#Blog Updates
the-bar-sinister · 2 days
Chores: (catbox, dishes, vacuum, swiffer)
edit: (Sandstorms and Starfall, Deicide: Test of Wills)
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mufos-photo-album · 28 days
A lil' PSA (and call to action?)
Hey all! From now on, I will be blocking anyone who follows me/interacts with my posts if I suspect they're a bot. If you've been on Tumblr for a while you're probably no stranger to bots, but the reason why I'm making a full-on post is because this situation also involves AI image generation.
This post contains more in-depth information (as well as a juicy block list), but if you'd like to hear it from me: Basically, there's a strand of bot accounts going around, stealing from artists/photographers and slapping an AI filter onto their works to make it seem like the AI generated it.
Don't believe me? I did my own look-around of these accounts and noticed that they sometimes include really specific tags on their AI posts, like the kind of tags an artist would leave behind has a comment on their work. I decided to search the tags of 2 posts and found multiple bots stealing from one artist. In both images below, the original artist is the one on the left
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If you still don't believe me or want to see more examples, the account @ai-art-thieves has been doing a lot of callouts lately of these kinds of accounts.
As for what you can do, I advise you to be a bit weary about the accounts that follow you or reblog your posts. So far, all of the bots have a predictable naming scheme + look to them that's seen in both the post I linked as well as my screenshots. If you see these things in the wild, please report and block them!
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monstersmashorpass · 1 month
● First off - submissions are temporarily CLOSED. As such, the ask box is now turned off so ppl don't submit by mistake.
● Second, there's a new rule regarding submissions, and that is ONLY ONE MONSTER PER MESSAGE.
If you want to submit multiple, please just send multiple asks! It makes it a million times easier to keep track of.
Thank you all, from both your mods.
-Mod Ghoul ☢️
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ace-culture-is · 3 months
No one has posted an ask about this but I'm still firing shots in my neighborhood just in case since it's been a while-
purity culture is not tolerated here. No ifs ands or buts. It is incredibly queerphobic. You are not inherently better for not having sex and vice versa. It's a trap a lot of queer people fall into but I will have exactly 0 of it on my blog.
(That doesn't mean you can't be critical of how sex and romance affect the world and culture- that's completely fine! Purity culture doesn't have nuance like that. and worst case scenario if the ask you send in breaks the rules I just delete it. Very few things will result in a block from me unless it's truly vile and from a place of hatred.)
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judesmoonbeauty · 25 days
Blog Announcement/Update ☾.
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EDIT: There was an update posted after this one. Please read it.
To start, please let me genuinely thank you all from the bottom of my heart. Your encouraging words that you’ve re-blogged, DM’d or shared with me outside of Tumblr have really been a soothing balm. I am truly humbled and grateful. Overall, we have an amazing community here, and I enjoy interacting with everyone in the fandom!
After much thought and deliberation, I’ve decided that I will continue translating and posting on Tumblr. However, I am still exploring the option of other platforms, but I will be here indefinitely.
I made my mind up earlier today when I was translating a collab story for myself, and I just couldn’t overcome the feeling that I want to share with everyone what I am able to, especially when I know there are some who particularly love this suitor. That was the entire point of this blog….well, what it ended up morphing into.
I thought to myself, “It’s not fair to withhold this gold from others.”
And when I got home, I was surprised by a DM I received from a blogger who presented evidence that my post(s) had indeed been reported. I am exceptionally grateful to that person who has put my mind at ease, and though I submitted an inquiry to Tumblr, who knows when I’ll hear back from them. So, that was perfect timing!
Further, how the hell could I call myself Mrs. Jazza, if I let someone who clearly has nothing better to do with their lives to have the final say? There. Is. No. Damn. Way.
The Jazza's don't give up - EVER.
I won’t go on a tangent like I did the other day, but if you don’t like what someone posts, then block them, don’t be whatever you are and report other people. If you don’t like me, block me. I don’t care. I’ll block you too if you want, just let me know.
In any case, this is how things are going to go with regards to current WIPs and re-posts.
Current WIPs will take priority.
Reposts will currently go as follows: Jude’s Bond Level 27, Ellis’ CE Story and Master List will be entirely recreated and reposted, followed by the remainder of Jude’s Bond Levels, and finally the Body Swap Story.
For the re-posts, I will not be tagging those in my tags list. You’ve mostly like read them anyway, and I don’t want to bombard you.
Could I maybe ask you all for a favor pretty please?? If you happen to notice anymore posts of mine being "sent to heaven", would you mind DM'ing me or sending an ask to notify? I'd really appreciate it!
Since I don’t know who is reporting my posts, I will most likely have more of my other translations deleted, if that happens, they will be reposted. If I have CGs I will try to post the stories again with those, otherwise, it’ll just be the story itself.
I will begin Jude's story and then translate Nica's end thereafter.
Now, I wasn't a mopey baby the entire day, so I'll post somethings that I do have prepped now......
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dysfunctional-doodle · 6 months
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A very very messy sketch for the anon that wanted to see my design for 1987 Mikey in Too Many Turtles! I had like an hour to do this so it’s actually terrible but eeehhh
As you can probably tell I am very busy in real life right now with university work and assignments. I’m sorry but this blog is going to be quite barren until I finish, which is in like a month or so. It’s annoying because I love drawing but I also have three assignments to do in just over two and a half weeks and then immediately study for exams which is very fun.
So it’s back to prompts! I’ll try and do quick sketches every now and then but the quality will be much lesser. Re blogging my shit art to try and keep my blog active would be appreciated, but not required - I just like doing the weird prompts you guys give me lol
If you want more info on hiatuses, or see some sketches of art I don’t bother posting, it might be worth checking out my ko-fi page as I give real world updates much more frequently on here just from a business standpoint :)
-> My Kofi || Tip Jar :) <-
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Important Announcement
I hope you guys are doing okay! I wanted to make an announcement because I’ve been thinking about what I’m going to be doing with my fics.
So currently, I think I’m going to move everything over to AO3 and only post snippets here until the full fic is finished, then I’ll post it here.
One reason for this is because I’ve come to realize I’ve lost a lot of my writing style to trying to fit smaller parts onto tumblr’s page so it’s easier for people to read.
You can see from some of my fics that I tend to write very long parts. Thats what I like. I like long chapters because I can get every ounce of detail and thought that I have in the page in order to get the story across in a way that feels personal.
Recently I’ve been writing shorter chapters because burn out but also to make it easier for people on here to read and to engage with. But it’s come with the price of losing a lot of my ideas to the short format, which makes me feel like my writing is not my own.
And that’s a huge issue I’ve been having.
I’ve been writing for others and not myself. I want to write the stories I want to read. That’s why I’m going to be posting to AO3 first now and it’s going to take my priority now.
I’ll still post my weird thoughts here and when the fics are completely finished they’ll be posted here as well, but when they’re currently being worked on it’ll mainly just be on AO3.
I know this is a big inconvenience. I’ll look into maybe unlocking my fics on AO3 so they’re more accessible (however if that dumb ai shit starts again idk) but please understand that writing fics isn’t fun to me anymore and I want to make it fun again.
So what else?
I’m going to be moving most of my fics over to AO3.
I’m also planning on rewriting the short form ones (so cbf!soap, android!reader, wintersoldier!reader etc) to make them longer!!
Which means on AO3 they’re going to become extended versions. It’s going to be rewritten in a way that I like more and hopefully enhances the story. And once they’re completely done over there, I’ll post the extended versions over here.
I hope you guys will understand. If you have questions ask me.
In the meantime, enjoy my horny and depraved thoughts when I post them lol
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damnfandomproblems · 2 months
I have blocked two users who had been harassing people in the replies of posts related to Fandom Problem #5305. Hopefully that will be the end of it, but as some have suggested that the two users could have possibly been one user on multiple accounts, please bring to my attention if this sort of behavior continues in case they decide to try another backup.
Thank you to the people who brought this to my attention.
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laikacore · 12 days
I'm starting looking for an artist for the cover of one of my upcoming novels, Heart Crushed. It's a YA urban fantasy novel about a high school friend group that implodes badly after their linchpin member goes missing. The final draft will be finished (fingers crossed) in December, and I prefer my cover artists read my book before the commission, so I can send over a copy of it to anyone interested at that point.
The cover I'm envisioning is a top down shot of a desk with scattered cutesie stationary. In the middle of the desk, a sheet of paper with names written on it in cute "popular girl" handwriting, some being scratched out or scribbled over, with a pink dragon's hand slammed down on top of it. The font of the title & author name would be cutesie bubble letters.
My base offer is $80 cad. Since it's a long book (.... 154k words.... sorry lol.....) and I don't like to finalize the comm until the artist has read the book, if you give me Jan-Feb to save, I can go higher, barring emergencies.
Because I make my books available to read for free forever on archive.org, the initial payment is all I am able to pay my artists.
A lot of commission sheets I'm finding have more portraits or scenes with characters fully visible, so it's kinda hard to gauge who would be a good pick for this. If this interests you, please reach out, or if you know someone who'd like to do this with me, link us up!!
Feel free to reblog this :3
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the-bar-sinister · 2 days
Finally grabbed a squidgeworld account and will be slowly crossposting our fics there. Sloooowly. I don't want to flood the damned site XD
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cilil · 23 days
I survived my exams!!
As I said I'm gonna be resting and catching up on things in the next few days. Sorry again for not answering/reacting to some stuff (with the notable exception of cases where I asked to be left alone/out of things and that was ignored, not sorry for missing those) - 10 hours of exams in 2 days was just a little too brutal even for me to stay on top of things...
In the meantime you can look forward to the weekend treats I promised!🖤
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giggly-squiggily · 14 days
Bloggy Updates
Hey everyone! So it's been a hot minute since I've updated you guys on what's going on- nothing bad I promise! I wanted to come by and share with you my plans for the remainder of 2024 and possibly the start of 2025 regarding fics and such!
SO! Let's get into it!
September 2024
3 fics per week as per scheduled! I have plenty pre-written and set up for the month and only need to knock out two more to finish off the month! It's been a hectic year, but I'm feeling pretty good about them :3
October 2024
Tickletober!!! Weekly edition :D I'm gonna be 100%- I had no intentions originally of doing tickletober this year, but I got the itch and decided the one fic per week schedule would be easier on me while I figure out my new life schedule and all that good stuff.
Also did an extra day as a trade with my dear friend @gladdygirl18 for one of the days but I won't say which one- so look out for that one hehehe
November-December 2024
So here's where things get a littttle different. My plan going into these months and into 2025 is to cut back on fics by one, so instead of 3x a week (Mon, Wed, Fri), we're switching to 2x a week (Tues, Thurs). I think this would make it easier on myself while I navigate life changes and find my footing at my new job. Will this change be permanent? I don't know yet- it heavily depends on what goes on in life.
I'm sorry to everyone who enjoys the 3x a week schedule I've been doing for years- but I think as of right now it's the best solution I can come up with that preserves quality and quantity of the fics. Thank you for understanding!
I think that's everything? I might be missing details but as of right now I feel pretty good about my plans. Thank you all very much for sticking by me while I fluster through life. This past month was difficult, but I'm aiming to make September a better one, and the rest of the year! Keep being amazing y'all!
Take a cutie! (Sakura's been on my mind lately, the adorable bean- expect some tickles coming his way October!)
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monstersmashorpass · 7 months
As always, none of this is affiliated with tumblr, steam, or anything. This is literally something the mods are doing for funsies.
To enter the raffle, you must;
➥ Be following this blog! And ➥ Fill out this google form! (please read instructions on it!)
(It makes entering yalls usernames into the raffle picker easier for me ahh) (Also, you need a Steam account. More on that in a moment.)
That's it. That's literally it. Reblogging this post is nice but not needed!
All prizes are Steam game codes - so you need a Steam account for this!
First Prize - steam copy of Monster Prom 2: Monster Camp, plus one (1) game of choice from a list of assorted unused steam codes I have.
Second Prize - two (2) steam codes of choice from said list of unused Steam codes.
Third Prize - one (1) Steam code of choice from the list.
If ya wanna browse the list, here's a link to the google doc I list em all in; [Browse possible games]
Please note that while this raffle is active, I will not be selling any, since I'm using them as prizes. But after it ends and prizes have been claimed, I will be selling them again.
Good luck!
And, thank you from both Mod Curse and myself, Mod Ghoul, for 1k on this blog. 💖💖
~ Mod Ghoul ☢️
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dysfunctional-doodle · 4 months
So um, one of my fanfic works got hidden over a breach in the terms of use?
It’s Subsidence, which got reported because I linked my tumblr (which I thought was allowed but I guess not) but I removed the links in all chapters.
But now it’s hidden anyway, and might be deleted -_-
Does anyone know how I can beg ao3 to hold up for a second before the fic dies?
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distorteddiamonds · 5 months
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A large burly man stands before you, pelt on his shoulder and a large axe at his side. He seems irritated by your presence, almost on guard.
Will you introduce yourself??
The askbox is open!!!
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damnfandomproblems · 2 months
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We've reached 10,000 followers!! 🎉🎊🍾
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