sweet-prroncito · 2 years
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Am I obsessed with the Song of Achilles?
Pretty much, yeah. Thank the s/o for that. He gave me that book knowing what would happen to me after reading it. And he asked me to finish the book instead of leave them being happy in the crystal cave;;;;
So these are the wips of the last few days,,,,
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groriatrevi10xx · 2 years
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...Izaro, The Witch of the Foam...
{Royal Committee Witch}
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...Calliope, The Witch of the Goats...
{Royal Committee Witch}
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...Briseida, The Witch of Depression...
{Royal Committee Witch}
G: Las Brujas del Comité Real han llegado, estas Mujeres aprueban ciertas cosas y Leyes del Mundo Oscuro, aunque Arma es la máxima autoridad... También deben juzgar algunas cosas que hace.../The Witches of the Royal Committee have arrived, these Women approve certain things and Laws of the Mundo Oscuro, although Arma is the highest authority... They must also judge some things that she does...
Pero ninguna de ellas es buena, porque Hela les dio la vida "Eterna" como regalo por su lealtad... Estas Mujeres existen desde su Reinado, perras malditas por decir lo menos... Acabaron con muchas vidas inocentes, incluso conspiraron en el Reinado de Marlin, con la ayuda de Cali... Para matar a la Reina Marlin en ese entonces, ellos son los culpables de la desaparición de las Espadas Especiales en su tiempo.../But none of them is good, because Hela gave them "Eternal" life as a gift for their loyalty... These Women have existed since her Reign, cursed bitches to say the least... They ended many innocent lives, they even conspired in the Reign of Marlin, with the help of Cali... To kill Queen Marlin back then, they are to blame for the disappearance of the Special Swords in their time...
Son tan buenas fingiendo que realmente creen que son santas y que ayudaron a derrotar a Hela o fingiendo inocencia ante la repentina muerte de Marli, y la desaparición de las Espadas especiales, cuando siempre fue todo lo contrario... Eran siempre los culpables.../They are so good at pretending that they really believe that they are saints and that they helped defeat Hela or feigning innocence in the face of Marli's sudden death, and the disappearance of the special Swords, when it was always the opposite... They were always the guilty ones...
Incluso están conspirando para quitarle el Reino a Arma.../They're even plotting to take the Reign from Arma...
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frioinvierno · 6 months
Este vacío inmenso me asfixia me e quedado con las manos vacías y el alma rota el bendito insomnio,y llanto que derrama mi ser me tiene perdida de nuevo buelvo a perder sienpre que amo con todo mi corazón se van me dejan y muero estoy muriendo fría y lentamente 😢 ☹️ 💔 😔 😞
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alfabetas · 1 year
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―Carlos #Pellicer #Cámara
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globalzonetoday · 6 months
Briseida Myers Biography/Wiki, Age, Height, Career, Photos & More
Quick Info➟Nationality: SpanishEthnicity: Caucasian Briseida Myers Briseida Myers एक Spanish Actress और Model हैं। इनका जन्म 11 November 2003 को Tavernes de la Valldigna, Spain में हुआ था। Myers को मुख्य रूप से Videos और Web Scenes में एक्टिंग करने के लिए जाना जाता है और आज हम Briseida Myers Biography में अभिनेत्री की Early Life, Career, Personal Life, Body Measurements आदि के बारे में जानेंगे।…
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unreadpoppy · 6 months
Minthara x Tav (Galatea)
Read on AO3
A/N: ok so this is my first attempt at writing some Minthara stuff. I played around with my character's background and thought 'what if her sister was one of orin's victims' and so it lead to this.
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First, there was silence. 
No one dared say a word as Galatea stared at the body on the floor. Just moments ago, Minthara recalled how happy the tiefling had been.  
‘I haven’t seen my sister since the Nautiloid’ She told the drow the day before. ‘I wonder if she’ll be relieved or angry.’ 
‘She’ll be happy.’ Minthara asserted. 
‘How can you be so sure?” Galatea had asked with a raised brow. 
She smirked. ‘Who wouldn’t be happy to look at you?’ 
Now that was all gone, as Briseida’s blood dirtied the floor. Minthara looked at her lover, reaching into her mind, to understand what she was feeling but she found nothing. Galatea’s mind was as empty as the expression on her face.
The silence was broken by the sound of the tiefling falling onto her knees on the floor. Minthara reached forwards, but Karlach stopped her, shaking her head. ‘Give her a moment.’ The barbarian told her through the tadpole connection. 
They all stood there, watching, waiting for what would happen next. Galatea’s hand found her sister’s face. She caressed her cheek and then closed her eyes. Then, she grabbed Briseida’s fist, which was closed around a letter. Minthara tried to see what was written in it, but failed to do so, as just as quickly as Galatea opened it, she crushed it in her fingers. 
Silence once again. The tiefling lurched forwards and hugged her sister, Galatea’s body shaking. Minthara moved forwards, putting a hand on her lover’s shoulder and whispering “My love -” 
She was interrupted by the shriek. Galatea had thrown her head back as the sound left her throat. It was worse than any other scream Minthara, or anyone else, had ever heard. It was loud, high pitched, and most importantly, unnatural. It was a sound that no one should be able to reproduce. Just hearing it, the drow felt like ripping her own ears off, to try and make it stop. 
It was as if Minthara could feel Galatea’s pain rattling in her own body. It was as if her heart, her very soul was being ripped off her body, and by the gods, it hurt. She had been through a lot, had lost a lot, but she had never felt such guttural pain as the one the tiefling felt. 
Although to Minthara it had seemed like hours, in an instant, the shriek stopped and silence once again reigned. And she just stood there, watching, as part of the woman she loved was lost that day. 
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joycita12 · 1 month
Más doodles
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Briseida y Vaggie
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llenitalanevera · 1 year
¡¡Victorine!! ¿Qué piensas de tu tripulación actual, crees que son buenos compañeros...?
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Victorine: Eehhh Bueno ahora mismo solo tengo dos miembros en la tripulación... Leo... Es buen chico... Quizá demasiado inseguro-... Igual eso se mejora con las años-... Es que es un crío. Un buen crío, en serio (da un trago a la botella y niega) Luego está Jason-... Ugggggg... Demasiado buen pirata, a veces le daría una patada en el culo...
Victorine: Noe, el enano que recogimos-... Limpia bien, pero es muy respondón quizá tenga que darle una lección... O dos. Y la otra, Briseida, reitero que no son de mi tripulación, es una chiquilla de buena familia, no se puede quedar por aquí, aunque su entusiasmo-... Es algo apreciable supongo. Pero no son de mi tripulación.
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twelvemonkeyswere · 11 months
Mi adaptación ideal de la Ilíada es una miniserie, con versiones realistas de las batallas, ropas, costumbres, y tecnología de los aqueos y troyanos, pero mezclada perfectamente con la grandeza de los dioses, criaturas, y eventos sobre naturales (que existen 100% en el universo, porque no somos cobardes).
Abrimos el primer episodio con un montaje como con cuatro personas diferentes, todas en diferentes épocas. Algún estudiante en una cafetería en el siglo xxi, leyendo para un curso; una institutriz en una casa Victoriana, a punto de educar dos niños; una adolescente en los años 70s con sus amigas, practicando declamaciones para una obra de teatro; y un señor ciego en un mercado de lo que hoy es Turquía, en el 7mo siglo AC. Alguien le da una moneda para que cante. Vemos a los tres primeros personajes abriendo un libro, y leen en voz alta lo que el último recita. "Canta, oh musa, la cólera del Pélida Aquiles..." y luego empezamos la historia.
Abarca tres temporadas porque la primera es la Ilíada, la segunda la Odisea, y la tercera la Eneida. Todos los actores son escogidos desde el inicio, y la serie se planea y se escribe para que ya sepamos bien quién es Odiseo y quién es Eneas para cuando se vuelven los protagonistas.
Y lo único que no negocio es:
Briseida tiene personalidad propia, no se enamora de nadie
el río Escamandro se levanta a pelear cuando queda atestado de cadáveres y si se nos va el presupuesto pues se nos fue
en ningún momento vemos el caballo de Troya. La primera temporada termina como el poema, y en la segunda sólo hablamos del caballo, nunca lo vemos ni en flashbacks.
Digo, para que todos tengan la experiencia que yo tuve leyendo la Iliada por primera vez jajaja.
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groriatrevi10xx · 2 years
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✨... Mundo Oscuro...✨
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ancientoriginses · 2 years
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Aquiles entrega a Briseida a los heraldos de Agamenón
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alfabetas · 1 year
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el yo escritor es inseparable del yo lector.
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Asombrosa escultura-rr ¿Es Cultura la EsCultura?
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La sociedad existe sólo como un concepto mental; en el mundo real solo hay individuos. Oscar Wilde - 1854 - 1900 - Escritor y poeta irlandés. a lo largo de la década de 1880, se convirtió en uno de los dramaturgos más populares de Londres. Por las circunstancias de su encarcelamiento y temprana muerte. se convirtió en un ícono gay del siglo XX.
Michael Talbot es un escultor de renombre que expone en varias galerías europeas y, a menudo, trabaja en colaboraciones de alto perfil.
“La escultura para mí es esencialmente una construcción teatral, un intento de mostrar e iluminar un momento elegido en el tiempo. Saco mi inspiración creativa del teatro, el mito, la danza y la ilusión. La inspiración para las esculturas de Briseida y Ariadna se tomó de las columnas de agua de una fuente iluminada por la noche que, con la distorsión del ojo de la mente, aparecían figuras en la cresta de una columna de energía líquida. He tratado de capturar esto en bronce, a través del proceso de cera perdida, una técnica de la Antigua Grecia, para representar una narrativa humana atemporal del Mito de Grecia. Me gusta dar a mis esculturas una coreografía de forma, tensión y equilibrio para dirigir la mirada y capturar un momento en el tiempo, a veces trabajo con la forma del fragmento en lugar de una figura completa (como Harlequin y Primrose Path).
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unreadpoppy · 2 months
Jealousy doesn't suit you
Minthara x Galatea
Read on AO3
Summary: Galatea is jealous of Minthara and Karlach's growing friendship.
A/N: Some of this feels a tad OOC for me for some reason but idk. Some angst, but fluff at the end.
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Galatea watched as Minthara and Karlach had a sparring match. Usually, Karlach wasn’t one to care much about her technique in combat, much preferring to just head straight on and think later, but the drow had insisted and so she relented. 
Gal tried to focus on sharpening her own sword, using Lae’zel’s grinder, while hearing the two fighting. She tried not to pay attention to it, but it was hard with the constant grunting and occasional laughter from Minthara. When she finally decided to look up, she was not pleased with the sight. 
Minthara circled Karlach as she spoke. “Your hits are strong but your form is lacking.”
Karlach huffed. “You keep saying that but you haven’t shown me anything.” 
“Hold your axe like this.” The drow showed and then shook her head at how Karlach had done it, walking behind her. “If we are to defeat the Absolute, you can’t hold your weapon as if you were some dumb footed duegar.” She held Karlach’s arm, putting them in the proper place. “Like this.” 
For a brief moment, she was reminded of her childhood - her opening her arms to get a hug from her grandmother, only for the older woman to bypass her completely, and go for her sister, Briseidas, instead. Her eye twitched, just as Astarion approached her. 
“Green does not suit you, darling.” He said.
She shook her head, looking at him and then looking at her robes. “But I’m not wearing green.” 
Astarion rolled his eyes. “Oh for goodness sake” He inched closer and whispered. “The jealous type.” He looked between her and the other two. 
Galatea frowned. “I’m not jealous.”
“Oh no, of course not. Because it is very normal to eye your lover sparring with someone else with a look of murder on your face, while menacingly sharpening your sword.” He chuckled. “Very normal indeed.” 
“Oh bugger off, will you.” She said, taking her sword and walking away.
“You can try to deny it but it won’t stop it from being true.” Astarion shouted which prompted Gal to give him the middle finger, before leaving camp. 
Minthara watched the interaction, wondering what prompted such a reaction from her partner. She didn’t have time to do anything, as Karlach took advantage of her momentary distraction to tackle her to the ground. 
Galw was trying to teach her a new spell, but all Galatea could focus on was how close Minthara and Karlach were sitting next to each other. The two were sharing a bottle, the tiefling’s laughter echoing around camp. 
Galatea couldn’t help but wonder what they were talking about. Were they sharing stories of past victories in battle? Advice? Gossip? 
Were they talking about feelings?
Another memory came. Suddenly, she was a teenager, alone in her room, while various suitors pursued her sister. The walls of her house were thin, as she heard the laughter coming from the other room. 
The snapping of fingers brought Gal back to reality, and the spell she was focusing on dissipated. 
“You know, for this to work, you need to focus here.” Gale said, with a sigh. “You sorcerers think you know everything but-”
“Yes, yes, I know, we can still learn something from a wizard.” Galatea said, imitating his voice and rolling her eyes. “Cut me the speech, professor.” At his hurt expression, she shook her head and gave him an apologetic look. “I’m sorry. My mind is elsewhere and it frustrated me. I shouldn’t have taken it out on you.”
He gave her a nod. “Apology accepted.” He noticed how her eyes went to Minthara and Karlach, twitching when looking at the tiefling, and said “It would probably help you focus if you stopped trying to kill our dear fiery friend with your eyes.” 
She looked at him indignantly “I am not doing such a thing.” 
“Of course, and I’m the fiercest warrior ever.” He jested. “We all feel jealous from time to time. It’s natural.”
“I’m not jealous.” She replied. 
“Whatever helps you sleep at night.” 
She rolled her eyes. “Just shut up and show me the spell again.” 
As the two continued with their lesson, Minthara couldn’t help but overhear parts of their conversation. With Karlach so close, she didn’t understand the full context, but she could see that something was bothering Galatea. 
She took another swing from her drink, keeping a mental note to investigate that later. 
Something was off with Galatea. 
As each day passed, it seemed as if the tiefling was avoiding her existence. Their conversations were getting shorter and shorter, only speaking what was necessary for their plans. Galatea had been leaving Minthara at camp more often, alone with Karlach, only to come back grumpier than ever. Even the occasional hand on Minthara’s back or waist when the two walked together seemed to be fading. 
What struck Minthara hard was when Galatea did not come to her bed. The two had an unspoken routine. Every night, the tiefling would go to Minthara, holding her as the drow entered her trance, and she would not leave until morning. 
But that night, such a thing had not happened. Minthara waited and waited, until she finally made her way to Galatea’s bed, where she laid down facing the wall. 
“Why haven’t you come to me yet?” Minthara said. 
“I am not feeling very well. I thought it best to leave you alone.” Galatea murmured. 
“If you are sick, you should speak to-”
“I am fine, it’s just…just go to your bed.” She sighed. “You’ll survive one night without me” Galatea whispered. Minthara frowned as walked away, determined to discover what was wrong. 
It was a few days later that Minthara figured out what it was. 
She was watching Lae’zel and Galatea sparring, and her lover was not doing well. Even if she couldn’t see the tieflings face, she could tell she was distracted. Minthara had seem her fighting gith before, and she hadn’t struggled as much as she was now. 
Lae’zel’s taunting didn’t help. 
“Our fearless leader and you can’t even put me on the ground.” She said, and Galatea snarled as her hits were parried once again. “If you keep up like this, we’ll never defeat the Absolute.”
“Shut up.” Galatea whispered, hitting again, with more strength this time. 
“You hit like Gale.” Lae’zel said, charging at her with another blow. 
Galatea pushed her, turning back to walk away “I swear by all nine hells-” 
“No wonder Minthara was advising Karlach, considering you can’t even draw blood.” Lae’zel shouted. Seeing the sorcerer tense up, she added. “Maybe she should stick with the strongest warrior.” 
It was that comment that threw Galatea over the edge. One last memory came to mind, when Galatea was much older. She heard, outside the room, as her grandmother listed all the ways in which her sister was much better than her, how they should ship her off to the first old man seeking a wife that they found, allowing Briseidas to find a better match. 
Minthara watched as the tiefling gripped her sword with a newfound anger, and charged at Lae’zel, using her horns to break the gith’s defense. Using both hands, she delivered hit after hit, until she was pushed on her back. 
Quickly rolling to the side before Lae’zel struck, she stood up, defending herself against the gith’s attacks. Then, her tail wrapped itself around one of Lae’zel’s ankles, throwing off her balance. Galatea kicked her sword from her hand, using one foot to pin that hand to the ground, while placing the tip of her sword near her neck. 
She stood above Lae’zel, panting. “Don’t you ever say that again.” Galatea said, roughly throwing her sword away, and left the party’s shared room in the Elfsong Tavern. 
The gith sat up, groaning. “That was a good one.” She stood up, crossing her arms and looked at Minthara, who was picking up the sword. “Though she seemed troubled. Do you know what it is?”
“Not exactly, but I do have an idea.” She said.
It was only on the next day that Minthara and Galatea found some time alone to speak. A few days prior, the drow had found some unexplored caves in Rivington, allowing them some privacy. The walk there had been silent, but she could see the frown on Gal’s face, of someone who had much to say but preferred to keep quiet. 
It was only in the darkness of the cave that Galatea said something. “Why have you brought me here?”
“I thought a break from the others might be good for you.” Minthara replied. “And…I can tell something is bothering you.”
Before she could continue, Galatea sighed heavily, rubbing her forehead. “By all hells, you too with this?”
“Excuse me?”
“It’s just that everyone else on camp seems to be intent on telling me I’m upset.” She began rambling. “First it was Astarion, then Gale, even Lae’zel approached me last night, and now you.” She paced around, not noticing some movement behind her.
Minthara noticed it and said “Galatea.” but she ignored her and kept talking. “Galatea.” She tried again, more firmly. When she realized it was a hooded man coming up behind her, she shouted “Galatea!”
“Get down.” Was all Minthara said, unsheathing her sword and swinging towards Gal’s head. The tiefling dodged, just in time to see Minthara beheading an assassin behind her. 
Galatea saw others approaching from the shadows, and she knew by the way they dressed that they had been sent by Orin. 
“Oh hells no.” She said, counterspelling a hold person meant for Minthara. As they all began stealthing and hiding in the shadows, Galatea and Minthara’s backs touched. 
There was a moment before anyone attacked, in which Minthara said “Straj! We wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for you.”
Just as the words left her mouth, one of Bhaal’s assassins attacked, causing them to separate. Galatea misty stepped to a rock on higher ground, where one of their enemies hid. They did not have time to react as she quickly cast thunderwave, making them fall to the ground. Then, she shouted “How is this my fault?” 
The assassin fell prone right next to Minthara, who growled as she finished him off, when the man tried to run. “If only you told me what was happening, I wouldn’t have brought you here.” Casting faerie fire, Minthara and Galatea were now able to see the remaining assassins. 
The tiefling groaned, flying down and attacking another enemy. “I told you, everything is fine!” 
“If everything is fine-” Minthara dodged an attack and knocked her target down with her massive shield. “then why have you been answering everyone so curtly as of late, hum?”
“That’s just how I’ve always been.” Galatea said, angrily, punching one of her enemies. 
“Oh please, do not lie to yourself, and much less to me.” Minthara beheaded another assassin, the blood splashing on her face. She turned to her, scowling. “Something is bothering you. It’s why you’ve been avoiding my bed.” Before she continued, she pointed at an enemy behind Galatea.
She turned around, pointing at her fast approaching target and disintegrating him in thin air. She looked at Minthara, only one assassin left. “So this is about sex, then?”
Minthara groaned, as she rushed past Gal, attacking their enemy “This is not about sex.” She said, with each strike of her sword. Once they were dead, she faced Galatea again, her white hair covered in blood. “This is about you and me and our relationship.” She began walking towards Galatea. “And I know you well enough to know something is wrong, but if you won’t tell me, I have no reason to believe you still want me.” 
“I-” Before she could finish, another assassin, one they hadn’t realized was hiding, jumped from a rock and in between them, ready to attack Minthara. He wouldn’t be able to, as just as soon as he appeared, Galatea ran him through with her sword. As he screamed in agony, Galatea shouted “Of course I want you!” He fell, dead, to the floor, and the tiefling panted. 
“Then tell me: what-”
“I am jealous.” Galatea cut Minthara off. “All week, I’ve been seeing you and Karlach doing everything together - sparring, talking, laughing. I saw you touching her, and the way she smirked at you and I just-” She sighed, shaking her head. “And she’s everything I’m not. Everyone loves Karlach, and truly, why would you not love Karlach? And then Lae’zel made that comment and it just…it made sense.” 
The drow raised a brow. “You give reason to that child?” Minthara said, finally understanding what was happening. With her hands behind her back, she walked closer to Galatea. “You are right. The two of you couldn’t be further apart. Karlach is strong, with a fiery heart and a strange optimism, for someone so close to death.” Galatea sucked in a breath, and Minthara could see the tears forming in her eyes. 
“But-” She continued, as she got closer and closer. “It was not Karlach who gave me a second chance, who trusted me when others wouldn’t. It was not Karlach who listened to me during my most vulnerable hours. And it is not her who holds me at night, who gives me the best armor and weapons she can find, and who deflects countless spells sent my way when I am not looking during combat.” She cupped Galatea’s cheek, her thumb softly wiping a stray tear. “To think there is space for anyone in my heart besides you is an insult to me.” Minthara whispered. 
Galatea sighed, relieved, turning her head around and kissing the palm on her face. “I am not used to this. To being loved like this, to being someone’s priority.” She then held both of Minthara’s hands in her own. I saw the two of you together and it reminded me of my home. How everyone in my family forgot I existed once my sister was born.” She looked down, taking a deep breath and then looked back up. “I panicked. I avoided you to lessen the hurt, not realizing that I was hurting you too.” She kissed Minthara’s knuckles. “Will you forgive me?” 
The drow gave her a small smile. “Yes, but on one condition.” 
“You will speak to me, Galatea, if you ever feel like that again. If something bothers you, I must know. Promise it.”
“I promise.” She said, smiling. 
“Good.” The drow leaned forwards and the two kissed. At first, it was sweet, but soon, Minthara deepened the kiss, her hands entangling in Galatea’s hair, as she brought her so impossibly closer. The two let go, panting, and Minthara walked to a nearby rock, beginning to remove her armor. “Now come. My blood runs hot after this battle and I have an idea for how you can make up to me.” 
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joycita12 · 1 month
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Vaggie y Briseida exorcistas
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wausaupilot · 28 days
NTC announces spring 2024 graduates
Congratulations, everyone!
WAUSAU – Northcentral Technical College announced in August the following students were awarded diplomas during the spring 2024 term: Abbotsford, Wis.: Barbie Wilson, Briseida Escalera, Calley Ruesch, Cooper Henrickson, Gabriela Aguilera, Jay Patel, Lillian Graun, Maricruz Ochoa Garcia, Robson Cordeiro da Silva Junior, Sommer Brodhagen, Sydney Falteisek, Tessa Beran Alma, Wis.: Claire…
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