#Best duo ever
wondersinwaynemanor · 9 months
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for the hundredth time, ben's batman and brenton's nightwing fit so well TOGETHER. their personalities and fighting styles are somewhat similar.
even their ages irl fit perfectly; bruce would have been 27 when he adopted dick at age 10 or so with their 17 years age gap.
they would have been one of the sexiest duos ever. i cannot.
they're my batman and nightwing ALWAYS.
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VINCENT PRICE and PETER LORRE goofing off behind the scenes of THE COMEDY OF TERRORS (1963)
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linusbenjamin · 1 year
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Person of Interest 1.11 | Super
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anneangel · 1 year
The way Watson in Victorian-era canon says "oh, god, yes! Take me to one of your dangerous cases!" goes like this:
“Well, I don’t like it, but I suppose it must be,” said I. “When do we start?”
“You are not coming.” (Said Sherlock).
“Then you are not going,” said I. “I give you my word of honour, and I never broke it in my life, that I will take a cab straight to the police-station and give you away, unless you let me share this adventure with you".
The way Sherlock in Victorian era canon says "I need a partner!" and like this:
"I think that I had better go, Holmes." Said Watson.
"Not a bit, Doctor. Stay where you are. I am lost without my Boswell. And this promises to be interesting. It would be a pity to miss it."
"But your client --"
"Never mind him. I may want your help, and so may he. Here he comes. Sit down in that armchair, Doctor, and give us your best attention." (...)
"If not, I should much prefer to communicate with you alone." Said the client.
I rose to go, but Holmes caught me by the wrist and pushed me back into my chair. "It is both, or none," said he. "You may say before this gentleman anything which you may say to me."
And other:
With an apology for my intrusion, I was about to withdraw when Holmes pulled me abruptly into the room and closed the door behind me.
"You could not possibly have come at a better time, my dear Watson," he said cordially.
"I was afraid that you were busy."
"So I am. Very much so."
"Then I can wait in the next room."
"Not at all. This gentleman has been my partner and helper in many of my most successful cases, and I have no doubt that he will be of the utmost use to me in yours also." [explains Holmes to the client].
The stout gentleman half rose from his chair and gave a bob of greeting, with a quick little questioning glance from his eyes.
"Try the settee," said Holmes to Watson, relapsing into his armchair and putting his fingertips together, as was his custom when in judicial moods. "I know, my dear Watson, that you share my love of all that is bizarre and outside the conventions and humdrum routine of everyday life. You have shown your relish for it by the enthusiasm which has prompted you to chronicle, and, if you will excuse my saying so, somewhat to embellish so many of my own little adventures."
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lavonq · 11 months
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Cuteness overload 💛💚
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dawnbringerjevella · 10 months
Lae'zel and Shadowheart after Tav's Loviatar session xD
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Me: Ooooh
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jarofalicesgrunge · 9 months
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Layne & Jerry ✸ AIC Concert at the Channel in Boston, MA, November 27 1992.
📸 by Rex Aran Emrick
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abcwordsurge · 5 months
oof I'm bored. time to go on ao3, look up kai & nya fics, add the otp:true filter, scroll through them all, and add every single one to my marked for later list without reading any of them
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imakemyownnotes · 1 year
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agathazinha2009 · 9 months
Part 2. of Revrux Ultimate compilation. Bruh- I just need to compilate this for myself appreciate something I will never have: A healthy relationship.
Enjoy <3
8-Mind Mold
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9- Never mess with any of them.
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There is a TON of scenes. But I will only let these ones. Hope you like it.
They may not be a confirmed couple or else. But for sure Soulmates (Reminder that soulmates can be a friend, brother, etc).
So cute <3
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Vincent Price and Peter Lorre behind the scenes -
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dailyhermitdoodles · 2 years
[206] cool & cool
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Look at these cool dudes being dudes. I love treecko so much. Best starter 11/10. Ofcourse I had to draw the very cool hotguy with them, they're both just so cool B)
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anneangel · 1 year
Being at Holmes' side is the undoubted source of Watson's joy, otherwise he would not have created an entire collection where Sherlock is the hero, which Watson wrote faithfully throughout his life, he is like his admirer number 1.
Watson treats Holmes with the greatest deference, there is no one better in the world for him, he himself admits that Holmes is the man he most respects and holds in the highest regard.
Watson was never really interested in learning Sherlock's deductive techniques, he admired Holmes' intelligence (obviously), but what held his curiosity was Holmes as an individual.
As a biographer he never sheds light on Sherlock's techniques, but on Sherlock himself, by whom Watson is undoubtedly fascinated (which is why Sherlock accuses Watson's writing of being sensationalist, as Watson does not speak of the facts itselves, he romanticizes Holmes as the hero of mystery-solving).
But it's not like Holmes doesn't like it, he doesn't like flattery from anyone (especially where there are ulterior motives). But Watson truly admires Holmes from the heart, it's an honest feeling (and Holmes doesn't get it from others that easily because everyone has an ego war with him at some point), but Watson never changes, Holmes says he's been the same ever since that they met.
That's why Holmes is so: "my dear doctor", "my dear Watson", "my dear boy", "my man" (...)
It's a lot of use of the possessive pronoun, and a lot of willingness to show affection with the constant use of "dear", and he doesn't do that with anyone else.
Holmes is so reclusive, polite and generally sentimentally aloof from everyone. Holmes abstains from friendships and extra-professional relationships, does not encourage visits that are not clients, and tipically does not seem to allow anyway someone to enter in his daily life and leisure, with Watson exception.
Holmes trusts and believes in Watson enough to have him by his side on cases, and there is no one else who fills that spot but Watson. Holmes also says he doesn't like how Watson narrates his cases, but he never stopped him from writing and even encouraged him at times. Besides, he doesn't share facts of his private life with anyone, but share only with Watson.
Despite appearing at times, Holmes is not only a cold and reclusive thinking machine, he does display emotions towards clients, other detectives, police officers, and those close to him and his home and work. But nothing like what he kept with Watson throughout his life.
Holmes likes to have him by his side, even to concerts, hikes or turkish baths. Watson entered his life beyond the professional aspect, he is not someone Holmes merely shares rooms with, nor is he a mere sidekick.
Holmes is still quite emotionally closed and does not share elements of his private life easily, even for Watson he takes time to feel comfortable sharing something and when he does it is always in moderation. But somehow Watson becomes unique, he is not a confidant, but Holmes knows that he is someone he can talk to if he ever wants to. He knows Watson will never turn him down or turn his face away.
Watson has managed to put down some roots inside Holmes heart when no one else seems to have succeeded.
Probably the only reason they don't call each other by their first names is because it would be stepping beyond the bounds of Victorian era decorum, it would be scandalous.
But they have dialogue, trust, respect and empathy for each other, for all life. Together they make each other feel like they can handle any situation, good or bad. They value and bring out the best in each other. There are for each other when asked, when they need. They praise and support each other's achievements. They keep each other's secrets and help each other. They forgive each other's mistakes and overlook flaws inherent in each other's personalities.
They support each other's lifestyles even when they have differing views on life. Well, Watson never supported Holmes' drug use, just as Holmes always thought Watson's marriages were an act of selfishness of Watson in leaving him alone in many cases. But they never gave up each other because of these disagreements, right? They find a way around it and be there for each other. They could go years without seeing each other, and when they finally saw each other it was as if nothing had changed, that's why they were each other's fixed point, no matter what happened or what they had to endure.
They would do anything for each other. They would abandon anything in the world for being in each other side. Because those who love take care!
The point, is an great relationship. Is an great definition of relationSHIP.
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purplelea · 2 years
"It's you 'n me, girl. I'm lucky I got such a great boss. One who cares so much about her city—and her subordinates. Makes me feel like I can take on the world"
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moikey-croikey · 28 days
one piece spoilers
ep 215: me watching luffy agree to ANOTHER three-round davy back fight
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hotjalebeee · 3 months
You are precious 💕
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