#Breast Pain
aurpiment · 8 months
I had a dream that I was watching The Terror again and it was… a bit different.
There was a plot where Francis Crozier was pregnant. Not by Fitzjames, no; they weren’t close like that. I think by someone who was 1) a casual hookup and 2) dead. He was confiding in Fitzjames about it, though, and complaining of breast soreness. Fitzjames asked him if he was sure he was pregnant and he said yes, that he recognized the symptoms from when he was younger, and then told a story about how his mother had helped him get an abortion when he was a teenager so he could pursue his then-incipient naval career.
Unfortunately, in the dream, I was watching this version of The Terror with my father and brother and they were confused. “But he’s a man! How is such a thing possible?”
“Transgender,” I explained impatiently, because it was obvious this was the direction the show had gone with the character, even though the actor playing him was still cisgender actor Jared Harris.
“But still, no way this would happen,” I added. “I mean, look at him. He’s GOT to be post-menopausal.”
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desultory-suggestions · 4 months
Just a reminder that if you ever feel a lump or unusual pain in your chest/breasts you should get it checked out just to be safe. Especially if it’s been there for more than a day or two or is causing you discomfort, it’s good to ensure it’s not serious or that if it is you can get the right treatment. Trust your body to know when something is off!
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quality-street-rat · 8 months
Tfw you have a side effect of your antidepressant that only 0.1% of people have:
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thescrumblingmidwife · 9 months
this might sound silly but is it normal to get breast pain when taking contraceptives?
Hi Anon,
Not silly at all. Yes, breast pain (technical name: mastalgia) is absolutely a potential side effect of hormonal birth control, especially estrogen-containing BC. It's the same underlying physiology that causes cyclical breast pain (related to menses).
Increased levels of estrogen and progesterone, whether in BC or in the luteal phase of your menstrual cycle, cause the glandular tissues to swell, which can cause some discomfort. It's NOT a sign of underlying disease.
If the pain does not resolve after you've been in the BC for a little while, you can talk to your provider about switching BC formulations - different pills have different kinds of progestin in them, which can have different side effect profiles.
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tiktoksinspo · 2 years
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ceyhanmedya · 1 year
What causes breast pain? What are the causes of breast pain? 2023
New Post has been published on https://bankakredin.com/what-causes-breast-pain-what-are-the-causes-of-breast-pain-2023/
What causes breast pain? What are the causes of breast pain? 2023
breast pain,It is a common complaint among women, whose medical name is mastalgia. This pain can occur for many different reasons. Breast pain, which can be a natural part of the menstrual cycle in women, can also be a harbinger of different diseases according to its severity and time of occurrence. Although its incidence is higher in young women who have not yet entered the menopause period, it is a complaint that can occur in women of all ages. Although pain related to the menstrual cycle covers most of these pains, the possibility of an underlying health problem increases in pain that does not improve within a few days or does not end with menstrual bleeding.
What is breast pain?
Breast pain (mastalgia) is complaints such as sharp and burning pain, tension and tenderness in the breasts that can develop due to various reasons in women. These pains can be seen in one breast or both breasts, as well as continuous or occasional pain. Likewise, the severity of pain can be mild, moderate or severe. The problem of pain in the breasts can be of the type that can be seen frequently as a natural part of the menstrual cycle and does not cause any harm. 
This type of pain is common for only a few days of the month, or two or three days before the onset of menstruation. It usually affects both breasts and its severity varies from person to person. Although natural pain related to the menstrual cycle can be effective for up to a week in some individuals, the fact that the problem of pain in the breast continues for a month indicates that the pain is not a pain related to the menstrual cycle. 
In this case, the factor that causes pain can be many factors such as hormonal problems, presence of good or bad tumors in the breast, ovulation disorders. Due to the fact that very serious conditions such as cancer are among the possible causes of pain, breast pain that is not thought to be related to the menstrual cycle should be examined by a physician. Breast pain can be one of the symptoms of breast cancer. Regular check-up screening protects people from this risk. In this case, the factor that causes pain can be many factors such as hormonal problems, presence of good or bad tumors in the breast, ovulation disorders. Due to the fact that very serious conditions such as cancer are among the possible causes of pain, breast pain that is not thought to be related to the menstrual cycle should be examined by a physician. Breast pain can be one of the symptoms of breast cancer. Regular check-up screening protects people from this risk. In this case, the factor that causes pain can be many factors such as hormonal problems, presence of good or bad tumors in the breast, ovulation disorders. Due to the fact that very serious conditions such as cancer are among the possible causes of pain, breast pain that is not thought to be related to the menstrual cycle should be examined by a physician. Breast pain can be one of the symptoms of breast cancer. Regular check-up screening protects people from this risk.If one thinks about what check-up means , it can be answered that it is the most important function of protecting the person from serious patients who stand out in almost every risk group. 
What are the symptoms of breast pain?
The majority of breast pains are referred to as cyclic breast pain because they are associated with the menstrual cycle. The symptoms of these pains are different and unique than non-cyclical breast pains. For this reason, the symptoms of breast pain can be examined under two different headings as cyclic pain and non-cyclic pain. Symptoms of cyclic breast pain, which is a natural part of the menstrual cycle, include:
If the pain is clearly related to the menstrual cycle (pain that occurs at the same time each month, starts a few days or 1 week before bleeding, etc.)
Fullness, tightness and tenderness in the breast with dull pain
Breast enlargement and swelling
The pain is seen in both breasts and the pain intensifies in the parts of the breasts near the armpit
The onset, increase and disappearance of the pain in the two-week period before the onset of menstrual bleeding
The conditions mentioned above are specific symptoms of cyclic pains that occur due to changing hormone levels in the menstrual cycle. Breast pain, which is excluded from this and arises from a different cause other than the menstrual cycle, is in the group of non-cyclical pains. The pains in this group can occur at times and in ways that are not clearly related to the menstrual cycle, or they can be seen continuously. Unlike cyclic pain, it can be felt in the form of burning and squeezing. Although it usually concentrates in a certain area within the breast, it can spread to larger areas in some cases. This type of pain can affect women of all ages, but it can be said that it is more common among women in the postmenopausal period.
What are the causes of breast pain?
Breast pain can occur in women for many reasons. It is often difficult to pinpoint the cause of the pain. The reason for this is that there are many factors that can play a role in the formation of pain. The primary factor in the formation of nipple pain or breast pain is reproductive hormones. In particular, the occurrence of pain related to the menstrual cycle is associated with the blood levels of female reproductive hormones such as estrogen and progesterone. Large breasts that require breast reduction surgery cause many physical pains, especially spine and back pain. The causes of non-cyclical pain include:
Conditions such as congestion and infection in the milk ducts and milk glands
Wounds and irritations on the breast due to breastfeeding or uncomfortable clothing
Breast surgeries
Drugs used for infertility treatment
Use of oral contraceptives and some antidepressants
Estrogen and progesterone hormone treatments used in the postmenopausal period
breast cancer
Large breasts (usually accompanied by back and neck pain)
Apart from these, in some cases, muscle pain due to intense exercise of the muscles in the chest area, compelling chest exercises and reverse movements can also be confused with breast pain. People who have done such sports activities or unusual movements can follow up whether the pain decreases within a few days and consult a doctor if there is no improvement.
How is breast pain diagnosed?
Individuals whose breast pain complaint persists for more than a few weeks, is concentrated in a certain area of ​​the chest, becomes worse over time, or has dimensions that make daily life difficult, should apply to a health institution and undergo an examination. During this examination, first of all, the patient’s detailed medical history is learned by the physician. After learning how long the pain has lasted, how it is felt, and in which situations it increases or decreases, a physical examination can be performed by the physician. Patients should also inform their physicians about the medications they are constantly using and the treatments they are taking. The fact that the breasts are in different sizes and volumes than normal also contributes to breast aesthetics .can lead to complications and pain. Ultrasound and mammography examinations are usually performed in many patients with breast pain complaints. Regular mammograms should be performed for breast cancer. Check-up packages created for women over the age of 40 definitely include these scans,  how is check-up done? The answer to the question is also hidden here. Taking precautions regarding all diseases that pose a potential risk protects against many diseases, especially breast cancer. In this way, it can be determined whether there is any problem or mass in the breast tissue. If a mass is detected, a sample can be taken with the help of needle biopsy and sent to pathology laboratories. In this way, information can be obtained about whether the tumor is benign or malignant. After all these examinations and tests, the problems that cause pain in the breast are diagnosed by the physician and the treatment process is started. 
What are the breast pain treatment methods?
Many breast pain cases, especially the pain that develops due to the menstrual cycle, heal spontaneously without any treatment. However, after determining the underlying problem in patients who do not heal within a few weeks and apply to the physician, the treatment plan is shaped accordingly. The use of molded and supported bras specially produced for the pain that occurs due to the size of the breasts reduces the occurrence of pain. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAII) can be prescribed for cyclic pain during the pain, and for non-cyclic pain in addition to treatment in order to prevent pain. If pain develops due to the use of birth control pills or hormones, antidepressant-containing drugs, it is useful to consult with the physician about alternative drugs and dose adjustment. The same is true for postmenopausal women taking hormone therapy. When breast pain is the main reason for the patient’s complaint, breast cancer is not a high probability, but in some cases, breast cancer can be detected in patients who apply to health institutions with pain complaints. In this case, oncological treatment is started and the necessary chemotherapy, radiotherapy or surgical treatment applications are started. In addition, more detailed screening tests are applied in case it has spread to other tissues and organs of the body. In problems such as mastitis (breast inflammation), which can be seen especially in breastfeeding mothers, suggestions such as the use of antibiotic drugs and physical applications to help open the milk ducts can be given by the physician. When breast pain is the main reason for the patient’s complaint, breast cancer is not a high probability, but in some cases, breast cancer can be detected in patients who apply to health institutions with pain complaints. In this case, oncological treatment is started and the necessary chemotherapy, radiotherapy or surgical treatment applications are started. In addition, more detailed screening tests are applied in case it has spread to other tissues and organs of the body. In problems such as mastitis (breast inflammation), which can be seen especially in breastfeeding mothers, suggestions such as the use of antibiotic drugs and physical applications to help open the milk ducts can be given by the physician. When breast pain is the main reason for the patient’s complaint, breast cancer is not a high probability, but in some cases, breast cancer can be detected in patients who apply to health institutions with pain complaints. In this case, oncological treatment is started and the necessary chemotherapy, radiotherapy or surgical treatment applications are started. In addition, more detailed screening tests are applied in case it has spread to other tissues and organs of the body. In problems such as mastitis (breast inflammation), which can be seen especially in breastfeeding mothers, suggestions such as the use of antibiotic drugs and physical applications to help open the milk ducts can be given by the physician. In this case, oncological treatment is started and the necessary chemotherapy, radiotherapy or surgical treatment applications are started. In addition, more detailed screening tests are applied in case it has spread to other tissues and organs of the body. In problems such as mastitis (breast inflammation), which can be seen especially in breastfeeding mothers, suggestions such as the use of antibiotic drugs and physical applications to help open the milk ducts can be given by the physician. In this case, oncological treatment is started and the necessary chemotherapy, radiotherapy or surgical treatment applications are started. In addition, more detailed screening tests are applied in case it has spread to other tissues and organs of the body. In problems such as mastitis (breast inflammation), which can be seen especially in breastfeeding mothers, suggestions such as the use of antibiotic drugs and physical applications to help open the milk ducts can be given by the physician.
If you are also experiencing breast pain and are looking for the answer to the question of what causes breast pain, it would be beneficial to consult a physician and undergo an examination. Since early diagnosis plays a life-saving role in many diseases that can cause pain, especially breast cancer, you can ensure that your possible diseases are diagnosed and treated as soon as possible, so you can live a healthier life.
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tasesen716 · 2 months
5 Reasons Behind Breast Pain
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harryssanc · 2 months
Anyone out there with experience of fibroadenoma or dysphagia and willing to chat?
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If me ok and healthy why the fuck me boobs hurt all time
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harmeet-saggi · 8 months
When To Worry: Understanding Serious Causes Of Breast Pain
Whether it's a dull ache, a sharp twinge, or a persistent throb, it's something many of us have experienced at some point. While most breast pain is harmless and often related to hormonal fluctuations, there are times when it's essential to sit up, take notice, and understand when it might be signaling something more serious.
In this article, we're going to dive deep into the world of breast pain, exploring those situations when it's not just a minor inconvenience. So, let's talk about when to worry and what to do about it.
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drpriya · 8 months
The da Vinci Surgical System is a robotic-assisted surgical platform developed by Intuitive Surgical. While it is not limited to cancer surgery, it has been widely used in the field of oncology to perform precise and minimally invasive procedures.
Here's an overview of how the da Vinci system is used in precision cancer surgery:
Robotic Assistance: The da Vinci system consists of robotic arms with surgical instruments and a high-definition 3D camera. The surgeon sits at a console, controlling the robotic arms with hand and foot movements. The system translates these movements into precise surgical actions.
Minimally Invasive Surgery: One of the primary advantages of the da Vinci system in cancer surgery is its ability to perform minimally invasive procedures. Instead of making large incisions, surgeons make small, keyhole-sized incisions (typically 0.5-2 cm) through which the robotic arms and camera are inserted. This minimizes trauma to the patient's body.
Enhanced Visualization: The 3D camera provides a magnified, high-resolution view of the surgical site. This enhances the surgeon's ability to see and manipulate tissues with great precision.
Articulated Instruments: The robotic arms are equipped with instruments that can mimic the natural movements of a surgeon's hands but with greater precision and stability. This allows for delicate and precise surgical maneuvers, which can be crucial in cancer surgery.
Reduced Blood Loss and Faster Recovery: Minimally invasive surgery with the da Vinci system is associated with reduced blood loss, less postoperative pain, shorter hospital stays, and faster recovery times compared to traditional open surgery.
Various Applications in Cancer Surgery: The da Vinci system has been used in various cancer surgeries, including prostatectomy (removal of the prostate gland for prostate cancer), hysterectomy (removal of the uterus for uterine cancer), partial nephrectomy (removal of a portion of the kidney for kidney cancer), and colorectal cancer surgery, among others.
Precise Lymph Node Dissection: In some cancer surgeries, precise lymph node dissection is crucial for staging and treatment planning. The da Vinci system's precision allows surgeons to perform lymph node dissection with greater accuracy.
Potential Limitations: While the da Vinci system offers many advantages, it also has limitations, including the need for specialised training for surgeons, high costs, and limited access in some healthcare settings. Additionally, the choice of surgical approach (robotic, laparoscopic, or open) depends on the patient's specific condition and the surgeon's expertise.
The da Vinci system is just one tool available to surgeons in the field of cancer surgery. The choice of surgical approach should be made on a case-by-case basis, considering the patient's condition, the type and stage of cancer, and the surgeon's experience and expertise.
Some of the cancers that can be treated using the da Vinci system include:
Prostate Cancer: The da Vinci system is commonly used for robotic-assisted radical prostatectomy, a procedure to remove the prostate gland in cases of prostate cancer. This approach is associated with reduced blood loss, shorter hospital stays, and faster recovery compared to open surgery.
Uterine Cancer: Robot-assisted laparoscopic hysterectomy is used to remove the uterus in cases of uterine cancer. It is a minimally invasive approach that offers advantages in terms of recovery and reduced scarring.
Kidney Cancer: Partial nephrectomy, which involves the removal of a portion of the kidney affected by cancer while preserving healthy tissue, can be performed using the da Vinci system. This approach is often chosen to spare kidney function.
Colorectal Cancer: The da Vinci system is used in surgeries for colorectal cancer, including procedures like colectomy (removal of a portion of the colon) and rectal resection (removal of the rectum). Minimally invasive techniques can lead to shorter recovery times and less pain.
Bladder Cancer: In some cases of bladder cancer, robotic-assisted cystectomy (removal of the bladder) may be performed. This procedure can be combined with urinary diversion techniques.
Gynecological Cancers: Besides uterine cancer, the da Vinci system may be used in surgeries for other gynecological cancers, such as ovarian cancer and cervical cancer, depending on the specific case and surgeon's expertise.
Head and Neck Cancers: In certain head and neck cancer surgeries, such as those involving the removal of tumors or reconstruction of structures like the throat, the da Vinci system may be employed for its precision and minimally invasive capabilities.
Thoracic Cancers: The da Vinci system can be used in thoracic surgeries, including procedures for lung cancer and esophageal cancer. It enables precise removal of tumors while minimizing chest wall trauma.
Thyroid Cancer: In select cases of thyroid cancer, particularly when the tumor is large or in challenging locations, the da Vinci system can be used for thyroidectomy (removal of the thyroid gland).
The use of the da Vinci system for cancer surgery depends on various factors, including the type and stage of cancer, the patient's overall health, and the surgeon's expertise. Not all cancer surgeries require or are suitable for robotic assistance, and the choice of surgical approach should be made on an individual basis in consultation with a medical team.
The future of the da Vinci system and similar technologies will depend on ongoing research, innovation, and the evolving needs of the medical community and patients. Get best cancer treatments done at Saifee Hospital Mumbai.
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aurawomen · 9 months
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Breast pain during pregnancy - Normal or Abnormal?
Breast pain during pregnancy, known as mastalgia, is a common and normal symptom caused by hormonal changes and bodily preparations for breastfeeding. There are two main types of breast pain during pregnancy:
Cyclical Breast Pain: Similar to premenstrual breast tenderness, this occurs due to hormonal fluctuations during the menstrual cycle and can persist during pregnancy.
Non-Cyclical Breast Pain: This is typically unrelated to hormonal changes and can result from breast enlargement, increased blood flow, and stretching of breast tissues.
Relief measures for pregnancy-related breast pain include:
Supportive Bras: Wearing a well-fitting, supportive bra can reduce breast movement and discomfort.
Warm Compresses: Applying warm compresses can ease soreness and promote circulation.
Gentle Massage: Massaging breasts with a light touch may alleviate discomfort.
Over-the-Counter Pain Relievers: Acetaminophen is generally considered safe during pregnancy, but consult a healthcare provider before using any medication.
Avoiding Caffeine: Reducing caffeine intake can help minimize breast tenderness.
If breast pain becomes severe or is accompanied by unusual symptoms, consult a doctor to rule out any underlying issues.
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helenwhiteart-blog · 11 months
On oxalates, emotions, self-protection, autism and releasing: a hypothesis
Those of you who have dipped into my blog before will know that I have written about oxalates a number of times and and am in the process of detoxifying my entire system from a life-long propensity to store oxalates (shard and needle-like crystals) from common food sources in the body, a trait that has is strongly associated with autism and which can cause the widespread kind of chronic pain that…
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vitalmayfair · 2 years
Breast Pain: What It Can Be and How to Treat
Breast Pain: What It Can Be and How to Treat
Breast Pain: What It Can Be and How to Treat Breast pain can influence pregnant, post-pregnancy, and childless ladies. See now what bosom agony can be and how to treat it. Bosom torment or mastalgia is the aggravation a few ladies experience in their bosoms. Albeit this is troubling, have confidence that this is probably not going to be a side effect of breast cancer. Likewise, it means a lot to…
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violet-daily · 2 years
Most women experience breast pain at some point in their lives, but there are ways to manage it, and some things you're doing might be making it worse. According to supplement for breast health, breast pain, or mastalgia, can be classified as cyclic or noncyclic.
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t00thpasteface · 1 month
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cheetah and pallas cat sphinxes (they are girlfriends)
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