#Bodhi Duran
yanny-77 · 8 months
Happy Valentine’s Day, Riders 💋
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marvelsmylife · 2 months
Breaking Point
Pairing: Bodhi Durran x reader
Plot: you start ignoring Bodhi after he lets it slip he let Violet borrow his flight jacket before she goes to see Xaden.
A/n I’ve had this idea in my head for a few days. Let me know if you would be interested in a part two
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Ever since you started dating Bodhi, you’ve asked him if you could borrow his flight jacket. You knew it was silly, seeing as you had your own. Still, you just wanted to show off that you were with Bodhi, and there was no better way than to wear his clothes.
Unfortunately, each time you asked, he would have an excuse for you not to wear it. You told him time and time again if he didn’t want people to know you were together. He, of course, always denied it. He told you that he did want you to wear it but then proceeded to give you every excuse under the sun as to why you couldn’t wear it.
So you were shocked when he let it slip that he let Violet borrow his jacket when she went to Samara. Sure, he had a valid reason to give it to her; you would have to if you were in his position. It didn’t mean that it didn’t hurt that another girl got to wear his jacket before you, his girlfriend of two years.
You tried your best not to show it bothered you, but Bodhi noticed you were quieter than usual and decided to bring it up during lunch. “Come on, I know something’s wrong. Please tell me so I can help,” Bodhi tried to get you to speak to him for the fourth time in the past twenty minutes.
You were about to reply when Violet strolled into the dining hall and handed Bodhi his jacket. “Thanks again for the jacket,” Violet gave Bodhi a slight nod before she sat next to Rhiannon.
You stiffened when you noticed Bodhi’s jacket, and Imogen put two and two together. “Oh, gods. Are you fucking kidding me, Bodhi?” Everyone looked over at Imogen confused, before Imogen added, “You let another girl use your flight jacket before your girlfriend.”
Bodhi’s eyes widened, and he tried to drape his jacket on your shoulders, but you yanked it off. “I don’t want your stupid jacket,” you threw Bodhi’s jacket back to him and decided to unleash all the anger you’ve been bottling up. “I’m fucking mad at you because I’ve asked you if I could borrow this jacket for the past two years. You’ve had an excuse not to let me borrow it each time, but you give it to Violet like it’s no big deal.”
Bodhi felt himself shrink at your words as he realized he fucked up. He hadn’t realized how important it was for you to wear his jacket. Looking back, all the times you had asked were when other guys would give their jackets to their girlfriends. Bodhi was about to reach out to you, but you stood up and stormed out of the dining hall.
Everyone around Bodhi was telling him to go after you, and he was about to listen to them when Violet said, “You are probably the last person she wants to see right now. I’ll go talk to her.” With that, Violet got up and followed you out of the room.
Violet apologized profusely to you the second she stepped foot inside your room. “Violet, you have nothing to apologize for. This fight was a long time coming, and unfortunately, you got stuck in the middle of it,” you reassured her.
You then spent a solid hour explaining to Violet why you were so angry with Bodhi, and by the end, she started to get upset on your behalf. “I swear, men are such idiots,” Violet commented as you both stared at your ceiling, “Xaden acts like that sometimes, too. Maybe it’s genetic.”
You laughed at Violet’s comment, “I wouldn’t be surprised. Ugh, life was so much simpler when we used to believe boys had cooties.”
“Yup” Violet replied with a sigh, “I wish-”
A loud knock interrupted Violet and caused you to sit up. “Y/n, please let me in,” a frown appeared when you heard Bodhi’s voice. “Sweetheart, please.”
“You have to talk to him eventually,” Violet got up and started walking towards the door. 
She stopped at the door and waited for you to give her the ok to open the door. “Ok,” you whispered and braced yourself for the conversation you were about to have with your boyfriend.
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duranduratulsa · 27 days
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Now showing on my 90's Fest DuranDuranTulsa's Plenty Scary Movie 🎬 🎞 🎥 🎦 📽...Godzilla (1998) on glorious vintage VHS 📼! #Movie #movies #horror #scifi #monstermovies #creaturefeature #Godzilla #MariaPitillo #matthewbroderick #HarryShearer #jeanreno #HankAzaria #michaellerner #kevindunn #nancycartwright #richardgant #BodhiElfman #ClydeKusatsu #vintage #VHS #90s #90sfest #durandurantulsas4thannual90sfest #durandurantulsasplentyscarymovie #durandurantulsa #plentyscarymovie #8sThePlace #ktul
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pvrkacciosan · 4 months
Secrets and Sex
Summary: After your training session with Bodhi had gotten rather... Heated and progression was inevitable. The desire for one another didn't stop there, but keeping it hidden from your friends may have been more pointless than you realized.
Pairing: Bodhi Duran x Marked Fem! Reader
Word count:
Warnings: 18+ , !NSFW!, explicit smut scenes, swearing, submissive Bodhi It was an accident I apologise for nothing
A.N: I Definitely got carried away with this...
Part 1 | Part 2
It has been a little over a week since your initial training session with Bodhi and since then, the tether of tension between you both only seemed to tighten. Ensnaring and constricting until it left you both panting and pining after one another, on more then one occasion.
Today was no different, Bodhi has sought you out this morning, as everyone has been on the move for breakfast, capturing you in the hallway and pulling you away to slip into the shadows.
His mouth has been on your own before you could even voice a single word. Not that you had minded in the time. It had been reckless, in the sense anyone in the College could have walked upon you two, the thrill of being caught giving you a shot of adrenaline.
Especially if your friends found out, you weren't sure why you had hidden this... Thing with Bodhi, you'd known him for years and it wasn't exactly like Violet and Xaden had hidden their affections for one another.
But they were more? Where they not, you were just sleeping with Bodhi, Right? No string attached. He was attractive, you were beyond the point of denying that fact, but there wasn't anything else to it.
The first time you'd gotten together, it had been a heated training session and tension was running high on both ends. And even after he had been inside you, tongue and cock, after all that when you left to go back to your own bed that night you had merely concluded it had been a heat of the moment act.
But what about every time after that?
The thoughts were dizzying, and you could almost be mad at him for getting you this bothered after your morning make our session. Unable to think beyond his touch, the way he could make your body give everything it had to offer and in turn, you could make him crawl. Nervousness had wracked you the first time you took control, but Bodhi had seemed more keen and interested the more you denied him. Keeping him pining until you decided what he could have and when he could have it.
You would never guess your best friend would be for giving into the submission of letting you lead him through his pleasures. It didn't happen every time you guys slept together, but when it did. Let's just say it always worked into your favour when he turned his attention to you.
Breathing deeply you slouched into your seat on Asra's back, the warmth of her reptilian body radiating beneath you.
You humans and your fickle feelings.
Asra's voice in your head was subtle this time, drifting in through the swarm of thought clouding your mind.
"They are called emotions." You grated out aloud, no need to communicate through your thoughts when you knew she could hear you perfectly well up here. In the skies above the War College, away from the bustle of noise below.
It had become your safe haven, in the clouds the cold air nipping your exposed skin, a deliberate act on your part, to leave parts exposed to feel the winds bite.
You can be easily broken by them. They are fickle.
Taking a second to extend a thought to her words, the thunder of your own pulse in your ears drowning out the sound of the wind ripping your hair from the braid that whipped at your spine.
If you are to love him so be it. Love hard, or hate. Simple. You are a dragon rider, you have no time for fickle feelings which take up your time.
You did not require any further poking from her, you knew she spoke of Bodhi. But did you love him?
Yes, You were insanely attracted to him and when he fucked you, Seven hells it was the best you ever had, but...was that love?
You had been friends since you were young and had spent many years stuck in that station of friendship and after that training session nothing has changed between you, other than the nights you spent many nights exploring one another in the most intimate of ways.
With every pounding thought you always rounded back to the same insistently annoying question which left your stomach hollowing out inside you, Were you in Love with Bodhi Durran?
You're doing it again. Your dragons tone was flat in your head, void of all irritation or feeling
When you both finally lowered beneath the cover of the clouds, your eyes began scanning the grounds below. Your attention instantly attracted to where a familiar Green dragon perched. Watching you descend, her rider relaxed between her front legs.
Steeling your thoughts you said nothing more in the topic, voiding all notions of Bodhi from your mind as Asra began circling the college flight field. Decending downwards in a dive that has you squeezing your thighs against her and tucking yourself behind her neck to avoid being ripped away by the wind.
Gripping to your senses you braced for the impact of Asra connecting the ground. Waiting until the dust cloud to blow away before sliding over her shoulder and down her leg.
Turning, you began inspecting Asra's chest. Searching the areas she couldn't to make sure there wasn't any cuts or wounds that might have occured during the flight manvours before you both flew off in a private flight session.
Despite being a mutual routine you did after each flight, you were fumbling trying to ignore the attention you felt watching your back.
The only warning you got for his approach was a low snarl from Asra which rumbled above your head.
Gentle moving hands slide around your waist. The contrast in heat radiating from his hand shot shivers down your spine.
Bodhi's hands rested at your hip when you straightened. Fingers curling under the rim of your flight jacket.
Asra, is there anyone else in the field?
You waited as she surveys the open expanse of land.
No one beyond those Cuir has scared off.
Turning in his arms, You take all but one second, one for a breath before you stepped up, wrapping an arm around the back of his neck. You couldn't give a damn if you were just here for the sex. You needed it, a deathly desire.
Bodhi didn't interject when you planted your lips to his own, hands pulling your body closer to his still. Molding your torsos, you could feel every inhale he struggled to take, forced to pick between you and breathing. A warmth spread to your core when he held his breath.
Bodhi slanted his head, inclining it down to slip his tongue into your mouth, warm sliding along your bottom lip, gravity pushed you back and when you bumped into something warm you stumbled, Bodhi's hand keeping you from crumbling.
Asra grumbled softly, Bodhi jerked his head back, and you could see in his eyes clear as day the alarm in them when he glanced up to Asra. The angle awkward from where Bodhi had you pressed against her foreleg.
You laughed softly pushing to hide your face in his chest.
"Perhaps. We should take this elsewhere." Bodhi whispered softly next to the shell of your ear, eyes unblinking away from your dragons piercing gaze.
Wise choice boy.
You tried to stifle another laugh as Asra continued glaring.
Lips tingling for more as Bodhi clasped your hand and began leading you both from the flight field. Keeping pace, you avoided the sound of other students, to evade their attention.
He led you faster, assuming you would be going to his room you felt the tension rise in your arm when he suddenly pulled you into another direction.
Twisting to keep up, You hugged closer to his arm. "Where are we going?"
Bodhi didn't speak, but led you on further and you caught the peak of a boyish grin gleaming over his shoulder, rounding the corner of the main entrance to the college he walked backwards pushing open a door tucked into the wall.
The room was dark, beyond a small line of light creeping through the cracks of the door, a door which had become so warped it didn't meet all the edges of the frame.
There was shelves, but you didn't give yourself time to inspect the contents. Perhaps a store cupboard.
His hands grasped your neck, thumb working small circles into your jaw, as he walked backwards still. He pulled you closer by your neck.
You allowed yourself to be lead and spun until your back met a solid wall. It was cold against your spine, goosebumps racking.
You felt the hot pant of his breath against your cheek before his lips met yours in the darkness. Needy and fast, You worked a hand up and around the ball of his shoulder, arm resting there so you could thread a hand into the hair at the back of his neck.
His shoulders trembles under your touch, giving into the sensation as you pulled and bit into his lip. Bodhi's head titled back away from your mouth as you tugged his hair. His breathing is heavy and uneven, but even in the dim lighting you can spy the look of desire in his eyes, eyes which darted to blink at every inch of your face.
"Want me to stop love?" The light across his face shifts, his brow was raised. But that word made your heart stutter against your ribs. Love.
"I want you," You hover your lips above his, could almost taste yourself on him, you would have ended the sentence there but instead. "-I want you to do as I say."
Watching his face for a reaction, Bodhi hummed low the sound soft, the edge of his lip curved up. "Then I am at your mercy Darling."
His attempt to kiss you was halted when you tightened the fistful of hair in your grip, Bodhi hissed but his eyes rolled at the sensation.
"Did I say you could kiss me?" Tilting your head to watch him under hooded lashes.
Your pulse was thrumming loud in your inner ear, but through the pleasant roar you could have swore you heard Bodhi whimper. Fucking whimper. Something inside you tightened, tension rising as you slowly loosened your grip and used that hand to push his shoulder, coaxing him to kneel before you.
He did so willingly, eyes ravaging every inch of your body on the way down,
Once he was on his knees, you stepped back, flush against the wall. Hand shifting to unbutton the top of you flight leathers, slowly teasing the clothes from you body, the cold air against your warm skin emitted a small gasp from you.
Stripping, until you stood naked for him. Bodhi's eyes darted frantically unable to take everything in at once, you watched them flicked from your breasts down the valley between them, he stilled at the sight of you completely bare before him.
Extending a hand, you waited until he placed his in yours, His breath was swallow and you watched his expression as he zones in on your face, unblinking as you led his hand between your legs.
"Say the words" Bodhi sounded almost breathless, hand inches from grasping you where you needed him most, You could feel the warmth of those fingers hovering below the wetness between your legs.
With the anticipation you struggle with the words, thoughts fuzzy at the sight of him kneeling for you, waiting so desperately for you to let him touch you.
"Touch me." Even the sound of your own voice sounded foreign, undiluted with the desire that was threatening to make your knees buckle.
Damn him. Bodhi smiles, cocking his head sideways, "Need more description then that Love." His words were coupled with the featherlight touch of his thumb against your clit.
You gasped, nerves pulse painfully, aching for touch. Bodhi kept smirking, but did not touch you again.
"I want your fingers inside me. As many as you can manage. I want to come over them-" he brushed a finger along the folds of your entrance, a pause to catch your breath, "Then I want more."
"Tongue or cock?" his voice was raspy, and low.
You broke through the stupor to nod, "Both. Definitely both."
He paused for a long second, stilling.
The first finger entered you without warning, warmth bloomed and pumping through you. He began slow, driving the singular finger in and out, the pace not changing until he added that second finger. Thumb joining the pair already in use as he stretched you, His thumb encircled the sensitive bundle of nerves.
Throwing your head back you could only ignore the pain, when your skull smacked into the wall, back arching slightly as he kept the pace. Your heart was hammering harder as you breathing came out faster, moans of pleasure which seemed to encourage Bodhi on further.
The pleasure was building, he curled one of those fingers inside you, you cried out free hand gripping new fistful of his hair. You felt your release drawing closer still,
Words were a struggle so when Bodhi hit this sweet spot, you shook to stay standing, and without vocal command Bodhi somehow knew to keep going. A blessing you were grateful for, release was barreling into you with the next thrust of his fingers, your nail digging into his shoulder to stay standing
Opening your eyes, you were staring at the dark ceiling, the air fighting its way in and out from your lungs. You had to blink back the dark edges of your vision in order to glance down at Bodhi.
"Please" He begged softly, your mind was so fuzzy you could only stare blankly down at him until he gives a pointed look between your legs.
Nodding, unable to get the words to leave your lips, finger still twisted in his hair, your grip loosened when you feel his tongue on the inside of your thigh.
Lapping up the evidence of your release, the anticipation of him making it to the apex of your leg made your heart hammer once more, His tongue ran along your folds when you were interrupted.
Asra's voice in your head ruptured through the atmosphere. You shifted and moved a hand to Bodhi's shoulder, he glances your way concern lacing his expression.
"What's wrong?" His expression stills. Cuir no doubt delaying information to him, someone was coming this way.
It was only a second later you could hear the footsteps approaching. You separated, Bodhi rising to pass you something to cover yourself with. Holding it against your chest you froze.
"Who is that?" You whispered, Bodhi glanced at the door, perhaps waiting for it to open, In this moment you could finally take a second to look around the store room.
The room was filled with spare riding equipment, replacements for saddles. Spare sizes of riding leathers. Shit. After Flight manoeuvrers anyone could need to come in here and you were completely naked and still hazy from your release.
Swaying on legs that still felt to shaky to hold your weight. Bodhi steadied you with a hand, his other free one coming up to cover your mouth. Wide eyed and trying to slow your breathing and heart beat,
When the door begun to open, Bodhi spun away and thumped his foot against it.
"Fuck." The door stopped, Bodhi rounded it, pushing through the gap of its opening to keep you from sight.
There was a shuffle as the person moved backwards, allowing the spacw for Bodhi to stand in the way of the door.
"Xaden, Anything I can help you with?"
You knew Bodhi said his name loud enough for you to hear through the door, as quietly as you could you knelt to reach for your clothes sprawled on the floor around your feet.
"I'm just looking for some new sizes of flight leather, Violence tore a hole in hers flying yesterday."
You stilled waiting for the door to open, or Bodhi to speak up, which ever came first.
"There isn't any there that would fit Sorrengail." You froze at Bodhi's words, the silence from Xaden causing you to silently drag your flight jacket over your shoulders,
Bodhi stuttered over his words, "I was eh.. looking for some for Y/n, There is a limited supply. Was just on my way to put in an order for some more."
Whether Riorson was going to buy it... You bit into your lip awaiting in the darkness.
Xaden grumbled something which was muffled through the door, Bodhi laughed and you were finally able to breath when their voices and footsteps began to retreat from the store cupboard.
You grabbed for your boots, ramming your feet into them and tucking the edges of the trousers around the rim. Tying them up quickly you ran a hand through you hair before moving for the door.
With a quick check to make sure the coast was clear you slipped out and made your way back inside towards the courtyard.
I know you can hear my every thought without the shield, so I'm going to spare us both our sanity by not answering that. Had you remembered to put your shield up whilst Bodhi...
At the memory of his fingers inside you deep and warm, your breath hitched and as you body warmed, an itch that hadn't been scratched. The session in the store room had been a warm up for more... Because Bodhi would have given more.
There was no doubt what your night activities would include, by your hand or his own should he seek you out.
Approaching the corner that would round into the food hall, you picked at the skin on your finger, What if he didn't come looking for you? What if-
You collided with a body when you walked around the corner, Hand landed against your torso to steady you, Grabbing to the persons forearm.
Glancing up, you still as Cassandra roughly shook your grip off her, as though the hint of your touch was toxic. The sneer was already set in her expression and disgust lined her stare.
- ❈ -
Bodhi was sat beside Xaden and Garrick, Keeping to the numbers pushed onto them by the rules. Three and no more marked ones to be found together at any one time. To keep them from building some sort of rebellion, shame is was far to late for that.
Bodhi tried to ignore the ache in his dick, he had so been waiting to be inside you since he had pulled you aside this morning, the memory of his hands of your, he had to clench his fists to keep from getting himself too worked up.
"The fuck got you in such a mood?" Garrick kept his voice low as a group from first wing strolled past their table.
Xaden beside him laughed as he lifted a cup to his lips, "Blue balls" He muttered it, but both Bodhi and Garrick heard him clear as day.
The older boy laughed but Bodhi simply scowled at his cousin, Xaden tried to ignore it by prolonging his drink.
"Just ask her out already." Garrick tapped the table, drumming the surface with his fingers. Bodhi was gritting his teeth so hard, he thought they might actually shatter and then he might even break something in his jaw.
When he looked to Xaden, Bodhi froze, Xaden was giving him a pointed look.
The bastard knew.
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thespiraldancerpg · 23 days
AMBIENTACIÓN VII: Organización en Moonhenge
A pesar de que las organizaciones en Moonhenge cesaron de existir un par de décadas atrás, los inhumanos de la comunidad suelen clasificarse en grupos similares a las instituciones de antaño: el Gremio de Maestros, los Suburbios y la Liga Estudiantil.
Liga Estudiantil
Aunque no esté reservada exclusivamente para jóvenes, las clases de Moonhenge siguen siendo una realidad cotidiana. La Liga Estudiantil está reservada para todos aquellos inhumanos que descubrieron sus dones hace poco y requieren ayuda en su control. Las clases de la Liga suelen ser diarias y duran la jornada completa. Dictadas por maestros, suelen realizarse en la biblioteca donde se ha designado un espacio para ello.
Los Iniciados, independiente de su don o la peligrosidad de su ascendencia inhumana, son aquellos inhumanos cuyos dones acaban de despertar y buscan desesperadamente guía y apoyo. Generalmente niños o jóvenes, o inhumanos adultos que han sufrido por el descontrol de sus habilidades toda su vida.
Al aprender a controlarlos, los inhumanos cuyos dones pueden resultar útiles y prometen ser algo más que controlados, pueden seguir sus estudios como Aprendices, donde las tutorías se vuelven más específicas y buscan aumentar el poder y aplicaciones de sus dones. Aquellos inhumanos cuyas habilidades son de carácter más pasivo o que no tiene demasiadas aplicaciones en el exterior, pueden graduarse tranquilamente y formar parte del clan.
Los Aprendices aprenden aplicaciones avanzadas de los dones en busca de perfeccionarse y ayudar a Moonhenge en sus incursiones fuera de las paredes de la mansión. Cuando Bodhi lo considera apropiado, los Aprendices pasan a ser Valkyries, los que comúnmente acompañan a Maestros en misiones exteriores hasta adquirir dicho título.
La graduación trae consigo varias regalías: una habitación propia, la capacidad de ganar dinero a través de misiones, mayor libertad fuera de la mansión, entre otros.
Eso sí, que la capacidad de los dones no limite a nadie. Aquellos Iniciados cuyos dones pueden ser percibidos como menos desarrollables aún pueden ser Aprendices e incluso Valkyries, pero los maestros suelen desalentarlos ya que la posibilidad de vivir desenlaces trágicos en sus vidas suele ser alta.
Sindicato de Maestros
El Sindicato de Maestros es una organización formal, generalmente coordinada por el Dr. Searancke, compuesta por todos aquellos inhumanos en control de sus dones, que viven en Moonhenge y utilizan sus habilidades para el funcionamiento de la mansión.
Muchos mantienen trabajados en el mundo humano y suelen tener una vida más calmada. Su educación como Iniciados les permite ocultar sus dones o usarlos de manera disimulada para no causar problemas.
El Sindicato suele ofrecer tareas de apoyo e información a Moonhenge, trayendo muchas veces datos importantes del exterior: avistamientos de inhumanos, actividades similares al espionaje, recaudación de información.
Otra tarea del Sindicato es el uso de sus dones para la sustentabilidad de Moonhenge: desde inhumanos que ayudan a alimentar al grueso de la comunidad hasta inhumanos que apoyan con labores en la Enfermería, tanto interna como externamente. Apoyo a nuevos inhumanos, investigación, desarrollo, inteligencia, cuidado de los niños y ancianos. Las actividades del Sindicato son numerosas.
Consejo de la Mesa de Guerra
Aquellos inhumanos que han terminado su educación en la Liga, o bien que han vivido gran parte de su vida desarrollándose de esta manera, pueden ser convocados por Bodhi a la Mesa de Guerra.
En la Mesa de Guerra, Bodhi levanta preguntas importantes y crea planes de intervención de vital importancia para el mundo inhumano. Las misiones son planificadas en la Mesa de Guerra, y se suelen convocar a inhumanos que tengan disponibilidad y sus habilidades puedan ser de provecho para el éxito de las misiones.
Cacerías de inhumanos alborotadores, defensa de comunidades inhumanas más pequeñas, neutralización de amenazas al mundo humano. Moonhenge se encarga de extender sus brazos por el globo para preservar la armonía, algo que lleva haciendo por los últimos siglos sin falta, sean perseguidos o no.
Para las misiones más simples, los Maestros son instruídos para llevar consigo a Valkyries, estudiantes de la Liga Estudiantil en preparación para convertirse en miembros permanentes del Consejo de la Mesa de Guerra.
Existen misiones de alta peligrosidad cuyas consecuencias pueden tener repercusiones a nivel global o alterar permanente la historia del mundo. Para su realización, por lo general Bodhi asigna a Sabios, cuyas capacidades exceden a las de los maestros gracias a su amplia experiencia y capacidad de supervivencia a través de los años.
Existen Maestros de rango aún mayor, los que Bodhi denomina como Héroes. En Moonhenge, aparte de Bodhi y la Moira, sólo existen tres maestros con el rango de Héroe. Dichos inhumanos tienen asignadas misiones cuyas características las convierten en imposibles de realizar: viajes en el tiempo, saltos en el multiverso, alteraciones en la misma delicada fibra de la realidad. Actualmente en misiones, los Héroes de Moonhenge son inhumanos venerados que tienen la tarea de salvar a la Inhumanidad en un último intento desesperado.
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widetide · 7 years
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Balki & Duran ft Bodhi Jones - Let's Go ⚠️слушайте в аудиозаписях паблика ВК⚠️ Ссылка в БИО🔝 #widetide #wt #вайдтайд #dancehall #edm #trap #hiphop #best #party #music #ever #new #top #fresh #first #one #number #sound #tune #song #single #dance #widetideparty #widetideshow #wtparty #wtshow #champion #vibe #join #us
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k2so-official · 8 years
shuffle tag
was tagged by @fandomsimaginesandstuff Put our music on shuffle and list the first 10 songs then tag 10 other people. (let's get to it then) back in black- ac/dc hungry like the wolf- duran duran time in a bottle- jim croce highway to hell- ac/dc changes- david bowie crazy train- ozzy ozbourne flash- queen witchy woman- the eagles hello- lionel richie moonage daydream- david bowie i'll tag @cassian-official @jyn-official @bodhi-offical @chirrutimwe-official and whoever else i suppose.
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ximmoriarty · 8 years
Rogue One character's iPods headcanon.
Jyn: Anarchist punky songs. Such like the Sex Pistols, the Ramones, Pennnywise. Also songs that reminds her of her father. Cassian: All the smooth alternative rock vibe. Some Arctic Monkeys, Audioslave, and Radiohead. Chirrut: Movies motion picture soundtracks. He loves Ennio Morricone and John Williams. Baze: In love with the oldies. He will never tell you how much he listen to Wham, Duran Duran and Tears for Fears. Bodhi: All the number one hits in the radio. The rest of the team is tired to hear his Bruno Mars, Taylor Swift and Lady Gaga’s mix in the ship. Krennic: He can’t listen to music while he’s working, but he’s kinda fine with classical music. Always Beethoven, never Mozart. Galen: He’s a fan of opera. He’s going around in his lab all day with his headphones ignoring any other voice who’s not Pavarotti’s or Rossini’s. Saw: Reggae all the way. There’s not a day when he’s not singing along with Bob Marley or Jimmy Cliff. K2SO: He’s a bloody robot, he doesn’t need an iPod. But he’s okay with everything Cassian likes.
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i was tagged by my brother @toddnyallison​!! :) 
Name: luke rose                                                                                     Starsign: sagittarius Height: 4′11″ Time Right Now: 10:39 PM Last thing you googled: a dc bombshells torrent lkjdflhkjf  Last book you read:  i’m gay i don’t know how to read!!!! (jk i’m reading a new dawn right now)  Favorite music artists:  whitney houston, carly rae jepsen, blondie, little mix, ariana grande, sia  Last TV show watched:  the flash bc tom felton has a beard in it and did i mention i’m gay  What are you wearing right now: an ariana grande t shirt and elephant pajama pants  When did you create this blog: i wanted a fresh start and to have a more organized and positive blog!  What kind of stuff do you post: star wars and humor mostly, but i also post a lot of pastels, xmen, dc, and other movies!!!  Do you have instagram: yeah but i’m not out as trans on there so i don’t like to give it away unless it’s to close mutuals/friends  Do you have snapchat: i used to, but i had to delete the app to make room for my bank app ldfkjhlkjfgkl  Do u get asks regularly: not really, but i do get some!!!  How did you choose your url: i couldn’t decide whether i wanted a luke url or an anakin url so i made one that applies to both  Gender: i’m a fucking cryptid  Favorite color: oh fuck man idk i like pastels a lot, but i also really like red.  Favorite characters: this is a slippery slope. but i like all the skywalkers (which includes han bc he’s luke’s husband and therefore a skywalker by marriage), and obi wan, and cassian, baze, chirrut, and bodhi. and lando and evaan too, and ahsoka and the whole ghost crew. outside of star wars i’m very pro-magneto  How many blankets do you sleep with: two to three comforters at all times. i’m very sensory and i need a lot of weight on me to sleep.  Dream job: a preschool teacher or a baker or a florist! 
1. How tall are you? i’m short as fuck!!!! 2. What colour and style is your hair? brown n shaggy  3. What colour are your eyes? brown 4. Do you wear glasses? ye 5. Do you wear braces? lkdgjfglkhj i had them for like 8 years  6. What is your fashion sense? pastel baby + confused 90s dad  7. Do you have any siblings? nah 8. What kinda student were/are you? i mean i procrastinate and avoid shit but i always do kinda well??? if i’m really interested in the topic then i get super into it  9. What is/was your favourite subject? psych and humanities (which was literature, art history, and music history!)  10. Favourite TV shows? uhhhhhhhhhh.... brooklyn nine nine, tcw/rebels, and probably gotham even though it’s fake edgy as fuck i just love bruce wayne?  11. Favourite books? i’m dumb as fuck i don’t read kjhlkfhjgvkj but i really like hamlet  12. Favourite pastime? sleeping bc i’m gay and i’m tired all the time, and writing when i have the energy for it  13. Any regrets? UH YEAH  14. What is your dream job? besides the others that i mentioned, i wouldn’t mind being a dog groomer or smth??? like i’d get to play with doggies all day and get them all clean so they feel good about themselves.  15. Do you want to get married? i’m kind of distressed that i’m not dating/married yet :/ i always wanted to get married and have kids young so i had plenty of time to spend with them but now i’m 21 and my clock is like TICK TICK BITCH  16. Do you want kids? How many? YES!!!!!! i want kids so bad :( i’d like 2 so no one gets left out and they have a best friend to grow up with!!! and i have a masculine name and a feminine name picked out (both sw related bc come on i’m me)  17. How many countries have you visited? 2!!! 18. What’s the scariest dream you’ve ever had? mgfjfdjgdfklgj when i was a toddler i had this recurring nightmare that a dolphin came out of the fountain at the mall and said “i’m going to eat you up” and i still eye the fountain at the mall whenever i walk by
Music time
DIRECTIONS: You can tell a lot about a person by the music they listen to! Put your MP3 player, itunes, spotify, etc. on shuffle & list the first 10 songs, then tag 10 people everybody, no skipping ( aka the drag yourself with your own music, savvy? )
hungry like the wolf - duran duran 
judas - lady gaga 
the rooster moans - iron and wine 
black magic - little mix 
true trans soul rebel - against me! 
should have known better - sufjan stevens 
oh no! - marina and the diamonds 
personal jesus - johnny cash 
store - carly rae jepsen 
youth - troye sivan 
wow my whole gay aesthetic all in one 
RULES: Answer all questions, add one question of your own and tag as many people as there are questions. 
Coke or Pepsi: i love diet pepsi and diet cherry pepsi but i usually drink coke zero 
Disney or Dreamworks: disney’s been pulling stunts lately but i can’t think of anything good that dreamworks has done in the past few years so neither and i’m going ghibli!!! 
Coffee or tea: tea :’) 
Books or movies: movies bc i’m gay and can’t read 
Windows or Mac: mac 
DC or Marvel: grew up a marvel kid but now i’m a dc kid but i’m still heavily attached to xmen and i’m not gonna let go 
Xbox or PlayStation: i don’t play video games because i’m broke and my gay baby hands are too small to hold the controllers :( 
Dragon Age or Mass Effect:  i thought the mass effect monster factory was full of wild twists and turns and exploding face bones. but i also really liked the dragon age episode they put out recently with dj slime time :/ so it’s hard to say 
Night owl or early riser: night owl but i want to be an early riser :/ 
Cards or chess: cards i guess ?
Chocolate or vanilla: chocolate always 
Manga or comics: comics
Soup or pasta? pasta i’m italian 
Single player or MMO/Co-op? i have no clue what this means i’m dumb as fuck ?? lgjfdhkljfg 
 Star Wars or Star Trek? star wars!!!! but the new star trek movie was good i liked the part with the gays 
Spring, summer, fall, or winter? kinda depends on my mood??? rn i’m in a period of spiritual renewal rn so spring’? 
my question: favorite movies? a new hope, revenge of the sith, moulin rouge, the grand budapest hotel, what we do in the shadows 
whoever wants to do it can consider themselves tagged!!! i’m too lazy to tag rn 
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rdgo289lp · 7 years
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evandroomiix · 7 years
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yanny-77 · 7 months
TUH Chapter 6 Preview
It was like he had a sixth sense–his Bodhi sense. When Bodhi entered the dining hall, Ridoc knew. When he arrived for morning formation, Ridoc knew. When he took his place in the back of battle brief, Ridoc knew. When he sat in a booth across a crowded tavern with his hand resting on some gentle giant’s knee, Ridoc fucking knew.
Read Chapters 1-5 on AO3!
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marvelsmylife · 3 months
Pairing: Bodhi Durran x reader
“You will always be my first, last, and only love”
-Twisted lies 
Plot: you feel insecure in your relationship with Bodhi
Ana Huang Quote Drabble Masterlist
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It was no secret among your friends that you’d never been in a relationship before you started dating Bodhi. You lived in a very strict house where your parents prohibited you from even talking to a boy unless you were in school. That’s why you didn’t know what to do when Bodhi asked you out a month after arriving at Basgiath.
Since it was your first relationship, you had yet to learn what you were supposed to do. Lucky, Bodhi took it upon himself to plan every date, and surprised you with little gifts to make you feel special. But just as things were looking up, it all came crumbling down in a matter of seconds. 
Bodhi let it slip that he had two girlfriends before being with you while you had a picnic under the stars. You tried to play it off like it didn’t bother you, but it was killing you inside. Since then, you began to wonder if he had made the same sweet gestures he had done with you with one of his exes. 
You also began to wonder what his exes looked like and started to feel self-conscious about your appearance. Your friends quickly took notice of your sudden change and would check to see if you were ok. You would reassure them you were fine, but they didn’t believe you. 
His friends tried to help and said they’d never seen Bodhi so happy in his life since you started dating. You attempted to play it off like what they said was helping, but it only made it worse. You began to think they were just saying that to spare your feelings and were secretly comparing you to his exes.
Xaden knew you weren’t doing well and decided to pull his cousin aside and tell him what he’d been observing. He really liked you and wanted his cousin's relationship to succeed. “She told me she was ok that I’ve dated other girls in the past,” Bodhi told Xaden, a confused look on his face.
“Well she lied. Imogen said that she’s been asking about what your exes looked like and trying to see if they are prettier than her,” Xaden replied bluntly, “I can’t believe you actually told her you had exes.”
Bodhi sighed and ran his hands over his face, “fuck, I honestly wasn’t thinking. I regretted it the second she made an excuse to leave our date.”
Xaden shook his head and replied, “I know you didn’t do this on purpose, but you need to fix this. We all really like y/n and hate seeing her like this.” Bodhi nodded his head before heading to your room so you could talk.
Bodhi felt his heartbreak when he entered your room and spotted you glaring at your reflection while poking your face in front of your mirror. “What are you doing?” Bodhi asked and caused you to look at him wide-eyed.
“N-nothing,” you stuttered as you watched Bodhi walk towards your bed and motioned for you to follow him.
Bodhi pulled you onto his lap when you joined him and pressed his forehead against yours. “I know you’ve been insecure lately about my two previous relationships, and I’m sorry for making you feel that way.” Your heart started racing at Bodhi’s words but remained silent, “but I need you to know that you don’t need to be, and do you know why?” You shook your head no, “I might have dated two girls before you, but I never loved them. You will always be my first, last, and only love.”
You felt tears coming down your cheeks at Bodhi’s words. “I’m sorry,” you cried, “I’ll try harder to control my emotions-”
“No, no. Don’t apologize,” Bodhi interrupted while whipping your tears away, “you are allowed to feel what you’re feeling. I just want you to know that I love you just the way you are. Ok?”
You nodded and managed to say through tears, “ok. I love you too.”
“I love you the most. Now, why don’t we take a nap before dinner,” Bodhi kissed the tip of your nose before you both got under your covers and fell asleep.
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yanny-77 · 7 months
Any sneak peak for The Underpants Heist chapter 6??
I have chapter 6 fully drafted but I'm sitting on it because I'm not happy with it yet. In the meantime, here's a little snippet to keep you well-fed.
“I can’t breathe,” Ridoc hissed. “Right, sorry.” Bodhi loosened his grip but didn’t let go as he pulled back and let his eyes rove over Ridoc, landing on a gash on his forearm. Concern wrinkled his brow as his long fingers brushed against the skin along the cut. Fragile wings fluttered against the walls of Ridoc’s stomach at the touch. “What happened here?” The breath caught in Ridoc’s lungs as he looked up into Bodhi’s rich, brown eyes. The emotion in them nearly knocked him down again. His eyes flicked down to Bodhi’s lips and his heart pounded in his ears, blocking out the sounds around them. He swallowed. “I–”
Aww. Our boys share a tender moment. What led up to this? Stay tuned to find out.
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yanny-77 · 8 months
When can we expect Ch. 5 of The Underpants' Heist?
You've got me hooked and now I'm dying for more😭😭
Soon! Luckily for you all, my only Valentine’s plans tonight are getting Bodhi laid.
After that I’ve got to make some edits to the middle section of the chapter and send it to my betas.
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marvelsmylife · 5 months
Admiring from afar
Pairing: Bodhi Duran x reader
Request: I want a oneshot where the reader is in third year with xaden and garrick and she's sorta like platonic with xaden and he trusts her with his life and secrets and protective of her as best freinds. Bodhi has always had feelings for her but thinks xadens the better one for her. I wanna see how the reader will express her feelings towards bodhi and how it will play out. Maybe make the reader more possessive and morally grey pls
A/n I absolutely ADORE Bodhi. If you guys have any requests for him send them my way
Warning: jealousy to angst to fluff
Main Masterlist
Fourth Wing Masterlist
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Bodhi has been in love with you for as long as he can remember. He loved how fiercely independent you were and stood up to anyone, even if they were twice your size. The only problem was that you never gave him the time of day.
Since you were always by Xaden’s side, he assumed you two were an item but didn’t want to tell anyone. Both you and Xaden were extremely private people that didn’t like talking about who you were fucking, and people were too afraid to ask.
Bodhi thought he was doing a good job hiding his feelings towards you, but he was sorely mistaken. You knew about his crush on you, and yes, you also found him attractive, but you tried your best to ignore the longing stares from him. Seeing as he was cousins with your best friend, you didn’t want to get involved with him because if you broke up, your friendship with Xaden might end too.
You took pride in being able to hide your emotions towards Bodhi, but apparently, you weren’t doing a good job as of recently. You didn’t know why, but watching Bodhi hang out with Imogen irritated you, and Xaden noticed. Xaden took it upon himself to tease you about having a crush on his cousin. “I want to know how long you’ve had hots for my cousin?” Xaden teased and earned a punch from you.
“Shut the fuck up,” you muttered before looking over and realizing Bodhi was staring at you, “Great, he’s staring.”
Xaden just laughed harder before ruffling your hair.
Meanwhile, Bodhi was watching the scene in front of him and grew jealous of your interaction with his cousin. He knew he had no right to be jealous, but he was, and he hated himself for it. “So, when are you going to grow some balls and tell y/n how you feel about her?” Imogen asked Bodhi and caused him to come back to reality.
Without skipping a beat, Bodhi replied, “The same day you do the same and tell Garrick how you feel about him.” Imogen grew serious at Bodhi’s comment and caused Bodhi to let out a hearty laugh, “What? Did you think no one knew about your crush on him?”
Imogen didn’t get a chance to reply; your voice boomed from across the field, “Duran, stop fucking around and do the task you were told,” you shouted with a scowl on your face before storming away.
Bodhi and Imogen exchanged confused looks at your orders but did as they were told before they got scolded again.
You didn’t see Bodhi until three days later during dinner. You were ashamed of your reaction, so you did everything in your power to avoid him after you lashed out at him and Imogen for no reason.
You tried not to look over at him, so you started to play fighting with Xaden. It worked for a moment until you had a gut-wrenching feeling to look towards Bodhi’s direction. You felt your heart break when you spotted Imogen whispering something into Bodhi’s ear, which caused you to slam your fist onto the table. That earned you a few stares, so you shot up from your seat and exited the dining hall with Xaden yelling after you.
You cried from frustration in your room for several minutes before you heard someone knocking on your door. “Go away, Xaden. I don’t want to talk,” you managed to get out.
“Y/n, please let me in,” You froze when you heard Bodhi’s voice on the other side, “I’m not leaving until you open your door, so I know you’re ok.”
You cursed to yourself because you knew he would follow through, so you reluctantly opened your door, “There, you saw me. Now leave.”
Just as you were about to close your door, Bodhi managed to slip through and entered your room, “What the fuck are you doing. I didn’t give you permission to enter my room.”
“I don’t care,” Bodhi replied, “What’s wrong? And don’t try to lie to me; Xaden said you’ve been off these past three days. Did someone do something to you?”
Bodhi didn’t know why, but he started to get angry at the thought of someone doing something to you. When you shook your head no, he inhaled sharply before asking, “Did I do something to you? If I did, I’m really sorry.”
You felt your heart break at Bodhi’s words. “Bodhi- fuck” You took a deep breath before looking back at him and continued, “I’m sorry I’m not good at this, but- I have feelings towards you, and it scares the crap out of me.”
To your surprise, Bodhi backed you up against your door and kissed you passionately. You eagerly kissed him back, your hands clinging to his flight jacket as if you were afraid he would disappear. “You are the only woman who has ever had my heart.” Bodhi said when he reluctantly pulled away from the kiss, “I have been yours since we were children.”
“I know,” you confessed, “That was the other reason I was such a bitch to you and Imogen. I thought you finally moved on from me just as I came to terms with my feelings towards you. I know I’m a horrible person for only saying this now, but-”
“You’re not a horrible person,” Bodhi cut you off, “and if I’m being honest, I was also jealous. You don’t know how jealous I get watching Xaden and Garrick joke around with you so easily. Imogen immediately notices and teases me for my reactions. When you would see her whispering into my ear, it was her teasing me for my reaction to your interactions with them. I have no desire to be with her; I only want to be with you.”
You felt tears running down your cheeks at Bodhi’s words and found yourself pulling him into a kiss. This time, you took control, and Bodhi was happy to follow your lead. “Bodhi Duran, would you like to go on a date with me?”
“I thought I was supposed to be the one asking you that question?” Bodhi joked.
“You are,” you replied, “But I’m going to be the one calling the shots in this relationship.”
Bodhi let out a soft chuckle at your response, “I’m more than ok with that,” Bodhi responded before pulling you into another kiss.
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