#Book on overcoming evil in prison
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Steven Universe told from the perspective of other characters
Garnet: A story of gay empowerment from start to finish. As a book it would be titled either Made of Love or Stronger Than You and feature Garnet's gauntlets with her wedding rings on them as cover art.
Amethyst: A seemingly wacky coming of age story that drops the most heartfelt moments when your guard is down. The cover resembles kids' detective stories, the kind where the whole gang is looking around for clues to the mystery.
Pearl: Everything up to Rose's death is an ancient literary classic titled The Ballad of Rose Quartz, illustrated with intricate inkbrush paintings. Steven Universe season one to three is the kind of introspective life after tragedy novel you pick up to look sophisticated reading. It's probably titled Without Her or something similiar. I don't have a title for season four and onwards, but the blurb is "it's not easy to manage twenty girlfriends, two life partners, a son and a dark past at the same time!" It's much more lighthearted than the previous two, but still prone to punching you in the emotions with little warning.
Connie: A magical adventure series just like the Unfamiliar Familiar! It centers Steven the magical boy with his best friend and eventual love interest Connie as the female lead. The tone gets a little darker after the first book/season, but less so than the original Steven Universe (let alone Steven Universe Future).
Greg: First a coming of age story, but unlike Amethyst this one is about breaking away from toxic people in your life. This story gets its happy ending when Greg finally finds someone he can be himself with in Rose. The time until Rose's death is a romantic comedy titled My Girlfriend, her Girlfriend and Me and conists mostly of shenanigans. After Rose's death and Steven's birth, it turns into something more bittersweet centering Greg's worries about being an adequate father to his magical son.
Peridot: It's titled How I learned to stop worrying and join the Rebellion and is easily the most lighthearted installment here. Our dorky protagonist is very obviously a somewhat unreliable narrator, but in a funny way. She encounters a few struggles, but they are quickly overcome with the power of friendship.
Lapis: This is just multiple whump fics. They're in a collection titled Bad Things Happen Roulette. Steven Universe the Movie is a pretty standard fantasy adventure with a group of powerful heroes though, and Steven Universe Future is the fluff fic with a smidge of angst you'd read as a pick me up after Bad Things Happen Roulette.
Bismuth: The war is a good vs evil sci-fi story with lots of social commentary. The Diamonds are definitely irredeemable here. I don't know what to do with the few episodes of the original Steven Universe she was in, but the movie is an empowerment narrative against systemic oppression titled Still Standing, or something in that style. Steven Universe Future however is a romantic comedy.
Rose: This is just a straight (well, bi) up tragedy. Our protagonist desperately tries to recover from her childhood trauma and be a good person, but is ultimately unable to escape the prison of her own mind. The book wins several literature prizes, but very few people actually read it because it's just too depressing.
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kamomillee · 2 months
The king's fate at the end of Wish
The ending of "Wish" would be perfect for a story that shows the victim breaking free from the control of a pathological narcissist.
Typically, a narcissist's biggest victim is their spouse. In this case, Amaya.
So, in the end, he loses his power, ending up in the mirror where he will be trapped forever, alone in a dungeon.
Narcissists have no redemption. The right way to deal with a narcissist is to use the gray stone technique and cut all ties with them. Their end is loneliness.
That's a great message for a movie to convey.
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But that's not the case with Magnifico.
I can't see him as the pathological narcissist that the ending required, simply because he had no malice. Instead, we have someone who cares and shows empathy and respect for others.
Real narcissists are incapable of empathy. They are evil and enjoy causing pain. That's their pleasure. And no, he wasn't faking it. He was genuine. The movie itself tells us that he was good, but then he “turned bad.” That’s not how narcissists work. They were never good to begin with.
It’s a complicated subject. Many people can be mistaken for narcissists because of certain bad, idiotic, and immature behaviors. But they are not really narcissists because they can repent, overcome this, and become better people. Narcissists don’t change and don’t want to change, they don’t think they’re wrong. That’s why they have no redemption.
Let’s look at Amaya, who his victim should be if he were truly a narcissist.
Narcissists deceive and manipulate their victims into bonding, often through marriage. Then they show their true colors once the victim is trapped with them. They make their victim’s life miserable, disregard them, step on them, oppress them, and make them feel guilty about it. The only opinion that matters is their own. They know what they’re doing and they enjoy it.
Amaya and Magnifico have been married for years and… none of that happens. He genuinely loves her, shows her love, and respects her, her opinion matters, and he listens to her, changes his actions when she asks him to, gives her credit, and praises her. And he does all this when they’re alone, with no one to watch the “show.” He’s genuine.
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He genuinely cares about people and wants to protect them; that’s his motivation. He showed empathy for Asha’s pain over the loss of her father and shared his own pain with her.
The movie needed the book with the curse for him to do bad things because without it he wouldn’t. And he was already known as the most powerful sorcerer. Why not use that power?
Because they needed a curse. 😑
Also, in films for children, it's important to be clear so that children understand the story. If there's a villain with a hidden agenda who fools everyone by pretending to be good, at some point he'll expose it, usually by bragging about how clever he was and how gullible everyone else was to fall for his lies. In this ''villain's'' case, there's nothing to indicate that he was deceitful before the curse or that he had an ulterior agenda, because, well, he really wasn't and didn't have any of those things.
Did he have a problem? He did. But it wasn’t pathological narcissism. I already talked about his problem in my previous post.
A perfect example of a pathological narcissist in a position of power is Fire Lord Ozai from "Avatar: The Last Airbender". No one was sad when he was arrested and sentenced to life in prison.
An example of a narcissist in the mother position is Mother Gothel. She gaslighted, treated Rapunzel badly, and left her feeling guilty and afraid.
Gaston is also one. He doesn't care about Belle's opinion. He doesn't care about stepping on people. Many people compare Gaston to Magnifico because of the cringe compliments in the mirror. But really put them next to each other and compare how they see and treat people.
When a narcissist loses, usually, he explodes in fury and revenge and curses everyone.
What we got was someone betrayed by everyone, devastated with sad kicked puppy eyes. (WHY????!!) 😑
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I don’t understand why they did it that way. They just had to make the guy a true pathological narcissist. Since they didn’t do that, the movie pissed off a lot of people because the ending was unfair. Usually, unfairness makes people angry.
The movie shows that if it weren't for the cursed book he wouldn't have done any of that. If the wish system was bad, they could have resolved it peacefully.
Because he was completely redeemable, the ending was very ugly and unpleasant. It painted all the other characters as really bad, traitors, ungrateful, and selfish. Who only care about their own interests and gain.
In short: a tragedy.
(Edit: I added one more point to this. And hey, thanks for reading 😊)
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fantasticalchaos · 13 days
Slay the Princess x Ever After High AU
Okay SO— I’ll be quite honest I saw this post thought “hey that kinda reminds me of Slay the Princess— WAIT A SEC”
And here we are! The Elaboration!
Note: the Voices will come in their own post. For now it will be just 3 characters… in a sense: The Narrator, the Princess, and the Player! Contains also my interpretations of the roles. ALSO SPOILERS!!!!!
The Narrator 🪶
As I said in my previous post: Headmaster Milton Grimm would be the Narrator. One reason is that those two give the most gaslighting, gatekeeping and girlbossing characters in their respective series! Not telling everyone the entire story; Keeping them under the wraps and expecting them to follow through with the story/mission. (Milton = Everyone following their prewritten destinies regardless of how horrific and unfair it is. STP Narrator = Follow through with slaying the Princess.)
Second reason is well… spoilerly!
Here’s the rundown for those who don’t know (and mind spoilers)
Originally, the Player/Hero and the Princess were abstract concepts that were once one being. One that is basically the cycle of life and death.
The Princess, who were forced to slay, is the Shifting Mound (aka Shifty for the fans). Shifty is the concept of change, and changes her form to whatever the Player perceives her to be.
Likewise, the Player/Hero is the Long Quiet. The Long Quiet represents stagnation, having everything be alive and remain in its current state. Something that Narrator considers his creation.
The Narrator fears death, which is contained within Shifty. She is not death, but it is contained within her; Death is a natural part of change and life. He also doesn’t like the amount of suffering and chaos that Shifty brings to both him and his world. So, he does everything in his power, and manages to rip apart the two from the cycle… at the cost of his life.
Thus, he trapped the two entities in Construct away from reality, with the Princess as the prisoner (ironically a route you can take with her) and you - the player - the task to finally slay her. In some cases, he’ll even try to take control of you to do complete his dream. Sounds familiar huh? Who else would try to take such drastic measures to ensure it all will work in their favour/plan?
The Princess 👑
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The Princess/Shifty… It could be anyone! It’s your choice!
Me personally? My pick would be Raven! Outside of her being my fave, there is a reason why I pick her! Raven’s one of the major characters in the series that challenges destiny!
Both Shifty and Raven wanted to be free! Albeit for different reasons. For Raven, she just wants to be herself and live the way she wants that is not hexpectated from others. Shifty, on the other hand, wants to free herself from the cabin (after being trapped there for so long) and leave.
And while both have their own level of extremities, they will do what they can to reach their goal. (Raven refusing to sign the book, and do little things that are not fit for being the Evil Queen. Shifty… well, let’s say there’s more than how she looks.)
Raven is also a powerful sorcereress in her own right as well! In fact, eventually she gets to overcome the barrier to use her magic for good! Hell, she wasn’t even supposed to use her powers for good; It’s rebelling her role as the Evil Queen! And she only was able to access her magic for good again when she decided to… let’s say sneak up some forbidden books 😉
Also, the Princess is chained to the wall in the cabin when you first encounter her. Who else was chained in a way? Raven, in the reflection at end after taking a peek into her destiny. (Legacy Day)
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Scenes that became a core memory for me fr fr number ♾️ (sorry couldn’t help it)
Alternatively, my other pick would be Cerise! Consider it? Cerise is half werewolf, and her parents deviated from the story by falling in love with each other! And they all have to keep it secret lest they get discovered and go poof! And that is dangerous, something that Milton would not approve at all! Again, another individual wayyy stronger than she looks! It’s quite ironic actually… considering her fairytale…
“You’re on a path in the woods. And on that path is a cabin. In that cabin, there is girl in bright red hood. You need to slay her. If you don’t, it will be the end of the world.”
The Player/Hero 🗡️
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Again, another one that could be anyone!
For me, it’s Dexter. And, yes I will admit I ship Dexven but I have a legit reason for this lemme cook! Now, we and Dexter himself don’t know his destiny. As in, what his fairytale destiny is; Who and which Prince Charming Dexter is supposed to be. This could work, as the Narrator (Milton) would be giving Dexter his “destiny.”
“Dexter Charming, this is your destiny! Isn’t this what you’ve been wanting to know your entire life once upon a time?”
“Well yeah… but I’m not so sure about—”
“Then I have full faith in you in carrying out your destiny. It is rather important destiny. It is for the greater good for all fairytales”
“But slaying a princess?!? I can’t imagine pulling through that…”
And the conflict with what Dexter knows about being the hero and a Prince Charming???? Yes, he’s supposed to be prince/knight in shining armour and save the day! But slaying a princess to do it??? What??? He’s also taught to save princesses and damsels in distress, not slay them! What will he do?
Additionally, Dexter can also be the Voice of the Hero too! Speaking of which… I will do the Voices in a separate post *rubs hands together with my chef hat* c:
Before we end things here, I will say this:
You don’t have to choose these characters (especially for the Princess and the Player/Hero roles) as there are no wrong choices. No wrong answers. These are my interpretations, and you have your own! This is a love story (au) with any of your EAH ships - and have fun with it! 🤗
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alexisnotstraight · 2 months
My Chemical Romance for Blender, april 2005 by Dorian Lymskey
"We're here to fight evil"
If death rockers My Chemical Romance say they're superheroes, then who is Blender to argue? we just don't remember Spider-Man having so many problems with drink, drugs and swearing in front of kids.
One day last august, Gerard Way boarded a plane to Japan with the grawing conviction that the might not be coming back. Over the past past year, the old singer for the rock group My Chemical Romance had got it into his head that he had to be drunk to perform, and then needed Xanax to switch off his brain afterwards, and the cumbination was making him suicidally depressed. Way didn't like being suicidally depressed, so he'd often add cocaine to the mix. That's when his mood really got black. He spent the days before the flight saying goodbye to friends in New Jersey, just in case
In Japan, Way spent all his time drunk. Before the final Tokyo show, he got so trashed on Heinekens and vodka tonics that he realized, even as he was performing, that he wouldn't be a able to remember anything about it the next day. After he came off stage he spent half an hour throwing up in a garbage can, until there was nothing coming up except bile. Tonight, be thought to himself, his hair caked with womit, I've drunk my last drink.
"It was a vicious circle," he says matter-of-factly. "I needed it to function but it made me want to kill myself. It made me extremely unpredictable and dangerous to myself. I didn't want it to get to the point where it became like a VHi Behind the Music where they show this seally had picture of me 30 pounds overweight, throwing up on the floor in Berlin. I didn't want that to happen to this band".
Way's cold-turkey fight back to the band's home of Belleville. New Jersey, was escruciating-almost 7.000 miles of skin-crawling, sweat-soaked willies. "I got really emotional outside the airport when we landed. I didn't know if I was going to see these guys again." He went straight to his therapist and booked into Alcoholics Anonymous, knowing that in the same week My Chemical Romance had to replace their drummer, fiim a video and start their tour. And you thought you'd had a hard week at work.
"We got through the hard shit," says Way. "This is the easy part".
Any fears last summer that My Chemical Romance were going to implode into obscurity were knocked flat by their swaggering teen-dysfunction anthem "I'm Not Okay (I Promise)."
Inspired by the high school experiences of Way and his friends, it delivers angst-rock verities with a knowing wink, not to mention the kind of melody that ignites careers. The tongue-in-cheek video, filmed in the same L.A. high school as Donnie Darko, depicted MCR as proudly geeky misfits. It was a role that didn't require much rehearsal.
Way calls My Chemical Romance's music "death rock." Others have tagged it goth punk or emo. Some endearing individuals have overcome genre confusion by simply calling MCR faggots. "Our guitarist Frank met somebody who said, 'How do you feel when people stop liking your band because they find out you're gay?" says Way, curling his lip with pointed amusement.
To the more meat-headed members of the Warped tour fraternity, some eyeliner and the occasional ambivalent lyric (in "You Know What They Do to Guys Like Us in Prison, Gerard sings "I'll kiss your lips again" to a male character) are too much to process, but Way hopes MCR can change a few minds.
"We've always tried to switch the way people think about rock bands," he says. "That [lyric] puts a dividing line between people. Are you on our side and you want to be different or are you on that side and you want to throw a football at my head?".
Only a morbid former comic-book artist from blue-collar New Jersey could have hatched a band as toughly unorthodox as My Chemical Romance. Gerard Way writes the songs with his bandmates -his bassist brother Mikey Way, guitarists Ray Toro and Frank lero, and new drummer Bob Bryar-but the vision is all his. He illustrates the record sleeves and defines their image. Recently he chose matching shirts, ties and armbands for the band to wear in the video for "Helena." taking enormous care not to resemble (a) the Hives or (b) the Nazis.
Most important, he's the one who assembled the band back in late 2001. when September 11 jolted him out of his rut as a struggling illustrator. On their 2002 debut album, I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love, and last year's Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge, MCR yoke the thunder of punk to the black humor of Morrissey, Nick Cave and Tom Waits, and blaze with purpose.
"There are bands that are in it for the wrong reason, polluting the airwaves and filling their own pockets," Gerard growls. "Or just saying. Oh I wanna be a rockstar. Right. You've got a lot of kids following you. What are you saying to them?"
So what are MCR saying?
He's ready for this one. "We're saying it's OK to be messed up. There's other people just like you. And if we stick together we'll get through this."
When Gerard was still working in comic books, his favorite creation was The Amazing Goffo Brothers, Piano Movers Extraordinaire. A black comedy set in a creepy, anonymous city, it was a metaphor for the relationship between him and his younger brother, Mikey.
Despite their age difference (Gerard is 27: Mikey is 24), the Way brothers wore matching outfits as children. Today, the Ways arrive at a Midtown Manhattan restaurant wearing identical black jackets, but that's the only visible similarity.
With his blood-red tie, ink-black hair and snow-pale skin, Gerard looks part Jack White, part Edward Scissorhands, and sounds as if he's been hanging out at the Bada Bing! club. His stick-thin sibling, meanwhile, wears oblong-framed glasses and the kind of candy-striped wool hat favored by fourth-graders and fashion stylists. He has the most extraordinary laugh: a shrill, girlish giggle that causes waiters to turn their heads.
They grew up in the predominantly Italian-American town of Belleville, in Sopranos country the Pizzaland restaurant glimpsed in the show's opening credits is a few blocks from the house they still live in with their auto-mechanic dad and hairdresser mom. In Jersey, says Gerard, "There's a 99% chance you're not going to do anything with your life." Mikey yelps with pretend outrage.
"Well, 90%, maybe," his brother concedes in a deadpan drawl. "Every time I come back to Jersey, it's ready to put its tentacles all over me and suck me right back in. If I'm home for more than three weeks. I forget I'm in a band. I start to fill out applications for supermarkets."
Is there anything good about the Garden State?
"I think it gives you a bleak outlook on life, which is awesome," says Mikey, cackling. "It gives you an edge. When you're from Jersey, people act like you're from Rikers.
Gerard nods. "Sometimes all we have to do is get up there, make some feedback and say, 'Yeah we're from Noo Joisey,' and then hit 'em like a bomb. People are like, 'Hey, I don't want to get beat up!"
After high school, Gerard studied art and Mikey drifted his way through college: "I thought college was a place you went to find people to be in a band with." Sometimes they played in bands together, but Gerard was more committed to becoming an artist, which was proving to be a disheartening process. When he eventually quit, his big project was a magic cartoon chimp called Breakfast Monkey. "I was doing bullshit," he shrugs.
After September 11, Gerard wrote his first song. "Skylines and Turnstiles," and played it to an old friend, drummer Matt Pelissier. Pelissier knew a guitarist called Ray Toro. "They played me their one song and I was jumping around the attic and headbanging," says Toro, a genial, frizzy- haired film buff with a caricature of Alfred Hitchcock tattooed on his left arm.
"Gerard sounded really sincere about wanting to start something real. That's what made me excited."
The members of My Chemical Romance aren't especially weird-it's not like any of them collect skulls or serial killer memorabilia-but they all grew up with reasons to feel like outsiders.
Toro was a shy kid with an overprotective mother. Instead of going out with friends, he'd stay at home playing guitar to Jimi Hendrix or Metallica. Guitarist Frank lero suffered from bronchitis and ear infections and was ill almost constantly until the fifth grade. He was raised by his mom after she split from his dad, a musician who worked on records by John Lennon and Kiss. "I'm in the family music industry," he says. "My dad would ask me how school was, but mostly it was, 'When are you going to start playing?".
Jazz-trained drummer Bob Bryar was an Illinois kid "who took apart radios and stuff and then tried to put them back together and realized they didn't work." He has a dark sense of humor that can sometimes come off as surliness. "I get these urges to fuck off sometimes," he says. "I find it hard to entertain myself."
Bryar befriended the rest of the band in 2003, when he was a soundman for the Used, whom My Chemical Romance were supporting. When relations with Pelissier deteriorated, he stepped in. The new lineup had just two days to practice before their next tour.
"I haven't relaxed in a long time," sighs lero. "I look forward to that. I'd like to take a step back and look at some newspaper clippings."
The next morning, the sky is the color of a dirty washbowl and it's being emptied on New Jersey. Brian Schechter, My Chemical Romance's manager, taps at his cellphone as he steers his car through the damp, gray streets to pick up the Ways. We collect Mikey first.
"Did you see that MTV.com headline?" he asks, still wearing his striped hat. "MCR Aim for Smashing Pumpkins Status. It was out of context, but it's OK makes people think it's possible."
The band's destination is Philadelphia's Theatre of Living Arts. A local radio station held a competition between high schools to raise the most food for homeless shelters, the prize being an exclusive My Chemical Romance show. Considering the audience will be as young as 13. some adjustments need to be made. "We should probably have a PG show tonight," says Schechter. "We didn't do a show for charity just for Gerard to call them a bunch of motherfuckers."
It's a forlorn hope. "Put your fucking hands together!" cries Gerard within minutes of stepping onstage. In a black-velvet suit, red tie and black armband, he struts across the stage, wagging his finger to the lyrics or spraying mouthfuls of water over the front rows, while his band compress punk, metal, goth and glam into furiously concise pop songs. When he introduces "Headfirst for Halos" as "a song about suicide," you can almost feel the ripples of concern from the adult chaperones lurking around the edges of the room. However, even they can't resist tapping a toe to "I'm Not Okay (I Promise)." Last night MCR played it on The Late Show With David Letterman. Tonight they're playing it to a couple hundred Philadelphia high school kids. Letterman was a highlight of their career to date, but it's here that the song makes most sense.
"I didn't do my usual thing, where I compare high school to prison," protests Gerard later, sucking on a cigarette in a dimly lit backstage office. He admits he can see how people might get the wrong idea about MCR. "Journalists usually portray us as a fucked-up, dark, vampire. alcoholic rock band. Until they meet us."
Although he's got the charisma and the goth pinup looks to be an angst-rock martyr, Gerard seems too grounded to play the feel-my-pain card. Maybe it's the Jersey in him. Even when he talks about his therapist (a "rad guy" who turned him on to Brian Eno), he's pragmatic.
"If you're in this band, you're in it for the right reasons," Gerard declares. "You're not in it for money or fame. You're in it to do some good. Becoming more popular, it's like people are granting us superpowers and we have to use them to fight evil."
Is that the comic books talking?
"Oh yeah," he says, his grin a pearly sliver in the gloom. "We're like the Doom Patrol."
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seriousbrat · 6 months
>>I mean mostly the fact that he never shows any real remorse for it. I'm not saying that he didn't feel guilty for hurting Remus, I think he did-- and I also think that academically, intellectually, he understood it was wrong. But in SWM we see it doesn't really change anything about his behaviour. And why would it? There weren't any real consequences for what amounts to attempted murder.
this this this. sirius is a fascinating character and imo a big part of what's so fascinating about him is the disconnect between the morals he academically and intellectually holds (judge a man by how he treats his inferiors, die rather than betray your friends, etc.) and the instincts he follows when he can't/doesn't check himself (...how he treats his inferiors, that one time he betrayed lupin's secret for a fun prank, etc). this sounds really anti-sirius lmao but it's not, he's such a good take on the "it's our choices not our nature that define us" thing and is possibly the first adult we see in text genuinely engaging with this theme in a real world-adjacent way rather than transforming into a feral ragemonster each month or having his evil boss growing out of the back of his head or something. i do love me some metaphors but the relative realism is nifty.
exactly!!!!! the girls that get it, get it. honestly i feel like a lot of analysis by people who genuinely love Sirius reads as anti-sirius just because my boy's got a lot of flaws and I think anyone who rly loves the character for who he is (same goes for Snape) actually loves him because of those flaws, not in spite of them. so we love to talk about them lol
it makes him so interesting! the kreacher thing, the way he directly contradicts his own advice from the previous book, is such a clear example of this. I mean, again Sirius has been conditioned to view house-elves as inferior, and not only that but Kreacher is the last living reminder of everything he suffered at home and everything he hates-- it's understandable why he'd react that way to Kreacher, but it's also what proves his undoing.
In a way there's something admirable about it, like Sirius has had to overcome MUCH more than someone like James in terms of challenging his own beliefs. is it any wonder that being thrown in azkaban at age 21 and then forced into a different kind of prison would stunt his growth and understanding about the world? despite that he was still able to be a great godfather to harry.
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ninja-guy-yo · 1 year
I'd be more okay with Crystalized being the ending of the ninjas' time as the protagonists if it wrapped up their stories better.
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Lloyd's arc about reconciling with Garmadon and unlocking his Oni Form amounted to:
Garmadon having a temper tantrum over Lloyd saying he trusts him too hesitantly ("Can we please discuss this after we defeat the Overlord??" There is no after, this is it)
Garmadon faking his death to make Lloyd go Oni out of rage and grief, only for that to fail because even after warming up to his father and realizing he's not inherently evil for being an Oni, he's still afraid of becoming anything like him
Lloyd yelling at him for faking his death and wasting his time on an arc that went nowhere and didn't contribute to the ending
Them smiling at each other as Garmadon passes him a plank of wood, as the second-to-last characters ever seen in the show
There's mixed signals after they bond in the sewers, even though they're supposed to be on good terms at the end. Is this just what their dynamic is going to be if Garmadon ever shows up again? They care about each other but they constantly argue because their personalities clash, like the movie?
(I saw a post the other day about how this was Lloyd amicably cutting Garmadon out of his life as a toxic influence and I don't.. understand how that's what they took away from this? Scenes like that final one represent the beginning of a relationship, or rebuilding one, not the end. They're literally rebuilding their home. Maybe I didn't read it right...? I wish I was watching the show that fans make it sound like in analyses. It's better than the actual thing)
I wish I had anywhere near as much to say about each of the original four ninja, but they barely had anything to do individually. As soon as Nya's back, any arc Kai and Jay could have had was done. Not because they learned to move on from their grief and overcome their differences, but because they no longer had a reason to be sad. Instead of her brother and boyfriend, Zane is the one to learn about the benefit of grief, but again, because Nya's already back he doesn't have to deal with it when he turns his emotions back on. Zane's time as the Ice Emperor was used as a gag, and him having any issues with it at all was relegated to a book. Cole
The ninja were all crystalized and none of them, technically not even Lloyd, intentionally contributed to the Overlord's final defeat. They destroyed the Golden Weapons because they thought they were about to lose anyway, and Lloyd failed to complete what his arc throughout the season was building up to. It's pure luck that the GWs and the ninjas' powers could transform into a dragon to save Lloyd and destroy the Overlord, and wasn't foreshadowed as a possibility until it happened.
Nya returns through her own willpower, which is great, because even though it undoes her sacrifice in Seabound, she had agency in it instead of the guys making the choice for her! And then she's sidelined for the rest of the season, her powers return, and any consequences from her departure are undone. She doesn't even get to participate in the final battle on the same level as the other ninja. I never wanted or expected her to be gone, but in hindsight, what was the point of her sacrifice or return if she wouldn't have a role in the ending?
Ultimately, the six ninja and Master Wu are staples of the evergreen LEGO Ninjago franchise and removing any of them permanently isn't an option, no matter how many times it's teased. They must've had no idea Crystalized would be the final season when they wrote her sacrifice, so they had to get her return out of the way as quickly as possible to get everything back to normal before the actual arc of the season began. Which just contributes to so much of the season feeling like wasted time, because the prison arc happens as a result of that..
Instead of stories that serve as the characters' and the original Ninjago's swan song, they just did whatever random shenanigans to fill up space, and then ran out of time for the stuff that actually mattered. We know they'll all still be around in Dragons Rising, but with Doc's heavy emphasis on it being a completely new show that you can start without watching Ninjago, I doubt it'll be continuing any plot thread from it, at least not for a while. It isn't like SotFS was, where it's just the old show continuing with a new name and still heavily dependent on the past decade of lore. This is a new show with a new world and new main characters, even if the old ninja are still there to some degree. It's Ninjago: Dragons Rising Season 1, not Ninjago Season 16/17: Dragons Rising
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seafoampages · 10 months
Writeblr Intro
hi, welcome to my writeblr! my name is cam, i’m a 20-year-old english lit and publishing student, and i’m creating this new blog because posting about my wips motivates me to work on them!
i’ll be posting info about my wips including character aesthetics, playlists, excerpts and memes, plus updates on what i’m currently reading
pronouns: she/her
hobbies (besides writing): cooking & baking, reading, painting, video games (pokémon, sims, minecraft)
favourite books: the book thief (marcuz zusak), roots of chaos series (samantha shannon), practical magic series (alice hoffman), when women were dragons (kelly barnhill), the lunar chronicles (marissa meyer), the scholomance series (naomi novik), the school for good and evil series (soman chainani) and the miseducation of cameron post (emily danforth)
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audience: ya / new adult
genres: high fantasy + urban fantasy, sci-fi, romance
common tropes in my writing: grumpy sunshine pairings, protective siblings overcoming conflict (50% chance the sister is a scientist, 100% chance both of them are queer), faeries, unapolagetically affectionate couples, very tall hot people, defrosting ice queens
my wips include:
main wip, high fantasy, new adult,multiple pov, mediterranean-inspired setting
in a world where words are magic, and breaking a promise could take your life, nations battle for territory and glory. avary and ronan must fight to stay together while escaping the country they love, tariq struggles to live between the cruelty of his city’s cartel and the gentle wisdom of his teacher, and abilenne weaves through her responsibilities as a crown princess, eldest sister and future bride
themes include overcoming other people's expectations and found family
high fantasy, ya, fairytale retelling, sapphic romance
thayde’s favourite story as a child was the one about an ancient princess who could see the future, locked in a tower prison by a warlock. but it was also her least favourite, because it didn’t have a hero. now a fully grown harpy, thayde wants to win the queen’s tournament and prove herself worthy of finding the kingdom’s best kept secret.
themes include discovering self-worth and enemies to lovers
urban fantasy, ya, alternate earth
kad’s mother was a murderer, a terrorist, a villain. the whole world is hell-bent on reminding her, despite being taken in by the Dupuis foster home for gifted mages and doing her best to be a normal pyromancer. but her magic refuses to grow and the dangers that ended her old family are threatening her new one. can kad uncover what’s happening and make up for her mother’s atrocities?
themes include found family, magical coffee shop and science-fantasy mashup
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stromuprisahat · 9 months
I just couldn’t stand the Girl Bossing that happened s2 Sab. It seemed over the top, very flimsical and well it didn’t seem that they had to overcome or do anything substantial to get the attitude. Like what was Alina pretending to be so superior the entire show? Genya I can understand but why tf was she terrified of the Darkling before the Incident. Why look so terrified when getting rescued from cages and torture. Please explain. Less you talk of Zoya the better.
My favourite character in SoC was Inej but why turn her into fanatic.
No idea why Nina hates the Darkling? She is ok with her bf being a former hunter bit Darkling is BAD.
Ps- Dont like Tamar and Tolya
Also Alina had some of the cringiest lines - You envy our love
Ofc the darkling had The Worst lines. In both seasons.
Unfortunatelly, the writers have about two braincells to rub together, and the result looks accordingly.
Alina fell victim to the idea that a good heroine is a tough heroine, and a tough heroine has no feelings outside the preferred romance. Maybe some righteous anger, but what else could she need?!
Genya probably got kicked in the head, before they hung her in that cage, that's why she was constantly afraid and semi-hysterical.
Zoya's visibly the writers' fav. They're "subtly" setting her up for her queenship. (About as subtle as a herd of mammoths crossing a thawing lake, but nvm.)
Inej has the misfortune of being religious. More primitive mind cannot distinguish between that and a fanatic.
Nina hates the Darkling, because she adores Zoya, who hates him, and he wouldn't approve her semi-fictional relationship with Matthias (Remember that while she's frolicking around, sing-songing about their eternal love, he believes she betrayed him and got him into prison.). We shouldn't forget the Evil Dark Wizard sent one of his best men to look for her, when she was kidnapped by her bf's Nazi cult. Fucking cockblocker!
I've encountred an opinion that Bataar twins are better in the show. I don't know. I think the writers were relying too heavily on viewers already knowing them, but hey- if they don't have time to properly develop their MC, what else should we expect?!
I've written it before and I'll keep repeating it. I don't like book!Alina, but that self-important psychopath in the second season made me miss her. I feel genuinely sorry for Jessie. She deserved some consistency to play, instead of a flat, cruel, unfeeling amplifierfucker.
Aleksander wasn't half bad in first season, but the shit they made him do and say around Miss Psycho in season 2... I guess he's another candidate for brain damage...
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cosmicjoke · 2 years
So talking more with others about AMC’s IWTV, and I’ve come to some more, very troubling conclusions about this show, and what they’ve done to these characters.
I don’t think some people are quite aware of just how utterly the changes they’ve made to Lestat and Louis and Claudia changes the entire, fundamental dynamic between them, and especially between Lestat and Louis.
Louis’ realization in the books, that he had wronged Lestat by allowing Claudia to kill him, is vital and integral to the two of them later reuniting and reconciling.  It’s the foundation upon which their relationship begins to build towards a healthier and more stable love, and to a fuller understanding between them.  Louis beginning to realize the ways in which he’d been deluding himself regarding his hatred of Lestat, a realization brought about by his deep sense of guilt and remorse, is what leads directly to him realizing his true feelings for Lestat.  To realize he loves Lestat.  It eventually leads to a truly beautiful and romantic love blossoming between them.
It's absolutely integral to their reconciliation.  But with them making Lestat into a physically abusive wife beater, so to speak, how the hell is Louis going to realize he wronged Lestat?  Because he didn't, in this version.  In this version, Lestat got what was coming to him.  So Louis can no longer realize through his own sense of guilt and remorse that Lestat really wasn't the awful monster he'd made him out to be, and he can't start taking the steps towards that realization, which eventually leads to him and Lestat reuniting and coming to a greater understanding of one another.  I keep saying them turning Lestat into a domestic violence abuser completely changes the ENTIRE dynamic between him and Louis, and it does.  Because in the books, their problems are rooted in misunderstanding and miscommunication and other, more complex things.   But here, there's no miscommunication.  It's just Lestat being an abusive bastard, terrorizing Louis and Claudia into being like prisoners, and needing to die in order for them to escape.  This Louis has no particular reason to feel guilty about what they did to Lestat.  All his guilt seems to come now from whatever ends up happening to Claudia, and that's supposed to tie into his love for Lestat, which doesn't help their relationship to grow and develop and become better, that makes it WORSE.  It's not a process of healing and understanding now, it's a process of reinforced toxicity.  
Louis’ love for Lestat here is being framed as something wrong.  As something degenerate and toxic and cruel, in which his love for Lestat is so blind and deluded, that he’s willing even to let their daughter die in the name of it.  It’s being presented to us as a love which is truly horrific and perverse.  Think about that.  One of the most beloved and celebrated gay relationships in popular culture, a relationship which is beautiful and inspiring and pure, something truly fulfilling and satisfying, about two people growing and changing with one another, of finding true love and companionship and understanding with one another, of finding true peace and happiness after centuries of suffering and loss and struggle, and it’s been turned into something in which both parties are sick and depraved in their obsessive and deluded love for one another, to the point of having no qualms sacrificing their daughter to it.  Lestat’s and Louis’ love has been twisted from something that’s beautiful and good into something that’s wrong, even evil.  It’s been changed from an uplifting story of coming together and overcoming misunderstandings and differences, into a demented obsession between them.
If this ISN’T revealed to all by a lie implanted in Louis’ memory by Armand, or something similarly radical, and if things play out the way they seem to be going at the moment, then they’ve butchered this story beyond recovery, I’m afraid. 
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emeraldspiral · 1 year
So I’m four books in now and despite Lemony Snicket’s emphatic insistence A Series of Unfortunate Events isn’t really depressing at all. Tonally it’s a black comedy and all the emotions are told to us rather than shown, so the tragedies that befall the kids aren’t visceral enough to actually make you feel bad. But more than that, the only thing that really separates these books from any other story about overcoming hardship and triumphing over evil is that Olaf always gets away in the end. Like, structurally they’re the same as any kid adventure story where their cleverness and resourcefulness always unmasks Olaf and foils his schemes, they just never result in him being permanently defeated, which doesn’t make the stories sad, it just makes them open-ended so there can be more books in the series.
But the series does actually have a definitive ending, and if it weren’t for Lemony’s insistence to the contrary I’d expect that the only way to give the story a definitive end that would be satisfying would be to finally have Olaf be defeated for good. If he isn’t defeated permanently, then how is The End really more of an end than any of the other books? But the alternative would seemingly be Olaf winning, and I can’t imagine how that would be satisfying to readers who’d been rooting for the orphans for years. So how can the story have a bad ending and yet still be satisfying?
The only thing I can really think of that would work is that somehow the Baudelaire fortune just ends up disappearing through mismanagement. The bank holding it for them goes under and they lose everything, but because of that Olaf has no more reason to stalk the kids. So the kids are now broke and probably stuck with another lousy guardian with no prospects for their futures, but at least they don’t have to deal with Olaf anymore, so it’s more of a bittersweet ending, much like every other book, than an outright bad ending, but it is definitive.
The very unlikely alternative is that the kids either kill Olaf or he dies unassisted but they get blamed for it anyway. Violet and Klaus are charged as adults and put in separate prisons and Sunny is put in foster care. But Violet invents something to break herself and Klaus out of jail with and they become fugitives of the law. Eventually they track down Sunny but Sunny’s current guardian convinces them that it’s not in their sister’s best interest to live on the run with them, so they have to say goodbye to her again. They get recaptured and sent back to prison for an even longer sentence. They serve their time and eventually get out. Life is tough for them as ex-cons but they get by. They’ve survived an absolutely horrendous childhood but they did survive and that makes it both enough of a triumph that it doesn’t feel like a waste to have rooted for them, but still sad enough to be worthy of Lemony’s constant lamentations about how horrible and depressing their story is.
I feel like the most likely ending though is that the kids just disappear. Lemony doesn’t know if Olaf succeeded or if the kids ran away and successfully hid themselves under assumed identities and that’s the whole reason Lemony began investigating them in the first place, to try to figure out what happened and if they’re still alive. It’s not clear what Lemony’s present is, if he exists decades after the events he’s documenting or if it’s only four years later and Violet should be 18 now but she hasn’t come to claim her inheritance yet. So even though it’s a definitive ending for the series, it’s still just as open-ended as every other book. It’s not so much that it ends badly as it just doesn’t end happily ever after.
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sing-me-under · 2 years
I think the thing that bothers me most about how criticism perceives the fandom is that a lot of them treat c!Tommy as like a y/n of an abuse victim rather than his own character. Like, yes it’s valid that you are upset by his decision and that you would rather he have done something else but like… that’s not what what c!Tommy was. c!Tommy’s choice was his closure as best suited to him because trauma isn’t universal and people aren’t a monolith.
This is a mild follow-up to a post I made earlier about c!Tommy’s story being a coming of age and overcoming a child’s black and white world view. It’s buried in the many many other posts I’ve made, but the key point I’m elaborating on here is that c!Tommy’s entire character arc was completed when he chose to understand Dream as a person.
Tommy has always been extremely self-aware, defending himself rather than accepting pain. Tommy was aware he didn’t deserve the blame placed upon him, and he was aware that he didn’t deserve to be hurt. He knew that the justification others claimed was flimsy at best, especially when he was treated worse for things others did too. He was fully aware of this and fought back.
However, just because he knew he didn’t deserve it didn’t mean he understood it. If the things he did “deserved” to “punish” him worse than others, then surely there was a reason for why it had to be him. Without any other possible explanations, Tommy determined that the reason behind his suffering was because Dream was obsessed with his very existence. It wasn’t his fault. It was because Dream was evil.
To c!Tommy, c!Dream had always been a force of absolute evil, an inescapable monster who hurt needlessly. To anyone, being hurt for things beyond your understanding is inevitably scary. The belief that no matter what he did, Dream would hurt Tommy because it was Tommy, nothing more, nothing less. Tommy only ever wanted to feel safe and happy, and he would do fucking anything to escape the inevitable pain. The prison wasn’t the safety barrier he could rely on anymore, and death especially wasn’t an option for escape as long as Dream (and Punz) still had the knowledge of the revive book. The fear that at any moment for any reason, The Unfathomable Evil would hurt him only worsened Tommy’s mental state and paranoia until he was barely husk of a person.
The abstract is scary. c!Dream perfectly embodies the existential fear of the unknown. This was how everyone perceived Dream, not just Tommy.
Tommy, endlessly afraid but so compassionate and kind, chose to free the server of the Pure Evil at the cost of himself. Even though he knew he didn’t deserve it, he still believed his very existence was the crime itself.
When Tommy chose to understand Dream at the very end, it wasn’t understanding out of the sake of compassion. It was his compassion that allowed him to understand for the sake of his freedom. He finally understood why Dream had chosen him to hurt, to abuse, to torture. c!Dream is a terrible person, but he was a terrible person with the very human understanding for why he chose Tommy. Tommy was just the wrong person at the wrong time.
In my previous posts, I emphasize that Sapnap was the one to aid Tommy in killing Dream that very first time all those years ago. No one was happy under Dream’s iron grip, but it just so happened that Tommy was the first one to win against Dream. It didn’t have to be Tommy. It could have been anyone else, but it just happened to be Tommy who received Dream’s ire first.
And that was freeing. It was clarity, a weight lifted off of Tommy’s shoulders. He knew he didn’t deserve it, but now he understood that he wasn’t being hurt simply because he existed. This was no longer some abstract unknown that would hurt him just for the sake of his very existence. It was a real, tangible reason with a real human motive. It was a problem Tommy finally had control over had he just understood sooner.
That’s not to say Dream wouldn’t have still been an manipulative piece of shit, but at the very least Tommy wouldn’t be paranoid and confused and scared out of his mind, obsessed that Dream was obsessed with him. But they could have come to an understanding sooner, before Dream truly became the Evil Villaiin everyone made him out to be, before everyone turned against him, before there was no turning back.
#dream smp#also Wilbur won against Dream too#except unlike Tommy#Wilbur actually played into Dream’s manipulations eventually#whereas Tommy always kept fighting#tommy is also a flawed character#his insidtence of fight dream no matter what only exacerbated dream’s control issues#dream is not in the right but you still shouldn't poke a sleeping bear#literally look at any therapist advice on how to deal with extreme narcissists#the general advice is just play along because otherwise the narcissist couldbecome extremely volatile when their world is threatened#Tommy had always been compassionate but he was also forced to fight villains#and that meant that compassion was useless on villains#because they're pure evil without any empathy or human understanding#so Tommy never even tried to listen#i suffer from paranoia and sever dissociation btw#in order to get through my everyday and shake off the inconsolable FEAR of excusing#existing#I had to come to a lot of terms with the nature of humanity and my place within it#basically I had to force myself to think optimistically and immediately assume the best in people#had to do shit that scared the fuck out of me#but eventually I was proven that people are not usually horrible#I'm still fearful and paranoid frequently#but it's easier to brush off with actual experience of human goodness#obviously Tommy is very much not in the same situation as me#but I had already planned for how to deal with justified paranoia#in order to avoid a total mental shut down
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moohnshinescorner · 1 year
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Book details:
Shattered Dreams by Abbie Roads (Beautiful Nightmare, #3) Publication date: July 11th 2023 Genres: Adult, Dark Romance, Romance
A crooked cop. Corruption. A woman convicted of murder. A man determined to prove her innocence. When Helena Grayse is released from prison, all she wants is to say a final goodbye to her old life. But when a man finds her trespassing on his property, instead of turning her in, he takes her in. Accepts her. Loves her. But someone decides to serve Helena with a death sentence. Shattered Dreams is the third book in Abbie Roads’ Beautiful Nightmare Series of dark romantic thrillers. It features a felon heroine who never thought she deserved love. If you devour true crime and romance novels then you’ll love a series that combines both in a roller-coaster ride of danger, mind games, and swoon worthy love. Buy this dangerously dark romance today! Trigger warning: Depictions of SA and violence. Previously Published under the title Never Let Me Fall.
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/123261829-shattered-dreams
Purchase: https://amzn.to/3zr96Nl
Wow!!!! This book blew me away. This is almost my favorite in the series. Each book is an intricate web of danger and each book is intertwined into one big huge web. I enjoyed each one immensely.
In this book we get more into Evanee's brother Tommy's story. We find out some more of the horrors that were inflicted upon Evanee and Tommy. And let us just say, they are horrible. So be warned this book is loaded with triggers, rape, physical and emotional abuse and kidnapping. When Tommy sees Helena his grey world becomes bright with colors and he feels a connection that cannot be denied.
Helena has just endured 10 years of abuse at the hands of the Sisters. Now her freedom is here and she doesn't know how to function. Her only mentality is survival. But then she meets the strange man and an unexplainable attraction has her scared and building walls.
This book was dark and dangerous. The story is well written and the author's lays out the storyline in perfect fashion. She does an excellent job of intertwining her stories, so you want to be sure to read them in order. Each book incorporates the story of Fearless and The Bear. Each couple has a unique and strong connection. One that saves them over and over. Each heroine has the power of dreams and a way to save those who are at the hands of evil. Each hero of the story is strong, alpha and part of the BCI working hard to keep the world safe.
These books are amazing reads and they are not PG-13. They are dark, intense and dangerous. There is true evil residing in these stories and to read the characters overcoming evil against all odds is soul lifting. It is an amazing journey. I hope there will be more in this series and they are the perfect mix of heat and mystery.
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Abbie Roads is the best-selling author of the Fatal Dreams Series and the Fatal Truth Series. Her novels have been finalists in many prestigious contests including The Golden Heart, The Greater Detroit Booksellers Best, The Oklahoma National Readers’ Choice Award, The Write Touch, The Strut Your Stuff Contest, The Aspen Gold Contest, The Gayle Wilson Award of Excellence, The Heart of Excellence Readers’ Choice Award, The Midnight Sun, The Kathryn Hayes Contest, The Chanticleer, The Daphne du Maurier, The National Readers’ Choice Award, The New England Readers’ Choice Contest, The Beverly Award, and The Maggie Award. Her debut novel Race the Darkness was Publishers Weekly Top 10 Pick for Fall and Never Let Me Fall is an Amazon Editor’s Pick.
By day Abbie Roads is a mental health counselor always focusing on the bright side. By night she writes on the dark side, putting her characters through the wringer before she gives them their happily-ever-after. She loves a good inspirational quote and is a fan of true crime.
Author links: https://www.abbieroads.com/ https://www.facebook.com/abbieroads2 https://twitter.com/Abbie_Roads https://www.instagram.com/Abbie_Roads/ https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/8179024.Abbie_Roads
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Theory: The OG Mysticons & Nova Terron Weren’t Nice to the Adakite Flowstone
For those of you who haven't read the book "Secret of the Fifth Mysticon", what you need to know is that there was a dwarf called Adakite Flowstone, who fought with the OG Mysticons, but wasn't a Mysticon herself. She eventually began working for Necrafa. Adakite was imprissioned in a place called the Chillwaste, an ice dimension created for her with puzzles. The puzzles were made to teach her lessons to overcome her need for power, so that she can become a better person and reach out to the Mysticons once more. However, some things in the Chillwaste makes me think that either Nova Terron and/or some of the OG Mysticons weren't exactly nice to Adakite.
The first piece of evidence is the name itself. They're in a place called the Chillwaste. Considering it was designed specifically to teach Adakite lessons to become a better person, that name does not fit. The Chillwaste sounds like some kind of absolute prison where truly evil people go, or some kind of dark dimension. I really would have given it a better name if it was made to imprision a friend. Perhaps "The Trial Land" or something.
The second piece of evidence is the fact that non Mysticon magic does not move the pillars used for the first puzzle as much as Mysticon magic. While this could be to show that she isn't a Mysticon, the main lesson the Mysticons took away from the puzzle (and how it was solved) was to ignore the shiny parts of the pillars and focus on the boring brown parts. So, unless it was made to have two lessons, it kinda feels like they were rubbing the fact that she's not a Mysticon in her face.
The third piece of evidence is the statues. The Mysticons see an image of the Mysticons with Adakite, as well as a statue where she's clearly removed from the statue. As that it isn't a puzzle, so there was no lesson, there was no reason for them to do that. Em brought up the idea of the prison dimension's creators taunting Adakite, which could be the case.
The fourth piece of evidence is how dangerous the puzzles are. Beams were blasted at them, walls began closing in, and roks (I think that's how the creatures are spelled) attacked them. So, the Mysticons appear to be in danger. While we don't see what happens if they fail, so there is the possibility of them simply being sent somewhere else at the last second, it seems that failure would have killed them, and Adakite as well, if she tried the puzzles.
I don't think Imani Firewing was part of the bully group. Nova Terron said that Imani hoped Adakite would join them again.However, perhaps she was so heartbroken over Adakite's betrayal that she wasn't as focused on the dimension, inadertently letting Nova Terron and/or any Mysticons who did not like Adakite to make the dimension more of a punishment than a lesson.
Anyway, that's just my theory.
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tmarshconnors · 1 year
How the apostles died
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1. Matthew. Suffered martyrdom in Ethiopia, Killed by a sword wound.
2. Mark. Died in Alexandria, Egypt , after being dragged by Horses through the streets until he was dead.
3. Luke. Was hanged in Greece as a result of his tremendous Preaching to the lost.
4. John. Faced martyrdom when he was boiled in huge Basin of boiling oil during a wave of persecution In Rome. However, he was miraculously delivered From death.
John was then sentenced to the mines on the prison Island of Patmos. He wrote his prophetic Book of Revelation on Patmos . The apostle John was later freed and returned to serve As Bishop of Edessa in modern Turkey . He died as an old man, the only apostle to die peacefully
5. Peter. He was crucified upside down on an x shaped cross. According to church tradition it was because he told his tormentors that he felt unworthy to die In the same way that Jesus Christ had died.
6. James. The leader of the church in Jerusalem , was thrown over a hundred feet down from the southeast pinnacle of the Temple when he refused to deny his faith in Christ. When they discovered that he survived the fall, his enemies beat James to death with a fuller's club.
This was the same pinnacle where Satan had taken Jesus during the Temptation.
7. James the Son of Zebedee was a fisherman by trade when Jesus Called him to a lifetime of ministry.
As a strong leader of the church, James was beheaded at Jerusalem. The Roman officer who guarded James watched amazed as James defended his faith at his trial.
Later, the officer Walked beside James to the place of execution. Overcome by conviction, he declared his new faith to the judge and Knelt beside James to accept beheading as a Christian.
8. Bartholomew. Also known as Nathaniel. He Was a missionary to Asia. He witnessed for our Lord in present day Turkey. Bartholomew was martyred for his preaching in Armenia where he was flayed to death by a whip.
9. Andrew. He Was crucified on an x-shaped cross in Patras, Greece. After being whipped severely by seven soldiers they tied his body to the cross with cords to prolong his agony.
His followers reported that, when he was led toward the cross, Andrew saluted it in these words, "I have long desired and expected this happy hour. The cross has been consecrated by the body of Christ hanging on it". He continued to preach to his tormentors For two days until he expired.
10. Thomas. He Was stabbed with a spear in India during one of his missionary trips to establish the church in the Subcontinent.
11. Jude. He Was killed with arrows when he refused to deny his faith in Christ.
12. Matthias. The apostle chosen to replace the traitor Judas Iscariot. He was stoned and then beheaded.
13. Paul. He Was tortured and then beheaded by the evil Emperor Nero at Rome in A.D. 67. Paul endured a lengthy imprisonment, which allowed him to write his many epistles to the churches he had formed throughout the Roman Empire. These letters, which taught many of the foundational Doctrines of Christianity, form a large portion of the New Testament.
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amischiefofdeets · 2 months
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Former account: UnstableSaber Son of Princess Leia and Han Solo, Ben Solo - later named Kylo Ren, is a torn man. Pulled to the darkness by being made to feel like a monster by those scared of his power as a force user yet drawn to the light by his nature. He tries to find his way, but falls to the dark side by those looking to use him as a weapon. Eventually he overcomes that, realizing it causes him nothing but pain but is it too late for his redemption?
Name: Ben Solo Nicknames: Kylo Ren, Jedi-killer. Race: Human Born: 5 ABY, Chandrila Age: 29 Height: 6'3 Gender: Male Sexuality: Pansexual Location: Doesn't remain in one place long Occupation: N/A Abilities: Exceptionally skilled with the force, can use it to manipulate physical things and peoples minds. Excellent pilot and skilled in close ranged combat, is capable with a blaster but he prefers the lightsaber. Mental state: Suffers PTSD symptoms due to Snoke's influence. Reputation: Seen as a fearsome warrior in most of the galaxy, those who spend time around him would describe him as unstable, like rocket fuel a shake away from exploding. Only those who see him outside of his mask, in moments of quiet, would recognize a broken man who has no sense of direction.
Scars: Many small scars mar his hands and body, a large scar across his right cheek that ends just above his right eyebrow (lightsaber), one large circular scar on his abdomen (boltcaster), one medium circular scar on his left shoulder (lightsaber) and one scar across his left shin (lightsaber). Tattoos: N/A Alignment: Neutral Evil Goals: Figure himself out - specifically in regards to his legacy Hobbies: Caligraphy, training, collecting ancient relics Likes: Moments of peace in his own mind, reading real paper ancient books Dislikes: Being alone, being told what to do Disabilities: PTSD Family: Leia Organa [mother - deceased] Han Solo [father - deceased] Luke Skywalker [uncle - deceased] Anakin Skywalker [grandfather - deceased] Padme Amidala [grandmother - deceased]
#REIMAGINED - Canon divergent verse set after The Rise of Skywalker
In this verse he doesn't die and has to decide what to do with his life, this may change depending on who I'm interacting with so the specifics of this verse will be a little flimsy. He may end up a prisoner of the rebels, a smuggler like his father or he may even work on picking off what was left of the First Order.
#CHANGE - Based during The Rise of Skywalker but diverges from the canon in some places.
The main divergences come from the use of the new helmet, as it had no plot relevance - he doesn't use it at any point. His scar is also not healed by Rey and he doesn't throw his lightsaber away - rather he ends up repairing it later down the line when he has time to do so. Also, Kylo is not confident as a Supreme Leader. This will not be openly apparent to others but he is uncomfortable in the position as he is in the position of his former abuser - due to this he will not be as harsh with others as Snoke once was. Yes, even to Hux. He may lash out in anger or use the force to still him if he is insubordinate but there's no chance he'd simply torture him for his own amusement or just because he can. Nope.
#CONNECTED - Verse is based any time during The Last Jedi.
After killing his father failed to extinguish that pull of the light in him, Kylo is set on destroying any relic of his past in hopes that it will finally free him from that purgatory.
#MURDERER - Verse is based after killing Han up to the start of The Last Jedi.
After taking Chewie's boltcaster shot, he faced off against Rey and did his utmost to make her understand that she'd be more powerful at his side, that they could be unstoppable but she refused - instead almost killing him. Once he finally woke safely aboard his ship, saved by General Hux on Snoke's orders, he found himself marred with injuries and the light he'd hoped to extinguish by killing his father only proved to ache more. The pain of both pushes him to work harder to be rid of the light, he'll do whatever he must to stop that turmoil.
#MASTER - Based during The Force Awakens any time before Han's death.
Kylo Ren is a name feared by many in the galaxy, stories range from him being a fearsome monster in battle to him instead being a sith lord of old - from those that believed in such things. One thing is certain, you do not want to face off against the Master of the Knights of Ren. Set on finding a map to Luke Skywalker, the last Jedi in the galaxy, Kylo faces off against the resistance and a force sensitive scavenger in a bid to get the information he needs. Little does he know, they are more formidable opponents than he first anticipated.
#PUPPET - Based during Kylo Ren's training under Snoke's guidance.
After leaving his Uncle's school aflame, killing some students and taking others with him, Kylo is training to become a powerful force user - as he believes is his destiny. The training isn't pleasant, some of it is essentially torture but he persists, he will become what he is meant to be.
#INFLUENCE - Based during Ben Solo's training under Luke's guidance.
Ben showed a strong connection to the Force even at a young age, perhaps because he tried to learn early so that he could be a hero like the rest of his family. Seeing this, Luke knew he would need someone to guide him if he was to use his full potential and he decided he should be the one to do it. Knowing there were other force users out there, Luke did his best to gather them in order to run his own Jedi school, training them in the ways of the Force. Though Ben shows great proficiency in the force, he lacks control and focus - he has an inner turmoil he has not discussed with anyone, not even Luke.
#SMUGGLER - Based on the idea that Ben ran to his family after the incident with Luke and instead he smuggles goods to and from the resistance to help with the cause, rather than turning to the dark side.
If needed he joins in with the fight, either in a ship or on a planet’s surface. He’s willing to do whatever it takes to help the resistance but doesn't want to be seen as some kind of hero or legend.
#SUPREME - Canon divergent verse set after The Last Jedi.
Kylo Ren finds himself pleased with his new position as leader, no longer under someones thumb and he doesn’t intend on losing that. He doesn’t want your redemption - wouldn’t you rather join him and help rule the galaxy? In this verse Hux isn’t demoted either as he wouldn’t allow Palpatine’s forces to merge with his own - he is in charge and he’ll tear down the emperor himself to prove that if he must.
#MODERN - Completely au verse.
Ben is involved in a dangerous gang of relatively small-time criminals (these can be the KoR or Phasma & Hux, whichever fit best. Maybe both??), he believes they understand him more than his old friends and family ever could - and perhaps that’s the case. Perhaps someone can set him on the right path before he gets involved with a notorious gang leader who has had an eye on his crew for a while.
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