#Bill Marcus
mariocki · 2 years
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Death Curse of Tartu (1966)
"Now look, Billy, the human brain is very mysterious. Sometimes it makes us see things that don't exist and hear things that never were."
"How do you explain the people that were killed, then?"
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movie-titlecards · 2 months
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Death Curse of Tartu (1966)
My rating: 4/10
Probably not as racist as it could've been, but man, that is a low bar - and it's still pretty dire apart from that.
Also, that is a remarkably dry cave/tomb, considering it's located in the middle of a swamp.
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fincherly · 1 month
my gf was looking through wesker's wiki page (as you do) and sent me this
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and i lost my shit bc it just seems like they're looking at him like girls look at a weird bug
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cloudysarts · 1 year
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my most controversial gravity falls take is that it shouldve been mabel helping pacifica with the ghosts in her mansion instead of dipper. i redrew some scenes in hopes people will see the vision :) (EDIT: if you're interested to see why i have this opinion, i wrote down my reasoning/full analysis over here! i'd also check the notes if you do chose to read that, a bunch of other people have made some FANTASTIC points!!!)
ive been working on these pieces for like. two months now (i kept getting distracted) so i also added some early concept art under the cut!!!
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maxyaps · 8 months
Percy: I'm going to tear you apart limb by limb until you're just a torso with a head. You will scream so much in pain that I will get tired and take your vocal cords tie them into a bow and put you under a Christmas tree for your family. I'm going to mash your organs up, take your bones out one by one then flatten you into a rug that I will give to your family.
Oliver: He's so nice and kind I love him so much!!
The Weasleys:
The students:
The professors:
Merlin himself:
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anon55mystery · 27 days
Ideas for a GF Lost Legends sequel or well midquel.
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1). We get a story that features Ford working together with Dipper and Multi-Bear!
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We learn more of their friendship and their interests.
Multi-Bear meets Ford! Him, Multi-Bear, and Dipper become an unlikely trio!
They all work together to find something or someone in The Crawlspace about Ford's past. Maybe also some information of The Oracle!
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Also maybe some more flashbacks of Ford's childhood and maybe Multi-Bear shares some of his childhood memories too.
Also their love of the group BABBA and their hit song Disco Girl!
2). The second story can be about Pacifica working at Greasy's Diner.
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After her parents lost their mansion for pledging their alliance to Bill. Pacifica has to find work to pay off her parents new house.
While at the start, she's her usually bratty and spoiled self. She slowly learns how to be nice and compassionate to others. Also because her, and her parents aren't wealthy anymore, no one is cowering before her.
Even when Pacifica is mean to her at first, Lazy Susan is is still cheerful and polite towards her, she even lets her stay at her place when her parents are "busy" wallowing in pity.
We also learn a little bit of Lazy Susan's past and why she's nice. Also her becoming Pacifica's grandmother figure.
3). A reconcile story of Old Man McGucket and his son.
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We get flashbacks of what's his childhood like and what type of people his family were.
His friendship with Stanford, him giving an axolotl, and more of their friendship during college.
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Some flashbacks of him when he was healthier, and his relationship with his son Tate McGucket, along with is ex wife Emma-May.
Maybe even some tension between Ford and Tate for understandable reasons.
4). A story of Wendy during high school, and still having adventures after The Pines Family left Gravity Falls.
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She's still the awesome laid-back, rebellious teenager, we know and love, but this time we learn a bit more about her childhood and who her mom was.
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We see the relationship between her dad, her younger brothers, and her mom before her disappearance (I like to think she disappeared when Wendy was twelve. Also I believe in this theory)
In the flashbacks, we get to see her dad training her and her brothers for an apocalypse, and her awesome fighting skills!
The origin on how she met Tambry, despite being complete opposites. Also her eventual friendships with Nate, Lee, Robbie, and Thompson.
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We also see she still goes on adventures without Soos and The Pines Family. Sometimes she goes on adventures with her friends or brothers.
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Maybe even while she's ditching school during a boring trip at the museum, she finds a something about her missing mom.
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filmap · 4 months
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The Fall Tarsem Singh. 2006
Butterfly Island Sand Bank, Mana Island, South Pacific Ocean, Tavua, Fiji See in map
See in imdb
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coloradosnumber1dad · 4 months
I just want to tie a pretty pink bow on it
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vertigoartgore · 4 months
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Babylon 5's Jason Carter (Marcus Cole) & Bill Mumy (Lennier) hanging out in their B5 costumes on a sunny day in Los Angeles.
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conundrumoftime · 1 year
Fandom grandma tales: how I survived canon ruining two of the ships I liked.
(Written after a discussion with some of my TROP fan pals about how canon can break your heart re: shipping, and how fandom manages. There are spoilers here for the entire run of Babylon 5, and for one story JMS wrote after it. yes, that story. sorry.)
Babylon 5 was a sci-fi space opera show that ran from 1993 to 1998. It is sci-fi of the era of 22-episode seasons, of huge ensemble casts with characters who get their own B- and C-plots, with an effects and casting budget that doesn’t always match its ambition, and - something it was quite pioneering in, at the time - grand pre-planned story arcs. 
It’s the first fandom that I was involved with in internet spaces as it was running, or at least when its final season was (there’s Discourse and drama from earlier years that I missed). Its showrunner, J. Michael Straczynski - ‘JMS’ - was very active in (non-fanfic) fan community spaces, and you always knew exactly what he was thinking about things because he was part of the discussion around them. There was also fanfic, which he didn’t stop but didn’t go near on the grounds of legal liability for story ideas. 
Most of the fanfic in the early days as the show was airing was focused around two big ships, of which one was canon endgame (Delenn/Sheridan) and one was canon all-ends-in-despair (Marcus/Ivanova). I, as a teenager discovering a developing online fandom for the first time with all the overwhelm and excitement that causes (ask me anything about what reading fic was like before the days of tags/ratings/warnings!) got into Marcus/Ivanova and also into one of the minor ships, Delenn/Lennier.
Delenn/Lennier was never, ever going to happen in canon. This is obvious; it clashes with Delenn/Sheridan which was JMS’s baby darling OTP, the show’s big love story. Delenn is married for the later part of the show. Lennier is her diplomatic aide, is absolutely devoted to her, and they have a very intense mentor/student relationship, which it seems is kind of standard in their culture (when Delenn’s own mentor died she went briefly insane with grief and started a genocidal war over it) but is still Very Intense. He is canonically in love with her, but that’s as far as the explicit canon statements go.
However. HowEVER. Canon also gives us, for that relationship, some wonderful ship fuel. Lennier knows about every bad thing Delenn has done, including all the stuff she doesn’t/can’t tell her husband. He’s her link to her previous world and culture and stands by her even when they kick her out. She says at one point, “without him, I would stumble and fall and never get up again.” 
And then… we had Season 5, the final season.
Season 5, for various complicated production reasons, was operating a little outside of pre-planned story arcs and in this season the Delenn/Lennier stuff ramped up about three gears in one go. It was still very obviously never, ever going to be canon, and was almost certainly not intended by the creator (who wrote most of the episodes himself) to look like there was even anything there. At this point Delenn is married; any relationship with her aide would not only be going against the show’s OTP, but going against it in the sense where she’s cheating on her husband, and there is Just No Way JMS would have gone there. And yet! Season 5 gave us:
A scene where Lennier says he can’t stay, it’s too painful to be around her now she’s married, and she’s devastated and has the following conversation with her husband about it:
S: I got your message about Lennier. Is there anything I can do?
D [snapping]: Almost certainly not.
S: Is it because of me?
D: In part, I think so.
S: Yeah, I was afraid of that. Well, as we say back on Earth, three’s a crowd.
D: On Minbar, three is sacred.
S [slightly uncomfortable laugh]: Well, I don’t think I’m ready to handle that one, Delenn.
Delenn then calling Lennier back to the station to do some secret mission thing for her, which involves her sneaking out of her bed while her husband sleeps to meet Lennier in a darkened alley behind a bar, where she tenderly strokes his face and they have a whole conversation about whether her husband understands her or not.
A scene where Lennier comes back from his secret mission to meet both Delenn and Sheridan, Delenn goes to greet him with a hug, and Lennier does this very pointed step back and nod in the direction of her husband, and she pulls back and just sort of pats him on the arms instead. 
But, the issue here is not what fans did about it but what canon did about it. Canon did the canon equivalent of dragging that ship outside and shooting it in the head. 
In the final few episodes of the entire series, Lennier tries to kill Sheridan, runs away in shame, and then someone finds his diary in which he’d been writing for ages about what a bad decision he thought Delenn had made and how her whole marriage was an awful idea. Even to this day, it’s fun/awful watching people go through a first-time watch when they get to season 5 and hit that. ‘Character assassination in the form of a diary’ was a whole thing for a while. It’s been 20+ years and the actor who played Lennier is stilll mad about it (not because of shippy stuff, but because he - correctly! - thinks Lennier absolutely would not have done that). 
What *fandom* did, on the other hand, was Fixed The Problem.
Delenn/Lennier was not at all a big ship when the series was airing, and for a few years after. Then the fandom dynamics started to change. With less pressure on what canon was going to do, it felt like fandom had more space to play around with things it didn’t do. Fanfic got less interested in trying to fit within the overall story being told and started spinning off in all its own directions. And *this* ship started getting bigger and bigger. People did really interesting things with it, canon divergence went in all directions, everyone wrote a fix-it story of some variety, some authors did a great series of connected stories based on an idea that Minbari have three genders, the quality of the writing has been brilliant. And I think without that absolute whiplash feeling of what happened in canon, there would never have been this feeling of “well I’m not having THAT” which led to all this.
We did not need canon! Canon had done its thing. And canon had broken our hearts enough ways with many of the other stories it told (entirely on purpose) and we weren’t just going to sit back and let it ruin us forever.
By comparison, the other ship I was into was Marcus/Ivanova. This is entirely doomed. Susan Ivanova’s love life is just perpetually doomed. The first partner of hers we meet is an ex who’s interested in getting back together, but then it turns out he’s just using her to infiltrate the station for the fascist terrorist group he’s secretly joined. Then she falls for an archrival of hers, Talia, who works for Psi Corps, the organisation she loathes most of all things - but it’s okay because it turns out Talia is starting to question them too! Maybe these crazy kids can make it work! They have one night together and then OOPS turns out Talia was being secretly controlled by a sleeper personality implanted in her by Psi Corps the whole time. Ivanova’s love life is doomed. 
So for two seasons, she has this sort-of-flirty, sort-of-bickery, sort-of-friendship going with Marcus, who is on the surface of it very much “why not fall in love at first sight like a true romantic, YOLO!” but it turns out is actually deeply messed up himself and full of survivor’s guilt and pain and, you get the clear impression, would have died of shock if she’d actually called his bluff on the OTT flirting and said “yeah, let’s go for it”. And then he sacrifices himself to save her life. It is a very tragic ending, it is absolutely the way he would have wanted to go, she wakes up both furious and absolutely distraught, says that the last thing she heard was him saying “I love you”, says she wishes she’d at least slept with him once, and says that in a way all love is unrequited. PAIN. 
So, lots of fix-it fanfic, lots of ‘Marcus comes back to life’, lots of canon divergence AUs where he doesn’t die and they live happily ever after and both get over their huge levels of unresolved pain. Pretty standard for that kind of pairing. And as a pairing it doesn’t get in the way of any big canon pairings, it doesn’t imply anything icky like mentor/student power imbalances or adultery. And JMS clearly quite liked it. So that’s better, right?
NO. It was WORSE.
JMS wrote an Marcus/Ivanova story himself, published in one of the sci-fi magazines, to try to give them a happy ending. This happy ending involves Marcus, many many years in the future, waking up from the cryogenic suspension he’s in (it’s sci-fi, keep up, keep up). Ivanova is long dead, but he isn’t about to let this get in the way, so what he does is to *create a new Ivanova* by getting some kind of DNA + computerised memory/personality bank thing, finding a doctor who will clone her, putting himself back into animated sleep until the clone reaches the age Ivanova was when she died, then - THEN, I’M STILL GOING - takes her to a distant planet where, with her memories wiped and their spaceship having deliberately been crashed BY HIM so there’s no way back, they live out their lives in peace.
That pairing still does okay in fandom but it’s not really taken on a post-show world of headcanons and riffing on other people’s ideas and tropes in the way that Delenn/Lennier has (and we all just pretend that story never existed). 
So! This has been my experiences in the field of What We Do When The Show Has Thoughts On That Non-Endgame Ship We’re Into. Fandom manages. Fandom will see you through. And in the words of Susan Ivanova:
Babylon Five was the last of the Babylon stations; there would never be another. It changed the future, and it changed us. It taught us that we have to create the future, or others will do it for us. It showed us that we have to care for one another, for if we don’t, who will? And that true strength sometimes comes from the most unlikely places. Mostly though, I think it gave us hope that there can always be new beginnings - even for people like us.
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unladyboss · 3 months
Everyone is focused on something
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Marcus is focused on something in the kitchen.
It's not his station which is on the other side. So maybe he's not focused on The Bear.
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Richie is focused on whatever Syd is focused on, but with eyes on Carmy too. He's the closet one to them
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NAT AND FAK are TOGETHER. Focused on Carmy. As per usual ( I don't trust either of them). RICHIE thankfully, is in their way. They are the furthest away from Carmy and Sydney. Thank goodness
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Tina seems focused on the direction Marcus is focused. Remember in that episode where she tells Connor 'put this away please quickly' I didn't know what it was but I always wondered.
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CARMY is focused on the dining area. Still kinda on Table 10 where he thought he saw mean NYC chef. It reflects how he's going after that star
Sydney is focused on the hosting area by the door.
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It could be future focused ( where she's looking to leave or see what the future holds, or watching to see what Sweeps is up to)
Sydney and Carmy are so physically close, almost touch. Feet pointed toward each other.
The good thing is that there's no room for anything to come between them
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nofatclips · 1 month
Hand of Doom by Black Sabbath from the album Paranoid
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I did a thing ✌🏻
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oscar-piastri · 22 days
newgarden you’re just too sexy for this serie
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cinematicjourney · 2 years
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The Fall (2006) | dir. Tarsem Singh
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ghost-of-diogenes · 2 years
Older/Old Gays = best characters
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