#Black in Blue Mannequin Challenge
gladiatorofthevoid · 1 year
Rise April Challenge: Day 9 Style
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Ao3 Link: Here
Casey is very clearly nervous as he follows Leo around the dark shopping mall. Leo feels a good amount of sympathy for the kid, as he did come from an ending world full of danger. The kid defiantly has a strong case of PTSD, so the slidder doesn’t mention the way he’s gripping his chainsaw like a lifeline, or how his head has not stopped swiveling around looking for something coming to attack him.
“Do we really need to do this?” Leo rolled his eyes.
“Dude, you’ve been wearing mine and Donnie’s clothes for months now. You need some of your own.”
“Yeah, but..” Casey’s eyes roamed over the clothing racks and mannequins that Leo would admit did look spooky in the dark shadows cast by their flashlights.  
Leo finally stopped and began to ruffle through some shirts. What would look good on the kid? Black looks good on almost anyone, but he kind of wanted to put him in brighter colors too. Light blues and reds could work if paired with some more grounded colors.
“Anything specific you want kid?” He called out.  
“Um...” The kid's eyes wandered helplessly over the rows of clothes.  
“Guess we'll have to try all of them then.” Leo smirked
“Hmm... not bad. Give us a twirl.
“It’s a little tight in the back.”
“All the better to show off what you’ve got to the ladies. Or dudes if they’re your thing.”
“...What am I showing off?”
“Never mind.”  
“That’s not where your head goes.”
“It’s not my fault this thing has so many holes!”
“It’s also backwards.”
“Oh yes! You’ll be turning head’s left and right, king!”
“I don’t know what that means but thank you?”
“No, absolutely not.”
“But Master Leonardo-”
“I’m not getting you a lime green shirt!”
Leo got him the lime green shirt.
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Ao3 Link: Here
Please check out @zee-rambles who came up with this challenge. And take a look at @rise-april-art-challenge for more submissions. Please give feedback if I need to work on something.
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thedrixie · 1 year
I have this thing.... Its going to sound close to fnaf for a bit but its not
This.... thing is called Jollytime entertainment and amusement co. Its a company that started off as a small diner called Jollytime Diner but escalated into a huge restaurant called The Garden show party plaza after an incident at the old location. Inside this company his a whole bunch of sentient animatronics. The incident was, a rivaling company didn’t like how the the Jollytime Diner was thriving while they were loosing business. The reason why Jollytime was more popular then others was because they had five animatronic. Now this diner was aimed towards families, not just children. Unlike other diners at the time, they didn’t have anything that was themed after an animal. Their theming was done around hobbies. So the animatronic staff consisted these five:
Mr Jolly: An around 7ft tall animatronic male that is dressed up in a white suit that is decorated in a confetti pattern on his suit jacket and pants. On the inner layers of his outfit is a white suit vest that has gold trimming and a dark purple shirt. He also wears a light purple tie that has a three balloon clip on the side. Mr Jolly often sang popular music at the time as well as telling fun jokes and riddles. If guests could correctly answer his daily challenge riddle, they could win a special prize that could range from a large balloon from his stage or something large from the prize counter. His bright blue eyes reflected his very cheery personality and his fun sense of humor
Gardener: an around 8ft animatronic male that was dressed in a simple outfit that consisted of a very simple loose, black shirt that was made with some white pants. Around Gardeners waist was a garden tool belt that he was wearing as his stage area was build to resemble a flower garden. Gardeners hair was a bit longer then the average male and was a dark black but his hair was waved in a way where it was hard to tell the length. He often sang songs that were more vered towards nature and places as well as telling many different types of faces every once in a while to keep things fun but educational. In the tree of gardens stage was also an animatronic squirrel and a trio of birds that would do background vocals for Gardeners singing. Gardener had green eyes and was built to be a more muscular type of man. Gardener’s personality was of a slight romantic and a lover of nature.
Mr Baker: about 7,5 ft tall, garden was dressed more for homely baking. He sported a loose baby blue shirt with the sleeves rolled up and white pants as well as some nice house shoes as his stage area was themed after a cozy home kitchen. Mr Baker was more slim then his fellow animatronics but was just as well made. His hair was much longer and was pulled back into a bun. On top of his outfit, he normally wore a more of a frilly type of apron, however, if a child made him an apron during one of the many activities the diner offered, he would wear it over a store bought one. Bakers eyes were a crystal blue and were gentle. During his shows, he sang for food based songs and would tell actual recipes the children could make as he cooked on his stage. Around his stage area, it often smelled of a fresh apple pie or chocolate chip cookies. Baker had a more tender and gentle personality to him as he showed kitchen hospitality
Sean: Standing the shortest of the group at only 6 ft, Sean was dressed with more luxurious and toned down clothes. He wore either a suit vest or some sort of cardigan sweater, matching it with either black or brown dress pants. He also wore a variety of different ties. Sean has short, fluffy dark brown hair and a pair of old glasses sitting on his face. His stage was based off of an old tailors shop. Along the right side of his stage sat a mannequin and a vintage sewing machine. He sang very rarely but when he did it was more fashion based songs. Sean was more known for his banter with the other animatronics. Sean was a little more stuck up but enjoyed his friends company more then anything
Mr Playground: the last of the animatronics, Mr playground stands at the same height as Mr Baker, 7,5. Mr Playground was presented sort of like a fun loving teacher. He often sang songs that were for tilted towards involving the children right after they at and were very catchy as well as learning based. He sported a navy suit but most of the time had his suit jacket off and hanging on a hook in his stage area. He had brown almost blonde short hair and bright hazel eyes. His stage was made to resemble a class room but was more tilted towards a researchers office with maps and globes. He was very peppy and always had a tender smile on his face.
The Jollytime Diner opened their doors in 1963 and offered families a fun experience as well as fine dining. The diners most famous dishes being the Gardener Salad, The Jolly bowl Sunday, Warm Bakers pie, Sean's Shoelace fries and Playgrounds ABC cookies. They became one of the most popular diners and expanded their menu to where you could take it home to elderly loved ones who could travel in. The animatronics were a major fan favorite and brought so much joy to their guests. While they gained business, the competition lost business and at an alarming rate. Obviously their competitors didn’t like that and tried to sabotage them. One competitor hired a few men to break in after hours and steal the main animatronic, Mr Jolly. But the burglars were ambushed by the other four animatronics as they had secret security measures built in. But those men wouldn’t go down without a fight. So upon the next morning, The Jollytime diner founders walked in to find all the men trapped inside still and 4 out of the five animatronics destroyed. Mr Jolly was more then horrified at the sight. Gardener, Mr Baker, Sean, and Mr Playground were decommissioned as they were beyond repair with how much damage they took. When the owners shared the unfortunate new, many of the diners customers were furious but not at them. After the men who broke in made it very clear they were paid to break in, the company that hired them face extreme backlash from the Jollytime Diners patrons. So much so that it caused the opposing company to go bankrupt and close
The founders could not bring themselves to open the diner back one as they had lost their prized animatronics that they considered their children since they put so much work into them and they didn’t just want to replace them. So they bought out the old building that the bankrupt company had to abandon and turned it into their new attraction: The garden show cafe and party plaza which they opened in 1973, ten years after the diners opening. The garden show grew just as popular as they diner did, if not more popular. They expanded on the garden show by airing an actual tv show for people all over to see when they couldn’t visit the plaza in person. The garden show contained its own unique and brand new animatronics. However..... a few months in of the garden show running, a few hidden problems arose....
Do you want to hear more?
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alpona · 2 years
KR Geats episode 6 live blog:
Note: I've been writing these review-ish silly reaction thingies since the 1st episode, but haven't posted them here on Tumblr. But decided to do them from now on, starting with last week's episode. Originally written on the same day episode 6 aired, live while watching.
*Spoiler alert of course*
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- The dessert looks delicious.
- Ace searching online info, so that's what mary ojisan used to do... Well, let's observe Ace-kun's phone for more clues! Simple black cover, Full network full battery, is that telegram?... Nah not much to see.
- hey wait, tell me you finished the dessert before going, Neon-chan! The Food!!
- team swap time, Mary cheated of course, but the draw cards have rider symbol embossed? That's an easy way for cheating, anyone can do it if they try!
- punkjack.. nah, Halloween-chan, the nickname Mary ojisan gave matches perfectly with my silly nickname sense lol
- Ace returned boost buckle to keiwa, good, but let's see how Keiwa ends up NOT using it this time. 🤣
- hmm btw, Ace not only mentored Neon, he's also mentoring (-ish something) Keiwa as well, in his own way. And probably Buffa too.
- oh, so they told Keiwa the trick of this round?
- 'better inconvenience myself than let others suffer' - Ah, I've been around many Keiwas in life... No no, this isn't the time for real deep talk! You saw nothing!
- Stolen. Ah, I'm starting to wonder if this show is actually the tale of "100 times I found you, 100 times I lost you" love story of Tycoon and boost buckle 😑🤣
- nice transition to Buffa flashback. Oh I mean Azuma-kun.
And more detail of the backstory!
- Ah, so other riders stole zombie buckle from his friend. The friend was a rider with...Blue core? Someone with better eyes please tell me what rider it was.
And Geats more likely didn't have a part in it after all, he's the one rider Azuma clearly saw there, and he's more like, venting his anger at Ace.
- Crying Keiwa is a mood! Everyone, let's save this as our wallpaper.
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- heh, look at Ace-kun smiling like a proud father.
- there's quite a few seaside scenes this episode, it's a nice location.
- Woaah! The clock-up/ mannequin challenge action scene looks so cool!
- ohoho, Buffa switched partners at the last moment, that is not a strategy I could think of! Nice!
- So clearly Azuma-kun sees reflections of his dead friend in Keiwa, and he's a tsundere who eneded up helping Keiwa. His hatred for Ace will also disappear eventually.
If things are simple that is. Who knows what a 'world restart' would end up doing.
- yes Keiwa-kun, ask the important questions! So disqualified riders just return to their regular lives... Hmm ok but I'd believe it when I see proof.
Final round so close! Probably in 2 episodes we'll get to it.
Oh, I'm so engrossed in the story n mysteries that I didn't even bother with the fact that it's a competition, we can root for characters to win...? Well, this isn't something I do in general these days anyway, I only 'root for' a good story, no matter which character does what.
But well, are you guys rooting for anyone?
(will be happy to discuss the plot n hundreds of questions!)
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dishtothedeath · 1 year
Solar Cycles [Challenge End 4/?]
Castella falls for what seems like forever, like they've clipped through the floor in a place they shouldn't have, tumbling into a bottomless expanse of nothing. Then, after what seems like forever, the screen goes dark. 
There is an eerie silence that stretches just a little too long, like the pause between one’s final breath and the end, between thunder and lighting before with a snap, the lights return, illuminating a far different scene. 
A stage is set, illuminated by  harsh black, blue and pink lighting with a scattering of white pin lights, evoking a starry night in garish hues. The stage itself is childish in construction, the backing curtains are bed sheets stretched between stacks of chairs to either side. 
Standing in the center of the stage all alone is Castella. The stage is completely empty save for them but they are not alone for long, as two towering mannequins appear from behind the curtains faceless and featureless but dressed in a boring suit and a plain dress respectively. A stereotypical pair of parental types, each one reaching a hand over the stage towards the camera, briefly obscuring it. 
When the hands pull away, the scene has changed. The childish stage is still there, lit in the same garish hues, but piles of props have been put to either side of it. To one side is a mess of children’s stationery and to the other is a heap of fabric and a box spilling over with sewing supplies. Standing in center stage is once again Castella, though dressed in much simpler clothes, an overlarge sweater and shorts evoking a much younger state of being, though they themself have not changed. 
For a moment, nothing happens as Castella glances at the two piles, heart thudding in their chest. If they don’t move, nothing will happen, but… That’s simply delaying an inevitable. They can't stay on this stage forever, this fragment of memory made abstract, broadcast for all to see. With no small amount of hesitation, Castella takes a step towards the fabric pile, assuming they need to work with it-
And are stopped in their tracks by a needle-thin blade piercing their side, the splatter of blood that sprays out dyed an obnoxious pink by the lights. Recoiling from the fabric, Castella stumbles towards the stationary, clutching their side to try and stem the bleeding. There is no pain, no piercing wound this time, but instead a dull, slow applause by the mannequins behind the stage. A rhythmic thudding sound that echoes the one in Castella’s chest as the lights go out, and the scene shifts. 
The stage has changed too, when the bright lights crackle back to life, no longer made of bed sheets and chairs, it is now reminiscent of a school’s auditorium stage, banners to the sides instead of curtains, a podium dead center where a shadowy figure stands watch over the proceedings. Again the stage itself is split into halves, one with a half-made dress  pinned up on a dressmaker’s dummy and the other again covered in books and papers, pens and ink. The background is an endless, repeating row of desks in front of darkened, cracked windows, each one decorated with a wilting flower in a vase.  
Again, Castella stands center stage, though they too have changed, now dressed in an ill fitting blazer and uniform pants, both stained in blood, blood that continues to drip down their side onto the floor. As the scene settles, Castella lingers on the stage, eying the two options while still clutching their wound, and as they take a step forward, trying to toe the line between both halves, a pair of threads materialize around their wrists, stretching onward and upwards into the endless shadows above the stage. Unseen hands tug at the strings, pulling Castella away from the center and towards the books, before they could even think of heading the other direction. The mannequins do not applaud this time, despite the lack of mistakes made, and the curtain and lights fall once more to emptiness. 
The lights flicker this time, crackling to life less easily each time they’re brought back, revealing the stage has again changed, no longer an auditorium but now a true stage, with proper curtains, though the stage dressing itself is rather odd. Part office building, part courthouse, with a judge’s table in the back, but surrounded by office decor, coffeemakers and messy desks. This time there are not two sets of props, there is simply a desk with a chair, a stack of paperwork off to one side. 
Castella stands in the middle of the stage once more in a dress shirt, vest and tie, the matching jacket balled up in their hands to try and stop the bleeding. They pause, as there appears to be no second option on this stage. Not even the illusion of choice.
That’s when it sinks in. There was never any choice, and there never would be. A sickly looking grin spreads across their face as the realization hits, and they take a wobbling step towards the desk. Another set of threads winds its way around them, pulling tight as the unseen hands above drag Castella to their desk. Again there is no applause, only silent stares from the mannequins. Again, the lights go out.
Again they flicker back to life, dimmer and duller with each repetition.
Again, the stage is set with a singular desk in the center, piled higher and higher with paperwork. 
Again, Castella takes a wobbling step towards the desk, shoulders shaking with sobs or laughter as more threads appear, tying tight and dragging them onwards. 
Again and again and again. 
Again and again and again and again and again and again and again. 
Eventually, the strings stop pulling, Castella walking of their own volition to the desk without even noticing. A puppet on heartstrings, waiting for approval that would never come. Watched over eternally by a dying light and empty stares.  
Again and again and again.
Again. The desk is now buried in paperwork.
Again. The lights so dim the room is cast in shades of mind-numbing gray
Again. The mannequins do not react.
The lights go down and come back up, a lifeless fraction of their former glory. Castella is positioned in the middle of the stage again, the strings tight around their limbs, a lifeless marionette bound by others whims. 
But the room is not the same as it always has been. The desk to one side is unchanged, buried in paperwork but the other half of the stage is completely black save for a glowing light in the center. A five pointed star, aglow in the vibrant pinks and blues from earlier, floating just overhead, 
A familiar light.
A light that changed their life. 
So close and yet Castella wasn’t sure they had the strength to grasp it. Not anymore. But what other choice did they have? Sit at the desk, for the millionth time? Go mad from the paperwork piled up around them, the court documents they couldn’t stand to read? Waiting for those mannequins to finally acknowledge their efforts? 
No.  Not anymore. Never, ever again. 
A step to the right, towards the glowing light. They had to, they had to reach it-
Again their deviation of the path is punished, a razor sharp pain as another needle-like blade pierces them, and again the threads pull taught, trying to drag them towards the desk. 
But this time, Castella stands strong, taking another step and then another towards the half of the room with the light, each step resulting in another injury, another stab wound as more needles jut from the darkness and into them. Each step resulted in the strings pulling tighter, trying to drag them back into line, but still Castella fought them, arms outstretched for the light. 
Just a little more. Each step is progress. Each step, threads are cut by the same blades that wound Castella, weakening the hold on them. 
They reach for the light, teetering ever closer even as they’re pierced again and again, a look of frantic determination as they nearly claw for the light, taking one final step, on the edge of the stage and
One final blade finds its mark in their chest, right through their heart, severing the last thread that bound them.
Clutching that precious light to their chest, they crumple and then fall, tumbling out of sight into the abyss surrounding the stage, a tear stained smile frozen forever on their face and in your mind. 
Strings cut and a puppet no longer, a star falls out of sight, lost forever.
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nunesbytko · 2 years
Netflix - Dahmer- Monster - The Jeff Dahmer Story- Episode Four - “The Good Boy Box”
Present Back to Jeff's arrest.
  Police go through Jeff's childhood home, the garden, and find his first victims bones scattered there. He scattered them because he wanted Steven to still be around.
  Does anyone believe that Jeff didn't kill again for nine years??? I don't!!!
Trying to be a good boy my ass!
  Hijacking the photo lol! They blacked him out!
  Lionel planned to bring Sherri back to face off with Joyce. Yeah. That sounds healthy for Jeff to watch. Lionel can be such a petty asshole. Lionel you dumped Jeff to hook up with your flozzie. You haven't called or seen your son in months and have the audacity to walk in and have a go at Jeff!
  Lionel starts bitching about Joyce being a crappy mother, but Lionel you've done jack shit for Jeff as well. Pot kettle black. Lionel just refuses to take any responsibility! Your son has been falling  apart while you've been banging your "hot babe"
  I'm cry laughing everytime Jeff looks at Sherri over this coffee table.
�� Lionel is pissed that Jeff didn't go to college, but Lionel if you had fucking been there like a father would, you should have been on his ass and helping him with applications. It's no use coming in now and trying to save his education. It's too late.
  Community college sounds like a great idea Sherri!
  I honestly thought Jeff was going to say some kind of racial slur about community college.
  Man he's going to tell Lionel about Steven???
Lionel had to stop this. This is a coffee shop. But Lionel should have taken him home, or fishing alone, and just let Jeff speak.
  His dad paid for Ohio college. He doesn't show up for lessons and gets expelled. His Dad is pissed Jeff's headed to the army.
So he comes back in his little Army suit, and Lionel and Sharri are in shock. It's a cute scene and I thought. Maybe Jeff's changed!!!
He hasn't. He using a drug called Halcion to drug his army colleagues, his friends! He's off to Germany next week.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------   Months later his enraged Dad drives him to his Grandmothers. He's been discharged from the army. I feel like his dad is sending him to his grandmothers as a punishment.
  Where are the blue contact lenses???
Lovely scene with him and his grandmother and the box. He also kind of tries to tell her that something is off. She responds with church. She's sweet.
  Butcher shop with Wally. Jeff has a job! 
  We're back to the mannequin scene! Oh shit Grandma!
  Oh god lovely Grandma is challenging him about the mannequin! Shit this is sooooo embarrassing for him! She's talking about getting him help and  church and Jeff losing it. This is the first time we've seen him angry like this. He shouts in her face. It's a horrible scene. She just wants to help him.
  I'm worried that he'll hurt Grandma!
  LOL she threw his boyfriend away and he's pissed and smashing glasses! Jeff needs to move the hell out! He can't speak to his grandma like that!!!!
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   God Jeff and the beer tent at the fair. He was "Indecent" at the fair. With kids around! This guy is so fucked up. He's arrested. He gets fired from the butchers. But gets a job at a clinic. He's going to get turned on the by the blood, you just know it!
  He's drinking blood???? 
WTF super dangerous!!!!!!
------------------------------------------------------------------ Jeff at the gay bars lol!!!!
OHHHHH!!! The bathouses!!!!
  Hot dudes just walking around Naked!!!!
Jeff pretending to be all new to sex.
  Did they do more or just cuddles?
  Nooow Jeffie is a regular at the bars and the bathouse.
  He gets kicked out of the bathhouse when they realise he's drugging guys. Shit. one guy nearly died!!!!
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I think Grandma is going to kick him out.
  Don't show him your moves  Jeff, you' ll scare the cutie away!
  He's drugged himself! Jeff you dumbass!!
The hotel murder, I forgot about this one!
  Man of the house!!! Jeff you're a bum that lives with Granny, like what Man????
? The hotel guy {Steven's } Head is now in his father's old chemistry box. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Notes
Notice that in the beginning a lot of his victims were white, what changed? 
Shoutout to Ricky! The guy that kicked Jeff out the bathhouse. I think he would have killed him if no-one was there! 
   Loved the scenes between Lionel Sherri and Jeff!
  These episode feel like mini movies!
  I really hoping that he'd changed in the army. He was given soooooooooo many chances to make things right.
  Maybe if Lionel had listened, maybe things could have been different!
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Little Black Dress
Bucky x Reader
Summary: Bucky has had a lot of trigger words throughout his life, but he never thought he would find a new one- until you uttered it.
Word count: 2,938
Warnings: mean girls, language, body insecurities angst, fluff, many alludes to sex, Bucky being a romantic.
A/N: this is for Kas' writing challenge @wkemeup congrats on 10k followers! You are incredible and deserve all the love! My prompt was: A is feeling insecure about how they look. When B asks what's wrong, A attempts to explain but B is genuinely confused because they can't imagine a world in which A is anything but perfect.
A/N2: did I insert Taylor lyrics in between? Maybe… But You Are In Love and Fearless are superior. Also, shit got deep and real here. This is not beta read, sorry!😅
No one is allowed to repost my writing or steal or copy my work! Reblog on tumblr is fine.
It all started with a stumble, but then again- doesn't it always?
You were walking down the sunny street, book in hand, with the wind surrounding you as you went forward.
On your right, the door to a bar opened with a thud and you looked up to see two men walking out an elderly man who has been clearly drinking all morning. You heard him when you passed by the bar, turning your head to him.
"Excelsior!" his words were slurred but the sight still made you laugh. You however didn't get the chance to laugh when you stumbled forward, hand shooting forward to block your fall to the ground. Those hands ended up being set on a chest. A very firm chest. You looked up to the man who caught you from falling and were met with beautiful blue eyes.
"Are you okay? He asked and straightened you up, both of his hands on your waist.
You managed to tear your eyes away from him, you quickly nodded.
"Yes, thank you." You smiled shyly at him, blushing when you realized your hands were still on his chest. You quickly moved them away just as he moved his gloved hands away from you.
He bent down to pick up the book that fell out of your hands.
"The Hobbit? Good choice." He winked at you when he handed it back to you.
"Thanks, I've heard great things about it, so I finally decided to buy it and read it." You looked at the book, frowning when you remembered you didn't place a bookmarker in it. You chuckled lightly, looking at him before continuing, "It's great so far, but I didn't bookmark it so now I lost my page."
"You're on page 106," the man racked his hand through his hair and straightened up his red shirt.
"And how do you know that?" feeling amused, you opened the book to the page he said only to find it to be the exact page you were in. You frowned, remembering you shut the book when you felt yourself falling.
"I just have very good eyesight," he once again ruffled his hair as he stuttered, "and memory… sorry if that made it weird." He scrunched his nose and you couldn't help but think of how cute he is.
"It's okay, it's not weird- pretty impressive actually." You held the book in your hands before smiling at him and taking a step back. "Well, I should go… thank you again."
You put a hand on his arm before moving past him and continuing your walk down the street.
Bucky stood in place for a moment after you left, chuckling to himself he walked forward with you still in his thoughts. After all that he has been through, being an assassin and a spy taught him to be calculated, think things through and be confident in his actions.
But he didn't know you, so why did he feel the need to turn around and go to you?
It made no sense, and yet he did just that.
He turned around and ran until he caught up to you and stood in front of you. With surprised eyes and a questioning brow, you looked at him, awaiting for what he has to say.
"Hi," he extended a hand to you with a charming smile that had you melting. "I'm Bucky."
And that's what started it all.
It was a few months later that you walked with Bucky back to your apartment after another wonderful date night. He had told you who he is early on and he swore that he fell for you faster after you reacted well to it and reassured him that you still want this- whatever this is. The two of you decided to take things slow, Bucky liked courting you properly and you didn't mind at all, it was obvious that your feelings for him grew and that you were quick to fall in love with him, and it was obvious that he returned the same feelings. Lately the tension felt heavier, the need was stronger, and with every lingering touch and every glance at your lips, you knew that tonight will be it. Your first kiss. Sure enough when Bucky stood at your doorstep you felt it coming, you saw it in his blue eyes, felt it in the air, and heard it in your heart. A million thoughts raced on your head in slow motion, fear clouded them when Bucky turned to look at you. What if he will regret this? What if this is a mistake and he will leave? What if you weren't good enough for him? You looked into his eyes as he pulled you in and it gave you the bravery to push all of those thoughts out and focus on the man in front of you, and so you wrapped your arms around his neck and leaned in to meet him in the middle. It's the first kiss, it's flawless and you let it take over you, fearless.
Since then, when your relationship got official, things went ever upwards. You learned more about one another, you grew closer; you laughed, you cried; you fought, and you talked; you said I love you, and he always said it back.
"Definitely not that one!" you laughed when Bucky pulled a sparkling dress that was sure to blind someone out of the rack. His laugh was music to your ears, booming and made his eyes crinkle, he was gorgeous.
Bucky put the hideous thing back in place and continued walking with you, hand in hand, looking for a perfect dress for Tony's party.
You were looking around when you passed a mannequin wearing a gorgeous little black dress- one that you wish you could wear. You let your eyes linger on it as you passed by it, not looking at Bucky who noted your gaze on the dress, and yet despite that you did not stop to Bucky's surprise.
"Okay how about we divide and conquer? You go find yourself a suit, I will go try to find a decent dress."
"Sounds good, Doll, just don't get lost here." You laughed as he winked and went to the other side of the shop.
You went through the various clothing items when you came across the dress that you saw earlier, it was black, basic and yet so special; on the mannequin it looked perfect and yet you couldn't help but wonder if it would look good at your body, it was a lovely dress but what if you will ruin it by wearing it? It would be so pretty, just not on you.
You went on to try and find dresses that will fit you better.
Bucky was in the men's section where he picked out an outfit when a saleswoman walked up to him with a big smile on her face.
"Hello, would you like any help?" she asked him and he saw the way the woman looked over his body shamelessly. He was about to shake his head when he saw you still picking out dresses.
"A handsome guy like you deserves the best suits, let me show you some that would flatter you," she put a hand on his bicep.
Across the room you saw the sight and your face fell, you knew Bucky wouldn't do anything but still seeing other girls flirt with him made your blood boil and insecurities rise. You never told Bucky about these feelings, what would be the point? You quickly decided to wrap it up and take the pretty purple dress you found, it's more in your comfort zone, it's probably better.
Bucky laughed nervously before backing away from the girl and looking at her.
"Actually, I was hoping you could save a certain dress for my girlfriend." He smiled when he saw her face fall a bit, stuttering, she only nodded.
Only a few minutes later he met you at the counter, eyeing the dress you picked before giving you a quick kiss on the cheek. The girl in from earlier appeared, you saw the way she looked at you when Bucky put his hand around you, Bucky only smiled at you, his arm still around you as you exited the store.
Putting you on his motorcycle, you wrapped your arms around him as he drove you home, but the thoughts would not leave your head.
"Doll, I need to go on a couple of errands before the party, so I'll meet you in the tower before?" you took off your helmet and nodded at him.
"I'll see you there." With a kiss he was gone out of your sight.
You stepped into the avengers tower with a bag with your dress and essentials inside it a couple of hours later, going to rest a bit with Bucky before the event starts and you'll both have to get dressed.
You got inside the elevator, sighing as you leaned against the back of the elevator, and then mentally groaning when the elevator doors opened up yet again only one floor later.
"I think it is just rubbish, there is no way." One of the two girls who walked in said to the other.
"I'm telling you, that's what I heard!" the two girls were with their backs towards you, they probably didn't notice you were there at all as they continued to gossip. "Sergeant Barnes has a girlfriend now, I heard Dot talking and apparently she is totally not on his level."
"I bet he is with her because of pity, it will never last," The blonde snickered. "Do you think he will be at the party tonight? Maybe we could talk to him, who knows what might happen."
Her friend nodded and you felt your heart sink down, suddenly this elevator was too crowded for you.
"That bitch will probably run home crying by the end of it." You thanked the gods when the elevator opened at their floor.
Holding the tears back, you quickly pressed the close button so no one else will get into the elevator as you went to Bucky- you had to keep it together, for him. You know he loves you, he will make it all go away.
And when you reached his floor, his smile immediately made your eyes shine as you happily jumped into his embrace.
"What took you so long, Doll?"
"Are you sure we have to go?"
"But do we have to? You're a supersoldier, you can protect us!" you giggled when he poked your sides. The two of you were tangled up in bed sheets, too comfortable with each other's presence to move away, your bodies were pressed together with his arms securing you to him and you wished you could stay like this forever.
"I will protect you no matter what, doll, but I promised to come to that stupid party and I can't be there without you," he kissed down your neck slowly, knowing just how to get to you. "Plus, I have a surprise for you."
"Oh? Is that so?" you raised an eyebrow at him.
"Mhm," he kissed up your neck again so he could look at you. "I would love to stay here like this and spend the night worshipping you, but I am really looking forward to this surprise- I promise that I'll worship you afterwards."
"I will hold you to that promise, Sergeant!" you laughed as he got up from the bed and went towards his closet. When he came back you saw that he carried a bag from the same store that you were in today. "What is this?"
"Go on, open it." Hesitantly, you opened the bag and you faltered when you saw what was inside, the little black dress you had your eyes on.
"How did you-"
"I saw you staring at it, so I got it for you." He sat down next to you again and pulled the material out of the bag. "I don't know why you didn't take it, but I would love to see you wear it, give me a show?"
He wiggled his eyebrows and despite your internal struggle you nodded at him as you went to change in the bathroom.
When you came back into the room, Bucky's eyes turned a shade darker, and all he wanted to do was take that dress off of you. You paid no mind to him as you walked over to the full length mirror, moving your hands across your body and assessing yourself as Bucky's gaze followed every move you made.
"Doll, you look-" you barely heard him though when you voiced your thoughts to the mirror.
"I am so ugly, this dress looked beautiful on the mannequin it's a shame I'm ruining it." You said as a matter of fact, "I think I will wear the dress that I picked, it's better."
Bucky's eyes snapped up from your ass to the back of your head as you continued looking at the reflection, taken aback by what you said so calmly.
Bucky has had a lot of trigger words throughout his life as the winter soldier, after getting rid of those he never thought he would find a new one until you uttered the word-
"Ugly." You shrugged, "I could give it to Natasha- she would love it."
"What did you just say?" Bucky rose up from the bed, and at the tone change of his voice you turned around to him.
He just couldn't wrap his head around it. You, his girl, the girl he knew he was going to spend the rest of his life with; the girl who took his heart so quickly he wondered if maybe it was always yours; You, the girl who he is certain must be a goddess, the girl that is so beautiful he is certain he would be distracted in a battlefield by; the girl who smiles at him and takes his breath away; the girl who can shatter any bad day he has only by the smell of her perfume and her words; You, that girl, was right now standing in front of him calling herself things he could never associate with her.
"What do you mean, Bucky?" you got confused at the slight anger in his blue eyes, it wasn't at you, but you still saw it there.
"Don’t you dare call my girl ugly," he said it so strongly you were afraid you would upset him, you didn't mean for your insecurities to slip into his view- you didn't mean to say it in front of him.
"Bucky, but it's true. I know that you love me as I am, but I can't really ignore this, I mean- look at me." You pointed to the mirror behind you with a small nervous chuckle. "It's okay."
"Doll, it's not okay, what are you talking about? You're gorgeous!" you wrapped your arms around yourself, suddenly feeling too exposed and it was not because of the dress.
"Bucky, I'm not- maybe you just don't see it, but I do. Love can make you blind." You didn't know exactly what to say to make this conversation go away, and from the determined look in Bucky's eyes you knew avoiding and escaping was not an option. You lowered your eyes down.
Bucky sighed, taking a moment to collect himself as he studied your body language before taking a step forward and bringing your chin up so you would look at him, caressing your cheek.
"I'm sorry doll, I didn't mean to attack you- I just can't have you talking like that about my best girl." He pressed a soft kiss on your forehead, staying close so you could see the sincerity in his eyes. "Do you always feel this way?"
You only nodded the best you could with his hand holding your chin up.
"Why didn't you talk to me about this?"
"What's there to talk about? You didn't need to see this, this is just the situation, this is just how I see it, this is just a fact." You shrugged.
"Doll, this is not a fact, this is self hatred." Bucky shook his head, he could not imagine a world in which you are anything but perfect, "I know it's hard to accept yourself doll, but I need you to know that you are beautiful and absolutely breathtaking in this dress."
Bucky turned you around towards the mirror, wrapping his arms securely around you before letting his hands roam your body which he spent nights memorizing.
"Don't say that word again, doll give me the chance to show you what I see." With a shuddering breath you nodded at him as he continued to shower you with praise that made your cheeks warm.
"Does that mean we are not going to the party?" you chuckled as a small smile rose on your lips.
"Oh no, we are definitely going to the party," he whispered in your ear. "I am going to show you off to every single person there, point out every guy and girl that stare at you, longing and jealous, and then make sure they all know that you are mine, gorgeous." He sealed that with a soft kiss on your lips. When you tried to kiss him again he pulled away. "Hmm, I just had a great idea."
"What is it?" a mischievous smile grew on his face.
"I think we should angle the mirror towards the bed." If your cheeks weren't hot before, they were burning now.
Tags: @callmeluna @sstanbarnes @buckys-other-punk @drabblewithfrannybarnes @easygoingtheatre @that-one-person @justab-eautifulmess @onceupona-happilyeverafter @wipplogg @supraveng @samwilsons-pillowpecs @ayybtch @kitkatd7 @chrissquares @make-me-imagine
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twinkleimagines · 3 years
*What's my name?*
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Day 2 request challenge- I don’t know if I’m the only one thinking about this but I’m pretty sure drew has a daddy kink 🤭something in him screams “dom”. anyway, thanks for coming to my ted talk (I’m asking you to write some smut about this PLEASE) Love you
2.4k words.
⚠️WArning: sex toys, oral, spanking, and choking smut included. ⚠️
“Good morning Princess” Drew, your boyfriend of one year spoke as he walked into your shared kitchen, his eyes landing on your bare legs as you stood cooking breakfast in only his Large t-shirt.
“Morning” You responded, giving him a quick smile before turning back to flip the peace of bacon you were currently frying up.
“I’d like to go look at some stuff today” he replied, wrapping his arms around your waist, placing his head on your shoulder.
“Yeah like what?” you asked, not taking your eyes away from the sizzling grease.
“Some toys” he responded. You furrowed your brows together before raising them back up, realizing what he meant.
“Oh yeah?” You asked, shifting a little against him so your round bum pressed against him.
“Yes princess. I want to please my good girl” He responded before taking a step away from you, slapping his hand down on your bottom before walking bout out of the kitchen.
“We’ll leave after breakfast okay “ He responded as he walked back towards the bedroom, quickly getting in the shower.
It was a nice bright afternoon in LA, you and Drew Walking down through town, him in a white t-shirt and jeans, you batching with a floral white crop top and blue denim shorts. He towered over you, most of the time his hand in your back pocket, not only for his own pleasure, but also to let anyone else wanting to stare that you were his.
Drew had a very very dominant side to him and you had a very submissive side to you. You were like the perfect puzzle piece. He wanted to be in control all the time and you wanted to be controlled.
“In here” Drew instructed as he rounded the corner to see a very colorful decorated building.
You could definitely tell it was an adult sex shop. You were surprised Drew was so confident to go in there but you didn’t hesitate to follow, your eyes widening when you walked in. There were mannequins placed around the store with lingerie and costumes that weren’t meant for outside the bedroom, shelves placed alongside the wall with porn DVDs, glass containers that looked like would be holding jewelry in it but instead it was showcasing different sized dildos and vibrators, even a few vibrating rings.
“ooh I like this one” You spoke out excitedly as you looked at purple chromed vibrator, looking up at Drew with pleading eyes.
You continued to walk the store, already with your mind set on a few things before Drew finally spoke up on something he liked. It was a thick black collar that had a leash attached to it. You bit your bottom lip , the image of him using that on you running through your head.
“C’mon princess im ready to go home” Drew said with a low deep tone. You smirked, knowing that when his voice got deep like that then that meant he was horny.
You stayed quiet as you watched him pay for the few items you had picked out and then the one item he chose. If you were being honest though, you would’ve gladly only left with the item he picked out.
The ride home was pretty silent, not awkward or uncomfortable, but peaceful as you had your feet up against the dash board, his hand placed firmly on your thigh.
As you walked inside, holding onto your one bag from the store, Drew followed behind with his eyes focused intensely on your swaying hips, his mind only focused on one thing.
How he was going to fuck the shit out of you.
“Drew baby where do you want me to-“ You were abruptly stopped by his hand wrapping around your throat, causing you to gasp at the feeling of the pressure form his large hand.
“I want you-“ he spoke , pulling you up close to him . “- to undress” he demanded, his eyes darkened with lust. You gulped loudly , staring into his cunning eyes waiting for him to let you go so you could do as you were demanded. He did as so, feeling your throat open up just a little bit as he removed his hand.
You took a few steps back, pulling your top over your head before sliding your shorts down, revealing to Drew that you had in fact no panties on. Drew cocked his head to the side, his eyes gliding up your body before landing on yours.
“You went out in public with no panties?” You couldn’t help the small grin forming in the corner of your lips. It was on purpose of course solely because you knew what type of reaction Drew would give you.
“Hmm” he responded before stepping forward replacing your previous spot. “You know what happens when you’re a naughty girl like that right?” He asked, his hand sliding down your stomach and placing firmly on your heated core. You gasped slightly as he applied much needed pressure, pulling up some giving friction to your core.
“What if someone saw you?” he asked before removing his hand again. He reached behind you unclipping your bra and then stepping back to watch it loosely fall off your shoulders, your perky nipples pointed back at him.
You stood still as you watched him reach over int the bag he had gotten from the sex shop , while you stood completely naked and vulnerable. You let out a shaky breath as you stared at the Black leather Collar and leash that he had picked out himself. The collar itself had a red colored cushion underneath it to prevent any pain from it, and the leash itself was thick, more like a belt. He then grabbed the black rope you yourself had picked out.
“Come here princess” He demanded, which as usual you obliged. You stared up at his beautiful face as you watched him concentrate on putting the collar on you, buckling it firmly around your neck. ‘On your knees” he then instructed, pointing at the couch. You walked over towards the couch, placing your hands up against the back as you’re your knees dug into the cushion.
Drew reached over grabbing one of your hands pulling it behind your back before grabbing the other one , tying them together. At this point your chest was pressed against the back of the couch as you tried holding yourself up, no longer hav8ng the support from your hands.
“Hmm” Drew hummed, more to himself as he looked at you for a second, questioning his next move.
“Okay come over here, lay your head over the arm rest” He demanded, pointing towards the side of the couch. You struggled to scoot over, Drew helping you turn yourself around. Within a few minutes you were laid down across the couch, your hands behind your back as your head hanged over the arm rest with your hair flowing down to the ground.
You bit your bottom lip as your eyes followed Drew as he made his way to the side where your head was, lining his crotch up with your face.
“You gonna be a good girl and suck Daddy off?” He asked as he looked down while unbuckling his belt. You nodded with anticipation, only for Drew to place his hand on your face, squeezing slightly against your cheeks.
“Use your words Princess” he implied. It made your clit throb as the nickname he gave you rolled off his tongue before you nodded again.
“Yes Daddy” You responded, your eyes not leaving his. He finished pulling his rock hard member outside his pants, the tip tapping against the tip of your nose.
“Open “ he commanded as he held his head against your bottom lip. You hesitated for a second before slowly opening your mouth, Drew immediately sliding himself towards the back of your throat. Drew’s mouth gaped open as he felt your warm tongue sliding down his member, your throat slightly bulging as he pushed further in, the feeling being ecstatic.
He pulled all the way back out, a string of saliva trailing from his tip to your throat. You swallowed deeply before opening again, letting him slide back in, this time when he went to pull out he didn’t pull out as far, rocking his hips slowly back and forth in your mouth. He reached over, twisting your left nipple in between his fingers as his other hand pressed slightly against your throat right above where the collar was placed, holding your head in place as he continued grinding his hips against your mouth.
“Fuck princess your pretty mouth feels so good” He groaned out as you gagged around him. He continued moving a few more times feeling his climax build before he pulled out fully, not wanting to cum just yet. He stared down at your body for a second, your flawless body laid out only for him. He loved it. Knowing you were all his and if wanted you would let him practically let him do as he pleases with you because your only focus was pleasing him.
He shook his head almost in disbelief as he realized how blessed he was to have someone as perfect as you . He Walked around towards your feet, grabbing you by your hips, helping you flip over. He pulled against your hips some, causing your bare ass to stuck up in the air, and your face deep into the cushion.
“You’re so perfect princess” Drew praised has his hands rubbed against your cheeks before his thumb ran up your soaking wet slit. You moaned out loudly, your body desperately in need of being touched. Drew smirked, excited on how much you squirmed against his finger. He leaned down, letting his tongue now glide up the same path his thumb was just in, your sweet savory taste lingering against his tongue. He placed his thumb firmly against your clit, rubbing circles as his tongue went side to side against your hole, teasing you from what you really wanted.
You closed your eyes in pure bliss, leaning back some against his mouth pleading for more. Drew leaned over your back, his boner poking your thigh as he inserted his two middle fingers into you, curving up while his lips touched the top of your ear.
“You’re daddy’s good girl aren’t you princess?” He asked as he watched your face scrunch together as he continued moving his fingers vigorously.
You could only moan out, your eyes squeezed shut as you concentrated on the pleasure you were receiving.
“I’m close” you cried out, your hands clenching into fists as you just wanted to reach back and at least touch Drew so badly.
You were quickly deprived of releasing though when Drew removed his hand from you, sitting himself up. You looked over your shoulder, a frown noticeable on your face. Drew pulled his shirt over his head before pushing his pants and boxers down, his dick slapping against his abs. He leaned over towards the table, grabbing the leash that came with the collar before hooking it up.
He propped himself up on one knee on the couch before pulling wrapping the leash around his wrist a few times until it pulled against the collar towards him, causing you to arch your back with your head lifted. Your mouth flew open as Drew finally inserted himself in you, stretching your walls around him. He began thrusting his hips at a much faster and harder pace than he was doing previously, one hand placed against your lower back s the other continued holding the leash up towards his chest, keeping your body arched back towards him.
“So fucking hot” he groaned out, his eyes roaming your body to see how perfect you looked completely under his control. You could feel pressure against your throat, not in a painful way but in a pleasurable way, causing your climax to once again build up.
“Please Drew “ You whined wanting him to be more rough with you. Drew immediately tugged on the leash, pulling your body even further back towards him . He had practically growled at you for calling him that.
“Now princess-“ He said with disappointment, his hips now moving painfully slow. “ What’s my name?”
“Daddy” You replied, but not in a satisfying way. He completely slowed down his movements at this point, just barely moving himself in and out of your before slamming his free hand down on your cheek, causing you to wince out in pain.
“I said, What’s my name!” He spat out at you.
“Fuck , Daddy!” you cried out. Drew smirked before he began thrusting his hips back at the pace he was at before. He leaned down, his hand holding him up against the arm of the couch as his other was against your neck, holding you up against him. He continued bucking his hips into you, his tip hitting exactly where you wanted each time while his lips moved against yours as he faced your face towards him.
“You gonna cum on Daddy’s dick?” He questioned, more like suggested , his breathing becoming fast and irregular as he built his own self up. “oh god yes!” you cried out as you felt your walls clenching around him, your clit pulsing as you felt yourself climaxing.
As Drew felt you tightening around him, he groaned loudly in your ear as his thrust became irregular, his load shooting inside of you. He kissed along your shoulder as he rode out his high before coming to a stop, pulling himself out. Your head lowered down onto the arm as you tried to catch your breath, Drew admired the sight of you, a red hand print against your cheek as his cum mixed with yours began to flow back out of you. He quietly removed the collar from you, the rope next as he grabbed a wash cloth from the pamper room, helping clean the both of you up.
“Baby, that was so fucking hot” you breathed out as you leaned your head against the back of the couch.
“Yeah?” he asked, almost as if he was unsure if you were enjoying it or not.
“God yes” you laughed out.
“Want to go get a shower with me ?” He asked, with a sly smirk forming across his face. You grinned knowing what he had in mind before nodding, following him into round 2.
Feedback, like and reblog is always appreciated ❤️
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julz117 · 4 years
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It was this or “Dark Blue” by Jack’s Mannequin.
0 notes
tobastreasury · 2 years
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[Image ID: A flag with five equal stripes. From top to bottom, these colors are bright aqua, light blue, dark blue, dark red, and light red. End ID]
A xenogender related to colorful ball gowns!
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Another gender coined for @/xenozandshite‘s coining challenge bc I had fun with the first one. Here’s my palette:
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[Image ID: A rectangular image with five stripes. From left to right, these stripes are bright aqua, light blue, dark blue, dark red, and light red. The bright aqua stripe is labelled in black, saying “00FFC5”, and underneath in smaller text, “Sea Green Crayola”. The light blue stripe is labelled in black, saying “ADF5FF”, and underneath in smaller text, “Blizzard Blue”. The dark blue stripe is labelled in white, saying “0075A2”, and underneath in smaller text, “CG Blue”. The dark red stripe is labelled in white, saying “481620”, and underneath in smaller text, “Dark Sienna”. The light red stripe is labelled in white, saying “D55672”, and underneath in smaller text, “Cinnamon Satin”. End ID]
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Some images for the idea I have for this gender under the cut!
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<Source> [Image ID: A side view of a white woman with curly brown hair that reaches her shoulders. She is wearing a puffy bright blue and purple sparkly ballgown. Both her arms are raised and she is holding a bunch of bright pink and dark blue flowers in her far hand. End ID]
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<Source> [Image ID: Two mannequins and a white woman wearing wearing the same dress: a sparkly, puffy ballgown with streaks of pink, blue, yellow, orange, and green. The center mannequin is facing forwards, with it’s hands held together in front of it. The second mannequin to the left is from behind, and shows a puffy, layered bow at the back of the dress in the same streaked colors. Both mannequins have a ball of the same fabric as the dress at the top of their necks in place of a head. To the right, a side view of a white woman wearing the same dress and a pair of short, white gloves. She is holding a bunch of white, yellow, orange and purple flowers. End ID]
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sparklingchan · 4 years
The Prince and I || Jeong Yunho(Ateez)
Pairing : Reader (fem.) x Yunho.
Word count : 9.2k+
Warnings : Cuss words, minor injuries, Yunho BEING A FLUFFBALL!!
Genre : Fluff, angst, Arranged marriage au, Royal au.
Description : Your marriage to Prince Yunho feels like nothing less than a fairytale - but a fairytale is incomplete without a villain, right?
A/N:  This fic took longer than I thought it would lol  
This is a part of the holiday treats event conducted by kafenetwork.          This fic is for the lovely Anna! I hope you like it and I hope it didn’t disappoint. I’m sorry I cannot tag you here because this site always decides to eat up my posts with tags in it :((
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"This wedding dress is a little expensive, granny."
The silky cloth slips away from in between your fingers, as quick as sand. You hadn't ever touched a piece of cloth as beautiful and smooth as this one, really. In fact, you'd never ever seen anything like the dress presented before you at the moment. And well, as much as you want to buy it, you knew you couldn't. Not unless you use up all your life's savings.
"I'm sure Ms. Claire here could find us something less...royal." you mutter again when your Grandmother doesn't respond.
Ms. Claire, the owner of the elegant boutique you find yourself standing in this morning, smiles at you sheepishly. "Oh, what nonsense! You will be married into a royal family, y/n. I cannot have you wear a normal wedding dress."
You sigh, turning away from the mannequin that donnes your dream wedding dress and crouching down to speak to your granny, "Granny, we won't have any money left if we buy this."
Your grandmother has been in the wheel chair for as long as you could remember. But she has more energy and life in her than most young people out there, including you. She's like this ball of sunshine who adores you to death. And now that the most important event of your life is slowly coming close with every passing day, you find her enthusiasm increasing likewise. She would wake up every morning and coax you to work out and do your skin care routine every night before bed. Today too, she forced you to allow her to tag along on your last shopping trip before your big day. Though you never say it out loud, your grandmother is nothing short of an angle. And you'd do anything to make her happy.
"I have saved up enough money to buy three such dresses, y/n." Your grandmother says as you lean down , "Miss Claire, pack this one up please."
Miss Claire nods and smiles at your granny, "Surely, madam."
Her assistant takes away the mannequin to get it packed up and billed.
You sit on the small couch present in the room as your eyes roam around the room full of pretty dresses and veils and shoes. It feels surreal all of a sudden, as if you were in a day dream you'd often think about as a teenager.
"What? Do you want anything else? I have enough money for that too." Your grandmother chimes in, rolling the wheelchair a little towards you, "Should we buy one for your mom too?"
Your mom, though equally excited for your wedding as your grandmother, was more on the realistic side. She'd give you a reality check ever so often - about husbands and in-laws and everything surrounding it. You're also not very sure your mom would appreciate spending so much money on dresses in a single day, especially when your wedding stands only four days away.
"No, granny, mom has enough dresses." You run a soothing hand through her grey and thin hair, "Aren't you tired? We've been out for a long time now."
"Do I look tired to you? " she raises an eyebrow, her eyes wrinkling up as she smiles at you sweetly. She's such an adorable little woman that it makes your heart melt everytime she looks at you.
"No," you roll your eyes, "Guess we can go and pick up Maya's dress while we're at it."
"Maya as in your best friend? The annoyingly loud girl from your college?" You snort at your granny's choice of words to describe your best friend.
You hear Miss Claire call you towards the payment counter and before you could move a finger, your granny races you to it.
"Come on, girl, what are you- eighty?" She teases you with a loud chuckle.
And still, you may not say it out loud , but your granny is your whole world. And when you are married off into the royal family of your father's old hometown, the only person you'll miss badly is probably your sweet old grandmother.
Later that evening, after dropping your grandma back home, you decide to walk to your best friend's apartment which is located just a few blocks away from yours. You carry her dress with you but deep down, you know that's not the only reason as to why you wanted to visit her this late at night.
"I need advice. "
"About what?"
"Marriage and life. "
Your best friend's eyes widen at your words. Her lips part as if she wanted to comment something but then stopped herself. "Maya, dude please. I'm terribly scared and I can't talk to anyone else at home." You admit, playing with the hem of your dress. A sudden sense of embarrassment and shyness washes over you but you push all that away before they get the best of you.
Maya puts down her dress on the bed.
"Y/n, I could give you all the advice in the world but believe me, you won't be able to apply it practically. I married a normal man from a normal family. We live in a cozy apartment in a city. But for you, it's different. You'll not marry a common person- you're marrying a prince for God's sake. A Crown Prince on top of that. You'll be living in a castle far away in the mountains. I don't know how my advice would be of any help here, y/n." Maya says, her hand gently patting yours.
You shift in your place, the bed creaking softly beneath you.
Maya is unarguably right - her advice won't be useful in your case. In fact, no one's advice would be useful to you unless they've had a first hand experience with an arranged marriage and a royal life. Yet these facts do little to comfort your growing fear and anxiousness.
"I haven't even met him in person yet. I only saw him over a few stupid video calls and in his pictures. I don't know what to expect." You say.
His Highness Crown Prince Yunho is a pretty busy man it turns out. So busy that he hasn't even been able to take some time out of his duties and come visit his fiancé for a few hours. He's a beautiful man, you have to say. Elegant and stylish and well mannered and everything about him screams Royal. He often texts you in his free time and calls you once in a blue moon. He seems like a nice man indeed, the kind you'd love to marry even without his royal heritage. But being his wife and a Crown Princess is a challenge you'd have to face completely on your own.
"Your granny thinks he's a good man, y/n. Maybe you should trust her judgement. Old people have that in themselves, you know." Maya says with a small smile, "Plus he's a Prince. You'll live a luxurious life, y/n. Don't be so pessimistic! I'm sure things will turn out great."
You give your best friend a tight hug for trying to cheer you up and helping you forget your fears even if it's just for a few hours . That night, as you toss and turn in your bed, trying to keep your mind free from thoughts about your life after marriage, you realise how big of a change this one thing will make.
And you're not very sure if you're ready for that change yet.
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
The weather is quite pleasant today, the sun shining softly through the thin curtain of clouds and the humidity deciding to be a little forgiving today but too bad you're stuck inside your room, folding clothes and making sure all your necessities are packed in the luggage.
"Well, this is not how I expected my last day at home to turn out, " you complain to your mother who sits across from you on the bed, helping you pack your things, "But it is what it is, I guess."
Your mom chuckles, placing your folded clothes into huge black suitcase spread open on the floor. "This isn't bad. You're alone with your family and friend, what more do you need?"
A fancy Bachelorette party with your friends and a few male strippers didn't sound like a very appropriate response so you decide to just shake your head.
"Aren't you angry though? Even just a little bit?" She asks. You scowl at the unexpected, out of context question. You are scared and anxious and nervous but angry? Not at all.
"What do you mean? Why would I be angry?" You reply, crossing your arms in front of your chest, "I'm fine."
She sighs, momentarily pausing her actions to face you. Her eyes are a little moist, you notice, and her lips pressed into a sad line. "Your grandmother betrothed you to Prince Yunho when you guys were just nineteen. It is an arranged marriage, to a person you don't know and a family which holds so much power. She didn't give you freedom to choose your own partner. Aren't you angry about that?" She elaborates.
You feel a soft tug in your heart at her words. You've been so preoccupied with worrying about how you'd handle yourself after marriage that you never really thought about this. Even so, when you really think about it, you can't find it in yourself to be angry at your grandmother.
"Granny and Prince Yunho's grandmother were best friends, mom. They made a promise and I respect that. Plus granny never forced me to say yes. I did that on my own account. " you explain yourself, your hand slowly reaching over to squeeze your mom's shoulder, "Don't worry about me. I'll manage. I always do."
Its rather funny how you were the one needing assurance from Maya a few nights ago and here you are, repeating the same words of encouragement to your mother. A part of you is obviously still terrified of the future, but that's not your mom's problem to deal with. It's entirely yours.
Your mom sniffs, but a tear manages to roll down her cheek, "I'll miss having you around. Why couldn't she have arranged your marriage to a normal person who lived in the same city?"
And then it finally dawns on you. It really is your last day at home. Your last day in the city you so dearly loved, your last day in the house which has seen you grow from a little baby to a beautiful, young woman. It's your last day as y/n y/l/n, your parents' only child and your grandmother's favorite grandchild. Tomorrow, you would be a Princess, a wife, a person of political importance. And your heart breaks a little at the thought of never getting this life back again.
"Mom.." you mutter, your eyes tearing up as well. Words fall short when it comes to describing how much you'll miss everyone and everything here. Starting from your friends to your family to the smallest of decorative items in your room that you've managed to collect over the years. It's like a piece of you would just cease to exist. As the night grows darker and the day crosses over to the next one, you hold your mother close as the both of you let out the quietest of sobs and realise that this might be the last time she'd have you all to herself.
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡   
The journey from your parents' old house to Prince Yunho's ancestral palace is short - not with respect to time but with respect to the fact that amidst tearful eyes and memory flashbacks, the car ride gives you little to no time to settle your hurricane of thoughts.
As your dad's car slowly pulls over in front of a huge black metal gate, you are welcomed with a view that seems right out of a fairytale. The Royal palace is located in the most beautiful locations you've ever been to, a place you never thought could exist in real life. It almost feels like you are in a dream. With the beautiful backdrop of lush green mountains in the back, the Palace stands tall on the foothills of the mountains. The pastel pink walls and the carefully carved window panes look ethereal with contrast to the tall black gates that securely surround the palace. A group of servants are rowed in front of the man main entrance, with warm smiles and trays full of welcome drinks.
But you're far too mesmerized by the place to bother consuming anything at the moment.
This place - this breathtakingly gorgeous palace with the biggest gardens and tallest fountains- would be your home. For a long time, home meant your crammed little apartment which always smelt like cinnamon and bread. It had no big gardens, no servants, no fountains but it was your home. Your safe place. You wonder if this place could ever feel like home.
"Geez, y/n, I'm so jealous." Maya whisper-squeals in your ear as the servants lead you inside, "Do you want to exchange husbands?"
You nudge her gently with your elbow, "Shut up. Or I'll have you thrown out."
You are made to walk through a quiet hallway that has a huge wooden door at the end. On both sides of the hallway, pictures and paintings and vintage weapons are displayed like in museums and the marble floor beneath you shines like water under the sun. Every nook and corner of this place is a treasure waiting to be discovered, you realise.
The servants open the wooden door and lead you inside into what appears to look like a Throne Room. Now, you'd never really been to one before but movies and books have taught you that this is what a Throne room probably looks like - with a Grand Throne placed at the very center and numerous chairs placed on either side of it. The walls in this room are graced with more pictures and paintings of kings and queens and common people and soldiers. You wonder if your picture would ever be up there somewhere in the future.
"Oh, hello lovely people!" A manly voice booms through the hall, "I hope I didn't keep you waiting too long."
A few quick taps of feet on the floor and there stands in front of you a very familiar face - as if you'd almost seen him in a dream.
Black tuxedo, perfectly styled hair, a walkie-talkie in his hand, the man before you looks right out of a James Bond movie. "I'm Choi San, Prince Yunho's personal secretary and the royal family's representative for the day."
He claps his hands together, "Her Highness the Queen Regent, Her Highness the Queen Mother and His Highness Crown Prince Yunho sadly couldn't be here since they have some important charity event to attend. I deeply apologize for that. In their place, allow me to welcome you to the Jeong family's Grand palace!"
"You'll all be taken to your rooms now because you must be tired from the journey. If you need anything, just tell one of these servants."
The servants nod at San and signal you and your family to follow them.
"Uh, lady Y/n. Mind if I have a word with you?" San interrupts.
Although surprised, you nod as you let your family walk off to their rooms.
"Yes?" You ask San.
San's eyes are focused on your frame - every movement, every expression, every word - he's observing you as if to make sure you're the right person for Prince Yunho. You feel self conscious all of a sudden.
"Yunho did say you're a charming person. I just didn't think I'd agree with him before, but now..I definitely do." San giggles, offering you his hand, "I'm Choi San at your service, madam. Your wish is my command."
You bow gently at him, "I'm y/n y/l/n. It's nice to meet you too, sir."
San chuckles, "Please don't call me that, your Highness. I'm your employee. Besides I have something important to talk to you about. "
The last few words form a tight knot in your stomach, fear finding it's way through your veins.
"You have a coronation ceremony tonight. I hope you know that. We've already hired a stylist who will take care of all you from now on. She'll meet you immediately after lunch." San explains, "And here's my business card. Contact me if anything comes up, okay?"
You gulp as you accept the shining business card from him, "Thanks. I'll do that."
San smiles sympathetically, as if he understood the fears swimming inside you. He offers you a gentle, encouraging pat on the shoulder.
"I know how you feel. A palace is a scary place, I won't deny. But if I can survive here, so can you. Plus you have Yunho. He's the nicest man a person could ever ask for, I'm sure." San says.
Your whole body relaxes a little as a soft breeze of comfort washes over you with the words leaving San's mouth. This is what you'd been wanting to hear for a long time - a reassurance that you'll be safe and okay as a member of the Royal family and that Prince Yunho might be a person you could love. But for now, you focus on keeping your self calm.
"Now, do you mind walking me to my room? I find myself a bit lost." You giggle.
San finds himself chuckling in response, "Of course, your majesty."
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
When San had told you that you'd have your own personal stylist, you did not expect this . Even in your wildest dreams, this is not something you'd catch yourself wanting.
The beautiful blue gown clutches to your upper body at just the right places and then flows down your waist like a beautiful waterfall under the sunlight. A diamond necklace graces your otherwise empty neck complimented with matching earrings. The stylist - Alisa - puts your hair up in a pretty bun and then places a beautiful diamond tiara on your head. And when your eyes finally land on your reflection in the mirror, your mouth hangs open with no words but just air slipping out of it as response.
"Do you like it, your Highness?" Alisa asks with hopeful eyes. Her shy smile giving away the fact that she wants you to like what she's done, her efforts and ideas.
You have to blink hard for a few more seconds before coming to terms with the fact that you look so beautiful right now. A part you is in denial while a part of you is jumping around, doing a victory dance in happiness. You weren't used to seeing yourself look this good. Your heart leaps at the thought of Prince Yunho seeing you like this - almost like a princess who's lived in castles all her life. And then you realize that you would be one ; in only a few minutes.
"I love it, Alisa. You're brilliant!" You exclaim, wrapping your arms tightly around the stylist in happiness. By Lisa's stiff response, you are sure you'd taken her by surprise. Royals do not go around hugging normal stylists yet this hug was a symbol of your thankfulness towards her for putting so much effort into you, to make you feel special. Alisa's proud smile reaches to her eyes as she quickly works on placing the brooch pin in the right place on your dress.
A knock on your room's door attracts your attention and you are quick to fix yourself in case it was someone from the Royal family.
"I'll get that." Alisa jogs quickly towards the door.
When the door creaks opens, you see a familiar face standing there - familiar enough to know it was your fiancé, the most handsome man you'd ever laid eyes on, with the kindest smile and brightest eyes. Your heart stops beating for a dangerous second.
"Oh, hello your Highness. " Alisa greets him, bowing slightly, "Miss y/n is ready to go."
And when Yunho looks at you, your soul as if escapes your body. "H-hi, Prince Yunho."
He walks towards you with warm, red cheeks and perfect black hair and a stylish black tuxedo and offers you his hand, "It's nice to finally meet you, my lady."
How does one ever respond to that? How does one ever behave in front of an actual, real life prince, who also happens to be your fiancé? He presses his lips to your fingers ever so gently.
The butterflies in your stomach go wild.
"Shall we go now? Everyone's waiting for you, my lady." He asks.
You nod, wrapping an arm around his, "Yes."
The short walk towards the throne room is mostly filled with a comfortable sense of silence, except for the times when Prince Yunho points at some random picture on the wall and talks about it. Your eyes seem to be following every movement of his, and everytime your eyes meet, you find yourself melting under his gaze. You are smitten by him and there's no denying in that.
On entering the throne room, all heads turn towards you - ministers, relatives, your family, Yunho's friends, San and all servants present there observe you as Yunho walks you down the flowery aisle leading to the Throne. You could feel everyone's eyes on you, scary yet exciting, they follow your every movement and every word and every expression.
And when they bow down slightly as you stand on the right side on the Throne, you realise these people weren't just bowing at Yunho, there were also bowing down at you. Because you'll be his wife tomorrow, a princess, a figure that should be loved by the people. The only thing keeping you grounded is Yunho's gentle hand softly clutching yours. It's as if he could sense your inner turmoil before even you do it yourself. "Are you nervous?" He whispers in your ear.
"Yes, a little. "
"Don't be. I'm here with you."
The main door to the hall opens and two women walk inside, at least ten soldiers walking in front and behind them, guns at ready and eyes critically scanning all the faces.
The older woman, who you assume to be the Queen Mother and Yunho's grandmother, wears a sweet smile and walks as gracefully as ever even in this senile age. She waves gleefully at the crowd bowing down to her. On her left stands a slightly younger woman, Yunho's aunt and the Queen Regent who has been the ruler of this kingdom after Yunho's parents passed away in a tragic accident ten years ago. Rumor has it that the Queen Regent is a strict, emotionless ruler who has no mercy for criminals and is harsh with all the employees of the palace. You notice her serious gaze fixed in your direction and shudder in fear even though you've barely ever talked to her before.
"May the Queen Mother live long! May the Queen Regent live long!" Someone chants and the others follow suit in the blink of an eye.
You suddenly feel as if you are in some period drama.
The Queen Regent takes her place on the throne while the Queen Mother takes a seat on the left side of the Throne. A single wave of the Queen Regent's hand and the crowd goes completely silent.
"Hello to everyone gathered here today. I am very, very glad to welcome a new member of the family - lady y/n y/l/n. She is to be the wife of my beloved nephew Yunho and the future Queen of this kingdom. Please give her a warm welcome!"
The hall erupts into claps and cheers and your name being repeated as if in a chant. Your grip on Yunho's arm tightens.
"I'm there, my lady." He says again, "Don't be afraid."
San brings out a huge sword and places it in the Queen Regent's hands. This sword is what you assume to be the Jeong family's old, sacred sword used by generations and generations of brave kings and queens to protect themselves as well as the citizens of their beloved country. This sword is a symbol of pride and victories. And a lost history.
"As per ancient traditions, I will now be crowning miss y/n as a princess before her wedding with the prince tomorrow. From now on she will be called her Highness Crown princess Y/n. She is an important member of our family from this day forth."
"Y/n, go on and kneel in front of my aunt." Yunho whispers, nodding at you with a proud smile, "You're doing so great already."
You comply by his words and kneel in front of the throne, your head hanging low and eyes squeezed shut with anxiousness of what is to come.
"Welcome to the family, y/n." You hear the Queen Regent's voice before she gently taps your right shoulder with the tip of the sword and then the left one. You feel a few droplets of water being sprinkled on your face.
"Rise, Crown Princess. Face your people and let them welcome you with open arms."
It is done. You are a princess now. This can never be undone, this name, this title will stick with you till the end of time. You're no longer a normal girl with small dreams and basic requirements, you're a future Queen now.
Rise, Crown Princess.
And you do.
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
Every person has dreamt about their own wedding at least once in their life - whether it is in the peak of their teenage or in the innocent wonders of their childhood or the wildest dreams of their adult years, this thought found itself in everyone's mind.
You had one such dream too.
But your dream had always been very simple. A nice man, your closest friends and family, a cheap and beautiful wedding dress, a small party with limited people - that is all you've ever wanted. You didn't want a gathering of four hundred people who you barely knew, the new reporters shoving their cameras into your face, heavy make up or expensive jewelry, or a husband who you barely knew. But guess that is what the Gods had written in your fate. And you have no option now than to accept things the way they are.
You don't remember much from the wedding ceremony or the huge party that follows, really ; you only remember Yunho's lips pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead when the priest asks the groom to kiss the bride(probably the best part of the day), your grandmother's tears of happiness and Alisa and San winking at the two of you after the ceremony was over. Everything else felt like a blur, as if your head had been underwater all this while.
An hour or so into the party, Prince Yunho asks you to walk with him. Alone. Though reluctant, how could you ever say no to those innocent eyes? The discomfort from being surrounded by hundreds of unknown people slowly disappears as the two of you walk around the garden, your eyes never meeting but a sense of familiarity settling between the two of you.
"I'm not used to this, you know." He says with a shy smile.
The sky is beautiful, decorated with stars and a full moon but nothing compares the glow on Yunho's face when he turns to glance at you.
"Used to what?" You enquire, "Having so many people here?"
He shakes his head, "No. I'm used to having a lot of people here. That's all I've ever seen. What I'm not used to is this. Having a partner or someone else live in my room with me."
"I'm happy about it. I really am. But I know you're new to this royal lifestyle and we barely even know each other that well but I hope you don't regret this marriage. Because I'm sure that I won't. " Yunho sighs, "And if you ever feel like it's not worth your time anymore, you are more than free to leave. Forget about everyone else, do what your heart says. "
The last phrase catches you off guard. It is very, very rare to find people who give you this sort of freedom in any arrangement. The fact that he opens up his thoughts to you makes your heart leap with happiness. And a little sadness too that he'd think you'd leave him so easily.
"Hey," you pat his arm, "I'm not leaving anytime soon. I promise. We made a vow, didn't we?"
Yunho blushes at your words, but under the bright moonlight it goes unnoticed by you.
"Do you mind if I hold your hand?" He suggests after a few seconds of silence.
The butterflies in your stomach are seemingly having the time of their life these past few days.
"I don't." You slide your hand into his and your fingers intertwine almost instantly. His warm palm presses against your cold one, bring a sense of comfort you never thought you'd ever experience. In the midst of a chaotic royal gathering and the paparazzi trying to sneak in through the gates, you and Yunho find a small world for yourselves that no one else can ever have access to.
And for the first time in months, you realise that this marriage might be worth more than what you thought it would be.
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
You've always wondered what the people in royal palaces do. Do they spend all their time greeting the citizens and walking in the gardens? Do they keep dancing in the ballroom all the time? Or do they busy themselves with war conspiracies?
Sadly you realise that royal life sounds very exciting and extravagant only when you're not the one actually living a life like that. And this conclusion dawns on you only after ten days of the wedding.
The first week is packed with activities, alright. Visiting the common people and distant relatives and going to various public events. Your curiosity was at its peak till a few days ago, but now here you are, sitting on the edge of your soft bed, phone in lap and eyes drooping with sleepiness, wondering how to keep yourself occupied.
"Y/n?" The door creaks open as Yunho peeks inside shyly, "Can I come in?"
You nod, "It's your room, Yunho. You don't need my permission to enter."
"Oh, I was just making sure you weren't doing anything you didn't want me to see."
Oh. Your cheeks turn into crimson fruits as his words finally hit you.
"Anyway, I actually came to get my file. But I saw you sitting here. Are you bored?"
Are you? Heck, yes!
"Yes." You reply almost guiltily.
Chuckling, he leans down to press a loving kiss on top of your head, "Come on. I'll show you something."
You took pride in the fact that after only a week of staying here, you knew the palace fairly well. The corridors and paintings and artifacts and the workers weren't as foreign to you anymore. Yet the path Yunho takes you to seems weirdly unfamiliar.
Guess new surprises await everyday.
Soon enough, your steps halt in front of a huge wooden door labeled as ' library '.
Rows and rows of books welcome you the moment you step inside, Yunho leading the way into the most beautiful library you'd ever seen in your life. As always, paintings grace the wooden walls and a huge crystal chandelier hangs from the middle most point of the ceiling.
"Yunho...is this..what heaven looks like?"
The smell of old and new books hit your nostrils as you run a gentle hand over the book kept in the shelves, feeling the various materials of book covers brush past your fingertips.
"Maybe." Yunho responds with a grin.
Yunho's heart feels full with adoration and content at the sight of you dancing around the books shelves, gleefully taking notes of the books you plan to read on the days to come. Your eyes curl up into crescent moons as your toothy smile seems to have taken Yunho's breath away. Beautiful is what you look. Simple and elegant and so innocent.
All his life he's spent among royal people, people with political intentions and lots of money. But you make him feel differently. Being with you feels like a breath of fresh air for Yunho. And who wouldn't like that?
"Earth to Yunho." You click your fingers in front of his face after you catch him staring at you. Not that you didn't like it, but you had to do something before you turn into a mush before his eyes, "What are you thinking?"
"Oh, um..nothing." you. He was thinking about you, "How about I ask the workers to bring my office stuff over here? I can work here while you read. I don't want you to be alone."
A shameless grin plasters over your lips.
"I'd like that, Yunho. I'd like that very much. "
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
"How's the married life treating you?" Your granny asks you this question every damn time she decides to call you. 
And surprisingly somehow, you always answer positively to her query.
"Well, good. I think so at least. " you smile to yourself, remembering the soft kiss Yunho had placed on your head as he left for an official trip this morning. Even in your half asleep state, your cheeks had turned bright red, "Prince Yunho is a nice man. "
"Oh, of course he is! I wouldn't have asked you to marry him otherwise, you idiot." She yells at you although you know she's smiling through the phone, "Anyway, I can't talk for long today. I have a doctor's appointment so I'll need to dress up for that."
That comes as a surprise, "What? Are you sick ?"
"God, no. I'm not a weakling, okay? It's the regular check up. Don't worry." She says, "Bye now. "
The line goes silent.
Sighing, you put your phone down on the night stand. On times like this, when the room is too quiet and you are too lazy to walk out and talk to other people, you start missing home. A lot more than usual. Your house, though only consisting of four people was way too noisy from sunset till sundown and somehow, you'd gotten used to it. The quietness has yet to grow on you.
A slight knock on the door attracts your attention and you immediately allow whoever it is to come inside.
"Oh, Alisa. It's you!" You exclaim as relief washes over you on seeing a familiar face.
"Yes, your Highness. How have you been?" She bows down to you, "Are you able to adjust to this new life?"
"I've been okay, you could say. Still a little overwhelmed whenever I have to face people but I think I'm getting there." You laugh a little.
Alisa gives you an understanding nod, "I totally understand. But I'm glad you're feeling more comfortable. By the way, I came here to ask you if you wanted to visit my boutique in the town nearby. It's a new one and I wanted you to come see it before the inauguration. "
Your heart jumps at the offer. You remember back in your college days, you would often go shopping with Maya, especially on weekends. The two of you would wait for months for a sale or special offers because online shopping sometimes just doesn't do it for you. You smile, nostalgic, "I'd love to go."
"And then maybe we could go and eat in the pizzeria nearby. It serves the best pizza in the world, I swear."
This is just beyond tempting at this point, a literal trap to have you step out of the role of a royal Princess and embracing the careless city girl inside of you and who are you to keep her hidden for too long?
"What are we waiting for then?"
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
Yunho surprises you every now and then.
On the outside, he is a strict man with the sharpest of brains and the most observant eyes. The title of being a crown prince sits heavy on his shoulders and with every passing day, the weight just get heavier.
On the contrary, the Yunho you get to see everyday is very different. Soft and cheerful and smiley, he's the literal embodiment of the sunshine and your heart doesn't seem to rest everytime you see him.
It must have been roughly a month since the wedding when he makes an impromptu plan of visiting your city and your parents' house since it had been a long time you last saw them.
"Heard you were going to your parents house?" You had gotten ready to go before Yunho did, so instead of sitting in your bedroom, you decided take a short walk outside in the gardens. And as you strolled around aimlessly among the flowers and bushes, deep in thoughts, you had come across the Queen Mother sitting by the water fountain.
"Yes, your majesty." You reply, rather intimated by her aura.
It's hard to accept sometimes that this person is best friends with your grandmother, when the both of them are as different from each other as the two poles! Your grandmother is the ever so sweet, smiling, supportive person. You would never see her angry or upset. But on the other hand, the Queen Mother is uptight, very quiet and rarely ever smiles. Just like her daughter, the Queen Regent. Maybe it's a royal thing but you're glad you don't have to see this serious side of Yunho on a daily basis.
"Good. The farther from here, the better." She mumbles.
You are alarmed at her words, "I'm sorry?"
She sighs, her walking sticking tapping the marble wall of the fountain, "Y/n, I adore you. I might not show it but I'm glad my grandson has someone like you to make his life less lonely. But you have to be careful. Not everyone is appreciative of a person of common birth being crowned as a Crown Princess. "
Fear slowly clutches you in its palms. You had gotten very occupied with Yunho and being a crown princess and making new friends, you admit. So occupied that you let your guard down. And the Queen Mother's words sound more like an advice than a threat.
"Should I be worried?" You ask, your skin going cold at the thought of someone actually wanting to hurt you.
"Not yet, no. But be very, very careful. You cannot trust anyone here. Not even me. The only person you can lean on is Yunho. Why? Because he might be as much in danger as you."
Have you ever seen how people start panicking when any sort of alarm goes off? Yeah, thats exactly how you feel at that moment.
"Y/n, let's go!" You hear Yunho call you from the front gate, already taking his seat inside his car.
You bow at the Queen Mother before jogging towards Yunho, your heart no longer into the trip as it were a few minutes ago.
Yet seeing your parents and granny after so long did comfort you.
They had prepared this small barbeque party in your backyard, your dad playing guitar and purposely singing badly to embarrass you while your mother shows Yunho your childhood pictures. And the food, oh, the food! The five star chefs from Yunho's palace could never replace this comfort food you had at your parents house. It might not be well decorated with garnishes or spices or fancy plates but it made you feel like everything will eventually be okay - which is exactly what you needed at the moment.
The entire evening you try hard to talk to Yunho but when your house is full of three excited adults, it is hard to do that. Around one am in the morning, you finally find yourself in your old bedroom, Yunho's fascinated eyes roaming around the room that feels like it were straight out of some teenage romance movie. Where in reality you'd honestly been too lazy to change the room's layout once you outgrew your teenage obsessions and interests.
"You seem to be liking my room a little too much. " you chuckle, scrolling aimlessly through your phone, your face partly squished into your favorite pillow.
The boyband posters, old polaroids from your school functions, romance novels stacked up neatly by the nightstand - all of this is as foreign to him as his palace is to you.
Yunho lies down beside you, still in awe of the room, "Yeah, it literally mirrors your personality. "
"I can't explain it, you know," he clicks his tongue, "But everything in this room screams y/n. Like everything here is made only for you."
You raise your eyebrow at his words. He's very observant, that you've noticed, but the fact that he knows you this well in barely a month warms your heart.
"What about our bedroom in the palace? Is it not made for me?"
"Oh, it is. Of course it is. But you're staying there because you have to, right? Because we're married and all that." He replies.
"No, I'm not. I told you Yunho - I'm staying there because I want to." You say, now no longer in a mood to joke around.
Suddenly, the words from The Queen Mother swim back into your mind, as you start seeing her words in a completely different light.
Yunho has somehow always expressed how he is unable to believe your presence around him and how he acts like you're doing a favor by doing that. And you find yourself wondering if Yunho knows what she'd said to you. The danger that looms above both of your heads must not be as much of a secret to him than you thought it would be. So instead of confronting him, you decide to comfort him.
"We'll be fine, Yunho. " you drag your hand towards his, your body relaxing the moment he squeezes it back, "Both of us."
Yunho looks at you with love and desire clear in his eyes, his free hand slowly dragging towards your face. You could see it now- the loneliness from the loss of his parents and the negligence from his aunt and grandmother throughout his childhood still very much exists behind the mask of a happy prince. You do not know the language of royal people or politics but you do know the language of love and more than a stupid gold crown, he needs someone to love him. And thats exactly what you intend to do.
Was it too soon? You didn't care anymore. And you know for a fact that he didn't either.
You lean in close and press your forehead to his, "You're not alone anymore. Okay?"
You see him smile from your hooded gaze, your breath mixing with his in an intoxicating mixture. "Thank you, y/n. You have no idea how much I appreciate it."
And that in itself are a combination of words much more heavier than a simple 'I like you.'
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
"The Queen Regent wishes to see you."
San runs up to you the first thing the next morning, right after breakfast.
"Why?" You ask, your eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
You had a plan to accompany your granny and the Queen Mother to their small tea party in a nearby Farmhouse but you couldn't obviously say no to meeting the Queen Regent. Because well, she's the Queen.
"I don't know, your Highness. I try to stay away from her as much as possible but whenever our paths do cross, she always assigns some work to me." He whines, "Go on, I'll tell the Queen Mother that you're occupied. I will be heading out with Yunho right now anyway."
Shaking your head in annoyance, you make your way to the Queen Regent's office.
Her office smells like expensive cigars the moment you step inside, and the full ashtray on her table only feeds into your conclusions.
"You asked for me, your majesty?" You ask in a low voice.
When she looks up from writing in her journal, your heart skips a few beats in fear. Her eyes hold no resemblance to Yunho's angelic ones or even The Queen Mother's serious ones. They look like two deep, bottomless black holes that swallow everything and anything in its vicinity. Her long hair is tied in a braid and her lips quiver passively upon seeing you.
"Ah, yes." She replies, "Please have a seat."
You take the chair in front of her desk, uncomfortable at the close proximity between you and the one person who everyone tries to avoid.
"How are you?" She begins, closing her journal and keeping her pen inside the drawer, "How are things going with Yunho?"
"I'm good, thank you for asking. And yes, things are going well with Yunho."
Her question seems odd, but you let it pass.
"Okay. That's really great to hear. Anyway, I met your husband a little while ago. And he asked me to tell you that he intends to see you on the rooftop alone later tonight." She raises an eyebrow, a gentle smile playing on her lips, "Looks like he has a date planned."
Her words seem too far fetched to be true. Too unrealistic. Not the date part though, but the part where he specifically ask her to pass on the message to you. He could have easily asked San or Lisa or even told you in first person, so why would he choose the Queen Regent out of so many people when he you've barely seen him talk to her?
But you're a Crown Princess, and she's the Queen and you cannot question her. "Okay, I'll be there." You get up from your seat and bowing gently, "Thank you for letting me know, your majesty. By the way, did he mention what time I am to go ?"
"Oh um...Around seven in the evening?" She's fumbling on her words, and you're sure she's lying about something.
Still you suppress your doubts and walk back to your room, hoping to find the truth behind her words this evening at seven.
The entire day goes by in the blink of an eye, but to you it feels like an eternity. The curiosity has you sitting at the edge of your bed, ready to make a run for it if any danger ever comes your way.
Yunho, who was out with San for some official work has surprisingly not texted you today at all. And it only adds to your doubts of the Queen Regent being a liar.
And when night finally falls, you find yourself tense up more than you'd done the entire day.
The night is quiet, calm but beautiful and as you step into the terrace and the soft wind kisses your face, you almost believe the Queen Regent's words. Maybe Yunho did really plan a surprise date for you. Because this is everything that Yunho likes. A beautiful night and a company he loves.
The terrace stands high giving you a beautiful view of the entire palace complex, the gardens and everything beyond. And for a moment, your worries diminish as you step near the railing, inhaling the fresh air and you feel safe.
But, you see, that's where you are wrong. This imaginary cloud of safety that you'd thought was around you was never there in the first place. Since the first time you stepped into the palace, all eyes have been on you - on every action, every activity, every word. You'd always been swimming in a dangerous sea. One wrong move, and you realise the shark is right behind you. And just how the Queen Mother had told you, you were only ever safe with Yunho by your side. But he isn't here anymore.
So it doesn't come as a when a pair of rough hands give you a single, harsh push, sending you falling right down five floors.
"You will never be our queen." Is what you hear before your vision dissolves into a black hole.
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
When you were six years old, you fell down your bike once while trying to copy some stupid stunt you'd seen people on television shows do. The excruciating pain that followed the fall was something which you thought you'd never have to experience again. That was the kind of pain which hurts you down to your very bones, sending waves of shock through your body with a single movement of your hands.
And that is exactly how you expect to feel the moment you open your eyes and come face to face with a familiar ceiling. But all you feel is sore, like how you feel the morning after exercising after a long while.
The bandages on your arms and abdomen indicate that your fall wasn't as bad as you thought it'd be but it was, nevertheless, a fall which was very much done on purpose.
"Y/n, honey, are you awake?" You hear Yunho's groggy voice coming from somewhere near the foot of the bed you lie on.
"Y-yeah. What happened?" You manage to sit up even though your body feels heavy with fatigue, "How did I fall?"
Yunho appears by your bed side in the blink of an eye and your heart clenches with relief when he bends down to kiss your head.
It feels like you hadn't seen him in days, years, where as it had only been around two days since you passed out. Yunho had rushed back home the moment he found out about it, leaving all his stupid official work for some other day. Hell, he would happily give up all his responsibilities if it means he could see you and keep you safe. He'd cried for nights and days, never leaving your side even when the nurses would change your clothes or bandage dressing. The mere thought of you never waking up again was too dark for him, especially when he'd found such a happy place in you. You are the owner of his heart and everything else that he could give you. You are, literally, his only family member. His whole world. And if he loses you, he would lose himself with you.
"A-are you okay?" He sits down on the bed, holding your hand so tight as if he was afraid you'd disappear if he let's go, "does it hurt anywhere?"
"Just a little bit, but I'm okay. I feel fine." You say, smiling through your busted lips.
Your smile as if breaks a wall he'd been holding onto for days, and his eyes immediately tear up.
"I'm so so sorry, y/n. I should have been there. I should have been protecting you. I keep forgetting I'm not a stupid guy with a normal life and that people I associate with might get into trouble anytime. I'm so sorry, I should have protected you from my Aunt and Alisa. I'm so fucking sorry."
Aunt? And Alisa? What is he taking about?
"Yunho, what are you -"
"They planned it. The entire thing. They purposely sent me and grandma away so no one would doubt them. Aunt had supposedly promised my hand in marriage to Alisa a long time ago but Grandma got us married instead. They were angry. So angry that they went ahead and tried to k-kill you. " he sobs into his hands, the tip of his nose turning bright red, "Alisa was the one who pushed you. They forgot to remove the CCTV footage."
You freeze for a second, Alisa's betrayal hurting you worse than The Queen Regent's. You almost thought you could find a friend in her, just like Maya. You trusted her. You felt safe around her when in reality, she'd only been a time bomb - waiting to blow up.
"Alisa did?" You mutter, your lips drying with fear, "I-I don't know what to say. Yunho, I- I can't believe Alisa would do this."
"I didn't either. But both of them have admitted to it. The police took them. I'm so sorry, y/n. " Yunho rubs his tears away, "I talked to your granny and parents. They said you could move back in with them. The divorce will take about a year or so to get finalized but you don't have to stay here till then. You can go back home whenever you want."
Your heart crushes in your chest. The fear of abandonment Yunho carries within himself yet he has the guts to let you go is something you would forever admire and hate in him. How could he think this way, especially after you've reassured him countless number of times that you're here to stay.
"I didn't agree to a divorce. What the fuck are you even cooking up in that mind of yours?" You say, stern and angry.
He looks up at you, his guilty eyes making the pain in your chest more painful.
"Y/n, please, you cannot stay with -"
"Shut up. Just shut up. I don't care. I don't care what you think. I am an adult and the crown princess of this kingdom and I will do as I please. " you almost yell, "I am staying here, with you, for better or worse. I told you I wouldn't leave. "
Yunho bursts into tears, wrapping his arms gently around you, hiding his face in the crook of your neck as you gently pat his back, reassuring him that you'd always stay. No matter what.
"Y-you might get hurt again, y/n. I don't want you to stay and get hurt again." But his tight hold on your body tells you otherwise.
"We're both in danger for the rest of our lives. Does that mean we stop living?" You whisper, pulling away from the embrace only to grab his chin, "Does that mean we stop loving?"
He shakes his head as his lips curve down and a shaky sob escapes his mouth, "Nothing will ever happen to you again, I swear. I will keep you safe. You will not have a reason to complain again."
You nod, dabbing his tears away with your thumb, "I know. I believe you. "
You stare into his eyes - his beautiful eyes made of the finest stardust that make your brain go hazy every morning that you wake up and find them right beside you. And that's exactly how you choose to wake up every morning till the end of your days.
"Is this the part where we kiss or what, because I've waited a long time -" he cuts your blabbering off by finally placing his plump, peachy lips on yours ever so tenderly.
He steals all the air from lungs, driving you breathless and crazy with every movement of his lips on yours and the gentle touch of his fingers on your face only adds to the unbounded euphoria you feel at the moment. He's beautiful. Even with your eyes closed, you know that he is beautiful. And not just with his face, he is a beautiful man inside out. He is yours and nothing in this world can ever change that. So when he pulls away, panting and out of breath, and gently kisses your forehead, you say, "I love you, my prince."
These words. These damn words that he'd waited for months to hear, nights he spent dreaming about hearing them. And he has to mentally slap himself to make himself believe this all to be true.
Stealing a quick kiss from your lips again, he whispers, "I love you, too, my princess. "
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chuuulip · 4 years
Another Earth
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Pairing: August Walker (werewolf) x Female Reader (red ridding hood)
Warning: 18+, PWP, Oral (M and F receiving), Unprotected Sex, Multiple Orgasm, Slightly ABO Universe, Rough Sex
Words: 7434
Summary: After a failed attempt to sign up for the Halloween haunted house to meet your Superman, the last minute ticket turned your night upside down as you were stuck in another earth.
A/N: Unbeta! Any grammar mistake will be on me. Divider by me 😆 This is for @jtargaryen18​ Halloween challenge, and I’m pretty late! Sorry for that life has been busy xD I still have another one in progress (the Andy barber one) and hopefully can post it soon! Thanks to @navybrat817​ and @venusdemonroe​ for giving me the idea for this story and help me discuss what a werewolf August Walker would do in this lol. Actually I wanted to mention a lot....of things but I guess it would be too much for a one shot lil but anyway Happy reading!!!
This year's Halloween event was mental. Several big haunted houses are hosted by celebrities. To name a few, there's an Avengers Tower haunted house, The Hall of Justice League, The X-Mansion, and even Walking Dead one. 
 You knew it wasn't easy. All of them have a huge fandom. The ticket was sold out immediately when it was open for sale, like 3 months before Halloween, and you were terribly upset. You were whining for a month straight to your boyfriend. Or more like your sugar daddy. He was patient and wealthy, but he knew he can't satisfy you enough, so he usually did everything he could for you. But that time, you just have none of it. The relationship, if you could ever say that, fell out immediately because you were unreasonable.
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 You really wanted to go to The Hall of Justice League and maybe meet Clark Kent. The obsession started because he always visited your dream and mostly engaged in the steamiest dream ever. It's been your wildest dream, really, to have that body blanketed yours, in a really not innocent way.
 Just one day before Halloween, you finally secured one ticket for The Hall of Justice League haunted house. Of course, the first thing you did was scream. You had been on their waiting list since the ticket sold out, but you really lost hope since last week. But now, you celebrate it with a bit of a jump and constant scream.
 "What the fuck?" Your only housemate barged into your bedroom. Face annoyed.
 You stopped your silly jumps and looked at your housemate. With a broad smile, you hug your housemate and shake her body, "I got it! I got the ticket for The Hall of Justice League haunted house! Can you believe that?"
 The redhead hugged you, and both of you jumped in a circle. "Oh my gosh...I can't believe it! Congrats!!! I really hope you will meet your Kryptonite." she gave you her suggestive smirk.
 "I mean...a girl can only hope. But this is a charity event. I don't think he will be available. What if it's all a decoy and I only meet his wax figure?" you pouted at your friend.  
 "Well, at least you have the opportunity to see it yourself. But remember, behave, young lady, don't let him if he's there, I mean, witness your brattiness."
 "Aye...aye Captain!" you giggled but immediately gave your housemate a military saluted.
 That night you dreamed of those big blue eyes and his firm, fantastic arms on yours.
 Dress in your red riding hood costume, you patiently sat in the backseat of the Uber car. Well, maybe a little bit impatient, since it's already 11pm. 
 Everything just went down the hill since morning. You can't seem to find your Poison Ivy costume. Not to mention that you were late for work that morning. Your boss was a bitch since she seems annoyed at you every time the male employee or investor became too friendly with you. 
 Who can blame you? You were just good at acting all cute to them, and it's not your fault that they mostly thought you were a cute little employee. 
 You check your wrist. The expensive rose gold watch from your ex sugar daddy elegantly pointed at 11.30 pm. You sighed, "do you know how long I will arrive at my destination? It will close soon."
 "Hopefully, in 10 minutes. Dunno why it's jam-packed." Said the Uber driver.
 You huffed in exasperation, but there's nothing you can do. You arrived very last minute, like 15 minutes before the haunted house closed. Wearing black stiletto boots, you carefully made a small run into the stairs. The booth was stationed to the far left of the building. 
 "Good night, little red riding hood; you are lucky because we are almost closed. Can I see your ticket, please?" A man dressed as Edwar Scissorhands greeted you at the far left of the building. 
 You fished out your smartphone from your small basket bag and showed him your barcode. He scanned it and looked at the monitor in front of him. "Hmm, here for a kryptonite, aren't you." He eyed you up and down and smirked at you. "I hope you have a spooky night, little girl." 
 You smile at him and sashay your way to the entrance. Apparently, they makeover a warehouse into a vast real-life Justice League Hall. Like in the comic. A white half-circle exterior completed with two giant pillars at each side imitated the picture you only seen in comic books. It looks so magnificent. 
 You entered the door after you scanned your barcode at the scanner next to it. The whooshing noises startle you a bit, but you were too excited and step in immediately. 
 The inside was bright with a black marble flooring that shone bright; you even can see your reflection. There's a different section of the silvery door like in most sci-fi, alien invasion movies. So futuristic, so clinical. 
 You darted your eyes and found where you needed to go. A small rectangle monitor with a very digital clock font in it showed you 'Krypton' words. Without hesitation, you did a little run and waited in front of it. The small rectangle monitored turned to green, and it shone. It startled you, but you let out a sigh of relief when it just scanned your body from your head to toe. 
 "So much for a haunted house." You muttered. 
 When the door opened, you stepped in. It was a glass elevator. You circled your eyes and found everything was dark. When the elevator ran, bringing you down several floors, the surrounding changed. 
 Once, the darkness engulfed you like you were being shipped to the deep ocean, but it changed dramatically. Your eyes darted in awe as you drank on the scenery. The scenery of what you would call the imitation of Planet Krypton. So beautiful yet so harsh. 
 When the elevator stopped, the ding noise pulled you to the present. With excitement, you grabbed your smartphone and took several pictures of the scenery. It was just so surreal that a haunted house would make something like this. But you remember how expensive the ticket was.
 "This three grant haunted house better give me a chance to fuck a real-life Clark Kent." you cackled. 
 There's a weird tower with a green light on top of it. You assumed some futuristic objects were supposed to be 'kryptonite' as it floated sparsely in most parts of the supposed Krypton. A bit further, you could see a white crystal-like triangle building. Oddly enough, it reminded you of the Louvre Pyramid. This one just full of crystal-like pillars crisscrossed it. 
 Didn't want to waste your time, you decided what path you should choose. It wasn't easy. Your stiletto pierced to the weird substrate like mud but also crystal-like as if it's ice. Carefully, you mind your footing while again stayed alert. There's this odd feeling of being watched. But you reminded yourself that you were in a haunted house, so it's understandable.
 You let out a loud scream when suddenly a mummy appeared behind one of the floated crystals. "Holy shit, I didn't see that coming." you try to slow down your breath as you clutched the white ruffle shirt under your red corset.
 When you feel that you can walk again, you try to do it faster. Several times it looks like the Krypton had shifted in its light as if the sun rose and shone, but the next five minutes, it set. Made the scenery look like it was illuminated by the crystal alone, like a lamp.
 When many ghost-like mannequins showed up, it got scarier and scarier, and you immediately lowered your hood to shield you from some view. Your eyes perked up when you finally saw the path to the Fortress of Solitude. It was more like an icy bridge with a dark pond surrounding it. 
 As your right foot stepped onto the bridge, a loud noise of a clock surprised you. It struck once and counted until it stopped at the twelfth. It was so loud it's voice echoed. You can even feel it under the sole of your boots. 
 Stunned for a moment, your mind suddenly set on alert mode when the water from both ponds on each side of the bridge rippled. A dinosaur-like head appeared from both ponds. It has a single protruding horn. It opened its mouth and let out a loud growl. A blast of wind came out of it like a thunderstorm. It has sharp teeth like sharks that you assumed could quickly rip your body apart if it sank on yours. 
 "Holy shit. This is— this is a joke, right? It's not real?" Body trembled in fear; you ran your life out to the Fortress of Solitude. The monsters crawled up out of the water. Its slithered movement mimicked a snake, but it didn't have any problem crawling up without things to latch on. 
 You screamed as both of the monsters chased you. Run as fast as your legs allow you. This haunted house event might be too much for you. When you can see an oval object that looks like it can be a big mirror or a huge door, your gloved palms immediately bang on it. "Open the door!" You screamed. When the door finally opened, the two snake-like monsters that chased you suddenly disappeared.
 "Oh— oh my god. Oh my god…," you chanted as you let yourself drop down on the floor. 
 "I see you finally make it." 
 Your face turned to the left. In front of you, stood up tall and proud, Clark Kent with his superman costume. He's just so big. If you compared your tiny body to him, you definitely, nothing.
 You replied to Superman's bright smile with a scowl. Slowly you got up from the floor and cleaned your skirt. "Isn't that just too much? What if I fell to the pond? I can't swim, you know?"  
 He seems surprised, "apologized my lady. It was something the organizer will handle. I don't think they mean any harm."
 "Yeah...yeah… right." you walked closer to the hero and already fished out your mobile phone. "So… what did I need to do now I meet you, Superman?"
 "Hmm… most attendants ask for pictures. Some of them spent time just talking with me. Since you are the last one, you can take as many pictures as you like and of course. If you have any questions about my protection for the earth, I will gladly answer it." The tone in his voice was more soft than authoritative. 
 Think of not sabotaging your Halloween any longer; you tried to forgive the silliness of the whole new level of scary from this haunted house. It's hard not to show off your brattiness in this kind of situation. Still, you reminded yourself that he was someone you weren't familiar with—practically a stranger.
 Gave him a sweet smile, you took several pictures with him. At one time, you tried to bat your eyelashes at him and asked for a picture where you sat on his lap. You spent a solid 15 minutes talking to the handsome alien. Your fingers touched his biceps here and there. You knew that he knew what you were implying, but he didn't refuse you either. At least not blatantly.
 "I apologized, my dear, but I think it's already time." Superman gently put you back on your feet. You gave him an upset face, but you knew it's time to go home. You bid the handsome man goodbye and sneaked a kiss on his cheeks. There's a twinge of pink on his cheeks, and you jump triumphantly at that reaction. Of course, behind his back.
 Following the word of 'exit' behind the piles of the crystal-like shape props, you opened the door. The scenery in front of you caught you off guard. The harshed white tundra scenery was replaced by now dark, almost jungly like one. Unconsciously you stepped back and turned your body to come back to the exit door. How shocked you were when it vanished. Disappear without a trace.
 As far as your eyes could see, it's only darkness and mist. Only the full moon aided your visions. The exhalation of your breath came out like a plume of white steam. It's definitely colder here than the fake Krypton one. The cold air seeped into your skin quickly as if you were actually in the deep of a forest. 
 With a loud sigh, you walk straight. You tumbled and fell down on your knees as your boots got caught with something: either roots or a massive branch. 
 Tired and frightened, you screamed loudly. You weren't sure if this was the continuation of the haunted house or not, but what you want right now just to be back in your apartment and soaked in a warm, relaxing bath. 
 "Get me out of here!" you yelled again. There's a lot of sounds as if a lot of people stepping on branches. A screeching sound of an owl surprised you, but you tried to follow its direction with your ears. 
 There's no way you will wait here and do nothing. Oh...my phone! You fished out your smartphone, but it showed no signal. "Shit!." you muttered. 
 The sounds from a far away crept closed, and you knew it. "You can do it! There's nothing more frightening than that monster snake." tried to encourage yourself; you stood up and slowly navigated. You followed the noises that now closer, like an animalistic growl. It was so intense you can feel all the goosebumps rise up your skin. 
 You weren't sure how long you have been walking, but you stopped suddenly when there's not only a pair but like 7 pairs of reddish eyes glowed in the dark. 
 "Come here, little lamb. Don't follow that voice." a vaguely familiar voice distracted you from stepping forward. 
 "Who the fuck are you, and why you get in my way just now." your voice came out hoarse. There's a twinge of fear in it, and you knew it. You felt like backed down wasn't the best option you had right now.
 "I said, come here, or else I can't even save you when they get you." 
 You stilled as if you didn't hear him talking to you. "Wasn't this still one of the tricks from the haunted house? To let the people scramble in fear?" 
 "Are you out of your mind? Come here right now, or I left you to death. They will either rip you apart or play your body like a ragdoll before one of them eats you." 
 You screamed in horror as one pair of red eyes slowly came out. It's huge. Almost four feet of canine shook its fur. 
 You were hyperventilating right now. Body rooted to the ground as you were surrendered. Welcoming your fate. 
 You heard a curse from behind your back. Maybe the stranger gave up and left you alone to be eaten by the wolves. 
 The scrunched sound of leaves crushed was loud. Suddenly you felt strong arms hauled you upside down. 
 Your eyes faced the skin of someone's back. You craned your neck a little bit to get a better view of the wolf. Screamed escaped your lips when you saw not only one but all of them, in a pack, chased both of you. 
 "Stay still." The stranger yelled. 
 Did the best thing to not get thrown out by his weird, fast speed, you secured your thumbs in his belt loops. He ran, escaped the pack inside the deep of what looked like a pine forest. 
 You weren't sure how long you ran with him, but you felt that he's finally slowed down. 
 When the thud thud sound reached your ears, you opened your eyes and saw that the stranger walked up a stair.  
 You felt nauseated when he suddenly put you to sit on something that was apparently a countertop. The rushes of blood that circulated through your body made you regain your sense of surroundings. 
 "Where am I?" you didn't mean to add an ungrateful tone in your sentence, but it was too late.
 The stranger eyed you like you were some sort of ungrateful bitch, which maybe you are. "At my cabin," he said flatly.
 You haven't had time to look at him in the forest, but now, under the actual lighting inside his house, what you saw might instantly make you drooled, which you already did right now. Stand up in front of you, a shirtless beefy tall man that's definitely more than six feet tall. He has short dark brown hair with a somewhat thick mustache that's complemented by a stubble. The front strands of his hair were loose and slightly curled. Looks likely due to all the running.  
 The sudden chill of air made you shiver, and he didn't miss your reaction. He left you for a minute and came back with a rug. The sudden heat from it, when he draped the fabric on your shoulder made you let out a gasp of satisfaction. 
 But the next thing you know, he ripped your stocking. You were shocked, eyeing him in horror. "What the fuck are you doing?!" You threw whatever things that's on your reach. The loud sound of glass hit the wall, and the strong grip on your wrist instantly made your stop.
 "Be still!" His azure irises left no room for confrontation. When you felt a sting on your knees, that's when you realized that he just pressed some gauze on it. Likely soaked with alcohol first. There's quite a prominent stain of blood on your legs, and it almost made you nauseated. 
 "If you stop acting like a brat, you'll heal faster." He looked at you with that cocky smile of confidence. "Understood?" 
 You just nodded at him. He continued to clean the blood and inspect the wounds. The position where you were sitting right now made it easier to study him carefully. 
 Although you felt the temperature decreased significantly, the beefy stranger in front of you appeared very sweaty. 
 Immediately your gaze ran down to his neck and continued its way to his chest and his abs. The unmistakable bulge under his pants made you squirm unconsciously. You were in a haze of fear and lust; you definitely insane. 
 "Wha— what's your name, sir?" 
 His strong gazed felt as if his eyes alone can subdue you. Maybe he has these laser eyes like Cyclops, your inner thought buzzed with speculation.
 "August. My name is August Walker. What's your name, little lamb?" 
 How dare this man call you a little lamb? You cleared your throat and told him your name and where you were from.
 "New York? It's pretty far from here." He patched you up nicely. The water-resistant gauze looked really neat pressed on your knees and some on your shin. You were impressed.
 When your eyes returned to August, you gave him a smile that you hoped looked like a smile of gratitude. Not the kind of smile you always presented to any potential partner in bed, sultry, and flirtatious.  
 "I— I haven't said anything but— thanks. Thank you for saving my life." Your left fingers instinctively pat his right arms. The feeling of his skin startled you. It's warm; in fact, it felt like he had a very high fever.
 "Are— are you alright? Your temperature feels off." 
 "Don't mind me. Just take care of yourself." 
 You knew there's something off with him, but you weren't sure if you had a clear mind to think right now. Not with the wolf pack outside and his words on New York being far away from here. Where the fuck am I? 
 "I… I have a—,"
 "I suggest you stay here if you don't want to meet them."
 "But I…,"
 "You can use the bedroom there," his hand pointed to the door on the far end. "Feel free to use anything you want. Just don't come to the basement. I will meet you after a couple of days, and we figured things out." 
 His authoritative voice and dominant persona immediately made you want to counter his suggestion. The funny thing was, looked like he sensed it.
 He approached you, face just inches away from you. Your eyes immediately glanced away from the delicious plane of his sweaty chest. His fingers drew your chin up, so both of your eyes were at the same level. "Do what I said, understand?. Thrust me; you don't want to know the consequences if you violate my suggestion."
 Suggestion, my ass! Your inner mind ready to throw insults at him, but you quickly held it back. In the end, you nodded at him obediently.
 That night you were restless. But in a weird sense, you felt comfortable staying in that cabin. The first night after August left you to your own devices, you had been pretty careful. Not touched a lot of things except food and items that help you with your long bath. 
 His cabin was quite spacious. The interior was a mix of something slicked and modern with an equal touch of classic. Tried to look homey. Not to mention his bathroom, it's super luxurious and made you feel at home instantly. Reminded you of your ex (sugar daddy's) bathroom. 
 Since you couldn't find another bedroom in that cabin and you don't feel like sleeping on the couch, you slept in his bed instead. After all, he said you can use the bedroom there. Still wearing your red riding hood costume, you slipped under the soft comforter. 
 After that, you woke up feeling a bit groggy. Aimlessly wandered around the kitchen, you weren't sure what to do first. Tried collecting your bearing, you tried to make a coffee. Or any equivalent things of it. Everything felt different; you just knew it. When the only thing you could find was several jars that you assumed were granules of tea, you brew it. You sat on the sofa that faced up a lake. The wall was made of glass, making everything well seen. 
 You walked closer and gazed at the vast pine forest in front of you. The trees were tall and big, so majestic. Somewhat it's different from the pine trees you usually see. The lake in front of you looked like it had two different colors, fusion together with weird looking fishes and plants that should grow on the land instead of water. Where the fuck am I? 
 The next day, you woke up feeling a little bit refreshed. You changed your slutty costume into one of the clothes you found in his closet. It was so soft and comfy. You knew when things were from high-quality material.  
 You continued your days by drinking your tea, ate whatever breakfast you can munch, and read a book that has these unusual fonts. You were sure it wasn't in the alphabet, but one day you absentmindedly swipe your fingers on some of the pages, and the font changed. Hell, it even translated into English in an instant. You were definitely impressed. 
 One thing you are sure of was, this place was strange. Wherever you were right now, it didn't look like it's on earth. Or the earth that you knew. Why were you so calm? Because you already freak out. After you freak out, you also wondered, did the haunted house event organizer realized that they were the culprit behind what the fuck happened to you right now? Did your housemate recognize that you weren't home for days? Or maybe she thought you fuck the Superman or perhaps found another sugar daddy? It was so absurd yet so real.
 The last two nights, you were struck in awe as your eyes were spoiled by two moons. Two fuckin moons. It was always quiet at night, but you heard all the howls that you suspected likely from the pack of those giant wolves.   
 It was pretty late, almost midnight. You finally found your small bag hindered under the sofa that evening. Now…, now you had some time to check it. The first thing you checked was if there's a signal. Definitely no signal at all. 
 You curled up on August bed while swiping the pictures on your phone. When you scrolled your pictures with Superman, you realized why August seems familiar. It was none other than August having quite the same face, the same build, even somewhat similar voices with Superman. 
 "Fuck...maybe I should ask August if he would like to be my Daddy while I'm here." Imagining him spoiled you with gifts and other physical attention made you chuckled at yourself. 
 Your fingers instinctively crawled under the gray long sleeve shirt you borrowed from his closet (again). Your brain projected an image as if it was August's hands that ran on your upper thigh. Find its way quickly to your wet core. Two fingers slipped under the black lace panty. The panty that you need to wash daily due to no other replacement available. Left you a couple hours with only his buttoned-up shirt without anything underneath. 
 The sound of a loud howl startled you. It was as if it circled you in close range. Moved as fast as you can, you snatched the oversize robe on you. Your eyes tried to creep behind the curtain in the bedroom. 
 You knew the owner of this cabin stated that you can't go to the basement. You wouldn't be so lucky if that giant wolf found you first and broke in. Although you haven't been really out of the cabin, you tried to inspect a little bit and found it odd that this cabin was apparently a treehouse-style cabin. How come there's a basement in the house.
 You exit the bedroom and go to the kitchen when you last saw August a couple nights ago. Next to the slick wooden cabinet was a particular thing that looked like a door. The surface of your palms works like a stethoscope, felt as if something with pressure from your hands. You tried not to get disturbed by the nonstop howl outside. When you hear something as if the door was shifted, you immediately step back. 
 "Oh my, finally…," you slipped inside the small door when it opened automatically. It was a small narrow corridor-like, and it was dark. Walk inside carefully, you follow the path that leads you to another door. The metal door let out a weird creaked as you pushed it open. 
 "Didn't I tell you not to come down here?" 
 Shocked was evident in your face when you heard his rather gruff tone. You step over, closer to where he sat, that looks more likely an even bigger size of the bed than the one he had upstairs.    
"Don't —,"
 He warned you, but you being you, could never obey orders. Although challenging, your eyes finally adapt to the only natural light from the glass wall. That said, you were totally confused as you can see the lake parallel to your eyes. 
 "What the… wait, how there's even a basement down here? Last time I checked, the cabin is a treehouse?"
 "It's camouflage. No one can't see it or enter from outside."
 "Holy… why there's a three moon?" you switched your gaze from the moon to August. Curiosity got the better of you when you saw his irises were now pale blue. You can still see the outer form that is August, but something was off. 
 A gasp escaped your lips as August rose up from the bed. The powerful moon shone his feature. He was taller, bulkier, and dangerous as he stalked towards you slowly. Your heart thumped erratically as you were cornered. Back supported by the glass wall as now you can see August in his other form. 
 "Holy shit. Wha—what are you?"
 "Told you not to go here, and you just can't listen, little lamb." his smirk turned maniacal as he looked at the fear on your face. His white fangs, longer than usual. His fingers also look unusual, claw-like. 
 "Are you— are you a werewolf?" 
 "Well...you can say that. I'm half human half wolf if you are curious." 
 "So why— why did you save me?"
 The tip of his nose inched closer to yours. You held your breath when his warm skin touched you. It moved to your left cheek and stopped near your ear. "I'm curious," he whispered.
 "I haven't really met a pure human in the same age range. So I have followed you since I saw you step out of that door. I follow you until you meet the other wolf pack, and I decide to help you instead of fulfilling my need." 
 "What need?" you asked him, dumbfounded.
 "This," he pulled away from you, his claw-like finger pointed out below his hip. Focusing on the long and hard appendage that was unmistakably, his cock.
 "Oh—I- I'm sorry?" you gave him your best apologetic face. Eyes seemed eager to stare longer, but you gazed away quickly. Wait, why did you apologize to him? You cleared your throat, "I— I actually not sure what I should do to help?" tilted your head to the right, you looked him in the eyes, almost challenged him.
 Despite almost getting eaten by wolves, August's menacing presence didn't really scare you. Maybe the fact that he was still human and less scary made it easy for you. Not to mention he's hot too, with all his glory. 
 His somewhat evil chuckled sent shivers down your spine. "If you really wanted to help, I think you know what to do, don't you?"
 "W-wait—is—does this mean we 'mate'?" you gave him a somewhat weird expression. "And—and you bite me, give me marks that I'm yours? And knot me, and I will have a litter of puppies, and I become your omega—,"
 His pale blue eyes stared at you as if you grew two heads. It softened immediately as he smiled. Broad one showed you a set of white teeth with extra long fangs. 
 "Oh, my little lamb...what have you read?"
 "Err— Omega verse? Fanfic?"
 He blinked. Gave you a quizzical expression.
 "It's— it's erotica. Where mostly the character you know—," you darted your eyes away from August. "—mate, err have sex. Mostly was written very explicitly."
 "Go on." He said.
 "They are wolves, scenting, imprinting. An alpha mates with omega, and it's been told in a variety of plots possible. Sometimes two alphas fight too." You were breathless. You didn't realize you explained it to him in a quick, incoherent way. 
 You staggered backward as he came closer, forgetting that you already cornered. His long fingers reached out to the white robe you put on you. Although his fingers had claws that looked alarming to you, his hand still skillfully unfastened the robe.
 "That's a bit of an exaggeration, I think. Pack and hierarchies usually form just for a mating season; they hunt together for food and shelter in the winter. We might be scenting people, I guess. After all, we have a very sensitive sense of smell. But no, we don't bite our mate." He took off the robe from your body, left you only with his grey buttoned-up shirt.
 "Well...I love that you are wearing my shirt as if you are mine already."
 You purse your lips at him. "Why aren't you in a pack? Isn't it a mating season?" 
 "I mostly can control myself during the full moon. That's the advantage of being half-human. I don't need to transform myself into a wolf and be in a pack. But I am an alpha if that's what you are curious about."
 "Can-can you turn back to your human form? Not like—you know, you aren't in your human form, bu—," your words were cut off by his thumb on your lips. 
 "You talk too much, aren't you, little lamb…," August leaned down and touched his lips to yours. Your first reaction was to freeze since you were afraid of his fangs. But his surprisingly soft lips coaxed you relentlessly, making you surrender as you closed your eyes. Opening your mouth, his tongue sneaked past your lips easily. His fangs poke at your lower lips, but it didn't hurt.
 The non so innocent kiss became more desperate. Your once shied tongue now dances together with August. Your once clasped palms that were situated on top of your chest now scraped at his shoulder. 
 Your eyes fluttered open as August nipped down from your jaw to your neck. Forgotten, you even close your eyes in the first place. His claw-like fingers unbuttoned his shirt on yours without difficulty, left you only in your black lace panty. 
 The feeling of temperature as if dropped significantly made you glued your body to August. Smooth skin of your chest pressed to his hot hairy one, seeking warmth. One hand secured behind your back while the other palm on your ass. Massage the globe there. 
 "Ohh…" you gasped as you felt his finger on your clothed core. 
 "Hmm… wet already, I see." he let the pad of his finger move up to your clit, while the movement of the claw added sensation to your already. Seeing your reaction, he repeated it a couple times. Made you a mess with only one of his fingers.  
 Arched your body a little bit, you were thrilled to see his expression. Traveled your hands down from his hairy chest; your eyes still focused on his face, while your palms found their way to his hard cock. 
 "Oh, so big…," slowly at first, you ran your hands at the tip of his cock. Even without looking at it, you knew it's definitely bigger than any cock you've ever seen. 
 Eyes widened as your hand slid down to the base. The other weighed his balls. "Holy…," your eyes looked down, stared in awe at his cock. 
 "Careful little lamb, you drooled on it."
 "Who's not?" You eyed him in disbelief.
 August let out a weird laugh, "I expect you to worship it, then." He looked at you with a bemused expression as you quickly worked on his length. Stroked it up and down repeatedly. 
 You go down on your knees, eyes crossed as you focused on his slit that oozed pre-cum. Unconsciously, you stuck out your tongue and brushed it on his slit. Wrapped your right hand at the base of his cock, your gaze rose up to meet his. Left handheld on his upper thigh for support as your lips covered the heat of his cock. You bobbed your head calculatedly as you accommodate him halfway. 
 "Such a good little lamb for your wolf, aren't you." August's right hand was at the back of your head as he nudged you none too gently. Made you choke at his cock, and pulled it out from your mouth. You gazed at the mix of your saliva and his precum in awe. But it didn't last long as August pulled you to your feet and picked you up. 
 He climbed up on the bed with you and laid on his back. He situated your hips and pulled it closer, so your opening was hovering on top of his face. On all four, for him. August was rewarded with a yelped and a moan as his tongue licked your clothed core. 
 The sound of fabric being ripped made you turn your head to the right. "That's my only pa— ohhh," your protest died right away as his tongue lapped your opening. The feel of his claws as he spread your ass cheeks added wonder to your pussy. 
 Trying to keep yourself busy, you swallowed the head of his cock for a starter. His cock was too big for you; your mouth can only allow half of it. Diligently, you tried to move your tongue while you suck on his cock, hands slid up and down. Feeling all the veins that encircled his length made you shuddered.
 August bucked his hips as you put one of your hands to massaging his balls. The action made you gagged as his cock entered further than before. But it didn't take a long time for you to stop due to his sudden attack on your pussy. 
 His tongue was not lapped at you anymore; it rammed inside your wet core like a starved man. You squealed as the end of his fangs scrapped at your now wet pussy. The pressure on your clit as the pad of his fingers made a circular motion left you breathless. It drove you to your high faster than you ever experienced. A surprised scream left off your lips as his tongue scraped your most sensitive part. Your body quivered as your inner walls spasm, hands held on his cock as you ride your high. 
 "Ohh— my god, ohh—my god—," you can still feel the kitten licked as August feasted on it. 
 "Ahh—that' s—that's good." You let your head rested on his left thigh. 
 "Now, for the main course." August's gruff tone pulled you back from your hazy state. His hard cock was evident on your right hand. 
 You felt your body shifted position, and now you were on your back. August spread your legs wide and shifted his position. The feeling of his heavy cock on top of your pussy made you nervous but also excited. Unconsciously you nibbled your forefingers while eyes traveled down to his long and hard cock. It made an up and down motion on your opening. You can feel your wet pussy clenched in frustration, ready to be filled. 
 "August please…," still nibbled at your fingers, you gaze at the wolf on top of you, one elbow supporting your upper body. He's so big, literally and figuratively. If you can't come back to your world, so be it. You didn't mind staying and being his plaything as long as he wanted you. 
 "Please, what my little lamb?" You pouted at that. You definitely weren't a little lamb. If anything, you should be the succubus. 
 "Please put that in me—," you writhed underneath him. 
 "Please put what?" His big body tower over you. His pupils dilated and only left a small ring of pale blue irises. His clawed fingers move up and down your thigh.
 "Ple—please, ohhhh, put that cock inside me! Fuck me, my wolf— nhhh—," your plead was answered when August suddenly pushed the head of his cock on your opening. 
 The back of your head fell to rest on the thick pillow as the intrusion of August's cock sent a surprising jolt on your body. You knew he's big. But when his cock finally spread your lips open and entered you, the overwhelming sensation was something you still didn't expect. 
 "Ohh— so big—," your pussy clenched immediately when August tried to push deeper but also slowly. The noticeable ridge of his vein scraped at your inner wall deliciously. With closed eyes, you gripped the edge of the pillow as you mumbled about how full you feel right now. 
 "Work your clit for me. Yes...make that tight pussy cream on my cock."
 "Oh—like this?" Your fore and middle fingers slowly pulled the hood and made a circular motion as August asked. 
 "Yes… Just like that…."
 It didn't take you long enough to feel the fast buildup on your lower belly. Something that never happened before. "Ohh—yes—I'm going to cum, my—ahhh," you work your clit faster as August cock made a shallow fuck inside you. 
 "Yes, cum on my cock, my little lamb. I want to see your pretty face when you cum for your wolf." His wolf tone deliciously affected your body. His growl sent an extra twitch on your clit. And you lose it when he thrust all the way inside your wet pussy. 
 You scream in ecstasy as your pussy quivered uncontrollably on his hard cock. You feel so full. The feeling of his cock all the way inside you made your brain feel as if it was submerged. Forgotten that you ever closed your eyes, you were rewarded by a sly smirk on August werewolf's face. His eyes were now all dark. His hair loosened, made the curls of it fall to his forehead. 
 "I see you enjoying yourself, my little lamb." His claws caressed your thigh gently.
 "Nnn—of course, I ahhh—I am." A little movement from August made you aware that his cock still inside you. Hard as a rock. 
 August lifted up both your knees and secured it with his hands. You lifted your upper body with your elbows as he retrieved his cock from your wet core. You gasped when you witnessed August pulled it out, inches by inches. Left only the head inside you.
 You moaned when he pushed again. Stretched you like no one else ever had. He did it slowly, knew that you still adapt to his girth. But the feeling when the tip of his cock scraped your most sensitive part every time he thrust inside you, you were tripped to your high even faster than before. 
 The moan of pleasure became incoherent as August sped up his pace. Repeated syllables of ahhh and ohhh accompanied your plead for him to fuck you like you were a female wolf. Released his pent up frustration to mate. 
 Both of you fuck like an animal who just needs to reproduce. Lust clouded the atmosphere in the room. Moaned and growled were sung like a prayer under the moonlight that shone its way to the basement. 
 His balls slapped against your ass every time he plugged in inside you. Sweats trickled down your body, and it looked even animalistic in August. His werewolf form was so majestic that you just wholly let him own you. 
 His feracious fucking looked like almost to its limit. The buzzed on your lower belly was ready to explode, but you held it.
"Fuck!" He growled.
 "Uhh—uhh—uhh—cum in me. Yes—cum in me, my wolf— filled me up with your thick hot cum!" You pleaded like a bitch in heat. 
 August slammed his cock deep inside you as he screamed and let out a long howl. The feel of his warm cum inside you triggered your orgasm. You wail as your inner walls contracted and squeezed his cock. Spurt and spurt of his cum filled your womb to the brim. Something that you never allowed any of your partners to do in the past. 
 You didn't realize that you lock both your ankles behind August ass. But also you sensed something changed. August was draped on top of your body, head sneaked at the crook of your neck. Still, in a haze caused by the release of oxytocin in your bloodstream, you missed the way August kissed turned into something more. He bit you. 
 The still clouded brain of yours pop-up an image of you becoming August omega. His only mate. Bear a litter of pups for him and live happily ever after in his house, in his world. Your pussy unconsciously clenched at his cock that was still inside you. You never really said this to anyone, but you imagine you live in another world since the first time you ever read a story about omega verse. 
 You mewled when the biting stopped. Maybe August bit you just for fun. When he craned his head up to look at you, something was different. His eyes turned back to his azure color. His fangs now short, back to its regular human teeth, and his body wasn't as hairy as he's before. He's practically not in his werewolf form anymore. 
 "You changed? Why?"
 He looked at you with his quizzical expression. "You wanted me to return to my werewolf form?" 
 You glanced away from him and kind of embarrassed to declare that his werewolf form was way hotter than his human form. Not that his human form wasn't hot either. Damn, you definitely bang him every time you can, but his werewolf form just made you curl your toes in an instant. 
 You cleared your throat and looked him in the eyes, "I like it very much."
 "Well...the full moon is still in the sky for quite some time. Are you ready for the next round, my little lamb?"
 "Yes, my wolf." You purred seductively at him and witnessed in delight his transformation before your eyes.
Comment, like and reblog are highly desirable! Spread the filthiness lol 💋
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merryfortune · 3 years
For Want of a Denim Jacket
Written for the 100ships on Dreamwidth Challenge
Prompt - #67 Denim
Ship: Prodigyshipping | Reiji/Serena
Other Notable Relationships: Platonic Lancershipping, Platonic Connectshipping
Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc V
Word Count: 4,308
Rating: G
Warnings: No Warnings Apply
Tags: Post Canon, Canon Divergent, Fluff, They/Them Pronouns for Reira
   Reiji was not one to window shop but when he saw the mannequin in that particular garment, he did stop and pause as he was walking by, hand in hand with Reira. Immediately, he was reminded of someone who would wear that particular item and would rather die than admit that she would want to wear it and would rather die again to have someone buy it for. Reiji sighed but was egged on by Reira who, quietly, in their own way, agreed that Reiji ought to buy it.
   It did look good and that was just on faceless, hard plastic. It would look even better on a certain girl, he was quite certain. He wanted to do a kind thing to his friend of his. She deserved something a little bit more than just her school uniform and similar rehashings of it, she was her own person now. Separate from where she came in every way.
   So, Reiji bought the denim jacket that he had seen in the window.
  It was artfully shredded at the front and even had tassels hanging off its long, bell-shaped sleeves. It was coloured black on the outside rather than the usual tones of blue of most denim clothes however, it was lined with a pretty star and moon pattern that was white and a blue so dark that it may have been indigo. On its lining and on the inside of its bodice, it had some pockets that were generously deep. On its back, it had a few studs along the seams but nothing grand or special. Meanwhile, down its front it had big, shiny silver buttons and looked all in all, very rock and roll, in Reiji’s classical music opinion. He was certain that his dear Serena would love it.
   But it wasn’t just enough to simply buy it and wrap it up in crepe paper, though Reiji would have but Reira had a good idea and Reiji agreed. It wasn’t just a good idea, it was a kind and splendid idea. So, the pair of them, once just merely going home from an outing to the park, like normal siblings do, became something more of a journey as Reira searched high and low for a patch.
   After all, all good denim jackets were patched to hell and back and Reiji couldn’t disagree. He was sure that Serena would appreciate the extra modification and actually, that gave him an idea so whilst Reira scanned various shelves of a bits and bobs shop with all sorts of bric-a-bra, Reiji put out various texts to his various allies- no, friends. They weren’t at war anymore. They were his friends.
   By the time Reira had found a patch that they liked, Reiji had gotten half a dozen replies and they were all quite enthusiastic. It was a good thing that it wasn’t getting too late as they had spent the morning at the park and had lunch there previously.
   “D’you like it?” Reira asked in a tiny voice. They stared up at Reiji, waiting for approval.
   Reiji patted the top of Reira’s head, “It's perfect. Good job.”
   “What about this one?” Reira asked as they showed off the second patch that they had found. “It reminded me of you.”
   The first patch that Reira had found at the bottom of a box of felt and similar scraps. The patch depicted an older styled camera that was mid-flash and inside the spiky flash bubble, it read “SMILE”. It was very cute and very Reira, Reiji felt. He was sure that Serena was likely to appreciate the sentiment too.
   The second patch that Reira had also found in their rummaging was a fairy tale-esque crown with diamonds and other jewels emblazoned on it. Immediately upon finding this treasure, Reira was reminded of their older brother and Reiji was quite fond of the idea for himself, even if it did seem a little vain. But still, it was decided: the first two patches for Serena’s jacket would be a crown and a camera.
   In his back pocket, Reiji’s phone buzzed and it was Yuya asking him to meet up at You-Show Duel School. He, Yuzu, and Gongenzaka were all there and were ready to contribute to Serena’s gift as well. Their eagerness was endearing so Reiji took Reira to the check out and plotted their course to the You-Show Duel School which Reira was very excited about. 
   Already going out and spending their day with their big brother was fun enough for them but turning it into an unexpected treasure hunt, catching up with their other friends, that excited them as well. So when Reiji got their detour organised, Reira was practically bouncing on the heel of their feet, even inside the bus, sitting down.
   The detour ended up short enough with Yuya, Gongenzaka, and Yuzu all waiting out the front, flagging Reiji and Reira down from off the street and inviting them inside. Reira was happy to see them but was a little intimidated by the gaggle of younger children that soon poured out the building; he remembered Ayu and Tatsuya and was introduced to Futoshi. He acted a bit shy around them, despite Yuya’s best efforts to encourage socialisation between them as Reira and Reiji came inside.
   They hung out in the classroom and Reiji placed the jacket on one of the desks. Around him, pretty much everyone gathered to look at the jacket, and also to provide Reiji with the various patches that they had found. Yuya offered up a patch that was of his Hip Hippo doing a one-hoofed handstand. It was very cute and looked like it had been leftover from a promotion from the store that Yuya had bought his deck from the beginning.
    Gongenzaka placed his own next to it and was of a generic red ribbon that had been tied into a somewhat fanciful bow. He had chosen it as it reminded him of the straps that he wore and because of the hair tie that Serena used. He hoped that Serena would like it; Yuzu and Yuya both encouraged him that she would and that his selection had been thoughtful.
   Yuzu then sneakily added in her own, even though she hadn’t been asked and her patch was of an orange that still had part of its stem and a bushel of blossoms attached. It looked as though it belonged on some fruit juice’s carton as a logo. All in all, it was a good haul, Reiji decided as he began arrange the five patches so far across the back of Serena’s jacket.
   Yuya and Yuzu giggled to themselves as they watched. The rather gothabilly jacket was very much something that they couldn’t imagine Reiji picking out for himself but it did, indeed, fit what Serena was probable to like. Gongenzaka gave Reiji an inordinately friendly pat down for his good taste which, truth be told, did more than just embarrass Reiji, it left a bruise on his shoulder.
   “I’m surprised you three were able to find patches on such short notice.” he said as he pushed up his glasses.
   “My mum’s really into clothes modding and left some stuff like that around in the storage. It's a total treasure trove back there, we were spoilt for choice.” Yuya explained.
    “We've even got a sewing kit if you want it.” Gongenzaka said.
   “I was thinking of getting it professionally done.” Reiji replied.
   “No need, I will do it for you.” Gongenzaka insisted with a pat on his own chest.
   “I would appreciate that then.” Reiji relented.
   “Good, because we’ve got some more company to arrive. Shingo just texted saying he’s almost here, same with Sora.” Yuya piped up.
   “I’ll go grab the sewing kit, we’ll be done before you know it.” Gongenzaka suggested.
   Reiji wanted to pinch the bridge of his nose and sigh. Upon that impulse, he heard the front door to the school slam open and two voices ring out in an overly saccharine greeting. This was very quickly becoming quite the rambunctious circus but with this lot, he shouldn't have expected otherwise.
   Sora and Shingo came racing through the halls, both had a patch for the jacket in hand. Sora slammed down his first, seemingly thinking it to be a competition against Shingo whilst Shingo thought it more a performance, one he desired to earn gold in. 
   “A dashing symbol!” Shingo announced as he swivelled dramatically on his foot. “Enduring and recognisable with a rich tapestry of exciting history, just like moi: I present the commedia dell’arte masks.”
   He smacked down his iron-on patch in the middle of the jacket and sure enough, it was the biggest of all the assembled patches thus far. The symbol of comedy in a faded red and the symbol of tragedy in a faded blue; the ribbons belonging to them both in a frayed gold, intertwined. It was quite the piece.
   “Looks good.” Yuya chirped.
   “Doesn’t look as good as mine, though.” Sora cheekily butted in.
   He poked his patch closer to the jacket, sliding it across the table top and then lifted his fingers. For Serena, he had chosen the motif of a cartoony, pink rabbit that had a dollop of whipped cream on its head and multi-coloured sprinkles scattered over it. 
   “Aw, it looks very cute, Sora.” Yuzu smiled.
   “I do not recall inviting you to this.” Reiji tersely pointed out.
   Sora pouted, staring up at him and put a hand on his hip, “I’m Serena’s friend too, even if i’m not her boyfriend like you.”
   “I-I’m not her-” Reiji stammered whilst there was some sniggling around him. “I’m just trying to do something nice for her.”
   “Yeah, yeah, so who’re we missing?” Sora asked.
   “Kurosaki-” Reiji tried to speak again but his phone buzzed. He checked it and read the message. “Shun and Ruri are both on their way right now. Though, it might be more accurate to say that Ruri is on her way and that she is forcing Shun to come with her, and also Yuto as well.” he said rather tiredly, recanting the text message he had received.
   “Nice.” Sora rolled his eyes.
   “Dennis and Tsukikage haven’t touched base yet either. So, unless someone wants to reach out to Yugo, perhaps, I believe we’re almost done in this endeavour.” Reiji said.
   “I can do that.” Yuzu said. “I’ll let Yugo know and let him know we have some patches he can pick from since Rin probably wouldn’t let him buy some. He’d definitely buy too many.”
   “Yeah,” Yuya agreed, “plus they’re expensive for such small things.”
   Shingo smirked there. Money was no object for him and he was proud of that. Proud enough to get a nudge in the elbow from Yuzu that made Sora giggle. Then, after putting Shingo in his place, Yuzu texted Yugo to know that something big and fun was happening without him so that maybe he ought to come check it out. He replied promptly - in a triple text, no less - that he and Rin would be delighted to come around. 
   It really was beginning to get out of hand, Reiji thought, as he had only perceived this as a small, impulse idea. However, looking at the jacket, there was plenty of space and how wonderful was it for Serena to have so many friends to come fill it. Soon enough, Yugo and Rin were smacking down the door with their D-Wheels parked outside, somehow beating the XYZ group.
   They were stomping around in their plastic boots, making a big noise that was very welcome. Yugo charged in first, his overbite pronounced in his grin as he bounded through the halls for the storeroom, his brows, both gapped for some reason, quirked in his joy, Rin following behind him, a smile on her own face. She had the coarseness of faded acne scars on her face, her cheeks wider and almost moon-like in shape nowadays.
   “Is it really okay for me an’ Yugo to take some patches? Even for ourselves an’ not just for this Serena’s jacket project of Reiji’s?” Rin asked for the umpteenth time whilst Yuzu and Yuya showed her and Yugo to the storeroom.
   “Yeah, totally. We’re not gonna use them.” Yuya replied.
   “You guys are the best.” Yugo grinned and soon enough, the two were let loose on the box in the storeroom with all of Yoko’s leftover patches that she had collected over the years from various things.
   With Yugo and Rin settled, Shun, Ruri, and Yuto had arrived. Reiji saw them inside since the actual hosts of the You-Show Duel School were indisposed. Ruri looked like a pixie in between her boys, holding onto them. She looked very pretty with her acquilian nose and her eyes that looked every bit as sharp as her brother Shun’s. Yuto, meanwhile, had more of a dapper look about him, more mature in the face than his counterparts of Yuya and Yugo, though they had grown up somewhat in the past few months, Reiji had to admit.
   “This is such a sweet and wonderful idea, I’m so glad we can help.” Ruri said and then glowered at her brother. “I can’t believe you would say no to such a thing.”
   “I just thought it wasn’t my speed.” Shun murmured.
   Even Yuto was unimpressed with such a reply and that particularly disgruntled Shun.
   He groaned, “So where is this arts and crafts party?”
   “Out this way,” Reiji said and with a sweeping hand gesture, he beckoned the classroom, “and we appreciate you all for coming.”
   Shun, Ruri, and Yuto all offered up their patches to the ever-growing pile of them on the table. Gongenzaka had been diligently sorting them all, trying to find a good way to place them around the jacket’s back and with yet another three, and yet more to come, he gave up on his current design and started again. Though so far, all his designs had been quite balanced and eye-catching, Reiji was quite impressed - and thankful - for that.
   Shun was mildly embarrassed about his patch. Seeing the others that were already provided, and knowing what Ruri and Yuto were going to provide, his felt more non-traditional than the others. His patch was a claw effect, it was meant to imply depth where there wasn’t any using three, jagged gashes of varying shades of black, white, and red. He was worried it would look a little odd with the rest of the patches but nonetheless, he placed it with the others.
   Ruri, however, was very excited as she handed over her patch into the haul. She had chosen some sort of fictitious bird. It had the colouration of a fairy wren but its body type was more akin to a swallow. It was sharp and examining it, Gongenzaka was worried it would be prone to curling and fraying at the edge so he knew to sew carefully there. Ruri appreciated the consideration and then let Yuto go next.
   Yuto smiled as his fingers brushed over Ruri’s patch and placed his own next to it. He had chosen a white knight chess piece as his emblem. It wasn’t the most detailed or well shaded of patches, especially compared to the more gregarious patches such as Sora’s, but it got the idea across alright. He quite liked it and hoped that Serena would, too.
   Just as things got quiet and the three new patches were arranged, Yugo and Rin returned, tramping down the hall. Rin grinned as she placed her patch down and Yugo added his own, too. Rin had found a white backed patch that had a string of different leaves of various shapes and colours, in the states of various seasons from the storeroom and thus had chosen it. Yugo, meanwhile, had also gone for something suitably obvious for him and smacked down a motorcycle-shaped patch that had a medium blue carapace to it. Both were very excited to hand over these patches that they had rummaged around for - and no doubt their pockets were lined with a few others for themselves.
   By now, the pile of patches had grown considerably. Each and every patch was unique and beloved in its own way. They were different shapes and sizes but even so, arranging them did give way to some semblance of pattern or cohesion. Reiji and Gongenzaka were cooperating in finding a good way to have them all placed upon the back of Serena’s jacket which was increasingly turning colourful over being pure black. Thereby worrying Reira who watched keenly.
   “We’re not gonna run out of space… are we?” Reira asked as they squished through the crowd to be at Gongenzaka’s side, their little hands on the table as they peered out across it. He then looked up at Reiji, “How many more people are we expecting?”
   “Dennis and Tsukikage, presently, but it's entirely possible that Dennis will bring Yuri and that Tsukikage will bring Hikage so that makes four patches, approximately.” Reiji said.
   And just as he spoke, there was a ding-dong at the front door and everyone noticed that it was just about to become dusk. Yuya answered the door as the crowd gained two more: Dennis and Yuri, speaking of the devils. Dennis awkwardly waved hello whilst Yuri stood, arms folded, but just peeking out from the crook of his elbow was an iron-on patch.
   “Sorry it took so long,” Dennis said through chattering teeth, “but finding good denim patches is a bigger task than one would think, haha.”
   Despite the brisk hellos, Yuya brought them inside and they introduced their patches to the pile, Yuri first. He placed his own down which consisted of a gathering of lilies of various colours: white, yellow, and pink, most notably. It looked rather vintage and its stitches had a texture to it that a lot of the other patches lacked since they were printed rather than sewn. Yuri thought it looked quite dashing and ergo, was quite proud of it as his fingers tip-tapped over it as he took his time to place it, assessing its predecessors. All whilst throwing a knowing look to Dennis as Yuri approved greatly of the patch that Dennis had picked out alongside him.
   Wth the implicit permission from Yuri, Dennis gingerly placed his patch down next. It depicted a very folksy, abstracted fox. It was all round, balloony shapes and muted colours. It had an almost cottagecore vibe to it thanks to its big, black eyes and button nose yet again, there was something almost evocative of the circus with its very fun-loving aesthetic. 
   With Dennis and Yuri sorted, Reiji checked his phone because he thought it had buzzed. There was, indeed, a new notification but he hadn’t felt it come through. It was from Tsukikage and just as Reiji had predicted, he intended to come soon. Reiji smiled, though the details were scant, it appeared that Tsukikage had been having the same problem as Dennis: finding something appropriate was a more difficult mission than first thought.
   Nonetheless, Tsukikage and Hikage arrived at a pace fitting their reconsance. Though, no one recalled letting either in. They just sort of turned up in a blink of an eye and placed one patch down to symbolise them both: a blazing sun with a pair of crescent moons conjoined to either side of them. Reiji smiled, perfect for the twins and no doubt perfect for Serena, too.
   With everyone who was anyone accounted for, Gongenzaka was finally able to arrange all the selected patches and begin to sew them onto the jacket. His steady hand was remarkable and his expertise unparalleled. His handiness with a needle and thread was unexpected but it was truly impressive. He had it all sewn up in no time at all without a nary error to be seen, both to his own skillful eye and to those who were less than familiar with textiles.
   Gongenzaka handed back the finished, modified jacket with a deep brow but a satisfied smile, “Here you go, now go give it to our precious friend Serena on all our behalf.”
   “Will do.” Reiji said smugly as he accepted the jacket.
   “She’ll love it.” Yuya cut in and gave Reiji a thumbs up.
   “I think it’s very sweet, it’ll mean a lot to her.” Yuzu added.
   “Indeed,” Yuri nodded thoughtfully, “like I, she was singled out in Academia, just in different ways. To have such a permanent reminder of all the people who care for her… Well, she won’t be moved to tears but she will appreciate it her own way, I’m sure.”
   “Go get her, tiger!” Rin called out, Yugo whooped and hollered by her side in total agreement.
   Reiji huffed. It was not like that but the only person convinced of that was him. He shuffled off so that he could take a moment of repose and privacy as he sent Serena a text. She was likely to be very miffed that they were having a party without her - and, yes, at this point it was a party - but hopefully the fact it was all to make a surprise for her would be some sort of balm.
   After a few minutes of waiting, Reiji got a very brusque reply. Serena was on her way and when Reiji shared that with all their friends, they got very excited. There, sharing the news, it dawned on him how peculiar it was to have all four Dragon Boys in one room and three of the four Bracelet Girls and then some, too. All their friends from various worlds and it filled him with the satisfaction of a job well done regarding the reunification of the worlds, the fighting and the not knowing.
   Even if it did have some odd effects. Serena, Ruri, Yuto, Rin, Yugo, and Yuri: they all got their unique personhood back because of the dimensional shifting and merging. Though they didn’t mind being part of a set, they no longer had to be. There was a lingering likeness between those lot and also Yuzu and Yuya but there was a more discerning distinction amongst them now. Reiji liked that quietly.
   After several more minutes, Serena arrived at You-Show Duel School. Reiji met her at the door and the lights were on above her, lightening the colour of her hair and making her almost feline face more sharpened. She had a nose like the muzzle of a lioness and thin, sharp eyes. They looked a lot better on her the sameness she had once donned. Though, she did still wear the Academia-inspired red and skort-look.
   “So, er, what’s all this about a getting the gang back together again?” she asked, awkwardly and then her eyes pricked on Reiji’s hands: he was holding something. “What’s that?”
   “If you are assuming its for you,” Reiji began, accusatory just to tease her and he did relish how Serena stiffened, “then you are correct. I hope you don’t mind but when I saw it, I was reminded of you.”
   Serena listened as Reiji explained this gift and she couldn’t help but notice Reira peeking out around the corner. Then Yuya, Yuzu, too, Sora down the below… The whole gang really had gotten to better on this one and they were being as quiet as possible so Reiji didn’t notice.
   “So please accept this, on behalf of myself and all our friends. You will see why.” Reiji said.
   He handed over the jacket and Serena was somewhat sceptical of that last part. She accepted the jacket and began to unfold it curiously to see it in full. It just seemed like an ordinary, black denim jacket. When she held it, it unfurled and flapped in the slight, cool breeze behind her and she saw it. Serena wasn’t one for warm fuzzies but it was more than apparent beyond her blunt exterior that she was quite delighted by what she saw on the back of the jacket.
   “Wow, this is…” Serena was completely lost for words.
   “A bit much but Reira had the idea and it just spiralled from there.” Reiji explained.
   Serena grinned freely. She could connect every patch to each and everyone of her friends. Her heart pounded in her heart with joy as she soaked in all the different patches and how they shouldn’t have worked together but they did. The flash of recognition in her eyes also made Reiji very happy.
   “I love it.” Serena said.
   “You should try it on, the storeperson recommended I buy a size or two larger than you are so you can grow into it.” Reiji said.
    “Hell yeah I wanna try it on.” Serena replied and she was already ripping her current jacket off.
   She flung it at Reiji. It smacked him across the face and shoulders but he didn’t mind. He gathered it up and folded it whilst Serena put on her new jacket. She looked exceptionally good in it, the tassels off her arms suited her and the silver buttons were just like moons.
   “It's perfect.” Serena said, feeling warm and cosy in how baggy it was on her. She stepped closer to Reiji, into the doorway, and hugged him. She got up on her tip-toes and kissed his chin, flustering it. “I love it, thank you.” she whispered.
   Reiji stiffened. He hadn’t been expecting that thank you kiss but very well. He swallowed and smiled and did his best to ignore all the cooing from their various friends. He found it immature but Serena had a soft look of amusement in her eyes. So long as she enjoyed her new denim jacket - and she did, she was already preening in front of everyone, showing it off - then that was enough for Reiji and his little quest for want of a denim jacket.
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invincibleinck · 3 years
Summary: Art outlives the artist. (Written for day 5 of my own lil' Invinciweek.)
Fandom: Invincible (Image Comics, Prime Video)
Characters: Art Rosenbaum, Mark Grayson (Invincible), Markus "Marky" Murphy, Terra Grayson
Other Notes/Tags: Feel-good, Aging, Spoilers, Passage of Time. Polishing and posting this REAL late but uh, here. The original one-word prompt for this came from my #Invinciweek challenge on twitter. Unfortunately I got real busy and real stressed fast, so this contribution never got posted on the 26th of March like it was supposed to. Not very proud of this but I always feel an obligation to add to the fic tag for Invincible. :)The first scene takes inspiration from the show on Prime, but the rest of the fic loosely follows the events of the comic. Spoilers for both.
AO3 vers: https://archiveofourown.org/works/30762323
The boy bursts into Art's abode like a runaway train. A gust of wind follows him, blowing costumes on their hangers, fabric off tables, and display mannequins onto their sides. Art barely flinches. Decades of catering to the superhero community have honed his nerves into steel cables.
His eyes move from the mess and bore expectantly into the boy's. The son of Nolan Grayson is flushed in the face. White knuckles bend over the railing in front of him, and above them, Art can see his arms tremble.
"Got it," he says.
Art can't help the gentle grin that graces his face. The boy's excitement is contagious, and after all these years, Art can never shy from a challenge.
"Alright kid, let's get to work."
The first time Art sees Invincible on the TV, he doesn't bother to quash the prickle of pride that runs through him. The final product is bold, brazen, and unique. Black body suit, blue boots and goggles, and yellow gloves. He is particularly pleased with the 'i' on the chest. Somehow it is both subtle and striking, and the colour accentuates the darker ensemble perfectly.
Not bad, if he did say so himself.
Already, Invincible is ruining his first costume on live TV. It is a rite of passage for all superheroes, so Art doesn't take it personally. Besides, business is business, and costume replacement makes up about half of his income. With rapt attention, he watches as Doc Seismic tosses him through a boulder, only for him to emerge in rags, undaunted despite the damage to his outfit. The boy didn't choose the name 'Invincible' for nothing.
It's hard to look away from the screen, and more than once he has to tear out some stitches and start a seam from scratch.
"Some of my best work," he remarks to himself before rubbing his chin. "Although, those knee pads..."
Truthfully, Art is a little relieved when Mark asks to go back to the blue and yellow. The other costume was fine, but it wasn't Mark. This one suits him better, knee pads, primary colours, and all.
Even if the fingerless gloves are a pain in the ass to sew.
It is with a great deal of déjà vu that Art meets Mark Grayon's son. Markus Jr. is a mild-mannered boy, with awkward, lanky limbs, sleek hair, and dark eyes. The resemblance between father and son is uncanny, although Art can't recall Eve ever having a second child.
An explanation for another day, maybe.
He is much younger than Mark was when he got his first costume. But then again, it seems like these superheroes start younger and younger every year. What right does he have to judge? He's just the geezer who makes the outfits.
Art briefly contemplates a couple of colour schemes. He has a few in mind already. Looking at the boy, bouncing in anticipation and so much like Mark, the choice is obvious.
"I know just what to do with you."
Terra Grayson is every bit of her parents and more. She has Mark's spunk, Eve's sarcasm, and both of their strength combined and cubed. The young lady will make a formidable Viltrumite one day. Hell, she already does.
How very fitting that her costume takes influence from both parents'.
The main pattern is based off Eve's one-piece—minus the cape—but the rest of the design follows Mark's original outfit to a T. Yellow logo and gloves, blue shoulders that flow past her bust, and of course, those signature knee pads. She forfeits the goggles for a flashy visor, something that Art had lying around the shop, probably left there since the 80's. He's tickled that she takes such a fancy to it.
"Thanks, Art," she says, hugging him around the waist.
Art winces at the strength behind the embrace. Terra doesn't do anything halfway, and Art isn't as young as he used to be. Still, the warmth he feels is worth every crack and pop from his spine.
Art is a very old man, now. So old that it's a wonder that he hasn't retired.
He wonders if his eyes are betraying him when he sees Mark's subordinates. Their new uniforms are mostly blue with familiar yellow accents. There is a tightening in his throat and he shakes his head to clear the fog in his head. Maybe he's finally gone "senile".
"I hope you don't mind," Mark says. "Eve and I felt it was time for a change, and well, your designs always WERE the best. If you want us to compensate you-"
Art halts Mark's runaway mouth with a raised hand. For a moment, he is lost in contemplation. The years seem to stretch out in front of him, and he sees the reformed Viltrumite race in all its glory, generation after generation, all garbed in clothing he helped inspire.
Him. Art Rosenbaum. Resident tailor.
No. No this one is on the house.
At last, he cracks one of his lazy grins.
"No, no I don't mind at all."
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fenheart87 · 4 years
Blue Changes
We had a fun little challenge, we picked a prompt and had 3, 15 minute sprints to write something for the prompt. Then 24 hours for light editing to finish sentences if needed, grammar etc. This is my take on the the prompt "Has anyone ever told you just how adorable you are Because you really are." Dedicated to @verfound 🧡
“Marinette, where is my favorite designer at?!” Jagged burst into the studio, Fang trotting happily next to him on her leash and Penny multitasking between her phone call and tablet. Technically he was supposed to be on a plane to New York, but decided to swing by Paris on his way because he had an idea that just could not wait and wanted to check on his unofficial niece anyways. There was only one speed bump in that plan, the studio was completely empty. The chaos of fabric strewn about and pieces half cut with scissors still mid snip definitely screamed someone was working hard or trying to at least, the mannequin with a half-pinned design and ripped fabric seemed to lean toward the latter.
“Looks like she’s not here… Must be taking a break. Penny, why don’t we order from my favorite bakery and make sure something extra special for Marinette. I’m glad we came here before the next stop on tour.” Jagged poked around at the sketches laying in abandon on the desk, some half crumbled on the floor and more stacked on a sketchbook.
“Seems like she is having some massive creators block… We should treat her when we have a break on the tour.” Penny suggested, already on the phone with Tom and trying to insist they would pay for their order.
Some of the sketches were brilliant but had marks of black throughout them, others were completely marked out and you could not even tell what the design was to start with. It hurt to physically see what pain Marinette was going through, most of the ones with the darker markings were of the same style. He could clearly see the thought of Adrien in the suits and matching dresses for Marinette, the anger of the marks showing something had happened or changed. Sighing heavily, Jagged gathered the papers, Fang batting the ones further away with her tail over to her owner. One paper had him blinking in surprise.
“Penn! Pen! Lookie here! D'ya see this?!” jagged shouted, shoving the paper into his assistant’s face, not even minding when she sighed and pushed it to a proper distance. It was a one-of-kind leather jacket and a custom hoodie drawn to match it. Either could be worn seperate or paired together. The colors were a contrast of electric blue and smokey turquoise, the theme was music and snake. Jagged recognized it as a rough sketch due to the lack of color or material notes along the edge that appeared on her finished drafts.
“Why was this crumpled up? It’s a really great idea!” Penny wondered aloud, noticing that the eccentric rockstar she commonly felt like she had to babysit was scheming. “Jagged no, whatever is it the answer is no.”
The door opened and in walked the designer they were looking for, Marinette seemed stressed and a bit run down. Her hair was thrown into a messy bun, one sleeve was pushed higher than the other and her shirt was wrinkled where it was tucked into her pencil skirt. Flip flops clacked along with her steps, another sign she was worn out if the basic shoe was more preferred to her custom made and very comfortable flats. An energy drink dangled from one hand and her design tablet occupied the other. Both guests watched as she made it all the way to her desk without noticing they were there.
“I have no idea what I'm going to do! I don't have anyone that fits that one or the orange one… I could make it a dress but who would wear it?! Ugh! I’m going to fail at this rate and then I won't graduate and I'll never design again, who would want something made by a failure-” Fang chose that moment to nudge her head onto the petite woman’s lap, startling her so bad she screamed and fell out of her chair.
“Well I reckon that I would love to have exclusive rights to all designs made by my favorite niece but we all know that’s not fair to the rest of the world. Now I know you are in a pinch and you’re stuck like a boat in the desert, so you’re going to take a break, spend some time with uncle Jay and make sure that you show poor Fang some love, she was all excited and you just screamed right in her poor face. C’mere my poor baby, Marinette is so mean I know.” Jagged showed the croc in love through pets and scratches. 
“When.. How, why?” Poor Marinette was lost and couldn't believe the rockstar was in her studio when he should've been halfway around the world for the next stop on his tour. 
“Okay, the only thing we’re doing right now is leaving all this behind for a much needed break for food and maybe a nap in your case. Time to relax and stop stressing for a minute." Penny authoritatively stepped in, stacking the papers on the desk, handing Marinette her purse and phone and with the help of Fang scooted the younger woman out the door.
Marinette protested "Wait I need to finish, it has to be done! I can't take a break, I just did!"
"Negative, now it's time for chow, and you need a shower, at your parents then we need to have a little chat. Ladies first!" Jagged gently shoved the designer into the car with cheer, allowing Fang and Penny to enter before him. 
"So my little brilliant niece, we have some great news and a rock and roll deal for you! Can't tell you what is until after you've taken a break though." They grinned as Marinette grumbles as she gave fang the attention she wanted until they pulled up to the bakery.
Getting out of the car first, Marinette sighed at the smell of her parents baking, the smell melting off some stress like butter melting on a fresh from the oven croissant roll. Her stomach grumbled and she opened the door for the other guests, sneaking an excited Fang upstairs to not scare the other customers. Deciding to take a refreshing shower, Marinette went to her bathroom and put on some zen meditation music before getting in the shower. Quick ten minutes later and she was feeling much more alive and hungry. On a whim she grabbed a random outfit that she had made but never worn, pleated plaid skirt with a red checker pattern offset by the off the shoulder fitted top in a burgundy color, and threw it on before joining her guests. 
"Oi looking good! One of yours?" Jagged shouted with his mouth full, causing Penny to smack his arm as a reminder to use manners. 
"Sure is! Never worn it before but decided change can be a good thing and sometimes you have to start the change instead of waiting for it to happen." Grabbing her favorite pastry and a croissant because you can't just smell one and not eat it, she missed the concerned look her adopted guardians shared.
"So your studio was, well, you seem to be having a hard time." Pen tried to be gentle but made a face at her words.
"Yeah… Life is… Changing." Marinette mused, picking at the pastry.
"Marinette, what can Uncle Jay do to help?" Jagged's serious tone drew her gaze and his heart broke at the sight of unshed tears.
"I uhm well. I- That is, we-" With a huff, she calmed down and a look of determination shone on her face. "Adrien asked me out, on a date date in this really elaborate way. I turned him down. I have no idea what I was thinking but when he asked me I was so happy and then all I could think of was blue and how soft its is and it can be so calm or so chaotic and it’s always changing like the ocean but yet it's always the same and there this feeling of calm and I just couldn't say yes."
The quiet settled into a slightly awkward silence, Marinette was ignoring it and Penny was having nonverbal argument with Jagged on what to say next. With an eye roll that spoke louder than her shouting at him, the assistant took the lead once more. Quietly she rose from the chair she was occupying and sat next to the young designer smoothing out the crumpled sketch she had taken from the studio.
"Is this the blue you're talking about?" 
"Yeah… That’s my blue." A gentle smile touched peach lips briefly, blue eyes going soft.
"Is this the skater kid?"
"Skater kid?" Marinette blinked in confusion.
"Nah Pen it's the boat kid."
"He has a name you guys!" Marinette broke down into giggles, looking much more like herself and less like a zombie just waltzing around and going through the motions. "His name is Luka, yes the one who went me skating with Adrien and Kagami, yes the boat kid who has a heart way too big for just his mom and sister. And now me…"
"Sounds like you made a change?" Penny prompted smiling widely.
"A blue one yeah, I did."
"Has anyone ever told you just how adorable you are?" Jagged shouted, picking up the younger woman and swinging her around as she shrieked. 
"Okay Jagged, let's not take over her whole day. We did have a reason to show up here after all." Penny handed the tablet to Marinette after he relinquished his hold. "This is what we're looking at for a surprise concert once we are back here in Paris. There's some issues I'm ironing out but I wanted to see what you think and if you would take lead on the design aspect."
"Wait, lead designer for your show?" Blue bell eyes swiveled between ocean blue and hazel sets, wide with disbelief and building excitement.
"Yup, this tablet is yours by the way. I do ask you to keep just business on it for the show, if you want more traditional sketches that's fine but once it's done it needs to be uploaded on here." Jagged explained, clapping a red clad shoulder.
"Oh you need an opening act? I've got that covered." The sparkle was finally back in her eye to match the mischievous grin.
"I agree with Jagged, are you sure no one has said it before because you really are adorable."
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bearseokie · 4 years
Working Other Occupations | GOT7
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got7 m.list | navi.
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Mark: Gas Station Clerk;
knows everyone because his store is so busy
the store has two checkout lines, but his is always the longest
knows the best brands in the stores, constantly recommends them
gets frozen yogurt every day, collects his spoons
never leaves the slushie machine alone, his tongue is always red or blue
hates cleaning the bathrooms
prefers the night shift over the morning shift
blasts music
begs people that buy cigarettes to try quitting by chewing gum
steals energy drinks
pays for people's items when they don't have enough to cover it
smiles at everyone for no reason
found a stray cat behind the store, named it and deemed it the gas station kitty
stands at the counter, refuses to sit down
raps to songs playing while he restocks
runs around the counter to open the door for elders
challenges himself to see how long he can stand in the freezer
befriends the cook that makes hot food so he gets free meals
pumps gas for his friends and elders so he knows they get taken care of
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Jaebeom: Mechanic;
works on vehicles part time
gets stuck somewhere almost every day. once it was his hand in the exhaust pipe. once his entire body got stuck between the bottom of a truck and the creeper. it was a funny call for help.
wears a black jumpsuit and boots every day, loves that his name is embroidered onto his uniform.
blasts alternative music in the shop
thinks his job is like math
all of his co-workers are buff dudes with tattoos, and he admits he looks out of place
long hair that gets caught in Everything
sits on the creeper and rides it around when he's too lazy to stand up
is actually really good at his job, and has never had a complaint
women stop by to request that "he must look at their car because the check engine is on" but it's just a glitch, he gets their number anyways
always offers to buy food for his co-workers when they've been working long hours
always is on coffee duty
keeps a jar of lollipops for the client’s kids
got pranked by his co-workers once, hopes it never happens again
they asked him to get into a car to check if the steering wheel was even, then they lifted the car. he was in the air, stuck for almost an hour while they worked on it because "it would be a waste of time to bring it back down to let him out", he still appreciates them though
knows a lot of the rich people in the area specifically because he works on their cars
loves working on Ferraris and Lamborghinis
got to drive both to test run them, he was in love
is always covered in grease and oil, smells like them too
rough hands
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Jackson: Workout Trainer;
always wears black tank tops
goes into the gym to do his own workout before his client shows up
brings extra water
gets way too excited when his client wants to do another workout
has a personal connection to all of his clients
will treat them to meals and give gifts to support their hard work
all of his fits match
wears insoles for extra support and asks his clients to get them too so they won't be as sore
is naturally loud but is quiet when he works out / when he is watching over a client
real bike rides & hikes
always makes clients start off with the basics, the smallest weights, shorter movements even if they are familiar with the workout / equipment
wears sweat bands like they're actual accessories
messes around from time to time by "running" on the gazelle, skipping on the treadmill, swings from the pull-up bars
acts like he's done more than everyone else when they aren't paying attention
pretends he can't lift a heavy weight when his client tells him they don't know if they can, so they feel inspired to try and be better than him
the best spotter
gets angry at other people in the gym when they are checking out / flirting with his clients, tries to explain that they are focused
protein shakes that smell okay and taste awful but he considers them a necessity
headbands like he's in an 80's workout video
always bouncy and excited, even when he's tired
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Jinyoung: Dental Receptionist;
holds his index finger up at people when he's in the middle of something
types very fast
will hang up on you if you're rude to him
is friends with all of the dentist's in the building, and constantly chats with them even if people are waiting for their appointment
dentist still hasn't come back? they're talking to jinyoung
has a jar of mints on his desk, never offers them to anyone
is only nice to kids
bought new toys for the kid's waiting room because the old ones were boring, now none of them make noise but are enough to busy them
will purposely shred important papers just to give people a hard time
hates his desk chair
plays generic stock music in the office
goes through pens like crazy
hates check-in calls to remind people of their appointments, so he doesn't even do them most of the time and just hopes for the best
no insurance? sucks for you now you have a bill in your name
staples aggressively
plays solitare
makes the waiting room freezing while he's perfectly fine
gets up in the middle of someone checking in to walk around doing nothing until he feels like coming back
shows no emotion unless he hears a kid laughing
waves goodbye instead of telling people to have a good day / evening
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Youngjae: Librarian;
shushes people that shush others
sneaks up behind people when they are focused
laughs way too loud and bothers everyone
the scanners hate him so much that they will glitch and shut down the entire computer
wears plaid pants and comfy tees, pushed back hair and glasses, never wears his contacts to work
brings his own lunch / snacks but still buys things from the staff room's vending machine
plays music in his earbuds when restocking and reorganizing
puts his own name down for newly released dvds so he gets to watch them first
carries a backpack of random stuff for when he gets bored
doesn't actually like books that much
accidentally sings at full volume to the music in his ears
buys stickers to give to the kids when they check out their books
runs up and down the aisles when no one else is around
recommends the same four books to everyone
writes in his notebook for half of his shift
when the kids get lost from their parents, he holds their hand and lets them hang out with him at his counter while he calls over the intercom
thinks there should be a bigger music section
wears a watch but still stares at the wall clock
bad sleep schedule so he's always dozing off
loves decorating the library with themes
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Bambam: Retail Employee;
very sassy
wears brands even his own store doesn't sell
is actually the nicest person ever to work in retail
fingertip length organized racks
perfectly folds Everything because he believes presentation is one of the most important features of anything
will change a mannequin while people are shopping if he hates the fit enough
rants about how more people should thrift clothing instead of buying new things every time because it's better for the environment to recycle and benefits & supports local thrift stores
holds up clothes when people are checking out and compliments their taste
actually enjoys comfy clothing over designer, but will never admit it
takes a whole shift just to choose one pair of shoes to put on display
loves when kids ask his opinion on what they should get
spends his breaks looking over the jewelry section
steals candles
hates when people mess up the t-shirt section because he always has to fix it
electric shopping cart races
always has his long sleeve uniform shirts rolled up to his elbow
has knowledge of the best makeup brands in the store
severe hatred for the low-quality tees with weird quotes on them
loves all of the jeans with rips in them and always recommends them to customers
can make the floors so shiny he sees his own reflection in it
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Yugyeom: Roller-Rink Employee;
part time dj, part time employee
puts on his favorite beats and skates around until he has to switch songs
kids try to climb him because he's so tall
has multiple pairs of skates for different days of the week
skates backwards
big shirts and ripped jeans
usually the leader of kid's birthday parties
held one of the parties and became the special guest because all of the girls loved him so much, they made him their prince for the day
loves watching people hold on to the walkers because it's funny
teaches old people how to skate safely by holding onto the edge of the rink
has to make the girls that flock around his booth find another activity to do
aggressively competitive lazer tag player, always gets his vest on first so he gets a head start
drinks monsters like it's water
doesn't buy the food they make inside, just steals it
hates being on rollerskate duty, always has to clean them and restock them properly because the high school kids place them in random spots
dyes his hair a different color every month
thinks the blacklight is the coolest feature of the entire rink
has so many high scores on the old arcade machines that kids cry trying to beat him, he buys them candy so they stop being upset
decorates the dj booth with neon colors
once got stuck putting his arm into the claw machine trying to get a toy that he wanted for himself
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154 notes · View notes
Unus Annus: A Complete Ranked List
well, now that every single video has been released, i’ve compiled them all into a complete ranked list, from best video to worst! this took way longer than it had any right to.  (also, please note this is just my opinion, and in all honesty, this list was really hard because so many of these videos are fantastic. you could tell me that you’d rearrange anything in the 50-250 range and i’d probably agree with you.) 
And if you don’t feel like going through the whole list, here’s Unus Annus ranked by month!
If the video is in: Top 50: 5 points 51 - 100: 4 points 101 - 150: 3 points 151 - 200: 2 points 201 - 250: 1 point 251 - 300: 0 points 300 or below: -1 point (Any ties settled by which month had the highest ranking video overall.)
November: 93 October: 72 December:70 September: 66 February: 66 August: 63 June: 60 January: 59 July: 53 May: 43 March: 37 April: 1
The Truth of Unus Annus (Oct. 31st)
Ethan Finally Becomes a MAN (Jan. 10th)
Phasmophobia in Real Life (Oct. 25th)
Mark and Ethan Attempt an Escape Room (Dec. 6th)
Hunting HeeHoo (Aug. 29th)
DIY Geriatric Simulator (Jan. 18th)
Recreating Every Single Unus Annus Video (Nov. 4th)
Mark Teaches Ethan to Read with Hooked On Phonics (Jun 6th)
Ethan Gives Mark a Viking Funeral (Dec. 9th)
Cooking with Sex Toys (Nov. 15th)
Mark Reviews the Impossible Burger But There’s a Looming Sense of Impending Doom (Dec. 13th)
Helium Therapy (Nov. 29th)
2 Truths and 1 Lie -- Waxing Edition (Nov. 26th)
Ethan Will Be Kicked in the Balls (Nov. 22nd)
Being Brutally Honest With Each Other (Nov. 3rd)
Would Chica Save Us From Drowning? (Jul. 24th)
Mark and Ethan are Now Fathers (Mar. 22)
Ethan Kidnapped Mark (Oct. 30th)
Mark’s Outdoor Escape Room (Aug. 28th)
The Unus Annus Last Supper (Nov. 2nd)
Mark and Ethan Go Casket Shopping (Jan. 11th)
The Sensory Overload Tank (Jan. 7th)
Mark and Ethan Summon a Ghost (Nov. 25th)
Mark Knows What Ethan Did… (Sep. 22nd)
Pee Sauna (Jun 17th)
We Made Nude Paintings of Each Other (Dec. 14th)
All of Our Video Ideas that Never Happened (Nov. 5th)
Mark Teaches Ethan How to March in a Marching Band (Sep. 4th)
Hiding Our Sins From Amy’s Holy Peepers (Jan. 2nd)
Our Perfect (and last) Valentine’s Day (Feb. 14th)
The Barrel - Official Music Video (Mar. 9th)
Edward Pumpkin Hands (Oct. 26th)
This Video Is Completely Unedited (Oct. 17th)
Ethan Teaches Mark How to Swim (Jun. 28th)
The Unus Annus Annual Sleepover (Nov. 12th)
Everything’s Legal if You’re Dead (Nov. 10th)
Harnessing Our Dogs’ Unlimited Energy (Dec. 23rd)
2 Grown Men Attempt the Presidential Fitness Test (Dec. 31st)
Learning to Breathe Underwater (Jan. 13th)
Playing Children’s Games in Total Darkness (Aug. 17th)
The Unus Annus Annual Costume Contest (Oct. 28th)
Saying Goodbye to All Our Guests (Nov. 9th)
We Got Pepper Sprayed (Mar. 10th)
The Cryptid Olympics (Oct. 24th)
Mark and Ethan Get Into a Fight (Mar. 8th)
Mark Punishes Ethan (Jan. 27th)
Ethan Watches as Mark Achieves the Impossible (Sep. 29th)
Drunk College Party Simulator (Feb. 15th)
God’s Fitness Test (Nov. 8th)
3 Big Boys Attempt the King’s Royal Fitness Test (Feb. 18th)
The Beginning of the End (Jul. 26th)
Mark Cooks Blindfolded While Ethan Guides Him Through FaceTime (May 22nd)
Pitching a Tent in the Woods But There’s a Bear 15 Feet Away (Aug. 22nd)
We Forced James Charles to Run a Military Obstacle Course (Mar. 23rd)
We Tried a Labor Pain Simulator (Mar. 20th)
The Bad Kind of Cupping (Nov. 20th)
Ethan Destroys Mark’s Van with a Bat (Dec. 7th)
Duct Tape Crucifixion (Amy, Please Don’t Watch This Video) (Dec. 29th)
A Bear Attacked Us in the Middle of the Night (Aug. 24th)
Mark and Ethan Look at a Puppy for 10 Minutes (Jul 7th)
Building the World’s First IKEA Boat (Jun 27th)
Goat Yoga (Feb. 22nd)
10 Strange Amazon Products Ethan Bought Mark Because He Doesn’t Know How To Spend Money Responsibly (Feb. 16th)
Top 10 Worst Things Your Friend Could Possibly Spend Their Money On (Feb 29th)
Fixing Mark’s Hole with Ramen But Every Time We Add Glue We Get 5% Closer to God (Jan. 14th)
Being Attacked By a Fully Trained Bodyguard Dog (Feb. 19th)
Preserving Ourselves in Wax (Dec. 26th)
Santa’s Mukbang (Drinking 1 Gallon of Eggnog) (Dec. 24th)
The Unus Annus Space Program (Jul 11th)
Ethan Explores Mark’s Haunted Basement (Dec. 17th)
Dummy THICC for Dummies | A Tale of Two Butts | Pushing Our Butts Even Further Beyond (Jul. 4th)
DIY Bungee Jump (please don’t try this) (Jan. 4th)
Unregulated Axe Throwing (Feb. 7th)
Making the Ultimate Unus Annus Burger (Sep. 15th)
How to Rescue a Cat from a Tree (Aug. 23rd)
Beer Sauna: Turning a Portable Sauna Into a Portable Hell (Mar. 16th)
The End of Unus Annus Is Almost Here… (May 15th)
We Accidentally Made an SCP While Amy Was Away (Sep. 13th)
We Play The Newlywed Game While Consuming That Which Will Kill the Other (May 23rd)
Building IKEA’s Hardest Piece of Furniture Without Instructions (Jun 18th)
Recharging Our Phones Using Only Brute Strength (Jul. 30th)
Eating Only Onions for 24 Hours: How Many Onions Does It Take to Kill a Man? (May 8th)
The Candy Bra Challenge (Jul 6th)
We Bought Every Grinch Costume on Ebay (Oct. 13th)
Only UNUS-es/ANNUS-es May Watch This Video (May 28th)
Only Watch From 2:25-6:11 --- DO NOT WATCH ANY OTHER PART OF THIS VIDEO (May 29th)
We Force Mark to Swim in the Ocean (HIS GREATEST FEAR) (Oct. 22nd)
Recreating The Miracle of Childbirth (Mar. 21st)
Making Our Own Sensory Deprivation Tank (Nov. 18th)
Turning Mark into an E-Boy (Feb. 2nd)
The First Annual Unus Annus Roast (Nov. 7th)
Reacting to Your Hilarious Green Screen Memes (Jun 5th)
The Ultimate Trolley Problem (Feb. 21st)
We Looked at Unus Annus Memes (Apr. 30th)
Exploring the Unus Annus Subreddit for Your Delicious Memes (May 16th)
BLACK LIVES MATTER: Resources and How You Can Help In The Description (Jun 2nd)
The Chubby Gummy Challenge (Dec. 4th)
Who Can Teach Their Dog a Trick the Fastest? (Mar. 5th)
Taped and Afraid (Dec. 20th)
We Played Strip Poker (May 20th)
Consuming the World’s Hottest Chip (Sep. 30th)
Mark and Ethan Learn About the Human Body (Jan. 26th)
1 Man 100 Accents (Dec. 1st)
Mark Steals Ethan’s Face (Jan. 15th)
Chickens Teach Us About Life and Death (Feb. 17th)
We Lubed Our Floor for a Sliding Competition (Aug. 3rd)
Mark Conquers His Fear of Night Swimming (Oct. 11th)
The Ultimate Paper Airplane Showdown (Jun 20th)
We Pierced Each Other’s Ears (Sep. 11th)
Crushing Watermelons Betwixt Our Mighty Thighs (Jun 3rd)
7 Minutes in Heaven | 7 Minutes in Hell (Nov. 11th)
Two Men in a Trench Coat Teach You How to Save Money at the Movies (Jun 26th)
Having an Adventure in VRChat Because We Can’t Go Outside (Mar. 27th)
Preparing a 5-Star Meal for Our YouTube Famous Dogs (Jul. 16th)
Mark and Ethan Shave Chica (Aug. 8th)
The Wubble (Aug. 7th)
How to Start a Fire (except don’t…) (Aug. 27th)
Unus Annus (Nov. 15th)
This Is Goodbye (Aug. 5th)
Puberty Simulator (Aug. 13th)
This Video Went Completely Out of Control (Oct. 1st)
This Video Will Never Make Sense (Sep. 23rd)
Blowing Our Souls into Some Hot Glass (Feb. 28th)
We Attempted to Create THICC Water (May 10th)
Brick Soccer (Sep. 19th)
Accepting the Truth (Nov. 1st)
Drinking Real THICC Water...How Bad Does It Taste? (May 19th)
How Far Can We Chuck a 16lbs Rock? (Sep. 10th)
Recreating Ourselves as a Cursed Mannequin (Jan. 8th)
Recreating Childhood Photos (Jun 13th)
Nutball: The Most Dangerous Game (Feb. 10th)
Mark Teaches Ethan How to Play the Trumpet (Aug. 1st)
How to Safely Bury Your Friend (Aug. 25th)
Mark Breaks His Nose on an Aerial Hoop (Oct. 4th)
DIY Bed of Nails: OH GOD, PLEASE DON’T EVER TRY THIS (Jul. 20th)
Pee Soda (Sep. 17th)
We Had to Drink Each Other’s Pee (Dec. 16th)
Creating Mark FISHbach (Jun 21st)
Making Our Own Gravestones to Prepare for Our Inevitable Demise (May 11th)
We Made Fanart for Each Other (Jun 11th)
Bear Trapping 101: An Elegant Knot for an Elegant Beast (Jun 25th)
Pressure Washing Our Sins Away (Oct. 21st)
Literally Finding a Needle in a Haystack (Oct. 8th)
We Ate Dog Treats so You Don’t Have To (Sept. 12th)
Giving Away Our 1,000,000 Subscriber Gold Play Button (Dec. 18th)
2 Idiots Get Crushed By 18-Ft Giant Snakes (Mar. 15th)
We Cryogenically Freeze Ourselves (Jan. 20th)
DO NOT OPEN UNTIL 2080 (May 27th)
Fighting Fish to the Death in the Deep Blue Sea (Oct. 23rd)
DIY Teeth (Jul. 17th)
We Attempt to Make UNHOLY Water (Sep. 24th)
We Attempt to Make Holy Water (Sep. 20th)
DIY Cheese (Jan. 29th)
Making an Indoor Tornado to Flex on Mother Nature (Feb. 9th)
Literally Eating Fire (Feb. 6th)
2 Absolute Beginners Experience the Dancing Glory that is Salsa (Jan. 17th)
Team Building for 2: Trust Fall, Tug-of-War, and More! (Aug. 26th)
The Great Ice Cream Cake Race (Sep. 27th)
The Unus Annus Confessional Booth (May 26th)
Blood Bath (Oct. 27th)
2 Dirty Boys Wash Their Filthy Mouths Out With Soap (Jun. 30th)
Who Can Make Themselves Taller? (Jan. 6th)
Mark and Ethan Share a Drink (Aug. 6th)
2 Adults Take a 4th Grade Math Test  (Sep. 6th)
Bobbing for Literally Anything But Apples (Oct. 16th)
Momiplier Teaches Self Defense (Aug. 15th)
The Human Mop (Jul. 21st)
We Attempt Pottery Without Amy’s Help (Sep. 8th)
Becoming One With the Horse (Jun 19th)
Wikifeet: A Tale of Two Tootsies (Apr. 4th)
We Found Websites That the World Forgot About (Apr. 11th)
1 Gallon of Jello Nearly Broke Us (Aug. 20th)
We Finally Drank Our DIY Wine (Sep. 5th)
We Do It Better Than Icarus Ever Could (Jul. 25th)
We Turned Our Bodies Into Art (Jan. 25th)
You Blink, You Lose (Dec. 30th)
Can You Bake a Cookie from Cookie Dough Ice Cream? (Jul. 13th)
Mark Turns Ethan into a Mummy to Prepare Him for the Great Beyond (Dec. 3rd)
Ethan Turns Mark Into a Werewolf (Oct. 29th)
Making Soda with Literally Anything But Soda (Sep. 16th)
Dunking Oreos in Literally Anything But Milk (Jul. 15th)
Making Snow Cones With Literally Anything But Normal Flavors (Sep. 7th)
How Many Slaps Does it Take to Cook a Chicken? (Sep. 2nd)
Play Doh Thanksgiving (Nov. 28th)
Hot Dog’d to Death (Nov. 17th)
Mark and Ethan Build a Scarecrow (Oct. 20th)
Transforming Mark into the Eighth Wonder of the World (Aug. 16th)
Unus Annus Try Pole Dancing (Jul 8th)
Mark Teaches Ethan to Wrestle (Sep. 28th)
Ethan Teaches Mark Gymnastics (Sep. 26th)
Who’s Cutting Onions in Here? (Nov. 6th)
How to Escape from a Hostage Situation (Jul. 18th)
Are We Already Dead? (Feb. 13th)
Bored? Press This Button (Apr. 27th)
Judging Your Terrible Unus Annus Ideas (Aug. 10th)
This is for FUN and NOT a Fetish (Oct. 10th)
This is What Being Tased Feels Like (Jan. 21st)
Learning the Ancient Art of Chinese Archery (Feb. 20th)
Tearing a Phone Book in Half With Our Huge Manly Hands (May 31st)
Beating Inanimate Objects to Death (Dec. 27th)
Edible Slime was a Mistake. (Feb. 23rd)
We Eat Bugs (Jan. 3rd)
Amy Sent Us a Mystery Box (Sep. 21st)
Hydro Dipping a Baby (Aug. 11th)
The Egg Smashing Game (Jul. 12th)
Discussing the Idea of Murdering Each Other But It’s Just a Joke and Definitely Not Serious Haha (Feb. 12th)
Mark is Guilty. Ethan Has the Proof. (Jul 1st)
Learning How to Lockpick (FBI Please Don’t Watch) (Jun 22nd)
Mark Needs to Rub Ethan and Only His Mom Can Help Him (Mar. 14th)
Learning to Use the Force (Sep. 18th)
The Secret Unus Annus No-Touchy-Touchy Hand Shake (Apr. 25th)
We Google Each Other to Find Our Darkest Forgotten Sins (Apr. 6th)
Shooting Archery ON A HORSE (Oct. 6th)
Ethan Redefines Male Beauty (Feb. 3rd)
Ethan Roasts Mark for 15 Minutes Straight (Jun 7th)
Playing Cards: The World’s Deadliest Weapon (Aug. 2nd)
Morphing Our Bodies Into Superhero Poses (Jun 4th)
Becoming a Master of Mime (Feb. 11th)
This is the Most Dangerous Children’s Toy Ever Made (Jul. 23rd)
A Serious Conversation Under the Stars (Jul. 29th)
Is Mark a Masochist? (May 1st)
Literally Laying On Literal Broken Glass (Feb. 8th)
Bad, Bad Beans (Jan. 23rd)
DIY Wine (May 30th)
2 Men 200 Accents (Apr. 18th)
DIY Boob (May 24th)
Mark and Ethan Go On a Drum Date (Feb. 27th)
10 Miracle Products to Give YOU the Thiccest Jaw On Planet Earth (Jun. 29th)
Ultimate Horseshoes (Jul. 28th)
Mark and Ethan Get a Full Body Scan to See What Secrets Lay Hidden Within (and learn their body fat) (Mar. 13th)
Acupuncture is NOT Painful (Dec. 11th)
What the Hell is a Pink Trombone? (May 2nd)
Donating Toys to Charity w/ Jacksepticeye (Dec. 22nd)
Poopsie Sparkly Critters (a slime surprise…) (Nov. 27th)
The Great Meat Mistake (Dec. 10th)
DIY Minesweeper (Oct. 7th)
Popping Popcorn with a High Powered Laser (Aug. 12th)
Bobbing for Apples but the Water Keeps Getting Thiccer (Oct. 3rd)
We Buy a Professional Hypnosis Video and React to It (Dec. 5th)
Long Hair, Do We Dare? (Feb. 25th)
Recreating Mark’s Childhood (Jul. 2nd)
Professional Fire Cupping (Going Even Further Beyond) (Feb. 4th)
An Extremely Sour, Not-at-All Sour Meal (Feb. 5th)
Purging Our Sins with a Neti Pot (Nov. 16th)
Attempting to Build IKEA Furniture Without Instructions (Jun 9th)
The Annual Unus Annus Dunk Contest (Jul. 27th)
Our Fans Try to Scare Us With Their Homemade Creepypasta (Jun 12th)
There’s Something Horribly Wrong With This Picture… (June 8th)
Too Many Pickles (Aug. 21st)
5 Products to Grow Your Patchy Beard (Jul. 31st)
What is the Least Viewed Video on YouTube? (Apr. 10th)
Baby Hands Operation (Nov. 24th)
Mark Builds a Pillow Fort for the Very First Time (Apr. 2nd)
Are Reptilian Humanoids Living Among Us? (May 6th)
Mark and Ethan Bet Everything on a Wikipedia Race (Apr. 15th)
We Will Churn Thy Butter (Sep. 25th)
We Take a Lie Detector Test to Uncover Our Darkest Sins (Jan. 12th)
Drawing on Each Other’s Backs in Total Darkness (Oct. 9th)
Drawing Memes from Memory (Nov. 30th)
We Made Every YouTuber Battle in the Hunger Games (Apr. 5th)
Ultimate YouTuber Boxing Showdown (Mar. 30th)
Tasting Weird Food Combos: Pickles and Chocolate? Ice Cream and Soy Sauce? (Jul 10th)
How to NOT be the Perfect Boyfriend (Apr. 13th)
Help Us Break a YouTube World Record (Apr. 17th)
Momiplier Tells Us True Scary Stories from Korea (Oct. 18th)
The Most Dangerous Shave (Jun 23rd)
We Took the Polar Plunge (Jan. 1st)
2 Complete Amateurs Enter a Body Building Competition (Jun 1st)
Does This Magnetic Skincare Routine Really Work? (Jul. 19th)
Mark and Ethan Milk a Goat (Oct. 5th)
Pumpkin Spice “Challenge” (Oct. 19th)
Doing Each Other’s Makeup in the Dark (Nov. 23rd)
We’re Better Than Dogs (Aug. 18th)
We Have the Best Bellies on YouTube (May 25th)
The Good Kind of Cupping  (Nov. 19th)
Hacking the Very Fabric of the Universe (Jan. 30th)
Where in the World is Unus Annus? (Apr. 1st)
Mark and Ethan Become United States Citizens (Jun 10th)
Mark and Ethan Desperately Attempt to Feel Something (May 4th)
We Took an IQ Test (Jan. 9th)
Mark Teaches Ethan Korean (May 13th)
Lost Omegle Video (Mar. 31st)
Finding the Most Cursed Image on the Internet (Jun 15th)
Amazon Shopping for the Apocalypse (Mar. 28th)
Desperately Trying Not to Touch Our Faces (Mar. 24th)
Going on an Internet Scavenger Hunt (Mar. 26th)
Reading YOUR Scariest True Stories (Apr. 21st)
The Scariest True Stories on the Internet (Apr. 12th)
REAL Ghost Hunting At An Abandoned Zoo (March 2nd)
Bleachus Annus (Jul. 14th)
Pumpkin Taste Tier List (Oct. 14th)
Floating in a Real Sensory Deprivation Tank (Dec. 12th)
Was 2020 a Bad Year for Unus Annus? (Aug. 30th)
Speed Reading 1000+ WPM to Gain a Complete Understanding of All Human Knowledge (Apr. 9th)
We Give Each Other Tattoos Blindfolded (Mar. 11th)
Mark’s 1 Weird Talent Leaves Ethan Absolutely Speechless (Apr. 3rd)
Learning to Jump Higher in 16 Minutes and 16 Seconds (Oct. 15th)
You Breathe You Die (Jan.16th)
Breaking Glasses With Our Screams (Aug. 4th)
The 1000 High-Five Challenge (Oct. 2nd)
Becoming the World’s Greatest DJs (Mar. 4th)
Grip Strength Test: Loser Becomes the Winner’s Butler for a Day (Aug. 14th)
Forcibly Turning Mark into Santa Claus Against His Will (Dec. 25th)
We Smell Every Smell (Sep. 1st)
We Wrote a Hit Pop Song in 30 Minutes (Feb. 26th)
Unus Annus Carves the Roast Beast (Mar. 18th)
The Painful World of Aerial Skills (Oct. 12th)
The Koala Challenge: TikTok’s Intimate Couples Trend (Aug. 19th)
Ethan Traps Mark’s Soul in the Palm of His Hand (Jun 24th)
Will We Break the Boards...Or Will They Break Us? (Jun 14th)
DIY Chiropractor (Mar. 7th)
Mark Gives Ethan a HOT (stone) Massage (Aug. 31st)
We Bought a Camera That Can Look Inside Us (Mar. 3rd)
Can Plants Feel Pain? (Sep. 9th)
This is Hiding on Your Body RIGHT NOW. (Jul 9th)
Strange (and legal) Things You Can Do With Your Body After Death (Jan. 28th)
Like It Or Not...This is What The New Human Looks Like (May 7th)
Looking at Long Lost Memes (Jan. 31st)
We Played Mad Libs and Ran It Through Google Translate (Apr. 7th)
Running Internet Drama Through Google Translate (Apr. 24th)
Mark and Ethan Desperately Try to Name a Single State in the USA (Apr. 8th)
Professional Fetish Scientists Rank the Best/Worst Fetishes of 2020 (May 3rd)
Reddit 50/50: Two Player Edition (Mar. 25th)
Mark and Ethan Find the Lost City of El Dorado (Apr. 14th)
Using Google Maps to Find the Lost City of Atlantis (Apr. 20th)
We Hired a Real Hypnotherapist to Analyze Our Darkest Dreams (Jan. 24th)
2 Boys 2 Poops (Sep. 3rd)
This is How We’ll Die... (Jan. 19th)
Nutball Extreme: Taser Edition (Mar. 1st)
You Made Beautiful Music for The Barrel...But Only One Could Win (Dec. 15th)
Can Sound Therapy Heal All Wounds? (Jul. 22nd)
Middle School Science Experiment Teaches Us About Life and Death (Mar. 6th)
Reverse Engineering a Kite to Steal the Idea of Electricity from Benjamin Franklin (Jul 5th)
Ethan’s Relaxing and Totally Normal Nail Salon (Dec. 19th)
Mark and Ethan Take a Personality Test (Apr. 22nd)
An AI Generates Our Worst Nightmare (May 5th)
Learning to Cry on Command to Increase Our YouTube Views (Jun 16th)
How Big Can a Nuke Get? (May 17th)
Granting Access Into Heaven’s Sweet Gates (Feb. 24th)
We Put an Apple Watch in a Rock Tumbler (Jul. 3rd)
Whom Would Eat Whomst First in a Zombie Apocalypse? (Mar. 29th)
Bigfoot is Real and It Ate My Friend (May 14th)
What is the Most Painful Thing We’ve Ever Endured? (Dec. 21st)
Don’t Go In The Ocean....Ever. (Apr. 28th)
An AI Predicts How We’re Going to Die (Dec. 2nd)
Harnessing Our Yodeling Power to End The World As We Know It (May 21st)
The Creepiest Videos on YouTube (Apr. 16th)
What Does Astrology Say About Our Friendship? (Mar. 12th)
Discovering the Secret to Eternal Life (Feb. 1st)
What Happens When a YouTube Channel Dies? (Jan. 22nd)
5 Weird Apps That Predicted Our Death (Mar. 19th)
Emotional Pain vs. Physical Pain...Which is Worse? (Dec. 28th)
How Tall Can a Human Get?: An Impartial Review By 2 Average Height Men (May 12th)
Will AI Soon Take Over Humanity As We Know It? (Apr. 23rd)
Mark and Ethan Hunt the World’s Most Wanted Criminals (Mar. 17th)
The Illuminati...Do They Really Exist? (Apr. 19th)
We Explore the Most MYSTERIOUS Mysteries of Our Wildly Mysterious Mystery Moon of Mystery (Apr. 29th)
Two Male Men Judge Female Women On Their Beauty (Apr. 26th)
We Have the BEST Thumbnails on YouTube and No One Can Tell Us Otherwise (Jan. 5th)
How Much Caffeine Does It Take to Kill a Man? (May 18th)
There’s Still Hope… (Dec. 8th)
Unus Annus ASMR (May 9th)
The Worst Kind of Cupping (Nov. 21st)
33 notes · View notes