#Brighter Than You Think
thebristolboard · 2 years
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Are you going to SPX this weekend? If so, I have three new books that I'd love to share with you.
“Marlowe and Sol” is a 20-page comic about childhood friendships. Written and drawn by yours truly, each with a different cover.
“The Pluviculturist” is a 48-page illustrated prose story. It was inspired by my three favorite writers: Steven Millhauser, John Steinbeck, and Alan Moore.
"Three-Eyes McGurk" is the lost first chapter of Brighter Than You Think that was cut from the book. It includes a very old comic by Alan Moore plus an essay by me. I think this was one of my best pieces but it’ll never be reprinted so this 'zine is true rarity.
You can get copies of these at Table J5A (I’m sharing a table with @4thwallcomix).
Since this is the 5th anniversary of Brighter Than You Think, I’ll also be doing a signing at the Uncivilized Books table on Saturday at 11:00.
Thanks, and I hope to meet a few of you in real life!
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smile-files · 9 months
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a doodle of my new teardrop gjinka!! i think they turned out pretty cute :)
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metamelonisle · 8 months
i actually know about kirby outside the context of smash bros or memes this makes me better than literally everyone i know irl and i am not joking
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braisedhoney · 8 months
some tragic love stories be like: if i could bottle the galaxy, i would pour it into a cup so it would be easier for you to drink. do you want them? do you want the stars? or do they suit you better as adornments for your eyes than glitter on your lips?
but they don’t want the stars. they don’t want the galaxy. but how can they not? is that not enough? (it’s too much, that’s the problem. it’s too much.)
#ney's idle chatter (random textposts)#me trying and failing to capture why hadestown has embodied Love in a way i don’t think i’m really capable of comprehending fr#but also this can be about whatever blorbo you want#when i think about that one line in chant#when hades says ‘brighter than the light of day’#‘look. look at what i can make for you—see?’#meanwhile the last thing persephone wants is to be reminded of this hollow echo of what their love is in her memories#when i think about that scene when eurydice tells orpheus they need to get food#but he’s working on his song and she makes the choice to trust him and go#to work harder and longer and search for things to feed them and trust he’ll bring spring back#THE WAY PERSEPHONE TRIES TO KISS HADES GOODBYE AT THE START WHEN SHE COMES BACK FOR SUMMER#AND HOW IT PARALLELS EURYDICE KISSING ORPHEUS GOODBYE WHEN SHE GOES TO LOOK FOR FOOD#and hades pulls away. because she’s leaving him and he’s terrified. he’s terrified and turns it into anger because otherwise he’s helpless.#and orpheus doesn’t respond when eurydice leaves because he’s working—he’s working and he’s going to give her what he promised.#but she needs his help. she needs his help now—she needs his support and he isn’t there.#thinking about the moment she takes the ticket from hades and#it almost implies she starves. that she dies. that she starves to death trying to find food for them both#i promise you however unhinged i seem about this musical i am being purposefully restrained so i don’t spam you all too much orz#holy SHIT these tags are LONG#even for me this is ridiculous there’s a whole other post down here#high five to you for reading it ig damn#hadestown
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amyreads · 10 months
BODY DOUBLE CRUMBS? If you have? no pressure or anything I'm just excited for it too!
"Ignore [them]. Agent Beck is still bitter that [they] got dumped."
"That's not the case at all."
"Really? So you're not mad Sawyer would rather be on the run, accused of murder, and now exist in a stranger's body than come to you for help?"
"...it has nothing to do with our relationship, though."
"Judging by the flushing of your cheeks and the dilation of your pupils, you are lying."
"CAI, lower your honesty parameters. Please."
Amy are you doing another exes route?? except that the ex isn't MC at all just the person in their head that dumped them?
Yes. Yes, I am.
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wurmwizzard · 1 month
I went to a little pottery festival in a small town close to mine this morning, and I obviously understand I'm a visually alt/queer looking person living in the deep south. Yes. I get that. But the whole time I felt like a horrible fart everyone was desperately trying to pretend they didn't smell. I had a lovely conversation with a Spanish lady I bought a mug from, but many of the vendors desperately avoided my eye contact, and a few flat out ignored me. Which is baffling, do you even want my money?? my scary gay money?
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kusuokisser · 9 months
i think terusai diving date... i think that kokomi would enamor all the fish..i think kusuo would have to stop himself from staring at her while she smiles and plays with the fishies.. i think kokomi would be genuinely enjoying herself so much.. i think kusuo would be happy to be in the water.. i think kokomi would glance at kusuo sometimes just because she thinks he is beautiful... i think kusuo would be trying not to lose it.. i think a lot of things about them..
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amaranthsynthesis · 5 months
you know. it is funny. but writing the piss fic reminded me how much liquid a human can actually manage in an hours time and I don’t have to get up to go to the bathroom 3-4 times over the length of a single drag show anymore, 2019 Finn could never imagine
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batterycows · 1 year
When I’m trying to write a solangelo fic but Will Solace already said There was a ferocity in him, a power and fury that could scorch the galaxy when he battled for those he cared for. Like, I can’t top that
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neodarkdark · 6 months
@twilighttheater, Blanc.
The day after the first night of the festival — the first full day of the festival. Svern had briefly considered waiting a little longer, until the day after this one, maybe... but he had quickly decided against it. Waiting much longer wouldn't assist him in the reason that he'd come here.
Svern strode through the village, hands pulled up into the slightly-too-long sleeves of his puffer jacket, but not stuffed into the jacket's pockets, so his arms could swing freely with each step. It was no longer early in the day and he'd spent the hours leading up to this keeping an eye on his target, at a distance without being spotted, he was quite certain. He'd tried not to be, anyway, and would be a bit disappointed to find out otherwise.
It'd spoil the effect.
Now was just the right time, out at the light displays. It was a shame that Unova's weren't available yet, or he would have favoured those. He'd picked a moment when Blanc and Glacier didn't have any immediate need to assist passengers. He lifted his head and called out: his voice carrying through the chilly air, clear and bright, aimed to catch their attention.
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And there was Svern, after not having shown his face to Blanc for the last month, strolling over to them with his usual wide smile on his face. The way he talked wasn't any different to how he always did.
"And Glacier! HI! You look like you've been working hard!"
He was wearing the scarf Blanc had given him for his birthday. The light purple scarf, made in Svern's favourite colour, a colour he didn't wear often... but he did wear it now. In fact, his jacket was purple, too, as were his boots, the shade of which even matched his scarf.
"Looks fun!" he added, eyeing the carriage. "I'll have to ask for a ride later!"
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organised-disaster · 16 days
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Sucked it up and drew the Snowbird girlies myself
Based on this comment under a youtube video
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frobby · 1 month
boy son and girl daughter are the only characters who matter in kaiju no.8
#yall think im joking but im not#can i complain for a second?#i think kaiju no. 8 is one of the most clear examples of shounen degredation that ive seen in something that hasnt been axed#ok so im caught up but i havent read the spinoff and like#who even are these character?#what do we know about kafka other than his motivations????#uhh hes middle aged and ummmm hes childhood friends with mina.......... uhhhhh hes nice?#yall its been 100 chapters#that extends to literally every character#boy son( reno) what do we know about him#we know his sad backstory but like we dont even know what he was doing prior to taking the exam#girl daughter (kikoru) we know more about but shes got other story problems#but i still dont think i could list anything other than her involvement with kaijus#it just feels like we've went from big action to big action and it feels hollow cuz i barely know these people#and i get it maybe we learn more about them from the spinoff#but i shouldnt have to read a spinoff.... to know the main character#after 100 chapters#and its really not even the authors fault#the character interactions we get? ARE GOOD#its just so apparent that this is what happens when you have to always be amping up the action to not get cancelled#we're losing so much#if you asked me who my favorite character was and what about them i liked i dont think i would be able to honestly answer#and thats sad#kaiju no. 8#sorry this is a really complainy post i just i really wanted to like this manga#and its not even bad its just disapointing#on a brighter note after binging the whole thing in like a day i had a dream set in the universe#and it was like kafka and mina's relationship but instead of childhood friends it was 2 guys who were actually married#so it gave me that at least
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klossehills · 4 months
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beanie-twink · 11 months
This time I got some sleeping at last recs for you!
Before I started compiling them I was convinced that it was mostly gonna be angst again, but honestly? I think this might have the highest amount of happy songs (4/7) I’ve recced you so far lmao
1. Mercury
→ we’re still gonna start with the angst tho
→ at first I was gonna say this feels a lot like anthony post leaving smosh…
but honestly? 
I really feel like it fits both of them pretty well during that time
“Rows of houses sound asleep
Only street lights notice me
I am desperate if nothing else
In a holding pattern to find myself”
“I talk in circles, I talk in circles
I watch for signals, for a clue
How to feel different, how to feel new
No one can unring this bell
Unsound this alarm, unbreak my heart new
God knows, I am dissonance
Waiting to be swiftly pulled into tune”
“I'll go anywhere you want, anywhere you want
Anywhere you want me”
(-> doesn’t really fit that time, but it still hits so hard with them imo)
“I know the further I go
The harder I try, only keeps my eyes closed
And somehow I've fallen in love
With this middle ground at the cost of my soul”
-> this part being about why Anthony left smosh and also kind of feeling like Ian "betrayed" a part of their soul by being willing to stay even though the content wasn't as good/connected to them as it used to be
(like obvi he doesn't think that way anymore, but I am soooo curious about what will be in that letter and I feel like it could be something along those lines)
2. North
→ literally their journey through the years 
-> like from the start of building smosh until the rekindling and working together again
“We will call this place our home
The dirt in which our roots may grow
Though the storms will push and pull”
“We’ll tell our stories on these walls
Every year, measure how tall
And just like a work of art”
“A little broken, a little new
We are the impact and the glue
Capable of more than we know
We call this fixer upper home”
“With each year, our color fades
Slowly, our paint chips away
But we will find the strength
And the nerve it takes
To repaint and repaint and repaint every day”
→ especially this part is so!!!
“Smaller than dust on this map
Lies the greatest thing we have:
The dirt in which our roots may grow
And the right to call it home”
3. East
→ both of them reminiscing on the past and when they first started creating videos together
“I set out to rule the world
With only a paper shield and a wooden sword
No mountain dare stand in my way”
“My kingdom towers above it all
While I sleep safe and sound in my cardboard walls”
“Now I bear little resemblance to the king I once was
I bear little resemblance to the king I could become
Maybe paper is paper, maybe kids will be kids
Lord, I wanna remember how to feel like I did”
4. West
→ Ian’s POV both during the “between years” and I also kinda see it as him reassuring Anthony that they will work things out together
“Maps stretched out
Too many miles to count
Let's just say we're inches apart
And even closer at heart”
“Another pin pushed in
To remind us where we've been
And every mile adds up
And leaves a mark on us
And sometimes our compass breaks
And our steady true north fades”
-> just the idea of both of them kind of thinking of the other as their compass/the person that gives them a sense of direction in life
-> and back to vidcon also as a reference to Ian loosing his "magnifying glass"
“We'll be just fine
I just know we will”
“Time moves slow
When half of your heart has yet to come home
Every minute's adding up
And leaving a mark on us
I can't get you out of my mind
I solemnly that I'll never try”
(I am so normal about the last part of this song, I swear! *sobs*)
5. I'll keep you safe
→ again, them reconnecting and deciding to create videos together again 
“I'll keep you safe
Try hard to concentrate
Hold out your hand
Can you feel the weight of it?
The whole world at your fingertips”
“Don't be, don't be afraid
Our mistakes, they were bound to be made
But I promise you I'll keep you safe”
“You are an artist
But your heart is your masterpiece
And I'll keep it safe”
“As you build up your collection
Of pearls that you pulled from the deep
A landscape more beautiful
Than anything that I've ever seen”
→ this part just reminds me a lot of the whole sun/magnifying glass conversation as well, if that makes sense? 
6. Light
→ the reconnection, mainly through Anthony’s POV; except for the orange line which was literally Ian when Anthony left
“May these words be the first to find your ears
The world is brighter than the sun now that you're here
Though your eyes will need some time to adjust
To the overwhelming light surrounding us”
“I'll give you everything I have
I'll teach you everything I know
I promise I'll do better
I will always hold you close
But I will learn to let you go
I promise I'll do better
I will soften every edge
I'll hold the world to its best
And I'll do better
With every heartbeat I have left
I will defend your every breath
And I'll do better”
“Cause you are loved, you are loved more than you know
I hereby pledge all of my days to prove it so”
7. Seven
→ I listen to the album this is on a lot but somehow this song always slipped past me before
→ but in connection with Ianthony?? hits so good istg
→ the final and (imo) happiest song on this list 
→ literally them right now, just being so excited about being best friends and working on smosh videos again <3
→ especially Anthony’s POV (mostly fueled by all the vidcon content)
“How nice it'd be if we could try everything
I'm serious, let's make a list and just begin
"What about danger?" So what? "What about risk?"
Let's climb this mountain before we cross that bridge!”
“'Cause I'm restless
For whatever comes next”
“How wonderful to see a smile on your face
It costs farewell tears for a welcome home parade
A secret handshake between me and my one life 
( →  them just doing the friendship high-five over and over again)
I'll find the silver lining no matter what the price”
“'Cause I'm hungry
For whatever comes next”
“But I want to be here
Truly be here
To watch the ones that I love bloom
And I want to make room
To love them through and through and through
And through the slow and barren seasons too
I feel hope Deep in my bones
Tomorrow will be beautiful”
“And I'm ready
Restless and hungry
For whatever comes next”
Honourable mentions: 
(As in not accurate enough for a whole song analysis for them, but some of the vibes are there) 
(These two especially leaning more towards the anxiety that Anthony has talked about) 
Always gotta start with angst also I HAVE NEVER HIT TAG LIMIT B4 THIS IS WHAT YOUR RECS DID TO ME
#mercury ruined me#wallpaper-inside-my-heart you’ve done it again#‘I’ll go anywhere you want me’ and I’m supposed to be sane#‘the harder I try only keeps my eyes closed’ makes me think of like them trying so hard to make it work back then but not realizing#That they need to grow apart for a little#so like that part is like Ian#ALL OF NORTH IS SO THEM REBUILDING#can I just say east starts out so good that piano medley is so beautiful#EAST IS SO EARLY SMOSH CODED#AND….'the years wore on and changed my heart' is how they changed while making smosh and how Anthony lost sight of that start#‘we’ll be just fine’ in west oh okay I’m losing my mind#even just the title of ‘I’ll keep you safe’ is enough to make me lose it personally#Anthony being like no we can do it we can create again!!! and showing Ian when they have that first writing session#‘don’t be afraid’ SHUT UP RN.#not a single hehehe moment in the building rn#DARKNESS REWRITTEN BY THEIR REUNION.#‘your heart is a masterpiece’ my god please I’m gonna fall to my knees#‘the world is brighter than the sun now that you’re here’…I need therapy rn#‘I promise I’ll do better’ STOP?!?!?!?#‘I will soften every edge’ Anthony when he let go and stopped being bitter and angry#‘your eyes will need time to adjust’ bc they spent so much time apart#GIVE YOU EVERYTHING I HAVE.#OP PLEASE#DEFENDING EVERY BREATH.#YOU ARE LOVED?!)/&:&/@2#you connecting the part in seven to the handshake IM SICK#THE WELCOME HOME PARTJSKAJSJSJD#‘I want to be here truly be here’ good fucking bye#literally Anthony#ianthony song recs
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kingspuppet · 10 months
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As grateful as Goro is that the Thieves took down Shido and kept that promise to him, there's no denying how much of a failure he feels he is for how everything transpired. He spent years working on his plan to tear Shido down. Everything was planned to the last detail with counter plans in place on the chance that things ended up going in a different direction. But he never accounted for the Thieves emerging just for them to throw wrench after wrench into everything he meticulously put into place. As if that wasn't bad enough, he never anticipated Shido reading him look a worn-torn novel. He always had doubts about Shido really being that oblivious throughout their entire partnership. But he always brushed it away as anxiety because he couldn't afford the panic that doubt would inevitably bring. But Shido knowing all along and knowing which buttons to push to get Goro to comply stings the most. He hates how naive he is for being so desperate for any sort of attention and affection, and that Shido knew it too. Was the last few years of his life really worth it when it all amounted to this? He never had the upper hand, and now he gets to die alone in the dark, cold bowels of his father's ship to a puppet with his face. His revenge was ripped right from his hands ––– if it was even his to grasp in the first place. And when he's brought back on that cold December night it's not what he wished for, but at least he can give a testimony of his own and help push Shido behind bars. But that's especially fleeting, and when he finds himself miraculously released and able to go free his anger is incomprehensible. Now he has all the time in the world to lament his failures and shortcomings. How even when he thought he was succeeding he was only destroying himself further by playing right into the hand of the man he hates the most. His anger has become destructive in the wake of knowing that he was never good enough as he trashes what little things he has in his apartment. His palms are bleeding from smashing his mirror onto the floor, bed turned over and sheets ripped to shreds, and clothes sopping wet with hair clinging to his face as he screams into the tiled floor of his shower when it becomes abundantly clear that he was forced into a game he could never win.
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vcrnons · 1 year
hi i love fueling delusional vernon ideas so i can imagine vernon going around shortless in board shorts and he's SO oblivious to how hot he is he just thinks people are looking at him weird because he's got a giant surfboard with him but ajgdiwhsowhdosjele i need to think about him trying to do a double thumbs up and smiling at a camera before wiping out because he stopped paying attention like an idiot to balance this out i'm going to be cataonic over him help
hey so this was beyond uncalled for & i’m literally biting through my pillow right now😭
because. because why am i now sitting here completely DUMB on my sunday night thinking about watching the sunset at the beach with this absolute loser in his unbuttoned shirt and little short shorts!!! a little bit sunburnt on the bridge of his nose!!!! music playing quietly on his phone that’s sitting in the sand between the two of you but you’re just listening to the sounds of the sea and he’s!! slowly!!! reaching over!!!!! to hook ur fingers together!!!!! and smiling to himself!!! as he watches the waves crash onto the sand!!!! at the end of a long summer dancing around each other and he finally makes his move im going!!!! to scream now!!!!! really loudly!!!!!
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