cutekittenlady · 2 months
Wildbreak just wanted to prove a point. But his attempt to prove himself right about Dragstrips sleeping habits quickly leads to awkwardness.
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Hamefura Poll Fic
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Okay, so I've decided to try out a "poll fic" format on here for funsies. @cutekittenlady did a poll fic for Pokemon, I do recommend checking it out if interested. 
Mine will be for bakarina and focusing mainly on Geordo and Mary. So, enjoy this ride and we'll see where we end up. Enjoy.
Geordo was a bit tired and also content at the moment. Per their duties at the Ministry, he, Alan, and Mary were tasked with sorting out some old items from one of the older storage sheds on the ministry grounds. One that hasn't been touched in quite awhile. 
Still, despite the rather dusty work, he was honestly quite happy. Beyond just seeing how happy Katarina is working in the ministry, he was happy to do his routine training with Alan and Mary. He never thought he'd enjoy Mary's company so much, but considering their increasingly busy schedule with lack of time for hanging out, he ended up missing having his usual quips with her. Same goes for Keith, he's been busy helping Duke Claes with his duties and even when he visits Katarina it's sometimes hard to see him. 
It's been such a fast progression from their school lives to the busy work they need to tend to now. So even if it's just sorting out old artifacts and whatnot, it was fine. 
"Man, these things haven't been touched in ages." Alan managed as he brushed dust off a box. 
"Indeed, I suppose they needed to clear it out. I heard Lady Lahna wanted to make this place into something new." Mary said, "there's so many odd things in here." 
"Indeed, I have a feeling Sophia would enjoy looking through this place." Alan said. 
"No doubt about it, she loves the idea of relics and artifacts that hold special power or unlock fate and other things." Mary chuckled, "though I would mind finding something like the dollhouse again."
"You mean the one that allowed us all to live a vivid dream?" Geordo asked, recalling with slight embarrassment at how he dreamed of being a sword swinging knight on a boat. 
"Yes, those dreams were quite lovely." Mary giggled, "although I wonder if my dream would be more… mature now that we graduated." 
"What does that mean?" Alan asked, only to hear an odd ringing noise. "wait, do you guys hear that?" 
"Hear… what?" Mary asked, trying to focus on her hearing. She then heard the faint ringing as well. Alongside… voices? 
"Nothing should be activated here." Geordo said with a frown, where was the noise coming from? 
He focused his gaze and the ringing was coming from one of the artifacts in the room… 
Next >
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sapphireshineonao3 · 2 years
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I posted 58 times in 2022
36 posts created (62%)
22 posts reblogged (38%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 44 of my posts in 2022
Only 24% of my posts had no tags
#bakarina - 36 posts
#hamefura - 33 posts
#fanfic - 23 posts
#my next life as a villainess - 23 posts
#geordo stuart - 19 posts
#alan stuart - 18 posts
#ao3 - 12 posts
#my next life as a villianess all routes lead to doom - 10 posts
#geoffrey stuart - 6 posts
#katarina claes - 4 posts
Longest Tag: 52 characters
#my next life as a villianess all routes lead to doom
My Top Posts in 2022:
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 乙女ゲームの破滅フラグしかない悪役令嬢に転生してしまった… - 山口悟 | My Next Life as a Villainess - Yamaguchi Satoru (Light Novels), 乙女ゲームの破滅フラグしかない悪役令嬢に転生してしまった… | My Next Life as a Villainess (Anime), 乙女ゲームの破滅フラグしかない悪役令嬢に転生してしまった… | My Next Life as a Villainess (Manga) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Alan Stuart (My Next Life as a Villainess), Original Male Character(s) Additional Tags: idk what tags are relevant here... Series: Part 13 of Castle Days Summary:
Owen hears Alan has been privately invited to an event hosted by Gammon Marlon, a duke living on the northwestern side of Sorcier. Who also happened to be one of Owen’s half brothers who fought for the throne.
6 notes - Posted August 26, 2022
Full Ask: Here's one for the hanahaki prompt. It takes place in the FL timeline, following the events of the Keith good end. With Maria running away with Keith, Geordo begins to exhibit symptoms of the disease, though he's hiding it from everyone else. He seeks Maria out, but when face-to-face with her he finds that he doesn't feel anything but anger towards her both for spurning his feelings, feelings he feels she toyed with, in addition to how she and Keith took away his shield against noble ladies who only see him as the ideal prince. He ends up realizing that it may not be the loss of Maria that has him coughing up flowers, it may be the loss of Katarina.
Probably not as detailed as it could.be, but I hope you enjoyed it.
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Dark Blue = completed
Light Blue = in progress
13 notes - Posted November 7, 2022
A Rant about the opinions against AO3 (TL:DR, why hold fanfic authors to a different standard compared to published authors?)
….I honestly don't like getting too involved with drama, but the whole AO3 thing has me a bit bothered and while I understand AO3 is not everyone's cup of tea, saying it's a "horrible site for horrible people" because we write icky stuff is just… false.
Just because we write about it, doesn't mean we stand for it.
I mean, do you think Stephen King is a psycho or loves killing people?! Why not? He writes about people losing their sanity and people dying, descriptively or not.
Are there hints of JK Rowling bridging her transphobic views in the original Harry Potter books? Where are they? She made them pretty abundantly clear with her social media.
Is the author of 50 Shades of Grey some possessive, manipulative creep? Why not? The boundaries of manipulation, bondage, and themes in the book are explicit from what I've heard.
Is every single murder mystery published written by someone who likes people dying or who like the idea of murdering people?
Is every Death Game work made by a person who loves seeing people die in horrible ways? 
Is every smut book published written by a creepy pervert?
No? If you think fanfic writers are exactly what we write, then that applies to all writers. Why the hell are we singled out?
"Obviously their works are not nearly as explicit as what's on AO3, you monsters!"
Well, that is obvious, it's for a broader audience and there will be limitations to what can be officially published or not because of the publishing house and distribution. Why do you think content needs to be cut or censored in the public market? Because it needs to sell and make money. It needs to get by the safety walls that shield the public from overly explicit content. It's for a broad audience that the general rating system can only describe so much for what applies as explicit content.
AO3 is not like that, we are not trying to make money, we are not trying to sell. We are not writing for anyone or anything. We write what we want just for the hell of it because we like it and it's fun, and we share it cause we want to. Are our topics dark and icky at points?
Yes, absolutely, and you are under no obligation to read them. People always say "don't like, don't read" and I don't see what the problem is with that saying. It's simple and it's straight forward. There is an option to exclude fics with certain tags after all.
There's a reason why warnings and tags exist. You know exactly what you're getting into because you cannot ignore those tags. Even the archive has explicit warning tags for any fics containing icky content. They are in bold lettering and the first tag you see. They don't have ones for other icky stuff, but the ones they require authors to use basically cover all their bases because they're a broad enough umbrella to cover the other icky content.
So sorry for the rant, but please, the only thing I ask is why are fanfiction writers under such scrutiny that other authors are not? It's obviously not for the "recycling already existing material" that I am used to. Why are we targeted for being monsters because of our FICTIONAL content while other authors are not held to that standard?
And one last note, it's all FICTIONAL, it's called "fanfiction" for a reason! It isn't real and never reflects our actual views. What we make happen in a story is because everything in that story is just a fabrication of our imagination and nothing is related to our real life. Even if the author you don't like because of their overly icky stuff, they are doing it for themselves in their own little world and no one else. You can easily ignore them and just move on.
However, this is just my opinion and really it's been bothering me a lot. I just wanted to share why I don't think AO3 is an issue or why people are so bothered by it. We had real issues on other social media sites that actually affected real life. AO3 is nothing but a collection of stories, fake stories, fictional stories. Why is it bothering people when we're just trying to have a nice quiet place to share and express our own fictional storytelling?
19 notes - Posted August 15, 2022
“Friendly” Fire Part 4
“Friendly" Fire Part 4 
Part 3
The elevator doors opened with a ding. Vanessa looked around before carefully stepping out. Gregory fast asleep in her arms and covered in bandages. Freddy stepped out beside her to observe the area. 
"This area is clear right now." Freddy said. 
"Good, the Security Bots know who I am so we should be fine." Vanessa said as they walked across the main area. She held onto Gregory a little tighter as they made their way across. 
“Miss Vanessa, how will you fix the others?” Freddy asked.
“Manual reset,” Vanessa said, “It’ll clear processing data, but they won’t lose any memories. Visual and auditory information is preserved and stored in a separate area. They might be a bit woozy and unresponsive for a little bit of time, but they should be fine. But once the processing data is wiped, it should remove whatever virus infected them.” 
“YoU ShouLdn'T bE Left AlOnE! Little Boy!” 
“RUN!” Vanessa shouted, she broke into a sprint. The grip on Gregory tightened. 
Freddy followed after her as his eyes scanned for Roxy's figure. That was her voice no doubt. But it sounded so distorted, he nearly didn't recognize it. 
"Miss Vanessa! Duck!" Freddy shouted as he swung a hand over them. Managing to block a green fist. Freddy grunted as he pushed Monty back and Vanessa ran to duck under a table with the child. 
"Get Gregory to safety, Vanessa!" Freddy shouted as he pulled Monty forward and tossed him to the side, making the giant alligator tumble and crash on the ground. "I will guard your path."
"Be careful now!" Vanessa said as she held onto Gregory and ran. 
"Freddy! Where is the child?!" 
Freddy turned just in time to duck a slash from Roxy's claws. He spun around on the smooth metal heels of his feet to dodge another strike from Monty, who’s fist ended up colliding with Roxy’s chestplate, sending her to the ground. 
“Stop acting like this! We are not allowed to hurt children!” Freddy shouted as he dodged Monty again. 
“Stop being a goody-two-shoes and follow our commands!” Monty yelled, “The child is to be taken to the east scrapyard. Do not get in our way!” 
Another green fist nearly hit him as Freddy moved and sent his own curled up fist into Monty’s chestplate, forcing the robotic gator to the ground. 
“Freddy! The child needs to be taken!” 
Freddy covered his ears as an agonizing sound pierced him and vibrated down his endoskeleton. He was met by a harsh shove that sent him stumbling. He managed to regain his balance as he dodged another strike from Monty, who left a large crack in the wall behind him. 
Freddy managed to move out and saw his three bandmates looking at him. They looked more worn than they did a short while ago, but the most noticeable was the red glow in their eyes. That glow alone told him his friends were not in control. They didn’t mean for this to happen, they were hacked, manipulated, forced to hurt children. Whoever was behind this will pay for what they did. 
Freddy’s eyes glanced and quickly zoomed elsewhere, managing to see Vanessa reach the elevator with Gregory still in her arms. 
“Why are you not following protocols?” Freddy asked as he backed away, “We are strictly prohibited from harming children.” 
“Protocols overridden.” Chica said with a static expression, “Gregory will be taken to the core and utilized. That is the command. Tell us where the child is.”
“I am afraid I cannot do that.” Freddy said, he glanced again just as he saw Vanessa get the door open. “I do not follow your commands.” 
Freddy pulled another small device from his leg and pressed a button. Roxy caught it and tried to throw it back, but Freddy smacked it away with the back of his hand and ran. The sound screeched in his ears and light suddenly enveloped the area. While those little gadgets were useful, he doubts they are safe to use around kids. Freddy shook his head, he can complain about child safety later, he needs to make sure Vanessa and Gregory get to safety. He refuses to let him get hurt anymore. 
Freddy came to a stop outside of the elevator where Vanessa was, Gregory still in her arms.
“Freddy, are you alright?” Vanessa asked as Freddy entered the elevator. 
See the full post
24 notes - Posted January 15, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
"Friendly" Fire: Part 3
Part 2 *~*~*~* "Brought here?" Freddy asked. "He was kidnapped," Vanessa said, "Taken from the orphanage by someone and brought here for whatever reason. Or perhaps he escaped and somehow ended up here. If someone was after him, I have no doubt it's his kidnapper." "Why kidnap Gregory?" Freddy asked, "He's just a small child." "Who knows." Vanessa sighed, "Perverted reasons, selling reasons, who knows what. Thankfully, he doesn't look too abused besides the animatronic wounds." She barely noticed how Freddy flinched at the last line. It was still odd how alive the robot was. "There," Vanessa sighed as she placed one more bandage on him. "he shouldn't move around much when he wakes up, but it stopped the bleeding and I cleaned the wounds. He should be fine though." "That's good." Freddy said, "Miss Vanessa, do you know what happened to the others? You said something about a technology problem." "Ah, right," Vanessa said, "I heard from another guard that there was a glitch or hack in the main system that's connected to the others. You were disconnected since there was an error. Whatever it was, it's causing the others to act aggressive. We shouldn't get too close to them until we can clear the system and hopefully clear whatever the error is." "Is it possible to do it before sunrise?" Freddy asked. "If we go to the main control room on the top floor maybe." Vanessa said, "But it's on the opposite end of the building." "I can go and try to fix it." Freddy said. Vanessa shook her head, "You're not programmed to figure this stuff out. And it'll be too difficult to try and have you convey the information to me. If we want to try and fix them, we need to move." "But Gregory…" Freddy looked down at the child. "I don't think it's wise to leave him unattended." "I don't think so either," Vanessa said, "One of us needs to carry him. And DO NOT suggest your stomach hatch." Freddy closed the hatch, "But he was fine before inside." "It's still a metal shell that can get cramped, crush, and potentially turn him into a meat pretzel." Vanessa said, "it's not meant for hiding children. Look, you are our best defense against your friends. They don't seem to be hostile to you." "Are you sure?" Freddy asked. "It's our best bet," Vanessa said as she picked up Gregory, "We should get moving." *~*~*~*~* The ping of a door alert sounded on the red colored panel. Vanny giggled. "Looks like a chase is on~ Oh I wonder if I can catch the little mouse~"
70 notes - Posted January 1, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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eastofthemoon · 5 years
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So, I’m taking part in the @goodthingshappenbingo and the first prompt I got done is the “Adopt a Pet” prompt.
The said fic is also part of @cutekittenlady Black Paladin Zarkon AU.  Hope you all enjoy this.
Title: New Pet
Rating: G
Pairings: Keith’s Dad/Krolia
Series: Voltron Legendary Defender
Summary:  Krolia and Kevin always planned to get Keith a pet, but neither expected it to be a cosmic space wolf.
Kevin wasn’t afraid, but his body couldn’t resist going stiff as the small puppy like creature silently watched him from the front porch.  Kevin frowned.  The creature was small, and appeared to be some kind of wolf or possibly a dog, but Kevin was certain that blue wasn’t a common colour for either animal.
The puppy remained still as Kevin approached and he steadily held out a hand.  Kevin was prepared to pull it back the second it showed off it’s fangs, but the puppy sniffed his hand and then contently leaned into it.
Kevin sighed in relief as he reached out to scratched an ear.
“At least you’re friendly,” Kevin asked as he knelt.  “Where did you come from little fella?”
The puppy tilted it’s head, and then suddenly zeroed in on Kevin’s shoes, and dove to chew on the leather laces.
Kevin laughed as he reached down to scoop up the puppy.  “Hey, my shoes aren’t a chew toy.”
“KOSMO!  Where did you go?!”
Kevin looked up as Keith opened the door.  The seven year old appeared panic stricken until he spotted the puppy in Kevin’s hands and his shoulders slumped.
“Oh good, Dad found you,” he muttered.
“More like he found me,” Kevin said as he stood up with the puppy still in his hands.  “Keith, what did your mother and I tell you about bringing animals homes?”
Keith’s love of animals was an endearing trait, but if the had his way their house would have been full of rabbits, birds and squirrels by now.
Keith frowned in way that always resembled Krolia.  “But Mom said we could.”
Kevin blinked.  “What?”
“Yeah, he’s my pet now,” Keith said as he reached out and took the puppy from Kevin’s arms.  “Also his name’s Kosmo.”
Kevin raised an eyebrow and he sensed Keith was leaving out some vital details since he left for work in the morning.
Thankfully, right then Krolia poked her head outside and spotted Kevin.  
“Oh, you’re home early,” she said as she rubbed her neck sheepishly.
Kevin frowned.  He knew that look.  It rarely occurred, but he recognized Krolia’s guilt driven expression anywhere.
He showed a smile as he patted his son’s head.  “Yeah and Keith was telling me we have a new family member.”
Krolia sighed as she looked to their son.  “I thought I told you to keep him in your room until I spoke with your father.”
“I did,” Keith replied in a firm tone, “but he did his trick again and Dad found him first.”
Krolia sighed, but gave a smile as she gently pushed Keith back in the door.  “Why don’t you go see if Kosmo is hungry while your dad and I have a chat.”
Keith raised an eyebrow, but gave a nod as the puppy licked his chin.  The boy quietly shut the door, leaving Kevin and Krolia alone on the porch.
Kevin set down his work bag and then crossed his arms.  “Darling, happened to the plan of us getting him a hamster for his birthday?”
“It went out the window the second Kosmo locked eyes on Keith,” Krolia said as she sat on the step and gestured for him to join her.
Kevin compiled without question and kept silent as he waited for her to continue.
Krolia shut her eyes briefly before she turned back to Kevin.  “Remember the creature I discovered on an asteroid and brought it back to the Garrison?”
Kevin gave a slow baffled nod, until his brain put together her meaning.  His eyes widened as he pointed over his shoulder.  “Ya telling me that’s the space critter ya found?!”
Krolia nodded and Kevin was about to bolt as he planned to get Keith far away from the animal, until Krolia placed a hand on his shoulder.
“It’s not dangerous,” Krolia stated with no hesitation.  “The test results proved there aren’t any traces of viruses we could catch and Kosmo has yet to show any signs of aggression.”
Kevin relaxed, but still found himself glancing to the door.  “Ya sure?”
“Sam is certain, and you trust him, right?” Krolia said with a small smile.  “He concluded it’s no different from a wolf pup and he deemed it’s very likely it can be trained.  Although, truth be told we have been debating on what exactly we do with it now.”
“Oookay,” Kevin said as he leaned forward, “and ya decided Keith be the best trainer for it?”
“Kosmo is a ‘he’,” Krolia said and grimaced, “and that was hardly the plan.”  She massaged her forehead.  “I got dragged into a meeting with Kolivan, so Thace volunteered to keep an eye on Keith and we all thought he be curious about the pup.”
She leaned back and stared up at the sky.  “Keith only saw him from behind the window, and the puppy took a sudden interest in him.  He even went up to the window to paw at it and wagged his tail.”
At least the pup has good taste, Kevin thought as he nodded.
“According to Thace, the pup was very content to watch Keith until they began to walk away.”  Her eyes narrowed as she turned back to Kevin.  “The pup didn’t like this and then decided he had to follow.”
“So, the pup busted through the window?” Kevin asked.
The pup didn’t seem the strong, nor did it have any sign it got injured by cut glass.  However, maybe it was a fast healer.  He had heard about weirder abilities from other planets from Krolia.
“No,” Kroila said with a deep sigh, “he teleported.”
Kevin’s mind halted as he tilted his head.  “Teleported?”
“One moment he’s in the containment room,” Krolia as she moved her hands to demonstrate, “then there was a flash of light and he was suddenly standing in front of Keith and Thace.”
Kevin open and shut his mouth.  “So..it’s a teleporting space wolf?”
Krolia nodded.
“Ya didn’t know it could do that?” he asked in amazement.
“He has never done it before,” Krolia said as she tossed her hands up in the air.  “It’s possible he only developed the ability today, although Sam has a theory he’s always been able to do it but just didn’t have any motivation in doing so until he spotted Keith.”
“Alright,” Kevin said as he scratched his head.  “So, did ya try to put him back?”
Krolia gave an annoyed glared.  “We did, multiple times.”  She pinched the bridge of her nose.  “Yet, every time we lure the pup back inside he would instantly teleport back out to be with Keith.”
Kevin mulled this information over as he crossed his arms.  “And I’m guessing the Garrison doesn’t have anything to stop a teleporting animal?”
“Not currently,” Krolia said with a growl.  “Commander Shirogane then suggested Keith and I just take him home.  The other scientists were reluctant, but he pointed out there wasn’t much we could do to keep it there if it could just teleport away.”  She rubbed her arms.  “Well..except putting him down, but no one was thrilled with that idea.”
“Neither am I,” Kevin said grimly.
It was pointless and cruel to kill an animal that so far was harmless.  Since Krolia was the one that found the pup, he could never imagine she would be alright with that option.
“I wasn’t going to agree to it without discussing it with you,” Krolia said as she took his head, “but Keith was already attached to him, and I...didn’t have the heart to say no.”
Krolia blushed and Kevin had to resist to chuckled.  Krolia could be a real softie when it came to their kid.  Not to mention she was always adorable when she blushed.
“So, Keith named him ‘Kosmo’ and took him home,” Kevin concluded.
Krolia sighed.  “Actually, it had been Sam that named him that and we just agreed to keep it that way to avoid confusion.”  She looked around.  “Also, Sam agreed where we live would be the best place for a space wolf pup to grow since we’re not exactly surrounded by people.”
“He’s not wrong,” Kevin replied as he looked out into the desert.  “If the Garrison didn’t want a lot of prying eyes on the wolf pup, this is probably the best place for it.”
Krolia leaned against his shoulder and sighed.  “So, are you angry?”
Kevin shook his head.  “I’m surprised, and would have preferred a bit of warning, but naw.  Ya didn’t exactly have a lot of choice.”  He wrapped his arm around her.  “It’s probably good for Keith to have a dog like pet anyway.  He needs someone that can keep up with him when he’s rolling around in the dirt.”
Krolia chuckled as he rest her head against him.  “They’ve been running non-stop since we got home.”
“Has he?” Kevin said as he wiggled his eyebrows.  “Then, perhaps he’ll have an early bedtime tonight and we can get a little ‘alone time’.”
Krolia raised her head with an intrigued grin.  “Oh? And what exactly do you have in mind?”
Kevin gave a teasing smirk as he brought his lips towards Krolia’s.
Suddenly, there was a flash of light and Kevin grunted as he felt something land in his lap and felt a small tongue lick his face.
“Arrg, yuck,” Kevin said as he shoved off the creature and glared.  “I wasn’t planning on kissing you!”
Kosmo yipped as he wagged his tail.
“Mom, Dad,” Keith yelled, “Kosmo vanished again!”
“We have him,” Krolia called back as she shook her head.
Kevin continued to scowl as Kosmo tried to lick him again and wagged his tail.  “Ya better be at least house broken.”
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waywardstation · 2 years
I literally JUST saw this idea in the tag search, but apparently theres an idea that sneasler sees Ingo as her MOM and I'm kinda in love with it?
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The thought of this happening is super funny and while I don’t take it seriously I LOVE IT TOO ANON
and if it’s not clear enough I am referencing this video at the end haha
(Headcanon is by @cutekittenlady !!)
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sixthoctavarium · 3 years
SixthOctavarium's Hamefura Fics Masterpost
I have decided to shamelessly rip off follow in @cutekittenlady's footsteps in having a masterpost which will have all of my fics in one place. For everyone new to Hamefura, this'll be a helpful place to reference my fics. Here goes.
That Night In A Safe Haven - Hiding in a safe haven awakens some bad memories for Mary, and Catarina needs to comfort her.
Six Interesting But Ordinary Weeks - Catarina spends six weeks with Maria after graduation in her hometown, and obliviously makes things better for the common folk there as well.
A Pact Between Mother And Son - Keith makes his intention to marry Catarina known to his mother. His mother declares her support for his efforts. Then they gameplan.
Fight Like A Lady - Part 1 of the Sword Saint Chronicles. There's a sword duel tournament at the Academy of Magic. Catarina enters it hoping to get to face Geordo in a duel to gauge her swordfighting skills against him.
Tears Of A Saint - Part 2 of the Sword Saint Chronicles. Catarina and Geordo go on a date to get a dress and accessories for an upcoming school ball. In the background, a sore loser from the duel tournament plots his payback.
A Lady In The Lion's Den - Part 4 of the Sword Saint Chronicles. Catarina gets an invite to Sorcier's most prestigious Under-18 duel tournament, and finds out some surprising things along the way.
She Is NOT My Kissy-Kissy Girlfriend! - Geordo over the years begins to realize his feelings for Catarina. His mom, The Queen, trolls him mercilessly about them.
Dumbass & Dragon - Catarina gets kidnapped by a dragon. An awkward teenage dragon who has no idea what he's doing. Absurdity at its finest!
Catarina Claes MUST DIE! - A girl from Catarina's old world isekais into Sorcier. She remembers Fortune Lover and how much she hated Catarina. The preconceived notions she has carry the potential to cause disaster.
Under The Silverlight - Catarina and Geordo attend the Silverlight Festival, Sorcier's winter festival with romantic elements. They have a lot of fun, and other festival-goers witness them and begin shipping them bigtime.
Picturing A Wonderful Birthday - Keith's first birthday with House Claes, but he's still unsure about his place in the family. Catarina aims to answer that question once and for all.
The List of Geordo - Geordo, annoyed by his rivals, comes up with a new tactic to combat them. He thinks it's funny, but fails to realize some may take it the wrong way.
A Rose Blooms In Sorcier - Sorcier's all-women festival is coming up. Mary, Sophia, and Maria all want Catarina to attend with them. They jockey with each other for the upper hand.
Flip The Script - Part 5 of the Sword Saint Chronicles. Catarina is encouraged by her friends to audition for a play the Theater Club is holding, but she screws up by signing up to audition for the male lead. Or does she?
The Sword Saint's Battle For Honor - Part 6 of the Sword Saint Chronicles. Maria is the (unintended) victim of a prank performed by a stuck-up first-year student. Catarina stands up for Maria's honor.
A Parent's Worst Nightmare: An Omake to Catarina Claes MUST DIE! - Events from Catarina Claes MUST DIE! told from the viewpoint of Catarina's parents, Luigi and Miri Diana.
The Catarina Claes Birthday Extravaganza - Part 3 of the Sword Saint Chronicles. Keith screws up in planning for Catarina's 17th birthday. Thanks to some quick thinking by everyone, they figure out how to work through Keith's mistake.
Hell Comes To Sorcier - Catarina gets kidnapped by a demon and Geordo sets off to rescue her. Along the way, he finds out some things about Catarina, while a sinister force tries to take advantage of the situation for herself.
Naked Posed The Duke's Daughter - Catarina offers to be a nude model for the Academy's Ladies' Art Collective. Everyone's going to have a reaction to that.
Into The Haremverse - A magical experiment at the Ministry of Magic goes wrong, and Catarina finds herself traveling to the future, where revelations are made to her.
My Next Life As A Planeswalker: All Routes Lead to The Multiverse! - A biomechanical monster's attack at the Academy of Magic causes Catarina to awaken powers which seem to go against the laws of magic. Her awakening results in things that will change Sorcier forever.
And that's my fics for now. I will update this when I post up new fics.
Also, I have questions open. If you read one of my fics and have a question, want to ask about how I wrote something, ask about fic writing, or just ask me my interpretations of Hamefura in general, feel free to ask!
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starsfic · 3 years
In the trailer it looks like DBK is interrupting Team MK at a feast of some kind? And also he has a mane! Maybe a prompt for that scene and the reaction to his glorious new hair lol
@cutekittenlady: Do you want to speculate on DBK showing up at the dinner table the gang is at with a heavy weapon and a mullet?
"Little Thief."
Qi Xiaotian froze, staring up at DBK. The king glared back, some kind of weapon slung over his shoulder, soft purple hair falling over his shoulders. "Uh... hi?" he managed to squeak out. "Nice... hair?"
There was silence.
Then DBK sighed, stopping with the glowing eyes. "Jade, my precious-"
"Don't you 'precious' me." Their hostess stood from her chair, marching around the table to finally stop at DBK, hands on her hips as she craned her head back. "Remember, I'm not your wife. And... oh, will you give me that?" The bull huffed, dropping the weapon into her arms. Despite it being a few feet taller than her, Jade Face Princess didn't stagger. Her glare transformed into a smile at Xiaotian. "And thank you, dear."
"But why is it a mullet?" Xiaojiao said. She was staring at DBK's hair with intense concentration like she wasn't sure whether or not to be horrified or excited. Xiaotian had been wondering that too.
Jade huffed, heading to the wall of weapons. "It's the only hairstyle he can manage," she called over her shoulder. "And he doesn't know what it is- DBK, stop standing there and sit down."
"You're not in charge here."
DBK paused.
Then he grumbled, pulled out a chair, and sat down.
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rosamundrosemary · 4 years
Love love Love your fic. Do you have any recs for hamefura fic that are good and you think need more love?
Thank you so much for the love! I really appreciate it. 
Oh Welp I don’t know when this got sent exactly, hopefully sometime recently since you’re under anon but yeah I definitely do! 
It’s long. apologies.
Top Tier, I recommend these to everyone I meet who asks:
Through The Looking Glass by Luki
Zucchini Flowers by Lamely_Me
These two are the main fics that inspired me to write Lost and Found and I feel like they’re in my holy trinity of hamefura fics. 
Cinderella’s Evil Stepsister by Hypervene
Lemon Cakes and Late Confessions by Ellanica (Read just chp 1 as the oneshot it originally was)
Some others I follow(ed) and enjoy a lot: 
Harsher Blues by LaurelCrow
Mirror,Mirror by BogStandardOtaku
The Queen’s Tea by thecagedsong
Now I’m of the opinion that most of the OG Katarina fics are their own animal outside of hamefura canon, like there’s so many extended universes it’s almost it’s own thing. Here’s my favs of the OG Katas
The Perfect Wife by jumpingintothings
The Best Laid Plans by Palhinhaea(OG Katarina, not baka)
My Second Life as an Anti-Heroine by Mariagonerlji (OG Katarina, Keith Route is my fav of the options)
My Death as a Villainess by Jadebenn
Authors (they have several great works and I recommend them overall): 
This is the big one that came to mind when you mentioned works that need some love. Mercurial makes excellent short snippet oneshots that punch me in the gut with emotion. I adore them. 
Recs: There is contentment on these pages, dust beneath my fingertips and pavement beneath my cheeks
Probably gets the closest to the original tone of the light novels out of any fic author. Very consistent and does a good job of structuring their work. Generally with any of sixth’s fics with the exception of CCMD you’re in for a good time.
Recs: Catarina Claes MUST DIE!, She is NOT My Kissy Kissy Girlfriend! and The Slow Burn/Sword Saint series
She is the godmother of Nicokata content and also writes impeccable angst and yearning pieces. Her visual imagery and metaphor gets pretty poetic but that’s very much my cup of tea.
Great Stuart Bros fics, an excellent Alamary oneshot everyone should read because it’s just quality and has a lot of fun series going with their main collaborator SapphireShine
Recs: Cold, Little Dewdrop
Thimble kind of covers a wide range. My favorites of his are his AUs which are a lot of fun!
Recs: My Next Life as a Barista, Period Piece, Just a Dare
Do you need some geokata fluff or cuteness? Are you having trouble with gerald/geordo’s pov? Lianna has you covered. 
Recs: A Distant Prince, Dress Ideas Involving Trees
Cat-astrope by Eastofthemoon
My Next Life as a Barista by ThimbleFullofDespair
If I Had Been Earlier... by AngelofMuses
Kuroyuri by Gale_Breeze
The Vile Viscount by El_Tofu_San
Medusa by To-Antigone
Farming is What Katarina’s Best At
Reborn by Jumpingintothings
I feel like I could list more but these feel like a good start. 
Hope this helps!
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 乙女ゲームの破滅フラグしかない悪役令嬢に転生してしまった… - 山口悟 | My Next Life as a Villainess - Yamaguchi Satoru (Light Novels), 乙女ゲームの破滅フラグしかない悪役令嬢に転生してしまった… | My Next Life as a Villainess (Manga), 乙女ゲームの破滅フラグしかない悪役令嬢に転生してしまった… | My Next Life as a Villainess (Anime) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Katarina Claes/Geordo Stuart Characters: Katarina Claes, Geordo Stuart Series: Part 5 of Hamefura Pair Up Challenge Summary:
Geordo discovers yet another of his fiances many unique and unexpected talents.
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houseofthemysteries · 4 years
Read this fic! It deserves so much more attention! It is written by Cutekittenlady and SapphireShine.
Magic is a lovely fic about Gerald and Alan as children, portraying the difficulties of growing up in the palace. The attention that Alan receives that it suppresses his magic development and the high expectations placed on Gerald that it is forgotten that he is only a child himself. Both Gerald and Alan struggle to find themselves and develop their brotherly relationship in between growing up and learning about the difficulties of magic.
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cutekittenlady · 1 year
Best Male Pokemon Character Poll Bracket 5 Round 4
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Jun 3
Best Male Pokemon Character Poll Bracket 5 Round 3
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Round 1
Spenser VS Brawly
Lucien VS Hugh
Rose VS AZ
Elio VS Iscan
Arven VS Lance
Maxie VS Allister
Round 2
Nanu VS Brawly
Hugh VS AZ
Burgh VS Iscan
Arven VS Allister
Round 3
Nanu VS Hugh
Iscan VS Arven
Round 4
Nanu VS Arven
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sapphireshineauthor · 2 years
SapphireShine Hamefura Masterpost
SapphireShine Hamefura Masterpost 
I am making another masterpost of my stories for two main reasons. One, it's to celebrate my birthday since it's in a few days and I will officially be hitting my second decade of life XD. Two, I'm at 95 fics for this fandom alone. I wanted to do it when I reached 100 but… oh well XD things got busy. And it's a large amount of fics anyway, so I hope you enjoy. 
Also, here's an organization table cause… I think it's a lot. 
One-Shots/Completed Fics 
Bad Things Happen Bingo
Castle Days
Who I Am
To Be Continued
Getting to Know You (co-authored with Cutekittenlady) 
Corrupted Bonds AU
Secret Locket of Dark Magic
In-Progress Multi-Chapter Fics 
Multi-Chapter Fics are at the end because my updates are horribly chaotic and long. Anyway, enjoy. 
One-Shots/Completed Fics
The Villainess in Shining Armor!  [Completed] 
After getting kidnapped shortly after the festival, Katarina, Keith, and all of her other friends find themselves held hostage in a large, multileveled warehouse in the outskirts of town. Good thing Katarina's mother in her past life taught her some life saving skills, and that she took self defense classes during middle school.
Watch out bad guys! Katarina is ready to break out of here and rescue her friends!
Shadows of the Abyss  [Completed] 
The Villainess in Shining Armor 2: Shadows of the Abyss. 
After a hectic rescue and escape mission a few months ago. The lives of Katarina and her friends have settled back down into a sense of normalcy. However, the assassin responsible is back, a kidnapping, a threatening legend, and an unsettling third party. A mission is in place to rescue the fourth prince before the first day of winter hits, and more secrets and questions about the world come into play.
Unintentional Hostage [Completed] 
Alan ends up kidnapped by a group of runaway dark nobles and is now unexpectedly in their custody. 
Hamefura Halloween: The Dreaving  [Completed] 
“There exists an old saying… one from long before the kingdom was established...”
It was just the start of late fall when Maria hears of an interesting story about the Sorcie. An ancient monster existing in the kingdom’s urban legends. Upon asking about such a tale, Katarina and the others offer to tell Maria about their personal encounter with such a monster.
A monster, known as “The Dreaving”
Swap Out! 
Katarina and Alan swap bodies by mistake
One, Two, Three 
Mary took great, but silent, pride in her ability to dance the man’s part. She learned to dance with her dear Lady Katarina after all. Of course, someone had to help teach her, a proper lady requires a tutor, but of course no proper lady would ask to dance the man's part. She needed to be more discreet.
Knows the man's lead and can teach her without her worry. Who better than her dear fiance, Prince Alan, to teach her?
Closet Closeness 
Nicol and Geordo get stuck in a closet a little too close together.
Nicol and Geordo decided to warm up each other by a passionate night in bed. 
Geordo gets some unexpected advice after being saved by an unexpected figure. 
Sora acts as Geordo’s bodyguard/escort during an outing. 
Tainted Royalty 
Prince Royce from Love Nikki is reincarnated as Prince Geoffrey and won’t lose this second chance he has to keep the world peaceful. 
 Memories From Somewhere… 
 "If we could be reborn again…"
"It'd be nice if we could be twins again…"
A trip to a local port town gives Geordo visions, or… memories, memories from a very, very long time ago.
Borrowed Books 
Wanting to learn why Katarina had such a fascination with romance novels, Geordo borrows a book from Sophia… he grabbed the "wrong" one.
Ignorance is Bliss 
Mary debates about a decision she will need to make no matter how much she doesn’t want to in due time. 
Beyond the Boundaries 
Alan and Katarina meet before reincarnation and live spots of each others lives for days at a time (based on the film “Kimi No Na Wa”). 
Will You ‘Continue’? 
Geordo and Alan have been reincarnated several times before, from several lives past, based on a single promise. 
Princess Carry 
Geordo gets princess carried by several of his friends and family. 
“Perfect” World 
Geordo wakes up a reality where everything he desires exists, however, he can’t help but feel like something is wrong. 
Musing of a Mortician 
Geordo and Keith get lost during an argument and somehow wind up at the front of the main building where the Head Mortician resides. 
Katarina dies and Alan takes it upon himself to act like her for the sake of their grieving friends. 
 The Shortest  
Geordo trying to deny the harsh realization that he is, in fact, the shortest of the four princes.
The Cake Song  
Alan gets roped into a sing along game with the girls.
A Prince and a Pirate  
Short interaction between Alan and Silva under… unfortunate circumstances.
She Belongs to Her 
Katarina Claes was always a selfish noble lady. She holds a high standard towards everyone and anyone who falls below them are subject to her cruelty. Even her adopted brother was no exception, no other noble was an exception if they didn’t meet the standards and she hardly associates herself with anyone below her ranking.
However… besides her status, she doesn't take kindly to those who try to take something from her…
A Dull Century
Counterparts of all sorts exist. Geordo Stuart was no exception. The perfect, black hearted, sadistic prince found himself bored with the world. There was no task he couldn't do, or skill he couldn't learn. However, the color brought to his world by his beloved fiance and friends cleared his boredom.
But, not every version of him is lucky. What if he couldn't die? What if what gave his world color was cruelly taken away? The living gemstone, Yellow Topaz, is that unfortunate version of him.
The Kind, Lonely Stranger 
The event of Prince Alan nearly died at age of five was not a comforting one many wish to remember. For he nearly died due to an illness putting him into a coma. However, aid came to him in an unlikely form, but also as a treasure friend.
A kind, lonely stranger playing the piano.
Tree Climbing 
Gerald attempts to climb a tree.
Legend of the Six Dragon Amulets 
Katarina learns an interesting history lesson about Sorcier and the world around her. 
Wilting Flowers to New Springs (Bad Things Happen Bingo) 
Serial Killer 
Nicol gets kidnapped by a serial killer and Geordo tries to go save him. 
Noelia tries to poison Katarina in an attempt to kill her. 
Dark Cavern 
Katarina wanders into a dark cavern to investigate a dark magic signal. Only for it to… change her. 
Hidden Eyes 
FL-verse: Katarina stalks Geordo in order to keep an eye on him and prove what’s hers. 
Prying Eyes 
Hamefura-verse: Katarina is stalked by an obsessed nobleman and tries to deal with the situation. 
A Doll Amongst the Crowd 
Raphael’s thoughts as he lived his life posing as Sirius Dieke. 
Ill Made Confessions 
Katarina gets dangerously sick and Alan helps take care of her. 
Tag Along 
Mary ends up turned into a doll for a day and (unknowingly) kept in Alan’s pocket. 
Lingering Smoke 
Katarina’s stalker is back, and he has a means to make sure she becomes his. 
Subject of Interest 
Katarina ends up kidnapped by a duo curious about her dark magic. 
Check Up 
Alan has a routine check up involving a very cramped space he is still not comfortable in. 
A snake bite and a small accident, Katarina worries Alan needs an amputation. 
The “End” Game 
FL2-verse: Geordo is kidnapped by Katarina and Maria has to go save him, and during the midst of it, gets some unlikely aid. 
Final Straw  
Noelia tries to strangle Katarina to death after Katarina decided to marry Geordo. 
Magic Accident 
Geordo and Alan are injured due to an accident and Nicol takes care of them. 
Castle Days 
13 Minutes Between 
A few memories regarding the time between Geordo and Alan’s birth.
 The Little Mermaid  
The night Alan nearly died when he was a child was scary for everyone. Alan especially since he found himself completely alone. However, he wasn't for very long. A girl with blue hair promised to stay with him until he woke up.
Twilight Secret 
A year after making amends with his twin brother, Geordo finds Alan sneaking around the castle one evening. Alan takes Geordo to show him a small secret he has hidden in one of the castle towers.
A short tale of Alan getting his piercings. 
Geoffrey goes to see David Mason after the kidnapping incident with Katarina was resolved. 
Consequences [In-Progress] 
Alan gets seriously injured after defending Geordo from an assassin. 
Sharing a Drink [Explicit Content in Chpt 2] 
After the incident at the port side city, Geoffrey decides to have a drink with a close associate of his.
Songs That Echo From The Piano  
Gerald always enjoyed how Alan played the piano, it was some of the most beautiful music he's ever heard. He's not one for wishes, but...
He wished he could hear his brother play, at least one more time…
Gerald woke up to the sound of rain…
Patch Up 
A series of events where members of the royal family had to visit the castle’s healer. 
A Knight’s Strength 
Katarina seeks out Geordo’s sword tutor to teach her and ends up learning about a few things about the older knight. 
Gammon Marlon 
Alan is invited to an event hosted by one of his few half-uncles living in the capital. 
Who I Am [In-Progress] 
The Four-Faced Prince  
Everyone thinks that Gerald is the perfect prince and has the ability to read everyone. Yet there is one person he cannot read, his eldest brother. The First Prince Geoffrey.
Princely, Lazy, Sinister, Strategic the four faces the first prince wears when he isn't fawning over his brothers. He wears these faces, for the sake of the kingdom and for his brothers.
Simplicity & Frustration  
A four-faced older brother, a set of younger twins, a prodigy, and a talented musican…
Second Prince Ian Stuart has quite the unique family. Just where is he in this equation?
Plain Pearl  
Selena Burke never thought much of herself, despite being engaged to the second prince. She was a girl who felt inferior to the other girls who would be her future sister in laws. One was known as a saint, another is the embodiment of a perfect lady, and another is praised as being the smartest lady in the kingdom.
And her? She's just a plain lady…
A look into the life of Suzanna Randall and her eventual engagement to Prince Geoffrey
Wicked Witch 
A character study focused on Noelia Flores and how she became a rivaling villainess to Katarina and why she is after Prince Geordo in particular. 
To Be Continued  
The Seeds of Calamity  
A kind girl corrupted by the seed of darkness, a prince driven to panic and the brink of insanity by the seed of hellfire, a prince wounded and breathed in a desperate attempt for help. Six souls were corrupted by the dark side of the elements.
With the elements is creation, there will always be destruction.
These poor souls… are now infected by the Seeds of Calamity.
Sly Serpent
Geordo has a reason why he dislikes snakes. Especially green ones…
An encounter that leaves him weary for life, and an ominous threat he believes is directed at his brother.
Mort et Larmes  
Geordo sees Alan walk to his death.
Abyssal Calling  
"Geoffrey's a black whistle and you are already a blue whistle. Just you wait, I'll catch up to you in no time!"
"But Alan-"
"I'm not sick anymore. I can do it."
A frail body and a longing to join his brothers. At eleven years of age… Alan hears the call of the Abyss.
Soul Phenomenon  
“Us Grim Reapers usually have a very dull job. Collect the souls after the body dies and go on to the next. It’s rare for us to find anything interesting. However, sometimes we wander across something strange…” She pulled the record, showing a connected continuation even after the End card. “I wonder, how was it your brother died, but then came back to life?”
Blue Hydrangea [In-Progress] 
Mary knew that when the time came, she’d have to pick between her love for Katarina and her brotherly relationship with Prince Alan. It was inevitable and the more time passed, she even began to dread that day. Yet, things changed and Alan had decided to give up his pursuit, instead, saying he’ll help her. Yet, that one day, she saw him…
Blood running down his chin, small blue petals of a specific flower spilled from his lips.
As a child, ever since his birth, Alan was very sickly. Constantly stuck in bed with doctors and healers of all kinds trying to tend to him and nurse him back to proper health. That backstory is what’s given and known, but what if there was another layer to it?
Even as meticulous as the royal family is when it comes to who tends to the youngest prince. One managed to slip by, a doctor, or moreover a scientist posing as a doctor. Looking for a new subject to take part in his ‘research’...
Alter Memory  
"Reincarnation is nothing but a metaphysical virus."
A small discussion regarding the concept of "Reincarnation" between a captured prince, and a sly snake.
Cabbage Butterfly  
Sophia meets a noble at a tea party who takes an interest in her, at first she thinks it's just polite manners, only for things to go further on. Sophia unknowingly becomes a small cabbage Butterfly in the den of spiders.
Raphael unfortunately runs into Sarah during a trip to town. 
A Dangerous Deal 
Noelia runs into a dangerous and sly fellow in town that is offering her help to obtain Prince Geordo for herself. 
Getting to Know You Collaboration w/ Cutekittenlady [In-Progress] 
Fears by Cutekittenlady (This one isn't mine, but since it's part of the series, it'd be weird not to include it). 
Irritated with the frequency that a certain incident keeps coming up between him and his brother Alan, Prince Geordo decides it's only fair that he investigates just what his twin brother is afraid of.
However he may be biting off more than he can chew...
Music Sheets 
Three weeks have passed since Geordo learned of Alan’s fear of thunder. Despite his little fear hunt ending and the two of them having reconnected, Geordo still feels like he needs to make things up to his little brother. A small present should do the trick…
Magic [In-Progress] 
Magic is wonderful. Magic is powerful. Magic is rare.
Magic, a rare but beautiful and dangerous power, flows through Sorcier's nobility.
Geordo and Alan were both rare individuals. Being born with opposing magical powers. Despite their tutelage, they are not fully aware of how powerful and dangerous that magic can be.
Corrupted Bonds AU [In-Progress] 
Yandere!Isekai!Acchan AU 
Corrupted Bonds  
What if Katarina’s old friend A-chan was reborn into the world of Fortune Lover, but, as someone else…
Katarina ends up kidnapped by a noble from another kingdom. Katarina soon realizes that this noble is her closest friend A-chan, but she also wasn’t. It wasn’t her, not anymore.
Atsuko Sasaki, A-chan, mourned the sudden unfair death of her beloved friend for months. She only had one wish, to be reborn with her friend in another life, one where she can finally confess her love, and live with her in peace and happiness. That was all she wished for…
She got her wish and yet… Fate once again wishes for her to mourn, guess there are some things that can’t change. Even when you know what will happen.
A Golden Cage With Rose-Tinted Windows  
Katarina’s thoughts as she tries to understand her predicament as she is now currently a captive by a noble who is her reincarnated best friend. 
Missing Opaline Prism  
Katarina has been missing for half a month now… the others are not taking it too well…
A Grieving Soul, Puppeted By Thorn Covered Strings  
Atsuko Sasaki has loved her best friend for a long time. Even after her friend was reincarnated as Katarina Claes. She won't let anyone take her away, not even the "capture targets" of this cursed otome game.
They're here…. they're here to take away your beloved… see it that they don't….
They're fictional characters anyway. It shouldn't matter if she kills them or not. Right?
Calm The Storm [In-Progress]
All Atsuko Sasaki wishes for, was to be reincarnated with her best friend. So they can live out their lives together…
The Secret Locket of Dark Magic  
The Secret Locket of Dark Magic
Why is Dark Magic considered a "taboo" magic? Why are the rituals needed to gain it so horrific? If it's so horrible, why not let it fade away into history? Forgotten by the world? Why does the Royal Family harbor such a dark secret for so long?
Perhaps… the reason why Dark Magic is now forbidden is more complicated than one seems, and the Stuarts are merely the ones burdened to carry that information for centuries to come.
The Lady in the Crystal 
Katarina didn't know what to expect when she used her newfound wand and chanted. 
She had hoped it was something like opening a pocket in a dark space, or perhaps it's own light producing spell, or even a repel spell of some sort.
Not a lady frozen in red crystal, hidden away in a dark abyss…
True Dark Magic 
Katarina, Alan, and Geordo end up learning about the truth behind why Dark Magic is so rare and forbidden. 
In-Progress Fics
Little DewDrop Co-author w/ Cutekittenlady [In-Progress] 
After opening a strange book in the library, Alan gets turned into a 5yr old with only memories from then and before. Now the crew needs to keep him taken care of and hidden from the school until they can reverse the process. However, who is that man lurking on the outskirts? 
My Next Life as a Devilish Rival - All Routes Lead to Doom!  [In-Progress] 
When the bratty noble son Kenneth Claes hits his forehead when walking with the first princess Jasmine Stuart. He recalls the memories of his past life, a simple friendly otaku with a love of dating games and learned he's been reincarnated as the main devilish rival of his favorite dating game Fortune Lover. Now with a series of Death Flags to avoid, Kenneth is determined to survive.
Aka. Bakarina Gender-Swapped/Genderbent Retelling
All Routes Lead To... Alternate Universes Apparently  
Literally a collections of AUs and anime fusions for our Bakarina Characters. Anyone who wants something to tinker with in a fic, feel free to use these for inspiration if you'd like.
WaterVapor: Offline [In-Progress] 
BREAKING NEWS: Famous Pianist Alan Stuart has gone missing after a vile connection hacked the digital holographic concert through the iM social media system. The cyber attack left several concert viewers unconscious and others with temporary short term memory loss. The musican's location during the concert was ransacked when found, most likely case is a kidnapping. Any information regarding the pianist and his whereabouts please report to authorities.
Draconic Desire  [In-Progress] 
Dragons for centuries have always been depicted as giant beasts who hoard golds, treasures, and the occasional damsel. That's how it's always been, right? 
One Dragon is a bit more different, as the love it has is for music. Music from centuries, old and new, orchestral and melancholic. This dragon loves music above anything else, and while they never bothered with a live possession. A specific silver haired musician with music unlike any other caught their eye. 
However, the dragon was not expecting an odd brown haired noble girl as a tag-along…
Hamefura Boys Love Scence Dumps 
Just a collection of various yaoi and/or BL pairings of the pretty boys in this series
Sixth Cycle of Scientific Witchery [In-Progress]
Katarina and Alan end up in a park of the ruins they explored and stumble upon a very unexpected hidden room. 
“Alan had a sickly body, nearly dying at the age of five.” That was the backstory and early life of Alan Stuart. However, a sudden collapse makes it evident that his illness wasn’t ever gone.
 My Next Life As A Perfectionist Prince: What Am I Supposed To Do?! ALLEN!!  [In-Progress] 
Princess Riliane, the former sovereign of Lucifina, the former host to the Sin of Pride, and Allen Avadonia's older twin sister, finds herself in the body of none other than Third Prince Geordo Stuart.
She knew her wish was to be reincarnated as Allen's twin again but she wasn't expecting this! What was she supposed to do now?!
 The Girl With Curly Green Hair [In-Progress] 
"Hey! You look just like me!"
"Wow… Who are you?"
"Oh, my name is Prushka, which means the flower of dawn. How about you?"
"O-Oh, my name is Sophia."
An encounter with a girl much like herself, these two girls found something special. An adventure to an unknown world, this adventure will surely be one no one will ever forget…
Shenanigans Go Poof [In-Progress] 
the Modern Highschool AU I'm not sure anyone asked for. Bakarina is still Bakarina and Alan Stuart is right up there with her.
Mythical and Monstrous Reincarnation  
Another Bakarina's AU no one asked for. The mythical creature/hybrid world where all of the characters are half some sort of creature.
And those are all (I hope all) of my stories for Hamefura! This is in celebration of my birthday and how long this series has filled my creative mind to make stories. I hope you enjoy all of these and hey, if you don’t enjoy mine as more (or crave something more or different) here are a few other fanfic masterlists that I personally enjoy: Dulcito, Cutekittenlady, & SixthOctavarium. Plus some Authors I recommends as well (I recommend everyone here) Cyclaes & KarlyHill  
Now we are finally at the end of the post, I hope you enjoyed and I’ll see you in a future post!
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eastofthemoon · 6 years
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Passing The Torch
Rating: G
Summary:  Zarkon, Alfor, Blaytz, Trigel and Gyrgan are use to thinking they are the only paladins of Voltron. However, they begin to realize that won't be the case forever as their lions reveal possible candidates to be their successors.
Author’s Note: So, I’ve decided to take part in @cutekittenlady Black Paladin Zarkon AU which resulted in us writing this fic together. This is just the first chapter of it, hope you all like it.
Lance was beaming as he waved his hands in the air.  “Wow!  Mister Blaytz this is amazing!”
As Blaytz fully anticipated there was silence on the monitor.
“Blaytz, who was that?” Gyrgan asked.
“That was Lance,” Blaytz replied.
Lance peeked over his shoulder and waved at the monitor.  “Hi there!”
“BLAYTZ, WHY IS THERE A CHILD SITTING NEXT TO YOU?!” Zarkon howled as he had the Black Lion fly over the crowd.
“I found him sitting inside Blue,” Blaytz explained as he pulled on the level to prepare for the next move.  “I figure he can join me.”
“Blaytz, you should have let him on the ground,” Trigel growled.  “This is no place for a-”
“Hang on,” Blaytz said quickly.  “Lance, brace yourself, time for Blue’s flip.”
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noromojustkeith · 5 years
Need some lighthearted Keith fics to read in this trying time?
Have some fluffy friendship fic recs!
The Best Smile by Leonardo_Charles_BlueWood_69 (1k+ words, Keith & Lance)
build it bigger than the sun by zenstrike (1k+ words, Keith & Shiro)
Day Forty-Six by kuumai (1k+ words, Keith & Lance)
Embers by Fiery_Mullet (9k+ words, Keith & Krolia)
... Fetch? by Cutekittenlady (<1k words, Keith & the Space Mice)
The Fluffy Secret by Eastofthemoon (16k+ words, Keith & the Team)
Hippo You'd Better Come Home by pinstripedJackalope (3k+ words, Keith & the Team)
I Love You in More Ways Than One by lollipop1141 (1k+ words, Keith & Lance)
it might be love by JadenGrace1 (3k+ words, Keith & the Team)
Keith's 'Physical Contact' Initiation Program by alisayamin (sh_04e) (26k+ words, Keith & the Team)
Lone Wolves by justheretobreakthings (7k+ words, Keith & Kosmo)
Mac’n’Cheese by SerenePhenix (2k+ words, Keith & Shiro)
Memories of Warmth by wingedflower (3k+ words, Keith & Lance)
Miscommunication Celebration by SleepySsnail (4k+ words, Keith & the Team)
No Desert For You by Mikiri (5k+ words, Keith & the Team)
Operation Cookie Drop by cheesethesecond (3k+ words, Keith & Hunk)
put this stuff back where it came from, or so help me by dinosuns (9k+ words, Keith & the Space Mice)
Rubber Ducks by Akira_Jikan (<1k words, Keith & Papa Kogane)
So Hold Me Close by Idhren15 (2k+ words, Keith & the Team)
A Study in Family by moretrash (7k+ words, Keith & the Blade of Marmora)
Things have changed for me (and that's okay) by Glowsquid (1k+ words, Keith & Lance)
Watching the Sunrise by hufflepirate (<1k words, Keith & the Team)
What Comes Not-So-Naturally by SilenceIsGolden15 (4k+ words, Keith & Pidge)
You are home to me by thisfairytalegonebad (6k+ words, Keith & the Team)
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galahadwilder · 5 years
Hey I think someone was a jerk to you, I can't find your note to self link in the tvtropes fanficrecs for ML.
No, it’s still there. Just between “Protective” by @cutekittenlady and “The Rejects Club” by @mikauzoran. (Hey guys guess what? You’re on tvtropes!)
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Animal Companion
read it on the AO3 at Animal Companion
by Cutekittenlady
It's nice to have companion to come home to.
Words: 593, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Lance (Voltron), Pidge | Katie Holt, Space Caterpillars (Voltron)
Relationships: Lance/Pidge | Katie Holt
Additional Tags: Good Things Happen Bingo, animal companion, no beta we die like sven
read it on the AO3 at Animal Companion
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