#Black Paladin Zarkon AU
koritea · 1 month
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[Next Gen AU] Introducing the next generation of the Paladins of Voltron!
Under the tutelage of now-retired Paladin and Captain of the IGF-Atlas, Takashi Shirogane, five brave souls from all corners of the known (and unknown) universe come together to form the protector of the universe, and to continue the great work of the warriors before them.
Rummitz - Paladin of the Green Lion, She/He
A resourceful tactician of questionable origins. Initially discovered her bond with the Green Lion on the planet Olkarion during a support drop-off by now-retired Paladin Pidge Holt.
Rummitz's connection to the Green Lion sparked a three year long expedition to find and train the next Paladins of Voltron.
Taya - Paladin of the Yellow Lion, He/They
Hailing from the peaceful planet of Puig, Taya is known for their courage and tenacity. His bond with the Yellow Lion was discovered during a short stop at Puig, where the a festival was held in Voltron's honor.
Xyzy - Paladin of the Red Lion, She/They
Calm, calculating but quick to strike, Xyzy was rescued from a Galra prison ship where she was arrested after being found to have given crucial information about one of Emperor Zarkon's experiments to the Blade of Marmora. They were later taken in by the Garrison and made their connection with Keith Kogane, and subsequently the Red Lion.
Aries - Paladin of the Blue Lion, She/Her
Less of a sharp shooter, more of a pound-into-dust sort of gal, but don't take that to mean she's dull - a sharp wit and an even sharper glare might make you want to stay on your toes.
Aries made her connection with the Blue Lion after an accident at the Garrison that injured her right leg. She spent the months healing in the aircraft hangers talking to pilots and dreaming she'd one day get to be one herself.
Yohe - Paladin of the Black Lion, It/They
Unexplained and inexplicable, this eerily quiet bundle of quintessence is certain they're the last of their kind, but it doesn't remember anything before the time it woke up from it's pod that crash landed onto Earth.
It's connection with the Black Lion is fuzzy at best. Something blocks the two from truly connecting, which causes problems for the team when they're in a tight spot and could really use the full power of Voltron.
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discordiansamba · 6 months
So in the undercover blade au, what does Keith’s Imperial Paladin armor look like. Is it similar to the paladin armor but black and red. And what symbol would he have on his chest. The Paladin V or the Imperial Sigil?
In my head it takes strong notes from the Lieutenant style armor (the kind Krolia wears) while having more obvious red accents to denote his status as the red paladin. The chest decoration mirrors that of Zarkon's armor, to signify Keith's unique ranking in the Empire as a paladin (and as the right arm of Voltron, no less).
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
Yandere rivals Lance vs Keith ~ (platonic/ romantic vibes for both if that makes sense ?) with a paladin in training ?
I haven't finished the show but I did do some research. If things seem wrong or out of character that's why. I got impatient and really wanted go write this also it's been in my drafts for a bit :( I may rewrite this in the future if it makes no sense.
(AU where Darling is trained to be the Blue Paladin by Lance and Keith-)
Edit: I actually want to flesh this out at some point, I can make this AU work with more tweaking lol.
Yandere! Lance vs Keith
Ft. Paladin-In-Training! Darling
Potential Voltron: Legendary Defender Spoilers/Black Paladin! Keith AU
Pairing: Platonic/Romantic - Rivalry
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Jealousy, Dubious companionship, I'm going against canon plot intentionally for once in my life, Manipulation, Leans platonic but either works, Possible OOC characters I apologize in advance, Overprotective behavior, Controlling behavior, Mature language at one point, Slight violence, This is mostly just them being competitive.
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There's two ways I could tackle this.
I could've written this with Black Paladin! Keith and Red Paladin! Lance but I also could've done a more general version with them still as their previous colors.
For this I'll base it sometime after Keith gains the Black Lion and Lance swaps to the Red Lion with research I did but in an AU. (I'm sorry if things seem off due to this :()
When the Blue Lion lacks a Paladin after Shiro's connection got severed from the Black Lion, something needed to be done.
A Paladin is needed for the Blue Lion... and you were chosen.
How you meet Lance and Keith is through your training.
Zarkon is still a threat and you can't form Voltron without the Blue Lion.
Essentially the gist of this is Lance and Keith act as teachers towards you, that was the idea in my head even if it doesn't make sense in canon.
Let's bend canon a bit as much as I hate to.
Obviously Lance is going to want the job of teaching you.
He knows the Blue Lion better than anyone, right?
Meanwhile Keith wants the job as he thinks if you connect with him it'll help connect to your Lion faster.
Lance is still a bit teasing and playfully flirty with you but is mature.
Keith still has to keep him in line yet it's easier than when they were beginner Paladins.
Keeping this general they both mostly have a mentor role with you.
Hunk and Pidge help you with training at times but Keith and Lance are your main teachers.
Lance sometimes brags about being your main mentor due to his past connection with the Blue Lion.
Keith shuts him down by reminding him that he's still leader.
They're both protective yet stubborn.
There's times they'd fight as they've been rivals with each other even before their new roles (according to Lance for the most part).
In terms of who you'd be the closest with... it depends.
You could be close to Lance, due to how often you train together and how playful he is towards you.
Learning to be a Paladin can be stressful and he wants you to stay in a good mood with him!
He teaches you how to use your Bayard, which appears to give you a preferred weapon you'd use.
He even teaches you how to properly use your Lion, you need to truly connect, after all.
Lance loves to praise you... he thinks you're a good fit for the Lion he used to use.
Keith is more serious and protective with training.
As the Black Paladin he feels it is his duty to teach you bravery in battle and how to use your given weapon in battle.
It's mostly Lance giving you Lion training and Keith giving you battle training.
Depending on which training you like more is who you're closest to.
This kind of rivalry isn't entirely violent it's more just competitive.
Their obsession just starts as who can train you better.
When you get closer to them that's when it swaps to something a bit more than competitive.
The two trust each other but they get jealous.
Lance gets more jealous than Keith.
Keith didn't have to step in...
He could've taught you battle tactics and Lion techniques alone!
Keith thinks Lance is being petty as usual, but secretly wishes he could train you alone too.
Paladins need constant training, when the two do train together it's harsher than normal.
It's like they're trying to one-up each other and it's almost always Lance instigating it.
Lance tries to make the whole rivalry all about impressing you.
Keith hates that you make Lance give into past behavior and wishes the Red Paladin would get ahold of himself around you.
Keith's much calmer as a leader, more stoic even.
He gives into his protective behavior when you're threatened.
In fact, your safety is the one thing that makes them work together and drop the rivalry momentarily.
What kind of teacher would either of them be if they allowed you to be hurt?
In this scenario they aren't really the kidnapping type of yandere.
They are sometimes violent but keep their composure around you.
Pidge and Hunk admit they fight and are competitive with your attention, but tell you they mean well.
They both care for you, platonic or romantic.
They'll work together when they need to.
They'd both be controlling at times, unfortunately.
Lance manipulates you into staying with him longer by using training as an excuse.
Keith is... uh... busy! So, Lance needs to train you in battle now!
Keith finds this irritating.
Keith uses his role of leader to get payback by giving Lance another task instead of training, allowing Keith to help you with your Lion.
Which pisses off Lance.
They may fight but they can work together when it's needed.
They applaud you when you're able to form Voltron for the first time with them
They both know with their training, you'll be a good edition to Team Voltron and defend the universe alongside them both.
Even if they do fight over your attention behind the scenes.
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aroaceleovaldez · 1 year
i need to know everything about your pjo voltron au
okay so basic plot premise: Thalia, Luke, Jason, Percy, Maria di Angelo, and Bianca all work at the Garrison and get sent on 3 separate missions (Thalia & Luke, Jason & ??? or maybe he's just by himself, then Percy & Maria & Bianca) which are all "lost" and they're declared dead by the Garrison.
Of course they were actually all abducted by aliens. Maria probably dies pretty early on in that whole situation. Thalia gets separated from Luke and ends up escaping and becoming a rebel. Luke, Jason, and Percy & Bianca all separately (except for Percy & Bianca) end up gladiators. Luke becomes The Champion and basically ends up a Kuron/Sendak-type character situation. Is he being mind-controlled? Unclear. He has a giant alien scythe-sword though. Bianca probably dies buying Percy time in the arena. At some point Percy and Jason find each other and decide to try and stick together.
Hazel is a human raised by her galra dad in space with the Blade of Marmora. She knows she has a half-brother through her dad out there somewhere but not anything else about him. She ends up running into Jason and Percy on a mission and helps them escape cause they're humans too.
Back on Earth, Piper, Leo, and Annabeth are all Garrison students. Or Annabeth is possibly in a Keith-type situation where she used to be a student but got Kinda Pissed Off about all her loved ones disappearing into space and ended up getting kicked out. Nico is in a Pidge-type situation where he snuck in as a student under a false name to figure out what happened to his family's mission. Percy and Jason crash on earth, the gang finds them, they find the Blue Lion, and Percy pilots it to the Altean castleship where they meet Reyna and Frank. Reyna is the Altean Princess, because her sister Hylla was queen. Frank is the son of a high-ranking general or something and he and Reyna are a duo.
Rest going under a cut cause this got long -
Lion adventures happen - Annabeth pilots the Green Lion, Jason pilots the Black Lion. Nico finds the Red Lion and meets Hazel when he does and brings her back to the castle. Hazel pilots the Yellow Lion. Nico very quickly realizes he's half-Galra and Hazel's brother and joins the Blade of Marmora. Percy swaps from Blue to the Red Lion. Piper starts piloting the Blue Lion. Leo, Frank, Reyna, and Nico end up the home-base support team. Percy probably keeps the blue paladin armor and Piper gets the spare pink armor for color association reasons and also cause that's usually the format for every iteration of Voltron anyways. It works out nicely. Everybody has extra lion compatibilities too/every Lion has a back-up basically cause I'm still mad vld canon dropped the lion lore/sentience plotlines and we never got cool dynamic lion swapping instead of just the usual single switch. We're having fun here.
Then everything else I don't have much for other than Annabeth and Nico basically swap Keith and Pidge roles once they join Voltron so Nico goes and has his galra identity crisis adventures and Annabeth reunites with Thalia at some point, who is basically in a Matt-type role. And Luke functions as the Sendak-level antagonist who Annabeth probably gets to fight with a swap back to Keith's role in a whole Keith & Kuron emotional situation. Kronos and Gaea are probably analogous to Zarkon and Haggar/Honerva here but not necessarily in that order, and obviously it's more of an either "Emperor and his advisor mom" or "Empress and her prince son" but in either one somebody's doing magic and people are probably getting possessed. Hades, Persephone, Iaepatus/Bob, and Damasen are all with the BoM. The Titans/Giants are probably all Empire generals. Who's Lotor? Octavian? Calypso? I don't know. Who are all the gods? I dunno. We'll workshop it.
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curveofthevalley · 3 months
Voltron Primark Universe
welcome to the primarkverse, an au in which the voltron team (and friends!) work at the primark and other shops at the local shopping centre - the paladins are all like 17/18 and shiro is in his 20s
in collaboration with my favourite children's show enabler @vanillaa-sky <3
• alfor owns primark, zarkon owns h&m
• coran is the regional manager who spends too much time in this specific store because it's his favourite and he loves the staff
• coran gives everyone lifts home in his minivan because he worries about them getting public transport late at night
• shiro is the manager and he runs that primark like it's the navy and then goes home to bitch to his husband
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• curtis doesnt even work anywhere near the shopping centre but he knows all of the gossip
• keith lives with shiro and curtis because shiro drives him to work all the time, and he's not sick of how in love they are enough to move out
• keith has a second job (hmv) so he's always running late or getting his hours mixed up
• shiro tries to make keith's schedule easier because he's the best big brother
• allura's dad owns primark so she doesn't really work there but everyone lets her come in and work because honestly she's really good at it
• she's the best at dressing the mannequins
• allura refuses to be paid, plus she lets them all take home a kitten when her cat has a litter
• the kittens are all named after colours based on the colour of the collars they had as kittens to tell them apart (they have very similar patterns) and the names just stuck
• black for shiro, red for keith, blue for lance, green for pidge, yellow for hunk and white for allura
• black and keith are besties, red and lance get off to a rocky start but they bond eventually, and blue is just obsessed with allura
• keith also ends up with a wolfhound puppy (kosmo) as a reconciliation gift from his mother when they're finally reunited
• lance is kinda bad at his job but the customers really like him and he's helpful mostly so they keep him as the personality hire
• he also shows everyone pictures of his pet cow so they all bug him for more every shift <3
• lance does photoshoots of blue and kaltenecker with blue wearing a little cowboy hat and blue neckerchief and insists they're best friends
• lance is a photodump enjoyer who runs an 'anonymous' instagram account posting mugshots of the primark staff but everyone knows it's him because he forgets to post any of himself
• pidge is always on call to fix the tills when they fuck up
• she also finds a way to jack the wifi so that they actually get good signal in the break room (the game setup they all share is in there, they keep to a strict schedule of who can play when)
• matt works at game or cex to put himself through university, he's going to get an aerospace engineering degree and work with his dad one day
• pidge also plans to do this once she's through with sixth form, if it's not her allotted game time in the breakroom they're 100% studying for exams that are months away
• hunk helps and they test each other on their knowledge (they're both guaranteed all A* grades)
• shay works at a coffee shop a few stores down and practically has hunk's schedule memorised because he always comes in to buy drinks for everyone before his shift
• she remembers his order perfectly but he has to remind her of everyone else's
• hunk only goes there to see shay but he's too nervous to ask her out so they just visit each other at work a lot
• romelle worked at a different primark, with lotor, and he was so terrible at his job that he got fired
• as revenge he convinced zarkon to buy out the lot to turn it into a h&m so romelle ended up at the voltron store
• lotor and his generals (acxa, ezor, zethrid, narti) work at h&m round the corner
• lotor loves to come by and brag about being on his break but he never does any work anyway
• zarkon owns the store so lotor is a h&m nepo baby
• the generals are lovely and bring sweet treats and costa for the primark voltron team
• sometimes voltron show up at h&m to distract lotor so the girls can actually do their jobs without him being annoying
• allura had a brief thing with lotor while he worked at primark but broke up with him when he got the store closed down
• after she broke up with him the kallurance polycule formed (lance has two hands for holding both his boyfriend and his girlfriend)
the voltron brainrot has fully set in the year of our lord 2024, thank you for coming to our ted talk!
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jankwritten · 1 year
Hey for ur vld!pjo au id LOVE to know who pilots what Lion and why 👀👀👀
[Also ur initial post and the snippet u wrote have me !!!!!!!]
i Have SO MANY THOUGHTS on who pilots each lion and why.
I have 2 PJO/VLD crossovers already that are ~150 pages each, which I wrote while I was in high school. In one of them, Percy pilots Black, Jason pilots Blue, Leo pilots Green, Frank pilots Yellow, and Nico pilots red. I feel like that's a pretty basic line-up, TBH. In the other one, everything is the same except Jason and Percy are swapped.
I don't like those dynamics anymore, though, and I think there's some WAY more interesting stuff that can be done.
I think Annabeth should be Allura, right off the bat, though. NO matter what, that role fits her best, to me. She's the knowledgable princess who is the heart and center of this war, she is the reason there is a fight to be had in opposition at all. Without her, Camp Voltron doesn't exist.
Jason makes sense as Black paladin to me - the one who was always made to be the leader, pushed himself despite all the potential reasons not to (for Shiro, it being his illness. For Jason, it being a fundamental rift between who he actually is versus who the world thinks he should be). The one who wants to be a mentor and a helper for everyone, the one who gives everything to save the others. Shiro throwing himself into the ring as the Gladiator, the Champion, so Matt didn't have to? Exactly like Jason dying so Piper didn't have to. To me, that one is a no brainer.
The rest is where I get pretty iffy. I like Percy as Blue because, duh. But I think he would also be a good Red. He's impulsive, his plans aren't always thought out and usually he charges in knowing he has power to back him up, and nothing else. I wouldn't necessarily call him hot headed, but he definitely isn't the type to just roll over and accept whatever leadership tells him to do. This is the dude who snuck out of camp to go after quests, the dude who blew up a volcano, Percy as Red just makes sense to me.
I know Nico is usually slotted in as red because Keith, but I almost see Nico either as not a pilot at all, or as a Blade member gone AWOL. Maybe he tags along when the Earth crew goes after Jason because he knew Jason, Jason was the only human he trusted. It's not like at that point they would know that they'll be piloting the lions, right? Or, maybe Nico DOES know about the lions, but holds that information to himself, because he thinks that maybe, just maybe, he's finally found the people who can help him swing the war. Because that's how Nico is - he operates as a one-man army, trying to take everything into his hands, pull all of the strings.
I have a lot of different ideas for how Nico could go in a VLD crossover, TBH. He could be half Altean, half Galra, like Lotor. He could be a version of Coran's character. He could be the red paladin who inevitably leaves because he feels the team doesn't trust him, thinks he's a freak, the red paladin who doesn't come back. Reyna could be a Blade, maybe the one who saves Jason, the one who recognizes the Galra in Nico. There are so many options!
I almost like Frank in Coran's role, because he gets to be meek and timid to a point but also knowledgeable. Plus, I feel like canon PJO Frank didn't really love fighting? And I could see him-as-Coran having an interesting history 1) with Annabeth, he sees her as a friend and maybe even a sister, because they were raised together and all that and 2) Maybe he knew the Galra, and was friends with a lot of them before everything changed (thinking along the lines of, the Galra being the Romans. Like, Octavian as Sendak kind of thing. Some of the gods/goddesses being other high power Galra, like maybe some corrupted versions of Jupiter and Juno are Haggar and Zarkon. I DID just almost put Zoloft instead of Zarkon.)
I love Hazel as Green, which might be due to my recent fondness for the transfem!Pidge headcanon. I headcanon Hazel as being a trans woman ever since hockey AU. I also think that Hazel has an interesting connection with Jason (Romans) and Nico (siblings) like Pidge does to Shiro and Keith - even though they don't all exactly align, I still like the parallels. Pidge sees Shiro as an older brother - Hazel sees Jason as an older mentor figure who, in my HC, she becomes genuine friends with through Nico. And then, Pidge has a fondness for Keith because they canonically both feel like outcasts and whatnot, and, obviously, Hazel and Nico in canon are the underworld siblings together. There's some interesting stuff to be done with the whole, Hazel and Nico but also Nico and Bianca and all that.
Plus, if Hazel is part Galra too, then that means Nico doesn't have to be on Voltron, he could just be a Blade. Because we can have Hazel as the "omg we have a Traitor Among Us" and the camera pans over and it's 5 foot shit Hazel with a dagger and space buns.
Also Galra Hazel??? HEllo??? how has no one done this before I'm barking.
....omfg HAZEL as Red???? HELLO????
AS FOR YELLOW. I mean .Leo. come on. He's the comic relief, he's the mechanic, he's the fourth wall breaker and the one who eats all the weird shit and fantasizes about getting home so he can make and eat homemade meals. Y'know? Like, it just makes sense to me. Plus the we get the fun dynamic of a Lance-like character being in even LESS of a position of "power" in the team, because he's NOT the sharpshooter, he's NOT the second in command. He's just...Leo. The seventh wheel. He wants to be more but he doesn't know how.
Piper is another option for a bunch of roles, too. I could see her fitting in as Green, of course, but she could definitely also fit as, say, Coran's role, the role of one of the blades, maybe even as one of the reoccurring characters like Shay or Nyma. I think there could be a way to work Piper in as Red, but that would have to be in an AU where Jason Leo and Piper are The Main Trio, versus what I'm aiming for here with Annabeth Percy Nico and Jason being the main Group.
(My Jercabethico agenda lives on.)
I'm trying to think of other characters I would give important roles to. TBH I think any other remainders it would depend on the story - like, Luke could be Zarkon in some of these AUs, whereas in others he might be Lotor (misguided with a crazy mom and an absent/abusive father??? bro). And in some maybe he's Sendak, or he's his own insane antagonist that doesn't have anything to do with the original VLD bros.
And then there's like, the rest of the gods. Who are they, what are they doing? Hades and the other underworld Cast would absolutely be Blades or Galra of some flavor. But what about Aphrodite? or Poseidon? Are they perhaps the leaders of other planets?
(Does this give us the opportunity to make everybody aliens???)
SO ANYWAY. These are my word-vomit thoughts on VLDPJO crossover. They are subject to change and also I might immediately forget about all of this as soon as I hit post. But just know that right now I FULLY believe in this. Hell yeah.
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mckinlily · 2 years
Voltron post-s2 AU
Voltron fix-it in year of our lord two thousand twenty three? More likely than you think! Or rather, if I were writing Voltron after season 2, here’s what I’d do:
First of all Shiro doesn’t die. There also isn’t a clone arc because I could never figure out a path that totally satisfied me but that’s a me issue. Shiro does disappear at the end of season 2, but he gets sent to an alternate reality like in this post. Short form is that reality’s Takashi Shirogane was the Blue Paladin and died died ten years age. The alternate!paladins (inclusive of alt!Allura who is the Blue Paladin) are much older than their canon counterparts and low-key having a crisis about this baby version of their long-dead teammate suddenly dropped into their mist. Especially when they realize how traumatized and young he is—and utterly lacking in self worth. These older paladins cannot stand letting another Takashi Shirogane get himself killed and will do anything to ensure that doesn’t happen.
(Just so long as everyone’s conflicting trauma doesn't get in the way)
But while Shiro’s stuck in reality universe getting a crash course on self worth and YES you matter, don’t you dare freaking die (and also getting some helpful Voltron tips from much more experienced paladins) back in our OG reality…
The canon team is struggling.
They’re trying. But Shiro is GONE, and no one knows what happened to him. The remaining paladins are four teenagers who were thrown into a war without warning, have essentially been on the run ever since, and now just lost the only remaining source of stability they had. They’re scared, overwhelmed, and fighting like cats and dogs. Allura’s trying to lead them, but the hole that Shiro left is gaping and almost too painful to touch. It doesn’t help that Allura feels the personal loss keenly but believes to be an effective leader she has to put on a strong face. This causes certain paladins (Keith, it’s obviously Keith) to be furious with her, thinking she doesn’t care, and everything deteriorates from there.
In addition to the interpersonal issues, the Black Lion is offline. It won’t turn on—not for Keith, not for Allura, not for anyone. And they’ve all tried in desperation, but it won’t even flicker. As long as the Black Lion is unresponsive, they try everything they can think of, but they can’t find a single hint of a clue of what happened to Shiro or where he might be. And still, the Black Lion does nothing. So in addition to the terror and uncertainty in missing Shiro, they are now down a Lion and completely unable to form Voltron.
Not good. Especially not good because while Zarkon is down (though for how long, they don’t know), there are still plenty of Galra commanders who are ready and gunning for blood. Vengeance is swift and the paladins are only escaping by the skin of their teeth. The stress is putting even more pressure on the already flaring tensions and tempers in the wake of Shiro’s absence, and Team Voltron is in serious danger, both from the outside and within.
Then Lotor shows up.
Now this Lotor doesn’t have his generals, and it’s not entirely clear where he came from. He says he’s here to help. And he just so happens to have Altean heritage, which obviously interests and intrigues Allura. (He just oh so conveniently forgets to mention the tiny little fact that Zarkon is his father.) Allura, who is alone and desperately aching for support without Shiro, obviously jumps at the opportunity to connect with another Altean. 
The paladins are less charmed. Hunk is immediately suspicious. Lance is jealous of his apparent interest to Allura. Pidge is barely speaking to her teammates these days. She doesn’t give a shit about some random purple guy. Keith hates him immediately. Then again, Keith seems to hate everyone since Shiro has disappeared, so maybe that doesn’t mean anything. 
And look, Allura isn’t stupid. She knows she should be cautious. And she is. But she also desperately needs a friend, and Lotor steps up while the other paladins have been failing her. 
Obviously, they can’t hide the massive Dead Black Lion issue for long, and Lotor is very interested. But he keeps it cool. He talks Allura into letting him try. The other paladins are deeply unhappy about it but not too worried because obviously it’s not going to work, right?
Expect then the Black Lion lights up.
It’s only for a moment and then the Black Lion goes dark again. But it’s the most reaction anyone has been able to get out the Lion. 
And they’re desperate.
Keith is BEYOND offended at the mere idea of anyone other than Shiro being the Black Paladin and nearly splits from the team over it. It’s only Lance going after him and, in a surprising show of maturity, overcoming his jealousy and practically begging Keith to stay that keeps him from vanishing completely. He’s still furious though. Hunk is beyond anxious, and even Pidge, who has been trying to check out from all emotion and people up until now, is becoming suspicious and anxious. 
But Allura… Look, she’s the sole leader right now. She sometimes feels like she’s the only one who still cares about saving the universe from the Galra anymore. But she also is very aware that she is now solely responsible for the remaining young paladins. If she owes Shiro anything in his absence, isn’t it to protect the team he gave his life for?
And to do that…they need Voltron. 
So when Lotor confesses to her that he had felt the Black Lion but suspects the Black Lion was damaged in the last fight against Zarkon, she listens. Lotor has access to some rare surviving records of Altean alchemy. He says he has a spell that, combined with Allura’s connection to the Lions, could fix the Black Lion. He says if Allura helps him strengthen his connection to the Black Lion, he’ll help them fight the Galra.
And Allura… it’s not that she doesn’t want Shiro back, of course she’d rather have Shiro! She can’t trust Lotor like she knew she could trust Shiro (even if he is Altean), and the other paladins clearly don’t like him. But she’s all alone. She has to keep Shiro’s team alive for him. They NEED Voltron.
So, at night, behind the other’s backs, she preforms the ritual with Lotor. 
And it works. 
Lotor is now the Black Paladin. No, it’s not ideal, and there other paladins are deeply unhappy, but all the Lions functional. It’s the best option they have available. 
… Right?
(to be continued)
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38sr · 7 months
Hello TT.TT I'm new here, so I've been lost, but I'm loving your arts VERY MUCH TT. TT does the V2020 & undercut a continuation of a past series, or was it the first? And also, where can I purchase digital copies of your works (if there's any)?
OH MY GOD V2020 and Undercut take me back haha. Okay, so V2020 and Undercut are part of a canon divergent AU I made for VLD where *checks old sketchbooks* takes place after the events of S2 where Shiro does die (Zarkon does not) which leads Keith to taking the Black Paladin, Lance takes Red, Allura takes Blue yada yada. At the end of the story they sacrifice Voltron (the robot) instead of Allura because Voltron was the reason why the war started in the first place (made of quintessence which drove Zarkon mad, it's not good for anyone and I'm just bitter they off Allura ). If I remember correct Undercut was the plotline where Keith and Lance were on a mission together where Lance experienced a head injury of sorts that led to him getting an undercut hair style to treat the wound. It's been so long so I would have to find the hard drive for that haha. But basically it was my retelling of the show that honestly idk if it'll ever come to fruition since I work full-time and just don't have that time anymore . But thanks for enjoy it! As for your second question, I don't send physical or digital copies of my work. ^^;
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the-weirdos-mind · 1 year
Voltron AU
I’ve been rewatching Voltron Legendary Defender recently and it sparked a new AU. I looked at everyone’s Yuu’s (and ya’ll told me which lion you want yours to pilot) and crafted this.
Red Lion
“The Red Lion is temperamental and the most difficult to master. It’s faster and more agile than the others, but also more unstable. Its pilot needs to be someone who relies more on instincts than skill alone.”
Paladin: Freya Grimoire
Green Lion
“The Green Lion has an inquisitive personality and needs a pilot of intellect and daring.”
Paladin: Yuui
Black Lion
“The Black Lion is the decisive head of Voltron. It will take a pilot who is a born leader and in control at all times, someone whose men will follow without hesitation.”
Paladin: Estella Garcia
Yellow Lion
“The Yellow Lion is caring and kind. Its pilot is one who puts the needs of others above his own. His heart must be mighty. As the leg of Voltron, you will lift the team up and hold them together.”
Paladin: Isabelle Rosa
Blue Lion
“The Blue Lion is friendly and accepting of anyone. Its pilot needs to be someone who looks beyond the surface of things.”
Paladin: Drusilla
Estella went on a mission with Yuui’s brothers, Yuu and Yuuto. The three ran into the Galra and were captured. During her time aboard their ship, Estella lost her left arm and it was replaced by a cybernetic one. Once she over heard Zarkon looking for the Lions of Voltron, she boarded an escape pod and went back to Earth to warn everyone.
Yuui, Drusilla, and Isabelle were attending Garrison together with their friend Freya who dropped out due to unknown circumstances. They hadn’t spoken with her in a while as Freya didn’t leave any means of communication behind. One night, Drew and Isabelle followed Yuui up to the roof where she was listening to the sound waves of alien communication over space and was caught by the other two. She showed the variety of numbers and the mysterious word she kept hearing over and over again.
That’s when the girls saw something shooting itself into Earth’s atmosphere and the government officials racing off to it. They followed them and discovered that Estella was still alive. They also saw Freya using smoke bombs for cover to save her. They decided to help her and they all got away in the cover of night. The next morning, Freya shows the others what she had been doing for the past year. She had been working a map of the area with many areas scattered with notes and lines. She explains she was lead here by some strange energy and is trying to find the source. She also mentions carvings and cave paintings of a blue lion.
Isabelle is quick to realize what the many numbers that the aliens were looking for. When she reads them and Freya quickly takes the paper and holds it up to a picture of rocks she has investigated before. Yuui and Isabelle work on a device to search for it and the five girls head off. Once they arrive at the location Drew touches one of the many paintings on the cave wall. That sends them down and onto a water filled canon with the Blue Lion at the bottom. It was what they had been looking for.
Drusilla touches the force field around it and discovers that the lion is just a piece of what the Galra are looking for. The Lion moves on its own and opens its mouth to access the cockpit. Drew runs in with everyone else following her. She takes the seat and Blue speaks into her mind, telling her what she should do. She does so and creates a hole through the rock and they fly off into the sky. Things weren’t as smoothly as Drew had a bit of a hard time getting used to the controls.
It’s not long they leave the planet’s atmosphere and run into a Galran warship. Thankfully Drew attacked it and lured it away from Earth. They came across the very moon that Estella went on her mission before being captured. A wormhole appears and after some discussion, the girls are trusting the Lion. It vanishes through before the enemy could capture them. It’s on the other side they find something shocking.
The Blue Lion lands infront of a castle and they venture inside and come across four cyro pods. The pods open up one by one and they meet the ones sleeping inside. The crown prince Mallues, the royal adviser Lilia and two bodyguards Silver and Sebek. Sebek discovers that they’ve been asleep for ten thousand years. Mallues provides an explanation on who Zarkon is and Estella tells him that he’s looking for the Lions. In the Bridge of the castle, Mallues assigns the rest of the lions to each girl
@adrianasunderworld @mangacupcake @writing-heiress @marrondrawsalot
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void-tiger · 2 years
Sorry this is late but you are so right in the tags (the memes for post se8 au one)!!! Like Kuron didnt deserve any of that shit both in canon and story wise. Like there is doomed by the narrative and then there is whatever this was, like freaking Haxus was given a moment of silence and Allura reminding Zarkon of his shit was treated as more morally wrong then this. And just half the reason i have this au is because i want Jiro to be angry about this like he deserves. Like he did nothing wrong but my good he should have, he deserves to bite people. He 100% deserve to be angry at Shiro and Allura (and Keith. Keith was the one most assertive that he was Shiro, Keith was the one that basically got him killed. Jiro is taping up Keith and Haggars and a bunch of other people's pictures on a dartboard and throws darts at it as stress relief as we speak)
Ohh I am SO angry at Keith.
“The Black Lion Roared! It claims Keith as BP!”
NO, fools. The Black Lion wants to save the damn clone who quite literally threw his bayard away—at Allura; if anyone was “next in line” it should’ve been her. We all know it. Mir practically animated it that way in addition to him wiping the floor with them but nobody actually got hurt. HELL even while possessed he gave them TIME to Get The Fuck OUT. And Allura had to blow up her castle to fix Lotor’s Major Fuckup, anyway. He could’ve easily crippled the paladins or Voltron by killing them Right Then or taking the bayard or Black Lion with him.
He didn’t. He’s literally playing 3D chess in a split second—while possessed—and he largely goes unsung, anyway.
He keeps the showdown against Keith largely in Keith’s Favor and deliberately missing shots and destroying the cloning facility (rip to the clones. They are innocents in this too.) and. Keith still nearly gets himself killed, anyway.
Black Lion’s the one to save Jiro when he’s finally close enough in-range for the Lion to sense him—despite them not having a true Lion-Paladin bond.
Black Lion saves Shiro (and Green Lion saves Pidge) VERY early on.
Black Lion saves Shiro again—while being the most damaged by that S1 Fight against Zarkon and Haggar—by teaming up with Keith very briefly (then has to go offline again; they need a Castle Pickup.)
Black Lion saves Shiro by uploading him—you mean to tell me a Teleporting Lion who clearly adores THIS Paladin and does not come back online until Every Single Character (save Coran) tries bonding with it would just Lose his body like that? NAH. That’s NOT how the scifi tropes for transporters or transporter delays/accidents even work.
As horrific as it is, if the issue was really Shiro needing a body verses Black Lion wanting to save a clone trying so hard and loving so much, too, um. [gestures at It’s Raining Men errr Shiro Clones.] Black Lion had options. I am not a fan of this particular fanon fix. Those clones deserve a chance to live, too. BUT it does point out the even more obvious flaw in what actually happened canonically.
Buuuuuut, Monsantos didn’t care about that. They just wanted their Officially Bastardized Version Of Keith to be their grimdark edgelord BP self insert. (Oh, and make Allura their Narrative Tool to do it.)
…soooo…yeah. Jiro deserves to be fucking pissed at Allura, Shiro, the paladins, and especially Keith.
Shiro has every right to be upset with Jiro. (Misdirected, sure. But, imo he’s allowed to be imperfect without getting villainized for it, y’know? Trauma and processing trauma and healing isn’t tidy whatsoever.)
(And Allura should NEVER have been used by the writers for what happened. Or framed as “just as bad as the galra! Teehee!!” in s8, apparently—I staunchly refuse to watch it.)
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discordiansamba · 9 months
thinking about lion's pride also, the superhero AU in which the Galra have invaded Earth but instead of like. what we see in canon its heroes vs villains style battles.
anyways I am just once again rotating Galra spy Keith who gets sent out to determine the true identities of the paladins by direct order of Zarkon. He's not loyal to the Galra, but he's the perfect pawn for them because he still looks very human and has reasons why he can't betray them.
What they don't expect is that he ends up getting mistaken for a runaway and gets his ass saved from the cops by Adam, who invites him to come live with him and his fiancee since it's pretty obvious that this kid's got nowhere else to go. Keith winds up getting pretty attached to these two weird humans... so of course it turns out that Shiro is the black paladin.
Just his luck.
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dnightshade0 · 2 years
Voltron reincarnation AU: Ancient Egyptian mummy lance (aka Sekhmet)
If you like this, leave a comment and/or send feedback.
In this AU, lance is the reincarnation of an ancient Egyptian street urchin named “Sekhmet”
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These pics are Sekhmet as a reanimated mummy. Yeah I know, he doesn’t look all decayed and dead looking for a mummy. That’s because my version is meant to look something similar to the mummy from the movie “night at the museum”. I wanted lance to still look like lance (in all his handsome glory lol)
Though the in story reason is because of the blue lion. You see, when Sekhmet died, the blue lion used her mysterious power to “preserve” his body so that it never decays.
The reason why he becomes a reanimated mummy is a bit of a long story 😓
Taking place at the time when team voltron returns to earth to find it invaded by galra, the team is in the middle of a fight when a ziforge cannon powers up to attack Keith in his lion. Lance notices the oncoming blast and at the last moment knocks Keith out of the path of the beam (like the selfless self sacrificing guy lance is. And much like what lance did for Allura at the omega shield. You can see where this is going. 😖) the blast hits lance instead and because of the intensity of the cannon, it vaporizes lance (just like what happened to shiro in the fight with zarkon)
The team is devastated at the loss of their blue paladin and are forced to jump right into another battle without getting any time to morn.
Though while the other paladins are heading into a fight, the blue lion takes Allura elsewhere. Everyone including Allura is confused as to why the blue lion is flying off in a seemingly random direction. Though in time Allura discovers that the lion has a destination in mind. Egypt…
The blue lion lands at the entrance of an old unusual temple in the shape of a lion. (a sphinx)
Allura is then given mental instructions from her lion to go into the temple and when inside the anti-chamber, she is instructed to open the sarcophagus and take the mummy inside. Allura is put off at the idea of handling a corpse at first but does as instructed and they both return to the garrison with the mummy.
The team is just as confused as Allura is, not understanding why the blue lion would want to raid an ancient tomb to steal a corpse.
The red lion then sends Keith mental instructions. Keith doesn’t know what to think but does as red asks. He takes out his marmora blade and cuts away the wrappings on the mummy’s face.
Everyone is shocked upon what they see… they expect to see a rotted dried out face. What they didn’t expect to see is lance’s face… lance’s very much not rotting dead face.
After this, the red and blue lion reveal to Allura what they want her to do with the body.
Apparently, much like what black did with shiro, the red lion saved lance’s consciousness inside it. And they wanted Allura to do what she did with shiro and his clone. They wanted Allura to put lance’s consciousness into the mummy.
And she did.
When she was done, the mummy opened his eyes and sat up as if he just woke up looking around in confusion.
The rest of the team immediately surrounded him in a big group hug, so glad to have lance back.
But he just looked at them and asked who they all were…
As it turns out, when Allura put lance’s consciousness into Sekhmet’s body, she ended up bring lance back AS Sekhmet!
So for a while they spend time learning the identity of this mummy doppelgänger and who he is while also trying to figure out how to get lance back.
As a mummy, Sekhmet’s powers include regeneration and the ability to turn into a swarm of scarabs.
His weapon of choice is an Egyptian lance which I can’t find the name for but have a picture of.
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Click this link To read the first part of my voltron mummy AU short story that reveals Sekhmet origin.
-> Voltron reincarnation AU <-
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you could write about anything take your pick, Lance or Princess Allura; an AU of your choice :)
Here's a bit from a Crossover AU fic that's all but abandoned
Pain. A searing pain that Allura had thought would only exist in her nightmares of Altea's destruction coursed through her veins.
It was odd, though, because the only thing she could feel right now other than pain was floating, like she was in water. Maybe she was dreaming. After all in nowhere but a dream would Voltron's paladins or Coran do something so nail-bitingly stupid as bring Voltron to Emperor Zarkon's doorstep just to rescue her. The safety of the universe was far more important. Not that she wasn't grateful. Or impressed for that matter. Between her rescue and five rookie paladins who less than a month ago had never even heard of the Galra empire or Altea she would have expected someone to die before making it through the wormhole.
Maybe someone had died, she thought, maybe she was dead. Something had happened to the castle's wormhole and the last thing she could recall was the paladins screaming in fear. She'd bet a month’s worth of tesfer that witch she'd seen at Zarkon's side had something to do with that. Now she was floating in a weightless darkness, a cacophonous ringing between her ears. Wait, that wasn't ringing, that was someone calling her name.
With agonizing slowness, Allura opened her eyes. White heat flashed in her vision and faded into the familiar blue tinted lighting of the castle of lions' bridge. Looking to her right a surge of relief shot through her when she saw Coran's worried face.
Allura had never been so happy to see her father's friend and advisor in her whole life. Coran must have shared the sentiment because he embraced her as soon as she had awoken.
"What happened?” Allura asked when Coran pulled away, “I remember something being wrong with the wormhole and--"
Dread crawled up Allura's back and spread over her face.
"The paladins! Voltron!"
"It's alright princess. The paladins made it through okay."
If her paladins weren’t here with her right now, then that wasn’t good enough. Allura shakily rose to her feet.
“I need to see them, Coran!”
When Coran gave no further argument, Allura rushed to her console, bringing the castle’s main view screen to life to show four robot lions of four different colors floating limply through space. Allura swallowed. There were supposed to be five lions. The green one was missing.
"Is everyone alright!"
When no response came, Allura feared that their first fatality would come all too soon. In the mayhem to get to the wormhole, Allura hadn’t checked just who was in front of or behind her.
"Paladins, are you there? Shiro? Keith? Someone, come in!"
It could just be that their communications were down, she told herself.
“Coran, scan for the Green Lion’s signal.”
Coran hopped over to the main terminal of the bridge.
“Yes, Princess.”
If Pidge was just separated from them, then it was possible her radio was working.
“Pidge? Pidge are you in range?”
The green paladin could take care of herself. Allura knew this, everyone knew this. But she always looked so delicate to Allura, like a bird’s bone.
Even when she picked her ear and smelled it when no-one was looking.
She knew it sounded stupid to think of the person who took on Sendak to rescue the castle of lions like that, but she couldn’t help it. Pidge was one of her paladins, she had a right to worry about them.
Like how she was worried right now, when she received no response from the green lion or any of the lions.
Allura paused and took a deep breath.
During her attempted rescue, Zarkon had done something to make the black lion go crazy. Maybe he could affect all the lions like he could the black one. They’d found the red lion on a Galra ship and who knows what was done to it in the last ten thousand years. The very idea of Zarkon’s talons sinking into the lions like they were her paladin’s necks made her skin crawl. She remembered when she and Hunk had found Shiro in the grip of Zarkon’s witch, wounded, and her resolve strengthened.
"Coran, open all frequencies."
"Just a tick."
Soon, all the castle’s screens were lit up.
“This is Princess Allura of Altea,” Allura’s voice echoed through the castle’s halls from the intercoms, and out through space. Anyone with a working radio would hear them. If she was in her right mind, she would be scolding herself for painting a sonic target on them for any nearby Galra, but she wasn’t in her right mind, dammit! Her paladins could be dying!
“Paladins,” she all but shouted, “report in.”
Again, there was no response, only feedback on the comms from her shouting.
"Lance, Hunk? Is there anyone out there?"
Allura's heart dropped as nothing but static filled the monitor. She looked to Coran. He shook his head, and she could tell from the way his shoulders slumped that he was thinking the same thing she was. Even his mustache seemed to droop and dull in color. They would have to assume the worst.
“Coran,” said Allura, biting down her tears, “close all channels and prepare to retrieve the lions.”
Coran turned back to the main terminal.
“Yes princess…”
His voice was so strange when it lacked the verve she’d come to know him for. Then out of the silence, Coran’s finger a hair’s length above the button…
“--Lura is that you?”
A small communications window, grainy and cutting out once, flickered into existence on the castle ship’s main view screen. Allura’s heart soared and she was almost certain she heard Coran release a joyous sob.
“Shiro! Thank the ancients you're alright!”
“Alright is relative,” he said, grimacing, “but I’m alive. We’ve been trying to reach you since we got out of the wormhole.”
We. He had used the word we. The rest of them were alive. Her paladins were alive! She hadn’t failed them!
“Something must have scrambled our communications.”
That was Hunk. The yellow lion’s video feed came in after the audio, revealing the yellow paladin’s face. His chin shone with perspiration and his voice was rough and Allura didn’t doubt that he had been panicking. But that didn’t matter. As long as Hunk was still here, he could panic all he wanted.
“I couldn’t tell you what, though,” Hunk said, “Pidge has more experience in that area. I tried to contact her, but Lance and Keith were the only ones who I could reach.”
Another window formed next to Hunk’s, this one severely out of reception, but the voice was undoubtedly the blue lion’s paladin, Lance. And Allura doubted anyone wouldn’t recognize that knife-like chin, good reception or bad.
“I haven’t heard from her,” Lance said, the static of the feed putting a lisp into his voice, “Has anyone heard from Pidge?”
Another grainy transmission appeared on the castle’s main screen. The color was out on this one but…
“Keith, is that you?”
The transmission cut out, but the voice was Keith’s. Soon, all four screens disappeared.
“Coran! Redirect all non-essential power to communications!”
“In a jiffy, princess!”
With renewed energy, Coran began pressing buttons and pulling levers, screens popping up all over the view screen, the feed from the lions winking on and off. Allura could catch snippets of conversation in the discord.
 “—ink I saw Pi—”
“—Fall out of the wormhole earl—”
The main lights of the ship switched off.
“One moment.”
In less than a heartbeat, the main monitor lit up with four screens, the feed from the Voltron lions. Finally, all four of the five paladins of Voltron that were still with her appeared.
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im-smart-i-swear · 2 years
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heres some doodles of The Funky Guys TM from yesterday!
i havent really had the energy to really finish any larger piece for WEEKS so doodles are all youre gonna get for now.....
you KNOW im rotating that purple fucker(eenek) in my head when i can only draw them sobbing and angry and scared and frustrated over and over again :) 
MAN ive been thinkin about ‘em recently....... uhhh im gonna put some stuff about eeneks’s upbringing under the cut if anyone wants to read it(its a mess of paragraphs i didnt use when answering an ask lol so its propably not very good:/ its just some of my thoughts on een and galra as a whole)
okay so eenek is... how do i put this... fixated on the idea of the galran empire that they grew up surrounded by. they have this idealised view of how the world works and lets just say 'clones of the black paladin helping a galran and being overall nice people' doesnt really fit in there...
(btw for this au's sake lets assume an average galran lifespan is roughly similiar to humans or slightly longer, cause its way more interesting that way imo)
zarkon was the emperor for 10 000 years. ten thousand. thats generations upon generations of galrans raised in a culture of violence and hate and a sense of superiority. like..... thats fucked up right?? thats insane? after so many generations, can you even separate galran culture from the war itself?
so Eenek grew up surrounded by propaganda and war, convinced the galran empire is the best thing to ever happen to the universe. their life was relatively normal(or as close as you could get) until they were the galran equivalent of around eight. death somewhere in space or ‘in the trenches’ was propably a common occurance - sometimes it would be a friend's parent or a distant relative or some other person just distant enough to be bearable... until it wasnt.
i dont know yet if it was a parent or a sibling, but either way - they were gone. Eenek just lost a loved one, and it hit them hard. BUT instead of starting to question if the conquest was really worth all the grief, they just sunk in deeper. beacuse it has to be worth it, right? all the pain and death wasnt, couldnt be for nothing, their loved one didnt die in a pointless conflict right?? right???
and so Eenek decides to dedicate their life to the galran empire(at like. 8 years old..)
 its calm for a couple years after that(though they slowly drift away from their dad(who is actually secretly forging documents and helping escaped prisoners&deserters flee the empire but shhhhh eenek doesnt know that)) and theN QUIZNKING VOLTRON APPEARS and its all downhill from there :)
(damn the more i think about them the more i realise they really ARE like a chihuahua)
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eastofthemoon · 5 years
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So, I’m taking part in the @goodthingshappenbingo and the first prompt I got done is the “Adopt a Pet” prompt.
The said fic is also part of @cutekittenlady Black Paladin Zarkon AU.  Hope you all enjoy this.
Title: New Pet
Rating: G
Pairings: Keith’s Dad/Krolia
Series: Voltron Legendary Defender
Summary:  Krolia and Kevin always planned to get Keith a pet, but neither expected it to be a cosmic space wolf.
Kevin wasn’t afraid, but his body couldn’t resist going stiff as the small puppy like creature silently watched him from the front porch.  Kevin frowned.  The creature was small, and appeared to be some kind of wolf or possibly a dog, but Kevin was certain that blue wasn’t a common colour for either animal.
The puppy remained still as Kevin approached and he steadily held out a hand.  Kevin was prepared to pull it back the second it showed off it’s fangs, but the puppy sniffed his hand and then contently leaned into it.
Kevin sighed in relief as he reached out to scratched an ear.
“At least you’re friendly,” Kevin asked as he knelt.  “Where did you come from little fella?”
The puppy tilted it’s head, and then suddenly zeroed in on Kevin’s shoes, and dove to chew on the leather laces.
Kevin laughed as he reached down to scoop up the puppy.  “Hey, my shoes aren’t a chew toy.”
“KOSMO!  Where did you go?!”
Kevin looked up as Keith opened the door.  The seven year old appeared panic stricken until he spotted the puppy in Kevin’s hands and his shoulders slumped.
“Oh good, Dad found you,” he muttered.
“More like he found me,” Kevin said as he stood up with the puppy still in his hands.  “Keith, what did your mother and I tell you about bringing animals homes?”
Keith’s love of animals was an endearing trait, but if the had his way their house would have been full of rabbits, birds and squirrels by now.
Keith frowned in way that always resembled Krolia.  “But Mom said we could.”
Kevin blinked.  “What?”
“Yeah, he’s my pet now,” Keith said as he reached out and took the puppy from Kevin’s arms.  “Also his name’s Kosmo.”
Kevin raised an eyebrow and he sensed Keith was leaving out some vital details since he left for work in the morning.
Thankfully, right then Krolia poked her head outside and spotted Kevin.  
“Oh, you’re home early,” she said as she rubbed her neck sheepishly.
Kevin frowned.  He knew that look.  It rarely occurred, but he recognized Krolia’s guilt driven expression anywhere.
He showed a smile as he patted his son’s head.  “Yeah and Keith was telling me we have a new family member.”
Krolia sighed as she looked to their son.  “I thought I told you to keep him in your room until I spoke with your father.”
“I did,” Keith replied in a firm tone, “but he did his trick again and Dad found him first.”
Krolia sighed, but gave a smile as she gently pushed Keith back in the door.  “Why don’t you go see if Kosmo is hungry while your dad and I have a chat.”
Keith raised an eyebrow, but gave a nod as the puppy licked his chin.  The boy quietly shut the door, leaving Kevin and Krolia alone on the porch.
Kevin set down his work bag and then crossed his arms.  “Darling, happened to the plan of us getting him a hamster for his birthday?”
“It went out the window the second Kosmo locked eyes on Keith,” Krolia said as she sat on the step and gestured for him to join her.
Kevin compiled without question and kept silent as he waited for her to continue.
Krolia shut her eyes briefly before she turned back to Kevin.  “Remember the creature I discovered on an asteroid and brought it back to the Garrison?”
Kevin gave a slow baffled nod, until his brain put together her meaning.  His eyes widened as he pointed over his shoulder.  “Ya telling me that’s the space critter ya found?!”
Krolia nodded and Kevin was about to bolt as he planned to get Keith far away from the animal, until Krolia placed a hand on his shoulder.
“It’s not dangerous,” Krolia stated with no hesitation.  “The test results proved there aren’t any traces of viruses we could catch and Kosmo has yet to show any signs of aggression.”
Kevin relaxed, but still found himself glancing to the door.  “Ya sure?”
“Sam is certain, and you trust him, right?” Krolia said with a small smile.  “He concluded it’s no different from a wolf pup and he deemed it’s very likely it can be trained.  Although, truth be told we have been debating on what exactly we do with it now.”
“Oookay,” Kevin said as he leaned forward, “and ya decided Keith be the best trainer for it?”
“Kosmo is a ‘he’,” Krolia said and grimaced, “and that was hardly the plan.”  She massaged her forehead.  “I got dragged into a meeting with Kolivan, so Thace volunteered to keep an eye on Keith and we all thought he be curious about the pup.”
She leaned back and stared up at the sky.  “Keith only saw him from behind the window, and the puppy took a sudden interest in him.  He even went up to the window to paw at it and wagged his tail.”
At least the pup has good taste, Kevin thought as he nodded.
“According to Thace, the pup was very content to watch Keith until they began to walk away.”  Her eyes narrowed as she turned back to Kevin.  “The pup didn’t like this and then decided he had to follow.”
“So, the pup busted through the window?” Kevin asked.
The pup didn’t seem the strong, nor did it have any sign it got injured by cut glass.  However, maybe it was a fast healer.  He had heard about weirder abilities from other planets from Krolia.
“No,” Kroila said with a deep sigh, “he teleported.”
Kevin’s mind halted as he tilted his head.  “Teleported?”
“One moment he’s in the containment room,” Krolia as she moved her hands to demonstrate, “then there was a flash of light and he was suddenly standing in front of Keith and Thace.”
Kevin open and shut his mouth.  “So..it’s a teleporting space wolf?”
Krolia nodded.
“Ya didn’t know it could do that?” he asked in amazement.
“He has never done it before,” Krolia said as she tossed her hands up in the air.  “It’s possible he only developed the ability today, although Sam has a theory he’s always been able to do it but just didn’t have any motivation in doing so until he spotted Keith.”
“Alright,” Kevin said as he scratched his head.  “So, did ya try to put him back?”
Krolia gave an annoyed glared.  “We did, multiple times.”  She pinched the bridge of her nose.  “Yet, every time we lure the pup back inside he would instantly teleport back out to be with Keith.”
Kevin mulled this information over as he crossed his arms.  “And I’m guessing the Garrison doesn’t have anything to stop a teleporting animal?”
“Not currently,” Krolia said with a growl.  “Commander Shirogane then suggested Keith and I just take him home.  The other scientists were reluctant, but he pointed out there wasn’t much we could do to keep it there if it could just teleport away.”  She rubbed her arms.  “Well..except putting him down, but no one was thrilled with that idea.”
“Neither am I,” Kevin said grimly.
It was pointless and cruel to kill an animal that so far was harmless.  Since Krolia was the one that found the pup, he could never imagine she would be alright with that option.
“I wasn’t going to agree to it without discussing it with you,” Krolia said as she took his head, “but Keith was already attached to him, and I...didn’t have the heart to say no.”
Krolia blushed and Kevin had to resist to chuckled.  Krolia could be a real softie when it came to their kid.  Not to mention she was always adorable when she blushed.
“So, Keith named him ‘Kosmo’ and took him home,” Kevin concluded.
Krolia sighed.  “Actually, it had been Sam that named him that and we just agreed to keep it that way to avoid confusion.”  She looked around.  “Also, Sam agreed where we live would be the best place for a space wolf pup to grow since we’re not exactly surrounded by people.”
“He’s not wrong,” Kevin replied as he looked out into the desert.  “If the Garrison didn’t want a lot of prying eyes on the wolf pup, this is probably the best place for it.”
Krolia leaned against his shoulder and sighed.  “So, are you angry?”
Kevin shook his head.  “I’m surprised, and would have preferred a bit of warning, but naw.  Ya didn’t exactly have a lot of choice.”  He wrapped his arm around her.  “It’s probably good for Keith to have a dog like pet anyway.  He needs someone that can keep up with him when he’s rolling around in the dirt.”
Krolia chuckled as he rest her head against him.  “They’ve been running non-stop since we got home.”
“Has he?” Kevin said as he wiggled his eyebrows.  “Then, perhaps he’ll have an early bedtime tonight and we can get a little ‘alone time’.”
Krolia raised her head with an intrigued grin.  “Oh? And what exactly do you have in mind?”
Kevin gave a teasing smirk as he brought his lips towards Krolia’s.
Suddenly, there was a flash of light and Kevin grunted as he felt something land in his lap and felt a small tongue lick his face.
“Arrg, yuck,” Kevin said as he shoved off the creature and glared.  “I wasn’t planning on kissing you!”
Kosmo yipped as he wagged his tail.
“Mom, Dad,” Keith yelled, “Kosmo vanished again!”
“We have him,” Krolia called back as she shook her head.
Kevin continued to scowl as Kosmo tried to lick him again and wagged his tail.  “Ya better be at least house broken.”
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lilflowerpot · 3 years
I read the play ask and now my brain is obsessing over a potential plot lines… I feel like because the Galra value honor they would probably respect their enemies more than humans tend to, so the Paladins are definitely still the villains of play but they aren’t demonized and are rather personable because of respect. This puts Lotor in the protagonists role for the play, and judging by how much the Galra seemed to enjoy his speech after defeating Throk, he’d probably be portrayed pretty heroically! Now I can’t decide if the general plot line should be about Lotor being coaxed over to the enemy side by Keith’s wiles in a sort of “fall from grace” tragedy storyline or if it should be the reverse where Keith is won over to the hero side by Lotor’s affections and charms, which would be funny considering how Lotor considered whisking away the Marmora’s littlest blade in the beginning of LB! Or maybe they just run away together semi-Romeo and Juliet style…
[[part 1]]
So long as their enemies are deemed to fight with honour, the galra definitely respect them as warriors! Rather than the paladins being villains per say, I think they’d be represented more as noble antagonists with the only true villain being King Alfor’s wicked spawn: Allura. After all, she knows the truth of the tragedy that was the Sa Tskept, and has concealed it from Voltron’s chosen paladins so as to manipulate them to her own ends. And I’m utterly obsessed with the idea of “Lotor being coaxed over to the enemy side by Keith’s wiles in a sort of ‘fall from grace’ tragedy storyline,” so why not combine that with the idea of the righteous yet exiled imperial prince as the hero:
Due to the wicked Altean Princess’ misdeeds, Emperor Zarkon was fed falsehoods about his son and heir, and so Prince Lotor is exiled. He goes to Voltron to confront her, but upon learning of how terribly she has mislead the noble Paladins of Voltron, Prince Lotor takes it upon himself to ingratiate himself to the enemy so that he might right their wrongs from the inside out. In doing this, he meets Keith; an honourable Blade of Marmora who once piloted both the red & black lions, but was ousted by Princess Allura when he began to question her orders and uncover the truth of the Sa Tsekpt... So though they are enemies at first- though it seems as if the Prince has been seduced by the Marmoran Paladin- though for a moment all seems lost-
It is revealed that both Keith and Lotor are in Voltron’s inner circle for the very same reason: to rid the universe of Alfor’s daughter, and return Voltron to Emperor Zarkon’s guiding hand for the betterment of the Empire.
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