the mortals, these three are just breaking every rule all of the time in the funniest way.
4.) "If you hadn't bought all those dam snacks-!" "Uh, it was the Hoover Dam, and I was hungry!" I love how they even reference books that they won't cover in the musical, and they did it in the right way, unlike the Sea of Monsters movie that introduced Kronos in second story of the franchise.
5.) "Why, my brother and I arrived just yesterday: May 1st...1939!" This is what I'm talking about. They creators of this musical even squeezed in a Bianca and Nico Di Angelo cameo in this song and they did it in such an amazing way.
6.) "The oracle can can it! I'll save my mom and save the planet!" I love how this remains Percy's energy throughout the books. Like, it doesn't matter what you tell him, his mind is set on saving the people he cares about and saving the world in the process if he needs to. His loyalty is a blessing (though it can bring about his demise if taken too far).
7.) "Oh, look, a bus to Los Angeles." "Are you sure that's a good idea?" "This one we just wont blow up." "Ha!" And their banter as a team and a group of friends???? I love the writers and creators of this musical. Top tier content.
I wasn't expecting this review to be so long, but I'm not mad. Drive is such a good song, and I hope it gets the attention it deserves!
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janicekao · 5 months
(Joel McHale & Jeremy Allen White x Black OC)
Pairing: NYC Head Chef x Black OC
(dark smut)
Carmen Berzatto x Black OC
Summary: NYC Head Chef enjoys degrading
his chef apprentices.
Warnings: Smut, 18+, non con, emotional manipulation, degradation, very large age gap, painful sex, violence, breeding, crying, dark romance, hate sex, toxic, etc.
6099 words
(she’s long but hopefully worth it)
Wattpad link:
Author’s Note:
First tumblr post! (Idk what I’m doing) My friend and I were talking about The Bear (2022) and how absolutely crazy that one minute cameo of Joel McHale (Head Chef character) when he was absolutely tearing a brand new hole into Jeremy Allen White (Carmen Berzatto character) in the "NYC flashback scene" because it was just awful and intense!!!!
Here is the scene, and there isn't any show spoilers:
We agreed that the way Joel was yelling at him, had a bit of tension to it and it lowkey seems like Joel's character is the type to get off on being a complete dick.🤣
So I then had an epiphany LOL!
Joel McHale is literally 6'4 and lowkey beekeeping age level of hot, his character is constantly yelling and making people feel like shit! So this would make a great oneshot story for the readers with a degradation kink.
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Enjoy my babies <3
Prim realizes that it's now the fourth time that Chef Carmen has told her that she's broken the sauce...
The Head Chef has finally taken notice.
He hovers close by her as he watches the mistakes continue to happen.
She begins to gulp with fear as she tries to earn space between her and Head Chef Joel.
"Chef, I-I appreciate your input, but I-I'm getting approval from Chef Carm—"
"And now you're getting approval from me, stir the fucking sauce, Chef." He immediately interrupts her stuttered plea.
She begins to stir the butter sauce quickly.
Mixing it with a metal spoon isn't how it is done, and she knows this. However with her nerves being racked, she stirs with the first thing that comes to mind, a goddamn spoon.
He grabs her wrist.
"Are you fucking dumb? You'll ruin the sauce, where's your fucking whisk?"
"Right—fuck.. what was I thinking?"
Chef Prim beats herself up with thoughts over her simple and dumb mistake.
Pressed behind her against her left hip and ass cheek, Chef Joel enjoys the gyrating of her thick frame as she whisks frantically into the sauce pan.
His cock begins to ache as it stiffens into a full erection...
Hard enough for her to notice it pressed against her uniform if she weren't being shouted at and quickly approaching an anxiety attack.
The tears streaming down her face only makes Chef Joel want to smile, aroused and concealing the devious grin peeling at the corners of his lips.
He continues to sternly whisper over the young girl, causing her to panic and hardly be able to focus as the massive man invades her space and continues to distract her with his harsh criticism.
"I swear to god Prim, you're already heavy handed with salt... if those salty fucking tears drop into this pan you're fucking out of here. Suck, it, up."
She sniffs her tears back, gently whining and wanting the torture to end.
God, he loves her sweet sobs.
Joel shuts his eyes as they roll into the back of his skull. He quietly gulps back his pleasure as a bead of precum leaks out of the tip of his erection.
Wrecking her is the best thing he's ever done.
He could lick the tears streaming down her reddened cheeks, he'd even inhale the bratty whines that spill from her tongue.
"STIR THE SAUCE, CHEF!!!" Joel shouts louder in her ear, her friend from Culinary school, Carmen Berzatto wants to stand up for her... but instead he keeps his eyes down, and continues his own job.
Standing up for another chef is something that you just can't do in gourmet cuisine... Speaking up could put both of your asses on the line being that all chefs have to do their jobs perfectly.
"You're terrible at this. You're no good at it.
Keep going faster. Why are you so slow? Why are you so fucking slow?" He continues his verbal abuse towards Prim as her only friend Carmy, continues to ignore what is happening.
Prim frantically whisks so hard that she nearly throws out a hip. Little does she know, Chef Joel doesn't actually care how hard she stirs, he just wants to feel her wiggle a bit harder on his cock.
As much as she worries about stirring, she completely forgets to lower the heat.
The butter caramelizes far too dark and becomes burnt.
Prim has an outburst from her own disappointment.
Sadly, cursing in a fancy restaurant like this is highly looked down upon... another reason for Joel to bitch at her.
"Burnt the sauce and now you lack hospitality and respect!"
Joel lets her have it.
"What are you doing here? You are absolutely shit at everything! A pathetic sack of shit."
She tosses the smoking sauce pan into the sink and the other apprentices begin to laugh at her being that now the kitchen smells of burnt butter.
With eyes full of tears, Prim looks up at her boss once more.
He can't even stand her sight. "Go."
Chef Joel yells for the attention of each of his workers.
"Everyone, take your half hour before the dinner rush.
When you get back, someone better be able to make me a fucking herb-butter sauce for the Lamb Chops on tonight's House Special, or I'm going to blow my own fucking brains out! Move people!"
The chefs are able to breathe again.
Finally, their thirty minute break that they only receive because it's legally obligated.
Carmy usually would take this thirty minute break to stupidly gobble down some garbage microwaveable dinner, knowing that he's one of the best cooks the world will ever see.
He also enjoys to take this time to get a few puffs off of a calming cigarette, but today he puts his lunch and cig to the side for a talk with his friend Primrose Dodson instead.
Knowing that Prim has been a bit of a crybaby since their days back in Culinary school, he knows that he can probably find her sobbing outside somewhere near the dumpsters.
Carmy takes his chef jacket off placing it in his locker before he begins his search for Prim outside, soon enough finding her exactly where he thought she'd be.
"Primmy." He gently coos as he lights a cigarette anyways.
"Come on, you've gotta do better than this.
We are big time now, you can't start to cry when things get tough."
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"Carmy, come on!" She wipes frantically at her tears.
"It's not like that! You act like I cry over nothing!
Don't you see how that asshole talks to me?!?"
He sighs.
"Prim he talks to everyone like that...
We endure a few months of his torture and maybe one day we will get to be as big time as he is.
Maybe snag a few of those awards, huh?
That would be nice, right?"
Carmen gets her to smile gently.
"I guess." She shrugs.
"It's just that fucking sauce!
I-I don't know where my brain's at today! I've made that sauce hundreds of times...
In our career Carmy, we can't make mistakes.
Everything has to be perfect! Honestly, I don't know how you do it. I don't know how you're so perfect."
Hearing Prim call him 'perfect' immediately warms his heart...
He nearly blushes a violent red, being that compliments from Prim overwhelms him ever since he realized how bad he crushes on her.
"Ahhh, shut up!"
He teases, gently bending over her and wiping the tears from her stunningly soft features.
"You and I graduated from the same class.
If I'm perfect, then what are you?"
She continues to speak down on herself.
He watches upon her, feeling his heart beat loudly for her.
Carmy kisses the side of her cheek.
"Not even close."
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He pulls her up from the dirty gravel as she brushes off her pants.
"Listen." Carmy continues.
"We are going to get back in there after break, and you will speak to Head Chef—"
Prim interrupts."But Carmy!—"
"Shhh." He hushes gently.
"Let him know how determined you are.
You are not one day of bad sauce-making, you are a million days of an incredible chef!
Don't give up Prim, you belong here."
Prim softly absorbs Carmy's positivity and support...
"Okay, fine.. I'll do it."
"Atta-girl!" He grins softly.
"You'll be just fine. Hey listen, enjoy break, but I'm going to get back inside and check on the schedule and meal prep.
You got this Prim, I believe in you sweetie."
As Prim pulls herself together, preparing to ask the boss for a second chance, Carmen gets back to work... Getting ahead of the game with a few other overachieving chefs.
As Carmy works, he gets a surprise visit from Head Chef Joel.
"Why do you hire fucking idiots?"
Joel frightens Carmy as he sneaks up behind him.
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"Excuse me, Chef?" Carmy continues to work.
"You heard me right." Joel continues.
"When I'm not around, I expect you as leading chef apprentice to get rid of the fucking trash, why has it taken you so long to fire Primrose Dodson?"
Carmy gulps.
"Chef, I do believe in her talent Chef Joel.
I believe she may be having a rough day, but I have seen what she can do. She is an extremely talented chef."
"You've seen what she can do."
Joel begins to chuckle as he repeats his words back at him.
"What can she do Carmy? Suck a mean cock? Fuck you real good? Why else would you be chasing behind her and kissing her cheek by the dumpsters?"
Carmy's eyes widen in shock.
Head Chef watched them, meaning that he also heard Carmy and Prim call him an 'asshole.'
But what should Chef Joel care for? He knows that he's a prick, he knows how he treats people and he loves it.
"No sir." Carmy continues.
"It's nothing like that at all. Just friendly support.
See, Primrose and I went to culinary school together.
I know for a fact that she is one of the best bakers, dessert artists, and gourmet cooks one could ever meet. She has a way with exploring the sweetness and tartness of fresh fruit like something you've never seen before."
"Cut the bullshit Carmen." Joel presses.
"She has you choked up every time she bats her eyelashes at you. Don't act like you haven't noticed how her ass sits in the uniform... Clearly bought a size too small to fit her like a glove and make you lose focus of her careless mistakes."
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Joel begins to shout.
"You can send her into my office all that you want...
I don't give a fuck that she can bake sweets in an EasyBake oven, I'm looking for chefs!
Not soft eyes and big titties.
I expect more from you, stop disappointing me."
Break winds down to only fifteen minutes left and Prim finally finds the courage to enter Chef Joel's office.
Carmy watches in the distance...
But strange enough, his sad puppy-dog eyes don't give her the reassurance that she needs...
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Poor thing has no idea how this is going to go...
As she enters into the tiny broom-closet shaped office, she begins to see why Joel is such an asshole. His office sucks!
"Chef Joel?"
She gulps, noticing his glasses off and clearly trying to relax for the last few minutes of break.
"Oh... I apologize, maybe I can come back?"
"No." He clears his throat.
"Good, come in, I was meaning to speak with you."
Prim smiles with hope.
"That's great to hear actually, you see, I was hoping that—"
Joel immediately interrupts her, uninterested in what she has to say and already having his mind made up.
"I'm moving you to the front of the house.
Waitress aprons are in the supply closet down the hall and to your left."
Prim's heart instantly breaks.
"What?" She frowns.
"I'm not moving to the front of the house! I'm a chef!"
"You're really not." Joel sighs.
"You can either go to the front of the house or go home.
You've been such a fuck up, I was just going to kick you out, but your boy Berzatto asked graciously for me to give you a second chance.
"So do that!" Prim continues to explode.
"Then give me another chance!"
Joel stands abruptly from his desk and his shouting begins to frighten Prim as his tone rains down upon her.
"You're a whining little fucking baby who can't take the heat of the kitchen. Now take off that fucking uniform!
Try wearing a low top blouse, it'll up your chances to earn better tips. You are not tough, you are bullshit, you are talentless."
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Not being able to take another day of being yelled at by him, Prim slams her fists against his chest, sending Chef Joel back a few steps to give her the space she's been wanting all day. "I HATE YOU!"
Noticing that she just put hands on her boss and has washed her dream career down the drain, Prim's eyes widen as she gasps.
She clutches her hand against her mouth in disbelief of what she's done. But, Joel isn't the type to back down from an altercation... most of the time, he's the one who starts them.
Joel grabs her, easily manhandling her fight as he painfully pins her wrists over her head and against the door.
Her anxiety worsens.
Oh, what a terrible feeling it is to not be in control.
"I read your stupid fucking resume.."
Joel begins to grit his words through his tightened jaw and grinding teeth as his anger peaks at an all time high.
"The only thing decent that you can make are desserts.
Everything else, you ranked mediocre scores in Culinary School. I sat at that panel and crossed you off of the list immediately because I knew you had no fucking business getting one of the twenty spots here at this apprenticeship.
You never have deserved your spot here."
"Chef! Get off of me!"
Prim fights as tears stain her cheeks and his large body begins to crush and suffocate her against the door.
"Ms. Betty fucking Crocker."
He begins to chase her eyes each time she turns away from him and his glare. Joel laughs deviously at her sure displeasure. "Why are you even here little girl?
Could have easily had yourself a little rat infested bakery in Harlem, but you actually thought that you were better than that... So let me be the first to tell you, you're not.
You're nothing. You'll never work gourmet and you'll never be an executive chef."
His words puncture her like a knife...
If it weren't for the amount of force keeping her up by her wrists, Prim's knees would've buckled by now as she'd sob to the ground.
"Please let me go."
Her fight is over, she loses the headstrong battle and completely drowns herself in tears.
"I-I'll tell HR what you've done to me, I will write a report on you!"
"HR?" Joel laughs.
"I am HR, I am everything here.
This is my restaurant and everything in it belongs to me... Even you."
Prim finally relaxes enough to notice that it isn't her pens and note pad stabbing her in her pockets. It's Joel's throbbing hard-on pressed flushed against her heat.
Releasing one of her wrists, Joel forces his hand inside the front of her white uniform pants.
Moving too quickly, he misses the opportunity to enter through the waistband of her panties, but that doesn't stop him from tearing them to the side and grabbing her sex inside of her pants.
She squeals as the seams from the bed of her panties tear and pop on her skin. Torn in the perfect place, leaving her pussy bare and in the palm of her boss's hand, Prim gasps at the sudden surprise.
Fingers rolling through her slick folds, she watches up at Joel in disbelief.
His pupils have burst... He's hardly even there mentally.
Hungry for her reaction and hatred for him, Joel's mouth waters as he watches her doe eyes fear him.
"A-Assault!" Prim stutters.
"Sexual Assault and Abuse!"
"I'm not even doing anything, Prim."
Joel's voice darkens into baritoned groans.
"You're the one fucking my hand."
Confusion dazes her mind.
Prim looks down at her hand holding his wrist for more of a support than a fight... She also notices the rolling in her hips, clearly getting relief as she rides the fingers of his hand.
She hadn't even realized...
Poor girl fighting the disagreement between her mind and body more than her actual fight with Joel.
But God, his hand feels good.
Long digits, cleanly short trimmed nails, a wide palm, and slightly callused skin...
A hand that has made the finest cuisine for royalty and famous public figures for the last twenty years.
A hand that is constantly talked about in every culinary magazine known to man.
A hand that is insured, and worth more than the lives of the entire kitchen staff!
... And here it is edging Prim, bringing her to a well deserved cum after another long day of pure hell.
She tightly wraps her arms around Joel's neck as the two part lips and share each other's moans in an aggressive tongue kiss.
Joel pushes from her tongue kiss, listening to her mewl with needy desire. He places his now soaked fingers into his mouth as he would taste a sample of his chef's cooking.
He absorbs it on the tastebuds of his tongue, scowling in thought as if he were coming up with opinions of what ingredients it may need.
"God you're sweet, Strawberry Shortcake."
He teases once more at Prim's love for baking dessert.
"Take all of your clothes off, I don't even want to see a hair-tie on you, understand?"
Joel takes a seat in his desk chair, manspreading his lap as it soon appears to be a yummy seat of bent long legs for Prim to sit on.
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"Yes, Chef." She immediately obliges as every article of clothing leaves her flesh.
"Lock the door."
Joel gives his demands in a daringly hush tone.
Prim turns around, turning the lock and jiggling the handle to be sure of no surprises later on.
As she turns back around, she notices Joel's pants and briefs halfway down his legs, fisting his erection as he watches her with devious intentions.
Prim quietly watches at a distance...
She knows that being six-foot-four, Joel is the tallest man in the kitchen... most of the time, the tallest man in any situation.
She figured that he would be well endowed, but what she didn't expect was to see his erection being the same girth of her own wrists...
Gorgeously tanned and long with an already moist rose colored tip, but far too large for what she can take.
"Come 'ere."
Joel softly commands her to come back to him as he notices her frozen stare while clinging near the door in fear.
Continuing to tug on his cock, he pauses to feel on the soft young flesh now infront of him. His erection continues to stand tall, flush against his abdomen where his navel would be under his chef's shirt.
Joel's large hands nearly eat up her waist, almost doubling over as his fingers wrap around her.
He bites his lip as he watches the way his strong fingertips dimple her soft flesh.
He loves the gentle pudge of her belly and the roundness of her childbearing hips.
Prim's breasts are full, perky, and sit up with puffy brown areolas and pointy nipples of aroused buds...
Pretty like the appearance of his world famous almond-butter blossom cookies topped with Hershey kisses.
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A million dollar baby.
She's so feminine it kills him inside, he finds her to be extremely malleable... Wanting to make her his, and have her as his sex-pet.
Better yet, let her have him as whatever she wants.
Used to the boring sex and cold bones of NYC's Fashion Week models that he constantly gives on the house martini's to, he absolutely can't wait to devour all of Prim's rich warmth.
He knows how beautiful she is as his heart beats wildly out of his chest for her, but will he ever tell her that? No.
He's rather far more excited to call her his slut as he watches his cock bulge through her stomach.
"You're thinking I could easily tear you into two, aren't you?" Joel's lips gently part as he takes a nipple into his mouth with a gentle kiss.
Prim trembles at the feeling of his mouth on her, softly placing her fingers on his shoulder for stamina.
"Oh?" He thinks to himself. "Someone isn't touching this body the way they are supposed to."
"I should split you into two, shouldn't I?"
Joel's eyes stalk up at her as he gives the same treatment to her other breast.
"For being such a fuck up? Hm?
What do you think Primrose?"
A hot tear graces down her cheek as she closes her eyes, trying her best to fight the enjoyment of Joel's gentle kisses now coming down the skin of her belly.
Joel's right hand leaves her hip and winds back to violently leave a smack on her ass.
The recoiling bounce of her round ass cheeks makes his cock twinge with desire.
"You haven't answered me once."
Prim yelps at the sudden sting, she presses her other hand onto his shoulder and depends on him fully to keep her standing.
"No Joel!" She sobs.
"Who?" Joel frowns at the sudden use of his name.
"Chef!" Prim corrects herself.
"I-I don't want you to split me into two."
"Say that you're a fuck up, Prim."
He continues to get his pleasure from degrading her down to a pulp of mush.
"Admit to it. You're a fuck up, and you're a whore."
Her eyes dart open, glossed over with tears.
"I'm not a whor—"
Joel immediately stands from his chair, towering over her as he forces out her submission.
"I swear to god, I'll fuck you right now without any mercy." Joel threatens her with an injuring grasp to both of her arms.
"No!" Prim weeps, stuttering what he wants to hear her say in vast embarrassment.
"I'm a fuck up, and I-I'm a whore..."
The shame burns her face, however, she's glad that he has sat back down.
"Good, baby."
Joel coos as he pulls her back to him.
"Now I'll take care of you. Work you open a bit, hm?"
Hearing him use the term 'baby' to refer to her, makes Prim melt. She likes when Joel is nice to her, but maybe she likes when he is mean too.... How else did she end up here with soaked thighs?
As he notices her nod, Joel gently lifts her onto the edge of his desk.
He places her legs on his shoulder blades, and between her thighs open widely for him... Kinda like looking down at a dinner plate of gourmet cooking.
He notices Prim's entire body trembling and he loves every second of it. Kissing her ankles on each side of his face, Joel bends his face closer to his desk as his wide tongue swipes through her cunt.
The feeling turns her arms into putty and Prim quickly catches herself as her elbows slam keys down on his computer's keyboard.
Joel finds her clit.
Licking the bud and slurping it into his mouth as it pulls from her flesh.
Prim shouts a desperate moan, attempting to push his head away from her.
Her clit already swollen and toyed with from each time she'd squeeze her thighs together for sexual relief.
Joel tossses her hand out of his way, however allowing her to run her fingers through his hair because he likes the feel of it.
His slurping and swallowing is lewd and far from gentle, as if he were trying to devour her completely.
His tongue presses at her entrance and begins to probe as far as it can go inside of her.
Warming her to the coming fuck, Joel places a finger inside and realizes how tight she actually is when he struggles with adding the second one.
"M'fuck! Chef, please let me up!"
Prim nearly hyperventilates as a spring painfully tightens in the midst of her stomach.
"I feel like I'm going to pee! Let me go!"
He forces in a third finger instead, it's uncomfortable, but it also brings her closer to her cum. Joel's fingers spasm upwards, knuckles curling and knocking on the walls of her g-spot.
She complains, now prying his fingers from out of her cunt and his lips from the kisses at her clit.
"I-I can't hold it!"
Joel knows from the way her pussy is collapsing around his fingers that she's almost there, however watching Prim worry that she'll piss herself gives him the ultimate amount of joy.
Her breath hitches inside of her throat, as she gasps for air once more. Her pussy soaks the desk and between her thighs as she finally squirts for him.
Wanting to shout from the exhausting orgasm however she can't, inaudible due to it stealing her adorable raspy voice.
Pussy numb and worked through, Joel can't wait to find his nut in the depths of her womb.
Devious thoughts of keeping Prim here, swollen and fat with his baby as he watches her work his kitchen, crying obnoxiously and tired, makes him so horny.
The man is truly awful... So terribly mean that he doesn't even know if he likes her or hates her.
But to him, there isn't a difference.
Prim's eyes hang almost shut as her full lips are parted, clearly tired while still coming down from her high.
He snatches her off of the desk and into his lap like a rag doll. His cock painfully rock hard and balls blue from being so patient with her.
"Please.." Prim begs softly.
"I can't, I need a break.
I-I can give you head but Joel, please I'm numb."
"Don't want your mouth." Joel refuses as he prepares to fuck her dumb. "I've had enough of that all day today."
He lets Prim lean against his body, chest to chest in the office chair as she lays her head tiredly against his shoulder.
"But I won't talk back again."
Prim continues to plead mercilessly.
"I promise Chef Joel."
"Hush now, Prim."
His mouth marks her with love-bruises as he sucks rounded red and purple hickies on her flesh.
He wants the world to see who she belongs to, he wants Carmy to see who she belongs to.
"Save your promises for something you'll actually keep.
I know that a brat like you will always talk back."
Lifting her off of his lap, Joel lines his cock with her entrance. Only gliding it once through her slickness for lubricant, he then sets Prim all the way down, slowly having her take his every inch of impalement.
"Fucking, shit." Joel hisses, tightly shutting his eyes at how nicely her insides hug him.
"Ahh, I'm not lasting long in this shit."
Prim whines, arms wrapped around his neck as he lifts her underneath her thighs and lowers her continuously back onto his cock.
"I know baby." He gulps. "Fuck— I know."
Checking his watch, he realizes the restaurant is soon to reopen for the dinner crowd.
He isn't very worried, confident that a warm cunt like this will have him cumming in under a minute.
Joel sets Prim down on the entirety of his erection, pressing his hand over the prominent tummy bulge and the cushiony flesh of her cervix.
"Fuck that's good." He mewls.
"Listen to me." He begins.
Prim silently hangs her head in the crook of his neck.
He snatches her face into his view, strong fingers cupping her soft cheeks and puckering her lips.
"Who are you fucking?"
Joel grunts with each thrust into her, suddenly becoming furious if anyone else has had this pussy.
"No one."
Prim's warm cinnamon scented breath warms his face, he knows that she's been sneaking cinnamon streusels out from the desserts tray prepped for tonight. He can smell it.
Joel could yell, but the sweet warmly scented breath causes a web of his jizz to paint her insides.
He calms himself before he cums too quickly and erupts.
"Prim, I'm not fucking around."
Joel presses on, watching his newest love be bounced on his cock, tired and near drooling.
"I told you to take off your clothes and they instantly fell to the floor. Who else do you get this fucking slutty for?
And don't fucking lie to me."
He strums her clit like a guitar string to wake her out of her sex-daze.
"Just you!" She bursts truthfully...
Determined to gatekeep the new jewel that he has found, he is forced to trust her words.
But Prim is no liar.
What chef apprentice has time for a sex life during their terribly busy schedule?
The best enjoyment Prim gets at home is from a vibrator that never gets her where she needs to be... just helps her sleep.
And other than a few finger-happy frat boys in college, she can't remember the last time she's been touched by anyone but herself.
Pausing with his hips flushed against her ass, and cock still buried deep inside of her, Joel looks at the girl with thoughts of having something more with her...
He shakes the thought from his head...
No. He'll never be that fucking nice.
"I won't be your boyfriend, I won't be your man, and I won't be your fucking friend."
He begins with stern determination.
"But god knows that I am going to fuck you like this every day because you are mine.
If I find out you're giving this pussy away to anyone else I swear I will ruin your name in every worthy restaurant in the entire world. I will have you slinging Big Macs for the rest of your pathetic little life, understand me?"
Joel threatens his young apprentice, but he knows because he is starting to care for her, he'd never actually jeopardize her future.
Prim gently caresses the sides of his stubbles face as she begins to smile lightly.
"Smiling?" Joel thinks to himself.
"Why the fuck is she smiling? Such a pretty smile, but what? Does she think I'm pussy or something?
That she's won?"
"Don't fucking smile at me..." Joel gulps, continuously throbbing in the pit of her pussy.
Prim lowers her eyes into something intoxicating and soul stirring. She begins to arch her back, slowly bucking her hips against him as he watches her come alive and fuck him back.
"I think you like me, Joel.."
"Are you fucking stupid? What did I tell you to call me?"
He gulps.
Prim sweetly nibbles at his earlobe, enticing him with a whisper. "I'm sorry, Daddy."
A caught breath chokes him.
Joel has to catch her hips before her grinding makes him cum.
God he loved that.
He corrects her in a gulp as the muscles in his entire body begins to tighten.
Receiving a kiss from her doesn't help...
He wants to feel these kisses every morning that he wakes up.
Only insulting her can help with the way that he feels right now, so that's what he does.
"You're a terrible chef, a weak woman who cries too much, hardheaded, ill tempered, pathetic, and your sweat stinks."
He lies, her sweat smells as if someone were baking cookies.
"I stink?" She coyly taunts.
"Maybe I should get up then."
Prim attempts to get up and Joel refuses.
Sounding desperate, he tugs her back down into his lap, wrapping his arms around her as he embraces her and inhales the smell of her sweet smelling perspiration.
Prim laughs at him as she softly brushes her fingers through his hair. "I thought so."
He's losing...
Losing this battle terribly.
"I despise you." He ups it a notch.
"You think you're winning but you'll be nothing but a toy to me."
"And you'll be nothing but a wet mouth to me."
Prim contends. 
Annoyed with her back talk, Joel grabs her arms, pressing them against her sides.
"You are such a b—"
"Bitch?" Prim interrupts, making the Head Chef's eyes widen. "Yeah, I'll be that bitch. The only bitch that can make you cum during this pitifully short lunch break."
He sucks his teeth, nostrils flaring as if angered steam could come out any second now.
Instead of arguing with the pragmatic girl any longer, Joel puts his words to action...
He stands up from the chair, carrying Prim with her legs wrapped around his waist...
He shows her exactly what he means about becoming his toy.
Joel's eyes darken and jawline tightens.
He begins to thrash Prim onto his cock and thrusting upwards into her with an awful attitude of pure rage.
Even Prim, the woman he's determined to have, can't change the ways of an impossible control freak like Chef Joel.
He will have what he wants his way, and no other way is acceptable. Hopefully Prim knows what she has gotten herself into with him.
Arms wrapped around Joel's neck and being fucked into like a whore, Prim sees what he means about being his toy.
He holds her tiny waist and violates her like his personal cock sleeve.
Fucking her with no importance as if she were a fleshlight that he'll throw under his bed when he's finished.
Her eyes widen and the hot stream of her tears hit his back, making Joel grin deviously knowing that she can't take the rough fuck from him any longer.
He huffs and grunts so eager and focused on his finish that he ignores Prim's complaints about his uncomfortable jabs.
A final orgasm consumes her, making Prim once again putty in his arms, hoarse, and unable to complain.
Her nails dig into the skin of his back as she closes her eyes tightly from the shamefully lewd sounds of their bodies slapping together.
Her cunt drips with nectar for him every second and she hates that she has no control over it.
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Her pussy clenches in overstimulated waves of shock and Joel's cock spasms as he continues to get squeezed. Jamming his cock in her as far as he can, he releases his hot cum... filling the girl's womb without a thought to pullout.
"Jesus— fuck, you can take cock."
His words are again harsh, however for some reason, they feel even more cruel than before.
As his balls are completely drained and milked, Joel places Prim into his office chair.
Unsure of what just happened, she closes her trembling legs shut.
She gasps as Joel prys them back apart again to watch his seed drip out of her.
Prim's innocent eyes watch up at him as she stares in disbelief... Joel chuckles and licks his lips at the sight of the oozing cum.
She now realizes that possessiveness has nothing to do with genuinely liking someone...
She is exactly as he said, just his toy.
Tucking his cock back into his briefs, the timer for dinner rush goes off on his desk.
As he turns the alarm off, Joel tosses Prim's clothes at her.
"Get dressed." He demands, without a care of her body still being sore and needing rest.
"Get back in the kitchen, and this time don't break the fucking sauce. If I ever see you flirt with Carmen Berzatto again, I'll fire your ass at a drop of a dime, understand?"
Prim sniffles back her tears...
Although her mind is full of confusion about where her and her boss stand at this point, at least she has her second chance to get back into the kitchen.
She wipes her fallen tears, redressing her sex-battered body still dripping of his semen into her uniform...
She gulps. "Yes, Chef."
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henkoukazue · 1 year
Meeting you was a Blessing...
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Summary: When polar opposites meet, everything becomes chaotic. Does coexisting will be just fine…. or rather much more difficulty?? We'll never know unless…
WC: 5.0k (not quite edited tho, and this will be quiet long so ready some snacks and tissues if needed ehe~)
Pairings: Alhaitham x Fem!Reader (*and slight Cynari<3)
Warnings: MDNI 18+, NSFW, suggestive/explicit content, possible mentions of SH (slightly??), Trauma (reader), Panic and Anxiety Attacks, Mild Depression, (...will add some after i complete this or y'all can give me suggestions huehuehue)
Tags: Alhaitham x Fem!Reader, Fluff, Smut, Angst kinda heavy??, miscommunication?, established relationship, slow burn (unsure), arranged pairing, mutual pinning, crack!fic, marriage (at fisrt you agreed to marry him bcs of your parents and... "of his high salary and stable job" but...), whipped!Alhaitham, slightly jealous!Alhaitham??, modern au (kinda.. idk), Kaveh and the other Sumeru boys and girls cameo, exploratory ff, might be ooc on the latter (yes.... I'm talking abt Haitham here BASHAHSHASHA idk tho, not sure)
a/n: This is my first time doing something like this and idk if this'll be successful, but I'm just doing this for fun and also like a stress-reliever (abt stuffs from school & at home😭😭 ....GOSHH i hate it here /jk) lmaoo and this is kinda like a self-indulgement ff sorry abt that I guess... I hope you all will also enjoy my writing. TYSMM!!🖤💚 ouhh and also, bfr I forgot, English isn't my first language sooo~ if there's any mistakes or errors lemme know my cinnamons <3
>> and also 'here' is a dabble of their domestic life awiee enjoy!!
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There was a point in your life when you fantasized about having or being in a romantic relationship with someone, but... you learned through time that love isn't the only thing in the world. You relished the freedom and independence that came with discovering yourself. A soft sigh left your lips ‘It felt like ecstasy being out of the cage,’ you mumbled. Walking down the streets of Sumeru city, you spotted your closest pals since college. There were Candace, Nilou, Dehya, and Tighnari.
Candace noticed you and waved softly, saying, 'Looky here, our bachelorette is here!' Little chuckles escaped their lips. 'Heh, what are you guys talking about and giggling there?' you pouted and hugged them behind their back. You noticed your friend Tighnari blushing, looking at his phone and you inquired, "Eyy, are you and Cyno going out now?" eyes sparkled, and the others turned to look at him. He smiled nervously, then said 'Uhh yes, we are now officially going out now, but, please don't announce it to others yet. It's pretty embarrassing,' he says, straining his eyes shut. You were surprised that they were going out now, and the girls were as well, so you guys cheered 'Congratulations!!' ' to your best friend Tighnari, gaily. 
You and your friends now bid farewell to each other. Now alone, a sudden call from your parents came. 'Uhm, hello? Mom, Dad? ' you answered. 'Why hello our dear sweetheart, have you found a man you'll mar----' your father interrupted what your mother was about to say 'Uhh hahahaha my, don't worry about that my child.' clears throat 'How are you doing now? ' He expressed concern. You let out a sigh. 'Oh, I'm doing well and.... You no longer need to be concerned. I'm an adult now, and I have a great job, even though I'm still living in that leased apartment'. 'Ohh, I see,' your father said, before the call fell silent. 'Darling—-' you cut off the phone before your mother begins to whinge about your love life once more (if you ever have...).
When you got closer to the apartment, you noticed your friend Tighnari's flower shop, where he and his lover Cyno were all lovey-dovey, and a faint smile slipped your lips. But after a minute, you felt a sharp pain in your chest, you came to a halt and sighed heavily. 'Man... I shouldn't be feeling this,' you said as you resumed your walk.
Now that you're inside the apartment, exhausted and sluggish, you just throw yourself in bed. 'I guess I'll go visit them and consider about that marriage they're talking about, and blah blah,' you muttered, closing your eyes shut. Dawn arrived, feeling the beams of sunshine on your face, you got up and started your just-so-normal daily routine and headed to work. 
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After an hour of dedicating yourself to your job, you rewarded yourself with some sweets and a cup of coffee at Puspa Café, which is also pretty close to your place. Knowing you as a regular, the owner immediately listed your orders and awaits you if you ever want to add something. 'Well then, mister, I'd like to take out some of your freshly made Padisarah pudding!' you said warmly. The owner then chuckled and said, 'All right, dear, your order is on its way!' Then motioning his hands a kind-of-salute gesture.
While you were leaving the café, you noticed that your phone was not in your purse, and as you looked around, you observed an ashen-haired man motioning something with his hand and muttering something. 'Miss! Miss! I believe this is your phone.' …..
'Miss umm, here, your phone,' he said slowly, motioning his palm over your face. You shook your head, 'Ohh! Ahh yes, thank you very much.' you nodded modestly and bid farewell to the man. 'Yes, you're welcome,' he mumbled under his breath, watching you with his bright teal eyes motioning out of the café.
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It's that time of year again, summer. Because of that one phone conversation, you decided to pay a visit to your parents' house. 'Ughh, seriously, your mother? Why can't she leave you be? You're all good now and doing great, the fu---,' Dehya exclaimed, only to be cut off by a piece of bread Nilou shoved into her mouth. 'This woman! Aish,' Nilou sighed and glaring at Dehya with an expression saying 'What? What did I do wrong?'. Candace and you both laughed.....  'Well, then, what can I do? They're old and such, I assume they're simply worried about me.' Candace and Nilou gave you a pitying glance.
You were apprehensive about your journey to your parents' house because you knew your mother would nag you all day and all night about how you didn't have a relationship. As you arrived at the front door, you were debating whether to knock or go back when your father abruptly opened the door. '..... Oh. Ohh! Dear, goodness you're here. How's the trip?' He hugged you and you just plainly stated 'Well, it's summer and I'm on a break, so I decided to pay a visit since…. It's been a long time... I suppose?' an awkward silence filled the doorway.
The only thing that broke the silence was your mother clapping her hands. 'Hey, the two of you come on over here now, and how's the trip, my darling, how about a boyfriend?' You gave her a deadpan expression, indicating that 'Please, just shut up, I'm tired!' to only earn a small chuckle from the elderly man, your father.
Sitting at the dining table, memories of the past came rushing. You recall how this home and its people made you feel horrible as a youngster, how they used to control and mistreat you. You smiled bitterly at the memory. While you didn't notice it, your father, looking at you and clenched his fist under the table and kept saying, 'I'm so sorry, my dear,' who knows how many times. Breaking the awkwardness, your mother started. 'So, would you mind if we do an arrange pairing?' You shoot your heads up and look at your father and mother to only mutter, 'What?'
After some minutes have passed, your mother smiles, 'Well isn't it why you came here too?' …..your mother isn't wrong. You cleared your throat, 'Yes. I'm also here to discuss that arranged pairing and marriage thing you're so eagerly asking me for.'
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A month later, a matchmaker was dispatched to your place, accompanied by your parents. Still can't process what is happening, although you agreed to it that you’ll do the arrange pairing, you let them in.
The session was then initiated by the matchmaker. She asked you quite numerous questions, and some of those were; 'What do you wish for in your life to be my dear?' gently staring at you... 'I want a tranquil life where I can exhibit my independence, value space from each other, and the partner who will be partnered with me is also committed,' you gulped, ending with a shaky voice. The old lady giggled softly and delicately wrote it down on her vintage paper. Then she again asked another one, 'What is the thing that interests you the most?....it might be from the past or currently.' She smiled again, assuring you to be true to yourself. 'I-- I like books and anything that I think is very valuable,' you looked down, turning pinkish-red. The old matchmaker then pursues you to say it. You inhale, regain your confidence, and continue, 'I also adore deep sea creatures...... if that makes sense.' you awkwardly smiled. She then resumed her writing.
You hurriedly go towards the elderly matchmaker and, of course, your parents, as usual. You grumble in a low tone upon seeing them. The matchmaker then motions with her hands for you to enter the room and address the matter, but this time your parents are not present, so you feel relieved.
You noticed the man standing near the furniture set reading something about literature after slightly opening the door. He then noticed your presence and politely nodded, as you do so too. The matchmaker then instructs the two of you and tells you what topics you will be discussing before leaving.
'Oh, um... Hello, pleasure to meet you,' you said as you extended your hand in a handshake. The man then accepted it and said, ‘Same here, I'll be in your care then, my partner?’ Your body became stiff by hearing his voice. He then felt your hands stiff, so he released your hands gently and said, 'Are you alright?’ looking straight at you with eyes which remained neutral. You, startled by his stare, so you shifted your sight to the window and murmured something. Him the observant he is, noticed you again but didn't do anything and let you be. He's not sure as to why he gave in to his deceased grandmother's will that at that age, he'll go to meet a matchmaker and be paired to the person he'll remain for the rest of his life, love, and cherish him.
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A day turned into a week, a week turned into months, and then those months turned into a year. Now, him helping you move out to his house, you asked midway at the entrance door. 'Umm, about the wedding ceremony, when was it again?' looking at him neutrally, like you have no any interest in it whatsoever. 'Hm, I think it will be expected 8 weeks from now?' He looks up at the sky, then yours. '..... Alright, do you have any guests you'll have invited? Moreover our wedding will only take place in the government office.' He looked at you blankly for a few seconds before saying, 'No. I don't,' he says as he walks inside….
The time then has come, the two of you then recited your vows and filled out the papers prepared by the clerk for both of you and your parents. Of course, no honeymoon occurred; instead, you and him organized some of your belongings and the entire house now that it is occupied by two people.
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After three years of marriage, you've gotten used to each other's habits and company. He occasionally notices you dancing while cooking and humming a song, noting mentally that you're having a nice day, just to elicit a small genuine smile, noticing it and contemplating at himself why he did that.
You also had the impression that someone was watching you from behind while you were cooking, so you stopped whenever you noticed your husband's presence in the kitchen or when he took a sip of his coffee nearby.
'.......' sips coffee, 'What are you cooking?' he said. Startled by the man you yelped and said in return, 'You! You almost gave me a heart attack there! Ohh, I'm cooking Sabz Meat Stew, the one you said is your favorite.... yes?' only to receive a blank expression from the man and one brow slightly raised. 'Hmm~ okey.' then leaves the room.
You pondered, 'Huh? The hell??'
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Alhaitham grumbled after he woke from his peaceful slumber. He recalled that he had a job today. He then got up lazily and looked back at the bed to only see you snoring (not that loud), although from the looks of him, he thinks you are cute.
As usual, he didn't feel tired or anything in his office corner, but it was quickly shattered by his senior approaching him, and a former housemate, Kaveh, the star of the firm, renowned as the passionate designer with exquisite taste in arts and romance. Alhaitham scoffed, 'What?' glaring at the platinum-blonde haired man. 'Ugh, save that glare for later, will you!?' Kaveh exclaimed. Putting a bunch of papers at his desk. 'Here. This needs to be approved today so do it now, alright?' The man earned a minute of silence, then Alhaitham spoke up, 'Alright then. Now go.' Kaveh, being used to his antics responded, 'Bah! Alright, alright I'll go now~'
'Great. Now I can have peace,' Alhaitham whispered as he walked to the nearest café in the company. He then spotted Puspa Café and, shortly after, he noticed you with your friends. But he didn't approach you, he simply chose to observe you from afar.
After finishing your job at the library, Tighnari, your friend, messaged something at your group chat, saying that 'Guys, I'll have you all meet my boyfriend today, of course if you guys are free.' You smiled at your phone and waited for others to reply, then you saw Nilou's message, 'Yes we are all free today, where do you want us all to meet up? ^^ .' You then added, 'Me too, just concluded my work.'
You met Dehya first and welcomed her after all of you agreed to meet at Puspa Café. As is typical, Dehya has always tried on make-up with you and the girls since your college years, as she is doing just now, claiming boredom while waiting for the others. After a few minutes, you two noticed the other three and waved your hands where you were seated. 'Eyy, Tighnari, where has your boyfie gone? 'Dehya said. 'Hahah, Dehya, wait a minute, I'll go fetch him outside,' the man said as he ran out of the café.
After a minute of waiting, you and the girls see a tanned man joyfully conversing with Tighnari, all lovey-dovey. 'Yuck,' muttered Dehya in another hand. ‘I wish I was too sheesh, good for them I guess?' She shrugged, glancing at us, only to get a nudge at her side from Nilou. 'Oof-- the hell?'
Tighnari then waved and exclaimed, 'Guys! This is my boyfriend Cyno. Hope you all will be well acquainted with each other! ' smiled. Nilou approached Cyno first and enthusiastically handed him a handshake adding, 'I am very delighted for the two of you, that you are now officially going out!' Cyno then nodded and chuckled. ‘Thank you~’ said Cyno. Candace and you then bestow your blessings on the pair. Finally, there came Dehya, who looked at them with critical eyes. 'Hey, is there something wrong?' Tighnari said, tapping Dehya on the shoulder. Then Dehya looks at them both. 'No, nothing. I'm just happy for the two of you. But. BUT! If you Cyno--' pointing her index finger at his chest, 'I won't forgive you, okay? Don’t hurt my bestie.' Then Cyno chuckled and said, 'Heh, you can trust me lady,' and grinned silly at her.
Your husband was observing you guys from the other side of the café when he noticed a familiar figure. Slowly closing his eyes. Not sure whether he's seeing things correctly, but after repeating it a few times, he seemed astonished (although, actually kind of shocked lol). He then tried to go in your direction, only to be halted by his senior. 'Ugh...' Alhaitham exclaimed in his mind.
'Alhaitham!! I've been looking at you everywhere in the office. Remember how you agreed to have lunch with me today? You also said that someone's cooking delicious food for y----!!' Alhaitham then shoved his hands in his colleague’s mouth to show how annoying Kaveh is to him. He sought to hide somewhere when he noticed your presence approaching him. And silly Kaveh, left there standing, questioning what the hell is going on with his junior.
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Alhaitham returned to your shared house and discovered that the lights were turned off and the room was chilly. Traversing the living room, he noticed a loud thud in your shared bedroom on the second floor. When he arrived, he noticed you weeping and.... you have a cut on your wrist that seems to be quite deep.
He embraced you ever so delicately as if you were about to crumble at any minute, trying to calm you down before asking any questions. Hearing your sobs go down, he then caresses your locks.... very soft locks. Didn't have the time to question what happened seeing you calming down and noticing you about to fall asleep in his embrace, he carefully lifts you up and places you on the bed. Looking at you, his heart breaking as he saw your state, he got up and cleaned and bandaged your wrist wounds.
Morning came, you noticed something on your hands. It was your husband, Haitham. You were taken aback by the sight, carefully releasing his calloused hands, which were securely entwined with yours. You were startled by your husband's unexpected motion and questioned, 'Uhh.... What- what happened?' face turning pale, smiling awkwardly.
'........., well aren't you the one who needs explaining here? My wife?' eyes widened by the sudden call of a familiar address. You gazed at his eyes, dazed, still taking in what he had just spoken. He softly bumped his forehead on yours, while you, bobbing your mouth open and closed. 'Take your time, anytime you are ready, my wife.' Again, your eyes widening, oblivious to a torrent of tears exiting your gorgeous eyes. You wept incessantly and were put back to sleep.
Alhaitham then began informing your coworkers at the library that you will be absent today due to you not feeling well… called Cyno to inform Tighnari and some of your friends.
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You were back at work a few weeks after that event. Your coworkers begin to wonder who the man who contacted them that day was and what your relationship was with him. You ignored their queries and just stated, 'Enough of this chit-chat, remember we're at work, keep it for later,' before continuing to arrange the shelves. Quite embarrassed, you asked the Chief Librarian if it was okay to take your leave early today. The elderly then kindly nodded and waved you goodbye.
Alhaitham is waiting outside the library. He then glanced at Cyno and said, '.... What exactly do you want to know? ' while he was reading his book. Cyno, on the other hand, peered at him for a few minutes before saying something. 'I've been meaning to ask you this question, Alhaitham.... My lover claimed they didn't know you, and his friends wanted to know what your relationship is with her.' declared unequivocally.
'I-- we are married.... that is all I have to say.' Then continue reading where he last left. Cyno was taken aback, his mouth agape slightly, by what he heard from the man who is reputed to be distant, intellectual, dislikes small talk, and is difficult to engage with. '.... Cyno, please stop being so animated, you're not funny.' he said flatly, without glancing at the tanned man. 'I know you're joking. It was a great one, but—-' ,Cyno utter, only to be cut short by an impending disaster that Alhaitham despised oh so much (lmao sorry my bbg).
It was none other than Kaveh, his senior.
'Hey! What are you two talking about leaving me for? 'Kaveh remarked, not entirely aware of the very kind-of-awkward situation happening at the moment. ‘Huh? What?’
You, on the other hand, witnessed the scene. Ears turning flushed pink. 'What? WHAAAT!?? 'You exclaimed in the back of your mind as you walked straight to where your husband was, Haitham.
'My~ hello there Cyno.' you stated, smile feeling forced. '.... Oh. Ahh! Hello.' he nodded and glanced at you and Alhaitham, dazed. Kaveh, taking in what is going on. 'OHH!! Wait, wait, wait, wait!! ' shooting a surprised and uncharacteristic kind of glare at Alhaitham. Kaveh trying to connect the dots as to why you, a very beautiful— no, ethereal lady— would marry this man whose only interests are books and knowledge.
Two men are astonished by what is happening right now. Alhaitham then smoothly held your hands and excused, 'Uhh, apologies but me and my wife have to go now.... Bye.' walking out their way, the two men stilled on that very spot, gaze following you both, mouth twain agape.
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The next day, you were greeted by your friends at the front door.
Flabbergasted by Candace by abruptly holding your shoulders and shaking you, 'Waaaaah our- our baby is married! Since when? AAAAA!!' Dehya in the back restrains her snickers since it's uncharacteristic of Candace. Then you gaze at Nilou, tears welling up in her beautiful blue-ocean eyes.
'Uhmm, I--' stopped by Dehya, 'NO! Let us in first.' then eyeing every corner of the house, finding where your said husband is. '..... My husband isn't here. He's at work right now.' Suddenly Dehya turns around and runs in your direction, exclaiming, 'Whaaat!? You're not lying, are you?' gasped loudly and animatedly. Nilou and Candace both chuckled at her sudden reaction.
You and your friends were seated at the sofa. Calmly explaining what and how it happened, then there's Dehya asking. 'Sooo, did you guys do it?' The other two women were stunned by what Dehya said, and Nilou responded, 'Sorry about that,' she smiled at you and smacked Dehya on the head.
You gave a forced smile and responded, 'Heheh, however we did not. And we don't even have feelings for one other...' you gaze down, a familiar aching in your chest welling up. Nilou notices it and pats your back. 'Actually.... I- I think I have feelings for my husband, however..... I think if I say it to him and announce it, he'll be appalled by the concept.' Tears well up in your lovely eyes. The females listened to you and offered words of sympathy.
When night fell, you were alone, waiting for Alhaitham. Thoughts from a while ago flooded your head, and thinking about them just made you feel upset again. So you went to your shared bedroom, covering your mouth to prevent sobs from escaping your soft lips, duvet covering you.
Alhaitham was drained after working overtime, now on his way home. He sluggishly put his shoes on the rack. Afterwards starts waltzing to find you and notices the bedroom door is slightly ajar. Alhaitham heed the quilt trembling; he then patted it. You, startled, you stopped moving and tried to make your voice not too strained from crying. 'Ohh! Welcome home Haitham. I'm sorry I wasn't able to cook for you, I wasn't feeling well.' Then the next thing that happened is that silence fell upon the room.
'........ Umm, Haitham?' you said still under the quilts. You tried to peek since you weren't receiving any reaction.
Alhaitham, being the person he is, saw an opportunity as you attempted to peek, a small smile escaped his lips. 'What are you doing? Hiding there and all.' looking at you with an unreadable expression. You gasped by the sudden touch at your hands by his. Flailing from his iron grip, but can't unfortunately, you accept defeat.
'I have a question.... and I'd want to say something to you.' Upon hearing that, your thoughts are clouded with pessimism, and you begin to wonder what he is going to say. Him observing your figure under the quilts, shaking. Without any further ado he started, 'I know you didn't want this kind of life, and that…. your parents made you do it..' He sighs, then says faintly, 'but—' suddenly a sob escapes your trembling lips. Surprised by it, you swiftly cover your mouth.
Alhaitham reacted quickly, pulling the quilts down to see you weeping uncontrollably. When he saw you in that state. His heart were shattered into pieces seeing you in that condition.... He hates it, he hates seeing you cry. 
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He daintily wiped your tears away and kissed you on the temples and next your forehead, also cupping your cheeks. You, on the contrary, are at a loss for words, mustering the confidence to speak up, 'Hait—-!!!' a quick sweet kiss pressed against your plump lips.
'Ahh!' You gasped, both lips parted, and the expression on his face was lustrous, though he kept the neutrality in it. The abrupt realization of what is happening causes your cheeks to heat up. 'Ahhn, Haitham! AH!... Wait, no, please!' squirming out of his towering figure.
Hands began to trace your contours, as if in adoration. Alhaitham then pulls your skirt's waistband...... and then your undergarment. A moan left your now swollen lips from the kiss as you felt his cold fingers under your skin. The ashen-haired man grins, the hue of his eyes darkening by the second.
'Hah~ Ah! ahh.... Nghh.. Haitham.' you looking at him eyes half-lidded. The gaze you gave him drove him over the edge. He couldn't wait any longer, so he began to slip his digit into your aching folds. 'AHHH! ' left your quivering lips, body trembling from his penetrating satisfaction. The way you called him in your angelic voice has skewed his judgment.
The unexpected stretch made your honeypot tighten even harder as he inserted another two of his digits. 'Hah~ so good for me.' Alhaitham can't contain his smirk from making you feel good. He then began to pace his digits faster, motioning where you felt the most ecstasy.  Mind becomes hazy, don't know what is right and wrong. 'Hahh, please....' you said ‘I- I want it inside.. AHH!.. nghh mn... of me now.' The thrill has caused your eyes to close.
Alhaitham drew away, as if taking mercy on your predicament, or perhaps his desperation had reached its limit. Tears welled up in your eyes as he positioned his length with your thirsting cunt. He slowly pushes it inside then outside of your sobbing cunt. 'Aghh! S- so tight and... hah~ warm.' You can hear him growl near your ears, feeling the closeness and warmth of each other's bodies.
Shaky hands grasped their lover's toned back. A growl broke from his chest as he dove into your arms, his length thrusting completely into you. 'OH!' you mewled out from the stretch of his length, nails digging at his back and his shoulder blades.
Alhaitham feeling your walls clenched violently at his length, merciless pistons and teases your cunt with slow and deep thrusts. Nothing interrupted the pistoning of his hips as he fucked you through your orgasm. Slapping of skins and the thick musky scent of your both filthy actions filling the room.
Feeling the knot in your stomach starting to form, you attempted to move your hips only to be halted by Alhaitham's unrelenting grasp on your thighs and hips. When he became aware of your foreboding knot, he drew his length out at your sobbing folds. Holding your thighs up, positioning unto his shoulders, he started to lick the honeypot that was presented to him.
‘Ah-hh ahh~’ Alhaitham kept slurping all those liquids out. You whined loudly at him, vocalizing your exhaustion, as you felt his warm breath on your folds and his tongue tease ruthlessly.
‘.... no.’ Left his mouth. 'Huh?' You exclaimed, your consciousness beginning to waver. '....... I'm not done yet.' hazy scarlet eyes, now noticeable.
His pace was suddenly much faster, harder, and deeper. You clung on to dear life by strengthening your grip on his shoulder blades and your thighs on his enticing hips. He bit at your delicate neck, feeling his locks in your neck, as he neared your release and his. Squelching noises and moans filled the entire room once more. Eyes now rolling back from the overwhelming pleasure, back arching, mind went blank, limbs were limp, and nerves fried.
Alhaitham panting steadily at your shoulders, length still buried inside. You felt him stir, straining against the bed to unpin you from his frame, after a few more coarse pants and feverish breaths. ‘Hnn~ ahh-h… Hahh~’ you utter.
Pulling out his length, you could feel a thick string of mixed slick connecting through his tip and to your hole.
Your consciousness started to drift for real amidst the exhaustion you two had experienced a while ago. Alhaitham then shifted gently your sleeping form to the side, covered you with quilts, and walked out of the room.
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As you awoke, you felt a sharp ache in your chest. When you tried to move your numb body, tears began to stream from your eyes, and then it turned into loud choked sobs.
Alhaitham was sipping coffee in the living room when he heard you weeping. He dashed into your shared bedroom and held you with great care, assisting you to sit up at the edge of the bed. He holds your hands softly and gently strokes the back of your palms, you still crying.
He inquired as to whether you were in pain or experiencing breathing difficulties, only for you to look away from his concerned gaze. Alhaitham felt that pang in his chest again, and after overcoming his guilt, he asked you again what you wanted.... him suddenly remembering, that you like your personal space. You didn't even spare a glance at him, just straight up responded, 'I- I.....' you then started to cry uncontrollably again.
His warmth in your hands disappeared, and his blurry figure walked out of the room. It makes you feel hopeless, but then he returns a minute later. You asked about seeing the shining thing on his palm, '.....what- What is that?' with a lethargic tone of speaking.
Alhaitham then queried with a breathy sigh; despite the fact that you can't see his face well due to your tears, you can tell he's nervous. '.... This.... is a wedding ring.' Your eyes widened as you looked up at him. He grinned now that he had your attention, you looking at him. 'I want to be your husband, not just legally, but also until we grow old and witness our child have a blissful life.'
'........ Wahh!? 'Not knowing what to say in response, you tried to move and hug (??) him, only to stumble. Yet in a breath of the wind, he caught your numb naked body. You then began to cry again at his embrace, nodding enthusiastically. 'Yes, yes! I- I'll marry you and make you my lawfully married husband and life partner… I do!!' You exclaimed, tears streaming down your cheeks, the man earning a smile from you ear to ear.
Truth be told, the sight was very silly because your clothings were all over the floor and your mattress was a mess. Yet, love triumphs when two individuals declare their adoration for one other.
©️henkoukazue DON’T PLAGIARIZE, MODIFY, REPOST, OR TRANSLATE ANY OF MY WORKS. exclusively only to read on Tumblr. thank you.
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s/n: huaaah~!! now that it's finished i can now rest heheh :'D also hope you all enjoyed my fic,, and sorry again for the errors & everything. bahh! this was really hard to do (although it just took me 2 days😑lol), my brain was really jagged making this heuhusehu.. well that's all for now and the drabble for this will be updated who knows when (very soon) >v^)//✨✨
QUICK NOTE...!! QUICK NOTE! QUICK NOTE!!! yep this fic (some parts) were rushed, i'm very very sorry abt that fr and judgements or criticism even are accepted, feel free ;-) i take it as advice to further improve my writing skills, vocab and such tysmm!!
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fineprintedsunsets · 1 year
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🎃 This Is For Haunted Hoedown Day 8! | My Haunted Hoedown Master-List 🎃
best friends-lovers au + "this fear you feel? it won't last."
Synopsis: Your heart has been broken, and your best friend Ransom has made it his mission to make you smile, with all your favorite things of course.
Word Count: 2.4k
Warnings: Throw on this ambiance and spend a day with Ransom as he attempts to cheer you up: tooth-rotting fluff. flirty friends. obvious friends with benefits. a cameo from all my favorite books. sweet!ransomdrysdale x nerd!reader. all the fall vibesss. like alot of fucking angst. Part 2 "We fell in love in October?" maybe?
Baby I'm A Project Lovin' Me's A Mistake.
“Hey sweetheart, How are you doing this morning?” You expected this. Your best friend called you every morning, asking about your plans, checking in, and seeing if you were alright. After, he hung up and went on with his day.
Ransom was like that.
But today, your only reply is a muffled sniffle. Your head is buried deep into your white pillow, both dry and wet tears staining the surface. “Sweetheart? You okay?”
“Yeaaaahhhh” You grog, putting the phone on speaker. You were in fact, not okay. Your boyfriend of 3 years decided to break up with you, he didn’t give a reason, but you're almost ninety percent sure it has to do with a girl you saw him flirting with weeks ago.
It was a red flag, but when you're in love you ignore them.
You wish you hadn’t.
“What happened?” Ransom asks urgently, the sound of his voice is comforting, to hear something then sniffing and silent sobs.
“Nothing, Ransom. I’m fine.”
“You don’t sound fine, sweet girl.” You never knew how much you missed his little nicknames until this moment
“I am-”
“I'm coming over.” Ransom rushes out, and embarrassment fills your aching body. He has seen you like this a dozen times, always comforting you, but this time you felt so stupid, How could you not see the signs?
“Please, no-”
The line goes dead, and Ransom disconnects his end. All you can do is scream into your pillow.
“Shortcake, you have to get out of bed sometime today.” Ransom stands over top of you, his sunglasses hanging by his shirt collar, an expensive-looking jacket on.
“Mmph!” A pillow goes hurdling across the room, heading right for Ransom. Unfortunately, he catches it, launching it on the opposite side of your bed.
“Shortcake.” He says seriously, Ransom's eyes look over your crumbled frame, the blanket covering your half-naked body.
“Ransom. Please. I’m fine.”
“Why don’t I take you out, just you and me? How does that sound?” Your head perches up at his offer, seeing the smile blooming on his smooth features. “Yeah? You like that idea?”
Finally moving your head away from the pillow you’ve been face to face for the last three hours, you nod your head in agreement. Spending a day with your best friend is exactly what you need.
“Get dressed, Shortcake.” He laughs, snatching the blanket off your body, you screech as the cool air caresses your thighs. You throw the blanket in his face, running towards the opposite end of the room to your closet.
“Sneaky little-” You crack a little smile, Your mood is lightning just a bit, but it’s going to be hard to fill the hole your ex left, Ransom would make you forget, for the moment at least.
He would make sure of it.
The weather was beautiful, auburn colors swirled inside the tree’s leaves, yellows and oranges and red collided to make bursts of colors. It was magical.
Autumn had always been your favorite time of year, the Halloween music, the movies, the pumpkin spice lattes. Everything about this season was extraordinary. Ransom’s car matched the leaves, a light orange, its convertible roof folded down.
It allowed you to smell the Autumn wind, feeling it flow through your hair, wiping it around your face. Ransom fingers find the radio, switching it to the nearest station.
The acoustic version of Boris Pickett's “Monster Mash” blares through the station, and Ransom would be damned if he missed the smile that blooms on your face. Although a weak one, he would take all you had to offer.
“Go ahead, I won’t judge. Sing it, shortcake.” Ransom offers, tapping his fingers against the wheel to the beat, turning left on G.R Drive, heading for town. You shrink back, embarrassment flooding your cheeks.
Ransom keeps one hand on the wheel as his other presses into your jaw jokingly. You rear back, “Stop it.”
“Sing it then.” He bargains, his finger poking at your chest. Ransom wanted so desperately to see a true smile from you, even if it meant forcing you to sing Monster Mash.
“Fine! Stop poking me!” Your buck against his hand, telling Ransom to keep his eyes on the road as you tune into the music, listening to the lyrics.
“He did the monster mash.” You start quietly, twirling your fingers in your lap. Your hoodie is drawn over your knees. Ransom is trying very hard not to burst out laughing, he keeps one eye on you, watching your mouth sync with the lyrics, and one eye on the road, going straight for a place he knows you’ll love.
“From my laboratory in the castle east…” You started again, tapping your foot to the beat, the wind settling your nerves for the moment.
“To the master bedroom, where the vampires feast.” You pick up now, moving in tune with the beat, moving your hands, joking with your body, swaying your hips against the seat belt.
“Sing it, baby!” Ransom laughs, his face was practically red from holding in, and with it you join him, listening to the rest of the song play out.
What is with the fall and happy memories?
“The bookstore? The fucking bookstore!” You squeal excitedly, watching Ransom’s own features bloom in enjoyment, seeing your cheeks puff. The bookstore's front was decorated with paper leaves, stringing a banner across the glass windows.
Its exterior was black and gold, the perfect place for a sad girl. Books heal all wounds. Ransom’s already by the door, pulling his scar tighter as he holds the frame open for you, urging you in.
“As much as I love seeing you toggle, we have books to buy, sweet girl.”
“I love you, you know that?” You say playfully, although not exactly a lie. Ransom had always been like this, ever since you met in college.
“I love you too.”
Books. So many books. It took all your energy not to scream right there and then.
“Good morning!” An employee greets you both with a small smile, and you return it with glee, going straight to the new release stand, not even bothering to wait for Ransom.
Every book released in the past month was here, you wanted to get all of them. You circle around the table, seeing authors ranging from Nicolas Sparks to Ana Huang. A hand grabs your shoulder, spinning you around. Ransom greets you with a smile, handing you a black basket.
“Go crazy, sweetheart.”
“Ransom…” Because he knew you were going to protest, you always do, he places a finger to your lips, cocking his lips in a grin. “I’d rather spend my money on my shortcake.”
Did you already say you love him?
Because you really do love him.
And you do exactly what Ransom tells you, you go crazy.
Your basket is almost filled to the brim. You had insisted on stopping at three books but Ransom wanted you to fill the whole basket. You wanted around now, taking in the spice scent of hair and the smell of freshly printed paper-backs.
It’s not until you see Ransom, a book in his hand, flipping through the pages, that you truly start to panic. The cover, although rather innocent looking, displayed woods, and the name “CREDENCE” sprawled over the cover.
You have never run faster in your life. You attempt to snatch the book out of his hands, surprising him with your speed, but he grips it nonetheless, laughing as you fail to stop him. Halting completely, you watch in terror as Ransom’s back faces you, blocking your sad attempt at receiving the book he begins to read…
Ransom's voice is extracted, dark and husky. “That’s it…Noah says in a strained voice…” Your thighs clench at his words, not because of Ransom in particular, but because you know exactly what scene he is reading.
Oh god.
“Ransom! Shut up-”
But he ignores you, continuing on.
“-Holding my face as he kisses my nose, and then my lips. Good girl”. Ransom doesn't stop despite your pleas, and the more he reads, the more your thighs clench, maybe it wasn’t the book or the scene, maybe it was-
“I feel his fingers slip under the waistband of my shorts, and he starts to pull them down.” He faces you now, reading the pages, his lips pursing to make his voice seem seductive. Ransom is doing it to piss you off, but you are far from it.
“I look at him, pleading” He looks up for dramatic effect, allowing you to hang onto his every word, “No.”
“He pulls my shorts and panties-”
You snatch the book out of his hand, carefully trying not to crease the cover. “We're done, let’s go.”
“These are the types of books you read?” He whispers, clearly poking fun. He plops the book from your gripping hand, putting it back on its stand. You try to hide the blush forming on your cheeks, Your best friend or not, that was embarrassing.
“An innocent girl like you?” Ransom smiles, grabbing your basket and heading for check-out. Your lips are slightly parted, looking distraught in the middle of a bookstore.
“Come on, Shortcake. We have more places to be.”
What the hell just happened?
“That fear you feel? It won’t last.” Ransom states, his tone a bit more serious. You quirk your brows as you walk down the street, your books stashed in the back of Ransom's convertible.
“Fear?” You question, look to where he walks next to you on the cracked sidewalk. Leaves crunch unearth your feet as you lose your arms in your hoodie, letting the fabric hang.
“You're afraid to trust again, aren’t you shortcake?”
You closed your mouth quickly. Ransom wasn’t entirely wrong, it had only been a few hours, but you truly thought it would be the last time you would ever love again.
“I trust, Ransom.”
“Who?” He asks, stopping in front of a little coffee shop just around the corner of the bookstore. It looks fairly empty from what you can see in the window.
“I trust you.”
That’s all he’s ever wanted to hear.
You order the first pumpkin spice menu item you read. A latte with whipped cream and real pumpkin. Ransom ordered a black coffee, because… of course he did. You both find an orange booth to settle in, sitting across from each other. Candles are lit throughout the shop as baristas call out orders to the other customers.
You bring your lips to the steaming cup, not caring if it burns your tongue or not, you feel the whipped cream gather on your flesh, smelling the cinnamon rooted throughout the substance. Ransom laughs, reaching over the table, and swiping his thumb across your nose to wear the whip cream sets. “You're a messy girl, shortcake.”
“That’s what your dad said.” You joke, laughing as Ransom shakes his head.
“I’m taking the books back.”
He tilts his head in a way that says “Now who’s laughing”.
Unfortunately, it was not you.
You two sat in the coffee shop and converse, ordering drink after drink and dessert after dessert, loud laughter could be heard from one source,
Your table.
It had been a long day. The night sky rose above you, the air now having a layer of coolness to it, enough to bite you if you went outside. As soon as you got into your apartment, Ransom started you a bath, fiddling with a lighter for a few minutes, trying to light your favorite fall-themed candle.
He poured a generous amount of bubble bath into the tub, watching the hot water steam, turning the liquid into white bubbles.
“Shortcake, Bath’s ready!” Ransom calls, and you put your books down, having about ready to organize them. Your stomach ached from all the pumpkin you practically inhaled today, and a warm bath was just the thing to relieve every taught muscle.
You lean against the door frame in nothing but a towel, smelling the bubble bath mixed with the scented candle. You smile, looking at Ransom, “Thank you.” It dissipates from your lips with more appreciation than you could imagine.
“Of course.” Ransom goes to exit, but your fingers wrap around his wrist, turning him around. “Are you going home?”
“I’ll still be here when you get out of your bath.” He whispers, leaning forward to place a soft kiss against your temple, you don’t think much about it, now when it makes you want to melt. “You're full of surprises today, huh?”
“Anything for you, sweetheart.”
The feel of your best friend's lips against your temple, the sound of his flirty comments and funny resolve, you were starting to look at Ransom in a different way.
A way you both desired but pushed away.
“Ransom!” You call, and in an instant, he’s walking into the bathroom, shielding his eyes as he stops in front of the tub. You smile, heat blooming in your gut.
“Come here, silly.” The hesitation in his steps chips at your heart, but you pursue with it regardless. Ransom kneels by the tub, and carefully you unshield his eyes, holding onto his fingers.
“Shortcake, I don’t want to do anything you're uncomfortable with-” You grab his hand from where it rests in yours, and despite begging to be able to pull away, Ransom doesn't do it. He watches as you glide his hand, being held by the wrist, across your shoulder, bringing his fingers lower to slide down your breast, as your unoccupied hand splashes water upward, making the movement easier.
Ransom’s breath catches as his fingers meet a hardened peak, his eyes locking with your own. “Sweet girl-,
“You showed me what it was like to feel good again, Ransom.” A pained look blossomed on his cheeks, looking to where you sit in the bathtub.
“It was my pleasure.” You see clearly he’s fighting with himself, how far should he go with you? He didn’t want you to think he was using you. You and your ex just broke up.
Ransom also couldn’t deny the burning sensation that settled deep inside him, did he have feelings for his best friend? His best fucking friend of four years?
“It’s too soon-” He pulls away, unsure of his wariness, you sigh, feeling his fingers leave your chest. Perhaps it was for the better, it was so soon, and the last thing you wanted to do was use Ransom for pleasure.
If there was one thing you had known, the one thing that interaction did clarify, You loved him.
Maybe, you always had.
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gotylocks · 1 year
Willow Month 2023- Day 3: TV Show (Full Series/Specific Episode) or Movie
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If you read my entry for Day one, you'll know I went into the show without seeing the movie. In fact, I actually made a point to wait to watch it until the finale, because it was a rare opportunity where I could watch one of these years later follow ups without nostalgia for the original (unlike, say, Star Wars), so I wanted to see if it worked on its own.
The fact I'm writing this should tell you, I truly believe it does. Now, I don't want this to come off like I don't like the movie, because that is not the case. I love the movie! I'm wearing a Sorsha and Mads shirt as I write this! But I would still love the show just as much without the movie.
Some hard numbers may make my point. I have watched the movie once, and while I often think about watching it again, I haven't yet. By contrast, I have watched the full series 13 times through at this point, and at least 8 of those times were marathon sessions where I went from episodes 1-8 in a single sitting.
Why is that? Well, I think the movie is missing some key ingredients that keep it from hitting that obsession level. Namely, Kit, Jade, (grown up) Elora... ok it's the entire crew. Their interplay, the way their relationships build over the course of the season, and the way that by the end of the finale every single one of them has been improved by the others being present in their lives.
The party of six, all with their beautiful, layered arcs and emotional storylines, they're the ones that make the show something special. I've said in the past that typically in shows with ensemble casts, there's usually at least one character that I find annoying, or one actor that I don't like for one reason or another. That's another thing that makes the show so incredible. I love every single person involved. From the main six, rippling out to the supporting cast and cameos like Hannah Waddingham and Christian Slater. Not only does everyone understand the assignment, they bring their own unique flavor and quirks so nobody feels like they're phoning it in. You can tell everyone is having fun and that translates to the audience.
And while fun is first up on the menu for the show, there's also so many moments of heart-rending drama. As someone who lost their dad at 26, I connect to Kit's feelings of grief and abandonment over the disappearance of her father. I connect with Jade feeling lost and purposeless. I connect with Elora desperately wanting to help despite struggling to believe in herself. I connect with Graydon carrying a lot of guilt over things he had no control over and wanting to prove himself as more than what his father believes he is. I connect with Boorman regretting his selfish choices and wanting to make up for his past mistakes. I even relate to Willow, thrust into a position where he has to be a believer despite feeling like a fraud.
Whether it's due to the run time or the time in which it was made, the movie just can't compete with the variety of character arcs, the layers that get peeled back the more the crew spend time together, the realization how each person has something to learn from the others and how they've grown to rely on each other.
By the time they reach the Immemorial City to fight the Crone, they have grown into one of the best found families I've ever seen. They have each other's backs, they trust each other implicitly, and they're willing to put everything on the line to save the world, sure, but more importantly, save each other and facilitate their rises to greatness.
The dialogue, while not to everyone's taste, I felt was a great choice. It immediately plants a flag on its own territory and says confidently "We are not Game of Thrones. We are not Lord of the Rings. We are our own thing." I love that shit! It is never a show that feels like it's chasing a trend, because it is so uniquely itself. That extends to the music, be it the fantastic score by James Newton Howard and Xander Rodzinski or the fascinating modern song choices deployed in each episode, which while I have opinions about songs I would prefer in different places, I cannot deny that they set the show apart from everything else that has come before. And "Crimson+Clover" by Pom Pom Squad will live in my brain forever thanks to its absolutely pitch perfect use in episode 5.
The fight scenes are fantastic, because they're never there for the sake of having action. Instead, major character beats are woven throughout, making each fight hugely meaningful to everyone involved. Whether it's Willow going from his weakened, nigh magicless state at the start of the show, to being the great sorcerer he was always meant to be thanks to working with Elora, or its Kit and Jade connecting and expressing emotions that words may not be enough for through their shared love language of sword fighting, or Graydon finding the magic within at the moment he needed to and killing one of the Gales pursuing them. Action has a purpose in this story and I love that after so many hollow and emotionless cgi fight scenes we've been inundated with over recent years.
This is why I can't simply choose one favorite episode from the series, because they are so intertwined that I cannot separate them. However, unlike many straight to streaming shows, Willow doesn't just feel like an 8 hour movie chopped into parts (despite my tendency to watch it like one long movie lol). Every episode has a unique identity that I can immediately point to when prompted. Every episode is important to moving both the narrative and character development forward, and there isn't a single one you could cut without everything feeling askew.
So. When I saw this prompt I was like "Maybe I'll make this one short", but we all know now that was going to be impossible. The intense emotional connection I have to this show from front to back just brings this out of me. To the only Fellowship I need in my life. I wouldn't be here without you.
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To quote Erin from the making of doc, "These people are my family."
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