#Bless you shuu
gunkbaby · 1 month
All Of Shuu’s TG Calender Appearances! (In Chronological Order!)
*this was initially just gonna be a twitter thread but I’m posting it here first bc is easier to draft and arrange. :) Wrote the little information cards that are under the pics and will try to image ID them for the text late one.
Under a cut bc there are twenty-four of them! Enjoy! <3
(I believe the image below is from an anime calender? Or something? I’m not sure.)
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January 12th - Skiiing Day
On January 12, 1911, Major Lerch of the Austrian Army first taught a young officer in the Niigata Prefecture how to ski. Be careful when doing tricks!
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February 6th - Blog Day
Based on bu (2) rogu (6). A blog post from Shuu, it reads: “February 6 Have you heard of a flower called the ‘Hardenbergia’? It is also called a ‘Komachifuji’ and as its name suggests, it blooms with lovely purple petals. And here is the usual Tsukiyama Shuu’s Flower Language Corner. In flower language, a Hardenbergia refers to: “A fateful encounter.” “Happiness will unexpectedly drop in.” …and the like. There’s also “a miraculous miracle”… —But this is what I think. Encounters are always fateful, and reunions are always miraculous. Fate, miracles, our world is filled with such. This moment is also a miracle.” The comments feature Touka being quite rude, Kaneki adding little of importance, and Yomo not understanding technology.
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February 13th - Bank Robbery Day
On February 13th, 1866, the first ever successful bank robbery took place in America by Jesse James.
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February 25th - Hori Chie’s Birthday
Hori was Tsukiyama Shuu’s classmate in Seinan High School. Hori treats Tsukiyama as her photographic subject and despite Tsukiyama being a ghoul, she doesn’t fear him. Tsukiyama in return finds her intriguing and treats her as a pet. Their relationship continues on until now making them long-time acquaintances. Whether they have a good relationship or not, it’s difficult to say for sure.
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March 3rd - Tsukiyama Shuu’s Birthday. (Obviously.)
Happy Birthday, Tsukiyama Shu.
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March 26th - Untitled.
No text.
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March 31st - Untitled.
The inauguration (to celebrate the completion of the structure) of the Eiffel Tower in Paris was held today. I wonder if Tsukiyama has ever been to France before.
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April 28th - Nice Bath Day no. 3
No text.
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May 1st - Untitled. Shu’s second blog post.
This blog reads as follows: ‘Hey, everyone. We have now entered May, yes? Speaking of May 1, it is a custom in France to send muguet (Lily of the Valley) as a present to the person you love on this day. And the recipient is said to be visited by great fortune.” Now then, upon hearing the words ‘the person you love’, whose face do you picture in your mind? How about giving flowers as gifts to him?…Or her? …With that said, that beloved person you just thought of may already be a happy person at this point. Shu.’
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May 11th - Salvador Dali’s Birthday
The Persistence of Memory. “I saw three soft Shuus. One of them had a deplorable figure that hanged down from the branch of the olive tree.”
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May 27th - Hyakunin Isshu Day
No. 86 Saigo Hoshi “Should I blame the moon, for bringing forth this sadness, as if it pictured grief? Lifting up my troubled face, I regard it through my tears.” Grief? Is that what you’re trying to say, moon? I don’t think so. Did I only just want to blame the moon for this sadness?
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May 28th - Fireworks Day.
On this day in 1733, fireworks were launched for the first time for a festival in Ryogoku. The festival was first held by the 8th shogun of the Tokugawa shogunate, Yoshimune, in order to calm the spirits of the dead who fell to the great famine and cholera in the previous years. Now, it is held annually as water god festivies to ward off evil spirits. (Note: turn up the brightness or stare very hard for a long time. He is there, I promise.)
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June 9th - 6th Ward Day
A huge amount of members were sacrificed during the annihilation of ‘Aogiri’s Hideout’ in the 11th Ward. Afterwards, Kaneki left ‘Anteiku’ in order to follow Rize’s footsteps and entered a new world, the ‘6th Ward’, alongside Tsukiyama and Banjou.
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June 25th - Spaceyama.
No text. Shuu gets a cow and a Strange Thing and his father is proud.
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July 20th - The Day of the Moon Landing
On 1969, the human race landed for the first time on the moon in the spacecraft, Apollo 11. At that time, Commander Armstrong sent a message to Earth saying, “one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind”.
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August 6th - Handsome Day
Based on ha (8) nsa mu (6).
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August 27th -Miyazawa Kenji’s Birthday
A poet and writer of fairy tales who was based in his hometown of Iwate. The paradise of his work was given the name ‘Ihatov’.
In his masterpiece “The Restaurant of Many Orders”, two young men went hunting in the forest, got lost, and strayed into a restaurant called ‘Wildcat House’. The irony of it all is when the two instead became the food.
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September 21st - Fashion Show Day
On this day in 1927, the first fashion show in Japan took place in kimono shop called Mitsukoshi in Ginza. At that time, kimonos were mainstream.
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September 8th - TG’s 5th Year Anniversary
Serialization strted on Weekly Young Jump No. 41 which was sold on this day in 2011. Thank you very much for reading.
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September 9th - Rollcake Day
Based on how the cross section of a rollcake forms a ‘9’. June 6th is also called ‘Rollcake Day’ for a similar reason.
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September 16th - Match Day
On this day in 1948, freely selling previously rationed matches was accepted.
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October 14th - Glasses No.2
No text.
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October 25th - World Pasta Day
On this day in 1995, the World Pasta Congress was held in Italy.
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October 26th - Kishimen Day
Kishimen is a slick type of noodle that’s thin and wide in width. Based on tsu (2) ru (6) which means ‘slick’ or ‘slippery’. It is also considered the ‘autumn of appetite’.
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December 23rd - Palindrome Day 3
‘Intimidating, Tsukiyama… Will you get burned?’
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December 29th - Chanson Day
On this day in 1990, a long-established Chanson cafe in Gonzales called ‘Ginpan’ went out of business. The place was known as a gateway to success for Chanson singers.
Ok I think that’s all :)
Tell me if I have missed one, I will edit. Sorry, am tired from exam prep, hopefully this is okay. I love you so much. I feel like Shuu is always home for me in stressful times.
I’m planning to do one of these for Kanae and Rize too. I can do other characters I guess afterwards.
I own this calender. I think I might like a second one to cut out and make postcards with to go on my Shuu shrine.
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mossy-rot · 2 years
I feel like shuu found out way too early that santa isn't real and he told mirumo while in tears and mirumo panicked and made something up on the spot to be like "well of course that isn't real but do you know what is!!" so shuu wouldn't be upset but. he accidentally ends up making a whole new christmas myth and tradition for their family that he never told shuu isn't real. this isn't a problem until shuu gets into adulthood and starts having friends and relationships n such to which it culminates in shuu inviting hide over for christmas and being like "oh you know the story about The Christmas Crackler" and immediately hide is like "babe what the fuck are you on about" while mirumo is visibly panicking in the background
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dixbolik-lovers · 1 year
They are in a good home and their owner brings in another vampire. Reiji - Shu, Subaru - Ayato, Laito - Reiji, Yuma - Ruki, Ruki - Kou (each the thoughts of both sides)
Reiji — Shuu
• The second he realizes who you've brought home, Reiji is seething. All he can think is that he's going to be replaced by the one who somehow always manages to outshine him, and that thought doesn't do his mental state any good. He quickly starts to grow paranoid that Shuu is trying to sabotage him, and if he feels neglected by you, he'll become increasingly resentful.
• Reiji's presence doesn't really matter to him. Shuu knows that his brother despises him, but that's just... whatever. It's not like there's anything he can do about it, and he's fine with letting Reiji keep the spotlight. He has the feeling that Reiji is going to try something nasty sooner or later, but that's something to deal with when it happens. As it is, he just wants to be left alone.
Subaru — Ayato
• While he's a bit happy to see his brother again, Subaru is also deeply concerned that this isn't going to end well. Ayato has always been one to cause trouble, and Subaru is dreading the inevitable fuck-up that'll earn his brother a serious punishment. He knows you're a kind owner, but that doesn't stop the worry that Ayato is going to make problems for both of them.
• Being brought into a new home, he immediately sees Subaru as competition. Even if it's just his brother, Ayato can't help but feel like he has to do everything possible to stand out and be good enough to keep. He develops an unfortunate habit of trying to provoke Subaru, and that habit only gets worse as he realizes that this new home is one that's going to treat him well.
Laito — Reiji
• He's not exactly opposed to having his brother around, overall. Laito doesn't particularly care about who he has to share a home with, especially since you've proven yourself to be so very kind. If anything, it's rather entertaining to watch Reiji struggle to earn your favor when there's no need for so much panic. And deep down... he's a bit happy that part of his family can also be safe.
• Reiji immediately assumes that Laito is being used for more of the same in this home— and that leads him to worry about his own fate here. He's as desperate to please you as ever, though, and only starts to relax as he sees that his brother is truly comfortable. The situation borders on surreal, but the two of them get along well enough once the initial tension wears off.
Yuuma — Ruki
• The shock of seeing one of his brothers again hits Yuuma hard, and as a result, he turns immediately, viciously protective. You've always been perfectly kind to him, sure, but that doesn't stop the instinct to keep his family safe from everything. It's an incredible relief to know that Ruki is alright, and even more of one that they'll be able to share a peaceful home without their former struggles.
• He's equally shocked to see part of his family again, and every bit as relieved. Ruki is still in a state of doubting your intentions (and if you're truly as kind as you seem), but Yuuma's obvious trust in you makes it a little easier to adjust. Even though he can't stop thinking about the two that are still missing, what he already has is a blessing beyond anything he would have hoped for.
Ruki — Kou
• Seeing Kou again is both a terrible shock and the most palpable relief Ruki has felt in years. His brother is in about the state he would have expected, but he might actually be safe now. You've always treated him well, at least, and Ruki wants to have hope that Kou will receive just as much kindness from you. And of course, he's forever grateful to you for letting Kou stay.
• Kou wasn't expecting to be safe in your home either, but seeing Ruki nearly shocks him out of his fears. He can't believe that this kind of luck is happening to him— and especially not that Ruki legitimately seems comfortable and happy with you. His brother's presence does a lot to help Kou start to trust you, and he adjusts much faster with someone around that he already feels safe with.
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x0401x · 1 month
Tsurune —Tsunagari no Issha— Official Fanbook: Character Highlights
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Minato's Highlight
Things Gained and Things Lost
After overcoming target panic, Minato is filled with joy at becoming able to shoot the bow as he wishes, to the point he ends up preocupied with nothing but archery and doesn't put his mind into the sports tournament. And so, he is caught up in the desire to "shoot well", to "shoot more and more" at the regionals, not as a team but just by himself. As a result, he becomes overly conscious of Shuu and Nikaidou's shooting and loses sight of his own.
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"I'll leave him speechless!"
After the regional tournament, Masaki forbids Minato of shooting. He instead draws the rubber bow every day, just as he did back when he still had target panic, yet he takes it positively, declaring that he will "leave Masa-san speechless!". The biggest difference from when he was troubled by his target panic is that he now has friends to support him. As the ochi of Kazemai and for the sake of said friends, he takes on the task he has been given straightforwardly.
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Those Who Aim For the Top
Minato and Shuu have been deepening their bond through their bows ever since they were being instructed by Saionji. They acknowledge each other as comrades who have continued to shoot together. Their opportunities to draw the bow in each other's presence are limited, as they currently belong to different teams, but the bond that was connected through archery has remained unchanged from when they were children. As people who walk the same path and who are aiming for the top, they are conscious of one another.
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Seiya's Highlight
President and Vice-President Duo
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Seiya tends to get tunnel vision when it comes to Minato. Kaito is the only one in Kazemai who notices this. Seiya, too, is the only one who through what's inside Kaito, so when Kaito has a falling out with Nanao, Seiya urges him on with a, "Fight, Onogi Kaito", intentionally speaking in a way that Kaito would appreciate. They acknowledge one another as president and vice-president and balance each other out.
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Hardworking Person
As he was refused by Saionji to become her disciple, Seiya began doing archery in middle school. He kept training by himself while learning from Minato, earning enough skill in a short time to be able to line up with Minato and Shuu. Moreover, he boosts a stable hit rate in matches, so much so that Sase describes him as having a strong mentality. He supports the team as the club president and as the "naka" out of the five archers.
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Ryouhei's Highlight
"Archery's what matters most to me right now!"
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Blessed with a good physique, Ryouhei is actually a kendo dan holder. He is selected as the MVP of the archery club for winning the kendo section of the sports club against a senior, who had been undefeated for two years. While he certainly does have a vocation for kendo, it seems fighting opponents does not sit well with him. By the looks of it, archery, where one has to face oneself in a match rather than an opponent, is what suits him best.
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Realistic Words
Upon seeing Sae and Toujou in trouble at the regional tournament's venue, he immediately went to talk to them. He is so naturally considerate of others that Seo calls him a "natural-born nice guy". Moreover, when he visits the Fujiwara residence, he is able to tell Shuu, "So your family's rooting for you, huh" exactly as he thinks. Rouhei's honest words and actions move people's hearts without him even realizing it.
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Kaito's Highlight
All-Out Only!
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Kaito, who does not tolerate half-heartedness in anything, dashes out at full throttle even in the soccer match of the sports festival! Seiya cleverly takes advantage of this, making him run around too much and collapse from lack of stamina in the latter half of the game. He is the type of person to work hard and diligently at everything he does, but his stubborn attitude and rough behavior often cause him to clash with those around him, who tend to think that he is "scary".
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A Caring Personality
After the regional tournament, he immediately noticed that Ryouhei was not in good spirits and called out to him, for he has a caring nature and an inability to leave people to their own devices when they are troubled. He is also skillful with his hands, enough to be able to fix the central part of Nanao's bow, and is the second best cook amongst the Kazemai boys after Minato. When Nanao, who is good at getting people to spoil him, asks Kaito for a favor, Kaito often ends up looking after him without even realizing it.
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Loss and Pride
When the ochi, Minato, messed up the rhythm of the shooting at the regional tournament, Kaito was greatly affected, for he is supposed to follow after Minato as the oomae. The old Kaito would have probably lashed out at Minato, but due to his pride from being entrusted with the position of oomae, the first of the team to shoot, he insists that he was the one at fault. Although he understands that Nanao's argument is right, he ends up trying to shoulder everything by himself due to being so serious about it.
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Nanao's Highlight
The True Hero
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At first glance, it might seem like he enjoys being flashy due to his striking looks, but Nanao himself actually believes that "the true hero is the support role from behind the scenes", rather than someone who stands in the front and sticks out. He often acts out of consideration for others, doing things such as supporting his team with accurate tosses during the volleyball match of the sports festival, or calling Kaito out for trying to take all the blame for the loss against Tsujimine.
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Someone He Can't Afford to Lose to
Whenever Nanao gets into trouble, Kaito helps him, and whenever Kaito is faced with a problem, Nanao takes him by the hand... Ever since they were little, he and Kaito have had what was supposed to be a mutually supportive relationship. However, at some point, he began to think that he has to be by "Kacchan's" side. In order to take care of Kaito, he has to be ahead of him – his rivalry with Kaito is what motivates him.
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Shuu's Highlight
"I won't let anyone get in our way."
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Minato is special to Shuu, enough that when Nikaidou suddenly came up to him to pick a quarrel in elementary school, he responded by declaring, "I'll never let anyone else get in our way"—his first-ever rival. They are sworn friends aiming for the same heights and competing with each other. It is not as if they are together all the time like regular friends, but he is lonely when he is not able to see Minato at the dojo. Despite him rarely showing emotion outwardly, when Minato was unable to come to the dojo due to the car accident, gloom was visible on Shuu's face.
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No Intention to Let Go
When Sae says she wants to watch the archery tournament, Shuu says he "doesn't want her to see him fail". He was recalling the bitter memory of the prefecturals. He had been on a hit streak since the preliminaries and only missed the last shot. His heart was stolen by Minato's shooting, and for a moment, his mind distanced itself from his bow... He never intends to let go of it again. Before the regional tournament, which would determine who would compete in the nationals, Shuu renewed his resolution.
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Distance from His Family
Shuu, who used to conceptualize "family" as a different category than "friends" and "clubmates", was somewhat embarrassed to let his family watch the archery tournaments. However, thanks to Sae telling him that she enjoyed watching his match and their busy father rushing to attend the national tournament, Shuu's internal sense of distance from his family gradually began to change.
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deaf y/n x kirishima fluff? Y/n getting made fun of cuz she cant pronounce words properly?
Omg this is so cute I loved writing this <3
Do I want to make this an entire fic with separate parts and everything? Absolutely I do sjjabekbfbd weewgwggegwheheb plspslpslslsls cus it's gonna be so good and ah- 😩😫 cus no because like omg and I made the reader sorta like toph from atla but really- just bc of the heightened senses and sensitivity to vibrations and omganakdnnd my midoriya brain went OFF on this maksnjdbf and omg I imagine reader would be BESTIES with mei hatsume najwobdjsn and omg Bakugou as well??? Reader would absolutely gain his blessing to be kirishimas gf and they would be thick as thieves- a trio of doom, you will, and omg I have so many ideas about reader helping bkg to protect his hearing BC she wouldn't want to see a friend suffer the same fate, and nansjdnbd Kiri only loves her more bavjsbfnd bye bc midoriya would love to come up with ideas for mei to help reader and sndnfknd bye
Anyway hope you enjoy :D
Warning: Ableism...
Masterlist <3
Kirishima x Deaf!Reader- Hearing Problems
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You had lost your hearing a long, long time ago, but that doesn't make it much easier on you in the long run.
You had the kind of hearing problem that rendered you almost completely dead, save for the grating tinnitus that followed with every step.
It was almost always a problem for you, and had almost left you completely incapable of being a hero. Imagine having all control over your life stripped from you because of some dumb fuck's drunken driving. It filled you to the brim with rage every single day, along with the fact that you were punished for someone else's mistake when they only had their licence taken away.
It did more than make you angry, really. It fucking broke your heart. You almost lost access to your dream after he permanently disabled you, and what did he get? A slap on the fucking wrist?! This must be some sick joke.
You had tried your absolute damnest to adjust and get stronger to compensate for the loss of a pretty vital function, and it worked! In the end, you turned out stronger than ever. You had trained every sense you could learn about, because as it turns out, there's more than just six of them, and all of your exhaustive, mind-numbing hard work had been repaid.
Of course you weren't the best, yet, but you could absolutely beat some ass if you wanted to, and during the entrance exam, you did exactly that.
Things were going so well, and you were racking up points like no other, until you weren't.
You were having a little trouble with finding the other robots because they were quite a ways away. Luckily though, Kirishima could tell you might've needed a hand.
He could see that you didn't react to sound the way that others did, and it was when the high pitched ring of a far off explosion made everyone flinch but you, that he could finally tell you were deaf.
His eyes widened and his mouth formed a little 'o' shape as his brain finally connected the dots, and he made his way to you with a smile as he spoke normally to you, still not sure if maybe you were just partially deaf or could maybe read lips or something.
Meanwhile, all you could hear was that same high pitched ringing of tinnitus, which drowned out the similar effect of the explosion, and you were starting to get frustrated with wondering which way to go. There was no telltale smoke, or faraway sparks of people fighting. There was only silence. So you were especially surprised when this fiery looking ravenet walked up to you, speaking normally. You assumed he didn't know you were deaf, and you read his lips as normal, however his suspicions were confirmed when he saw the direction in which your eyes were focused. So you do read lips.
Surprisingly, he was leading you towards the action. Oh. Maybe he could tell you were deaf.
It was nice to have someone know that and not give you the same pitying look they always do. You wanted to be respected, not pitied. This guy seemed to respect you though, and you were thankful as you followed him to the next gathering of robots, letting out a loud "t-thank you-!" when you saw someone side-eye you and laugh.
You didn't like the snide look on their face at all.
"What? Are you deaf or something? I've never heard someone speak like that! You must've lost some braincells to these robots. You'll never pass if you sound like a total idiot!"
Comments like these never ceased to make your heart ache and bring a lump to your throat. It'll never get any easier to deal with comments like this.
It's not like you were gonna let him see your hurt though, so just as you make a step to tear him a new one, you're interrupted by Kirishima, who didn't want to see you disqualified for beating another kid half to death.
"That's really not cool, man! Have you heard yourself talk? You sound like someone's bigoted grandpa- I hope your mother smacks some respect into that ugly head of yours soon, because you'll be the one who never makes it as a hero with talk like that! Heroes are supposed to be actually good people, you know? Buzz off!"
Both you and that ableist prick are stunned into silence, and you can't help but smile as you read his lips and see his condescending glare. Secretly, you thank whatever Gods you can think of that your little emo friend seems like a truly respectable guy, and as the two of you pair up for the exam, you find that you work relatively well together for two rookie kids that have never met.
The judges watch on from behind the cameras and smirk as they blacklist the ignorant kid from passing, though he was running rather low on points in the first place. None of them are surprised either, when the two of you gain points placing you among the top scores. It seems like you both were fated to be friends.
When the exam is over, you end up exchanging numbers with your favourite little red-eyed emo, learning that his name is Kirishima Eijirou. And when he flashes you a smile that you would die for, your little heart melts right there and then as light pink dusts your cheeks.
You put your name in his phone in silence, and send a message to confirm that you wrote your number down right, thanking him for standing up for you.
You find you're quite pleased with yourself when he develops a bashful blush too. Oh yeah, you're definitely not letting him go, even if one of you doesn't make it to UA.
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c0rinarii · 3 months
Some midgame thoughts about prominent 13SAR characters so far!
Juro: Typical otome protag personality. A makeout session with a boy who's also intrested in sci fi media (Kyuta..?) would save him probably
Iori: Ouh.... her whimsy is ethreal.... her eepyness is too strong... they'll kill u girl
Shuu: LOOSERBOY EXTRODINAIRE <3 I knew he'll have a Certain personality to him
Natsuno: SHE'S SO CUTE 🥹 Love u my sci fi neurodivergent genki
Yuki: OUHH.... HUSBANDT...
Hijiyama: All that I could hope for. His pathetic guy swag. His stupidity. God bless
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Miura: This boy is literally so adorable... i hold back tears seeing how much of a good boy he is
Tomi: I did not expect her to be so mysterious honestly! Surface level personality she's deffo my fav... self aware sassy girls my beloved
Nenji: He's just been exerting his himboisms with not much actual personality to show yet so i cant judge. Extremely funny in a "oh this guy is pathetic" way though
Ei: When i posted my character thoughts to my friends discord initially i forgot to include him 😭. Sorry girl but so far nothing really sticks out aside from woughh serious personality
Chihiro (Morimura): Nothing much outside of "ouhh catty sexy lady" so far
Miwako: I WISH SHE HAD MORE CHARACTER SIGNIFICANCE 😭😭😭 her potential is that close to being realised istg i'll write her more into main story myself
Kyuta: You scare me! what are u scheming.
[Not including thoughts on Tamao, Gouto and Ryoko bc i havent met them enough to form a solid opinion of them yet]
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Welcome to Humming Pokemon Helpers! We provide better therapy for both trainer and Pokemon.
Currently Ongoing: A Vision in the Mirror (link to masterpost)
Past Arc: A Cross of Strange Colors (link to masterpost)
My name is Vanilla (26, any pronouns); I am a human-Zorua hybrid and a psychologist* certified to work with humans and their Pokémon partners, with a trauma-based focus. My practice is based in Unova, my home region, but I take on remote clients as well.
Please feel free to inquire via asks if you would like to know more about my line of work; I am happy to provide advice* on bonds with Pokemon, knowledge, or simply chat. Feel free to ask me about hybridization as well; I know it's a bit of an odd topic.
If you're looking for more information on me, I recently did an interview that gives some pretty good insight into my life!
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(Art commissioned from RhymeWithRay! Highly recommend checking them out.)
If you're just looking for the elevator pitch, I grew up in the Lostlorn woods, that was fun, and nowadays in addition to being a psychologist I'm also a Paldean Champion-Rank trainer and technically a model? I'm also taking on the Unovan Gym Challenge, where I've got all 8 badges.
Let's talk about my Pokémon partners! My clinic "mascot" is Chiru, an Altaria who I've known since I studied in Paldea. Those who have known me for a while knew my half-brother, Wolfgang, as well. Though he passed away a hero, protecting our home, I still talk about him a lot, and will continue to do so. Love you always, Wolfy.
My other partners include Ringogo (Appletun), Maamaa (Wooloo), and Momo (Fidough), all of whom provide immense support to my work as therapy Pokemon. I’ve also met Dolly, a deaf Darmanitan, Soda, a Wobbuffet, Wingman (an "ultra-domesticated" Carvanha), Shuu the Servine, Fruit By The Foot the Scolipede (new and improved name for her height!), Chibi the ✨ Vanilluxe, and Amadeus, my Zoroark mix niece (Dark/Ghost).
I am blessed with the gift to clearly understand Pokemon speech (as part of my hybridization), and as such we are all quite good friends. I would be happy to share their thoughts with this website too!
I look forward to continuing to work with you all!
(OOC and important * under the cut.)
(Profile picture picrew courtesy of ヨイコ.)
Mod is Ace (she/he) @aceoflilies, follows and likes from there. Mod is an adult (21), so please keep in mind if uncomfortable interacting with adults. No shame in using the block button!
I will manly tag with #pokeblogging, #pkmn irl, or similar tags. OOC posts will be tagged #//ooc, and any ooc comments in tags will be denoted with #//. Any and all trigger tags are denoted with #tw [trigger].
*By the way, since I'm posting about therapy and all, I should mention that nothing I post here qualifies as actual IRL advice, nor will I be providing actual therapeutic advice here. Happy to roleplay that IC, but just know that I'm not an actual expert myself, so please don't take my replies as serious advice (though I do try to research them)!
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thefinalcinderella · 2 years
Tsurune 2nd Year Character Profiles
They got updated character profiles for the third book
Masterlist of translations here
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Narumiya Minato
The protagonist. When he was little, he became fascinated by kyudo, which he watched with his mother, and secretly studied under Saionji. His mother was killed in an accident before he could reveal it to her, which made him feel deeply regretful. He had distanced himself from kyudo since he developed target panic, but after meeting Masa-san, he realized his true feelings and joined the Kazemai High School kyudo club. He takes care of all the household chores in place of his father, who’s busy with work, and on special sale days, he rushes to the supermarket after club activities. There is a rumor that if you touch Minato’s forehead, you’ll be blessed with good luck...
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Takehaya Seiya
The president of the kyudo club and Minato’s best friend. He has an older brother. Because of the traffic accident, he’s protective of Minato to the point of going overboard, but their relationship changed when Minato accepted Seiya’s regrets. He is the most talented student in his grade. He likes bad puns and makes everyone groan when he makes puns. He owns a dog named “Kuma” who Minato sometimes goes on walks with.
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Yamanouchi Ryouhei
Minato and Seiya’s childhood friend. He has an older sister. After reuniting with his two friends in high school, he decided to start doing kyudo. His compassion for others is exceedingly high and he sees things with pure eyes. He isn’t afraid of Shuu, called the “Young Lord,” and his younger sister Sae is fond of him as well. Recently, he has been wondering if he should get a Java sparrow. He doesn’t like bugs.
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Onogi Kaito
Nanao’s cousin and his “babysitter” since they were young. He used to not like Minato, but that was because he was too upright when it came to kyudo. Now he approved of Minato and is a good teammate. He has a meticulous side to him, and currently he’s working hard in a city-building game. He likes J-Rock. He gets teased by Seiya often.
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Kisaragi Nanao
Kaito’s cousin. A “prince” with a brilliant smile. One time, he even got scouted by a talent agency. He popularized his original greeting “Merha”. He tends to give an impression of a ladies’ man, but in fact he is a firm person with his own convictions. He is always watching those around him and often backs them up. He has a weakness for frog merch.
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Takigawa Masaki
The coach for the Kazemai High School Kyudo Club and the priest of Yata Shrine. He used to shoot ten-thousand arrows as a memorial to his grandfather, who had passed away while they were still feuding. He had planned to quit kyudo, but after meeting Minato, he decided to take it up again. In the kyudo club, he serves as a reverse mentor and manages the club. He prefers canned coffee to drip.
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Fujiwara Shuu
Minato’s brother disciple. He is nicknamed the “Young Lord,” and many people joined the kyudo club for him. He is wary of Kuon, who shows him an excessive amount of respect. He doesn’t approve of getting familiar with others and has an air about him that makes him difficult to approach, but he also has a bit of a soft spot for those he trusts, such as Minato, Ryouhei, and the Sugawara brothers... His favorite food is takoyaki.
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Do you have Shuu and Estelle fanfic?
Oooohhh I still don't have any for these two since I am currently working on other DL x GoT au chaps (and bonus chaps). However, I am planning on making one for them since Estelle was only mentioned once in Reiji's chap as Shuu's love interest.
FYI. Estelle is not my OC, okay? I actually borrowed her from @yourlocaltea / @gasotea (and yes it has her blessing ofc) 🥰🥰🥰
However, she's far from the original lore of Estelle so yeah thread with caution lol
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solarsavoy · 2 years
I'll start posting this fic on 1/29/23. Shuu's POV. That's all you get. Line subject to change because I don't actually have anything written out yet for it, but I did make this little conversation piece already. Not saying which chapter it'll be in, of course.
“But Father, why give me this task if it is not to help them? I can only do so much as an angel. I have all this power, but I must remain in the shadows so as not to interfere. Was it not always your plan to send me to help them? Surely you would've seen this is where I would go.”
Thanks for the ask, Blessed-Arson. 💙
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gunkbaby · 2 years
Just checking a few things:
1. So the other day I mentioned potentially making a Minecraft server. I’ve done a wee bit of research and the server would likely be on bedrock. I’m posting here mainly to get an interest check of if it’s worth me setting up.
The server wouldn’t really have a set theme, but I’d sort of be making it under the premise of something Shuu or TG-related. Idk. I just rly want a Minecraft server lol.
I’ve never made a server before, so ideally someone with experience might have interest and could help a bit lol. Depending on how it goes, I could make a group chat for the server somewhere as well - but that’s a very big if, I need to check interest first.
Second thing I wanted to check!
2. Ok, so I recently bought a certain stage play on dvd. By that, I mean I am in possession of both Tokyo Ghoul stage plays.
I intend to download them onto my computer and post them in a Google Doc or Mega, and then (with credit to me), they would be free for other people to watch and use.
My only issue is that my Japanese is not great, and tho I think most of us would certainly understand what was going on throughout the play, having subtitles would be a blessing. So, I didn’t know if anyone could help me with that? If anyone happens to speak fluent Japanese and feels up to helping me sub this, it would be appreciated! (You would get full credit ofc)
If I can’t find anyone, I’ll either struggle to try and do it myself, pop it in google translate, or I just won’t sub it and post as it is. I don’t know. But I wanted to tell y'all in advance anyway.
On another related note, I have also got the Tokyo Ghoul:Re light novel, and the anime artbook - both of which aren't released in English yet. I was able to get them both in French, which I am fairly fluent in, so I will be working on a translation for those first (note: i will be making shuu content my priority, so will be translating that first).
I know it might have been translated before? But seeing as neither are in english, and I believe I have the skills to provide a decent translation, I thought I would try anway!
My third & final thing!
3. This is about Shuu’s birthday. As we know, March will be soon upon us, and that means ‘tis the autism beast’s birthday.
Last year I did a very quick 2-3 day poll where we voted on a Build-A-Bear to give Shuu for his birthday, which I drew in the end. It was really fun, and whilst I was unable to celebrate on the actual day, I really enjoyed it.
I didn’t know whether or not to do something different this year, and thought I’d ask around here to see if anyone else had any ideas.
I’m hoping to try and make him some watercolour paintings, letters, and a personal mini zine - but those are all me, and I thought making something for the community could be fun. So i guess there’s also the option for a drawtober-style challenge (i would try and make it inclusive for writers and others too). It would have about ten prompts, and I would try and make it so that writers and other non-artists could also engage (ie with moodboards, prose, micro-playlists, etc), which I would make up and release for the month of march.
I don’t know. I just wanted to check here.
Anyway that’s all my shit lol bye.
(i have no idea when the queue will bless y’all with this post sorry)
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bismuthwisdom · 2 years
Happy Birthday 🎉
Have a Shuu 😌
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It's an HONOUR to be blessed by the Nr. 1 Student himself! 😭
And ofc his creator, the great artist Hailey, deserves praise as well!
Thank you!!!❤️❤️
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x0401x · 1 year
What did you think of Tsurune S2 episode 6?
Okay, gotta start this as I always do: pointing out the positive and canon-complying elements first and foremost, because I love them.
First of all, Minato being a lovable little dumbass. We had scenes of him being clueless or distracted here and there, but in this episode we have him being the deadpan airhead that he is. That comes in the form of him doing things like saying funny shit without realizing how ridiculous it is (the unironic use of cute onomatopoeia is a classic for him in the novel and I’m so glad to see it making its way into the anime at last), or getting overexcited about kyudo-related stuff while his body language completely contradicts his straight face. Gotta love Seiya and Kaito giving him the Parent Look TM every single time.
I love that this season is very focused on all the minute details of kyudo. It's visible that the animators have dug deeper into this hole and done even more research on it. I specially appreciate the way they've been including the right breathing techniques into this season and we get a pretty good display of it whenever the camera zooms in on the characters when they're firing a shot.
On the topic of attention to detail, I almost screamed when we got to see Noa and Yuuna's houses. They got Rika's hair color wrong in one of the cuts of this scene but I couldn't care less. I loved it.
I love even more the tournament itself. The way that flower petals are used instead of tree leaves for the girls in order to showcase that their team has a different aura from the boys'. The flashbacks displaying their development and illustrating that it didn't come out of nowhere. The richness in their facial expressions and dialogues along the way.
I also like that they added a scene where Minato teams up with Seiya and Shuu for the first time. In the novel, we only ever get kind of an idea why these three were teamed in middle school, but we never got to see how this started or how they even knew they could work as a team in such a huge club like Kirisaki's. This also serves as a hint that they'd been doing kyudo outside of the club, which is a good explanation as to how they were able to nurture their skills given that Kirisaki's middle school kyudo club only allowed the third-years to actually do archery, while the juniors were stuck with other, more basic forms of practice and couldn't participate in tournaments.
Bonus points for it also being the first time Seiya realizes that Shuu is different around Minato, and that Minato has some sort of influence in him that other people don't. Plus, it gives us something that I missed a lot in S1 and that is being depicted beautifully in this one: Minato is a very charismatic kid. There's something about him that draws people in. His honesty, his innocence, his transparency - it all works to make people either love or resent him, and it's probably the most essential part of his character identity. After all, it's the eptome of Zen.
This scene was a very smart addition.
Speaking of his character identity, by the way, this episode was personality traits by the truckload. Minato's bow nerd-ness is at full power here. And also his impulsiveness being turned into productive, learning patience. He's on his way to being an even better archer and it all begins with the mindset.
Now, I wanna take a moment to appreciate Nanao being a little shit and Minato being embarrassed by it. Love me some in-character banter. And props to finally being shown that Minato's mom used to do archery and that she was his gateway to kyudo. I mean, we had seen that she was the person who taught him about tsurune, but she's also the first person who ever shared previous experience in kyudo with him, so it would've been unfair to just leave this fact out. Again, missed it in S1 and now we're making amends. Bless!
I'm almost in tears at the fact that the girls got themselves headbands too, as well as matching bow sleeves that have cute rabbit patterns to indicate that this is set in the year 2023. I'm also internally howling at the subtle, barely perceptible visual implications that Seiya is slowly migrating to Kaito's side. He's always right beside Kaito in every shot, and I almost didn't believe my eyes when he deliberately chose to sit next to Kaito instead of next to Minato to watch the tournament.
Now, for the things that aren't so positive. Luckily, there's actually very little negative stuff in this episode. It's been the most gratifying one to watch so far.
So, there's been a trend in this season ever since episode 4 where the storytelling ended up falling into the same territory as S1, in which we are getting a bunch of character arcs that culminate in a team arc instead of having a linear plot. It feels like we're checking boxes of character data and kyudo info that we were supposed to have had in S1, which isn't bad in itself, but the way it's being done strikes me as a bit inorganic. These arcs all serve a very specific purpose and are timed in order to fit exactly into the duration of each episode and it shows. It shows a little too much, I'd say, which makes them feel mechanic and somewhat artificial. Like, I know that I'm watching a fictional story, but that doesn't mean I wanna be aware of this fact.
Thanks to these arcs being a thing, we end up having another trend, which is that Minato's development is being delayed until his turn comes up. This ends up creating sort of a disconnect between him and his own habilities. In order to fit into his own arc while simultaneously serving as a proxy for the viewers who have no knowledge about kyudo, Minato literally seems to have forgotten everything. Ever since episode 1, we've seen Masaki do almost nothing but point out what Minato's been doing wrong in every single interaction they've had, so it's hard to ignore that Minato's been making a bunch of newbie mistakes.
This feels weird not just because Minato is the most experienced of the team, but also because he'd already received this exact kind of training at Yata Shrine during the beginning of the story, when he was getting back into archery and making up for the time he'd spent away from the dojo. He's already gone through this phase and was supposed to have overcome it. Besides, all of this stemming from just one fuck-up at a particular tournament is... a stretch, to say the least. Specially when said fuck-up was basically just a matter of teamwork-related mentality shift. It shouldn't mess up his entire form to a point where he has to almost relearn it from scratch, so we're left wondering what happened to his natural talent that everyone used to admire and how the hell he's managed to get to this point when he's literally sucking ass at the basics.
Speaking of Minato’s ordeal with getting back into practice, him using formal speech with Masaki during training is extremely uncomfortable to me. We do get the whole "awkward pupil who can't hold a candle to his mentor" vibe from him, but the formal treatment is pretty odd. In case anyone is wondering, Minato has dropped the formal speech since the second time he and Masaki met in the novel. So yes, this backtracking is something quite strange to witness.
Now, the thing that has me side-eyeing this character arc thing the most is that we seem to be wasting time with them. The show is using these arcs to flesh out the characters and make them likable because it failed to do this in S1, which is understandable, all right. However, I again would argue that having a linear plot would do the job better, not just because it'd feel more natural, but also because, while we're having these arcs, nearly nothing is accomplished except for working out non-canon, unnecessary problems that the anime has created... so that we could have these character arcs in the first place. And that's where I keep asking myself: why are we getting this instead of the source material's content? I mean, I do know the reason why. The original is too gay, we get it. But since I know what I'm missing out on, I at least want to see an on-screen justification for it. I want KyoAni to show us something that will make these changes worth it, because so far, it feels like they're dragging the story down in comparison to the novel.
I have already expressed this before but I still feel the need to voice my concern that this season is just as uneventful as the first. There’s just too little going on and therefore too little for the viewers to get invested in. The drama in the novel might feel exaggerated at times, but KyoAni doesn’t seem to have realized that it’s the only thing separating the series from... well, real life. Without that aspect, Tsurune is just a kyudo nerd-out galore with not much purpose. I’m of course not suggesting that they should suddenly insert into the anime the exact same amount of drama as the novels have, but that they could at least be a bit more daring than what we’ve seen so far and introduce some of it. Because I can't imagine how boring this series must be for anime-only’s.
I keep noticing, after every single episode, that I’m only enjoying this installment because I was already a fan of the original work. If I hadn’t read the novel and didn’t have it in me to read it, having the anime as my only form of contact with this series would’ve prompted me to drop it by S1. This season is way better than the previous one in every sense and it oozes good intentions, yet there’s still a palpable lack of excitement in it. The training at the inn, Shuu’s petty envy, the hotel shitstorm. So much stuff that isn't too far removed from the tone of the anime and that could be put to good use here, yet isn't.
KyoAni, I’m literally on my knees. I implore you to make this thing sell. Please make it sell.
But I want to end this one on a good note, so my last comment is gonna be on the later half of the episode. I adore Saionji's participation and the subtle, well-written explanations about what the boys' team is lacking. It was super refreshing to have the girls' team as the reason why they realized what they were missing in a different way from how the novel did it. Speaking of different way from how the novel did it, I like that we got to see Minato and Saionji's conversation about Shigeru. In the novel, we only had Minato telling Eisuke about it, so I'm happy that we got to actually see it. And gotta tip my hat to the scene where Masaki watches as Minato finally gets his form right once again. Pretty good punchline.
And of course, the last scene is a treasure. The girls being valued as important members of the team is my new favorite thing. Yuuna absolutely blasting Ren into outer space was a blessing. Minato being an unapologetic dork has watered my crops and cleared my skin. That nod to the one-eyed fish had me at the edge of my seat (yes, I still have hopes of it being at least referred to at some point, along with Masaki and Minato's scars). And finally, the Star Festival has been mentioned. Love the way that the dojo was decorated for it. Yata Shrine looks like a new world entirely, almost as if we've been transported to a feudal fantasy setting. I just don't get why it's gonna happen after the tournament. I guess this means we're not getting Ren and Minato's conversation and that honestly worries me, but as always, I'm just taking what I can get.
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Oh. My. Fucking. God.
Aizawa x Reader (quirkless s/o) with a Flipping octo plush where it has an angry side thats pink and the happy side is red and its on its angry side. Or aizawa x reader (quirkless s/o) who paints theyres and aizawas nails with a cat face
100% im putting both of these into one because uugghhh 😩😩
Aizawa x Reader - Pink Plushies
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Fuck. The plushie is pink. What did he do now?
Shouta sighs, walking into your shared flat and sighing tiredly as he's met with the love of his life sitting on the bed and sulking. There's an obvious pout on your lips as you pointedly make a scene out of ignoring him, causing another ragged sigh to cue from the tired looking man before you.
This had all started earlier on the same day when you'd made a joke about getting matching nails and proposing to paint cats on his. He immediately declined of course, but he really didn't think you would ignore him for the whole day.
But here you are, staring at the wall stubbornly as he asks you what's wrong. He's too old for this.
Despite the fact that he is literally 25, but anyway.
You pout and your eyebrow twitches as he sits on the bed next to you, staring at you with a neutral expression and waiting for you to finish your tantrum. It's not fair that he was blessed with so much more patience than you.
You give in easily and sigh quietly, giving your lover a forlorn look and making his heart almost stop for a second. You look genuinely upset now, and he doesn't know what's wrong or if it's his fault or not, and the thought haas anxiety pooling in the pits of his stomach.
He could never forgive himself if he was the reason you look so sad right now, and he always tried his best to be active in this relationship and spend valuable time with you because he doesn't know what he'd do with himself if he ever lost you.
That is until you come out with your next words.
"Why didn't you let me paint your nails, Shouta?! I thought it would be cute- a-and we could match and everything-! Was the thought really that horrible to you?..."
He deadpans harder than ever before, looking at you as if he'd just been turned to stone while you rant at him and whine like a kicked puppy, crocodile tears pooling down your face and catching the light.
"... I-... I love you, honey, but im not letting you paint my nails, no."
The next fifteen minutes saw him staring down at prettily painted black nails with little white kitten chibis drawn on carefully. You really are talented, he muses, looking down at one of the finished nails and silently giving them starry eyes, encapsulated with them and absolutely charmed.
His head is adorned with a pair of cat ears that you had slipped on him as a joke, having yet to have taken them off yet as he stares at your masterpieces. Pretty, and soft hair falls in front of your face while you continue your hard, honest work, sat hunched over Shouta's other hand and just finishing up so that you can get started on yours.
"Do the base white on yours. Make them opposites." he proposes as you finish glossing them over, giving you a suggestion, and you just can't help but puff your cheeks out like a hamster as you attempt to contain your laughter only to fail miserably. You can't help it- he's just given you a suggestion like that with the most unexpressive face you've seen on him, and once you calm down and recover a little you're quick to press a gentle kiss to his lips while he's still confused.
The two of you have fun painting your nails and there's absolutely no way that you could let him even breathe before you got a picture of the masterpieces before you, and as Shouta watches you fawn over how cute he is with the cat ears he still has on he cant help but smirk and pull you closer.
Soft lips meet yours as he holds you in the kiss by the back of your head, nipping at your lip and when you pull back your face is flushed bright red and you're practically dizzy from the kiss, giving him a woozy but sly smile as you grab your plush, turning it back to red as the little smiley face has your boyfriend smirking wider and raising an eyebrow at you, crawling closer to you and making you blush bright red again.
His eyes are half lidded and he looks up at you mischievously, crawling up over you and nipping at your neck cheekily just to tease you. And boy, does it work well...
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leona would force reiji and ruki to kiss each other if they dont then she's going to use her beast fangs on them bonus if the brothers are their
Leonia: Come on, boys. I'm only helping, you KNOW you want this.
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Reji, scared but to proud to admit it: Well, I have always admired Ruki's intellect
Ruki, also scared to the point where he would shit his pants: Thank you, Reji your knowledge in potions and chemistry is truly astounding
Laito in the background: *fake smooching noises*
Shuu: So you two finally admit your feelings huh
Kou, recording: Why are children now so scary? This sh!t is gold
Ayato, trying to get into Kou's camera: Hey! Point it towards the great me, people will feel blessed to see the gracious face of yours truly~
Azusa: ...
Kanato, simply not existing because children are annoying.
Yuma, died of laughter
Here lies Yuma
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DIABOLIK LOVERS Morana’s Route [DARK 02]
??? (male voice): Nfu~ Now, who do we have here?
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Morana: (No way! How am I here? Where is here?)
??? (white haired male): If you have something to say just spill it already!
Morana: !! Where am I?
??? (glasses wearing male): Our residence. Unfortunately, you're not the only one that barged in uninvited tonight.
Morana: (Right,Yui!)
Where is the other person then?
??? (male wearing a hat): Who knows? We were just getting to the good part when you arrived in her place.
Morana: (Good time? She look terrified.)
Shuu?: I've heard enough. You guys deal with this one however you want.
??? (male wearing a hat): Nfu. Don't mind if I do.
Ayato?: No you don't! She belongs to yours truly!
??? (purple haired male) : Say, Teddy. Do you think she would make a fine addition to our collection? I think so too.
??? (white haired male): I'm going to bed. Her screams better not wake me up or I'll kill you!
??? (glasses wearing male): Good grief. You better clean after yourselves too. I am not your maid.
Morana: (Not good! I need to think and fast!)
Wait, Shuu!
Shuu: ...
??? (male wearing a hat): Hooo? So you two know each other?
Morana: Yeah, yeah! We meet each other long ago so he maybe just forgot...
(Come on, remember!)
We meet in the forest remember? There was a huge fire and you were looking for Ed-
Shuu: !
He pins her down
How do you know that name?
Morana: (Huh? How did he-)
I..I already told you. In the forest-
Shuu: Shut up
His face gets closer
Morana: (Huh? Huh?! What? Something sharp is....my neck...)
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Morana: God, this makes no sense!!
Luca: It doesn't makes sense because you skipped most of the classes.
Morana: Of course I did! When will I ever need to use this in real life?
Luca: Who knows? Maybe one day you'll be a world renowned scientist and during you Nobel prize acceptance you'll remember that the only reason you're there is because mine and Father's teaching.
Morana: ...
You can't be serious.
Luca: Yeah, no. I just hoped you'd react like the rest of the kids
Morana: They're like 10
Luca: So are you...mentally
Morana: HEY!
Luca: I'm kidding, I'm kidding. But for real, it isn't that hard to recite it. Just repeat after me...
Confiteor Deo Omnipotenti (I confess to God almighty)
Beatae Mariae semper Virgini (To blessed Mary ever Virgin)
Beato Michaeli archangelo (To the blessed archangel Michael)
Sanctis apostolis omnibus sanctis (To the holy apostles, to all the saints)
Shuu: heh...
First the cross and now praying in Latin?
Any other nonsense you were taught to use against us?
Morana: (I doesn't work?! Well then...)
Just one more thing
Shuu: ?
Morana: Hit them where it hurts!
Shuu: Kuh!
She jumps away from him
Ayato: Hahahahha! She totally throat punched him! That's awesome!
Morana: Please, listen! You can't kill me.
??? (glasses wearing male): Can't?
Morana: ....shouldn't.
??? (male wearing a hat): Hmmmm? And why is that?
Morana: Y-you said it yourself. When the other girl dissappear I showed up in her place. So what's gonna happen to her if I die?
(They weren't going to kill her. Right?? There's no way Seiji would let that happen!)
??? (glasses wearing male): ...fine. You've earned your self some time
Shuu: Reiji- you...
Reiji: I will contact father and explain the situation. Until then, she will stay here as our guest. The same rule applies to her as would for the other one.
Morana: (That's not enough time. I need to find a way out!)
Reiji: Lest I forget...
He grabs Morana by her chin
Any attempt of escape will be met with dire consequences. Do I make myself clear?
Morana: (Such piercing eyes. I need to get on his good side)
Reiji: Good. Now then, I leave you in Shuu's care since you two seem to be getting along.
Morana: Getting along? He tried to kill me!
Reiji: And if Im lucky enough you'll kill each other in the process.
Morana: ....
Reiji: The rest of you get ready for school. Ayato! Show her to her room.
Ayato: Huuuh? Why me? You just said she's Shuu's responsibility!
Reiji: While I did say that he will be busy retelling the event with me to Father
Shuu: ...
Ayato: FINE!
Morana: H-hey! WAIT!
He drags her away
??? (male wearing a hat): Bye bye for now~ Don't worry I'll stop by when you get lonely
???(white haired male): Che...I'm going ahead. I don't want to have anything to do with her, you hear?!
??? (male wearing a hat): Awww don't be like that Subaru. I saw how excited you got when Shuu pinned her down~
??? (purple haired male) : Let's go Teddy. It got really loud and annoying here.
Reiji: You two stop fighting! Kanato, call the chauffeur and get ready. And you, you better start actually thinking for once unless you want to be banished by father again.
Shuu: ...
Scene changes
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Ayato: We're here. Now get in!
He shoves her inside
Morana: ugh
Ayato: Now listen up! I don't care what you and that sloth man have but you better remember that yours truly is the law here! What I say goes.
Morana: Okay?
Ayato: Now, get dressed. Four eyes is gonna be real fuckin annoying if we're late for school again.
Morana: Dressed? School? I'm 19 I finished school last year. Why should I go?
Ayato: Cuz we sure as hell wont leave you here alone! Now-
He reaches for her clothes
Ayato: -take this shit off!
Morana: Hey, hey, hey! Hands off!
I get it, I'll do it myself. Now leave!
Ayato: Haaaa? Who do you think you're ordering around?!
Morana: (This is bad. I need to play into his ego)
I'm sorry,I'm sorry, you're right.
Ayato: Of course I am!
Morana: It's just that my luggage is still downstairs and I want to get completely changed if you know what I mean.
Ayato: Heeh... already coming onto me are ya? Maybe you're not as dumb as you look. Yours truly will get his servants to bring your stuff up, you wait here!
Morana: Ok~
Ayato leaves
Morana: (I have 5 min max till he figures it out. Better get changed.)
Everyone is in the limousine
Laito: Hahahahah. I can't believe you fell for that Ayato. Seems our guest here is a sneaky little fox~
Ayato: SHUT UP! Next time she tries to pull something like this I'll suck her dry.
Morana: Ummmm...
(Maybe mentioning the whole don't kill me thing might provoke him even more)
So how exactly am I going to school again?
Reiji: Quite simple. Since we already had all the information from the other human we simply forged another document, ms. Komori. Hopefully, your sister will join us soon enough.
Morana: Eh?
(They're using Seijis last name...I don't want that.)
Reiji: You're dissatisfied with my work?
Morana: I'd be lying if I said I wasn't but I doubt you care about my personal feelings about this whole situation.
Reiji: And you would be right.
Maybe there is hope for you after all.
Morana: ...
Scene changes
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Reiji: Now go to class and don't soil our family name.
Laito: Bye, bye Morana-chan. Come and find me if you ever get lonely~
Everyone leaves
Morana: ...
So, Shuu where are we- eh?
(He's heading to the separate wing? But all the classrooms are...)
Shuu: Shut up. Do whatever you want just leave me alone.
Shuu leaves
Morana: (He really doesn't care, does he? What am I thinking? This is perfect! If I take off right now they won't be able to-)
*Flap flap*
Morana: Huh?
*Flap flap*
Morana: A bat?
(A giant one in fact. Do they really come this close to cities?)
Anyway I need to get-
The bat follows her
Morana: What?
(No way?! It's following me?)
Shoo! Shoo! Leave me alone.
She breaks into a run
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Morana: haaaah....haaa... okay, okay. You're definitely following me. Fuck!
*Flap flap*
Morana: Yeah, yeah I get it. I'll go to the next class. Just let me catch my breath will ya?
(Of course it was too good to be true. I guess my best chance of running is tricking Ayato or something to leave me unsupervised.)
(Someone's on the roof too? Are- are they looking at me?)
Didn't your mom teach you it's rude to stare?
Unknown man: -e? No....no.
You're just another-
The same as me.
Morana: What?
(What is he talking about?)
Hey! Do you know what's going on here? Please, tell me!
Unknown man: Play your role livestock. That's all you need to know.
He disappears
Morana: Wait!
(He just vanished. Play my role? What does that even mean?)
God...none of this is making any sense.
Flap flap
Fine, fine. I'm going back.
She turns towards the stairs
???: -love you. For ever and ever and ever.
Morana: Hmm?
(Another person? Really? Guess class attendance doesn't matter when you're rich)
Laito: Morana-chan, you're really bad at eavesdropping you know that?
Morana: Huh? Wait, I wasn't-
Laito: A bad liar too
Laito grabs her by the neck
Laito: I thought you would be much more straightforward, I have to say I'm disappointed.
Morana: ( I can't breathe! He...he's going to kill me!)
Laito: What do you think your punishment should be? I'll let you choose.
Morana: (No good, I'm losing consciousness)
Everything goes white
Morana: Hnnnng. What? Wh-where am I?
(I'm....in front of the manor? But, where is everyone?)
Did they carry me all the way just leave me in front?
???: Please remain by my side, Shuu.
Morana: ?? Who's that?
(Didn't see her in the manor. Again with these old clothes. But Shuu doesn't look any younger)
Shuu: ...
They go deeper into the garden
Morana: (I need to figure out what's going on. If I keep my distance they won't notice me, right?)
(Something feels off.)
She starts looking around
Morana: !
(Reiji?! Is he's spying on them? But who's that in the background?)
Morana slowly approaches Reijis window
???: The woman is the target?
Morana: !!!
Reiji: Yes. However, this really is strange. To think that I would employ someone like you, a vampire hunter.
Morana: !!!
(A what? That old man, a vampire hunter?)
Seiji: Make no mistake, once I finish this job I will come back one day to kill you too.
Reiji: Of course. I'll wait eagerly for that day.
Even after the conversation ended and Seiji left the room I stayed hidden under the window,
Still processing all the new information that has been presented to me.
Seiji, a vampire hunter?
If that were true why did he send Yui here?
Did she really mean that little to him?
Is everything we know about him a lie?
There's also the question of who that man on the roof was?
I needed to play my role?
No matter how many times I repeated these questions in my head, nothing came to mind so I did the only thing I feel I could.
I ran after Shuu and the woman.
Dark 03
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